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Sample Patient Contract

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Sample Patient Contract

This is an agreement between _____________________________________________________ (the patient) and

Medical practiceowner Dr.Gaurav Dwivedi M.D (Panchgavya) concerning the use of my medicins for
the treatment of ………………..

The medication will probably not completely eliminate my deasease, but is expected to reduce it enough
that I may become more functional and improve my quality of life.

1. I understand that opioid analgesics are strong medications for………………………………. and have
been informed of the risks and side effects involved with taking them.

2. In particular, I understand that my decease could cause physical dependence. If I suddenly stop
or decease the medication,then precticeowner will not me liable.

3. I understand it is my responsibility to inform the doctor of any and all side effects I have from
this medication.

4. I agree to take this medication as prescribed and not to change the amount or frequency of the
medication without discussing it with the prescribing practiceowner. Running out early,
needing early refills, escalating doses without permission, and losing prescriptions may be
signs of misuse of the medication and may be reasons for the practiceowner to
discontinue prescribing to me.

5. I agree to keep my medication in a safe and secure place. Lost, stolen, or damaged medication
will not be replaced.

6. I agree not to sell, lend, or in any way give my medication to any other person.
7. I agree not to drink alcohol or take other mood-altering drugs while I am taking opioid analgesic
medication. I agree to submit a urine specimen at any time that my doctor requests and give
my permission for it to be tested for alcohol and drugs.
8. I agree that I will attend all required follow-up visits with the doctor to monitor this
medication and I understand that failure to do so will result in discontinuation of this treatment.
9. I understand that this procedure of treatment is an alternative method of arurvedic treatment, so,
before using the prescribed medicine I will be make sure about the method of treatment and its

I have read the above, asked questions, and understand the agreement. I am hereby allowing the practice owner
to start treatment.

Patient signature

Doctor signature

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