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Physical Childhood Trauma 1


The Impact of Physical Childhood Trauma on an Individual’s Lifetime

Mikayla L. Cole
Glen Allen High School
Physical Childhood Trauma 2


What is trauma? Cory Turner argues that “trauma is a very heavy and daunting word” in

which many individuals have a variety of perceptions (2018). According to the National Center

of Child Abuse and Neglect, more than 700,000 cases reported in the United States revolved

around physical, sexual, emotional trauma, or a combination of any or every type (Heim &

Nemeroff 2001). The impact of physical childhood trauma on an individual’s lifetime has been

researched and oftentimes regarded as an issue that is chronic in which could greatly effect one’s

future (Gilbert, Widom, Browne, Fergusson, Webb, & Janson 2009). Researchers and child

psychologists have conducted extensive research and studies to evaluate the correlation between

physical childhood trauma and the adverse effects associated with it throughout the lifespan of an


Causes and Warning Signs:

In order to raise awareness for the betterment of society, there are several warning signs

to look out for. Warning signs of physical childhood trauma include: frequent injuries, expresses

fear of going home, flinches at sudden movements, and wears extra apparel to cover up injuries.

If the parents have a history of traumatic physical abuse as a child, these feelings can be

repressed, but one can learn to break these habits (Smith, Robinson, & Segal 2017). The warning

signs for physical childhood trauma are similar to the plethora of other forms of trauma that are

prevalent today, however, are not exactly the same. Taken as an entirety, trauma itself does not

have one specific cause, although, experiencing physical childhood trauma increases the risk of

disciplinary issues in the future which could potentially result in the abused becoming the abuser

(Gilbert, Widom, Browne, Fergusson, Webb, & Janson 2009).

Physical Childhood Trauma 3

Brain Activity and the Body’s Responses:

In response to trauma and induced stress, the brain activity has potential to be greatly

altered. Studies have proven that persistent changes in the brain seem to correlate with that of

anxiety and depression disorders (Heim & Nemeroff 2001). Paired with the increased likelihood

of anxiety and depression disorders is the increase of activity in the amygdala. The amygdala is

responsible for detecting fear and preparing the body for emergency and altered perceptions. The

Central Nervous System’s ability to perceive and the recognize stimuli are greatly impaired

following childhood trauma. Additionally, there is an increase in neuroendocrine activity and

autonomic stress responsiveness that would suggest that childhood trauma results in changes at

the root of the neural systems (Heim, Newport, Mletzko, Miller, & Nemeroff 2008). As a result

of physical childhood trauma, our brain activity and bodily responses are heavily impacted,

therefore furthering the potential negative effects physical childhood trauma could have on an

individual in which the effects can easily vary.

Impact on Children:

The long-term effects of physical childhood trauma in both men and women can carry on

throughout a lifetime. Physical childhood trauma oftentimes results in a lower-self-esteem,

increased likelihood for anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, and could even result in

increased anger, pain, even post-traumatic stress disorder (Briere & Elliot 2003). The severity of

the trauma depends on the individual. Depending on the individual, these effects can be ongoing

and greatly impact the individual’s future (Davies 2003). The negative effects may remain

constant over one’s lifetime negatively effecting development and relationships in the future.

These adverse effects can lead to a plethora of physical, emotional, and mental health related
Physical Childhood Trauma 4

issues (Dube 2017). A child that experiences physical trauma at a young age is more susceptible

to become an abuser in the future.

Test and Questionnaires to Assess Impact:

In order to assess physical childhood trauma, there are a multitude of tests that have been

created in order to assess trauma exposure throughout the lifetime of an individual. The most

significant and reliable evaluation of trauma is the ACE Test. The ACE Test assess for abuse,

neglect, and household dysfunction. The ACE test helps to further focus on overcoming trauma

for both the child and loved ones involved, in hopes to reduce the amount of stress and risk

factors in the future for everyone (Turner 2018). The ACE Test provides the people with

awareness, particularly those with a high score on the ACE Test in which they would be

provided with guidance in order to evaluate what the next steps would be. The World Health

Organization is another test which assesses the impact of trauma and estimated that 155,000

deaths in children younger than fifteen occur worldwide every year as result of abuse and neglect

(Maercker, Hilpert, & Burri 2015). Both the World Health Organization’s Composite

International Diagnostic Interview Score and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire are added

together to collect data on trauma exposure throughout a lifetime in thirteen different categories.

As expected, the data in the study showed that the more a victim is acknowledged as a victim the

more it is associated with an increase in depression and late life suffering (Maercker, Hilpert, &

Burri 2015). One other assessment is the Traumatic Events Survey that includes questions that

help to assess children physically abused begin with the phrase “before the age of 18” (Briere &

Elliot 2003). One final assessment is the Trauma Symptom Inventory that has the ability to

measure other factors that may be responsive to the specific impacts of physical childhood

trauma (Briere & Elliot 2003).

Physical Childhood Trauma 5

Gender and National Rates:

The rate in which childhood trauma occurs varies depending on the gender of the

individual and the nation in which the individual resides. Controversy has risen in regards to

male trauma rates in which researchers believe the results of trauma are highly underestimated

and should ultimately be higher (Briere & Elliot 2003). In both high-income and low-income

countries, the rate in which women are sexually abused and are at risk for neglect are higher to

that of men, as expected, while men typically receive harsher physical punishment. Research has

shown that over 80% of physical childhood trauma is perpetrated by adults, more oftentimes

parents. In the United Kingdom, one in thirty children were reported as physically abused by

their parents. Similarly, an additional staggering statistic is that between both the United States

and the United Kingdom only 1.4-10.1% of children or their mothers reported the absence of

care (Gilbert, Widom, Browne, Fergusson, Webb, & Janson 2009). Although there are noticeable

differences between the rates of physical childhood trauma worldwide, the similarities of the

outcomes tend to be very similar.

How to Help:

Unfortunately, under-reporting is more common than over-reporting when paired with

trauma (Gilbert, Widom, Browne, Fergusson, Webb, & Janson 2009). 85% of trauma regardless

of the type goes unreported, while over 800,000 cases have been reported every year just in the

United States (Heim, Newport, Mletzko, Miller, & Nemeroff 2008). With time, reports have

fallen greatly as under-reporting is far more common than over-reporting. Of the children that

had reported previous trauma, only 5% of children had reported these incidences to child

services (Gilbert, Widom, Browne, Fergusson, Webb, & Janson 2009). Those that had

experienced trauma at a young have a variety of treatments available to them, however, a

Physical Childhood Trauma 6

successful treatment looks different to every individual as perceptions vary and are unique to

each individual (Heim, Newport, Mletzko, Miller, & Nemeroff 2008).


Harris provides the people of today’s society with hope and encouragement as she asserts

“the single most important thing that we need today is the courage to look this problem in the

face” (2014). Regardless of the correlation between physical childhood trauma and the negative

effects associated with it, researchers and child psychologists should invest more interest into

this severe traumatic issue. This issue should be brought to worldwide attention in which

researchers and psychologists should be fully aware of and serve to educate the world around

them of the negative effects paired with physical childhood trauma across a lifetime.

Reference List

Briere, J. & D.M. Elliot. (2003). Prevalence and psychological sequelae of self-reported

childhood physical and sexual abuse in a general population same of men and women.

Child Abuse & Neglect. 27: 1205-1222. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2003.09.008

Davies, S. (2003). The late-life psychological effects of childhood abuse Current Medical

Literature: Health Care of Older People. 16(4),83-87. Retrieved from


247d-410e-ab26 97aa7cea1960%40sessionmgr4010&bdata=JnNpdG U9ZWhvc


Dube, K. (2017, May 23). How childhood trauma can affect mental and physical health into
Physical Childhood Trauma 7

adulthood. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/how-


Gilbert, R., Widom, C.S., Browne, K., Fergusson, D., Webb, E., & Janson, S. (2009). Burden

and consequences of child maltreatment in high-income countries. The Lancet,

373(9657), 68-81. doi: 10.1016/s)140-6736(08)61706-7

Harris, N. (2014). How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. [Video File]. Retrieved

from https://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma


Heim, C. & Nemeroff, C. (2001). The role of childhood trauma in the neurobiology of mood and

anxiety disorders: Preclinical and clinical studies. Biology Psychiatry. 49:1023-1039.

doi: 10.1016/S006-3223(01)01157-X

Heim, C., Newport, D., Mletzko, T., Miller, A., & Nemeroff, C. (2008). The link between

childhood trauma and depression: insights from HPA axis studies at human.

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33(6), 693-710. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneun.

Maercker, A., Hilpert, P., & Burri, A. (2015). Childhood trauma and resilience in old age:

applying a context model of resilience to a sample of former indentured child

laborers. Aging & Mental Health, 20(6), 616-626. doi:10.1080/13607863.2015.1033677

Smith, M., Robinson, L., & Segal, J. (2017). Child abuse and neglect how to spot the signs and
Physical Childhood Trauma 8

make a difference. Help Guide. Retrieved from


Turner, C. (2018, January 23). What do asthma, heart disease and cancer have in

common? Maybe childhood trauma. National Public Radio. Retrieved from



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