Media and Solution Preparation: Ppendix
Media and Solution Preparation: Ppendix
Media and Solution Preparation: Ppendix
Appendix A
Regarding the present experimental research, a summary of recommended and standard aseptic
techniques should be followed throughout every procedure, to ensure axenic conditions.
Therefore all material in use should be sterilized by autoclaving (120ºC for 20 min), and all the
procedures performed on a sterile bench (disinfected with 70% alcohol). Most of the procedures should
be performed in a well-ventilated area.
Gloves, goggles and lab coats should be worn when working with chemicals. Nitrile gloves are
recommended when working with solvents and acids.
aIf using an acidic form of Ampicillin instead of the sodium salt form as indicated in these procedures, then no NaOH should be
Most antibiotic solutions will remain stable for up to 3 months, if stored at 0°C. However, Rifampicin
should be freshly prepared for each use.
Stock solutions in water must be filter sterilized through a 0.2 µm pore filter. Antibiotics dissolved in
ethanol or methanol, do not need to be filter sterilized, since bacteria do not grow in such toxic
Procedure Reagents
1. Combine the sodium phosphate salts in 500 ml of distilled water. Formaldehyde 40% 100 ml
Add the formaldehyde while stirring; NaH2PO4 . H2O 4.00 g
Na2HPO4 6.50 g
2. Adjust the pH to 7.0 with sodium phosphate concentrated stocks if
3. Make up to 1 L with the remaining distilled water;
4. Filter the solution through a 0.45 µm pore filter and store it in a tightly capped, labelled bottle.
Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and should be handled in such a way as to minimize
exposure (Cleary et al., 2005). It may irritate eyes and respiratory passages, and can cause skin and
lung allergy. It has also been reported to cause impaired memory and dexterity, and can be fatal if
ingested (Sheehan et al., 1980).
Because of formaldehyde’s hazards, specific regulations should be implemented, regarding its safe
handling and storage. Safety precautions include proper ventilation and exhaust, as well as limited or
restricted exposure periods. At all times goggles, gloves and lab coat should be worn.
For 10% neutral buffered formaldehyde solution to be effective, the specimen has to be completely
submerged in five to ten times its volume of fixative.
This solution is usually stable for 30 days. As a precaution, the pH of old solutions should be
checked (if acidic the solution shouldn’t be used).
Reagents Procedure
Paraformaldehyde 0.5 g 1. Under the laminar flow hood, bring 10 ml of distilled
2 N NaOH drops water to approximately 60ºC and add 0.5 g
HEPES fix base (mentioned above) 5 ml
paraformaldehyde powder, while stirring;
8% Glutaraldehyde 7.9 ml
2. Add 2-3 drops of 2 N NaOH and stir the solution until it
Formadehyde, although a poor x-linker, penetrates tissue at about 5x the rate of glutaraldehyde. It
is thought that this fast penetration helps to stabilize the tissue structures that are later on stabilized
further by the glutaraldehyde.
This fixative should not be kept for more than two weeks before use, because the formaldehyde
component will begin repolymerizing into paraformaldehyde.
The Marine Broth 2216 (Difco LaboratoriesTM; BD – Bioscience) is prepared according to the formula
of ZoBell. The media contains all of the nutrients necessary for the growth of heterotrophic marine
bacteria. It contains minerals that nearly duplicate the major mineral composition of seawater, in addition
to peptone and yeast extract that provide a good source of nutrients (nitrogen, vitamins and minerals) -
Retrieved [20th March, 2006 at 12:57h], from Becton, Dickinson and Company (
1. Suspend 37.4 g of the Marine Broth (MB) dehydrated powder in 1 L of distilled water. Mix
2. Heat under frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute to completely dissolve the powder;
3. Transfer the media into 1 L bottles and autoclave them at 120ºC for 15 min;
4. Allow the bottles to cool and tighten the lids.
The high salt content from Marine Broth 2216 (Difco LaboratoriesTM; BD – Bioscience) helps to
simulate the sea water. For that reason when preparing 10% Marine Agar, NaCl was added.
Agar is the solidifying agent.
Marine Broth (2216 Difco Laboratories™) 3.74 g
Bacteriological Grade Agar (ICN Biomedicals) 15.00 g
NaCl 28.80 g
1. Suspend the MB dehydrated powder in 1 L distilled water. Heat to the boiling point;
2. Add NaCl and the bacteriological grade agar, while stirring with a magnet. Let it boil for 1 minute
to optimize dissolution;
3. Transfer the media into 2 L bottles. Screw on the caps loosely, and autoclave the bottles for 15
minutes at 120ºC and 15 lb/sq. in.;
4. After autoclaving, vigorously swirl the solutions in the bottles, allowing the molten agar to mix;
5. Allow the media to cool down to 50ºC (when one can hold the bottom of the flask for 10-20 s);
6. Under a laminar flow hood pour the media into sterile plastic Petri dishes (approximately 25 ml for
90 mm Petri dishes). If bubbles appear on the surface of the agar, they may be removed by briefly
flaming the surface with a Bunsen burner;
7. After pouring, leave the dishes dry for 15-20 min (while still inside the laminar flow);
8. Store the Petri dishes facing down (inverted position)c in sealed “tape-shut” plastic sleeves, and
incubate them overnight at 20ºC;
9. On the following days check for growth of bacterial contaminants. After selection, keep them
stored in an incubator at room temperature.
To prepare Marine Agar medium supplemented with antibiotics (MA+R+A), Ampicillin and
Rifampicin from proper sterile antibiotic stock solutions, should be added, until 10 mg.L-1 of each are
obtained in the final plates volume. When transferring the antibiotics, aseptic procedures should be
The sterilized agar should be cooled to 50ºC, before the addition of heat-sensitive antibiotics (e.g.
Complex media containing a homogenous blend of Peptone, Yeast Extract and D-Glucose in
optimal concentration, is used for maintaining and propagating most Saccharomyces cerivisiae strains
and other yeast.
The addition of protein and yeast extract hydrolysates allows a faster growth during the exponential
or log-phase growth – Retrieved [30th April, 2007 at 08:33h], from Becton, Dickinson and Company
The Bacteriological Grade Agar works as the solidifying agent in solid YEPD mediums.
c So that any moisture that may occur, will be collected on the top of the plate without flooding the bottom where bacteria will grow.
Yeast Extract (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) 10 g
Peptone (MP Biomedicals Co.) 10 g
D-Glucose (Sigma Chemical Co.) 20 g
Bacteriological Grade Agar (MP Biomedicals Co.) 20 g
1. Weigh out the appropriate reagents and place them into a flask at least 2 times larger than the
media volume;
2. Suspend all reagents (with exception of the D-Glucose) in 950 ml of distilled water, and gently
bring to the boiling point, allowing it to dissolve completely;
3. Sterilise the agar and broth media by autoclaving at 120ºC for 15 minutes;
4. Allow the media to cool down to 50ºC, and aseptically add D-Glucose to 2% (50 ml previously
autoclaved). Mix thoroughly and adjust the final volume (1 L) if necessary.
Liquid YEPD medium is ready for use. With solid medium, gently pour the molten agar into sterile
Petri dishes, as described in previous procedures.
Yeast extract and peptone provide carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, trace ingredients and other
essential growth nutrients. The yeast extract further supplies vitamin B-complexes, which stimulate the
growth of yeasts and bacteria. Dextrose (D-Glucose) is the carbohydrate source.
If adding supplements such as amino acid mixtures, care should be taken to avoid agar hydrolysis.
Supplements should be added after autoclaving.
Yeast Nitrogen Base Y1250 (Sigma Chemical Co.) 6.7 g
D-Glucose (Sigma Chemical Co.) 10 g
Uracil (Sigma Chemical Co.) 40 mg
L-Histidine (Sigma Chemical Co.) 40 mg
L-Leucine (Sigma Chemical Co.) 40 mg
L-Lysine (Sigma Chemical Co.) 40 mg
1. Suspend the reagents in 1 litter of distilled water;
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to completely dissolve the powder;
3. Dispense into suitable containers and autoclave at 120ºC for 15 minutes;
4. Allow the bottles to cool and tighten the lids.