Paper Doll Doctor
Paper Doll Doctor
Paper Doll Doctor
I went to the other class I was very blessed to be part of this class
which this class is because I got the chance to experience this
different from mine. This kind of class which is different from my
class has the students who practice or from the normal class. I got to
have different disabilities. know the students with different disabilities
This is the classroom of and how very blessed I am to experience in a
Kong but this is different reason that even though they have
because I got to know disabilities I feel like they can still
better the students with understand you. They listened to me even
disabilities. though I am just a visitor. They followed my
I got a chance to lead instructions even though I am not their
them because the teacher. They were having fun with me even
teachers were having a though I am a stranger. They were innocent.
meeting and I was the I was amazed because they did not feel shy
only person who is maybe a little bit but when I sing with them
available to look for and dance with them, their shyness was
them. gone. They were able to had fun with me.
The students were There was a student, he has learning
innocent for me because disabilities. He was the one who always lead
they listened to me. the students to sing a song. In other words,
Students were following he likes singing. I got a chance to sing with
my instructions and it was him and the other students. Even though
amazing because students we're not having a lesson but there was this
with disabilities is kind of connection between me and the students.
difficult to get organized. When I told them not to be noisy, they will
We had time to sing be quiet. When I told them to sit on their
songs. chairs, they listened to me. These students
were following my instructions. I think these
kind of class is very important to experience
in a reason that the student-teacher will
have a knowledge about students with
disabilities. It is because learning and
studying alone is not effective. It is better to
practice it in the real class with students
with different disabilities because like me, I
had the chance but it helps me to
understand these kinds of students. I was
able to know them better in a reason that
each student has their own disability like a
student who has opposite meaning of his
thinking. That kid told me that cheating is
very good because he will get a good grade. I
told him it is not good because it means you
are deceiving your teacher and yourself in a
reason that you got good grades however you
do not even understand anything. However,
he did not even cheat in his paces because
his teacher told me that everything that he
is saying is opposite from what he means. It
was amazing and funny for me. However, I
need to be open-minded that there are
people like him. Thankfully, the teacher
explained me his condition because I might
argue with him. This kind of Special Needs is
just an example for me that there are many
students who have the same problem with
him or might different, it might better than
his condition or worst. I was very blessed to
encounter like. It is not because they have
special needs but because I got to know
them better in a reason that most people
just know their disabilities and some people
think that these people are anathema in the
society. However, what I saw was different
when I observed them, I was able to
understand them better through
communicating and approaching them. I got
to know them better that these students
have their own world and it takes love to
understand and enter into their world.
These students are God’s children also. We
need to learn that they were created by the
image of God. Yes, we do not know why they
are like that. However, the best thing to do
is to love them and understand them. God
has purpose to these people and we do not
know what. The other thing that we need to
do is to trust God because He is sovereign.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 23, 2018