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Name: Meggie Borich

Lesson Title: Tallest Tower Challenge

Lesson Date: 4/5/18

Grade: 3rd (Mainstream with ELLS)

Estimated Time: 45 Minutes

Content Area: Science/STEM


 S2. C1. PO 2. Describe science-related career opportunities.
 S2. C2. PO 1. Describe how, in a system (e.g., terrarium, house) with many
components, the components usually influence one another.
 S2. C2. PO 2. Explain why a system may not work if a component is defective or
 S3. C2. PO.3 Design and construct a technological solution to a common problem or
need using common materials.

Content Objectives:
 SWBAT… relate to the work of an engineer by planning and building a model.
 SWBAT… collaborate with group members to construct a successful structure.
 SWBAT… evaluate their work based on teamwork and overall effectiveness.

Language Objectives:
 SWBAT… participate orally in discussions, both small group and whole group.
 SWBAT…outline their plan using a graphic organizer.
 SWBAT… listen to and read directions for the activity.

 Popsicle sticks for each group
 Toothpicks for each group
 Play dough for each group
 Timer
 22 copies of graphic organizer
 Pencils
 Pictures of example models
Building Background:
Key Vocabulary:
 Engineer
 Model

Anticipatory Set:
First I will have my students meet me on the rug. I will then introduce our vocabulary
words and see what my students already know. We will talk about the acronym STEM and
what it means. We will also talk about what an engineer is and what their job is. This part
will be very question based to see what my students already know before I introduce the
terms on my own. I will write these words on the board for students to refer to. I will
introduce the objectives for todays lesson. I will tell the students that we will be building a
model today and ask them what other models we’ve seen or used in our classroom prior to
todays lesson. I will tell them todays task and tell them that we are going to be engineers in
the classroom today!

Comprehensible Input/Effective Strategies:

Guided Practice:
Introduce the graphic organizer that students will use to plan their ideas. Ask students, “Do
you think engineers start building buildings without having a plan?” Talk about how
engineers spend lots of time planning and preparing before actually getting to building.
Explain the task to students. They will be put into random groups and have 15 minutes to
plan out their ideas. Then they will have 15 minutes to put their ideas to work and start
building. Explain that students will also have the instructions that you stated at their desk
to refer back to. All the materials will already be at their desks, including written
instructions, graphic organizers, and building materials.

Student Interaction/ Practice & Application

Independent Practice:
Students will work in random groups of three, getting them to work with new people. After
students are given instructions, the group will work together to plan out their ideas using
the graphic organizer. Students will use prior knowledge to help them build a successful
building using only Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, and play dough. The activity is hands on for
the students as they get to manipulate materials and apply new knowledge. Students will
not only collaborate verbally with students but also get to build, and verbally describe their
strategies. Students will then reflect upon the outcome of their work.
Lesson Delivery/Effective Strategies
 Directions will be told verbally and will also be printed at each table for reference.
 Graphic organizer is provided and includes written descriptions as well as
 Vocabulary words will be written on the board for the students to use as reference if
needed for their graphic organizer, or reflection.
 Teacher will provide assistance or scaffold as needed.
 Students will collaborate in groups to help problem solve.

If groups finish before the allotted time, their tower will be measured and their height will
be recorded. The group will then have a reflection period where they discuss and write one
thing they thought they did well, and one thing they could’ve improved on for a future

After the allotted time, compare the groups heights and determine which group
successfully built the tallest tower, and if it’s still standing. Ask students to share what
helped make their group successful? What worked? What didn’t work? What would you do
differently if we were to do this exact activity tomorrow? Did the planning stage help you?
Review key vocabulary to check for students’ comprehension of the new terms.

Teacher will assess students based on their ability to fill out the graphic organizer and
demonstrate that they went through a planning stage.
Teacher will assess students based on how they worked as a team.
Teacher will assess students understanding of the key vocabulary during the closure of the
Graphic Organizer

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