I. Title of Experiment: Isolation of Ginger Oil From Ginger
I. Title of Experiment: Isolation of Ginger Oil From Ginger
I. Title of Experiment: Isolation of Ginger Oil From Ginger
2. Water bath: a container of water that is heated by a hot plate for a flask
containing a "sample"
3. The tip of the rotor "sample": serves as a round-bottom flask that samples is
4. Condenser hole: the entrance of water into the condenser where the water is
sucked up by the vacuum pump.
8. The tip of the rotor "container": serves as a container of round bottom flask that
is placed.
-Na2SO4 anhydrous 2 mL
-n-hexane 150 mL
-aquadest as enough
1. Sample Preparation
Ginger Rhizome
Ginger powder
2. Isolation of Ginger oil
Ginger powder
2. Isolation of Ginger Oil Before : -Function of Na2SO4 -In this experiment
-Ginger Powder : anhydrous is to we can prove the
Ginger powder
Brown evaporate water value of atsiri
- It is weighed 10 grams for
-n-hexane : Colorless content in it solution rendement is 2,8%
isolation and 1 gram for
determining of water -Na2SO4 : White -Function of Na2SO4 is (appropriate with
content Powder water content in atsiri theory = 1,5-3%)
- 1 gram of After : oil can bounded by -We can prove
10 grams of
ginger powder -Dry Ginger + n- Na2SO4 anhydrous, so index refracture of
ginger powder
hexane when placed in it can produce pure n-hexane is
- It is wrapped with filter paper soxhlet : yellow atsiri oill 1,37193
- It is placedin soxhlet extractor
solution -Based on theory index (Appropriate with
(soxhlet thimble)
- 150 mL of n hexane, solvent -Dry Ginger + n- bias of n-hexane is theory = 1,37)
poured into round bottom flask hexane + Na2SO4 : the 1,37 -We can prove
- Extraction is done until solvent
colorless again color solution still -Idex bias of ginger is index refracture of
yellow and Na2SO4 1,48-1,49 atsiri oil is
not disolve Source : According to 1,487704
Residu Extract
e -The solution is Kurniasari, et al., (Appropriate with
decantationed to (2008) theory= 1,48-1,49)
separate solution with -Based on theory atsiri
Na2SO4 anhydrous oil can gotten is 1,5-
and then the solution 3% from weight of
Extract is evaporated initial ginger powder
3. Determine of Water Content Before : Based on theory, if wet Water content in
-Wet Ginger:yellowish- ginger is heated for wet ginger is
1 gram of wet ginger
powder white several time, the mass 85%
- It is placed into oven at -Mass of wet ginger is 1 of it will decrease
temperature 110◦C
gram (Mi) because water content
- It is weighed and repeated
heating process until After : in ginger is evaporate
reaches a constant weight -Water Contant
= 𝑥 100%
Water content 𝑀𝑖
= 𝑥 100%
= 85%
-Wet ginger heated in
oven. Then weighed
in several to know the
constant mass.
1st weighed = 0,6
2nd weighed = 0,4
3td weighed = 0,2
4th weighed = 0,2
5th weighed = 0,2
So the constant mass is
0,3 gram as Ml
-Wet Ginger become
1. Sample Preparation
In the experiment "Isolation Ginger Oil from Ginger Rhizome", carried out by
Soxhlet extraction as a sample in the form of solids. The first step is to clean ginger
(washed) so that the dirt is still attached to the skin oils of ginger did not affect the
results that will be obtained. Then ginger that has been cleaned cut into thin to
accelerate the drying process. At the time of drying should not be dried directly in
the sun and do for some days (± 4 days) until it dry. Once dried, milled and ground
ginger, then it will produce dried ginger powder obtained yellow. This is done with
the intention that the form of the powder would have a greater surface area when
compared to the original form, so the solvent will be faster in dissolving
components of ginger.
The soxhlet extraction apparatus is placed on the hot plate and it's turned on to
heat the solvent or n-hexane. Heating the solvent is done with reference to the
boiling point. The vapor that produced is going through a pipe F and will hit the
walls of the condenser to be a process of condensation (condensation) happen.
Solvent will be mixed with the sample and extract the desired compound from a
sample. Solvents will fulfill the chiffon and when chiffon is full, will be channeled
back to the round bottom flask. This process is called one cycle, the greater number
of cycles then it can be assumed that the solute in the solvent will also be
The extraction process is done until the solvent colorless again. The color of n-
hexane and ginger oil is yellow. The cycle that needed in this extraction process is
28. If the solvent colorless, the extraction process is stopped and the extract in
round bottom f;ask is allowed cool. This process produces recidu and extract.
Recidu is ginger powder and extract is n-hexane and ginger oil mixture.
While waiting the solution, Na2SO4 anhydrous (white powder) is weighed 1.4
grams and it's entered into oven. The purpose is to lose the water contain in Na2SO4
anhydrous. After the extract is cool, Na2SO4 anhydrous is pored into round bottom
flask that include the extract and are stirred. The color of extract still yellow and
Na2SO4 anhydrous is not dissolved. The function of Na2SO4 anhydrous adding so
that the water content in extract can bond with Na2SO4 anhydrous and finally
produce pure essential or volatile oil.
After that, the extract is poured into another round bottom flask. Na2SO4
anhydrous still allowed in the first round bottom flask. The extract is evaporated
use evaporator apparatus. The function is separate the solvent from the solution to
produce concentrated substance (essential oil). Firstly, aquades is poured into water
bath. The round bottom flak that include extract is matched on rotor tip. Then on
the other rotor is matched with another round bottom flask as container of solvent
(n-hexane) and the evaporator apparatus is assembled. Next, set the kinds of solvent
that used become n-hexane and the pressure is set become 197 mmHg. The water in
water bath is heated use temperature under the biling point of n-hexane. We use 300
C because the boiling point of n-hexane is 690 C. The speed of rotation of round
bottom flask is set 65 rpm.
The solvent that contained in extract will be evaporated. Evaporation can occur
due to heating using a hot plate which is assisted by the pressure dropping on round
bottom flask of extract that accelerated with rotating on round-bottom flask of
extract. With vacuum pumps that drain the cold water from a container into the
condenser and removed again by the condenser to the container again and put again
and so on. This process runs continuously. so that when vapors from the solvent hit
the walls of the condenser, the solvent will undergo condensation process, namely
the process of a phase change from liquid phase to the gas phase. Condensation
process is done until the solvent that is not dripping again in round bottom flask
and it can also be seen by the increasing climate of the substance contained in the
extract round-bottom flask.
After it, the extracts from ginger oil was poured into a beaker glass to
evaporated with hot plate. Evaporation continue until the extract thickens. The
function of this evaporation is to eliminate the remnants of solvent (n-hexane) were
still present in the extract. The results from the evaporation of ginger oil extract is
atsiri oil, the next step is weighed to search for yield value and the refractive index
value of atsiri oil. The yield Value of atsiri oil is 2,8% (this appropriate with the
theory 1,5-3%), the value gotten from the calculation:
Mi = 10 gram
Ml = 0,28 gram
Yield Value = 𝑀𝑙 𝑥 100%
= 𝑥 100%
= 2,8%
Meanwhile, the n-hexane that used as a solvent in the extraction of previously
calculated final volume remaining, then take a few drops to determine the value of
refractive index.
In calculating the value of the refractive index, use refractometer equipment.
Refractometer is an instrument used to measure the level or concentration of
dissolved material based on its refractive index. Here are the steps in using a
Part of the refractometer (prism) cleaned with one drop aquadest and wipe a
tissue outwards. Then the substance to be tested is dripped on the prism and
Set incoming light and if thi is not sharp, turn the micrometer until look clearly
between dark-light.
Set the micrometer so dark-light line crosspoint intersection two diagonal line
that instrument.
Read valu in the below lens as refractive index value .
If wanted to test with different substances prism should be cleaned first, then the
next step the same as above.
The value of the refractive index of n-hexane was obtained by 1.383103
(appropriate with the theory of 1.37193), while the value of the refractive index of
atsiri oil is 1.487704 (appropriate with the theory 1.48 to 1.49)
The next experiment is to determine the water content in the wet ginger. The
water content is the difference between the weight of the material before and after
heating. Each material is placed in the open air when the water level will reach
equilibrium with the surrounding air humidity. The water content of this material is
called water levels balanced. Each specific relative humidity to produce a certain
balanced moisture content any (Sudarmadji : 1989)
Slicing thin ginger function for greater surface area so that the evaporating
essential oils contained in each tissue more easily lifted along with the water vapor
and another function to know water content in wet ginger. Based on theory water
content of wet ginger is 80% - 90% (Sudarmadji : 1989). Slicing by 1 gram (initial
weight) wet ginger put in the oven with a temperature of 110C, then weighed again
to obtain a constant weight.
The results of fifth weighed is 0,6 gram, 0,4 gram, 0,15 gram, 0,15 gram,
and 0,15 gram. So obtained constant weight is 0.15 grams of ginger powder from
the initial weight of 1 gram.
0,85 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚
𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝑥 100%
1 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚
Thus obtained water content of wet ginger powder is 85 % and it in accordance with
In this experiment (isolation of ginger oil from ginger rhizome) the equipments
that used is soxhlet extraction, mortar, evaporator, separated funnel,
refractometer, spirtus, and beaker glass.
In this experiment the the materials that used is Sodium sulfate anhidrate, dry
ginger, wet ginger, and n-hexane.
One way that can be done to isolate ginger oil is the solvent extraction , the
type of solvent that suitable for this extraction is n-hekana, because n-
hexane's boiling point lower than the atsiri oil.
In this experiment we can prove the value of atsiri rendement is 2,8%
(appropriate with theory = 1,5-3%)
We can prove index refracture of n-hexane is 1,37193 (Appropriate with theory
= 1,37)
We can prove index refracture of atsiri oil is 1,487704 (Appropriate with
theory= 1,48-1,49)
Water content in wet ginger is 85%
1. Make a reaserch question from the lab?
2. Briefly describe the working principles of soxhlet extraction used in this
3. Where the separation solvent evaporator using the tool? Give a reason!
4. Based on the results of the essential oil yield you earn, whether the way ginger
powder drying and grinding effect on the outcome? Explain!
5. What anhydrous Na2SO4 function in this trial? Explain!
6. Please provide at least five compounds contained in the essential oil of ginger
and write formulas relate!
1. Based on the experiment result, whether the value of the yield and refractore
index appropriate with the existing theory? Explain how the quality of the oil
obtained by the value of the yield!
2. The working principle of Soxhlet extraction, namely: Filtering the repeated so
that the results are perfect and solvents used are relatively few. When the
screening has been completed, then the solvent is evaporated back and the rest
is that the most important substances. Soxhletation method using a volatile
solvent with the principle of boiling point solvent and solute, the solvent must
have a boiling point below the solute. In addition, the solvent used is a solvent
that can dissolve the organic compounds contained in these materials, but does
not dissolve the unwanted solids.
3. The separation solvent evaporator using a tool made if:
There are differences in boiling point between the solvent and the very
large solute, because the working principle is evaporative solvent
evaporator tool.
Low levels of substances in solution (solution viscosity is low), because if
the solution viscosity is high, local concentration of solids sector in point
in the evaporator can be so high that it can cause damage solids (if solids
are sensitive to heat), or a local compaction.
4. Yes, the way ginger powder drying and grinding effect on the outcome of
essential oil yield.
Drying: When done using the high temperature will spoil ginger oil,
because of the nature of the oil may evaporate.
Smoothing: a subtle ginger powder has a large surface area, so the faster
the solvent to dissolve the oil component of ginger.
5. The function of Na2SO4 anhydrous adding so that the water content in extract
can bond with Na2SO4 anhydrous and finally produce pure essential or volatile
6. Zingeron, kamfena, gingerol, limonen, linalool, shogaol, borneol, 𝛼-felandren,
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Preaparing the equipments Weighing 10 gram of ginger Wrapping the ginger powder
and materials before conduct powder use ohaus balance. use filter paper. Then, bundle
the experiment. the upper and bottom part of
filter paper. It placed into
soxhlet thimbel.
Preaparing 150 mL of n-
Pouring n-hexene into round Arranging the soxhlet
bottom flask. extractor.
Turn on the soxhlet extractor Weighing 1,4 gram of Adding 1,4 gram of Na2SO4
and observe until the solution Na2SO4 anhydrous and anhydrous into extract
colorless. It is mean the heating it use oven. solution and shaking it.
extraction is done.
Spreading vaseline to
Decantation the extract Pairing the round bottom
solution. flask that contain with extract
solution with evaporatore.
Determine the refractive index of n-hexene. Determine the refractive index and
rendement of atsiri oil.
Determination of Water Content
Weighing 1 gram of wet ginger use ohaus Heating the wet ginger use oven.