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Let 39 S Talk 1 PDF

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The key takeaways are that the document describes an English language textbook called Let's Talk that focuses on developing oral communication skills. It has three levels and includes student books, audio CDs, and a teacher's manual.

The book is an English speaking and listening course for young adults and adults. It has three levels and is designed to develop oral communication skills and build learner confidence through conversations on various topics.

Some features of the Student's Book include frequent pair and group work activities, vocabulary exercises, expansion sections for review, communication tasks in each unit, and a self-study section.

Leo Jones

Level 1 Scope and sequence
Working together (pages vi-vii) Getting started (pages 2 -3 )

Units / Lessons Speaking Listening Vocabulary

Introducing yourself Introductions; a radio Phone numbers;

U n til (pages 4 -7 ) and others; asking for interview; conversations addresses; e-mail
Communicating in English and giving personal about personal addresses; ages;
1A Let's g e t to know each other! inform ation inform ation birthdays
IB Personal inform ation

Describing personal D escriptions of physical

Unit 2 (pages 8 -1 1 ) appearance; describing appearance;
A djectives to describe
appearance and
All kinds of people personality d e scrip tio n s of personality
2A What d o th ey loo k lik e? characteristics personality
ZB Your p erson a lity characteristics

Unit 3 (pages 1 2 -1 5 )
Talking about hobbies;
describing sports
Conversations about
hobbies and interests;
H obbies and sports

Free time characteristics; a description of an

3A W hat are y ou r in terests? discussing extreme unusual sport
3B What sp orts d o y o u lik e? sports

Unit 4 (pages 1 6 -1 9 )
Talking about families; A d escription of a Family m em bers;
discussing living family; conversations characteristics of
People arrangem ents; about best friends living arrangem ents
4A Fam ilies describing a good and friends
4B Friends friend

Units 1-4 Expansion (pages 20 -21)

Talking about shopping Conversations about Places to shop;

Unit S (pages 2 2 -2 5 ) habits and preferences; shopping; d escriptions clothing; ways to save
Money giving com plim ents; of recent purchases; money; gifts
suggesting gifts; interviews about
5A S h o p p in g a n d clo th in g
discussing spending spending habits
S B Sav in g a n d sp en d in g
habits and attitudes

Describing past trips; D escriptions of trips; Adjectives to describe

Unit 6 (pages 2 6 -2 9 ) taking a vacation conversations about trips; vacation activities;
Travel and tourism survey; discussing travel experiences fam ous places; things
6A H ow was y o u r trip ? fam ous places; talking to take on vacation
6B Travel n ear a n d f a r about things to take on
a trip

Talking about food; M ealtim e conversations;

Unit 7 (pages 3 0 -3 3 ) describing eating d e scrip tio n s of
Foods and drinks;
adjectives to describe
Food and drink habits; planning a meal; experiences with food; places to eat
7A E atin g o u t describing traditional unusual foods
7B F ood arou n d th e w orld meals and unusual
fo o ds

Discussing movies and D escriptions of movies; Types of m ovies and

Unit 8 (pages 3 4 -3 7 ) TV show s; taking a TV TV show segm ents TV show s; adjectives
Entertainment survey; planning a TV to describe m ovies and
8A Let's s e e a movie! schedule TV show s
8B What's on TV to n ig h t?

Units 5-8 Expansion (pages 3 8 -3 9 )

Units / Lessons Speaking Listening Vocabulary
Discussing healthy A radio show about A djectives to describe
Unit 9 (pages 4 0 -4 3 )
lifestyles; taking health health; a talk about a healthy lifestyle;
Health and sleep habit quizzes; sleep and dream s healthy activities;
9 A A healthy lifestyle discussing sleep phrases to describe
9 B Sleep and dream s
and dream s sleep habits

Talking about ways to Conversations about W ays to rem em ber

Unit 10 (pages 4 4 -4 7 ) rem em ber things; how to rem em ber things; things people
Self-improvement discussing problem s things; a radio show forget; problem s
lO A Im prove y ou r m em ory! and giving advice about problem s and advice
lO B G ood a dvice
and advice

Asking for and giving Directions; P repositions of place

Unit 11 (pages 4 8 -5 1 ) directions; talking about d e scrip tio n s of cities and directions;
In the city cities; recom m ending and their ch aracteristics of
11A How to g e t there places; planning a fun characteristics cities; places to visit
11B Plenty to d o
day out

Talking about ways D escriptions of Holidays; ways to

Unit 12 (pages 5 2 -5 5 )
people celebrate holidays; holidays in three celebrate holidays;
Customs discussing and giving countries; a expressions about
12A Holidays advice about manners; conversation comparing manners and custom s
12B G ood m anners
com paring custom s different custom s

Units 9-12 Expansion (pages 5 6 -5 7 )

Talking about celebrities; A radio show about Types o f fam ous

Unit 13 (pages 5 8 -6 1 ) taking a quiz about tw o fam ous w riters; people; w o rds and
Famous people celebrities; discussing old radio interviews expressions to
13A Celebrities fam ous people from w ith three fam ous describe celebrities
the past inventors and fam ous people
13B Still fa m o u s

Talking about typical and D escriptions of dream Furniture and things in

Unit 14 (pages 6 2 -6 5 ) unusual homes; homes; interviews homes; types of
Home, sweet home de scrib in g things in a about unusual homes homes; characteristics
14A My dream h om e home; taking a survey of homes
14 B Unusual h om es about home preferences

Talking about games; D escriptions of three Gam es; types o f fads;

Unit IS (pages 6 6 -6 9 ) sharing childhood childhood m emories; toys; hairstyles and
Then and now mem ories; talking about a conversation fashions
IS A Childhood m em ories fads; discussing w h a t’s about fads
1 5 B Fads an d fa sh io n s in and out o f style

Talking about past A conversation about Expressions about

Unit 16 (pages 70-73) achievements and regrets; past achievem ents and achievem ents and
The future talking about hopes and regrets; a conversation regrets; expressions to
dream s; making about hopes fo r the d escribe predictions
IG A H opes an d dream s
predictions; discussing future; a news report
1GB The world in th e fu tu re
the perfect future city from the future

Units 13-16 Expansion (pages 74-75)

Communication tasks (pages 7 6 -9 1 ) Answers (pages 9 2 -9 3 )

Self-study grammar, listening, vocabulary, and answer key (pages 9 4 -1 2 9 )
W hat d o e s this
w ord m ean? H ow d o y ou
pron ou n ce this word?

C an y o u explain
th e a ctiv ity again ? H ow m uch time What are we
d o we have? su p p osed to do?
Yes. L et’
s work
We have to
discuss these

W hose turn is
U€ XS T alk!
My answer to
i ^
number I is ... -*
What do y ou have
TDK n i 79

Can you say that

again, please?

L et’
s take
turns asking
the questions.
ll start.

I think w e’
re finished.
What should we do now?

L et’
s discuss the first
question som e more.


m done. Lets
com pare answers.

Just a moment, please.

m not quite ready.
Getting started
A Work alone H ow often do you like to do these things in English class?
Check (✓) often, sometimes, or never.

In English class, 1like___ Often Sometimes Never

1. to work alone □ □ □

2. to talk with a partner □ □ □

3. to talk in a small group □ □ □

4. to talk in front of the whole class □ □ □

5. the teacher to do most of the talking □ □ □

6. to play games □ □ □

7. to listen to audio programs □ □ □

8. to do homework □ □ □

B Pair w ork Compare your answers with a partner.

I often like to work alone. How about y ou ?”

1 ^2 2 5 2 1 3 ^ ^ Work alone What can you say in each situation? Choose a question from the box.

a. Can you say that again, please? e. How do you spell that?
b. What does that mean? f. What do you have for number 1?
c. How do you pronounce this word? g. Can you explain that again, please?
d. What are we supposed to do? h. How much time do we have?

_^ _ 1. You don’
t understand what to do.
_____ 2. You don’
t know how to say a word.
_____ 3. You don’
t know how to write a word.
----- 4. You want someone to repeat
what he or she said.
_____ 5. You don’
t know how long an
activity should last.
_____ 6. You don’
t understand som eone’
----- 7. Someone says a word you
t understand.
----- 8. You want to know som eone’
answer for number 1.

B Pair w ork Compare your answers with a partner.

2 Getting started
A Group w ork Complete this conversation with the questions from Activity 2.
Hiro: What v*>e supposed fo Ao______ ?
Sara: We have to go over our answers together. Then we can go through the
discussion questions.
Hiro: C a n ______________________________ ?
Sara: Sure. We compare our answers as a group. Then we discuss these questions.
Hiro: Oh, I see. Thanks. H o w ______________________________ ?
Ming: About five minutes. W hat______________________________ ?
Hiro: I wrote “alone.”
Sara: Me, too. H ow about you, Ming?
Ming: I wrote “co . . . ,”um, “coop . . .”H o w ______________________________ ?
Hiro: Cooperation.
Sara: I’
m sorry. C a n ______________________________ ?
Hiro: Cooperation.
Sara: I don’
t know that word. W hat______________________________ ?
Ming: It means “
working together.”
Sara: Oh, good answer! H o w ______________________________ ?
Ming: It’
s C-O-O-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

B Listen 0 s Check your answers. Then practice the conversation.

A Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• How do you feel about working together in English?
• Why do you want to improve your English?

"I think working together is easy and fun.”

"I agree. We can practice our English much more.”

A nd it’
s a g o o d way to make new friends.”

B Com m unication task Work in groups o f three. One o f you should look at
Task 1 on page 76, another at Task 10 on page 80, and another at Task 18
on page 84. You’re going to share ideas about how to improve your English!

Getting started 3
Let's get to know each other!
Activity 1J A Pair w ork Look at these pictures. Then discuss the questions below.

Lisa Kate Ted Bill Akiko Toby

• Which people do you think are meeting for the first time?
• D o you feel relaxed or nervous when you meet someone new?

think... a n d ... are meeting “

When I m eet som eone new, I often
for the first time." feel nervous. How about you?”

B Pair w ork Number the sentences in each conversation from 1 to 5.

Ted: Fine. It’
s nice to meet Q _____ Akiko: Oh. Well, Bill, this is Toby
you, Kate. Toby, Bill.
Ted: Hi, Lisa. I’
m good. How Toby: No, we don’
about you? Bill: It’
s good to meet you,
Lisa: Hello, Ted. How are you? too, Toby.
Kate: Hello, Ted. How are Akiko: D o you two know
you doing? each other?
Lisa: I’
m great. Oh, Ted, this is Toby: G ood to meet you, Bill.
my friend Kate.

C Listen b * You will now hear the conversations in part B. Were your
answers correct?

D Group w ork Work in groups o f three. Practice the conversations in part B.

Use your real names.

Hello, Claudio. How are y ou ?” “
Hi, Sharon. I’
m good. How about you?”

4 Unit 1
immww* a Pair w ork These questions have a similar meaning to the questions in part B.
Add them to the chart.

What’s your family name? What’s your hometown?

What’s your favorite kind of music? What do you do in your free time?
What’s your address? What do you do?

B Listen b ^ A radio host is interviewing Stella, a fashion designer.

Check (•/') the questions you hear.

Questions Answers

1. 0 What’
s your last name?
Q WU<*f's vour -P<7wily tvtfvwve?

2. 0 Where ar»you from?

□ _________________________
3. □ Where do you live?
□ _________________________
4. □ Where do you work?
□ _________________________
5. O W hat are your hobbies?
□ _________________________
6. O What kind of music do you like?
□ _________________________
C Listen again b ^ Write Stella’
s answers in the chart.

A Pair w ork Interview your partner and take notes. Use these questions and
the questions in Activity 2.
D o you have a nickname? How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Are you a college student? What sports do you play?
W hat’s your major? W ho’
s your favorite singer?
D o you have a large family? What kinds o f movies do you like?

d like to ask you som e questions. First, where are you from?”

Oh, I’
m from Brazil. My hometown is ..."

Join another pair Tell your group about your partner.

This is Yuko Sato. She’s a college student from Osaka.
Her major is art. She likes to p la y ...”

Communicating in English 5
ersonal information
A Listen b * You will hear a short conversation. Then complete the chart
with a partner. Be creative!
A ns in c\AA'te.SS J as in S as in
R ns in biv+UT^y K ns in T as in
r: ns in Cve^Hve T. as in U as in
L) ns in M as in V as in
F, ns in N as in w as in
F ns in O as in X as in
fit ns in P as in Y as in
H ns in O as in Z as in
[ ns in R as in

Join another pair Ask your partners to spell their names. Make a list.

How do you spell your last nam e?” "Chen. It’
s C as in creative,' H as in ...

A Pair w ork Label the pictures with the words in the box. Then read
the information aloud.

address cell phone number home phone number

birthday e-mail address zip code

New Mail

To: y_chen2@cup.org
Bob Park
Subiect: Fsbh Park 145 Main Street
145 Main Street Anytown. NY 50530

Anytown, NY(§Q53Q) Q el: 808-555-8472Z>
Fax: 808-555-8473
________________________ /

How do you say the e-mail address?” e-mail addresses
@ = at . = dot

s Y underscore C-H-E-N two
- = dash = underscore
at C-U-P d ot O-R-G."
B Listen You will hear two conversations. Complete the information.

Home phone number Man's first name

Cell phone number _ Man's last name
E-mail address ____ Cat’s name ___

C Group w ork Work in groups o f three. Write your own information in the first
column. Then ask your partners questions, and complete the chart.

First name

Last name

Home phone number

Cell phone number

E-mail address



"W hat’
s your hom e phone number?”

s 312-555-6301. How about you?”

I don ’
t have a hom e phone. I only have a cell phone. It’
s ...

Com m unication task Work in pairs. One of you should look at Task 2
on page 76, and the other at Task 19 on page 84. You’
re going to share some
personal information about two people.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 94 95.

Communicating in English
What do they look like?
A Pair w ork Describe each person. Use the words in the boxes and your own ideas,
has ... hair
wavy J^SOH


is / looks
about 16
very young
kind of old

Lucy has long brown hair and brown " Really?
I think sh e’
eyes. She looks about 20." older, about 25 or 30.

B Pair w ork Write these words in the correct columns. Then discuss the questions below.

athletic average height good-looking short thin

attractive cute muscular tall

Height Build General appearance

• Which words describe the people in part A?

• Which words describe you and your partner?

C Join another pair Discuss these questions.

• W ho are your three best friends? Describe them.
• W ho are some people in your family? Describe them.

"Susan is my best friend. She’

s tall and has short wavy hair. She is ...

8 Unit 2
A Listen Patricia and Carl are at a picnic. W ho is Patricia describing? Write the
numbers in the circles.
1 = Helen 2 = Sylvia 3 — Danny 4 = Ben

B Listen again Complete the sentences with the names from part A.
1. _______________ is a security guard. 3. ________________ is H elen’
s assistant.
% _______________ is Patricia’
s boss. 4. is Patricia’
s best friend.

C Pair w ork Describe the other people at the picnic.

A Pair w ork Describe one person. Can your partner guess the person?

This person is good-looking. And this person i s ... and h a s..

B Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at Task 3 on
page 77, and the other at Task 20 on page 85. You’
re going to find out how the
people in part A look now!

All kinds of people 9

ur personality
A Pair w ork Match the words with their opposites
adventurous careless
calm lazy
careful messy
creative nervous
flexible quiet
funny serious
hardworking stubborn
neat timid
talkative unimaginative

neat messy

B Listen Matt and Diane are talking about six o f their friends. When you hear a

beep,”write the missing word you think they say.

Alex: ____ £wwy Randy: Kelly:

Chris: Megan: Sam:

C Listen again You will now hear the missing words. Check your answers.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Which words in part A describe you?
• What other words describe you?
• Which words describe your friends? your parents?

I'm hardworking, and sometimes I’
m a little stubborn.

10 Unit 2
A Group w ork Read the astrology chart. Then answer the questions below.


ICapricorn December 22-January 19 hardworking, quiet

November 22-December 21 helpful, restless

• When is your birthday? What is your star sign?

• D o your star sign characteristics describe you? Why or why not?
• What are your friends’star signs? D o their characteristics describe them?

My birthday is July 7, so I’
m a Cancer. I’
m creative, but I don ’
t think I’
m lazy!”

B Group w ork Which star sign does these things? Discuss your ideas.
enjoys working long hours makes people laugh likes to help people
likes to try new things avoids making mistakes doesn’ t like to work

A Capricorn enjoys working long hours. A Capricorn is hardworking but quiet.”

Work alone Try this personality test. Take out a piece o f paper.
Draw a picture o f a dog.

B Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at Task 4
on page 77, and the other at Task 21 on page 85. You’
re going to find out more
about your personality based on your drawings.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 96-97.

All kinds of people II

What are your interests?
A Pair w ork Discuss these questions.
• What do you like to do in your free time?
• What do your friends and family like to do?

In my free time, I like to watch TV and play video games."

B Listen Four people are talking about their interests. Match the people
with their hobbies.

1. Claudia 2. Brian 3. Linda 4. Evan

a. fishing b. cooking c. reading d. doing magic tricks

C Listen again 5^ What do they like about their hobbies? What don’
t they like?
Match the sentences.

1. Reading — is relaxing, but it’s expensive.

2. Cooking ^ -----doesn’t cost much, but — somet i mes it’s boring.
3. Doing magic tricks is creative, but X it makes me sleepy.
4. Fishing is a good way to meet people, but it takes a lot of time.

D Group w ork Which hobby in part B do you think is the most interesting?
the least interesting? Why?

The m ost interesting hobby is cooking b ecau se..
A Pair work Match these hobbies with the pictures. Which do you do? Which don’
you do?

collect stamps draw play chess surf the Internet

do calligraphy listen to music play a musical instrument take photos

"I do calligraphy and draw. I d on ’

t play chess.”

B Work alone Imagine you have a free evening to do what you like. Add one more
activity. Then check («/) the six things you like to do the most.
□ chat online with friends □ sit alone and think
O cook a nice meal O surf the Internet
O listen to music CD talk on the phone
O play computer games CD watch a DVD
Q read a book □ watch TV
O read a magazine or a newspaper □

C Group w ork Compare your answers from part B. Then discuss

these questions.
• D o you like to do similar or different things?
• Is there anything you hate to do?
• D o you prefer to do things alone or with other people?
• D o you know anyone with an unusual hobby?

"I like to play computer games, chat online, talk on the phone, a n d ...

Free time 13
What sports do you like?
A Pair w ork Match these pictures with the sports in the chart below. Which sport is

ry p r nr Voudo Winning
V n « rv r it just isuery Vouneed It’suerg
SPuRi for fun. important. a team. expensiue.

play basketball ^ □
play golf □
play soccer □
play table tennis □
play tennis □
play uolleyball □
go biking □
go hiking □
go skiing □
go swimming □

I think number one is table tennis. But maybe it’
s tennis. What do you think?

B Pair work Which statements in part A are true? Check (/) the boxes.

When you play basketball, you do it just for fun. And you need a team."

C Join another pair Compare your answers from the chart. Then discuss
these questions.
• What sports do you like to play or do? What sports do you like to watch?
• What sports don’t you like to play or do? Why not?
• What sports are popular in your country?

baseball pool tae kwon do badminton

L a n tT f A Listen b» You will hear a description o f Zorb, a sport from New Zealand.
Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

B Listen b * Danny and Michelle have just tried Zorb. Write one word to describe
how each person feels.
1. Danny _______________ 2. Michelle _______________

C .Pair w ork Discuss these questions.

• D o you want to try Zorb? Why or why not?
• Imagine you just tried Zorb. How do you feel?
• Have you tried any unusual sports?

I d on ’
t want to try Zorb. It looks too dangerous.”

Group w ork Look at these pictures. Then discuss the questions below.


kite surfing paragliding snowboarding surfing

• Have you tried any o f these extreme sports? How did you like it?
• What other extreme sports do you know about?
• Have you ever tried any other extreme sports? D o you want to
try them?

ve tried paragliding. I was nervous, but I really liked it.”

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 98-99.

Free time I5
A Pair w ork Complete the charts.
Male Female Male Female

brother sisfer daughter

grandmother grandson

father wife

aunt father-in-law

nephew cousin

B Listen b * James is describing his family. H ow are these people related to him?
Write the answers in the boxes.

C Listen again b * These are the people in Jam es’

s family. Write their names in part B.
Anna Bobby Clara George Gloria Mary Sophia Tony

D Group w ork Describe your family.

"I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister’
s name is ...

16 Unit 4
a Pair w ork What are the advantages and disadvantages if you live with your
family? with a roommate? alone? Complete the chart below with the sentences
in the box and your own ideas.

It can be noisy. You can be messy. You can share the rent.
It can get lonely. You can save money. You have no privacy.

If you live ... Advantages Disadvantages

Yoia cw\ s^ve wc5v\ey.
with your family

with a roommate


B Join another pair Compare your ideas from the chart.

If you live with your family, you “
That’s true. But you have
can save money." no privacy, a n d ...”

C Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What is a typical family in your country?
• Did your parents have a large family?
• Did your grandparents have a large family?
• Can friends be family members?
• Can pets be family members?

A small family is typical in my country.
But my parents had a large family."

People 17
A Pair w ork Look at these pictures o f friends. What are they doing? What do you
think they’
re talking about?

re shopping. Maybe th ey’
re talking a b o u t..

B Listen b* Four people are talking about their best friends. Check (</) what they do

What they do together When they met

O go camping 0 go fishing
Ron years ago
O study O go out to dinner

O go camping O cook dinner

Sally years ago
O go dancing O go to the movies

O play cards 0 play tennis

Ken years ago
O play chess 0 play table tennis

U play soccer 0 talk about sports

Alice years ago
0 watch soccer O talk about high school

C Listen again b* When did they meet? Complete the chart.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• W ho is your best friend? How did you first meet?
• Who is your newest friend? How did you meet?
• What do you and your friends do together?

I met my best friend, Sun Hee, last year. We were
in the same English class. Sometimes w e ..

18 Unit 4
A Work alone What does a good friend always do? Add two ideas below.
Then check {</) the five most important things.
A g o o d frien d alw ay s . . . .
O encourages you
CD forgives your mistakes
□ gives you advice
CD keeps your secrets
□ tells you his or her secrets
□ listens to your problems
D lends you money
CD remembers your birthday
□ calls just to chat
Q tells you the truth ,
□ _____________________

B Pair w ork Compare your answers. D o your friends do these things?

I think a g o o d friend encourages you. My friend Marta
always does that. She says, ‘ You can do it!’"

C Join another pair What does a good friend never do? Add two ideas below. Then
check (</) the things you agree with. Share your ideas with the class.
A g o o d frien d never . . .
□ talks behind your back
Q forgets your birthday
O tells your secrets
□ lies to you
CD borrows your things
CD asks for money
□ criticizes you

A g o o d friend never talks behind
your back and never . . . "

I agree. And a g o o d friend n ever...

Com m unication task Work ill pairs. One o f you should look at Task 5
on page 78, and the other at Task 22 on page 86. You’
re going to find
each other an e-friend.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 100—101.

Units 1-4 Expansion

How to play
^ Work in groups.

Each player places

a token such as

a paper clip, \\

a pen cap, or

an eraser

on Start. f

Q Take turns. Roll a

* ' die, move that

%s '/

number of spaces, and

answer the question.

^ Other players

can ask follow-up


0 Units 1-4
What d oes a
g o o d friend
always do?

What do don ’t you

you do? like to do?

What kind o f Free

movies do you like? Question

When is
Introduce a W hat’s your What d o you
partner. phone number? look like?

How d o you
spell your
family name?

Expansion 21
Shopping and clothing
A Pair work Look at these places to shop. Which ones do the pictures show?

convenience store discount store outdoor market shopping mall

department store duty-free shop secondhand store supermarket

I think this one is a supermarket. But it might be a ...

B Pair w ork Discuss these questions.

• What can you buy in the places in part A?
• Where do you usually shop? What do you like to shop for?
• D o you shop online? What kinds o f things do you buy?
• D o you prefer to window-shop or spend money?

In a convenience store, you can buy soda, snacks, a n d ..

A Listen You will hear three conversations. What are the people buying?
Check (</) the items.

What they are buying Where they are

1. O a soda □ perfume O a calculator

2. O a hat O a T-shirt O gloves

3. O a wallet □ a jacket O boots

B Listen again 0* Where are the people shopping? Write the places
in the chart.

22 Unit 5
C Group work Discuss these questions.
• What are three things you’
ve bought recently?
• Why did you buy them? Where did you buy them?
• What things do you want to buy next?
• What do you like about shopping? What don’ t you like?

ve recently bought a book, a DVD, and som e new shoes."

A Listen Q Three friends are talking about their recent purchases. What did
each person buy? Write the correct number.

J e ff___
Andrea _
Terry ___

B Pair w ork Describe what people in the class are wearing today. Use these words
and your own ideas.

baseball cap jacket polo shirt shorts sweater

business suit jeans sandals skirt sweatshirt
dress necktie shirt sneakers T-shirt

Jin-ha is wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a baseball cap.”

C Join another pair Give compliments to each other. Have fun!

I really like your sweatshirt.
I love the colors!”

"Thanks - it’s new. I just g o t it

at the mall. By the way,
I love your shirt.”

m glad you like it. I g o t it
at a discount store.”

Money 23
iring andspending
A Pair w ork Look at these ways to save money. Which do you do?

Do things yourself. Buy things used. Borrow things.

Rent things. Buy things on sale. Buy the biggest package.

I do things myself and buy things on sale.”

B Listen b * You will hear three interviews. H ow does each person save money?
Check (»/) the correct boxes.

Rob Kathy Cliff

Do things yourself. □ □ □

Buy things used. □ □ □

Shop at outdoor markets. □ □ □

Buy things on sale. □ □ □

Rent things. □ □ □

C Group w ork What other ways can you save money?

24 Unit 5
Pair w ork What are your attitudes toward money? Complete the survey.
What do you do if ... ?
O Spend it.
1. You find $ 5 0 in your winter coat.
O Save it.

O Keep it and tell no one.

2. You find a wallet with $ 5 0 inside.
O Take it to the police.

□ Spend, spend, spend!

3. Someone gives you $500.
D Save it for a rainy day.

O Lend your friend the money.

4. Your best friend asks to borrow $100.
O Refuse to lend the money.

O Pay more for a new one.

5. You want to buy a bike.
O Pay less for a used one.

6. You buy something. Later you find out the O Go back and pay the $10.
salesperson undercharged you $10. D Do nothing.

7. You buy something. Later you find out the □ Go back and complain.
salesperson overcharged you $5. O Do nothing.

B Join another pair Compare your answers. Then discuss these questions.
• W ho has similar attitudes toward money?
• D o you prefer to save or spend money?
• Can money make you happy?

A Group work Imagine a visitor from abroad wants to buy gifts for her family and
friends. Suggest typical gifts from your country.

mother father grandmother brother sister boyfriend

"How about a scarf for her mother? ” “

s a g o o d idea!It only costs a b o u t ..

B Com m unication task Work in groups o f four. Two o f you should look at Task 6
on page 78, and the other two at Task 23 on page 86. You’
re going to suggest some
gift ideas for each member o f your group.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 102-103.

Money 25
v How was your trip?
Activity 1 A Pair w ork Use these words to describe the pictures. How does each trip
look to you?

active exciting fun relaxing tiring

boring frightening interesting stressful unusual

Sarah Charlie Annie

"Sarah’ s trip looks kind o f boring. I d on ’

t “
Really? It looks really
like to g o camping.” fun to me.”

B Listen Three people are talking about their trips. What did they expect
each trip to be like? H ow was it really? Check (</) the answers.

What they expected How it really was Best thing

Sarah □ interesting O unusual

□ frightening □ fun

Charlie O relaxing O exciting

□ fun 0 boring

Annie O boring 0 tiring

O stressful 0 relaxing

C Listen again What was the best thing about each trip? Write it
in the chart.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Which trip from part B sounded the best? Why?
• Where did you go on your last trip? What did you do?
• What didn’ t you like about your last trip?

s trip sounded the best b eca u se...”

26 Unit 6
A Pair w ork Complete the expressions with these words.

alone new foods photos sightseeing volleyball

a beach nothing relatives souvenirs youth hostels

1. be
2. do ______
3. go ------
4. lie on ____
5. play _____
6. shop for _
7. stay in ___
8. stay with _
9. take _____
10. try _____

B Pair w ork Which activities from part A do you like to do on vacation? Which
t you like to do?

Do you like to be alone on “
No, n ot really. I prefer to be with
vacation ?” friends. Do you like to ... ? ”

C Pair w ork Add three more ideas to the survey. Then ask your partner
the questions. Use these numbers to show your partner’
s answers:
1 = Yes, very much. 2 = Yes, sometimes. 3 = No, not so much. 4 = No, not at all.

□ □□□□
travel with a group visit historical sites go to theme parks
stay in one place do a lot of walking take local tours
stay in nice hotels catch up on reading
try local foods go to clubs at night
sleep late visit local festivals

D Join another pair Compare your survey answers. Then discuss these questions.
• Which o f your partner’ s answers surprised you? Why?
• W ho is most similar to you? D o you think you can travel well together?
• What is a “perfect”vacation for each person?

m surprised that Craig likes to travel with a group.”

Travel and tourism 27

near and far
A Pair w ork D o you know where these famous places are? Match each place to the
correct country. Then check your answers on page 92.

1. Australia
2. Brazil
3. Egypt
4. France
5. India
6. Italy
7. Korea
8. Mexico
11_ Tower Bridge J
9. Peru
10. Turkey
11. the U.K.
12. the U.S. ^ l/k w

Machu Picchu
Gyeongbok Palace

B Join another pair Discuss these questions.

• Can you think o f other famous places in the countries in part A?
• Which place would you like to visit the most?
• Which other country would you like to visit? Why?

"Another famous place in “

Yes, and th ere’
s Buckingham Palace
the U.K. is Big Ben.” and the British Museum.”

C Listen b * Three people are talking about their vacations. Write the country
each person visited.
1. Paul 2. Beth 3. Mike

28 Unit 6
D Listen again What happened to each person? Check (</) the boxes.

O had nice weather □ took great photos O stayed in a nice hotel

O got sick □ lost his passport □ got hurt

Beth O tried surfing O swam a lot O tried parasailing

□ got lost □ missed her flight □ lost her train ticket

Mike O went shopping O met old friends O sang in a karaoke bar

CD had jet lag Q ate bad food O had bad weather

A Work alone Match the words with the pictures. Then compare
your answers.

1. beach towel
2. bug spray ___
3. cell phone ___
4. flashlight ___
5. guidebook___
6. passport ___
7. sunscreen ___
8. toothbrush ___
9. umbrella ___

B Pair w ork What would you take on these vacations? List things from part A
and your own ideas.

an overnight camping trip a day trip to the beach an overseas trip

biA^ spw?vy

"On an overnight camping trip, we need bug spray, a flashlight, a n d ..

C Join another pair Compare your lists. Then discuss these questions.
• What do you always take on vacation? What do you never take? Why?
• Did you ever forget something important on a vacation? What happened?

Why do you need a cell phone on a camping trip?’

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 104-105.

Travel and tourism 29

Eating out
A ctivity 1 A Pair w ork What foods arc these? Match them with the pictures.

beef curry
chicken wings
fruit salad
mashed potatoes
mixed salad
onion soup

B Join another pair Add the foods in part A to the chart. Then add your
favorite foods.

Chicken wings are a main course.” ‘
‘re you sure? I think they're an appetizer.

Appetizers Main courses Side dishes Desserts

C Group w ork Use these words to describe the foods in your chart.
Can you think o f other foods or drinks for each word?

bitter bland creamy greasy salty sour spicy sweet

Cheesecake is sw eet and creamy. “
Another sw eet food is ...”

30 Unit 7
A Pair w ork D o you ever eat at these places? Which ones?

fast-food restaurant outdoor food stall upscale restaurant

B Listen You will hear three conversations. Where do you think the people are?
Write the places in the chart.

W h ere they are W h at th ey’re having

□ beef curry 0 fish o rice
D vegetables 0 water o lemonade

O pie O cake o fruit
O ice cream 0 coffee o tea

O chicken O soup o salad
O potatoes O juice 0 soda

C Listen again What are they having? Check {</) the items.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What do you like to eat when you go out? when you eat at home?
• What do you like to drink with your meals?
• H ow often do you eat out? W ho do you usually go with?
• What are your favorite restaurants? Why?

M m in u M Group w ork Plan a meal together. First, find out the foods your partners like and
t like. Then create a menu everyone will enjoy. Include:

one appetizer one main dish one side dish one dessert

What foods don ’

t you like? 7 like everything ex cep t...

Food and drink 3I

5ZZJ Food around the world
A Pair w ork Can you guess where these foods come from? Match the countries with
the foods. Then check your answers on page 92.

1. Brazil
2. Indonesia
3. Italy
4. Japan
5. Korea
6. Mexico
7. Turkey
8. the U.K.
9. the U.S. miso soup

B Join another pair Discuss these questions.

• Have you ever tried any foods from part A? What were they like?
• What foods from other countries have you tried? Did you like them?

I tried fish and chips last year. They were salty and a little greasy, but very good."

£SSBSB ^ food
Listen You will hear three conversations about unusual foods. Check (</) the
each person tried.

W h a t th e y trie d Liked it?

Julie O egg soup O garlic soup O garlic salad Yes / No

Andy O alligator O snake O shark Yes / No

Kurt D fish ice O pistachio ice O green tea Yes / No

cream cream ice cream

B Listen again ^ Did the people like the foods? Circle Yes or No.

32 Unit 7
C Group w ork Discuss these questions.
• Have you ever tried any unusual foods or drinks? D id you like them?
• What unusual foods would you like to try? Why?
• What foods from your country might be unusual to foreign visitors?

7 once tried..., and it was “

I tried that once, too. Actually,
pretty strange.” I liked it a lot.”

4SBBEB a the
Pair w o rk C om p a re traditional meals in these countries. H o w are they
same? H o w are they different?

Drink: mint tea tea coffee

Eat: meat or fish and fish with rice, miso feijoada with rice,
vegetable couscous soup, and vegetables beans, and salad
Eat with: the right hand chopsticks a knife and fork

B efore the “Bismillah" “Itadakimasu” “Bom apetite"

meal, say: (in the name of God) (Let's eat.) (Enjoy your meal.)

In both M orocco and Japan, “
Yes, but in Morocco, they
people drink tea.” drink mint tea.”

B W ork alone Answer these questions about a traditional meal from

your country.
1. What do people drink? ______________________________________
2. What do people eat? _________________________________________
3. What do people eat with? ____________________________________
4. What do people say before the meal? _________________________

C Group work C om pare your information.

7/7..., people usually drink water or tea. They usually e a t ...”

Communication task Work in pairs. One of you should look at Task 7

on page 79, and the other at Task 24 on page 87. You’re going to find out
how to make brownies.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 106-107.

Food and drin

's see a movie!
A Pair w ork Describe these movies. Use the words in the box below and your
own ideas.

clever exciting interesting romantic scary

educational funny moving sad violent

I think M arch o f th e Penguins "Maybe. But I don ’t think it
looks moving and educational.” looks very exciting.”

B Listen Becky, Rich, and Laura just saw movies from part A. What did they see?
Write the names o f the movies.

Nam e of movie How they describe it

O scary □ funny
O exciting Q clever

O funny 0 romantic
O moving O interesting

O sad O interesting
O violent O educational

C Listen again H ow do they describe the movies? Check («/) the words
they use.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Have you seen any o f the movies in part A? How did you like them?
• Have you seen any similar movies? What were they?
• What are your favorite kinds o f movies?
• What kinds of movies don’ t you like?

I s a w ... last year, but I didn’
t like it very much. It was too violent.”

34 Unit 8
n r a - j a Pair w ork Complete the chart with the names o f movies you’
j js n ’ ve seen. Help each
other remember the names.

Movie I’
ve teen recently My all-time favorite movie
Action movie
Animated movie
Horror movie
Romantic movie
Science-fiction movie

s the new action movie called?” “
Do you mean Kung Fu H ustle 5?”

B Join another pair Find out more about the movies in your partners’charts.
What did they like? What didn’
t they like?

W ho’
s in Kung Fu H ustle 5?" "Let’
s see. It stars Stephen Chow a n d ...”

C Group work What movies are currently playing? Look in a local newspaper if
possible. Decide which movies you’
d all like to see.

" . . . is playing tonight. It’

s a new "I don ’
t really like dramas. How
drama with Johnny Depp.” about seein g... instead?”

Com m unication task Work in groups o f three. One o f you should look
at Task 8 on page 79, another at Task 25 on page 87, and another at
Task 34 on page 91. You’ re going to choose a DVD to watch.

Entertainment 35
What's on TV tonight?
Pair w ork Write the types o f T V shows under the correct pictures.
(There are two extra types.)

game show
the news
reality show
soap opera
sports program
C SpOvTs ^
talk show

B Listen S*You will hear parts o f each T V show. Number the pictures from 1 to 6.
C Listen again W hat’
s going to happen next? Circle the correct answers.
1. The Lakers are going to w in / lose.
2. The woman is going to stop p la y in g /p la y again.
3. The woman is going to g iv e advice / interview som eone.
4. Most o f the lions are going to eat / sleep.
5. The doctor is going to see a pa tien t / the nurse.
6. The man is going to talk about his p la n s I past.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What kinds o f T V shows do you like? What kinds do you dislike?
• What are your favorite T V shows?
• What were your favorite TV shows when you were a child?
• What channel do you watch the most? Why?

"I really like gam e shows. My favorite gam e show is ...”

36 Unit 8
A Pair w ork What are your T V habits? Ask your partner questions,
and complete the survey.

B Join another pair Compare your surveys. Which answers surprised you?

A Pair w ork Imagine you are managing a TV station. What shows

will interest your audience? Create a schedule.

7ype o f show Name of show

5 p.m. —6 p . m . __________________________ _____________________
6 p.m. - 7 p.m. -------------------------- ---------------------
7 p.m. —8 p . m . -------------------------- ---------------------
8 p.m. —9 p.m. -------------------------- - ----------------
9 p.m. — 10 p.m. ________________________ — --- -----------
10 p.m. - 11 p . m . __________________________ _____________________
11 p.m. —midnight -------------------------- --------------------

s have a news program from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.”

But a lot o f people are still working then. Maybe a children’
s show?”

G ood idea. What can we call it?”

How about H om e fro m School?

B Join another pair Explain your schedules.

From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., w e’
re going to have a children’
s show ca lled ..

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 108-109.

Entertainment 37
Units 5-8 Expansion

what you
like to
shop for

How to play
Q W o r k in g ro u p s .

Each p la y e r p la ce s

a t o k e n such as
your favorite
Free restaurant
a p a p e r c lip ,
a p e n ca p , o r

a n e ra s e r /
fo o d s you
on Start. iP dislike

Q T a k e tu r n s . R o ll a

» * ^ d ie , m o v e t h a t

n u m b e r o f spaces,
the last
movie you saw
a n d say a t le a s t your favorite
o n e s e n te n c e a b o u t

t h e to p ic .

Q O th e r p la y e rs
the last meal a famous
you ate place in
ca n ask f o llo w - u p
your country
q u e s tio n s .

38 Units 5-8
mmm «*s ■■p

the last thing

the cloth es
you bought who you
you ’
like to
Free shop with

an easy your favorite your favorite

recipe you a m ovie you
TV show piece o f
know want to see

your three ways

TV-viewing to save
habits money
0 0 0

your all-time
a recent
favorite movie a TV
the m ost trip
popular show you
show on TV d on ’
t like

Expansion 39
A healthy lifestyle
A Pair w ork What are the people below doing? D o they have healthy lifestyles?
Describe them using these words and your own ideas.

active fit lazy stressed

busy healthy relaxed unhealthy

/ H e’
s eating junk food and watching TV. He looks lazy a n d ...

B Pair work Look at these suggestions for having a healthier lifestyle. Add two more.
Then check (</) the ones you think you can do.

On w e e k e n d
□ 00 f o r a bike ride

O Take a Iong w alk

O 00 swimming

□ 00 dancing with friends

Q avoid all junk food

C Join another pair Compare your answers from part B. Why can’
t your partners
do some things?

Why can t you g o to a gym ?” “

I'm to o busy, and it ’
s expensive!"

40 U n it 9
iSSBSB APair w ork Look at these people. What do you think each person’
s problem is?

Kris Tim

I think Kris wants to lose weight.

B Listen The people are now calling a radio show called “How Can I Help?”
Check (</) the advice «ach caller receives.

Advice Agree?

0 H a v e fruit, no t candy. O Eat a g o o d b reakfast.

Kris Yes / No
O A v oid all s n a c k s . O E x e r c i s e more.

O Don't w o r k late o n Fridays. O Take a vacation.

Tim Yes / No
O S l e e p late o n w e e k e n d s . O W o r k o n w e e k e n d s a little.

O Tak e l o n g walks. 0 Q u it y o u r job.

Jill Yes / No
0 G e t a h ob by . □ Learn t o relax.

C Listen again £ D o the callers agree with the advice? Circle Yes or No.
A Pair w ork Take this survey. Ask your partner the questions, and check (/) the
answers. Then go to page 92 to score the survey.

• low SEAlTU are x

I . How much fru it CD0 n onone
ne 0 □ s osome
me □ alot
do you eat?

1. How much junk

food do you eat?
0 none O some O a lot
3 . W hat do you 0 coffee O tea O soda O water
usually drink?

4. How often do 0 never 0 sometimes O often O all the time

you exercise?

5. How often do 0 never 0 hardly ever 0 often 0 all the time

you get sick?

6. W hat do you usually 0 sleep 0 eat 0 exercise O nothing

do to reduce stress?

B Pair w ork D o you agree with the analysis? W ho has a healthier lifestyle?
Health 41
Sleep and dreams

• D o you ever sleep in class? at work? on the bus or train?

• Can you sleep anywhere, or do you need a comfortable bed?
• Is it ever difficult for you to get to sleep? Why?

y. never sleep during class." “

Yes, you do!

la fig a r g y A
Pair w ork What do you know about sleeping and dreaming?
Check (S) True or False.

Sleeping and dream ing True False

1. Women sleep more than men. □ □

2. A sound sleeper moves less than a light sleeper. □ □

3. Most people need nine hours of sleep a night. □ □

4. Reading in bed helps you sleep. □ □

5. Some people don’t dream at all. □ □

6. The average person has about four dreams a night. □ □

7. Not everyone can remember his or her dreams. □ □

8. Eating before bed can give you nightmares. □ □

B Listen b * You will hear an expert talk about sleeping and dreaming.
Were your guesses correct?

C Listen again Correct the false statements.

42 Unit 9
D Group w ork Discuss these questions.
• How much sleep do you get during the week? on weekends?
• D o you ever take naps during the day? H ow do you feel afterward?
• D o you usually remember your dreams?
• D o you ever dream in English?

I sleep about six hours a night during the week, but on weekends I sle e p ...

A Pair work Take this survey. Ask your partner the questions, and
check V the answers. Then go to page 92 to score the survey

^ A r e y ou a healthy sle e p e r? ^ *

How often do you . . . ? Very often Sometimes Hardly ever

1. exercise ■i ■ tm
■ ■ m

2. go to bed late ■ ■ ■
3. fall asleep easily ■ ■ ■
4. go to bed after you eat ■ ■ ■
5. read before going to sleep ■ ■ ■
6. wake up in the middle of the night ■ ■ ■
7. sleep in a cool room ■ ■ ■
8. need an alarm clock to wake up ■ ■ ■
9. sleep on a hard bed ■ ■ ■
10. sleep eight hours or less ■ ■ ■
11. get up early ■ ■ ■
12. wake up feeling tired ■ ■ ■
j i

B Pair w ork D o you agree with the analysis?

C Join another pair Discuss these questions.

• W hat’s the longest you’
ve ever stayed awake?
• W hat’s the longest you’
ve ever slept?
• H ow do you feel if you sleep too much?
• What do you do if you can’ t sleep?
• Are you an “early bird”or a “night ow l”?

The longest I’ ve ever stayed awake was
24 hours. I studied all night for a test.”

"Wow! How long did you sleep the next day?”

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 110—111.

Health 43
Improve your i

Com m unication task D o you have a good memory? Turn to Task 9

on page 80.

^ Listen ^ Some friends are talking about ways to remember things.

Check (S) the ideas they talk about.

P e o p le ’
s n am es
□ Write down the name when you first meet.
□ Try to remember the first letter of the name.
□ Try to think of someone with the same name.
□ Think of the place where you first met.
□ Think of something special about the person.

Important num bers

O Write down the number once.
□ Write down the number several times.
□ Say the new numbers aloud several times.
Q Break the number down into smaller numbers.
O Think of the buttons on a phone, and make a pattern.

English vocabulary
□ Say the new words aloud several times.
□ Keep a vocabulary notebook.
□ Look at example sentences in a dictionary.
O Highlight the new words.
□ Write sentences using the new words.

B Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What things are easy to remember? What things are difficult?
• What do you do to help you remember things?
• Which ways in part A do you think are good ideas?

Phone numbers are easy to remember, but passwords are difficult.

44 Unit 10
m w nvm w C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k Turn to Task 33 on page 91. You’
re going to test
your memory.

A Pair w o r k How easy is it for you to remember these things? Ask your partner.

directions to get somewhere
e-mail addresses
how a gadget works
lock combinations
your keys
your wallet

How easy is it for you to
remember appointments?”

s very difficult. I’
m always
late for meetings."

B J oin a n o t h e r p a ir Discuss these questions.

• Did you ever forget something important? What happened?
• H ow do you remember important things?

Last year, I forgot my best frien d’

s “
My friend once gave me directions
birthday. She didn’ t talk to me for to her apartment, but I g o t lost and
a week!" called...”

/ M w ia j a W ork a lo n e Write down the information you tried to memorize

in Activity 3.




B Pair w o r k Check that your partner remembered correctly.

C J o in a n o t h e r p a ir Discuss these questions.

• Did you remember everything correctly? Why or why not?
• W hat’
s the best idea you’
ve learned in this lesson? How will you
remember it?

I remembered the names and words, but I forgot both numbers. I tried t o ...

S e lf- im p r o v e m e n t 45

A lot o f people are standing in line. They want to use the ATM.

B Pair w ork Read this advice. What advice can you give the people
in part A?

Accept the situation. Complain to someone. Forget about it for now.

Ask for help. Don’t worry about it. Learn from your mistakes.
Be patient. Explain how you feel. Talk to a friend about it.

They should accept the situation and be patient.”

C Join another pair Compare your answers. Did you give

the same advice?

D Group w ork Look at these problems. What advice would you give?

"I don't think

“ I like my new job,
m y English is
but it ’s stressful.”
improving. “

46 U n it 10
A Listen Three people are calling the radio show “How Can I Help?”
Check (S) the problem each person is calling about.

Problem Advice

□ C o m p l i m e n t y o u r p aren ts.
□ 1w a n t to i m p r e s s my p aren ts.
□ R e m e m b e r their birthdays.
Billy □ 1d o n ’
t w ant to d isa p p o in t
Q C o o k t h e m a n i c e meal.
my p aren ts.
O B e a g o o d listener.

□ Tell y ou r fr i e n d s y o u r p r o b l e m s .
□ 1w a n t t o b e a b e t t e r friend.
□ B u y little g if t s for them.
Tanya □ 1d o n ’
t w a n t t o l o s e my
□ L o o k ch eerful.
□ A sk them qu estio n s.

O S m i l e a n d b e friendly.
Q 1w a n t t o b e h a p p y at work.
0 Arrive at w or k a s early a s p o s s i b l e .
Henry D , want people at work to Q Ask for he|p when you need it.
appreciate me.
LJ Learn from your mistakes.

B Listen again Check (</) the advice each caller receives.

C Group w ork D o you agree with the advice? What advice would you give?

A Pair w ork Think o f problems you or your friends have for each topic.
Write them in the chart.

Topic P roblem Advice






B Join another pair Share your problems and give advice. Write the
best advice in the chart.

My family is very noisy.” "I th in k you sh o u ld ..

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 112-113.

S elf- im p r o v e m e n t 47
How to get there
A Pair w ork Look at these famous places in New York City. Which places do you
want to visit? Why?

Coney Island The Museum of Modern Art

Rockefeller Center Central Park

I want to visit Coney Island. I like to ride on roller coasters a n d ..

B Listen b * Three tourists are asking for directions. Where do they want to go?
Write each place in the chart.

Tourist 1 Tourist 2 Tourist 3

Where they
want to go

How to subway bus subway bus subway bus

get there taxi walk taxi walk taxi walk

How long 5 mins. 10 mins. 5 mins. 10 mins. 5 mins. 10 mins.

it takes 20 mins. 1 hour 20 mins. 1 hour 20 mins. 1 hour

C Listen again b * H ow are they going to get there? H ow long is it going to take?
Circle the correct answers.

48 U n it 11
A Listen Two people at the police station are giving directions. Follow the
directions. Where are you now?
1. ____________________________________________________ 2.

B Pair w ork Imagine you are at the police station.

Giving directions
Ask for and give directions to these places.
Federal Bank the supermarket Go / Walk up Second Avenue.
the bus station Crown Movie Theater Turn left / right.
the gym City Park Go past the drugstore.

Excuse me. How can I get It’s on the left / right.
to Federal Bank?” It’s next to the gym.
It’s across from / opposite the park.

G o up Second Avenue to Main Street. Turn right. It’s on the corner.
Then g o past the flower shop, a n d ..

C Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at

Task 11 on page 81, and the other at Task 26 on page 88. You’
re going
to give more directions.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Is it easier to give or follow directions? Why?
• Have you ever gotten lost? What happened?
• What do you do when you get lost? D o you ask for directions?

In th e c it y 49
to do
Pair w ork Look at these pictures. Which city do you want to visit? Why?

London Singapore Sydney

I want to visit London because I’
d like to s e e ..

B Listen b* Karen, Andrew, and Grace are explaining what they like about their
cities. Check {*/) the points each person makes.

London is a good place to see plays.

It's easy to get around on buses.
You can walk to many famous places.
The weather is always nice.
The British Museum is excellent and free.

Sydney has some interesting art museums.

The people are very friendly.
It has the largest harbor in the world.
The transportation system is easy to use.
You can see koalas and kangaroos at the Taronga Zoo.

O Singapore is great for shopping.

□ Public transportation is fast and inexpensive.
O The city is very clean.
O There is a great mix of people.
O It’s a good place for different kinds of Asian food.

C Listen again b* What is the best thing about each city? Circle the one thing
each person says.

50 U n it 11
D Group work Discuss these questions.
• What other cities in the world do you want to visit someday? Why?
• W hat’ s your favorite city in your own country? Why?
• What do visitors like about your city or country? What don’t
they like?

A Pair w ork Imagine a friend is visiting your city. What places can you
recommend? Here are some ideas:

a historic monument a palace or a castle an outdoor market

a museum or art gallery a park a zoo
a river or lake places to shop places for coffee or snacks
a bus or boat tour a scenic viewpoint interesting places to eat

The National Museum and^Central Z oo are “
I agree. How about the city
great. The ou tdoor market is fun, too.” park? Should we g o there?"

B Pair w ork Now plan a fun day out. When are you going to do each thing?
H ow are you going to get to each place? When and where are you going to eat?

r r ------
n Evening

We should g o to the art gallery first. They open at 9:00. We can walk there.”

s eat something first. How about Paris Cafe for breakfast?"

Why d on ’
t we g o there later for coffee?”

C Join another pair Explain your plans for the day.

First, were going to walk t o ___ After that, w e’
re going to take a bus t o ...

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 114-115.

In the city 5I
Activity 1 A Pair w ork Look at these U.S. holidays. Then discuss the questions below.

Independence Day Thanksgiving Valentine’s Day

• What do you know about each holiday?
• In your country, when do people have fireworks?
• When do you celebrate with a special family meal?
• Is there a special holiday for people in love?

I think on Independence Day, "Yes, and they also watch fireworks.’

people have picnics.”

B Pair w ork Try to match these U.S. holidays with their dates. Then check your
answers on page 93.

Halloween — ________ January 1

Independence Day February 14
Mother’s Day the second Sunday in May
New Year’s Day July 4
New Year’s Eve October 31
Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November
Valentine’s Day December 31

C Join another pair Discuss these questions.

• What do you know about these holidays?
• D o you have similar holidays in your country? When are they?
• W hat’s the most important holiday in your country? Why?

"On Halloween, children wear costumes.” I think adults wear costumes, too.

52 U n it 12
I A Listen You will hear about holidays in three different countries. When is
each holiday? Write the date below each picture.

New Year’s Day Coming-of-Age Day Day of the Dead

B Listen again ^ How do people celebrate each holiday? Check [</) the things
they do.

New Year’
s Coming-of- Day of
How do people celebrate? Day Age Day the Dead

They have a big family meal. □ □ □

They have a parade. □ □ □

They have a special ceremony. □ □ □

They sing and dance. □ □ □

They stay up all night. □ □ □

They watch TV. □ □ □

They exchange greeting cards. □ □ □

Young men wear suits. □ □ □

Young women wear traditional clothes. □ □ □

C Pair w ork What are your favorite holidays? When are they? How do you
celebrate them? Complete the chart.
Favorite holidays When they are How we celebrate

D Join another pair Tell your partners about the holidays.

"My favorite holiday is April Fools’

Day. It’
s on April 1. We play tricks and

Customs 53

I would never use a cell phone in "I think it's OK if it s’a short call. And it's
a restaurant.” always OK in an emergency.”
Work alone Would you ever do these thingsi? Check {/) Yes,
It depends, or No.

Would you ever... ? Yes It depends No

visit someone’s home without an invitation □ □ □

ride a bike on the sidewalk □ □ □

call your teacher by his or her first name □ □ □

take leftover food home from a restaurant □ □ □

cut in line □ □ □

arrive late for a party □ □ □

use your cell phone in a restaurant □ □ □

put your feet on the seat on a bus or train □ □ □

eat food while walking on the street □ □ □

C Group w ork Compare and explain your answers.

W ould you ever visit som eon e’
s “
It depends. I’
d visit my family without an
home without an invitation?” invitation, but I'd call my friends first."

54 Unit 12
A Listen What are the customs for visiting som eone’
s home? First check (■/) the
things Jean-Pierre says about France.

Customs France the U.S.

Take flowers or chocolates as a gift. □ □

Arrive a little early. □ □

Arrive a little late. □ □

Kiss your host on one cheek. □ □

Kiss your host on both cheeks. □ □

Kiss your hostess on one cheek. □ □

Kiss your hostess on both cheeks. □ □

Shake hands with all the guests. □ □

Look people in the eye during conversations. □ □

Use first names with all the guests. □ □

B Listen again Now check [</) the things Amy says about the U.S.

C Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Which customs from part A are the same in your country?
• What other things do you do when you visit som eone’s home?
• Flave you ever had a visitor from abroad in your home? Did he or
she break any rules?

A Group w ork Imagine a visitor is coming to

your country. Give advice on these topics.

eating in a restaurant traveling by bus / subway

eating on the street using business cards
giving gifts using first names
meeting people using the phone
standing in line visiting someone’s home

When you eat in a restaurant, you should wait for a table.

And you don ’
t have to leave a tip."

B Com m unication task Work in groups o f three. One o f you should look
at Task 12 on page 81, another at Task 13 on page 82, and another at Task 27
on page 88. You’re going to find out more about customs.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 116-117.

C u stom s 55
9-12 Expansion

Q W o r k in g ro u p s .
w— r
W hat’
s something Describe som e
Each p la y e r p la ce s
important you g o o d advice you Describe some
once forgot? once got. bad advice yoi
a t o k e n such as once got.

a p a p e r c lip ,

a p e n cap, o r

a n e ra s e r f •
What d o you What things
on Start. fwm d o to remember are easy
things? to remember?

Q T a k e tu r n s . R oll a

/, d ie , m o v e t h a t
%' I
n u m b e r o f spaces, a n d
How much junk
fo o d d o you How often d o
a n s w e r t h e q u e s tio n .
usually eat? you get sick?

Q O th e r p la y e rs

ca n ask f o llo w - u p

q u e s tio n s .
How can you
have a healthier

9 What can
you d o to
lifestyle? Free reduce stress'

56 U n its 9 -1 2
How d o you Recommend What are
celebrate your interesting places the best
favorite holiday? in your city. things about
your city?

Seventh Ave.

Give directions Give directions What city d o

Describe a time you want to visit
from your hom e from your school
you g o t lost. someday?
to your school. to a cafe.

What things
are difficult
to remember? Free

How much How much sleep

sleep d o d o you get What are
you get on on weekends? your sleep
weekdays? habits like?

What kind o f
exercise do
you do?

E x p a n s io n 57
A Pair w ork Try to match the information in the box with the pictures. Then check
your answers on page 93.

Zhang Ziyi Tiger Woods Shakira David Beckham

singer actress soccer player golfer
American Colombian English Chinese

DtfvvnA BecVUgw
soccer player

This is David Beckham. H e’
s a soccer player. I think h e’
s ...”

B Pair w ork What do you know about the celebrities from part A? Try to complete
the sentences. Then turn to page 93 to check your answers.
1. Tfoev WocAs appeared on T V at age 2.
2. has seven older sisters and brothers.
3. has green eyes.
4. was once a dancer.
5. never eats candy.
6. enjoys cooking, water sports, and car racing.
7. weighs 50 kilograms.
8. has sons named Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz.

C Pair w ork Make a list o f five celebrities from your country. Write why
they are famous.

D Join another pair Now explain why the people on your list are famous.
D on ’
t say their names —the others will guess who they are.

This person is a famous singer. H e’
s also ‘
Oh, I think I know.
been in lots o f movies a n d . . . ” Is it... ?"

58 U n it 13
A Listen Y o u w ill h e a r a r a d i o s h o w a b o u t J. R . R o w lin g a n d S t e p h e n R in g.
C h e ck (•/) the co rre ct in form a tion a b o u t e a c h writer.

J. K. R o w l i n g S tep h en K in g
1 . When was O in 1956 a in 1947
he/she bom? CD in 1965 O in 1957

3 . Where does Qrifl'England CD in the U.S.

he/she live? O in Scotland CD in England

3. Where did he/she CD in Portugal CD in a high school

teach English? CD in Scotland O in a college

4. What was his/her CD a boy with magic powers O a boy with magic powers
first book about? 0 a girl with magic powers 0 a girl with magic powers

B L isten a g a in ^ C om plete the sentences.

1. J. K. R ow ling writes between minutes and __ hours every day.
2. Stephen K in g gives this advice to p eo p le w ho want to be writers: R ead
f o r _____ hours every day. W rite f o r ______ hours every day.

C Pair work D iscu ss these questions.

• H o w are the tw o writers the sam e? H o w are they different?
• H a v e y ou re a d a n y o f their b ook s?
• W o u ld y o u like to b e a w riter? W h y o r w h y not?

A Pair w ork Who are your favorites? Write their names in the chart.

N a t io n a l I n t e r n a t io n a l
Male F e m a le M a le F e m a le

movie star



sports star

lo in a n o t h e r p a ir Askquestions about the people in your partne

Why d id yo u choose. . . as yo u r favorite movie star?"

Famous p
till famous
A Pair w ork What do you know about these people? What are they famous for?

Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Karl Benz

I think Alexander Graham Bell is famous f o r ...

B Listen b* Imagine you can go back to the 19th century! You will hear old radio
interviews with the people from part A. Were your guesses correct?

True False

Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

1. Tele means “long distance," and phone means “speak.” Q O
2. The telephone will only work over short distances. CD O
3. The interview will continue over the phone. □ CD

Thomas Edison in 1879

1. The interviewer agrees the invention will make streets safer. CD O
2. Each lightbulb will be handmade. □ □
3. Edison thinks every home will use his invention. CD CD

Karl Benz in 1885

1. The motor is at the back of the vehicle. □ □
2. The invention goes more than 18 miles (29 km) per hour. O O
3. Benz is not going to give the interviewer a ride. CD O

C Listen again Check (/) True or False.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What would your life be like without phones, electric lights, and cars?
• Which do you think was the most important invention? Why?
• What are some other important inventions?

60 U n it 13
A Pair w ork Read these biographies. Try to find the mistake in each one. Then
check your answers on page 93.

o W illiam Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote about 38 plays.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. His most
famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo andJanet.

W olfgang Am adeus M ozart (1756-1791) was born

in Australia. He composed over 600 works, including 41
symphonies. He was only 35 when he died in Vienna.

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) was one of Brazil’ s most famous

painters. Many of her paintings are self-portraits. She died in
Mexico City at the age of 47.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was the greatest scientist of

the early 19th century. He was born in Germany. He won the
Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Diana, Princess o f Wales (1961-1997) was a role model

for many people through her charity work. She had two sons
with Prince Charles before she died tragically in a plane crash

I d on ’
t think Shakespeare was b om in England." ‘

Yes, he was. But he didn’
t write ...

B Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• What famous people from the past would you like to meet? Why?
• What questions would you like to ask them?
• What people today do you think will be famous 100 years from now?

d like to m eet Picasso. I’
d like to ask him, ‘
Why did y o u . . . ?”’

C Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at Task 14 on
page 82, and the other at Task 28 on page 89. You’
re going to find out about
these famous singers.

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 118—119.

Fam ous p e o p le 61
[h X My dream home
A Pair w ork Look at these pictures. Then discuss the questions below.

• What kind o f people do you think live in each place?

• Which place would you like to live in? Why?
• H ow is your living room different from the rooms above?

I think an older couple with no children lives here."

B Pair w ork What rooms are in your home? D o you have these things?

bathtub dishwasher
bed lamp
bookcase mirror
chair refrigerator
closet rug
computer sofa
cushions stove
desk TV

In our living room, we have tw o chairs, a sofa, a bookcase, a TV, a n d ...

62 U n it 14
C Join another pair Discuss these questions.
• W hat’s your favorite room in your home? Why?
• D o you prefer a modern or traditional style? Why?
• What do you like about your home? What don’ t you like?

My favorite room in our house is my bedroom. I like to relax there and

A Listen Ann and Tom are talking about their dream homes. Which home do
you think each person would prefer? Write each name under the correct picture.

B Listen again o® What do Ann and Tom want in their dream homes? Write A for
Ann and T for Tom.
_____ a balcony _____ three bathrooms big closets
_____ a big living room _____ a swimming pool a home theater
_____ a big kitchen _____ spacious rooms a yard or garden
_____ air conditioning _____ lots o f sunlight a fireplace
_____ a garage _____ a porch a game room

C Pair w ork Which home would you prefer? Why?

D Work alone What do you want in your dream home? Circle the things in part B.
Then think o f two more things.

E Group w ork Describe your dream home to your partners. Explain where
it is and what it contains.

My dream hom e is a big apartment in the “
I don ’
t need a big kitchen because I can't
city. It has a balcony and a big kitchen.” cook. My dream hom e h a s..

H om e, s w e e t h o m e 63
Unusual homes
A Pair w ork Look at these pictures. Which home looks the most comfortable?
the least comfortable?

"The beach house looks the m ost comfortable. It h a s..

beach house motor home

tree house ____________________ cabin _________________

B Listen Matt, Jean, Grant, and Nicole are talking about their homes. Write each
name under the correct picture in part A.

C Listen again Check (/) what they like about their homes.

Matt □ the nice view □ the unusual location □ the school nearby

Jean □ the quiet location □ the fishing nearby □ the fresh air

Grant □ the large rooms □ the nice view □ the friendly neighbors

Nicole □ the shopping nearby □ the low cost □ the freedom to travel

D Group w ork What would you like about each home? What w ouldn’
t you like?

d like the beach house because I love to swim and surf. I wouldn’
t like...”

64 U n it 14
A Work alone G o around the class, and ask the questions. Write the number of
people who prefer each thing.

1. Where would you prefer to live?

i in a big city in a small town . in the suburbs in the country

\ 2. Who would you like to live with?

\ one roommate several roommates . my family ____ nobody J

I 3. W hat floor would you like to live on?

/ the first floor the second floor _ the top floor the basement

' 4. W hat would you like fo see from your window?

the city water trees ____the sky

5. W hat would you most like to have nearby?

a mall a movie theater . a cafe a supermarket

B Group w ork Compare the answers from the survey. What surprised you?

Five people would prefer to live in ___ Only two people
woutd prefer to live in ..

C Group work Discuss these questions.

• In your country, do most people live in the city or country?
• D o most people rent or own their homes?
• If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

M ost people live in apartments in cities or suburbs. N ot many people live in ...

Work alone Take out a piece o f paper,

and follow these instructions.
1. Draw a house.
2. Draw the front door.
3. Add windows.
4. Draw an arrow (->) where you
want your bedroom.
5. Add a garden.
6. Draw a picture o f yourself next
to the house.

B Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at

Task 15 on page 82, and the other at Task 29 on page 89. You’
re going
to find out what your drawing says about your personality!

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 120“121.

H om e, s w e e t h o m e 65
Childhood memories
A Pair w ork M atch the games w ith the pictures. Then check your answers
on page 93.

B Pair w ork Discuss these questions.

• What gam es did you play as a child?
• What other things did you like to do?
• What did you like about your childhood? What didn ’ t you like?
• W ould you like to be a child again? Why or why not?

I played hopscotch, but I never p la y e d . . . "

^ A Listen Cindy, Howard, and Ellen are talking about their childhood memories.
Write the gam e each person is talking about.

1. Cindy: L iA e -m n A -s e e k 2. Howard: _____________ 3. Ellen:

B Listen again What happened to each person? Com plete their stories.
1. Cindy and her friends weve plavying__. H er friend K evin _________ blA
somewhere. T he other children didn’
t. him, so they went home. Kevin
until midnight. When his parents _______________ him, they were
v ery .
2. Howard and his friends were in the . . When a . .started,
they went under a ________________ . A man told them to go to a .
Later, they found out that lightning struck the They felt very

66 U n it 15
3. Ellen and her cousin Bobby were playing outside their grandmother’
s house. Ellen was bad
a t __________________ , and Bobby was bad a t___________________. When they stopped
to drink so m e ___________________, Bobby threw th e___________________through the
___________________. Their grandmother___________________ .

C Pair w o r k Discuss these questions.

• Whose story do you think is the funniest? the most frightening?
• Did you have any similar experiences when you were young?

A Pair w o r k Can you remember a time you felt these emotions as a child? Help each
other complete the sentences.
1. I felt proud when _________________________________________________________________.
2. I felt embarrassed w hen ___________________________________________________________ .
3. I felt scared w hen ____________ .
4 I felt happy when ________________________________________________________________ .
5. 1 felt sad w hen ------------------------------------------------------------------- -

B J o in a n o t h e r p a ir Share your ideas.

"I felt proud when I won an award for singing. My teacher gave me a ..

C W o rk a lo n e Take notes about a childhood memory. Use these ideas or think of

your own,,
a time you got in trouble a time you stayed home from school
a time you got a special gift a time you had fun with your best friend
a time you cried really hard a time you went somewhere with your family

How old were you?

Where were you?

W hat happened?

D Group w ork Now talk about your childhood j L.O!) I kJo-f

memory. Ask questions to get more information.
| WILL A /or ta J

This h appen ed w hen ) w as ten. The b oy
I l' mar
behind me was talking.” *JS A C lq<^ l
oh pi

Did the teacher think the boy was you?” -ASS ^ IV Cia<;s |
A5S i\LK If aAc|

Yeah, she did. She punished me.” A SS
m (*c CkAsS *
-A SS 'IV U b q S j I
A JSi 7JWid ccA^s I

Then a n d n o w 67
and fashions
Activity A Pair w ork These fads were once popular in the U.S. Which were popular in
your country?


the Macarena
Hello Kitty Tamagotchi
bubble tea

B Listen b * Tracey and her grandfather are talking about the fads in part A. Write
the year when each fad first appeared.

First appeared 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980S 1990s

yo-yo 19 □ □ □ □ □

Frisbee 19 □ □ □ □ □

hula hoop 19 □ □ □ □ □

skateboard 19 □ □ □ □ □

bubble tea 19 □ □ □ □ □

Hello Kitty 19_____ □ □ □ □ □

the Macarena 19 □ □ □ □ □

Tamagotchi 19 □ □ □ □ □

C Listen again b * Check (/) when each fad became popular in the U.S.

D Group w ork Discuss these questions.

• Which fads in part B were more popular with boys? with girls?
• Which are still popular in your country?
• What other fads are popular now?

68 Unit 15
^ A Pair w ork These things were once in style. H ow do they look now?

platform shoes beehive hairstyle suspenders

spiked hair bell bottoms headband sideburns

I think suspenders look really old-fashioned now.

B Pair w ork W hat’

s in style now? List the latest things.
fa sh ion _________________________________________________
hairstyles _______________________________________________
gadgets _ _______________________________________________
m u s ic ___________________________________________________
food and drink ___________________________________________

C Join another pair Compare your lists. Then discuss things that are now
out o f style.

"Round sunglasses were in style when I was younger, but now they’
re out o f style.

D Com m unication task Work in groups o f three. One o f you should look at
Task 16 on page 83, another at Task 30 on page 89, and another at Task 31 on
page 90. You’re going to find out about these fads.

Rubik’s cube

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 122- 123.
W Hopes and dreams
A Pair w ork Gan you remember your high school or elementary school days?
What were you like then? Are you the same now?

"I was a pretty serious student. I studied a lot more then than I do now.”

B Listen q • Mark and Susan are two college freshmen. What do they say about
their lives so far? Write M for Mark and S for Susan.

_____ got pretty good grades _____ got O K grades

_____ was on the swim team _____ was on the soccer team
_____ learned to speak Spanish _____ learned to play the guitar
_____ had encouraging parents _____ had strict parents
_____ took a great trip to Canada _____ took a great trip to Mexico
_____ regrets not playing more sports _____ regrets not learning the piano

C Work alone Think about your own life. Answer the questions.
1. What is one thing you regret?

2. What are two things you’

re proud of?

3. What are three things you’

re thankful for?

D Group w ork Compare your ideas from part C.

"What is one thing you regret?” “

I didn’
t listen to mygrandfather.

70 Unit 16
A Listen Mark and Susan are now talking about the future. What do they hope
to achieve? Write M for Mark and S for Susan.
travel to Europe travel to Australia
get an interesting job get a well-paid jo b
get married soon get married later
have two kids have four kids
buy an apartment in the city buy a house by the ocean
start his or her own company make a lot o f money and retire early

B Listen again Which two adjectives describe Mark? Which two describe
Susan? Write M for Mark and S for Susan.

optimistic ambitious practical idealistic

A Pair w ork What do you hope to th ie v e in the future? Write down

six things. Use these or your own ideas.

leisure school travel career home family marriage money


I want to take my driving test and “
I hope to travel to Europe and visit
buy a car." Paris someday. I’d also like to ..

B Join another pair Find out about one another’

s hopes and dreams. Which
adjectives in Activity 2B describe you?

C Group w ork Imagine it’

s five years
from now. Discuss these questions.
• How old will you be?
• Where will you live?
• What will your life be like?

D Com m unication task Work in pairs. One o f you should look at Task 17 on
page 83, and the other at Task 32 on page 90. You’
re going to find out what
really happens to Mark and Susan.
The f u t u r e 71
e world m the future
A Pair w ork Look at these pictures. What kind o f future do they show? D o you think
any o f these ideas will happen?

The future looks great in this picture. I think there will be flying cars someday!

B Pair w ork Look at each prediction. Will it happen someday? Write:

/ / It will definitely happen. X It probably w on’ t happen.
S It will probably happen. XX It definitely w on’
t happen.
E-mail will replace regular mail. The world will have one currency.
We will grow food on the moon. Robots will replace teachers.
Most people will live to be 100. We will only work two days a week.
We will all drive electric cars. The world will have one government.
The Internet will replace books. We will all be richer and happier.

Do you think e-mail will replace “
Yes, it will probably happen. Actually, I
regular mail som eday?” think it’
s already happening!"

C Pair work Write one prediction for each topic.

communication education food leisure transportation

D Join another pair Compare your predictions. Then discuss these questions.
• Which predictions do you think will happen? When will they happen?
• Which predictions do you think will never happen?
• D o you think life in the future will be better than now?

W hen do you think there will be "I predict there will be peace in the world
peace in the world?” by 2050. What do you think?”

A Listen Imagine we can travel in time. A reporter is visiting New York City in
January, 2050. Check (</) the kind o f place he finds.
O a happy and welcoming place O a sad and frightening place

B Listen again Check (t/) the points the reporter mentions

1. O no taxis Q no private cars

2. O flying cars O flying buses

3. □ same buildings O new buildings

4. CD police in red uniforms O police in white uniforms

5. O lots of people on bikes O lots of people walking

6. Q cold, snowy weather Q warm, sunny weather

C Pair w ork Discuss these questions.

• Does 2050 sound like a nice time to live? Why or why not?
• What will your own city be like in 2050?

Group w ork Imagine the perfect city o f the future. What will these things be like?
Share your ideas.

education family life leisure transportation weather work

People will only g o to school “
And there w on’
three days a week.” be any homework!"

For extra grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, go to pages 124-125.

The future 73
Units 13-16 Expansion

How to play
Q W o r k in g ro u p s .

Each p la y e r p la ce s

a to k e n such as aian t uxe

something outi
Free style now
a p a p e r c lip ,
^ a p e n ca p , o r

a n e ra s e r
on Start.

Q T a k e tu r n s . R oll a
• *
» * ' d ie , m o v e t h a t

n u m b e r o f spaces,

a n d say a t le a s t

o n e s e n te n c e a b o u t

t h e to p ic .

^ O th e r p la y e rs

ca n ask f o llo w - u p

q u e s tio n s .

74 Units 13-16
your the m ost
favorite important an invention
you ’d like
singer Free invention ever
t o see

som eon e
something something famous
something you ’
d like
you ’
re you ’
you regret to m eet
proud o f thankful for

you hope
t o achieve som eon e
famous you
once saw
0 0 0

your life something
you want what your
five years you hope
t o change hom e is like
from now will happen
in your life

E x p a n s io n 75
Com m unication tasks
A H o w can you im prove these things? Ask questions and com plete the chart.
(p a g e 3) S p e a k in g L is te n in g V o cab u lary

Talk a lot in class. Ushevv ho English Songs.

S p e ak English with
your friends.

H o w ca n I im p ro v e m o is t e n in g ? " “
You can listen to English songs."

D o y ou h ave any oth er ideas? A d d them to the chart.

F in d the m issin g in form a tion ab ou t these people. Ask your partner questions,
(page 7) a n d c o m p le te the chart. (D on ’
t loo k at y ou r p a rtn er’
s chart!)

Age 18

Birthday February 28

472 Penny Lane

Address London, England

Zip code 85030

E-mail address bart_shu@cambridge.org

Home phone number 020 7946 0351

Cell phone number 812-555-0195

H ow o ld is Hannah Porter?’ “
She's ... years old.”

B C o m p a re charts to check y o u r answers.

76 Communication tasks
A You and your partner have the same pictures but in a different order. Describe each
(page 9) person. Then write the missing first or last names.

Mason Lee Conner

"My first picture is Kevin. “

Maybe that's Mr. Hudson. Is his
He looks middle-aged.” hair short?”

B Try to match the people with their earlier pictures on page 9. W hat’
s the same?
W hat’
s different?

Analyze your own drawing and your partner’ s drawing.

(page 11) Your partner has some additional information.
I f the d o g is . . .
facing you, you’ re talkative,
facing left, you have a good memory,
facing right, you’re creative.

I f the d o g h a s . . .
four legs showing, you can be stubborn,
fewer legs showing, you often change your mind.

The length o f the tail shows how friendly you are.

The longer the better.

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 77
A Describe these people on an e-friends Web site.
(page 19) I js o :

Friend Josh H a rp e r
Perth, Australia
Mi Soon Kim
Seoul, South Korea
B re n t P a rk e r
Toronto, Canada

Age 32 22 26

Job lawyer student actor

to read to draw to travel

to play tennis to watch movies to surf

optimistic confident athletic

P ersonality
talkative friendly adventurous

Let me tell you about Josh Harper. H e’
s 32 years old a n d ..

B Which person do you want to be friends with? Why?

A Choose a gift for the other members o f your group. Use these ideas or think
(page 25) o f Your own- Then choose a gift for your teacher.

B Join the other pair. Does the gift they chose for you match your personality and interests?

78 C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s
Your partner has some missing information for this recipe. Ask questions
to complete the recipe.


Ingredients Instructions
■ 150 grams 1. Heat the oven t o _____ degrees Celsius.
of chocolate
■ ______grams
2. Put foil onThfe bottom of a baking pan.
of butter 3. Melt th e_____ and_____ together in a large pan.
■ 4 eggs
4. Remove the pan from the heat. Mix in the other ingredients.
■ 400 grams
of sugar 5. Pourthe mixture into the baking pan.
■ ______grams 6. Bake fo r_____ minutes (until the top is firm).
of flour
7. Remove the brownies from the oven. Cool for 20 minutes.
■ 50 grams of
chopped walnuts 8. Cut into small squares and enjoy!

"How many grams o f butter d o I need?” “

What do I melt together?”

"How many grams o f flour do I need?" "How long do I bake the brownies for?”

What temperature d o I heat the oven to? ”

A Imagine you want to rent a DVD to watch with your friends. Prepare to describe
this one to your partners.

M u st L ove D o g s tells the story of Sarah Nolan,

a single woman cautiously looking for romance.
When her sister puts her profile on an Internet
dating site, Sarah begins a series of very funny but
disastrous dates. Sarah soon learns it’s never too
late to find love. But will she ever find “the one”?

B Find out about your partners’DVDs. Then decide which one you all want to watch.

W hat’
s it called?” "What kind o f movie is it?” "W hat’
s it about?”

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 79
A Work alone. Turn this page upside down. Look at the picture for exactly 20 seconds.
(page 44) Try to remember everything in the picture.

B Cover the picture and list the things you remember. D on’
t look at the picture!

C Join a partner. Now uncover the picture, and compare your lists. What things did
you forget? Did you list anything not in the picture?

D Turn to page 92 to check your scores. D o you agree with the analysis?

A H ow can you improve these things? Ask questions and complete the chart.
(page 3) Speaking Listening Vocabulary

Listen to English songs. keep voonbuW y

Don't worry if you don't
understand every word.

"How can I improve my vocabulary?" "You can keep a vocabulary notebook."

B D o you have any other ideas? Add them to the chart.

80 C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s
A Ask your partner for directions to these places. Write the names on the map.
(page 49) the coffee shop the police station M ax’
s Department Store

Excuse me, can you tell me how to g e t to ... ?”

_ __ _ M A L L S T R E E T —
~ifr— ifti / fill— w\ H < w \

B Now your partner will ask you for directions to some places. Give directions.

Take turns reading these statements to your partners. Decide together which ones
are true or false. Then turn to page 93 to check your answers.
(page 55)
True or false?

1. In Korea, take off your shoes before entering a home.

2. In China, always leave at least a 15 percent tip.

3. In Australia, you shouldn’t cut in line.

4. In Turkey, it’s OK for male friends to kiss each other

on both cheeks.

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 81
Take turns reading these statements to your partners. Decide together which ones
(page 55) are true or false. Then turn to page 93 to check your answers.

True or false?

1. In Japan, direct eye contact is very important.

2. In Saudi Arabia, you should eat only with your right hand.

3. In Brazil, you shouldn’t talk about soccer.

4. In Britain, it’s OK to eat on the street.

Ask and answer questions to find the missing information.

(page 61)
Age at
Born Nationality Two famous songs

“Get Up, Stand Up”

Bob Marley 1945

“ Imagine"
John Lennon British 40

“It’s Now or Never"

Elvis Presley 1935

A “Close to You”
Karen Carpenter American 32

A Use these ideas to help each other analyze your drawings.

(page 65) 1. II your house has straight lines, you are a leader.
2. If your door has many details, you don’
t like change.
3. II your house has only one window, you are shy.
4. If your bedroom is on the first floor, you can succeed easily.
5. If you added a flower to your garden, you want to be loved.
6. If you are smaller than the door, you are not very confident.

B D o you agree with the analysis? Why or why not?

My house has straight lines, but I d on ’
t think I’
m a leader.”

82 C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s
Ask and answer the questions to complete the chart.
(page 69) R ubik’s cubes Pet rocks Lava lamps

W here w ere
they from ?

W hen w ere
the 1980s
they popular?

How many did

100 million
people buy?

Can you still Yes, they’re still

buy them ? popular.

How do they You twist the small

work? squares until all the
squares on each
side are the same

A Imagine it is now 2020. Ask questions to find out what really happened to Mark.
(page 71) M ark Susan
She traveled for two months in
South America.

She became a flight attendant and

later a pilot.

She owns a cabin in the mountains

and a beach house.

Marriage She is still not married.

Kids She has no kids.

She earns good money and hopes

to retire when she's 50.

Did Mark travel a lot?” “
Did he ever get married?”

What kind o f jo b did he get?" “
Did he have any kids?”

Where does he live?” “
Does he make a lot o f m oney?”

B Look back at Activity 2A on page 71. Did Mark and Susan achieve
their dreams?

Communication tasks 83
A How can you improve these things? Ask questions and complete the chart.
(page 3) S p e a k in g L iste n in g Vocabulary

T A lV o\ lo f in cl<*ss. Keep a vocabulary notebook.

Label things in your room.

How can I improve my speaking?" Y°u can a in c ^ass'

B D o you have any other ideas? Add them to the chart.

A Find the missing informatffth about these people. Askyoui partner question.,
and complete the chart. (Don’
t look at your partner s chart!)
(page 7)


Birthday April 1

35 Gilbert Street
Address Phoenix, Arizona, USA
W14 3UY
Zip code
E-mail address

Home phone number 812-555-0216

07700 900 542

Cell phone number

How old is Bart Shu?" “
H e’
s . . . years old.”

B Compare charts to check your answers.

84 Communication tasks
A You and your partner have the same pictures but in a different order. Describe
each person. Then write the missing first or last names.
page 9)

Sally Alice Tina

Jackson Wilson Hudson

"My first picture is Sally. She look s M aybe that's Ms. Conner, ts
about 35 and has brown hair.” her hair straight or wavy?”

B Try to match the people with their earlier pictures on page 9. W hat’
s the same?
W hat’
s different?

Analyze your own drawing and your partner’ s drawing.

Your partner has some additional information.
tage 11)
I f the d o g is . . .
at the bottom o f the paper, you’re usually nervous,
at the top o f the paper, you’
re usually calm,
in the middle o f the paper, you’re sometimes
nervous and sometimes calm.

I f the d o g is . . .
sitting, you’
re optimistic,
standing, you’ re confident.

The size o f the ears shows how intelligent you are.

The longer the better.

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 85
A Describe these people on an e-friends Web site.
(page 19) Q0

Make® w

Friend Alison P eters

Brighton, England
M iguel G arcia
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Cheryl Donovan
Dublin, Ireland

Age 23 25 34

Job musician teacher designer

to shop to cook to ski

to play golf to take photos to play chess

creative hardworking sociable

P ersonality
quiet helpful funny

"Let me tell you about Alison Peters. She’

s 23 years old a n d ..

B Which person do you want to be friends with? Why?

Choose a gift for the other members o f your group. Use these ideas or think
o f your own. Then choose a gift for your teacher.
(page 25)


a notebook a wallet

B Join the other pair. Does the gift they chose for you match your personality and interests?

86 Com m unication tasks

Your partner has some missing information for this recipe. Ask questions to
(page 33) complete the recipe.


Ingredients Instructions
■ 150 grams 1. Heat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
of chocolate
2. Put_____________________ on the bottom of a baking pan.
■ 200 grams /
of butter 3. Melt the butter and sugartogether in a large pan.
■ ----- eggs
4. Remove the pan from the heat. Mix in the other ingredients.
■ 400 grams
of sugar 5. Pour the mixture into______________________
■ 200 grams 6. Bake for 30 minutes (until the top is firm).
of flour
■ _____ grams of 7. Remove the brownies from the oven. Cool for_____ minutes.
chopped walnuts 8. Cut into small squares and enjoy!

"How many eggs do I need?” “

What do I pour the mixture into?”

How many grams o f chopped walnuts d o I need?” “
How long do I co ol the brownies?"

What do I put on the bottom o f the baking pan?”

A Imagine you want to rent a DVD to watch with your friends. Prepare to describe
this one to your partners.
(page 35)

Id e n tity tells the story of ten strangers caught in a

strange motel during a terrible rainstorm. But they
are not safe at the motel. One by one, people are
murdered. Is one of them the killer? Slowly they begin
to understand they are not together by accident. They
discover they are all at the motel for a terrifying reason.

B Find out about your partners’DVDs. Then decide which one you all want
to watch.

W hat’
s it called?” "What kind o f movie is it?" “
What's itabout?

C o m m u n ic a t io n t a s k s 87
J\ Your partner will ask you for directions to some places. Give directions.

B Now ask your partner for directions to these places. Write the names on the map.
the post office the flower shop Classico Movie Theater

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to ... ?”

Take turns reading these statements to your partners. Decide together which ones
are true or false. Then turn to page 93 to check your answers.
(page 55)
True or false?

1. In Taiwan, you should use both hands to give a present.

2. In Mexico, it’
s friendly to stand close to someone.

3. In Egypt, it’
s not common for men to hold hands.

4. In Italy, you should begin eating before your host does.

18 Communication tasks
Ask and answer questions to find the missing information.
(page 61)
A ge at
Born N ationality Two fam ous songs

"No Woman, No Cry”

Bob Marley Jamaican 36

“Strawberry Fields Forever"

John Lennon 1940

“Love Me Tender"
Elvis Presley American

“Top of the W orld”

Karen Carpenter 1950

A Use these ideas to help each other analyze your drawings.

(page 65) 1. If your house has messy lines, you are a follower.
2. If your door has no details, you like change.
3. If your house has more than one window, you are outgoing.
4. If your bedroom is on the top floor, you need to work hard to succeed.
5. -rIf you added a path to the front door, you want to be more organized.
6. If you are larger than the door, you are very confident.

B D o you agree with the analysis? Why or why not?

My house has messy lines, but I don ’
t think I'm a follower."

Ask and answer the questions to complete the chart.

(page 69) R ubik’s cubes P et rocks Lava lamps

W here w ere
the U.S.
they from ?

W hen were
the 1970s
they popular?

How many did

5 million
people buy?

Can you still Yes, you can buy them

buy them ? online.

How do they You teach them simple

w o rk? commands. “S it” and
“Stay" are easy. “ Roll
over” is harder.

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 89
Ask and answer the questions to complete the chart.
(page 69)
R ubik’s cubes P et rocks Lava lamps

W here w ere
they from ?

W hen were
the 1960s
they popular?

How many did

2 million
people buy?

Can you still Yes, they're

buy them ? popular again.

The lamp heats the

How do
wax. It rises and falls
they work?
slowly in the lamp.

A Imagine it is now 2020. Ask questions to find out what really happened to Susan.
(page 71) M ark Susan

Travel He traveled for four months in China.

lob He became a teacher and loves it.

He lives in a small apartment across

from the school.

Marriage He got married in 2005.

Kids He has five sons and a daughter.

He won $50,000 in the lottery last

year! He still teaches.

"Did Susan travel a lot?” “

Did she ever get married?”

What kind o f jo b did she g et? ” “
Did she have any kids?”

Where does she live?” “
Does she make a lot o f m oney?”

B Look back at Activity 2A on page 71. Did Mark and Susan achieve
their dreams?

90 C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s
A Work alone. Which things on the table from Activity 1 can you remember?
Try to visualize where they were. Write them down.
(page 45)

B Join a partner. Look at Task 9 on page 80 again. H ow many did you get right? Were
things easier or more difficult to remember this time?

C Write down two English names, two numbers, and two English words. D on’
t make
them too easy!




D Now look at your partner’

s names, numbers, and words. Try to memorize them, but
t write them down. (You will test your memory at the end o f the lesson.)

A Imagine you want to rent a DVD to watch with your friends. Prepare to describe
this one to your partners.
(page 35)

T h e M a r tia n C h ild tells the story of Ray Keene,

a science-fiction writer who adopts a young boy
after his wife dies. But oddly, the boy says he is
from Mars. After some strange events, the new
father begins to believe his son may be telling him
the truth - that he really is from another planet.

B Find out about your partners’DVDs. Then decide which one you all want
to watch.

W hat’
s it called?” ‘

W hat kind o f movie is it?" “
W hat’
s it about?

C o m m u n ic a t io n ta s k s 91

The correct answers for Activity 1A are:

(page 28) 11. Tower Bridge 4. the Eiffel Tower 9. Machu Picchu
7. Gyeongbok Palace 5. the Taj Mahal 3. the Sphinx

The correct answers for Activity 1A are:

(page 32) 1. feijoada 3. pizza 5. kimchi 7. meze 9. brownies
2. gado gado 4. miso soup 6. enchiladas 8. fish and chips

H ere’
s how to score and analyze your partner’
s survey from Activity 3A.
(page 41) ir-'
Your partner

1. Score 1 for none, 2 for som e, or 3 for a lot.

2. Score 3 for none, 2 for som e, or 1 for a lot.

3. Score 2 for coffee, 3 for tea, 1 for soda , or 3 for w ater.

4. Score 0 for never, 1 for som etim es, 2 for often, or 3 for a ll the time.

5. Score 3 for never, 2 for h ardly ever, 1 for often, or 0 for a ll the time.

6. Score 3 for sleep, 1 for eat, 3 for exercise, or 2 for nothing.


4 -9 Oh no, not very healthy. You should think about changing your lifestyle.
1 0-13 Hmm, pretty average. You could try to make a few lifestyle changes.
1 4 -1 8 You’
re very healthy. Congratulations!

H ere’
s how to score and analyze your partner’
s survey from Activity 3A.
(page 43) For even-numbered questions: score 0 for very often, 1 for som etim es, and 2 for h ardly ever.

For odd-numbered questions: score 2 for very often, 1 for som etim es, and 0 for h ardly ever.

18-24 You’
re a very healthy sleeper. You don’
t have much stress in your life.
12-17 You’
re a pretty healthy sleeper, but you can do things to improve your sleep habits.
7-11 You’
re not a very healthy sleeper. You should try to improve your sleep habits.
0 -6 You’
re not a healthy sleeper at all. You really need to improve your sleep habits.

H ere are the scores and the analysis for Task 9D.

over 17 correct You have an excellent memory. You didn’

t cheat, did you?
13 -1 6 correct Good. Are you sure you only looked for 20 seconds?
9 -1 2 correct Not bad. Some special techniques can help you remember more things.
5 -8 correct You forgot a lot o f things. Were you thinking about something else?
1- 4 correct Is your memory that bad? Maybe you didn’
t concentrate.

92 A n sw e rs
The correct answers for Activity IB are:
(page 52) Halloween O ctober 31
Independence Day July 4
Mother’s Day the second Sunday in May
New Year’s Day January 1
New Year’s Eve Decem ber 31
Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November
Valentine’s Day February 14

The correct answers for Activity 3B are:

(page 55) For Task 12 on page 81, odd numbers are true and even numbers are false.
For Task 13 on page 82, eveirnumbers are true and odd numbers are false.
For Task 27 on page 88, the first two are true and the second two are false.

The correct answers for Activity 1A are:

(page 58)
Picture 1 David Beckham, soccer player, English
Picture 2 Shakira, singer, Colombian
Picture 3 Zhang Ziyi, actress, Chinese
Picture 4 Tiger Woods, golfer, American

The correct answers for Activity 1B are:

1. Tiger Woods 3. David Beckham 5. Shakira 7. Zhang Ziyi
2. Shakira 4. Zhang Ziyi 6. Tiger Woods 8. David Beckham

The correct answers for Activity 2A are:

(page 61) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote about 38 plays. He was born in Stratford-upon-
Avon, England. His most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was born in Austria. He composed over 600 works,
including 41 symphonies. H e was only 35 when he died in Vienna.
Frida Kahlo (1907 1954) was one o f M exico’ s most famous painters. Many o f her paintings
are self-portraits. She died in Mexico City at the age o f 47.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was the greatest scientist o f the early 20th century. H e was born
in Germany. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
Diana, Princess of Wales (1961 1997) was a role model for many people through her charity
work. She had two sons with Prince Charles before she died tragically in a car crash.

The correct answers for Activity 1A are:

(page 66) [top row) 6, 5, 3
(ibottom row) 4, 2, 1

A n sw e rs 93

/ S E B E E B tA Listen and practice.

S im p le present and present of b e

Simple present Present of b e

Where do you live? Where are you from?
1live in Tokyo. I’m from Kyoto.
Where does he work? What’s your name?
He works at home. My name is Hiro.
Do you have a brother? Are you a student?
Yes, 1do. / No, 1don’t*'" Yes, 1am. / No, I’m not.
Does she have a large family? Is he a teacher?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

B Complete the conversations. Use the simple present and present o f be.
1. A: Where gyre you from? Are you from Seoul?
B: No, I _______ not. I _______ from Busan.

2. „ A: ________Kate have a sister?

B: Yes, she __ _____. Her n am e________ Anna.

3. A: W hat________Miko and Bill do?

B: T h ey _______students. T h ey _________ have jobs.

4. A: W h o _______ h e? _________ he your brother?

B: No, h e _______ . H e _______ my best friend.

5. A: ________you have a large family?

B: Yes, w e ________ .W e________ five children.

6. A: W hat________your fatherd o ? ________ he a teacher?

B: No, h e _______ . H e _______ a police officer.

C Correct the mistake in each question. Then answer them.

1. Q; -Be-you a college student? A
2. Q: Where does your teacher lives? A
3. Qj D o you an e-mail address? A
4. Q: W ho your favorite singer? A
5. Q: What are your cell phone number? A

94 Self-study
Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom ol' the page.)

1. Jeff: Hey, do you two know each oFUgr ?

Mindy: No, we don ’
Jeff: Oh. Well, Mindy, this is Chaya. Chaya, Mindy.
Mindy: Chaya. T hat’
s a pretty_______________ . H ow do you
Chaya: C as in “
_______________ ,”H as in “
________________,”A - Y - A.
Mindy: Nice t o _______________ you.

2. Paul: So, what do you do in y ou r_______________ time?

Yu Jin: Well, I play guitar.
Paul: Really? What kinds o f _______________do you like?
Yu Jin: Oh, I like all kinds. M y _______________singer is Norah Jones. I got
one o f her CD s for m y _______________.

t m m iiH W Complete the sentences with words from the unit. Then circle the words in the puzzle.
Look in these directions (—> T). (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. I was nevvous before my exam.

■ N
V O T R E X E I)
L A H o
2. 1feel r with friends.
E L 1) O T
3. You are from vour h U N D E R O R E
4T Her m is math. U D D G M H R
s A N E V
5. Call me on my c phone. F A V O R E T C
6. W hat’
s your e- address? E S Y H O P Y
T R w O I
7. leo.jones is “leo d jones.” C H O fN" E R V
O U Sj W C
8. leo-jones is “leo d jones.” G V E N S R A
9. leo_jones is “leo u jones.” E H O B B S J M
1 E C M
10. Reading and cooking are h L M A J O R U
E U A .1 A
L N K. U J O E E s 1 T N
11. W ho’
s your f movie star?
B B K N L N O 1. o L S E
Y _ J

C lu e s
3 "6 H "8 t 'L L9 IN J 'f u '£ P 'Z s "1 :sx paoM tpea jo ja jja j ;st>] a q x X jrejnqTjaoA

jp e fs ‘
idiffo ‘
aiuvu ‘n sn u i ‘
p diu ‘
u cn op u ioy ‘
d iu o a v f‘
d'8d]]Od ‘
/Cvpypiq spjoM Suisstui Suiuajsiq

Self-study 95
2 Self-study

& Listen and practice.

D e s c rip tio n s w ith b e and h a v e

Is your hair long? Do you have long hair? What are they like?
No, it’s short. No, 1 have short curly hair. They’re very friendly.
Are they neat? Does she have blue eyes? What color hair do they have?
No, they’re messy. Yes, she has big blue eyes. They have black hair.

B Complete the conversationsHJse the correct form o f be or have.

1. A: What does your sister look like?_______[s_______ she pretty?
B: Yes, sh e_______________ . But I think sh e_______________a
little bit thin.

2. A: J oh n _______________ very confident. H ow o ld _______________ he?

B: I think h e _______________about 45.

3. A: _______________ your brother T o m ________________brown eyes

» like you?
B: No, h e _______________ blue eyes like our mom.

4. A: You look very young. H ow o ld _______________ you?

B: I _______________ 22. But, look! I already_______________some
gray hair!

5. A: _______________ you and your sister_______________ red hair?

B: Yes, we b oth _______________ red hair, but her hair_______________
short and wavy.

6. A: W hat_______________ your teachers like?_______________they flexible?

B: No, they_______________ . T h ey _______________ kind o f stubborn.

C Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then answer them.
do you have hardworking like red hair you your eyes

1. Q: H ow old are voia p A

2. Q: D o you have p A
3. Q: What color are p A
4. Q: What color hair p A
5. Q: Are vou A
6. Q: What is your best friend p A

96 Self-study
s* Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Akiko: What does your brother look like?

Brian: Well, he’
s gyveygyge height and kind o f ____ . And
he has green eyes a n d _______________ brown hair.
Akiko: Is h e _______________ like you?
Brian: Yes, I think so. And sometimes he’
s a little________

2. Carla: Fley, Diana, when’

sy ou r________________ ?
Diana: It’
s _______________ 24th.
Carla: Oh, right. So w hat’
s your star________________ ? Are you a Leo?
Diana: Nope, I’
m a _______________b u t________________ Virgo.

Complete the puzzle with w^rds from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)
Across 12

1. happy about the future 1 <3 P f I I s f I c

2. not stubborn 2
3. not curly or wavy
4. likes telling people what to do
5. not lazy 4
6. not messy
7. good at sports
8. not quiet 6
' 9. how tall you are 7
10. not timid
11. hair color older people have
12. what you are like

d' 2i(uMoa ) :§'II b-qi
v. 'l u -9 q -q q s•
£ j -g o q (ssojoy) :si pjoM qaua jo jajjoj jsjij LrejnqijDOA

iCavm ‘
u io q q n js

uSis ‘
jvm ‘
■ivjrusnui ‘
iC jp u B iif^ v o iiw ‘
iv p q u iq ‘
jSvjmv ‘
jsn S n y spjOM Suissim Suiuajsiq

Self-study 97
Unit 3 Self-study

A Listen and practice.

To + verb ; v erb + - in g

After like, love, hate, and prefer, use to + verb or verb + -ing.
After want, use to + verb.

To + verb Verb + -ing

1 like to cook. 1like cooking. Cooking is interesting.
1 hate to draw. 1hate drawing. Drawing is difficult.
1don’t like to swim. 1slon't like swimming. Swimming is boring.
1want to chat. Chatting is fun.

B Complete the conversations with the correct words from the box.

chat do go listen read take

cook eat help play surf watch

1. A: D o you want fo help me make dinner?

,B: Not really. I hate fo cook / cooking . But I love _______________ !

2. A: What do you like _______________ in your free time?

B: I love_______________ photos.

3. A: D o you want_______________ a computer game?

B: Well, it’
s a nice day. 1 really w ant_______________ swimming.

4. A: D o you like_______________ the Internet?

B: Yes, I do. I love_______________ online with friends, too.

5. A: D o you prefer__________ _____ to the radio o r _______________ TV?

B: Neither. I prefer_______________ a good book.

C Complete these sentences with to + verb or verb + -ing. Use your own ideas to write
about yourself.
1. I love
2. I don’
t like
3. I like
4. I want
5. I don’
t want

98 S e lf- s t u d y
$V Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Jeff: Hey, Sue, what do you like to do in your Free_____ time?

Sue: Hmm. Well, I really like to read. It’
s _______________ . How about
you? D o you like to read?
Jeff: Not really. Reading puts me to sleep. I _______________ to talk on the
phone and chat_______________ with friends. It’
s a good way to keep
in touch with friends and t o _______________new people.
2. Ruth: D o you want to g o _______________ ?
Fred: I don ’
t know. I think it look s_______________.
Ruth: Oh, no, not really. It’
s easy - and it’
s a lot o f _______________ !
Fred: N ot for m e - I can’
t _______________ . I think I prefer
t o _______________ .

Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For dues, go to the bottom o f the page.)
Across 1 2
3. I like t o _____soccer, but I don ’
3 4 5
play it. Iv F C
5. You need good boots for this activity.
8. You need a book for this hobby.
10. A piano is a _____instrument.
11. Paragliding is a n _____sport. 6 7

1. In the winter, I like to g o _____.
2. another way o f saying “hobby” 0
4. Her hobby i s _____stamps.
6. She g o e s _____at the local pool.
7. Tennis players like t o _____the game.
9. You need a camera t o _____photos. n

C lu e s
1 '6 M 'L s -g o-f i' Z
{ (umoq) ‘
.a q j iu '01 -i '8 q m. -g (sscuoy) :si pjOM rpi33 jo Jana] Isay aqy Xxejnq-eooA

w im s ‘
yoivon ‘ S u ifm s ‘
Sm xvpx ‘
pfsxtj ‘arnjuo ‘
paw ‘
u n f‘
a axf‘
m oxaSuvp :3jb spjOM Sutsstui aqx Suiuajsiq

S e lf- s t u d y 99

^ A O ' Listen and practice.

S ubject pronouns and possessive adjectives

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives
I’m Carla. My first name is Carla. Notice the differences
You're Paul. Your first name is Paul. in these words:
He's Jake. His first name is Jake. y ou ’
re / your
She’s Jenny. Her first name is Jenny. h e’
s / h is
It’s Fluffy. Us. name is Fluffy. it’
s / its
W e're the Wongs. Our family name is Wong. th ey’
re / their
They’re Ed and Sue. Their names are Ed and Sue.

B Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

A: D o (you)/ y ou ’
re / y ou r live with y ou / y ou ’
re / you r family, Jenny?
B: Well, I live with I / I ’
m / m y parents. I have an older brother, but he / she / his lives
in an apartment with two roommates.

Aa Where is they / they’

re / their apartment?
B: In the city. It / It’
s / Its in a great neighborhood!
A: And what do he / h e’
s / h is roommates do?
B: They / They’
re / Their both students.
A: D o any other family members live with you?
B: Well, there’
s Aunt Jane. She / She’
s / H er almost 40 —she / sh e’
s / her birthday is in
April. Oh, yes, w e / w e’
re / ou r also live with Ginger.
A: W ho’
s Ginger? Is that another aunt?
B: No, that’
s w e / w e’
re / ou r dog!

C Write about your family. Use subject pronouns and possessive adjectives.

I h<*ve Fwo olAev bvofhevs one yoiwtgev- sisber.

My b v o f h e r s o w e v e r y help-Pul. T h e y ^ I w ^ y s ev\coi\v<?vge w e.
My slsb ev is U dU <nHve ov\A -Punny. “
S b e tn lw ^ys vA<?\Ves w e

10 0 S e lf- s t u d y
Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.

1. Joy: D o you like your yoowwunfes ?

Jim: Yes, I like them a lot. T hey’
re a bit _ , but I’
Joy: T hat’
s great. D o you do many things together?
Jim: Sure. Sometimes we c o o k ________________or go to the .

2. Mike: D o you have a large_______________ ,Judy?

Judy: No, I just have o n e _______________sister. Fler name is Marcia, and
w e’
re g o o d _______________ .
Mike: W hat’
s she like?
Judy: She’
s great. She always gives me g o o d _______________ , and sometimes
she calls me just to^i;_____________ .

Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom
o f the page.)

1. ecien sister’
s daughter n
2. wenhep broth er’
s son n
3. yellno feeling alone and
without friends i
4. ttpirheelhlt not lie t
5. dsfetinber the person you like most b
6. tressec things you don ’
t tell people s
7. crapivy time alone P
8. danbush man a wife is married to h
9. incsou aunt’
s son or daughter c
10. orandsng a daughter’
s son g
11. memorota someone you share an r
apartment with
12. rantedsprang parents’mother and father g.

C lu e s
s 'S I 3 'll U ' 0I u '6 P ’8
k 'i s-g p h -q q‘
a‘j -f m -g a q :si pjOM qaea jo rana] tsiq aqj^ X.rejnq«DOA

S9JVIUUW0X ‘ m a o iu ‘
xspjo ‘ id iou ‘ iC]moj ‘
sp w u f‘
<Cpuw f‘
xduuip ‘anapv :ajB spjoM Suissiui aqj^ Suiuajsiq

S e lf- s t u d y 10 1

A ^ Listen and practice.

Present continuous
W h ere a r e you g o i n g ? A r e y o u b u y i n g an y th in g ?
m goin g to th e s h o p p i n g mall. Yes, 1 am. I’
m g e ttin g a scarf. / No, I’
m n ot.
W hat i s Jason w e a r i n g ? Is h e w e a r i n g a T-shirt?
H e’
s w e a r i n g jean s. Yes, he is. H e ’
s w e a r i n g a re d T-shirt. / No, h e i s n ’

W h a t a r e th ey b u y i n g ? A r e th ey s p e n d i n g a lot o f m o n e y ?
T h ey ’
r e b u y i n g gifts. Yes, th ey a r e . T h ey ’
r e b u y i n g gifts. / No, th ey a r e n ’
B Complete the conversations with the present continuous form o f the verbs
in parentheses.
1. A: W hat_____ owe._____ you looking -Pov (look for)? Spelling
B: Nothing. W e_______________ju st_______________ (window-shop).
do doing
2. A: W h y_______________ Linda_______________(wear) shorts today? get -A getting
s pretty cold outside! have having
B: I know, but the sun _______________ (shine). shop shopping

3. A: W h ere_______________ y o u _______________(go)?
B: 1_______________ (go) to the shopping mall. All the stores_______ (have) big
sales this week.

4. A: W hat______________ Jerry_______________ (do) in that store?

B: H e _______________ (look at) clothes. I think h e ______________________(get) a newjacket.

5. A: _______________y o u ________________ (pay) by cash?

B: Actually, my m o m _______________ (pay) by credit card.

C Unscramble the questions. Then answer them.

1. you / what / are / doing / right now
Qj w e you Aoiv\g rigLT now ? A:
2. doing / where /this exercise / you / are
Q; _________________________________ ? A:
3. you / today / wearing / what / are
Q: _________________________________ ? A:
4. thinking about / you / are/what / right now
Q: _________________________________ ? A:

102 Self-study
£01 Apm s-fas

Listening The missing words are: borrow, clothing, department, gift,jeans, lend, outdoor, perfume, sale, sweater

Vocabulary The last letter of each word is: 1. s 2. e 3. s 4. g 5.1 6. t 7. e 8. t 9. d

10. t 11. t 12. n

d j ‘
a u i s;)Sit:i(3J,)Ao o j o i s e j[ -g j
s Xs 3 S VH0 3 a 3 3
a 3 X 3 0 (s_ 3 V a N VJ ) ' 3 E SI (tj33IU qOO{ I\

a 3 NHN0 3 a NXNN ‘
sa A a jAijensnj -qi
N 3 3 X O N I H J. O 3 □ jAauoui jnoA yE s ij j o q -5

3 V IV X a 3 S 1 N O 3 O • m e ui Aauoui jnoA daayj -g

d IV I a 3 S n 3 3 3 3 3 Aauoui unq puaj 01 j j ■
S 3 3 V A X 3 3 3 3 M3 • s e in p o o j Anq n o y -g
X 3 3 N I V 3 3 IV O 0 V •S3JOJS yEuis Au e u i SEq ra S u id d o q s y -g/
3 3 IV 3 X 3 0 0 3 3 3 IV ' 3 SJE3M 3UO,Al3ArJ '{7
On O3 AAa D AXA r A n q noA s S u iq i a r e j -g
71 s 0 S X 3 3 3 V M 3 A ' ir a d o s A e m je j s o u i j e a r e s a io is q -p,
A3 D N3 I N3 ANO0
-v a 1 a i \ iv w
•saoqs J 3r a t u n s a r e
V__________ J ■j

(-3§Ed a q i j o u i o n o q o q i 01 oS ‘
s o u p j o j j -(/|s ^—) s u o y o a q p o s j i p ui q o o q
'3[Z'/nd 91JI UI SpjOM 31JJ 9J3JI3 U3l| f ')iun 3l[) UIOJJ SpjOM qilM S33U3JU3S Dip 3}3|duiOQ

• jo i J iq s 33fti e j a q A nq

UE 3 n o A aqAnp\[ ' q p g n o A ueo j j n q ‘

peg 3A E q i £u o p j


j • e j a q Anc| 01 p 33u \ p u n ‘
A E p q j j i q s tu i o u i A u i s y j :,93EJf)

(u o l 11:,1A\ ;j3lAx
cog$ I :33EJ0 y
• sjaqjEiu ie doqs

01 j a p a d j -3J3qi ,)qi| j p u y J3A3U ueo j ^ aoej | i y :q so f

• uo

3J3M A o q j - a ioig s(Aj e j j ie tu.iqi I Ox? J 'sq u E q j :e u e q

• s w a j1 M 3U jn o A o q y A y n o j j
:q s° r T

(•3§Ed o q i j o u i o n o q o q i o i o§ ‘
s a n p j o j ) -su o iie sj 3auo 3 a q i a p j d m o D puE u o i s i q
y n it 6 Self-study

J2SSESS3J A b * Listen and practice.

Simple past and past of be

Simple past Past of be

Where did you go on your trip? How was your vacation?

We went to the beach. It was exciting.
Did you like it? Was your hotel nice?
Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

B Complete the e-mail messaged Use the simple past and past o f be.
fooo oI
o>m @m as <§*? Regular past verbs

like —> liked

miss —> missed
To: [ Fred Lee |
try —> tried
From: Peter Koh____________________ J
Dear Fred,
Irregular past verbs
How are you? Thanks for looking after my apartment while I’m
on vacation. be was / were
Last night, Steve and I i*\isseA (miss) our flight, do did
so w e __________ (get) to the hotel at about 10 p.m. forget —> forgot
W e __________ (be) really hungry, so w e ___________ (try) get -> got
some local food at the hotel restaurant. We
go -> went
___________(like) it a lot!
have had
This morning, w e ___________(go) to the beach a n d __________ leave - > left
(swim). W e ___________(meet) some nice people, and we
lose - > lost
___________(take) some photos. Then w e ___________(have)
meet met
lunch. I t __________ (be) great!
see saw
I a lm ost__________ (forget) - ___________y o u __________
swim - > swam
(see) my cell phone anywhere? I can’t find it. Maybe
take - > took
I __________ (leave) it at home, or maybe I
__________ (lose) it.

Talk to you soon!

Peter r
LI-L..TLLJ.. .— .

C Correct the questions. Then answer them.

l. Qj Where did you -wein. on your last trip? A
2. Q,: Did you tried any unusual foods? A
3. Q: H ow the weather was? A
4. Q Were your trip relaxing? A

104 Self-study
Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Ellie: D o you want to go outside and lie on the be^cL ?

Ken: Not today. It’
s going to rain. I want to stay indoors a n d _____________
up on my reading.
Ellie: Well, I don ’
t really want to stay in th e________________ . Maybe I’
ll go
out a n d _______________ the museum.
Ken: OK. Just be sure to take y ou r________________ .

2. Jan: H ow was your trip to th e_______________ ? Did you enjoy it?

Pete: Oh, yeah. It was really________________. I did a lot o f ______
and went to a _______________ festival.
Jan: Did you buy any________________?
Pete: Yes, I did. And h ere’
sTfrie for you!

Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)
Across 13
1. be somewhere for a short time
2. You brush your teeth with this.
3. Read this to find out about a
new place.
4. Use this or stay out o f the sun!
5. You can do this at the mall.
6. time off from school or work
7. Use this to see at night. 5

8. Sydney and Melbourne are there. 6

9. sleep outdoors on this kind o f trip
10. things you buy to remember a trip
11. Take this on a rainy day.
12. a plane trip
Down n/ 7 r~ 1~r
r m
13. Going overseas? D on’
t forget this! 11

C lu e s
d ‘A -£ ] (u m oq ) (J SI n ' 11 s '01 3 '6 V '8
J ■[_ a-g s-g s -f S ■£ i ■£ s -J (ssojay) :si pjOM. r p w j o asnaps-nj a q x ^-reinqi3DO\

'■fisia ‘
v jp iq m n ‘
snudanos ‘
p ooj ‘
S u ijm s ju i ‘
jajoi/ ‘
fx ju n o j ‘
q jjv i ‘
y m sq :ai? spjoM S uissiui S m u a js iq

S e lf- s t u d y 105
Unit 7 Self-study

A ^ Listen and practice.

P re s e n t p e rfe c t

Have you ever been to a buffet restaurant? What Mexican foods have you eaten?
Yes, 1 have. / No, 1 haven’t. I’ve eaten enchiladas.
Has Anna ever cooked Mexican food? What unusual foods has Kurt tried?
Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. He’s tried green tea ice cream.

B Complete the conversations with the correct present perfect forms.

1. A: _____Wcwie_____yoiT*ever UnsfeA (taste) kimchi?
R e g u la r
B: Yes, I _______________ .I ________________ (have) it many times. p a s t p a rtic ip le s

2. A: What kinds o f tea_______________y o u ________________ (try)? cook —> cooked

B: L et’
s see. I _______________(drink) black tea and mint tea. bake —> baked
3. A: _______________ Alex ever_______________(make) any desserts? taste —> tasted

B: Yes, h e _______________ .H e ________________ (bake) cakes and pies. try —> tried

4. A: _______________ Cindy ever________________ (be) to a

Irre g u la r
Brazilian restaurant? p a s t p a rticip les
B: No, sh e_______________ . But sh e_______________ (be) to a lot of
be -> been
Mexican restaurants.
drink - > drunk
5. A: _______________ you ever_______________(eat) tomato soup? eat eaten
B: No, I _______________ . ButI ________________ (have) miso soup have - > had
lots o f times. make - > made

C Unscramble the questions. Then answer them.

1. you / eaten / chopsticks / have / with / ever
Q_: Wew/e you ever wifU cUopsficVs
2. foreign / what / foods / had / you / have
Q.: ___________________________________
A: ___________________________________
3. you / have / tried / what / foods / unusual

Q; _______________________________________________________
A: _______________________________________________________
4. fast-food / what / been to / restaurants / you / have / recently
Q _______________________________________________________
A: _______________________________________________________

106 S e lf- s t u d y
Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Dan: How are the mashed poP<?d-oes ?

Mika: Not very good. T hey’
re very_______________ .
Dan: Here, try this.
Mika: Yuck! Now they’
re t o o _______________ ! 1 need something to drink,
like a _______________ .
2. Waitress: Are you ready to order, sir?
Man: Yes, I think so. W hat’
s th e_______________ o f the day today?
Waitress: It’
s spicy vegetable, and that comes with freshly-baked bread.
Man: That sounds nice. I’
ll have that, please.
Waitress: Sure. And for y ou r_______________ course?
Man: Oh, Til just have a large m ixed _______________, please.
Waitress: Fine. And what would you like to drink?
Man: I’
m not sure. D o you have fresh_______________juice?
Waitress: Yes, we do.
Man: Oh, good. Then I’
ll take a _______________ glass o f that. Oh, and
some ic e d _______________ , please.
Waitress: Here you are.
Man: Thanks.

Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)
Across 1 2
lA P S C <A l e
1. A n _____restaurant is expensive. 3
4. Beef curry tastes_____ .
4 5
6. Eat this with a spoon.
8. Coffee without sugar tastes_____ 6
9. Oranges and apples a r e _____.
10. A salad is often a _____dish.
11. I n _____restaurants, it’
s “all you 7

can eat.” 8

2. In East Asia, people eat w ith___
3. Start your meal with a n _____.
9 10
5. We eat in the sch ool_____.
6. Lemons a r e _____.
7. End your meal with a sw eet____

C lu e s
P 'L s ‘9 3 '? * '£ 3 'Z (uM° d )

9 '11 s '01 J '6 9 '8 s '9 sT n‘
I (sso-ioy) :si pjOM ipsa jo janaj jsjij aq A.jejnqBaoA

xsjvm tfn os ‘
v p os ‘
p\vuis ‘
<Qjvs ‘
pvps ‘
sa oiv jotf ‘
aSuvxo ‘
uw ui ‘
p itv jq :a.re spjoM Suissiui aqj^ S u tu a js iq

S e lf- s t u d y 107
nit 8 Self-study

Listen and practice.

Future w ith b e g o in g to

What are you going to do tonight? Are you going to see a comedy?
I’m going to watch a DVD. Yes, 1am. / No, I’m not.
Who’s going to rent the DVD? Is Pam going to watch a game show?
My sister is going to rent it. Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
When are we going to see the DVD? Are we going to see a movie?
We’re going to see it after dinner. Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

B Complete the conversations with the correct forms o f be going to.

1. A: What we .you gioiv\g| fo Ao (do) this weekend?
B: My cousin ____ (come) over. W e ________________ (stay) home
and watch TV

2. A: D o you have plans for Friday yet?

B: Well, my parents____________ (visit) this weekend, so I (clean) my
apartment on Friday.
A: T hat’
s too bad. Richard and I . (go) to the basketball game on Friday,
and we have an extra ticket.

3. This T V show is terrible. I ____ (change) the channel.

No problem. Fley, I ___________ (get) a snack. D o you want anything?
No, thanks. Amy and I ________ ___(go) out for pizza later, so
I _______________(wait).

4. I rented the new Brad Pitt movie. D o you want to see it tonight?
Fm not sure. What tim e_______________y o u ________________ (watch) it?
Well, w e _______________(have) dinner at six, so probably around seven.
.y o u . .(be) home by seven?
B: Yes, I . My class ___________ (end) early tonight.

C Complete these sentences with the future with be going to. Use true information.
1. Tomorrow,_____________________________________________ .
2. O n Saturday,___________________________________________ .
3. O n Sunday,____________________________________________ .
4. Next summer,__________________________________________ .
5. Next year,______________________________________________ .

108 S e lf- s t u d y
5^ Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Lee: D o you want to come and see The Snowboarding Spy? It’
s a great new
gvcHon movie.
Ana: Not really. Is it very_______________ ?
Lee: I don ’
t think so. Actually, it’
s pretty_______________ . But some parts
o f the movie are very_______________ , too.
Ana: Hmm. I think I’
ll wait and rent th e_______________ .

2. Mark: Are you going to watch another_______________ ?

Paula: Yeah, it’
s called The_______________ o f Sharks. D o you want to watch
it with me?
Mark: No, I really want to watch th e_______________ . Is it O K if I change
th e _______ ^ _____ ?
Paula: Not right now. Can you wait until th e_______________ ?

Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f
the page.)

1. nogvim making you feel happy or sad in o v i h g

2. ascry frightening s ____________
3. tomsic a situation comedy s
■r\. henclan a T V station c
5. mycoed a funny movie c
6. minorcat A __ movie is about people in love. r
7. notevil A __ movie shows fighting. V

8. herrlilt a very exciting movie t

9. whamegos T V show where you win prizes g ________ s ___________
10. enuieadc people watching a show a
11. paoporeas daily T V drama s ________ o ___________
12. acronymduet a movie about real events or people d

C lu e s
A'Z\ 12‘d ' H 3-Ql M ‘3 ' 6
j -g J o -g A-g [ -f iu '£ A'Z S•
[ :si pjoM qDB3 jo janaj tsB|


lu q o ia ‘
iCwos ‘ ( j.\ Q ‘
stm u T u u n f‘ iC w jw u inoop ‘
p m s u iu io o fu u v y o ‘
u o ip v sproM S uisstui s q x S u iu a js i q

S e lf- s t u d y 109

^ ^ Listen and practice.

A d v erb s o f fre q u e n c y

How often do you go to a gym? Do you ever get up early? always

1go to a gym every day. 1always get up early. usually
1go to a gym once a week. 1often get up early. often
1go to a gym twice a month. 1sometimes get up early. sometimes
1go to a gym three tim es a year. 1hardly ever get up early. hardly ever
t exercise very oQen. 1 never get up early. 0% never

B Put the adverbs o f frequency in the correct places.

1. A: I low^do you exercise? (often)
B: Well, I ride a bike to class, (three times a week)

2. A: D o you go to a gym? (ever)

B: No, I go to a gym. (never) But I go swimming, (twice a month)

3. tA: D o you avoid junk food? (all the time)

B: Well, not all the time. But I eat it. (hardly ever)

4. A: H ow do you get eight hours o f sleep? (often)

B: Hmm. I don ’
t get eight hours of sleep, (very often) During the
week, I get about six hours o f sleep, (usually)

C Unscramble the questions. Then answer them using an adverb o f frequency.

1. you / class / sleep / do / ever / in
Qj Do you evev sleep Ivy d ^ ss
A: ____________________________
2. do / often / you / sick / get / how
Q: ___________________________________
A: ___________________________________
3. ever / take / long / you / do / walks
Qi ___________________________________
A: ________________________________ _
4. breakfast / have / do / you / often / how
Q.: __________________________________ -
A: _________________________________

I 10 S e lf- s t u d y
^ Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

Matt: You seem s o ______ _________ , Nina. How do you do it?

Nina: Well, I try to ea t_______________foods and stay________________ .
Matt: G ood for you! I really need t o ________________more regularly and stop
eating_______________ food. The problem is, I’
m t o o _______________ at
work. I never have the time!
Nina: Well, maybe you could walk to work or take a _______________
sometimes. O r you co u ld _______________ up early tomorrow and go for a
_______________ with me. H ow does 6:00 a.m. tomorrow sound?
Matt: 6:00 a.m.? No, thanks! I’
m not an early_______________ like you.

'' Complete the sentences with words from the unit. Then circle the words in the puzzle.
Look in these directions (—> 4/). (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. I e x e rcise at the gym. r

A L A R M C L o c K E
2. Jan is very 1__________ . She watches J
A ,J E S C T N A p E V V
T V all day.
3. A1 is s__________. He needs to relax.
4. Lina is a little heavy and wants to lose
E P N N S V H (? E T A W
some w__________ . E X R T
S u E X E E R E
5. -J__________ food isn’
t healthy. P P S B R E A E U L 1
6. Some people say they don ’
t remember S L N A E K D R U T Y G
their d__________ . N A O W S T A C N E B H

7. A n__________ is a bad dream. V Z K A S U C I K A I T

8. A n__________ is a short sleep. R Y N K E Y H S T N R Y

9. An e_______ _ b__________ doesn ’

t sleep late. J Y Y E D C E
Is S T I) Z

10. I drink coffee to stay a__________ .

11. Jim falls a easily.
12. I need an a__________ c__________ to wake up.

C lu e s

d 'll a '01 P‘
d-g 3•
/ s -9 >j g } -f p g L j 3•
j :si pjoM qaea j o J3U3| jsbj aipp XxejnqBDo^

sqvm ‘ u rn ‘q m f ,'iCi{'ijvdq ‘ (Csnq ‘yvd iq ‘p n q ‘m p v :sjb spjoM S uisstui Suiuajsiq

S e lf- s t u d y I I I
Unit 10 Self-study

s* Listen and practice.

Im p e ra tiv e s

Rem em ber people's names. Don’t forget people's birthdays.

Be patient. Don’t worry about making mistakes.
Ask for help. Don’t complain about everything.

B Complete the advice with the correct verbs from the box. Use don’
t when necessary.

accept complain * look study worry

ask get say visit write

1. A: Tomorrow is our final exam. I’

m really nervous!
B: Dovi'fi worry about it. Just sfuAy hard tonight.

2. A: I don ’
t think my English is improving.
B: _______________that. Your English has improved a lot!

3. A: I want to impress my new boss.

B: T h e n _______________ to work early, a n d _______________ questions when you don ’
understand something.

4. A: I always forget my friends’birthdays.

B: I have an idea._______________ their birthdays on your calendar.

5. A: My best friend is in the hospital. How can I make her feel better?
B: _______________her every day. A n d _______________ sad when you visit her.

6. A: My neighbor’
s children play loud music every night, and I can’
t sleep.
B: Well,_______________ thesituation._______________ to their parents!

C Write advice for each problem. Use imperatives.

1. “I always forget p eop le’
s names.” WrB-e Aowv\ fUeiv when you -Pivsfi t*\eeK
2. “I want to make more friends.” _______________________________________________
3. “
I’m always late for class.” ________________________________ ______________
4. “I can never find my keys.” _______________________________________________
5. “I failed my last exam.” _____________________ _________________________
6. “I never have enough money.” ______________________________________________ _

I 12 S e lf- s t u d y
5^ Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

Alex: I don ’
t know what to do. I’
m really worried about my history
. The textbook is really_______________ , and I can never
remember im portant_______________ or dates.
Zoe: D o y o u _______________ important information in the textbook? O r keep a
_______________ with important information? That might help.
Alex: I tried that, but I’
m n o t_______________ . I think I should ju s t___________
the situation. I have a terrible_______________ .
Zoe: Well, you could always_______________ the teacher for help. Maybe she
can give you s o m e _______________ .

Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)
tiu *

1. color with a special yellow pen b I 3 L 1 I 3
2. feel stressed about the future 2
3. not read silently
4. I have a problem. Please give
me s o m e _____. 4

5. not pass or succeed

6. meetings with someone
7. a secret word or number
8. the numbers to open
a lock
9. You need these to
unlock doors.
10. things you push on the phone
11. opposite o f forget
12. happy, joyful
13. You like to talk to this person!

C lu e s
I‘S-£ I(um oq) ‘O'ZI -I'll q 01 4'6 3 '8
[_ is ’
d• 9 j ’
g is -y e•
£ m [ (sscuay) :si pjoM yoB3 jo jana] tsjy syj^ X-rejnqBDOA


s9umu ‘
iCioum u ‘
Sm aoxtjuii ‘
jy S ijy S iy ‘
tuvxs jn o iffip ‘ysv ‘ tfdoov :3jb spaoM Suissiui syj^ Suiuajsiq
m apv ‘

S e lf- s t u d y I 13
Unit 11 Se

& Listen and practice.

Asking for and giving directions

How can / do I get to City Park?

Go up Fifth Avenue. It’s on the left. / It's on the right.
Walk to Oak Street. It’s next to the hotel.
Turn left. / Turn right. It's across from / opposite the bus station.
Go past the museum. It's on the corner.

B Find these places on the map.


Flower Shop ^
Drugstore £
Supermarket t

First Avenue

Shopping Mall Bus Station

1. It’
s next to City Bank. F h e ow\- v^iiAsem^
2. It’
s on the corner o f Third Avenue and Maple Street.
3. It’
s on Second Avenue, across from the drugstore.___
4. It’
s on Park Street, next to the Park H otel.__________

C How do you get from Start to the Park Hotel? Complete the directions.

A: Excuse me.
B: Yes?
A: H ow can I gief to the Park Hotel?
B: L et’
s see. First,__________ u p ___________Street to First Avenue,
a n d __________ right.___________to Park Street and turn________________ .
G o __________ the art museum and City Bank. It’
s ________________ City Park.
A: Is it on the left or on the right?
B: It’
s on th e_______________ .
A: Thanks!
B: You’
re welcome.

I 14 S e lf- s t u d y
5* Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.)

Emi: What do you want to do this gvPfew\oon D o you want to go to

the mall?
Ben: No, I’
m not really interestedin _______________ . How about
th e______________ ?
Emi: It’
s pretty far from here. How can w e _______________ there?
B y _______________?
Ben: T hat’
s t o o _______________ . W e can take th e_______________ and then
walk. It only takes_______________ minutes from the station.
Emi: OK. D o you want to have a _______________ somewhere first?
Ben: Sure! T h ere’
s agreat________________ right next to the museum.

Complete the puzzle with worcls from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

Across I 2 3 4

6. a royal house 5
7. where two streets meet
8. not left
11. across from
Down P I c e
1. a place you can see a long way from
2: underground train
3. You can see ships and boats here. 8 9
4. old and famous
5. Ask for these if you’
re lost.
9. How long does i t _____to get there? 10
10. You can see animals here.

C lu e s
z -0I j '6 p -q q -f q’
s Y a -| ( ua\o q ) ‘.o “
[i j •
$ a 'i d-g (ssojoy) :st pjOM qDBa j o J3U3( isjij a q j^ Xjejnq-eDo^Y

U3j ‘
ix v ; ‘ y ovu s ‘Sui(f(}mis '■wn.dsnui ‘pS ‘
iCvmqrn ‘ dfoo ‘
aaiswcfxB ‘ u oou id ifv :3jb spaoM Suissjui aq jj S m u a js i'i

S e lf- s t u d y I I5
it 12 Self-study

A Listen and practice.

W ould fo r im a gin a ry situ a tio n s

Would you ever start eating before other people?

Yes, I would. I’d start eating if I was hungry. No, I wouldn’t. It wouldn’t be polite.

Would you ever eat chicken with your hands?

Of course. It would be easier than using a fork. No way! I would never do that.

B Complete the questions with the phrases in the box.

ride a bike on the sidewalk gossip about your friends dip bread in your coffee
wear someone else’s clothes tell a stranger a secret have dinner at 5:30

1 . A: Would you ever w ew someone eh e's clofhes______________ ?

B: Yes. Actually, I often borrow my sister’
s T-shirts.

2. A: Would you ever_____________________________________________ ?

B: No, never. I’
m a loyal friend.

3. ■A: Would you ever_____________________________________________ ?

B: No way! T hat’
s disgusting!

4. A: Would you ever_____________________________________________ ?

B: I don ’
t think so. T hat’
s too early.

5. A: Would you ever_____________________________________________ ?

B: O f course not. I don ’
t tell anyone my secrets!

6. A: Would you ever______________________________________________?

B: Sure. Why not? Is it illegal?

C There are two mistakes in each conversation. Correct the mistakes,

1. A: Would ever-you put your feet on the seat on a bus or train?
B: No, I wouldn-t never do that. It’
s very rude.

2. A: Would you ever to talk on your cell phone while walking in the street?
B: Yes, I’
d. I think that’
s OK.

3. A: Would you ever cutting in line at the movies?

B: No, I would ever do that. I hate it when people cut in line.

4. A: Would you never kiss your boss on the cheek?

B: T hat’
s too personal, but I’
d kissed a friend on the cheek.

I 16 S e lf- s t u d y
Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom of the page.)

1. Kam: Hey, Jay, w hat’

s your favorite LoUAgyy
>y: It’
s definitely Thanksgiving. My family by having a
b ig _______________ •
Kam: D o you ever go out and watch th e____
Jay: No, not usually. After we eat, we usually stay home
and w atch_______________ .

2. Kate: I got an ____________ to my friend M arisa’

s house for dinner. Can
you give me any advice about Brazilian _______________?
Luis: Well, in Brazil, it’
s O K to a little bit late. And you
should kiss y ou r_________ on both cheeks.
Kate: OK. And should I bring a gift?
Luis: Sure. _______________ are always a good idea.

Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. ahsdn Shake these when h n A s

meeting people.
2. nicpic outdoor meal p --------------
3. dearpa people marching in p ---- ----------
. the street
' 4. muscot what people usually do c __________________

5. scumtoe special clothing c ______________________

6. mercyone formal event c _____________________

7. ghastlynuptial not go to bed s __________ u ___ a _____ n ____________
8. electbear do special things c _____________________________

9. wireforks These light up the night f ________________________

sky on some holidays.
10. titianvino a request to visit i __________________________
11. ttianoildra not modern t ______________________________
12. deepenendinc July 4 in the U.S. I __________________________________ Day

C lu e s
a SI I'll 11'01 s '6
3 'jj 1 ‘
d ‘
X ■
l_ A -g 3 UI - f 3 ■£ D S ■[ :si p j O M C[DB3 J O J3H3HSBJ 3 q x T r e i nCl1330A


dpvw rf ‘
paui ‘
u o im ia u i ‘
ss»)soq ‘
iCvpijoq ‘
siu ojsru ‘
s% v]m oi/i d a m v :3.re sproM Sutssiui
‘ sqx Suiuaisix

S e lf- s t u d y I 17
ft 13 Self-study

A Listen and practice.

W ould like / love / hate + to + verb

What celebrity would you like to meet?

I’d like to m eet J. K. Rowling.

What would you like to ask her?

I’d like to ask, “Where do you get your ideas?"

Would you like to be a famous writer?

Yes, I would. I’d love to be a famous writer.
No, I w ouldn’t. I w ouldn’t like to be famous, and I’d hate to write every day.

B Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.

1. A: Would you (liketo)/ lik e / to lik e be a movie star?
B: No, I w o u ld n ’
t / I’
d n ot / I w ou ld like that. I n o lik e to be / w ou ld n ’
t lik e to be /
w ou ld lik e to be famous.

2. A: What d o / w o id d / d id you like to do tonight?

.B: Hmm. I lik e to / I ’
d lik e to / I lik ed to stay home. I no / w ou ld n ’
t / a m not
like to go out.

3. A: What famous person w o id d y o u lik e to / y o u w o id d lik e to / y o u ’

d lik e to meet?
B: Well, I ’
d lov e to / I ’
d lov e / I ’
v e to lov e meet Tiger Woods. I lik e / I ’
d lik e / I lik ed
to ask him, “
H ow can I be a better golfer?”

4. A: Would you like to ask / ask to / ask the teacher for more homework?
B: No way! I hate / I ’
d hate to / I ’
d hate ask the teacher for that!

5. A: Would you lik e g o / lov e g o / lik e to g o to the museum this weekend?

B: Sure, I ’
d lov e to g o / I ’
d lik e / I lov e to go. There is a Picasso exhibit, and
d lov e / I ’
d hate / I lik e to miss it.

C Use the words below. Write sentences with I ’

d love to, I ’
d like to, I wouldn’
t like to
or I ’
d hate to.
1. be a sports star I woidAvfp UVe fo b e <*. spoyt-«?
2. meet Albert Einstein
3. invent something n e w __________________________
4. go back to the 19th century ________________________ ________
5. have magic p o w e r s __________________________

I 18 S e lf- s t u d y
^ Listen and complete the conversations. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. Jen: W ho’
s your favorite__ spovfs star?
Amy: Hmm. I’
d say th e___ Michelle Wie. You know, she started
playing when she was ___years old.
Jen: Wow! T hat’
s great. Michelle Wie ... Is sh e_______________ ?
Amy: No, she’
s _______________ . But her family comes from Korea.

2. Cal: What person from the past would you most like to meet?
Jane: s one o f my favorite______________ . I’
Probably Jane Austen. She’ ve
recently read a _______________ o f her life.
Cal: Which o f her books do you like th e _______________ ?
Jane: Pride and Prejudice, though I love Sense and Sensibility, too. And you know
what? My parents_______________ me after her!
Cal: No kidding! Maybe they wanted you to be a _______________
writer someday.

Complete the sentences with words from the unit. Then circle the words in the puzzle.
Look in these directions (—> J,:. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

1. A c elebviPy is a famous person.

r \
I R c T A K C U A V T E
2. An a__________ is a female actor.
,r 3. You ask questions in an i_________ .
4. A b__________is som eone’
s life story.
E P R V L E P C R c B C
5. A c__________ helps people for free.
R L 1 E B L O V E N 1 B
6. Plamlet is a p__________ by Shakespeare.
V A T H Y E s c S E O W
7. Mozart c__________ over 40 symphonies.
I Y Y 1 E B E J S T G R
8. A v__________ is a car or bus.
9. Einstein was a s . W C c L A I S A K A T
10. Picasso and Van G ogh were p__________ S c I E N T I S T Y P E
11. J. K. Rowling and Stephen King
are w__________ .
c c T K T
dc B Y R H R

Y u P A I N T E R S Y S
v_________________________ J

C lu e s
sqi s-Qi
j 6 a '8 p k -g k -q k -f m •£ s '2 T [ :si pjOM qora jo jauaj jsrj X.re[nqi3DOyy

sid^uan ‘
sfiocfs ‘
pmvu ‘
jjjoS lM of‘ dS2uiyj ‘
snouwf‘ ifydwSozq ‘
}S9q ‘
ummuiy :are spjOM Smssiui Suiuarsiq

S e lf- s t u d y I 19
14 Self-study

a b * Listen and practice.

Pi? All of us live in the city.
Most of us live in apartments.
Some of us have roommates.
Not many of us live in houses.
A few of us live alone.
None of us own our homes.

B There are 325 apartments in the Andover Apartment Building. Rewrite the sentences
with quantifiers.
1. Forty apartments have balconies.
<Sow e o-P t-Ue h<*.ve b a lc o n ie s ._________________
2. Three hundred and twenty-five apartments have dishwashers.

3. Three hundred and fifteen apartments have air conditioning.

4. There aren’
t any fireplaces in the apartments.

5. Ten apartments have two bedrooms.

6. Three apartments have gardens.

C Think about the people you know. Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.

all most some not many a few none

1. o f them rent their homes.

2. o f them have air conditioning.
3. o f them have dishwashers.
4. o f them have cars.
5. o f them live with their families.
6. o f them live in tree houses.

I 20 Self-study
m Zfpnis-frs
Listening The missing words are: balcony, bedroom, living, long, mountains, renting, spacious, swimming,

Vocabulary The first letter of each word is: (Across) 1. g 2. d 3. r 4. c 5. s 6. r 7. y

8. m 9. b 10. v l l .s 12. b 13. c 14. b 15. n; (Down) 16. a, c
sa n lD

si usqtnSM joq
ui jooo noX sdssq siqj^ -g j
noX jnuu
3Atj oqM sjdosd oqi TI
11 i01 # ^ ofu 3
01 ot siqt uo sjooptno jt£ TI
;g# uo sSuttp
Ijos osoqt puy ntnoA TI
8 u io o j punojSiopun un TI
L •sup uo pooj qooo no\ TI
MoputM n u io jj 33s noX inqM •oi
•uu3[0 }3§ot siqt ui orj '6
S ■stqt ui jpsinoX sss uno nq,\ ‘
fr ssnoq n punom punj 'L
suioq n ui 3 a ij oj Xnd noX Xauoui -9
•siqt uo tis un3 ojdoocl [tuoAoq •£.
E •3js q ui ssqtojo jnoX dss^j 'f
i uooy sqt uo siqt tn j '£
•sstnjd XtJip jnoX sunup siqj^ Z
£ \0 A V? £ i
-3J3q ui jno jnoX dssq uno no^ T
(•3§nd oqi jo uiottoq oqi ot o§ ‘
ssrqo jqq) -jiun sqt uiojj spjoM qtpw ojzzncl oqi ajojdtuoj)

■noX utof y j p ou Xq^w :3q jy

pn o§ j into ‘
qo :nuiQ
3qt ut jood n uoao s.oioqt pun ‘
qno.\ :oiqy
A[[t:.u spi ‘
MOy\\ :uuiq
umui sqt si 3J3q j s a q -si ji ‘
ssy ■

pqS u 3qt
uo unsoo sqt tnqt si pun - sjsqt jsa o — sqt 33s uno I ‘
qo :nut0
qoor[ • ,)l|l UIOJJ M3IA 33IU
n s p j s q j ^ -u io oj sqt si siq j^ - OS spsj ‘
^ o :3WV
jtnqi 3AOj p j inujo
pn ot n uqtj noX pjno^w qi tsnf i u j -3uiiu jou spt
:3m v ‘
q o

I Svioj 3J3q p3Atj noX 3Anjq psnoq jnjpnnsq Xynsj n si siqj^ :uuiq

; 3§nd sqt j o uiottoq ,h ji o j oS ‘

ssnp jo j] uotjnsjsAuoo sqt stsjdiuoo pun uotsrq ^
15 Self-study

sv Listen and practice.

Simple past and past continuous
Use the simple past for a completed Use the past continuous for an action
action in the past. in progress in the past.
What games did you play as a child? What were you doing last night?
We played catch and marbles. We were playing hide-and-seek.
Who did you play with? What was Kevin doing at midnight?
1played with my friends. He was hiding.
Did you have fun together? W ere they looking for him?
Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. Yes, they were. / No, they w eren’t.

B Circle the best answers to complete the paragraph.

Yesterday I (had)/ w a s h avin g a terrible day. In the morning, I m isse d / w a s m issin g

the bus, so I w alk ed / w a s w alk in g to school. It took / w a s taking a long time, and I
a rriv ed / w a s arrivin g at school twenty minutes late. Also, I fo r g o t / w a s fo rg ettin g my
homework. Later, my friend and I stu d ied / w ere stu d y in g quietly in the back o f class.
We co m p a red / w ere co m p a rin g our answers, but the teacher thought we talk ed /
w ere talk in g about other stuff, so she p u n ish ed / w a s p u n ish in g us. Then last night,
I w rote / w a s w ritin g an essay on my computer when the electricity suddenly w ent /
w a s g o in g out. I lo st / w a s lo sin g the whole essay! I w en t / w a s g o in g to bed
in a really bad mood.

C Complete the questions with simple past or past continuous verbs. Then answer
the questions.

L Q: When A\A you _go_ .(go) to bed last night?

2. Q.: What games .y o u . .(play) as a child?

3. Q: What .y o u . (do) yesterday evening at 8:00 p.m.?


4. Qj How many answers .y o u . .(get) right in Exercise B?

5. Q: What .y o u . .(do) one hour ago?

I 22 S e lf- s t u d y
Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

Bob: I remember one morning when I was i n _____-PUH-L_____grade. The teacher was
explaining something when a police officer came into o u r _______________ . He said
that he wanted to talk to me.
Meg: Oh, no!
Bob: I felt really scared. The police officer told the teacher that he had to take me out of
class_______________. I didn’
t want to go, and 1 started________________ . But he
walked me down the stairs and out into the sch ool_______________ .
Meg: What happened?
Bob: There was a _______________ there, and he asked her, “Is this th e_______________ ?’
She looked at me for a _______________ and said, “
No, that’
s not him.”So the
police ofFicer said, “Sorry, son. M y _______________ .”Then he took me back to the
^ '
classroom. Apparently, a boy did something really_______________ , and the police
were looking for him. But it wasn’
t me!

Complete the puzzle with words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

A cross

2. Children play this game on

the sidewalk.
4. I got some n ice _____on
my birthday.
7. The children were playing
a _____.
8. The p e t _____was a fad.
9. the time you were a boy or girl
11. things you remember
D ow n

1. not remember
3. D on’t get struck by this in a storm!
5. They got in to_____ when
they broke the window.
6. frightened
10. go where people can’ t find you

C lu e s
M 01 s '9 IT IT J’
Iui -j j o -0 a -g §■i_ § -f q -g (ssaioy) :si paoM qoua j o Jana] jsjij s q x XxejnqBooA

p x v f‘
uvw ocn ‘
pu om ‘
ty v jsn u ‘
fy im p a u iu a ‘
ip fif^ u n C io ‘
u ioox sm p ‘
tCoq ‘
pvq :3JB spjOM S uissiui aqj^ S u iu a js jq

S e lf- s t u d y 123
16 Self-study

A 0 Listen and practice.

F u tu re w ith w ill

How old will you be ten years from now? What w ill your life be like ten years from now?
I’ll be 30. I’ll definitely have a good job.
W ill people live to be 100? I’ll probably be married.
Yes, they will. / No, they w on’t. 1probably won’t have children.
1definitely won’t have grandchildren!

B Complete the conversation$..with the verbs in parentheses.

1. A: Will y o u ______ b e ______ (be) happier in the future?
B: Yes, I __________. I ________________ (definitely + be) happier and richer.

2. A: __________the Internet________________ (replace) books?

B: No, it __________ . P eople___________ always________________(want) to readbooks.

3. A: W hat__________ your city__________ (be) like in fifty years?

B: It ________________ (probably + be) a much better place.

4. «A: __________p eo p le_______________ (work) only two days a week in the future?
B: No, they__________ . I thinkthey_______________ (work) six or seven days a week.

Actually, I think many people are doing that now!

5. A: W hat__________ y o u _______________(do) after you graduate?

B: I __________ (probably + travel) around South America for a while.

6. A: Where do you think y o u _______________ (live) in the year 2020?

B: I _______________ (probably + not + live) in this city.

I _______________ (definitely + not + be) single, and

I _______________ (probably + have) children.

C What will these things be like in 2020? Write your predictions.

1. Communication W e imoh'V u s e yenu) w We'll on ly i\se

2. E d u c a t i o n _________________________________________________
3. F o o d _________________________________________________
4. L e i s u r e _________________________________________________
5. T r a n s p o r t a t i o n _________________________________________________
6. Your life ____________________________________________ ______

I 24 S e lf- s t u d y
gv Listen and complete the conversation. (For clues, go to the bottom o f the page.)

Maria: So, you’

re graduating from high school, and you got excellent
gr<*Aes . You must fe e l________________ .
Jake: I do! And I’
m really________________ that I h a d _______________ teachers
and parents. You know, there’
s only one thing I _______________.
Maria: Oh, yeah? W hat’
s that?
Jake: I didn’
t _______________ much in sports.
Maria: Well, maybe you’
ll have a chance in _______________.
Jake: I ________________so. I probably_______________ be able to do everything
I want, but I’
m sure I’
ll have so m e _______________time.

Unscramble the letters to make words from the unit. (For clues, go to the bottom ol the page.)
1. raplobby most likely P v o b b 1 y
2. actprical sensible, realistic P
3. patriciapet take part P
4. ulsriee free time 1
5. farmhens first-year college student f
6. isaboutmi wanting success a
7. clingmeow friendly and inviting w
8. imoptisict not pessimistic o
9. cretinipod what you think will happen p
10. idlyfeetin certainly d
11. rugcanoeing giving support and hope e
12. crypticfeet the best possible place to live P

C lu e s
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'"infyuviff ‘
dmuo44ns ‘
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sspruS ‘
dSafloo :3J B s p j O M S u i s s i u i Suiuajsiq

Self-study I 25
elf-study answer
Unit 1 Listening
Gram m ar 1. average / muscular / wavy / friendly / stubborn
B 1. are / Are / ’
m/ ’
m 4. ’ s / Is / isn’
t/ ’
s 2. birthday / August / sign / neat / critical
2. Does / does / is 5. Do / do / have
3. do / ’
re / don’t 6 . does / Is / isn’
t/ ’
Across 5. hardworking 10. adventurous
C Qiiestions 1. optimistic 6 . neat 11. gray
1. Are you a college student? 2 . flexible 7. athletic Down
2. Where does your teacher live? 3. straight 8 . talkative 12. personality
3. Do you have an e-mail address? 4. bossy 9. height
4. W ho’ s your favorite singer?
5. What’ s your cell phone number? Unit 3
Possible answers Gram m ar
\. Yes, I am. / No, I’ m not. B 1. to help / to cook (or cooking) / to eat (or eating)
2. My teacher lives in (Seoul). 2 . to do (or doing) / to take (or taking)
3. Yes, I do. / No, I don’ t. 3. to play / to go
4. My favorite singer is (Norah Jones). 4. to surf (or surfing) / to chat (or chatting)
5. My cell phone number is / It’ s (555-1234). 5. to listen (or listening) / to watch (or watching) / to read
Listening (or reading)
1. other / name / spell / college / hometown / meet C Possible answers
2. free / music / favorite / birthday 1. I love (to play soccer). / I love (playing soccer).
2. I don’ t like (to read). / I don’t like (reading).
Vocabulary 3. I like (to walk). / I like (walking).
1. nervous 5. cell 9. underscore 4. I want (to chat with friends).
2. relaxed 6 . e-mail 10. hobbies 5. I don’ t want (to do homework).
3. hometown 7. dot 11. favorite
4. major dash Listening
1. free / relaxing / prefer / online / meet
rv o T (R k i. a x v, n) 2. surfing / dangerous / fun / swim / watch
(I J N 1) 1'. R S C O R f.) |m | k . Vocabulary
U ira D G M H R S A N E
Across 11. extreme 6. swimming
V O R 1 T E)T G r
Y H O P Y T R W o 3. watch Down 7. win
O (N E R V O U S) w 5. hiking 1. skiing 9. take
S' V E N S R A Y T E N 8 . reading 2 . interest
E (H () B B 1E ji) i M 10. musical 4. collecting
L Cvl A j O RHJ E U A J A
Il J N K u J O E L S I T N
B B K N L N O L o [y S E , Unit 4
Gram m ar
B you / your / my / he / their / It’
s / his / They’
re /
Unit 2 She’
s / her / we / our
Gram m ar
B 1. Is / is / ’
s 4. are / ’m / have C Answers will vary.
2. is / is / ’
s 5. Do / have / have / is Listening
3. Does / have / has 6 . are / Are / aren’
t/’re 1. roommates / noisy / lonely / dinner / movies
C Questions Possible answers 2. family / older / friends / advice / chat
1. How old are you? 1. I’ m (19).
2. Do you have red hair? 2. Yes, I do. / No, I don’ t.
1. niece 5. best friend 9. cousin
3. What color are your 3. My eyes are (brown).
2. nephew 6 . secrets 10. grandson
eyes? 4. I have (black) hair.
3. lonely 7. privacy 11. roommate
4. What color hair do 5. Yes, I am. / No, I’ m not.
4. tell the truth 8 . husband 12. grandparents
you have? 6 . She’ s (adventurous and
5. Are you hardworking? creative).
6 . What is your best
friend like?

I 26 Self-study answer key

Unit 5 Vocabulary
Across 5. shopping 10. souvenirs
Gram m ar
1. stay 6 . vacation 11. umbrella
B 1. are / looking for / ’
re / window-shopping
2 . toothbrush 7. flashlight 12. flight
2. is / wearing / is shining
3. guidebook 8 . Australia Down
3. are / going / ’m going / are having
4. sunscreen 9. camping 13. your passport
4. ’s / doing / ’
s looking at / ’
s getting
5. Are / paying / is paying
Unit 7
C Questions
Gram m ar
1. What are you doing right now?
B 1. Have / tasted / have / ’
ve had
2. Where are you doing this exercise?
2. have / tried / ’
ve drunk
3. What are you wearing today?
3. Has / made / has / ’ s baked
4. What are you thinking about right now?
4. Has / been / hasn’ t/’ s been
Possible answers 5. Have / eaten / haven’ t/’ ve had
1. I’
m (doing my homework).
2. I’
m doing this exercise (in the library). C Questions
3. I’
m wearing (jeans and a T-shirt). 1. Have you ever eaten with chopsticks?
4. I’
m thinking about (the soccer match this \)te6kend). 2. What foreign foods have you had?
3. What unusual foods have you tried?
Listening 4. What fast-food restaurants have you been to recently?
1. jeans / Department / sale / clothing / outdoor Possible answers
2. borrow / gift / perfume / lend / sweater 1. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’
2. I’
ve had (Mexican and Thai) food.
1. Sandals 5. mall 9. spend 3. I’
ve tried (snake).
6 . supermarket 10. rent 4. I’
ve been to (Pizza Town and Burger Inn).
2. Convenience
3. Purchases 7. refuse 11. compliment Listening
4. clothing 8 . wallet 12. complain 1. potatoes / bland / salty / soda
2. soup / main / salad / orange / small / water
Across 9. fruit 3. appetizer
1. upscale 10. side 5. cafeteria
4. spicy 11. buffet 6. sour
6 . soup Down 7. dessert
8 . bitter 2 . chopsticks

Unit 8
Gram m ar
B 1. are / going to do / is going to come / ’
re going to stay
Unit 6 2. are going to visit / ’
m going to clean / are going to go
3. ’m going to change / ’ m going to get / are going to go /
Gram m ar
’m going to wait
B missed / got / were / tried / liked / went / swam / met /
4. are / going to watch / ’re going to have / Are /
took / had / was / forgot / did / see / left / lost
going to be / am / is going to end
C Questions
C Possible answers
1. Where did you go on your last trip?
1. Tomorrow, (I’ m going to go shopping).
2. Did you try any unusual foods?
2. On Saturday, (it’
s going to rain).
3. How was the weather?
3. On Sunday, (my friend is going to visit me).
4. Was your trip relaxing?
4. Next summer, (I’m going to take a trip).
Possible answers 5. Next year, (I’
m going to look for a job).
1. I went to (Okinawa).
2. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Listening
3. It was (sunny and warm). 1. action / violent / funny / scary / DVD
4. Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’ t. 2. documentary / World / news / channel / commercial
Listening Vocabulary
1. beach / catch / hotel / visit / umbrella 1. moving 5. comedy 9. game show
2. country / interesting / walking / local / souvenirs 2. scary 6 . romantic 10. audience
3. sitcom 7. violent 11. soap opera
4. channel 8 . thriller 12. documentary

Self-study answer key 127

Unit 9 Listening
exam / difficult / names / highlight / notebook / improving /
Gram m ar
accept / memory / ask / advice
B l.A: How often do you exercise?
B: Well, I ride a bike to class three times a week. Vocabulary
2. A: Do you ever go to a gym? Across 5. fail 10. buttons
B: No, I never go to a gym. But I go swimming 1. highlight 6 . appointments 11. remember
twice a month. 2. worry 7. password 12. cheerful
3. A: Do you avoid junk food all the time? 3. aloud 8 . combination Down
B: Well, not a ll the time. But I hardly ever eat it. 4. advice 9. keys 13. good listener
4. A: How often do you get eight hours of sleep?
B: Hmm. I don’ t get eight hours of sleep very often. Unit 11
During the week, I usually get about six hours
Gram m ar
of sleep.
B 1. the art museum 3. the supermarket
C Questions 2. the gym 4. the Chinese restaurant
1. Do you ever sleep in class?
C get / go (or walk) / Maple / turn / Walk (or Go) / left /
2. How often do you get sick?
past / opposite (or across from) / right
3. Do you ever take long walks? <f~'
4. How often do you have breakfast? Listening
Possible answers afternoon / shopping / museum / get / taxi / expensive /
1. Yes, I sometimes do. / No, I never do. subway / ten / snack / cafe
2 . I get sick about twice a year. / I hardly ever get sick.
3. Yes, I often do. / No, I never do. Vocabulary
4. I have breakfast every day. / I don’ t have breakfast Across Down 5. directions
6 . palace 1. viewpoint 9. take
very often.
7. corner 2 . subway 10. zoo
Listening 8 . rights 3. harbor
fit / healthy / active / exercise / junk / busy / break / 11. opposite 4. historic
wake / run / bird
Unit 12
1. exercise 5. Junk 9. early bird Gram m ar
2 . lazy 6 . dreams 10. awake B 1. Would you ever wear someone else’
s clothes?
3. stressed 7. nightmare 11. asleep 2. Would you ever gossip about your friends?
4. weight 8 . nap 12. alarm clock 3. Would you ever dip bread in your coffee?
4. Would you ever have dinner at 5:30?
5. Would you ever tell a stranger a secret?
6 . Would you ever ride a bike on the sidewalk?

C l.A: Would you ever put your feet on the seat on a bus
or train?
B: No, I would never / wouldn’ t ever do that. It’
very rude.
2. A: Would you ever talk on your cell phone while
walking in the street?
B: Yes, I would. I think that’s OK.
3. A: Would you ever cut in line at the movies?
B: No, 1would never / wouldn’ t ever do that. I hate it
Unit lO when people cut in line.
Gram m ar
4. A: Would you ever kiss your boss on the cheek?
B 1. Don’t worry / study B: That’ s too personal, but I’
d kiss a friend on the cheek.
4. Write
2. Don’ t say 5. Visit / don’t look Listening
3. get / ask 6 . don’t accept / Complain 1. holiday / celebrates / meal / parade / TV
C Possible answers 2. invitation / customs / arrive / hostess / Chocolates
1. Write down their names when you first meet.
2. Join a club or an organization.
1. hands 5. costume 9. fireworks
3. Buy an alarm clock, and get up earlier.
2. picnic 6. ceremony 10. invitation
4. Put them in the same place every day.
3. parade 7. stay up all night 11. traditional
5. Study with a friend next time.
4. custom 8 . celebrate 12. Independence
6 . Don’t buy things that you don’ t need.

128 Self-study answer key

Unit 13 Unit 15
Gram m ar Grammar
B 1. like to / I wouldn’
t / wouldn’
t like to be B 1. had / missed / arrived / forgot / was studying /
2. would / I’ d like to / wouldn’ t wasn’t doing / was talking / punished
3. would you like to / I’ d love to / I’
d like 2. met / were playing / lost / were looking /
4. to ask / I’d hate to was swimming / found / took / invited / joined
5. like to go / I’d love to go / I’
d hate C Questions
C Possible answers 1. When did you go to bed last night?
1. (I wouldn’ t like to) be a sports star. 2. What games did you play as a child?
2. (I’d like to) meet Albert Einstein. 3. What were you doing yesterday evening at 8:00 p.m.?
3. (I’d love to) invent something new. 4. How many answers did you get right in Exercise B?
4. (I’d hate to) go back to the 19th century. 5. What were you doing one hour ago?
5. (I wouldn’ t like to) have magic powers. Possible answers
1. I went to bed (at midnight).
2 . I played (hide-and-seek and marbles).
1. sports / golfer / four / Chinese / American
3. I was (watching TV).
2. writers / biography / best / named / famous ,
4. I got (all of them) right.
Vocabulary 5. I was (walking to class).
1. celebrity 5. charity 9. scientist
2. actress 6 . play 10. painters
fifth / classroom / immediately / crying / yard / woman /
3. interview 7. composed 11. writers
boy / second / mistake / bad
4. biography 8 . vehicle
Across 9. childhood 5. trouble
2 . hopscotch 11. memories 6 . scared
4. gifts Down 10. hide
7. game 1. forget
8 . rock 3. lightning

Unit 16
Gram m ar
B 1. Will / be / will / ’
ll definitely be
2. Will / replace / won’ t / will / want
3. will / be / will probably be
Unit 14 4. Will / work / won’ t/’ ll work
Gram m ar 5. will / do / ’ll probably travel
B 1. Some of the apartments have balconies. 6. ’
ll live / probably won’ t live / definitely won’
t be /
2. All of the apartments have dishwashers. ’
ll probably have
3. Most of the apartments have air conditioning. C Answers will vary.
4. None of the apartments have fireplaces.
5. Not many of the apartments have two bedrooms. Listening
6 . A few of the apartments have gardens. grades / proud / thankful / supportive / regret / participate /
college / hope / won’t / leisure
C Answers will vary.
1. probably 5. freshman 9. prediction
long / renting / upstairs / living / balcony / mountains / 6 . ambitious 10. definitely
2. practical
bedroom / spacious / swimming / yard 3. participate 7. welcoming 11. encouraging
Vocabulary 4. leisure 8 . optimistic 12. perfect city
Across 6. rent 12.basement
1. garage 7. yard 13. cushions
2 . dishwasher 8. mirror 14. balcony
3. rug 9. bathtub 15. neighbors
4. closet 10. view Down
5. sofa 1 1. stove 16. air conditioning

Self-study answer key 129

et's Talk, Second Edition, is a fu lly revised e d itio n o f Let's Talk, th e
h ig h ly successful sp e a kin g and lis te n in g course fo r y o u n g a d u lts and
a d u lts. This th re e -le v e l course in N o rth A m e rica n English is designe d
to d e v e lo p o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n skills and b u ild le a rn e r co n fid e n c e .
U n iq u e tw is ts on to p ic s d ra w s tu d e n ts in to co n ve rsa tio n s, a n d e n g a g in g
a c tiv itie s g u a ra n te e m a xim u m ta lk in g tim e . The 16 fo u r-p a g e th e m a tic
u n its in each level are d iv id e d in to tw o -p a g e lessons, w ith each lesson
e n c o u ra g in g s tu d e n ts to express th e ir fe e lin g s , ideas, and o p in io n s .

Each level o f Let's Talk, Second Edition, consists o f a S tu d e n t's B ook w ith
S e lf-stu d y A u d io CD, Class A u d io CDs, and a Teacher's M a n u a l. Level 1 is
d e s ig n e d fo r h ig h -b e g in n in g /lo w -in te rm e d i
10 t
Features o f th e Student's Book a. »
■ F re q u e n t p a ir a n d g ro u p w o r k a c tiv itie s g ive stu d e n ts
o p p o rtu n itie s to share ideas.
■ V o c a b u la ry-b u ild in g exercises prepare learners to discuss topics.
■ Expansion sections re v ie w key la n g u a g e in a fu n ,
flu e n c y -b u ild in g way.
■ Communication tasks in e very u n it p ro v id e a d d itio n a l
s p e a kin g practice.
■ F lexible lessons a d a p t to la rg e a n d sm all classes.
■ A n exte n sive Self-study section p ro vid e s g ra m m a r, lis te n in g ,
and v o c a b u la ry practice.

Features o f th e Teacher's Manual

■ D e ta ile d n otes g ive te a c h in g steps, tip s, key vocabula ry,
a n d answers.
■ L a n g u a g e o b je ctive s f o r e very a c tiv ity h ig h lig h t
le a rn in g e xp e cta tio n s.
A p ro g ra m o f tests and quizzes a llo w s f o r assessment fle x ib ility .
I ll C a m b r id g e
■ M odel conversations p ro v id e a d d itio n a l la n g u a g e s u p p o rt. U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS
■ Talking points p ro v id e o p tio n a l p h o to c o p ia b le a c tiv itie s .
■ A separate section fo r a u d io scripts a llo w s fo r easy p h o to c o p y in g .

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