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Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 181-196, 2012

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

32, 181–196, 2012



S. Sadoudi1, * , C. Tanougast2 , and M. S. Azzaz1

1 Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Bordj el Bahri, BP 17, Algiers, Algeria
2 Paul Verlaine University of Metz, 7 Rue Marconi, Metz 57070, France

Abstract—An interesting and original solution to the high channel

noise sensibility problem of digital chaotic communications is proposed.
The solution idea consist of avoiding disruption of the slave/receiver
dynamics by injecting the driving signal. To realize experimentally this
pertinent idea, an FPGA-based hardware architecture is developed,
firstly to trigger the generation of the slave/receiver chaotic dynamics
at each received data detection, and secondly to synchronize the driving
signal with the slave generated chaotic signal for the demodulation
operation. We have tested and validated the proposed solution through
experimental realization of a wireless hyperchaotic communication
system based on ZigBee communication protocol. Real-time results
of experimental wireless communication tests are presented. The
obtained results show the effectiveness and the robustness of the
proposed solution against real channel noise in digital chaotic


Since the discovery by Pecora and Carroll that two identical chaotic
generators can be synchronized [1], the synchronization of chaotic
circuits for securing communication has been a topic of great interest,
because utilizing chaotic generators offers some advantages in securing
communication systems, such as broadband noise-like waveform,
unpredictable properties and extreme sensitivity to initial conditions
variations. Until now, several methods based on the identical
synchronization, such as Additive Chaotic Masking (ACM) [2], Chaotic
Switching [3, 4], Chaotic Parameter Modulation [5], improved chaotic
Received 9 August 2012, Accepted 3 September 2012, Scheduled 13 September 2012
* Corresponding author: Said Sadoudi (sadoudi.said@gmail.com).
182 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

additive masking [6] and impulsive synchronization methods [7], have

been developed. However, recent results have shown that most of
these techniques fail to realize experimentally a performed chaotic
communication system because they ignored the channel noise, which
is ubiquitous in the transmission of the driven signal, and then
the noise’s effect should be taken into account when to evaluate
the performances of a chaos communication schemes. Precisely, the
main problem with the ACM-based schemes is that any difference
between the master/transmitter and slave/receiver systems will break
the symmetry between the two systems. Therefore, the behavior
of the two systems will no longer be identical. Consequently, the
information signal will not be recovered faithfully at the receiver.
This difference can be caused by both, an additive information or an
additive noise channel. For the first one, the additive information
could act like an external perturbation in the coupling signal. But,
if the information signal is too small (in amplitude) [2], it is more
possible to recover faithfully the information. However, for the second
one, i.e., if additive noise is considered in the transmission channel,
there will be difficulties to recover faithfully the information signal,
because the additive noise channel contaminates the driving signal and
then effects considerably the dynamics of the slave/receiver system.
As a consequence, chaotic communication in the presence of channel
noise is becoming an important issue nowadays. In order to overcome
this drawback, some interesting method has been developed and some
theoretical results have already been obtained. In this way, in [8] a
method for securing transmission of encrypted message using chaos
and noises is proposed. The authors in [9] considered the robust
demodulation problem when there exist disturbances and noises in
the channel. Numerically investigation of the secure communication
based on the heterogenous chaotic systems with channel noise and
nonidentity of parameters is proposed in [10]. In [11], the authors
propose a new communication system which is able to separate noise
successfully by using Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and
a parameter modulation method based on a Lorenz chaotic system
is employed for recovery of the source signals. The authors in [12]
investigate numerically an alternative model to decrease the master-
slave synchronization error when there is additive white Gaussian noise
between master and slave: using coupled lattices instead of coupled
single maps. An investigation of the characteristics of time-delay
systems in the presence of Gaussian noise is given in [13]. In [14], the
authors use a set of qualitatively different models of coupled oscillators
(genetic, membrane, Cametabolism, and chemical oscillators) to study
dynamical regimes in the presence of small detuning. Finally, the
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 183

authors in [15] present a new scheme for the secured transmission of

information based on master-slave synchronization of chaotic systems,
using unknown-input observers. Other related results, see [16, 17].
However, the major of these proposed methods are not tested through
a real channel under real transmission conditions for the best of our
knowledge. It should be noted that a real channel is subjected to
significant noise, has limited bandwidth, and undergoes attenuation
In this paper, we present an original solution to the problem of
chaotic synchronization high sensibility to channel noise. This solution
is tested and validated, through a real channel under real transmission
conditions, in a realized wireless hyperchaotic communication system
using RF communication modules based on ZigBee communication
protocol. The basic idea of the proposed solution is to avoid disturbing
the chaotic dynamics of the slave/receiver by the injection of the
transmitted driving signal. But rather, to trigger the generation of
the slave/receiver chaotic signals at each reception of transmitted
data and then to synchronize the received driving signal with the
generated slave/receiver signal for the demodulation operation. To
realize experimentally this pertinent idea, we develop an FPGA-based
hardware architecture for interconnecting and adapting an embedded
hyperchaotic generators (master/transmitter and slave/receiver) to the
XBee RF modules based on ZigBee communication protocol. We recall
that, this protocol, identified by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [18],
is designed to communicate data through hostile RF environments
and to provide an easy-to-use wireless data solution characterized by
secure, low-power and reliable wireless network architectures. The
used hyperchaotic generator is the well-known hyperchaotic Lorenz
system [19]. This last is implemented on FPGA technology by using an
extension of the technique developed in [20, 21] for 3-dimensions chaotic
systems. This technique is optimal since it uses directly VHDL (VHSIC
Hardware Description Language) description of a numerical resolution
method of continuous chaotic system models. Many transmission
tests are carried out for different distances between the transmitter
and receiver. The obtained real-time results validate the developed
hardware architecture. Furthermore, it confirms the efficiency and the
robustness of the proposed solution against channel noise in digital
chaotic communication systems.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
details the proposed solution principle. Section 3 presents our
experimental design developed to realize and validate the proposed
solution through real wireless communication tests and the different
obtained real-time results and discussions. Finally, Section 4 draws
184 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

appropriate conclusions.


Since chaotic behavior depends highly and sensitively on tiny

perturbations to the initial conditions and/or parameter values, our
idea is to avoid the injection of the transmitted masking signal
in the chaotic dynamics of the slave/receiver, as it is done in
the most proposed chaos-based communication schemes [2, 6, 7, 22].
This means that, we propose a new technique to synchronize
the master/transmitter and the slave/receiver, in digital chaotic
communication scheme, without disturbing the dynamics of the used
chaotic generators. In this scheme, whatever the disturbances affecting
the received masking signal, the chaotic dynamics of the slave/receiver
will not be disturbed. Therefore, the slave/receiver will generate
chaotic behavior identical to that of master/transmitter. By triggering
the slave/receiver chaotic signal generation at the reception of the
transmitted masking signal and after synchronization of the two
signals, the information signal will be recovered correctly after the
demodulation operation. The principle of the proposed idea is
illustrated by the scheme of Figure 1. At the transmitter, the
transmitted signal after the Additive Chaos Masking (ACM) is,
s(t) = x(t) + m(t) (1)
where, m(t) is the information signal and x(t) the chaotic carrier.
The transmitted signal s(t) will be affected by additive noise n(t)
through the transmission channel. Thus, the received signal can be
modeled as,
ŝ(t) = s(t) + n(t) (2)
At the receiver, contrary to the proposed techniques in [2, 6, 7, 22],
the receiver is composed by two modules, signal detector module and
chaotic generator module which is identical to that of the transmitter,
i.e., both generate chaotic signals with the same parameters and initial

m(t) n(t)
Chaotic x(t) s(t) Signal Chaotic x(t) +
+ Channel Detector Generator +
cmd m(t)
Transmitter Receiver

Figure 1. Proposed solution principle.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 185

conditions values. At the detection of the transmitted signal ŝ(t) and

through the command signal cmd, the signal detector module orders
the chaotic generator module to start the generation of the chaotic
signal x(t), which is identical to that of the master/transmitter. After
synchronization of the regenerated chaotic signal x(t) with the received
signal ŝ(t) (more details of the synchronization step are given in the
next section), and the demodulation operation, we recover the noisy
information signal as follow,
m̂(t) = ŝ(t) − x(t) (3)
thus, from (2) and (3), we obtain,
m̂(t) = m(t) + n(t) (4)
Eq. (4) shows that the noise affecting the recovered noisy
information signal m̂(t) depends only on the additive noise n(t) of
the transmission channel affecting the transmitted masking signal
s(t) and do not depends on a perturbed chaotic behavior generation
of the slave/receiver like the case in [2, 6, 7, 22]. Indeed, the
slave/receiver generates the chaotic signal x(t), needed to the
demodulation operation, without any perturbations of its chaotic
dynamics. Consequently, the regenerated chaotic signal x(t) is
identical to that of the master/transmitter. However, by using a robust
signal detector at the receiver, we can recover the transmitted masking
signal s(t) without additive noise, this means that ŝ(t) = s(t). In this
situation, we can recover then the information signal m(t) correctly as
m(t) = s(t) − x(t) (5)
At this level, the asked question is: How can we realize
experimentally the proposed solution? The response is investigated
in the next section.

2.1. Experimental Implementation

To realize experimentally the proposed solution (Figure 1), we have
used and associated the following three elements
(i) Embedded chaotic generators: Contrary to the analog
generation, the numerical generation of chaos permits to overcome
the problem of parameter mismatches and then offers the
possibility to conceive separately two identical chaotic generators
using the same parameters and initial conditions values. In this
way, the technique proposed in [20, 21] for conceiving embedded
chaotic generators, based on FPGA implementation technology,
responds appropriately to our needs. In fact, this technique
186 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

uses an optimal hardware architecture based on direct VHDL

description of the forth order Runge-Kutta (RK-4) method for
implementing continuous chaotic generators. This architecture
offers the advantage to adapt and interface easily the implemented
chaotic generator to external devices as RF communications
(ii) RF communication modules: To test and validate our solution
through a real channel under real transmissions conditions, we
have chosen to use the XBee RF modules based on ZigBee
communication protocol [18]. This protocol is designed to
communicate data through hostile RF environments and to
provide an easy-to-use wireless data solution characterized by
secure, low-power and reliable wireless network architectures [18].
In addition, XBee modules offer the advantage to interface to a
host device through a well-known logic-level asynchronous serial
port. In fact, devices having an UART interface can connect
directly to the pins of the RF modules [18].
(iii) UART interface: To connect directly the embedded chaotic
generators to the XBee RF modules, we have developed an
FPGA-based hardware architecture realizing an UART interface
compatible with the logic-level asynchronous serial port of the
XBee modules [13] (more details are given later).

2.2. Experimental Design

The proposed solution is tested through real-time tests performed in
the realized wireless hyperchaotic communication system presented by
the scheme of Figure 2. The transmitter and receiver are implemented
separately in two XUP Virtex-II Pro platforms of Xilinx [23]. The

XBee XBee
xi si s s xi
y y
z z

w w

Figure 2. Realized wireless hyperchaotic communication system.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 187

Figure 3. Experimental device.

used RF modules are the XBee Pro modules of Digi [18]. Instead of
3-Dimensional (3D) chaotic systems, we implement the hyperchaotic
Lorenz generator [19] by using an extension of the technique developed
in [20, 21] for implementing 3D continuous chaotic systems on FPGA
technology. The hyperchaotic systems (4D continuous chaotic systems)
are known for their very complex chaotic behaviors then 3D chaotic
systems. Contrary to the ASM-based techniques [2, 6, 7, 22] and in
order to increase the security level, we secure the information message
by using the XOR operator (Modulation/Demodulation operation). A
photo of the experimental design is given in Figure 3.
At the transmitter, the information samples mi , generated on
32 bit parallel data format, are XORed with the hyperchaotic samples
xi , generated also on 32 bit parallel data format by the embedded
hyperchaotic generator. Thus, the transmitted signal is as follow:
si = xi ⊕ mi (6)
The encrypted signal samples si are then converted to serial data
format s by the PISO (Parallel Outputs/Serial Inputs) module and
transmitted to the XBee Pro RF module at 115 kbps (the maximum
Serial Interface Data Rate of the XBee Pro modules [18]). This latter
transmits the encrypted serial data s to the receiver. At the receiver,
the XBee Pro RF module transmits the received data, at the same
bit rates of 115 kbps, to the SIPO (Serial Inputs/Parallel Outputs)
module according to the asynchronous serial communication protocol.
Note that the SIPO module represents the Signal detector bloc of
the proposed scheme depicted in Figure 1. Indeed, at each start
bit detection of the received serial data frame s, the SIPO module
start the serial to parallel conversion and in the same time it orders,
through the command signal cmd, the slave/receiver to generate the
corresponding hyperchaotic sample xi , which is evidently identical
to that used at the transmitter for encrypting data information.
Finally, when the two operations, serial to parallel conversion and the
188 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

clk clk clk

reset reset reset

sp (31:0) sp (31:0) s s
cd cd

Hyperchaotic_Generator PISO

Figure 4. Bloc diagram of the transmitter architecture.

generation of xi on parallel data format, are finished, it is easy to

synchronize them (details are given in subsection 3.3) and then recover
the information as follow:
mi = si ⊕ xi (7)

2.3. Transmitter Architecture

In Figure 4, we present the hardware architecture of the transmitter
implemented in the first XUP Virtex-II Pro platform of Xilinx.
This architecture is composed by two main modules operating and
reinitializing under the signals clk and reset respectively. The
frequency of the clock signal clk is imposed by the serial interface
data rate of the XBee RF module [18]. Thus, we choose to work with
the maximum data rate provided, which is 115 kbps and then the clk
signal frequency must be 115 kHz.
The Hyperchaotic Generator module generates the hyperchaotic
samples on 32 bit parallel data format and after the modulation
operation (Eq. (6)), it send the encrypted signal samples sp to
the PISO module. Under the command signal values cd, this last
converts the samples sp to serial data frames s and send them
to the XBee module (see Figure 2). Note that, for the well
comprehension of our solution we gives the details of the two modules,
hyperchaotic Generator and PISO, in the next section.

2.4. Receiver Architecture

In the second XUP Virtex-II Pro platform, the implemented hardware
architecture, for realizing the receiver proposed in Figure 2, is presented
by the scheme of Figure 5. It is composed by three main modules, the
SIPO module, the hyperchaotic generator and a PISO module. These
modules operate under the clock signal clk, generated at the frequency
of 115 kHz, and reinitialized by the signal reset. Note that the PISO
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 189

clk clk clk clk

reset reset reset reset m
x (31:0) xout (31:0)
sp (31:0) sp (31:0) sout (31:0) sout (31:0)
s s cmd cd
cmd cd
SIPO Hyperchaotic_Generator PISO

Figure 5. Bloc diagram of the receiver architecture.

Input clk, reset, s




s p =s(31:0)

Figure 6. SIPO module flowchart.

module is added to the receiver architecture only in order to view the

recovered information in serial data format on oscilloscope screen for
comparison and validation.
(i) SIPO module: The operation of this module is described by
the flowchart presented in Figure 6. Initially, the command signal
cmd is set to 0, just at the detection of the Start Bit (SB), of the
received serial data s, the serial to parallel conversion operation
begins. At the end of this operation the parallel 32 bit samples sp
are assigned to the output of the module, at the same time cmd
is set to 1.
(ii) Hyperchaotic generator module: The developed architecture
of this module is presented by the flowchart of Figure 7. When, the
receiver is turned on, the module generates the first hyperchaotic
samples x, y, z and w of the hyperchaotic Lorenz system, saves
them in the variables X, Y , Z and W respectively, and according
190 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

Input clk, reset, sp, cmd

Initialization Synchronization
x=x 0 , y=y 0 , z=z 0, w=w0 Xout =X, Sout =sp
cd=‘‘11’’ cd=‘‘10’’, cp=0

Generate the
Hyperchaotic samples
x=X, y=Y, z=Z, w=W

x=X, y=Y, z=Z, w=W no

no yes yes
cmd =1?

Figure 7. Flowchart of the hyperchaotic generator architecture at the


to the command signal value, it passes to the next step or it

stay waiting. When cmd is set to “1”, i.e., the paralleled 32 bit
data samples sp are available at the SIPO output, the generated
hyperchaotic sample X is synchronized with the received samples
sp by affecting them simultaneously to the outputs Xout and sout
respectively. It should be noted that, the received data samples sp
undergo no change in the hyperchaotic generator module. After
synchronization, a step of updating is performed by assigning the
computed hyperchaotic samples X, Y , Z and W to the variables
x, y, z et w respectively for computing the next solutions. This
last step is the basic idea of the proposed solution. Indeed,
unlike the techniques [2, 6, 7, 17] based on the synchronization of
Pecora and Carroll [1], where in the update step, the received
signal is injected into the chaotic dynamics of the slave/receiver
as shown in Figure 8. In the proposed solution (Figure 7),
the hyperchaotic samples generation of the slave/receiver is not
perturbed because at the update step we assign, at each time, the
computed hyperchaotic samples to the variable x for computing
the next samples (x = X). This permits to generate the same and
identical hyperchaotic samples of the master/transmitter. Once
the update is performed, the process will wait 33 clock cycles to
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 191

x=sp , y=Y, z=Z, w=W

Figure 8. Synchronization principle in ASM-based techniques.

Table 1. cd command values.

cd values The commands
“11” Wait, does nothing
“10” Xout and Sout are available: Demodulation m = Sout ⊕ Xout
“00” Parallel-to-Serial Conversion

repass to the hyperchaotic samples generation step.

(iii) PISO module: The operation of this module is controlled by the
previous module through the command signal cd. This module
has the role of recovering the information data frames m by
demodulation and convert them in serial data format to real-time
viewing on oscilloscope. Table 1 summarizes the cd command

2.5. Electronic Design Considerations

(i) Composition: The experimental design (Figure 3) is composed
by three digital oscilloscopes, the first one is used to verify the
preservation of the hyperchaotic behaviors, the second one is
used to view the transmitted serial data frames and the third
one permits to view and validate the recovered information in
serial data format (Figure 9), two XUP Virtex-II Pro platforms of
Xilinx, two 2.4 GHz antennas and two XBee Pro RF modules of
(ii) Tests environment: Experimental tests are performed in the
same floor of the laboratory. The transmitter and receiver are
placed separately in two non adjacent rooms to a distance of about
30 m. Knowing that the indoor/urban maximum range of the
Xbee Pro modules is about of 100 m.
192 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

32 bits of data

Figure 9. Visualized information data frames format.

(iii) Experimental tests: The real-time transmission test consists of

transmitting a same serial data frame, generated locally on 32 bit,
to the transmitter. This approach can easily check transmission
errors in real-time, by visualizing the recovered data frames
on oscilloscope and comparing them with those transmitted.
To facilitate the reading of retrieved data and viewed on the
oscilloscope screen, we add to the data frames, originally coded
on 32 bit, one bit “0” on each side as it is shown in Figure 9.
(iv) XBee Pro module connections: In our experiment, we use
the XBee modules in their Transparent Mode with the minimum
connections VCC, GND, Tx and Rx [18]. When operating in
this mode, the modules act as a serial line replacement, i.e., all
UART data, consisting of a start bit (low), eight data bit (least
significant bit first) and a stop bit (high), received through the Rx
pin is queued up for RF transmission. When RF data is received,
the data is sent out the Tx pin.
(v) XBee Pro modules configuration: The main parameters
configured in the used XBee Pro modules are the Serial Interface
Data Rate (115 kbps), the Packetization Timeout (RO = 0)
parameter, we use the channel 12 and the AES encryption is
(vi) Performances: It is known that, in a communication system the
quality of the transmission is usually quantified by either the Bit
Error Rate (BER) or the Packet Error Rate (PER), where a packet
contains a number of bits. However, it should be noted that, in
the proposed and realized wireless hyperchaotic communication
system, we don’t need to compute the BER of the transmission
tests because it is equal to that characterizing the XBee Pro
modules expressed by PER. The PER is the ratio of the incorrectly
transferred data packets divided by the number of transferred
packets (for details see [24]). For the XBee Pro modules the PER
is 1% at −100 dBm [18].

2.6. Experimental Results and Discussions

In Figure 10, we show the real-time results of transmission test example
consisting of transmitting the serial data frame “00000011” encoded
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 32, 2012 193

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 10. Real time results, (a) the hyperchaotic carrier signal
x, (b) the hyperchaotic sample xi , (c) the serial information data
frame mi , (d) the transmitted serial masked data frame s, and (e)
the recovered information data (value “00000011”).

on 32 bits and represented on hexadecimal format. The hyperchaotic

carrier signal x and a 32 bit hyperchaotic sample xi (on serial data
format) are shown in Figures 10(a) and 10(b) respectively. Figure 10(c)
presents the serial information data frame mi (see the scheme of
Figure 2). An example of the transmitted serial masked data frame s
with the corresponding clock signal clk is presented in Figure 10(d).
Finally, the recovered information data (only for the constant value
(“00000011”) is shown in Figure 10(e). These results show that
the information is recovered correctly without any bits error. After
several experimental tests at various distances and dispositions of the
transmitter and receiver and various data values, the obtained results
have demonstrated the reliability of the proposed wireless hyperchaotic
communication system.
However, in order to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed
solution to the transmission channel noise and the relevance of our
idea, we have added voluntary a noise to the masking signal for
realizing (2). It is known that the impact of additive noise in a digital
communication system results in the appearance of erroneous bits at
the reception. We put ourselves in this situation by adding a bit to
the transmitted signal s (Eq. (6)), and to facilitate the understanding
of our approach, we have added the constant value “00001000” as the
194 Sadoudi, Tanougast, and Azzaz

Figure 11. Real time results: recovered information with noise.

value of the noise. At the receiver outputs, we have obtained the

results presented in Figure 11 which shows that the information data
frame is recovered correctly but with the added noise (“00001000”),
which is easily localized, confirming thus the Eq. (4). This means
that the hyperchaotic dynamics of the slave/receiver is not disturbed
by the added noise and the last really generates hyperchaotic samples
identical to those of the master/transmitter. We resume this by saying
that the slave/receiver chaotic dynamics generation is insensible to the
channel noise.


An original solution to the hard problem of chaotic synchronization

high sensibility to channel noise has been proposed. This solution
has been tested and validated experimentally in a real channel noise
environment through a realized wireless hyperchaotic communication
system based on ZigBee protocol. The pertinent idea of the
solution is focused on synchronizing two embedded hyperchaotic
systems, implemented on FPGA circuits, without disruption of
the slave/receiver dynamics. This means that, whatever the
perturbations suffered by the received signal through the channel,
the slave/receiver will generate chaotic solutions identical to that of
the master/transmitter which will permit to recover the information
correctly. The obtained results show the effectiveness and the
robustness of the proposed solution against real channel noise in
embedded digital chaotic communications.


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