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Taming Google-Scale Continuous Testing: Ntroduction

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Taming Google-Scale Continuous Testing

Atif Memon, Zebao Gao

Department of Computer Science, Bao Nguyen, Sanjeev Dhanda, Eric Nickell, Rob Siemborski, John Micco
University of Maryland, Google Inc., Mountain View, USA
College Park, USA Email: {baonn,sanjeevdhanda,esnickell,robsiemb,jmicco}@google.com
Email: {atif,gaozebao}@cs.umd.edu

Abstract—Growth in Google’s code size and feature churn snapshot of Google’s codebase. I.e., TAPs milestone strategy
rate has seen increased reliance on continuous integration (CI) is to bundle a number of consecutive code commits together,
and testing to maintain quality. Even with enormous resources and run (or cut) a milestone as frequently as possible given
dedicated to testing, we are unable to regression test each code
change individually, resulting in increased lag time between code the available compute resources.
check-ins and test result feedback to developers. We report results A milestone is typically cut every 45 minutes during peak
of a project that aims to reduce this time by: (1) controlling test development time, meaning that, in the best case, a developer
workload without compromising quality, and (2) distilling test who submitted code has to wait for at least one milestone
results data to inform developers, while they write code, of the before being notified of test failures. In practice, however,
impact of their latest changes on quality. We model, empirically
understand, and leverage the correlations that exist between our because the TAP infrastructure is large and complex, with
code, test cases, developers, programming languages, and code- multiple interconnected parts, designed to deal with large
change and test-execution frequencies, to improve our CI and milestone sizes—as large as 4.2 million tests as selected
development processes. Our findings show: very few of our tests using reverse dependencies on changed source files since
ever fail, but those that do are generally “closer” to the code the previous milestone—it is susceptible to additional delays
they test; certain frequently modified code and certain users/tools
cause more breakages; and code recently modified by multiple caused by Out of Memory errors, machine failures, and
developers (more than 3) breaks more often. other infrastructure problems. In our work, we have observed
unacceptably large delays of up to 9 hours.
Keywords-software testing, continuous integration, selection.
In this paper, we describe a project that had two goals for
aiding developers and reducing test turnaround time. First,
we wanted to reduce TAP’s workload by avoiding frequently
The decades-long successful advocacy of software testing re-executing test cases that were highly unlikely to fail. For
for improving/maintaining software quality has positioned it example, one of our results showed that of the 5.5 Million
at the very core of today’s large continuous integration (CI) affected tests that we analyzed for a time period, only 63K
systems [1]. For example, Google’s Test Automation Platform ever failed. Yet, TAP treated all these 5.5 Million tests the
(TAP) system [2], responsible for CI of Google’s vast majority same in terms of execution frequency. Valuable resources may
of 2 Billion LOC codebase—structured largely as a single have been saved and test turnaround time reduced, had most of
monolithic code tree [3]—would fail to prevent regressions the “always passing” tests been identified ahead of time, and
in Google’s code without its testing-centric design. However, executed less frequently than the “more likely to fail” tests.
this success of testing comes with the cost of extensive Our second goal was to distill TAP’s test results data, and
compute cycles. In an average day, TAP integrates and tests— present it to developers as actionable items to inform code
at enormous compute cost—more than 13K code projects, development. For example, one such item that our project
requiring 800K builds and 150 Million test runs. yielded was “You are 97% likely to cause a breakage because
Even with Google’s massive compute resources, TAP is you are editing a Java source file modified by 15 other
unable to keep up with the developers’ code churn rate— developers in the last 30 days.” Armed with such timely data-
a code commit every second on the average—i.e., it is not driven guidance, developers may take preemptive measures to
cost effective to test each code commit individually. In the prevent breakages, e.g., by running more comprehensive pre-
past TAP tried to test each code change, but found that submit tests, inviting a more thorough code review, adding test
the compute resources were growing quadratically with two cases, and running static analysis tools.
multiplicative linear factors: (1) the code submission rate Because we needed to deploy our results in an Industry
which (for Google) has been growing roughly linearly and (2) setting, our project faced a number of practical constraints,
the size of the test pool which also has been growing linearly. some due to resources and others stemming from Google’s
This caused unsustainable demand for compute resources, coding and testing practices that have evolved over years to
hence TAP invented a mechanism to slow down one of the deal with scale and maximize productivity. First, Google’s
linear factors by breaking a TAP day into a sequence of notion of a “test” is different from what we understand to
epochs called milestones, each of which integrates and tests a be a “test case” or “test suite.” Google uses the term “test
target,” which is essentially a buildable and executable code In particular, we modeled the relationships between our test
unit labeled as a test in a meta BUILD file. A test target may targets and developers, code under test, and code-change and
be a suite of JUnit test cases, or a single python test case, test execution frequencies. We found that
or a collection of end-to-end test scripts. For our work, this
• looking at the overall test history of 5.5 Million affected
meant that we needed to interpret a FAILED outcome of a test
tests in a given time period, only 63K ever failed; the rest
target in one of several ways, e.g., failure of a single JUnit
never failed even once.
test case that is part of the test target, or a scripted end-to-end
• of all test executions we examined, only a tiny fraction
test, or single test case. Hence, we could not rely on obtaining
(1.23%) actually found a test breakage (or a code fix)
a traditional fault matrix [4] that maps individual test cases to
being introduced by a developer. The entire purpose of
faults; instead, we had sequences of time-stamped test target
TAP’s regression testing cycle is to find this tiny percent
outcomes. Moreover, the code covered by a test target needed
of tests that are of interest to developers.
to be interpreted as the union of all code elements covered by
• the ratio of PASSED vs. FAILED test targets per code
its constituent test cases. Again, we could not rely on obtaining
change is 99:1, which means that test turnaround time
a traditional coverage matrix [4] that maps individual test cases
may be significantly reduced if tests that almost never
to elements they cover.
FAIL, when affected, are re-executed less frequently than
Second, we had strict timing and resource restrictions. We
tests that expose breakages/fixes.
could not run a code instrumenter at each milestone on the
• modeling our codebase as a code dependency graph, we
massive codebase and collect code coverage numbers because
found that test targets that are more than a distance of
this would impose too large an overhead to be practical.
10 (in terms of number of dependency edges) from the
Indeed, just writing and updating the code coverage reports
changed code hardly ever break.
in a timely manner to disk would be an impossible task.
• most of our files are modified infrequently (once or twice
We also did not have tools that could instrument multiple
in a month) but those modified more frequently often
programming languages (Java C++, Go, Python, etc.) that form
cause breakages.
Google’s codebase and produce results that were compatible
• certain file types are more prone to breakages,
across languages for uniform analysis. Moreover, the code
• certain users/tools are more likely to cause breakages,
churn rates would quickly render the code coverage reports ob-
• files within a short time span modified by 3 (or more) de-
solete, requiring frequent updates. The above two constraints
velopers are significantly more likely to cause breakages
meant that we could not rely on the availability of fault and
compared to 2 developers.
coverage matrices, used by conventional regression test selec-
• while our code changes affect a large number of test
tion/prioritization approaches [5] that require exact mappings
targets, they do so with widely varying frequencies per
between code elements (e.g., statements [6], methods [7]),
target, and hence, our test targets need to be treated
requirements [8] and test cases/suites.
differently for test scheduling.
Third, the reality of practical testing in large organizations
is the presence of tests whose PASSED/FAILED outcome may These findings have significant practical implications for
be impacted by uncontrollable/unknown factors, e.g., response Google that is investing in continued research as well as ap-
time of a server; these are termed “flaky” tests [9] [10]. plied techniques that have real, practical impact on developer
A flaky test may, for example, FAIL because a resource is productivity while reducing compute costs. In particular, we
unavailable/unresponsive at the time of its execution. The same want to reduce the resources used in our CI system while
test may PASS for the same code if it is executed at a different not degrading the PASSED/FAILED signal provided to our
time after the resource became available. Flaky tests exist for developers. This research has shown that more than 99% of all
various reasons [11] [12] and it is impossible to weed out all tests run by the CI system pass or flake, and it has identified
flaky tests [13]. For our work, this meant that we could not the first set of signals that will allow us to schedule fewer
rely on regression test selection heuristics such as “rerun tests tests while retaining high probability of detecting real faults,
that failed recently” [14] [15] as we would end up mostly using which we can improve the ratio of change (fault or
re-running flaky tests [1]. fix) detection per unit of compute resource spent. The key to
Because of these constraints, we decided against using our success is to perform this reduction, while simultaneously
approaches that rely on fine-grained information per test case, retaining near certainty of finding real program faults when
e.g., exact mappings between test cases and code/requirements they are inserted; this research enables that goal. Specifically,
elements, or PASSED/FAILED histories. Instead, we devel- from this research we plan to expand the set of signals
oped an empirical approach, guided by domain expertise and about when tests actually fail, and use that information to
statistical analysis, to model and understand factors that cause improve test selection, running fewer tests while retaining high
our test targets to reveal breakages (transitions from PASSED- confidence that faults will be detected. We then plan to feed
to-FAILED) and fixes (FAILED-to-PASSED). This approach these signals into a Machine Learning tool to produce a single
also worked well with our goal of developing data-driven signal for reducing the set of selected tests. We also plan to
guidelines for developers because it yielded generalized, high- provide feedback to developers—prior to code submission—
level relationships between our artifacts of interest. that certain types of changes are more likely to break and
should be qualified and scrutinized more closely. For example, t14
our data shows that a single file changed many times by t12

Affected Test Target Set

different people is almost 100% likely to cause a failure. Doing t11

more work to qualify such submissions seems like an obvious t10

way to avoid the impact of a build breakage. t8
In the next section, we provide more background of how t7

TAP works, and in Section III describe the nature of our data. t6
In Section IV, we develop the hypotheses for our project and t4
discuss results. We present related work in Section V, and t3

finally, conclude with a discussion of ongoing and future work t2

in Section VI. cl1 cl2 cl3 cl4 cl5 cl6 cl7 cl8 cl9 cl10 cl11 cl12 cl13 cl14 cl15 cl16
Change Lists
We now discuss aspects of TAP that are necessary to Fig. 2. Changelists and associated test targets.
understand our project. For our purposes, we can envision
Google’s code to be maintained in a conventional code
repository that follows a Unix-like directory structure for
files (and other programming language-specific implicit depen-
files and folders. Certain folders are called packages, each
dencies) rules to create a reverse dependency structure that
with its own BUILD file (the interested reader is referred to
eventually outputs all test targets that directly or indirectly
the tool called Bazel [16] that follows similar conventions)
depend on the modified files; these are called AFFECTED test
that defines build dependencies between files and packages.
targets. TAP needs to execute these AFFECTED test targets
Certain syntactic conventions mark test targets. For example,
to ensure that the latest changes did not cause breakages. For
in the BUILD file code segment shown in Figure 1, the
our example of Figure 2, cl1 affected test targets t1, t3, t8,
test target framework gradients test requires 1 test source file
and t13 (shown as boxes in the figure). As discussed earlier,
(framework/gradients test.cc) and 11 packages (the first 5 use
the granularity of these AFFECTED test targets depends on
BUILD rules from the same BUILD file, which is why they
how their individual BUILD files are written, dependencies
have no leading absolute-path-like label, and the remaining 6
between packages, programming language used to code the
from the //tensorflow/core module). Such a specification gives
tests, and how the developer chose to organize the code/tests.
maximum flexibility to developers, allowing them to designate
Test target t1 might be a JUnit test suite; t3 a single Python
any buildable code (at the package granularity) as a test target,
test; t8 an end-to-end test script; and so on. TAP knows to put
in this example via the tf cc test construct.
them together as an AFFECTED set for cl1 only because of
package( defined dependencies [17].
default visibility = [”//visibility:public”],
) As mentioned earlier, Google’s code churn rate prohibits the
tf cc test(
name = ”framework gradients test”,
execution of all affected targets (which may run into Millions
srcs = [”framework/gradients test.cc”], for some CLs and take hours to run) for each individual
deps = [
”:cc ops”,
change. Hence, TAP postpones running test targets until it
”:grad op registry”, determines a time to cut a milestone using heuristics based
”:grad ops”,
on the tradeoff between delay to execute work, and getting
”:testutil”, the data about the freshest CL possible when that delay is
”//tensorflow/core:all kernels”,
”//tensorflow/core:core cpu internal”,
minimum. All affected test targets that remained unexecuted
”//tensorflow/core:framework”, since the previous milestone are run together.
”//tensorflow/core:test main”, Let’s assume that a milestone was cut just before cl1 in
], Figure 2. Assume also that the next milestone was cut at
) cl16. This means that all test targets affected from cl1 through
Fig. 1. tensorflow/cc/BUILD cl16 will be executed at this milestone. Because there will be
overlap in how test targets are affected across CLs, time and
Developers constantly make changes to files and folders. resources are saved with this approach because test targets
Every code commit gets assigned a unique identifier called a are executed only at their latest affecting CL. For example,
changelist ID (CL). For example, Figure 2 shows a sequence even though t14 is affected by multiple CLs (cl2, cl4, cl8,
of 16 CLs on the horizontal axis (cl1 – cl16). In this case, the cl13, cl16), it is only executed once at cl16, its latest affecting
ordering of the numbers indicates the order in which the code CL. All the targets actually executed are shown as black
was submitted, i.e., cl1 was submitted first, followed by cl2, boxes in Figure 2. A milestone run will only determine a
cl3, and so on. PASSED/FAILED status for these (black-filled-boxes) targets;
A CL contains files that were changed by the developers. others will remain AFFECTED, until (if) run on demand by
TAP starts with these, uses build dependencies in the BUILD another process.
We analyzed months of TAP data for this project. In this

Count (Log scale)

paper, we report results of studying over 500K CLs, from
Feb. 11, to Mar. 11, 2016, that affected more than 5.5 Million
unique test targets, and over 4 Billion test outcomes.
In this section, we discuss the primary characteristics of our
data that helped us to understand it, and form our hypotheses
for further experimentation. We first wanted to see how fre-
quently CLs affected individual test targets, and whether there
was in fact overlap in affected test targets across CLs. Our
histogram (log scale vertical axis) of how frequently targets
are affected is shown in Figure 3. The height of Column x
shows the number of test targets that are affected x times. Test Outcome
For example, the first column shows that 151,713 targets were
affected only once; Column 289 shows that 749 targets were Fig. 4. Distribution of Overall Test Outcomes.
affected 289 times. The two vertical lines, marked with 50%
and 75%, tell us that 50% of test targets were affected fewer P ER C HANGELIST O UTCOMES .
than 14 times; 75% were affected fewer than 46 times. Because
test targets are affected at widely varying rates, some several Outcome Avg. % per CL
orders of magnitude more than others, we started to question PASSED 48.4964
TAP’s one-size-fits-all milestone approach of scheduling and SKIPPED 7.4905
executing test targets. FAILED 0.4186
50% 75%

were saved because these test targets were not executed at

each and every affecting CL.
749 We next examined the overall history of each test target.
We found (Table II) that 91.3% PASSED at least once and
never FAILED even once during their execution history. Only
2.07% PASSED and FAILED at least once during their entire
execution history. After filtering flaky test targets from these,
we were left with 1.23% that actually found a test breakage
14 46 289
(or a code fix) being introduced by a developer. This small
percentage is what developers care about most as they inform
developers of breakages and fixes. We were encouraged by
Fig. 3. Affected Targets Frequency. this result because if we could develop mechanisms to identify
test targets that are unlikely to reveal breakages and fixes, and
Next, we wanted to examine the test target outcomes and execute them less often than others, we may be able to save
their distribution. Figure 4 (again the vertical axis is log scale) significant resources and give faster feedback to developers.
shows that AFFECTED and PASSED targets formed the bulk
of our outcomes, followed by SKIPPED (did not run because IV. H YPOTHESES , M ODELS , AND R ESULTS
they did not match TAP’s selection criteria, e.g., they were
too large, marked NOTAP, etc.). FAILED were next but they The preliminary analysis of our dataset, discussed in the
constituted only a small fraction of the full set. The remaining previous section, indicated that there may be opportunities to
outcomes are too few, and hence grouped together as OTHERS identify test targets that almost never fail; these make up the
for ease of presentation. We also wanted to see how our test bulk of TAP’s test targets. Significant resources may be saved
target outcomes looked for an average CL, so we averaged – and put to better use – if these test targets are executed less
the test outcomes across CLs. As Table I shows, almost half frequently than other more-likely-to-fail test targets. Moreover,
of the test targets PASSED. Of the remaining, 43% remained having a general understanding of these two populations of
AFFECTED (not executed) and 7.4% were SKIPPED. Less test targets may help to develop code quality guidelines for
than 0.5% FAILED. This result was useful for our project as developers. To this end, we used our domain expertise to
it informed us that FAILED test targets make up a very small develop and study a number of hypotheses. In this section
fraction of our overall space. That AFFECTED test targets we present those that led us to valuable insights into Google’s
make up a large fraction informed us of the usefulness of code development and testing practices, as well as how we
TAP’s current milestone-based strategy; significant resources could improve test target scheduling.
We hypothesize that code changes have limited direct im-
Total Targets 5,562,881 pact beyond a certain MinDist value. This makes intuitive
Never FAILED; PASSED at least once 5,082,803
Never PASSED; FAILED at least once 15,893 sense because packages do not use all the code of other
Never PASSED/FAILED; most likely SKIPPED 349,025 packages that they depend upon. They may use the maximum
PASSED at least once AND FAILED at least once 115,160 amount of code of packages at MinDist=1, i.e., packages
Flakes 46,694 of 115,160
Remaining (with PASSED/FAILED Edges) 68,466
they directly depend on. But this is expected to reduce as
MinDist values grow large, such as 40. For our purposes, this
means that test targets that are farther away (higher values of
A. Hypothesis 1: Test Targets “Farther Away” from Modified MinDist) from modified code will not detect breakages.
Code Do Not Detect Breakages. We start by showing, in Figure 6, the distribution of all
MinDists in our dataset. To collect this data, we examined all
Lets first formally define the term “farther away.” As is files modified in all changelists, and for each, computed the
generally the case with most of today’s software, build- MinDist to all reachable AFFECTED test targets. As the figure
ing a Google package requires other packages to be built. shows, the vast majority of MinDist values are between 5 and
These “dependencies” are explicitly specified in a BUILD 10. They drop beyond 10 but go as high as 40. We remind the
file associated with a package. The lower-level packages may reader that we are showing only the the shortest path between
depend on other yet-lower-level packages. Such dependen- our AFFECTED test targets and modified files; if one looked
cies form a dependency structure that may be modeled as at all paths, not only the shortest, then one would certainly
a directed acyclic graph (DAG). For example, in Figure 5, find much longer paths.
the top node org/eclipse/platform/ui:ui tests requires two
packages //ui/tests/ManualScenarioTests and //ui/jface tests, 300

which in turn require 6 more packages. Even though the de- Frequency (in 1000’s)

pendencies for //ui/tests/ManualScenarioTests are not shown, 225

all the lower-level packages ultimately depend on the bot-

tom node //ui/jface/tests/viewers/TestElement.java. Whenever 150

//ui/jface/tests/viewers/TestElement.java is changed, all the

packages in Figure 5 need to be built again.
0.5 10.5 20.5 30.5 40.5
//ui/tests/ManualScenarioTests //ui/jface_tests
Fig. 6. Distribution of All MinDists.
//ui/jface/tests/action //ui/jface/tests/dialogs //ui/jface/tests/fieldassit //ui/jface/tests/images //ui/jface/tests/viewers //ui/jface/tests/window //ui/jface/tests/wizards

//ui/jface/tests/viewers/AllTests //ui/jface/tests/layout

//ui/jface/tests/viewers/interactive //ui/jface/tests/viewers/TreeViewerTest
We are interested in MinDist values for test targets that tran-
//ui/jface/tests/viewers/interactive/AddElementAction.java //ui/jface/tests/viewers/TreeViewerColumnTest sitioned from PASSED to FAILED (breakage) and FAILED
to PASSED (fix) for a given change. We call these our edge
//ui/jface/tests/viewers/interactive/TestElement.java targets; our developers are most interested in these edge targets
as they provide information regarding fixes and breakages.
Fig. 5. Modeling Distance.
Because of the way Google reports test targets results, in
terms of test target outcome per CL, we need to define MinDist
It is this structure that TAP employs to compute the set of per CL and test target pair, instead of per file and test target
AFFECTED test targets for a given committed code change. pair.
Assuming that the file TestElement.java has changed in a CL. Definition: For a given test target Tj and an affecting change-
TAP uses a reverse dependency graph to compute all test list CLi , we say that the relation MinDist(CLi , Tj )=n holds
targets that may be impacted by the change. In our example, iff there exists a file F modified at CLi such that MinDist(Tj ,
the top-level node org/eclipse/platform/ui:ui tests happens to F ) = n. 2.
be a test target, and hence, is added to the set of AFFECTED
Note that MinDist(CLi , Tj ) as defined above is a relation,
targets. Because Google’s codebase is very large, the set of
not a function, i.e., MinDist(CLi , Tj )=n may hold for several
AFFECTED targets can get quite large. In our work, we have
values of n, determined by our original MinDist() function
seen set sizes as large as 1.6 Million.
defined for a file and test target pair.
We define the term MinDist as the shortest distance (in
Next we develop the MinDist relation for a specific test
terms of number of directed edges) between two nodes in
target Tj . Intuitively, this relation holds for all values returned
our dependency graph. In our example from Figure 5, the
by our original MinDist() function for all constituent files
MinDist between ui tests and TestElement.java is 5 (we write
modified in every affecting CL.
in functional notation MinDist(ui tests, TestElement.java) =
5). In our work on Google’s code repository, we have seen Definition: For a test target Tj , we say the relation
MinDist(Tj )=n holds iff there exists a changelist CLi that
affects Tj and MinDist(CLi , Tj )=n also holds. 2.

Given all the MinDist values for a test target Tj , we can
compute the probability that MinDist(Tj )=x for all values of x.
We show (Figure 7 smoothed for visualization) the probability
distribution of one such test target Tj from our data. The plot
shows that most (25%) of the MinDist values for Tj were 10,
followed by 18, 21, and so on. There were none beyond 22
or lower than 7.

Fig. 9. Probability Distribution of Our Edge Targets.


There are two sources of noise in our data of Figure 9. The
first is due to the presence of flaky test targets, and second
0.1 is an artifact of how TAP cuts milestones, i.e., because TAP
does not run each affected target at each CL, we have no
way to pinpoint the cause of a breakage or fix. To eliminate
0 the first noise source, we can filter flakes, ending up with a
1 11 21 31 41
MinDist less noisy distribution shown in Figure 10. This distribution is
much more focused at MinDist = 10. This shows that most of
Fig. 7. MinDist Values for Tj plotted as a Smoothed Curve. our non-flaky edge test targets have MinDists between 5 and
We computed the same probabilities for all the test targets
in our dataset. Aggregating them gave us the probability
distribution of our entire population as shown in Figure 8.
As expected, this curve follows the trend shown in Figure 6.





Fig. 10. Distribution of Our Edge Targets Minus Flakes.

1 11 21 31 41
MinDist To eliminate our second noise source,
consider a test target that transitioned from
Fig. 8. Probability Distribution of Our Population. PASSED (P) to FAILED (F) as illustrated here:
P ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ... F
Figure 8 shows the entire population of MinDist values,
much of which is of little interest to us. We are eventually Any of these N responsible for failure

interested in our edge targets, so we should eliminate all non- Any of the N changelists between the P and F may
edge test target information. Moreover, each CL describes have caused the breakage, which was eventually detected at
multiple file modifications, which means that we will have a milestone build. Hence, our edge test targets have extra
multiple MinDist values per CL (one for each file) and test MinDist values that most likely have nothing to do with fixes
target pair; without loss of accuracy, we choose to retain only and breakages. We can eliminate this noise by considering
the smallest from this set. If we exclude all test targets, except only those edge targets that have no AFFECTED outcomes
our edge targets, and retain only the smallest MinDist value, between PASSED and FAILED (also FAILED to PASSED),
from the data of Figure 8, we see the distribution shown i.e., we know for sure the culprit CL for a breakage and fix.
in Figure 9. This distribution is more pronounced between Examining only this subset of edge targets, 77% of the full set,
MinDist values 6 and 10. gives us the distribution shown in Figure 11, clearly contained
that is modified very frequently is more likely to be in these
edge CLs. Because of the nature of our data, our granularity
for code is a source code file. In our dataset, we saw files being
modified as frequently as 42 times, and as little as once. We

also saw that a very small percentage of files modified only

once were in edge CLs, whereas 77% of the files modified
42 times were in edge CLs, which led us to hypothesize that
file modification frequency has an impact on how test targets
To examine this hypothesis, we define two terms:
fi = Number of files modified i times in edge CLs, and
5 10 15 Fi = Total number of files modified i times.
MinDist We plot P(File in Edge CL) = fi /Fi for i = 1 to 42, and show
the results in Figure 13. We see that P() consistently increases
Fig. 11. Distribution for Edge Test Targets without AFFECTED. with file modification frequency. For our project, this means
that when a developer submits code that has been changed
a large number of times in the past, TAP should schedule it
within the MinDist boundary of 10. as soon as possible (perhaps without waiting for a milestone)
Our above modeling of edge test targets and comparison so that the impact of the change can be evaluated quickly.
with the overall population of test targets gave us confidence Moreover, for the developer, we can issue an alert in the IDE
that we need not execute test targets beyond MinDist = 10. To that “You are modifying a file that was modified 41 times in
better quantify our savings in terms of resources, we ran two the past. The probability that you will cause a breakage is
simulations, running only test targets with M inDist ≤ 10 and 75%.”
M inDist ≤ 6. We compared these with our entire dataset.
The results, in Figure 12 show that we executed only 61% 1
and 50% of test targets with MinDist=10 and MinDist=6,
respectively. Because AFFECTED test targets have a cumula-
P (File in Edge CL)

tive effect on resources, the area under the curves is a better

indicator of the resources used. We see that we could save
42% and 55% resources if we executed only test targets within
MinDist=10 and MinDist=6, respectively. We also note that for
this simulation we did not miss a single breakage or fix.
All 1,853,231
Affected Targets Set Size

1 11 21 31 41
MinDist=10; 1,133,612 Number of Times File in CL
Area under MinDist=10 = 58%

Area under MinDist=6 = 45% MinDist=6; 932,803

Fig. 13. File modification frequency impact on edge CLs.

C. Hypothesis 3: Certain Types of Source Code is More Often

10010000 10013500 10017000 10020500 10024000 in Edge Changelists.
Some of our programming languages such as Java, have a
Fig. 12. Simulating with MinDist = 6 and 10. rich set of tools (e.g., static analysis tools) and type-checking
that help to reduce certain types of breakages. Moreover,
Going back to our hypothesis, we have shown that test new developers, fresh out of college, are better prepared in
targets that are more than a distance of MinDist=10 do not certain programming languages, e.g., Java these days. It is
cause breakages (or fixes) in Google’s code in our dataset. only natural to believe that that bugs and breakages may
vary across languages. In our project, we capture differences
B. Hypothesis 2: Frequently Modified Source Code Files are between languages by using the file extensions (.java or .cpp)
More Often in Edge Changelists and examine whether certain file extensions are more often in
We call a CL an edge changelist if a test target transitioned edge changelists.
from a previously known PASSED to FAILED (or FAILED to We define two terms:
PASSED) when executed at the CL. We hypothesize that code ti = Number of type i files in edge CLs,
Ti = Total number of type i files in dataset. C HANGELIST AUTHOR ’ S I MPACT ON B REAKAGES .
We plot, for each file type i two values, ti and Ti − ti and
normalize each with Ti . The resulting column chart is shown USER ID Total Commits Breakages
userabz 182 59 (31.4%)
in Figure 14. We have sorted the columns so that the gray userabc 1,382 196 (14.2%)
part (ti ) shows up in decreasing order of magnitude. The plot userxyz 1,564 214 (13.7%)
shows that file type .hpp (leftmost column) was the most prone product1-release 42 39 (92.9%)
product2-dev 319 68 (21.3%)
to breakages. In fact 80% of .hpp files appeared in edge CLs. product3-rotation 302 47 (15.6%)
A number of file types (13 of the right-most columns) had no product4-releaser 263 40 (15.2%)
impact on breakages in our dataset. We further superimpose a product5-releaser 442 63 (14.3%)
product6-releaser 526 66 (12.5%)
curve showing the frequency of occurrence of these file types. product7-releaser 784 87 (11.1%)
We see that java files were the most commonly modified types product8-releaser 2,254 226 (10%)
and were 40% likely to cause breakages. These turned out
to be better than cc files, which were 60% likely to cause
breakages. more prone to breakages. This would happen if the developers
These results were interesting in and of themselves (e.g., don’t understand each other’s changes very well.
C++ is more prone to breakages than Java) but for the purpose To examine this hypothesis, we collected the entire set of
of our project, file types gave us a clear signal of how to files with their authors in our dataset. We then computed the
focus our testing resources. Moreover, C++ (extension .cc) frequency with which these files were modified by multiple
developers at Google need to be aware that they are more authors. Our results are shown as a line plot in Figure 15,
likely to cause breakages than their java counterparts. For normalized for the number of times the files are changed.
the developer, we can issue an alert in the IDE (or a code We see multiple lines in the plot, one for each count of the
review tool) that “You are modifying a file type that is known number of times a file was modified. The x-axis shows the
to cause XX% of Google’s breakages. We recommend a more number of authors. The plot shows that breakages drop when
thorough code review and running a static analysis tool to a file is modified by 2 authors compared to a single author.
detect possible problems.” This may be because two authors working on the same file
D. Hypothesis 4: Certain Changelist Authors Cause More are able to review one anothers code, and catch each other’s
Breakages than Others faults. However, breakages go up significantly when 3 or more
authors are involved in modifying a file. We guess that this
CLs at Google are authored by both human developers and
is due to breakdown in communication when large number of
tools. Each tool is responsible for generating some part of
developers are working on the same code.
Google code and automatically adding the generated code via a
For our project, this result provides at least two concrete
code commit. We expected these tools to be well-tested so they
action items. First, TAP should use “variety of authors” and
do not cause breakages when integrated with overall Google
“code change frequency” together to better schedule test
code. We further hypothesized that certain human developers
targets. For the developer, we can issue an alert in the IDE,
are more prone to cause breakages either because of their
e.g., “You are 97% likely to cause a breakage because you are
coding practices or the type/complexity of code they develop.
editing a Java source file modified by 15 other developers in
Our results are shown in Table III. The first 3 entries in the
the last 30 days.”
table are anonymized human developers; the remaining are
tools. We see that user userabz (IDs have been anonymized) V. R ELATED W ORK
made a total of 182 commits of which 59 (31.4%) caused
In this project, we are aiming to do two things. First, we
breakages, an unusually large percentage. Tool product1-
want to reduce test workload by not frequently re-running tests
release made 42 commits of which 39 caused breakages. This
unlikely to fail. Second, we want to use test results to inform
was a surprising but valuable result because product1 releases
code development.
are very carefully tested.
Our first goal is somewhat related to test selec-
Examining CL authors provided us with valuable insights
tion/prioritization. At one extreme of test selection are safe
for our project. TAP could take extra care when scheduling
techniques that select all tests that have any chance of failure.
CLs for certain authors, such as product1-release, perhaps
These rely on knowing a mapping between code elements
during off-peak hours. For the developer, we can issue an alert
(statements, functions/methods, classes/files) and tests. If a
in the IDE that “Your recent development history shows a code
modification is made to the code element, then all affected tests
breakage rate of XX%, which is higher than the average YY%.
are re-run. Rothermel et al. propose a regression test selection
We recommend a more thorough pre-submit testing cycle,
technique that uses control flow graphs (CFG) of programs to
followed by a global presubmit, before committing the code.”
select tests that execute modified code [18]. Legunsen et al.
E. Hypothesis 5: Code Modified by Multiple Developers Is evaluate static analysis techniques to select tests that may be
More Prone to Breakages affected by code change [19].
Many parts of Google code are modified by multiple devel- Different granularities of program elements have also been
opers. We hypothesize that such code can become fragile and studied. Rothermel et al. show that fine-granularity techniques
Frequency (in 1000’s)
File Types (by extensions)

Fig. 14. File Types’ Impact on Edge CLs.

1 greedy, 2-Optimal, hill-climbing and genetic algorithms [22].

Other works use machine learning techniques to assist test
Fraction of Breakages

selection. Chen et al. used semi-supervised K-Means to cluster

test cases and then pick a small subset of tests from each
cluster to approximate the fault detection ability of the original
test suite [23]. Arafeen et al. proposed a requirement-based
clustering technique for test prioritization [21].
There are also some rule-based techniques. For example,
0.25 Weyuker et al. showed that files that were recently modified are
likely to have faults [24]. Graves et al. presented a study that
predicates fault incidence using software change history. Their
0 study showed some interesting findings such as large number
3 6 9 12 15
Number of Unique Users of past faults may indicate a module has been rigorously tested
and thus will have fewer future faults; and the number of
Fig. 15. Multiple CL Authors Impact on Breakages. changes to a module tend to be proportional to its expected
number of faults. And other studied measures include the
age of code and weighted time stamp which assign large and
(statement-level) typically outperform coarse-granularity tech- recent changes with big fault potential [25]. Zimmermann and
niques (function-level) only by a relatively small margin Nagappan investigate how dependencies correlate with and
overall. Some recent studies show that better results can be predict defects for binaries in Windows Server 2003 [26].
achieved by selecting tests at a coarser (class-level) compared Hindle et al. [27] performed a case study that includes the
to a finer (method-level) granularity [17][19]. manual classification of large commits. They show that large
Because our level of granularity is at the file level, and commits tend to be perfective while small commits are more
we use reverse dependencies to obtain implicit on-demand likely to be corrective.
mapping between code (at the file level) and test targets, our Second, some existing techniques use test results to inform
work is also related to event-driven systems that use explicit code development. Anvik et al. presented a technique which
dependencies between elements (in this case, events) for test uses text categorization, a machine learning technique, to learn
selection and prioritization. Bryce and Memon proposed a the kinds of reports each developer resolves, based on which
technique to prioritize tests based on t-way interaction cov- new coming bug reports will be assigned to a small number
erage of events [20]. of candidate developers [28]. Their technique attempts to find
Researchers have also used other, non-code elements such as a developer who can, instead of who should, fix a bug.
requirements. Srikanth et al. presented a value-driven approach
to system-level test case prioritization which prioritizes system VI. C ONCLUSIONS & F UTURE D IRECTIONS
test cases based upon four factors: requirements volatility,
customer priority, implementation complexity, and fault prone- We described results of a project performed in TAP, a group
ness of the requirements [8]. Arafeen et al. investigated a at Google responsible for continuous integration and testing
technique which clusters test cases based on requirements, and of most of Google’s codebase. The overarching goal of this
then utilize code element metrics to further prioritize tests for project was to develop and empirically evaluate mechanisms
different clusters [21]. that can aid developers by providing them with quick feedback
Different algorithms are studied in test prioritization and from test runs as well as situational data-driven guidelines re-
selection. Li and Harman et al. presents a set of search algo- garding the impact of their latest changes on code quality. We
rithms for test case prioritization, including greedy, additional empirically studied several relationships between developers,
their code, test targets, frequency of code commits and test [6] G. Rothermel, R. H. Untch, C. Chu, and M. J. Harrold, “Prioritizing
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that deals with company-wide CI. We recognize that the exact Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineer-
ing. ACM, 1999, pp. 345–354.
relationships that we have found (e.g., MinDist = 10) may not [8] H. Srikanth, L. Williams, and J. Osborne, “System test case prioritization
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pre-submit, global presubmit, and post-submit stages of quality [11] Q. Luo, F. Hariri, L. Eloussi, and D. Marinov, “An empirical analysis of
control. They may not have deep Google-like dependencies flaky tests,” in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Symposium
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in their relatively-smaller codebases. However, we do believe [12] A. M. Memon and M. B. Cohen, “Automated testing of gui applications:
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This research has raised many questions that require more continuous testing,” in Software Reliability Engineering, 2003. ISSRE
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of study but have not fully explained causation. Finally, our International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ACM,
2015, pp. 211–222.
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and observed data; these need to be identified and separated. selection technique,” ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
Addressing all these limitations requires much work. In the Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 173–210, 1997.
[19] O. Legunsen, F. Hariri, A. Shi, Y. Lu, L. Zhang, and D. Marinov, “An
short and medium terms, we plan to conduct a more fine- extensive study of static regression test selection in modern software
grained project-level analysis to clarify some of the relation- evolution,” in Proceedings of the 2016 11th Joint Meeting on Founda-
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[20] R. C. Bryce and A. M. Memon, “Test suite prioritization by interaction
could lead to preliminary explanation of the insights that come coverage,” in Workshop on Domain specific approaches to software test
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and could be presented in a separate research paper. Indeed, 2007, pp. 1–7.
[21] M. J. Arafeen and H. Do, “Test case prioritization using requirements-
we ask the broader software testing research community to based clustering,” in 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on
contact us and help us pursue some of this research. Software Testing, Verification and Validation. IEEE, 2013, pp. 312–321.
[22] Z. Li, M. Harman, and R. M. Hierons, “Search algorithms for regression
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS test case prioritization,” IEEE Transactions on software engineering,
vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 225–237, 2007.
The authors would like to thank Jan Bakus, Ot Ten Thije, [23] S. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Zhao, B. Xu, and Y. Feng, “Using semi-supervised
John Roane, Phil Stahlfled, Murat Ozturk, Jeff Listfield, Celal clustering to improve regression test selection techniques,” in 2011
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification
Ziftci, and John Penix for their support during this work. and Validation. IEEE, 2011, pp. 1–10.
[24] T. J. Ostrand, E. J. Weyuker, and R. M. Bell, “Predicting the location
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