User'S Manual For Bgs Gisgroundwater: A Numerical Model To Simulate Groundwater Levels For Arcgis 10.0
User'S Manual For Bgs Gisgroundwater: A Numerical Model To Simulate Groundwater Levels For Arcgis 10.0
User'S Manual For Bgs Gisgroundwater: A Numerical Model To Simulate Groundwater Levels For Arcgis 10.0
GISGroundwater: a numerical
model to simulate groundwater
levels for ArcGIS 10.0
Environmental Modelling Programme
Open Report OR/12/063
Groundwater flow model; finite
difference; Arc GIS; GIS raster
Front cover
The interface of BGS
GISGroundwater Add-In for
Bibliographical reference
JACKSON C.R.. 2014. User's
manual for BGS
GISGroundwater: a numerical
model to simulate groundwater
levels for ArcGIS 10.0. British
Geological Survey Open Report,
OR/12/063. 71pp.
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We would like to acknowledge Steven Richardson and James Passmore for their contribution to the development
of BGS GISGroundwater.
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ i
Summary ........................................................................................................................................ v
6 Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 66
7 References ............................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 74. Selecting river grid system in the ‘Resampling’ tool – App. 1 ................................... 58
Figure 75. Selecting aquifer grid system in the ‘Resampling’ tool – App. 1 ............................... 58
Figure 76. Selecting interpolation method in the ‘Resampling’ tool – App. 1 ............................. 58
Figure 77. Comparing grid systems of the ASCII files in SAGA – App. 1 (3) ............................ 59
Figure 78. Comparing grid systems of the ASCII files in SAGA – App. 1 (4) ............................ 59
Figure 79. Accessing ‘Grid Calculator’ from SAGA toolbox – App. 1 ....................................... 60
Figure 80. Selecting grid system in the ‘Grid Calculator’ – App. 1 ............................................. 60
Figure 81. Selecting river and dem grids in the ‘Grid Calculator’ – App. 1 ................................ 61
Figure 82. Entering formula in the ‘Grid Calculator’ – App. 1 .................................................... 61
Figure 83. Viewing the newly created river network layer – App. 1............................................ 62
Figure 84. Exporting layers from SAGA – App. 1 ...................................................................... 62
Figure 85. Exporting layers from SAGA (selecting a grid system) – App. 1 ............................... 63
Figure 86. Exporting layers from SAGA (selecting a layer) – App. 1 ......................................... 63
Figure 87. Exporting layers from SAGA (selecting a file format) – App. 1 ................................ 64
Figure 88. Exporting layers from SAGA (saving a file) – App. 1 (1) .......................................... 64
Figure 89. Exporting layers from SAGA (saving a file) – App. 1 (2) .......................................... 64
Figure 90. Converting a river network ASCII file to a raster – App. 1 ........................................ 65
Table 1. The formats options of the BGS GISGroundwater input datasets .................................... 7
This is a user manual of BGS GISGroundwater that produces the depth to groundwater beneath
the land surface. BGS GISGroundwater uses standard GIS datasets as inputs and implements
data preparation, numerical modelling, post-processing and the visualisation of the modelled
results all within the GIS environment. It allows non-modellers, such as scientists and students,
to easily and efficiently build up groundwater flow models in ArcMap using GIS layers. For
example, only few hours are needed to construct a numerical regional groundwater flow model
using it with great flexibility. Therefore it is useful for carrying out preliminary groundwater
flow modelling or evaluating hydrogeological conceptual models, before carrying out detailed
costly groundwater modelling using one of traditional groundwater flow models.
This manual firstly introduces BGS GISGroundwater, and then explains its installation process
and interface. The step-by-step tutorial materials are also provided to guide users to learn
quickly how to use this tool.
BGS GISGroundwater solves the governing two-dimensional groundwater flow equation of the
∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h
Tx + Ty = Q + Q − R
Equation 1
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
where h is the groundwater head [L], Tx and Ty are the aquifer transmissivity in the x and y
direction respectively [L2T -1], Q A is groundwater abstraction rate [L3 T-1], Q R is leakage to/from
rivers [L3 T-1], and R is the amount of groundwater recharge [L3 T-1].
• It is a seamless GIS groundwater flow model, which can be deemed as one of GIS
spatial analysis functions
• All groundwater modelling processes of data preparation, running model and post-
processing including visualisation of modelled groundwater levels can be carried out
in the GIS environment
• It uses the standard GIS data formats; this means that there is no extra work for data
exchanging and no extra costs for purchasing coupling interface programs
conjunction with the GIS layers representing aquifer top and bottom; groundwater recharge
with or without spatial distribution can be used in building up a groundwater flow model; the
river data required can be a GIS raster layer or a shapefile that needs a DEM layer to derive
river stage values; the fixed head boundary condition, such as lake, is represented in the model
using the same format as the river dataset; abstraction data are optional and can be entered into
the code in a GIS raster layer or a shapefile. Table 1 shows the different options by which input
datasets can be input to the model.
An ArcMap 10.0 environment is needed to install and run BGS GISGroundwater. There are
two ways to install BGS GISGroundwater, i.e., running Add-In directly, or installing through
ArcMap 10.0 Add-In Manager:
Option 1: Running Add-In
• Locate the BGS GISGroundwater Add-In file and double click it to install.
BGS GISGroundwater Add-In is now installed. The BGS GISGroundwater interface can be
opened by clicking on a slightly transparent blue cube in the ArcMap toolbar menu. If the
BGS GISGroundwater icon is not shown, it can be added to the toolbar by going to Customize -
> Toolbars -> BGS Groundwater Flow Model tools (Figure 8).
It is advisable that all relevant GIS layers are loaded into an ArcMap project before the BGS
GISGroundwater tool is used. The layers can be added using the plus button in the ArcMap
toolbar (Figure 9).
It is required that the extents of all GIS raster layers used in the construction of
a model to be equal or larger than that of the aquifer layer. It is permissible that
the layer extent is larger than the aquifer extent, as it will be automatically
clipped to the right size; but it can never be smaller. Additionally, it is important
to make sure that the cell size of all the grids is the same as the cell size of the
aquifer layer.
Define spatial extent and cell size using an existing GIS layer
Run model
Modify the
This section provides information on the tool, the steps for constructing a groundwater flow
model, and contact details (Figure 11).
It is necessary to check the ‘Information’ box each time before moving to the next
calculated by inputting the hydraulic conductivity along with the elevation of the top and
bottom of the aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity can be input either as a constant value, or as a
raster layer of spatially varying values. The top and bottom elevations of the aquifer are entered
on the next tab (Figure 14).
Rivers and other surface water features are represented by a grid, which can be defined either
by a raster layer containing water surface elevation data, or a shapefile that specifies the
locations of the surface water features and a DEM raster layer that specifies the associated
water levels (Figure 16). Leaking points or fixed head boundary conditions can be represented
as ‘rivers’ to provide the information on elevations of the specific locations (See tutorial 1 in
section 5.1, and tutorial 2 in section 5.2).
The inclusion of rates of pumping from wells is optional. They can be input either as a raster
layer, which contains pumping rates at specific locations, or can be extracted from a shapefile.
If a point shapefile is used, its attribute table must contain a field that holds the pumping rates
at the points (Figure 17).
This tab allows the user to specify values for the parameters that determine when and how fast
the model reaches a solution. The default values are provided but they can be overwritten by
users (Figure 18).
The interface could be hidden behind the ArcMap window sometimes; and it can
be found through the taskbar.
Fixed piezometric head 25 m
25 m
No-flow 200 m
y x
200 m
x z
The GIS datasets or GIS project file “Sample1_ArcMAP10.0.mxd” needed for this tutorial
can be found under the folder of “Sample1_Analytical_GIS”. The tutorial materials can be
downloaded from the BGS GISGroundwater link provided in section 2 and then extracted to
a local drive.
Modelling nodes are located at the centres of GIS grids. In the aquifer extent
section of this tutorial, the “LEFT” (-5m) and “BOTTOM” (-5m) are the left
corner of the aquifer GIS layer, while the “TOP” (205m) and “RIGHT” (205m)
are the top right corner of this aquifer layer. Therefore, the centres of the lower
left grid and the top right grid of the aquifer are (0m, 0m) and (200m, 200m)
respectively, representing an aquifer of 200m by 200m.
Since ArcMap 10.0 has difficulties in handling very long file path names, it is a
good practice to extract tutorial files to the root of one of your local drives to
keep the file path names short, such as: “E:\BGS-GISGroundwater-tutorial-
Once the raster layers are loaded, the BGS GISGroundwater interface can be opened by
clicking on the BGS GISGroundwater icon in the toolbar.
• Wait until the model cell size and the modelling extent are calculated and
proceed to the next tab
It is necessary to check the ‘Information’ box each time before moving to the next
• Under ‘Recharge and Initial Level’ select constant value option for the
recharge and input 0.001. Input 25 for the initial head (Figure 22).
• Under ‘Rivers’ select ‘Provide River Grid’ option. Click on the drop-down
menu and select ‘river_grd’ (Figure 24).
• Under ‘Settings’ input solver convergence criterion, PSOR solver factor, and
the number of transmissivity recalculation cycles. The default values can be
used if considered appropriate. Press ‘Run’ button to run the model (Figure
After the simulation, the tool interface keeps open allowing users to change
parameters and generate new results by re-running the model.
The problem in the tutorial 1 can also be solved using an analytical solution in the x direction.
The analytical solution for this example can be expressed as:
Lx x2
H = Ho + R −R Equation 2
T 2T
where H is the GWL (L); H o is the fixed head (L); R is groundwater recharge (L T-1); L is
the length of aquifer (L) in the x direction; T is the transmissivity (L2 T-1); x is location in the
x direction (L).
Substituting by H o = 25 m, R = 0.001 m/day, T = 20 m2/day, the results of Equation 2 should
be the same as that simulated using GISGroundwater.
Tutorial 2 demonstrates how to construct a groundwater flow model for an aquifer with
irregular boundary and the fixed groundwater head in the middle of the aquifer. After this you
should be able to use a GIS point shapefile to represent fixed heads.
The river point shapefile needs to be converted to a GIS raster layer and then entered as a river
grid in the ‘River’ section of the interface. The conversion can be done using 'Point to Raster'
tool from the ArcMap toolbox (Figure 28). In the tool’s window select ‘Fixed_head’ layer from
‘Input Feature’ drop-down menu. To choose field holding elevation data select ‘Fixed_head’
from ‘Value field’ drop-down menu. To make sure the output layer has the same cell size of the
aquifer grid, select ‘aquifer1’ from ‘Cellsize’ drop-down menu (Figure 28).
Since the extent of the river grid has to be the same as the extent of the aquifer grid, it is
necessary to use the ‘Environments’ option (Figure 28) to define the extent of the output layer.
From the drop-down menu under ‘Processing Extent’ select ‘Same as layer aquifer1’ (Figure
29), and then click OK button.
Figure 29. ArcMap ‘Point to Raster’ tool window – changing ‘Processing Extent’
Click on the folder icon next to ‘Output Raster Dataset' in Figure 28, specify the name of the
new raster layer and save it in the project folder. Make sure to select different name for the
raster layer than the name of the point shapefile.
The names of any layers used by the tool, either raster layer or shapefile
must not be repeated! This will result in an error.
Once all the layers are loaded, the BGS GISGroundwater interface can be opened by clicking
on the BGS GISGroundwater icon in the toolbar.
• Under ‘Aquifer Extent’ click on the drop-down menu next to ‘Aquifer
Raster’ and select ‘aquifer1’. If no raster layers appear in the list, click on
the refresh button to the right of the drop-down menu (Figure 30).
• Wait until the model cell size and the modelling extent are calculated and
proceed to the next tab.
It is necessary to check the ‘Information’ box each time before moving to the next
• Under ‘Recharge and Initial Level’ (Figure 31), select constant value option
for the recharge and input 0.001. Input 40 for the initial head.
• Under ‘Rivers’ select ‘Provide River Grid’ option. Click on the drop-down
menu and select the river grid that was created when preparing the datasets
at the beginning of this tutorial (Figure 33).
• Under ‘Settings’ input solver convergence criterion, PSOR solver factor, and
the number of transmissivity recalculation cycles. The default values can be
used or try different settings. Press ‘Run’ button to run the model (Figure
Two raster layers are produced: ‘GWHEADS’ and ‘MODELAREA’, which are added to the
ArcMap project and plotted automatically. ‘MODELAREA’ raster define the modelling extend,
and ‘GWHEADS’ raster contains steady state groundwater levels simulated by the model
(Figure 35).
After the simulation, the tool interface keeps open allowing users to change
parameters and generate new results by re-running the model.
This tutorial shows how to add more complexities into a groundwater flow model using a
problem closer to reality. You will learn how to introduce distributed recharge into a
groundwater flow model, and use hydraulic conductivity and aquifer geometry to calculate
permeability, and how to represent pumping boreholes using a GIS point shapefile.
Once the raster layers are loaded, the BGS GISGroundwater interface can be opened by
clicking on the BGS GISGroundwater icon in the toolbar.
• Under ‘Aquifer Extent’ click on the drop-down menu next to ‘Aquifer
Raster’ and select ‘aquifer_grd’. If no raster layers appear in the list, click on
the refresh button to the right of the drop-down menu (Figure 37).
• Wait until the model cell size and the modelling extent are calculated and
proceed to the next tab.
It is necessary to check the ‘Information’ box each time before moving to the next
• Under ‘Recharge and Initial Level’, select layer values option for the
recharge, click on the drop-down menu and select ‘recharge_grid’. Input 40
for the initial head (Figure 38).
• Under ‘Aquifer Top/Bottom’ select constant value option for both elevations
and enter 35 for the top of and 0 for the bottom of the aquifer (Figure 40).
• Under ‘Rivers’ select ‘Provide River Grid’ option, click on the drop-down
menu and select ‘river_grd.img’ (Figure 41).
• Under ‘Wells’ select ‘Extract Pumping From Shapefile’ option, click on the
drop-down menu and select ‘Abstraction’ shapefile. Select the field holding
pumping rate information (Figure 42).
• Under ‘Settings’ input solver convergence criterion, PSOR solver factor, and
the number of transmissivity recalculation cycles. The default values can be
used or try different settings. Press ‘Run’ button to run the model (Figure
Two raster layers are produced: ‘GWHEADS’ and ‘MODELAREA’, which are added to the
ArcMap project and plotted automatically. ‘MODELAREA’ raster define the modelling extend,
and ‘GWHEADS’ raster contains steady state groundwater levels simulated by the model
(Figure 44).
After the simulation, the tool interface keeps open allowing users to change
parameters and generate new results by re-running the model.
This tutorial is an application of the tool to simulate groundwater flow in the Chalk, Thames
Basin, UK. You will learn how to model groundwater flow in an aquifer that is partial overlain
by low permeability formations (Non-aquifer represented using a GIS raster layer). This system
consists of unconfined and confined aquifers; low permeable formations stop recharge reaching
the aquifer beneath and make rivers disconnected from the aquifer. This tutorial also covers the
usage of a river shapefile in constructing a groundwater flow model.
Recharge Recharge
Palaeogene deposits
Figure 45. The sketch map of the conceptual hydrogeological model for tutorial 4
• Pumping boreholes (A GIS shapefile contains the information on borehole locations and
pumping rates).
The GIS datasets or GIS project file “Sample4_ArcMAP10.0.mxd” needed for this tutorial
can be found under the folder of “Sample4_Chalk_TB_GIS”. The tutorial materials can be
downloaded from the BGS GISGroundwater link provided in section 2 and then extracted to
a local drive.
Once the raster layers are loaded, the BGS GISGroundwater interface can be opened by
clicking on the BGS GISGroundwater icon in the toolbar.
• Under ‘Aquifer Extent’, click on the drop-down menu next to ‘Aquifer
Raster’ and select ‘chalk_grd’. If no raster layers appear in the list, click on
the refresh button to the right of the drop-down menu (Figure 47).
• Wait until the model cell size and the modelling extent are calculated and
proceed to the next tab
It is necessary to check the ‘Information’ box each time before moving to the next
• Once the modelling extent and the cell size are calculated click on the drop-
down menu next to ‘Define Non-Aquifer’ and select ‘non-aquifer.img’
(Figure 48).
• Under ‘Recharge and Initial Level’, select layer values option for the
recharge, click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Recharge_grd.m.img’;
input 100 for the initial head (Figure 49).
• Under ‘Aquifer Top/Bottom’, select layer values option for both elevations.
Click on the first drop-down menu and select ‘chalk_top_grd.img’. Click on
the second drop-down menu and select ‘chalk_bottom_grd.img’ (Figure 51).
River raster grid can be generated using the river network shapefile and the DEM raster layer
supplied. If ArcMap package comes with the Spatial Analyst licence, the river grid will be
created automatically by BGS GISGroundwater tool.
• In ‘Rivers’ select ‘Extract River From DEM’ option. Select
‘DEM_1k_Large_TB.img’ layer from the drop-down menu next to ‘DEM’
and wait until it is processed, then select ‘TB_all_rivers’ shapefile from the
drop-down menu next to ‘River Shapefile’ (Figure 52).
Note that if the cell size of the Digital Elevation Model raster layer does not match the cell
size of the aquifer grid, it needs to be resampled to match the cell size of the aquifer layer
before it is loaded to BGS GISGroundwater.
If a Spatial Analyst license for ArcGISTM does not exist, the steps in the Appendix 1 can be
followed to manually create a river grid using a free GIS SAGA. Then in ‘Rivers’, select
‘Provide River Grid’ option, click on the drop-down menu and select the river grid that you
have created.
• Under ‘Wells’ select ‘Extract Pumping From Shapefile’ option, click on the
drop-down menu and select ‘Abstraction’ shapefile. Select the field holding
pumping rate information (Figure 53).
• Under ‘Settings’ input solver convergence criterion, PSOR solver factor, and
the number of transmissivity recalculation cycles. The default values can be
used or try different settings. Press ‘Run’ button to run the model (Figure
Two raster layers are produced: ‘GWHEADS’ and ‘MODELAREA’, which are added to the
ArcMap project and plotted automatically (Figure 55). ‘MODELAREA’ raster define the
modelling extend, and ‘GWHEADS’ raster contains steady state groundwater levels simulated
by the model.
After the simulation, the tool interface keeps open allowing users to change
parameters and generate new results by re-running the model.
This section describes how to extract water level information from DEM data using free GISs
when users do not have a Spatial Analyst licence for ArcGISTM. Otherwise, this can be
automatically finished by BGS GISGroundwater (Tutorial 4).
In tutorial 4, a river grid is not provided but it can be generated using the river network
shapefile (‘TB_all_rivers.shp’) and the DEM data (‘DEM_1k_Large_TB.img’) supplied.
SAGA GIS software (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses), which can be
downloaded free of charge from website, is used in this section.
• Open the river shapefile attribute table (Figure 56) and add a new field of
type short integer (Figure 57 and 58).
Figure 57. Adding new field in the attribute table – App. 1 (1)
Figure 58. Adding new field in the attribute table – App. 1 (2)
• Highlight the newly created field and open ‘Field Calculator’ (Figure 59).
• Using the calculator set values in the ‘Elevation’ field equal to 1 (Figure 60
and 61).
Figure 60. Using Field Calculator to set new values – App. 1 (1)
Figure 61. Using Field Calculator to set new values – App. 1 (2)
• Use ‘Polyline to Raster’ tool from ArcMap toolbox to convert river shapefile
to a grid (Figure 62).
Figure 62. Using ‘Polyline to Raster’ tool from ArcMap toolbox – App. 1
• Select the field holding elevation data and the cellsize that matches the
cellsize of the aquifer grid (Figure 62). From ‘Input Feature’ drop-down
menu select ‘TB_all_rivers’, from ‘Value field’ drop-down menu select
‘Elevation’ and from ‘Cellsize’ drop-down menu select ‘chalk_grd’. Click
on folder icon next to ‘Output Raster Dataset', specify the name of the raster
layer and save it in the project folder.
• Convert river grid to ASCII file using ‘Raster to ASCII’ tool from ArcMap
toolbox (Figure 63).
• Convert DEM raster to ASCII file using ‘Raster to ASCII’ tool from
ArcMap toolbox (Figure 64).
Figure 63. Using ‘Raster to ASCII’ tool from ArcMap toolbox – App. 1 (1)
Figure 64. Using ‘Raster to ASCII’ tool from ArcMap toolbox – App. 1 (2)
Once the river grid and DEM ASCII files are created they can be processed in SAGA to extract
elevations from DEM.
• Open SAGA and load river and DEM data by clicking on ‘Modules’ and
selecting ‘Import/Export – Grids’ and ‘Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid’ (Figure
65, 66, 67, 68 and 69).
The loaded grids are now in the ‘Data’ section of the SAGA interface. Note that they are in two
different grid systems (Figure 70).
Figure 70. Comparing grid systems of the grids in SAGA – App. 1 (1)
Before producing the river grid with elevations extracted from DEM, the grid systems of both
layers need to be changed to match the grid system of the aquifer (the cell size and the extents
need to be the same).
• Load the aquifer grid asc file into SAGA (first convert the aquifer grid raster
layer to asc file using ArcMap ‘Raster to ASCII’ tool) (Figure 71).
Figure 71. Comparing grid systems of the ASCII files in SAGA – App. 1 (2)
Figure 72. Accessing ‘Resampling’ tool from SAGA toolbox – App. 1 (1)
Figure 73. Accessing ‘Resampling’ tool from SAGA toolbox – App. 1 (2)
• Select the grid system of the river layer (1000, 219x 133y...) (Figure 74).
Figure 74. Selecting river grid system in the ‘Resampling’ tool – App. 1
• In the second window of the resampling tool select the aquifer grid system
(1000, 223x 137y...) (Figure 75).
Figure 75. Selecting aquifer grid system in the ‘Resampling’ tool – App. 1
Note that the river grid system changed and is now the same as the aquifer grid system (Figure
Figure 77. Comparing grid systems of the ASCII files in SAGA – App. 1 (3)
• Repeat the steps described above to change the grid systems of the DEM
layer (Figure 78).
Figure 78. Comparing grid systems of the ASCII files in SAGA – App. 1 (4)
• Once the grid systems of the three layers (aquifer, chalk and dem) are the
same, the river elevations can be extracted from DEM by going to ‘Modules-
>Grid-Calculus->Grid- Calculator’ (Figure 79).
• In ‘Grid Calculator’ select the adopted grid system from ‘Grid system’ drop-
down menu (Figure 80).
• Select both grids (rivers and DEM) from ‘Grids’ drop-down menu (Figure
Figure 81. Selecting river and dem grids in the ‘Grid Calculator’ – App. 1
Note that a new raster layer called ‘Calculation [a*b]’ was created in the ‘Data’ section of the
SAGA interface (Figure 83).
Figure 83. Viewing the newly created river network layer – App. 1
Figure 85. Exporting layers from SAGA (selecting a grid system) – App. 1
Figure 87. Exporting layers from SAGA (selecting a file format) – App. 1
Figure 88. Exporting layers from SAGA (saving a file) – App. 1 (1)
Figure 89. Exporting layers from SAGA (saving a file) – App. 1 (2)
• In ArcMap use ‘ASCII to Raster’ tool to convert the newly created asc file to
river raster. Remember to change the ‘Output data type’ to float (Figure 90).
6 Glossary
Aquifer An underground geological formation, such as rock and sand and gravel, is
sufficiently porous and permeable to yield a significant quantity of water to a borehole, well or
spring. The aquifer may be unconfined beneath a standing water table, or confined by an
impermeable or weakly permeable horizon.
Confined Aquifer An aquifer whose upper and lower boundaries are low permeability layers
which confine the groundwater under greater than atmospheric pressure. These aquifers are
sometimes called artesian aquifers, the term first being used where the pressure surface was
above ground level resulting in overflow under artesian pressure.
Head The height above a datum plane (such as sea level) of the column of water that can be
supported by the hydraulic pressure at a given point in a ground water system. For a well, the
hydraulic head is equal to the distance between the water level in the well and the datum plane.
Hydraulic conductivity For an isotropic porous medium and homogenous fluid, the volume of
water that moves in unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit area measured at
right angles to the direction of flow. Commonly, though imprecisely taken to be synonymous
with permeability.
Hydraulic gradient Slope of the water table or potentiometric surface. The change in static
head per unit of distance in a given direction. If not specified, the direction generally is
understood to be that of the maximum rate of decrease in head.
Recharge The quantity of water per unit of time that is added to a groundwater reservoir from
spatially distributed sources such as the direct infiltration of rainfall or leakage from an
adjacent formation or from a watercourse crossing the aquifer.
Transmissivity A measure of the capability of the entire thickness of an aquifer to transmit
water. It is the integral of the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer over its saturated thickness.
Unconfined Aquifer A partially saturated aquifer which contains a water table which is free to
fluctuate vertically under atmospheric pressure in response to discharge or recharge.
Water Table The top surface of an unconfined aquifer at which the pressure is equal to that of
the atmosphere. The static water level in a well in an unconfined aquifer.
Well A bored, drilled or driven shaft, or a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest
surface dimension and whose purpose is to reach underground water supplies to inject, extract
or monitor water.
7 References
Wang, L., Mansour, M., Hughes A., 2010. Developing a GIS based finite difference groundwater flow
model GISGroundwater. Internal Report IR/10/070, British Geological Survey, Keyworth,
Nottingham, UK.