Time Allocation: 4 hours per week, an additional hour will be reserved for tutorials
should they prove necessary.
1.0 Rationale
This course is designed to introduce students to the principles, concepts, and
applications of financial accounting. Students are exposed to the process by which
financial transactions and events are recorded, and will learn how to interpret
financial statements.
2.0 Purpose
This is the first and in some cases the only paper in Financial Accounting for
Business. The course introduces non-accounting students to accounting basics in
their first semester at the University. In some cases the course leads to subsequent
courses in accounting such as Management Accounting for Business.
1. Course work comprises 2 tests and 1 group presentation, with 30% weight of the
final mark. Questions in the tests will cover all the important aspects of the
course covered up to the time of the test. Aspects tested will not overlap.
2. The final exam will cover all the important aspects of the course and will carry
a 70% weight of the final mark.
3. The final mark will be the summation of the exam mark and the course work
4. University Grading System
6.1 Background to Accounting
Evolution of Accounting
Accounting Concepts
Stakeholder analysis
Accounting Information Needs
6.2 Development of the Profession
Accounting Standards
Conceptual framework
Divisions of the Accounting functions
6.3 Accumulation and Information processing
Books of Accounts
Business Documents
Ledger Accounting or Double Entry system
Bookkeeping basics
Accounting for Debtors
Accounting for Assets
Capital and Revenue Expenditures
6.4 Preparation of Financial Statements and Presentation of a Sole Trader
Statement of Profit or loss and other Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Cashflows
Accounting for Depreciation
The Trial Balance
Year-end adjustments
6.5 Financial Accounting for Other Business Units
Non Trading Organisations
6.6 Interpretation of Accounting information
Objectives of Accounting
Ratio analysis
Limitations of Ratio Analysis
1. Business Accounting Latest edition by Frankwood and Alan Sangster Pitman
2. Mastering Accounting Skills Latest edition by Margaret Nicholson Macmillan
Master series
3. Fundamental Accounting by Flynn, Koornhof and Bezuidehout, Juta and
Company Limited
4. Introduction to Accounting by F Musamba
5. Weygandt, J., Kieso, D., Kimmel P., Trenholm, B., & Kinnear, V. . Accounting
Principles. 5th. Canadian ed. . Mississauga, ON: John Wiley and Sons Canada,
Ltd., 2010.