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Hidayatullah National Law University

LL.M. One Year Programme: Comparative Public Law/ System of Governance (2016-17)
1. Public Law
 Meaning and definition of Public Law
 Concept of Public Law
 Public Law – International Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
 Distinction between Public Law and Private Law
2. Concept of Constitution
 Meaning and Idea of Constitution, Nature and objectives
 Living Constitution
 Organic Constitution
 Constitution as Fundamental Law

3. Constitutionalism
 Concept, Distinction between Constitution and Constitutionalism
 Essential features of Constitutionalism -Written Constitution, Separation of Powers, Fundamental Rights,
Independence of Judiciary and Judicial Review

4. Constitutional foundations of powers

 Supremacy of Legislature in Law Making
 Rule of law
• Dicey's Concept of Rule of Law
• Modern Concept of Rule of Law
• Social and economic rights as part of rule of law
 Separation of powers
• Concept of Separation of Powers
• Checks and Balances
• Separation of Powers or Separation of Functions

5. Classification of Constitution
 Federal and Unitary Forms
• Features, Advantages and Disadvantages
• Models of Federalism and Concept of Quasi-federalism
• Role of Courts in Preserving Federalism
 Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government
6. Courts:

 Writ Jurisdiction
 Protecting public interests through litigation.
 Locus standi and the nature of the judicial power.

7. Judicial Review
 Independence of Judiciary
 Concept and Origin of Judicial Review
 Limitations on Judicial Review
 Judicial Accountability

8. Constitutional Amendments
 Various Methods of Amendment
 Limitations on Amending Power: Comparative Perspective
 Theory of Basic Structure
1. Christopher Forsyth, Mark Elliott, Swati Jhaveri, Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance (Oxford
University Press, 2010).
2. D.D. Basu, Comparative Constitutional Law ( 2nd ed., Wadhwa Nagpur).
3. David Strauss, The Living Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2010)
4. Dr. Subhash C Kashyap, Framing of Indian Constitution (Universal Law, 2004)
5. Elizabeth Giussani, Constitutional and Administrative Law (Sweet and Maxwell, 2008).
6. Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law, Principles and Policies (3rd ed., Aspen, 2006)
7. M.V. Pylee, Constitution of the World (Universal, 2006)
8. Mahendra P. Singh, Comparative Constitutional Law (Eastern Book Company, 1989).
9. Neal Devins and Louis Fisher, The Democratic Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2010)
10. S.N Ray, Judicial Review and Fundamental Rights (Eastern Law House, 1974).
11. Sudhir Krishna Swamy, Democracy and constitutionalism in India - A Study of the Basic Structure Doctrine (Oxford
University Press, 2009)
12. Sunil Khilnani,Vikram Raghavan, Arun Thiruvengadam, Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia (Oxford University
Press, 2013).
13. Vikram David Amar, Mark Tushnet, Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2009).
14. Zachery Elkins, Tom Ginsburg, James Melton, The Endurance of National Constitutions (Cambridge University Press, 2009).


1. Aman Ullah and Uzair Samee, "Basic Structure of Constitution: Impact of Kesavananda Bharati on Constitutional Status of Fundamental
Rights", Vol. 26 (2) South Asian Studies 299-309 (July- December 2011).
2. Anne Smith, "Internationalization and Constitutional Borrowing in Drafting Bills of Rights", 60(4) International and Comparative Law
Quarterly 867-894 (2011October).
3. Bruce Ackerman, "The New Separation of Powers" 113 (3) Harv. L. Rev. 634-729 (2000)
4. Bryan Clark and Amanda Leiter, "Regulatory hide and seek: What agencies can (and can't) do to limit judicial review" 52(5) Boston
College Law Review 1687-1732 (2011 November)
5. Chhavi Agarwal, " Rule of Law: Reflection upon we the People and Beyond" 252 (1) Madras Law Journal 8-16 (2010)
6. Daniel B. Rodriguez, "Change that matters: Essay on State Constitutional Development", 115(4) Penn State Law Review 1073-1098
(Spring 2011).
7. Daryl Levinson and Richard H. Pildes "Separation of Parties, Not Powers" 119(8) Harvard Law Review 2311-2386 (2006).
8. David King, "Formalizing Local Constitutional Standards of Review and the Implications for Federalism" 97 (7) Virginia Law Review
1685-1726 (November 2011).
9. David Staruss, "Do we Have a Living Constitution" 59 (4) Drake Law Review 973-984 (2011 Summer)
10. Devi Prasad Singh, "Sovereignty, Judicial Review and Separation of Power", 7(5) Supreme Court Cases 1-13 (2012 September)
11. Glen Staszewski, "Political Reasons, Deliberative Democracy and Administrative Law", 97(3) Iowa Law Review 849-912 (2012 March):
12. Ishwara Bhat, "Why and how Federalism matters in Elimination of Disparities and Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Positive Rights",
54(3) Journal of the Indian Law Institute 324-363 (July-Sept 2012).
13. Jonathan Siegel, "Institutional case for Judicial Review" 97(4) Iowa Law Review 1147-1200 (2012 May).
14. Jessica Bulman, "Federalism as a safeguard of the Separation of Powers", 112(3) Columbia Law Review 459-506 (2012 April)
15. K.K. Venugopal, "Separation of Power and the Supreme Court of India", Vol. 2 No. 2 Journal of Law and Social Policy 64-82 (July 2008).
16. Linda Bosniak, "Persons and Citizens in Constitutional Thought" 8 (1) International Journal of Constitutional Law 9-29 (January 2010).
17. Mark Tushnet, "The Possibilities of Comparative Constitutional Law", 108 Yale.L.J. 1225 (1999).
18. Nathan Chapman, "Due Process as Separation of Powers", 121(7) Yale Law Journal 1672-1807 (2012 May).
19. Quinn Rosenkranz, "Subjects of the Constitution" 62 (5) Stanford Law Review 1209-1292 (May 2010)
20. Rajvir Sharma, "Judiciary as Change Agent: Some insights into the Changing role of Judiciary in India", 58(2) Indian Journal of Public
Administration 264-286 (2012 April-June).
21. Rebecca Brown, "Assisted Living for the Constitution" 59 (4) Drake Law Review 985-1000 (2011 Summer).
22. Schapiro., "Judicial Federalism and the Challenges of State Constitutional Contestation", 115(4) Penn State Law Review 983-1006 (2011

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