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Essay: Hamlet and The Modern World (Quizlet Assignment)

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Essay : Hamlet and the Modern World (Quizlet Assignment)

Teacher Name: Mr. Phan

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 - Above Standards 3 - Meets Standards 2 - Approaching Standards

Focus or Thesis The thesis The thesis The thesis statement
Statement statement names statement names outlines some or all of the
the topic of the the topic of the main points to be discussed
essay and outlines essay. but does not name the
the main points to topic.
be discussed.
Grammar & Author makes no Author makes 1-2 Author makes 3-4 errors in
Spelling errors in grammar errors in grammar grammar or spelling that
or spelling that or spelling that distract the reader from the
distract the reader distract the reader content.
from the content. from the content.

Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are well
Structure well-constructed well-constructed constructed, but there is no
with varied and there is some variation is structure.
structure. varied sentence
structure in the
Evidence and All of the evidence Most of the At least one of the pieces of
Examples and examples are evidence and evidence and examples is
specific, relevant examples are relevant and has an
and explanations specific, relevant explanation that shows how
are given that show and explanations that piece of evidence
how each piece of are given that show supports the author\'s
evidence supports how each piece of position.
the author\'s evidence supports
position. the author\'s
Capitalization & Author makes no Author makes 1-2 Author makes a few errors
Punctuation errors in errors in in capitalization and/or
capitalization or capitalization or punctuation that catch the
punctuation, so the punctuation, but reader\'s attention and
essay is the essay is still interrupt the flow.
exceptionally easy easy to read.
to read.

Date Created: Apr 13, 2018 09:42 pm (CDT)

(Quizlet Assignment)

1 - Below Standards Score

The thesis statement
does not name the
topic AND does not
preview what will be

Author makes more

than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the
reader from the
Most sentences are
not well-constructed
or varied.

Evidence and
examples are NOT
relevant AND/OR are
not explained.
Author makes several
errors in capitalization
and/or punctuation
that catch the
reader\'s attention
and interrupt the flow.

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