Announce 4 1 18
Announce 4 1 18
Announce 4 1 18
Lift up Calvin James Lance Smith, son of Justin & Tiffany Smith, as he is baptized at the
Saturday Easter Vigil. Calvin’s baptism sponsors are Zach & Jasmine Maule and Brandon &
Nicole Carlson.
National Youth Convention Bible Study will begin next Sunday, March 25, in the Hoppe
Community Room at 9:45 AM. All youth are invited to attend. Hope to see you all there!
The Garden Club will be renovating the area south of the Fellowship Hall with plantings that
will require less maintenance. These will be hearty Nebraska perennials which will add
beautification and curb appeal to St. John’s. The Garden Club has set a goal of $10,000 to
purchase the new plantings. Donations can be placed in the offering plates marked
“Garden” or in the watering cans at the back of the sanctuary.