Lessons 1 To 30 English III
Lessons 1 To 30 English III
Lessons 1 To 30 English III
Lesson 1
1. To come in entrar
2. Something algo
3. Of course por supuesto
4. Some middle of water un poco de agua
5. If si ( indicando condicion)
Using the sentences in the examples try and do ten more sentences changing words in
Lesson 2
1. I’m sorry I ‘m late. There was lots of traffic on the way to here.
2. How did you get here?
3. How did you get to your school?
4. How did you arrive here?
5. How did you get to Medellin?
6. I got here by train.
7. I arrived here by plane
8. I got there by car but it was a long ride. It took about six hours.
9. I come here by bus but it was very slow. it took about two hours.
10. This is my friend. he lives here in Currulao and he speaks Spanish very well.
11. This is my English teacher. he speaks English very well. And I have learnt a lot from him
12. This is my school. The E.C.I I have studied here for about three years and I’ve learned a
lot in this school.
13. Mr. Arredondo this is my friend Lionel he lives in Bogota but he came to visit this month.
He is going to stay with us for about 15 days
14. I wanted to visit you but I didn’t have time. I was very busy.
15. I arrived here yesterday and I have a meeting today at eight o’clock. Do you know how do
I get to the Pacific Hotel my meeting is there.
16. I know I’m late. But you know I sent my report yesterday morning. Did you already read it?
Lesson 3
1. Good morning my Name is ________ _______ I’m from Colombia and I want you to know
about my English learning process.
2. Where are you from?
3. My name is _______ ________ Im a student but I speak Spanish and English. Spanish is
my mother language and I learnt English in my school.
4. I lived in Currulao when I was a little boy but now I live in Medellin.
5. I learnt English when I was in my school
6. I studied in the E.C.I when I was in high school and I started to learn English there.
7. I was in Bogota last year but I didn’t like it I moved back to Currulao this year.
8. I was in Apartado last week but I came back to Currulao.
9. I’m from Mexico but I’ve lived in Colombia for seven years.
10. I’m from Medellin but I studied here in Currulao all my school.
11. I from Currulao but I moved to Medellin when I was seven years old. I studied there.
12. I studied in Medellin but I am from Apartado. I played soccer and I came here to try to
become a professional soccer player.
13. I was a good student and I came here because I got a scholarship.
1. To Call llamar
2. To Tell decir /contar
3. To grow crecer
4. Grew pasado de grow
5. Beautiful hermoso(a)
2. I’m from Bogota. But I lived in New York for a few years. I lived with an American family and I
5. I’m form Apartado but I grew up in Currulao. I lived with my parents there.
8. I was in Bogota last year but I didn’t like it. I’d rather live in Medellin.
10. I grew up in Currulao But I moved here to Medellin three years ago. I work for a big company.
Read the examples and create ten more sentences like them. You can change words in the
Mr. Robles, you speak English very well. Do you come to United States very often?
I try to, because my son is married to an American. They live in Seattle.
Seattle? That's a beautiful city, but it rains a lot there.
Yes, I know, but my son likes it very much.
10. My family lives in Medellin. I come to visit them very often. I like the city it is very big and
there are a lot of things to do there. We usually go to the big malls there. And visit the
old churches around the city. Every once in a while we go to the theatre and watch a
god playing. We also like to stay at home in Robledo or go out to have dinner at a good
restaurant. I enjoy my staying in Medellin, but I don’t live in Medellin. I live in Turbo. I live
in Currulao. It is a small village on the road from turbo to Apartadó. Currulao is just on
the middle of the way. Currulao is small but I like it a lot. I live with my father and he
works in a farm. He supervises a banana farm in Nueva Colonia what is other small
village in Turbo.
Listen to this conversation:
1. Since desde
2. I’m an engineer soy ingeniero
3. For work de trabajo/ por el trabajo
4. On vacation de vacaciones
5. That’s why esa es la razón / es por lo cual
Menu menu
Recommend recomendar
Stake bistec
Order ordenar/ pedir
Red wine vino tinto
Water agua
Glass vaso
4. Well we have a lot of delicious plates tonight but what I think is our special food is the
steak. It is always fine and a lot of people come here to eat it. But we also have chicken
and veal and of course our salads are delicious you can’t leave without enjoying them.
5. Ok I will have the steak. Let’s see how delicious it is. And bring me a good salad and a
bottle of wine. I’d like some red wine but not too expensive please.
1. Have you seen my t-shirt? I think I left it here but I cannot find it.
2. Have you ever been in Bogota?
3. I haven’t gone to Bogota. I have lived here in Currulao all my life.
4. I have spoken with my friends about today’s meeting.
5. You have not lived here in Currulao you have lived I Medellin, since you were a little boy.
6. I speak English now but I haven’t spoken English since I was a little boy. I spoke only
Spanish when I was little boy. But I learned English in my School and now I speak two
7. My friend speaks two languages but he hasn’t spoken two languages all his life. When he
was a little boy he only spoke English, he learned Spanish when he lived in Colombia.
8. Mary lives in the United States, but she has not lived in the United States all her life. She
lived in Venezuela when she was a little girl.
9. They are in my house now but I haven’t seen them
10. She has not played with my friends.
Listen to this conversation:
1. We are planning to go on vacation but we don’t know where to go. my wife wants to go to
Canada but I don’t want to go out of the country. I rather prefer to visit some places here
in Colombia. I would like to go to el eje Cafetero it is a very beautiful tourist destination in
my country and many people from all around the world come to visit it. I also think Canada
it very cold and I don’t want to stay in our hotel room every day.
1. Do you have a minute please? I want to discuss our report I think you are giving private
information on it. You know there are things of our company that you cannot inform about.
Where you show what we do with the money we earn for example. It is not appropriated
people know about it.
2. Did you make the reservation?
3. I think our trip to the United States is too expensive I would rather like to stay here in
4. We have some beautiful places to visit in my country
5. When are you going to buy the plane tikes for our trip?
6. I want to stay in Miami for about a week so I need you to make the hotel reservation as
soon as possible.
7. Why don’t you go to the bus terminal? and I can take a taxi car to go to the store.
8. I need to buy the plane tickets for our trip to New York.
9. Would you like to go with me to The United States?
Listen to this conversation:
Your su / tu ( de usted)
Since desde
Last ultimo / pasado
Last month el mes pasado
Yard patio
Is there? Hay?
There is hay (una sola cosa o elemento que se toma por volumen)
There are hay (varias cosas que se pueden contar)
Back atras / espalda / dorso
To park parquear estacionar
Almost casy
Always siempre.
1. Dr. Fernando has been in the office since early this morning. He has already seen a lot of
patients, and he will certainly see many more before the day is over. Dr. Fernando’s
patients don’t know it, but he also isn’t feeling well. He has had a pain in his back since
last Thursday, but he hasn’t taken any time to stay at home and rest. He has had a lot of
patients this week, and he’s a very dedicated doctor.
1. There are a lot of people in the park you should go there and see what is happening?
2. Have you ever been in Chicago?
3. Have you been in Bogota?
4. You should study a little bit more if you want to pass the test.
5. You should stay at a hotel instead of go to bother your relatives.
6. Why don’t you visit your friend on Sunday?
7. That’s a good idea.
8. I think you are leaving for Medellin tomorrow, then why don’t you go to my house today we
need to discuss about our business first.
9. Unfortunately we have to stay at work until seven in the evening but tomorrow I think we
can have a cup of coffee together and we can talk about our trip to Mexico.
10. You can stay here. Unfortunately we usually close the store at six o’clock in the evening
and it is already seven thirty.
Listen to this conversation:
Excuse me, can you help me? How do I get to Central Park?
Go straight ahead. Then to the left. After that, take the first right.
Wait a minute, please; I don't speak English very well. Can you speak more slowly?
Central Park is pretty far; maybe you should take a taxi.
That's a good idea, thanks.
To help ayudar
How como
Get llegar / arrivar / conseguir / optener / lograr
Straght derecho
Ahead adelante / hacia adelante
After después
Fater that despues de eso
To take tomar
First primero(a)
To wait esperar
Wait a minute espera un minuto
More mas
Slowly despacio / lentamente
Pretty bello(a)
Pretty far muy lejos
11. I do not think the clowns are funny. Being a lion tamer is much more difficult than being a
clown. Being a lion tamer is also much more important than being a clown. People don’t
come to the circus to watch the clowns. They can see clowns on television. People come
to the circus to see the lion tamer.
Lesson 15
Listen to this conversation:
1. To call llamar
2. This morning esta mañana
3. We nosotros(as)
4. Meeting reunion
5. To leave a message dejar un mensaje
6. There was había
7. There was no no había
8. There wasn’t no había
9. Phone number número de teléfono
10. To Call back devolver la llamada
11. I’ll call him right back de una le devolveré la llamada/ lo llamare de vuelta
Listen to this English conversation:
Hello, this is Annie Johnson. I’m sorry I can't go to the phone now; please leave a
message after the beep.
Hi Annie, this is Felipe Lopez. It's Wednesday afternoon, about three o'clock, I’d like to
discuss our meeting next week. Please call me back, my number is (860 243).Eight-six-0-
Beep tono / sonido
After despues
Wednesday miercoles
860243 los números de teléfono se mencionan uno a uno /8/ /6/ /0/ /2/ /4/ /3/
Lesson 17
Listen to this conversation in an office:
Hi Carlos, come in and sit down.Carlos, this is my nephew, Tom. Tom, this is a colleague
of mine, Carlos Martinez.
Pleased to meet you, Tom.
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Martinez.
Carlos, we were just talking about Mexico.
You were talking about Mexico? Why?
Tom just graduated from college, and he'd like to go to Mexico.
He'd like to teach English there.
Listen to this conversation in an office in New York:
Ramon, what do you do in your spare time? Do you play any sports?
No, I don't. I'm not very good at sports.
You don't play tennis? That's too bad. I really like tennis, and there are some nice courts
One of my colleagues plays pretty well, I think. Maybe you can play tennis with him some
Listen to this conversation:
Good afternoon, my name is Julia Vega. I reserved a room for two nights.
Oh yes, Mrs. Vega. You have room 278. It will be ready in just a few minutes.
Fine, where can I park my car?
We have a parking garage. If you'd like, you can leave your luggage here and go to park
your car. The room will be ready when you come back.
Here's your key card.
Ok, thank you.
Listen to this conversation:
Sorry to bother you Nancy, have you seen my notes? Did I leave them in your office?
I'm sorry, what did you say?
My notes. My notes from the conference. Have you seen them? Did I leave them here?
Yes, here they are.
Great, thanks.
Listen to this conversation:
1. Everything is ready for our meeting today but someone call a few minutes ago she said if
is possible to you to call her back immediately her name is Rosa Rodriguez and she is
from Mexico.
2. My sister just graduated from college and she is going to work for a big company in
3. My brother is coming to visit us today he is going to spend a week here.
4. A woman called a while ago and she said she needed to talk to you as soon as possible
her name is Carmen Gutierrez.
5. My sister lives in Colombia but her daughter lives in Chicago and she is coming to visit
this week.
6. I’d like you to call me back as soon as you listen to this message we need to talk about
our meeting today.
7. A fifteen-year-old boy was injured in a car accident when the minivan he was traveling in
was hit by a pickup truck at an intersection. The boy was taken to a nearby hospital. The
paramedics said that it appeared that the boy had nothing more serious than a broken left
leg, but that internal injuries were always a possibility. The boy was conscious and alert.
His mother, who was driving, wasn’t uninjured. She said that the truck appeared out of
nowhere, and she thought she was going to die. She turned the steering wheel sharply to
the left, and the truck hit her minivan on the passenger side.