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Voltage-Ampere Characteristics of
Diode Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Voltage-Ampere
Characteristics of Diode – 1”.

1. The abbreviation PIV in the case of a diode stands for

a) Peak Inferior Voltage
b) Problematic Inverse Voltage
c) Peak Inverse Voltage
d) Peak Internal Voltage
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Answer: c
Explanation: PIV stands for Peak Inverse Voltage. It is the
maximum reverse bias voltage which a diode can bear
without breakdown.

2. What is mean by PIV rating of a diode

a) Maximum reverse bias potential which can be applied
across a diode without breakdown
b) Maximum forward bias potential which can be applied
across a diode without breakdown

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c) Minimum potential required by a diode to reach

conduction state
d) Maximum power allowable to a diode
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Answer: a
Explanation: PIV rating indicate the maximum allowable
reverse bias voltage which can be safely applied to a diode.
If reverse potential is greater than PIV rating then the diode
will enter reverse breakdown region.

3. The voltage after which the diode current exponentially

increases with forward bias is NOT known as
a) Offset voltage
b) Threshold potential
c) Firing potential
d) Peak forward voltage
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage after which a diode increases
rapidly is known as offset voltage, threshold voltage, firing
potential and cut-in voltage. Beyond this voltage the forward
bias voltage overcomes the potential barrier and rapid
conduction occurs.

4. The diode current equation is not applicable in

a) Forward biased sate
b) Reverse biased state
c) Unbiased state
d) It is applicable in all bias sates
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Answer: d
Explanation: Diode equation is I=I0 (e(qV/kT)-1). It is
applicable in all bias condition that is forward, reverse and
unbiased states.

5. Emission coefficient of Germanium is

a) 1
b) 1.1
c) 1.5
d) 2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Emission coefficient or ideality factor accounts
the effect of recombination taking place in the depletion
region. The range of factor is from 1 to 2.For Germanium it
is 1.

6. The ideality factor of Silicon is

a) 1
b) 2
c) 1.3
d) 1.7
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Answer: b
Explanation: Emission coefficient or ideality factor accounts
the effect of recombination taking place in the depletion
region. The range of factor is from 1 to 2.For silicon it is 2.

7. The value of voltage equivalent of temperature at room

a) 26mV

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b) 36mV
c) 0.26mV
d) 260mV
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Answer: a
Explanation: Voltage equivalent of temperature VT is equal
to the product of boltzman constant and temperature. At
room temperature it is 26mV.

8. What happens to cut-in voltage when temperature

a) Cut-in voltage increases
b) Cut-in voltage decreases
d) Cut-in voltage either increases or decreases
e) Cut-in voltage doesn’t depend on temperature
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Answer: b
Explanation: As temperature increases conductivity of a
semiconductor increases. The diode conducts smaller
voltage at larger temperature. Therefore, cut-in voltage

9. When temperature increases reverse saturation current

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Doesn’t depend on temperature
d) Either increases or decreases
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Answer: a
Explanation: As temperature increases conductivity of a

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semiconductor increases. Reverse saturation current

increases as temperature increases.

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Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Interview

Questions and Answers
by Manish
7-9 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Interview Questions and

Answers focuses on “Voltage-Ampere Characteristics of
Diode 2”.

1. Which of the following graph represents the I-V

characteristics of real diode




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Answer: d
Explanation: First graph represents constant voltage drop
model of diode. In this mode diode assumes as a perfect
insulator on reverse bias. On forward bias up to cut-in
voltage it assumes to be an insulator and after it becomes
perfect conductor. Second graph represents ideal diode
that is in forward bias it is a perfect conductor and in
reverse bias it is perfect insulator. Third graph represents
piecewise linear mode of diode. This assumption is very
close to constant voltage drop model except the fact that
after cut-in voltage instead of perfect insulator diode is
assumed as a ohmic device. The fourth graph represents
real diode. The diode in real life is similar to the
characteristics. That is after cut-in voltage graph is
exponential and in reverse bias mode current is in micro or
nano ampere range.

2. Which of the following I-V characteristics represents a

typical Si diode

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Answer: b
Explanation: The second graph denotes a Si diode because
the cut-in voltage is 0.7V and after this the current is
exponential. Also in reverse bias there is a nano ampere
range current it must also be accounted. Therefore, second

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option is the best.

3. Which of the following graph represents a typical Ge





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Answer: a
Explanation: The first graph denotes a Si diode because the

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cut-in voltage is 0.7V and after this the current is

exponential. Also in reverse bias there is a micro ampere
range current it must also be accounted. Therefore, first
option is the best.

4. Which of the following graph represent a zener diode

which is voltage rated as “VZ”.





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Answer: b
Explanation: Voltage rating is the voltage at which reverse
breakdown occurs. Voltage rating of a zener diode indicates
the voltage beyond which current increases rapidly. Beyond
this point increase in reverse bias voltage will only reflect on
current which means voltage drop beyond this point is
almost constant. At forward bias zener diode behaves as a
normal diode. So appropriate graph is second.

5. Which of the following statement is false for a zener

diode voltage rated as “VZ “
a) Reverse breakdown occurs at VZ
b) Forward breakdown occurs at VZ
c) Zener diode is a heavily doped diode
d) Usually operates in reverse bias mode
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Answer: b
Explanation: Voltage rating is the voltage at which reverse
breakdown occurs. Voltage rating of a zener diode indicates
the voltage beyond which current increases rapidly. Beyond
this point increase in reverse bias voltage will only reflect on
current which means voltage drop beyond this point is
almost constant. This phenomenon holds the key role in the
working of zener diode as a voltage regulator. Zenor diode
is a heavily doped diode because for zenor breakdown we
need a narrow junction. It operates in reverse bias mode. In
forward bias mode it operates as a normal diode.

6. Voltage rating of a zener diode denoted

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a) Reverse breakdown voltage

b) Forward breakdown voltage
c) Voltage at which current is maximum
d) maximum forward voltage which a diode can withstand
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Answer: a
Explanation: Voltage rating of a zener diode indicates the
voltage beyond which current increases rapidly. Beyond this
point increase in reverse bias voltage will only reflect on
current which means voltage drop beyond this point is
almost constant. This phenomenon holds the key role in the
working of zener diode as a voltage regulator.

7. Knee current in the case of zener diode implies

a) Forward bias current beyond which I-V characteristics is
a straight line
b) Reverse bias current above which I-V characteristics is a
straight line
c) Forward cut-in current beyond which current is directly
proportional to voltage
d) Maximum allowable reverse bias current through a zener
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Answer: b
Explanation: Knee current indicates the current above
which reverse characteristics is a straight line. That is the
relationship between current and voltage beyond this point
will be directly proportional and this is very useful for solving
real life problems.

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8. Which of the following graph represents I-V

characteristics of an ideal diode




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Answer: b
Explanation: First graph represents constant voltage drop
model of diode. In this mode diode assumes as a perfect
insulator on reverse bias. On forward bias up to cut-in
voltage it assumes to be an insulator and after it becomes
perfect conductor. Second graph represents ideal diode
that is in forward bias it is a perfect conductor and in

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reverse bias it is perfect insulator. Third graph represents

piecewise linear mode of diode. This assumption is very
close to constant voltage drop model except the fact that
after cut-in voltage instead of perfect insulator diode is
assumed as a ohmic device. The fourth graph represents
real diode. The diode in real life is similar to the
characteristics. That is after cut-in voltage graph is
exponential and in reverse bias mode current is in micro or
nano ampere range.

9. Which of the following I-V characteristics represents the

constant voltage drop model of diode




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Answer: a
Explanation: First graph represents constant voltage drop
model of diode. In this mode diode assumes as a perfect
insulator on reverse bias. On forward bias up to cut-in
voltage it assumes to be an insulator and after it becomes
perfect conductor. Second graph represents ideal diode
that is in forward bias it is a perfect conductor and in
reverse bias it is perfect insulator. Third graph represents
piecewise linear mode of diode. This assumption is very
close to constant voltage drop model except the fact that
after cut-in voltage instead of perfect insulator diode is
assumed as a ohmic device. The fourth graph represents
real diode. The diode in real life is similar to the
characteristics. That is after cut-in voltage graph is
exponential and in reverse bias mode current is in micro or
nano ampere range.

10. Which of the following statement about a Si diode is

a) Cut-in voltage is always higher than reverse breakdown
b) Reverse saturation current is in the order of mA
c) Cut-in voltage is 1V

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d) Reverse scale current is in the order of nA

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Answer: d
Explanation: Cut-in voltage of Si diode is 0.7V but reverse
breakdown voltage is almost 50V for a Si diode. So clearly
cut-in voltage is much less than reverse breakdown voltage.
Reverse saturation current is in the order of nano amperes.
Scale current is another name of saturation current. It is
named as scale current because saturation current is
directly proportional to cross sectional area of diode.

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is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Diode Characteristic Equation - Analog Circuits... about:reader?url=https://www.sanfoundry.com/...


Diode Characteristic Equation -

Analog Circuits Questions and
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Characteristic Equation of
Diode 1”.

1. Calculate the forward bias current of a Si diode when

forward bias voltage of 0.4V is applied, using characteristic
equation of diode. The reverse saturation current is 1.17 x
10-9 A. Thermal voltage is 25.2 mV.
a) 9.156mA
b) 8.23mA
c) 1.256mA
d) 5.689mA
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Answer: a
Explanation: Equation for diode current
I=I0×(e(V/ηVT)-1) where I0 = reverse saturation current
η = ideality factor
VT = thermal voltage

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V = applied voltage
Since in this question ideality factor is not mentioned it can
be taken as one.
I0 = 1.17 x 10-9A, VT = 0V, η = 1, V = 0.4V
Therefore, I= 1.17×10-9xe0.4/0.025 -1 = 9.156mA

2. Calculate thermal voltage for a temperature of 25oC.

a) 0V
b) 0V
c) 0.026V
d) 0.25V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thermal voltage VT is given by k T/q
Where k is the boltzman constant and q is the charge of
electron. This can be reduced to
VT = TK/11600
Therefore, VT at T= 25+273=298 is 298/11600 = 0V

3. Calculate the reverse saturation current of a diode if the

current at 0.2V forward bias is 0.1mA at a temperature 25
oC and ideality factor is 1.5
a) 5.06x 10-9 A
b) 5.06x 10-8 A
c) 5.06x 10-7 A
d) 5.06x 10-10 A
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Answer: c Explanation: Equation for diode current

I=I0×(e(V/ηVT ) -1) where I0 = reverse saturation current η =
ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage

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Here, I = 0.1mA, η = 1.5, V= 0.2V, VT = TK/11600

Therefore, VT at T= 25+273=298 is 298/11600 = 0V.

Therefore, reverse saturation current

4. Find the applied voltage on a forward biased diode if the
current is 1mA and reverse saturation current is 10-10A.
Temperature is 25 oC and take ideality factor as 1.5
a) 0.658V
b) 0.726V
c) 0.526V
d) 0.618V
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Answer: d Explanation: Equation for diode current

I=I0×(e(V/ηVT)-1) where I0 = reverse saturation current η =
ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage VT
at T= 25+273=298 is 298/11600 = 0V, η = 1.5, I = 1mA, I0 =

5. Find the temperature at which a diode current is 2mA for

a diode which has reverse saturation current of 10-9 A and
ideality factor is 1.4, the applied voltage is 0.6V forward
a) 69.65oC
b) 52.26oC
c) 25.23oC
d) 70.23oC
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Answer: a Explanation: Equation for diode current

I=I0×(e(V/ηVT)-1) where I0 = reverse saturation current η =
ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage I0 =
10-9A, η = 1.4, V =0.6V, I = 2mA

We know
thermal voltage VT = TK/11600 .Therefore, TK = VTx11600
= 0x11600 = 342.65K = 69.65oC.
6. Consider a silicon diode with η=1.2. Find change in
voltage if the current changes from 0.1mA to 10mA.
a) 0.154V
b) 0.143V
c) 0.123V
d) 0.165V
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Answer: b Explanation: Equation for diode current

I=I0×(e(V/ηVT)-1) where I0 = reverse saturation current η =
ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage η =
1.2, I2 = 10mA, I1 = 0.1mA and take VT = 0.026V

7. If current of a diode changes from 1mA to 10mA what will

be the change in voltage across the diode. The ideality
factor of diode is 1.2
a) 0.718V
b) 7.18V
c) 0V
d) 0.00728V
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Answer: c Explanation: η = 1.2, I2 = 10mA, I1 = 1mA and

take VT = 0.026V

8. What will be the ratio of final current to initial current of a
diode if voltage of a diode changes from 0.7V to 872.5mV.
Take ideality factor as 1.5
a) 90.26
b) 52.36
c) 80.23
d) 83.35
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Answer: d Explanation: η = 1.5, ΔV = 0.8725V and take VT

= 0.026V

9. What will be the current I in the circuit diagram below.

Take terminal voltage as 0.7V and I0 as 10-12A.

a) 2.4mA
b) 0.9mA
c) 1mA
d) 4mA
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Answer: a

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Explanation: Let VD be the voltage of diode, then by

Kirchoff’s loop rule
3V = VD + IR1
This method of assumption contains small error but it is the
simplest method.
Let VD be 0.7V. Now the current I = (3-0.7)/1k = 2.3mA.
Now the diode voltage for 2.3mA
VD = VT ln(I/I0 ) = 0.026 x ln((2.3×10(-3))/10(-12) ) = 0.560.
Now the current becomes (3-0.560)/1000 = 2.44mA.

10. Find current I through the circuit using characteristic

equation of diode. The terminal voltage of each diode is
0.6V. Reverse saturation current is 10-12A.

a) 0.845mA
b) 1.892mA
c) 2.359mA
d) 3.012mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: Let VD be the voltage of diode, then by
Kirchoff’s loop rule
3V = 2VD + IR1
This method of assumption contains small error but it is the
simplest method.
Let VD be 0.6V. Now the current I = (3-1.2)/1k = 2.8mA.

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The VD for 2.8mA is 0.554V.

Hence current is (3-(2×0.554))/1k =1.892mA.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Questions and Answers for Freshers about:reader?url=https://www.sanfoundry.com/...


Analog Circuits Questions and

Answers for Freshers
by Manish
6-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Questions and Answers for

Freshers focuses on “Characteristic Equation of Diode 2”.

1. Find the current I if each diodes are identical and assume

two diodes are identical. Voltage V = 0.8V and let the
reverse saturation current be 10-9A.

a) 4.8mA
b) 3.2mA
c) 2.5mA
d) 7mA
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Answer: a Explanation: Since both diodes are identical VD =

0.6/2 = 0.3V Equation for diode current

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where I0 = reverse saturation current η

= ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage
Since in this question ideality factor is not mentioned it can
be taken as one. Take VT as 0.026 which is the standard
value. Hence current through one diode is 10-9x(e0.3/0.026)
= 4.8mA.
2. Find voltage Vout if the reverse saturation current of the
diode is 1.1×10-8A and cut-in voltage of diode is 0.6V and
assume the temperature as 25oC.

a) 0.235V
b) 0.3148V
c) 0.456V
d) 0.126V
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Answer: b Explanation: Equation for diode current

where I0 = reverse saturation current η

= ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage
Since in this question ideality factor is not mentioned it can
be taken as one. Take VT as its standard value 0.026V.

3. The current Ix in the circuit is 1mA then find the voltage

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across diode D1. The resistance R1 is 1K. Assume the

reverse saturation current is 10-9A. Voltage across resistor
in this condition was 0.4V. Take VT of diode as0.026V.

a) 2.3mA
b) 3.2mA
c) 5.2mA
d) 4.6mA
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Answer: c Explanation: Since voltage drop across diode is

0.4V current through resistor is 0.4/1k = 0.4mA Current
through diode

where I0 = reverse saturation current η

= ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage
Since ideality factor is not given take it as one. Current
through diode I= 10-9 x (e0.4/0) = 4.8mA Total current
=4.8mA+0.4mA = 5.2mA.
4. Find the current Ix if the voltage across the diode is 0.5V.
The reverse saturation current of diode 10-11 , Cut-in
voltage of diode is 0.6V. Assume temperature at which
diode operates is 25oC. The resistance R1=2K.

a) 3.97mA

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b) 4.51mA
c) 2.45mA
d) 3.28mA
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Answer: d Explanation: Since voltage drop across diode is

0.5V current through resistor is 0.5/2k = 0.25mA Current
through diode

where I0 = reverse saturation current η

= ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage
Since ideality factor is not given take it as one. Current
through diode I= 10-11 x (e0.5/0) = 3.03mA Total current
=3.03mA+0.25mA = 3.28mA.
5. If the current I is 2mA then find the temperature at which
diode operates. The cut-in voltage of diode is 0.6V. The
reverse saturation current of diode is 10-9A. Resistance R
is 1.3K.

a) 46.23oC
b) 50.47oC
c) 60.26oC
d) 56.89oC
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Answer: a Explanation: Equation for diode current

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where I0 = reverse saturation current η

= ideality factor VT = thermal voltage V = applied voltage
Since in this question ideality factor is not mentioned it can
be taken as one. VD = 3-(2mAx1.3k) = 0.4V

6. If temperature increases 10oC the ratio of final reverse
saturation current to initial reverse saturation current
a) 1
b) 2
c) 1.5
d) 3
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equation relating final reverse saturation
current (Io2 ) to initial reverse saturation current (Io1 ) is
given by
Io2 = 2(ΔT/10)Io1 Where ΔT is temperature change
Ratio will be 2(ΔT/10) = 21 =2.

7. The reverse saturation current of a diode at 25oC is 1.5 x

10-9A and what will be reverse current at temperature 30oC
a) 3 x 10-9A
b) 2 x 10-9A
c) 2.12 x 10-9A
d) 1.5 x 10-9A
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation relating final reverse saturation
current (Io2) to initial reverse saturation current (Io1 ) is
given by
Io2 = 2(ΔT/10)Io1 Where ΔT is temperature change
Here ΔT = 5, Therefore, Io2 = 25/10 Io1 =1.414×1.5 x 10-9A
= 2.121 x 10-9A.

8. How much times reverse saturation current will increase

if temperature increases 15oC
a) 2.52
b) 4.62
c) 4.12
d) 2.82
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Answer: d
Explanation: The equation relating final reverse saturation
current (Io2) to initial reverse saturation current (Io1) is given
Io2 = 2(ΔT/10)Io1 Where ΔT is temperature change
Ratio is 215/10 = 2.82.

9. If the Vin of the circuit the circuit is 2V and resistor have

a resistance of 1K and cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V.
Reverse saturation current is 10-8A. Temperature at which
diode operates is 30oC.The Vout is close to
a) 0.256V
b) 0.306V
c) 0.215V
d) 0.456V

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Answer: b
Explanation: Let VD be the voltage of diode, then by
Kirchoff’s loop rule
Vin = VD + IR1
This method of assumption contains small error but it is the
simplest method.
Let VD be 0.7V. Now the current I = (2-0.7)/1k = 1.3mA.
Now the diode voltage for 1.3mA
VD = VT ln(I/I0 ) = 0.026 x ln((1.3×10-3)/10-8 ) = 0.306.
Therefore, voltage across diode will be close to 0.306V.

10. Let the Vin be -5V and resistance R1 is 5K and the cut-
in voltage of the diode is 0.7V. What will be the voltage
Vout? Take reverse saturation current as 10-8A and
operating temperature as 25oC.
a) 0V
b) -4.5V
c) -5V
d) -3.2V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since diode is in reverse bias mode voltage
across diode will be almost same as applied voltage. Since
the current in the circuit is in micro amperes voltage drop at
R1 is negligible.

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Resistance Level - Analog Circuits

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Resistance Level”.

1. What is quiescent point or Q-point?

a) Operating point of device
b) The point at which device have maximum functionality
c) The point at which current equal to voltage
d) The point of V-I graph where slope is 0.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: Quiescent point of a device represents
operating point of a device. For a diode quiescent point is
determined by constant DC current through the diode.

2. The reciprocal of slope of current-voltage curve at

Q-point gives
a) AC resistance
b) Nominal resistance
c) Maximum dynamic resistance
d) Minimum impedance

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Answer: a
Explanation: Reciprocal of slope of I-V graph at q-point
gives AC or dynamic resistance. The inverse of slope will
be change in voltage by change in current which is known
as dynamic resistance.

3. As slope of I-V graph at Q-point increase ac resistance

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Either increase or decrease
d) Neither increase nor decrease
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Answer: b
Explanation: Slope of I-V graph at q-point is reciprocal of
dynamic or AC resistance. Therefore, as slope increases
resistance decreases.

4. Static resistance of a diode is

a) Maximum resistance of device
b) Resistance at q-point
c) Resistance at static points
d) Minimum resistance of a diode
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Answer: b
Explanation: Static or DC resistance of a diode is the
resistance offered by a diode at its q-point. DC resistance
represents steady state. That is, it is calculated by treating
current and voltage as constants.

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5. Average AC resistance and dynamic resistance are

a) Always Equal
b) Never equal
c) Both represents same quantity
d) calculated from V-I graph
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Answer: d
Explanation: Average AC resistance and dynamic or AC
resistance are not exactly same. They both measures the
resistance in a different way. AC resistance is slope of the
tangent of the curve of characteristic graph at Q-point. But
average AC resistance is measured by measuring the slope
of straight line between limits of operation.

6. After cut-in voltage AC resistance of diode

a) Slightly decreases
b) Decreases exponentially
c) Slightly increases
d) Increases exponentially
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Answer: b
Explanation: After cut-in voltage current exponentially
increases with small increase in voltage. This will
considerably reduce resistance.

7. DC resistance of diode is measured at

a) Knee current
b) Cut-in voltage
c) Q-point
d) Reverse breakdown point

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Answer: c
Explanation: Static or DC resistance of a diode is the
resistance offered by a diode at its q-point. DC resistance
represents steady state. That is, it is calculated by treating
current and voltage as constants.

8. Determine DC resistance of a diode described by

characteristic graph at ID = 10mA.

a) 9 Ω
b) 11.11 Ω
c) 10.10 Ω
d) 13.13 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: Static or DC resistance is the resistance of a
diode at its operating point.
That is DC resistance = 0.9/10mA =9Ω.

9. For a diode, at 10mA DC resistance is 70Ω. The voltage

corresponding to 10mA will be
a) 0.5V

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b) 0.6V
c) 0.7V
d) 0.8V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Static or DC resistance is the resistance of a
diode at its operating point.
Resistance = voltage/current
Therefore, voltage = current x resistance = 10mA x70 =0.7V

10. Calculate resistance of a diode at VD = -10V from the

characteristic graph given below

a) 1MΩ
b) 10MΩ
c) 15MΩ
d) 5MΩ
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Answer: b
Explanation: Static or DC resistance is the resistance of a
diode at its operating point.
Static resistance at -10V = 10V/current at -10V =10/1µA

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Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Ideal Diode Model - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ideal Diode Model – 1”.

1. In ideal diode model diode in forward bias is considered

as a
a) Resistor
b) Perfect conductor
c) Perfect insulator
d) capacitor
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

2. In ideal diode model diode in reverse bias is considered

as a
a) Resistor
b) Perfect conductor

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c) Perfect insulator
d) capacitor
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Answer: c
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

3. Voltage drop produced by a diode at forward bias in ideal

diode model is equal to
a) 0.7V
b) 0.3V
c) 1V
d) 0V
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

4. The current I through the circuit if we consider diode in

ideal diode model

a) 3mA
b) 3A

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c) 1A
d) 0.4mA
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero. Since
diode is forward biased current
I = (3V/1K) = 3mA.

5. The voltage across the diode Vout if Vin is -5V and

resistance is 10K is

a) -5V
b) 0V
c) -2.5V
d) 2.5V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero. Since
diode is reverse bias no current flows through the circuit so
entire voltage appears on diode.

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6. The current I through the circuit I if voltage v is -3V is

a) 0A
b) 3A
c) 1.5A
d) 6A
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero. Since
diode is reverse bias no current will flow through the circuit.

7. If current source produces a current of 1mA and

resistance R is 3K then voltage across the resistor is

a) 0V
b) 1V
c) 3V
d) 1.5V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero

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and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

Since current forward biases the diode it acts as a
conductor so current through resistor is zero so voltage is
zero. Therefore, voltage across resistor is zero.

8. If resistance R1 is 10K, V2 = 2V, V1 = 3V then the current

I through the circuit will be

a) 0.3mA
b) 0.6mA
c) 0.7mA
d) 0.1mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since both voltage is reverse bias to diode the diode will
disappear from the circuit. Then effective voltage becomes
3-2 = 1V so current is 1/10K = 0.1mA.

9. If resistance R1 is 10K, V2 = – 2V, V1 = 3V then the

current I through the circuit will be

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a) 0.2mA
b) 0A
c) 0.5mA
d) 0.3mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
The voltage V2 forward biases the diode so in effect V2
VAnishes. Also the V1 reverse bias to diode so it will not
pass through diode. Therefore, effective current will be
(3V/10K) = 0.3mA.

10. What will be the voltage Vout if VA = 3V and VB = -5V?

a) 5V
b) 3V
c) 2V
d) 0V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero. Since
first diode is in forward bias and second diode is in reverse
bias. So Only first diode will pass the current.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Interview

Questions and Answers for
by Manish
5-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Interview Questions and

Answers for freshers focuses on “Ideal Diode Model – 2”.

1. Find the voltage across the resistor R if VA = -3V and VB

= -5V. Use ideal diode model assumption.

a) 0V
b) -3V
c) -5V
d) -4V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero

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and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

Since both diode is in reverse bias mode current through
diode is zero.

2. Find current I if voltage V = 5V, VB = 2V, R1 & R2 = 2K.

Use ideal diode model assumption.

a) 1.5mA
b) 1.375mA
c) 2mA
d) 3mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
4V forward biases the diode while 2V is reverse bias to the
So voltage across R1 is V-VB.
That is 3V. Therefore, current through R1 = 3V/2k = 1.5mA.
Current through R2 = 3/2K = 2.5mA.
Therefore, total current I = 1.5+1.5 = 3mA.

3. Find current I if V = 5V and -5V when VB = 2V, R1 = 2K,

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R2 = 4K respectively are

a) 0A and 1.3mA
b) 1.231mA and 0.33mA
c) 3.25mA and 0A
d) 1.58mA and 0A
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Answer: c
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
V is forward biasing and VB is reverse biasing to diode.
Current through resistor R1 = V/2k = 2.5mA.
Current through resistor R2 = (V – VB ) /4k = 0.75mA.
So total current is 3.25mA.
At V = -5V, diode is reverse bias So the current is zero.

4. The output voltage V if Vin = 3V, R=5K, VB = 2V is

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a) 1V
b) 4V
c) 5V
d) 2.5V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Vin reverse biases the diode and VB so total voltage is Vin –

5. In the circuit below VB = 2V, Vin = 5V. The voltage V

across resistor R is

a) 5V
b) 2V
c) 3V
d) 7V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.

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Since Vin reverse biases the diode it won’t be shown in

resistor R. So only VB appears.

6. In the circuit Vin = 4V, VB = 3V, R = 5K. The voltage

across diode V is

a) 1V
b) 4V
c) 3V
d) 7V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since Vin reverse biases the diode and VB forward biases
the diode So total voltage across diode is Vin-VB.

7. In the circuit below Vin = 4V, R = 2K and VB = 2V. In

these conditions the voltage across diode V is

a) -4V

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b) -2V
c) 2V
d) 0V
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since net voltage Vin – VB = 2V forward biases the diode
voltage across diode is zero.

8. In the circuit shown in below I = 2mA, VB = 2V and R =

2K. The voltage V will be

a) 0V
b) 2V
c) 4V
d) 1V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since current I is forward bias to diode resistor R has no

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relevance so output voltage is VB.

9. In the circuit shown in below I = 2mA, VB = 2V and R =

2K. The voltage V will be

a) 2V
b) 3V
c) 6V
d) 5V
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Answer: c
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since diode is reverse biased by the current I, Voltage
across R = 2mA x 2k = 4V.
So total voltage will be 2+4=6V.

10. For circuit shown below Vin = 3V, R1 = 6K, R2 = 2K. The
voltage V will be

a) 3V

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b) 0.75V
c) 1V
d) 1.134V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since diode is forward biased entire voltage will appear
across R2.

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Piecewise Linear Model of Diode -

Analog Circuits Questions and
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Piecewise Linear Model of

1. After cut-in voltage in piecewise linear model diode act as

a) Resistor
b) Capacitor
c) Conductor
d) Insulator
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Answer: a
Explanation: After cut –in voltage diode act as a resistor in
piecewise linear mode. In normal operation diode current is
exponentially related to voltage.

2. Reverse biased condition of a diode in piecewise linear

model is equivalent to
a) Resistor

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b) Capacitor
c) Conductor
d) Insulator
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a diode in reverse bias mode current
through the diode is in micro amperes or nano amperes.
Hence we can assume it as zero. In piecewise linear model
reverse current is assumed to zero. That is, as an insulator.

3. Voltage drop produced by a diode in piecewise linear

mode is
a) Constant and equal to knee voltage
b) Varying linearly with voltage
c) Varies exponentially with voltage
d) Constant and equal to twice of knee voltage
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Answer: b
Explanation: Voltage drop produced by diode in piecewise
linear model is not constant. Since it contains effect of
resistor, the diode voltage linearly increases as input
voltage increases.

4. In the given circuit voltage V = 2V.cut-in voltage of diode

is 0.7V. The current I through the circuit is
(Assume piecewise linear model for diode)

a) 0.235mA

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b) 1.29mA
c) 1.63mA
d) 2.27mA
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Answer: d Explanation: Since diode is in forward bias mode

it can replaced by the equivalent circuit

I = (V-VD)/R1+RD = (3-0.7)/1010 =
5. In the given circuit input voltage Vin is 3V and V2 is 1V.
The resistance R1 is 1.5K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.5V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The Voltage V will be

a) 2.03mA
b) 0.23mA
c) 1.58mA
d) 1.33mA
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Answer: d Explanation: Since both voltage sources are

reverse bias to the diode, diode in the circuit disappears
and equivalent circuit becomes as follows

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So current I = V1-V2/R = 3-1/1.5k = 1.33mA.

6. In the given circuit input voltage V1 is -3V and V2 is -1V.
The resistance R1 is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.5V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The Voltage V will be
(Use piecewise linear model of diode)

a) -1mA
b) -2mA
c) -0.2mA
d) -0.1mA
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Answer: b Explanation: Since both voltage sources are in

forward bias to diode, the equivalent circuit will be as

Since voltage across diode is

1V. current I = -3+1/1k = -2mA.
7. In the given circuit input voltage V is 2V and VB is 1V.
The resistance R1 and R2 is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.5V. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The current I will be

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(Use piecewise linear model of diode)

a) 0.29mA
b) 0.21mA
c) 0.36mA
d) 0.15mA
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Answer: a Explanation: Since V-VB = 1V forward biases the

diode, we can use equivalent circuit of diode as follows

Current through R1, I1 = 1V/R1 =

1mA. Current through R2, I2 = (1-VD )/(R2¬+RD) =
(1-0.7)/1010 = 0.297mA.
8. In the given circuit input voltage V is 3V and VB is 1V.
The resistance R1 and R2 is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.5V. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The current I will be
(Use piecewise linear model of diode)

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a) 0.96mA
b) 2.13mA
c) 1.56mA
d) 1.23ma
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Answer: c Explanation: Since diode is in forward bias we

can assume equivalent circuit model and assume following

Let voltage across diode is V0 now

voltage across branch is V-V0 Current I = (2-V0)/R1 +(2-V0-
VB)/R2 =(2-V0)/1000+((1-V0 ))/1000 …………………….(1)
V0 = VD+ IRD = 0.7+10I Put this value in eq(1) That is, I =
(2-0.7-10I)/1000+((1-0.7-10I))/1000 => 1000I = 1.6 – 20I =>
1020 I = 1.6 That is, I = 1.6/1020 = 1.56mA.
9. In the given circuit input voltage V is -3V and VB is 1V.
The resistance R1 and R2 is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.5V. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The current I will be
(Use piecewise linear model of diode)

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a) 1.2mA
b) 0mA
c) 0.8mA
d) 1mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since diode is in reverse bias mode there
won’t be any current in the circuit. Both voltage sources
reverse biases the diode.

10. In the given circuit input voltage Vin is 3V and VB is 1V.

The resistance R is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.5V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The current I will be
(Use piecewise linear model of diode)

a) 1V
b) 3V
c) 2.3V
d) 1.3V

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Answer: b
Explanation: Since Vin is reverse bias to the diode and
greater than VB, the voltage Vin will appear on V. Hence V
will be 3V.

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Piecewise Linear Model of Diode

Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Piecewise Linear Model of

1. In the given circuit input voltage Vin is 3V and VB is 1.5V.

The resistance R is 1.5K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.5V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The Voltage V will be

a) 2.7V
b) 3V
c) 0.8V
d) 1.5V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since Vin is reverse bias to diode it will appear

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in output. Vin will appear across the diode and also VB is

less than Vin so Vin will appear across output.

2. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is 3V and VB is 2V.

The resistor R is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. The
voltage V is

a) 0.3V
b) 1V
c) 3V
d) 0V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The diode is reverse biased since voltage at
p-side is less than voltage at n-side. Hence there is no
current through the diode. Hence voltage across resistor is

3. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is -3V and VB is

-2V. The resistor R is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The voltage V is

a) -0.23V

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b) 0.29V
c) -2.72V
d) -1.3V
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Answer: b Explanation: Effective voltage across diode is

one volt. Hence diode is in forward bias mode. So we can
apply equivalent circuit of diode. Net voltage through R and
RD is -3—2+0.7 = -0.3V Current through the circuit is
0.3/(R+RD) = 0.3/(1010) = 0.29mA. Hence voltage across R
is 1Kx0.29mA = 0.29V.

4. In the circuit shown below current I is 2mA and VB is 1V.

The resistor R is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The voltage V is

a) 3V
b) 2V
c) 1V
d) 0.3V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since current source is reverse bias to the
diode current passes through resistor R. Voltage across

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resistor R is 2mA x 1k =2V. Since resistor and diodes are

parallel net output voltage V is VB + voltage across resistor
R = 1+2 = 3V.

5. In the circuit shown below current I is 2mA and VB is -1V.

The resistor R is 1K. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V.
Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The voltage V is

a) 1.3V
b) 0.3V
c) 1V
d) 2V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since current source is reverse bias to the
diode current passes through resistor R. Voltage across
resistor R is 2mA x 1k =2V. Since resistor and diodes are
parallel net output voltage V is VB + voltage across resistor
R = -1+2 = 1V.

6. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is 3V and VB is 1V.

The resistor R1 and R2 are 1K. Assume both diodes are
identical. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. Cut-in voltage of
diode is 0.7V. The voltage Vout is

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a) 1.235V
b) 0.234V
c) 1.314V
d) 1.564V
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Answer: c Explanation: Since D1 and D2 are forward biased

we can replace them with their equivalent diagram.

Assume I be the current

through the circuit. By kirchoff’s voltage rule, Vout =
-VD+IRD+IR2 ————(1) Current through R1 (Vin-Vout)/1k
= (3-Vout)/1k Current through diode is (Vin-Vout-VD-VB)/RD
= (0.3-Vout)/10 Total current I = (3-Vout)/1000+(1.3-Vout)/10
= 1.330-1.010Vout Substitute this in eq(1) That is, Vout =
-0.7 + 1010(1.33-1.01Vout) 1021Vout = 1342. Therefore,
Vout = 1.314V.
7. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is -3V and VB is
-1V. The resistor R1 and R2 are 1K. Assume both diodes
are identical. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω .Cut-in voltage
of diode is 0.7V. The voltage Vout is

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a) -2V
b) -3V
c) -1V
d) -.0.7V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since both diodes are in reverse bias mode
applied voltage Vin will appear on Vout. Diode D1 and D2
disappears and leaves the terminal as open.

8. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is 3V and VB is 1V.

The resistor R1 and R2 are 1K. Assume both diodes are
identical. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. Cut-in voltage of
diode is 0.7V. The voltage Vout is

a) 1.14V
b) 1.23V
c) 0.32V
d) 1.34V
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Answer: a Explanation:

Assume I be the current

through the circuit. By kirchoff’s voltage rule, Vout = IR2
————(1) Current through R1 (Vin-Vout-VD)/1.01k = (2.3-
Vout)/1010 Current through diode D2 is 0 since D2 is in
reverse bias mode. current I = (2.3-Vout)/1010 Substitute
this in eq(1) That is, Vout =(2.3-Vout)/1010 x 1000 =>
1.99Vout = 2.27 => Vout = 2.27/1.99 =1.144V.
9. In the circuit shown below voltage Vin is 3V and VB1 is
-1V and VB2 is 1V. Assume both diodes are identical. Cut-in
voltage of diode is 0.7V. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω.
The voltage Vout is

a) 0.6V
b) 1V
c) 1.7V
d) 2V
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Answer: a Explanation: In this condition both diodes are

forward biased

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This circuit can be further reduced

to by assuming VB as 1V

By network analysis
using kirchoff’s voltage rule current through RD2 will be
0.09A. The voltage in Vout will be VB+VD-0.09×10 = 0.6V.
10. In the circuit shown below, cut-in voltage of diode is
0.7V. Forward bias resistance is 10Ω. The voltage V is

a) 0.69V
b) 0.7V
c) 0.68V
d) 0.72V
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Answer: d Explanation: Since diode is in forward bias we

can replace diode with voltage source of 0.7V and resistor
of resistance 10Ω.

Vout will be IRD+VD = 2mAx10 + 0.7 =

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Analog Circuits.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Constant Voltage Drop Model -

Analog Circuits Questions and
by Manish
5-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Constant Voltage Drop

1. In constant voltage drop model diode in forward bias is

considered as a
a) Resistor
b) Perfect conductor
c) Perfect insulator
d) capacitor
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model the diode is
considered as a perfect conductor in forward bias and
perfect insulator in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at
forward bias is zero and current through the diode at
reverse bias is zero. In this model at forward bias diode can
be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode can be

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avoided by considering the terminals are open.

2. In constant voltage drop diode in reverse bias is

considered as a
a) Resistor
b) Perfect conductor
c) Perfect insulator
d) capacitor
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Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop the diode is
considered as a perfect conductor in forward bias and
perfect insulator in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at
forward bias is zero and current through the diode at
reverse bias is zero. In this model at forward bias diode can
be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode can be
avoided by considering the terminals are open.

3. The current I through the circuit if we consider diode in

constant voltage drop model is
(Take VD as 0.5V)

a) 2mA
b) 2.5mA
c) 3.5mA
d) 1mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since D1 is in forward biased there will be a voltage drop of
0.5V. So net voltage will be 2.5V and hence current is

4. The voltage across the diode Vout if Vin is -5V and

resistance is 10K is
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

a) -3V
b) 0V
c) -5V
d) -2.5V
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is reverse biased entire voltage will appear
across diode.

5. The voltage across the diode Vout if Vin is 5V and

resistance is 10K is
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

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a) 5V
b) 0.5V
c) 2.5V
d) 0V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is forward biased and potential is greater than
VD voltage across diode is VD.

6. The current I through the circuit I if voltage v is -3V is

(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

a) 10mA
b) 1mA
c) 3mA
d) 0mA
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Answer: d

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Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias

diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is reverse biased there is no current through
the circuit.

7. If current source produces a current of 1mA and

resistance R is 3K then voltage across the resistor is
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

a) 3V
b) 0V
c) 0.5V
d) 0.3V
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Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is forward biased and maximum voltage if all
current pass through resistor Is 3V which is greater than VD
voltage across diode is VD.

8. If resistance R1 is 10K, V2 = 2V, V1 = 3V then the current

I through the circuit will be
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

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a) 0.3mA
b) 0.6mA
c) 0.7mA
d) 0.1mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: In ideal diode model the diode is considered
as a perfect conductor in forward bias and perfect insulator
in reverse bias. That is voltage drop at forward bias is zero
and current through the diode at reverse bias is zero.
Since both voltage is reverse bias to diode the diode will
disappear from the circuit. Then effective voltage becomes
3-2 = 1V so current is 1/10K = 0.1mA.

9. If resistance R1 is 10K, V2 = -2V, V1 = -3V then the

current I through the circuit will be
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

a) 0.5mA
b) 0.25mA
c) 2mA

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d) 3mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since both voltage sources are forward biased the diode V2
and diode can be replaced by a single cell of VD. So net
voltage in the circuit is 2.5V. So the current will be 0.25mA.

10. What will be the voltage Vout if VA = 3V and VB = -5V?

(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take VD as

a) 2.5
b) 3.5
c) -5.5
d) -4.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since first diode is forward biased and second diode
reverse bias, first voltage appears on resistor with a voltage
drop of VD.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Questions and

Answers for Experienced
by Manish
5-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Questions and Answers for

Experienced people focuses on “Constant Voltage Drop

1. Voltage across the resistor R if VA = -3V and VB = -5V is

(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 0V
b) -3V
c) -5V
d) -4V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.

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2. Current I if voltage V = 5V, VB = 2V, R1 & R2 = 2K

(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 1.25mA
b) 1mA
c) 2.75mA
d) 1.75mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since Vin and VB are opposite net voltage is 3V. Voltage at
R1 is 3V so current is 1.5mA. Voltage at R2 is 3-0.5 = 2.5V.
So the current is 1.25mA. The net current is 2.75mA.

3. Current I if V = 5V and -5V when VB = 2V, R1 = 2K, R2 =

4K respectively are
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

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a) 1.3mA, 0.23mA
b) 2.875mA, 0mA
c) 2mA, 0mA
d) 1.423mA, 0 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is in forward bias net total voltage becomes
Current through branch 1 will be 4.5V / 2K = 2.25mA.
Current through branch 2 will be (4.5-2)/4K = 0.625mA.
So net current is sum of these two. Therefore, net current is

4. The output voltage V if Vin = 3V, R=5K, VB = 2V is

(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

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a) 0V
b) 3.5V
c) 2.5V
d) 1.5V
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Answer: d
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since Vin is reverse bias to the diode all Vin will appear
across diode. Since Vin is opposite to VB net voltage will be

5. In the circuit below VB = 2V, Vin = 5V. The voltage V

across resistor R is
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 1.5V
b) 2.5V
c) 3.5V

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d) 2V
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Answer: a
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since Vin reverse bias to the diode it has no effect in R.
Therefore, VB alone control voltage at R. So voltage across
R will be same as VB with a voltage drop of VD.

6. In the circuit Vin = 4V, VB = 3V, R = 5K. The voltage

across diode V is
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 0V
b) 0.5V
c) 1V
d) 1.5V
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is in reverse bias mode, the net voltage will
appear on the voltage that is 1V.

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7. In the circuit below Vin = 4V, R = 2K and VB = 2V. In

these conditions the voltage across diode V is
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 2.5
b) 4.5
c) 0.5
d) 1.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is forward biased it will produce a voltage drop
of VD.

8. In the circuit shown in below I = 2mA, VB = 2V and R =

2K. The voltage V will be
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 0V

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b) 2.5V
c) 6V
d) 3.5V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since current source forward bases the diode voltage drop
across diode is VD. So net voltage output is VD+VB.

9. In the circuit shown in below I = 2mA, VB = 2V and R =

2K. The voltage V will be
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 4V
b) 3V
c) 6V
d) 5.5V
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Answer: c
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since current source reverse biases diode, all current pass

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through resistor R. So voltage across resistor is 4V. Since

voltage source cannot produce current due to lack of closed
circuit total voltage at the output is 6V.

10. For circuit shown below Vin = 3V, R1 = 6K, R2 = 2K. The
voltage V will be
(Use constant voltage drop model assumption and take VD
= 0.5V)

a) 2V
b) 3V
c) 3.5V
d) 2.5V
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Answer: d
Explanation: In constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode can be replaced as a cell and in reverse bias diode
can be avoided by considering the terminals are open.
Since diode is forward biased and parallel to resistor R1
voltage drop across diode is VD. So net voltage equals to
Vin –VD.

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Questions and Answers.

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Transition Capacitance - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
6-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Transition Capacitance”.

1. Which of the following is not known as transition

a) Junction capacitance
b) Space-Charge capacitance
c) Diffusion capacitance
d) Barrier capacitance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor. The other names for this is
Junction capacitance, Space-Charge capacitance, Barrier
capacitance, Depletion region capacitance.

2. Which of the following is not known as transition


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a) Depletion region capacitance

b) Space-Charge capacitance
c) Nominal capacitance
d) Junction capacitance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor. The other names for this is
Junction capacitance, Space-Charge capacitance, Barrier
capacitance, Depletion region capacitance.

3. Transition capacitance of a diode is directly proportional

a) Area of cross section
b) Width of depletion region
c) Reverse voltage applied across the terminals
d) Drift current
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor.
The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section.

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4. Transition capacitance of a diode is inversely proportional

a) Area of cross section
b) Width of depletion region
c) Relative permittivity
d) Drift current
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor.
The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section.

5. As reverse bias voltage increases transition capacitance

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Doesn’t depend upon voltage
d) constant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor.
The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W

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Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =

depletion width
A = area of cross section
As reverse bias increases depletion width also increases
hence transition capacitance decreases.

6. Relation between relative permittivity and transition

capacitance is, they are
a) Inversely proportional
b) Directly proportional
c) Independent
d) Directly proportional with degree 2.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transition capacitance is the capacitance
exhibited by a diode due to the p-side and n-side of the
diode is separated by a distance of depletion width same as
in an electrolytic capacitor.
The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section
Relative permittivity is directly proportional to permittivity of

7. For a diode the transition capacitance was 10pF. The

depletion width changed from 1µm to 10 µm. All other
conditions remain unchanged. The new diode capacitance
a) 5pF

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b) 1.414pF
c) 1pF
d) 10pF
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section
Since depletion width increased 10 times and all other
quantities are same, the capacitance decrease by 10 times.

8. For a diode the transition capacitance was 15pF. The

diode is replaced with another diode of same material with
twice cross sectional area. Terminal voltage remains
unchanged. The capacitance of new diode is
a) 15pF
b) 30pF
c) 60pF
d) 7.5pF
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section
Since A becomes 2A capacitance also doubles.

9. A diode is replaced with another diode of different

material. The ratio of relative permittivity of new material to

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old is 0.5. The initial capacitance was 20pF, then final

capacitance will be
a) 15pF
b) 20pF
c) 10pF
d) 2pF
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section
Since permittivity becomes half capacitance also halves.

10. A diode had a transition capacitance of 1pF and

depletion width of 1 µm. The capacitance changes to 10 pF
when the depletion width changes. The final depletion width
a) 10 µm
b) 0.1 µm
c) 1 µm
d) 100 µm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equation of transition capacitance = ƸA/W
Where Ƹ = permittivity of the material of diode , W =
depletion width
A = area of cross section
Since depletion with and capacitance are inversely

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Depletion width decreases to 0.1 µm.

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Load Line Analysis - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Load Line Analysis”.

1. From the circuit and the diode characteristics given

alongside, and assuming R=2k, what is the value of diode
voltage at the operating point?

a) 0.78 V
b) 10 V
c) 0 V

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d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a
Explanation: On drawing the load line with the equation: VD
= ED + IDRD, we get the operating point with the value of at
voltage at around 0.7-0.8 V. Hence, VDq=0.78 V.

2. From the circuit and the diode characteristics given and

assuming R=1k, what is the value of diode current at
operating point?

a) 20 mA
b) 9.3 mA
c) 0 mA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: On drawing the load line with the equation: VD
= ED + IDRD, we get the operating point with the value of

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current at around 9.2-9.4 mA. Hence, IDq=9.3 mA

3. From the circuit and the diode characteristics given and

assuming R=1k, what is the value of voltage across the
resistor at operating point?

a) 10 V
b) 0 V
c) 9.3 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that VR=IDR = 9.3 x 1 = 9.3 V.

4. From the given load line characteristics, what is the

relation between R1 and R2 , assuming constant source

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a) R1 > R2
b) R1 = R2
c) R1 < R2
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the y-intercept=E/R hence, lower the
y-intercept, higher the value of R, Hence, R1<R2

5. What is the change in voltage across the resistor when

the load line is shifted from R1 and R2?

a) 0 V
b) 9.25 V
c) 10 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a

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Explanation: The value of voltage calculated across resistor

is calculated by E-VD, which is constant for both cases.

6. From the given load characteristics, what is the value of

diode current at operating point for the characteristics of

a) 9.3 mA
b) 4.6 mA
c) 0 mA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: At the point of intersection, the value of current
is around 4.6 mA.

7. From the given load characteristics, what is the value of

diode voltage at operating point for the characteristics of

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a) 0 V
b) 10 V
c) 0.7 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: At the point of intersection, the value of diode
voltage is approximately 0.7 V.

8. Using the approximate equivalent model of a silicon

diode and taking E=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of
diode voltage at operating point?
a) 0.7 V
b) 0.3 V
c) 10 V
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: In the approximate equivalent model, the
diode voltage is fixed at the forward bias threshold voltage,
which for a silicon diode is equal to 0.7 V

9. Using the approximate equivalent model of a silicon

diode and taking E=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of
diode voltage at operating point?
a) 9.25 mA
b) 10 mA
c) 0 mA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the approximate equivalent model, the
characteristic is assumed to be a vertical upward line at
V=0.7 V. Hence, the current at point of intersection is
determined to be 9.25 mA

10. Using the ideal diode model of a silicon diode and

taking E=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of diode voltage
at operating point?
a) 0.7 V
b) 0 V
c) 10 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model, we take the forward
threshold voltage to be zero. Hence thee diode
characteristic is represented as the upper half of the y-axis.
Hence, VD = 0 V.

11. Using the ideal diode model of a silicon diode and

taking E=10 V and R=1k, what is the value of diode current
at operating point?
a) 9.25 mA
b) 10 mA
c) 0 mA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In ideal diode model, we take the forward

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threshold voltage to be zero. Hence thee diode

characteristic is represented as the upper half of the y-axis.
Hence, ID= E/R = 10 mA.

12. The ideal diode model of a silicon semiconductor diode

gives an error that is greater than that obtained in
approximate equivalent model. Is the statement true or
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the ideal diode we assume the diode
voltage as zero whereas in the approximate equivalent
circuit model, we assume VD = 0.7 V and the actual value
is somewhere about 0.75-0.8 V. Hence, approximate
equivalent model is more accurate.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Halfwave Rectifier - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Halfwave Rectifier”.

1. DC average current of a half wave rectifier output is

(Where Im is the maxImum peak current of input
a) 2Im/ᴨ
b) Im/ᴨ
c) Im/2ᴨ
d) 1.414Im/ᴨ
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Answer: b
Explanation: Average DC current of half wave rectifier is
Im/ᴨ . Since output of half wave rectifier contains only one
half of the input. The average value is the half of the area of
one half cycle of sine wave with peak Im. This is equal to

2. DC power output of half wave rectifier is equal to

(Im is the peak current and RL is the load resistance)
a) (2Im2/ ᴨ2)RL

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b) (Im2/2 ᴨ2)RL
c) (Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
d) (4Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
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Answer: c
Explanation: Average DC power of half wave rectifier output
is (Im2/ ᴨ2)RL. Since power is VDC * IDC,
= Im/ᴨ x Vm/ᴨ = VmIm/ ᴨ2
We know Vm = Im RL. Therefore, power = (Im2/ ᴨ2)RL.

3. Ripple factor of half wave rectifier is

a) 1.414
b) 1.21
c) 1.3
d) 0.48
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ripple factor of a rectifier is the measure of
effectiveness of a power supply filter
in reducing the ripple voltage. It is calculated by taking ratio
of ripple voltage to DC output voltage.
For a half wave rectifier, it is 1.21.

4. If input frequency is 50Hz then ripple frequency of half

wave rectifier will be equal to
a) 100Hz
b) 50Hz
c) 25Hz
d) 500Hz
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ripple frequency of output and input is
same since one half cycle of input is passed and other half
cycle is blocked. So effectively frequency is the same.

5. Transformer utilization factor of a half wave rectifier is

equal to
a) 0.267
b) 0.287
c) 0.297
d) 0.256
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transformer utilization factor is the ratio of AC
power delivered to load to the DC power rating. This factor
indicates effectiveness of transformer usage by rectifier. For
half wave rectifier it is low and equal to 0.287.

6. If peak voltage on a half wave rectifier circuit is 5V and

diode cut-in voltage is 0.7, then peak inverse voltage on
diode will be
a) 5.7V
b) 3.6V
c) 4.3V
d) 5V
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Answer: c
Explanation: PIV is the maxImum reveres bias voltage that
can be appeared across a diode in the circuit. If PIV rating
of the diode is less than this value breakdown of diode may

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occur. For a half wave rectifier PIV of diode is Vm – VD.

Therefore, PIV is 5-0.7V.

7. Efficiency of half wave rectifier is

a) 50%
b) 81.2%
c) 40.6%
d) 45.3%
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Answer: c
Explanation: Efficiency of a rectifier is the effectiveness of
rectifier to convert AC to DC. For half wave rectifier it is only

8. In an half wave rectifier, the input sine wave is 200sin100

ᴨt. The average output voltage is
a) 57.456V
b) 60.548V
c) 75.235V
d) 63.694V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
Therefore, Em=200
Hence output voltage is Em/ ᴨ. That is 200/ ᴨ.

9. In an half wave rectifier, the input sine wave is 200sin200

ᴨt. If load resistance is of 1k then average DC power output
of half wave rectifier is
a) 3.25W

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b) 4.05W
c) 5.02W
d) 6.25W
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
On comparing Em = 200
Power = Em2/ ᴨ2RL = 200/ ᴨ2x 1000.

10. In an half wave rectifier, the input sine wave is

250sin100 ᴨt. The output ripple frequency of rectifier will be
a) 100Hz
b) 200Hz
c) 50Hz
d) 25Hz
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
On comparing equation w = 100 ᴨ rad/s
We know w=2 ᴨ x frequency.
Therefore, frequency = 50 Hz.
Ripple frequency and input frequency are the same.

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Fullwave Rectifier - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fullwave Rectifier”.

1. DC average current of a center taped full wave rectifier

(Where Im is the maxImum peak current of input)
a) 2Im/ᴨ
b) Im/ᴨ
c) Im/2ᴨ
d) 1.414Im/ᴨ
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Answer: a
Explanation: Average DC current is the average current in
the output of rectifier. For a center taped full wave rectifier,
if a sinusoidal input is given output will contain only one half
cycle repeatedly. So average current will be twice as half
wave rectifier.

2. DC power output of center taped full wave rectifier is

equal to
(Im is the peak current and RL is the load resistance)

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a) (2Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
b) (Im2/2 ᴨ2)RL
c) (Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
d) (4Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
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Answer: d
Explanation: DC output power is the power output of the
rectifier. It is equal to VDCIDC.
We know VDC for a center taped rectifier is 2Vm/ᴨ and IDC
for a center tap rectifier is 2Im/ᴨ.
We also know VDC = IDC/RL.
Hence output power is (4Im2/ ᴨ2)RL.

3. Ripple factor of center taped full wave rectifier is

a) 1.414
b) 1.21
c) 1.3
d) 0.48
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ripple factor of a rectifier is the measure of
effectiveness of a power supply filter
in reducing the ripple voltage. It is calculated by taking ratio
of ripple voltage to DC output voltage.
For a center taped full wave rectifier, it is 0.482.

4. If input frequency is 50Hz then ripple frequency of center

taped full wave rectifier will be equal to
a) 100Hz
b) 50Hz

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c) 25Hz
d) 500Hz
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since in the output of center taped rectifier one
half cycle is repeated hence frequency will twice as that of
input frequency. That is 100Hz.

5. Transformer utilization factor of a center taped full wave

rectifier is equal to
a) 0.623
b) 0.678
c) 0.693
d) 0.625
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Answer: c
Explanation: Transformer utilization factor is the ratio of AC
power delivered to load to the DC power rating. This factor
indicates effectiveness of transformer usage by rectifier. For
center taped full wave rectifier it is equal to 0.693.

6. If peak voltage on a center taped full wave rectifier circuit

is 5V and diode cut-in voltage is 0.7, then peak inverse
voltage on diode will be
a) 4.3V
b) 9.3V
c) 5.7V
d) 10.7V
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Answer: b

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Explanation: PIV is the maxImum reveres bias voltage that

can be appeared across a diode in the circuit. If PIV rating
of the diode is less than this value breakdown of diode may
occur. For a center tap full wave rectifier PIV of diode is
2Vm – VD. Therefore, PIV is 10-0.7V.

7. Efficiency of center taped full wave rectifier is

a) 50%
b) 81.2%
c) 40.6%
d) 45.3%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Efficiency of a rectifier is the effectiveness of
rectifier to convert AC to DC.It is obtained by taking ratio of
DC power output to maxImum AC power delivered to load. It
is usually expressed in percentage. For center taped full
wave rectifier, it is 81.2%.

8. In an center taped full wave rectifier, the input sine wave

is 20sin500 ᴨt. The average output voltage is
a) 12.73V
b) 6.93V
c) 11.62V
d) 3.23V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
Therefore, Em=20

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Hence output voltage is 2Em/ ᴨ. That is 40/ ᴨ.

9. In an center taped full wave rectifier, the input sine wave

is 200sin50 ᴨt. If load resistance is of 1k then average DC
power output of half wave rectifier is
a) 12.56W
b) 16.20W
c) 4.02W
d) 8.04W
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
On comparing Em = 200
Power = 4Em2/ ᴨ2RL = 800/ ᴨ2x 1000 = 16.20W.

10. In an center taped full wave rectifier, the input sine

wave is 250sin100 ᴨt. The output ripple frequency of
rectifier will be
a) 50Hz
b) 200Hz
c) 100Hz
d) 25Hz
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
Therefore, w = 100ᴨ that is, frequency f = w/2ᴨ = 50Hz
Since output of center taped full wave rectifier have double
the frequency of input, output frequency is 100Hz.

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Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Bridge Rectifier - Analog Circuits

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bridge Rectifier”.

1. DC average current of a bridge full wave rectifier

(Where Im is the maxImum peak current of input)
a) 2Im/ᴨ
b) Im/ᴨ
c) Im/2ᴨ
d) 1.414Im/ᴨ
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Answer: a
Explanation: Average DC current is the average current in
the output of rectifier. For a bridge full wave rectifier, if a
sinusoidal input is given output will contain only one half
cycle repeatedly. So average current will be twice as half
wave rectifier.

2. DC power output of bridge full wave rectifier is equal to

(Im is the peak current and RL is the load resistance)
a) (2Im2/ ᴨ2)RL

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b) (4Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
c) (Im2/ ᴨ2)RL
d) (Im2/2 ᴨ2)RL
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Answer: b
Explanation: DC output power is the power output of the
rectifier. It is equal to VDCIDC.
We know VDc for a bridge rectifier is 2Vm/ᴨ and IDC for a
bridge rectifier is 2Im/ᴨ. We also know VDC = IDC/RL.
Hence output power is (4Im2/ ᴨ2)RL

3. Ripple factor of bridge full wave rectifier is

a) 1.414
b) 1.212
c) 0.482
d) 1.321
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ripple factor of a rectifier measures the ripples
or AC content in the output. It is obtained by dividing AC
rms output with DC output. For full wave bridge rectifier it is

4. If input frequency is 50Hz then ripple frequency of bridge

full wave rectifier will be equal to
a) 200Hz
b) 50Hz
c) 45Hz
d) 100Hz
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since in the output of bridge rectifier one half
cycle is repeated hence frequency will twice as that of input
frequency. That is 100Hz.

5. Transformer utilization factor of a bridge full wave rectifier

is equal to
a) 0.623
b) 0.812
c) 0.693
d) 0.825
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Answer: b
Explanation: Transformer utilization factor is the ratio of AC
power delivered to load to the DC power rating. This factor
indicates effectiveness of transformer usage by rectifier. For
bridge full wave rectifier it is equal to 0.693.

6. If peak voltage on a bridge full wave rectifier circuit is 5V

and diode cut-in voltage is 0.7, then peak inverse voltage
on diode will be
a) 4.3V
b) 9.3V
c) 8.6V
d) 3.6V
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Answer: d
Explanation: PIV is the maximum reveres bias voltage that
can be appeared across a diode in the circuit. If PIV rating
of the diode is less than this Value breakdown of diode may

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occur. Therefore, PIV rating of diode should be greater than

PIV in the circuit. For bridge rectifier PIV is Vm-2VD. ie

7. Efficiency of bridge full wave rectifier is

a) 81.2%
b) 50%
c) 40.6%
d) 45.3%
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is obtained by taking ratio of DC power
output to maximum AC power delivered to load. Efficiency
of a rectifier is the effectiveness of rectifier to convert AC to
DC. It is usually expressed in percentage. For bridge full
wave rectifier, it is 81.2%.

8. In an bridge full wave rectifier, the input sine wave is

40sin100 ᴨt. The average output voltage is
a) 22.73V
b) 16.93V
c) 25.47V
d) 33.23V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
Therefore, Em=40
Hence output voltage is 2Em/ ᴨ. That is 80/ ᴨ.

9. Number of diodes used in a full wave bridge rectifier is

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a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 6
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Answer: c
Explanation: The model of bridge rectifier is same as
weibridge. Like weinbridge needs 4 resistors bridge rectifier
needs 4 diodes while center tap configuration requires only

10. In an bridge full wave rectifier, the input sine wave is

250sin100 ᴨt. The output ripple frequency of rectifier will be
a) 50Hz
b) 200Hz
c) 100Hz
d) 25Hz
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of sine wave is in the form Em
sin wt.
Therefore, w = 100ᴨ that is, frequency f = w/2ᴨ = 50Hz
Since output of full wave bridge rectifier have double the
frequency of input, output frequency is 100Hz.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Series Clipper - Analog Circuits

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Series Clipper-1”.

1. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)


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Answer: c
Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the
negative half cycle and the output will only contain positive
half cycle. In this problem input is a sine wave, hence
output will be positive half of sine wave.

2. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a triangular wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)

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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the
negative half cycle and the output will only contain positive
half cycle. In this problem input is a triangular wave, hence
output will be positive half of triangular wave.

3. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

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signal is a square wave shown below.

(Use ideal diode model of diode)




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Answer: d

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Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the

negative half cycle and the output will only contain positive
half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave, hence
output will be positive half of square wave.

4. A simple circuit diagram for a serial clipper is given

below. What will be the transfer characteristics of the
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode)





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Answer: a
Explanation: Since at constant voltage drop model voltage
drop across diode at forward bias is a constant. In this
circuit if input is negative diode is reverse bias hence no
current. So for negative input output is zero. For positive
input Vout will be equal to input with a voltage drop of VD.

5. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)



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View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the
positive half cycle and the output will only contain negative
half cycle. In this problem input is a sine wave, hence
output will be negative half of sine wave.

6. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a triangular wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)

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Answer: a
Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the
positive half cycle and the output will only contain negative
half cycle. In this problem input is a triangular wave, hence
output will be negative half of triangular wave.

7. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a square wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)

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View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: In the circuit of serial clipper, it clips the
positive half cycle and the output will only contain negative

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half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave, hence

output will be negative half of square wave.

8. A simple circuit diagram for a serial clipper is given

below. What will be the transfer characteristics of the
circuit? (Use constant voltage drop model of diode)




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Answer: b
Explanation: Since at constant voltage drop model voltage

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drop across diode at forward bias is a constant. In this

circuit if input is positive diode is reverse bias hence no
current. So for positive input output is zero. For negative
input Vout will be equal to input with a voltage drop of VD.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Interview

Questions and Answers for
by Manish
5-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Interview Questions and

Answers for Experienced people focuses on “Series

1. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will
be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)

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Answer: a Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V = 5sint -0.7 – 1 = 5sint -1.7 The voltage across
resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -1.7) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-1.7/2 = 1.65V The output
will be positive half of sine wave with an upward shift of 1V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output

2. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

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Voltage V is -1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will

be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)




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Answer: b Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V = 5sint -0.7 + 1 = 5sint +0.3 The voltage across

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resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint +0.3) 1/2

Maximum value of output will be 5+0.3/2 = 2.65V The
output will be positive half of sine wave with a downward
shift of 1V. In the diagram below Red is input and green is

3. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.
Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will
be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)

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Answer: c Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD+V = 5sint -0.7 +1 = 5sint +0.3 The voltage across
resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint +0.3) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5+0.3/2 = 2.65V The
output will be positive half of sine wave with maximum
voltage of 2.65V In the diagram below Red is input and
green is output.

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4. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will
be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)




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Answer: d Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V = 5sint -0.7 – 1 = 5sint -1.7 The voltage across
resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -1.7) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-1.7/2 = 1.65V The output
will be positive half of sine wave with reduction of 1.7V and
maximum of 2.15V. In the diagram below Red is input and
green is output.

5. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V1 is 1V and V2 is 1.5V. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the
signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)

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Answer: a Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V1-V2 = 5sint -0.7 – 1-1.5 = 5sint -3.2 The voltage
across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -3.2) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-3.2/2 = 0.9V. The output
will be positive half of sine wave with reduction of 3.2V and

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maximum of 0.9V. In the diagram below Red is input and

green is output.

6. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V1 is -1.5V and V2 is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the
signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)


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Answer: b Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V1-V2 = 5sint -0.7 +1.5– 1 = 5sint -0.2 The voltage
across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -0.2) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-0.2/2 = 2.4V. The output
will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 2.4V. In
the diagram below Red is input and green is output.

7. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V1 is 1.5V and V2 is -1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.7V. What will be the output, Vout of the system if Vin is
the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)

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Answer: c Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-

V1-V2 = 5sint -0.7 -1.5+1 = 5sint -1.2 The voltage across
resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -1.2) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-1.2/2 = 1.9V. The output
will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 1.9V.

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In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.

8. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k.

Voltage V1 is 1.5V and V2 is 1 V. Cut-in voltage of diode is
0.7V. What will be the output, Vout of the system if Vin is
the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)


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Answer: d Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-

VD-V1-V2 = 5sint -0.7 -1.5-1 = 5sint -3.2 The voltage
across resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2) = (5sint -3.2) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-3.2/2 = 0.9V. The output
will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 0.9V
and with an upward shift of 1V. In the diagram below Red is
input and green is output.

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is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and


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Parallel Clipper - Analog Circuits

Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Parallel Clipper-1”.

1. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)


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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the negative half cycle and the output will only contain
negative half cycle. In this problem input is a sine wave,
hence output will be negative half of sine wave.

2. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a triangular wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)

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Answer: a
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the negative half cycle and thus output will only contain
negative half cycle. In this problem input is a triangular
wave, hence output will be negative half of triangular wave.

3. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

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signal is a square wave shown below.

(Use ideal diode model of diode)





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Answer: c
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the negative half cycle and thus output will only contain
negative half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave,
hence output will be negative half of square wave.

4. A simple circuit diagram for a serial clipper is given

below. What will be the transfer characteristics of the
(Use ideal diode model of diode)




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Answer: c
Explanation: Since at constant voltage drop model voltage
drop across diode at forward bias is a constant. In this
circuit if input is negative diode is reverse bias hence no
current. For positive input diode conducts and hence for
positive input output is zero. For negative input vout will be
equal to input.

5. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)


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Answer: c
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode bocks the
positive half cycle and thus output will only contain positive
half cycle. In this problem input is a sine wave, hence
output will be positive half of sine wave.

6. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a triangular wave shown below.
(Use ideal diode model of diode)

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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the positive half cycle and the output will only contain
positive half cycle. In this problem input is a triangular wave,
hence output will be positive half of triangular wave.

7. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

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signal is a square wave shown below.

(Use ideal diode model of diode)





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View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the positive half cycle and thus output will only contain
positive half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave,
hence output will be positive half of square wave.

8. A simple circuit diagram for a serial clipper is given

below. What will be the transfer characteristics of the
circuit? (Use constant voltage drop model of diode)




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Answer: d
Explanation: Since at constant voltage drop model voltage
drop across diode at forward bias is a constant. In this
circuit if input is positive diode is reverse bias hence no
current. For negative input diode conducts and hence for
negative input output is zero. For positive input vout will be
equal to input.

9. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input

signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use constant voltage drop diode model of diode)

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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the positive half cycle and the output will only contain
positive half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave,
hence output will be positive half of square wave. But since

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diode is in constant voltage drop model at forward bias

diode has a potential drop of Vd. This will also reflect in the
output and hence at negative input output voltage will be a
constant and equals to Vd.

10. For a circuit given below, what will be the output if input
signal is a sine wave shown below.
(Use constant voltage drop diode model of diode)



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Answer: b
Explanation: In the circuit of parallel clipper, diode blocks
the negative half cycle and the output will only contain
negative half cycle. In this problem input is a square wave,
hence output will be negative half of square wave. But since
diode is in constant voltage drop model at forward bias
diode has a potential drop of Vd. This will also reflect in the
output and hence at positive input output voltage will be a
constant and equals to Vd.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Test - Sanfoundry

by Manish
6-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits test focuses on “Parallel


1. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)



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Answer: c Explanation: When diode D is forward biased it

conducts current and hence voltage drop across is VD. For
positive half cycle of the input diode conducts and Vout
becomes VD. The linear portion of the graph is the point
where Vin is positive is because up to 0.7V diode will not
conduct and input as such appears on output. When diode
is reverse bias there is no current through the diode and
hence the voltage will be same as that across the resistor
which is connected to ground. It is Vinx1k/(1k+1k). The
minimum voltage across it will be -5/2 = -2.5V and
maximum voltage at output is 0.7V In the diagram, red
shows input and green shows output

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2. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)





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Answer: c
Explanation: When diode D is forward biased it conducts
current and hence voltage drop across is VD.
For positive half cycle of the input diode conducts and Vout
becomes VD. When diode is reverse bias there is no current
through the diode and hence the voltage will be same as
that across the resistor which is connected to ground. It is
The minimum voltage across it will be -5/2 = -2.5V and
maximum voltage at output is 0.7V.

3. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)



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Answer: d Explanation: When diode D is forward biased it

conducts current and hence voltage drop across is VD. For
negative half cycle of the input diode conducts and Vout
becomes VD. When diode is reverse bias there is no current
through the diode and hence the voltage will be same as
that across the resistor which is connected to ground. It is
Vinx1k/(1k+1k). The maximum voltage across it will be 5/2 =
2.5V and minimum voltage at output is -0.7V In the
diagram, red shows input and green shows output.

4. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: d
Explanation: When diode D is forward biased it conducts
current and hence voltage drop across is VD.

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For negative half cycle of the input diode conducts and Vout
becomes VD. When diode is reverse bias there is no current
through the diode and hence the voltage will be same as
that across the resistor which is connected to ground. It is
The maximum voltage across it will be 5/2 = 2.5V and
minimum voltage at output is -0.7V.

5. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

a) 5v
b) 2v
c) 0V
d) 10v
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Answer: c
Explanation: In circuit of parallel clipper voltage across the
diode D2 will be same as a simple parallel clipper. The
output of the circuit is null because the output of diode D2 is
negative and diode D will not conduct negative voltage.

6. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?

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(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in

voltage as 0.7V)




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Answer: a
Explanation: Answer is first graph, because the diode D2
gives negative output and this can be obtained through the
diode D. Sine it passes through diode D it will have a
voltage drop of VD.

7. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)


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Answer: b
Explanation: Here in the circuit since both diodes are in
opposite direction both positive and negative cycles will
pass through diodes. Since both diodes conduct every time
the voltage across diodes will always be 0.7V and sign
depends on the cycle.

8. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: d
Explanation: Here in the circuit since both diodes are in
opposite direction both positive and negative cycles will
pass through diodes. Since both diodes conduct every time
the voltage across diodes will always be 0.7V and sign
depends on the cycle.

9. For the circuit given below, which of the following

diagram represent Vout if Vin is the signal shown below?
(Use constant voltage drop model of diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: c Explanation: The circuit can be simplified using

star –delta conversion of resistors. The three resistor
network can be solved by delta – star equivalent which

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gives a simplified form as former questions afer solVing star

–delta the circuit will look like as follows

Hence the
circuit is simplified. When diode D is forward biased it
conducts current and hence voltage drop across is VD. For
negative half cycle of the input diode conducts and Vout
becomes VD. When diode is reverse bias there is no current
through the diode and hence the voltage will be same as
that across the resistor which is connected to ground. It is
Vinx333.3/(0.33k+1.33k). The maximum voltage across it
will be 0.7V and minimum voltage at output is -1V In the
diagram, red shows input and green shows output.

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complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and


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Parallel Clipper Circuit with

Reference Voltage Questions and
by Manish
6-8 minutes

his set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Parallel Clipper Circuit with
Reference Voltage-1”.

1. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output V of the circuit given below?
The voltage VB is 1V and input to the circuit Vin is 5sint.
The resistance R is 1K.
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit VB is in the forward direction for
diode. At positive cycle of Vin diode will be forward biased
up to Vin = 0.3V. Up to 0.3V output is 0.3V and after this
diode is reverse biased and output follows input. In negative
cycle diode is always forward biased and output will be
equal to 1-0.7 = 0.3V.

2. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

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describe output V of the circuit given below?

The voltage VB is 1V and input to the circuit Vin is 5sint.
The resistance R is 1K.
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)




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Answer: c Explanation: In the circuit VB is in the forward

direction for diode. At positive cycle of Vin diode will be
forward biased up to Vin = 0.3V. Up to 0.3V output is 0.7V
and after this diode is reverse biased and output follows
input. In negative cycle diode is always forward biased and
output will be equal to 0.7V in reverse direction. In the
following diagram red represents input and green
represents output.

3. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output V of the circuit given below?
The voltage VB is 1V and input to the circuit Vin is 5sint.
The resistance R is 1K.
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: b
Explanation: In the circuit VB is in the reverse direction for
diode. At positive cycle of Vin diode will be forward biased

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from Vin = 1.7V. Up to 1.7V output is 5sint-1V and after this

diode is forward biased and output will be 0.7V. In negative
cycle diode is always reverse biased and output will be
equal to 5sint-1.

4. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is
5sint. Assume both diodes are identical. (Use constant
voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in voltage as



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Answer: d
Explanation: In the circuit V1 and V2 are in the forward
direction for diodes. Since these are parallel we can
consider this as a single diode and source. At positive cycle
of Vin diode will be forward biased up to Vin = 0.3V. Up to
0.3V output is 0.3V and after this diode is reverse biased
and output follows input. In negative cycle diode is always
forward biased and output will be equal to 1-0.7 = 0.3V.

5. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is
5sint. Assume both diodes are identical. (Use constant
voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in voltage as

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Answer: b

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Explanation: In this circuit diodes are placed opposite to

each other. So output will be determined by diode which is
in forward bias. At negative cycle first diode will be forward
biased hence output will be 0.3V. At positive cycle diode will
be reverse bias up to 1.7V so input follows output and after
this it is constant and equals to 1.7V.

6. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is
5sint. Assume both diodes are identical. (Use constant
voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in voltage as



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Answer: c
Explanation: Since both diodes are in reverse mode with
respect to V1 and V2, at negative V output follows input. At
positive cycle up to 1.7V diodes are in reverse bias mode
and after this they becomes forward biased and output
becomes a constant and equals to 1.7V.

7. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1.5V and input to the circuit V is
5sint. Assume both diodes are identical. (Use constant
voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in voltage as

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Answer: b
Explanation: In this circuit diodes are placed opposite to
each other. So output will be determined by diode which is

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in forward bias. At negative cycle first diode will be forward

biased hence output will be 0.3V. At positive cycle diode will
be reverse bias up to 1.7V so input follows output and after
this it is constant and equals to 1.7V.

8. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)



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Answer: a
Explanation: At positive cycle of V, V1 opposes hence
output will be 5sint-1. For negative half cycle of V, output
will be 0.3V because diode is already in forward bias.

9. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: a
Explanation: For negative half cycle diode is forward biased
and hence output is 0.3V. For positive half cycle output will
be (5sint+1)/2(Since voltage divided in between two 1K,
third one has no effect). Hence maximum voltage will be 6/2
= 3V.

10. Which of the following graphs will be appropriate to

describe output Vout of the circuit given below?
The voltage V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is

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(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)




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Answer: d Explanation: For negative half cycle of V and up

to 3.4V in positive half cycle since diode is in reverse bias
output will be (5sint-1)/2 Since voltage divided in between

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two 1K, third one has no effect). Hence minimum voltage

will be -4/2 = -2V. After 3.4V output becomes 1.7V.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Analog Circuits Quiz - Sanfoundry

by Manish
5-7 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Quiz focuses on “Parallel Clipper

Circuit with Reference Voltage-2”.

1. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)


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Answer: b
Explanation: V2 is forward bias to diode. At positive cycle of
V diode is reverse biased and output will be the half of input
(Since input is divided by two 1k resistors). At negative
cycle output will be 0.3 because diode is forward biased.

2. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: c
Explanation: V2 is reverse bias to diode. When diode is
forward biased output will be 1.7V all other time output will
be 5sint/2(Since input is divided by two 1k resistors).

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3. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)




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Answer: c

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Explanation: V2 is reverse bias to diode. When diode is

forward biased output will be 1.7V all other time output will
be 5sint/2(Since input is divided by two 1k resistors, here
third resistor is insignificant since diode is not real).

4. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)




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Answer: d
Explanation: V2 is forward bias to diode. At positive cycle of
V diode is reverse biased and output will be the half of input
(Since input is divided by two 1k resistors, here third
resistor is insignificant since diode is not real). At negative
cycle output will be 0.3 because diode is forward biased.

5. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)


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Answer: a
Explanation: We must solve this problem using star- delta
conversion. If not this will be difficult to solve.
For positive half cycle (above 1.5V) diode is reverse bias
hence output will be 5sintx0.33/1.66.
Maximum voltage will be 5×0.198 = 0.99V
For voltage < 1.5V diode is forward biased and hence
output will be 0.3V.

6. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 0.1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: a Explanation: We must solve this problem using

star- delta conversion. If not this will be difficult to solve.
After conversion circuit diagram will be as follows

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For positive half cycle of V, diode will be forward biased if V

is greater than 2.51V (that is we need 1.7V at output and
therefore input must be 0.8×1.66/0.33 = 4V. For negative
half cycle output follows input with a compression of 0.198.
Therefore, minimum voltage will be -5×0.198 = -0.99V.
7. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2
is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: c
Explanation: Since V2 is reverse bias to diode, the peak of
output will be 1.7V. It is because after 1.7V diode becomes
forward bias and voltage drop across diode becomes a
constant. For V<1.7 output follows input because diode is in
reverse bias mode.

8. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V2

is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)



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Answer: b
Explanation: Since V2 is forward bias to diode, the peak of
output will be 5V. It is because after 0.3V diode becomes
reverse bias and output follows input. For V<0.3 voltage
drop across diode becomes a constant because diode is in
forward bias mode and output will be 0.3V (1-0.7V).

9. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage V1

is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)

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Answer: d

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Explanation: Since V2 is reverse bias to diode, the peak of

output will be 1.7V. It is because after 1.7V diode becomes
forward bias and voltage drop across diode becomes a
constant. For V<1.7 output follows input because diode is in
reverse bias mode. Input will be 5sint-1. So minimum output
voltage is -6V.

10. What will be the output of the circuit Vout if the voltage
V1 is 1V, V2 is 1V and input to the circuit V is 5sint?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode and take cut-in
voltage as 0.7V)



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Answer: c
Explanation: Since V2 is forward bias to diode, the peak of
output will be 3V (5-1-1). It is because after 1.3V diode
becomes reverse bias and output follows input (5sint-2). For
V<1.3V voltage drop across diode becomes a constant
because diode is in forward bias mode and output will be

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

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complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Diode Approximations & Series

Connection Questions and
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diode Approximations and
Series Connection”.

1. Which of the following models of semiconductor diode is

the most widely used for the purpose of calculation?
a) Approximate Equivalent Model
b) Ideal Diode Model
c) Piecewise Linear Model
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Approximate Equivalent model not only saves
time and efforts but also provides results with considerable
amount of accuracy.

2. Statement-1: Piecewise linear model is generally not

used for diode analysis.
Statement-2: The value of Rav is negligible as compared to

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the load resistance.

Which of the following holds true?
a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2
is a proper explanation for Statement-1
b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2
is not a proper explanation for Statement-1
c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false
d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true
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Answer: a
Explanation: Piecewise linear model involves a line with a
slope equal to 1/Rav. As Rav is low, 1/ Rav is high and the
slope becomes almost equal to infinity and hence, it
approaches the equivalent circuit model and hence,
piecewise linear model isn’t generally used.

3. From the given circuit diagram, considering the diode to

be a silicon semiconductor diode, what is the magnitude of
diode current?

a) 43 mA
b) 0 mA
c) 4.3 mA
d) 5 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: ID = (V-VD)/R = 4.3 mA

4. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of diode


a) 8 mA
b) 7.3 mA
c) 0 mA
d) 7 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: As both the diodes are reverse biased, the
current in the circuit is zero.

5. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of diode


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a) 8 mA
b) 0 mA
c) 7.3 mA
d) 7 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the silicon diode in the circuit is reverse
biased, hence the current in the circuit is zero.

6. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of diode


a) 8 mA
b) 0 mA
c) 7.3 mA
d) 7 mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: ID = (V-VD1-VD2)/R = 7 mA

7. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of diode


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a) 2 mA
b) 0 mA
c) 1.3 mA
d) 1 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the sum of voltage drops in the diodes is
equal to the source voltage, the current in the circuit is zero.

8. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of

voltage across the resistor?

a) 2 V
b) 1.3 V
c) 1 V
d) 0 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the sum of voltage drops in the diodes is
equal to the source voltage, the voltage cross the resistor is

9. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of diode


a) 2.425 mA
b) 5.2 mA
c) 2.325 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, ID=(V-VD)/R = 2.325 mA

10. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of

voltage across R2?

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a) 9.324 V
b) 5.3 V
c) 0 V
d) 5.8125 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, VR2 = I x R2 = 5.8125 V

11. From the given circuit diagram, what is the voltage

across diode?

a) 10 V
b) 5 V
c) 0.7 V
d) 0 V
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the diode is reverse biased, the current in
the circuit is zero and hence the voltage across the diode is
equal to the source voltage = 10 V

12. From the given circuit diagram, what is the value of

diode current?

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a) 2.425 mA
b) 5.2 mA
c) 2.325 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the diode is reverse biased, the current in
the circuit is zero.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Diode Clipper & Clamper - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diode Clipper and Clamper”.

1. What is the circuit in the given diagram called?

a) Clipper
b) Clamper
c) Rectifier
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given circuit due to the presence of a
reference voltage source, clips the input waveform and
hence it is a clipper.

2. 1. What is the circuit in the given diagram called?

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a) Clipper
b) Clamper
c) Rectifier
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given circuit clamps the input waveform to
a fixed DC level and hence it is a clamper.

3. For a sinusoidal input of 20 Vpeak to the given circuit,

what is the peak value of the output waveform?

a) 20 V
b) 25 V
c) 0 V
d) -25 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given circuit, the output becomes zero

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for vi less than -5 V. Hence, the peak value of the output is

25 V owing to the additive effect of V for vi.

4. For the given circuit for a 20 Vpeak sinusoidal input vi,

what is the value of vi at which the clipping begins?

a) 5 V
b) 0 V
c) -5 V
d) Clipping doesn’t occur
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Answer: c
Explanation: Considering the connection of diode, it is
evident that the diode becomes reverse biased when vi < -5
V. Hence, clipping starts at -5 V.

5. For a sinusoidal input of 20 Vpeak to the given circuit,

what is the minimum value of the output waveform?

a) 20 V
b) 25 V
c) -25 V

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d) 0 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The given circuit is a clipper which cuts off a
part of the negative cycle of the input sinusoid i.e. the
output becomes zero for a certain region of the input
waveform. Hence, the minimum value is 0 V.

6. For the given input waveform to the given circuit, what is

the peak value of the output waveform?

a) 0 V
b) 16 V
c) 12 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given circuit, the diode is in the off stage
when vi > 4 V. Hence, when vi > 4 V, vo = vi and hence the
peak value of vo = the peak value of vi = 16 V.

7. For the given input waveform to the given circuit, what is

the minimum value of the output waveform?

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a) 0 V
b) 16 V
c) 12 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given circuit is a clipper which cuts off a
certain part of the input waveform i.e. the output becomes
zero for a certain region of the input waveform. Hence, the
minimum value is 0 V.

8. Which of the following is not a necessary component in a

clamper circuit?
a) Diode
b) Capacitor
c) Resistor
d) Independent DC Supply
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Answer: d
Explanation: Diode, Capacitor and Resistor are necessary
to build a clamper circuit. An independent DC supply is
required to bring an additional shift.

9. For the given circuit, what is the minimum peak value of

the output waveform if the input waveform is 10V square

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wave with switching time of 1 second?

Assume that the input switches between +10V and -10V DC

a) 0 V
b) -5 V
c) -20 V
d) -10 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: For the positive half of the input, the diode is in
the on state and hence acts as a short circuit and hence vo
= 0 V. For the negative half cycle, the resistor receives
voltage input both from the source and the capacitor which
is charged during the positive half of the input. Hence, vo =
-20 V.

10. For the given circuit and input waveform, the peak value
of the output is +30V.

a) True

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b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given circuit is a clamper with an
independent DC supply of +10 V. Keeping in mind the
connection of the diode and the DC supply, we see that the
output waveform is clamped at +10V i.e. it shifts up by
+10V. Hence, the maximum value of vo=+30 V.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Diode Gates & Rectifiers - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diode Gates and Rectifiers”.

1. What is the logic gate implemented in the following


a) OR
b) AND
c) NOT
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a

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Explanation: In the given circuit, the output is high if either

of the inputs is high and hence, it is an OR gate.

2. What is the logic gate implemented in the following


a) OR
b) AND
c) NOT
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given circuit, the output is high if both of
the inputs are high and hence, it is an AND gate.

3. Which of the following statements best describes the

reason for not using diodes to implement logic gates?
a) Diodes are expensive
b) Diodes are unreliable and less efficient
c) The diode circuits have limited range of operation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The diode circuits are relatively less stable
when compared to the transistor circuits, which are easy to
tune in terms of stability and reliability.

4. In the given circuit, what is the output V0 if E1 = 10V and

E2 = 0V?

a) 0 V
b) 0.7 V
c) 10 V
d) 9.3 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, current through the grounded branch =
(10-0.7)/1k=9.3 mA. Hence, voltage drop across the
resistor=9.3 V. Hence, V0 =10-9.3V = 0.7 V.

5. In the given circuit, what is the output V0 if E1 = 10V and

E2 = 0V?

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a) 0 V
b) 0.7 V
c) 10 V
d) 9.3 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: V0=10-0.7 V = 9.3 V.

6. A 12 V, 50 Hz sine wave is fed to the given circuit as

input? What is the output for 0.01s < t < 0.02s?

a) 12 V, 50 HZ sine wave
b) 11.3 V, 25 Hz sine wave
c) 0 V
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The given circuit is that of a half wave rectifier
in which the diode remains in the off state for the negative
half cycle and hence, the output for 0.01s<t<0.02s is zero.

7. Which circuit has been represented in the associated

circuit diagram?

a) Half wave rectifier

b) Full wave rectifier
c) NOT gate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Both the diodes are similarly biased and are in
series. Hence, they form a half wave rectifier.

8. Which circuit has been represented in the associated

circuit diagram?

a) Half wave rectifier

b) Full wave rectifier
c) NOT gate
d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given circuit, when the diode D1 is on,
diode D2 is off and vice versa. Hence, the upper diode
conducts during the positive half of the input cycle and the
lower diode conducts during the negative half of the input
cycle and hence, it is a full wave rectifier circuit.

9. What is the value of DC equivalent output voltage for the

given circuit, given that the input voltage is 20 Vp-p and 50
Hz and the diode is a silicon diode?

a) 2.9574 V
b) -2.9574 V
c) -3.125 V
d) 0 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vdc is given by 0.318(Vp). Here Vp = 10-0.7 V
=9.3 V and hence, Vdc=0.318 x 9.3 V = 2.9574 V. Now, as
the output Is non zero only for the negative half cycles of
the input, Vdc = -2.9574 V.

10. Which of the following equations is correct for a full

wave rectified output?

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a) |Vdc| = 0.318 Vp
b) |Vdc| = 0.636 Vp
c) |Vdc| = 0.477 Vp
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The output dc level of a half wave rectified
wave is equal to 0.318 Vp. But, for a fully rectified wave, it
becomes equal to 0.636 of the peak value.

11. Which of the following statements are true about the

given circuit?

a) The circuit is that of a bridge rectifier

b) The PIV of the diode D1 must be greater than v0 for the
circuit to function as a bridge rectifier
c) For silicon diodes, the value of v0=(vi-1.4) V
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The circuit is that of a bridge rectifier. For
proper functioning, the PIV of diodes must be at least
greater than v0 and since, the current through any path

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flows through 2 diodes. There is a drop of 1.4 V.

12. In the given circuit, what will be the nature of the output

a) Half rectified
b) Full rectified
c) Sinusoidal
d) DC
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Answer: b
Explanation: The right diode conducts during the positive
half of the input cycle and the left diode conducts during the
negative half of the input cycle. Hence, the output will be a
fully rectified wave.

13. In the given circuit, what is the value of Vp for the output
wave, if the input fed is 20 Vp-p?

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a) 10 V
b) 9.3 V
c) 5 V
d) 4.7 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: As is clear from the circuit that v0 = 0.5 vi and
hence peak value of the output wave is equal to half of the
peak value of the input wave and hence Vp = 10/2 = 5 V.

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Analog Circuits.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Diode Basics & Equivalent

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diode Basics and Equivalent

1. Which of the following is not a valid form of a diode

equivalent circuit?
a) Piecewise Linear Model
b) Ideal Diode Model
c) Simplified Model
d) Differential Model
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Answer: d
Explanation: Differential model doesn’t define any diode. It
defines an Operational Amplifier.

2. Which model of the diode equivalent circuit is

represented by the given diagram?

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a) Piecewise Linear Model

b) Ideal Diode Model
c) Simplified Model
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: This model involves a voltage drop and a
resistance in series with an ideal diode and hence it
represents the Piecewise Linear Model.

3. From the given I-V characteristics of a silicon diode, what

is the value of rav between marked points?

a) 5 ohms
b) 11.2 ohms
c) 8 ohms
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: rav. = change in diode voltage per change in

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diode current. Hence, rav = 0.075V/15mA = 5 ohms.

4. AC resistance of a diode was found to be r1 and r2, when

measured with two different values of diode current i.e. 10
mA and 25 mA respectively. Which of the following options
hold true?
a) r1 = r2
b) r1 > r2
c) r1 < r2
d) Can’t be determined.
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Answer: b
Explanation: r1 > r2 as AC resistance is inversely
proportional to the diode current.

5. Which of the following models of diode equivalent circuit

is represented by the given I-V characteristic curve?

a) Piecewise Linear Model

b) Ideal Diode Model
c) Simplified Model
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: In simplified model, the value of rd is neglected
and hence, we get a high value of current for voltage
greater than or equal to VT.

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6. What is the approximate value of voltage across the

diode for the diagram given alongside?

a) +0.7 V
b) -0.7 V
c) +10 V
d) -10 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: -10 V. The operating characteristic of a diode
operating in the reverse bias region suggests that beyond a
certain threshold current, the voltage across the diode is
nearly constant = reverse breakdown voltage.

7. Assuming the diode in the given circuit diagram to be a

silicon p-n junction diode, what is the current for the given
circuit diagram?

a) 4.3 mA
b) 0
c) 43 mA
d) 5 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: The diode in the circuit is reverse biased and

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hence the current is zero.

8. Assuming the diode in the given circuit diagram to be a

silicon p-n junction diode, what is the current for the given
circuit diagram?

a) 0
b) 5 mA
c) 4.3 mA
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: 4.3 mA. The silicon diode in the circuit is
forward biased. Considering a voltage drop of 0.7 V across
the diode, the voltage drop across the resistor is (5-0.7) V =
4.3 V. Hence, Current in the circuit = Current through the
resistor = (4.3/1000) A = 4.3 mA

9. The reverse saturation current for a Germanium diode at

a temperature of 293 K is found to be 2 uA. What is the
reverse saturation current Is at a temperature of 313 K?
a) 2 uA
b) 8 uA
c) 4 uA
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: The reverse saturation current for a silicon

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diode doubles its value for every 10 K rise in temperature.

Hence Is at 313 K=2 x 2 x 2 = 8 uA.

10. During the reverse bias operation of a p-n junction

diode, the width of the depletion region increases. Is the
given statement true or false?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: During reverse bias operation of a diode, the
width of the depletion region increases leading to extremely
high values of resistance and hence negligible values of

11. The threshold voltage of a diode at Antarctica and India

were found to be V1 and V2 respectively. Which of the
following relations between V1 and V2 hold good?
a) V1 > V2
b) V1 = V2
c) V1 < V2
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: Temperature in India is greater than that in
Antarctica. Hence, the reverse saturation current measured
in India will be higher as compared to that measured in
Antarctica. Now, as Is and VT are inversely related, V1

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Analog Circuits.

To practice all areas of Analog Circuits, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Parallel & Series Configuration -

Analog Circuits Questions and
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Parallel and Series

1. From the given circuit, what is the value of current

through the 1 k resistor?

a) 10 mA
b) 9.3 mA
c) 8.6 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: a

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Explanation: As both the diodes are reverse biased.

Voltage drop across the resistor = 10 V. Hence, current =
10 V/1 k = 10 mA.

2. From the given circuit, what is the value of current

flowing through the 1 k resistor?

a) 0 mA
b) 10 mA
c) 9.3 mA
d) 0.7 mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: As one of the diodes is forward biased, voltage
drop across it = 0.7 V. Now, as this diode is in parallel with
the given resistor, voltage across resistor=0.7 V => current
= 0.7 mA.

3. In the given circuit, what is the value of current flowing

through the forward biased diode?

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a) 10 mA
b) 9.3 mA
c) 8.6 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, current flowing through R2 = (10-0.7)/1k
= 9.3 mA. Also the current through the parallel resistor=0.7
mA. Hence the current through the forward biased diode =
(9.3-0.7) = 8.6 mA.

4. In the given circuit, what is the value of current flowing

through the diode D2?

a) 0 mA
b) 10 mA
c) 9.3 mA
d) 8.6 mA

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Answer: a
Explanation: As the diode D2 is reverse biased, current
flowing through it = 0 mA.

5. In the given circuit, what is the value of the current

through the series resistor R2?

a) 9.3 mA
b) 10 mA
c) 0 mA
d) 8.6 mA
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Answer: a
Explanation: The voltage across the diodes is 0.7 V as they
are forward biased. Hence, the current through the series
resistor= (10-0.7)/1k = 9.3 mA.

6. In the given circuit, what is the current through the

parallel resistor?

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a) 9.3 mA
b) 0.7 mA
c) 8.6 mA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the resistor is in parallel with the diodes,
the voltage that appears across it is 0.7 V. Hence, current =
0.7 mA.

7. In the given circuit, what is the value of current through


a) 0.7 mA
b) 0.3 mA
c) 1 mA
d) 10 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: The source voltage initially increases from
0-10 V. As the source voltage increases, the voltage across
the diodes also increases. When the voltage across the
diodes reaches a value of 0.3 V, the Germanium diode
starts conducting, whereas the silicon diode is still in the off
state. Hence, the voltage across R = 0.3 V. Hence,
current=0.3 mA.

8. In the given circuit, what is the value of current through

R 2?

a) 9.3 mA
b) 9.7 mA
c) 10 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the voltage across R=0.3 V, hence,
current through R2 = (10-0.3) V/ 1 k = 9.7 mA.

9. In the given circuit, what is the value of current through

the silicon diode?

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a) 9.3 mA
b) 9.7 mA
c) 10 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: The source voltage initially increases from
0-10 V. As the source voltage increases, the voltage across
the diodes also increases. When the voltage across the
diodes reaches a value of 0.3 V, the Germanium diode
starts conducting, whereas the silicon diode is still in the off
state. Hence, the voltage across silicon diode = 0.3 V and
hence, the current according to the approximate equivalent
circuit model is equal to zero.

10. In the given circuit, what is the value of current through

the germanium diode?

a) 9.4 mA

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b) 9.7 mA
c) 0.3 mA
d) 0 mA
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Answer: a
Explanation: Current through R2 = 9.7 mA. Also, current
through R = 0.3 mA, current through the silicon diode=0
mA. Hence, from the KCL, we get the current through the
germanium diode to be 9.4 mA.

11. In the given circuit, by what amount does the current

across R change when the Germanium diode is
reconnected in the reverse-bias mode?

a) 0 mA
b) 0.7 mA
c) 0.4 mA
d) 0.3 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the germanium diode is forward biased,
current through R = 0.3 mA. When the Germanium diode is
reverse biased, current through R=0.7 mA. Hence, change
in current = 0.4 mA.

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12. In the given circuit, if the diode D2 is a Germanium

diode and all other diodes are Silicon diodes, then which of
the following statements is true?

a) ID2 > ID3

b) ID2 = ID1
c) Both of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Voltage across the parallel diodes=0.3 V.
Hence, current through D3=0. Hence ID2>ID3. Also, as
both the parallel silicon diodes are in parallel and in off-
state, the diodes 1 and 2 are in series and hence, current
through them is same.

13. In the circuit, considering the diode 1,4 to be a

Germanium diode and the diodes 2,3 to be silicon, which of
the following statements are true?

a) ID1 = ID2

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b) ID1 = ID3
c) ID1 = ID4
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the given circuit, the silicon diodes are in
off-state as the voltage across them is 0.3 V. Hence, they
act as open circuit and the diodes 1 and 4 are in series and
hence the current through diodes 1 and 4 is same.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Analog Circuits.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Diode Types & its Testing - Analog

Circuits Questions and Answers
by Manish
6-8 minutes

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Diode and their

1. Which of the following equipment may be used to check

the condition of a diode?
a) Digital Display Meter
b) Ohmmeter
c) Curve Tracer
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the methods may be used to test a diode
for its proper functioning.

2. What is the expected reading obtained on a Digital

Display Meter with diode-checking function when a proper
functioning silicon semiconductor diode is connected across
its leads in the forward bias configuration?
a) 0.67 V

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b) 0.3 V
c) Open Loop Indication
d) Varies with the diode
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Answer: a
Explanation: The diode checking function on the meter
when used causes a current of 2 mA to flow through the
diode and hence under forward bias, the voltage is
determined to be 0.67 V.

3. What is the expected reading obtained on a Digital

Display Meter with diode-checking function when a proper
functioning silicon semiconductor diode is connected across
its leads in the reverse bias configuration?
a) 0.67 V
b) 0.3 V
c) Open Loop Indication
d) Varies with the diode
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Answer: c
Explanation: The diode checking function on the meter
when used causes a current of 2 mA to flow through the
diode and hence under reverse bias, the result obtained is
the open loop indication.

4. A diode on being checked by a DDM with diode checking

function results in an open loop indication in both directions.
Which of the following is the correct inference drawn from
the given situation?
a) Power failure to the DDM

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b) Diode is faulty
c) Diode is proper
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A diode allows electrical conduction in just one
direction. Hence, if an instrument shows open loop
indication in both the directions, then the diode is faulty.

5. A silicon semiconductor diode when subjected to

ohmmeter testing gives low resistance in both the
directions. Which of the following is the correct inference to
be drawn?
a) Diode is faulty
b) Power failure to the Ohmmeter
c) Diode is short-circuited
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: A proper diode gives a low resistance reading
along one direction and high resistance reading along the
other. Hence, if diode gives low resistance readings in both
the directions, then the diode must be short-circuited. It’s
noteworthy that a faulty diode gives a high resistance
reading along both the paths.

6. A silicon semiconductor diode when subjected to

ohmmeter testing gives high resistance in both the
directions. Which of the following is the correct inference to
be drawn?

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a) Diode is faulty
b) Power failure to the Ohmmeter
c) Diode is short-circuited
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: A proper diode gives a low resistance reading
along one direction and high resistance reading along the
other. Hence, if diode gives high resistance readings in both
the directions, then the diode must be faulty.

7. How can the location of the Zener region be controlled in

the diode characteristic curve?
a) By changing the value of Iz
b) By changing the doping concentration of the diode
c) By changing the operating temperature
d) Can’t be changed
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Answer: b
Explanation: An increase in doping will lead to an increase
in the concentration of impurities, which would further lead
to a change in VZ and hence change in the Zener region.

8. Which material is generally used for the manufacture of

Zener diode?
a) Silicon
b) Germanium
c) Mercury
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Because of its high heat and current handling
capacity, Silicon is generally used for the manufacture of
Zener diodes.

9. Which of the following is not a part of the equivalent

circuit of a Zener diode?
a) Dynamic Resistance
b) DC Battery
c) Ideal diode
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equivalent circuit diagram of a Zener
diode doesn’t involve an ideal diode as it is used under
reverse bias and an ideal diode doesn’t conduct under
reverse bias.

10. At 298 K, the nominal Zener voltage is found to be

equal to 10 V. Given that the value of Temperature
coefficient is 0.072 (%/K), what is the nominal Zener
Voltage at 398 K?
a) 9.46 V
b) 9.54 V
c) 0.54 V
d) 10.54 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The change in VZ with temperature is
calculated from the following equation:

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Change in VZ = TC.VZ(T1 – T0))/1000

Change in VZ = 0.54 V
Now, as the value of T ¬is positive, new VZ = 10 + 0.54 V =
10.54 V

11. Which of the following materials is used to make LEDs?

a) Silicon
b) GaAsP
c) Germanium
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In Silicon and Germanium, the major chunk of
energy is given off as heat the hence the emitted light isn’t
significant. In Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP), the
number of photons are enough to create a visual source of

12. Which of the following voltages may be considered as a

safe and sufficient voltage for the operation of a LED?
a) 0.7 V
b) 5 V
c) 2.7 V
d) -5 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The safe and sufficient operating voltage
range for LED is between 1.7 V to 3.3 V. Hence, 2.7 V is
the best option.

13. What is the order of magnitude of the response time of

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a) 10-6
b) 10-9
c) 10-15
d) 10-3
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Answer: b
Explanation: The response time of a LED is typically in the
order of nanoseconds.

14. Which of the following is an advantage of using a LED?

a) Low response time
b) Compatibility with solid-state circuits
c) Rugged construction and high lifetime
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The response time of a LED is typically in the
order of nanoseconds. The operating voltage range for LED
is between 1.7 V to 3.3 V which makes it compatible with
solid-state circuits. Also, the semiconductor construction
makes them rugged.

15. A LED will glow, if connected under reverse bias

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A Light Emitting Diode works just like any

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other diode and hence it does not conduct under reverse

bias operation and hence the LED will not glow.

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