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Stem Cell Research

Paths to Cancer Therapies and Regenerative Medicine
Irving Weissman, MD
Most tissues in complex metazoans contain a rare subset of cells that, at

the single-cell level, can self-renew and also give rise to mature daughter
sues in complex meta-
zoans contain a rare cells. Such stem cells likely in development build tissues and are retained in
subset of primitive cells adult life to regenerate them. Cancers and leukemias are apparently not an
that, at the single-cell level, can self- exception: rare leukemia stem cells and cancer stem cells have been iso-
renew as well as give rise to mature, lated that contain all of the tumorigenicity of the whole tumor, and it is their
differentiating daughter cells. It is properties that will guide future therapies. None of this was apparent just
likely that such cells arose in develop- 20 years ago, yet this kind of stem cell thinking already provides new per-
ment to build tissues and organs and spectives in medical science and could usher in new therapies. Today, po-
are retained in adult life to regenerate
litical, religious, and ethical issues surround embryonic stem cell and patient-
these tissues. In the best-studied
model, mouse hematopoiesis, long- specific pluripotent stem cell research and are center stage in the attempts
term self-renewal is reserved for by governments to ban these fields for discovery and potential therapies.
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs); all These interventions require physicians and physician-scientists to deter-
of the downstream oligopotent pro- mine for themselves whether patient welfare or personal ethics will domi-
genitors lack long-term self-renewal nate in their practices, and whether all aspects of stem cell research can be
and depend on HSC input for their pursued in a safe and regulated fashion.
regeneration over time.1-4 (Exceptions
JAMA. 2005;294:1359-1366 www.jama.com
are the “memory” T and B lympho-
cytes.) Thus, self-renewal is invested
prospective isolation provide new per- The isolation of HSCs required
in a rare population of stem cells in
spectives in virtually all aspects of medi- several conceptual and technical ad-
tissues, and these cells are the essen-
cal science and could usher in newer vances, including monoclonal antibod-
tial and perhaps the only cells impor-
and less toxic, curative therapies. ies to cell surface proteins, 11 high-
tant for lifelong tissue regeneration.
speed multiparameter cell sorters,12 and
But self-renewal is a potentially dan- Prospective Isolation of Adult the establishment of clonogenic as-
gerous property: many cancers, leuke- or Tissue Stem Cells says for all blood cell lineages.13-17 In a
mias, and lymphomas contain at least
In the 1960s, Till and McCulloch and preclinical setting, the cells were shown
some cells called cancer stem cells
colleagues provided genetic marking to regenerate the blood-forming sys-
(CSCs) that possess self-renewal ca-
evidence that in mouse bone marrow tem of lethally irradiated mice.1,17 These
pacity, albeit in a poorly regulated
there are rare cells that can form assays eventually led to the prospec-
form.5 Therefore tissue development
myeloerythroid colonies in the spleens tive isolation of clonogenic mouse1 and
and regeneration and its regulation, as
of irradiated mice, some of which con- human18 HSC populations that self-
well as cancer development and spread,
tain cells that can self-renew.6,7 It was renew and include in their clonal prog-
are properties of different kinds of stem
reasonable to propose the existence of
cells, united by the property of self- Author Affiliations: Director, Institute of Stem Cell Bi-
HSCs from these experiments, 8 , 9
renewal. This article describes how the ology and Regenerative Medicine; Stanford Compre-
although later experiments showed hensive Cancer Center, Virginia and Daniel Ludwig Pro-
thinking and methods that led from the fessor of Clinical Cancer, Departments of Pathology,
that the colony-forming cells were
speculation that stem cells exist to their Developmental Biology, and Neurosurgery, and by
defined myeloid progenitors.10 The courtesy, Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
proposal that HSCs probably exist set Corresponding Author: Irving Weissman, MD, Stan-
CME available online at the stage for prospective isolation of ford Comprehensive Cancer Center, B257 Beckman
www.jama.com Center, MC 5329, Stanford, CA 94305-5329 (irv
these cells. @stanford.edu).

©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 1359

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eny all blood cell types.19,20 The down- a long way to go before we understand is temporary lymphoablation of T
stream progenitors in the hematopoietic and exploit their potential. cells.33,35 Even unirradiated immuno-
lineage in mouse and humans have also deficient mice can achieve 0.1% to 1%
been isolated.3,4,21-23 Preclinical and Clinical donor cells with HSC transplants (D.
The same method was used to iso- Transplantation of Stem Cells Bhattacharya, D. Rossi, D. Bryder, I.L.
late a human central nervous system and Oligolineage Progenitor Weissman, unpublished data, 2005).
stem cell (hCNS SC) population 24 Cells But when the donor expresses un-
which, at the single-cell level, could give Most clinical hematopoietic cell trans- shared MHC alleles, one must also
rise to spheres of neural cells that can plants now use mobilized peripheral eliminate host natural killer cells,35,37
differentiate to oligodendrocytes, as- blood (MPB), which results in rapid which can kill or reject tissue cells.38 In
trocytes, and neurons, as well as self- (10- to 13-day) engraftment; this is mice monoclonal antibodies that elimi-
renewed hCNS SCs.25 Implantation of due to increased numbers of HSCs in nate host natural killer cells are essen-
these cells into the lateral ventricles of MPB vs marrow.26,27 Unfortunately, tial for partial or unmatched HSC or
newborn immunodeficient mice brains because the clinical community has HCT engraftment. Using sublethal ir-
led to site-appropriate seeding of neu- accepted the term “stem cell trans- radiation plus anti-T and anti–natural
rogenic zones (subventricular zone of plants” to include a variety of hemato- killer antibodies, a “safe” regimen, mice
the lateral ventricles and the dentate gy- poietic transplants, only the most can be transplanted with pure HSCs and
rus of the hippocampus25) by these stem savvy oncologist will recognize the be lifelong chimeras without host re-
cells, where they self-renew for the life difference between unpurified mobi- jection of the graft or GVHD.33-35
of the mouse. Their daughter cells mi- lized blood cell transplants and HSC Purified hematopoietic progenitors
grate to sites where they differentiate transplants. The following proposed can also be useful in particular circum-
into the neural cell types and the spe- terminology may help clarify this stances. For example, mice exposed to
cific tissue architecture specified by the problem: all transplants could be murine cytomegalovirus, Aspergillus fu-
mouse brain regions they occupy. called HCT for hematopoietic cell migata, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa in
These results revealed an unex- transplantation. Mobilized peripheral the immediate post-HSC transplant pe-
pected aspect of stem cell biology— blood could be called MPB; bone mar- riod die rapidly because their immune
the cues for self-renewal, site-specific row, BMT; umbilical cord blood, defenses are weak. Cotransplantation
migration, and site-appropriate differ- UCB; CD34 ⫹ -enriched transplants, of common lymphoid progenitors with
entiation and placement into the mi- CD34 HCTs; and true stem cell trans- HSCs blocks murine cytomegalovirus
croarchitecture, at least for brain stem plants by their identifying characteris- mortality, even if the common lym-
cells, appear largely to be conserved be- tics, eg, CD34+Thy1+HSC. That way phoid progenitors are from fully allo-
tween mouse and humans. This be- the reader can know what was actu- geneic donors.39 Similarly, cotrans-
comes important in studying preclini- ally done, rather than requiring cre- plantation of common myeloid and
cal capacities of stem cell therapies, for dentials in stem cell biology. granulocyte-monocyte progenitors pre-
understanding the behavior of brain For treatment of patients with can- cludes lethality with Aspergillus or Pseu-
cancer stem cells, and for neurobiol- cer with their own hematopoietic cells domonas, again even if the donor is fully
ogy. Investigators can now study hu- following myeloablative chemo- allogeneic.40
man neuronal cells in the context of the therapy, only purified HSCs were free In another example, whole body just-
mouse brain, which should be valu- of cancer cells,28 and these were used lethal irradiation or exposure to my-
able in the fields of neurodevelop- in several clinical trials.29-32 eloablating chemicals is possible
ment, function, and perhaps neuropa- In the first human transplantations through neglect, intention, and war.
thologies. These neural stem cells can between HLA-matched siblings, the do- The only sure way to be saved from
be genetically modified, allowing the nor T cells that are present at high lev- doses of radiation that cause hemato-
opportunity to study particular genes els in bone marrow and MPB (and UCB) poietic failure, but not irreversible gut
in human neural cells in situ for their recognize the host as foreign and carry damage, is to be transplanted with suf-
role in neurological functions. out a potentially lethal graft-vs-host dis- ficient numbers of HSCs, requiring
Stem cell isolation is now about 17 ease (GVHD). In mice, rapid and sus- some kind of HLA match. However,
years old, yet only a few tissue stem cells tained engraftment with pure HSCs some progenitors in mice can be radio-
from mouse or humans have been pro- could be accomplished without protective until the rare surviving host
spectively isolated to date, and really GVHD.33-36 In allogeneic transplants be- HSCs can regenerate the system.10
only HSCs have been transplanted in tween major histocompatability com- While hematopoietic regeneration is
humans to regenerate any tissue. Yet tis- plex (MHC)–matched (HLA in hu- a well-developed field, CNS regenera-
sue and organ transplants have shown mans, H2 in mice) but otherwise tion is still only experimental. Given
the need, and the feasibility of regen- genetically distinct pairs, the main re- that human CNS stem cells engraft and
erative medicine, and so the field has quirement for successful engraftment migrate widely in site-appropriate man-
1360 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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ners in immunodeficient mouse brains dritic cells. The dendritic cells, along lished diabetic immune activities in both
(and presumably human brains), sev- with the host thymic medullary epithe- myeloablative and nonmyeloablative set-
eral experimental models of neural re- lial cells, delete developing T cells with tings, which should lead to clinically ac-
pair are ongoing. Patients and mice with reactivity to self-proteins that could be ceptable protocols if these findings ex-
lysosomal storage diseases, such as Bat- expressed in any tissue or organ from trapolate to humans.37
ten disease, undergo both systemic and donor or host. Thus these HSC chime- Other autoimmune diseases that have
neural degeneration. Provision of the ras produce T-cell populations that can- known genetic predilections include
missing enzymes systemically can re- not make immune reactions against do- multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthri-
sult in uptake of the enzymes by dis- nor or host but are capable of making tis, inflammatory bowel disease, and an-
eased cells in the body, but not the other protective immune reactions for kylosing spondylitis.52,53 Therefore it is
brain, and ameliorate systemic dis- the host. As a result these reconsti- reasonable to propose that when hu-
ease. Transplantation of hCNSSC– tuted mice are permanently transplan- man nonmyeloablative conditioning
derived populations into mice af- tation tolerant of grafts of any cell, tis- protocols are developed that allow pu-
fected with Batten disease results in sue, or organ from the HSC donor.37 rified HSC transplants to succeed and
amelioration of the neurodegenera- Tolerance induction for tissue and to establish lifelong hematolymphoid
tion in all parts of the brain.41 organ grafts should eventually be fol- chimerism, autoimmune disease thera-
Compression injuries of the spinal lowed by cotransplantation of HSC- and pies might be treated by one-time cura-
cord often result in paralysis following tissue/organ-specific stem cells from the tive intent stem cell regenerative medi-
local inflammatory events, and among same donor source.34,37 This might be cine therapies.
the pathological hallmarks are areas of achieved not only from living donors Unfortunately, by the time many pa-
cord demyelination.42 Transplantation but eventually from classic embryonic tients with these destructive autoim-
of hCNS SCs/neurospheres into immu- stem cell lines or from donor-specific mune diseases are treated by HSC thera-
nodeficient mice that had a controlled nuclear transfer stem cell lines.43-45 pies they already have irreversible
crush injury at T9 about 9 days after These possibilities could usher in the destruction of host tissues, such as ␤
the injury led to cell engraftment– era of regenerative medicine, in which islet cells in well-established type 1 dia-
dependent recovery of hindlimb paraly- curative intent regeneration of dis- betes or oligodendrocyte loss in ad-
sis and coordination.42 The engraft- eased organs and tissues can be achieved vanced multiple sclerosis. Thus these
ment was mainly oligodendrocytic, with stem cells, rather than chronic sup- patients might require cotransplanta-
resulting in effective remyelination, and port with drug therapies. However, thus tion of donor HSCs to block autoim-
sustained presence of the graft was re- far the only cell of choice for these re- munity and other organs or tissue stem
quired for sustained recovery.42 generative medicine therapies are the cells to regenerate damaged tissues.
In these 2 examples neuroprotec- self-renewing tissue stem cells rather The extent to which endogenous cells
tion was afforded by injected stem cells than more transient progenitors or ac- can regenerate extensive lesions is un-
and depended on their ability to differ- tual mature, functional cells. known. However, claims that hemato-
entiate, migrate appropriately, and func- poietic cells participate in conversion
tion. It is yet to be determined whether HSC Therapies and to other tissue stem and developed cells,
regeneration of neural circuits by re- Autoimmune Diseases so-called stem cell plasticity,54-58 are not
placement with cells derived from CNS Several autoimmune diseases have ge- reproducible.59-64 In type 1 diabetes, is-
SCs can occur, and of course, it is yet netic predilections.46-48 In mouse mod- lets or islet stem cells from HSC do-
to be determined which neurodegen- els of these diseases (eg, type 1 diabe- nors will be required to regenerate is-
erative diseases sustain neuron loss by tes), some of the actual genes involved lets to provide insulin, while in multiple
direct effects on the neurons vs their have been determined, while the rapid sclerosis, CNS stem cells or oligoden-
nurturing environments. advances of genomics will reveal oth- drocyte progenitors might be required
ers. In the case of type 1 diabetes, a pro- for remyelination.42
HSC Allotransplants Induce gressive disease that results in the emer-
Lifelong Transplantation gence and activities of anti–islet ␤ cell Cancer and Leukemia Stem
Tolerance: The Beginnings of inflammatory and cytotoxic T cells,49 Cells Provide Unique Targets
Regenerative Medicine many of the genes are expressed in the for Discovery and Therapy
When HSCs engraft in fully myeloab- progeny of HSCs.49,50 It was logical that Cancers are derived from an individu-
lated/lymphoablated mice, the blood- donors expressing disease-resistance al’s own tissues and organs, usually by
forming and immune systems are genes might be effective donors for bone a multistep process that gradually
largely, if not completely, derived from marrow50 or HSC51,52 transplants to hosts changes a normal cell at a defined
the donor. Donor cells that enter the with these autoimmune diseases.32 Such lineage step to a fully malignant en-
thymus give rise to T cells as well as do- allogeneic HSCs can, in fact, block the tity. Normal stem cells and cancer/
nor-derived antigen-presenting den- autoimmune progression of estab- leukemia stem cells (CSCs/LSCs) are
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 1361

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both cell types that possess the prop- to normal multilineage colonies.69 In- from normal HSCs.78 At myeloid blast
erty of self-renewal, whereas most other terestingly, up to 40% of these HSCs had crisis there was a 6-10 fold increase in
cell types do not. Malignant stem cells the translocation. Patients treated suc- GMP; these GMPs could replate self-
self-renew in a poorly regulated fash- cessfully retained about 1% of their HSCs renewing cells in vitro, unlike normal
ion, while normal stem cells are strictly as translocation positive for at least 150 GMPs, and are blast crisis candidate
regulated in their self-renewal. In the months following treatment, suggest- LSCs.78 These myeloid blast crisis GMPs
view that malignant stem cells exist and ing that LSCs were not classic HSCs but expressed high levels of activated nuclear
include nonmalignant cells in their were likely at the multipotent progeni- ␤-catenin, and reported activation of
progeny, the properties of immortal- tor stage.69,70 Furthermore, the aml1- ␤-catenin target genes. Furthermore,
ity, invasiveness, tendency to spread, Eto translocation was only one step in transfected axin, a specific inhibitor of
etc, could be properties of the subset the malignant progression and oc- the catenin pathway, blocked leukemic
of normal cells from which the malig- curred in preleukemic HSCs. GMP replating.78
nant cells derived, rather than new Because several gene products regu- These findings lead me to propose
properties acquired by these cells.65 late normal HSC self-renewal,71,72 we be- here a multistep model for myeloid leu-
Therefore it became important to have gan to test in other leukemias whether kemia progression (FIGURE). Impor-
knowledge of both normal stem and the LSC was at the stage of HSC or tant in this formulation is the fact that
progenitor cells and malignant stem whether they occurred at a later stage multiple independent genetic and epi-
cells to determine which properties of differentiation and had appropri- genetic changes must occur to drive a
were new to the malignant cells. For ex- ated hematopoietic self-renewal genes. normal cell to an LSC. In the case cited
ample, HSCs and some progenitors Along with Clarke, Morrison, and Reya, above, the LSC in myeloid blast crisis
regularly leave their bone marrow I proposed a framework of studies to CML is at the stage of the GMP, nor-
niches, enter the bloodstream, then find reveal CSCs/LSCs.5 Clarke et al had iso- mally not a self-renewing population.
and engraft marrow niches at a dis- lated from primary human breast can- Most progression events in leukemo-
tance.66 Leukemia stem cells are de- cers a minor subset of CD44⫹/24− cells genesis would not endow a cell with
rived from HSCs or progenitors; this ex- that could transplant the tumor in the self-renewal, and if the event occurred
plains why leukemias are never local to mammary gland of immunodeficient in GMP, the short natural life of that
one marrow site. mice.73 The resultant tumor had all altered cell would guarantee that it
Although ideas about CSCs/LSCs are the histopathological hallmarks of the would not be a sustained event.5 Each
at least 30 years old, the hypothesis original tumor, containing 1% to 5% event to be sustained must be in a self-
could not be seriously tested until the CD44⫹/24− cells; only these CSCs renewing population. In CML that first
steps in normal differentiation from could retransplant the tumor.73 event is likely to be the bcr-abl trans-
stem cells were defined, and the cell Mouse models to reconstruct myeloid location in HSC. In AML, it could be
populations in primary tumors pro- leukemogenesis showed that the aml1-Eto. As the single cell that sus-
spectively isolated and subjected to a distinct pathways of intrinsic pro- tained the bcr-abl translocation ex-
test of malignancy. grammed cell death were blocked, the panded its progeny in the HSC pool, a
The first serious attempt to isolate hu- emergent LSCs had evaded both T-cell second rare event, perhaps epigenetic,
man acute myelogenous leukemia and macrophage surveillance, these cells probably occurred in a daughter cell,
(AML) stem cells was carried out by overexpressed telomerase reverse tran- and that clone with events 1 and 2
John Dick and colleagues, using as an scriptase to evade senescence,74 and the slowly expanded to a size that a third
assay transplantation of leukemic sub- AML LSC was at the stage of the granu- event was possible, and so on. In that
sets into immunodeficient mice.67,68 The locyte/macrophage-restricted progeni- model all events except activation of a
investigators found that most AML tor (GMP) (C. Jamieson, I. Weissman, self-renewal pathway occurs at the stage
samples they studied could only be unpublished data, 2005).75-77 These LSCs of long-term HSC in the clone that has
transplanted with CD34⫹/38− cells, and overexpressed ␤-catenin. In one mouse sustained the previous events. In this
therefore concluded that the LSCs were model, a chronic myelogenous leuke- view, only the LSCs have sustained all
HSCs that had undergone the requisite mia (CML) syndrome could be induced of the events, especially poorly regu-
steps to full malignancy. However, our by blocking the expression of the tran- lated self-renewal.
laboratory had shown that in the scription factor JunB; only HSCs could Knowing that, isolation of LSC (or
CD34⫹/38− subset, only Thy 1⫹/Lin− transplant this CML, 75 mimicking other CSCs) could allow for the first
cells were HSCs.69 To test the hypoth- human bcr-abl translocation CML, in its time a detailed assessment of these
esis of Dick et al, we determined the chronic phase. Chronic phase human events. This will require a deep ge-
marker profile of aml1-Eto transloca- CML HSCs contain the bcr-abl translo- nomic analysis of the isolated LSC; since
tion AML: only CD34⫹/38− Thy1−Lin− cation, with normal levels of activated, LSCs are less than 5% of the marrow
cells contained LSCs, while all isolated nuclear ␤-catenin, a stem cell self- cells in the leukemia, analysis of the en-
CD34⫹/38− Thy 1⫹Lin− HSCs gave rise renewal protein71,72; this is not different tire leukemia would be interesting, but
1362 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Figure. Hypothetical Model of Leukemic Progression

In this hypothetical model of chronic myelogenous leukemia, long-term

Preleukemic D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N
hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) undergo a sequence of genetic and/or epi-
genetic events ( 1 through 5 ) resulting in LT-HSCs that do not undergo apop- LT-HSC INTO BLAST CELLS
tosis and are capable of evading protective immune mechanisms. These cells
accumulate, crowding out normal LT-HSCs, and differentiate into blood cells.
R E G U L AT E D Preleukemic

During LT-HSC differentiation, R E G U L AT E D
self-renewal genes ( 6 ) are activated SELF-RENEWAL
or overexpressed in granulocyte/
LT-HSC Leukemogenic Events macrophage progenitor (GMP) cells,
D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N 1 Initial Oncogenic Event (eg, bcr-abl Translocation, which normally are not capable of GMP
INTO BLOOD CELLS aml1-Eto Translocation, or JunB Silencing) self-renewal. Genes that block (Leukemic
2 Activation of Antisenescence Genes (eg, TERT) differentiation are also activated. Stem Cell) MYELOID
These events give rise to leukemic BLAST CRISIS
3 Activation of Antiapoptotic Genes (External Pathway) SCs with the capacity for poorly
4 Activation of Antiapoptotic Genes (Internal Pathway) regulated, expansive, self-renewal.
Daughter cells of LSCs are immature Blast Cells
5 Evasion of Immune Cells (1 or More Events)
blast cells, which do not self-renew and
6 Activation of Self-renewal Genes do not differentiate.

CMP indicates common myeloid progenitor; MPP, multipotent progenitor; ST-HSC, short-term hematopoietic stem cell; and TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase.

not definitive. Patients having these leu- mass cells are pluripotent, that is, at the developmental biology. But the hu-
kemias likely have still existing in mar- single-cell level can contribute to all tis- man embryonic stem cell lines are
row HSC clones with n-1, n-2, n-3, n-4, sue and organ cells. defined by the source of blastocysts,
etc, events. In this way the order of Methods to culture these inner cell assisted reproduction clinics, which
events should be knowable, and in ana- mass cells to produce embryonic stem neither represent the full genetic di-
lyzing several patients, whether the or- cells were accomplished in mouse mod- versity of humans nor, with rare ex-
der is always the same. els in the 1980s79,80 and adapted to pro- ceptions, any definable human ge-
By knowing the events that had oc- duce embryonic stem cells from hu- netic disease.
curred in LSCs/CSCs, particular mo- man blastocysts.81 Mouse and human A new technology called nuclear
lecular targets for drug and immune embryonic stem cell lines are propa- transfer allows the production of em-
therapies can be tested. If LSCs/CSCs gated in specialized media to produce bryonic stem cell lines from pre-
are isolated and transplanted into im- very large numbers of embryonic stem defined donors, including patients with
munodeficient mice, such tumor- cells; changing the conditions in vitro genetically determined or influenced
bearing mice should be useful for pre- allows them to form disorganized col- diseases. This involves removing the
clinical testing of diagnostics and drug lections of all tissue types in the em- chromosomes of an unfertilized oo-
and immune therapies. bryo, called embryoid bodies. The em- cyte, replacing them with a nucleus
bryonic stem cells are self-renewing in from a somatic cell (eg, skin) to form
The Potential of Embryonic vitro, and single embryonic stem cells a pseudozygote. The inner cell mass
Stem Cells and Nuclear contribute to all tissue types; hence, cells from these embryoid blastocysts
Transfer–Produced Pluripotent they are pluripotent. Mouse embry- were used to produce nuclear transfer
Stem Cells in Human Medicine onic stem cells have been of inesti- pluripotent stem cell lines (nuclear
About 7 or 8 cell divisions after fertil- mable value in studying normal and transfer stem cells). In mice it has been
ization of the vertebrate egg, the pre- pathological development, partly by shown that one can produce nuclear
implantation blastocyst is formed and studying their development in vitro, and transfer stem cell lines from mature
arrives in the uterus. The outer shell of by injecting them into host mouse blas- cells, eg, lymphocytes, odorant recep-
cells (trophoblast) of the blastocyst is tocysts prior to implantation, wherein tor neurons, and skin cells.43,82,83 In all
adapted to bind to the uterine wall and they contribute to all tissues and or- of these cases the chromosomal makeup
begins to form the placenta; these cells gans. Genetic modification of the em- of the cell lines is derived from the do-
do not contribute to the embryo. The bryonic stem cell lines allows the ef- nor nucleus, while the mitochondrial
15 to 30 cells inside the trophoblast fects of the added or subtracted gene DNA is largely from the oocyte; be-
shell will produce all of the tissues and to be tracked in the context of the body cause they are mixed chromosomal/
organs of the embryo and subsequent and has led to a renascence of studies mitochondrial composites, they are
fetus. Many if not all of these inner cell of physiology and pathology, as well as not clones.
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 1363

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Production of nuclear transfer stem and also transplanted into the cognate even more objection to production of
cells from mice with a genetic severe organs in immunodeficient mice us- nuclear transfer stem cells, taken from
combined immunodeficiency results in ing these techniques. If the trans- embryoid blastocysts that have little or
stem cells that can make every cell in planted tissue stem cells develop the no chance to implant and produce a
the body except lymphocytes. Correc- same pathologies as the patients, a new newborn in any species tested to date.89
tion of the defect with the correct gene era of studying disease pathogenesis will The arguments against these experi-
at the nuclear transfer stem cell level have arrived. This has precedence in ments are first that they enable hu-
results in repaired stem cells whose mouse studies, as described above. man reproductive cloning, and sec-
blood-forming system can be manipu- A huge investment has been made in ond that scientists would be creating
lated and transplanted into the origi- the Human Genome Project, and embryos solely for experiments, again
nal immunodeficient line to amelio- through the application of those tech- embryos with the same rights as born
rate or cure the disease. Production of nologies to patient samples, many genes humans.
nuclear transfer stem cell lines for the associated with diseases have been and The National Academy of Sciences
production of patient-specific trans- will be identified and cloned. These rep- panel I headed in 2002 voted unani-
plantable cells is popularly known as resent target genes in the pathogen- mously to advise responsible entities to
therapeutic cloning, but that is nei- esis of these diseases. To validate which enact a legally enforceable ban against
ther a scientific nor an accurate term. genes play a role in the particular dis- human reproductive cloning,89 rely-
The term accepted by most respon- ease vs those that are simply associ- ing on the force of law to prevent a con-
sible groups, including the Interna- ated, gene correction of the disease spiracy of scientists, gynecologists,
tional Society for Stem Cell Research84 genes can be accomplished in the plu- nurses, anesthesiologists, and hospi-
and the National Academies of Sci- ripotent stem cell line, and the tissue tals from attempting this. The panel
ence, Medicine, and Engineering,85,86 is stem cells derived from them trans- voted unanimously to advise respon-
nuclear transfer stem cells. Clearly, pro- planted to cognate organs in the mice sible bodies to allow (and regulate)
duction of patient-specific nuclear to test whether such gene correction nuclear transfer stem cell research. In
transfer stem cell lines offers an un- precluded disease development. The an- 2001, by executive order President Bush
precedented opportunity to study these swers to these questions are of intense allowed human embryonic stem cell re-
diseases.87 interest to those that wish to work with search on lines created before August
validated targets, from pharmaceuti- 9, 2001, but not to fund any subse-
Translating Embryonic Stem cal companies testing small molecules quent embryonic stem cell produc-
Cell and Nuclear Transfer on the proteins encoded by patho- tion or nuclear transfer stem cell pro-
Discoveries to Regenerative genic genes to gene therapy compa- duction. So the major barrier to the
Medicine: Politics and Religion nies hoping to correct the genes in vivo, derivation and the distribution of new
Collide With Medical Science to the stem cell therapy companies that embryonic stem cell lines or human
A recent report from the National Acad- need to know which cell types need re- nuclear transfer patient-specific plu-
emies85 has developed guidelines for the placement. ripotent stem cell lines for widespread
production and use of human nuclear Patient-specific nuclear transfer stem study into the pathogenesis and therapy
transfer stem cells, including the pro- cell lines are portable and should be of these human diseases is at this time
duction of human/mouse chimeras with available to the best and brightest of the national politics.
nuclear transfer stem cell–derived adult biomedical community committed to Currently, the few human embry-
stem cells.85 There is ample precedent study and treat these human diseases, onic stem cell lines derived from blas-
for transplanting human cells and tis- which in aggregate are quite common. tocysts that could be used for study us-
sues into immunodeficient mice: the But to some individuals, working with ing US government funds are likely not
first human HSC was discovered and authentic embryonic stem cells, taken useful for therapies as they are poten-
validated by preclinical trials in such from (and thus sacrificing) authentic tially contaminated with pathogens
mice,18 as well as the first human CNS embryo blastocysts with high poten- from mouse cells.90 Bills pending in
stem cell.24 tial to implant and develop in assisted Congress would create criminal pen-
I have previously proposed88 that hu- reproductive technologies, is anath- alties with $1 million fines and 10-
man genetic disease pluripotent stem ema. The religious and ethical back- year jail sentences for those convicted
cell lines could be created using so- ground to such beliefs equates this ball of conducting human nuclear transfer
matic nuclei from patients with these of cells with born humans. Presum- research,91 or for patients treated with
diseases in the nuclear transfer produc- ably, these individuals must oppose cur- products derived from nuclear trans-
tion of stem cells. Presumably, the tis- rent assisted reproductive technolo- fer research, or for physicians prescrib-
sue and organ stem cells derived from gies, which are responsible for the legal ing therapies derived from nuclear
such patient-specific stem cell lines disposal today of large numbers of un- transfer research. While such re-
could be isolated and studied in vitro used blastocysts. Surprisingly, there is search has been effectively halted in the
1364 JAMA, September 21, 2005—Vol 294, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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United States, the recent successes by Summary and functionally heterogeneous. J Immunol. 1988;141:
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ensures that such cell lines will be avail- development, tissue regeneration, patho- 17. Muller–Sieburg CE, Whitlock CA, Weissman IL.
able, if licensed from the Republic of logical conditions, and cancer. All of this Isolation of two early B lymphocyte progenitors from
mouse marrow: a committed pre-pre-B cell and a clo-
Korea.44,45 California has taken a state’s comes from applying “stem cell think- nogenic Thy-1-lo hematopoietic stem cell. Cell. 1986;
rights approach to the issue, passing a ing” to already-known processes. Even 44:653-662.
18. Baum CM, Weissman IL, Tsukamoto AS, Buckle
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