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Imara Reiki Manual

By Sherry Andrea
Find my attunement videos at:

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What Is Imara Reiki?

Imara Reiki is a modality that is considered a level 5 that vibrates at a much higher level
than most modalities. For a healer to get the benefits of this energy at that higher
vibratory level they must be attuned to traditional Usui Reiki to the master level.

An intense energy, Imara is different in many ways:

● It does not use symbols

● It uses a different, unique and easier way to pass attunements
● It is an energy system that’s focal point is its effectiveness in
healing past life issues
● It is effective also at healing repressed issues so there is no
concern for the things that you don’t remember but are
effecting you, healing the things that are in the unconscious
that affect you
● Powerful yet simple distance healing technique
● The Imara healer commonly experiences visions of spirit
guides, angels, ascended masters
● During Imara healing sessions the healer quite often
experiences messages from spirit related to the healing as well
as intuitive guidance on the matter(s)

History & Facts

Imara Reiki was initially channeled by Barton Wendel. Master Wendel and his brother
Geoffrey fine tuned Imara to be what it is today.

The word “Imara” means “More” and more refers to a more intense higher vibrational
energy. Imara Reiki utilizes Lao Ho Chi, healing light of the highest frequencies, brought
to us from the master Lao Tzo.

Imara Reiki is easier to tap into, once attuned, than Usui, Tibetan Usui, Tera Mai, or
Karuna Reiki. There is a pre-requisite and that is you must be a Reiki Master of one of
these or a similar tradition before receiving the full benefits of Imara. For those following
a path to become a true healer and whose vibrations are already at a great height will
not be experience less inteseneness if they are not attuned to one of those systems.

Once you are a Master, be certain that the individuals that come to you to be attuned
are prepared to be an Imara Master. Some aren’t ready to receive this intense energy.

Feel free to instruct those you are attuning to request of their higher selves by making
this statement:

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 2

“Higher self, I ask that I only be attuned to Imara Reiki if I am at an appropriate level to
receive this energy. I give you, my higher self, permission to help me to heal and grow
to quickly reach a level where I am ready to receive the Imara Reiki attunement.”

Using Imara Energies

To begin, say silently or chant aloud “Laho-Chi” (lay ho chee) at least three times. The
more you chant, the stronger the energy may build. Start with 3 times, and when you
feel comfortable with it, you can repeat it more times to your liking.

I recommend that you get into a practice of chanting aloud “Laho-Chi” daily beginning
with three times, three times per day and then when you feel adjusted to the energy
increase to nine times, three times per day.

"La" in LaHoChi refers to the Light, Love and Wisdom coming from Christ frequency or
higher. The "Ho" means the movement of this energy and the "Chi" is life force. We can
summarize LaHoChi energy as healing light of the highest frequencies, filled with life
force, moving with the combined intentions of spiritual and human beings to wherever it
needs to go. This would include but not be limited to the earth, humans, animals and

Lao Tzu , the originator of the LaHoCho healing energies, has kept a low profile as being
the originator of the LaHoChi Healing energies.

Specific instructions for moving LaHoChi energy healing energy through you and/or to
another were given to a spiritual teacher named Satchamar on May 15, 1991. The
activator of the healing chi comes from a spiritual chi master existing on the realm of the
cosmic consciousness. Healers know this chi master as the LaHoChi Master.

Place your hands where you want to send the healing energies.

Let the energy flow. You may see/feel it flowing from your hands/body.

It will flow until you decide to stop it, whether you feel it or not. Remove hands when you
feel that you are done.

It is quite common to see this energy like a tornado or a whirlwind when you call for it
(“Laho-Chi”). However, it may take time to develop this ability, so be patient. For
beginners, it’s best to practice alone with your eyes closed. Its colour, if it has colour, is
often green or purple, but any colour can appear to you. You can even envision a
tornado if you’d like.

Please note that if you are not experiencing anything clairvoyantly (psychic sight) that
your sight may new a little work or your upper chakras may be blocked or unbalanced.
To resolve this issue 1) practice the chakra exercise daily that follows 2) practice
visualization exercises daily that follow.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 3

Chakra Exercise

Sit quietly in a comfortable position either sitting up straight with feet on floor or laying
down if you can do this for a few minutes or longer without falling asleep.

Visualize roots growing from your feet that looks like bright white roots. See the roots
growing down into the ground further and further until they reach the core of the Earth
and then see them grabbing hold to the Earth once at the core of the Earth.

Visualize that light is flowing up the roots and then reaches your foot chakra. Visualize a
disc spinning clockwise (around you from left to right as though you are standing on a
clock facing up) at the bottom of your feet. Visualize it as being a bright bronze color.
See it as being clear and bright and make sure to visualize it wide enough (two feet out
from the center). Spend only long enough to see the visual I described for a full 30
seconds. Because you will be doing this practice daily for a while it is important you are
conservative in the amount of time you spend on each chakra.

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up an invisible tube of light that
goes up the center of your body and next you reach your root chakra at the level of your
genitals. The root chakra can be visualized as a bright candy apple red. Again visualize
it wide enough and spend only long enough to see the visual of the root chakra for a full
30 seconds.

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up the invisible tube of light
that goes up the center of your body and next you reach your sacral chakra just below
your belly button. The sacral chakra can be visualized as a bright orange. Again
visualize it wide enough and spend only long enough to see the visual of the sacral
chakra for a full 30 seconds.

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up the invisible tube of light
that goes up the center of your body and next you reach your solar plexus chakra above
your belly button half way in between your belly button and your heart. The solar plexus
chakra can be visualized as a bright yellow disc like the sun and remember when
visualizing it that when you try to look into the sun you have to squink because of the
brightness. I am pointing this out because the solar plexus is where your power comes
from including the power to send out powerful intense energy. Again visualize it wide
enough and spend only long enough to see the visual of the sacral chakra for a full 30

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up the invisible tube of light
that goes up the center of your body and next you reach your heart chakra at the level
of your heart but centered in the middle. The heart chakra can be visualized as a bright
green disc (sometimes pink). Note that the color associated with the heart chakra is
Green. Green symbolizes harmony, creativity, health, abundance and nature. It is the
combining of yellow (soul) and blue (spirit). Green, nature's color, offers new energy and
revitalizes tired nerves. Again visualize it wide enough and spend only long enough to
see the visual of the sacral chakra for a full 30 seconds.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 4

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up the invisible tube of light
that goes up the center of your body and next you reach your throat chakra at middle of
your throat. The throat chakra can be visualized as a beautiful sky baby blue disc. Again
visualize it wide enough and spend only long enough to see the visual of the throat
chakra for a full 30 seconds.

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing to flow up the invisible tube of light
that goes up the center of your body and next you reach your brow chakra also called
the third eye. The third eye is located between and just above the eyebrows, hence why
it is called the brow chakra. The brow chakra can be visualized as a bright violet disc.
Again visualize it wide enough and spend only long enough to see the visual of the
throat chakra for a full 30 seconds.

Next visualize the bright white energy continuing up and

to your crown chakra. The crown chakra is located just
above the top of your head. The crown chakra can be
visualized as a bright white disc. See the picture of the
crown chakra to the right. Again visualize it wide enough
and spend only long enough to see the visual of the throat
chakra for a full 30 seconds.

Visualization Exercises

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Visualize the inside of your refrigerator trying to see the
inside just as it actually is and in detail.

Sit quietly and visualize another room of your home (other than the one you are in)
trying to see all details.

Visualize various things like a lemon. See it and the texture of its skin. Visualize yourself
cutting it. Imagine that once you cut it your like the inside of the lemon.

If you would like to work with Lao Tzu then say: “Laho-Chi please heal, Laho-Chi please
heal me,” 3 times. He has been known to appear after doing this.

Receiver of Healing Preparation

Make the client aware that it is important that they have a strong desire to be healed for
the healing to be most effective. If you are doing a distance healing you may want to
have an email that you send to all clients that have some bullet points or a couple of
short paragraphs that explain some things they need to be aware of. You may want to
include dietary advice, for example. I will often give advice for other things they may
want to try to go in conjunction with the healing I am offering such as laughter therapy
where you ask them to watch their favorite sitcom or stand up comedian. Laughter is a
great healer.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 5

Ask the client to focus on the healing by visualizing themselves in the state they are
trying to achieve. They can visualize themselves jumping up and down, dancing and
able to do back flips. The longer they focus on the ideal state they are trying to achieve
the better.

The client does not have to give long specific details about the issue they want healing
for. The universe (and your higher self) knows and understands it all and knows what
they need. Trust the energy.

Before you begin, You must have a strong desire to heal in order for this energy to
work. This can be physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

Healer Preparation

You may prepare yourself in any way you would like. I always ground and clear myself
before doing a healing or an attunement. Some find it effective to do a short meditation
before hand. It is up to you.

Focus on what the client has ask you for regarding the healing as you ask out loud or
silently to yourself to be used as a conduit for their healing. You may make a statement
or say a short prayer asking that the healing be performed for the client’s highest good,
with grace and at an intensity level the client can handle.

If you are performing a healing in person go with your intuition when it comes to what
hand positions to use. If you are unfamiliar with hand positions because you have
previously done mainly healings at a distance, see the diagrams on the next page.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 6

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 7
Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 8
Here are additional hand positions you can use

Place your hands with the index and middle finger together, ring finger and
pinkie also into a ‘V’ position (think of Spock’s ‘Live long and prosper position’).

The client can stand with both feet flat on the floor, or reclining flat on a

Position 1:
Place your ‘V’ positioned hands over their ear so that the ear is in between the
‘V’ gap on both sides of the head. Let your thumbs meet at the top centre of
their head. Call forth the energy and let it flow for 3 to 9 minutes, depending on
length of session. There is no need to actually touch the client. If they feel as if
you are touching them and you are not, you can raise your hands up higher
over them.

Position 2:
Place your thumbs in the notch of the base of their neck. You can really touch
or just hover next to them. Be careful to not touch the breasts or get too close
into the client’s comfort zone. Keep position for 3 to 9 minutes.

Position 3:
Cup your hands on the outside of their shoulders. Point your fingers down the
sides of their arms. Keep position for 3 to 9 minutes.

Position 4:
Sit down next to client by the right side of their waist. Take their hands off of their hips
and then lay them down next to their body. Place one of your hands on the nearest
hipbone, and the other hand on the other hipbone. Keep position for 3 to 9 minutes.

Position 5:
Position yourself so you are heart to heart with the client. For male clients,
place your hands across their chest, all fingers and thumbs held together and
pointing away, while the thumbs are touching each other. For females, place
your left hand above the breasts and the right hand below the breasts and have
the thumbs meet on the sternum in between, if possible.

Remember, the positions above are suggestions and are not mandatory. They
are there if you need them. Experiment and see if they work for you. Always
follow your intuition.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 9

Receiving Messages

It is quite common for the giver and/or receiver to receive messages or visions
during a session. The more energetically experienced you are, the more likely
you are to receive information. This can come in the form of visions, smells,
tastes, etc.

The giver is more likely to perceive information for the receiver, and the
receiver may get the same messages. It’s very common to sense spirit guides,
etc. You may also find that you sense past lives, repressed issues, or
otherwise hidden information. Use your intuition on what needs to be shared
during the session.

The information, like symbols in a dream, may not make sense. Analyse, and
try to remember.

Self Treatments

Here are some steps that you can use on yourself for a session.

Position 1:
Place your hands on top of your head so that the middle fingers meet at the
middle on the top (triangular formation). Invoke the energy and let it flow. Hold
for as long as you feel the need.

Position 2:
Cross your arms over each other so you are holding your shoulders. Hold as
long as necessary.

Position 3:
Place your hands on your legs with fingers pointing down to your toes. Hold for as long
as necessary.

Position 4:
Lay your hands across your heart for as long as needed.

Feel free to use these and/or other hand positions. You can also simply
meditate and call forth the energy and envision it flowing through you.
Remember to set your intentions before beginning.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 10

Distance Healing

This is simpler than you may think!

Option 1
Connect with the Higher Self of the person being treated. Ask your higher self
to communicate with the clients higher self by stating “Higher self, please ask
________’s higher self to allow this healing to take place and to assist in any
way necessary for her/his greater good.”

Invoke the energy.

Intend that the energy go out to them for the healing specified.

Place your hands on any of the self-healing positions, or intuitively choose what
will work best for them.

Visualize in your mind’s eye that they will be healed.

Then simply let it go… and you are done.

Option 2
With intent and while relaxed close your eyes and visualize a figure, or the
outline of a figure, that is your client.

Invoke the energy.

Intend that the energy go out to them for the healing specified.

Visualize in your mind’s eye that they will be healed. Visualize energy that is
Imara energy coming from the universe down and into your crown charka,
flowing through you and out your hands or solar plexus chakra and going to the
client and down and in through their crown charka. See the energy filling them
until it overflows them.

Then simply let it go… and you are done.


Very much like the distant healing, this too is quite simplified.

First, cleanse the room and yourself. Go about your usual ritual of preparation. Ask them
to sit down and relax. Have them put their hands on their thighs.

Put your hands on the person’s head using first position (Spock position on the

Invoke the energy. You may even see the whirlwind or manifestation of it.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 11

Then intend that the person will be attuned to Imara Reiki and let the
attunement flow. You will sense when the attunement is complete.

That’s it! The first real Imara work they should do is a self-treatment, followed by giving

Distance Attunements

In your mind, connect with the Higher Self of the person being attuned. If you
can, try to have as much personal information as you can about them, such as
address, physical image or photo, etc.

Place your hands on yourself in the first position and invoke the energy. Then
when you feel it running through you or see it, declare your intent to attune that
person. Wait until you feel it coming to a close… and that’s it.

Afterwards, contact them to inquire about their experience and see if they have any
questions. It is recommended that before they begin to attune others, that they first do a

Additional Considerations

Foods to Avoid

Artificial Sweeteners
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Sodium Nitrate & Nitrite
Hydrogenated Fats
GM Foods


Many have a practice of using only active meditation such as meditation while taking a
walk. It is very important that you also do passive meditation daily. A no-mind form of
meditation where you think of nothing and attempt to completely still your mind. If you
have been seeing limited results and are only practicing active meditation, begin
immediately doing at least 10 minutes per day of passive meditation.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 12

An Imara Reiki Lineage Line

Barton Wendel
John Van Eekelen
Stephen Womack
Allison Dahlhaus
Dawn Rothwell
Pamela Jordan
Stephen Lovering
Melissa Hemmings

The above is an Imara Reiki lineage line. It is not my lineage for Imara Reiki since I
requested the attunement to Imara Reiki from my Higher Self. Imagine that “Higher Self”
is what is written before the Master Barton Wendel. He is the original channeler of Imara
Reiki but where did it come from? If channeled it came into him through his higher self
since to go to the Father you must go through Christ, as in your own Christ self also
referred to as the Higher Self. To self attune is to make the decision to instead get the
attunement from your own higher self. Also if we consider that the energy received from
all those on the list when they provide an attunement is not actually directly from them
and their energy then the list seems to be a mute point because the attunements they
give is also coming from their higher self and all our higher self then connect to the I AM
(source aka universal energies). No matter who attunes you it all comes from the same
place. So for these reasons there technically is no lineage for me to give you however if
you insist on using and giving out a lineage then feel free to give one of the following:

An Imara Reiki Lineage Line

Barton Wendel
John Van Eekelen
Stephen Womack
Allison Dahlhaus
Dawn Rothwell
Pamela Jordan
Stephen Lovering
Melissa Hemmings
Sherry Andrea


Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 13

An Imara Reiki Lineage Line

Barton Wendel
Sherry Andrea


An Imara Reiki Lineage Line

Sherry Andrea

Feel free to meditate on this and go with what your own higher self tells you to give.

Imara Reiki Manual by Sherry Andrea ~ http://sherryspeaks.com ~ Page 14

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