Evidence For TRB Registration
Evidence For TRB Registration
Evidence For TRB Registration
Evidence 4
Context 4
Demonstrating achievement 4
Developing evidence 4
Evidence of student learning 4
Using Annotations 5
Annotations - Example A and B 5
Examples of evidence 6
Appendix 1
Examples of Evidence by Descriptor
Professional Knowledge 8
Know students and how they learn
Know the content and how to teach it
Professional Practice 14
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments 18
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Professional Engagement 24
Engage in professional learning
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Appendix 2 28
Sample evidence mapping template
To be granted Full Registration as a teacher in Western Australia, an applicant must demonstrate
that they have met the Professional Standards for Teachers in Western Australia (Professional
Standards) at the Proficient Level.
This guide has been developed by the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) to
assist teachers in collecting and assessing evidence to demonstrate that they have met the
Professional Standards at the Proficient level. The guide may be useful for:
Professional Standards
The Professional Standards for Teachers in Western Australia were developed by the TRBWA and
approved by the Minister for Education under section 20 of the Teacher Registration Act 2012.
The Professional Standards are largely based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
They have been amended slightly to accommodate early childhood teachers teaching in early
childhood settings other than schools.
More detailed information about the Professional Standards is available on the TRBWA website at
Transitioning to Full Registration Australia and make a declaration to the
TRBWA in relation to this.
Teachers are able to transition from
Provisional or Non-Practising Registration to In a school, an applicant’s Principal or a
Full Registration. person delegated by the Principal who is
currently working within the same
Provisional Registration is generally granted educational venue as the applicant would be
to graduate teachers. It allows up to three appropriate.
years for new teachers to strengthen their
classroom knowledge and skills and develop In an educational venue other than a school,
their professional practice. During this time the person who has day-to-day management
it is expected that teachers, with the support responsibility (eg. in an education and care
of their school/workplace, will move to Full service, the nominated supervisor) or their
Registration. Provisional Registration cannot delegate.
be renewed unless there are exceptional
The person making the declaration is
Teachers transitioning from Non-Practising to responsible for ensuring that the
Full Registration must do so within 2 years as Standards have been met at the
registration will expire 2 years after a teacher Proficient Level.
commences teaching in this category.
that the Professional Standards have been
met to the required level.
Submitting evidence
Applicants with an appropriate person
declaration in support of their application are
not required to submit documentary evidence
to the TRBWA at the time of applying for Full
Registration. However, the TRBWA may audit
a sample of applications to verify evidence
and applicants may, in the event, be asked to
submit their evidence before registration is
Evidence presented by a teacher seeking Full Registration should cover a broad scope of the teacher’s
knowledge, practice and engagement. Supporting evidence must take account of all of the focus areas and
level descriptors under each of the seven standards. A determination of whether an applicant has met the
Professional Standards will generally be based on the declarations contained in the application. Those
making the declaration must be satisfied that the Standards have been met to the Proficient Level.
Using Annotations demonstrated in the completion of her work to
successfully finish the set tasks.
Annotation may take different forms such as
handwritten notations attached to a sample of Example B - Multiple Annotations
student work or lesson plan, or an explanatory
typed paragraph attached to the evidence. This lesson sequence on literacy demonstrates
my achievement of the following descriptors for
A piece of evidence may have one annotation Standards 1, 2 and 3 (1.2, 1.3 1.5, 2.1, 2.2,
that provides information across a number of 2.3, 2.6, 3.2, and 3.4).
areas or multiple annotations covering individual
issues. The structure of the lesson sequence on
sentence structure and writing shows
Annotation can help teachers: that I understand the curriculum and
can design and implement appropriate
identify and explain links between their and well sequenced classroom lessons.
evidence and specific Standards/descriptors The lesson sequence also uses a range of
demonstrate how their teaching practice learning activities such as group
meets the relevant Standards/descriptors sessions, individual tasks and practical
reflect on, analyse practice and propose next activities, all of which cater to different
steps against specific Standards/descriptors learning needs.
provide context to the evidence to situate
I have included with this sequence
the work such as what, why and when
assessment data collected during a
show the impact on student learning
previous literacy unit as this was used
show the achievement of stated goals and
to inform my planning. The assessment
data indicated the class needed further
work on sentence writing.
At a minimum an annotation should:
I developed the lesson sequence to build
identify the descriptors being accounted for on students’ prior knowledge of sentence
and explain links between their evidence structure and used this knowledge to
and the specific descriptors help students improve their written work.
provide context to the evidence The lesson sequence includes a student
demonstrate how the evidence shows assessment and reflection session,
achievement of the Standards/descriptors which shows that most students in the
identify impact on student learning class increased their sentence writing
Regardless of the form it takes, an The lesson sequence included a number
annotation should clearly explain its of sessions using the interactive white
relationship to the achievement of the board demonstrating how I integrate ICT
Standards and descriptors. into my general classroom practice.
After observing one of my colleagues
using the white board to capture student
comments, I included this strategy in
Example A – One Annotation my lesson sequence.
I used the white board to capture the
My comments to the student on their maths
sentences written by students during
work illustrate how I provided feedback to help
the session, which we then used to
learning (Standard 5, descriptor 5.2). By
construct a story, giving students an
providing feedback during the lesson I helped
opportunity to participate more broadly.
the student understand how to work through the
problem. This enabled the student, as
Examples of evidence Examples of evidence categorised into
common evidence types
This section illustrates how one piece of evidence
may be used to address a range of descriptors
from different standards. Various examples of Teaching and learning programs, unit and
evidence available to teachers have also been lesson plans:
categorised into common evidence types. individual learning plans
term, semester or year lesson plans/
The examples are neither comprehensive nor sequences
exhaustive and have been provided to illustrate across year level lesson plans
the variety of evidence that may be used. resources, tasks and activities developed and
Using a single piece of evidence to homework tasks set
outcomes of research that inform program
address multiple descriptors
A single piece of evidence can be used to address
mapping of student learning
multiple descriptors across the seven
Professional Standards. use of models of learning to develop teaching
and learning programs and activities
The following two examples highlight a range of student directed learning goals
descriptors that may be covered by a single piece development and display of classroom
of evidence. expectations
classroom layout modification
A single annotated teaching and learning
program may: Observations:
promote language, literacy and numeracy lesson observation notes
skills (descriptor 2.5) post-observation meeting notes
include evidence of collaborative teaching discussion notes
(descriptor 6.3) observations documented of a variety of
show consistency with curriculum content teacher practice/requirements
(descriptor 2.3) documented or observed classroom
use ICTs to enhance learning (descriptor 2.6) behaviours or expectations
video/photo of classroom environment
A single teacher reflection may show: reference from mentor teacher
evaluation of effectiveness of resources student task board
(descriptor 3.4) use of a range of strategies to manage
approaches to classroom management classroom behavior
(descriptor 4.2)
feedback from mentors or supervisors Feedback received and given:
(descriptor 6.3) student conference outcomes
engagement with parents or carers teacher records of feedback provided
(descriptor 3.7) evidence of teacher record keeping system
parent teacher interview plans and records
parent feedback
360 degree feedback
Supporting evidence must take survey of students
account of all of the focus areas and student reflections and feedback
level descriptors under each of the mentoring received
Professional Standards.
Teacher reflections: Extracurricular activities:
reflective notes on teaching strategies presentations prepared and delivered
self-analysis and reflection on teaching and exhibitions/display of student work conducted
learning plans and/or unit/lesson plans involvement in extra-curricular activities
audit of the physical classroom environment involvement in school policy development
professional reading log further graduate and post graduate studies
diary of practice and reflection formal writing piece to demonstrate knowledge
reflection of student learning and needs development of sister/brother school
analysis of effectiveness of assessment exchanges
tools/strategies production of risk assessment documents
forms developed for camp
Student assessment/student learning: evidence of community contact and
student conference outcomes involvement
teacher records of student data
assessment plan demonstrating linkages to Appendix 1: Examples of evidence by
curriculum descriptor provides examples of evidence that
assessment schedule might be used to demonstrate achievement of the
assessment tools/tests/strategies Professional Standards and how the evidence might
documentation of student learning be used to account for each descriptor.
value adding to student learning
Please note: one item can provide evidence for a
Communication strategies: range of descriptors if it has been appropriately
conversation and collaboration logs annotated to explain, justify or reflect on practice.
meeting logs – from meetings with supervisors,
parents, mentors, carers, specialists Appendix 2: Sample evidence mapping
samples of two-way communication between template is an optional resource that may assist
teacher and parent/carer teachers to summarise their evidence collected to
records of participation in parent teacher demonstrate how they have met the Professional
interviews, professional development Standards and related descriptors.
correspondence demonstrating mandatory
reporting to meet legislative requirements
The examples provided serve only as an
Collaborative work undertaken: illustration and should not be viewed as a
team teaching evidence checklist.
sharing of resources
collegial planning and preparation Teachers should be guided by the processes
of their school/workplace.
peer review notes
Appendix 1
Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn
Descriptor Descriptor
Explanation of differentiated teaching strategies based Meeting logs or documented reflections in relation to
on the teacher’s knowledge of students’ physical, social meetings with mentor/supervisor or other appropriate
or intellectual development to target the different areas colleague who have provided advice about how to
of student learning requiring improvement construct effective teaching programs that is based on
colleague’s own research
Individual learning plans incorporating teaching
strategies that have been selected specifically to Meeting logs of mentor/supervisor or other
address the students’ physical, social or intellectual appropriate colleague who have provided feedback,
development and characteristics based on research, on a teacher’s program and the
new version of the program
Annotated conversation and collaboration log, notes or
meeting agenda from working with specialist teachers, Teaching and learning programs and/or unit/lesson
aides or colleagues that have assisted the teacher to plans which are annotated to demonstrate how they
select teaching strategies appropriate to their students’ reflect research and/or collegial advice about how
physical, social or intellectual development and students learn
Professional reading/viewing log and reflections that
Analysis of the success of teaching strategies selected demonstrate research into how students learn
on the progress of the student, and how their learning
has improved
Appendix 1
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait
socioeconomic backgrounds Islander students
Descriptor Descriptor
Design and implement teaching strategies that are Design and implement effective teaching strategies that
responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students are responsive to the local community and cultural
from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and setting, linguistic background and histories of Aboriginal
socioeconomic backgrounds. and Torres Strait Islander students.
Teaching and learning programs and/or unit/lesson Teaching and learning programs and/or unit/lesson
plans that include teaching strategies that have been plans that include teaching strategies that have been
designed and implemented by the teacher based on designed and implemented by the teacher based on
the identified learning strengths and needs of students the local community and cultural setting, linguistic
from diverse linguistic and/or cultural and/or religious background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres
and/or socioeconomic backgrounds Strait Islander students
Lesson observation notes or documented reflections Individual learning programs for students from the
that record how the teaching strategies designed and local community and cultural setting, linguistic
implemented by the teacher have assisted students to background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres
meet the learning goals of the lesson Strait Islander students that include teaching
strategies that have been designed based on
Post – observation meeting notes that include information gathered about students’ learning
information as to how the teacher has used her or his strengths and needs
knowledge of the learning strengths and needs of his
or her students to inform the design of their teaching Evidence of having sought advice, assistance and
strategies so as to promote student learning guidance from persons such as supervisors,
colleagues, Aboriginal Education Assistants, itinerant
Individual learning programs for students from diverse teachers, Elders of Aboriginal communities,
linguistic and/or cultural and/or religious and/or Counselors and other relevant professionals, such as
socioeconomic backgrounds that include teaching emails, conversation records, file notes, participation
strategies that have been designed based on in blogs, about teaching strategies that are
information gathered about students’ learning responsive to the local community and cultural
strengths and needs setting, linguistic background and histories of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Information presented to colleagues regarding
teaching and learning strategies he or she has Lesson plans, notes and/or communications
designed and implemented in his or her classroom documenting team teaching and collaborative
together that are responsive to the learning strengths planning with Aboriginal Education Assistant or local
and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, community representative/s that include effective
religious and socioeconomic backgrounds teaching strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander students
Appendix 1
Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs Strategies to support full participation of students with
of students across the full range of abilities disability
Descriptor Descriptor
Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated Design and implement teaching activities that support the
strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students participation and learning of students with disability and
across the full range of abilities. address relevant policy and legislative requirements.
Student led conference outcomes informing Notes of meeting with parents, carers, specialists,
development of teaching activities and/or strategies to support teams and services that assist the design and
meet the specific learning strengths and needs of implementation of teaching and learning programs or
students across a full range of abilities units of work or lesson plans
Individual learning plans developed using specific Lesson observation notes that record how the
teaching activities and/or strategies to meet individual teaching strategies designed and implemented by the
needs and strengths of students across the full range of teacher have been adjusted to support the learning
abilities needs of individual students with disability in
accordance with policy and Disability Standards for
Annotated student work samples/learning tasks Education
demonstrating different teaching strategies used to
meet the specific learning needs of students across the Individual learning plans developed for students with
full range of abilities disability which may include modification of classroom
layout or student task board
Teaching activities that have been developed as a result
of collaborative planning or consultation with the ESL Teaching and learning programs and/or unit/lesson
teacher/Counsellor/Aboriginal Education Assistant, plans including activities that support participation of
Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Learning Support individual students with disability, in accordance with
Coordinator policy and legislative requirements.
Appendix 1
Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area Content selection and organisation
Descriptor Descriptor
Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of Organise content into coherent, well-sequenced learning
the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities. and teaching programs.
Teaching and learning programs and/or units of work Teaching and learning program and/or unit/lesson
and/or lesson plans including learning activities plans are sequenced to develop understanding of
designed to engage the students in learning content
Teaching and learning programs annotated to show Teaching and learning program and/or unit/lesson
modifications to activities designed to engage the plans reflect curriculum requirements and are
students in learning appropriately balanced
Lesson observation notes or documented reflections Discussion and/or lesson observation notes of the
about content, strategies and activities used specific to teacher presenting content in a coherent, well-
the learning context sequenced learning and teaching program
Student work samples that are annotated to show Self-analysis and reflection of the teaching and
engagement in learning of content learning program and/or unit/lesson plans and their
coherence and demonstrated student learning
Relevant resources that have been customised to suit through assessment
learning needs of students
Unit/lesson plans that illustrate connections between
content of teaching areas and development of subject-
specific literacy and numeracy skills
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Design and implement learning and teaching programs using Provide opportunities for students to develop
knowledge of curriculum, assessment and reporting understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres
requirements. Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
Teacher records of feedback given to students Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans
demonstrating knowledge of curriculum, assessment with a variety of teaching and learning activities that
and reporting requirements link to syllabus outcomes/objectives and/or school or
system policies to support student understanding of
Lesson observation notes and discussion which shows and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
that the teacher conforms to curriculum, assessment histories, cultures and languages
and reporting requirements
Lesson observation notes and discussion about lesson
Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans content and structure to develop student
using appropriate knowledge of curriculum, assessment understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres
and reporting requirements Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages
Evidence of the teacher’s record keeping system, such as Lesson plans, notes and/or communications
a copy of their markbook documenting team teaching and collaborative planning
with Aboriginal Education Assistant or local community
Written reports to parents demonstrating compliance representative/s to develop student understanding of
with curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories, cultures and languages
Assessment plan which shows clear links to the learning
and teaching program and reporting cycle Student work samples which show student
understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres
Self-reflection or documented evidence of value adding Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages
to student results
Observations/records of participation in assemblies,
Assessment activities, criteria and marking guides that fieldwork or community involvement to develop
illustrate how assessment relates to curriculum and understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres
learning outcomes Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Apply knowledge and understanding of effective teaching Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into
strategies to support literacy and numeracy achievement of learning and teaching programs to make selected content
students. relevant and meaningful.
Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans
with a variety of teaching and learning activities (e.g. with a variety of ICT teaching and learning activities
differentiated curriculum, collaborative learning, ICT, (for example, Web-based research, Web 2.0 tools such
higher order thinking) that link to syllabus as Podcasting, Blogs, Social Bookmarking, Social
outcomes/objectives Networking, RSS, use of ICT applications such as Word,
PowerPoint, Excel and subject/Key Learning Area
Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans (KLA)/stage appropriate software) that link to syllabus
which show the application of explicit and structured outcomes/objectives and take into account available
literacy and numeracy strategies. ICT resources.
Lesson observation notes and discussion about lesson Lesson observation notes, reflection and discussion
content and structure which show the teacher’s about the integration of ICT into lesson content and
knowledge, understanding, and/or teaching strategies structure
to support students’ literacy and/or numeracy
achievement Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans
which show the integration of ICT into activities to
Student work samples linked to excerpts from program make content more meaningful.
or lesson plans demonstrating literacy and/or numeracy
strategies and student learning Lesson observation notes, emails, records of
discussion, file notes, participation in blogs which
Lesson observation notes, emails, records of discussion, show the teacher having worked collaboratively with
file notes, participation in blogs which show the teacher ICT integrator or support staff.
having worked collaboratively with external support,
such as ESL teachers and support teachers to meet Student reflections which show that ICT resources are
student literacy and/or numeracy needs relevant and meaningful to students’ learning needs
and interests.
Appendix 1
Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Establish challenging learning goals Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
Descriptor Descriptor
Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans, Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans,
analysis or reflections which analysis or reflections which show reference to the
teaching and learning cycle and different models of
o show reference to the explicit, challenging and learning
achievable learning goals for all students during the
teaching and learning cycle o Lesson observations notes and discussion records of
o relate teaching and learning goals to the curriculum lesson content and structure which show
o planning and implementation of well-structured
Student work samples that are linked to teaching and learning and teaching programs or lesson sequences
learning programs and/or lesson plans to demonstrate
the link between goals set, assessment and student students are engaged in interesting lessons
Student work samples that are linked to teaching and
Lesson observation notes and/or discussion where the learning programs and/or lesson plans to demonstrate
teacher student engagement and learning
o articulates high yet realistic and measurable goals so Lesson plans that display flexibility, logic, sequencing
students understand the direction of the lesson and and variety in activities and resources
o explains to students what the goals are and what steps Sample homework tasks that are relevant to the
are to be taken in order to achieve them lesson assessment items that measure student
achievement of stated outcomes
Lesson evaluation notes where the teacher evaluates
the lesson based on the level of achievement of goals
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans
which show a variety of teaching and learning activities which show a variety of teaching and learning
including: resources, including ICT, which link syllabus
o problem solving, critical thinking and creative thinking
that link syllabus outcomes/objectives Lesson observation notes and discussion records that
o debate, hands-on activities, role playing, practical show that the teacher has selected, created and used
activities, frequent opportunities for skills practice, a range of resources , including ICT, to engage
relevant projects, site studies and excursions students in their learning
Lesson observations notes and discussion records Student work samples which show that students are
engaged in their learning and that a variety of
o of lesson content and structure which show that the resources, including ICT, has been used
teacher has selected a range of appropriate teaching
strategies Lesson plans, analysis and reflections that show how
o that show how the teacher has used a variety of group the teacher has mapped resources, including ICT, to
structures to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving students learning needs
,creative and critical thinking and collaboration
Examples of resources used in the classroom that have
Student work samples which show how the teacher has been customised by the teacher for students to access
promoted self-directed work
Teaching programs and/or lesson plans which show
Lesson plans which show the selection and use of that the teacher has used curriculum support
appropriate ICT based strategies and applications to materials effectively, developed reusable resources,
develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical incorporated resources into the classroom
and creative thinking environment, changed resources according to the
activity, trialed resources, supported students’ critical
thinking in use of resources and ensured that students
use resources appropriately
Appendix 1
Use effective communication with students Evaluate and improve teaching programs
Descriptor Descriptor
Use effective verbal and non-verbal communication Evaluate personal teaching and learning programs using
strategies to support student understanding, participation, evidence, including feedback from students and student
engagement and achievement. assessment data, to inform planning.
Lesson observation notes and discussion records about Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans,
the teacher’s interaction with students that show that analysis or reflections which show reference to the
the teacher has used effective verbal and non-verbal teaching and learning cycle and scope and sequence
communication strategies in the classroom to support
student understanding, participation, engagement and Evaluation of teaching and learning programs and/or
achievement, including responding positively and lesson plans, based on evidence, including evidence of
inclusively to all students use of student feedback to evaluate and improve
teaching and learning programs
Student work samples that demonstrate the teacher’s
effective communication strategies Modified teaching and learning programs or lesson
plans based on evaluation of evidence, including
Lesson observation notes which show that the teacher feedback from student assessment data, of how the
models use of grammatically acceptable and precise students performed, what went well, what did not
language, explains and uses appropriate terms for the work and why
level and stage, speaks loudly enough for all students to
hear, uses voice effectively with respect to pitch, Record of meetings with supervisor regarding teaching
strength speed and confidence, uses a mixture of oral observed, lesson planning and student learning,
and visual communication strategies including feedback from student assessment data
Appendix 1
Examples of evidence
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to
to engage and support all students in learning activities. create an environment where student time is spent on
learning tasks.
Lesson observation notes and discussion about Lesson observations, notes and discussion of
o interactions with students (using students’ names, o student time spent on learning tasks
shows respect for significant events in students’ lives,
listening positively to students, acknowledging o established explicit routines which are
students’ contributions, allowing students to respond implemented and enforced consistently
appropriately, being accessible to students, displaying
equitable amounts of time/engagement with o systems implemented that encourage student
individuals, dealing with issues/problems fairly, learning
exhibiting a caring attitude and showing interest in all
students acknowledgement and value for student Classroom management documentation, including
responses and inclusive distribution of questions annotated copy of school behaviour management
around the class so that all can participate, including forms
use of further questions to draw out answers from
reluctant students) Documented and/or observed implementation of
classroom management strategies, including
o the classroom/learning environment, lesson content entering/exiting the room, interactions and moving
and structure, communication strategies and the in the classroom during lessons
effectiveness of classroom discussion and group work
Lesson plans and structure that show effective time
o celebration of student work, including publicly management, set realistic time frames, are well
acknowledging or praising student effort, offering paced and move through a variety of tasks, allow
constructive feedback, encouraging individual talents time for varying time on tasks for different levels,
and gifts and offering students extra help, time or ensure timetable is related to curriculum with
explanation if required appropriate amount of time allocated to each Key
Learning Area (KLA) in primary schools
o the teacher’s modeling of respect, rapport, work ethic,
politeness and positive language and tone when Lesson plans showing that classroom routines are
dealing with students, colleagues and parents/carers clearly articulated and negotiated, lesson outline,
opening and closure is planned
Lesson observation notes and/or annotated class roll to
display awareness of students’ needs and backgrounds
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and Ensure students’ wellbeing and safety taking into account
negotiating clear expectations with students and addressing service, school and/or system requirements and
discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully. curriculum and legal requirements.
Lesson observations, notes, videos, photos and Lesson plans, observation notes, reflections on
discussion notes which show clear evidence of student correspondence or reflections that show
interactions and understanding of expectations and implementation of school discipline and welfare
consequences policies and positive welfare/classroom practices
which reflect school policies
Emails or other correspondence or records that shows
implementation and maintenance of school discipline Lesson and/or fieldwork plans which show that the
and welfare policies, implementation of the school’s teacher knows and understands the concept and
referral process implications of risk management and can clearly
identify risks
Documents, such as emails, letters or notes from
conversations and meetings to show how the teacher Lesson plans and/or observation notes which show
follows up and ensures students complete tasks awareness of school and/or system requirements in
terms of bullying
Lesson plans, observations, notes, correspondence or
reflections that show implementation of school Correspondence, meeting records or risk assessment
discipline and welfare policies and positive documentation to show recognition of individual risk
welfare/classroom practices which reflect school assessments for individual students and referrals
policies including a range of strategies to manage where relevant
classroom behaviour
Lesson observations showing that the teacher
implements safety procedures such as being first into
the room and last out, ensuring eye contact with
students, avoiding turning back to write on the board
or assisting individual students for extended periods,
maintaining a physically clear classroom
Appendix 1
Examples of evidence
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, Provide timely, effective and appropriate feedback to
formative and summative assessment strategies to assess students about their achievement relative to their learning
student learning. goals.
Examples of student work resulting from various Logs of student conferences outlining feedback given
assessment strategies developed by the teacher to students on progress and achievement against their
learning goals
Notes from observation of teacher relating to use of
assessment strategies Question matrix developed to allow students to
receive consistently structured feedback on their
Examples of lesson plans or excerpts from T/L program learning including positive achievement and areas for
showing planned assessments and strategies to be used improvement, why and how to achieve goals and how
to move forward
Teacher’s analysis of a sample of student work that
recognises diagnostic information to be used Examples of student work showing teacher feedback
Teacher’s notes from evaluation of lesson/s showing Teaching and learning programs or units of work or
informal assessment information gathered lesson plans individualised for students to address
specific issues identified by assessment data
Teacher’s class assessment schedule showing range of
assessment strategies with analysis of expected use Record of report moderation between teaching
colleagues to demonstrate students are receiving
Assessment rubrics developed as part of a teaching timely, consistent and efficient feedback aligned with
program to assess students achievement of learning their learning goals
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Understand and participate in assessment moderation Use student assessment data to analyse and evaluate
activities to support consistent and comparable judgments of student understanding of subject/content, identifying
student learning. interventions and modifying teaching practice.
Team moderation report produced following Analysis of student assessment data identifying
moderation of student assessment where assessment strengths and weaknesses in students understanding
judgments are adjusted to improve consistency and of core concepts in learning areas
Evaluation of teaching program and/or lesson plans
Work samples produced that have been annotated to with specific reference to student assessment data to
reflect assessment rubric formation analyse and evaluate student understanding of the
content/lesson with identification of interventions and
Assessment rubrics developed as part of a teaching modifications to teaching practice to reflect analysis of
program to assess students achievement of learning assessment data
Teaching and learning programs and or lesson plans
Assessment plans, tasks, marking criteria or rubrics, annotated to show modification as a result of student
student work samples and examples of provided assessment data
feedback that implement the school or system policy
regarding the moderation of assessment activities Description of intervention techniques for students as
a result of the data compiled following assessment of
Appendix 1
Examples of evidence
Appendix 1
Professional engagement
STANDARD 6 - Engage in professional learning
Identify and plan professional learning needs Engage in professional learning and improve practice
Descriptor Descriptor
Use these professional standards and advice from Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice,
colleagues to identify and plan professional learning needs. targeted to professional needs and school and/or system
Meeting records with supervisor and/or colleagues Evidence of participation in professional learning
regarding observed teaching, lesson planning and activities to update knowledge and practice (including
student achievement that are linked to identified online professional learning opportunities, such as
Standards, Focus Areas and/or Descriptors from the online courses, blogs and webinars), targeted to
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers school and/or system priorities
Professional learning plan that is linked to identified Professional learning plan that contains self-analysis
Standards, Focus Areas and/or Descriptors from the and reflection in relating professional learning to
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers knowledge and practice, targeted professional
learning needs and school and/or system priorities
Record of engagement in professional development
courses and professional learning activities (for
example, listening to and learning from colleagues,
professional reading, working with or as a mentor or
coach, undertaking post-graduate study, participating in
school or system based professional learning projects
such as lesson study and other forms of action
research), including their relevance to identified
Standards, Focus Areas and/or Descriptors from the
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Appendix 1
Engage with colleagues and improve practice Apply professional learning and improve student learning
Descriptor Descriptor
Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive Undertake professional learning programs designed to
feedback from colleagues to improve professional address identified student learning needs.
knowledge and practice.
Minutes of professional committee meetings of which Professional learning plan which shows a selection of
the teacher is an active participant, detailing the professional development courses and other
involvement of the teacher in collaborative discussion, professional learning activities that are based on
evaluation and reflection identified student learning needs
Evidence of participation in online discussions, online Student assessment that informs the choice of
courses, blogs and other virtual professional learning professional learning to be sourced and undertaken
communities, such as a printout of an excerpt of the
online discussion which shows the teacher’s Professional reading log showing reading undertaken
participation with colleagues which addresses identified student learning needs
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Meet codes of ethics and conduct established by regulatory Understand the implications of and comply with relevant
authorities, systems, services and schools. legislative, administrative, organisational and professional
requirements, policies and processes.
Appropriately de-identified meeting records, emails and Meeting records, emails and other communications
other communications which show an understanding of which show an understanding of mandatory reporting
mandatory reporting requirements requirements
Annotated teaching and learning programs, lesson Teaching and learning programs and/or lesson plans
plans, teaching materials and/or assessments which which show evidence of implementation of mandatory
show appropriate credit given to sources, including policy documents
colleagues, websites, books, journal articles
Classroom behavior policy which shows the
Notes or other communications which show permission implementation of school and system policies and
being sought from students and/or colleagues for the procedures
use of their intellectual property where required
Professional leaning undertaken regarding relevant
Reference or endorsement from principal/employer. legislative, administration, organizational and
Documented reflection on practice arising from a professional requirements and teacher accountability
professional discussion with a colleague
De-identified communication demonstrating
compliance with relevant legislative, administrative,
organisational and professional requirements.
Appendix 1
Descriptor Descriptor
Establish and maintain respectful collaborative relationships Participate in professional and community networks and
with parents/ carers regarding their children’s learning and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.
well- being.
Written reports and records of student progress, letters Certificates to validate attendance at beginning
home and other written communications with teacher and professional networking meetings,
parents/carers that demonstrate respect and including online educational forums, with reflections
collaboration regarding the child’s learning and well- that show how knowledge has been broadened and/or
being and that follow school protocols practice has been improved
Planning documents for meetings with parents/carers Printout of excerpt from online professional or
community networks (for example, beginning
Notes from observations by supervisor/mentor (for teachers) which shows participation to broaden
example, in meetings, during assemblies and knowledge and improve practice
community meetings, on excursions, in parent/teacher
meetings) show the teacher establishes/maintains Communication which shows participation in
respectful collaborative relationships through the use of professional and community networks and forums to
appropriate language, tone and body language broaden knowledge and improve practice
Appendix 2
Appendix 2
Appendix 2
Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Appendix 2
Standard 4 - Create and maintain supporting and safe learning environments
Appendix 2
Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Appendix 2
Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
Appendix 2
Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community