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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(2): 2313-2318

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(2): 2313-2318 On vegetative propagation through stem cuttings
Received: 17-01-2018
Accepted: 18-02-2018 in medicinally lucrative Tinospora species
Rakshe Abhijeet
Department of Botany, Rakshe Abhijeet and Digambar Mokat
Savitribai Phule Pune,
University, Ganeshkhind Road, Abstract
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers and Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. Belong to family
Menispermaceae and known by different common names such as ‘Guduchi’, ‘Gulvel’ and ‘Giloy’. The
Digambar Mokat
Department of Botany, genus has plethora of health benefits described in ancient scripts and traditional systems of medicine
Savitribai Phule Pune, especially its stem. The drug Guduchi is the major ingredients of about 68 Ayurvedic formulations and
University, Ganeshkhind Road, demand of this drug has been increased up to 2000 to 5000 MT with 9.1% annual growth rate. Nevertheless,
Pune, Maharashtra, India natural populations of both the species are dwindling due to indiscriminate harvesting. The huge surge in
demand provides ample scope for scaling up the commercial cultivation of these plants. In the present
investigation, propagation through stem cuttings was studied for developing protocol pertaining to mass
multiplication. Effect of different concentrations of IBA on stem cuttings after 30 DAP and 45 DAP was
studied using design RBD with four replications for both these species. The stem cuttings of T. cordifolia
treated with 100 ppm IBA (T1) exhibited significant rooting percentage i. e. 83.75±3.75a. However, in T.
sinensis, 63.75±2.39a per cent rooting was recorded in treatment control (T0) after 45 DAP. The maximum
and minimum shoot lengths were recorded in treatment T1 (104.15±7.84 cm.) and T0 (48.159±15.58 cm.)
respectively and the maximum numbers of roots (4.25±0.25) and root length (15.42±1.09 cm) was slightly
higher in treatment T1 but significant differences in mean value were not recorded. The average minimum
and maximum growth speed was reported to be 2.33 cm/day to 5.1 cm/day respectively in T. cordifolia
cuttings during the present investigation. In T. sinensis, the maximum rooting percentage was recorded in
control T0 (63.75±2.39) followed by treatment T1 (56.25±8.26). Increased rooting (16.25%) was observed
in 30 DAP to 45 DAP. The numbers of sprouted shoots was higher in control T0 (1.72±0.11). The maximum
numbers of roots was recorded in control T0 (5.5±0.48a). The fresh root biomass (0.847±0.00 g.) and dry
root biomass (0.290±0.00 g.) were found significant in control T0 (Table 4).

Keywords: Tinospora cordifolia, Tinospora sinensis, propagation

The man’s quest for exploration his natural surrounding for drugs has old tradition and history
(Kelly, 2009, Rakshe and Mokat, 2016) [1, 6]. The Indian classic Ayurveda describes a vivid and
detailed account of the medicinal knowledge and practices which were in vogue about 2500
years ago. The therapeutic properties of plants have been used for treating plethora of diseases
under this oldest yet surviving branch of medicine. The global acceptance of our traditional
system is gaining prominence thereby registering steep rise in demand for various plants with
medical properties. India is bestowed with enormous biodiversity of astonishing medicinal
plants having applications and reference not only to Ayurveda but also for Unani, Siddha and
Homeopathy (Pal and Shukla, 2003) [3]. About 47,513 plant species included 18,117 flowering
plants comprising of more than 6,198 medicinal plants have been been documented in India
(ENVIS, 2016, Arisdason and Lakshminarasimhan, 2016, Kavita et al. 2016) [4-6].
The Plant Tinospora is one of the most important plant drug popularly known as ‘Guduchi or
Amrita” and has a wide-ranging bioactive constituents. It has been verified medicinally
important plant by traditional system as well as modern system of medicine. Nevertheless, this
plant not received considerable scientific attention and more investigation especially its
propagation are urgently needed. The drug Tinospora is the major ingredients in about 68
Ayurvedic formulations like ‘Amritharishtam’, ‘Amrithadienna’, ‘Amrithadichoornam’,
‘Dhanvantaram tailam’, ‘Cheriya rasnadi Kashayam’, ‘Valiya marmagulika’, etc. (Sereena and
Remashree, 2014). The innumerable properties of Tinospora drug are described in ancient
scripts of Ayurveda, like Rasayana, Agnideepana, Prameha, Jwarhara, Krimihara,
Correspondence Tridoshshamaka, Dahnashaka, etc. and also confirmed its scientific validity through modern
Digambar Mokat day research (Upadhyay et al. 2010) [8]. The T. cordifolia and T. sinensis are both have been
Department of Botany, recommended in traditional systems of medicine from prehistoric times. T. sinensis is being used
Savitribai Phule Pune, almost in the same way in place of drug derived from T. cordifolia (Srinivasan et al. 2008) [9].
University, Ganeshkhind Road,
Pune, Maharashtra, India
The plant is designated in Ayurvedic Rasayanas to promote longevity, anti-stress, as an
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

adaptogen, improve or building up immunity system and body c) Treatments to stem cuttings
resistance against diverse types of infections (Upadhyay et al. The cuttings thus prepared were treated with in 1% (w/v)
2010, Jain et al. 2010, Choudhary et al. 2013) [8-10-13]. Bavistin solution (Carbendazim Powder), a broad spectrum
In India there are about 10,000 Ayurvedic drug manufacturing fungicide, for 10 min. Further distal part of cuttings (2-3 cm)
companies exit of which about 750 are functional in was deep into different concentration of IBA solutions for half
Maharashtra (Wankhade et al. 2013) [12]. Further, it may be an hour as described below; viz control (T0), 100 ppm (T1), 200
noted that there are currently about 2,50,000 registered medical ppm (T2), 300 ppm (T3), 400 ppm (T4) and 500 ppm (T5); in
practitioners under Ayurvedic system while about 700,000 of order to find out rapid and efficient pretreatment for
the modern medicine system (Ganesan et al. 2016) [13] which propagation. Cuttings without any treatments considered as
utilizes several plants as raw material obtained from wild and control.
cultivated source of plant origin. The Tinospora drug has a
wide therapeutic activity therefore it has ever increasing d) Plantation of cuttings and data collection
demand in local as well as international market. Considering Vegetative propagation assessments were tested in sunken bed
the importance of Tinospora in India, the National Medicinal of size 5 x 20 feet containing nursery polythene bags having
Plant Board (NMPB) recently launched a concerted effort to size 6 x 9” filled with soil medium. The treated cuttings of both
address these concerns and prioritized this important species the species were planted at 3-4 cm depth in nursery bags.
for mass multiplication (Handique, 2014) [14]. On the basis of Before plantation, upper end of each cutting were sealed by
market demand the said drug rank 29 th in their volume single layer of wax to reduce water evaporation. Single cutting
utilization for the preparation of different ayurvedic was put into each nursery bag. Twenty cuttings were used for
formulations. The demand of T. cordifolia ranged from 2000 to each experimental treatment. Total eighty cuttings were
5000 MT with annual growth registered at 9.1% (NMPB, 2012) evaluated under each treatment. Standard organic practices
. In this context, different methods are considered as such as watering, weed control, disease and pest control was
inevitable to promote commercial level cultivation of this implemented during the entire study period. The care was taken
species (Handique, 2014) [14]. Presently, forest areas are the to maintain the plants exclusively organically. The
major source of raw drug for collectors. In recent days the large observations recorded after 30 DAP and 45 DAP for both the
scale, unrestricted anthropogenic exploitation, inadequate species. The total numbers of days taken for initial sprouting
natural regeneration, increasing demand by the pharmaceutical and rooting of cuttings were recorded. The morphological data
industry tangled with constricted cultivation and inadequate such as number of shoots, shoot length, number of leaves,
efforts for its replacement resulted into the in discriminate number of roots, root length, root-shoot ratio, diameter of stem,
depletion of wild stock of this valuable medicinal plant (Bapat petiole length, leaf length and leaf width were recorded. The
et al. 2008, Veeraiah and Reddy, 2012) [16, 17]. It is cleared that yield of biomass was determined by method described by
the demand of ‘Guduchi’ drug obviously cannot be complete Gupta et al. (1998) [18].
from wild sources any more and more focused efforts
pertaining to farming are crucial. To fulfil the supply demand e) Statistical analysis of data
gap it is essential to develop propagation and agro technique The experiment was carried out following RBD (Randomized
for the Tinospora species. However, there is complete lack of Block Design) with four replicates (n =4). Data were analyzed
scientific approach on propagation and cultivation of by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) to detect significant
Tinospora drug. Hence, present study was carried out to difference between means. The means differing significantly
standardise the techniques for mass multiplication. was compared using Duncan’s (1955) multiple range test
(DMRT) at the 5% probability level using the software SPSS
Material and methods 16.0. Variability in data was express as mean± standard error.
a) Collection of plant materials and details of
experimental site Results
The samples of T. cordifolia and T. sinensis (especially stem) i) Effect of IBA on T. cordifolia stem cuttings 30 DAP
were collected from SPPU, Pune campus and Collage of The stem cuttings of T. cordifolia treated with 100 ppm IBA
Forestry, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, (T1) exhibited highest rooting percentage (67.50±5.95)
Dapoli respectively during April-May 2015. The taxonomic followed by treatment T2 (46.25±3.75). First sprouting was
authentication was carried out from Botanical Survey of India recorded 11 DAP. Nevertheless, the numbers of sprouted
(BSI), Pune (MH). The voucher specimen deposited to BSI, shoots was higher in treatment T4 (1.45±0.05). The maximum
Western Circle, Pune and received reference numbers shoot length was attained by treatment T1 (28.92±5.20 cm.) but
BSI/WRC/Cert./2015/AR01 and No.BSI/WRC/Cert./2015/AR significant differences in mean shoot length were not reported.
02 for T. cordifolia and T. sinensis respectively. The diameter of newly sprouted shoot was also higher in
The field experiments were conducted in medicinal plant treatment T1 (2.54±0.14 mm.). The number of leaves, petiole
garden that has been established in the university campus of length, leaf width as well as leaf length was slightly higher in
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra (Latitude treatment T1 but significant differences in mean value of all
18°33'22.5"N, Longitude 73°49'17.5"E). The garden soil used these parameters were not recorded (Table 1).
for experiment was analysed for common agronomical
parameters namely soil pH, electrical conductivity. ii) Effect of IBA on T. cordifolia stem cuttings 45 DAP
The maximum rooting was observed in T. cordifolia stem
b) Preparation of stem cuttings cuttings treated with 100 ppm IBA (T1) i.e. 83.75±3.75.
The healthy, thumb size of about 15-20 cm long cuttings Enhanced rooting (16.25%) was reported in 30 DAP to 45
having 2-3 nodes were prepared by taking horizontal cut at DAP. The maximum and minimum shoot lengths were
apex and slanting cut at base. The cuttings were specifically recorded in treatment T1 (104.15±7.84 cm.) and T0
prepared by considering position and direction of cup like (48.159±15.58 cm.) respectively. Shoot length mean value of
nodes (Photo plate I). treatment T2, T3, and T5 was found significant at 95%
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

confidence intervals. The maximum numbers of roots observed in treatment T0 (1.72±0.11). Nevertheless, treatment
(4.25±0.25) and root length (15.42±1.09 cm) was slightly T0 (3.17±0.05 mm.) and T1 (3.33±0.09 mm.) were found
higher in treatment T1 but significant differences in mean value significant for increasing diameter of newly sprouted shoot
were not recorded. The diameter of newly sprouted shoot was (Table 3).
also higher in treatment T1 (2.71±0.11 mm). Maximum fresh
shoot biomass recorded in T1 (14.57±0.30 g.) followed by T3 iv) Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. sinensis stem cuttings
(14.05±0.30 g.). The fresh root biomass, total fresh biomass, 45 DAP
dry shoot biomass, dry root biomass and total dry biomass was The maximum rooting percentage was recorded in control T0
also higher in treatment T1 (Table 2). The average minimum (63.75 ± 2.39) followed by treatment T1 (56.25±8.26).
and maximum growth speed was reported to be 2.33 cm/day to Increased rooting (16.25%) was observed in 30 DAP to 45
5.1 cm/day respectively in T. cordifolia cuttings during the DAP. The numbers of sprouted shoots was higher in control T0
present investigation. (1.72±0.11). The maximum numbers of roots was recorded in
control T0 (5.5±0.48a). The maximum diameter of newly
iii) Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. sinensis stem cuttings sprouted shoot was reported in control T0 (3.66±0.16 mm.),
30 DAP followed by T1 (3.91±0.05 mm.) and T5 (3.68±0.46 mm)
The effects of IBA on growth parameters of T. sinensis respectively. The maximum numbers of leaves were recorded
propagated through stem cuttings did not reveal any significant in treatment T3 (10.5±1.00), while leaf width was higher in
difference 30 DAPS. The maximum rooting was recorded in control T0 (12.73±0.17). The fresh root biomass (0.847±0.00
control i.e. T0 (47.5±1.44). First sprouting was observed 10 g.) and dry root biomass (0.290±0.00 g.) were found significant
DAP. The maximum numbers of newly sprouted shoots was in control T0 (Table 4).

Table 1: Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. cordifolia stem cuttings 30 DAP

Parameters Pre-treatments
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Rooting percentage 37.50±3.23b 67.50±5.95a 46.25±3.75b 42.50±1.44b 35.00±3.54b 42.50±2.50b
No. of shoots 1.16±0.05b 1.25±0.09ab 1.20±0.08ab 1.40±0.08ab 1.45±0.05a 1.25±0.09ab
Shoot length (cm.) 12.31±7.08a 28.92±5.20a 20.77±4.60a 23.55±7.74a 23.27±2.71a 17.85±3.29a
Diameter of stem (mm.) (Newly sprouted shoot) 2.09±0.22ab 2.54±0.14a 2.02±0.16ab 2.03±0.07ab 2.06±0.02b 2.16±0.45ab
No. of leaves 3.30±0.51a 3.85±0.15a 3.00±0.24a 3.50±0.50a 3.45±0.17a 3.10±0.17a
Petiole length (cm.) 3.71±1.16a 5.58±0.22a 4.38±0.77a 5.36±0.76a 5.57±0.45a 4.98±0.58a
Leaf length (cm.) 4.49±1.59a 6.52±0.44a 6.04±0.79a 6.30±1.04a 6.85±0.36a 5.10±0.48a
Leaf width (cm.) 3.97±1.33a 5.99±0.44a 5.27±0.73a 5.46±1.15a 5.49±0.42a 4.06±0.50a

Table 2: Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. cordifolia stem cuttings 45 DAP

Parameters Pre-treatments
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Rooting percentage 47.50±3.23b 83.75±3.75a 55.00±4.08b 52.50±3.23b 46.25±3.15b 55.00±7.36b
No. of shoots 1.16±0.05b 1.3±0.12ab 1.3±0.12ab 1.6±0.14a 1.5±0.05a 1.3±0.05ab
Shoot length (cm.) 48.16±15.58b 104.15±7.84a 84.70±7.91a 103.35±11.23a 79.60±5.41ab 90.63±14.33a
No. of roots 3.75±0.48a 4.25±0.25a 3.75±0.48a 3.5±0.29a 4.00±0.41a 4.00±0.41a
Root length (cm.) 13.02±0.68a 15.42±1.09a 14.75±1.40a 13.72±1.19a 12.02±1.20a 14.82±0.98a
Root-shoot ratio 0.43±0.17a 0.15±0.02b 0.17±0.02b 0.14±0.02b 0.15±0.02b 0.18±0.04b
Diameter of stem (mm.) (Sprouted shoot) 2.03±0.21b 2.71±0.11a 2.09±0.17b 2.06±0.06b 2.29±0.06ab 2.39±0.08ab
No. of leaves 8.75±0.89a 12.35±1.15a 6.8±0.35a 12.1±1.12a 8.35±0.45a 8.8±0.77a
Petiole length (cm.) 7.33±1.76b 11.74±1.130a 10.09±0.60ab 11.23±0.56a 10.66±0.36a 10.46±0.28a
Leaf length (cm.) 7.85±1.54b 11.97±0.23a 11.69±0.19a 12.00±0.11a 12.07±0.16a 11.41±0.14a
Leaf width (cm.) 7.17±1.43b 11.54±0.26a 10.24±0.26 a
10.84±0.36a 10.74±0.19a 10.92±0.36a
Fresh shoot biomass (gm.) 6.42±0.21d 14.57±0.30a 11.35±0.34ab 14.05±0.30a 10.50±0.23c 11.90±0.11b
Fresh root biomass (gm.) 0.55±0.03b 0.73±0.02a 0.71±0.00 a
0.59±0.01b 0.54±0.00b 0.42±0.01c
Total fresh biomass (gm.) 6.97±0.24d 15.30±0.28a 12.06±0.34b 14.64±0.30a 11.03±0.23c 12.32±0.12b
Dry shoot biomass (gm.) 0.95±0.03d 2.19±0.05a 1.67±0.04ab 2.11±0.07a 1.54±0.03c 1.75±0.02b
Dry root biomass (gm.) 0.19±0.01b 0.24±0.01a 0.25±0.02a 0.20±0.00b 0.18±0.00b 0.14±0.00c
Total dry biomass (gm.) 1.13±0.05d 2.44±0.04a 1.93±0.03b 2.31±0.07a 1.72±0.03c 1.90±0.03b
Values mentioned in this table are mean ± standard error (SE) with four replications. The means followed by the same letters within rows are not
significantly different at the 5% level (DMRT).

Table 3: Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. sinensis stem cuttings 30 DAP

Parameters Pre-treatments
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Rooting percentage 47.50±1.44a 37.50±6.29a 37.50±7.77a 40.00±5.40a 35.00±4.56a 38.75 ±3.75a
No. of shoots 1.72±0.11a 1.25±0.09b 1.25±0.12b 1.35±0.09b 1.40±0.08ab 1.40±0.14ab
Shoot length (cm.) 24.96±5.52a 26.79±6.24a 20.47±7.22a 23.12±10.90a 24.21±4.07a 16.83 ±6.61a
Diameter of stem (mm.) (Newly sprouted shoot) 3.17±0.05a 3.33±0.09a 2.90±0.16ab 2.84±0.12ab 2.92±0.12ab 3.14±0.18a
No. of leaves 3.19±0.45a 3.45±0.38a 3.10±0.46 a
3.30±0.50a 3.40±0.24a 3.25±0.43a
Petiole length (cm.) 3.78±0.68a 5.57±0.48a 4.03±0.98a 4.92±0.79a 5.40±0.39a 5.04± 0.53a
Leaf length (cm.) 5.55±1.04a 6.57±0.41a 5.75±1.08 a
5.35±1.06a 6.53±0.62a 5.45±0.74a
Leaf width (cm.) 4.61±0.96a 5.72±0.35a 4.89±0.83a 4.35±1.13a 4.86±0.54a 4.22±0.69a
Values mentioned in this table are mean ± standard error (SE) with four replications. The means followed by the same letters within rows are not
significantly different at the 5% level (DMRT).
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Table 4: Effect of IBA pre-treatment on T. sinensis stem cuttings 45 DAP

Characters Pre-treatments
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Rooting percentage 63.75±2.39a 56.25±8.26a 53.75±4.27a 53.75±5.54a 47.5± 4.33a 50 4.08a
No. of shoots 1.63±0.11a 1.30±0.12a 1.30±0.12a 1.40±0.08a 1.45± 0.05a 1.40 ± 0.14a
a a a
Shoot length (cm.) 91.03±3.98 98.30±3.30 85.45±7.37 97.75±7.68 83.20± 10.43a
a 94.42± 14.70a
a b b
No. of roots 5.50±0.48 4.25±0.25 4.5±0.9 3.25±0.25c 4.75± 0.25b 4.5 ± 0.29b
Root length (cm.) 16.37±0.34a 18.42±3.73a 18.17±3.15a 14.50±1.36a 11.75± 1.45a 16.10± 0.81a
Root-shoot ratio 0.18±0.01a 0.19±0.05a 0.22±0.05a 0.16±0.02a 0.14± 0.02a 0.18 ± 0.03a
a a ab ab
Diameter of stem (mm.) (Sprouted shoot) 3.66±0.16 3.91±0.05 3.19±0.17 3.24±0.10 3.08± 0.13ab 3.68 ± 0.46a
No. of leaves 8.81±0.00b 9.10±1.00ab 7.05±0.34b 10.5±1.00a 8.15± 0.51b 9.15 0.69ab
Petiole length (cm.) 11.43±0.61a 11.61±0.70a 10.93±0.58a 11.36±0.88a 10.16± 0.50a 10.4 ± 0.28a
Leaf length (cm.) 11.65±0.45a 11.67±0.35a 11.63±0.08a 12.08±0.33a 12.21± 0.34a 11.50± 0.36a
Leaf width (cm.) 12.73±0.17a 11.86±0.12ab 10.73±0.33bc 10.81±0.43bc 10.60± 0.59c 10.91± 0.42bc
Fresh shoot biomass (gm.) 20.25±1.2a 22.18±0.01a 15.77±1.71a 22.03±2.82a 18.48± 4.25a 16.56± 1.10a
Fresh root biomass (gm.) 0.85±0.00a 0.62±0.00d 0.83±0.00a 0.71±0.01b 0.65 ± 0.00c 0.51 ± 0.01e
a a a a
Total fresh biomass (gm.) 21.09±1.27 22.80±0.01 16.60±1.72 22.74±2.82 19.13 ± 4.25a 17.07± 1.08a
Dry shoot biomass (gm.) 4.09±0.29a 3.96±0.53a 3.23±0.27a 4.42±0.56a 4.22 ± 1.33a 3.11 ± 0.01a
Dry root biomass (gm.) 0.29±0.00a 0.20±0.00d 0.27±0.00b 0.23±0.00c 0.24 ± 0.00c 0.19 ± 0.00e
a a a a
Total dry biomass (gm.) 4.38±0.29 4.16±0.53 3.50±0.27 4.65±0.55 4.45 ± 1.33a 3.29 ± 0.01a
Values mentioned in this table are mean ± standard error (SE) with four replications. The means followed by the same letters within
rows are not significantly different at the 5% level (DMRT).

Photo plate I

Nursery bags in sunken bed Plantation of cuttings New sprouted shoot

Cuttings with cup shape node T. sinensis 30 DAP T. cordifolia 45 DAP

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

T. sinensis 45 DAP Effect of IBA on rooting of T. sinensis

Discussion treatment could have an inhibitory effect on initiation of

It has been evident that the auxin has been involved in the rooting though it acts as a stimulant of rooting. Sun and Bassuk
different physiological processes such as differentiation, cell (1991) [28] found that, IBA inhibit shoot growth in rooted
elongation in plant tissue. The exogenous application of auxin cuttings of rose with 600 mg/liter of IBA. The IBA treatment
has been a powerful tool in many forestry plant species to also stimulated ethylene synthesis. Auxin induced promotion
stimulate adventitious rooting (Hartmann et al. 1997) [20]. The of ethylene production associated with increased ACC
presence of natural auxin in plants (IAA) is responsible for synthase level which was inversely correlated the bud break of
induction of rooting in several plant species, but application of cuttings. Kim and Mulkey (1997) [29] also found similar
synthetic analog like IBA were more effective than IAA. Its phenomena in intact primary roots of maize (Zea mays).
great influence on rooting and growth performance in different Khajehpour et al. (2014) [30] investigated effect of different
kinds of plants was found to be due to its greater stability within concentrations of IBA on stem cuttings of olive (Olea
tissue and during storage (Bassuk 1992, Blythe et al. 2007, europaea var. Manzanilla) [30] and confirmed that, cuttings
Eugene et al. 2007, Ling et al. 2013) [21-25-23]. treated with 3000 ppm IBA displayed maximum rooting
In the present investigation, it was observed that, the stem (84.5%). However, excessive concentration of IBA tends to
cuttings of T. cordifolia treated with 100 ppm IBA (T 1) decrease the rooting percentage. This finding was endorsed
exhibited significant rooting percentage. The all rooting and with present study. Ahmed et al. (2003) also reported total
sprouting process were completed within 45 DAP. There after inhibitory effect of IBA on rooting of hardwood cuttings of
no rooting was reported. The overall results showed that, Peach rootstocks treated with 4000 ppm IBA.
although sprouting time was considerably higher in T. In nursery practices, some observations were taken along with
cordifolia but shoot elongation was enhanced greatly after growth performance to get quality seedlings which reduce the
sprouting. The results of present investigation pertaining T. risk of damage to the plants. The additional recorded
cordifolia corroborated well with the results reported by observations and results along with few suggestions are
Mishra et al. (2010) [25]. Mature vine cuttings of T. cordifolia provided below- The care was taken to prevent the water
which were treated with 100 ppm of IBA significantly logging and compactness of soil in polythene bags. It was
increased sprouting, rooting and root length when compared to found that, cuttings of both Tinospora species were susceptible
other auxin as well as control. Maximum plant length (364.73 to use of excess water resulting into decaying of stem cuttings.
cm) and number of branches (3.42) were recorded in same IBA Therefore seedlings were watered at interval 4-5 days. On the
treatments after three month of plantation. Rao et al. (2000) basis of this observation it was recommended that, one need to
also carried out study on macro-propagation of T. cordifolia. use well drained soil and organic farming conditions for
The study revealed that, IBA pre-treatment to the cutting of T. propagation or cultivation of T. cordifolia and T. sinensis.
cordifolia showed better rooting response (86%) with 200 and 2. Heavy damage by Spodoptera and thrips to tender leaves and
300 ppm concentrations. However, study by Warrier et al. stem were observed in seedlings those have been propagated
(2007) [27] through seeds. Thus propagation through cuttings was faster,
revealed that T. cordifolia best rooting performance (96%) safe and inexpensive route of multiplication.
without application of growth regulator hormone. Thus the
present study showed deviation from above findings. Conclusion
In T. sinensis, the stem cuttings treated with different The stem cuttings of T. cordifolia treated with 100 ppm IBA
concentration of IBA failed to display significant results, exhibited significant sprouting; rooting percentage; total fresh
thereby recording better performance in untreated or control. as well as dry biomass however, in T. sinensis, cuttings
The average minimum and maximum growth was 3.93 cm/day reported similar performance without application of IBA. The
to 5.17 cm/day respectively during the time of investigation in cuttings of T. sinensis displayed poor performance to IBA
T. sinensis which was found slightly higher than T. cordifolia. treatment which may be due to it’s an inhibitory effect. Both
The initiation of first sprout was observed on 10 DAP. Cuttings species of Tinospora are currently facing dearth of biomass
without hormone treatment found to enhance diameter of required for commercial utilisation and therefore large scale
newly sprouted shoot, leaf width, numbers of roots, fresh and propagation can be taken up which indeed required low capital
dry root biomass. The treated cuttings of T. sinensis displayed investment. The quality planting materials (QPMs) of these
poor performance. Thus it might be concluded that IBA species can be easily produced throughout the year for large
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

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