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HR Eit

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The client requirement is described as below

Requirement a.Give a facility to the employee to complaint when their leave/holiday gets rejected
Requirement b.If an employee's holiday request has been rejected by their manager, they can complaint to their Manager's manager.
Requirementc.In a new OA Framework page, employee will enter the complaint as follow
Holiday Start Date
Number of days
Brief description of their complaint
Is Holiday Health related?
Requirementd.This information is captured in database tables and then sent to employees Manager's Manager for approval.

Effectively you will learn how to develop a complaining mechanism to the boss of your boss, in the event the holiday request has
been unfairly rejected.
If the employee's boss's boss approves the holidays, then Central Human resource team is notified.

In this article you will see how to create a Web Based Data Entry screen for this requirement in OAF Self Service HRMS without
writing any line of code.
In this first article on this topic, we will simply see the brief steps for creating one such screen. This will be followed by
detailed screenshots based steps.
In followup articles, you will also see how this can be integrated with AME. Requirement (c) and Requirement (d) as above
can be implemented without writing any code barring some simple Workflow and SQL.

What are the features of this screen?

Using this screen employees will be able to create records, query the existing records, modify the records and even delete those

Can the data entered in this screen be linked to the person record in per_all_people_f?
Yes, the foreign key to this data will be the person_id of per_all_people_f.

Is it possible to enforce the approval of the entered Data?

Yes- again, this is possible via configuration in AME [Approval Management Engine], without writing any lines of code.
What is the methodology for creating such screen?
We will define a flexfield which is also known as Special Information Types[SIT] in HRMS.
You can create a new structure in the SIT that will contain segments as per your requirements.
These segments will be visible as the fields in the Self Service page.
In this example, we will create four flexfield segments/fields
Holiday Start Date
Number of days
Brief description of their complaint
Is Holiday Health related?

SIT- Means Special Information Types. This is a key flexfield in HRMS. You can define new structures in SIT to capture additional
information. For example, there is no standard functionality in Self Service HRMS for an employee to lodge a complaint against their

Can validations be applied to these fields?

Yes of course, because value sets can be attached to the flexfield segments. These value sets will make the field appears as a drop
downlist or as fields with LOV[List of Values] However there are some caveats. For the Flexfield segments with Value Set of Date,
you will not see an LOV on the date column.

What are the high level steps for implementing this solution
1. Query on Key Flexfield Title "Personal Analysis Flexfield"
2. Create a new flexfield structure named XXapps2fusion_COMPL_HOLIDAY
3. Create the four segments for this new structure.
Make the segments mandatory as per business requirements. Also attach value sets to the flexfields where appropriate
4. Compile the flexfield ensuring that Allow Dynamic Inserts is enabled
5. Register this Flexfield structure as a Special Information Type
6. Create a new AOL Function named XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC
This Function will be a replica of standard Oracle Function "HR_SIT_SS"
7. Include this AOL function XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC within HR GLOBAL CUSTOM menu
8. Attach the XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC to menu "Employee Self Service" or any other Self Service HRMS Menu
9. Clear the global cache from functional administrator
Once your custom function is added to the menu, users will be able to open the Special Information Types screen.
However if you recollect, all that we have done is to attach Oracle's "SIT page" to the "custom menu".
This new structure that we have created contains the fields to be used by our data entry screen.
However the structure XXapps2fusion_COMPL_HOLIDAY is not yet associated with the custom menu or the custom function.
Therefore, in this case,if the user clicks on custom menu prompt then following sequence of events will happen
a. Oracle will instantiate the Form Function attached to the custom menu
b. The form function will instantiate the standard Oracle "SIT Page"
c. The SIT page will open and display all the Key Flexfield structures

However we are interested to display only one structure i.e. XXapps2fusion_COMPL_HOLIDAY on the page.
In order to display only one structure, we need to do personalization at Function Level.
We will see the details of all the above steps with screenshots in the next article

How will the screen appear once it is ready?

The end result of the screen will appear as shown below

As soon as you click on the new menu, the summary screen will appear, where the entered data against the person will be visible.

You can add or edit new records

The data entered is validated as per the value sets

Prior to submitting the information, use is shown the review screen

The data is finally saved.

Please note- We are yet to implement AME in this example. Once that is done, data will not be captured in base table unless

The information, is stored in Oracle Human Resources SIT table, as shown below

In this article, you will see the detailed step by step instruction for creating a new Self Service Human Resource data entry screen using
configuration and personalizations.

To summarize, we need to create a Flexfield structure for data entry with four segments. Thereafter a custom function and a custom menu will be
created to invoke the Special Information Type page. Our custom function will thereafter be personalized so that a dedicated screen is made
available to the self service HRMS Users for this data entry. The custom AOL function will also be registered against the HRMS Global menu, so
that it can be accessible from SSHR [Self Service HRMS].
First and foremost, identify the Key Flexfield to be configured
Navigate to Application developer responsibility and click menu Register

The main table that captures the data for Special Information Types has a Key Flexfield named PEA, that has title "Personal Analysis Flexfield"
Note the name of flexfield title for the SIT Table PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA Use this title to query/create the FlexField Segments.

Query the flexfield and create a new structure named "XXapps2fusion_COMPL_HOLIDAY"

Ensure that the desired flexfield checkboxes for Freeze and Allow Dynamic Inserts is enabled.

Create the desired segments. These segments will appear as data entry fields.

This value set style is Poplist, therefore the end user will see a drop down list in Self Service HRMS screen.
The value set selected here is of List Type Poplist, so that data entry screen will render a DropDown list for data entry
Freeze the flexfield
Ensure that flexfield structure is frozen and Dynamic inserts are allowed.

Now navigate to HRMS Manager responsibility and register your Flexfield structure by creating a new record in "Special Information Type" scree.
In HRS Manager responsibility, navigate to Special Information Types screen, and create a new record for your key Flexfield structure. Ensure
that "Other" checkbox is enabled.

Create a new custom function named XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC, with username "apps2fusion Holiday Complaint"
This function will be based upon the standard function HR_SIT_SS, however we will change the references to the function, as shown in table
Field Value
Function XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC
Function apps2fusionHoliday Complaint
Type SSWAjspfunction
HTML Call OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OAFunc=XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_FUNC
Parameters pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pItemType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXapps2fusion_SIT_COMPL_F

This custom function must be attached to the menu that is used by your responsibility
Add your custom function to the Employee Self Service menu or any other desired menu.
IMPORTANT - This custom AOL function must also be registered against the HR Global Menu, as shown below
Add Prompt="Complaint Holiday Rejection" and Function="apps2fusionHoliday Complaint" to the HR Global Self Service Custom Menu

Navigate to Functional Administrator responsibility and clear the cache

Now navigate to your responsibility, where you will be able to access your custom form.
However all the SIT flexfield structures will bedisplayed. In order to create the screen that is dedicated to our fields, for holiday complaints, we
must personalize at Function Level.
During personalization, you will specify the segments that must be displayed

Search for the Flexfield to be personali?

Capture the list of segments that you wish to display in the summary screen

Return to the Application

This will show the screen dedicated to our flexfield structure. This screen will allow the end users to Delete/Update/Insert/View records against
their person ord.

How to Enable EIT in Self Service and in Core HR
E xtra Information Types (EITs) are a type of descriptive flex-field that help us to configure and store the extra information.Unlike the descriptive flexfield, EITs are
store multiple instances of an EIT for each main record.
Here we will discuss about how to create an EIT and enable in Self-Service.

Basic Requirement

Our basic requirement is to create an EIT (person) with the following editable field.
1. Full Name --- Mandatory Free text field
2. Effective Date ---Mandatory Date field
3. Amount --- Mandatory Numeric field
4. Closed(Y/N) --- Mandatory Field with Y/N LOV

 The EIT will be viewable from US Super HRMS Manager and Employee-Self Service responsibility.
 In self-service a dedicated link should be provided to see/update/add data to this EIT.
 Other EIT must not be visible from this new link available under Employee-Self Service Menu.
 Employee will able to Add/Update the entery and on submission this will go for approval.
 HR can enter information directly via Super HRMS Manager.
 User should able to enter more than one entry.

The Self-service page and Core HR page look-n-feel is shown below.

Self-Service Page
Core HR Screen
Solution Approach
Our Solution can be divided into three different parts
1) Creation and Registration of EIT
2) Workflow customization, Link Creation under self service responsibility and Personalization
3) AME Rule Setup for Approval Cycle.

Here we will discuss about point 1 & 2.Point3 will be discussed in a separate article.

1) Creation and Registration of EIT

A) Navigation:- Application Developer >> Flexfield >>Decriptive >> Segments
i) Since we are creating a people EIT, so query for "Extra Person Information" and unfreeze the flexfield Definition and create new Context field code
Context field Code:- XX_TEST_EIT
Name :- Test Person EIT
Description :- Test Person EIT
ii) Now click on the Segments and define the segments as per our business need.
Note:- For simplicity of our discussion, we kept all the field as "Free text". One can attach any valueset as per the requirement.
To add the valueset highlight any segment and click on "Open" button.
iii) once the segments are designed and declared, click on the save button and close the "Segment Summary" window.
Now freeze the flexfield Definition and Compile the EIT.
iv) Now our EIT Definition is ready, and we will register the newly defined EIT.
Navigation:- US Super HRMS Manager >> View >> Request >> Submit a New Request
Concurrent Program Name:- Register Extra Information Types (EITs)
Table Name :- PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES [Select it from the drop down available. Since it is a people EIT hence, we have to
Information Type :- <Name of our EIT>[identify the EIT from the LOV]
Multiple Rows :- <Value can be Yes/No>
Yes:- if we select Yes, it means we are allowing users to enter more than one record for this EIT definition.
No:- If we select No, it means users are allowed to enter only one record for this EIT definition.
Legislation Code*:- <Select the proper legislation for the EIT information type>.
Here we are selecting "United States".

* :- If we keep the legislation code null, then EIT will be visible from all business groups/legislation.
v) Now once the concurrent program is completed successfully, our EIT is now registered.
There is information type security is in place for EIT. This will help us to restrict the group of users who can see/modify the data.
Navigation:- US Super HRMS Manager >> Security >> Information Types Security
Now query for the responsibility for which we want to make the EIT visible and attach the EIT.
2) Workflow customization, Link Creation under self service responsibility and Personalization
A) Workflow customization
As we all know, most of the self-service process is attached with a workflow which enable us to automate the approval process.The EIT
i) To identify the seeded workflow name, First we have to identify the menu for the seeded responsibility "Employee Self-Service".
The name of the menu is "Employee Self Service"

Navigation :- Application Developer >> Application >> Menu

ii) Navigation :- Application Developer >> Application >> Function
Now query for the identified function and go to the "Form" tab.Once we are in the Form tab open the Parameters attribute in editor and
ii) Now open workflow builder and open the HR workflow(item type:- HRSSA). Identify the process and copy the seeded process and pas
ii) Before saving the workflow, open the newly created custom workflow process and double click on the node "HR_EIT_JSP_FCT".
Now go to the "Node attribute" tab and select "PERSON" for the "Hr Eit Type" attribute.
Once the value is selcted, clcik on "OK" and "APPLY" and save you workflow definition in database

B) Link Creation
Our custom workflow is now ready. Now we have to create a custom link under the seeded responsibility "Employee Self-Service"
i) First we have to create a custom function and attached the newly created custom workflow.
[Easiest way to do that:-Copy it from the identified seeded function HR_EIT_SS and then change it.]

Description Tab

Attribute Value
Function XX_HR_EIT_SS
User Function Extra Information
Name Types-Test
Description Extra Information

Properties Tab

Attribute Value
Function XX_HR_EIT_SS
Type SSWA jsp function
Maintenance Mode None
Context Dependence Responsibility

Form Tab

Attribute Value
Function XX_HR_EIT_SS
Parameters pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=<Internal name of custom workflow process>

Ex:- In our case , the value will be as mentioned below



Attribute Value
Function XX_HR_EIT_SS
HTML Call OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OAFun
custom function>

Ex:- In our case , the value will be as mentioned below

ii) Now query for the seeded menu and attach the custom function.Save the definition.
C) Personalization of the page

Now our link will be available under the responsibility. But it will show all the person EIT that are configured to see under Em
responsibility. To show only our custom responsibility we have to personalize the page.
i) To personalize the page enable the personalization for the user and click on the personalize page hyperlink.
[Note:- This can be done through "Functional Administrator" responsibility by setting the personalization Context
ii) Search for "Flex: Descriptive Flex..." attribute and click on the pencil icon to personalize the page.

iii) Put the flexfield name and segment/s which we need to display.Click on Save to save the definition.
In our case segment list will be looks like

XX_TEST_EIT|Full Name|Effective Date|Amount|Closed(Y/N)

Now our page is ready to be use. It will only show the single EIT and allow the user to add multiple rows.Setup the AME rule to incorpora

Note:- 1) Sometime after doing the configuration, page may throws some error or not viewable as per configured.
So, it is always advisable to bounce the middle tier after configuration.
2) Before setting up the AME rule, please ensure that HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG node attribute value is set to "Yes" or "Yes- D
"HR_REVIEW_CHANGES_JSP_FCT node for the custom workflow process that we created[or attached with the function].

If the value is set as "No", It will not go for the approval even after AME rule is in place.
3) Some Useful information on EIT
SITs are stored in a key flexfield combination table where the combination of segments must be unique - a
feature of all key flexfields.
EITs are stored in a descriptive flexfield table where the combination of segment values do not need to form a unique key.

4) Upload/Download Workflow Definition from Database

Workflow definition loaded is available with workflow builder, it means one can upload/download the workflow deifnitions from
Oracle also provided us a concurrent program to upload/download the workflow definition.

Concurrent Program Name:- Workflow Definition Loader

a) Mode:- Download :- Download from database to file
Force :- Force upgrade of database definition regardless of the access levels
Upgrade :- Upgrade database from file
Upload :- Upload file to database

b) File :- Full path name of the file [along with file name] from where it will be uploaded to database/ downloaded from datab

c) Item type:- Select the item type which you want to download.
Remember:- While uploading the workflow definition, don't enter the item type, if it contains more than one item ty
If Item type is entered, then definition will not be uploaded in the database and program will ends in e
For Example:- HR workflow contains FNDFFWK,WFSTD item type along with HRSSA. This is because HRSSA i
dependency on those workflow.

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