Prince2 Process Model
Prince2 Process Model
Prince2 Process Model
Project mandate
Project authorization
PRINCE2 processes v5.1 and decisions
Initiation notification
(activity view)
Project board Closure notification
request for advice
Authorize a 1. Project brief (A) 6. Specialist products* (confirm approval) 11. Exception plan (A)
Authorize Authorize
stage or 2. Initiation stage plan (A) 7. End stage report (A) 12. Highlight report (R)
initiation the project
DP exception plan 3. Lessons log (R) 8. Lessons report (distribute) 13. Exception report (R)
4. Project initiation documentationPID)
( (A) 9. Follow on action recommendations* (distribute)14. End project report (A)
Directing a project 5. Benefits management approach (A) 10. Stage plan (A)
8,9 1,3,8,10,11,12 7, 9, 11
12, 15, Lessons log
Business case
Request to Request to Request to approve
initiate a project deliver a project next stage plan Request for advice
Request to approve 13
exception plan
Exception raised
SU IP SB 12 CP Closing a project
Starting up a project Initiating a project Managing a stage boundary
Stage boundary Plan the Products:
Appoint the Agree the approaching
next Produce an 1. Project initiation documentation (U)
executive & tailoring management exception plan 2. Configuration item records (CU)
project manager requirements stage 3. Next stage plan (C)
4. Risk register (U) 10
Prepare the Prepare the 5. Issue register (U)
risk quality Update the Update the 6. Quality register (U)
management management project plan business case 7. Project plan (U)
approach approach 8. Benefits management approach (U)
9. Business case (U)
Prepare the Prepare the 10. End stage report (C) Project end
Design and change communication Report 11. Lessons report (C) approaching
appoint the project control management management 12. Follow-on action recommendations* (C)
management team approach approach stage end 13. Exception plan (C)
14. Product status account (C)
Set up the
Prepare the Create the
outline project plan
business case
Authority to deliver a
KEY A PRINCE2process. Products which are not work package
PRINCE2management products are shown by a *.
PP The products used in a process are specified
as followed:
PRINCE2 process (A) - Approved
(C) - Created
(R) - Reviewed 8 Completed
(U) - Updated work package
For more copies of this wall chart, or for information about Activity
This is an activity. Each process comprises a number
of activities.
PRINCE2 training, contact Knowledge Train at:
This is an event or decision that triggers another process MP 1. Team plan (CU)
14 Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6AX, UK Trigger or is used to notify corporate orprogrammemanagement. Managing product delivery 2. Quality register (U)
3. Work package (AU)
4. Risk* (raise)
The arrow shows which process is triggered by the event.
5. Project issue (raise)
+44(0)20-7148-5985 Accept a Execute a Deliver a 6. Specialist products* (C) These show the products output from one process to
work package work package work package 7. Configuration item records (U)
8,9 8. Checkpoint report (C) another. 9. Approval records* (obtain)
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PRINCE2 is a Registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited. (Based on AXELOS PRINCE2 material. Reproduced under licence from AXELOS.)