Gann, WD Master Mathematical Price Time Trend Calculator
Gann, WD Master Mathematical Price Time Trend Calculator
Gann, WD Master Mathematical Price Time Trend Calculator
The Master Numbers are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12. The No. 9 and its multiple is the most
important because 9 digits added together equal 45. The next number of greatest
importance is 7, the number mentioned more times in the Bible than any other
number. There are 7 days in the week and 7 calendar days as well as 5 market days,
and their multiples should be carried on your Daily, Weekly and Monthly Charts. The
square of 7 is 49, which is a very important time Period. The 2nd square of 7 is 98 and
the third square of 7 is 147 and the fourth square of 7 is 196 and 196 is also the square
of 14. The next number in Importance is No. 5 which is the balancing number
between 1 and 9. The square of 5 is 25 and the second square of 5 is 50 which is just 1
over the square of 7 making 49 to 50 very important for a change in trend. Three
squares of 5 is 75 and 4 squares of 5 is 100 and 100 is the square of 10, which Is also
important for changes.
The No 3 is mentioned the Bible next to the No. 7 and 3 is important because 3 x 3
equals 9, the square of 3, and it is the first old number that forms a square greater than
itself. Three must be used In every way possible. 3 x 7 equals 21, 3 x 5 equals 15, 3 x
9 equals 27 and 3 x 10 [10 12?] equals 36, very important because it is the square of
6. The No. 12 is also spoken of in the Bible many times and is of great importance.
Jesus selected 12 deciples. There are 12 months in the year, and 12 signs of the
Zodiac. The important 12’s in the square of 144 are 12, 24,36, 48,60,72, 84,96, 108,
120, 132 and 144. These are all important for both time and price in days, weeks and
Referring to the No. 9,7 x 9 is 63 and is of great importance because the square of 8 is
64, therefore around 63 to 64 is very important to watch for change in trend. 7 x 12 is
84 and this is of very great importance and the number next to this is 90 which is 10 x
9 and 90 is 1/4 of the circle, which is very important for time and price changes. Next
in importance is 9 x 12 which is 108 or 3/4 of 144.
The importance of the circle of 360 deg. must not be overlooked in connection with
the square of 144 because the proportionate parts of the circle agree with the parts of
144. 2½ times 144 equals 360 and 1¼ times 144 equals 180, ½ of the circle, and 90 is
5/8 of 144. 9 is 1/16 of 144, 18 is 1/8, 27 is 3/8, 36 is 1/4, 45 is 5/16 and always very
important for time and price changes and for resistance levels. 48 is 1/3 of 144, and
54 is 3/8 and 63 is 7/16, 72 is 1/2 of 144, 81 the square of 9, is 9/16 of 144 and 90 is
5/8, 99 is 11/l6, 108 is 3/4, 117 is 13/16 and 126 is 7/8 and 135 is 15/16 of 144.
These are the most important in the square of 12 and should be watched closely when
time periods in days, weeks or months reach these points on the Master Calculator.
Remember that you should always watch the Daily Chart for the first indication of the
change in trend and at the same time look at the position on the Weekly Chart or 7
day time periods which is next in importance. The Monthly Chart is of the greatest
importance for changes in the main trend.
The movement in PRICE and TIME whether on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly chart
has three important points, the PRICE, the TIME AND VOLUME of sales, the
PITCH or TREND which is the geometrical angle which shows whether time is
influencing and driving prices up or down on a slow angle or an acute fast moving
angle. There are also four factors that influence prices, PRICE, TIME AND
VOLUME AND VELOCITY. Time is the most important factor because when time
is up volume increases and the velocity or speed of the market increases and the
PITCH or TREND on the angles moves up faster or down faster.
There are three other important points to consider on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly
High and Low Chart. These are the LOW PRICE, the HIGHEST PRICE and the
RANGE or 1/2 between the high and the low.
The triangle points or where the green angles cross are the most important. These are
72, 144, 36, 48, 96, 108 and, of course, 72, and the end of the square of 144 at the top
and the bottom.
Most changes in trend occur when the TIME PERIODS are at one-half of the square
of 144 and at the end of a square or at the 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, end 3/4 points in the square of
144; you must always watch the square in time of the HIGHEST PRICE and the
MINOR HIGHS and LOWS, also the square in TIME of the LOWEST PRICE and
the SECOND OR THIRD higher bottom, and also the time required to square the
Range and where the square works out in the Master Square of 144.
EXAMPLE: The lowest price that wheat ever sold was 28 cents per bushel, In March,
1852, therefore, every 28 months would square the lowest price. The highest price
that wheat ever sold for was in May 11, 1917, when the May option sold at 325,
therefore, it would require 325 months to square the highest price. The lowest price
that the May option ever sold was 44 cents, therefore, it would require 44 months in
time to square the low price. The range between 44 and 325 is 281 cents which would
require 281 months, 281 weeks or 281 days to square the range. You would look on
the Master Chart and see that 2 squares of 144 equal 288, therefore, you would watch
for a change in trend between 281 and 288 or near the end of the second square of
144. 7 x 44, the extreme low, equals 308, therefore, 6 1/2 times 44 would equal 286,
which is within two points of the end of the square of 144 or the end of the second
square making 286 an important time period to watch for a change in trend. In
squaring the high of 325, the highest price for May wheat would be 2 squares of 144
and 17 over, therefore, when the time reached 36 days, weeks or months in the Master
Square of 144 you can see that resistance would be met because moving up the time
period of 136 you see that the 45 deg. angle moving down from 72, which is the
INNER SQUARE and the line drawn across from 36 on the price scale crosses at 36.
In this way you can see that the Master Chart would indicate a resistance in time and
price corresponding with the square of the highest price, the lowest price, and the
Range. All other time periods from a high price, low price, or the range of any
commodity or of the stock averages or individual stocks should be worked out in the
same way.
You will succeed in using the Master Mathematical Price, Time and Trend Calculator
by going over the charts and laying the calculator over them and working out past
history. In this way you will learn just how it works and prove to yourself the great
value of the Master Calculator.
At the present time, all exchanges are open 5 days a week with the exception of
holidays and most of them are open 5 hours each day, therefore, it will require 28
days and 4 hours to pass through 144 at the rate of 5 hours per day and 5 days per
week. Trading time for grains is 225 minutes or 3.75 hours per day or 38 days and 1
1/2 hours to pass through 144 at the rate of 3.75 hours per day and 5 days per week.
The green angles are the angles of 2x 1 which move up two spaces or 2 points in one
period of the time. The other angle below the 450 [45°?] angle is the angle of 1 x 2
which requires 2 time periods to move up 1 space or l cent per bushel on grains for
each time period of 1 day, week or 1 month. These angles move down from the top at
the rate of 2 points or 2 spaces per time period or at the rate of 1/2 space, 1/2 point, or
1/2 cent per time period. The distance that the green angles and the red angles are
apart determines how far prices can advance or decline.
When the market enters the INNER SQUARE it is important for a change in trend
and time angles and Position in the square tell at the time it entered whether the price
is going up or down. Also when price breaks below a 45° angle on the INNER
SQUARE it shows weakness in proportion to the time from high or low price.
When the time period of the Daily, Weekly or Monthly Charts has moved 144 you
begin a new square. But to get the position you simply move the Master Square over
to 144 and place it over the chart to get the position in the next square.
In calculating time periods to get the exact number of days and weeks the LEAP
YEAR must be figured out and one extra day added. From 1864 the Leap Years were
as follows 1868,1872, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916,
1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948 and 1952.
To get the position with the MASTER SQUARE OF 144, lay it over the Daily,
Weekly or Monthly and start from extreme low, extreme high, 0 or 1/2 point of the
range or 1/2 of the high selling price. You can also place the top of the chart at the
high selling price. In this way you can get the correct time and positions or angles at
a glance.
Place MASTER CALCULATOR on January to get the twelve year periods, each
month same way.
You should have all time periods from important highs and lows calculated in days,
weeks and months in order that you can look them up quickly on the MASTER
With all time periods brought up to date in this way, you can get the position on the
MASTER CHART and the indicated trend without looking at a daily, weekly or
monthly chart. You should have the time periods in months from every important top
and bottom.
With the MASTER SQUARE of 144 your work will be cut down but you must learn
to practice and bring up all time periods and study the MASTER SQUARE and learn
how to use it to get tops and bottoms accurately. Work and practice will bring
PRECISION and PROFITS. I have done my part. It is now up to you to work hard
and if you do, your success is assured.
The circle of 360° is most important for time cycles and price resistance. First, we
divide the circle by 2 and get 180 which is one-half and is most important for time or
price in days, weeks or months. Next we divide the circle by 3 and get the triangle
points of 120, 240, and 360 Third, we divide the circle by 4 which gives 90, 180, 270,
and 360, which are the squares and most important.
Divide the circle by 8 which give 8 periods of 45 degree angles which are 45, 90, 135,
180, 225, 270, 315, and 360. Next in importance is to divide the circle by 16 which
gives the angles of 22 1 /2 degrees. We divide the circle by 32 and get the angles and
time periods of 11 1/4 degrees and their multiples. Divide the circle by 64 which
gives 5 5/8 degrees and their multiples.
The table below shows each division of 5 5/8 and we run down to 16 in the column
which equals 90 or 1/4 of the circle and 16 is 1/4 of 64. This arrangement reading
across gives each of the multiples and the figures between the heavy lines are the ones
which are the most important.
The squares from 1 to 10 are important to watch for time and price resistance as they
are important degrees in the circle. These are: 1 - 4 - 9 - 16 - 25 - 36 - 49 - 64 - 81-
100 - 121 - 144 - 169 - 196 - 225 - 256 - 289 - 324 and 361, which is the square of 19.
Divide the circle by 6 and we get two resistance and time periods which are not
contained in the other table. These are 60 and 300.
It is also very important to divide the circle by 12 because there are 12 months in the
year and this works out accurately for time periods. The following are the degrees not
shown in the above table: 30 - 150 - 210 - 330.
Divide the circle by 24 which gives 15 degree periods in longitude and approximately
15 days in time. Because there are 24 hours in a day and the earth makes 1 revolution
on its axis in 24 hours these periods are quite important. The following are not
contained in the other table: 15-75 - 105- 165- 195- 285- 345.
Under the table of the 64th Circle reading across from left to right the 2nd column is
always 90 degrees from the first. Example: The first is 5 5/8 and 17 in the next
column is 95 5/8 or a gain of 90. Opposite 33 is 185 5/8 which is 90 from 95 5/8,
opposite 49 is 275 5/8 or 90 from 185 5/8.
The column 1 under 8 between the heavy lines is 45 and the next one is 135, 225, and
315 each 90 degrees apart.
At the bottom of column 1 opposite 16 is 90 and reading across is 180, 270, and 360.
These figures are all 45 degrees from the figures in column 8 which are the most
important for time and price resistance.
To realize the value and importance of these degrees in the circle you take the price of
highs and lows and the time periods, especially in weeks and months and check them
over and you will see how well they work out to these important degrees.
Remember you must always figure how many points or cents the prices are up from
the extreme low or minor lows and how many cents it is down from the extreme highs
or minor highs. Also, how many cents it is above or below the main halfway point or
the minor halfway points or gravity centers. You will find that the important halfway
points form very close to these natural degrees in the circle.
Example: May Soybeans extreme high 436 3/4, extreme low 67, gives the halfway
point at 251 7/8. Look in the table and you find the 45th 64th at 253 1/8. This
halfway point is very close. Next 1/2 of 436 3/4 is 218 3/8 and the 39th 64th is 219
3/8, very close to this natural resistance degree. The extreme low of Cash Beans 44
and the halfway point between 44 and 436 3/4 is 240 3/8. 240 is 2/3 of a circle or a
triangle point and 241 7/8 is the 43rd 64th of the circle. 44 the extreme low, was only
1 from 45, the important resistance level. 67, the lowest price May futures ever sold,
is within 1/2 point of 67 1/2 which is 12/64 or 3/4 between 0 and 90 and 67 ½ is
halfway between 45 and 90 which was the cause of May beans making lows 5 years
between 67-69 which indicated the big advance that followed as there were triple
bottoms between 67-69 in three different years.
Next consider the time periods December 28, 1932, was low on May Beans and
December 28, 1947, was l5 years or 180 months which is ½ a circle also ½ of the 360
degrees making this a very important time cycle. May beans reached extreme high on
January 15, 1948, just 18 days beyond the even 15 year cycle. Check all other time
periods end time cycles in the same way and you will find how well they work out in
the circle of 360 degrees.