SSR Volume II
SSR Volume II
SSR Volume II
Contents Page No.
Departments of
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belagavi
1 General Medicine 1
2 Cardiology 10
3 Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery (CVTS) 21
4 Cardiac Anaesthesiology 31
5 Urology 39
6 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 50
7 Ophthalmology 60
8 Paediatric 70
9 Orthopaedics 92
10 Obsetric and Gynecology 102
11 Neurology 115
12 Radiology 124
13 Psychiatry 135
14 Public health 145
15 Anaestesiology 155
16 Community Medicine 167
17 Pulmonary Medicine 184
18 ENT & Head and Neck Surgery 193
19 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 205
44 Panchakarma 481
45 Prasooti & Streeroga 492
46 Rachana sharer 502
47 Rasashastra & BhaishajyaKalpana 513
48 Roganidana 525
49 Samskruta, Samhita and Siddhnta 535
50 Shalakyatantra 547
51 Shalya Tantra and Sangyaharana 559
52 Swasthavrittha 572
Departments of College of Pharmacy, Belagavi
53 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 587
54 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 600
55 Pharmaceutics 610
56 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 622
57 Pharmacology 634
58 Quality Assurance 647
59 Pharmacy Practice 655
Departments of College of Pharmacy, Hubballi
60 Pharmaceutics 666
61 Pharmacology 681
62 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 698
63 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 712
Departments of College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
64 Pharmacology 725
65 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 736
66 Pharmacognosy 747
67 Pharmaceutics 758
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database –
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index–range/average : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor – range/average : 3.5 to 54.42
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in
a) National committees -
b) International committees -
c) Editorial Boards -
d) any other (specify) -
27. Faculty recharging strategies International – 01
(Refresher / orientation programs, National – 01
workshops, training programs and State – 02
similar programs). Regional / Local – 14
28. Student projects:
Percentage of students who : 100%
have taken up in-house PG thesis especially with co-guides
projects including inter- in other departments
departmental projects
percentage of students doing : ICMR projects
projects in collaboration Mr. Prince Agarwal
with other universities /
industry / institute
29. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by:
Faculty : Best Research Papers
NFD Gold - Dr Madhav Prabhu
Award Papers
- Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar,
- Dr. Madhav Prabhu
Quiz – UG + PG
- Dr. Sudhir Mangaldas Shet &
- Dr. Ganvi.Y.P.
Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : GSI 7 members
Students : 03
30. Seminars/ Conferences / : JNMC Scientific Society CME funded
Workshops organized and the by ICMR
source of funding (national /
international) with details of
outstanding participants, if any
31. Code of ethics for research : Guidelines on Code of Conduct for
followed by the departments Human Research Science issued by
32. Student profile program-wise : NA
Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage
Program (refer to received Male Female Male Female
question no. 4)
MD 2010 1712 9 - 100% -
2011 1603 11 - 100% -
2012 1841 9 2 - -
2013 2037 11 3 - -
2014 2205 12 3 - -
33. Diversity of students:
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. 4) same within the outside the countries
university State State
MD 20% 13.33% 66.67% -
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET, SET,
Department of Cardiology
1. Name of the Department : Cardiology
2. Year of Establishment : 1996
45. List the teaching methods adopted : Theory, Practicals, Journal Clubs,
by the faculty for different Seminars & Case presentations
programs including clinical
46. How does the department ensure : By conducting Periodic meet- CME
that program objectives are /workshop by inviting National/
constantly met and learning International guests
outcomes are monitored?
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs 100%
36. Diversity of staff:
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 33.33%
from other universities within the : 33.33%
from universities from other States : 33.33%
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : Dr. M. D. Dixit has been awarded PhD
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch, in Nov-2011
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Yes, 101 Books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : -
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : -
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : -
f) Research laboratories : -
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates:
a. from the host institution / : 1. Dr. Abhishek Prabhu
university 2. Dr. Nikunj Vyas
b. from other institutions / : -
40. Number of post graduate students : All post graduate students getting
getting financial assistance from
financial assistance from the
the university.
Department of Cardiothoracic
Surgery, Chest Disease
Institution, Thailand, on 16th&
17th of February 2011 at KLES
Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital &
MRC, Belagavi.
Workshop on “Intraoperative
Trans Oesophageal
Echocardiography” on 30th and
31st January, 2012 at KLES
Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital &
MRC, Belagavi.
Workshop on ECMO on 19th
October, 2012.
45. List the teaching methods adopted : Case Presentations, Journal clubs,
by the faculty for different Seminar
programs including clinical
46. How does the department ensure : By way of Regular Evaluation by the
that program objectives are assigned faculty.
constantly met and learning
outcomes are monitored?
47. Highlight the participation of : Participation in Heath check-up
students and faculty in extension camps by the faculties.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Postgraduate students are encouraged
scholarly activities” of the to present rare cases in conferences.
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : All the faculties and the postgraduate
of the department in generating students are actively involved in
new knowledge, basic or applied. generating new knowledge through
various publications, interaction in
National and International conference
and also by attending workshops.
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Excellent Low rate of Excellent Improving
infrastructure research work clinical research work
Team work material Meeting the
Very good Quality growing needs
atmosphere of services
52. Future plans of the Department : To start ECMO programme
To increase DM Cardiac
Anaesthesiology seats to 2 nos.
To initiate & support ‘Heart
Transplant’ programme in
association with Department of
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Department of Urology
1. Name of the Department : Urology
2. Year of Establishment : 1994
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : Fellowship in Paediatric Urology
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated M. Ch (Urology)
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., Ph.D
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : No programs in the department have
discontinued if any, with been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : -
in the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 01 02 02
Associate Professor / Reader 01 01 01
Assistant Professor 01 02 02
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident 01 08 08
Sciences Directory,
EBSCO host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor – range / : 0.3 to 3.69
h-index : 11
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : Association of Southern Urologists
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees 1. Member of (ICS) International
b) International committees Continence Society fistula committee
c) Editorial Boards 2. Member of Board of Examination
d) any other (specify (MCh Urology) – rajiv Gandhi
University of Health Sciences,
3. Member of Board of Examination
(M.Ch Urology 2009) –University of
Health Sciences, Mumbai
4. Chairman for Hospital Infection
5. Member of Suvarna Arogya Suraksha
Trust, health & Family Welfare
Department, Bangalore
USI- Council Member
6. Associate Editor: Global Journal of
7. Editorial board Member /Editor: Indian
Journal of Urology
8. Advisor: Novel Foundation for Science.
9. Honorary Secretary, Karnataka Urology
Association 2011-2012
Faculty –Dr. J.L. Pippi Salle (Canada), Dr. Aseem Sukla (USA), Dr. Mohan
Gundeti (USA), Dr. V. Rama Jayanthi (USA), Prof. P. Venugopal
(Mangalore), Dr. Amilal Bhat (Jaipur), Dr. Prasanna V (Bengaluru), Dr.
Jiten Jagannathrao Kulkarni (Aurgangabad) & Dr. Obaidullah Miftahuddin
31. Code of ethics for research : Guidelines on Code of Conduct for
followed by the departments Human Research Science issued by
32. Student profile program-wise:
Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage
Program (refer to received
Male Female Male Female
question no. 4)
Fellowship in 2010 - 2 2 - 100% -
Paediatric Urology 2011 - 2 1 - 100% -
2012 - 1 1 - 100% -
2013 - 2 2 - - -
M. Ch 2010 - 4 4 - - 100%
(Urology) 2011 - 5 5 - - 100%
2012 - 5 5 - - 100%
2013 – 6 6 - - -
2014 - 3 3 - - -
33. Diversity of students:
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from
question no. 4) same within the outside the other
university State State countries
Fellowship in -
Paediatric 40% 20% 40%
M. Ch (Urology) 36% 52% 12% -
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET, SET,
other competitive examinations?
Give details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG -
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB -
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment 85%
Entrepreneurs 15%
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are : -
of the same university : 25%
from other universities within the : 50%
from universities from other States : 25%
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : Dr. R.B.Nerli: Fellow in Geriatric
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch, Society of India
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the M. Ch (Urology) – 02
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Yes, 54 Books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 2
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 1
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : 1
f) Research laboratories : 1
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates:
a. from the host institution / : 14
b. from other institutions / : -
40. Number of post graduate students : All post graduate students getting
getting financial assistance from financial assistance from the university.
the university.
46. How does the department ensure : The department ensures this by
that program objectives are regularly assessing the performance
constantly met and learning of the students during the teaching
outcomes are monitored? programs and by conducting Internal
Assessment Tests. The surgical skills
of the students are monitored during
supervised surgeries.
47. Highlight the participation of : The students and faculty are
students and faculty in extension actively involved in patient
activities. outreach programs like health
camps which are conducted along
with other departments and also
individually by the department
especially for congenital
anomalies like Cleft Lip, Cleft
Palate and Post Burn Deformities.
The students accompany the
faculty on surgical missions
whenever possible so that they
are exposed to different clinical
The faculty also takes part in
public education by delivering
guest lectures in schools, colleges
and other organizations and radio
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : The department involves its
scholarly activities” of the students in various activities like
department. training of the paramedical staff,
undergraduates and spreading
awareness of the specialty of Plastic
Surgery amongst the general public
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : * The department has to its credit
of the department in generating surgical innovations which have been
new knowledge, basic or applied. published in International Journals.
* The department conducts Basic
Surgical Skills Workshop for
Undergraduate Students.
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
(SWOC) of the department:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities& Challenges
Strong Limited work To reach out To develop the
backing for in Basic to the sub-specialty of
Academics Clinical unreached Cosmetic
from the Research Good clinical Surgery
College and Lack of material to To create
University funded carry out awareness in
Smile Train projects research rural and
Project through Smile peripheral
Governmental Train Project community
support To expand the
through available
schemes like infrastructure
the to cater to
Arogyashree, burns patients
Yashaswini, To venture
Balsanjeevini into Medical
Ample Tourism,
Clinical especially in
Material for Cosmetic
training the Surgery
in the form of
a well
Speech Lab
and a state- of-
art Burns
52. Future plans of the Department : To establish facilities to start Skin
To establish and promote various
sub-specialties within the
To actively get involved in
research in co-ordination with
agencies like the ICMR
Department of Ophthalmology
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 0.054 to 5.8
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and DBCS, Rs. 8 lakhs received
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees -
b) International committees -
c) Editorial Boards Yes
d) any other (specify) -
27. Faculty recharging strategies : UDEHP Workshops, Training
(Refresher / orientation Programms conducted by DOME
programs, workshops, training regularly
programs and similar programs). MET workshop
Ophthalmology orientation
programme conduct regularly
Glaucoma awareness prgoramme
for one week in the month of April
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 5%
PG to Ph.D. 1%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment 66%
Entrepreneurs 34%
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 60%
from other universities within the : 35%
from universities from other States : 5%
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : 01 Ph.D.
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Yes, 81 Books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 2
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : -
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : Yes
f) Research laboratories : Yes
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral : -
students and Research Associates
a. from the host institution / : -
b. from other institutions / : -
40. Number of post graduate students : All post graduate students getting
getting financial assistance from financial assistance from the
the university. university.
Department of Pediatrics
1. Name of the Department : Pediatrics
JE Vaccine)
vaccine in
4 Phase IV, Completed Bharat
Multicenter, Biotech
Randomized, International
Single-Blind, Ltd,
study to Hyderabad
evaluate the
& Safety of the
live attenuated
a 3 dose series
with or without
the buffering
agent following
in healthy
5 Dr. S M “A randomized, Completed Panacea 1 year
Dhaded multicentre, Biotech
open label, Ltd., New
comparative Delhi
study to
evaluate the
y and
of a new fully
M, Panacea
Biotec Ltd.)
with tetravalent
HibTM), co-
with Imovax
Polio® (Salk
Polio Vaccine)
of Sanofi
Pasteur India
Pvt. Ltd. in
Healthy Infants
6 “ Immune Lot- Completed Shantha 1 year
to-Lot Biotechnic
Consistency s Pvt. Ltd,
and Non- Hyderabad
Inferiority of
Shan 5 DTwP-
Vaccine in
Comparison to
Pentavac SD
administered as
a Single
Booster Dose at
15-18 months
and Three Dose
at 6-8,10-12
and 14-16
Weeks of Age
in Healthy
Indian Children
and Infants
22. Publications
Number of papers State: 15
published in peer reviewed National : 25
journals (national / International : 44
Monographs -
Chapters in Books 2
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 1.136 to 2.392
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and Dr. V D Patil, Professor & Registrar,
income generated KLE University, Belagavi is a
Member of Board of Studies of Sri
DevarajUrs University, Kolar &
Income Generated is NIL
Dr. V D Patil, Professor &
Registrar, KLE Academy of Higher
Education and Research, Belagavi,
is a Member of Board of Studies of
BLDE University, Bijapur &
Income Generated is NIL
th st
2 Workshop on 20 & 21 NALS Dr. 40
NALS & March, Workshop Manisha B
Essential 2010 at
Newborn Care KLES DR.
Hospital &
3 CME - Pediatric 9 May, “Pediatric Dr. (Mrs) 50
HIV Update 2010 at HIV Roopa M
Anatomy Update” Bellad
Lecture Dr.
Hall, Dnyanesh
JNMC, D Kamble
Belagavi Dr. Rohit
th th
4 PALS Workshop 28 & 29 PALS Dr. 36
August, Workshop Vijayalax
2010 at mi Kulgod
Hospital &
th th
5 NNF 6 &7 Neonatolo Dr. S M 80
Postgraduate August, gy Dhaded
CME 2011
nd rd
6 Postgraduate 2 &3 PGITP Dr. S M 40
Intensive June, 2012 2012 Dhaded
Teaching at Dr.
Program G-0 Dnyanesh
Lecture DK
Hospital &
th th
7 Pediatric 17 & 18 PALS Dr. (Mrs) 36
Advanced Life August, 2013 RM
Support 2013 Bellad
28. Student projects :
Percentage of students who : 100%
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students : One student (MBBS) has done ICMR
doing projects in Sponsor project
collaboration with other
universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received :
at the national and international
level by
Faculty Dr. (Mrs) N S Mahantashetti is the
President of IAP Karnataka State Branch
Dr. (Mrs) R M Bellad, Awarded and has
completed with distinction FAIMER
Fellowship with PSG FAIMER Institute by
PSG Fellowship Regional Institute on April
2011 at Coimbatore, India
Doctoral / post doctoral -
Students -
30. Seminars / Conferences / :
Workshops organized and the
source of funding (national /
international) with details of
outstanding participants, if any
S. Date & Chairman No of
Events Theme
No Venue Org. Delegates
1 Organized 9th 19th& 20th Working Dr. N S 300
Annual September, together Mahantash
Conference of 2009 at Dr. for a better etti
rs in child Anuradha
care Patil
Dr. Madhav
th th
7 NNF Postgraduate 6 &7 Neonatolo Dr. S M 80
CME August, gy Dhaded
nd rd
8 Postgraduate 2 &3 PGITP Dr. S M 40
Intensive Teaching June, 2012 2012 Dhaded
Program at Dr.
G-0 Dnyanesh
Lecture DK
Hospital &
th th
9 Pediatric 17 & 18 PALS Dr. (Mrs) 36
Advanced Life August, 2013 RM
Support 2013 Bellad
Dnyanesh D
th th
10 SOUTH 18 - 20 Child Dr. N S 674
PEDICON – 2013 October, Survival – Mahantash
XXVII South 2013 at meeting etti
Zone & XXXII KLEUs the unmet Dr. G B
Karnataka State JNMC, challenges Javali
Annual Belagavi
Conference of IAP
31. Code of ethics for research : Guidelines on Code of Conduct for
followed by the departments Human Research Science issued by
32. Student profile program-wise : NA
Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage
Program (refer to received Male Female Male Female
question no. 4)
MD 2010 1712 3 6 33% 33%
MD 2011 1603 7 2 100% 100%
MD 2012 1841 5 4 - -
MD 2013 2037 5 6 - -
MD 2014 2205 8 3 - -
33. Diversity of students :
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. 4) same within the outside the countries
university State State
MD - 18.18% 81.82% -
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET, SET,
other competitive examinations?
Give details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 42%
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 5%
PG to Ph.D. 1%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Campus selection -
Other than campus recruitment 54%
Entrepreneurs 46%
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are : -
of the same university : -
from other universities within the : 83.33%
from universities from other States : 16.67%
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : 01 (Ph. D)
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
43. List the distinguished alumni of : Dr. Arun Desai, Professor &
the department (maximum 10) Head of Pediatrics, Belagavi
Institute of Medical Sciences,
Dr. (Mrs) N S Mahantashetti,
Principal & Professor,
Department of Pediatrics, JNMC,
Dr. (Mrs) S M Jali, Professor of
Pediatrics, JNMC, Belagavi
44. Give details of student enrichment : Postgraduate Intensive Training
programs (special lectures / Program conducted regularly
workshops / seminar) involving PALS Workshops conducted
external experts. : regularly
NRP / NALS for postgraduates
45. List the teaching methods adopted : Bedside Clinics – UG & PG
by the faculty for different Tutorials with PowerPoint
programs including clinical presentation - UG
teaching. Theory Classes - UG
Clinical Case Discussion – PG
Journal Club- PG (Once in a
at Digital Library)
Seminar- PG
Clinical Skills Lab- PG
Postgraduate Orientation (Once a
46. How does the department ensure : Planned time table for each term,
that program objectives are OSCE Test, Clinical End Posting,
constantly met and learning Internal Exams, Day-to-day
outcomes are monitored? activities
47. Highlight the participation of : All Faculty Members &
students and faculty in extension Postgraduate students are
activities. participation in Free Medical
Health Checkup Camps regularly.
Students take part in NSS
Resource Person for Interns
Orientation Program
All faculty members &
Postgraduates participated in
Suvarna JNMC Medical
Faculty members &
Postgraduates present Papers &
Posters in Conferences.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Students are encouraged to take up
scholarly activities” of the research activities
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : Faculty & Postgraduates participate in
of the department in generating publication in peer reviewed & indexed
new knowledge, basic or applied. journals
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
(SWOC) of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities& Challenges
Experienced Lack of Collaboration To establish
faculty super- with Global the Child
including speciality Network and Health
specialists staff trained NIH Institute of
Active in Pediatric Well- International
involvement Haemato- designed Standard
in oncology dissertations To provide
International for opportunities
Projects publications for every
Community Availability faculty in
Programmes of Super- Research &
RCH & speciality Consultancy
IMNCI infrastructure To develop
Training in parent paediatrics
Advanced department hematology
NRP Course Enthusiastic
Junior staff
52. Future plans of the Department : To establish Institute of Child
To start DM Neonatology
To start Fellowships in Pediatric
Intensive Care, Pediatric
Neurology and Fetal Medicine
To establish International
Collaboration, to provide
opportunities for faculty
exchange and postgraduate
Department of Orthopedics
1. Name of the Department : Orthopedics
2. Year of Establishment : 1977
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : MBBS, MS, D. Ortho, Fellowship in
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated Joint Replacement, Sports Medicine,
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., Trauma & Emergency Medicine and
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate course in Plaster Technician
Certificate, Diploma, PG
Diploma, D.M./M.Ch., Super
specialty fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : No programs in the department have
discontinued if any, with been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : -
in the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 1 2 2
Associate Professor / Reader 4 4 4
Assistant Professor 7 7 7
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident 6 6 6
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers International: 12
published in peer reviewed National : 17
journals (national /
Monographs 01 (Osteoporosis)
Chapters in Books -
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 0.054 to 7.15
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and Dr. B.B.Putti, BOS Member, BLDE
income generated Medical College, Vijayapura, and
income generated - Nil
25. Faculty selected nationally / :
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees EC Member of Indian Orthopaedic
Dr. V.G.Murakibhavi
b) International committees -
c) Editorial Boards Member of Editorial Board, Al Ameen
Orthopaedic Journal of Medical ,Dec
2013 to Nov 2015, Vijayapura &
National Editorial Board Member for
Journal of Orthopaedic Education Red
Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd,11-2-2013
New Delhi -Dr. R.B.Uppin
Member Interview Board UPSC14-18th
October 2013,New Delhi- Dr. V. G.
d) any other (specify) -
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Yearly CME on PGITC, World
(Refresher / orientation Arthritis & World Osteoporosis.
programs, workshops, training
5. Dr. Alfen Vera: Prof & HOD, in Orthopaedics, M.G.M College, New
6. Dr. Niraj Sharma: Prof & HOD, in Orthopaedics, Indore Medical College,
7. Dr. S.M.Antin: Prof & HOD, in Orthopaedics, S.Nijalingappa Medical
College, Bagalkot
8. Dr. Chidanand Shettar: Prof & HOD, in Orthopaedics, S.D.M Medical
College, Dharwad
44. Give details of student enrichment : PGITC/CME- Arthritis &
programs (special lectures / Osteoporosis/Guest Lectures
workshops / seminar) involving
external experts. :
45. List the teaching methods adopted : Lectures/Seminars/Tutorials/Journal
by the faculty for different Clubs/Inter dept. Meet/Trauma
programs including clinical Meet/Case Discussion/Bedside
teaching. Teaching/Ward Rounds
46. How does the department ensure : By Exams/Assessment Cards/
that program objectives are OSCE/Internal Assessments/Day-to-
constantly met and learning day Assessment/Log Books
outcomes are monitored?
47. Highlight the participation of : All faculty & PG students attend
students and faculty in extension Health Camps/Osteoporosis &
activities. Arthritis Camps
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Post graduate students are
scholarly activities” of the encouraged to present rare cases at
department. various conferences
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : Postgraduate students deputed to skill
of the department in generating lab for learning basic surgical skills
new knowledge, basic or applied.
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
(SWOC) of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities& Challenges
Well International To Develop To meet
Qualified & Publications Sub- increasing
Experienced Sub-Specialty Specialties clinical
Faculty Development Research demand
Department of Neurology
1. Name of the Department : Neurology
2. Year of Establishment : 1994
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : UG: B.Sc. (Neurosciences Technology)
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated PG: DM (Neurology)
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued : No programs in the department have
if any, with reasons. been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Medicine: MBBS Theory classes
in the courses offered by other Physiotherapy: Theory classes and
departments practicals
Department of Radiology
1. Name of the Department : Radiology
2. Year of Establishment : 1967
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : MBBS, MD, DMRD, B.Sc.
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated Radiography
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Radio-Surgery Meet (Once monthly)
departments involved Radio-Orthopedics Meet (Once monthly)
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
JNMC Scientific Society CME 2010. 10th & 11th April 2010, Dr.B.S.Jirge
“Diagnostic Challenges-An update”. Auditorium JNMC, Belagavi.
CME in Interventional 4th August 2012 at Anubhav Mantap
Radiology 2012 KLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital &
MRC Belagavi.
Suvarna JNMC NEURO – 10th November 2013 at KLES
RADIOLOGY CME Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital &
Medical Research Centre, Belagavi.
Internat ional Radiology Day 8th Nov. 2014, Dr.Prabhakar Kore
Hospital & Medical Research Centre,
“US Chest” 14th July 2013
“X-Ray Production & Tubes” 14th July 2013
“Basic of cardiovascular 22nd September 2013
“Basic of Colour Doppler” 22nd September 2013
“X-Ray Transformers & Rectifiers” 22nd September 2013
Pulmonary vascular disease 15th April 2014
Biomedical Imaging research, today 17th May 2014
& tomorrow
Advanced CT- Dual energy CT & 21st June 2014
dynamic CT Angiography
Staging & Characterisation of Calung 27th September 2014
Adult & Paediatric chest radiographs 8th November 2014
Imaging in Oncology 28th Oct 2014
31. Code of ethics for research followed Guidelines on Code of Conduct for
by the departments Human Research Science issued by
32. Student profil programwise:
Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage
Program (refer to received
Male Female Male Female
question no. 4)
MD-2010-2011 1712 01 02 100% 100%
2011-2012 1603 03 01 100% 100%-
2012-2013 1841 04 - - -
2013-2014 2037 05 01 - -
DMRD-2010-2011 - 05 01 80% 0%
2011-2012 05 01 100% 100%
2012-2013 05 01 100% 100%
2013-2014 04 02 - -
B.Sc. Radiography -
2010-2011 05 02 100% 100%
2011-2012 06 02 100% 100%
2012-2013 08 01 - -
2013-2014 06 01 - -
33. Diversity of students
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. 4) same within the outside the countries
University State State
M.D-2010- - 33.3% 66.6% --
2011 - 50% 50% -
2011-2012 25% 25% 50% -
2012-2013 - 50% 50% -
2010-2011 - 50% 50% -
2011-2012 - 33.3% 66.66% -
2012-2013 - 33.3% 66.66% -
2013-2014 16.6% 16.8% 66.66% -
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET, SET,
other competitive examinations?
Give details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 42%
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 5%
PG to Ph.D. 1%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed 100%
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are : -
Department of Psychiatry
1. Name of the Department : Psychiatry
2. Year of Establishment : 1974
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : Undergraduate - MBBS
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated Post graduate - MD Psychiatry
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., PG Diploma in Psychiatric Counseling
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Integrated teaching for MBBS students
departments involved – with Dept. of Pharmacology
Integrated teaching for PG students –
with Department of Community
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued : No programs in the department have
if any, with reasons. been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Bachelor of Physiotherapy
in the courses offered by other M.Sc. Nursing
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 1 1 1
Associate Professor / Reader 1 1 1
Assistant Professor 1 2 2
Lecturer 2 3 3
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident 1 1 1
Department of Anaesthesiology
1. Name of the Department : Anaesthesiology
2. Year of Establishment : 1966
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered (UG, : UG MBBS, B.Sc. Anaesthesia
PG, Pharm D, Integrated Technology course (Allied courses)
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., PG MD and Diploma
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, (Anaesthesia)
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Dept. of Pharmacology, OBG &
departments involved Surgery
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department has signed
other universities, industries, Memorandum of Understanding
foreign institutions, etc. with the Government of Karnataka,
Institute of Health & Family
Welfare, Bengaluru, for training
MBBS Doctors (Medical Officers)
in anaesthesia skills with the goal of
reducing maternal mortality.
Cleft lip & palate surgeries going on
in association with international
organization “Smile Train, USA”
and Dept. of Plastic surgery, since
2001 with more than 6,500 patients
anaesthetized till date.
Collaboration with other medical
colleges for PG excel program &
WFSA sponsored CME.
7. Details of programs discontinued : No programs in the department have
if any, with reasons. been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : -
in the courses offered by other
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : -
contributions of the department
in generating new knowledge,
basic or applied.
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Excellent Publications Staff Development of
infrastructure in indexed members are dept protocols
with latest journals are encouraged for various
equipments less. to acquired procedures
Experienced and Pain clinic new skills conforming
dedicated & PACU like with
faculty ultrasound international
The staff guided standards.
members are local Comprehensive
encouraged to anaesthesia data
acquire new block, TEE, management for
skills like labor aiding research.
ultrasound analgesia, Establishment
guided local pain & of research unit.
Anaesthesia palliative Comprehensive
block, TEE, care, critical pain
labor analgesia, care management
pain & palliative management service.
Peon : - 2 2
Sweepers : 1 1 1
Drivers : - 3 3
16. Research thrust areas as :
recognized by major funding
Sl Title of the Principal
Funding agency Total Outlay
No. Project Investigator
1 World Bank & Road Traffic Dr. Yogesh Rs.5,00,000/-
Karnataka Health Accident Kumar S.
System Development Safety Dr. S.
and Reforms Project Programme M.Katti
(KHSDRP) Dr. Rajesh
2 United States Agency KHPT Co-ordinator: Rs.66,000/-
for International SHOPS TB Dr. Yogesh
Development (USAID) Project Kumar S.
& KHPT, Bangalore
17. Number of faculty with ongoing :
projects from a) national b)
international funding agencies
and c) Total grants received.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
Sl Funding agency Title of the Principal Total Outlay
No. Project Investigator
1 World Bank & Road Traffic Dr.Yogesh Rs.5,00,000/-
Karnataka Health Accident Kumar S.
System Development Safety Dr.S.M.Katti
and Reforms Project Programme Dr.Rajesh
(KHSDRP) Kulkarni
2 United States Agency KHPT Co-ordinator: Rs.66,000/-
for International SHOPS TB Dr.Yogesh
Development (USAID) Project Kumar S.
& KHPT, Bangalore
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : -
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration -
b. International collaboration -
20. Research facility / centre with : Research Foundation & BSRC available
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers State/Local : 08
published in peer reviewed National : 35
journals (national / International : 39
Monographs -
Chapters in Books -
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory,
EBSCO host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor–range / average 0.408 to 4.092
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
44. Give details of student enrichment : The students are encouraged to attend
programs (special lectures / the state/National Conference and are
workshops / seminar) involving allowed to present papers either for
external experts. : poster sessions or oral sessions. They
also attend PG training programs and
workshops conducted at various
Medical Colleges in India
45. List the teaching methods adopted : Didactic/lectures, tutorials, power
by the faculty for different point presentations, case
programs including clinical presentations, evidence based
teaching. medicine or group discussions
46. How does the department ensure : The PG students give feedback on the
that program objectives are programs. Regular feedback is taken
constantly met and learning from the PG students regarding the
outcomes are monitored? teaching activities
47. Highlight the participation of : The PG students and faculty
students and faculty in extension members regularly participate in all
activities. the medical camps conducted by the
department and the college. The
department regularly conducts camps
on the occasion of World TB Day,
World Asthma Day, and World
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : The department regularly conducts
scholarly activities” of the patient awareness campaigns on the
department. occasion of World TB Day, World
Asthma Day, and World COPD Day
highlighting the importance of
diseases in the society
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : The department is actively involved
of the department in generating in conducting the research activities
new knowledge, basic or applied. with the help of post graduate
students. Through these activities, the
department regularly publishes
Scientific Papers in various National
and International Medical Journals.
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers State/Regional - 18
published in peer reviewed National - 20
journals (national / International - 14
Monographs -
Chapters in Books 5
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / -
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : 1. One faculty from the department
internationally to visit other was attended the Vertigo Academy
laboratories / institutions / which was held in Carpi, Italy on
industries in India and abroad 11th & 12th November, 2011. He
was invited by Professor Giorgio
Guidetti, Director, Department of
Audiology Vestibulology and
Vestibular Rehabiliation, Ramazzini
2012 1841 6 3 - -
2013 2037 5 6 - -
2014 2205 2 6 - -
Impact Factor–range / average 0.404 to 4.18
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and Poison Detection Centre in the KLES
income generated Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital
Rs. 3,90,000/-
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in Editorial Board member of Journal
a) National committees b) of Karnataka Medico Legal Society
International committees c) (KAMLS).
Editorial Boards d) any other Editorial Board member of Journal
(specify) of Indian Society of Toxicology
Editorial Board member of Journal
of Indian Society of Toxicology
percentage of students : -
doing projects in
collaboration with other
universities / industry /
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Sl. No. Name of the Journal International Database
1 Journal of Pakistan Association of Scopus
2 International Journal of Current Research EBSCO
3 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Scopus
Venereology & Leprosy
4 Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology EBSCO
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 0.573 to 1.206
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in
a) National committees
b) International committees -
c) Editorial Boards -
d) any other (specify) Member of BOS-Faculty of Medicine
(BLDE University)
Member of BOS-Faculty of Medicine
(Krishna Institute of Medical Science
Deemed University, Karad
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Total: 118
(Refresher / orientation
programs, workshops, training
programs and similar programs).
CME 51
Workshop 23
Conference 38
Annual Meet 01
Symposium 02
Seminar 01
Summit 02
28. Student projects :
Percentage of students who : 2010 – 50%
have taken up in-house 2011 – 50%
projects including inter- 2012 – 50%
departmental projects 2013 – 60%
percentage of students doing : -
projects in collaboration
with other universities /
industry / institute
29. Awards / recognitions received :
at the national and international
level by
Faculty : National: 02
International: 03
Dr. Sunil Gandhi completed the
Fellowship in LASERS at All India
Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi
awarded by the Indian Association of
Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
Doctoral / post doctoral : -
Students : -
30. Seminars/ Conferences / :
Workshops organized and the
source of funding (national /
international) with details of
outstanding participants, if any
Sl. Faculty
CME Year Position
No. Name
1 Dermatosurgery & Nov. 2009 Dr. S. Former
Cosmetology Sacchidanand Registrar
Dr. Om
Prakash Dermatologist
at Vikram
John’s Medical
Professor of
Dr. Pradeep Dermatology,
Mahajan S.K.N.M.C.
& G.H., Pune
t and
Mysore Dermatopatho
alaya –
Centre for
Prof.& HOD
of Pathology,
Dr. Ganga Pilli
Prof. of
Dr. Pathology,
Vijayalakshmi J.N. Medical
V.S. College,
4 Dr. Smita M. Prof. & Head, V.M. Patil Medical College, Sholapur
5 Dr. Sharat Kumar Professor, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science,
44. Give details of student enrichment : Students are encouraged to attend
programs (special lectures / seminars and conferences and also to
workshops / seminar) involving present rare cases in conferences
external experts.
45. List the teaching methods adopted : LCD projector, Power Point
by the faculty for different Presentation used for Seminar,
programs including clinical Journal Clubs. Bedside Clinic,
teaching. Grand rounds conducted regularly.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : 06 Prizes secured for Papers &
scholarly activities” of the Posters
50. Briefly highlight the contributions : Staff & students presented papers &
of the department in generating posters in the CME & Conferences
new knowledge, basic or applied. regularly
Department of Anatomy
1. Name of the Department : Anatomy
2. Year of Establishment : 1964
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : Under Graduate: MBBS, B. Sc.
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated Post Graduate: M.D., M. Sc.
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., (Anatomy)
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, Ph.D (Full time scholars and part
Diploma, PG Diploma, time scholars)
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and
departments involved Allied course (CMLT, DMLT, MHA)
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : No programs in the department have
discontinued if any, with been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : MPH & PGDHPE courses
in the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 01 02 02
Associate Professor / Reader 02 02 02
Assistant Professor 04 04 04
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor 05 05 05
Senior Resident - - -
State recognition -
National recognition -
International recognition -
40. Number of post graduate students : Post graduate students are getting
getting financial assistance from stipend per month
the university.
41. Was any need assessment exercise : Before development of new
undertaken before the development programmes, feed backs are
of new program(s)? If so, highlight obtained from alumni and students.
the methodology. The necessary changes to be made
are discussed at department
meetings and then forwarded to
board of studies, academic council
for implementation in future.
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as well : By external senior consultant from
as teaching-learning- different Universities.
evaluation? If yes, how does By Faculty discussion and
the department utilize the evaluation proforma.
b. students on staff, curriculum : Evaluation format of Department of
and teaching-learning- Anaesthesiology
evaluation and how does the
department utilize the
c. alumni and employers on the : Yes, Verbal feedback obtained
programs offered and how does from the alumni and employer and
the department utilize the is conveyed to the faculty to
feedback? improve the performance.
43. List the distinguished alumni of the
department (maximum 10)
Private Practice (P) Position Institution attached
Sl No Name
Academic (A) Held to
1. Dr. M. B. A Principal Sri Devraj Urs
Sanikop Medical College,
2. Dr. S. I. A Principal Sri Laxmi Narayana
Tolanur Institute of Medical
3. Dr. V. B. A Prof & Belagavi Institute of
Hukkeri HOD Medical Sciences,
Department of Biochemistry
1. Name of the Department : Biochemistry
2. Year of Establishment : 1964
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : Under Graduate: MBBS, BDS,
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated Nursing, Physiotherapy & Allied
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., courses
Integrated Ph.D., Post Graduate: M.D., M. Sc.
Certificate, Diploma, PG (Biochemistry)
Diploma, D.M./M.Ch., Super Ph.D (Full time scholars and part
specialty fellowship, etc.) time scholars)
Others- CMLT, DMLT
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : The postgraduates from other departments
departments involved are posted in Biochemistry department as a
part of their curriculum.
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued if : No programs in the department have
any, with reasons. been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : The faculty members of our department
in the courses offered by other are guiding the MPH students &
departments PGDHPE candidates.
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 01 02 02
Associate Professor / Reader 01 01 01
Assistant Professor 03 03 03
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor 05 05 05
Senior Resident -- -- --
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
2012 1841 - 1 - -
2013 2037 - - - -
2014 2205 1 - - -
33. Diversity of students :
Name of the % of students % of students % of students % of
Program from the same from other from students
(refer to university universities universities from other
question no. within the outside the countries
4) State State
M.D - 100% - -
M. Sc - 20% - 80%
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense Services
examinations, NET, SET, GATE,
CGFNS, IELTS and other
competitive examinations? Give
details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 42%
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 5%
PG to Ph.D. 1%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment 100%
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 89%
from other universities within the : 11%
from universities from other States : -
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : Ph.D. = 1
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
Department of Microbiology
1. Name of the Department : Microbiology
2. Year of Establishment : 1966-67 (With Pathology)
Separated Dept 1978-79
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes, Department is Part of a College
college / Faculty of the
4. Names of programs offered : UG
(UG, PG (MD & M.Sc)
PG, Pharm D, Integrated Ph. D
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., B.Sc. Allied
Integrated Ph.D., CMLTC
Certificate, Diploma, PG DMLTC
Diploma, D.M./M.Ch., Super
specialty fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : Indira Gandhi National Open University
other universities, industries, (INGOU)
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : No programs in the department have
discontinued if any, with been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : B.D.S. II Year, B.P.T. II Year, B.Sc. &
in the courses offered by other P.C. B.Sc Nursing Course
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 01 05 05
Associate Professor / Reader 02 02 02
Assistant Professor 03 03 03
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor 05 05 05
Senior Resident - - -
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 5%
PG to Ph.D. 1%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Campus selection 10%
Other than campus recruitment 90%
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 55%
from other universities within the : 25%
from universities from other States : 20%
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : 02
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Books 113 & Journals 04
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 03 demo halls
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : -
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : 02
f) Research laboratories : 420 sq. m.
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral : -
students and Research Associates
a. from the host institution / : 04
b. from other institutions / : -
40. Number of post graduate students : All post graduate students getting
getting financial assistance from financial assistance from the
the university. university
Department of Physiology
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers published State/Regional: 1
in peer reviewed journals National : 10
(national / international) International : 54
Monographs -
Chapters in Books -
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 0.63 - 30.758
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Dr S. S. Goudar NIH Global
internationally to visit other Network steering committee meeting
laboratories / institutions / at Ft. Lauderdale, USA
industries in India and abroad Technical consultation on Heat/Stable
carbetocin for preventing PPH at
WHO Geneva
Department of Pharmacology
1. Name of the Department : Pharmacology
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers published State/Regional: 1
in peer reviewed journals National : 9
(national / international) International : 25
Monographs -
Chapters in Books -
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
Department of Pathology
1. Name of the Department : Pathology
2. Year of Establishment : 1964
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes
college / Faculty of the
Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : UG, PG, PG Diploma,
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated DMLTC,
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., B. Sc Allied, CMLTC.
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : No programs in the department have
discontinued if any, with been discontinued.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : B.D.S. II Year, B.P.T. II Year, B.Sc. &
in the courses offered by other P.C. B.Sc Nursing Course
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 01 01 01
Associate Professor / Reader 04 04 04
Assistant Professor 05 05 05
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor 07 10 10
Senior Resident - - -
Laboratory Attendants 6 6 6
Store keeper 1 1 1
Record clerk 1 1 1
Steno-typist 1 1 1
16. Research thrust areas as : Good laboratory practices
recognized by major funding
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : a) District level health survey -
projects from a) national b) Ministry of Health and Family
international funding agencies Welfare Rs. 21 Lakhs
and c) Total grants received. b) Good Laboratory Practices -
Give the names of the funding Ministry of Health and Family
agencies, project title and grants Welfare Rs. 50 Lakhs
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Yes
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration : GLP – 50 lakhs
Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare Rs. 21 lakhs
b. International collaboration -
19. Departmental projects funded : ICMR Project STS Projects
AICTE, etc.; total grants
20. Research facility / centre with : Research Foundation & BSRC available
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : -
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers International = 22
published in peer reviewed National = 29
journals (national /
Monographs -
Chapters in Books -
Books edited 2
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / 0.413 to 2.8
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees Dr. Bhagyashri Hungund- IJPHRD
b) International committees -
c) Editorial Boards One faculty is Editorial Board Member
of “MEDFIND” Journal
d) any other (specify) -
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Workshops on Medical Educational
(Refresher / orientation Technology are conducted by the MCI-
programs, workshops, training Regional Training Centre at Department of
programs and similar Medical Education, J N Medical College to
programs). all newly recruited faculty. All the faculty
in Pathology have been trained in MCI-
RTC, JNMC, Belagavi
XXX Annual National 6th , 7th, & 8th 2012 MCI,MERT- Karnataka,
CME & PG Course in KLE University, JNMC
Pathology Scientific Society
XXXI Annual National 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th June MCI,MERT- Karnataka,
CME & PG Course in 2013 KLE University, JNMC
Pathology Scientific Society
I CME Updated in 8th November 2012 KLE University, JNMC
transfusion medicine Scientific Society
II CME Updated in 23rd November 2013 KLE University, JNMC
transfusion medicine Scientific Society
XXXII Annual National 4th to 7th June 2014 JNMC, Belagavi
CME in Pathology
Department of Neurosurgery
1. Name of the Department : Neurosurgery
2. Year of Establishment : 1981
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes,
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : M.Ch in Neurosurgery
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : -
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : The department does not have any
other universities, industries, courses in collaboration with other
foreign institutions, etc. universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
20. Research facility / centre with : Research Foundation & BSRC available
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers published National = 13
in peer reviewed journals International= 01
(national / international)
Monographs -
Chapters in Books -
Books edited -
Books with ISBN with -
details of publishers
Number listed in -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / -
Impact Factor – range / -
h-index -
23. Details of patents and income -
24. Areas of consultancy and -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
20. Research facility / centre with : Research Foundation & BSRC available
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : BSRC available
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications
Number of papers published : State/Regional = 53
in peer reviewed journals National = 09
(national / international) International = 20
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : 2
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with : -
details of publishers
Number listed in International : -
Database (For e.g. Web of
Science, Scopus, Humanities
International Complete, Dare
Database - International
Social Sciences Directory,
EBSCO host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor – range / : 0.081 to 38.278
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : Dr. A. S. Godhi- Member BOS,
income generated BLDE University, Bijapur & Income
Generated- Nil
Dr. A. S. Godhi- Member Editorial
Board, Al Ameen Journal of Medical
Sciences, Vijayapura & Income
Generated- Nil
Institute of Dental
Sciences & Research
Centre, Belagavi
7. Dr. Mohit Pal Singh Prof. & Head Pacific Dental College,
8. Dr. Abhinav Kumar Reader Consultant in Dubai
9. Dr. Ajay Parihar Reader Indore ,Oracle CBCT
10. Dr. Ellur Venkatesh Oral Physician College of Dentistry
& Radiologist Qaseem Private College
44. Give details of student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops /
seminar) involving external experts. :
Date Presenter Title
1. 15 /3/ 2010 Dr. Shailesh Lele Digital Radiology
2. 5/3/ 2011 Dr. Kaustubh Sansare Cone Beam CT
3. 5/7/ 2012 Dr. Srinivas Practice what you preach! Not
merely the “Oral Physician”
4. 4/11/2012 Dr. Gautam Deshpande, CBCT Workshop
Dr. Subodh Sontakke,
Dr. Neha Gupta,
Dr. Nimish Prakash,
5. 05/11/2012 Dr Freny Karjodkar Radiographic interpretation
(Interactive session) & Quiz
6. 08/11/2012 Dr. Ajit Dinkar, “Waste management in dental
clinics” for general dental
7. 21/06/2013 Dr. Kishore Bhat “Scope of research in Oral
8. 11/11/2013 Dr. S. K. Joshi Scope of USG in Head & Neck
9. 12/11/2013 Dr. Ajay Parihar Hands on workshop on CBCT
10. 15/11/2013 Dr. Surekha Puranik Radiology Seminar
11. 3/11/2014 Dr. Shirish Ghan Sialendoscopy - technique &
12. 5/11/2014 iCAT company Demonstration of CBCT
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : 1
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with : 1. A Text Book of Public Health
details of publishers Dentistry CM Marya , Jaypee
publication, ISBN : 9350257098
2. Smokeless tobacco and its effect on
oral health – A comprehensive
review of literature, Vikneshan
Murugaboopathy , Lambert
Academic Publication. ISBN :- 978-
Number listed in : -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor range/ average : 0.3 - 4.72
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : The Patent Office Journal 15/11/2013
generated 28630
Patent : Application No :
4887/CHE/2013 A
Audio Tactile Performance (ATP)
Technique for Training Visually Impaired
Children in Oral Hygiene Maintenance.
Published in ‘The Patient Office Journal’
Issue No. 46/2013. 15/11/2013 page no
This patency does not generate any income
24. Areas of consultancy and : Consultancy through Primary and
income generated Satellite Centers and ECHS
Amount Generated : Rs 14,104,271
PG to Ph.D. 16%
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil
Campus selection
Other than campus 100%
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are
of the same university 1
from other universities within
the State
from universities from other 1
from universities outside the Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : 1 – Ph.D
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Books : Total Books – 133
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Internet facilities are accessible to all
students staff and students
c) Total number of class rooms : 1
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 3
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : -
f) Research laboratories : -
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students and Research
a. from the host institution /
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 2 3 3
Associate Professor / Reader 4 3 3
Assistant Professor 2 3 3
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,
experience and research under guidance :
No. of Years
Name Qualification Designation Specialization
Dr. Alka MDS Professor/ Oral 30 yrs 7
Kale Principal Pathology month
Dr. Seema MDS Professor / Oral 16 years3
Hallikerimath HOD Pathology months
Dr. Veena MDS Professor Oral 12 years
Naik Pathology
Dr. Punnya MDS Reader Oral 9 yrs 8
Angadi Pathology months
Dr. Deepa MDS Reader Oral 7 yr 8 months
Mane Pathology
Dr. Pushpak MDS Reader Oral 4 yrs 3
Shah Pathology months
Dr. Manjula MDS Lecturer Oral 3 yrs 2
M Pathology months
Dr. Shweta MDS Lecturer Oral 3 yrs 3 month
Kumbhojkar Pathology
Dr. Chetan MDS Lecturer Oral 1 year 2
Beladavar Pathology month
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus, 4
Adjunct faculty, emeritus Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor - : 4.32 -0.05
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : The department provides histology and
income generated histopathology slides for UG and PG
teaching. The income generated from
the same for the year (2010-2014) is
62,800=00 (Six Two Thousand Eight
Hundred Only Rupees) Rs only.
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Past President 2012 - 13
b) International committees :
c) Editorial Boards :
a. Journal of Oral & maxillofacial
b. World journal of Stomatology
c. KLE Health Science Journal
d) any other (specify) : -
27. Faculty recharging strategies (Refresher / orientation programs, workshops,
training programs and similar programs) :
Year Faculty Recharging Programmes Number of Faculty
2010 1. Slide seminar 9
2. OSPE AND OSCE workshop 1
3. Research mentorship programme 2
41. Was any need assessment : Based on the feed backs obtained from
exercise undertaken before the alumni and students, the necessary
development of new changes to be made in the syllabus will
program(s)? If so, highlight the be discussed at department meetings.
methodology. Then at board of studies, academic
council and then at board of management
following which it is implicated.
Laboratory techniques
Journal clubs / Seminars
Case Discussions
Histopathology Discussions
Minor Research Projects
Cliniocpathological Meet
46. How does the department ensure : For Postgraduate course:
that program objectives are i. Guide a postgraduate to develop
constantly met and learning capabilities to learn, diagnose and
outcomes are monitored? take up research work.
ii. To develop confidence to handle
and manage academics, make
scientific presentations through
Journal Club, Seminars, Symposia,
Publication and Presentation in
iii. To help an individual to develop
not only academically but also
socially and holistically.
For Undergraduate course
iv. To inculcate thirst for learning so
that students develop in-depth
v. To help the learner to use the
knowledge for clinical application
in day to day practice.
vi. To inculcate sense of responsibility
and accountability and put in hard
and sincere work to excel.
41. Was any need assessment : Student feedback was taken to start the
exercise undertaken before the implant course and further to modify it
development of new
program(s)? If so, highlight the
43. List the distinguished alumni of the depar tment (maximum 10) :
1 Dr.Kirti Kumar Rai, HOD Bapuji Dental College, Davangeri
2 Dr.Vikas Dhupar, HOD, GDC, Goa
3 Dr.Rajendrakumar. Suryavanshi, Ex-Principal, Albadar Dental College,
4 Dr.Gotike Venkateshwar Reddy, Principal, Kamineni Institute of Dental
Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India
5 Dr.Venkatesh S.Anehosur, HOD, SDM Dental College, Dharwad
6 Dr.Neelkamal H Hallur, HOD, Albadar Dental College, Gulbarga
7 Dr.Janardan Bhagwat Garade, HOD, Sinhgad Dental College And Hospital
in Vadgaon Budruk, Pune
8 Dr.Shankar N Patil, Editor in Chief, World Journal of Dentistry
9 Dr.Shyam Sheth, Director, Smile Train, Ahemadabad, Gujarath
10 Dr.Manu Prasad S, Center Director – DCKH Center Mysore, Head of the
Department Center for Cleft Services – St Joseph’s Hospital Mysore,
Chairman and President Swasthya Foundation, Mysore
46. How does the department ensure : Time table has been set for
that program objectives are seminars/ Case History
constantly met and learning Discussions/ JC etc and are
outcomes are monitored? monitored by the staff
Marks are given based on their
performance in the Log books
By having periodic internal
assessment, clinical posting end
exams, dissertation review meeting
47. Highlight the participation of : Students and faculty Participate in
students and faculty in extension health checkup camps and
activities. treatment camps conducted by the
institution and Hospital
Faculty is Co-ordinator of NSS
wing of KLE VK Institute of Dental
Sciences, Belagavi.
Faculty is Programme Officer
Youth Red Cross Wing and
participation & Organize Programs
for the same
Faculty is secretary of DDE
Programme of KLE VK Institute of
Dental Sciences, Belagavi
Faculty is treasurer of DDE
Programme of KLE VK Institute of
Dental Sciences, Belagavi
Faculty are also a part of CLICKER
club of the college
Faculty are represented in the
college council and are incharge for
sports, literary and cultural at
various levels
Students participated in various
sports and have won various awards
Staff were part of cricket team who
won runner up
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Two faculty members are awarded two
scholarly activities” of the PGDHP
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI)
50. Briefly highlight the : Faculty have numerous scholarly
contributions of the department articles in various peer reviewed,
in generating new knowledge, indexed national and international
basic or applied. journal
Faculty is also invited as resource
person in various national and
international scholarly activities
51. Detail five major Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Challenges (SWOC) of the
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Strategically Faculty Ability to Financial set
placed tertiary training in pursue back to
referral center advance postdoctoral conduct
with 2400 surgical programs, research
bedded techniques undertake
hospital Research clinical and
Eminent collaborations surgical
faculty research in
members the given set
trained up
nationally and
s with
Therapy and
Center, Hubli
and GSR
Institute of
Cleft and
Has number
in National
Has an Strong
alumni of 100
Has a staff
also trained
52. Future plans of the Department. : Establishment of clinical research
facilities in department
Increased research collaboration
and MOU
Try for patents
Antibiotics in Dentistry- 01
“Integrated teaching programme” 01
“fiber post& core” 07
“Bio- Medical Waste (Management 06
& Handling) Rules – A Guide To
General Practioner”
2014 Marketing In Dentistry 02
Orientation for newly recruited 02
Faculty 2014
Dentistry is art & sciences” & 04
Taming of un-cooperative children in
pediatric dentistry
Regulations in dental clinical 04
28. Student projects
Percentage of students who : Post graduate 100%
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students doing : 11%
projects in collaboration with
other universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received
at the national and international
level by
Faculty : 1 faculty received SEVARATNA
award for his NSS social work in
the field of health at 18th State level
Satsang From the gracious hands of
Shri Shivanand Bharati Swamiji of
Inchal on 2-1-2014 at Hunshal P.J ,
1 faculty was awarded BEST
IDS by the University’s Kannada
Balaga on 10th September 2014
Doctoral / post doctoral :
Students : Paper Presentation : 6
41. Was any need assessment : No new program has been started
exercise undertaken before the
development of new
program(s)? If so, highlight the
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as well : Feedback forms are discussed in
as teaching-learning- departmental meetings regularly and
evaluation? If yes, how does steps are taken to improve the short
the department utilize the comings
b. students on staff, curriculum : At the end of the class we evaluate the
and teaching-learning- class by distributing MCQ on particular
evaluation and how does the topic and assess about theory class.
department utilize the
c. alumni and employers on the : We ask alumni to give their feedback in
programs offered and how improving education by taking their
does the department utilize opinion about syllabus, examination
the feedback? pattern and also teaching.
43. List the distinguished alumni of :
the department (maximum 10)
Sl No Name Position Held Institution attached to
1. Dr. Anand Prof & Head, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental
Shigli Dean College & Hospital,
1997 Wanlesswadi, Sangli-416416,
2. Dr. Rahul Professor & B V P Dental College, Mumbai
Hegade Head
1998 Executive
DCI Member
3. Dr. Sandya Professor & KLES Dental college, Bangalore,
Devi Head KLE Society’s Institute of Dental
1998 Sciences,No.20, Yeshwanthpur
Suburb, II Stage,Tumkur Road,
Bangalore-560022, Karnataka
4. Dr. Rahul R Professor & DY Patil Dental College,Pune,
Deshpande Head Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College &
1999 Hospital,Pimpri, Mahesh
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI)
to give school
dental health
& teacher
for educating
students and
their parents
52. Future plans of the Department. : To start the insurance plan for
school children.
To ensure zero cavities in school
children of Belagavi district.
Encourage enrollment for Ph.D.
To start certificate course on
pediatric Endodontic, Preventive
and Interceptive Orthodontics.
To create microbial bank of our
own department to carry out future
Lecturer - -- -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - -- -
Senior Resident - -
11. Faculty profile with name, :
qualification, designation, area
of specialization, experience and
research under guidance
No. of Years
Name Qualification Designation Specialization
Dr. Anand C MDS Professor & Conservative 15
Patil Head &
Dr. Sonal B MDS Professor Endodontics 17
Joshi Dentistry
Dr.Preeti K. MDS Professor 14
Dr.Avinash MDS Reader 08
Dr.Sunita MDS Reader 05
Dr.Neha MDS Reader 04
Dr.Sheetal MDS Reader 04
Dr. Roopa M MDS Lecturer 03
Dr.Shavina MDS Lecturer 03
Dr. Sanjana MDS Lecturer 03
Dr. Suresh MDS Lecturer 02
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus, 4
Adjunct faculty, emeritus Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
13. Percentage of classes taken by : Certificate Course – 20%
temporary faculty – program-
wise information
14. Program-wise Student Teacher : BDS: 27:1
Ratio MDS: 1:1
Case Discussion
Dr G. V. Black Week
Interaction session
46. How does the department ensure : The department ensures that program
that program objectives are objectives are constantly met and
constantly met and learning learning outcomes are monitored by
outcomes are monitored? faculty members in the following ways
1. Apart from the routine didactic
lectures and practical/clinics,
generating interest among students
by introducing innovative teaching
methods like integrated teaching
and debates.
2. Conducting interactive and hands-
on training sessions
3. Obtaining feedback from students,
Alumni and experts.
4. Regular departmental, academic,
dissertation meetings to assess the
progress of the UG and PGs in the
47. Highlight the participation of : The faculty and students actively
students and faculty in extension participate in extension activities like
activities. Dental check-up and treatment camps,
NSS Activities like No Tobacco Day,
World Health Day, World Environment
Day, Red Cross Society and programs
organized by KLE Swashakti
Empowerment Cell for Women
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Dr. G.V. Black Week
scholarly activities” of the PG Debates
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent units of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI)
Qualified Nurse 1 1 1
Peon 1 1 1
Peon 1 1 1
Peon 1 1 1
Peon 1 1 1
Total 8 8 8
16. Research thrust areas as :
recognized by major funding
Research Projects Research Projects
Undertaken completed
Minor Major Minor Major Total
5 5 5
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Nil
projects from a) national b)
international funding agencies
and c) Total grants received.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : None
projects and associated grants
received: a) national b)
19. Departmental projects funded by : Nil
AICTE, etc.; total grants
20. Research facility / centre with :
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition -
21. Special research laboratories : Nil
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : National : 8
in peer reviewed journals International : 30
(national / international)
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : 1
Books edited : 1
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in :
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / :
Impact Factor - :
h-index :
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Areas of consultancy : Satellite
income generated Centres and Evening Dental Clinic
Income generated : Rs 7,54,500
Number of Faculty
Year Faculty Recharging Programmes
2010 1. “Objective structured clinical 2
examination” (OSCE) and
“Objective structured pre clinical 1
examination” (OSPE). 2
2. Faculty for conducting post graduate 1
3. 2ND CDE Programme of Goa
Orthodontics Study Group
4. CDE in Orthodontics & Beyond
2011 1. Surgical orthodontic workshop 9
Department Of Orthodontics
2. Department Of Oral and Maxillofacial
2012 1. Workshop 1
2. CDE Workshop 2
3. Evidence Based Dentistry 2
4. Pre – Conference Workshop on Objective
Structured Clinical /Practical Examination 1
5. CBCT 1
6. Pedagogic and personal Effectiveness 1
7. Workshop Maratha Mandal 2
2013 1. CDE Program Workshop Topic: 6
Antibiotics in Dentistry 2
2. The 4th CDE Programme of Goa
Orthodontics Study Group 9
3. Integrated Teaching Programme 1
4. “Laminates &Veneers” Hands On Course
2014 1. OSCE AND OSPE Workshop 2
2. Saving Faces …..Changing lives….. 1
Role of triple “O” in modern dentistry
OSPE/OSPE Workshop 1
3. Adhesive Dentistry under Optimum
Protocol” Workshop 10
4. NasoalveolarMoulding” Hands on 2
5. New age orthodontic Biology and 1
BiomechanicsCDE Programme 1
6. Post Graduate Orientation program 3
7. Post Graduate Orientation program 2
“Parichaya” 1
8. Staff Orientation Programme
9. OSCE AND OSPE Workshop
10. Evidence Based Dentistry
28. Student projects
Percentage of students who : Post graduate 100%
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students doing : Nil
projects in collaboration with
other universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received
at the national and international
level by
Faculty : Presidential address: Singapore 2011
Doctoral / post doctoral : One Faculty was Awarded Ph.D. in
fellows 2013
Students : Paper : 2 & Poster : 2
30. Seminars/ Conferences / :
Workshops organized and the
source of funding (national /
international) with details of
outstanding participants, if any
Date Presenter Title
1. 28th29th Dr. K.M. Keluskar Surgical Orthodontics
January 2011 Dr. Nandan Kittur Workshop
Dr. Sujala
Dr. Anand B
Dr. Tejashri
2. 8th April Dr. NikhileshVaid Aligners Workshop
3. 26th and 27th Dr. K.M. Keluskar Advanced Surgical
July 2013 Orthodontics Workshop
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 80%
from other universities within : 20%
the State
from universities from other : Nil
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : Ph.D - 1
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Books : Total Books – 14
Journals : 14
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Internet facilities are accessible to all
students staff and students
c) Total number of class rooms : 5
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 3
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : -
f) Research laboratories : -
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students and Research
a. from the host institution / : -
b. from other institutions / : There are no Ph.D candidates from
universities other universities
40. Number of post graduate : Post graduate students are getting
students getting financial stipend of Rs 3000/- per month
assistance from the university.
41. Was any need assessment : Before development of new
exercise undertaken before the programmes, feed backs are obtained
development of new from alumni and students. The
Department of Periodontics
1. Name of the Department : Periodontics
2. Year of Establishment : 1985
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes
college / Faculty of the Department is part of a college
4. Names of programs offered : UG : 1985
(UG, PG, PharmD, Integrated PG : 1990
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., Dental Hygienist Course : 1997
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, Certificate in Esthetic & Periodontal
Diploma, PG Diploma, Plastic Surgery : 2007
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Interdisciplinary patient management
departments involved with the
Department of Conservative Dentistry
& Endodontics,
Department of Prosthodontics.,
Department of Orthodontics and
Department of Implant Dentistry.
6. Courses in collaboration with : Nil
other universities, industries,
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : Nil
discontinued, if any, with
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
Actual (including
Sanctioned Filled
Professor 2 3 3
Associate Professor / Reader 3 3 3
Assistant Professor - - -
Lecturer 4 3 3
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
11. Faculty profile with name, :
qualification, designation, area
of specialization, experience and
research under guidance
No. of Years
Name Qualification Designation Specialization
Dr. Renuka MDS Prof. & Head Periodontics 12 Years 06
Metgud Months
Dr. Shaila V. MDS Professor 21 Years 2
Kothiwale Months
Dr. Vinayak MDS Professor 09 Years 6
Kumbhojkar Months
Dr. Vinuta MDS Reader 07 Years 2
Hampiholi Months
Dr. Abhishek MDS Reader 04 Years 6
Zingade Months
Dr. Menaka MDS Reader 04 Years 05
K.B. Months
Dr. Neelamma MDS Lecturer 03 Years 3
Shetti Months
Dr. Vilas MDS Lecturer 02 Year 3
Pattar Months
Dr. Shweta MDS Lecturer 06 Months
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus, 4
Adjunct faculty, emeritus Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
13. Percentage of classes taken by : The department has all permanent
temporary faculty – program- faculties
wise information
14. Program-wise Student Teacher : BDS: 2:1
Ratio MDS: 5:6
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Internet facilities are accessible to all
students staff and students
c) Total number of class rooms : 5
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 3
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : -
f) Research laboratories : -
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students and Research
a. from the host institution / : 1
b. from other institutions / : -
40. Number of post graduate : Post graduate students are getting
students getting financial stipend of Rs 3000/- per month
assistance from the university.
41. Was any need assessment : No
exercise undertaken before the
development of new
program(s)? If so, highlight the
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as well : - Feedbacks obtained are analyzed
as teaching-learning-evaluation? and necessary changes in the
If yes, how does the department curriculum are implemented.
utilize the feedback?
Ayurvedic environmental
Studies on the role of Agadas on
Hazardous effects of pesticides,
fertilizers etc.
Experimental studies on various
Agadas in the management of
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Involved study with RGUHS Grants-
projects from a) national b) Rs 50,000. “Comparative study on the
international funding agencies effect of Nakshatra (Pushya and Moola)
and c) Total grants received. and season on Manduk parni (Centella
Give the names of the funding asiatica Linn) WSR to pharmacognosy
agencies, project title and grants and phytochemical variatios “pushya
received project-wise. : and moolanakshatra”.(2009)
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Institutional collaborative projects are
projects and associated grants existing in the department
a. National collaboration : National projects- Department has
collaborated with Regional medical
research center (ICMR),Karnataka
state pollution contrl board Belgaum
b. International collaboration : Nil
19. Departmental projects funded by : Vision Group of Science and
ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / Technology( VGST) Project-
CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, Bengaluru Amount sanctioned
etc.; total grants received Rupees 30,000/- (2013-14)
Project completed and submitted to
20. Research facility / centre with :
State recognition : Nil
National recognition : National recognition
Central Research Facility is having
AYUSH approved drug testing laboratory
for ASU drugs.
International recognition :
21. Special research laboratories : Agada Tantra Speciality- Nirvisha OPD
sponsored by / created by Recently started.
industry or corporate bodies Department has developed Food
adulteration Detection Testing
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : National- 10
in peer reviewed journals Inter national-16
(national / international)
Monographs : Nil
Chapters in Books : Nil
Books edited : Nil
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in :
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average : Citation index -3-( Anti microbial
activity of Artemesia vulgaris Linn
SNIP : --
SJR : --
Impact Factor–range/ : 2.1652
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Authentication of Herbs through
income generated Central Research Facility.
Through KLE Ayurveda Hospital
Nirvisha-OPD &IPD.
2010 – 11, 460/- ; 2011- 33,865/-
2012 – 89,695/- ; 2013 – 83, 175/-
Vrukshayurveda –supply of
medicinal herbs to hospital and
Selling of sapplings – Income
generated- 2010 – Rs 9650 ; 2011-
Rs 12650 ; 2012 –Rs 21960 ; 2013
– Rs30960 ; 2014-18050
49. State whether the program / : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : PGs are deputed to centers to acquire
contributions of the department skills and hands on training like
in generating new knowledge, Pappinaseri vishachikitsa Kendra,
basic or applied. Forensic Science department, RMRC,
Department of Dravyaguna
Department of Kaumarabhritya
PG to Ph.D. Nil
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil
Employed Nil
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 1 /5(20%)
from other universities within : 3/5 (60%)
the State
from universities from other : Nil
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : 1
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Yes
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 01
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 01
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : 00
f) Research laboratories : 05
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral Nil
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution / :
b. from other institutions / :
40. Number of post graduate : Nil
students getting financial
assistance from the university.
Department of Kayachikitsa
1. Name of the Department : Kayachikitsa
2. Year of Establishment : UG Course was established in 1968
PG Course ‘Ayurveda Vachaspati’
(MD Ayu) established in the year 2010
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes it is the part of the college
college/Faculty of the university?
4. Names of programs offered (UG, : Programs offered are
PG, Pharm D, Integrated UG-BAMS
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., PG- MD (Ayu) Kayachikitsa
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, PG certificate course in Vajeekarana.
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pancha karma,
departments involved Shalayatantra. Apart from this the
Kayachikitsa Department is taking part
in delivering lectures conducted by the
college in the series of interdisciplinary
lectures on different diseases.
6. Courses in collaboration with : Involvement in training program of
other universities, industries, Middle sex university, United
foreign institutions, etc. Kingdom, where in the foreign students
are trained to treat the diseases with
medicinal management.
7. Details of programs discontinued : Nil
if any, with reasons.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Department is involved with Srishti
in the courses offered by other Infertility Centre in the program of PG
departments Certificate Course in Vajikarana.
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 01 01 01
Associate Professor / Reader 02 05 05
Assistant Professor 02 02 02
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,
experience and research under guidance
No. of Research
Name Qualification Designation Specialization Years Under
Experience guidance
Dr. Sameer N MD (Ayu), Professor Kayachikitsa 14 yrs 3
Naik Ph.D
Dr. Basavaraj MD (Ayu), Reader Kayachikitsa 10 yrs 2
R Tubaki Ph.D
Dr. Vitthal G MD (Ayu), Reader Kayachikitsa 8 yrs 1
Huddar (Ph.D)
Dr. Kashavva MD (Ayu) Reader Kayachikitsa 7 years, 6 1
V Hiremath months
Dr. Sukumar MD (Ayu) Asst. Prof. Kayachikitsa 5 yrs 1
Dr. Kiran MD (Ayu) Asst. Prof. Kayachikitsa 5 yrs 0
Dr Pramod B.A.M.S Asst. Prof. Kayachikitsa 2 Yrs 0
Shet MD (Ayu)
12. List of senior Visiting : University has 3 Professor Emeritus,
Fellows, adjunct faculty, 4 Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
emeritus professors
13. Percentage of classes taken by : The department has all permanent
temporary faculty – program- faculty and no temporary faculty
wise information members, hence not applicable.
14. Program-wise Student Teacher : UG 12:1, PG 1:2
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average : Nil
SNIP : Nil
SJR : Nil
Impact Factor–range/ : 0-1.6
h-index : Nil
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Income generated through hospital
income generated consultancy : Rs. 5,15,85,248/-
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Dr B R Tubaki. Resource Person. 16th
internationally to visit other Internataional Ayurveda Symposium &
laboratories / institutions / First International Ayurveda Research
industries in India and abroad Seminar, organized by Rosenberg gGmbH
– European Academy of Ayurveda Birstein
(Germany) held on 12 to 15th sept 2014 .
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees :
b) International committees :
c) Editorial Boards : 1. Rasayani National e- Journal
2. Peer reviewer for National Journal
of Ayurveda and Integrative
3. Peer Reviewer KLEU’s Health
science Journal.
45. List the teaching methods : The theory classes with different
adopted by the faculty for methods like Oration, Blackboard,
different programs including OHP sheets, Flex charts, PPTs, LCD.
clinical teaching. In the clinical teaching the students are
taken to OPD and IPD section where in
the Clinical examination of the patients
and management of the diseases will be
46. How does the department ensure : Department is regularly taking
that program objectives are feedback, Mentor counselling and by
constantly met and learning conducting internal assessment
outcomes are monitored? examinations.
47. Highlight the participation of : The faculty members are participating
students and faculty in extension in all Departmental extension activities
activities. like Regular camps, Awareness
programs like rallies, students are also
participating in all these activities.
Details of Extension activities-
1. Free Health checkup and
Consultation camp at
Hirebagewadi, Organized by NSS
unit, 27thMay 2011
2. Awareness rally on Heart Diseases-
On the eve of World Heart Day,
Sep 2011
3. Free Health checkup and
Consultation camp at Itagi,
Organized by NSS unit, 14.2.12
4. Awareness Lectures on Preventive
Cardiology in Different schools of
Belagavi On the eve of World
Heart Day, 20th to 30th Aug 2012
5. Free Health checkup and
Consultation camp at
Gokak,Organized by Taluk
Panchayat, Gokak - 29th
November 2012
6. Free Health checkup &
Consultation camp at Hudali,
Organized by NSS unit, 27th Feb
Having our
which helps
in preparing
the medicines
as per our
College is
situated in the
heart of the
city and in
52. Future Plans of the Department : To start PhD program in Kayachikitsa
Department of KriyaShareera
1. Name of the Department : KriyaShareera
Department of Panchakarma
1. Name of the Department : Panchakarma
a. faculty on curriculum as : -
well as teaching-learning-
evaluation? If yes, how does
the department utilize the
b. students on staff, curriculum : -
and teaching-learning-
evaluation and how does the
department utilize the
c. alumni and employers on : -
the programs offered and
how does the department
utilize the feedback?
43. List the distinguished alumni of : 1. Dr.Vishwanath S Wasedar
the department (maximum 10) 2. Dr. Deepa Patil
3. Dr. Nagashri Ekbote
4.Dr. Sukhin Aralelemath
5. Dr .Suma Joshi
6.Dr. Atul Goswami
7.Dr. Poorvi Atreya
8.Dr.Koralli Anil
9.Dr. Shushama Magdum
10.Dr. Ashwini Patil
44. Give details of student : Conducting Seminars, AV classes,
enrichment programs (special Remedial classes, Group discussion, Quiz
lectures / workshops / seminar) competition for students to enrich their
involving external experts. : knowledge, Out of campus Postings,
45. List the teaching methods : The teachers are teaching the theory
adopted by the faculty for classes with different methods like
different programs including Oration, Blackboard, OHP sheets, Flex
clinical teaching. charts, Models, PPTs, LCD. In the
clinical teaching the students are taken
to OPD for hands training, practical
demonstration of the patients and usage
of different instruments and using
techniques. Apart from this students are
also taken to the Bedside clinics for the
demonstration. Self experience of
Panchakarma therapies.
24. Areas of consultancy and income : OPD & IPD Rs. 11,572,388
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Faculties are serving in various
b) International committees : Institutional committees
c) Editorial Boards : 1. Dr.Girija Sanikop
d) any other (specify) : Member BOS for clinical subjects
Member NABH – committee for
care of Patients
Member colleger council
2. Dr.Asha Hosur
Incharge Labour room
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Faculty Development Programmes
(Refresher / orientation are routinely carried out under the
programs, workshops, training Department of Ayurveda Medical
programs and similar programs). Education (DAME)
28. Student projects : Nil
Percentage of students who :
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students doing :
projects in collaboration with
other universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received : Nil
at the national and international
level by
Faculty : Nil
Doctoral / post doctoral : Nil
Students : Nil
30. Seminars/ Conferences / : 1. Conducted a state level seminar on
Workshops organized and the Ayurvedic perspective of bad
source of funding (national / obstetric history on 22nd Aug.2013.
international) with details of Participants: 134
Having our
own GMP
which helps
in preparing
medicines as
per our
centre” which
is involved
in counseling
the infertile
couples and
also treating
52. Future Plans of the Department : To start PG in Prasuti tantra &
To establish complete Ayurvedic
antenatal care in selected patients
To start screening and preventive
Gynecology unit wherein the
patients are screened for cervical
cancer, which will help the
To start PhD programmes in Prasuti
tantra & stree roga.
46. How does the department ensure : By well prepared and executed Lesson
that program objectives are Plan.
constantly met and learning Feedback and mentors meetings.
outcomes are monitored?
47. Highlight the participation of : Faculty and students are participating
students and faculty in extension in the Body Donation Awareness
activities. Program to the Public, the Department
has established the Body Donation cell,
which motivating and receiving the
cadavers at a regular intervals. So far
about 250 people have pledged for
body donation, and 11 bodies have
been received.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Students were participating in the
scholarly activities” of the various competitions concerned with
department. the department viz: Anatomy Model
Preparation competitions etc.
49. State whether the program / : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : 1. Preparation of the specimens,
contributions of the department anatomy models and charts
in generating new knowledge, 2. New methods of preservation of
basic or applied. wet specimen like under water
3. Shloka chanting and there by
understanding the concept
51. Detail five major Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Challenges (SWOC) of the
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Department Research Becoming Preparation
has a body collaborations the and
donation cell Academician maintenance
experienced Anatomical of Anatomy
and dedicated Model Museum
faculty preparatory
49. State whether the program / : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI).
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,
experience and research under guidance
No. of Years
Name Qualification Designation Specialization
Dr. R. Y. 7 years & 4
M.D Reader Roganidana
Timmapur months
Assistant 3 Years & 9
Dr Keertan MS M.D Roganidana
Professor months
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus,
Adjunct faculty, emeritus 4 Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
13. Percentage of classes taken by : The department has all permanent
temporary faculty – program- faculty and no temporary faculty
wise information members, hence not applicable.
14. Program-wise Student Teacher : 37:1
15. Number of academic support staff (technical) & administrative staff
sanctioned, filled & actual :
Sanctioned Filled Actual
Administrative 1 1 1
Technician 2 1 1
Attender 1 1 1
16. Research thrust areas as : Taila bindu Pareeksha, Nadi Pareeksha.
recognized by major funding
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : “An evaluation of etiological factors in
projects from a) national b) essential HTN, An Observational
international funding agencies study.” is under consideration
and c) Total grants received.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Revitalization of folklore medicine
projects and associated grants funded by ICMR
a. National collaboration :
b. International collaboration :
Dhanvatari Prayer and Institutional
theme song training given by- Dr B S
Hebballi, Dr S M Sajjan .
2014 Disrict Level Bhagavdgeeta
Rahasya Contest - to UG and PG
Schloars and faculty members -Geeta
Rahasya competition organized by
ISCKON temple - Co-Ordinator Dr S
M Sajjan
In that contest total 186 members
were participated amongst them our
college UG student Ms Ashwini J
09 batch and Ms Soumya J 014 has
got consolation prize in level two
competition, Which was held on
State Level Inter College
Competitions Conducted By The
Ayurveda Academy Bangalore
Students Participated in the Shloka
Recitation, Debate , Essay Writing etc
- Co-Ordinator Dr S M Sajjan.
“State Level Prabhashanam work”
14th July 2014 to 21st July 2014 and
24th Dec 1st Jan 2015 – Organizing
Secretary Dr S M Sajjan , Co-
Ordinators- Dr B S Hebballi, Dr P H
49. State whether the program / : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ Academy of Higher Education and
graded by other agencies? If Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade by
yes, give details. NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’ by
MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : Training /coaching/ Orientation /guidance
contributions of the will be given to UG Students and PG Scholars
department in generating new and Faculty for the participation in various
knowledge, basic or applied. state/National level workshop, seminars ,
Symposium, Quiz programs and
competitions from the department.
For example-
Vadatu Samskruta workshop
Dicritical Class
Samhita Adhyayan Work shop
Prabhashanam Workshop.
51. Detail five major Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Challenges (SWOC) of
the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
1. Important Collaborative 1) Visit to
Books other activities Foreign
than were countries to
purchased teach,
kept for the Samskruta
reference in and
library Ayurvedic
2. Promoted samhitas.
for the 2) Can appear
Purchasing for
of Samskruta competitive
Monthly exams like
Magazine IPS, IAS,
“Sambhashan KAS & KPS
Sandesha “
for the
3. To
Basics of
huta -
Charts are
displayed in
for reference,
eg – 1)
and Logic-
Systems in
Ayurveda- (2)
“ Bharat
Charts were
history of
India is
depicted in
this chart. (3)
Well trained
and Well
staff. (4)
(5) Strong
52. Future Plans of the Department : To bring well established PG
To take up the new research
projects which are the thrust areas.
To develop manuscript ology
Vadatu Samskruta BMK Campus.
To make UG students and P G
Scholars expert in all the ayurvdic
Department of Shalakyatantra
1. Name of the Department : Shalakyatantra
2. Year of Establishment : 1984
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes it is the part of the college
college/Faculty of the university?
4. Names of programs offered : At present UG programme is offered
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated and starting of PG in Shalakyatantra is
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., under process
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : The department is having
departments involved interdisciplinary programme with
Rachana Shaareera, Rasashastra,
Bhaishajya Kalpana Dravya guna,
Pancha karma, Shalaya tantra.
6. Courses in collaboration with : College is in collaboration with Middle
other universities, industries, sex University, United Kingdom, for
foreign institutions, etc. training the foreign students in the
treatment of Shalakyatantra.
7. Details of programs discontinued if : Nil
any, with reasons.
8. Examination System: : Annual
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Panchakarma department for
in the courses offered by other Panchakarma therapist certificate
departments course and 1st Year PG course.
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 01 01 01
Associate Professor / Reader 01 02 02
Assistant Professor 01 01 01
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident
PGCC PK by the department
faculty, regarding Anatomy
investigations and surgical
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 02 01 01
Associate Professor / Reader 03 02 02
Assistant Professor 03 03 03
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor --- ----- -
Senior Resident
11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,
experience and research under guidance
No. of Research
Qualificati Designati Specializati
Name Years under
on on on
Experience guidance
Dr. S V B.A.M.S Professor Shalya 17 Yrs 3
Emmi MD (Ayu) Tantra
Dr. Pradeep SB.A.M.S Reader Shalya 6 Yrs 2
Shindhe MS (Ayu) Tantra
Dr. Santosh B.A.M.S Assistant Shalya 4 Yrs 6 1
YM MS (Ayu) Professor Tantra months
Dr. Taj D B.A.M.S Assistant Shalya 1 month
MS (Ayu) Professor Tantra
Dr Amruta A. B.A.M.S Assistant Shalya 6 month 1
Wali MS (Ayu) Professor Tantra
Dr Ramesh B.A.M.S Assistant Shalya 1 month
Killedar MS (Ayu) Professor Tantra
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus,
Adjunct faculty, emeritus 4 Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
Dr. Santosh Y M
Dr. MarkandeyaJadar
Dr. PankajPatil
Dr. Taj D
Dr. AmrutaWali
Dr. SudarshanKesari
Dr. PundalikPundapal
44. Give details of student : Guest lecture by Dr. Joshi –
enrichment programs (special Sushrutasaptaha for UG and PG
lectures / workshops / seminar) students
involving external experts. : Guest lecture by Dr. AbhinadanaHanji
–Oncosurgen – World Cancer day
awareness program
Guest lecture by Dr. P. Charantimath-
(Uro-surgeon)on kidney disorders
Guest lecture by Dr. SiddanagoudaPatil
(Reader Shalyatantra Dep.) on Bhagna
and management on
Guest lecture by Dr. Godhi(Principal
& Senior surgeon.) differential
diagnosis on abdominal pain
Guest lecture by Dr. Madhvapati
(Founder Belagavi cancer center) on
recent advances in cancer therapy.
Guest lecture by Dr.
GhanashyamVaidya (CMO, KHI,
Ghataprabha) on ethical practice of
medicine and surgery
Guest lecture by Dr. Anil Dutta
(Associate professor, Praprola,
Himachal Pradesh) on various topics on
Guest lecture by Dr. Anil Dutta
(Associate professor, Praprola,
Himachal Pradesh) on hands on
training in techniques and practice of
Guest lecture by Dr.
RavishankarParvaje (CMO,
Dhanvantari Ayurveda Hospital,
Puttur) on Kshar preparation and its
Guest lecture by Dr.Murlidhara Sharma
(Professor, dept of shalyatanta, Udapi)
on Arshas.
Guest lecture by Dr.PHemant Kumar
(Professor, dept of shalyatanta, Hassan)
on practical training on ano rectal
Guest lecture by Dr. S Bhat (Professor,
Dept. of Shalyatantra, Udapi) on
anesthesia in anorectal surgery.
45. List the teaching methods : Board and chalk presentation
adopted by the faculty for OHP and LCD presentation
different programs including Bed side clinical discussion
clinical teaching. Hands on training on Models
Orientation programmes
Problem based learning
46. How does the department ensure : Students’ feedback
that program objectives are Internal assessments
constantly met and learning Quiz programs
outcomes are monitored? Mentor council meeting
47. Highlight the participation of : Every year 2 camps on piles and
students and faculty in extension cancer awareness programmers are
activities. conducted regularly. All the UG
and PG students were posted for
clinical training.
NSS camp – health check up
camps, rallies are conducted
The students are involved in
celebration of National days.
Students are participated in
marathon conducted on disability
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Collection of snuhi ksheera for the
scholarly activities” of the preparation of Ksharasutra.
department. Ksharasutra training program for
Ayush doctors under NRHM
Name of Speaker Designation Topic Date
1 Dr Shivanand Veternersist Preventive Sept 28th
Magadum methods of 2009
2 Dr Shushaan Ayurved Presentation 24th and 25th
Maroli Practitioner skills in Feb – 2010
United Ayurveda
3 Anand Prof Awareness 23rd April
Dept of on Changing 2010
Geology World
GSS Institute, Climate
4 Mr M Hiremath Lecturer, Importance 7th March
Dept of of Yoga in 2011
Swasthavrittha day today
DGM College life
of Ayurveda,
Role of December 1
VCTC / ART 2011
Counsellor in centre in
VCTC, ART preventing
Dr Spoorthi
5 Center, Civil the
Hosptial, transmission
Belagavi of AIDS
among the
Importance of March 22
Rain water 2013
Mr. Mallikarjun. Ecologist
6 harvesting in
Shetty Belagavi
Reader, August 19th
Dept of August 19th 2014
Swasthavritta Epidemiolog
7 Dr Ashok Patil DGM Ayurved y
Medical College,
th st
5 Yoga Camp for Children Apr 16 to 21
6 World No Tobacco Day 31 may
7 Awareness on Anti-Drug addiction day 26 June
8 Dengue Prevention Day 10 Aug
th th
9 Yoga Free camp at Bailwad 10 Sept to 15 Sept
10 Ayurvedic Food Festival 16 Oct
1 Awareness on Leprosy at 31 Jan
2 Importance of Water conservation in 26 Feb
present scenario
3 Awareness on Water Conservation 21 Mar
4 Awareness on Malaria 25 Apr
th th
5 Yoga camp for children April 29 to May 4 2013
6 World No Tobacco Day 31 may
7 Awareness on Environment Protection 05 June
8 Awareness on Drug abuse 26 June
th th
9 Prophylaxis against Monsoon Fevers 27 to 29 June 2013
10 World Population Day 11 July
11 Health Screening of Hospital Workers 22nd to 31 July
12 Ayurveda Food festival Oct 2013
13 World AIDs Day Dec 3rd 2013
1 World Water Day 22nd April 2014
2 Summer Yoga camp for children 21st April to 26th April
3 World No Tobacco Day 31st May 2014
4 World Environment day 5th June 2014
5 Dengue Prevention Day 10th August 2014
6 World Food Day 19th & 20th Oct 2014
7 World AIDs Day Dec 1st 2014
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : 1. Every year celebrating world water
scholarly activities” of the day on its Theme.
department. 2. Every year celebrating World Food
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Name of
Sr. Major/ the Amount Ongoing
Title of the Project
No. Minor Funding Sanctioned Completed
1. Major Ethnomedicobotany of ICMR Rs. Completed
Belgaum region & 2010-13 7,00,000/-
Development of
Quality Control
Parameters for
Selected Medicinal
2. Minor Preparation of VGST Rs.30,000/-
biopaints using SPICE Completed
biocolours isolated 2011-12
from Streptomycetes
3. Minor Production of VGST Rs.30,000/-
Biocolours from SPICE Completed
Endophytes of Natural 2013-14
Dye Yeilding Plants
and their applications
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : -
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration Regional Medical Research Centre,
ICMR, Belagavi
b. International collaboration Nil
19. Departmental projects funded by ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / CAS, DPE; DBT,
ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received :
Sr. Major/ Title of the Project Name of Amount Ongoing
No. Minor and year the Sanctioned Completed
1 Major Ethnomedicobotany RMRC, Rs.7,00,00
(Nation of Belgaum region & ICMR 0/- Completed
al) Development of
Quality Control
Parameters for
Selected Medicinal
Plants, 2010-13
2. Minor Preparation of VGST Rs.30,000/ Completed
biopaints using SPICE -
biocolours isolated 2011-12
from Streptomycetes
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
41. Was any need assessment : Yes, Department intends to start MSC
exercise undertaken before the program in Biotechnology, PG diploma
development of new program(s)? in Medical Biotechnology. Based on
If so, highlight the methodology. technical discussions and interactions
Syllabus framing and course work was
designed and submitted to university
for approval.
42. Does the department obtain feedback from :
a. faculty on curriculum as well : Yes, done at institutional level and
as teaching-learning- university level. Details are available
evaluation? If yes, how does in institution records.
the department utilize the
b. students on staff, curriculum : Yes, Student feedback are analyzed
and teaching-learning- and addressed. According to the
evaluation and how does the suggestionsappropriate and best
department utilize the teaching methodologies are adopted.
c. alumni and employers on the : Yes,Done at institutional level and
programs offered and how university level. Details are available
does the department utilize the in institution records.
43. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) :
Sr. Name of the candidate and Industry/Institute
1 Mr. Abhijit Bapuso Patil Sanofi, Goa
2 Mr. Bagde Parag VijayaRao Academics :Nagpur
3 Mr. Manjunath Parashetti CiplaPharmaceuticals,Gangtok
4 Mr. Nikhil Kishor Potdukhe Reddy labs, Andhra Pradesh.
5 Mr. Phadke Milindkashinath Reliance Industries, Mumbai
6 Mr. RamdevGodara Unichem, Goa
7 Mr. Sambhasiva RaoKolla Entrepreneur , Raichur
8 Mr. Sanit Sainadan Gadkar Industry, Mumbai
44. Give details of student : As part of regular activities students
enrichment programs (special attend guest lectures, workshops,
lectures / workshops / seminar) special alumni guest lecturers
involving external experts. : conducted by Parent institution and
Parent University. Details are available
with Institution documentation records.
45. List the teaching methods : Faculty adopts all the conventional and
adopted by the faculty for modern methods of teaching which
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average :
SNIP : --
SJR : --
Impact Factor – range/average : --
h-index : --
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Nil
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees :
b) International committees : Nil
c) Editorial Boards : Nil
d) any other (specify) : Nil
Sl. No Staff Committees
1 Dr K R Alagawadi Assistant Registrer (Academic affairs)
2 Shri B M Dinnimath Assistan NSS Program officer
27. Faculty recharging strategies (Refresher / orientation programs, workshops,
training programs and similar programs) :
Workshop / Conference Training program Seminar CME
51 05 04 15
28. Student projects :
Percentage of students who -
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students doing -
projects in collaboration with
other universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received :
at the national and international
level by
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
al Chemistry)
M.Pharm - - 100% 0
al Chemistry)
M.Pharm 10% 90% 0
al Chemistry)
M.Pharm 0 0 100% 0
al Chemistry)
M.Pharm 80% 0 20% 0
al Chemistry)
34. How many students have cleared : NA
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET,
IELTS and other competitive
examinations? Give details
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 20%
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB NA
PG to Ph.D.
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 10%
Campus selection
Other than campus
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 66%
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Initiation of Pharmaceutical
interdisciplinary marketing
research activity.
Training of Pharmaceutical
undergraduate product
students with development
projects thereby
inculcating research Academics
Opt for higher
Skills relevant to
Product and
Application oriented
52. Future plans of the Department : 1. To initiate and implement well
focused research on Drug
Discovery and Development.
2. To develop simplified and cost
effective Analytical method
development for Pharmaceutical
products, active metabolites and
synthetic routes.
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Department of Pharmaceutics
1. Name of the Department : Pharmaceutics
2. Year of Establishment : 1968
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes it is the part of the college
college / Faculty of the
4. Names of programs offered (UG, : At present UG programme is offered
PG, Pharm D, Integrated Masters; and PG Pharmaceutics course started
M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Ph.D., from 1988.
Certificate, Diploma, PG UG – B.Pharm
Diploma, D.M./M.Ch., Super PG – M.Pharm
specialty fellowship, etc.) Ph.D
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : With Pharmaceutical Chemistry for
departments involved conducting Analytical practical’s & for
Dissertation works. Authentication,
Analysis of Dissertation works is
conducted in Basic Science Research
laboratory, Pharmacology for animal study.
6. Courses in collaboration with : No.
other universities, industries,
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued : Nil
if any, with reasons.
8. Examination System: : M.Pharm and Pharm. D annual and
Annual / Semester / Trimester / B.Pharm semester system
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department in : Yes
the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 02 02 02
Associate Professor / Reader 02 02 02
Assistant Professor 04 04 04
Lecturer NA NA NA
Tutor / Clinical Instructor NA NA NA
Senior Resident NA NA NA
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : -
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with : -
details of publishers
Number listed in : -
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average : 0 to 1374
SNIP : --
SJR : --
Impact Factor–range/average : --
h-index : 0 to 19
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : -
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees :
b) International committees : Nil
c) Editorial Boards : Dr. P. M Dandagi- IJPER journal
d) any other (specify) : Nil
27. Faculty recharging strategies (Refresher / orientation programs, workshops,
training programs and similar programs) :
Year Conferences Symposium Workshop QIP/ Summer Total
2010-14 Training
Total 20 07 34 20 81
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
23. Details of patents and income : a. Title of the invention : Diuretic and
generated antiurolithiatic herbal composition and
use thereof
Names of the inventors : Gadge
Navneet and Jalalpure Sunil
Application Number :
Date of filing of application : 4/8/2010
Date of publication : 01/10/2010
b. Title of the invention: A method of
extraction and purification of
phytoconstituents from botanical
Names of the inventors : Gadge
Navneet and Jalalpure Sunil
Application Number :
Date of filing of application : 14/9/10
Date of publication : 29/04/2011
24. Areas of consultancy and : -
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Faculty of the Department are :
Vice- President of Society of
Pharmacognosy, India.
Secretary, All India Level Indian
Vice president, Indian
Pharmaceutical Association, Local
Branch, Belagavi
b) International committees : Nil
c) Editorial Boards : Nil
d) any other (specify) : Nil
27. Faculty recharging strategies : National:56
(Refresher / orientation International:10
programs, workshops, training
programs and similar programs).
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Initiation of Getting
interdisciplinary collaboration
research activity. with reputed
academic and
Skills relevant to
Product and
oriented research
52. Future plans of the Department : To initiate and implement well focused
research on herbal drug research and
To develop simplified and cost
effective Analytical method
development for herbal products ,
active metabolites and synthetic
Long-term goals
To create repository of potential herbs
for screening them for various
pharmacological acticvities.
To isolate and characterize and develop
new drug molecules from natural
To strengthen the industrial
collaboration for translating research
for commercial applications.
To inculcate research interest students
in the field of Drug Discovery .
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Department of Pharmacology
1. Name of the Department : Pharmacology
2. Year of Establishment : 1988
3. Is the Department part of a :
college / Faculty of the Yes it is the part of a College
4. Names of programs offered :
UG-B Pharm,
PG, Pharm D, Integrated
PG (M. Pharm-Pharmacology) &
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate,
Diploma, PG Diploma,
Pharm D.P.B.
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and :
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with :
other universities, industries, No
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs :
discontinued if any, with Nil
8. Examination System: :
Annual system-M Pharm
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Semester system-B Pharm
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department :
in the courses offered by other Yes-M.Sc. Clinical Research
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 02 2 2
Associate Professor / Reader 02 2 2
Assistant Professor 03 1 1
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range/average : 20 to 276
SNIP : --
SJR : --
Impact Factor – range/average : 3.332
h-index : 2 to 9
23. Details of patents and income :
24. Areas of consultancy and : Faculty engaged in preclinical
income generated pharmacology & toxicology studies
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Dr. Banappa S Unger awarded HRD
internationally to visit other fellowship by Department of Health
laboratories / institutions / Research, Govt. of India for research
industries in India and abroad training at National Centre for
Preclinical Reproductive Genetic
Toxicology, NIRRH-ICMR,
Dr. Banappa S Unger awarded
summer research fellowship awarded
jointly by INSA-NASI-IASC for
research at Department
Biochemistry, North Eastern Hill
University (Central University),
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Yes
b) International committees :
c) Editorial Boards : Yes
d) any other (specify) : Nil
Sl. No. Staff Committees
Member of AIB-PE (AICTE) 2010 onwards
Member of Committee for framing norms &
standards for technical institution in Deemed,
Dr. A D
01 Private & State Universities 2012
Guest Editor for special issue entitled “Ethno
pharmacological of journal Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB --
PG to Ph.D. 10 %
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral --
Campus selection
Other than campus
Entrepreneurs 10%
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 60
from other universities within :
the State
from universities from other :
from universities outside the :
37. Number of faculty who were : 04
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Books-06; Dissertations-81; CD-46
b) Internet facilities for staff and :
c) Total number of class rooms : 01
d) Class rooms with ICT facility :
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : 02
f) Research laboratories : 02
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution / :
b. from other institutions / :
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
5. Manoj Chugh
Asst General Manager and HOD,
Cell Culture Deptt., Yashraj
Biotechnology Ltd., Navi Mumbai,
Thane, Maharashtra, India
6. Megha Thakur
BBRC, Syngene international pvt
ltd, India
7. Veeresh Babu
Drugs Inspector
Drugs Control Department Govt of
8. Ravikant Patil
Professor of Pharmacology &
Principal, Solapur, India
44. Give details of student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops /
seminar) involving external experts. : :
Date Speakers Topics
Dr. Shripad Bhat Statistical application in
20-01-2010 Scientist, Regional Medical Pharmacological
Research Centre, Belagavi. research
Dr. Nassiruddin Inamdar
Isolated mammalian
Prof., Dept. of Pharmacology,
21-01-2010 heart and its
Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy,
Molecular Techniques
Dr. Subarna Roy
(Demonstration at
Scientist (Asst. Director),
27-01-2010 Regional Medical
Regional Medical Research
research Centre,
Centre, Belagavi
Dr.Kotamballi N Chidambara
Murthy, MS Ramayya Basic Natural medicine Sky
9 -02-2013
Science Research Centre is limit
Dr.Shridhar Y , Head, Trends in Preclinical &
21 -03 2013
Clinical Trials, Novartis Health Clinical Drug
Care Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. Development
Mr.Nagaraj M Kulkarni, Drug
21 -03 2013 Discovery Research, Orchid Developments in
Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Pharmacology
Ltd, Chennai.
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
No. of Years
Name Qualification Designation Specialization
Dr V S M.Pharm Professor and Pharmaceutics 18 years
Mastiholimath P.hD Head
Dr V S M.Pharm Associate Pharmaceutics 14 years
Mannur P.hD Professor
12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, : University has 3 Professor Emeritus,
Adjunct faculty, emeritus 4 Adjunct and 13 Visiting Professors
13. Percentage of classes taken by : The department has all permanent
temporary faculty – program- faculty and no temporary faculty
wise information members, hence not applicable.
14. Program-wise Student Teacher : 6:1
15. Number of academic support : 1
staff (technical) & administrative
staff: sanctioned, filled & actual
16. Research thrust areas as : -
recognized by major funding
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : -
projects from a) national b)
international funding agencies
and c) Total grants received.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative :
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration : -
b. International collaboration : -
19. Departmental projects funded by : -
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : -
State recognition :
National recognition :
International recognition :
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Quality Assurance)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Belagavi (Pharmacy Practice)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Department of Pharmaceutics
1. Name of the Department : Pharmaceutics
2. Year of Establishment : 1991
3. Is the Department part of a : Part of the College.
college / Faculty of the
4. Names of programs offered (UG, : UG: B.Pharm.
PG, Pharm D, Integrated PG: M.Pharm. in Pharmaceutics
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., Doctorate: Ph.D. in Pharmacy
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, Doctor of Pharmacy : Pharm.D.
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Nil.
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : Nil.
other universities, industries,
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued : Nil.
if any, with reasons.
8. Examination System: : Annual –PG
Annual / Semester / Trimester / Semester -UG
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Nil.
in the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 02 02 02
Associate Professor / Reader 02 02 02
Assistant Professor 03 03 03
Lecturer -- -- --
Tutor / Clinical Instructor -- -- --
Senior Resident -- -- --
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
UG – B.Pharm. 46 24 22 95 100%
PG – M.Pharm. 01 00 01 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 34 24 10 66 100
PG – M.Pharm. 05 03 02 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 26 18 08 93 87
PG – M.Pharm. 18 12 06 100 --
UG – B.Pharm. 21 14 07 93 100
PG – M.Pharm. 18 17 01 100 100
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Department of Pharmacology
1. Name of the Department : Pharmacology
2. Year of Establishment : 1991
3. Is the Department part of a : Part of the College.
college / Faculty of the
4. Names of programs offered : UG: B.Pharm.
(UG, PG, Pharm D, Integrated PG: M.Pharm. in Pharmacology
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D., Doctorate: Ph.D. in Pharmacy
Integrated Ph.D., Certificate, Doctor of Pharmacy : Pharm.D.
Diploma, PG Diploma,
D.M./M.Ch., Super specialty
fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Nil.
departments involved
6. Courses in collaboration with : Nil.
universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs : Nil.
discontinued if any, with
8. Examination System: : Annual for PG
Annual / Semester / Trimester / semester for UG
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Nil.
in the courses offered by other
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 01 01 02
Associate Professor / Reader 02 02 02
Assistant Professor 03 03 03
Lecturer -- -- --
Tutor / Clinical Instructor -- -- --
Senior Resident -- -- --
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
of Plant
Origin on
Cells: A
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : -
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration Nil
b. International collaboration Nil
19. Departmental projects funded by : Rs.65.75 lakhs.
etc.; total grants received
Name of the Funding Name of the
Sl. Name of the Project /
Agency & Amount Principal
No. Scheme
Granted (in Lakhs) Investigator
01 All India Council for "Screening & Toxicity Sri. B. C. Koti
Technical Education, Studies of Traditional
New Delhi. Medicines"
Rs.5.00 1996
02 All India Council for "Modernization of Dr. B. M. Patil
Technical Education, Pharmacology
New Delhi. laboratory for in vitro
Rs.15.00 and cellular
experiments with
transducers and data
acquisition system"
03 All India Council for “National Seminar on Dr. B. M. Patil
Technical Education, Experimental
New Delhi. Techniques in
Rs.0.65 Cardiovascular
Research” - 2009
04 VGST, Government of “Pharmacological Dr. A.H.M.
Karnataka Screening of Traditional Viswanatha
Rs.30.00 Medicines” – 2010 Swamy
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
h-index : Dr.B.M.Patil - 5
Dr.B.C.Koti - 7
Dr.AHM V.Swamy - 4
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : The department has interaction for
income generated collaborative work in co-ordination
with the following departments:
Sl. Collaborative work in
Interacting Departments
No. Co-ordination
01 PG Dept of Pharmacognosy Pharmacological evaluation of plant
KLES College of Pharmacy, extracts or fractions their of.
02 PG Dept of Pharmaceutics Pharmacological activity Or Screening
KLES College of Pharmacy, of Formulations.
03 PG Dept. of Pharm. Pharmacological activity Or Screening
Chemistry of newly synthesized compounds.
KLES College of Pharmacy,
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Dr.P.C.Gadad, Associate Professor
internationally to visit other was appointed as Research Fellow
laboratories / institutions / Grade 7 at the Robert Gordon
industries in India and abroad University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen,
United Kingdom for the period of
three months (5th November, 2012 to
25th January, 2013).
Dr.B.M.Patil, External Member,
Board of Studies in Faculty of
Pharmacy, Goa University (2010-
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : -
b) International committees : -
c) Editorial Boards : -
d) any other (specify) : Dr.B.M.Patil occasional reviewer
for European Journal of
Dr.B.C.Koti reviewer for
Pharmaceutical Biology, Metabolic
Brain Disease, Clinical &
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Workshop on “Applications of
Research Langendorff” 19th
October, 2013 (funding by the
Workshop on “Advanced
Experimental Techniques in
Pharmacology” on 26th March,
2011 (funding by UDEHP, KLE
UG – B.Pharm. 46 24 22 95 100
PG – M.Pharm. 05 04 01 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 34 24 10 66 100
PG – M.Pharm. 03 00 03 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 26 18 08 93 87
PG – M.Pharm. 10 08 02 100 --
UG – B.Pharm. 21 14 07 93 100
PG – M.Pharm. 10 10 -- 100 100
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
05 Mrs.Sweta 2010 Drugs Inspector, Hubli.
06 Mr.Bharat Ostwal 1994 Managing Director,
Elegant Pharmaceuticals, Hubli
07 Mr.Brian Pegado 2000 Senior Product Manager,
Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai.
08 Mr.Ankit Patel 1999 Senior Pharmacist, New York Hospital,
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : National : 06
in peer reviewed journals International : 15
(national / international)
Monographs : Nil
Chapters in Books : Nil
Books edited : Nil
Books with ISBN with : Nil
details of publishers
Number listed in : Nil
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / : 0-62
SNIP : 0.795
SJR : 0.38
Impact Factor – range / : 0.4-3.5
h-index : Dr.M.B.Palkar : 8
Dr.P.M.Ronad : 7
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and income generated :
Details of consultancy Income (Rs) Beneficiary
IR Sample Analysis 16,850=00 Research institutions
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Dr. Mahesh B. Palkar completed Post-
internationally to visit other Doctoral Research Fellowship (PDRF)
laboratories / institutions / at College of Health Sciences,
industries in India and abroad University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa from 26th August 2013-
25th Aug 2014.
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Nil
b) International committees : Nil
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
B.Pharm. 35 18 17 - -
M.Pharm. 00 00 00 - -
Pharm.D. 19 05 14 - -
UG – B.Pharm. 46 24 22 95 100
PG – M.Pharm. 00 00 00
UG – B.Pharm. 34 24 10 66 100
PG – M.Pharm. 00 00 00 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 26 18 08 93 87
PG – M.Pharm. 03 01 02 100 100
UG – B.Pharm. 21 14 07 93 100
PG – M.Pharm. 15 12 03 100 100
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Pharmaceutical Marketing
07 Mr.Brian Pegado 2000 Senior Product Manager,
Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai.
08 Mr.Ankit Patel 1999 Senior Pharmacist, New York Hospital,
09 Mr.S.H.Hiremath 2003 Pharmacist
Private Hospital, Muscat
10 Mr.Samuel K. 2006 Pharmacist
Kerama Kericho District Hospital, Kenya
44. Give details of student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops /
seminar) involving external experts. :
Date Name of the Speaker Title
01 03.02.2014 Shri.Zaheer Abbas, Research Global Regulatory
Scientist, Formulation Compliance: Rules
Development, Apotex Research and Responsibilities
Private Limited, Bangalore
02 17.02.2014 Dr.H.Niranjana Murthy, Production of
Professor, Secondary
PG Department of Botany, Metabolites through
Karnatak University, Dharwad tissue culture
03 14.03.2014 Dr.Veeresh Babu S.V., Drugs and
Drugs Inspector, Gadag Circle, Cosmetics Act
Office of the Assistant Drugs
Controller, GADAG – 582 103.
04 08.01.2013 Dr.Rajashekhar Karpoormath, Avenues &
Lecturer, School of Health / opportunities for
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacists in
University of KWAZULU- South Africa
NATAL, Westville Campus,
05 01.02.2013 Dr.Shobha Ganji, Newer Applications
Research Scientist, of Niacin
Department of Medicine,
University of California,Irvine,
06 13.04.2013 Shri. I.H.Santosh Kumar, Overview on
Research Scientist-I, Pharmaceutical
Formulation Development, Industry
Apotex Research Private Limited,
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy- Hubballi (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
B.Pharm. 35 18 17
M.Pharm. 00 00 00
Pharm.D. 19 05 14
UG – B.Pharm. 46 24 22 95 100
PG – M.Pharm. 00 00 00 -- --
UG – B.Pharm. 34 24 10 66 100
PG – M.Pharm. 02 00 02 -- --
UG – B.Pharm. 26 18 08 93 87
PG – M.Pharm. 00 00 00 100 --
UG – B.Pharm. 21 14 07 93 100
PG – M.Pharm. 01 01 00 100 100
33. Diversity of Students :
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. same within the outside the countries
4) university State State
2014-15 00 00 00 00
2013-14 00 00 00 00
2012-13 02 100 00 00
2011-12 00 00 00 00
2010-11 00 00 01 100
34. How many students have cleared : GATE /GPAT - 24
Civil Services and Defense
Services examinations, NET,
IELTS and other competitive
examinations? Give details
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Hubballi (Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Department of Pharmacology
1. Name of the Department : Pharmacology
2. Year of Establishment : UG Department in 1999
PG Department in 2007
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes, it is a part of the College
college / Faculty of the
4. Names of programs offered (UG, :
PG, Pharm D, Integrated
Masters; M.Phil., Ph.D.,
UG (B. Pharm), PG (M.Pharm) & PhD
Integrated Ph.D.,
Certificate, Diploma, PG
Diploma, D.M./M.Ch., Super
specialty fellowship, etc.)
5. Interdisciplinary programs and : Department of Pharmaceutics and
departments involved Pharmaceuticalchemistry
6. Courses in collaboration with : Nil
other universities, industries,
foreign institutions, etc.
7. Details of programs discontinued : No programmes have been
if any, with reasons. discontinued
8. Examination System: : Annual examination for PG and
Annual / Semester / Trimester / Semester for UG programme.
Choice Based Credit System
9. Participation of the department : Participation in PG [M.Pharm] and Ph
in the courses offered by other D Research work.
10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate
Professors/Asst. Professors/others)
Actual (including CAS
Sanctioned Filled
& MPS)
Professor 01 1 1
Associate Professor / 1 1
Assistant Professor 03 4 4
Lecturer - - -
Tutor / Clinical Instructor - - -
Senior Resident - - -
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
4. Mr. Patel Bhavin Pithambar : Associate Scientific Writer, M/s Indgene Life
systems, Bangalore
5. Mr. Maduri Shashank Rao : Executive-Pharmacovigilance, Micro Labs
Ltd., Bangalore
6. Mr. Rajpreet Singh : Data Analyst, M/s Cognizant Technology Services,
7. Mr. Nirlep Gajiwala : Sr. Medical Writer, M/s Medeka Health Pvt. Ltd.,
8. Mr. Vivek Sharma ; Research Associate , M/s Syngene, an affiliate of M/s
Biocon, Bangalore
9. Ms. Dhanya. N Poulose : Associate Clinical Data Coordinator at M/s
Quintiles, Bangalore
44. Give details of student : As such there is no specific student
enrichment programs (special enrichment programme; however,
lectures / workshops / seminar) guest lectures and seminars from
involving external experts. : experts in the field are held routinely
for PG students.
45. List the teaching methods : Apart from conventional teaching
adopted by the faculty for methods, staff members routinely also
different programs including make use of PPT.
clinical teaching.
46. How does the department ensure : Consistent results in Pharmacology and
that program objectives are related subjects at the UG level and PG
constantly met and learning Level and alumni of the institution being
outcomes are monitored? employed in the leading CROs in
Bangalore [being selected in campus
interview] clearly suggest that the
objectives have been met.
47. Highlight the participation of : Number of students pursuing B.Pharm
students and faculty in extension course are participating in variety of
activities. extension activities including NSS.
Some PG students have also
participated in extension activities.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Undergraduate Students are given small
scholarly activities” of the project work from the department every
department. year.
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
Category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacology)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
2010 16 05 11 80 % 100 %
2011 01 00 01 - 100 %
2012 02 01 01 100 % 100 %
2013 01 01 0 100 % -
2014 03 02 01 - -
33. Diversity of students
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. same within the outside the countries
university State State
2010 11.16 % 16.66 % 16.66 % 11.16 %
2011 6.66 % 18.33 % 3.33 % 6.66 %
2012 5% 35 % 3.33 % 5%
2013 36.66 % 13.33 % - 36.66 %
2014 41.66 % 50 % - 41.66 %
2010 0 5.56 % 83. 33 % -
2011 0 - 5.56 % -
2012 11.11 % - - -
2013 - 5.56 % - -
2014 11.11 % 5.56 % - -
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
34. How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defense Services
IELTS and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise.:
2010 03 03 03 09
2011 05 08 05 --
2012 02 05 05 16
2013 04 01 -- 01
2014 01 -- -- --
Total 15 17 13 26
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 54 %
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB -
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed 40.66 %
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : 12.5 %
from other universities within the : 50 %
from universities from other States : 37.5 %
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : 01
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch, Dr. Vanita S awarded Ph.D
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : 2787
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 06
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)
of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Excellent - Cancer Research Attracting students
External funding - Microwave -
Collaboration with - - -
external agencies
Consultation to - - -
52. Future plans of the Department : To establish Research laboratory for
more research activity involving other
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Department of Pharmacognosy
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
2. National
Use of microtron
irradiation in microbial DAE- Dr. Mamatha.
safety and medicinal BRNS A
quality of Ashwagandha
and Kalmegh.
18. Inter-institutional collaborative -
projects and associated grants
a. National collaboration Nil
b. International collaboration Nil
19. Departmental projects funded by : ICMR - Rs. 22,56,940
ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / DAE-BRNS – Rs. 21,39,450
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : Nil
State recognition Nil
National recognition Nil
International recognition Nil
21. Special research laboratories : Nil
sponsored by / created by
industry or corporate bodies
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : National - 09
in peer reviewed journals International - 08
(national / international)
Monographs : Nil
Chapters in Books : Nil
Books edited : Nil
Books with ISBN with : Nil
details of publishers
Number listed in : 03
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / : Nil
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
SNIP : Nil
SJR : Nil
Impact Factor–range / average : 2-3
h-index : Nil
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and income : Nil
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : Nil
b) International committees : Nil
c) Editorial Boards : Nil
d) any other (specify) : Nil
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Following table gives the number of
(Refresher / orientation refresher / orientation programs,
programs, workshops, training workshops, training programs and
programs and similar programs). similar programs attended by faculty.
Workshop Guest Lecture Seminar CME
01 14 01 -
28. Student projects :
Percentage of students who Nil
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
percentage of students doing Nil
projects in collaboration with
other universities / industry /
29. Awards / recognitions received : Nil
at the national and international
level by
Faculty : Nil
Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Nil
Students : Nil
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
46. How does the department ensure : At the end of the academic year
that program objectives are feedback from all students is obtained
constantly met and learning through a scientifically designed
outcomes are monitored? format on the academic offerings
which forms a vital input for design
and redesign of the curriculum. The
suggestions made by the students
council is also a valid source of
At the end of every academic year,
feedback from the students is obtained
on the teaching of teacher in each
paper. This feedback is analyzed and
communicated to the teacher
concerned for his future improvement.
Students also give the feedback on the
infrastructural facilities, hostels,
library and other learning resources.
Analysis of which is used for the
betterment and the future
47. Highlight the participation of : NSS unit gets involved in various
students and faculty in extension activities like blood donation camps,
activities. awareness programmes like prevention
of AIDS, TB etc. Both the faculty and
students are encouraged to participate
actively in these activities. The
university has instituted 12 awards per
year for the teachers who have excelled
themselves in teaching, research and
extension activities.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : The institution encourages the staff to
scholarly activities” of the register for their Ph. D programme
department. and present research outcomes in the
conferences and workshops by
providing them with TA and DA, and
also travel grant to visit abroad for
conferences, publish articles in
journals by reimbersing the expenses
met for the preparation of the
manuscript and incentives for
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmacognosy)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Department of Pharmaceutics
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : The institution encourages the staff to
scholarly activities” of the register for their Ph. D programme
department. and present research outcomes in the
conferences and workshops by
providing them with TA and DA, and
also travel grant to visit abroad for
conferences, publish articles in
journals by reimbersing the expenses
met for the preparation of the
manuscript and incentives for
49. State whether the program/ : The institute is constituent unit of
department is accredited/ graded KLE Academy of Higher Education
by other agencies? If yes, give and Research which is accredited ‘A’
details. grade by NAAC and placed in
Category ‘A’ by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : The students from the department of
contributions of the department Pharmaceutics are basically trained to
in generating new knowledge, design and evaluate/test novel and
basic or applied. trargeted drug-delivery systems. The
department is actively involved in
developing novel strategies to deliver
biologically active compounds to the
body to elicit an optimal response.
The department trains the
postgraduate students in the subjects
of Advanced pharmaceuticeutcs,
Biopharmaceutics and
Pharmacokinetics, and Advances in
Drug delivery system. The department
of pharmaceutics also is involved in
mentoring the Ph.D scholars of the
University in the area of novel drug
systems and newer drug delivery
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
(SWOC) of the department.:
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Excellent Lack of The department Motivating to
Infrastructure external continues to be the students to
funding from most preferred pursue higher
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Collaboration with - - -
Consultation to - - -
Resourceful Library
Evaluative Reports Pharmacy-Bengaluru (Pharmaceutics)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
22. Publications
Number of papers : 16
published in peer reviewed
journals (national /
Monographs : Nil
Chapters in Books : Nil
Books edited : Nil
Books with ISBN with : Nil
details of publishers
Number listed in : 16
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory,
EBSCO host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index–range/average : -
SNIP : -
SJR : -
Impact Factor–range/average : Average: 0.1-1.4
h-index : -
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Free consultancy:
income generated
Navajat Shishu Surakshana
Karyakram (NSSK) by conducting
workshops on neonatal resuscitation
in association with SOMI & IAP.
Conducting series of workshops on
“Helping Babies Breathe” for
training of nursing & health
personnel for the for the care of
newborns in collaboration with
American Pediatric Association &
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Paid consultancy:
Training on Drill and skill on
obstetric and pediatric emergencies
among staff nurses of first referral
health service in association with St.
John’s Institute of Health Sciences,
Bangalore. (Total=Rs. 40,000/-)
GFATM (Global Fund for AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria) training
programme for nurses by INC.
(Total= Rs, 3000)
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in :
a) National committees : -
b) International committees : -
c) Editorial Boards : One faculty is a member, Editorial
board in Indian Journal of Health
d) any other (specify) : One faculty is member of academic
council in KLE University, Belagavi
One faculty is Asst. Controller of
Examiner in KLE University,
Two faculty are BOS members in
the KLE University, Belagavi
One faculty INC Aod-hoc Inspector
One faculty is TNAI (Trained
Nurses Association of India) Vice
President, Belagavi division
One faculty is a programme officer
in Indian Red Cross Society
One faculty is NAAC Co-
coordinator, KLE University,
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are : -
of the same university : 40% (4)
from other universities within the : 60% (6)
from universities from other States : -
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : -
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : Departmental library- Central
Library- 25 Books, Dissertations/
Projects- 40
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes, 15 computers are available
c) Total number of class rooms : 02 Class rooms(Specialty)
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 02 (Class rooms with ICT facility)
and ‘smart’ class rooms
e) Students’ laboratories : 01, equipped with Basic and
advanced mannequin
f) Research laboratories : Dr. PK Basic science Research centre
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral : Nil
students and Research Associates
a. from the host institution / : -
b. from other institutions / : -
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Child Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
8. Examination System: :
Annual / Semester / Trimester /
Choice Based Credit System
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
2010-11 55 05 50 100% 100%
2011-12 47 10 37 100% 100%
2012-13 32 03 29 100% 100%
2013-14 81 05 76 - -
2010-11 42 22 20 100% 100%
2011-12 41 18 23 100% 100%
2012-13 23 08 15 100% 100%
2013-14 21 05 16 - -
2010-11 02 01 01 100% 100%
2011-12 03 02 01 100% 100%
2012-13 05 05 - 100% -
2013-14 02 02 - 100% -
MSc(N)2 yr
2010-11 02 01 01 100% 100%
2011-12 02 01 01 100% 100%
2012-13 03 02 01 100% 100%
2013-14 05 05 - 100% -
33. Diversity of students :
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
from the universities universities from
same within the outside the other
university State State countries
M.Sc (N) 60% 6% 33% -
PCBSc(N) 56.58% 43.42% -
BSC(N) - - - -
34. How many students have cleared : Nil
Civil Services and Defense Services
examinations, NET, SET, GATE,
CGFNS, IELTS and other
competitive examinations? Give
details category-wise.
35. Student progression:
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG -
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
100% 100% -- 66.66 80% 50%
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB -
PG to Ph.D. 1
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Campus selection 05
Other than campus recruitment -
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are : 2009- 2010 2011-12 2012-13 13-14
10 -11
of the same university 66.6% 70% 66.66% 66.66% 71.42
from other universities within the 11.11% 20% 22.22% 16.66% 14.28
from universities from other States 22.22% 10% 11.11% 16.66% 14.28
from universities outside the -- -
37. Number of faculty who were : Nil
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the
assessment period
38. Present details of departmental : a. Internet facilities for staff &
infrastructural facilities with students
regard to b. Class rooms with ICT facility and
‘smart’ class rooms
c. Students’ laboratories
d. Departmental library
a) Library : Books – 30 & Dissertations- 08
b) Internet facilities for staff and : Yes
c) Total number of class rooms : 01
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 01 Smart class room with LCD
and ‘smart’ class rooms projector
e) Students’ laboratories : One
f) Research laboratories : Nil
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students and Research Associates
a. from the host institution / : 01
b. from other institutions / : -
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
02 Mr.Veeresh
Program Officer of N.S.S Unit K.L.E
Nandagaon University’s Institute of Nursing Sciences
Member in Board of Studies of K.L.E
University, Belagavi,
Station Executive (Venudhwani) K.L.E
University Belagavi.
03 Mr.Ashok Ad-Hoc Inspector Indian Nursing Council
Kamat New Delhi.
Member of K.L.E Co-operative Society
04. Mr. Anant Ad-Hoc Inspector Indian Nursing Council
Chopade New Delhi.
Clinical care coordinator, K.L.E.U’s INS
27. Faculty recharging strategies : Following is the table gives numbers of
(Refresher / orientation Refresher / orientation programs,
programs, workshops, training workshops, training programs and
programs and similar similar programs attended by faculty.
Training Program Guest Lecture Workshop CNE
04 06 02 03
28. Student projects : -
Percentage of students who : -
have taken up in-house
projects including inter-
departmental projects
S.No. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
M.Sc -- -- (6/18X100) (7/25X10 (4/19X100 (1/1X100)
(N) 33.3 0) 28 ) 21.05 100
B.Sc (N) -- -- (1/5 X100) (1/5 x100) (1/5 x100) (1/5 x100)
20 20 20 20
P.B.B.Sc -- -- (1/5 x100) (1/5 x100) (1/5x100) (1/5 x100)
(N) 20 20 20 20
percentage of students : Nil
doing projects in
collaboration with other
universities / industry /
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
29. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by:
Faculty : Best Teacher for 2009-2010 by
KLE University.
Best Teacher for 2013-2014 by
KLE University.
2nd Place for Poster presentation at
State Level Workshop at KLEU’s
INS Belgavi 2013-2014.
Doctoral / post doctoral : Nil
Students : Nil
30. Seminars / Conferences / : Nil
Workshops organized and the
source of funding (national /
international) with details of
outstanding participants, if any
31. Code of ethics for research : Guidelines on Code of Conduct for
followed by the departments Human Research Science issued by
32. Student profile program-wise :
Name of the Program Applications Selected Pass Percentage
(refer to question no. 4) received Male Female Male Female
UG (B.Sc) 2011-12 32 3 29 100% 100%
UG (B.Sc) 2012-13 82 6 76 100% 100%
UG (B.Sc) 2013-14 80 8 72 100% 100%
UG (B.Sc) 2014-15 82 6 76 Exams
July ‘15
UG (PB.B.Sc) 2010-11 42 19 23 100% 100%
UG (PB.B.Sc) 2011-12 23 8 15 100% 100%
UG (PB.B.Sc) 2012-13 22 6 16 100% 100%
UG (PB.B.Sc) 2013-14 24 7 17 100% 100%
UG (PB.B.Sc) 2014-15 23 16 7 Exams
July ‘15
PG (M.Sc) 2010-2011 05 4 1 100% 100%
PG (M.Sc) 2011-2012 05 3 2 100% 100%
PG (M.Sc) 2012-2013 04 2 2 100% 100%
PG (M.Sc) 2013-2014 01 1 -- 100% 100%
PG (M.Sc) 2014-2015 02 1 1 Exams
July ‘15
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
43. List the distinguished alumni of : 1. Mr. Abin John, RN, NewZeland.
the department (maximum 10) 2. Mr. Basil John, RN, New Zeland.
3. Mr. Edwin David, Lecture,Kerela.
4. Ms. Elsa Ashwata Joy,
5. Mr. Manjunath Kunkur, Lecture,
Apollo Institute of Nursing
Sciences Jaipur.
6. Mr. Amey Khande, Senior Tutor,
KLEU INS Belgavi.
7. Mr. Mahesh Gadag, Nurse
Educator, KLE’s Dr.P.K.Hospital
and MRC Belgavi.
8. Mr. Praveen Melinmani, Sub
Inspector ITBP Bihar.
9. Ms. Sushma Patil, Senior Tutor,
KLEU INS Belgavi.
10. Ms. Seena Varghese, Lecturer,
Shrinivas College of Nursing
11. Ms. Sheela Ranbhise, Lecturer,
KLEU’s INS Hubali.
12. Ms. Kabita Phatak, Lecturer,
Lumbani Medical College.
13. Mr. Sunil Mugali, Lecturer,
14. Mr. Kiran Hegade. Senior Tutor,
KLE University’s Institute of
Nursing Sciences, Belagavi
44. Give details of student enrichment : a. Period/regular Guest Lecture on
programs (special lectures / Psychometric Assessment on 04-
workshops / seminar) involving 02-2011.
external experts. : b. CNE on Psychiatric Emergencies
on 10-05-2011.
c. Period/regular Guest Lecture on
Stress management on 22-02-
d. CNE on Psychiatric Emergencies
on 09-06-2012.
e. Workshop on sychopharmacology
on 24-08-2012.
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
Psychiatric day -- -- --
Care Center in
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
22. Publications
Number of papers published : 11
in peer reviewed journals
(national / international)
Monographs : NIL
Chapters in Books : NIL
Books edited : NIL
Books with ISBN with : NIL
details of publishers
Number listed in : 11
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory, EBSCO
host, Medline, etc.)
Citation Index – range / : 3.44 – Int. journal of Nerology &
average Neurosurgery
14.94 – Jr of KIMSU
6.14 - IJSR
SNIP : --
SJR : --
Impact Factor–range/average : IJSR – 4.438
h-index : --
23. Details of patents and income : NIL
24. Areas of consultancy and : NIL
income generated
25. Faculty selected nationally / : The Head of the department of
internationally to visit other Medical Surgical Nursing visited
laboratories / institutions / Mythri Institute Hydrabad, for the
industries in India and abroad Research collaboration with
Karolinska Institute, Sweden and
Answers NGO, Hyderabad
Qualitative Research Projects are
been undertaken: Perceptions and
experiences on HIV mothers being
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : -
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with : -
details of publishers
Number listed in : 22
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science,
Scopus, Humanities
International Complete,
Dare Database -
International Social
Sciences Directory,
EBSCO host, Medline,
Citation Index – range / : 5.14
SNIP : -
SJR : 0,113
Impact Factor – range / : 4.43
h-index : 1
23. Details of patents and income : There are no such patents and no income
generated is generated.
24. Areas of consultancy and : Facilitator for emergency obstetrical
income generated skills and drills and supportive
supervision visits – Research project
by Institute for clinical effectiveness
and health policy mother and child
health research department from
Argentina collaboration with St.
John’s Research Institute and
Karnataka Health promotion Trust.
Funded by the Maternal Health Task
Force(MHPT) Havard School of
Public Health – Rs. 36000/-
Trainer HIV/ AIDS Training
programme for ANM’s organised by
INC, funded by GFATM – Rs 3000/-
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
UG (B.Sc ) IV Year
2012-13 32 3 3 29 95.83
2013-14 82 5 5 67 91.22
Pc.BSc I Year
2009-10 35 2 33 100 100
2010-11 42 19 23 100 100
2011-12 23 8 15 87.5 100
2012-13 22 6 16 100 100
2013-14 24 7 17 100 76.47
33. Diversity of students :
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of
Program students from other from students
(refer to from the universities universities from other
question no. 4) same within the outside the countries
university State State
PG 27.27 72.73 12. -
34. How many students have cleared : Defense Services: Mr.Praveen
Civil Services and Defense Melinmani (ITBP) Sub Inspector.
Services examinations, NET, SET,
other competitive examinations?
Give details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 05
PG to M.Phil, DM / M Ch / DNB 01
PG to Ph.D. 02
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
Employed -
Campus selection
Other than campus recruitment
Entrepreneurs -
36. Diversity of staff : -
Percentage of faculty who are
of the same university 38%
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Nursing (Obstetrics Nursing)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Chapters in Books : -
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in : 1
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average : 2.128-4.92
SNIP : --
SJR : 3.95
Impact Factor–range/ : 0.5-3.95
h-index : --
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Consultancy services extended to Disha,
income generated We Care- Day Care centre, Belagavi. The
income generated from the consultancy
services is 70,000/-. Free consultancy is
provided to old age homes, Belagavi.
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in : Nil
a) National committees : -
b) International committees : -
c) Editorial Boards : -
d) any other (specify) : -
27. Faculty recharging strategies : --
(Refresher / orientation
programs, workshops, training
programs and similar programs).
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
43. List the distinguished alumni of : Dr. Priyanka Powar- Faculty in D.Y
the department (maximum 10) Patil College of Physiotherapy,
44. Give details of student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops /
seminar) involving external experts. :
Sl. Name of Program Date & Place Resource Person
1 UDEHP, Medical Professional 20th -21st January 2012, Department of
& Legal Awareness public health, JNMC Belagavi
2 UDEHP, NABL Accreditation 22 November 2013, KLE’S institute
for research centers of Physiotherapy college, Belagavi
3 UDEHP, personality 22nd November 2013, KLE’S institute
development & emotional of Physiotherapy college, Belagavi
quotient Resource Person :
Mr. Vinod Deshpande
Mr. G.V. Donurmath
4 UDEHP, Organizational & 7th and 8th May 2014
Managerial Skills JNMC, DOME conference hall, KLE
university, Belagavi
Resource Person :
Dr. D.H Rao, Dean & Professor
VTU, Belagavi
5 UDEHP, Orientation course for 6th August, 2012 JNMC, Belagavi.
newly recruited faculty
6 UDEHP, MCQ writing & 1st October 2012JNMC, Belagavi
th th
7 Workshop on Sensory 29 & 30 January 2010
Integration Resource Person : Dr. Urmila Kamat
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
53. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 3rd & 4th March Mr. Umesh Bali
conducted 2 days Free 2013
Physiotherapy Camp,
54. Community Physiotherapy 17/03/2013 Chief Guest Shri.
dept. of KLEUIPT, Giants Dr. V.D.Patil
group of yaragatti & Govt
Hospital of Yaragatti
together organized an Free
Physiotherapy checkup&
treatment camp at Govt
Hospital , Yaragatti
55. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 22nd March 2013 Chief Guest -
conducted Rally on Mr. Mallikarjun Shetty
“World Water Day”
from chenamma circle to
Institute premises
56. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 22nd March 2013 Mr. Mallikarjun Shetty
conducted Guest Lecture
on “Rain Water
57. Free Camp for Inner wheel 15/04/2013 to KIPT
club of Belagavi at Mahila 19/04/2013
Vidyalaya English
Medium School
58. Orthopaedic 29th& 30th April Dr. Soudagar
Physiotherapy & Manual 2013
Therapy Free Camp at
Urban Health Centre,
Rukmini Nagar, Belagavi
59. “Free Physiotherapy 4th August 2013 KIPT
evaluation & treatment
services” The camp was
conducted on the occasion
of 66th Birthday of Shri.
Dr. Prabhakar Kore,
Chairman, KLE Society,
60. “2nd Free Camp on Laser 7th August 2013 KIPT
Awareness & Treatment”
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
61. Free physiotherapy camp 19th -21st August Shri Angadi, Dr. Bukka
in Urban Health Care 2013 Mallikarjun, Shri CMF
Centre, Rukmini nagar, Murthy and Shri Vilas
Belagavi. Jangli
62. Suvarna Medical 25/08/2013 to KIPT
Exhibition Participation 01/09/2013
63. Physiotherapy Awareness 07/09/2013 Dr. V.S. Sadhunavar
Exhibition Dr. M.V. Jali &
Dr. B.B. Putti
64. “World Physiotherapy 8 September Prof.(Dr) N.S. Mulimani
Day” (Rally) 2013
65. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 20/09/2013 Dr. Col. V.S. Hosalli
conducted “Blood
Donation Camp” in
association with blood
bank of KLES Dr. P.K.
Hospital & MRC,
66. Free Check Up Camp For 21/11/2013 Dr. B.R. Desai
Pre-Menopausal And
Menopausal Women
67. free checkup camp for 28/11/2013 KIPT
screening of Premenstrual
Syndrome &
Dysmenorrhea for the
female students of nursing
68. Rally on “World Disability 03/12/2013 KIPT
69. Polio Awareness Program 03/12/2013 Mr. Pundlik Patil
at Honaga Graham [Ex mem of Gram
Panchayat Panchayat]
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (CBR)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
34. How many students have : All the students’ are well placed hence
cleared Civil Services and have not appeared for above mentioned
Defense Services examinations, competitive examinations.
CGFNS, IELTS and other
competitive examinations? Give
details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 20%
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB Not applicable
PG to Ph.D. 02
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not Applicable
Employed 1 Campus selection
Campus selection 10
Other than campus recruitment 100% engaged in jobs
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : Nil
from other universities within : Nil
the State
from universities from other : 02
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : One faculty was awarded Ph.D in 2011
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : 25 books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : 14 computers with internet facility
students through Wi-Fi with access to 17 online
c) Total number of class rooms : 02
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 2 Class rooms with ICT facility and 1
and ‘smart’ class rooms ‘smart’ class room.
e) Students’ laboratories : 04 (Exercise lab, Electrotherapy lab,
Hydrotherapy and gait lab)
f) Research laboratories : 01
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution / : 1 faculty completed PhD in 2011
b. from other institutions / : Nil
40. Number of post graduate : Financial assistance in the form of
students getting financial incentives for paper presentation, best
assistance from the university. dissertation award extended to PG students.
41. Was any need assessment : Need assessment was undertaken based
exercise undertaken before the on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
development of new and threats (SWOT) analysis for
program(s)? If so, highlight the development of each program.
methodology. Feedbacks were taken from different
stake holders and expert for this
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as : Yes.
well as teaching-learning- Feedback is taken from faculty on
evaluation? If yes, how does curriculum as well as teaching- learning
the department utilize the evaluation. It is subsequently
feedback? considered for curriculum revision and
improvement to meet global standards.
b. students on staff, curriculum : Yes.
and teaching-learning- Feedback is obtained from students
evaluation and how does the about the staff and same is placed in
department utilize the BOS through the Head of the Institution
feedback? for consideration and implementation.
The teaching- learning evaluation is
updated and modified as per the
feedback received. This helps to
improve teacher quality, implement
new teaching methods and consider
students feedback during curricular
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
46. How does the department ensure : The department ensures that program
that program objectives are objectives are constantly met and
constantly met and learning learning outcomes are monitored
outcomes are monitored? through the Syllabus and lesson
planning. Departmental meetings with
staff and students are regularly
conducted and course objectives are
reviewed by HOD and Principal. The
head of the department periodically
reviews classes conducted as per
curriculum and objectives stated. It also
plans and conducts workshops,
seminars directed towards the
objectives of the program. Formative
and Summative evaluation, grading of
seminar/Journal/case presentation,
thesis work is reviewed and necessary
measures are implemented. Regular
feedback obtained from faculty and
staff which are scrutinized to evaluate
the program and changes made
continuously. Syllabus planning by
HOD and Lesson planning by the
faculty is a regular feature.
47. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities :
Sl. Particulars of Extension
Date Details
No activity
1. “Free Physiotherapy Camp” at 28/01/2010 Dr. Soudagar medical
sub centre, Peeranwadi officer PHC Kinaye
2. NSS Camp at Guramatti 23/03/2010 to Shri. Ashok
29/03/2010 Deshpande, Chief
3. Polio Awareness Programme 13 May 2010 By Soudagar
Organized by Dr. B.G
4. Disability Evaluation Camp, 15/06/2010 to Mr. Mulimani,
Kinaye 19/06/2010 District Nodal Officer
st th
5. Physiotherapy Evaluation & 21 to 26 Dr. Basavaraj
Treatment Camp for school /06/2010 Motimath,
children at Sindhudurg district CBR PG’s
through NRHM Project
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
66. Free Check Up Camp For Pre- 21/11/2013 Dr. B.R. Desai
Menopausal And Menopausal
67. free checkup camp for 28/11/2013 KIPT
screening of Premenstrual
Syndrome & Dysmenorrhea for
the female students of nursing
68. Rally on “World Disability 03/12/2013 KIPT
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Driver 01 01 M --
Cleaner 01 01 M --
Sweeper 02 02 M --
16. Research thrust areas as : Geriatric rehabilitation, Balance
recognized by major funding training, Vestibular rehabilitation, and
agencies Electrotherapy, etc. are the Research
thrust areas recognized by the institute
for the department.
All research work is self-funded
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Department has ongoing 03 self-funded
projects from a) national b) research projects and the entire faculty
international funding agencies involved in research. However no
and c) Total grants received. funded research projects are
Give the names of the funding undertaken.
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has no Inter-institutional
projects and associated grants collaborative projects at present.
a. National collaboration :
b. International collaboration :
19. Departmental projects funded by : Department has no funding for its
ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / research projects at present all project
CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, are self-funded.
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, basic
research facility with dedicated 10,000
sq ft area exclusively for the purpose of
research. The Institute has a separate
research lab with sophisticated
equipment’s for faculty and students.
State recognition :
National recognition :
International recognition :
21. Special research laboratories : The Institute has developed a separate
sponsored by / created by research lab of approximately 800 Sq. ft
industry or corporate bodies area equipped with sophisticated
instruments for faculty and students.
However no sponsored research lab is
created by any agency.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : 04
in peer reviewed journals
(national / international)
Monographs :
Chapters in Books :
Books edited :
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in : 04
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / average : 4.92
SNIP : ---
SJR : 3.95
Impact Factor–range/ : .5-3.95
h-index : ------
23. Details of patents and income : Nil
24. Areas of consultancy and : Free Consultancy services extended to
income generated Karunalaya, old age home Belgavi,
Shantai old age home Belgavi and paid
services to Gharkul Old age home. The
income generated from the consultancy
services is 1,80,000/ annum.
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in : -
a) National committees :
b) International committees :
c) Editorial Boards :
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Faculty : -
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Geriatric Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Department of Neuro-Physiotherapy
1. Name of the Department : Neuro-Physiotherapy
2. Year of Establishment : 2009
3. Is the Department part of a : Yes, the department is part of KLEU
college/Faculty of the university? Institute of Physiotherapy
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Driver 01 01 M --
Cleaner 01 01 M --
Sweeper 02 02 M --
16. Research thrust areas as : Neuro rehabilitation and Vestibular
recognized by major funding rehabilitation are the research thrust areas
agencies recognized by the institute for the
department. Research work is selffunded.
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Department has ongoing 10 self-funded
projects from a) national b) research projects and the entire faculty
international funding agencies is involved in research. However no
and c) Total grants received. funded research projects are undertaken.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has no Inter-institutional
projects and associated grants collaborative projects at present.
a. National collaboration : -
b. International collaboration : -
19. Departmental projects funded : Department has no funding for its
by ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / research projects at present all project
CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, are self-funded.
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, basic
research facility with dedicated 10,000
sqft area exclusively for the purpose of
research. The Institute has a separate
research lab with sophisticated
equipment’s and instruments like EMG
Biofeedback, EMG, Balance Master,
GSR Biofeedback for faculty and
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
21. Special research laboratories : The Institute has developed a separate
sponsored by / created by research lab of approximately 800 Sq. ft
industry or corporate bodies area equipped with sophisticated
instruments for faculty and students.
However no sponsored research lab is
created by any agency.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : 23
in peer reviewed journals
(national / international)
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : -
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in : 23
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range / : 4.92
SNIP : ---
SJR : 3.95
Impact Factor–range/ : .5-3.95
h-index : ------
23. Details of patents and income : Department is in process of developing
generated a functional scale for Indian Population.
Yet to file for patents
24. Areas of consultancy and : Consultancy services extended to Disha
income generated center for management of differently
able population. The income generated
from the consultancy services is 70000/-
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in : -
a) National committees : Member, Scientific Committee, IJPOT
b) International committees : One faculty is Reviewer for Advances in
Physiotherapy International Journal, ITJR
c) Editorial Boards : Faculty of the department are members for
following Editorial Boards
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
2 Participated in 1 1
organized by
Institute of
3 Attended as a 1 1
delegate in 1st
Conference on
Research &
Training in
Education- on
Organized by
4 Principles of 1 1
evaluation and
Question paper
setting for
5 Writing Grant 1 1
6 Managerial 1 1
7 Self- 1 1
28. Student projects :
Percentage of students who : Percentage of students who have taken
have taken up in-house up in-house projects including inter-
projects including inter- departmental projects –79% of students
departmental projects who have taken up in-house projects
including inter-departmental projects
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Member BOS KLE
University(BPT,MPT) 2009-2012-
Member of academic council KLE
University 2010-12-14
Member of Board of study KLE
University (Allied Courses) 2009-
Doctoral / post doctoral : -
Students :
Awards/ recognitions
1st prize for best paper presentation in the National level conference –
Neuro update in Physiotherapy 2009 held in Belagavi.
3rd in Paper presentation at NAT CON Physio at KLEU’S Institute of
Physiotherapy in Dec. 2012
3rd in Poster presentation in Physio Accord Conference in Jan. 2014,
1st in Paper presentation in Physio Accord Conference in Jan. 2014,
3rdin Paper presentation in 3rd International conference and workshops of
physical therapy, AIIMS 2014 New Delhi.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
34. How many students have : All the students’ are well placed hence
cleared Civil Services and have not appeared for above mentioned
Defense Services examinations, competitive examinations.
CGFNS, IELTS and other
competitive examinations? Give
details category-wise.
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 33.3%
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB Not applicable
PG to Ph.D. Nil
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not Applicable
Employed 1 Campus selection
Campus selection 10
Other than campus recruitment 100% engaged in jobs
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are :
of the same university : Nil
from other universities within : Nil
the State
from universities from other : 02
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : One faculty was awarded Ph.D in 2011
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : 25 books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : 14 computers with internet facility
students through Wi-Fi with access to 17 online
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
38. Yoga Camp for men & 27/04/2012 to Dr. Rajendra Deginal
women 17/05/2012
39. 4 Days Free Physiotherapy 23/07/2012 to Shri. Anil Potdar,
Check – up & treatment camp 26/07/2012 Shri. Basavaraj
at Marihal Village, Belagavi Gajpati
Shri. Shankargouda
40. “World Physiotherapy Day” 8 September Prof.(Dr) B.R. Nilgar
(Rally)& Physiotherapy 2012
Awareness Exhibition
41. Free Laser Therapy Camp 21 to 24 KIPT
42. Visit to Old Age Home 29 September KIPT
43. Awareness program on “Role 18th October Dr. M.V.Jali , Ms.
of exercise and prevention in 2012. Anita. S.Bhavi,
life style modification for Dietician, Dr.
common medical & surgical B.M.Kajagar& Dr.
conditions” ArathiDarshan,
44. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 29th October KLES Dr. P.K.
conducted “Blood Donation 2012 Hospital& MRC,
Camp” in association with Belagavi
blood bank of KLES Dr. P.K.
Hospital& MRC, Belagavi
45. Stroke Awareness 29th October Dr. A.S. Godhi ,
Programme& Exhibition on 2012 Dr. Saroja. A.O&
stroke awareness Dr. Raviraj Ghorpade
46. Free Physiotherapy Checkup 23rd& 24th KIPT
& treatment camp at November
Bailhongal 2012
47. “Free Camp on Meditation & 26/11/2012 to KIPT
Relaxation for Hypertensive 01/12/2012
[High Blood Pressure]”
48. “World Disabled Day” 3/12/2012 Dr. Suresh. B.
Kulkarni, Chairman
Indian Red Cross
Karnataka branch
49. “Leprosy awareness 31st January Dr. B.R. Nilgar
Programme” 2013
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Neuro Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
22. Publications :
Number of papers : 09
published in peer reviewed
journals (national /
Monographs : -
Chapters in Books : -
Books edited : -
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in : 09
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range/average : 2.128-4.92
SNIP : ---
SJR : 3.95
Impact Factor–range/ average : 0.5-3.95
h-index : ---
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : Consultancy services extended to
income generated Gharkul, Belagavi. The income
generated from the consultancy services
is 45,000/-.
Free consultancy is provided to
Rukmini Nagar, Belagavi.
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in : -
a) National committees : -
b) International committees : -
c) Editorial Boards : -
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
29. Awards / recognitions received : One faculty has received PhD award,
at the national and international Best teacher award and second place in
level by Teacher’s Debate competition at
University level. Students have received
award for paper/poster presentation.
Faculty : -
Doctoral / post doctoral : -
Students : -
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
46. How does the department ensure : The department ensures that program
that program objectives are objectives are constantly met and
constantly met and learning learning outcomes are monitored
outcomes are monitored? through the Syllabus and lesson
planning. Departmental meetings with
staff and students are regularly
conducted and course objectives are
reviewed by HOD and Principal. The
head of the department periodically
reviews classes conducted as per
curriculum and objectives stated. It also
plans and conducts workshops,
seminars directed towards the
objectives of the program. Formative
and Summative evaluation, grading of
seminar / Journal / case presentation,
thesis work is reviewed and necessary
measures are implemented. Regular
feedback obtained from faculty and
staff which are scrutinized to evaluate
the program and changes made
continuously. Syllabus planning by
HOD and Lesson planning by the
faculty is a regular feature.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Obsetric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Library) 4M
Driver 01 01 M --
Cleaner 01 01 M --
Sweeper 02 02 M --
16. Research thrust areas as : Thrust areas identified are:
recognized by major funding Taping, Resistive exercises,
agencies calisthenics, Bowen technique,
electrotherapy, Resistive Elastic Bands,
Core Strengthening,
Obesity management
Screening for WRMSD in specific
All research works of the department are
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Department has ongoing 06 self-funded
projects from a) national b) research projects and the entire is faculty
international funding agencies involved in research. However no funded
and c) Total grants received. research projects are undertaken.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has 03 Inter-institutional
projects and associated grants collaborative projects at present with 01
received completed. Of the 3 ongoing, 01 project is
collaborated with KLE Ayurveda College
which is funded by KLE University. One
ongoing project is Sponsored by Vissco
Rehab Ltd.
a. National collaboration :
b. International collaboration :
19. Departmental projects funded : Department has no funding for its research
by ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / projects at present. All projects are self-
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, basic
research facility with dedicated 10,000 sqft
area exclusively for the purpose of
research. The Institute has a separate
research lab with sophisticated
equipment’s and instruments like Low
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
31. Code of ethics for research : Guidelines on Code of Conduct for Human
followed by the departments Research Science issued by ICMR, ICH &
32. Student profile program-wise :
Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage
Program (refer to received
question no. 4) Male Female Male Female
MPT Orthopedics 31 05 13 100% 100%
BPT 447 43 218 13.13% 86.87%
33. Diversity of Students :
Name of the % of % of students % of students % of students
Program students from other from from other
(refer to from the universities universities countries
question no. same within the outside the
4) university State State
2010 -2011 -- 25% 75% --
2011 – 2012 -- 50% 50% --
2012 – 2013 -- 75% 25% --
2013 – 2014 -- -- 100% --
2014 - 2015 -- 50% 50% --
34. How many students have cleared : All the students’ are well placed hence
Civil Services and Defense have not appeared for above mentioned
Services examinations, NET, competitive examinations.
and other competitive
examinations? Give details
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 40.9% (9/22)
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB Not applicable
PG to Ph.D. Nil
Employed 15%
Campus selection 85%
Other than campus recruitment 100% employed
Entrepreneurs Nil
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Orthopedic-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Driver 01 01 M --
Cleaner 01 01 M --
Sweeper 02 02 M --
16. Research thrust areas as : Thrust areas identified are:
recognized by major funding Mother and Child Health
agencies Obesity & Life style diseases
Sports and fitness
Early intervention program
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Department has 07 ongoing self-funded
projects from a) national b) research projects and all faculty are
international funding agencies involved in research. However, no funded
and c) Total grants received. research projects have been undertaken so
Give the names of the funding far.
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has PG projects in
projects and associated grants collaboration with Maheshwari Blind
received School, Belagavi; Damani Andh Shala,
Solapur & School for Hearing Impaired
Children, Azam Nagar Belagavi.
a. National collaboration :
b. International collaboration :
19. Departmental projects funded : -
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, Basic
Health Science Research facility
exclusively for the research. The Institute
has a separate research lab with
sophisticated equipment and instruments
like EMG Biofeedback, EMG, Balance
Master, GSR Biofeedback for faculty and
State recognition :
National recognition :
International recognition :
21. Special research laboratories : The Institute has developed a separate
sponsored by / created by research lab of approximately 800 Sq.
industry or corporate bodies feet area equipped with sophisticated
instruments for faculty and students.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
22. Publications :
Number of papers published : 14
in peer reviewed journals
(national / international)
Monographs :
Chapters in Books :
Books edited :
Books with ISBN with :
details of publishers
Number listed in : 14
International Database (For
e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International
Complete, Dare Database -
International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host,
Medline, etc.)
Citation Index range/average : 0.5-6.70
SNIP : 0.3-0.6
SJR : 0.23-0.31
Impact Factor–range/ average : 0.7- 0.9/0.8
h-index : 12-14
23. Details of patents and income : -
24. Areas of consultancy and : Free consultancy extended to
income generated Physiotherapy OPD at KLES Ayurveda
Hospital and MRC, Shahapur, Belagavi,
UHC Centre Rukmini Nagar Belagavi.
Paid Consultancy services extended to
Ankur Special School for management
of differently abled population.
Income generated from the consultancy
services is 60000/-.
25. Faculty selected nationally / : Nil
internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
26. Faculty serving in : -
a) National committees : -
b) International committees : -
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 2 Class rooms with ICT facility and 1
and ‘smart’ class rooms ‘smart’ class room.
e) Students’ laboratories : 04 (Exercise lab, Electrotherapy lab,
Hydrotherapy and gait lab)
f) Research laboratories : 01
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution : 1 faculty completed PhD in 2011
/ university
b. from other institutions / : Nil
40. Number of post graduate : The University provides financial assistance
students getting financial for PG students for their achievements/
assistance from the university. awards in paper& poster presentations at
scientific meets.
Incentives are provided by the University
for publication of their research in reputed
journals & also receive travel grant for
representing Institution at National &
International platforms for curricular &
extra-curricular activities. The University
has also instituted an award for the Best PG
41. Was any need assessment : Since no new program has been started in
exercise undertaken before the the Department, no assessment exercise has
development of new been undertaken.
program(s)? If so, highlight the
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as : Yes.
well as teaching-learning- Feedback is taken from faculty on
evaluation? If yes, how does curriculum as well as teaching- learning
the department utilize the evaluation. It is subsequently considered
feedback? for curriculum revision and
improvement to meet global standards.
b. students on staff, curriculum : Yes.
and teaching-learning- Feedback is obtained from students
evaluation and how does the about the staff and same is placed in
department utilize the BOS through the Head of the Institution
feedback? for consideration and implementation.
The teaching- learning evaluation is
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
35. Yoga Camp for men & 27/04/2012 to Dr. Rajendra Deginal
women 17/05/2012
36. 4 Days Free Physiotherapy 23/07/2012 to Shri. Anil Potdar,
Check – up & treatment camp 26/07/2012 Shri. Basavaraj
at Marihal Village, Belagavi Gajpati
Shri. Shankargouda
37. World Physiotherapy Day 8 September Prof.(Dr) B.R. Nilgar
(Rally) & Physiotherapy 2012
Awareness Exhibition
38. Visit to Old Age Home 29 September KIPT
39. Awareness program on “Role 18th October Dr. M.V.Jali , Ms.
of exercise and prevention in 2012. Anita. S.Bhavi,
life style modification for Dietician, Dr.
common medical & surgical B.M.Kajagar & Dr.
conditions” ArathiDarshan,
40. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 29 October KLES Dr.
conducted Blood Donation 2012 P.K.Hospital & MRC,
Camp in association with Belagavi
blood bank of KLES Dr.
P.K.Hospital & MRC,
41. Stroke Awareness Program & 29th October Dr. A.S.Godhi ,
Exhibition on stroke 2012 Dr. Saroja.A.O &
awareness Dr. RavirajGhorpade
rd th
42. Free Physiotherapy Checkup 23 & 24 KIPT
& treatment camp at November
Bailhongal 2012
43. Free Camp on Meditation & 26/11/2012 to KIPT
Relaxation for Hypertensive 01/12/2012
[High Blood Pressure]
44. World Disabled Day 3/12/2012 Dr. Suresh.
B.Kulkarni, Chairman
Indian Red Cross
Karnataka branch
45. Leprosy awareness program 31 Jan. 2013 Dr. B.R. Nilgar
46. 7 days NSS Special Annual 04/02/2013 to Chief guest Shri.
Camp - Mutaga 10/02/2013 BaburaoChougale,
Vice President Gram
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
49. State whether the program / : The institute is constituent unit of KLE
department is accredited/ graded Academy of Higher Education and
by other agencies? If yes, give Research which is accredited ‘A’ grade
details. by NAAC and placed in Category ‘A’
by MHRD, (GoI).
50. Briefly highlight the : Developed high risk follow up clinic
contributions of the department and skilled management for NICU
in generating new knowledge, babies.
basic or applied. The department has published fourteen
research articles in national and
International journal.
Pediatric rehabilitation effectively
51. Detail five major Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Challenges (SWOC) of the
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Challenges
Qualified Collaborations Scope for Inadequate
faculty Limited inter Human
Good Clinical sources of departmental resources
Material funding for collaborations Funding from
Adequate research In house National and
Infrastructure grants for International
facilities research agencies
Consultancy projects
to Day care Improve
and special learning
schools resources
Research Funding
agencies for
faculty skill
Better market
value for
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Pediatric-Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : There are 02 on going research projects of
projects from a) national b) faculty of Department. However no funded
international funding agencies research projects are undertaken.
and c) Total grants received.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has no Inter-institutional
projects and associated grants collaborative projects at present.
a. National collaboration :
b. International collaboration :
19. Departmental projects funded : Department has no funding for its
by ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / research projects at present all projects
CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, are self-funded one.
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, basic
research facility with dedicated 10,000
sq ft area exclusively for the purpose of
research. The Institute has a separate
research lab with sophisticated
equipment’s and instruments like EMG
Biofeedback, EMG, Balance Master,
GSR Biofeedback for faculty and
State recognition : -
National recognition : -
International recognition : -
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
34. How many students have cleared : All the students’ are well placed hence
Civil Services and Defense have not appeared for above mentioned
Services examinations, NET, competitive examinations.
and other competitive
examinations? Give details
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 25%
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB Not applicable
PG to Ph.D. Nil
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not Applicable
Employed 25%Campus selection
Campus selection 75%
Other than campus recruitment 100% engaged in jobs
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are : -
of the same university : 01
from other universities within : 01
the State
from universities from other : Nil
from universities outside the : Nil
37. Number of faculty who were : One faculty has ongoing Ph,D from the
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch, same university.
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental :
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : 25 books
b) Internet facilities for staff and : 14 computers with internet facility
students through Wi-Fi with access to 17 online
c) Total number of class rooms : 02
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 2 Class rooms with ICT facility and 1
and ‘smart’ class rooms ‘smart’ class room.
e) Students’ laboratories : 04 (Exercise lab, Electrotherapy lab,
Hydrotherapy and gait lab)
f) Research laboratories : 01
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution : Nil
/ university
b. from other institutions / : Nil
40. Number of post graduate : Financial assistance in the form of
students getting financial incentives for paper presentation, best
assistance from the university. dissertation award extended to PG
41. Was any need assessment : Need assessment was undertaken based
exercise undertaken before the on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
development of new and threats (SWOT) analysis for
program(s)? If so, highlight the development of each program.
methodology. Feedbacks were taken from different
stake holders and expert for this
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as : Yes.
well as teaching-learning- Feedback is taken from faculty on
evaluation? If yes, how does curriculum as well as teaching- learning
the department utilize the evaluation. It is subsequently considered
feedback? for curriculum revision and
improvement to meet global standards.
b. students on staff, curriculum : Yes.
and teaching-learning- Feedback is obtained from students
evaluation and how does the about the staff and same is placed in
department utilize the BOS through the Head of the Institution
feedback? for consideration and implementation.
The teaching- learning evaluation is
updated and modified as per the
feedback received. This helps to
improve teacher quality, implement new
teaching methods and consider students
feedback during curricular revision.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
45. Leprosy awareness program 31st Jan. 2013 Dr. B.R. Nilgar
46. 7 days NSS Special Annual 04/02/2013 to Chief guest Shri.
Camp - Mutaga 10/02/2013 BaburaoChougale,
Vice President Gram
47. State Level NSS camp at 13/02/2013 KIPT
48. Poster Awareness Program 25/02/2013 Dr. V.D.Patil
on PVD
49. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 3rd& 4th Mr. Umesh Bali
conducted 2 days Free March 2013
Physiotherapy Camp,
50. Community Physiotherapy 17/03/2013 Chief Guest Shri.
dept of KLEUIPT, Giants Dr. V.I.Patil,
group of Yaragatti & Govt
Hospital of Yaragatti together
organized an Free
Physiotherapy checkup &
treatment camp at Govt
Hospital , Yaragatti
51. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 22nd March Chief Guest -
conducted Rally on World 2013 Mr. Mallikarjun
Water Day from chennamma Shetty
circle to Institute premises
52. NSS unit of KLEUIPT 22nd March Mr. Mallikarjun
conducted Guest Lecture on 2013 Shetty
“Rain Water Harvesting”
53. Free Camp for Inner wheel 15/04/2013 to KIPT
club of Belagavi at Mahila 19/04/2013
Vidyalaya English Medium
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (Sports - Physiotherapy)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
SDA 01 01 F --
Clerical staff 02 02 1F/1M
Assistant Librarian 01 01 F --
Librarian assistant 01 01 F --
Attenders / Peons (inc 06 06 2F/ --
Library) 4M
Driver 01 01 M --
Cleaner 01 01 M --
Sweeper 02 02 M --
16. Research thrust areas as : Thrust areas identified are:
recognized by major funding • Cervical spondylitis, Adhesive
agencies Capsulitis, Osteoarthritis, Low back pain,
Temporo mandibular joint dysfunction,
Ankle Dysfunctions, SI joint dysfunction
etc. using different assessment outcomes,
therapeutic modalities and Manual Therapy
techniques which includes Maitland,
Mulligans, Kaltenborn, Cyriax, McKenzie,
Muscle Energy Technique ,Myofascial
Release , Positional Release technique,
Neural Mobilization , taping, etc.
• All research work are self-funded.
17. Number of faculty with ongoing : Department has ongoing 06 self-funded
projects from a) national b) research projects and the entire faculty
international funding agencies involved in research. However no funded
and c) Total grants received. research projects are undertaken.
Give the names of the funding
agencies, project title and grants
received project-wise. :
18. Inter-institutional collaborative : Department has no Inter-institutional
projects and associated grants collaborative projects at present.
a. National collaboration : -
b. International collaboration : -
19. Departmental projects funded : Department has no funding for its
by ICMR; DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / research projects at present all projects
CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, are self-funded one.
etc.; total grants received
20. Research facility / centre with : The University has state of art, basic
research facility with dedicated 10,000
sq ft area exclusively for the purpose of
research. The Institute has a separate
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
* Convener , IAP Belgaum Branch
*President Alumni Association of institute
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Awards/ recognitions
*1st prize for best paper presentation in the National level conference –
National PG Physio Con Mysore 2013.
* National Conference on Orthopaedic Manual Therapy and Physiotherapy
Update 2011,
*1st Prize for Paper Presentation National Conference on Orthopaedic Manual
Therapy and Physiotherapy Update 2011,
. 2nd Prize for Paper Presentation National Conference on
Physiotherapy Update 2012
* 1st Prize , Quiz Competition National PG Physiocon Mysore 2013
2nd Place, Debate Competition National PG Physiocon Mysore 2013
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
34. How many students have cleared : All the students’ are well placed hence
Civil Services and Defense have not appeared for above mentioned
Services examinations, NET, competitive examinations.
and other competitive
examinations? Give details
35. Student progression :
Student progression Percentage against enrolled
UG to PG 42%
PG to M.Phil,DM/M Ch / DNB N/A
PG to Ph.D. NIL
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL
Campus selection 15%
Other than campus 60%
Entrepreneurs Nil
36. Diversity of staff :
Percentage of faculty who are : -
of the same university : -
from other universities within : -
the State
from universities from other : 100%
from universities outside the : -
37. Number of faculty who were : One faculty is ongoing with Ph.D
awarded M.Phil., DM, M Ch,
Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during
the assessment period
38. Present details of departmental : -
infrastructural facilities with
regard to
a) Library : 25
b) Internet facilities for staff and : 14 computers with internet facility
students through Wi-Fi with access to 17 online
c) Total number of class rooms : 02
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 2 Class rooms with ICT facility and 1
and ‘smart’ class rooms ‘smart’ class room.
e) Students’ laboratories : 04 ( Exercise lab, Electrotherapy lab,
Hydrotherapy and gait lab)
f) Research laboratories : 01
39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral :
students & Research Associates
a. from the host institution : 1 faculty ongoing with Ph.D
/ university
b. from other institutions / : Nil
40. Number of post graduate : Financial assistance in the form of
students getting financial incentives for paper presentation, best
assistance from the university. dissertation award extended to PG
41. Was any need assessment : Need assessment was undertaken based
exercise undertaken before the on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
development of new and threats (SWOT) analysis for
program(s)? If so, highlight the development of each program.
methodology. Feedbacks were taken from different
stake holders and expert for this
42. Does the department obtain :
feedback from;
a. faculty on curriculum as : Yes.
well as teaching-learning- Feedback is taken from faculty on
evaluation? If yes, how does curriculum as well as teaching- learning
the department utilize the evaluation. It is subsequently considered
feedback? for curriculum revision and
improvement to meet global standards.
b. students on staff, : Yes.
curriculum and teaching- Feedback is obtained from students
learning-evaluation and how about the staff and same is placed in
does the department utilize BOS through the Head of the Institution
the feedback? for consideration and implementation.
The teaching- learning evaluation is
updated and modified as per the
feedback received. This helps to
improve teacher quality, implement new
teaching methods and consider students
feedback during curricular revision.
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
16. “Free Eye check-up camp” NSS 25/03/2011 to Mr. Suresh Hanji
annual camp 31/03/2011
17. Parental Awareness Program For 10/05/2011 Dr. V.D.Patil,
Cerebral Palsy
18. Polio Awareness Program 16/05/2011 Mr. Suresh Hangi
19. Free Physiotherapy Camp, 28,29,30 June KIPT Dr.B.G.Chandu
Yamanapur 2011
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
37. NSS Unit of KIPT conducted Rally 22/03/2012 Chief guest Shri.
on “World Water Day” Kotresh&Shri. G.M.Patil,
Dr. BasavarajChandu
Dr. Anil Muragod
38. Yoga Camp for men & women 27/04/2012 to Dr. RajendraDeginal
39. 4 Days Free Physiotherapy Check – 23/07/2012 to Shri. Anil Potdar,
up & treatment camp at Marihal 26/07/2012 Shri. BasavarajGajpati
Village, Belgaum Shri. ShankargoudaPatil
40. “World Physiotherapy Day” (Rally)& 8th September Prof.(Dr) B.R. Nilgar
Physiotherapy Awareness Exhibition 2012
41. Free Laser Therapy Camp 21 to 24 KIPT
September 2012
42. Visit to Old Age Home 29 September KIPT
43. Awareness program on “Role of 18th October Dr. M.V.Jali , Ms. Anita.
exercise and prevention in life style 2012. S.Bhavi, Dietician, Dr.
modification for common medical & B.M.Kajagar& Dr.
surgical conditions” ArathiDarshan,
44. NSS unit of KLEUIPT conducted 29th October KLES Dr.P.K.Hospital&
“Blood Donation Camp” in 2012 MRC, Belgaum
association with blood bank of KLES
Dr. P.K.Hospital& MRC, Belgaum
45. Stroke Awareness Programme& 29th October Dr. A.S.Godhi ,
Exhibition on stroke awareness 2012 Dr. Saroja.A.O&
Dr. RavirajGhorpade
46. Free Physiotherapy Checkup & 23rd& 24th KIPT
treatment camp at Bailhongal November 2012
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
77. Inauguration of youth red cross 8th May 2014 Dr. V. D. Patil
wing of the Institute & blood
donation camp on the occasion of
“world red cross day”
78. 12 Free Mega health check- up 2012-13 In & around Belgaum
camps under Suvarna JNMC District
79. World Environmental Day 05/06/14 KIPT
80. World Physiotherapy Day 08/09/14 KIPT
81. Rally on “Gandhi Jayanthi” 02/10/14 KIPT
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus : Faculty have been resource person,
scholarly activities” of the chairman, cochairman at various
department. national conferences, workshops and
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Evaluative Reports Physiotherapy (OMT)
Declearation by the Head of the Institution