Elkem 10 Tundish Cover Ladle Nodularization PDF
Elkem 10 Tundish Cover Ladle Nodularization PDF
Elkem 10 Tundish Cover Ladle Nodularization PDF
Figure 1: Schematic representation of a tundish cover ladle with dual alloy pockets.
The following formula can be used to calculate the diameter of the tundish lid filling hole:
d = 0.07
Where d is the filling hole diameter in centimetres (cm), W is the liquid iron batch weight in
grams (g), t is the pouring time in seconds (s), and h is the ferrostatic height of metal in the
tundish basin in centimetres (cm). Note: h is the height of metal, not the height of the basin
Base metal sulphur contents should preferably not exceed 0.02% before treatment to ensure
maximum efficiency of the tundish ladle. If sulphur levels are higher, a desulphurizing step is
recommended prior to nodularization.
would be used to treat base iron composed of a mixture of steel scrap, pig iron and returns.
Alloy size grading of about 1 – 10 mm is most suitable for small treatments while sizes up to 4
– 35 mm are preferable for larger treatments. See Elkem Technical Information Sheet No. 20
for more details on selection of nodularizers in ductile iron.
The amount of alloy added usually lies between 1.2 and 1.8 weight % depending on the base
sulphur content, the metal temperature, the magnesium content of the alloy and the
consistency with which the process is carried out.