1a560724052 PDF
1a560724052 PDF
1a560724052 PDF
Form 5282
Type 627F
April 2012
Type 627F
The Specifications section gives some general specifications for the Type 627F regulator. The nameplates
give detailed information for a particular regulator as it comes from the factory.
1. The pressure/temperature limits in this Instruction Manual or any applicable standard limitation should not be exceeded.
Type 627F
Type 627F
Table 4. Flow Coefficients
inches mm 3/4 NPT Body NPS 1 / DN 25 Body NPS 2 / DN 50 Body
1/8 3.2 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.79
1/4 6.4 0.59 0.54 0.62 0.87
3/8 9.5 0.82 0.63 0.73 0.89
1/2 13 0.96 0.82 1.01 0.86
When downstream pressure increases due to lowered 4. Make sure that there is no damage to, or foreign
demand, greater pressure is registered on the pilot material in the regulator. Ensure that all tubing
diaphragm and the lever side of the main regulator and piping have been blown free of foreign debris.
diaphragm. The pilot closes, and the excess loading
5. The regulator may be installed in any position as
pressure bleeds off to downstream, through the pilot
long as the flow through the body is in the direction
restriction. With the lower loading pressure, the spring
indicated by the arrow cast on the body and both
can move the main regulator disk closer to the orifice.
pilot openings are connected.
Under no flow conditions, the excess loading pressure
6. If continuous operation is required during
bleeds through the pilot restriction to the downstream
inspection or maintenance, install a three-valve
system until the loading pressure and outlet pressure
bypass around the regulator.
equalize. The main valve is closed by the spring and
the bleed stops.
Type 627F
To remotely vent the pilot, remove the vent and install Additionally, physical damage to the
obstruction-free tubing or piping into the 1/4 NPT regulator could cause personal injury or
vent tapping. Provide protection on a remote vent by property damage due to escaping gas.
installing a screened vent cap into the remote end of To avoid such injury or damage, install
the vent pipe. the regulator in a safe location.
Type 627F
These procedures are for gaining access to the disk 4. Apply lubricant to the stem (key 10) and insert the
assembly, orifice, diaphragm casing, O-ring, and stem stem into the diaphragm casing (key 5) and hook it
assembly. All pressure must be released from the on the lever (key 15).
regulator before the following steps can be performed.
Refer to Figure 3 for key number locations. 5. Apply lubricant to the O-ring (key 7) and insert
parts removed in steps 1 and 2 into the diaphragm
casing (key 5).
Replacing the Disk Assembly or Orifice
6. Install the disk assembly (key 9), line up the hole
If it is necessary to perform maintenance on the disk
in the disk assembly and stem (keys 9 and 10) and
assembly (key 9) or orifice (key 2), continue with the
insert the hairpin clip (key 13).
following steps:
7. Position the diaphragm casing plus attached parts
1. Remove the closing cap (key 36) and loosen the
in relation to the body (key 1) so that they are
lock nut (key 34) relieving tension spring pressure.
correct for the application.
Hold the spring seat bolt (key 61) to prevent
turning of the bolt from the tension spring (key 32). 8. Secure the diaphragm casing to the body with
Remove the cap screws (key 3), and separate the the cap screws (key 3). For an aluminum
diaphragm casing (key 5) from the body (key 1). diaphragm casing (key 5), torque the cap screws
(key 3) to 16 foot-pounds / 22 N•m. For ductile
iron or steel diaphragm casings, torque the
If the body cap screws (key 3) are evenly cap screws (key 3) to 25 foot-pounds / 34 N•m.
removed and replaced very carefully, Torque the two body cap screws (key 3) very
then the tension spring force will not evenly to square up the orifice (key 2) and disk
need to be released. assembly (key 9) seating relationship.
2. Inspect and, if necessary, remove the orifice 9. It may be necessary to reposition the diaphragm
(key 2). If removed, coat the threads of the spring case to prevent rain, ice, and foreign debris
replacement orifice with lubricant and torque to from entering the pilot spring case through the vent.
25 foot-pounds / 34 N•m.
3. Inspect the disk assembly and, if necessary, Diaphragm and Spring Case Area
remove the hairpin clip (key 13) that holds the Maintenance Procedures
disk assembly (key 9) in place. If replacing the
disk assembly is the only maintenance required, These procedures are for gaining access to the tension
refer to the Startup procedure. spring, diaphragm assembly, and lever assembly. All
spring pressure must be released from the diaphragm
casing before these steps can be performed. Refer to
Replacing the Stem Assembly Figure 3 for key number locations.
If it is necessary to perform maintenance on the stem
1. To release the tension spring force, remove
assembly, continue with the following steps.
the closing cap (key 36), the lock nut (key 34),
1. Remove the boost body (key 6), O-ring (key 7), and washer (key 62). Hold the spring seat bolt
and stem guide (key 8) from the diaphragm casing (key 61) to prevent turning of the bolt from the
(key 5). Unhook the stem (key 10) from the lever tension spring (key 32).
(key 15) and remove from the diaphragm casing
2. Remove the spring case cap screws (key 37), the
(key 5).
nameplates, and lift off the spring case (key 29). If
2. Remove and inspect the diaphragm casing O-ring changing the tension spring (key 32) or repositioning
(key 4) and stem O-ring (key 11), replace the spring case (key 29) is the only maintenance
if necessary. required, remove the spring seat bolt (key 61) from
the tension spring (key 32) and unscrew the spring
3. Install the replacement diaphragm casing O-ring retainer (key 53). Install the replacement tension
(key 4) onto the boost body (key 6). Apply lubricant spring. Install left hand threaded end of spring
to the stem O-ring and install on the stem (key 10).
Type 627F
seat bolt (key 61) into tension spring (key 32) until 12. Install the tension spring (key 32) on the lower
the spring is flush with the top of the bolt threads spring seat (key 31), insert and tighten the
as shown in Figure 3. Rotate the spring case so it spring retainer (key 53). Install the tension
is correct for the application. Skip to step 14. For spring on the spring seat bolt (key 61) until the
Diaphragm Area Maintenance, continue with step 3. spring is flush with the top of the bolt threads as
shown in Figure 3.
3. Remove the diaphragm assembly by tilting it so that
the pusher post (key 19) slips off the lever (key 15). 13. Install the spring case (key 29) over the spring
seat bolt and so that the pilot assembly will be
4. If it is necessary to replace the lever assembly, in the correct position for the application. Place
remove the lever cap screws (key 18). the nameplate (key 39) over the screw holes,
5. Install the replacement lever (key 15) into the insert the spring case cap screws (key 37), and
lever retainer (key 16) by inserting the lever pin finger tighten.
(key 17). Secure the lever into the diaphragm 14. Install the locknut (key 34), and hold the spring
casing with the cap screws (key 18) and torque seat bolt (key 61) to prevent turning, by running
the cap screws to 7 foot-pounds / 9.5 N•m. If the locknut all the way down the threads and
it is necessary to perform maintenance on the tighten as shown in Figure 3. Install the closing
diaphragm assembly, continue with steps 6 cap gasket (key 63). Apply lubricant to the
through 15. threads on top of the spring case (key 29) and
6. Unscrew the diaphragm connector (key 54) and install the closing cap (key 36).
remove the lower spring seat (key 31). Separate 15. Using a crisscross pattern, finish tightening the
the diaphragm (key 23) from the diaphragm spring case cap screws (key 37, see Figure 3).
head (key 24), gasket (key 55) and the pusher
post (key 19).
7. Install the diaphragm (key 23), in reverse order
in step 6, apply lubricant to the threads of the These procedures are for gaining access to the
diaphragm connector (key 54) and finger tighten. Type 6351F pilot trim and diaphragm parts. All
pressure must be released from the regulator and
8. Hook the pusher post on the lever (key 15), then pilot before the following steps can be performed.
turn the diaphragm (key 23) to match the holes in Refer to Figure 4 for key number locations.
the diaphragm with the holes in the spring casing.
9. Unhook the pusher post from the lever, hold the Trim Parts
pusher post and torque the diaphragm connector 1. Remove the body plug (key 3) and the valve
(key 54) to 7 foot-pounds / 9.5 N•m. spring (key 6), and inner valve assembly (key 4)
10. Apply lubricant to the pusher post (key 19), then from the body.
hook the pusher post on the lever (key 15) and 2. Inspect the removed parts and body plug gasket
check the hole alignment. If necessary, loosen the (key 23), replace as necessary, and make sure the
diaphragm connector (key 54) and reposition the plug seating surfaces are free from debris.
diaphragm (key 23) on the pusher post (key 19).
Tighten the diaphragm using 7 foot-pounds / 3. Sparingly apply lubricant to the body plug gasket
9.5 N•m of torque. (key 23) and the threads of the body plug (key 3).
Install the body plug gasket over the body plug.
11. To change the tension spring, remove the
spring seat bolt (key 61) from the tension 4. Install the plug spring (key 6), and inner valve
spring (key 32) and unscrew the spring assembly (key 4) into the body (key 1). Torque the
retainer (key 53). body plug (key 3) to 6 foot-pounds / 8.1 N•m.
Type 627F
Diaphragm Parts Parts List
1. Remove the closing cap (key 28), loosen the locknut
(key 11), and back out the adjusting screw (key 10) Type 627F Main Regulator (Figure 3)
to remove control spring (key 9) compression. Key Description Part Number
2. Remove the machine screws (key 12) and Type 627F Parts Kit (includes keys 4, 7, 9,
separate the spring case (key 2) from the body 11, 12, 13, 23, 55, and 63)
Aluminum or Ductile iron casing R627FX00A12
assembly (key 1). Remove the control spring Stainless steel casing R627FX00S12
(key 9).
1 Body
3. Remove the diaphragm assembly (key 7) and Ductile iron
inspect the removed parts and replace as 3/4 NPT 12B3307X012
1 NPT 12B3307X022
necessary. Make sure the restriction hole (key 44) 2 NPT 12B3308X012
is free from debris. Steel
3/4 NPT 30B3050X012
4. Install the diaphragm assembly (key 7) and push 1 NPT 30B3051X012
2 NPT 30B7452X012
down on it to see if the inner valve assembly Steel, CL150 RF Flanged
(key 4) strokes smoothly and approximately NPS 1 / DN 25 43B8656X022
1/16-inch / 2.0 mm. NPS 2 / DN 50 44B0666X012
Steel, CL300 RF Flanged
Note NPS 1 / DN 25 41B8978X012
NPS 2 / DN 50 41B8080X012
Steel, CL600 RF Flanged
In step 5, if installing a control spring of
NPS 1 / DN 25 40B6754X012
a different range from the one that was NPS 2 / DN 50 40B6756X012
removed, be sure to replace the spring Steel, PN 16/25/40 RF Flanged
NPS 1 / DN 25 44B0386X012
range originally appearing on the spring
NPS 2 / DN 50 44B3342X012
case with the new spring range. 2* Orifice
5. Stack the control spring (key 9) and control spring 3/8 x 1/8 inch / 9.5 x 3.2 mm 12B4986X012
seat (key 8) onto the diaphragm assembly (key 7). 3/8 x 1/4 inch / 9.5 x 6.4 mm 12B4986X022
3/8 inch / 9.5 mm 0B042209012
Sparingly apply lubricant to the control spring seat. 1/2 inch / 13 mm 1A928809012
Stainless steel
6. Install the spring case (key 2) on the body (key 1) 3/8 x 1/8 inch / 9.5 x 3.2 mm 12B4986X032
with the vent (key 35) oriented to prevent clogging 3/8 x 1/4 inch / 9.5 x 6.4 mm 12B4986X042
or entrance of moisture. Install the machine 3/8 inch / 9.5 mm 0B042235032
1/2 inch / 13 mm 1A928835032
screws (key 12) and using a crisscross pattern, 3 Cap Screw (2 required)
torque them to 3 foot-pounds / 4.1 N•m. Aluminum 1A352524052
Ductile iron 1A560724052
7. When all Maintenance is complete, refer to the Steel 1A560724052
4* Diaphragm Case O-Ring, Nitrile (NBR) 17A2325X022
Startup and Adjustment section to put the 5 Diaphragm Case
regulator back into operation, and adjust the Aluminum 40B3084X012
pressure setting. Tighten the locknut (key 11), Ductile iron 30B3053X012
Steel 30B3104X012
and install the closing cap (key 28). 6 Boost Body, Aluminum 22B4767X012
7* O-Ring, Nitrile (NBR) 1E547706992
8 Stem Guide, Powdered metal 20B3061X012
9* Disk Assembly (for all orifice sizes)
Parts Ordering Aluminum holder and Nitrile (NBR) disk 1C4248X0212
303 Stainless steel holder and Nitrile (NBR) disk 1C4248X0202
When corresponding with your local Sales Office or 10 Stem, 416 Stainless steel 10B3059X012
representative about this regulator, reference the type 11* Stem O-Ring, Nitrile (NBR) 1D687506992
12* Stem Backup Ring, Polytetrafluoroethylene
number which is found on the nameplate. (PTFE) (2 required) 1K786806992
13 Hairpin Clip, Stainless steel 10B3058X012
When ordering replacement parts, reference the key 14 Drive Pin, Plated steel 1H3671X0012
number of each needed part as found in the following 15 Lever, Plated steel 20B3063X012
parts list. Separate kit containing all recommended 16 Lever Retainer, Plated steel 30B3097X012
17 Lever Pin, Stainless steel 10B3083X012
spare parts is available. 18 Lever Cap Screw, Plated steel (2 required) 10B7454X012
19A Pusher Post, Aluminum 20B3064X012
19B Drive Pin, Stainless steel 14B0382X012
*Recommended Spare Parts
Type 627F
TYPE 6351F
Key Description Part Number Parts Kit (included are keys 4, 6, 7, and 23) R6351X00012
Type 627F
34 63
32 10
54 L2
23 7
5 L2
24 6
L1 58
19 2
L2 14 17 16 L2 11 12 13 9
1. Lubricants must be selected such that they meet the temperature requirements.
*NLGI is the National Lubricating Grease Institute.
Type 627F
The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Fisher is a mark owned by Fisher Controls International LLC,
a business of Emerson Process Management.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or
guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such
products at any time without notice.
Emerson Process Management does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson
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©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2002, 2012; All Rights Reserved