Buenaventura V Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
Buenaventura V Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
Buenaventura V Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
ISSUE/S: W/N the promissory notes were contracts of adhesion – NO. But even
assuming that it was a contract of adhesion, such did not entitle her to bar their
literal enforcement.
The promissory notes were written as follows:
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I/we jointly and severally promise to pay
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, at its office x x x the principal
sum of PESOS xx x, Philippine currency, together with interest and credit
evaluation and supervision fee (CESF) thereon at the effective rate of•
x x x per centum x x x per annum, inclusive, from date hereof and until
fully paid.
What the petitioner advocates is for the Court to now read into the promissory
notes terms and conditions that would contradict their clear and unambiguous
terms in the guise of such promissory notes being contracts of adhesion. This
cannot be permitted, for, even assuming that the promissory notes were
contracts of adhesion, such circumstance alone did not necessarily entitle her
to bar their literal enforcement against her if their terms were unequivocal. It is
preposterous on her part to disparage the promissory notes for being contracts