Remman Enterprises v. PRB Digest
Remman Enterprises v. PRB Digest
Remman Enterprises v. PRB Digest
PRB (2014) – real estate developer’s right to dispose property (Edited Bibbo
Kids Digest)
DOCTRINE: No right is absolute, and the proper regulation of a profession, business or trade
is a legitimate subject of police power particularly
when it affects legitimate governmental functions, preservation of the State, public health, welfare and public
• RA 9646 “(Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines) was enacted to professionalize the real estate
service sector under a regulatory scheme of licensing, registration and supervision of real estate
service practitioners.
o SEC. 28. The provisions, rules and regulations shall not apply to the following:
o (a) Any person, natural
or juridical, who shall directly perform by himself/herself the acts mentioned in Section 3 with
reference to his/her or its own property, except real estate developers; xxxx
o SEC. 29. No person shall
practice or offer to practice real estate service in the Philippines or offer himself/herself as real
estate service practitioner (xxx) unless he/she has satisfactorily passed the licensure examination, a holder
certificate of
registration, and professional ID or permit.
o SEC. 32. (a) No partnership or corporation shall engage in
the business of real estate service unless xxx persons
authorized to act are all duly registered and licensed real estate brokers, appraisers or consultants. There
shall at least be one (1) licensed real estate broker for every twenty (20) accredited salespersons; (b)
Divisions or departments must be headed by full-time registered and licensed real estate brokers;(c) Branch
offices must be manned by a duly licensed real estate broker, appraiser or consultant.
• [DUE PROCESS] Remman et al contend:
o Provisions are unduly oppressive and constitute deprivation
of property without due process of law;
o Real estate developers are burdened to employ licensed real
estate brokers to market and sell their properties. o They will have less control in managing their business
and will be burdened with additional expenses.
• [EPC] Section 28 exempts natural and juridical persons dealing with their own property, and others (such
as receivers, trustees or assignees in insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings). However, real estate
developers are specifically mentioned as an exception from those enumerated therein. Remman et al argue
that this violates EPC because it unjustifiably treats them differently from those exempted persons who also
own properties and desire to sell them.
Is there a valid purpose? Yes, police power. Is the means reasonable? – Yes
• RA 9646 is a valid exercise of police power. When the conditions so demand, property rights must bow to
the primacy of police power because property rights, though sheltered by due process, must yield
to general welfare.
• There is no deprivation of property as no restriction on their use and enjoyment of property is caused by
the implementation of the law.
o If Remman et al as property owners feel burdened by the new requirement of engaging the services of
only licensed real estate professionals in the sale and marketing of their properties, such is an unavoidable
consequence of a reasonable regulatory measure.
• No right is absolute, and the proper regulation of a profession, calling, business or trade has always been
upheld as a legitimate subject of a valid exercise of the police power of the State particularly when
their conduct affects the execution of legitimate governmental functions, the preservation of the
State, public health and welfare and public morals.
• To pretend that licensing or accreditation requirements violate due process is to ignore the settled
practice, under the mantle of police power, of regulating entry to the practice of various trades or
• The legislature recognized the importance of professionalizing the ranks of real estate practitioners by
increasing their competence and raising ethical standards as real property transactions are
“susceptible to manipulation and corruption, especially if they are in the hands of unqualified
persons working under an ineffective regulatory system.”
o The new regulatory regime aimed to fully tap the vast potential of the real estate sector for greater
contribution to our gross domestic income, and real estate practitioners “serve a vital role in spearheading
the continuous flow of capital, in boosting investor confidence, and in promoting overall national progress.”
• In approving RA 9646, the legislature recognized the necessity of imposing the new licensure
requirements to all real estate service
practitioners, including those real estate service
practitioners working for real estate developers.
• Unlike individuals or entities having isolated transactions over their own property, real estate developers
sell lots, houses and
condominium units in the ordinary course of business, a business which is
highly regulated by the State to ensure the health and
safety of home and lot buyers.
• Thus, substantial distinctions do exist between ordinary property owners exempted under Section 28(a)
and real estate developers,
and the classification enshrined in R.A. No. 9646 is reasonable and
relevant to its legitimate purpose.