Corrosion Protection of Ships: Recommended
Corrosion Protection of Ships: Recommended
Corrosion Protection of Ships: Recommended
Veritasveien 1, N-1322 Hgvik, Norway Tel.: 4 7 67 57 99 00 Fax: 4 7 67 57 99 1 1
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the object of safeguarding life, property
and the environment at sea and ashore.
DET NORSKE VERITAS AS (DNV AS), a fully owned subsidiary society of the foundation, undertakes classification and
certification and ensures the quality of ships, mobile offshore units, fixed offshore structures, facilities and systems, and carries
out research in connection with these functions. The society operates a world-wide network of survey stations and is authorised
by more than 120 national administrations to carry out surveys and, in most cases, issue certificates on their behalf.
Recommended Practices
Recommended Practices (RP) are issued as a supplement to DNV Rules for Classification or DNV Offshore Standards and
other recognised codes used by the industry. RPs form a part of the technical basis for DNV classification and verification
services as well as offering D W s interpretation of good engineering practice for general use by the industry.
An updated list of Recommended Practices is available on request. The list is also given in the latest edition of the
Introduction-booklets to the "Rules for Classification of Ships", the "Rules for Classification of Mobile Offshore Units" and
the "Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft".
In "Rules for Classification of Fixed Offshore Installations", only those Recommended Practices that are relevant for this type
of structure have been listed.
In this provision 'Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and
any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.
1. Introduction ............................................................. 4 4. Appendix 1: Brief Review of the DNV Rules for
1.1 General ...................................................................... 4 Ships (2000) and IMO Guidelines regarding
1.2 Limitations................................................................. 4 corrosion protection of ships .................................
1.3 Definitions and description of terms.......................... 4 4.1 Classification requirements...................................... 23
2. Newbuildings - Corrosion Protection of Ships ......
6 4.2 IMO Guidelines .Corrosion protection ...................23
1.1 Planning..................................................................... 6 5 . Appendix 2: Properties and Test Standards
1.2 Steel surface preparation ........................................... 6 for Coatings ............................................................
1.3 Coatings - general ...................................................... 9 5.1 Quality control tests for steel surface treatment
1.4 Coating systems for ballast tanks and coating application ............................................ 25
(Tables 2.1 - 2.3) ....................................................... 9 5.2 Coating materials' testing .thermal. mechanical
1.5 Coating systems for oil cargo and slop tanks and physical properties ............................................ 26
(Tables 2.1 - 2.3) ..................................................... 13 5.3 Documentation of coating performance properties .
1.6 Coating specification for holds in bulk carriers Type approval of coatings........................................ 26
or OBOs (Tables 2.1 - 2.3) ...................................... 13 6. Appendix 3: Coating inspector's duties
1.7 Coating for miscellaneous areas .............................. 13 .Checklist ...............................................................
1.8 Coating for external hull .......................................... 14 7. Appendix 4: Corrosivity and corrosion
1.9 Cathodic protection of ballast tanks ........................ 15 resistant materials .a brief review ............
1.10 Cathodic protection of external hull ........................ 17 7.1 The marine environment .corrosivity...................... 28
2. Ships in Operation - Maintenance of 7.2 Corrosion mechanisms on steel surfaces in ships ....28
Corrosion Protection Systems ............... 17 7.3 Factors.influencing steel corrosion rates in ships.....28
2.1 Ballast tanks and hull internals ................................ 17 7.4 Metallic materials other than steel ........................... 29
1.2 External hull ............................................................ 20 1.2 Cargo and ballast handling .design
1.3 Assessment of coating condition in ballast against corrosion ...................................................... 32
tanks (Good, Fair, Poor) .......................................... 20 2 . Appendix 5: Surfaces - Preparation, Coating
3 . References .............................................................. 21 and Corrosion .........................................................
4 Recommended Practice
Recommended Practice 5
Epoxy coal tar (coal tar epov): Epoxy mixed with coal tar, Primer coating: First layer of a coating system applied in the
constituting a part of the binder in paints or coatings for shipyard (also called touch up primer, to differentiate from
marine use. Chemical curing is accomplished by means of a shop-primer).
hardener, as for pure epoxy. The tar component acts as
pigment and influences the flexibility and water resistance of Recommended Practice (DNV definition): Recommended
the cured coating film. Practices (RP) are issued as a supplement to DNV Rules for
Classification or DNV Offshore Standards and other
Film thickness: The thickness of a coating layer or a multi- recognised codes used by the industry. RPs form a part of the
layer coating system. Dry film thickness DFC is measured technical basis for DNV classification and verification
for cured coatings, in shipbuilding some times specified as services as well as offering DNV’s interpretation of good
average thickness. Minimum and maximum thickness can engineering practice for general use by the industry.
also be specified. Wet film thickness is usually controlled
only during application by the coating applicator. Resin: Material used as a binder constituent forming a non-
crystalline film when dried or cured.
General corrosion: Relatively evenly distributed corrosion
attacks on a steel surface. Resistivity: Specific electrical resistance (ohm cm).
Guidelines (DNV definition): Guidelines are publications Sa I : Light blast cleaning. Loose mill scale, rust and foreign
which give information and advice on technical and formal matter shall be removed. The appearance shall correspond to
matters related to the design, building, operating, the standard photos designated Sa 1. (This originally
maintenance and repair of vessels and other objects as well Swedish standard SIS 055900-1967 is adopted as I S 0
as the services rendered by the Society in this connection. standard 8501-1. It is a pictorial surface preparation standard
Aspects concerning classification may be included in the for painting steel surfaces. The pictures showing the surface
publication. appearance are not reproduced in this guideline. Grades Sa 1
- Sa 3 describe blast-cleaned surfaces.)
Hard coating: Chemically cured coating normally used for
new construction, or non-convertible air drying coating such Sa 2: Thorough blast cleaning. Almost all mill scale, rust and
as used for maintenance purposes, organic or inorganic foreign matter shall be removed. Finally, the surface is
(according to IMO (12)). The hard coating concept covers cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry compressed air or
typical marine coatings such as those based on epoxy, coal a clean brush. It shall then be greyish in colour and
tar epoxy, polyurethane, chlorinated rubber, vinyl, zinc correspond in appearance to standard photos designated Sa 2.
epoxy, zinc silicate. (See parenthesis, Sa 1.)
Inhibitor: Chemical having an inhibiting effect on corrosion, Sa 2,5 (Sa 2 U2): Very thorough blast cleaning. Mill scale,
usually added to a closed liquid or gaseous system. rust and foreign matter shall be removed to the extent that the
only traces remaining are slight stains in the form of spots or
Lining: Linings are commonly of higher thickness than stripes. Finally, the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner,
coatings, most often above 1 mm, and are usually applied clean, dry compressed air or a clean brush. It shall then
internally in tanks, pipes or vessels. Linings may be applied correspond to standard photos designated Sa 2,5. (See
in sheets or built up with reinforcements. parenthesis, Sa 1. It should be noted that Sa 2,5 is closer to
Sa 3 than to Sa 2. Sa 2,5 corresponds to NACE grade No. 2
Localised corrosion: A concept comprising various kinds of (near white) and SSPC grade SP 10 (near white).)
more or less concentrated or spot-wise corrosion attacks:
Typically pitting, corrosion in way of welds, crevice Su 3: Blast cleaning to pure metal. Mill scale, rust and
corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, etc. Localised corrosion foreign matter shall be removed completely. Finally, the
can proceed rapidly and can be dangerous, e.g. in case of loss surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry
of weld metal or penetration of a pressure vessel by pitting. compressed air or a clean brush. It shall then have a uniform
metallic colour and correspond in appearance to standard
Mechanical cleaning: Power tool cleaning, by means of photos designated Sa 3. (See parenthesis, Sa 1. Sa 3
grinding disc, wire brush, or similar. corresponds to NACE grade No. 1 (white metal) and SSPC
grade SP 5 (white).)
Marine environment: In this context used in its widest sense,
comprising basically sea water and marine atmosphere, Shop-primer: Thin (approximately 15 - 25 microns) primer
including contaminants from cargoes, industry, harbours, coating applied for temporary protection of steel plates in
wave and weather actions, and operational factors specific automatic plants.
for each ship.
Soft coat: Coating that remains soft so that it wears off when
Pigments: Powders added to the coating in liquid condition touched; often based on oils or sheep wool grease.
to obtain colour. Pigments also influence the coating’s
viscosity, application and protective properties. Semi hard coating: Coating which dries in such a way that it
stays soft and flexible although hard enough to touch and
walk upon.
6 Recommended Practice
St 2: Thorough scraping and wire brushing - machine The above coating quality or durability levels should be read
brushing - grinding - etc. The treatment shall remove loose as target useful lives, estimated based on literature data and
mill scale, rust and foreign matter. Finally, the surface is experience, with great uncertainties and variations. The
cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry compressed air or useful life will be prolonged if maintenance coating
a clean brush. It should have a faint metallic sheen. The according to principles outlined in these guidelines is carried
appearance shall correspond to standard photos designated St out.
2. (This originally Swedish standard SIS 055900-1967 is
adopted as I S 0 standard 8501-1. It is a pictorial surface Some users may find the indicated durability possibly too
preparation standard for painting steel surfaces. The pictures optimistic, others the opposite. As further elaborated below,
showing the surface appearance are not reproduced in this the useful life of corrosion protection systems is dependent
guideline. Grades St 2 - St 3 describe mechanically cleaned on many factors and circumstances, including those related
surfaces.) to the ship type, trade and operation.
System 11: Target useful life 10 years (k3 years) 2.2.1 Shop-primed steel
System 111: Target useful life 15 years (k 3 years). Steel ships are normally built of shop-primed plates. The
plates are automatically cleaned by shot blasting or similar
The useful life of a coating is considered to be until 3 % and the shop-primer applied immediately afterwards in the
breakthrough of rust on the coated surface areas: Welds' and same plant. The cleanliness standard for application of shop-
edges' areas, respectively plain and large surface areas, primer should be near white metal or equivalent, i.e. Sa 2,5
considered separately. (IS0 Standard 4628/3 rust scale = Ri according to I S 0 850 1- 1.
3-4, or Rust Grade 5, ASTM D 610, Appendix 5).
Recommended Practice 7
2.2.2 Treatment of sharp edges, welds and burns: It is difficult to measure coating film thickness on edges by
non-destructive methods, even when rounded to r = 2 nun.
All sharp edges on cut or burnt steel plates should be Stripe coating is a common means of obtaining the same film
rounded or broken before blast cleaning operations. A thickness on edges as on plain surfaces.
minimum of rounded edges is obtainable by means of a
single pass of a grinding tool over the steel edge, braking up The above surface treatment of edges and welds (2.2.2) is
one 90 degrees or sharper edge into two, each approximately necessary for System I1 and 111 and is generally
90 + 45 = 135 degrees, as illustrated in figure 2.1. After recommended.
finished blast cleaning, the edge may become sufficiently
rounded for application of coating. For System 111, cleaning as described under 2.2.1 is
necessary and must include welds, burns and edges’ areas.
Rounding of sharp edges can also be specified more Such cleaning is generally recommended and may be
accurately, e.g. to a minimum radius, e.g. r = 2 mm. necessary to obtain the desired lifetime also for System II.
All edges, including cut-outs, rat holes, etc. should be
included in the above treatment. 2.2.3 Blast cleaning and inspection
In the normal shipbuilding situation, i.e. for internals and
externals of the hull (except cargo tanks for chemicals, etc.)
the coating system is built up on intact, clean shop-primed
8 Recommended Practice
After finishing operations 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, blast cleaning The minimum surface treatment for System I is shop-primer
should be carried out on all welds, burns and where the shop- of unspecified type and St 3 on welds and burns. System I,
primer otherwise is damaged. with target useful life 5 years, is not recommended for ballast
When blast cleaning is finished, broken edges should appear
sufficiently rounded for coating. The minimum surface treatment for System I1 is Zn
containing, silicate based shop-primer, broken edges, Sa 2,5
Inspection for acceptance of rounded edges, weld surfaces on welds and burns, mechanical cleaning to St 3 on block
and other possible surface irregularities should be carried out joints and damages in coating only, and dry conditions.
at this stage. After any required re-grinding or breaking of
edges the inspector will accept the surfaces for final blast The minimum surface treatment for System I11 is rounded
cleaning and coating. edges, Zn containing, silicate based shop-primer, blast
cleaning to Sa 2,5 or better on all surfaces (including plates,
Final blast cleaning should be carried out only when the air welds, burns and edges, except block joints and a minimum
and steel temperatures and air humidity is under control, i.e. of spots of damaged coated surface), clean conditions
(surfaces not contaminated with salts, dust, hand marks,
- the air humidity shall not be above 85 % grease, particles, etc., see 2.2.1) and dry conditions (see
- the steel temperature shall be 3 OC or more above the 2.3.4) during blast cleaning and coating application. The
dew point. chloride content on surfaces to be coated shall be < 50
- the above, dry conditions shall be maintained, so that no mg/m2.
trace of moisture condensation on the steel occurs before
the primer yard coat is applied. Blast cleaning to Sa 2 is considered a better surface treatment
for coating application than mechanical cleaning to St 3. St 3
Dry conditions are obtainable in tanks and closed may be equivalent to blast cleaning to somewhere between
compartments by means of heating and ventilation. On Sa 1 and Sa 2 regarding coating performance. This is due to
sections or blocks in ship newbuilding, dry conditions are that by brushing, dust and loose rust particles are worked into
obtainable in heated and ventilated buildings or tents. and fill up surface pores and irregularities. These become
The steel temperature may vary considerably in the same future spots of osmosis activity and early coating blisters.
tank, e.g. condensation of moisture more easily occurs on
cool steel surfaces deep down in the tanks than in upper, Ultra high pressure water jetting ( ~ 1 7 0 bar)
0 with
warmer areas. equipment free from back thrust and combined with chloride
control (e.g. maximum conductivity corresponding to = 20,
The cleanliness of blast cleaned surfaces should be Sa 2,5 30 or 50 mg/m2 NaCl) may be a possible, alternative method
according to I S 0 8501-1, or better if required by the coating of cleaning, for specially designed coatings, subject to
manufacturer. Close to Sa 3 is recommended to obtain 15 f 3 coating manufacturer's recommendation. Water jetting is
years useful life, System 111. Other, equivalent cleanliness relevant primarily for maintenance coating on ships in
standards are stated in Appendix 2. Blasting abrasives and operation. When more experience is gained, water jetting,
dust shall be completely removed after finished blasting hydroblasting, wet sand blasting, etc. also on newbuildings
operations, e.g. by means of vacuum cleaning, compressed may possibly be realistic, subjected to specific conditions.
air and brushes.
2.2.4 Mechanically cleaned steel
The surface roughness profile, see e.g. IS0 8503, should be
according to the coating manufacturer's recommendations. If blast cleaning of welds and other areas of non-intact shop-
(The surface roughness profile after blast cleaning is less primer is not obtainable, efforts should be made to make the
important than the surface cleanliness.) surfaces as clean and dry as possible before application of
touch up primer. Mechanical cleaning by means of e.g. wire
Inspection and acceptance of the surfaces after primer brushes is commonly used.
coating should be carried out.
Rotating wire brushes may polish welds and other steel
Acceptance criteria, authority, scope of work and reporting surfaces, resulting in reduced coating adhesion compared
lines for the coating inspector should be clearly defined. with that obtained on blast cleaned surfaces.
Inspection should be carried out according to specifications
mutually agreed between builder and owner and coating The minimum cleanliness standard for any coating
manufacturer. application according to System I and System I1 should be St
3 (IS0 8501-1) or equivalent standard (for comparison with
Indications of a coating inspector's duties are given in 7. blast cleaning, see 2.2.3).
Blast cleaning as described above may not be the normal Mechanically cleaned steel (wire brushing and similar) is
shipyard practice. really not adequate for System I11 but may have to be
accepted in shipbuilding on block joints and on a minimum
of spots of damaged coating, for practical reasons.
Recommended Practice 9
2.3 Coatings - general A relevant minimum figure for the relative elongation of a
coating film may be about 4 per cent. For test method, see
2.3.1 Coating selection Appendix. Testing should be carried out on adequately aged
Coating types adequate for the intended service should be coating, not only on new, fresh coating.
selected in co-operation with the chosen coating
manufacturer, which should have products of documented 2.3.4 Coating application and curing
good performance records. The coating manufacturer or his Coatings, including primers and intermediate coating layers,
representative should be capable of rendering adequate should be applied on dry, clean surfaces (i.e. blast cleaned,
advisory and inspection services, if such are not covered by shop-primed, mechanically cleaned, washed and dried if
other parties. necessary) and according to the coating manufacturer's
recommendations. The degree of cleanliness and dryness will
Due concern should be given to the obtainable steel surface
be varying according to the alternative quality levels System
preparation in the shipyard, see 2.2.2. to 2.2.4. If blast
I, I1 or 111. Stripe coating is recommended for edges and
cleaning, dry conditions, clean conditions, etc. are not
specified, coating systems made to be tolerant of the
expected surface condition should be selected. Clean conditions: See 2.2.1 to 2.2.2.
Light coloured coatings should be used where relevant to Dry conditions means:
facilitate inspections, e.g. in ballast tanks.
- the air humidity shall not be above 85 %.
Coatings for ballast tanks should be chosen with due regard - the steel temperature shall be 3 "C or more above the
to that the water quality may be bad, e.g. acidic or otherwise
dew point.
contaminated, notably in harbours. - the above dry conditions shall be maintained so that no
The below examples of simplified coating specifications are condensation of moisture occurs on any surface when a
based on general experience and published literature, see e.g. new coating layer is applied. They are also valid for
reference (8). shop-primer application.
For System 111, clean and dry conditions are required.
2.3.2 Coating specification
For System 11, dry conditions are required. Clean conditions
A coating specification should be mutually agreed between are necessary in the sense that intact shop-primer, welds and
builder and owner and coating manufacturer. Inspectors' edges should be cleaned if contaminated with salts, weld
duties and reporting line should be defined. The specification smoke, etc. impairing coating adhesion.
should describe:
For System I, dry, clean conditions are not required (but
- which coating systems (types of coating, thicknesses and recommended).
number of coats) to be applied where
- coating manufacturers accepted for delivery In general, for application of coatings the following is valid:
- yard's coating facilities
- equipment for control of air humidity, temperatures, - coatings should be applied by spraying, except "stripe
ventilation coats" applied to build up thickness on edges not
- coating applicator's duties and application equipment properly rounded and in areas difficult to access
- the dry film thickness should be as recommended by the
- steel surface treatment
- coating application and curing coating system manufacturer
- repair procedures for damages
- each coating layer should be adequately cured before
- test methods, equipment and acceptance criteria. application of the next coat. The time required for curing
will generally be longer at lower temperatures. Coating
2.3.3 Hot surfaces High strength steels must not be applied below the manufacturer's
Coatings for application underneath sun heated decks or on recommended minimum temperature.
warm bulkheads adjacent to e.g. the engine room should be - intermediate coats should not be contaminated with dirt,
able to withstand constant or repeated heating without grease, dust or salts
becoming brittle. Documentation of the coating's long term - for curing of zinc silicate based primers, the air humidity
high temperaturestability should be requested from the must be brought above a certain minimum percentage
coating manufacturer. Brittleness (ageing) may result from (contrary to other coatings - though not until the
light components in the coating evaporating with time. application process is finished).
Coating to be applied on high strength steels should have 2.4 Coating systems for ballast tanks (Tables 2.1 -
adequate relative elongation to cope with increased strains 2.3)
and movements in ships built from such steel. As above, the In Tables 2.1 - 2.3 are indicated three alternative coating
long term ability of the coating to stay flexible is important. specifications for ballast tanks, System I, I1 and 111.
Documentation of relative elongation should be requested
from coating manufacturers.
10 Recommended Practice
The indicated surface preparation in the tables is the In case the average thickness is used, it should be specified
minimum surface quality needed to obtain the stated target sufficiently high to obtain a target minimum DFT. E.g.
useful coating life. It is a shorthand summary of the detailed minimum 80 % of all thickness measurements should be 1
description under 2.2.1 - 2.2.4. the specified DFT. Of the remaining 20 % of the
measurements, none should be below 80 % of specified DFT
For clarification: Touch-up priming of areas with non-intact (80/20 practice). E.g. to obtain a minimum DFT of 200
shop-primer is not intended in these guidelines, but may be microns, the average or nominal DFT should be about 250
advantageous, depending on the coating manufacturer’s microns.
For some coating types, it may be,important that a maximum
The estimated target useful life span ranges (durability thickness is not exceeded. Coating manufacturer’s
ranges) are meant to be rough indications of durability, based recommendations should be followed.
on collected experience and information. It is to be taken into
consideration that the durability of coatings and the In double bottom ballast tanks in bulk carriers, the coating on
susceptibility to corrosion of different surfaces within the the tank top may be damaged by grab impact. It is important
same tank may vary widely. Maintenance of the coating will that the applied coating stays flexible. Relative elongation
increase the useful life. Notably the area underneath sun- figures for the coating should be requested. See 2.3.3.
heated decks, at warm bulkheads and internal splash zones
are representing severe exposure conditions for coatings. See - System I for ballast tanks (not recommended)
2.3 and 8.
Estimated useful life span range: 5 +: 3 years.
There are indications that the useful life of coating may be
reduced in deep water ballast tanks e.g. in very large crude System I is not recommended for ballast tanks due to the
oil carriers, due to increased tendency to blistering with short life expectancy. (It is, however, still in use, and may be
increasing hydrostatic pressure. The explanation may be that suitable for some areas in oil cargo tanks and cargo holds in
rapid decompression during deballasting causes small or bulk carriers. See below.)
premature blisters to grow and large blisters to break. This
Surface preparation: Steel plates shop-primed on blast
process may proceed at an increasing rate with increasing
cleaned or equivalent surface to Sa 2 - 2,5. Welds and bums
depth in deep water ballast tanks.
mechanically cleaned to minimum St 3. To obtain a coating
Useful life of a coating is considered to be until 3 % durability 25 years the steel surface preparation for shop-
breakthrough of rust on the coated surface areas: Welds’ and priming should be Sa 2,5.
edges’ areas, respectively plain and large surface areas,
considered separately. (IS0 Standard 4628/3, rust scale = Ri Coating application (Table 2.1): One stripe coat should be
3-4, or Rust Grade 5, ASTM D 610,9). See also 3.1.1. applied if necessary to obtain the stated thickness on edges,
etc. Increasing of the average thickness to obtain 200
Maintenance coating should be carried out before microns minimum D m is recommended for a coating
breakthrough of rust reaches 1 % of the surface area: Welds’ durability 2 5 years.
and edges’areas, respectively plain and large surface areas,
considered Separately. (Rust Grade 6, ASTh4 D 6 10, or = rust - System I1 for ballast tanks
scale Ri 3, I S 0 Standard 4628/3).
Estimated useful life span range: 10 3 years:
The above definitions are chosen as practical compromises
among several possible alternative definitions. Surface preparation: Steel plates with Zn containing, silicate
based shop-primer applied on surface blast cleaned to Sa 2,5
The coating systems indicated in these guidelines may be or better. Sharp edges broken or rounded. Damaged shop-
considered as general coating types, commonly used. They primer blast cleaned to Sa 2,5, including welds and burns.
are not meant to exclude other recognised or newly
developed systems. Dry conditions: Air humidity 5 85 % and steel temperature 2
3 “Cabove the dew point during surface preparation and
Light coloured coatings should be used where possible to coating operations.
facilitate inspections.
Coating application: Stripe coating with brush should be
DFT means dry film thickness in microns (= 0,001 mm). applied as an additional coat where required to obtain the
thickness specified.
The total nominal dry film thickness NDTF is stated in these
guidelines. However, the average DFT is also used in
- System I11 for ballast tanks
Estimated useful life span range: 15 3 years.
Recommended Practice 11
Surface preparation: Steel plates with Zn containing, silicate Coating application: 2 stripe coats with brush should be
based shop-primer applied on surface blast cleaned to Sa 2,5 applied where required to obtain the stated thickness. In way
or better, or, preferably, all shop-primer blasted off until of suctions, erosion of the paint film should be taken into
fresh Sa 2,5 surface is obtained on all areas, including welds, account. Heavy duty coating , e.g. glass flake reinforced
burns and edges. Sharp edges rounded or broken. epoxy 500 microns DFT and/or doubling plates may be
Clean conditions: Any salt contamination, weld smoke, dust,
particles, grease, oil, hand marks, etc. on shop-primed or Comment regarding the estimated 15 5 3 years target useful
other surface to be coated, to be removed by cleaning before life of System 111:
final blasting operations (assuming that the blasting abrasive
is clean). Increased tendency to blistering of coatings with increasing
depth of water ballast tanks is probably caused by increased
Dry conditions: Air humidity 585 % and steel temperature 2 osmotic pressure gradient and rapid de-pressurising when de-
3 "C above the dew point during blast cleaning and coating ballasting. Cleanliness of the surface underneath the coating
operations. is a necessary condition for good adhesion. Sufficient
strength of the coating film is also necessary to obtain this
coating life.
Secondary surface preparation Welds and bums mechanically cleaned to minimum St. 3
Clean conditions Any visible salt contamination, oil, grease, dust, weld smoke or dirt on shop primed or other surface to
be coated, to be removed by cleaning
Thermal and hygrometric
Comments to system I:
I The thermal and hygrometric conditions related to air humidity and steel temperature shall be within the
limits set by the coating manufacturer
Light coloured coatings are recommended. Tar containing coatings are dark.
2) The selection of a recognised coating may depend on the type of compartment and it's function.
3) One stripe coat to be applied on edges, welds and in areas where spraying may not be fully effective.
Nominal dry film thickness shall follow the "80/20 rule" and is for system I defined as follows:
The average DFT based on measurements shall always be equal to or larger than the NDFT. Up to 20% of the area (measured
points) may have a thickness between 100% and 80%of the NDm, but the measured dry film thickness shall always be larger
than 80% of the NDFT.
The measured DFT shall not exceed the maximum dry film thickness defined by the paint manufacturer.
12 Recommended Practice
Table 2.3 Coating system No. 111 - Target useful life 15 years
Target durability 15 years
Coating System I ) Epoxy based
Other recognised hard coating 2,
Coats and Thickness 2 to 3 coats 3,
Total nominal dry film thickness (NDFT) 300-400 microns 4,
Primary surface preparation Zinc containing, silicate based pre-fabrication primer on surface blast cleaned to minimum Sa 2,5
Secondary surface preparation Sharp edges to be removed
Damaged shop primer blast cleaned to Sa 2,5, including welds and bums. Intact sho primer to be
sweep blasted. Mechanical cleaning to St 3 acceptable on block joints and damagesRto the applied
coating svstem
Clean conditions Any visible salt contamination, oil, grease, dust, weld smoke or dirt on shop primed or other surface to
be coated, to be removed by cleaning
The chloride content on surfaces to be coated shall be less than 50 mg/m2 (as NaCl) according to Bresle
conductimetric method, or an equally recognised method
Thermal and hygrometric Air humidity I 8 5 % and steel temperature ? 3 "C above the dew point during blast cleaning and
conditions coating application operations
Comments to system 111
Light coloured coatings are recommended. Tar containing coatings are dark. If coal tar epoxy is used the epoxy to tar ratio shall
not be less than 60 to 40
P The selection of a recognised coating may depend on the type of compartment and it's function
3) One stripe coat to be applied prior to each full coat on edges, welds and in areas where spraying may not be fully effective
4) Nominal dry film thickness shall follow the "90/5 rule" and is for system 111 defined as follows:
The average DFT based on measurements shall always be equal to or larger than the NDFT. Up to 5% of the area (measured
points) may have a thickness between 100% and 90% of the NDFT, but the measured dry film thickness shall always be larger
than 90% of the NDFT
The measured DFT shall not exceed the maximum dry film thickness defined by the paint manufacturer
5) Only applicable for a reasonable amount of damages. Otherwise the basic surface preparation to be re-applied
Recommended Practice 13
Three alternative coating specifications for oil cargo tanks, Coating systems I, I1 and 111are generally applicable but may
Systems I, I1 and 111, are indicated in Tables 2.1 - 2.3. be modified as regards coating thickness and number of
coats, if relevant. The coating is to be epoxy or equivalent,
The indicated surface preparation is the minimum level rendering adequate corrosion protection to the surfaces in
needed to obtain the stated potential useful coating life. It is a question, considering the cargo type and mode of operation
brief summary of the detailed description under items 2.2.1 - of the ship.
All internals of cargo holds except flat tank top areas, hopper
General about estimated life span ranges, definitions and tanks sloping plating and transverse bulkheads bottom stool
explanations: See 2.4. approximately 300 mm below shell frame and brackets are to
be coated. Internal and external surfaces of hatch coamings
Coating is recommended in cargo oil tanks bottom plating and hatch covers are also to be coated, referring to the
and structures and underneath deck and deck-structures. current Rules for Classification of Ships (9).
System I1 is preferable for cargo tank inner bottom and
deckhead, while System I may be sufficient on upper part of Coating of the flat tank top areas and other surfaces
stringers. exempted from the rule requirement (see above), is also
recommended, provided a coating or floor covering can be
On the bottom plating the coating is to prevent bottom pitting found that is sufficiently tough to withstand the impacts,
corrosion that can occur in sour, foul water precipitated from abrasion and generally rough treatment by grabs, bulldozers,
oil cargoes, from condensation of moisture in the air, etc. etc. during loading and unloading.
Bacterial corrosion attacks superposed on common
electrolytic corrosion may give very high corrosion rates on Due concern should be given that coating used for grain or
bottom plates unless properly protected by coating, other edible cargoes is properly certified for the purpose by
especially in double hull vessels due to elevated cargo the responsible authorities. The inner bottom should be
temperatures being maintained for a prolonged time period coated, covered by a wooden deck, or similar.
(thermal isolation or "thermos bottle effect" of the double
hull). Floodable cargo holds for harbour filling should be coated
with due regard to that harbour ballast water may be polluted
The top side of horizontal stringer decks should be protected and corrosive.
with coating due to their susceptibility to pitting corrosion
due to deposits settling out from the cargo, as for the bottom For some dry cargoes, light coating with 1 - 2 coats of hold
plating. paints may be useful. A variety of hold paints (epoxy and
non-epoxy based) and surface preparation methods are
Plating and associated structures underneath deck are often available. Especially ultra high pressure water jetting may be
susceptible to more or less uniform corrosion attacks due to useful in cargo holds.
cyclic sun heating and cooling, condensation water, abundant
oxygen supply, washing and sloshing of cargo. Proper 2.7 Coating for miscellaneous areas
application of a suitable coating is recommended. Sacrificial
anodes will not be effective due to that here is no bulk For the sake of completeness, a few examples of coating
electrolyte for distribution of protective current. systems for accommodation areas, engine rooms and fresh
water and petroleum product tanks are listed below. The
The coating types suitable for cargo oil tanks must be oil suggested systems for use underneath thermal isolation in
resistant and will usually be epoxy based. The coating type reefers and for voids in LNG tankers are practically the same
should be selected in co-operation with coating as System 11, Table 2.2. For other allocations, special
manufacturers. Coal tar epoxies will usually not be oil systems are suggested that are more or less different from the
resistant and may easily become brittle due to that light tar Systems I - I11 presented in Tables 2.1 - 2.3.
components may be washed away andlor evaporated due to
cyclic sun heating. The durability level or estimated useful life of the coating is
.dependenton wear and tear as well as on maintenance
Slop tanks should be coated on all surfaces with System 11 coating. The corrosion protection of these areas is, however,
(or better). usually not critical for the operation or safety of the ship.
14 Recommended Practice
For coating or lining of tanks for chemical cargoes, shop- 2.8 Coating for external hull
primer should be removed before application of the primer A coating specification for the ship will include a description
yard coat. The cleanliness of blasted surfaces should be Sa of the external hull coating. The general contents of a coating
2,5 - Sa 3. Some of the coatings may be very sensitive to specifications is described under 2.3.
overthickness. The coating manufacturer’s recommendations
should generally be followed as regards surface preparation, For the hull a coating specification with two alternative steel
coating application and curing. surface preparations is indicated below:
Recommended Practice 15
~~ ~~ ~
16 Recommended Practice
See also 5 .
Recommended Practice 17
Anode renewals should be carried out well in time before the Typical current capacity or consumption rate figures, lifetime
old anodes are fully consumed. The design of renewal and current output capacity calculations are described under
systems should be based on the above principles modified 2.9.2.
according to experience gained with the actual ship. Anode size and distribution should be based on the
Inspection of sacrificial anode installations can be carried out information provided from and calculations as
by the coating inspector, see 2.3 and 7. indicated in - The anode distribution, type,
weights and dimensions should be shown on drawings.
2.9.3 Impressed current systems
Anode renewals should be carried out well in time before the
Impressed current systems should not be used in ballast tanks old anodes are fully consumed, preferably during docking.
due to development of chlorine and hydrogen, which can
result in an explosion hazard.
2.10.3 Impressed current systems
2.10 Cathodic protection of external hull
The size, number of and distribution of impressed current
2.10.1 Cathodic protection system design basis - external
anodes should be based on information as per 2.10.1.
The following should be specified: The impressed current system design and installation,
including anode alloy type, design, location and distribution,
- size, shape and area of the external hull reference electrodes, rectifiers, cabling, hull penetrations,
- speed and probable trade or trading routes, including cofferdams, monitoring units, anode shields, etc. should be
time in harbours delivered by a recognised specialist company with good
- propeller(s)’type, size, speed, materials and location(s) references.
- propeller shaft material, and if grounded to the hull
- rudder and rudder accessories
- sea water intakes, sea chests, and any other hull Impressed current systems should be checked and adjusted
accessories. by the supplier regularly for proper functioning, e.g. every
All external hull items in electrical contact with the hull shall 2nd year.
be included in the cathodic protection system. The propeller
will be insulated from the hull when rotating. Recognised
slip-rings and brushes should be installed to include the 3. Ships in Operation - Maintenance of
propeller in the cathodic protection system. Corrosion Protection Systems Ships of some age can have corrosion prevention systems in
varying condition. Systems suitable for newbuildings may
The criterion of cathodic protection is as per not be so for ships in service. In the following some methods
for prevention or limitation of corrosion attacks are suggested for ships in service.
Average current densities needed to obtain full cathodic
protection of well coated ships’ hulls will usually be about 10 3.1 Ballast tanks and hull internals
mA/m2or more. In special cases, e.g. on ice breakers, up to
about 60 mA/mZmay be needed. The current density demand -
3.1.1 Maintenance coating general
will vary depending on factors mentioned under, Maintenance coating should be carried out before
and will be different at different locations of the hull and its breakthough of rust reaches 1 % of the surface area: Welds’
accessories such as propeller, rudder, and sea chests. and edges’areas, respectively plain and large surface areas,
considered separately. This corresponds to Rust Grade 6, ASTM D 610 (9) or =: rust scale Ri 3, IS0 Standard 4628/3.
Water resistivities: See 8. The ASTM D 610 has a very simple and useful figure for
estimation of area percentages and is reproduced as figure
2.10.2 Sacrificial anodes - external hull 9.1 in these guidelines. More standards on evaluation of the
condition of worn or damaged coatings may be found in Appendix 2.
Aluminium or zinc anode materials should be used.
18 Recommended Practice
When rust is breaking through on as much as 1 % of the Special coating systems designed to be more tolerant of
coated area, much of the remaining coated surface is soon lower quality surface treatment and humidity or temperature
due for the same. When possible, maintenance coating conditions may be more effective. In the Table 3.1 are listed
should be started earlier. examples of paint coating systems designed for maintenance
coating. The list is not meant to exclude other recognised or
Often those areas which are most in need of protection will new developed systems. Documentation of obtained results
suffer the hardest from coating breakdown: Welds, burns and should be requested before selection of coating type.
edges of cut-outs, etc. The reason is the commonly occurring
substandard surface preparation of welds, burns and edges, The steel surface cleanliness should be minimum St 3
see 2.2. according to IS0 8501-1, or degreased, clean, sound coating
or shop-primer, and as dry conditions as practically possible.
Maintenance coating may be carried out with the same
coating system as originally used on the newbuilding. The Salt contamination is a common problem in maintenance
surface treatment and humidity or temperature conditions coating. Salts on surfaces underneath applied coating will
required for a satisfactory result are, however, not always promote early blistering due to osmosis. Salt should be
practically obtainable. removed as far as possible by means of fresh water washing.
The salt content on surfaces to be coated should at least be
The shipowner has to options for maintenance coating: below 60 and preferably below 30 mg/m2 (as NaCl). A
recognised test method for salt is IS0 8502-9.
- dry-dock repairs, or
- repairs at sea. The significance of condensation of moisture on steel
For ballast tanks, according to IMO (12), maintenance of the surfaces and its relation to air humidity and temperature
corrosion prevention system shall be included in the ship's conditions must be understood by the personnel involved, so
overall maintenance scheme. that adequate ventilation, and dehumidification if necessary,
is provided.
Mud, sludge and foul water in the bottom of tanks should be
removed on a planned and continuos basis in order to prevent It is important that repaired, welded or heat affected zone
pitting corrosion, bacterial growth and development of areas are given adequate surface preparation and are properly
bacterial corrosion. If bacterial corrosion is superposed on coated, otherwise accelerated galvanic corrosion attack may
the common electrolytic corrosion, the corrosion rate can be occur.
very high. This phenomenon is especially relevant in double
hull tankers' cargo tanks, due to prolonged period of elevated The ship's safety and tank entry procedures must be strictly
cargo temperature (isolating effect of empty ballast tanks). adhered to during work in connection with maintenance
coating, Personnel must be adequately trained in safe usage
of all equipment.
- Coatings with aluminium A1 content above 10 % in the dry film shall not be used in gas hazardous areas.
- Maintenance coating systems should be specially developed for use on non-blast cleaned surfaces.
- Cargo holds for clean cargo should be maintenance coated with the same system as used originally, and the coating must be
compatible with the original coating and the cargo.
General guidelines for inspection may be found in 2.2.4 and 7.
Regarding selection of coatings sufficiently flexible on sun heated or hot surfaces and coatings for high strength steels, see 2.3.
Recommended Practice 19
- hydrochloric acid descaling 3.1.3 Soft coats, semi hard coatings, inhibitors
- sponge-jet blasting. This category of products is of different chemical origin and
Power tool cleaning is suitable for small repairs. A realistic have different properties. Terms such as for example "soft
useful life span range obtainable with a good coating may be coats", "semi hard" coating and "inhibitors" may occur. Soft
about 2 - 5 years. and semi hard coatings may be based on for example
petroleum oils, vegetable oils or wool grease (lanolin).
Hydro-jetting with water pressure above about 100 MPa will
give varying results depending on nozzle design, speed of The basic idea of soft and semi hard coats or coatings is
operation, etc. Loose rust, scale and coating will generally usually that they shall be able to penetrate rust and adhere to
come off, while mill-scale and hard, black rust (magnetite- non-blast cleaned steel, due to their content of surface active
scale) will not be removed. Expected useful life for good, chemicals. They should stay soft or semi hard, i.e. flexible
surface tolerant coatings can be 5 years or more. (So called and non-brittle. The corrosion protection mechanism may be
"moisture tolerant" coatings may not yet be sufficiently due to chemical constituents acting as corrosion inhibitors
developed to be successful for such use.) and/or in combination with a barrier effect. They are usually
intended primarily for maintenance coating.
Ultra-highpressure hydro-jetting with pressures above about
200 MPa gives faster and usually better results than the - "Soft coat" may be defined as: Coating that remains soft
above method. Depending on the cleanliness achieved, the so that it wears off when touched; often based on oils or
expected useful life of good coatings applied on surfaces sheep wool grease.
prepared by means of this method may be varying but in - Semi hard coating" may be defined as: Coating which
some cases up to 10 years. dries in such a way that it stays soft and flexible
although hard enough to touch and walk upon.
Slurv blasting is similar to dry grit blasting but water is used - "Inhibitors" for corrosion protection are generally
as propellant instead of air. The advantages are reduced dust chemicals having an inhibiting effect on corrosion and
and salt levels, the disadvantage is that the surface is wetted, can be of film forming (i.e. coating), anodic or cathodic
which implies re-rusting. The expected useful life of a good
coating may be about 5 years but strongly dependent on the
degree of re-rusting. Soft and semi hard coatings will normally be of shorter
durability than common paint coatings and will normally
Grit blasting is technically the best method for obtaining a have to be renewed annually or every 2nd year.
durable coating. However, grit-blasting may often not be Manufacturers of such coatings should normally have ready
feasible for maintenance coating. Special grit blasting units made procedures for re-coating.
suitable for maintenance work are, however, available; e.g.
vacuum, back-pack, mini-pot, etc. equipment. Expected A drawback with some of these coatings, notably wool
useful life of a good coating applied on grit blasted surface in grease based soft coat$ is that hot work or welding on the
a maintenance-situation may be 10 years or more. outside or inside of coated plates may cause fire or
explosions due to gas development from the coating when
Magnesium descaling may give a surface suitable for a heated. Careful removal of the coating is thus necessary
surface tolerant coating if white calciudmagnesium before any hot work is carried out.
carbonate powder formed during descaling is quickly
removed by fresh water washing. Large amounts of hydrogen Another drawback, also most significant with wool grease
gas formed during descaling can represent a safety hazard if based soft coats, is that the coated surfaces stay soft and
not properly ventilated, and magnesium metal itself is a very slippery and make inspection work e.g. in ballast tanks
reactive metal, e.g. thin flakes or chips may catch fire. difficult and dirty. For this reason IACS (13) has issued a
Expected useful life of a good coating may be 2 - 5 years. recommendation that practically will rule out the use of soft
coats in ballast tanks.
Hydrochloric acid descaling (diluted HCl) may be used for
descaling. Hydrochloric acid represents also a potential Some soft coat products are applied in relatively high
safety hazard. All traces of acid must be removed by fresh thickness, e.g. 1 mm and above. These will impose the
water washing before coating. Expected useful coating life greatest difficulties with respect to cleaning, hot work, access
may be about as for magnesium descaling, 2 - 5 years, and possibilities for inspection.
depending on e.g. re-rusting and dryness of surfaces during
The heat resistance of the coating products should be
coating application.
carefully checked before application in ballast tanks,
Sponge-jet blasting is a newly developed method that may considering that sun heating, adjacent cargo tanks and engine
possibly be used for preparing block joint surfaces and room may cause elevated temperature,
similar. No records giving indications on expected useful
Semi hard coatings approved by DNV will be accepted for
coating life are available.
avoidance of annual survey of ballast tanks. However, soft
coats will not qualify for relaxation of requirements for
annual examination of water ballast tanks. It is also decided
(1995) that DNV approval will no more be issued for soft
coat products, due to the drawbacks described above.
20 Recommended Practice
Classification survey with steel thickness measurements if Sacrificial anode systems installed in ships in service should
necessary should be carried out after cleaning but prior to be designed in accordance with the principles of these
application of any maintenance coating, in order to verify guidelines as described in 2.9. (Too few and/or too small
that the hull structure is in sound condition. anodes have often been installed in ships tanks.)
Coated tanks will normally have to be properly cleaned Impressed current systems should not be used in ballast
before tank surveys, e.g. the coating is to be removed in tanks, see 2.9.
critical areas. The extent of cleaning will be to the discretion
of the surveyor. It should be considered that some coatings Generally, anodes should be renewed before the sacrificial
might be more difficult to clean off steel surfaces than others. material has disappeared. If designed for a defined useful
life, anodes should be renewed in accordance with the
3.1.4 Other coatings predetermined schedule.
Several coatings have been marketed for application to non-
blast cleaned surfaces but with little documented success. 3.2 External hull
Relatively new products within the groups "surface tolerant 3.2.1 Maintenance coating
epoxies" and "rust converter + " may seem promising.
External hull coatings should be renewed when necessary.
Documentation of obtained results should be requested When the necessary control with blast cleaning, humidity
before taken into use. and temperature conditions during coating application can
not be obtained, special coating systems designed for
maintenance may be used. Examples of such systems are
3.1.5 Cathodic protection
indicated in Table 3.2.
Sacrificial anodes of zinc or aluminium may effectively
reduce corrosion in the under water region of ballast tanks
for the ballasted periods. They can prevent pitting corrosion
3.2.2 Cathodic protection - maintenance renewal-
in tank bottom areas mostly flooded with water. Sacrificial Sacrificial anode systems should be renewed in accordance
anodes will not have any effect on areas not submerged in with the principles outlined in 2.9 and 2.10.
water. They should preferably be used in combination with
coating, to reduce the protective current demand and increase Impressed current cathodic protection systems need regular
anode life (care is to be taken such that anodes are not specialist survey by the supplier for maintenance of proper
covered by coating). functioning.
Table 3.2 Maintenance paint coating systems external hull
Recommended Practice 21
To avoid the requirement of annual examination, the ballast The three main coating conditions are commonly defined by
tanks with coating in Poor condition will have to be re- the classification societies as follows:
coated. Due to high costs of carrying out proper surface
preparation for application of an epoxy based, hard coating, - Good: Condition with only minor spot rusting.
semi-hard or similar coating materials have been especially - Fair: Condition with local breakdown at edges of
developed for the maintenance coating market of ageing stiffeners and weld connections and/or light rusting over
ships' ballast tanks. In ships classed with DNV, such coatings 20 % or more of areas under consideration, but less than
(other than hard coats) are required to be Type Approved. as defined for Poor condition.
- Poor: Condition with general breakdown of coating over
Type Approval is offered as a service to coating 20 % or more of areas or hard scale at 10 % or more of
manufacturers. The criterion for Type Approval is, briefly, areas under consideration.
satisfactory performance in either actual field exposure
(ballast tank) for a minimum of 2 years, or laboratory testing The definitions of Good, Fair and Poor coating conditions
by approved methods. Coating materials that are Type can be interpreted as given in Table 3.3.
Approved by DNV are thus products of a high and defined
quality (7, 14).
minor(1 %)
II 20%
> 20 %
I >lo%
I General coating breakdown I minor (1 %) I 20% I >20% I
ASTM D 610 1% 20 % > 20 %
(all coating breakdown and rust
added, see fig. 9.1)
I S 0 462813 Rust Scale Rust Scale Rust Scale
(area rusted) Ri 3 (1 %) Ri 4 (8 %) > Ri 4 (8 %)
A simplified interpretation for practical purposes may be that (4) NACE Corrosion Engineers Reference Book, NACE
condition Good can be given if all observed coating damages 1979, after F.L. LaQue, Marine Corrosion Causes and
and rust spots added together make less than 1 % of the Prevention.
surface area considered when compared with the ASTM D
610 figure, reproduced as figure 9.1 in these guidelines, ( 5 ) Recommended Practice RP B401 Cathodic Protection
Appendix 5 . Design, DNV, 1986 and 1993.
Condition Poor should be given if all observed areas of (6) Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV, last edition.
coating damage and rust added together make more than 20
% of the area under consideration when compared with the (7) Type Approval Programme No. 1- 602.1 for Protective
same Figure 9.1 in these guidelines. Coating Systems, DNV, 1999.
Accordingly, condition Fair can be given for corresponding (8) G.H. Brevoort and A.H. Roebuck, Selecting Cost-
area percentages 1 - 20 %. Effective Protective Coating Systems, Materials
Performance, February 1991.
(2) NTNF-prosjekt Extended Lifetime for Ships, DNV (10) Camrex Limited, Manual of Tank Coating - Procedures
Report No. 89-0205 dated 5.5.91, NTNF MV.24918. & Standards. Camrex Limited, Washington, UK.
(3) R. Sundby, Synpunkter pB korrosjonsskydd i (1 1) Y. Akita, Ships damages and the counterplans to protect
havsvattenkylda varmevaksler, Stal-Lava1Turbin AB, 1973. ships. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai. Paper presented in London, June
(In Swedish) 1980.
22 Recommended Practice
(12) International Maritime Organization, IMO.Resolution ( 13) International Association of Classification Societies
A.798(19) adopted 23 November 1995. Guidelines for the IACS, Recommendation No. 44,Survey guidelines for tanks
Selection, Application and Maintenance of Corrosion in which soft coatings have been applied, 1996.
Protection Systems of dedicated Sea Water Ballast Tanks.
(14) E. Askheim, Ballast Tanks & Cargo Holds, Protective
Coatings Europe, June 1997.
Recommended Practice 23
5. Appendix 1: Brief Review of the DNV Rules for Ships (2000) and IMO Guidelines
regarding corrosion protection of ships
5.1 Classification requirements
The below is a brief review of DNV class requirements for
corrosion protection, presented in the same order of
occurrence as the related subjects are treated in these
guidelines. The detailed requirements are stated in the DNV
Rules for Classification of Shim (See reference (6)).
Guidelines, Chapter and subject Item, briefly DNV Rulesfor Ships, reference (2000)
2.1,2.2.3 Planning and access for Permanent and temporary staging and Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.3 D300
inspection passages through hull structures to be Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 E200
I provided.
2.2.1 Shop-primer To be approved with respect to that it will Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18 B201
have no detrimental effect on welds.
2.3 to 2.7 Coating, newbuildings All steel surfaces are to be coated, except in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18 BlOl
tanks other than ballast tanks. Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2 D201
Tanks for ballast water are to be protected
with effective coating.
2.3 to-2.7 Coating specification Items to be described in a coating Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18 A200
specification are outlined. Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.14 A200
2.6 Coating, holds in bulk carriers Corrosion protection to be specially Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18 BlOl
considered. Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 (2500
Details regarding coating of cargo holds.
2.3 to 2.7 Coating containing aluminium Use in gas hazardous areas limited to A1 Pt.3 Ch. 1 Sec.18 B202
content maximum 10 % by weight in the dry
film, due to sparking hazard.
2.9 Sacrificial anodes’efficiency in ballast If anodes are to installed, calculation details Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18 A200
tanks and distribution drawings are to be
submitted for, respectively, information and
2.9 Sacrificial anodes’fastening and To be approved with respect to fastening in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.18. B301 to B304
installation gas hazardous areas, e.g. tanks adjacent to
oil cargo tanks. Maximum kinetic energy
275 J developed in case of anodes falling
2.9 Gas produced by anodes Vent pipes are to be installed both fore and Pt.4 Ch.1 Sec.4 KiOl
aft in tanks where sacrificial anodes are
3.1 Coating, Ships in Service Corrosion protection system definition. Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 A108
Definition of coating conditions Good, Fair, Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 A109
and Poor. Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 B601
Annual survey, coating. Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 C102, C303 and C400
Intermediate survey, coating. Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 Dl00
Renewal survey, coating.
5.2 IMO Guidelines - Corrosion protection organisational matters concerning shipowners, shipyards,
flag state administration, classification societies and others.
Selected items of the lM0 guidelines concerning corrosion me classification society’s involvement in f o ~ ~ o wof- ~ p
protection in such forms as they appear in January 1996,are ships’corrosion protection systems is currently being
presented in the below table. The guidelines deal with discussed.
technical aspects of corrosion protection as well as
24 Recommended Practice
Recommended Practice 25
Coating dry film thickness DFT Relevant standards for measurement of WFT:
The minimum dry film thickness DFT should be stated for
each coating layer and for the full coating system. If it is ASTM D 1212, BS 3900 Part C5, BS 5493.
considered more practical to specify the average DFT, it
Holiday detection or spark testing
should be increased so that it will comply with a stated
Holiday detection, or spark testing, or continuity testing, is
minimum DFI'. See examples discussed in 2.4 of these
not commonly used on paint coatings but can be essential for
linings for chemicals, pipe coating, and other critical coating
Dry film thickness DFT test methods: or lining applications. The equipment must be calibrated
Electromagnetic and magnetic type instruments are used for strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions and duly
coatings on steel. Eddy current based instruments may be considering the coating or lining type and thickness. Low
used on non-magnetic substrates. voltage equipment only is relevant for paint coatings.
Standards concerning dry film thickness measurements: A recognised standard indicating test voltages versus coating
thickness is NACE RP-02-74. Useful advice is also given in
IS0 2808, BS 3900 Part C5, BS 5494, ASTM D 1005, D BS 6374.
1400, D 2691, SIS 184160.
26 Recommended Practice
BS 3900 Part G 7, BS 4164, BS 4692, ASTM D 2485. ASTM D 1200, DIN 51550,1342,53177.
The percentages of the respective components of a coating
material may be determined by various standard tests, e.g.:
ASTM D 2697,2832, 1259,2621, IS0 3233.
Recommended Practice 27
Paper work
7. Appendix 3: Coating inspector's duties - Reporting, including:
- documentation of the quality of coated surfaces versus
The status and authority of the coating inspector or team of the quality specified
inspectors should be stated in the contract between ship- - tests carried out (check of surface cleanliness, film
builder and owner. The following are indications of relevant thicknesses, air and temperature controls)
tasks and equipment for the inspector that may be considered
in such contract.
- deviations from specified quality
- documentation of installed numbers and locations of any
The coating inspector should have documented anodes, to be in accordance with specification and
qualifications, including knowledge about health and fire drawings.
hazards concerning this work. Certification arrangements for Inspection equipment
coating inspectors are established in some countries. The coating applicator or coating subcontractor should
normally have the necessary inspection equipment on site.
Sacrificial anodes' installation can be covered by the coating The most important equipment for the coating inspector will
inspector. Installations of impressed current systems should
be surveyed by a representative from the supplier.
- specification or pictorial standards for steel surface
The coating inspector should be involved in the following preparation
items described in the guidelines: - pocket knife
- psychrometer (for wet and dry air temperature
planning measurement) or hygrometer
steel surface preparation - dew point calculator, electronic type
coating selection and application - steel surface thermometer
coating quality control and testing (of the tests - dry film thickness measuring equipment.
mentioned in Appendix 2 only a few of those mentioned
under 6.1 are normal routine tests for common paint Useful additional equipment may be:
sacrificial anodes installation, if any.
- inspection mirror
- pull-off adhesion test equipment
Details of testing and quality control to be carried out by the - Rugotest or surface profile gauge
coating inspector should be defined. During coating - paint inspection gauge.
operations the inspector's daily duties may be as follows:
Practical inspection work
Survey of
28 Recommended Practice
- in open sea water, temperature about 25 "C, 20 ohm cm Dry, high-temperature corrosion may occasionally occur
- in open sea water, temperatures below 10 "C, 30 ohm under special conditions, as in engines.
- For steel submerged in sea water the accessibility of oxygen
in sea bottom mud or sediments, 75 - 150 ohm cm to the surface is governing the corrosion rate. This implies
- in brackish river water, 200 ohm cm that the corrosion rate for different steel grades in
- in distilled water, 500000 ohm cm. submerged, static condition is approximately the same,
The corrosivity of sea water as regards general corrosion on independent of minor alloying elements.
steel increases with increasing temperature, oxygen content,
water velocity, content of corrosive contaminants, eroding High strength steels may more often than common steel be
particles, and conductivity. subject to high stress levels or cyclic stresses. This can imply
increased corrosion rates, due to the stresses as such (stress
Localised corrosion, notably on stainless steels and corrosion cracking or corrosion fatigue), and also due to that
aluminium alloys, will often be promoted by stagnant water a protective layer of rust is prevented from being formed at
low in oxygen. spots receiving high stress levels or fatigue loads. Fresh,
unprotected metal surface is then continuously exposed to a
Bacterial corrosion (also called micro-biological, anaerobic, corrosive environment.
etc.) may occur e.g. in ships' oil tanks, ballast tanks, cargo
piping, etc., due to that local environments and conditions for Due to high local stresses and strains, the useful life of
bacterial activity are prevailing. These conditions are, briefly coatings may be reduced. If so, the corrosion process may
get an early start.
- stagnant (anaerobic) water
- hydrocarbons nourishing bacteria, e.g. crude oil, Bacterial corrosion, if occurring, may proceed locally at high
possibly some coatings or soft coats, etc. rates. Indications of bacterial activity are
- sulphates present in sea water (the most common
corrosion promoting bacteria utilise sulphate for rotten smell of hydrogen sulphide H2S (Caution: H2S in
"breathing" instead of oxygen) high concentrations is odourless to humans. It is very
- ideal temperatures for bacterial growth (about 20 to 40 poisonous and also explosive)
"C) corrosion may occur as smooth pitting
- sufficient numbers of bacteria to flourish under above corrosion products are initially black coloured by iron
conditions are often present in water. sulphides
the black colour disappears rapidly in air due to
The corrosivity of the marine atmosphere is dependent on its oxidation of the iron sulphides.
content of chlorides, sulphates or sulphites and other air
contaminants, including soot and dust particles. The For steel exposed to marine atmosphere the corrosion rate is
corrosivity thus generally decreases with increasing height governed by the rate of transfer of metal ions at the anode,
above sea level. which in its turn is dependent on the amount of
contamination elements and alloying elements in the steel.
The corrosion promoting effect of salts, dust etc. in the The atmospheric corrosion rate will thus vary significantly
marine atmosphere is due to, mainly with the steel type.
- increasing conductivity of moist film on metal surfaces 8.3 Factors influencing steel corrosion rates in
- prevention of a moist film on metal surfaces from drying
out, and
- breaking up passive, oxide films on e.g. stainless steels The corrosion rate on unprotected surfaces, like other
and A1 alloys. chemical reaction rates, generally increases with the
Recommended Practice 29
The corrosion rates in a ship can, however, be constant, 8.4.1 Stainless steels
increase or decrease with the time, dependent on e.g. the The so called stainless steels owe their corrosion resistance
following factors: to a thin surface film of oxides, called a passive film. The
- oxide film is cathodic compared with the base metal, and
a layer of built up corrosion products (rust) on a steel when broken, the adjacent base metal exposed to sea water
surface will have a protective (coating) effect by limiting will act as a sacrificial anode. Pitting will occur, often at a
the access of oxygen to the steel, thus lowering the
high rate.
corrosion rate
- a layer of corrosion products may render parts of the The passivity of the oxide film is dependent on oxygen
surface cathodic in relation to other, anodic, parts of the supply and on the chemical-metallurgical composition of the
surface lacking such layer experiencing increased base metal. Notably the content of molybdenum must be
corrosion rate above a certain minimum to withstand depassivation by
- surfaces exposed to vibrations and/or high stress levels chlorides. Only a few types of "high molybdenum"- type
may have increased corrosion rates with time, due to that stainless steels are resistant to sea water, i.e. those with Mo-
the thickness reduction of steel plates reinforces contents above about 6 %, e.g. 0,02 % C, 20 % Cr, 18 % Ni,
vibrations and stress levels 6,l % Mo, 0,2% N, 0,7 % Cu. At temperatures > 15 "C,
- macro-elements or large aeration cells caused by however, the 6% MO stainless steels can suffer from crevice
variations in the oxygen concentration, e.g. at different corrosion in sea water.
depth levels in a ballast tank and over or under
sediments, may create anodic parts experiencing The most commonly used austenitic type stainless steels, e.g.
accelerated corrosion and other parts cathodic, non- 0,03 % C, 18,5 % Cr, 1 4 3 % Ni, 3,3 % Mo (AISI 316 and
corroding related products) are not resistant to sea water. Modern
- areas with locally degraded coating may become anodic duplex steels may be somewhat more resistant.
compared with areas with intact coating, resulting in
pitting corrosion. Pitting or other localised attacks in stainless steels are thus
often due to:
Other, operational factors may also influence the corrosion
rates in a ship, e.g.: - lack of oxygen, e.g. in stagnant sea water, underneath
debris or adherent particles
percentage of time in ballast or ballasting routine - local chemical or metallurgical surface defects, e.g.
moisture content of empty tanks
caused by welding.
temperature of cargo or fuel in adjacent tanks
cathodic protection, application and design and anode It follows that success of stainless steels in sea water are
distribution dependent on a non-intermittent flow of water and of the
coating type and application, including steel surface surface being kept smooth and clean. Proper welding
preparation procedures must be strictly adhered to.
maintenance of corrosion protection systems Further, stainless steels are more noble, i.e. of significant
structural design of ship and tanks cathodic character compared with common ship construction
frequency and method of tank washing steel. When sea water or moist marine air is present,
clean or dirty ballast unprotected black steel in electrical contact with stainless
cargo type and composition, including contamination will corrode more quickly than if it were alone, due to
use and type of inert gas galvanic corrosion.
trade, speed and sailing route
etc. Stainless steel types used for chemical cargoes should be
selected based on a critical evaluation of information
Depending on the above factors, unprotected steel internally provided by the manufacturers of the steel and of the
in ships ballast tanks may typically, allowing for great chemicals. Close attention should be given to the welding
deviations, experience average corrosion rates (see reference procedures, and to the contaminants of the cargo, which may
(2)) of the order of 0.2 - 0.4 d y e a r . Local corrosion, e.g. be more corrosive than its main constituent.
pitting and corrosion in way of welds, may proceed at much
higher rates. 8.4.2 Aluminium alloys
8.4 Metallic materials other than steel The sea water resistance of Al-alloys depends, as for
stainless steels, of a thin, cathodic film of oxides. If the film
Significant features concerning the corrosion or protection is destroyed, the Al-alloy is likewise prone to pitting,
aspects of a few important groups of metallic materials are according to the same mechanisms as stainless steels.
briefly mentioned below:
Contrary to stainless steels, Al-alloys are anodic, i.e. less
noble, compared with black steel. In metallic, electrical
contact and exposed to sea water or marine atmosphere, the
Al-alloy will corrode, sacrificing itself and protecting the
30 Recommended Practice
Typical Al-alloys used in marine construction are given in 8.4.3 Copper alloys
Table 8.1. Typical propeller casting materials are the Ni-Al-bronzes.
* maximum Mn content varying from 0.4 % for Mg 2.5 to 0.8 % Typical tube materials are
for Mg 4.
Other elements in Table 8.1, maximum values, %: Cu: 0.10, Al-brass : 76 - 79 % Cu, 0.02 - 0.035 % As, 2 % A1 and Zn
Fe: 0.50, Cr: 0.35, Zn: 0.20, Ti: 0.20, Other: Each 0.05, Total rest
Cu-Ni 90/10: 10 % Ni, 1.0 - 1.8 % Fe, 0.5 - 1 % Mn
Al-alloys, including the above, may suffer from localised
corrosion such as pitting. Cast alloys of AlMgSi type are Cu-Ni 70/30: 30 % Ni, 0.4 - 1.0 % Fe, 0.5 - 1.5 % Mn.
relatively prone to pitting corrosion. The general corrosion
rate in sea water is, however, normally low, i.e. ( 0.005 Copper has relatively low chemical reactivity and is
mtdyear. Pitting may be initiated on e.g. A1 hulls of vessels cathodic, i.e. of noble or inert character compared with steel.
when idle in harbours with stagnant sea water, underneath The corrosion resistance of Cu-alloys, however, often
marine growth or anti-fouling coating. depends on a thin film of surface oxides. If the protective
surface oxide film on Cu-alloys are broken down by too high
The AlMg alloys may be subjected to stress corrosion water velocity, erosion or contaminants in harbour waters,
cracking at contents of Mg > =. 4.5 % in strain hardened and corrosion attacks may occur.
stabilised condition. Materials for bolts and rivets should
have< 3.5 % Mg. For tube materials in heat exchangers (see reference (3))
recognised flow velocities should not be exceeded to avoid
Galvanic corrosion is well known on A1 alloys in the corrosion attacks as given in Table 8.2.
presence of an electrolyte such as sea water or a chloride
containing film of moisture. Metallic contact between A1 and
e.g. copper, nickel, chromium, stainless steels and mild steel Tube material Maximum flow veloci& d s
should be avoided in the presence of sea water or moist,
marine atmosphere. A n n (e.g. galvanised steel), Al-brass 2.1
AYcadmium and usually Aylead are harmless. Cu-Ni 90/10 2.4
Cu/Ni 70/30 3.0
Stainless steel screws or bolts are often used in A1 alloy
constructions. When submerged in sea water or when a film Joining of tubes by welding or other methods may introduce
of moisture will often be present at the surface, electrical local deviations from the base material composition of great
insulation is necessary between stainless steel and Al. consequence for the corrosion resistance. Proper procedures
Metallic contact Allstainless steel screw or bolt may be for joining and installation should be strictly adhered to.
adequate in marine atmosphere at some height above the
water level (e.g. some helicopter deck constructions) 8.4.4 Galvanic series of metals and alloys
provided the surface connection is kept dry most.of the time Joining together different metals or alloys may result in rapid
by abundance of fresh air. AYstainless steel contacts are galvanic corrosion on the less noble alloy, which will act as a
harmless in a dry, indoor atmosphere. sacrificial anode relative to the nobler, cathodic alloy.
Necessary conditions for such corrosion are that the two
Copper content in A1 alloys above the above limit of 0,lO % alloys stay in electrical contact and that sea water or a film of
may initiate intergranular corrosion. moisture is present. Insulating flanges and bolts, coating, or
dry conditions, will prevent galvanic corrosion from
AlSiCu and AlCuTi cast alloys should thus not be used in occurring.
marine construction.
Recommended Practice 31
Below is inserted a table of galvanic series in sea water (see E.g. a stainless steel bolt (cathodic) with small surface area
reference (4)) for relevant metals and alloys, with relative in contact with a large surface area of aluminium (anodic) is
potential differences (from F. L. LaQue, Marine Corrosion - normally far less harmful than if the opposite situation
Causes and Prevention). For practical purposes, galvanic should occur, because the corrosion attack on the A1 alloy
corrosion will usually not be significant at potential surface will be spread out evenly on a large surface.
differences less than 50 - 100 mV.
Moist surface film (electrolyte):
Generally, the surface ratio between anodic (less noble) and
cathodic (more noble) metals will influence the galvanic Due to the low thickness of the moist film, the surface effect
(bimetallic) corrosion attack on the anodic surface. Two of a large anode versus a small cathode will be cancelled (no
common conditions are, however, worth considering: The spreading effect of corrosion current through the bulk
fully submerged and the moist surface film condition, electrolyte). E.g. a stainless steel bolt in an aluminium alloy
respectively: construction will give local corrosion attack on the
aluminium adjacent to the bolt.
Fully submerged in bulk sea water (electrolyte):
32 Recommended Practice
Figure 8-1 Galvanic series in sea water 8.5 Cargo and ballast handling - design against
Volts: Saturzted calomel half-cell reference electrode
Ballast water and cargoes often promote corrosion, as in the
Note regarding Figure 8.1: typical cases of:
Alloys are listed in the order of the potential they exhibit in Tankers for oil: Acid water containing sulphurous
flowing sea water (2,4 - 4 d s e c , temperatures 10 - 27 "C). components from the oil may settle out in the bottom of
cargo tanks, ballast tanks and cargo piping, causing corrosion
Certain alloys indicated by black rectangles in low-velocity problems.
or poorly aerated water, and at shielded areas, may become
active and exhibit a potential near - 0,5 V.
Recommended Practice 33
34 Recommended Practice
9 8 7
. .
0,1% 0,3%
3 2 1
1 - I
Weld Spatter
@ J
Rolled steel sections normally have radiused
edges. Therefore can be left untreated.
?/I ’/ / / .m
Remove using grinder.
Undercuts exceeding classification ruling
should be repaired by welding and grinding.
Manual Weld
Bead ’-.. k/ Sharp Profile peaks to be smoothed using
36 Recommended Practice
T 2
Recommended Practice 37
Increased p l a t e thicknes5.
Coating or wooden floor
for grain cargoes, etc.
Figure 9-4 Recommended extent of coating in cargo holds Figure 9-6 Parts liable to corrosion in bulk carriers or
on bulk carriers OBOs
Regarding the extent of coating, see also the DNV Rules, Wing ballast tanks:
reflecting IACS Unified Requirement. The inner bottom
should have increased steel plate thickness due to a) Upper part of transverse and longitudinal bulkheads (not
susceptibility to corrosion and physical wear. Holds for grain illustrated)
and other cargoes to be kept clean should have coated inner b) Upper part of deck transverses
bottom. c) Longitudinals
d) Cut edge of slots and drain holes in transverses
e) Block butts in internal members and in bulkheads
f ) Junction of cross ties to side transverses or vertical webs
Holds and bulkheads:
Bulkhead plate at the level of double bottom tank top (not
Upper surface of tank top plating incl. hopper tank
Hold frames, particularly lower part, upper part and
frame bracket at toe and HAZ
At about 40 % of height (normally top of cargo with
cargoes not trimmed)
38 Recommended Practice