BA Lunas
BA Lunas
BA Lunas
00 / 2000:20(9)
A the same time, many analysts Almost immediately, UMNO Su- leader, Dr Mahathir”. Watch out
are already predicting that Kedah preme Council member Shahrir for more rumblings of discontent
could be the third state to fall into Samad of Johor pinned the blame from within UMNO – especially
opposition hands after the east for the BN defeat squarely on Johor UMNO - over Mahathir’s
coast states of Kelantan and Mahathir. He was reported as leadership of the party. Indeed, the
Terengganu come the next general saying that the BN lost the seat Lunas verdict may have signalled
election due in 2004. because of “the character of our that the endgame for Mahathir
Printed by Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Jalan Tukang 16/4, Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
These false reports have however Lim said he would introduce the opposition candidate to
created storms in the Barisan Al-
voters at the party operations room at 8pm tomorrow.”
ternative as any comment or con-
firmation by me or any Barisan Al-
Continued from page 7 Barisan Alternative crisis. I do not wish to divulge what
transpired at the Barisan Alter-
scending to the lowest depths of The various one-sided and untrue native leaders' council meetings
unethical, immoral and irrespon- accounts of the meetings of which could only destroy the
sible journalism by a total concoc- Barisan Alternative leaders’ coun- Barisan Alternative but only to
tion of a news story and comments cil is also most unfortunate, de- state that the many versions
by a political leader. stroying the confidentiality of which are now being reported
meetings and deliberations of the are untrue and total figments of
It would be most unfortunate if the Barisan Alternative leaders’ coun- the imagination - as for instance,
Lunas by-election results in a cil. that the DAP had threatened at
major Barisan Alternative crisis. the Barisan Alternative leaders'
For instance, it is totally untrue meetings that it would break
I do not want to comment on the that DAP representatives said that from the Barisan Alternative if a
resignation of the Keadilan as both a DAP or Keadilan candi- DAP candidate was not se-
Nasional vice president Tian date in Lunas by-election had no lected.
Chua on the issue of the Barisan chance of winning, the seat
Alternative candidate for the should be contested by DAP. DAP, I hope good sense would prevail
Lunas by-election, but his state- and I believe any other BA party, and that the Lunas by-election
ment attacking me for giving would contest the Lunas by-elec- would not lead to a Barisan Alter-
greater priority to party interest tion to win, and although the by- native crisis. q
than to the people’s interest is not election would be an uphill bat-
only unfair and untrue, but a most tle, victory would not be impossi- (Speech by Lim Kit Siang at the
unwarranted and unhealthy prac- ble as borne out by the Teluk Intan Penang DAP State Convention on 19
tice which can only aggravate a by-election in May 1997. November 2000)
Untuk Negara
Letters should be no more than 250 words and must include Petaling Jaya
the writer's name and address. Pseudonyms may be used. Send
letters to : Editor, ALIRAN MONTHLY, 103, Medan Penaga, Remand Of Juveniles
11600 Penang, Malaysia or e-mail to :
Views expressed need not reflect those of Aliran. The Malaysian Bar is concerned
with the problem of juveniles be-
Bangsa Malaysia – tween Bumiputera and non- ing held in remand at the Sg Buloh
Myth Or Reality Bumiputera can be a thing of the prison.
past. Or is Bangsa Malaysia just a
myth – created to gain political Of even more serious concern is
support and nothing more than the practice of holding juveniles
that? We hope UMNO leaders can in police lockups pending inves-
answer this question unambigu- tigation.
The Malaysian Bar through the
Concerned Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre
Via e-mail (LAC) had initiated the Sg Buloh
Prison Project in 1997 to provide
Blame The Politicians legal assistance and representa-
Looking at some recent Malay tion for remand persons held
(more precisely, UMNO’s) reac- The front page of The Star (18 Au- there. In early 1999, the Sg Buloh
tions to David Chua’s statement gust) showed a Boy Scout waving prison authorities alerted the LAC
and Suqiu’s appeals, we must the national flag at the launch of to the problems relating to juve-
wonder if Malaysia is still one of the Merdeka month celebration. It niles held in remand at the prison.
the world’s most harmonious also carried the headline: ‘Gov- The LAC proceeded immediately
places to live in. Instead of con- ernment to defend special rights to liaise with the relevant authori-
centrating on the issue of Malay of the Malays, says Mahathir’. ties, including the courts, to clear
special rights, why don’t we con- Isn’t that ironic when Merdeka cel- the backlog of cases, expedite hear-
centrate on Bangsa Malaysia? If ebrations are to encourage the ings, and dispose of these cases.
Bangsa Malaysia consists of all rakyat to rally around the nation
races born and bred in Malaysia, in a spirit of unity? Anyone who The LAC conducted interviews
there should be no more division uses religion or race as a means to with the juveniles involved and
between the rights of Malay, Chi- a political end has the same effect in many cases managed to con-
nese or Indian races. The split be- on other Malaysians. It leaves tact family members and assisted
I fully agree with the Malaysian Statements like this from a Minis-
Hindu Youth Council deputy ter, more so a former academician,
president, P. Rajendran, that In- reflect his inadequate knowledge
dian youths are lagging behind of the subject at hand.
others because of poverty, rural-
urban migration and the lack of Chinese schools have the backing
contribution from Indian leaders. of an economically very strong
community which is able to foot
However, in my opinion, the sin- the balance of any shortfall in gov-
gle most important cause of this ernment funding. Moreover their
predicament is the government’s traditional strength in the teach- In Australia, in early June, you
inaction in resolving issues con- ing of science and mathematics is boldly questioned the propriety of
fronting the Indian community. As well established. Chief Justice Eusoff Chin’s con-
a disadvantaged minority, this duct related to controversial re-
section of our society needs the In comparison, most of the 360 ports of his holidays in New Zea-
government’s concern, attention partially aided Tamil schools are land. Many Malaysians were
and thorough proactive ap- ill equipped in terms of facilities, proud of you for making your
proach. including basic furniture. While statement because you were the
other factors contribute to the dis- only Cabinet minister who dared
A disproportionately high crime mal performance of Tamil schools, to do so.
rate is just a symptom of deeper it must be pointed out that proper
malaise. Study after study, allud- infrastructure plays a huge role in What you told another audience
ing to the influence of Tamil mov- the educational motivation and in Cambridge University more re-
ies and constant belly-aching will stimulation of the child. cently was an unpardonable con-
not do. trast. You projected Dr Mahathir
Tan Sri Musa says that if the Un- Mohamad as a great hero and of-
This is a national problem that ion is serious, it should send the fered excuses for the terrible things
requires a Malaysian solution. Ministry a memorandum. We that have happened in our coun-
Therefore, a Royal Commission of have lost count of the number of try under his leadership.
King Of Comedy?
Once again the Attorney General The allegations are but “surat
prefers to act the fool. layang”, AG rules and remarks
Before the whole nation and over Was the de facto Law Minister’s
our very eyes, he pulls the wool. opinion a wild loud empty bark?
The last time when the AG, a The holiday itinerary of the judge
“Black eye” culprit could not find and lawyer was laid out so clear
A Commission of Inquiry showed Alas, only the AG’s Chamber can
the AG had chosen to be blind! ignore and make it “disappear”.
by Martin Jalleh
To Lead Or Be Led?
by B.L. Chen
Subdued Expose Malay – and I wondered how
The settings could not have they felt about the delivery.
been more different. I had looked forward to Haji Nonetheless, it was obvious
Hadi’s talk, drawn by his repu- from the response of those
On the first occasion, it was tation as a fiery speaker. But around me that the speech
a dimly lit open space and what ensued was a very meas- went down well. It was at
when I stepped in, it was with ured and subdued expose of “question time” that I felt
a sense of wonderment at see-
the Terengganu oil royalty is- vexed. The representatives of
ing so many people seated
quietly on the grass, listening
sue and the many malpractices DAP raised the tired issues of
attentively. As we settled our- of the Federal Government in hudud and the banning of
selves into the few square feet trying to deny the PAS State karaoke and some supposed
of unoccupied space, a Government of its due in de- Chinese members of
makcik offered us a few pieces velopment and operational keADILan asked ludicrous
of newspapers to sit on – a budget. Also alluded to were questions like “will there be
simple gesture that immedi- the unsavoury practices and democracy if PAS takes over
ately established a sense of abuses committed during the the government?” and whether
oneness even among stran- Barisan Nasional’s long rule in PAS would accept Foreign Di-
gers. It was 15 October 2000, Terengganu when this oil-rich rect Investment from non-Mus-
when Haji Abdul Hadi state actually ran up a debt of lim countries.
Awang came to meet the peo- RM700 million!
ple of Penang.
This time, I really wondered
On the second occasion, it It was with mixed feelings that how the largely Malay crowd
was to the deafening drum- I listened to Haji Hadi’s felt. Has it not been said
beats of the lion dance that firsthand speech-making. enough times that hudud does
we stepped into the Penang Where was that rousing ora- not apply to non-Muslims? Is
Chinese Town Hall, and tory I had heard so much about the Chinese community so en-
within were the round tables but never heard before? His amoured of crooning at the
covered with red tablecloths deliberately calm and sober karaoke lounge that it comes
so typical of Chinese dinners. delivery, though well laced before issues of a united strug-
Most of the tables were still with humour and irony, was gle for freedom and justice?
unoccupied and like typical certainly not what I had ex- And, if the Chinese members
Chinese dinners, it was to be pected – was it a manifestation of keADILan cannot be sure
a long time before things got
of the transformation that po- that PAS can be true to demo-
started. It was the Malam
litical office has required of cratic practices – how can they
Mesra keADILan on 10 No-
vember 2000. him or was it because he felt join forces in Barisan Alterna-
the necessity to quell the fear tive? What then is the basis of
Entirely different moods and of “fundamentalism” that the Reformasi?
milieu – but ostensibly for the Chinese in Penang might har-
same cause – the furtherance bour? Once again, were these planted
of Reformasi. questions to offer PAS a plat-
Yet the crowd was largely form to allay the fears of the
Salvador de Madariage
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Selamat Datang ke Lunas, Datuk! The citizens of Lunas welcome to our roads and other facilities.
Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu with If you stay here permanently, we
open hands and are very happy will expect to see more develop-
to have an MIC leader to stay per- ment and in the next election we
manently in Lunas. will vote for the MIC candidate.
Then you are most welcome to
Datuk, welcome to Lunas. We be- return to KL.
lieve you are a man of your word
and you will stay on with us. Please don’t go back on your
word like most BN leaders do.
Since your arrival, we have seen
quite a number of quick upgrades Lunas Welcoming Committee
“ seems that the Government What about the 520 Tamil schools Alas, when the Prime Minister
spends more on education in ur- in the country, most of which, ac- does not tell the truth in the pres-
ban areas than in rural areas.” cording to Samy Vellu, are in a ence of a group of students, what
deplorable condition and lack future has this country?
The PM responded by saying that basic necessities such as tables
the Government “was not neglect- and chairs. 200 of these schools Martin Jalleh
by Dr Francis Loh
Stop Barak!
Israeli Aggression Threatens to Take Us Back to 1948
by Tanya Reinhart
he second stage in Isra-
T el’s assault on the Pales-
tinians has started al-
ready. They waited for
the Arab League summit to end
and then, away from the cameras,
Barak started executing the big
Why Was Lokman being kicked amidst busy flow of Aliran calls upon the police to
Beaten, Punched traffic. Lokman was later detained immediately and unconditionally
And Kicked? by the police. Is there a need to bru- release those detained. We also
tally assault and detain those call on the authorities to drop all
Aliran is appalled at the harsh peacefully exercising their demo- charges of illegal assembly lev-
treatment meted out at the peace- cratic rights? From experience, elled earlier against some 30 other
ful assembly of some 200 public gatherings such as these Malaysians.
Malaysians who gathered outside tend to be peaceful until the po-
court today to follow the trial of lice intervene or until they are dis- Aliran Executive Committee
those who had been charged for rupted by agent provocateurs. 4 August 2000
illegal assembly previously.
According to reports, those de- Restore Democracy
By all accounts, it was a peaceful, tained were: To Burma
orderly gathering. Those present • Lokman Noor Adam,
were merely chanting and distrib- keADILan youth exco member, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, 1991
uting leaflets. Their actions did • N Gopalakrishnan, keADILan Nobel Peace Prize laureate and
not disrupt the normal routine of youth exco member leader of the National League for
city dwellers, nor were there any • A young man identified only Democracy (NLD), has once
reports of unruly behaviour from as Munawar, again been prevented from travel-
those present. What they did was • An activist, Munasufian, ling out of Rangoon, ostensibly be-
within their legitimate rights as • Norazimah Mohd Noor, cause she has not observed
citizens in a democracy - rights • Zainab Rahmah, and “proper security arrangements”.
that are acknowledged by the Uni- • A woman identified only as Together with other NLD leaders,
versal Declaration of Human Rahimah she is now camped out in a car for
Rights, which has been accepted the 9th night running (as of 1
by all civilised nations. Aliran is gravely disturbed that Sept).
there is an increasing perception
We are particularly shocked by the that the police, who are supposed Two years ago, Suu Kyi was also
reports of five plainclothes men - to be the keepers of the peace, are prevented from travelling out of
agent provocateurs? - beating and now being seen as perpetrators of her home in Rangoon and was
punching Lokman Noor Adam; at violence. To salvage the image and forced to spend 13 nights in her
one point, he was reportedly ly- credibility of the police, we call car until dehydration brought her
ing in the middle of the road and upon the Inspector General of Po- standoff with the Burmese mili-
A l i r a n ’ s 2 4 t h AGM
Ramakrishnan was re- Jubal Lourdes.
P elected as president of
Aliran at its 24th An- After debating the cur-
nual General Meeting rent political situation,
held on 19 November 2000 in especially the state of
Rumah Aliran in Penang. Also re- the judiciary, the meet-
elected were Dr Francis Loh as ing resolved “to call
Secretary, Dr Mustafa K Anuar as upon the government
Asst Secretary, Dr SP Subra- to appoint a Royal
maniam as Treasurer and Soo Kar Commission to inquire
Peng as Hon. Auditor. Others into the state of the
elected as members of the Execu- Malaysian judiciary
tive Committee for 2001 are: Gan with a view to restoring
Kong Hwee, Zaharom Nain, Anil its integrity and inde-
Netto, Dr Khoo Boo Teik, Dr Chan pendence.”
Chee Khoon, S Francis Xavier, Dr P Ramakrishnan
Prema Devaraj, Pajand Singh, Dr President
Molly Lee, Andrew Wong, and 19 November 2000
This 24th Annual General ter written and circulated by (f) the findings and the rec-
Meeting of Aliran Kesedaran former High Court judge Syed ommendation of a mis-
Negara, held on 19 November Idid; sion on behalf of the In-
2000, taking into considera- ternational Bar Associa-
tion the following develop- (c) the statement made by the late tion, the Centre for the In-
ments that have tarnished the Tun Mohamad Suffian, in dependence of Judges and
integrity and undermined the which he mentioned interalia Lawyers of the Interna-
independence of our beloved that he would not want to be tional Commission of Ju-
country’s judiciary: tried by a Malaysian judge, es- rists, the Commonwealth
pecially, if he is innocent; Lawyers’ Association
(a) the unethical manner in and the Union
which the Lord President (d) the questioning of the propri- Internationale Des Avo-
Tun Salleh Abas and two ety of the Chief Justice, Tun cates.
other supreme court Eusoff Chin, by Minister Dato
judges were dismissed in Dr Rais Yatim in June this year; Resolves to call upon the
1988; Government to appoint a
(e) the controversial manner in Royal Commission to inquire
(b) the 112 serious allegations which Anwar Ibrahim and into the state of the Malaysian
of corruption and malprac- some of his associates were, Judiciary with a view to re-
tices implicating 12 judges convicted and sentenced by storing its integrity and inde-
contained in a 33 page let- different courts; and pendence.
warning lights above the in the biggest traffic jam we had Continued on page 31
highway flashing “keadaan ever seen.