Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as spontaneous expulsion of a human
fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation compare. The vast majority of abortions are of
unintended pregnancies either mistimed pregnancies that would have been wanted at an
earlier or later date or unwanted pregnancies that were not wanted at that time or at any
time in the future (Henshaw, 1998; Torres & Forrest, 1988). Women terminate these
pregnancies for a variety of reasons. They most frequently mention having an abortion
because they are not ready to care for a child (or another child), financial constraints,
concern for or responsibility to others (especially concerns related to caring for other
children), desire to avoid single parenthood, relationship problems, and feeling too young
or immature to raise a child (Finer, Frowirth, Dauphinee, Singh, & Moore, 2005). Abortion
have some advantages and disadvantages for woman.
Situation where abortion can be do divided into two, if the pregnancy due to rape
and if you have a medical emergency. Abortions due to rape can only be done if the age of
pregnancy is longest 40 days calculated from the first day of last menstruation. Pregnancy
due to rape Also should be evidenced by gestational age in accordance with the incidence
of rape is declared by a doctor's certificate as well as a description of the investigator,
psychologist, or other expert who knew the alleged rape. While pregnancy in certain
conditions that pose a threat is as if the pregnancy experienced by people with heart
disease, or an accident and the mother's life is threatened. The rules of legalized abortion is
stipulated in Government Regulation (PP) number 61 of 2014.
Although it's been legalized if you agree about abortion? Does abortion have many
many benefits or losses? Surely, some people who disagree on abortion or abortion
legalized. Factors that ordinary people do not agree is due to religious factors, the fetus is a
human, and also an evaluation of the view that the fetus was a part of the human body.
People who support or agree abortion are usually due to factors not ready
economics, not ready psychology, age, become a single parent, the mother safety, and
incompatibility with the sex of the baby is expected. Factors not ready to be single parents,
not ready economics and psychology are usually the reason for teenage abortions. They are
agree with abortion because the fetus aborted better than when he was born he will suffer or
unhappy. Moreover, they are agree with abortion because for the sake of their happiness.
People who disagree about abortion because abortion give many negative effect for
women body and caused of death. Moreover, the leading causes of abortion related
maternal deaths within a week of the surgery are hemorrhage, infection, embolism,
anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. Another negative effects for women are
cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and liver cancer. Women with a history of one abortion
face a 2.3 times higher risk of having cervical cancer, compared to women with no history
of abortion. Similar elevated risks of subsequent ovarian and liver cancer have also been
linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted
women may linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany
pregnancy and untreated cervical damage or to increased stress and the negative impact of
stress on the immune system. Moreover, abortion is significantly related to an increased
risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancies, in turn, are life threatening
and may result in reduced fertility. When a woman who had an abortion, she will be loss of
self-esteem (82%), screaming hysterically (51%), bad dreams repeatedly about the baby
(63%), wanted to commit suicide (28%), try using drugs (41%), can’t be enjoy more sexual
contact (59%).
If we think again, the positive effect of abortion is very less than negative effects.
The positive effects only benefit a few parties and for the happiness of certain people. The
negative effects are hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic
pregnancies, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, and also caused of the death.
Therefore, in my opinion the abortion is not good for women because it have many
negative effect can be caused of the death. So, if you will do abortion I suggest you for
many consider about the positive and negative effect for your condition and about your
fetus. If you will be avoid abortion you must don’t do free sex and receive the blessed from
Anonymouse. 2012. Physical Danger Associated with Abortion. Access at 23th November
2016, from:
Guttmacher Institute. 2008. Abortion in Indonesia. Series 2008 number 2.
Finer, L. B., Frohwirth, L. F., Dauphinee, L. A., Singh, S., & Moore, A. M. (2005).
Reasons U.S. women have abortions: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives.
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37, 110–118.