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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 12, 2018

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the theory
I have read from class?)
Today was my first day of practicum. I was So, for this kind of observation for me, I
kind of nervous and little bit scared because think it was related to the culture of the
I thought I will have devotion for the people or might only the class.
students, but instead other teacher leads it Remember, Asian countries are tending
because she does not know that I’ll be to be polychromic in terms of time.
having devotion. There was However, I am from Asian country which
misunderstanding between my cooperating is the Philippines, I haven’t experience
teacher and the other teacher. Anyways, it that our class will starts late and ends
was my first time having this kind of very early because being polychromic
environment inside the class in a reason that does not apply in school or any offices
it is not a regular class. Students have their because these are important matters and
own paces (book) with different level inside there are already schedules and this
one classroom. Teachers are not teaching. matter are not by group, it was already
They only supervise the students like set. However, for the class that I have
checking their done paces, signing the test been doing practicum, there is a
and sometimes tutor the students one on possibility that teachers start very late
one. However, I was still confused for because they might be waiting for all the
everything because it is new for me. So, I students to arrive before they start and
will only focus the time of the class. From ends very early because maybe the reason
their schedule, it says there that class will was because of the traffic. I am still
start at 8 am but at 7:40 am, they have thinking the reason because there are
devotion. Then the class will end at 2 pm in many reasons why they did it. Maybe the
the afternoon. However, I was confused reason was the teachers just want to
because I was the first in the place and finish the class very early because it was
teachers started to come at 7:40 am. We had Monday and many things to do for the
devotion, but it was different because they students which are the homework.
only do the brief prayer then it was done However, I do not think that it is proper
and not all the teachers were there, only not to follow the schedule because for me
three of us. Another thing was that they not the following the schedule means that
started the class around 8:15 am which is I just want to finish my work and go
different from the schedule. I do not know if home, that’s it. Also, I am thinking if I
it was like that all the time, but it was am not following the schedules, I am not
different because if it is the schedule, it being professional to my work and I am
should be like that because it was a class. not serious to my students because I did
Secondly, they ended very late compared to not give my all time to them. For being
the schedule which supposed to be at 2 pm. polychromic or not following the
They ended the class around 1:40 pm which schedules, I think it is proper if there is a
there still 20 minutes left before the time. It valid reason. However, if there is no valid
was kind of confusing for me because it was reason like calamity or any disaster
my first day. I am thinking maybe they just happen, it supposed not to be violate
ended very early because students might because as teachers, we are the role
have something to do. model of the students. Time is important
very important to each person whether
the person is polychromic or
monochromic. Teachers should not waste
the time of the people and to the students.
Students are going to school to learn and
time is also part of it to be learn. And it
can be learned inside the class or school.
For me, if the teachers want to learn the
students the importance of time, they
should teach the students. Yes, there is no
teaching in the class, however, it can be
discussing by the teachers how important
time is, and how important to follow the
schedule. It can also be teaching in
different ways which the teachers can be
a model that they will follow the schedule
and they should be in time; starts on time,
do not be late and ends the class on time.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 13, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could
be improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from
It was my first day to have devotion. I My second of practicum but this was also
prepared everything for the students. I happened during my observation and my first
thought that I will be teaching in different day of practicum which was yesterday. I did
classroom, but it did not happen. I did not expect that it will be hard for me to
devotion and I thought it will be easy organize my students because they are
because it is only devotion. However, I was already 7, 8, and 9 years old. I think one of
wrong because it was hard for me to let the the factor because it was hard to organize
students stop talking and just listen to me them is because it is mix with normal students
because it was devotion. They did not listen and special needs students. However, the
to me. It was hard for me to teach the normal students tend to be more messy and
devotion because most of them are talking stubborn than the special needs students
and two of the students were fighting or because special needs students followed their
mocking each other which was inappropriate teachers and the shadow teacher which is
because they are still kids. They did not their tutor. I think the problem is also
listen to my devotion. So, my cooperating because of me in a reason that I am not
teacher stand to them and told the students enough prepared for this kind of environment
to listen to the devotion. Yes, the students which means that I am having difficulty of
listened to the teacher. However, when it managing this kind of students. my
was my time to continue my devotion, they expectation was to high for them. I never
started to talk and tease each other. I felt thought that what I am doing micro-teaching
disrespect from them. I wanted to shout and will be different from the actual classroom
let them stop or give them punishment. because yes, I am having my micro teaching,
However, it was hard for me because I do however my students were my classmates and
not know their culture. I do not know if I am it was different because my classmates
allowed to give them punishment because followed me because they only acted as a
they might complain to their parents. I was student however in the actual classroom I
not prepared of not learning the culture or forgot that they were not acting. They are
the rules inside the classroom. Students students that some of them are hard to
were very stubborn, and I do not know how manage or deal and some of them are a good
to handle them. I also do not know if they student who followed the teachers.
learned something from my devotion. Yes, I I think it was good I experienced this kind of
understand that this class in non-teaching set-up because it means that I need to
class. However, I was not prepared that it manage my classroom management and I need
also affects to their behavior inside the to remember that every student has their own
classroom; lack of order and lack of behavior or character and I forgot that the
discipline. Yes, it was also my fault because I behavior of college students is different from
did not apply any classroom management or the kids.
rules for them to follow. Experiencing this is very challenging.
However, I need to change and learned from
it which means that I need to know the
different behavior of my students so that my
class has an order and I need to provide rules
inside the class so that there is order and
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 14, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does
this connect to the theory I have read from class?)
 I did my first teaching to I was nervous with my first teaching because
the class. I do not see my cooperating teacher
 I was kind of having teaching. But when I did my teaching, it was
expectation to the chaotic. I would say that there is no
students that they will also classroom management in the class. Yes, it
be cooperative because I was also my fault because I did not organize
haven’t see my them, and my rules does not affect to them.
cooperating teacher teach. But I did not expect that all of them will be
 During my teaching, it was stubborn. I do not know if it because they do
chaotic and messy. not have teaching. I do not know if it is
Students did not cooperate because inside the class, there is no rules to
and listen to me. They follow. I do not know if it because they have
kept talking, mocking and problem with the listening skills because they
teasing each other. do not know discussion. I do not know if they
 They did not listen to my just do not have manner or discipline
discussion. They did not because even my cooperating teacher was
listen to my rules. They did not being obeyed by them. Anyways, I am
not listen to me. sure that the class is lacking classroom
 One student cried because management in a reason that they do not
of mocking and because apply any rules and punishment inside the
the other students kept class that trigger the students to not follow
saying to her that she is a the teachers or the old people in the class.
“liar”. However, I have noticed that students are
 The room was chaotic and organized if they are doing something like an
messy. activity for them. Doing an activity to them
 So, my cooperating teacher was the only time that they became less
step in and she told the noisy and chaotic. It is important to the
students to stop and listen. students to have and activity. However, I am
My teacher told them thinking what if I will just give them and
about mocking each other activity all the time. However, I do not think
and not listening to the if it is better to give them only activity
teacher. without any discussion. But it still a question
 After expressing and though.
correcting the students, I I think the teacher should implement any
went back to my teaching. rules or punishment inside the classroom
At least, it was a little bit because it gives the students an idea to what
organized. However, they is allowed inside the classroom and what is
still do not listen to me. not allowed in the classroom so that there
 So, I just went directly to will be order inside the classroom and
the art activity and hoping students will learn to be discipline. I asked
that they will be more my cooperating teacher why the students
cooperative. being like that, she said it was because of
 I was relief because they the family. The parents of the students in
became cooperative during the class are always in the work and they do
activity. not have time to bond with their kids. Maybe
this is one of the reason why students are
lacking discipline.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 15, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does this
connect to the theory I have read from class?)
 I did a devotion. But it So, in my first devotion or my first class, it
was different. was very chaotic. Students were not
 I used the movie clip to participating well. They listened to my
do my devotion about discussion. However, they still talked to each
the story of Dinah who other. They were messy. I am honestly saying
got into trouble. that there was no order inside the class. So. I
 Surprisingly, students want to try another approach to know if it will
were able to listen the be effective to the students. I would say that
movie. I was amazed. it was better than my previous lesson or
So, I used the movie clip to know if they will
like it or not; to know if it will be effective to
the students or not. So, it was effective. It
was effective because students were able to
listen and cope the video. They were able to
understand the story. While they were
watching. I am asking them some questions to
know if they were listening and I would say
that they listened because they answered my
questions. So, I would say that discussion is
not effective to them because I think it is
because they were depended on their paces
which means the discussion was not practiced
and it is not applicable for them.
So, I think searching or applying different
approach to the students is very important. It
will help to the students to know which is
better for them to learned well and cooperate
well especially for this kind of curriculum they
are using which means that the approach is
not like the normal class because teaching is
not practice and it is not applicable to them.
However, I need to remember that not all the
time I need to let them watch videos because
students need an engaging class so that they
will be able to use their talents or the teacher
will know the different intelligences that each
student has. However, if the approach or like
letting the students watch the videos is very
helping to them, I think it is better to stay
that approach firs. However, it is better if the
teacher will add an activity for the students
like crafts.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 19, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does this
connect to the theory I have read from class?)
 I saw a student from other So, it was my first time to encounter like
class punching the boys in that that a kid is punching the boys without
my class without any any reasons. It was overwhelming for me
reason. because I do not know what to do. However,
 She was very mad to them thankfully they called the mother. The
without any reason. mother was there with the child to stop her
 The teacher called the even though that she was still punching the
mother of the student. other students of mine. I understand the
However, the mother decision of the teachers to called the mother
cannot still handle the in a reason that teachers cannot only focus
child in a reason that the to the child but they also have another
student still looking for student that they need to look for. It is also
the boys and punch them. a way to let the student go back home so
 The teachers tried to that she cannot punch other students.
separate the student from Until now, it was still a question for me why
other students. the student punch the boys in my class. I
 I tried to explain the boys also noticed that the boys she was punching
who were punched by that were starting to question and trying to be
kid. violent also. So, what I did is I explained
them that be just understanding because she
might have disability or have emotional
behavior disorder or in other words she is
different from other students. However, I
was surprised because they do not even
know that she is not normal or she has
disabilities. I was surprised because I thought
the normal students know the condition of
the other class which are full of students
who are different. I am still questioning now
if it is a good way not to explain the normal
students about the condition of the other
class from the teacher.
Furthermore, I think the teachers did the
good decision to call the mother and
separate the child from the other students so
that she will not cause any harm. The
teachers were also alert to what they need
to do to her and also, I saw that even though
the child cause harm to the students, they
still understand but with firm in a reason
that they were stopping her but they were
not causing any harm to her. They hold her
and stopped her to be near from other
students. I think it was a good what the
teachers did because if they harmed her, the
students might do something worse. But,
they were patience and understanding and it
also showed that they were prepared what
to do next if this event will happen again.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 20, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(Wat Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does
this connect to the theory I have read from class?)
 This day was just a routine This day was just a normal day for me.
because the students have Nothing different from this day. So,
their own work to finish. students were doing their paces as usual
 Students were doing their and if they are done they can go outside
own paces to finish their goal. and play. I think the reason is that it is a
As I said before, if the motivation for the students to finish their
students finish their goals goal that time. However, because some of
before the class ends, they the students 1-2 hours before the end of
can play outside the class. class is kind of wasting their time. Yes, it
 But during the class, some of was a reward for the students if they
the students were playing, finish their paces, however, it is a waste
and they were not even doing of time if it is like that always. I am
their paces. thinking if it is appropriate for the
 However, the students because 1-2 hours playing is not
teachers/supervisors helping them to learn. I think it is better
abstained the students from if the teacher will give them something to
what they are doing. But, not do aside from playing so that they can
all of them will follow. also learn. The teacher can give them an
 Also, just inform that if the activity for them to do for the remaining
students are done with their time and it can also enhance the talent of
paces, they need to check-it the student. The teacher can give drawing
by themselves. They have all activity or craft activity or the teacher
the correct answers in the can give them choices of what the
middle of the class which is students wanted to do so that they do not
called score key. Students can need to go outside and just play because
use the score key anytime as the students has break which means they
they finish their paces. can go out and play.
Furthermore, inside the class is not just
about studying. There will be students
who will just play even though the
teachers already abstained them or
stopped them from playing. It is a
distraction from other students who were
doing their paces and those students did
not even care. And that is why they
cannot finish their goal every day because
of playing. Order and discipline were not
taught and it hindering the students to
follow orders. It is not a good idea for me
just to stopped those students who do not
follow orders because just stopping them
will not let them learned. I think it is
better if the teacher establishes rules
inside the class so that there will be an
order. If the students will not follow, then
there will be consequences upon their
Also, I do not know if it appropriate if the
students will check their answers with the
use of the score key in a reason that there
is possibility that the students will just
memorize the answers and memorizing
does not mean the students are learning.
It is possible that they will memorize the
wrong answers like what to one of my
student. He memorized a wrong answer
not because the score key is wrong but
because he memorized the answer of
different question. For doing that, the
students got wrong in his activity. I think
it is better if the teacher just check it by
themselves rather than checking it their
own. It is also better if the teacher
teaches or review the students’ work
which they are having a problem so that
they will learn also from their mistakes.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 21, 2018

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could
be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the theory I
have read from class?)
 I did my second teaching which So, today was last day of teaching. I
means that it was my second was teaching about weather. This
and the last teaching in this lesson is very simple. However, I have
school. Two people observed students with different grades. They
me for my teaching. were also mix. I have students with
 I would say that I am still disabilities. It means that the lesson
learning this kind of approach should be easy and simple that is
or this kind of class because it applicable to all the grades.
was different from the real So, I had the discussion which I
class which I meant that this usually do in the micro-teaching. Yes,
kind of class was not studied or some students were able to listen and
practice by me as a soon to be cooperate. However, there students
teacher. were noisy because they are teasing
 The class was chaotic as usual. or mocking each other. I understand
It was a normal already but it already that it was hard to teach
needs an improvement. students with different grades and
 I understand they are active so abilities or disabilities. But I need to
it is better if the teacher use be creative of how to deal and
their energy in their activity manage this kind of class. So, during
then it will be better. the class, I had pictures to show the
 The students were able to different weather. Thankfully, the
cooperate even though it is not students were able to know because
organized. weather is very common to the
people. I differentiate the different
weather and the students were able
to differentiate also. I did an activity
to them which is the weather clock. I
was kind of surprise because some the
weather clock was still wet because
of the glue. However, thankfully the
students understood it.
I was amazed because even though
this class does not have any order and
I know it was my job to make an
order, but during the activity, they
were cooperated. I saw also how
creative they are. I also some of the
students who have talent in drawing
or coloring which makes me think that
it is better to enhance or practice the
talent of the students.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 22, 2018
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does this
connect to the theory I have read from class?)

 I went to the other class I was very blessed to be part of this class
which this class is because I got the chance to experience this
different from mine. This kind of class which is different from my
class has the students who practice or from the normal class. I got to
have different disabilities. know the students with different disabilities
 This is the classroom of and how very blessed I am to experience in a
Kong but this is different reason that even though they have
because I got to know disabilities I feel like they can still
better the students with understand you. They listened to me even
disabilities. though I am just a visitor. They followed my
 I got a chance to lead instructions even though I am not their
them because the teacher. They were having fun with me even
teachers were having a though I am a stranger. They were innocent.
meeting and I was the I was amazed because they did not feel shy
only person who is maybe a little bit but when I sing with them
available to look for and dance with them, their shyness was
them. gone. They were able to had fun with me.
 The students were There was a student, he has learning
innocent for me because disabilities. He was the one who always lead
they listened to me. the students to sing a song. In other words,
 Students were following he likes singing. I got a chance to sing with
my instructions and it was him and the other students. Even though
amazing because students we're not having a lesson but there was this
with disabilities is kind of connection between me and the students.
difficult to get organized. When I told them not to be noisy, they will
 We had time to sing be quiet. When I told them to sit on their
songs. chairs, they listened to me. These students
were following my instructions. I think these
kind of class is very important to experience
in a reason that the student-teacher will
have a knowledge about students with
disabilities. It is because learning and
studying alone is not effective. It is better to
practice it in the real class with students
with different disabilities because like me, I
had the chance but it helps me to
understand these kinds of students. I was
able to know them better in a reason that
each student has their own disability like a
student who has opposite meaning of his
thinking. That kid told me that cheating is
very good because he will get a good grade. I
told him it is not good because it means you
are deceiving your teacher and yourself in a
reason that you got good grades however you
do not even understand anything. However,
he did not even cheat in his paces because
his teacher told me that everything that he
is saying is opposite from what he means. It
was amazing and funny for me. However, I
need to be open-minded that there are
people like him. Thankfully, the teacher
explained me his condition because I might
argue with him. This kind of Special Needs is
just an example for me that there are many
students who have the same problem with
him or might different, it might better than
his condition or worst. I was very blessed to
encounter like. It is not because they have
special needs but because I got to know
them better in a reason that most people
just know their disabilities and some people
think that these people are anathema in the
society. However, what I saw was different
when I observed them, I was able to
understand them better through
communicating and approaching them. I got
to know them better that these students
have their own world and it takes love to
understand and enter into their world.
These students are God’s children also. We
need to learn that they were created by the
image of God. Yes, we do not know why they
are like that. However, the best thing to do
is to love them and understand them. God
has purpose to these people and we do not
know what. The other thing that we need to
do is to trust God because He is sovereign.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Date: February 23, 2018

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does
this connect to the theory I have read from class?)
 The school had its Chinese It was my first time to celebrate Chinese
Celebration. New Year because back home I never
 It was held inside the celebrated it in short because I am not
condominium. Chinese. So, the school were having the
 There were groups that were celebration. However, it was disorganized
made. Each group needs to because some of the teachers do not
complete all the stations that know what to do because they only
they were given. Each station planned yesterday before the event. So,
has challenges that the group the instructions that were given to the
needs to complete. students were not clear in a reason that
 However, it was unfair because the program were not ran well. Some
the members were not students were just playing and some of
distributed properly in a reason them were just sitting in the corner and
that one group had all the not cooperating the program. I think it
members of Special Needs and would be better if the teachers planned it
they did not have any guide. well before having the program. It also
 But I saw a normal student who better if the groups were distributed
took care of a student who has properly because it is unfair if all the
down syndrome. He always better and energetic students are in the
brings her anywhere where he same group. It is better if the students
goes even play with him. with Special Needs were distributed to
properly to the groups so that they were
also contribute something and have fun
the normal students. It is also a way not
to have stereotyping in terms of grouping.
It also allows the Special Needs students
to socialize with the normal students. It is
also a way to show the students with
Special Needs that they are part of the
program and they are not different from
Having this kind of program is another
way to let all the students socialize and
know each other. It is because that inside
the class is just about all the students
there. It is better to socialize other
students from different classes like what I
saw. There was a normal student who was
the one taking care of the kid with down
syndrome. It was amazing because I saw
that he is a different from others who will
bullied them. But, he was opposite. He
was an example that normal students
should also socialize students with Special
Needs. There are no differences that can
hinder someone to have friend even
though they are Special needs. Special
Needs students have also the freedom to
have their own friend. And I having a
friend can boost their confidence and fell
love from other people aside from their

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