The goal of treatment is to reduce blood pressure so that you have a lower risk of complications.
You and your health care provider should set a blood pressure goal for you.
There are many different medicines that can be used to treat high blood pressure, including:
Alpha blockers
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Central alpha agonists
Renin inhibitors, including aliskiren (Tekturna)
Your health care provider may also tell you to exercise, lose weight, and follow a healthier diet.
If you have pre-hypertension, your health care provider will recommend the same lifestyle
changes to bring your blood pressure down to a normal range.
Often, a single blood pressure drug may not be enough to control your blood pressure, and you
may need to take two or more drugs. It is very important that you take the medications prescribed
to you. If you have side effects, your health care provider can substitute a different medication.
In addition to taking medicine, you can do many things to help control your blood pressure,
Eat a heart-healthy diet, including potassium and fiber, and drink plenty of water.
Exercise regularly -- at least 30 minutes a day.
If you smoke, quit -- find a program that will help you stop.
Limit how much alcohol you drink -- 1 drink a day for women, 2 a day for men.
Limit the amount of sodium (salt) you eat -- aim for less than 1,500 mg per day.
Reduce stress -- try to avoid things that cause stress for you. You can also try meditation
or yoga.
Stay at a healthy body weight -- find a weight-loss program to help you, if you need it.
Your health care provider can help you find programs for losing weight, stopping smoking, and
exercising. You can also get a referral from your doctor to a dietitian, who can help you plan a
diet that is healthy for you.
Your health care provider may ask you to keep track of your blood pressure at home. Make sure
you get a good quality, well-fitting home device. It will probably have a cuff with a stethoscope
or a digital readout. Practice with your health care provider or nurse to make sure you are taking
your blood pressure correctly.
Outlook (Prognosis)
Outlook (Prognosis)
Most of the time, high blood pressure can be controlled with medicine and lifestyle changes.
Possible Complications
Possible Complications