Clinical Examination 4 Ediciòn
Clinical Examination 4 Ediciòn
Clinical Examination 4 Ediciòn
Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2008
© 1992 Gower Medical Publishing
© 1997 Times Mirror International Publishers Limited
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The fourth edition of Clinical Examination comes at a about health and illness, communication skills and the ability
time of momentous change in medical practice. Gone are to engage in a professional two-way discourse become
the white coats with their dog-eared pockets overflowing increasingly important. The changing emphasis in the
with all the paraphernalia of bedside examination. The clinical encounter is recognized throughout this edition
stethoscope, once peeping subtly from a pocket, in now with the first two chapters emphasizing the Calgary-
draped like a necklace, as much a fashion statement as a Cambridge schema of gathering information, examining the
tool of the trade. The spiral-bound notebook is giving way patient, explaining, planning and closing the consultation.
to the personal digital assistant, the pen for a stylus and For the first time, each chapter has been peer reviewed by
keyboard, and the evocative sound of the bleep is making both a primary care and hospital doctor and two general
way for the ringtones and soundscape of the mobile phone. practitioner authors have contributed chapters to the book.
In the consulting room, the fraying patient file, with its often Where necessary, changes have been made to reflect the
illegible testimony of the patient’s medical journey, is making increasing primacy of general practice and the emergence
way for the electronic patient record, displayed in legible of overlapping roles in modern healthcare practice.
type, and instantly retrievable from cyberspace. The principles that underpinned the first edition remain
The modern era is also blurring the traditional boundaries intact. Each of the systems chapters is introduced with an
which once clearly demarcated the doctor-patient overview of clinical anatomy and physiology. This provides
relationship. Where once the nurse primarily tended for a backdrop for describing history taking and the normal and
patients’ physical and emotional needs, highly trained abnormal examination, and the book spans the age range
practice nurses and nurse specialists now carry stethoscopes from infancy to old age. The text is lavishly illustrated to
and undertake clinical roles previously considered wholly provide a multimedia reading experience and the use of
doctor owned. With improved telecommunication, fax, colour coded icon boxes, including a new ‘red flag’ box,
Internet and email, even medical receptionists and provides quick access to summarized information and a
secretaries have to learn to respond to patients’ questions, revision resource for the ‘night before’ exams. The first two
concerns and needs. To all this is added the panoply chapters introduce the reader to history taking, the general
of new investigations including MRI, spiral CT scanning, examination and the principles of problem-orientated
virtual colonoscopy, virtual bronchoscopy and coronary records. The subsequent chapters are systems-based and
angiography, wireless capsule endoscopy, minimal access include the skin, nails and hair, ears, nose and throat,
surgery and a whole new frontier of genetic profiling respiratory, cardiovascular and abdominal systems, the
and targeted biological therapies. female and male genitalia, bones joints and muscle,
Where does this leave Clinical Examination? In this new neurology and finally, the examination of infants and
edition, the authors have reasserted the centrality and children.
importance of the face-to-face consultation in this fast- Over a decade, Clinical Examination has established
changing medical landscape. Perhaps it is more important its position as a leading text for medical students,
than ever for all those engaged in direct patient care to postgraduates, nurses, physiotherapists and a range of
remain closely connected with the patient’s story and other healthcare professionals. Clinical tutors have found
physical examination. There is no debate about the value of the book and its illustrations a particularly helpful source
skilled history taking and physical examination and its for teaching and learning. This latest edition consolidates its
importance in directing the patient journey and problem position as a rich resource to help learn and teach clinical
solving. Indeed, as patients become more knowledgeable skills in a rapidly changing modern era.
We wish to thank the following The figures listed below were derived
individuals and organisations for with permission from the following
generously providing illustrative material: sources:
Dr Philip Bardsley, Dr Russell Lane, Dr Mike Morgan, Dr Fig. 11.13 from R. B. Strub and F. William Black: The
P. H. McKee and Dr John Wales; Joan Slack, Dept of Clinical Mental Status Examination in Neurology (F A Davis Co);
Genetics, Royal Free NHS Trust (Figs 2.3–2.7, 2.9–2.16); Figs 11.16, 11.17, 11.19, 11.24–11.26, 11.28–11.41,
Dr Les Berger, Dept of Radiology, Royal Free NHS Trust 11.43–11.45, 11.50, 11.52, 11.62, 11.65) from David
(Figs 2.36, 2.37, 7.16a); Dr Malcolm Rustin (Figs 3.12, 3.15, Spalton: Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology (Gower Medical
3.23–3.26, 3.30, 3.31, 3.70–3.72); King’s College Hospital Publishing UK, 1984); Fig. 11.41 (right) from Haymaker,
(Figs 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.37, 3.39–3.43, 3.45–3.47, 3.54, Webb: Bing’s Local Diagnosis in Neurological Diseases, 15th
3.65, 3.73, 3.74) for slides reproduced from Anthony du edn (St Louis, The C V Mosby Co, 1989); Figs 11.46 and
Vivier: Atlas of Clinical Dermatology (Gower Medical 11.47 from J. S. Glaser: Neuro-ophthalmology (Harper &
Publishing UK, 1986); Professor Tony Wright (Figs 4.9, 4.12, Row); Figs 11.48 and 11.49 from R. John Leigh and David
4.13); Dr James Entwhistle for Figs 5.5–5.10; Dr C. Richards S. Zee: The Neurology of Eye Movement (F A Davis Co);
for Fig. 5.13; Dame Margaret Turner-Warwick et al (Figs 5.2, Fig. 11.106 from Drs J. W. Lance and J. G. McLeod: A
5.11, 5.12, 5.14, 5.20, 5.29) for slides reproduced from Physiological Approach to Clinical Neurology (Butterworths);
Clinical Atlas of Respiratory Diseases (Gower Medical Fig. 11.103 from Lord Walton of Detchant: Introduction to
Publishing UK, 1989); Professor Robert H. Anderson and Clinical Neuroscience, 2nd edn (Baillière Tindall Ltd);
Dr Sally P. Allwork (Figs 6.4, 6.6, 6.7) for slides reproduced Fig. 11.96 from Professor R. S. Snell: Clinical Neuroanatomy
form Cardiac Anatomy (Gower Medical Publishing UK, for Medical Students, 2nd edn (Little, Brown & Co); Figs
1980); Dr James S. Bingham (Figs 8.37, 8.43–8.46, 9.14, 11.104 and 11.105 from Dr V. B. Brooks: Neural Basis of
9.15, 9.29) for slides reproduced from Sexually Transmitted Motor Control (Oxford University Press); Fig. 11.134 from
Diseases (Gower Medical Publishing UK, 1984); Dr Paul A. ‘Somaesthetic Pathways’ Br Med Bull, 33, 113–120, 1977;
Dieppe et al (Figs 10.8, 10.9, 10.38, 10.42, 10.50–10.52, Fig. 11.142 from Professor Ian A. D. Bouchier CBE and
10.64, 10.66, 10.69, 10.75, 10.77, 10.78, 10.80, 10.81, J. S. Morris; Clinical Skills, 2nd edn (W B Saunders); Figs
10.91) for slides reproduced from Atlas of Clinical 11.150–11.152 from Dr F. Plum: Diagnosis of Stupor and
Rheumatology (Gower Medical Publishing UK, 1986); Mr Coma, 3rd edn (F A Davis Co). Figs 12.1, 12.15–12.26 and
David Spalton et al (Figs 11.24–11.28, 11.30–11.39, 11.52, 12.27 from Dr Caroline Fertleman, UCL Medical School; Figs
11.62, 11.64, 11.65) Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology 12.3a and b, 12.29, 12.30a–12.30j, 12.30l–12.30n, 12.31,
(Gower Medical Publishing UK, 1984). 12.32, 12.35–12.37 from Dr Heather Mackinnon,
Whittington Hospital. Growth charts reproduced with kind
permission of Castlemead Publications, Welwyn Garden
City; Figs 12.11 and 12.33 with kind permission from Dr T.
Lissauer: Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics (Mosby); Figs
12.42 and 12.45 from Clement Clarke.
General examination 20
Formal examination 21
Recognisable syndromes and facies 22 5. The respiratory system 105
Endocrine syndromes 27
John Cookson
The thyroid gland 27
The parathyroid glands 33 Structure and function 105
The adrenal glands 35 Symptoms of respiratory disease 112
The pituitary gland 38 General examination 120
Nutrition 40 Examination of the chest 125
Clinical assessment of vitamin status 43 Common patterns of abnormality 133
Clinical assessment of hydration 44
Clinical assessment of shock 44
Colour 45
Oedema 46 6. The heart and cardiovascular
Temperature and fever 49 system 139
The lymphatic system 50 Roby Rakhit
Structure and function 139
Electrical activity of the heart 144
3. Skin, hair and nails 57 Cardiac arrhythmias 145
Blood supply to the heart 148
Owen Epstein
The arterial system 151
Structure and function 57 The venous system 152
Symptoms of skin disease 59 Clinical history 152
Symptoms of hair disease 60 Occupation and family history 157
Symptoms of nail disease 61 Clinical examination of the cardiovascular
Examination of the skin, hair and nails 61 system 157
Skin infections 71 Examination of the jugular venous pulse 164
Skin manifestations of systemic disease 78 Palpation of the precordium 166
Nail disorders 79 Auscultation of the heart 167
Cardiovascular system and chest The hip 290
examination 173 The knee 295
Cardiovascular system and abdominal The ankle and foot 299
examination 173 Patterns of weakness in muscle diseases 303
Peripheral vascular system 174
Peripheral vascular disease 178
11. The nervous system 307
G. David Perkin
7. The abdomen 186
Owen Epstein The cortex 307
Examination 310
Structure and function 186 Clinical application 314
Symptoms of abdominal disorders 193
Examination of the abdomen 204 The psychiatric assessment 317
Examining the groin 220 Examination 319
Examining the anus, rectum and prostate 221 Clinical application 319
Headache and facial pain 320
8. Female breasts and genitalia 226
The cranial nerves 321
Owen Epstein
The olfactory (first) nerve 321
Structure and function 226
Breast structure and function 229 Examination 322
Symptoms of breast disease 230 Clinical application 322
Examination of the breast 231 The optic (second) nerve 322
Structure of the genital tract 235 Examination 323
Symptoms of genital tract disease 238 Clinical application 327
Examination of the female genital tract 242
Examination of the abdomen 242 The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens
Examining the external genitalia 243 (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 332
Examination of the vagina 244 Examination 337
Examination of the cervix 246 Clinical application 340
Internal examination of the uterus 248
The trigeminal (fifth) nerve 345
Examination 347
9. The male genitalia 252
Clinical application 349
Owen Epstein
The facial (seventh) nerve 349
Structure and function 252
Examination 350
Symptoms of genital tract disease 255
Clinical application 351
Examination of the male genitalia 257
The acoustic (eighth) nerve 353
10. Bone, joints and muscle 265 Examination and clinical application 354
G. David Perkin The glossopharyngeal (ninth) nerve 354
Structure and function 265 Examination 355
Symptoms of bone, joint and muscle Clinical application 355
disorders 267 The vagus (tenth) nerve 355
General principles of examination 269
GALS 272 Examination 355
Regional structure, function and Clinical application 356
examination 274 The accessory (eleventh) nerve 356
Temporomandibular joints 274 Examination 356
The spine 274 Clinical application 357
The shoulder 279
The elbow 282 The hypoglossal (twelfth) nerve 357
The forearm and wrist 283 Examination 357
The hand 286 Clinical application 358
The motor system 359
Examination 362
Clinical application 370
The cerebellar system 371
Examination 372
Clinical application 374
The sensory system 374
Examination 377
Clinical application 380
The unconscious patient 382
Examination 383
Clinical application 385
Index 421
User guide to icon boxes
Differential diagnosis
summarise the common cause of clinical abnormalities
outline the implications for history and examination of certain
clinical emergencies
Questions to ask
list the key questions to ask the patient to help reach a diagnosis
Red flag
represent those symptoms and signs which should be taken
particularly seriously and acted on urgently to rule out potentially
serious pathology; they are also useful in guiding a directed history/
examination if time is short
summarise the most important points to remember about the
examination of each body system
Risk factors
give the basic information on the risk factors associated with a
particular disease
Consultation, medical history
and record taking
The ability to take an accurate medical history from a Calgary–Cambridge approach. This identifies five main
patient is one of the core clinical skills and an essential stages in a consultation within a framework that provides
component of clinical competence. The medical interview structure and emphasises the importance of building a
or consultation influences the precision of diagnosis and good doctor–patient relationship.
treatment, and studies have indicated that over 80% of This chapter primarily addresses the first two stages:
diagnoses in general medical clinics are based on the initiating the session and gathering information. It
medical history. It is estimated that a doctor might outlines the basics of taking a medical history within
perform 200,000 consultations in a professional lifetime. a framework that is patient-centred and emphasises
All of which supports the need to learn and develop effective communication. In addition, it describes an
effective interviewing technique. approach to recording information from the consultation
The success of the medical consultation depends not in the clinical record.
only on the doctor’s clinical knowledge and interview
skills but also on the nature of the relationship that exists
between doctor and patient. For this reason, increasing
emphasis is being placed on communication skills
The consultation
alongside history-taking in medical training in order to
The medical consultation is the main opportunity for the
enhance the doctor–patient relationship and promote
doctor to explore the patient’s problems and concerns
more effective consultations. How we communicate is
and to start to identify the reasons for their ill health.
just as important as what we say. The patient needs to
Traditionally, medical history-taking has been based on
feel sufficiently at ease to disclose any problems and
a conventional medical model and assumed that disease
express any concerns, and to know they have been
can be fully accounted for by deviations from normal
understood by the doctor. The patient also needs to reach
biological function. It gave little consideration for the
a shared understanding with the doctor about the nature
social, psychological and behavioural dimensions of
of any illness and what is proposed to deal with it.
illness. Consequently, if a patient presented with a history
As well as being more supportive for patients, good
of headaches, for example, the doctor’s questions would
communication skills make history-taking more accurate
be focused mainly on trying to identify the abnormalities
and effective.
of pathophysiology that were causing the symptoms,
In any consultation, the doctor has a number of tasks
such as ‘Where does it hurt?’, ‘When did the headaches
to perform. Ideally, these should be undertaken in a
start?’, ‘What helps relieve the headaches?’.
structured way so as to maximise the efficiency and
Whilst abnormalities of pathophysiology are largely
effectiveness of the process. A number of consultation
common to everyone with the same disease, not everyone
models exist but an increasingly influential model is the
with the same disease experiences it in the same way.
The experiences of each person are unique because their
social, psychological and behavioural perspectives are
The Calgary–Cambridge schema
unique, and interact with abnormal pathophysiology to
• initiating the session cause each patient to experience illness in a very individual
• gathering information way. Thus, more recent approaches to medical consultation
• physical examination stress not just assessment of biomedical abnormality
• explanation and planning but also assessment of psychosocial issues. Questions to
• closing the session identify psychosocial perspectives could include: ‘What
most concerns you about your headaches?’, ‘What do
Fig. 1.3 For the bedside interview sit in a chair alongside the bed.
Fig. 1.1 The preferred seating arrangement when interviewing the Ensure that the patient is comfortable and is able to look at you
patient: you are physically closer to the patient, without any barrier. without straining.
to personal hygiene; make sure, for example, that your Symptoms and signs
hands and nails are clean.
Written summary of patient problems
‘Hello, my name is Jean Smith. I’m a medical student EXPLORATION OF THE PATIENT’S PROBLEMS
here at St Elsewhere and I wonder if I could speak You now need to explore each of the patient’s problems
to you about your condition? Your doctor, Dr Brown, in greater detail from both biomedical and psychosocial
has asked me to speak to you.’ perspectives. Gathering information on the patient’s
problems is one of the most important tasks to be
Communication consists not only of verbal discourse but mastered in medicine. The doctor must use a range of
also includes body language, especially facial expression skills to encourage the patient to tell their story as fully
and eye contact. The first contact should also be used to as possible whilst maintaining a degree of control and
obtain or confirm the patient’s name and to check how maintaining a structure in the collection of information.
they prefer to be called. Some people like to be addressed As the history emerges, the doctor must interpret the
by their first name, whilst others may prefer the use of symptom complex. The manner in which the interview is
their surname. conducted, the demeanour of the doctor and the type of
questions asked may have a profound effect on the
Identifying the problems and concerns information revealed by the patient. Obtaining all the
Begin by asking the patient to outline their problems relevant information from the patient can be crucial in
and concerns by using an open-ended question (e.g. helping to formulate a correct diagnosis.
‘Tell me, what has brought you to the doctor today?’). It is important that the patient feels that their welfare
Open-ended questions are designed to introduce an area is central to the doctor’s concern, that their story will be
of enquiry but allow the patient opportunity to answer listened to attentively, and that their information and
in their own way and shape the content of their views will be highly valued. Remember that most patients
response. Closed questions require a specific ‘yes’ or ‘no’ have no knowledge of anatomy, physiology or pathology
response. and it is very important to use appropriate language and
Remember that patients often have more than one avoid medical jargon.
concern they wish to raise and discuss. The order of their
problems may not relate to their importance from either
the patient’s or doctor’s perspective. It is therefore Symptoms and signs
particularly important in this opening phase not to
Five fundamental questions you are trying to
interrupt the patient as this might inhibit the disclosure extract for the history
of important information. Research has shown that
doctors often fail to allow patients to complete their • From which organ(s) do the symptoms arise?
opening statements uninterrupted and yet, when allowed • What is the likely cause?
to proceed without interruption, most people do so in • Are there any predisposing or risk factors?
less then 60 seconds. • Are there any complications?
Once the problems have been identified, it is worth • What are the patient’s ideas, concerns and
reflecting on whether you have understood the patient expectations?
correctly; this can be achieved by repeating a summary
back to them. It is also good practice to check for
additional concerns: ‘Is there anything else you would
like to discuss?’ You may write down a summary of the During the interview it is usual to use a combination
patient’s comments, but constantly maintain eye contact of open-ended and closed questions. Normally, open
and avoid becoming too immersed in writing (or using a questions are more commonly asked at the start of the
computer keyboard). An example of what you may have interview with closed questions asked later, as information
written at this stage is shown in the ‘symptoms and signs’ gathering becomes more focused in an attempt to elicit
box below. more detail.
Questions to ask
has been necessary to alleviate the pain, whether the pain
interferes with work or other activities and whether the
Examples of open and closed questions
pain wakes the patient from sleep. It is difficult to assess
Open questions pain severity. Offering a patient a numerical score
• Tell me about your headaches. for pain, from ‘0’ for no pain to ‘10’ for excruciating
• What concerns you most about your headaches? pain, may provide a quantitative assessment of the
Closed questions symptom.
• Is the headache present when you wake up?
• Does the headache affect your eyesight?
Symptoms and signs
Pain assessment
• Type
It is also useful to summarise a reflection of the
• Site
information you have gathered at various times in the
• Spread
consultation: ‘So Mrs Smith, if I have understood you
• Periodicity or constancy
correctly, your headaches started two months ago and
• Relieving factors
were initially once a week but now occur almost every
• Exacerbating factors
day. You feel them worse over the back of the head.’ This
• Associated symptoms
is helpful not just because it allows you an opportunity
to check whether you have understood the patient
correctly, but can also provide a stimulus for them to give
further information and clarification. PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE
Information on psychosocial implications of a problem
BIOMEDICAL PERSPECTIVE requires questions to be asked about a person’s ideas,
Questions on the biomedical perspective should seek to concerns, expectations and the effect of the problem on
clarify the sequence of events and help inform an analysis their quality of life. For example, if you wanted to explore
of the cause of the symptoms. a patient’s psychosocial perspectives of their headaches,
Symptoms from an organ system have a typical location potential questions include those listed in the ‘questions
and character: chest pain may arise from the heart, lungs, to ask’ box.
oesophagus or chest wall but the localisation and
character differs. Establish the location of the symptom,
its mode of onset, its progression or regression, its Questions to ask
character, aggravating or relieving factors and associated To explore a patient’s psychosocial perspectives of
symptoms. their headaches
readily. Frequent job changes or chronic unemployment helpful. Certain questions may reveal dependency
may reflect both socioeconomic circumstances and the without asking the patient to specify consumption. Ask
patient’s personality. It is useful to enquire about specific about early morning nausea, vomiting and tremulousness,
stress in the workplace, such as bullying or the fear of which are typical features of dependency. Ask whether
unemployment. they ever drink alone, when they first wake up in the
morning, or during the course of the day as well as in the
Tobacco consumption Patients usually give a fairly
evenings. Do they have alcohol-free days?
accurate account of their smoking. Ask what form of
tobacco they consume and for how long they have been Foreign travel
smoking. If they previously smoked, when did they stop
Ask the patient about recent foreign travel. If so, determine
and for how long did they abstain?
the countries visited and, if the patient has returned from
Alcohol consumption Unlike smoking, alcohol history an area where malaria is endemic, ask about adequate
is often inaccurate with a tendency to underestimate prophylaxis for the appropriate period.
intake. Many patients consider beer and wine to be less
alcoholic than spirits. Establish the type of alcohol the Home circumstances
patient consumes and assess their intake in units. At this stage in the interview, it is useful to ascertain how
the patient was coping until the onset of the illness. The
issue is particularly relevant for elderly patients and
Symptoms and signs individuals with poor domestic and social support
Units of alcohol equivalents networks. Do they live alone? Do they have any support
1 unit is equal to systems provided by either the community or family? If
• 1
/2 a pint of beer the patient’s condition has been present for some time,
• 1 glass of sherry determine the effect on daily living. For example, in
• 1 glass of wine a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
• 1 standard measure of spirits Is work still possible? Can the patient climb stairs? If
not, what provisions are required for maintaining
independence? Can the patient attend to personal needs
such as bathing, shaving and cooking? What assistance
If the patient is vague, ask how long a bottle of wine may be on hand during the day or at night? What effects
or spirits might last or the amount they drank over a does the illness have on the financial status of the
specific recent time period (e.g. yesterday or over the last family?
week). Alcohol-dependent patients often deny when
questioned about alcohol consumption and a third party
history from friends and family is often revealing and PAST MEDICAL HISTORY
Patients recall their medical history with varying degrees
of detail and accuracy. Some provide a meticulous history,
Risk factors whilst others need reminding. You can jog a patient’s
Travel-related risks memory by asking if they have ever been admitted to
hospital or undergone a surgical procedure, including
Viral diseases
caesarean sections in women. If the patient mentions
• hepatitis A, B and C
specific illnesses or diagnoses, explore them in more
• yellow fever
detail. For example, if a patient mentions migraine, ask
• rabies
for a full description of the attacks so that you can decide
• polio
whether or not the label is correct.
Bacterial diseases
• salmonella Drug history
• shigella Many patients do not know the names of their medication
• enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and it is useful to ask for the labelled bottles or a written
• cholera medicines list. Remember to ask about nonprescription
• meningitis medicines: NSAIDs commonly cause dyspepsia and
• tetanus codeine-containing analgesics cause constipation. Ask
• Lyme disease about the duration of medication. Remember that
Parasite and protozoan diseases iatrogenic disease is very common and always consider
• malaria drug-related side effects in the differential diagnosis.
• schistosomiasis Ask women of reproductive age about their choice of
• trypanosomiasis contraceptive and postmenopausal women about
• amoebiasis hormone replacement therapy. Ask about, and record,
drug allergies.
Systems review 1
At this point, it is useful to enquire sensitively about the frequency by beating out the rhythm with a hand?
the use of illicit drugs. This will be influenced by the Do any other symptoms appear such as dizziness, fainting
patient’s age and background; few 80-year-olds smoke or loss of consciousness at or around the time of the
pot or eat magic mushrooms! Broach the subject by palpitation?
first asking about marijuana, LSD and amphetamine
derivatives. If the response suggests exposure, enquire RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
about the use of the harder drugs such as cocaine and
heroin. Cough
Cough is difficult to quantify, particularly if dry. Does the
cough wake the patient from sleep? If productive, assess
Systems review the volume of sputum produced, using a standard
measure like an egg cupful as a reference point. Is the
The other major element of background information sputum mucoid (white or grey) or purulent (yellow or
gathering is to undertake a review of the body’s main green)?
systems. A systems review can provide an opportunity to Haemoptysis
identify symptoms or concerns that the patient may have
failed to mention in the history. Before focusing on If the patient has coughed up blood, ask whether this
individual systems ask some general questions about the is blood staining of the sputum or more conspicuous
patient’s health. Is the patient sleeping well? If not, is frank bleeding. Is it a recent event, or has it happened
there a problem getting to sleep or a tendency to wake periodically over a more prolonged period? Did it follow
in the middle of the night or in the early hours of the a particularly violent bout of coughing? Was it a definite
morning? Has there been weight loss, fevers, rashes or cough or was it vomited (haematemesis)? Was it
night sweats? The questions surrounding the presenting associated with pleuritic chest pain or breathlessness?
complaint will often have completed the systematic Wheezing
enquiry for that organ and there is no need to repeat
questions already asked; simply indicate ‘see above’ in Is the wheezing constant or intermittent, and are there
the notes. Develop a routine to avoid missing out a trigger factors such as exercise? If the patient is using
particular system. bronchodilators, determine the dosage and the frequency
of use.
Systems review 1
Loss of coordination
CRANIAL NERVE SYMPTOMS Few patients with a cerebellar syndrome will describe
Vision their problem as loss of coordination. Some will complain
of clumsiness, others will simply refer to the problem as
Ask about any visual disturbances. Do these take the weakness. When assessing the loss of limb coordination,
form of visual loss or positive symptoms such as it is useful to ask the patient about everyday activities
scintillations or shimmerings? Most patients assume that such as writing, fastening buttons and using eating
the right eye is concerned with vision to the right and utensils. Ask the patient about the sense of balance. Does
the left eye with vision to the left. Consequently, few the patient tend to deviate to a particular side or in either
will cover-test during attacks of visual disturbance direction? Has the patient had falls as a consequence of
to determine whether the problem is monocular or any imbalance?
binocular. Ask whether the patient has cover-tested
before labelling the account of the visual symptoms.
Is the visual disturbance transient and reversible, ENDOCRINE HISTORY
or continuous? Is it accompanied or followed by The history may provide clues to endocrine disease.
headache? Diabetes mellitus is characterised by weight loss,
polydipsia and polyuria. An overactive thyroid is suggested In addition, the history may only be complete with a visit
by recent onset heat intolerance, weight loss with to the patient’s home.
increased appetite, irritability and palpitations. An
The hostile patient
underactive thyroid is suggested by constipation, weight
gain, altered skin texture, recent-onset cold tolerance and If a patient is hostile to your attempts to take a history,
depression. back off with dignity and use the experience to try and
analyse the reasons for the reaction. The reaction may
reflect anger at being ill, separated from family and work,
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM and the doctor or student provides an easy target for the
Has the patient experienced bone or joint pain? Has joint emotion. You may wish to conclude the interview,
pain been accompanied by swelling, tenderness or although you may feel it reasonable to question the
redness? Is the pain confined to a single joint or is it more patient gently about their anger and use the encounter
diffuse? Does the pain predominate on waking or does to restore trust and confidence, allowing you to explore
it appear as the relevant joint is used (e.g. in walking)? the history more formally. If the hostility persists,
Is there a history of trauma to the affected joint and is terminate the interview and discuss the problem with the
there a family history of joint disease? family. Involve another member of the medical or nursing
staff to act as witness.
History-taking in the presence of students
Has the patient noticed any rashes? What is the truncal Occasionally, patients find the presence of a group of
and appendicular distribution? Was the rash accompanied students intimidating or an infringement of confidentiality.
by itching? Is there a potential occupational risk of a Although most often an explanation of their presence
chemical contact dermatitis? Enquire about recent change will satisfy the patient, it may be appropriate to leave
in cosmetics which might have provoked a skin reaction. the consultation and allow the patient to continue the
Have metal bracelets or necklaces caused the rash (nickel consultation privately (Fig. 1.6).
allergy)? Does the patient wear protective gloves when Time considerations
using washing up liquid?
The limited time allocated to a consultation might
preclude a full history-taking, and part of the expertise of
DOCUMENTING THE FINDINGS a skilled consulter is the ability to adapt and manage the
interview in the face of time or other constraints. The
It is essential that all the relevant information from the
interview should be efficiently choreographed to maximise
patient interview is accurately recorded in the notes.
the patient’s communication of important and relevant
Deciding what is relevant can be difficult, but, if in any
information. Judgement about which information is
doubt, err on the side of inclusion. A specimen case
relevant can be difficult, and sometimes seemingly
history is illustrated in Figure 1.5.
insignificant details can subsequently prove important to
patient management. It is important to be competent and
PARTICULAR PROBLEMS familiar with the approaches outlined in this and following
chapters even if time constraints make it difficult to apply.
The patient with depression or dementia
It is also important to recognise which symptoms and
It is useful to couple these clinical problems as both signs necessitate prompt or urgent action. To help with
can cause the patient to appear withdrawn and this, Emergency boxes and Red flag boxes can be found
uncommunicative. Patients with depression may dwell throughout the book. Emergency boxes identify those
on symptoms such as insomnia and appetite loss and clinical situations in which immediate action is necessary,
there may be a reluctance to discuss mood or mood whereas Red flag boxes identify symptoms and signs
change. Determine whether there has been any suicidal that necessitate urgent referral for assessment and
intent. Patients with dementia initially retain some insight investigation.
and in particular may have reasonable memory of distant
events. However, recent recall, orientation for ‘person,
place and time’ and logical thought patterns may be Recording the medical interview
obviously dysfunctional. A characteristic feature of
Alzheimer’s dementia is loss of insight and failure of the Almost every encounter between doctor (or student) and
patient to recognise their memory loss. This contrasts patient involves recording information. The initial record
with senile dementias in which the patient is often will include a detailed history and examination, the
concerned at their memory loss. When depression or problem list and plans for investigation and treatment.
dementia interferes with history-taking, family, friends Whenever the results of investigations become available,
and carers become crucially important in the assessment. this new information is added to the record and, at each
Patient history
Fig. 1.5 A specimen case history taken from a student’s notes. Note the brief summary at the end, the writing of which gives useful practice
in the art of condensing a substantial volume of information.
History Examination
Problem list
events or illnesses that may otherwise have been (problems that have resolved or require no action but
overlooked. may be important at some stage in the patient’s present
or future management). An entry of ‘Peptic ulcer (2006)’
THE EXAMINATION in the ‘inactive’ column will provide a reminder to
someone considering the use of a nonsteroidal anti-
The examination may confirm or refute a diagnosis
inflammatory (NSAID) drug in a patient presenting at a
suspected from the history and by adding this information
later date with arthritis. The problem list is dynamic and
to the database you will be able to construct a more
the page is designed to allow you to shift problems
accurate problem list. Like the history, the examination
between the active and inactive columns (Fig. 1.9).
is structured to record both positive and negative findings
Your entries into the problem list may include
in detail.
established diagnoses (e.g. ulcerative colitis), symptoms
(e.g. dyspnoea), psychosocial concerns (e.g. concern that
THE PROBLEM LIST they will die of stomach cancer like their brother), physical
The problem list is fundamental to the POMR. The entries signs (e.g. ejection systolic murmur), laboratory tests
provide a record of all the patient’s important health- (e.g. anaemia), family and social history (e.g. carer for
related problems, both biomedical and psychosocial. The partner, unemployment) or special risk factors (e.g.
master problem list is placed at the front of the medical smoking, alcohol or narcotic abuse). The diagnostic level
record and each entry is dated (Fig. 1.8). This date refers at which you make the entry depends on the information
to the time of the entry, not the date when the patient available at a particular moment. Express the problem at
first noted the problem (this can be indicated in brackets the highest possible level but update the list if new
alongside the problem). The dates entered into the findings alter or refine your understanding of the problem.
problem list not only provide a chronology of the patient’s The problem list is designed to accommodate change;
health-related problems but also a ‘table of contents’ consequently, it is not necessary to delete an entry once
which serves the medical record. Using the entry date as a higher level of diagnosis (or understanding) is reached.
a reference, there should be no difficulty finding the For example, a patient may present with the problems of
original entry in the notes. In addition to providing a jaundice, anorexia and weight loss. This information will
summary and index, the problem list also assists the be entered into the problem list (Fig. 1.8). If, a few days
development of management plans. later, serological investigation confirms that the patient
was suffering from type A viral hepatitis, this new level
Setting up the problem list
of diagnosis can be entered on a new line in the block
Divide the problems into those that are active (i.e. those reserved for active problem 1 (Fig. 1.9). Other problems
requiring active management) and those that are inactive explained by the diagnosis (anorexia and weight loss)
stutter 9/1/07
should be amended with an arrow and asterisk to indicate that may aid the diagnosis. There are a large number
the connection with the solved problem. At this point, of special tests that may be applicable to a particular
viral hepatitis represents the highest level of diagnosis. problem; therefore, it is useful to evolve a general
Once the disease has resolved, an arrow to the opposite framework for investigation and to adapt this to each
‘inactive’ column will indicate the point during follow-up problem. You can construct a logical flow of investigations
that the doctor noted return of the liver tests to normal by considering bedside tests, side-ward tests, plain
(Fig. 1.9). Unexpected problems may become evident in radiographs, ultrasound, blood tests and specialised
the course of investigation (e.g. hypercholesterolaemia) imaging examinations (Fig. 1.11).
and these are added to the problem list.
Monitoring tests (Mx)
The problem list should be under constant review to
ensure that the entries are accurate and up-to-date. Monitoring information charts the patient’s progress.
Consider whether a particular problem can be monitored
and, if so, document the appropriate tests and the
INITIAL PROBLEM-RELATED PLANS frequency with which they should be performed to
The POMR offers a structured approach to the provide a meaningful flow of information.
management of a patient’s problems. By constructing the
Treatment (Rx)
problem list you will have clearly defined problems
requiring active management (i.e. investigation and Consider each problem in turn with a view to deciding
treatment), so it should be reasonably easy to develop a on a treatment strategy. If drug treatment is indicated,
management plan (Fig. 1.10) by considering four headings note the drug and dosage. Include a plan for monitoring
(see below); all or only some of these headings may be both side effects and the effectiveness of treatment.
applicable to a particular problem.
Education (Ed)
Diagnostic tests (Dx)
An important component of your patient’s management
Enter the differential next to each problem. Adjacent to is education and sharing information and decisions.
each of the possible diagnoses, enter the investigation Patients are able to cope better with their illness if they
7 stutter 9/1/07
9 9/1/07
duodenal ulcer (1996)
10 hypercholesterolaemia 13/1/07
Fig. 1.9 Problem list updated to 14 February 2007, indicating the diagnosis of hepatitis A on 13 January and return of liver tests to normal by
14 February. The anorexia and weight loss are readily explained by the hepatitis; these problems are arrowed to indicate the relationship to
problem 1 (hepatitis*). Note that the haemorrhoids were diagnosed on 11 January and this problem became ‘inactive’ when banding was
performed on 1 February. The patient’s fears re colon cancer resolved when the diagnosis and causes of symptoms were explained. When the
biochemical tests were returned on 13 January, hypercholesterolaemia was diagnosed for the first time and this was entered into the problem
list on the same day. On 14 February, four unresolved problems remained.
understand its nature, its likely course and the effect of Objective (O)
treatment, and management is most effective when
Record any change in physical signs and investigations
patients are involved in decisions about their care. By
that may influence diagnosis, monitoring or treatment.
including this heading in your plans, you will be reminded
of the need to talk to your patient about the illness and Assessment (A)
involve them in decisions, and encouraged to develop
Comment on whether the subjective and objective
an educational plan for your overall management
information has confirmed or altered your assessment
and plans.
The POMR provides a disciplined and standardised After making the assessment, and in discussion with the
structure to follow-up notes. These should be succinct patient, consider whether any modification of the original
and brief, focusing mainly on change. There are four plan is needed. Structure this section according to the
headings to guide you through the progress note headings listed earlier (Dx, Mx, Rx and Ed).
(Fig. 1.12). If there is no subjective or objective change from one
visit to the next, simply record ‘No change in assessment
Subjective (S)
or plans’.
Record any change in the patient’s symptoms and, when
necessary, comment on compliance with a particular FLOW CHARTS
regimen (e.g. stopping smoking) or tolerance of drug Clinical investigations and measurements are often
treatment. repeated to monitor the course of acute or chronic illness.
Problem-related plans
Problem Monitor
Problem Treatment
jaundice bed-rest
anorexia encourage calorific intake (favourite foods)
weight loss special high calorific drink supplements
recurrent rectal bleeding treat cause
(haemorrhoids or tumour) seek surgical opinion
smoking encourage relaxation and stress management
unemployed arrange meeting with social worker
concern recancer discuss concerns, advise refindings of tests and reassure
Problem Education
Fig. 1.10 Example of a problem-related plan after the creation of a problem list (Dx, diagnostic tests; Mx, monitoring tests; Rx, treatments;
Ed, education.)
For example, patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis are relevant to medical record systems in general. The
require frequent checks of blood sugar, urea, electrolytes, POMR encourages all the members of the healthcare
blood pH, urine output and central venous pressure. team to standardise their approach to record-keeping.
In chronic renal failure, the course of the disease and This, in turn, enhances communication and guarantees
its treatment is monitored by repeated measurements that everybody involved in the patient’s care can
of blood urea and electrolytes, creatinine, creatinine contribute to the medical biography. Furthermore, careful
clearance, haemoglobin and body weight. A flow sheet structuring of the problem list, care plans and follow-up
is convenient for recording these data in a format that, at notes encourages logical, disciplined thinking and ensures
a glance, provides a summary of trends and progress (Fig. that the record is comprehensive and accurate. The
1.13). Graphs may be equally revealing (Fig. 1.14) and POMR approach to record-keeping counteracts the
are now often prepared automatically in computerised tendency for the ‘weight’ of a single problem to overwhelm
notes. and to distract from other subsidiary but potentially
important problems.
Peer review and medical audit have become an integral
ADVANTAGES OF THE POMR part of quality assurance and continuing medical
Whilst the POMR may not be followed in all health care education. The structure of the POMR exposes the
settings, its underlying principles represent qualities that clinician’s and patient’s thoughts and their decision-
13/1/07 S – feels considerably better, appetite improving Clinical notes contain confidential information and it is
O – transaminase levels and bilirubin falling important that you protect this confidentiality. Ensure
IgM antibody to hepatitis A positive that there is control over access to the medical record and
sigmoidoscopy: bleeding haemorrhoids that only individuals directly involved in the patient’s
A – resolving hepatitis A care should read or write in the notes. Computerised
rectal bleeding in young patient likely notes should be password protected. In certain
to be haemorrhoids circumstances special security may be necessary. Patients
P – reassess patient, explain hepatitis A with HIV infection and AIDS and individuals attending
consider discharge if next set of liver tests
show sustained improvement; ask surgeon sexually transmitted or psychiatric clinics may have a
to consider treating haemorrhoids separate set of clinical notes that are maintained distinct
recheck cholesterol in 3 months from the general medical records. Access to these
reassure re no evidence of cancer found classified records is usually restricted to doctors working
in that department and the notes never leave the area of
Fig. 1.12 Example of follow-up notes.
the specialist unit.
serum bilirubin
10 20 30 40 50 60
The history
The general examination
The dividing line between the history and examination is 10–15 min, although if you discover an abnormality,
artificial. The examination really begins from the moment considerably more time will be spent refining the findings.
you set eyes on the patient. During the course of the From the outset you should aim to choreograph an
history you will examine the patient’s intellect, personality, economical, aesthetic and complete examination.
family and genetic background, as well as gather
information on the presenting complaint and medical
history. In addition, you will have the opportunity to General examination
assess speech, orientation for person, place and time, and
mood (affect). Throughout the history and examination The general examination permits you to obtain an
you should sense information from the patient’s unspoken overview of the general state of health and provides an
body language. These physical signs are rarely taught, opportunity to examine systems that do not fall neatly
although the patient’s body language may provide many into a regional examination. For the patient, the general
useful signs. The patient’s facial expression and tone of examination is also a gentle introduction to the more
voice often impart more information than verbal intense systems examination to follow.
communication. Hunched shoulders, a slow gait and
poor eye contact may convey a reluctant patient, unable
or unwilling to confront or expose anxieties or fears. FIRST IMPRESSIONS
Facial expression, tone of voice and body attitude may The examination commences as the patient walks into
signal depression, even if the patient does not complain the consulting room or as you sit down at the bedside to
of feeling depressed. Try to look, listen and then write, take a history. At this first encounter, even before you
this will give you the opportunity to see, as well as listen initiate the history, decide whether the patient looks
to, the patient’s complaints. well or not and whether there is any striking physical
The formal physical examination follows on from the abnormality. You will also gain an immediate impression
history and calls on your major senses of sight, touch and of dress, grooming and personal hygiene.
hearing. Inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation As the patient approaches you in the consulting or
form the foundation of the physical examination and this examination room, observe the posture, gait and character
formula is repeated each time you examine an organ of the stride. Diseases of nerves, muscles, bones and
system. The otoscope and ophthalmoscope extend your joints are associated with abnormal gaits and postures.
vision into the ear and eye, respectively, whereas the You should quickly recognise the slow shuffling gait and
stethoscope provides an amplification system to help you ‘pill rolling’ tremor of Parkinson’s disease or the unsteady
listen to the heart, lung and bowel sounds. With the help broad-based gait of the ataxic patient. Patients with
of technology, we are now able to extend our vision deep proximal muscle weakness may have difficulty rising
into the body: radiographs (including computerised axial from the waiting room chair and their gait may have a
tomography scanning), ultrasound, magnetic resonance waddling appearance. Patients with osteoporosis lose
imaging and fibreoptics greatly broaden our powers of height as the vertebrae progressively collapse: you may
observation. be struck by the typically stooped (kyphotic) appearance
The physical examination begins with a general and ‘round shoulders’ of these patients. Take note if the
examination and is followed by examination of the skin, patient walks with a stick or some form of additional
head and neck, heart and lungs, abdominal organs, physical support. A white stick indicates partial or
musculoskeletal and neurological systems. With practice complete blindness. The gait also conveys body language:
it is possible to perform the ‘routine’ examination in the patient may have a spring in the step, make rapid eye
Formal examination 2
Formal examination
Fig. 2.1 The handshake serves as a gentle introduction to the
physical contact that will occur during the formal physical On completion of the history, prepare the patient for
examination. the formal examination. Always remain sensitive to the
apprehension most patients feel when laid out naked on
contact and immediately offer a firm handshake. This the examination couch or bed. Imagine yourself in that
contrasts with the patient with drooping shoulders and position, confronted by a near stranger who is about to
a slow (but otherwise normal) step who avoids eye inspect, palpate, percuss and auscultate your body – a
contact. daunting thought. The history should already have
When making your initial acquaintance with the provided you with the opportunity to build a confident
patient, a warm handshake serves a number of functions professional relationship with the patient. It is a cultural
(Fig. 2.1). The touching of hands may reassure the patient and established fact that it is quite acceptable for a doctor
and serve as a gentle and symbolic introduction to to undertake a comprehensive physical examination,
the more intimate physical contact of the examination although remain sensitive to some cultural norms
that follows the history. Before shaking hands, glance where same-sex examinations might be preferable. This
momentarily at the hand to ensure that you will not be acceptance usually extends to medical students who can
grabbing a prosthesis or deformed hand. A well-made be reassured that most patients welcome students and
prosthesis may cause considerable embarrassment as you recognise their need to learn the examination technique.
suddenly realise that the hand you are shaking is hard Explain the necessity of undertaking a full physical
and lifeless. You may also note other abnormalities such examination. The examination adds information to the
as a potentially painful rheumatoid hand or missing clinical database and a thorough examination provides
fingers. The grip of the handshake usually provides considerable reassurance to the patient.
some useful information. A normal grip conveys different
information from a weak, lethargic handshake, which
may imply distal muscle weakness, general ill-health or
depression. The handshake is a useful physical sign in
Differential diagnosis
patients with myotonia dystrophica, a rare autosomal
Growth failure
dominant inherited disease of muscle. A feature of this
disease is the abnormally slow relaxation of the grip on Genetic
completion of the handshake. The syndrome is also • Achondroplasia
characterised by premature frontal balding, testicular • Turner’s syndrome
atrophy and cataracts. • Down’s syndrome
On first contact with the patient, you may be struck Constitutional
by an unusual physical stature. Unusually short stature • Family members who have short stature
may reflect constitutional shortness, a distinct genetic
syndrome or the consequence of intrauterine, childhood
• Hypopituitarism
or adolescent growth retardation. Unusually tall stature
• Hypothyroidism
is most often constitutional, although hypothalamic
tumours in childhood or adolescence may cause excessive Systemic disease
growth hormone release, resulting in abnormally rapid • Crohn’s disease
linear growth and gigantism. If excess growth hormone • Ulcerative colitis
release occurs after the bony epiphyses have fused, body • Renal failure
shape changes (acromegaly). Severe malnutrition and Malnutrition
obesity are readily recognised on the first encounter with • Intrauterine growth retardation
a patient. • Marasmus
In hospitalised patients, posture may provide helpful • Kwashiorkor
information. Patients with acute pancreatitis find some
A separate examination room or adequate screening Fig. 2.2 The position of the patient at the start of the examination.
should be provided to ensure privacy while the patient is
undressing and being examined. The room should be
comfortably warm. Ensure that there are fresh sheets respiratory or cardiac disease, therefore, you should gear
(either linen or disposable) and a clean blanket for cover. the examination towards determining which of these
The examination couch should be positioned to allow possibilities is responsible for the symptoms.
you to examine from the patient’s right side and there Begin with an inspection of overall appearance.
must be good general illumination. You should be
fully equipped to undertake the examination without
disruption. Ensure you have a working penlight torch Symptoms and signs
and stethoscope. Close at hand there must be a
Observation of general appearance
sphygmomanometer, ophthalmoscope, otoscope, tongue
depressors and disposable gloves (for genital and rectal • Does the patient look comfortable or distressed?
examination). Basic equipment for the neurological • Is the patient well or ill?
examination should be available. This includes a patellar • Is there a recognisable syndrome?
hammer, tuning fork, cotton wool buds, an appropriate • Is the patient well nourished?
object for testing pin-prick responses, test tubes to fill • Is the patient well hydrated?
with hot and cold water for temperature testing, and hat
pins with red and white tops to assess visual fields. A
cupful of drinking water should also be available, as you
may ask the patient to swallow a mouthful to check for
a thyroid goitre or other neck swelling.
Recognisable syndromes and facies
As you approach the patient, re-establish both verbal
When inspecting the face, you might be struck by a single
and eye contact. You may ask the patient whether they
sign such as a red eye or the characteristic facies associated
feel comfortable and are prepared for the examination.
with discrete syndromes.
Start the examination with the patient supine and the
head and shoulders raised to approximately 45° above
the horizontal. Most modern examination couches and THE EYE
hospital beds are designed to allow easy adjustment of The history might be helpful in distinguishing possible
the upper body. Most of the examination takes place with causes of the red eye. Ask about duration, previous
the patient comfortably resting in this position (Fig. 2.2). attacks, pain (and its character), photophobia and possible
Three further adjustments will be made in the course of direct causes of traumatic damage. It is useful to
the examination. When auscultating the mitral area of
the heart it is helpful to roll the patient towards the left
lateral position as this brings the apex closer to the Questions to ask
stethoscope. To examine the neck, posterior chest, back
Red eyes
and spine you will ask the patient to sit forward. For
assessing the abdomen, reposition the patient to lie flat, • Is red eye painful or painless?
as this provides optimal access for the abdominal • Is vision affected? Can the patient read ordinary
examination. Plan the examination to ensure the most print with the affected eye(s)?
economical movements for both you and the patient. • Is there foreign body sensation?
Following the history, reflect on which physical signs • Is there photophobia?
may help you confirm or refine your initial assessment. • Is there a discharge other than tears?
Anticipation of physical signs will help you to direct and • Was there trauma?
focus the examination. For example, if a patient complains • Are you a contact lens wearer?
of breathlessness, you may anticipate anaemia or
distinguish the sensation of a foreign body from less peering through a small hole. In nonrefractive disorders,
specific symptoms such as ‘grittiness’ and ‘itching’. A improvement does not occur.
foreign body sensation feels as if there is something in Next, use a penlight to inspect the pupils and anterior
the eye and is associated with some difficulty opening the segment. In angle closure glaucoma the pupil may be
eye. This symptom is characteristic of an active corneal fixed in mid-dilation and may not respond to light. In
process causing the red eye. corneal abrasion, acute keratitis and iritis, the pupil might
be pinpoint. A purulent discharge suggests bacterial
conjunctivitis or keratitis. The pattern of redness might
Differential diagnosis be helpful. Diffuse injection of both the palpebral and
Main causes of red eye bulbar conjunctivae suggests primary conjunctival
disorders (bacterial, viral, allergic, toxic or associated with
• Conjunctivitis (infective, allergic, toxic)
dry eyes). In contrast, more serious disorders such as
• Keratitis (infective, foreign body, sicca syndrome)
keratitis, iritis and angle closure glaucoma present with
• Acute closed angle glaucoma
a ‘ciliary flush’ with injection most marked at the limbus
• Iritis
(the sclerocorneal junction). A white spot or opacity on
• Subconjunctival haemorrhage
the cornea indicates keratitis and further slit-lamp
examination with fluorescein is required to delineate the
lesion. Hypopyon is seen as a layer of pus in the anterior
Begin the examination by inspecting the eyes. In lid chamber and is associated with infectious keratitis,
and conjunctival disorders, there is no foreign body acute iritis and endophthalmitis and is an ophthalmic
sensation or photophobia and the patient sits in a brightly emergency. Hyphaema refers to the presence of a layer
lit room without discomfort. In bacterial conjunctivitis the of blood in the anterior compartment and is usually
patient complains of pussy discharge (especially in the caused by injury. Subconjunctival haemorrhage is painless
morning on waking) and this might be seen on inspection. and characterised by demarcated areas of extravasated
A foreign body sensation (rather than gritty or itchy blood which resolves in 1–2 weeks.
sensation) is typical of active corneal disease. In infectious
keratitis the patient has difficulty keeping the affected eye
open, and a similar sign occurs with contact lens abrasion.
Red flag – urgent referral
Patients with iritis may present with difficulty keeping
the eye open and some photophobia but without the Indications for emergency referral to
complaint of a foreign body sensation. In acute angle
closure glaucoma the patient often clutches the affected • Unilateral red eye which is painful with nausea and
eye and complains of associated headache and malaise. vomiting (e.g. acute glaucoma)
Visual acuity may be affected in red eye and should be • Associated loss of vision
assessed. The pinhole test helps distinguish refractive • Corneal infiltrate or hypopion
errors from other causes of visual loss. In refractive visual
disturbances (e.g. myopia), vision is improved when
Fig. 2.4 Turner’s syndrome: typical facial Fig. 2.5 Marfan’s syndrome. Fig. 2.6 Tuberous sclerosis: flecks of white
appearance, webbed neck and widely hair.
spaced nipples.
• Epilepsy
• Cognitive impairment (67%)
• Skin lesions (facial adenoma sebaceum, shagreen
patch, fibromas near toenails and eyebrows)
• Flecks of white hair
• Retinal haemorrhages
Fig. 2.9 Peutz–Jeghers syndrome: freckles on lips. Fig. 2.10 Peutz–Jeghers syndrome: pigmentation of the buccal
• Cochlear deafness
• Frontal white lock of hair
• Wide-set eyes
• Different coloured irises (heterochromia)
• White eyelashes
• Piebaldism
Fig. 2.14 Familial hypercholesterolaemia: tendon xanthomas. Fig. 2.15 Familial hypercholesterolaemia: tendon xanthomas.
parathyroid gland
thyroid gland
adrenal gland
pancreas (insulin)
Fig. 2.16 Familial hypercholesterolaemia: skin xanthomas.
manubrium isthmus of
of the thyroid gland
Fig. 2.19 Anatomy of the thyroid gland and surrounding structures. basement
microvilli follicular cell
(T4) (Fig. 2.20). The functioning unit of the thyroid is the
follicle, which consists of epithelial cells lining a central
colloid space. The epithelial cells concentrate iodide, parafollicular
which is oxidised to iodine and incorporated with tyrosine
to form mono-iodotyrosine and di-iodotyrosine. These
two iodinated tyrosines are combined in the colloid to
iodide TBG T4
form either tri-iodothyronine (T3) or tetra-iodothyronine
(T4). The two active hormones, T3 and T4, are stored in T3 T4
the colloid and bound to a specific binding protein
follicular cell
(thyroglobulin). The protein-bound hormones are taken
back up into the follicle epithelium by endocytosis. In the iodine
iodine tyrosine
cells, the colloid droplets are disrupted by proteolytic I peptidase
enzymes, allowing the release of T3 and T4 into the
circulation where most circulate bound to thyroid binding I I
globulin (TBG). Free hormone levels dictate the metabolic mono-iodotyrosine di-iodotyrosine
effects of T4. T4 is synthesised only in the thyroid but T3
can also be produced from conversion of circulating T4 in T3
the liver, the kidney and other tissues. The hepatic thyroglobulin thyroglobulin
conversion of T4 results in two species of T3: an active T3 T4
and an inactive reverse T3.
Clinical examination of the thyroid gland
and function colloid peroxidase
Although considered part of the general examination, the T3
thyroid gland is usually examined when examining the T4
head and neck (see Ch. 4).
Like any other organ, the thyroid examination relies
on inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
Examine the thyroid gland with the patient sitting forward Fig. 2.20 The hypothalamus secretes thyroid releasing hormone
(TRH) which stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce thyroid
in bed or seated in a chair. stimulating hormone (TSH). This stimulates the synthesis of thyroxine
Ensure complete exposure of the neck and upper (T4) in the follicles. Iodide taken up into the follicular cell is oxidised
chest. Inspect the thyroid from the front of the neck. The to iodine and then incorporated into tyrosine to form mono-
normal thyroid gland is neither visible nor palpable. An iodotyrosine (MIT) and di-iodotyrosine (DIT), which binds with
enlarged thyroid, or goitre, is seen as a fullness on either thyroglobulin and is secreted into the colloid where T3 and T4 are
synthesised. These are taken back into the follicular cells taken up by
side of the trachea below the cricoid cartilage, or as a endocytosis where the T3 and T4 are split from thyroglobulin and
distinct, enlarged, nodular organ with one or both lobes released into the circulation, where they are bound to T4 binding
easily visible (Figs. 2.21–2.23). If the lobes are visible, globulin (TBG).
determine whether they look symmetrical or irregular. symmetry and extent of the goitre. A soft, smooth goitre
Ask the patient to sip a little water and hold it in the may be more easily seen than felt. It is unusual for the
mouth. When you give the instruction to swallow, watch goitre to be tender unless the enlargement is caused by
for the characteristic upward movement of the goitre acute inflammatory thyroiditis. In the course of thyroid
as the pharyngeal muscles contract. This test helps palpation, again ask the patient to take a sip of water and
distinguish a thyroid mass from other neck masses to swallow when you indicate. As the patient gulps,
(e.g. enlarged lymph nodes, which hardly move with you should feel the goitre move beneath your fingers.
swallowing). The midline remnant of the thyroid Complete the palpation by feeling for the carotids, which
(thyroglossal cysts or thyroid remnants) also moves with may be encased by a malignant thyroid gland. Thyroid
swallowing. carcinoma may spread to local neck lymph nodes, so it is
Next, explain to the patient that you wish to feel the important to conclude the palpation by checking for
front of the neck for the thyroid gland. Position yourself palpable regional lymph nodes.
to the right and slightly behind the patient. Feel for the The thyroid gland may also enlarge in a downward
left and right lobes with the finger pulps of both hands direction behind the manubrium sterni. This retrosternal
(Fig. 2.24). Ensure a gentle examination, as your hands goitre may extend deeply into the superior mediastinum
are positioned in a throttling posture; reassure the patient and may even cause compression symptoms (i.e.
by standing to the side rather than at the rear so that you breathlessness and dysphagia). Retrosternal extension
remain in the patient’s peripheral field of vision. Assess can be assessed by percussing over the manubrium and
the texture (hard or soft, single or multiple nodules), upper sternum (Fig. 2.25). Normally, this area resonates,
yet when there is retrosternal enlargement the percussion
note is dull. Auscultate the gland for bruits by applying
the diaphragm of the stethoscope to each lobe in turn
(Fig. 2.26). Ask the patient to stop breathing for a moment
while you listen on either side for a bruit. A soft bruit is
characteristic of the smooth symmetrical hyperthyroid
goitre of Graves’ disease.
a b
Fig. 2.22 Readily visible multinodular thyroid goitre. Fig. 2.23 Asymmetrical multinodular
Questions to ask
Fig. 2.24 Position for palpation of the lateral lobes of the isthmus Symptoms and signs
of the thyroid.
HYPERTHYROIDISM The facies in Graves’ disease is dominated by a staring
Hyperthyroidism occurs most commonly in young appearance caused by retraction of the upper eyelid.
women presenting with smooth diffuse goitres (Graves’ Normally, during a relaxed forward gaze, the upper lid
disease). However, in elderly people, hyperthyroidism protects the eye by lying in a horizontal position which
may be caused by an autonomous ‘toxic’ adenoma crosses the eye in a plane just above the upper pole of
and, rarely, a functioning carcinoma. Rarely the pupil. In Graves’ disease, autonomic overactivity
factitious hyperthyroidism caused by excessive T4 intake causes increased tone and spasm of levator palpebrae
Fig. 2.27 Place a sheet of paper on the outstretched fingers to Fig. 2.28 Bilateral lid retraction in a patient with Graves’ disease.
demonstrate the fine tremor of hyperthyroidism. Note that the upper lid is positioned well above the pupil and the
palpebral fissure is widened.
superioris. This causes retraction of the upper lid, which A Hertel exophthalmometer can be used to make
exposes most, if not all, of the iris, exposing sclera above an accurate baseline measurement of the degree of
the iris and creating the typical staring appearance (Fig. exophthalmos and this measurement is used to monitor
2.28). Spasm of the muscles supplying the upper lid also progression and regression. Other eye signs of Graves’
results in an abnormal following reflex. Normally, if you disease include ophthalmoplegia caused by weakness
ask a patient to follow the movement of an object (e.g. and infiltration of the external ophthalmic muscles.
your fingertip) (Fig. 2.29) from a point above eye level to These patients complain of double vision (diplopia) and
a vertical point below eye level, you will note that as the on examination there is a loss of gaze symmetry.
eye moves, the upper lid follows the upper margin of Conjunctival oedema (chemosis) may also occur. The eye
the pupil in a fully synchronised downward movement. signs can be either bilateral or unilateral (Fig. 2.32),
In hyperthyroidism, this coordination is lost and the although, in the latter, always consider a space-occupying
movement of the upper lid lags well behind the pupil lesion of the orbit. Other features of Graves’ disease
(this is termed ‘lid lag’) (Fig. 2.30). include finger clubbing, onycholysis (separation of the
In progressive Graves’ disease, abnormal connective nail from its bed), pretibial myxoedema (brawny swelling
tissue (especially hyaluronic acid) is deposited in the orbit of lower legs), and periostitis (inflammation of the
and external ocular muscles. The globes are pushed periosteum).
forward, resulting first in proptosis and in the more severe A rare complication of hyperthyroidism is thyroid
form, exophthalmos (defined as >18 mm protrusion). storm. This is an exaggerated manifestation of
To examine for exophthalmos, seat the patient in a chair hyperthyroidism and is life threatening. While thyroid
and inspect the globes from above by looking over storm can develop in patients with longstanding untreated
the forehead or from the side of the profile (Fig. 2.31). hyperthyroidism, it is more often precipitated by an acute
Features of thyroid storm
• Thermoregulation dysfunction
• CNS effects (agitation, delirium, psychosis, epilepsy,
• Gastrointestinal dysfunction (diarrhoea, vomiting,
abdominal pain)
• Cardiovascular features (tachycardia, high output
cardiac function)
Fig. 2.31 Graves’ disease: proptosis of the eye.
Differential diagnosis
Questions to ask
Hypothyroidism • Congenital absence
• Has your weight changed? • Inborn errors of thyroxine metabolism
• Has your bowel habit changed (e.g. constipation)? Acquired
• Is your hair falling out? • Iodine deficiency (endemic goitre)
• Have you noticed a change in weather preference • Autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease)
(e.g. cold intolerance)? • Postradiotherapy for hyperthyroidism
• Has there been a change in your voice (e.g. hoarse)? • Postsurgical thyroidectomy
• Do you suffer from pain in your hands (e.g. carpal • Antithyroid drugs (e.g. carbimazole)
tunnel syndrome)? • Pituitary tumours and granulomas
1 32
1 32 84
blood stream
PTH Fig. 2.36 Hyperparathyroidism: a radiograph of the phalanges may
1 32 84
show subperiosteal erosions and bone cysts.
NH2 inactive COOH
32 32
32 84
normal serum albumin). The major symptoms of acute poles of the kidneys abutting the diaphragm. Each gland
hypoparathyroidism are paraesthesiae around the mouth, weighs approximately 4 g and has a rich arterial blood
fingers and toes. Abnormal nerve and muscle irritability supply from vessels derived from the aorta and renal and
can be elicited with Chvostek’s (Fig. 2.38) and Trousseau’s phrenic arteries. A single adrenal vein drains from the
signs (Fig. 2.39). In chronic hypoparathyroidism, the hila of the glands to the inferior vena cava on the right
physical effects develop slowly. The symptoms include and to the renal vein on the left. The gland has an outer
tiredness, fatigue, muscle cramps and epilepsy. Premature cortex derived from mesoderm and central medulla,
cataracts should also alert you to the possibility of which is derived from neuroectoderm.
underlying chronic hypoparathyroidism. The cortex comprises 90% of the gland and consists of
three distinct layers: the subcapsular zona glomerulosa,
the middle zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis,
which lies adjacent to the medulla (Fig. 2.40).
Chvostek’s sign
Cortisol homeostasis
higher centres
Fig. 2.38 Chvostek’s sign. Tap over the facial nerve in front of the
ear – this causes a momentary twitch of the corner of the mouth on
the same side as the irritable facial muscles contract.
Trousseau’s sign +
glomerulosa fasciculata
Fig. 2.39 Trousseau’s sign. Inflate a sphygmomanometer cuff to Fig. 2.40 Secretion of cortisol is stimulated by adrenocorticotrophin
above systolic pressure. Within approximately 4 minutes there is (ACTH) secretion, which is under the influence of hypothalamic
characteristic ‘carpopedal’ spasm of the hand. There is opposition of cortisol releasing hormone (CRH). Both ACTH and CRH are under
the thumb, extension of the interphalangeal joints and flexion of the negative feedback control by circulating cortisol. Aldosterone is
metacarpophalangeal joints. This posture reverses spontaneously secreted from the zona glomerulus by the stimulatory effect of
when the cuff is deflated. angiotensin II.
The adrenal glands The adrenal cortex synthesises three steroid hormones:
mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and androgens.
Aldosterone is produced in the cells of the zona
Structure and function glomerulosa. Aldosterone secretion is primarily regulated
by the renin–angiotensin system, which in turn is
The high fat content of the adrenal glands gives the organ influenced by the intravascular volume (Fig. 2.41). In
a distinctive yellow colour. The adrenals lie on the upper contrast to the glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoid
Fig. 2.42 Cushing’s syndrome: plethoric Fig. 2.43 Cushing’s syndrome: typical Fig. 2.44 Cushing’s syndrome: proximal
‘moon-shaped’ facies. buffalo hump. Recognised as fullness below muscle wasting and central distribution of
the hairline, rather than an actual hump. fat.
Nutrition 2
Fig. 2.52 Clinical consequences of pituitary failure. Diabetes insipidus is a rare manifestation of the hypopituitary syndrome (GH, growth
hormone; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; LH, luteinising hormone; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophin;
ADH, antidiuretic hormone).
The clinical assessment of nutritional status includes Height/weight norms
overall appearance, weight, height, muscle and fat bulk,
height height
and vitamin, mineral and haematinic status. (cm) (ft/in)
Either at the beginning or conclusion of the first 186 6'1"
examination, you should weigh the patient and measure 183 6'
180 5'11"
the height. This provides useful baseline information, as 178 5'10"
standard growth charts are available to help you judge 175 5'9"
173 5'8"
whether the patient falls within the normal range of 170 5'7"
weight for height (Fig. 2.53). Always adopt a standard 168 5'6"
165 5'5"
procedure for weighing the patient. In the outpatient 163 5'4"
department, it is customary to weigh the patient in socks 160 5'3"
158 5'2"
and basic clothing. Patients in hospital can be weighed 155 5'1"
152 5'
either naked or with a light linen gown. Ensure that all 149 4'11"
subsequent weighings are performed in a standard
44 57 70 83 95 108 120 134 146
manner. Standard weight charts indicating expected weight (kilograms)
percentiles and norms for height assume that the patient
has been weighed naked. Body mass index (BMI) is the underweight fat
acceptance very fat
preferred method for assessing weight as it considers overweight
both weight and height. This is calculated from the
Fig. 2.53 Chart indicating height and weight norms in adults.
weight (kg)/height (m)2
between the tips of the middle fingers. This distance Symptoms and signs
should equal the linear height. In Marfan’s syndrome, the
Biochemical and immunological markers of
arm span exceeds the height. malnutrition
When the patient is exposed during the course of the
physical examination, take the opportunity to evaluate • Haemoglobin (iron, B12, folate deficiency)
whether the patient is of usual body build, unusually thin • Low serum albumin
or overweight. Weight loss and ‘wasting’ are suggested • Low serum transferrin
by indrawing of the cheeks and unusual prominence • Reduced creatinine (reflects reduced muscle bulk)
of the cheek-bones, head of humerus and major joints, • Creatinine : height ratio reduced
the rib cage and bony landmarks of the pelvis (Fig. • Reduced white cell count
2.54). Muscle wasting may exaggerate the skeletal • Impaired delayed cell-mediated immunity (skin tests)
prominence. Atrophy of the deltoid muscles may be
particularly striking. Hypoalbuminaemia may cause
white nails (leukonychia) and loss of capillary osmotic
pressure results in pedal oedema. Iron deficiency may Symptoms and signs
cause spooning of the nails (koilonychia). Other Vitamin deficiency syndrome
features of nutritional deficiency include inflammation
and cracks at the angle of the mouth (angular stomatitis), Fat-soluble Clinical features of deficiency
a smooth tongue lacking in papillae (atrophic glossitis) vitamin
(Fig. 2.55) and skin rashes (e.g. pellagra) (Fig. 2.56). A Dry eyes and skin, night blindness,
Although a visual assessment provides a relatively corneal thinning (keratomalacia)
accurate assessment of general nutritional status, more D Proximal muscle weakness, bone pain,
objective measures, both clinical and biochemical, are osteomalacia
necessary – especially when it is important to establish a K Easy bleeding, bruising
baseline for nutritional support and when progress needs
Fig. 2.57 Measurement of the midarm muscle circumference. Fig. 2.58 Measurement of triceps skinfold thickness.
acromial process. The patient’s arm should be relaxed Symptoms and signs
and flexed to a right angle. Take the measurement by Water-soluble vitamin deficiency
wrapping the tape-measure around the upper arm
midpoint (Fig. 2.57), taking care not to pull too tight B1 (thiamine)
or to leave excessive slackness. Take three measurements • Wet beriberi
at the same point and calculate the average. The – peripheral vasodilatation
measurement is itself a useful baseline measure for – high output cardiac failure
follow-up purposes. In addition, the single measurement – oedema
can be compared with percentiles in standard age and • Dry beriberi
sex charts. – sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy
• Wernicke’s encephalopathy
– ataxia, nystagmus, lateral rectus palsy
TRICEPS SKINFOLD THICKNESS – altered mental state
• Korsakoff’s psychosis
In adults, the skin overlying the triceps muscle can be – retrograde amnesia
lifted and subcutaneous tissue can be distinguished – confabulation
from the underlying muscle bulk. This fold of skin and
subcutaneous tissue (the fat fold) provides an indirect B2 riboflavin
assessment of fat stores. Measure the fat fold thickness • Inflamed oral mucous membranes
from the patient’s rear and make the measurement at the • Angular stomatitis
same midarm landmark used for measuring the midarm • Glossitis, normocytic anaemia
muscle circumference. It is useful to mark this point so B3 niacin
that you can lift the skinfold between your thumb and • Pellagra
index finger and position the jaws of the calipers on • Dermatitis (photosensitive)
either side of the midarm mark on the raised skinfold • Diarrhoea
(Fig. 2.58). As with the tape measurement of midarm • Dementia
muscle circumference, ensure that the caliper jaws are B6 pyridoxine
neither too tight nor too loose. Repeat the measurement • Peripheral neuropathy
three times and take the average to compare with standard • Sideroblastic anaemia
tables. B12
• Megaloblastic, macrocytic anaemia
• Glossitis
• Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
Clinical assessment of vitamin status
Folic acid
Vitamins are essential cofactors obtained from the diet. • Megaloblastic, macrocytic anaemia
Reduced dietary intake may result in recognisable • Glossitis
deficiency syndromes. Specific deficiencies of the fat- C
soluble vitamins (A, D and K) occur in patients with • Scurvy
chronic steatorrhoea due to chronic cholestasis and – perifollicular haemorrhage
malabsorption syndromes complicated by steatorrhoea. – bleeding gums, skin purpura
Deficiencies of water-soluble vitamins occur in all – bleeding into muscles and joints
forms of malnutrition. The syndromes are especially • Anaemia
prevalent in malnutrition due to famine, malnourished • Osteoporosis
alcoholic patients, patients on chronic renal dialysis and
Colour 2
Differential diagnosis
• Hypovolaemic shock
– GI bleeding Fig. 2.60 Evert the lower lid to inspect the palpebral conjunctiva
– trauma for pallor.
– ruptured aneurysm
– burns
– haemorrhagic pancreatitis PALLOR
– fractures (e.g. neck of femur) The cardinal sign of anaemia is pallor. Severe anaemia
– diarrhoea and vomiting may be readily recognised by a pale facial appearance and
• Cardiogenic shock shortness of breath on exertion. The red colour of arterial
– acute myocardial infarction blood is easiest to assess where the horny layer of the
– acute arrythmias epidermis is thinnest; this includes the palpebral
– acute rupture of valve cusp conjunctiva, nail bed, lips and tongue. Inspect the
– pericardial tamponade palpebral conjunctiva by gently everting the lower eyelid
• Distributive shock (Fig. 2.60). The palpebral conjunctiva is normally a healthy
– Gram-negative sepsis red colour but, in anaemia, it appears a pale pink.
– toxic shock syndrome Experience will teach you to distinguish normal from
– anaphylaxis abnormal. Conjunctival pallor should be accompanied
– Addisonian crisis by pallor of the nail bed and palmar skin creases (only
– spinal cord/major brain injury assess this if the hands are warm). Pallor is an unreliable
sign in cold or shocked patients because peripheral
vasoconstriction causes skin and conjunctival pallor even
when not associated with blood loss.
Red flag – urgent referral
Assessment of shock PLETHORA
• Rise in pulse occurs early This refers to a ruddy ‘weather beaten’ facial appearance
• Reduced pulse volume/pressure where the skin has an unusually red or bluish (cyanosed)
• Orthostatic hypotension appearance. Facial plethora is usually caused by
• Recumbent hypotension an abnormally high haemoglobin concentration
• Cool, pale peripheries (polycythaemia). This is usually caused by chronic
• Delayed capillary refill time cyanotic lung disease in which hypoxia stimulates
• Dry mucous membranes erythropoietin release from the macula densa of the
• Oliguria proximal renal tubule cells. This hormone stimulates the
• Altered mental state marrow to increase red cell production with consequent
• Signs of metabolic acidosis increase in haemoglobin concentration. The plethora
causes a bloated facial appearance and, together with the
cyanosis, these patients have a typical ‘blue bloater’
Polycythaemia rubra vera is a myeloproliferative
Colour disorder that causes very high haemoglobin levels
and plethora occurs in the absence of hypoxic cyanosis.
Once you have assessed nutrition and hydration, look The conjunctiva has a characteristic ‘plum’ colour and
at the patient’s ‘colour’. Look for pallor or plethora, on fundoscopy the increased blood viscosity causes
central and peripheral cyanosis, jaundice and skin the venules to assume a thickened ‘sausage-shaped’
pigmentation. appearance.
Cyanosis refers to a bluish or purplish discoloration of
the skin or mucous membranes caused by excessive
amounts of reduced haemoglobin in blood. At least
5 g/dl of reduced haemoglobin is necessary for cyanosis
to appear. In peripheral cyanosis, the extremities are
cyanosed (Fig. 2.61) but the tongue retains a healthy pink
colour. This is caused by any condition resulting in
slowing of the peripheral circulation. In cold weather, Fig. 2.62 Typical skin pigmentation in chronic cholestasis (primary
there is reflex peripheral vasoconstriction with slowing of biliary cirrhosis).
the circulation, allowing more time for the extraction of
oxygen from haemoglobin. A similar mechanism accounts
for peripheral cyanosis in heart failure, peripheral vascular large amounts of carrots or other carotene-containing
disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon and shock. A reduction vegetables or substances causes carotenaemia, which can
in arterial oxygen saturation results in central cyanosis. be confused with jaundice. The yellow discoloration is
The extremities are cyanosed and the tongue and mucous prominent in the face, palms and soles but, in contrast to
membranes also have a bluish or purple discoloration. jaundice, the sclera remains white.
Central cyanosis may develop in any lung disease in
which there is a mismatch between ventilation and PIGMENTATION
perfusion. In right-to-left shunts caused by congenital
heart disease, the admixture of venous blood to the Sunburn is the most common cause of increased
systemic circulation causes cyanosis. pigmentation and this should be readily distinguished
from the history. In iron overload (haemochromatosis),
the skin colour may appear slate grey. A silver-grey
JAUNDICE colour develops in silver poisoning (argyria). In
Skin pigmentation influences the ease with which chronic cholestasis (e.g. primary biliary cirrhosis), skin
jaundice can be detected. The yellow discoloration is hyperpigmentation may develop, especially over pressure
most easily recognised in fair-skinned individuals and is points (Fig. 2.62). A marked increase in pigmentation
more difficult to detect in darkly pigmented patients. occurs after bilateral adrenalectomy for adrenal
Bilirubin has a high affinity for elastic tissue. This, together hyperplasia. This condition (Nelson’s syndrome) is caused
with the sclera’s white colour, makes the sclera the most by unopposed pituitary stimulation. Addison’s disease
sensitive area for looking for the yellow discoloration of may also be associated with deepening pigmentation,
jaundice. especially skin creases and pressure points.
Mild jaundice is best seen in natural daylight. Expose
the sclera by gently holding down the lower lid
and asking the patient to look upwards. With progression, Oedema
the yellow discoloration becomes obvious on the
truncal skin. In chronic, severe obstructive jaundice, Fluid movement between the intravascular and
the skin develops a yellow-green appearance. Eating extravascular space occurs through the walls of capillaries.
Oedema 2
liver disease
portal hypertension
effective arterial
blood volume
renal hypoperfusion
pressure plasma volume capillary pressure
Fig. 2.64 The formation of oedema in liver disease with portal hypertension, cardiac failure and nephrotic syndrome.
SIGNS OF OEDEMA oedema. Press the ball of your thumb or the tips of your
index and middle fingers into the posterior malleolar
In ambulant patients, generalised oedema is readily space and maintain moderate pressure for a few seconds.
demonstrated in the tissue space behind the medial The skin has a ‘boggy’ feel. The extrinsic pressure will
malleolus. Fluid accumulates in the loose connective squeeze oedema fluid away from the pressure point. On
tissue of this dependent area; the skin between the medial removing your thumb or fingers, the finger impression
malleolus and Achilles tendon is normally concave but remains imprinted in the skin for a short while before
with fluid accumulation it becomes flattened and then fading as the oedema redistributes. Repeat the compression
convex. You may notice a skin impression made by tight- test more proximally to assess the upper margin of
fitting socks. In longstanding oedema, the skin may oedema (Fig. 2.65).
become shiny, thin, and even ulcerated due to poor local In the recumbent posture, oedema is less obvious
tissue circulation. Mild pedal oedema may not be obvious around the ankles and most prominent over the sacrum
on inspection. Palpation is, however, a sensitive test for and lower back. This is often forgotten when examining
a b
Fig. 2.65 Finger indentation to demonstrate ankle oedema.
patients confined to bed. Ask the patient to sit well sample suggests malignancy; cytology, pH, protein
forward in bed and expose the lower back and sacral content, neutrophil count and Gram and direct stains for
region. Press the thumb or fingers into the skin over the tuberculosis can facilitate a rapid diagnosis. Pleural
midsacrum. Like pedal oedema, abnormal fluid retention effusions are readily detected on clinical examination and
is indicated by the residual impression left at the pressure chest radiograph (see Ch. 5). Like ascites, an aspiration
point. In anasarca, the signs of oedema extends to the sample can provide valuable diagnostic information.
thighs, scrotum and anterior abdominal wall. Anasarca
occurs in hypoproteinaemic states (especially nephrotic
syndrome, malnutrition and malabsorption), severe Temperature and fever
cardiac or renal failure and when there is a generalised
increase in capillary permeability (e.g. severe allergic In all warm-blooded animals, core body temperature is
reactions). set within closely regulated limits and is stabilised by a
The veins of the lower legs have valves that protect the combination of convection, conduction and evaporation.
vessels from the pressure effect of the column of blood The major regulatory organ for heat loss and retention is
from the right ventricle. Damaged and incompetent the extensive vascular plexus in the subcutaneous tissue.
valves in the deep and perforating veins of the lower Although metabolism produces most of the body heat,
limb cause a marked increase in hydrostatic pressure to ventilation and ingestion of hot or cold substances also
the lower limb veins, causing varicose veins and pedal make a small contribution to heat exchange in the body.
oedema. Localised oedema may occur in deep venous Vasodilatation of skin vessels allows dissipation of heat
thrombosis of the leg veins. The affected limb becomes transferred from the deep organs. Sweating facilitates
swollen and if there is thrombophlebitis and rapid muscle heat loss through evaporation; the eccrine sweat glands
swelling, the calf muscle may be tender to palpation are innervated by cholinergic sympathetic nerve fibres.
(Homan’s sign). Conservation of heat by adrenergic autonomic stimuli
Lymphatic oedema has a high protein content and the reduces blood flow through the subcutaneous vascular
oedema is localised to the area drained by the lymphatics. plexus. The integrated response to temperature regulation
The swelling is pronounced and on palpation the skin has is under the control of the hypothalamus.
an indurated, thickened feel. This ‘brawny’ oedema is the
clinical hallmark of lymphoedema (filariasis is a common MEASURING TEMPERATURE
cause of brawny oedema in certain tropical countries). Temperature may be measured by placing a thermometer
Surgical removal of axillary lymph nodes in the treatment under the tongue, in the rectum or under the axilla. If you
of breast cancer commonly results in troublesome use a mercury thermometer, shake it to ensure that the
lymphoedema of the arm. mercury is well below 37°C and leave for at least 90s.
Ascites is characterised by abdominal distention Electronic temperature sensors are now widely available,
(especially in the flanks) and, on examination, there is providing more rapid stabilisation.
shifting dullness. Look for signs of abdominal disease
such as peritoneal infection, peritoneal carcinomatosis or
liver disease with portal hypertension (e.g. splenomegaly NORMAL TEMPERATURE
or liver flap). Removing a small volume of ascitic fluid is Temperature depends on the site of measurement. The
often helpful in reaching a diagnosis. A bloodstained mouth, rectum and axilla are common sites. ‘Normal’ oral
Differential diagnosis
Sequential temperature variation Hypothermia
• Environmental exposure
40° • Hypothyroidism
• Increased cutaneous heat loss – burns, toxic
epidermal necrolysis
• Drugs (alcohol, opiates, barbiturates, phenothiazines,
• Altered thermoregulation (sepsis, hypothalamic
disease, spinal cord injury)
Fig. 2.66 Temperature may be described as intermittent, remittent, As the lymphoreticular system is widespread, it is
persistent or spiking. convenient to consider its examination in the general
right lymphatic
thymus duct thoracic duct
Waldeyer’s lymph nodes
ring tonsils and
Kupffer cells adenoids right left
subclavian subclavian
vein vein
lymph nodes axillary
spleen mesenteric and
para-aortic mediastinal
mesenteric nodes nodes
lymph nodes
iliac nodes inguinal
Peyer’s patch nodes
lymph nodes
bone marrow nodes
Fig. 2.67 The primary lymphoid organs include bone marrow Fig. 2.68 Regional drainage of the lymphatic system. The right
(which produces B lymphocytes) and the thymus (which produces T upper quadrant drains via the right thoracic duct into the right
lymphocytes). The secondary lymphoid organs provide a ‘base camp’ subclavian vein. The remainder of the lymphatic network drains into
for interaction between lymphocytic subtypes and antigens (i.e. the left subclavian vein via the thoracic duct.
macrophages, antigen presenting cells, T and B lymphocytes). The
immune response is generated in the secondary lymphoid tissues.
Anatomy of the lymph node Lymph nodes of the head and neck
primary subcapsular medulla (T and B cells)
follicle (marginal) tonsillar
(B cells) sinus posterior
paracortex (T cells, auricular
capsule efferent
lymphocyte submental
traffic to superficial
artery deep cervical chain
vein cervical (deep to the
cortex sternomastoid)
medullary cords
(plasma cells)
afferent lymphatic secondary
trabecula lymphoid
lymph from organs
interstitial Fig. 2.70 Horizontal ring of facial nodes and the vertical chain of
space cervical neck nodes.
germinal centre of
b Fig. 2.74 Examination of the lymph nodes from the posterior:
(a) submandibular nodes, (b) cervical nodes.
Fig. 2.73 Examination of the lymph nodes of the head and neck
from the patient’s front: (a) submandibular nodes, (b) occipital
nodes, (c) deep cervical nodes.
• Elderly at special risk of nutritional compromise • Age-related norms for height, weight, midarm muscle
• Contributory factors: circumference and triceps skinfold thickness
– socioeconomic unavailable for elderly people
– inability to shop • Nutrition best assessed by careful dietary assessment
– loneliness (using third party to validate information)
– loss of smell, taste and teeth • Assessment of hydration affected by loss of elastic
tissue in skin
Framework for the routine physical examination
Skin, hair and nails
This chapter aims to familiarise you with the clinical layer of the stratum corneum) where the cells lose their
features of skin disease and illustrates some of the more nuclei and form a tough superficial barrier (Fig. 3.1). The
common skin disorders. migratory cycle from the basal to horny layer takes
The relatively sparse distribution of hair in the human approximately 30 days, with the cornified cells shedding
species contrasts starkly with most other mammals and from the surface some 14 days later. Abnormalities of this
reflects an evolutionary event that must, in some way, transit time may lead to certain skin diseases such as
have been advantageous. Perhaps human nakedness psoriasis, in which the migration rate is greatly accelerated.
provided a strong stimulus for developing alternative Epidermal cells are linked by structures known as
‘coats’ and from this emerged the creative attributes that desmosomes. The epidermis rests on a thin basement
characterise the species. membrane and is anchored to the dermis by
The environment in which we live is harsh, variable hemidesmosomes and other anchor proteins such as
and unpredictable. In contrast, the efficiency with which laminin, basement membrane proteoglycan and type IV
the body operates is set within narrow limits of collagen. These and other proteins are of importance in
temperature and hydration. Skin has evolved to the pathogenesis of diseases occurring at the epidermal–
encapsulate, insulate and thermoregulate. Recently, other dermal junction (e.g. bullous pemphigoid and
functions have been recognised: the skin is an important epidermolysis bullosa).
link in the immune system, and the Langerhans cells Melanocytes develop among the basal cells. These
of the dermis are closely related to monocytes and cells are derived from neural crest cells and synthesise
macrophages and are probably important in delayed melanin pigment which is transferred to keratinocytes
hypersensitivity reactions and allograft rejection. Skin through dendritic processes. Melanin is responsible for
also has an important endocrine function, being skin and hair pigmentation. The pigment protects the
responsible for the modification of sex hormones skin from the potentially harmful effects of ultraviolet
produced by the gonads and adrenals. In addition, skin irradiation. Skin colour is determined by the total number,
is the site of vitamin D synthesis. size and distribution of melanin granules, not the number
of melanocytes. Hereditary failure to synthesise melanin
results in albinism.
Structure and function
SKIN This layer provides the supporting framework on which
The skin comprises two layers: the epidermis, derived the epidermis rests and consists of a fibrous matrix of
from embryonic ectoderm, and the dermis and collagen and elastin set in a ground substance of
hypodermis, derived from mesoderm. glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin
sulphate (Fig. 3.1). The skin appendages are set in the
dermis. Nerves, blood vessels, fibroblasts and various
This layer consists of a modified stratified squamous inflammatory cells also populate this layer. The dermis is
epithelium and arises from basal, germinal columnar divided into two layers: the papillary dermis apposes the
keratinocytes that evolve as they migrate towards the undulating dermal–epidermal junction, whereas the
surface through a prickle cell layer (where the cells acquire reticular dermis lies beneath, forming the bulk of collagen,
a polyhedral shape) and a granular cell layer (where elastic fibres and ground substance. Dermal fibroblasts
the nucleated cells acquire keratohyalin granules) and synthesise and secrete the dermal collagen subtypes (I
eventually form the superficial keratinised layer (horny and III) and elastin. If there is disruption of dermal elastin,
Questions to ask
areas like the axillae, inner thighs and buttock with
its natal cleft. Many skin lesions can be diagnosed by
their appearance and localisation. Unlike any other
• Is there a family history of hirsutism? organ system, the examination relies almost entirely on
• Are your menstrual periods normal or absent careful inspection and meticulous use of descriptive
(or scanty)? terminology.
• Is there a history of primary or secondary infertility? Measurement of the length and breadth of skin lesions
• Do you experience visual disturbances or headaches is useful, especially when monitoring progression or
(pituitary disease)? regression. A broad beam torch or electric light helps to
• What medications do you take (e.g. phenytoin, define the outline of the border of a skin lesion; a thin
anabolic steroids, progestogens)? beam is helpful if you wish to check whether or not a
lesion transilluminates. A fluid-filled but not solid lesion
emits a red glow when the torch light shines through it.
A Wood’s lamp helps to distinguish a fluorescing lesion;
Differential diagnosis by shining the lamp at a suspect lesion, it may be possible
Hirsutism to show the characteristic blue-green fluorescence of
fungal infections.
• Racial variation in hair distribution
• Hormonal imbalance Skin colour
– polycystic ovaries
Skin colour varies between individuals and races and is
– ovarian failure or menopause
usually even and symmetrical in distribution. Normal
– virilising adrenal tumours
variations occur in freckling and sun-exposed areas.
• Drugs
During pregnancy, there may be darkening of the skin
– phenytoin
overlying the cheek bones (melasma) and the areolae
– progestogens
surrounding the nipple (chloasma).
– anabolic steroids
– ciclosporin Abnormal skin colour
Generalised changes in skin colour occur in jaundice,
iron overload, endocrine disorders and albinism. The
yellow tinge of jaundice is best observed in good daylight,
Symptoms of nail disease appearing initially as yellowing of the sclerae and then as
a yellow discoloration on the trunk, arms and legs.
Whereas examination of the nails may be very revealing, Jaundice is less apparent in unconjugated as opposed to
nail-related symptoms are usually nonspecific. Patients conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia. In longstanding, deep
may relate symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection obstructive jaundice, the skin may turn a deep yellow-
along the nail edge; these include intense pain, swelling green. Remember that people eating large quantities of
and often a purulent discharge. Complaints of brittleness, carrots or other forms of vitamin A may develop yellow
splitting or cracking provide little diagnostic information. skin pigmentation (carotenaemia) and that the absence
Ask specifically about skin disease that may affect the of scleral discoloration distinguishes this syndrome from
nail, such as psoriasis, severe eczema, lichen planus or a jaundice.
susceptibility to fungal skin infection. Iron overload (haemosiderosis and haemochromatosis)
causes the skin to turn a slate-grey colour. The astute
observer may recognise this metabolic disease by the
Examination of the skin, hair and nails characteristic skin pigmentation. Addison’s disease
(autoimmune adrenal destruction) is characterised by
EXAMINING THE SKIN darkening of the skin, occurring first in the skin creases
When examining the skin, there is a tendency to focus of the palms and soles, scars and other skin creases. The
on the local area noticed by the patient. Nonetheless, you mucosa of the mouth and gums also becomes pigmented.
should consider the skin as an organ in its own right and, Striking pigmentation also arises after bilateral
like any other examination, the whole organ should be adrenalectomy for adrenal hyperplasia: this syndrome
examined to gain maximum information. The patient (Nelson’s syndrome) is caused by unopposed pituitary
should be stripped to the underwear, covered with a overstimulation. In hypopituitarism, the skin is soft, pale
gown or blanket and the examination area should be well and wrinkled.
lit (preferably natural daylight or fluorescent light). Albinism is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by
failure of melanocytes to produce melanin. The skin and
Inspection and palpation
hair are white and the eyes are pink because of a lack
Scan the skin, looking for skin lesions and noting both of pigmentation of the iris, and there may also be
position and symmetry. Remember to expose hidden nystagmus.
<1cm >1cm
Fig. 3.12 Papules, pustules and scarring in acne vulgaris. Fig. 3.13 Rosacea: papules and pustules occur on the face.
Acne vulgaris
This common disorder of the pilosebaceous unit occurs
at puberty. Plugging of the duct, increased sebum
production, bacterial growth and hormonal changes all
predispose to the condition. Acne presents with greasy
skin, blackheads (comedones), papules, pustules and
scars (Fig. 3.12). The lesions are common and vary in
severity and most teenagers recognise the problem before
visiting the doctor. The disorder affects the face, chest
and back. Acne usually subsides in the third decade.
This facial rash usually presents in the fourth decade,
although in women it may present after the menopause. Fig. 3.14 Rosacea: lesions occur on the nose, cheeks and chin.
Papules and pustules erupt on the forehead, cheeks,
bridge of the nose and the chin. The erythematous
patients taking more than one drug, because it may be
background highlights the rash (Figs 3.13, 3.14).
difficult to decide which the offending agent is. Also,
Comedones do not occur, distinguishing the condition
remember that drugs may cause secondary skin eruptions:
clinically from facial acne. Occasionally, the rash may
broad-spectrum antibiotics may encourage the growth of
be localised to the nose. Eye involvement is characterised
candida, which, in turn, can present as a ‘drug-related’
by grittiness, conjunctivitis and even corneal ulceration.
skin rash. Drug reactions may occur within minutes or
There appears to be vasomotor instability and patients
hours of taking the medication but there may also be
flush readily in response to stimuli such as hot drinks,
delays of up to 2 weeks for the reaction to manifest. This
alcohol and spicy foods. If this disorder is treated with
may even follow the discontinuation of the drug (well
potent topical corticoids there may be a temporary
known with ampicillin). It is important to recognise
response, but a marked relapse occurs on cessation of
different expressions of drug sensitivity.
treatment. It is important to check carefully whether or
not steroids have been applied and to dissuade your
patient from using this treatment (like acne vulgaris, Differential diagnosis
antibiotics are the treatment of choice).
Skin lesions associated with drug sensitivity
Drug reactions
• Toxic erythema
Drugs are probably the most common cause of acute skin • Exfoliative dermatitis
disease and your history must include a complete history • Urticaria
of all drugs the patient may have been exposed to over • Angioneurotic oedema
the preceding month. Antibiotics such as ampicillin, • Erythema nodosum
penicillin and sulphonamides commonly cause drug • Erythema multiforme
rashes. It may be difficult to distinguish between a drug • Fixed drug reaction
reaction and the manifestations of the disease under • Photosensitive drug reactions
treatment. In addition, drug reaction may closely mimic • Pemphigus
skin diseases. Diagnosis may be further confused in
Fig. 3.16 Urticaria: lesions vary in size and Fig. 3.17 Erythema nodosum: painful, Fig. 3.18 Erythema nodosum: the nodules
shape. smooth red nodules on the lower leg. are raised and tender.
Differential diagnosis
Erythema nodosum
• Streptococcal infections
• Tuberculosis
• Leprosy
• Syphilis
• Deep fungal diseases
• Sulphonamides
• Barbiturates
• Oral contraceptives
Systemic diseases
• Sarcoidosis
• Inflammatory bowel disease
Erythema multiforme
This is characterised by symmetrical, round (annular)
lesions occurring especially on the hands and feet but
which may extend more proximally (Figs 3.19, 3.20).
Central blistering may occur, giving the appearance of
‘target’ lesions. In severe forms, bullae may appear. This
skin disease occurs with drugs, vaccination and, frequently,
with a herpes simplex infection.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome
This is a severe blistering form of erythema multiforme
with blistering and ulceration affecting the mucous
membranes of the mouth and often affecting the eyes
and nasal and genital mucosa (Fig. 3.21).
Fig. 3.22 Fixed drug eruption, with hyperpigmentation of the Fig. 3.23 Eczema: note the vesicle formation.
Differential diagnosis
Photosensitive skin reactions
• Tetracyclines
• Sulphonamides
• Phenothiazines
• Psoralens
• Hydroxychloroquinones
Systemic disorders
• Pellagra (nicotinic acid deficiency)
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Porphyria cutanea tarda Fig. 3.24 Acute eczema: red exudative eruption which is painful.
• Erythema multiforme
This common skin abnormality is caused by a number
of different mechanisms and the disease may be acute,
subacute or chronic, all of which may coexist. Itching is
a major symptom. Acute eczema is characterised by
oedema, vesicle formation (Fig. 3.23), exudation (weeping)
(Fig. 3.24) and crusting. In chronic eczema there are
dry, scaly, hyperkeratotic patches and thickening and
fissuring of the skin (Fig. 3.25). The appearance of
eczema is often modified because the patient scratches,
causing secondary changes such as excoriation and Fig. 3.25 Chronic eczema: the skin is dry and scaly.
secondary infection. The boundaries of an area of
chronic eczema are less well defined than psoriasis and
this may be a helpful sign in the differential diagnosis and does not have the characteristic scales typical of
(Fig. 3.26). psoriasis.
Discoid (nummular) eczema Unlike other forms of Atopic eczema This usually presents in infancy, although
eczema, this subtype has a well-defined, coin-shaped (L. it does occasionally present for the first time in adulthood.
nummularius = of money) outline and may be confused There is normally a family history of eczema or some
with psoriasis. However, nummular eczema tends to other atopic disorder (e.g. asthma, hay fever, urticaria).
occur on the back of the fingers and hands. It also weeps The rash is symmetrical, usually starting on the face
and migrating to the trunk and limbs (where it tends the appearance of the primary lesion. The scalp is most
to affect the flexures of the elbows, knees, wrists and commonly involved and the condition is distinguished
ankles). from dandruff by the associated erythema of the skin due
to inflammation. Other regions involved include the
Contact dermatitis This variant of eczema is caused
central areas of the face, eyelid margins, nasolabial folds,
by an exogenous irritant (Fig. 3.27). The lesion may
cheeks, eyebrows and forehead. Involvement of the
be a primary irritant phenomenon, occurring almost
outer ear occurs (otitis externa). The vulva may also be
predictably when skin contact is made with a concentrated
toxic agent, or an allergic contact dermatitis which only
occurs in patients who generate a delayed (type IV) Pompholyx Pompholyx is another variant of eczema
immune response to a substance in contact with the skin. affecting the hands and feet (Figs 3.30, 3.31). This variant
The distribution of the eczema may provide an important is characterised by the eruption of itchy vesicles, especially
clue to the nature of the topical irritant. Individuals on the lateral margins of the fingers and toes, as well as
who regularly immerse their hands in water containing the palms and soles.
detergents or other sensitising substances will present
with the rash restricted to the hands. Jewellery may Varicose eczema This subtype occurs in patients with
cause an allergic contact dermatitis; nickel is an longstanding varicose veins. The eczematous patches
important sensitising agent. Rubber, dyes, cosmetics affect the lower leg and may or may not be associated
and industrial chemicals are common allergens implicated with other skin disorders caused by varicose veins; for
in this immune-mediated form of eczema. Plants example, venous ulcers that occur in the region of the
such as primulas and chrysanthemums have also been medial malleolus, pigmentation and oedema.
Seborrhoeic dermatitis This is an eczematous condition
occurring in infants (Fig. 3.28), adolescents and young The lesions are well-defined, slightly raised and
adults. There is erythema and scaling with a symmetrical erythematous. In the chronic phase, silvery scales cover
rash (Fig. 3.29). Secondary infection may occur, altering the surface. The lesions vary in size from small (guttate)
Fig. 3.30 Typical itchy vesicles of pompholyx. Fig. 3.33 Acute guttate psoriasis.
Fig. 3.31 Pompholyx: pruritic vesicles on the hand. Fig. 3.34 Psoriatic plaque covered with a silvery scale.
Fig. 3.32 Guttate (teardrop) psoriasis. Fig. 3.35 Psoriatic plaque. Note the scaly, shiny surface and the
sharp border.
(Figs 3.32, 3.33) to large plaques (Figs 3.34, 3.35). These traumatised (the Koebner phenomenon). If you gently
guttate (1–3 cm) lesions are widely distributed over scratch the surface of a psoriatic plaque, tiny bleeding
the body and may either resolve or persist as chronic points appear.
psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis may follow streptococcal
Pustular psoriasis Pustular psoriasis is a variant, usually
confined to the palms (Fig. 3.36) and soles, although
Chronic psoriasis The plaques of chronic psoriasis have some are occasionally more diffuse. The pustules, 2–5 mm
a predilection for the scalp, elbows, knees, perineum, in diameter, are yellow (Fig. 3.37). On the palms and
umbilicus and submammary skin. The lesions are usually soles they become pigmented and hyperkeratotic. Rarely,
symmetrical. A characteristic feature of psoriasis is the psoriasis may be so extensive that most of the skin is
development of new psoriatic lesions where the skin is involved and exfoliation occurs.
Fig. 3.36 Pustular psoriasis of the palm with well-defined scaling Fig. 3.38 Pitting of the nails in psoriasis.
and erythema.
Fig. 3.37 Pustular psoriasis of the foot. The yellow pustules turn Fig. 3.39 Pityriasis rosea: the pink papules become oval macules.
Psoriatic arthropathy In psoriatic arthropathy, the characteristic appearance (Figs 3.40, 3.41). The rash
distal interphalangeal joints are affected. Large joints resolves spontaneously within approximately 6 weeks.
may also be affected, either singly or symmetrically.
Rarely, patients may have sacroiliitis or even spinal Lichen planus
ankylosis. The nails may be involved even in the absence This is another itchy rash that can usually be diagnosed
of skin disease. The typical features include pinpoint at the bedside by its typical appearance (Fig. 3.42).
pitting of the nail (Fig. 3.38) and onycholysis (lifting of Occasionally, a lichenoid rash may be associated with
the distal nail from the nail bed). Unlike fungal nail systemic disorders (e.g. primary biliary cirrhosis, chronic
lesions, nail psoriasis is symmetrical. Severe nail dystrophy graft versus host disease) or drugs (e.g. penicillamine
may occur. and gold) but most commonly there is no associated
Pityriasis rosea
The rash affects both the skin and mucous membranes.
This is a common skin disorder in the younger patient. It has a predilection for the volar (front) aspect of the
A single patch rash occurs days or even weeks before forearm and wrists, the dorsal (back) surface of the hands,
the more general eruption. This ‘herald patch’ may be the shins, ankles and lower back region. The rash is
confused with ringworm. The full blown rash affects the symmetrical and characterised by small, shiny, purple or
upper arms, trunk and upper thighs (‘shirt and shorts’ violaceous papules which have a polygonal rather than
distribution). Pink papules evolve into 1–3 cm itchy oval rounded outline. A network of white lines on the surface
macules (Fig. 3.39) that scale near the edge, giving a of the papules is termed Wickham’s striae (best seen after
Skin infections 3
Fig. 3.40 In pityriasis rosea, the typical lesions are ovoid macules Fig. 3.43 Lichen planus: linear lesion of the Koebner syndrome.
with scaling.
Fig. 3.41 Pityriasis rosea with obvious scaling. Fig. 3.44 Buccal involvement in lichen planus.
Skin infections
Fig. 3.42 Polygonal papules in lichen planus.
This is a highly contagious skin lesion caused by β-
haemolytic streptococci. The face is most commonly
infected (Fig. 3.45). The lesions start as a papular eruption
around the mouth and nose that then evolves into a
vesicular eruption and spreads locally. The lesion breaks
Skin infections 3
Fig. 3.49 Primary syphilitic chancre on the frenulum. Fig. 3.52 Finger warts.
Reactivation is heralded by a tingling sensation in the immunosuppressed patients and diabetics, and after
skin which is followed within 1–2 days by the eruption treatment with antibiotics. Candidosis is a major
of a crop of vesicles. Exacerbations may be precipitated manifestation of AIDS. Look for candidosis in the mouth;
by infection, stress, fever (hence the term fever blisters), the oral infection is characterised by white or off-white
abnormal exposure to sunlight, menstruation and trauma. plaques that can be scraped off, leaving a raw red base.
Often, no obvious precipitating cause is discovered. Other manifestations include angular stomatitis, vulval
and vaginal infections and involvement of contact
Herpes zoster (shingles)
surfaces (e.g. the natal cleft, inner thighs, scrotum and
After an attack of chicken pox, the varicella-zoster virus inframammary fold – intertrigo).
lies dormant in a dorsal root or cranial nerve ganglion.
Reactivation of the virus causes a localised eruption called
Pityriasis versicolor (tinea versicolor)
shingles. The cause of reactivation is often not apparent,
although immunosuppression, lymphomas and ageing This common condition of young adults is caused by
may be implicated. Malassezia furfur and presents as small pigmented or
The patient complains of pain or discomfort in a hypopigmented macules on the upper trunk and arms.
localised area of skin and, within a few days, a crop of The macules tend to coalesce, resulting in lesions that
vesicles appears in a characteristic dermatomal distribution vary in size and shape. Scales can be demonstrated by
(Fig. 3.54). Over 2–3 weeks, the vesicles evolve into scraping or teasing the lesions with a scalpel blade. In
pustules, scab, then heal. Often there is some residual sunburnt areas, the lesions appear to be hypopigmented
scarring. In order of frequency, the thoracic, cervical, in comparison to the surrounding skin.
lumbar and sacral dermatomes are affected. If the
ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved,
Dermatophytes (tinea)
there may be serious damage to the cornea. This is
associated with a typical distribution of the vesicles on The dermatophytes inhabit the stratum corneum and the
the tip and side of the nose. Involvement of the geniculate dead keratin of the nails and hair. Hair infection (tinea
ganglion of the facial nerve causes a facial palsy with capitis) presents with localised patches of hair loss and
involvement of the outer ear (Ramsay Hunt syndrome). skin inflammation. Skin infection (tinea corporis) affects
The most debilitating long-term effect of shingles, even the unhairy parts of the body. This presentation is often
when healing has occurred, is chronic pain and referred to as ‘ringworm’, because the lesion has an
hyperaesthesia in the affected dermatome. inflamed annular edge with a paler central area of healing
(Fig. 3.55). Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) appears as a scaling
erythematous rash between the toes. A nail infection
(tinea unguium) is often asymmetrical and affects the
Candida albicans toenails more often than the fingernails. The nail becomes
This is a common infection of the skin and mucous yellow and thick; there is onycholysis and, at a later stage,
membranes. Oral candidosis tends to occur in the nail crumbles and breaks. If suspected, take nail
clippings for mycology.
Skin infections 3
Bullous pemphigoid
This disorder occurs most commonly in elderly people.
The lesions are itchy and appear as tense, mainly
symmetrical blisters overlying and surrounded by an area
of erythema (Fig. 3.57). The blisters are initially small but
enlarge to a considerable size over a few days (Fig. 3.58).
Although truncal involvement also occurs, the blisters
appear mainly on the limbs, especially along the inner Fig. 3.57 Bullous pemphigoid with surrounding erythema.
aspects of the thighs and arms. The blisters become
Fig. 3.56 Chronic scabies in the webs between fingers. Fig. 3.58 Tense blisters of bullous pemphigoid.
Skin infections 3
TUMOURS Fig. 3.67 Leukoplakia of the vulva (the pubic area has been
Squamous cell carcinoma
There is usually a risk factor predisposing to this cancer.
Consider excessive sun exposure, carcinomatous change
in a chronic leg ulcer and areas of leukoplakia. The
tumour presents as an ulcer or nodule with a firm
indurated margin; the ulcer margin is often everted (Fig.
3.66). The cancer usually occurs in sun-exposed areas
(face, back of the hands and forearm) or, in women, in
an area of vulval leukoplakia (Fig. 3.67).
Basal cell carcinoma
This tumour most commonly affects the face and, like
squamous carcinoma, sun exposure is an important
predisposing factor. The ‘rodent’ ulcer starts as a small
painless papule (Fig. 3.68) which ulcerates. The ulcer
margin is well-defined and rolled at the edges. The Fig. 3.68 Papular form of basal cell carcinoma.
tumour bleeds and scabs. Your index of suspicion must
be aroused if any skin ulcer fails to heal.
associated with a pre-existing pigmented lesion but
Malignant melanoma
approximately one-third are associated with a junctional
This is less common than squamous or basal cell pigmented naevus. The tumour is usually pigmented and
carcinoma but is the most serious, because it spreads presents either as a nodule or a spreading area of
by the lymphatics and blood. Most lesions are not pigmentation (Fig. 3.69). Consider the diagnosis if a
Red flag
Features suspicious of malignant melanoma
Risk factors
Malignant melanoma
Nail disorders 3
lines) (Fig. 3.76) which grow out with normal nail growth
Nail disorders
on recovery. Infection of the skin adjacent to the nail is
Examination of the nails can provide useful and often called paronychia and is characterised by pain, swelling,
diagnostic physical signs. Patients often complain of redness and tenderness of the skin at its interface with
cracking, ridging and brittleness of the nail. This may the nail (Fig. 3.77). Fungal infection of the nail causes
be caused by nail-biting, picking and poor nail care opacification and distortion of the nail. Spooning of the
rather than disease. In addition, nails may have white nail (koilonychia) occurs in iron deficiency (Figs 3.78,
spots which have no significance. First examine the 3.79).
nail face-on. Asymmetrical splinter-like lesions (splinter
haemorrhages) may indicate microemboli from infected
heart valves (subacute bacterial endocarditis) or vasculitis.
Remember that manual labourers may have traumatic
nail lesions that resemble splinter haemorrhages. Pitting
of the nail occurs in psoriasis (Fig. 3.73) and may even
occur in the absence of the typical skin rash. Premature
lifting of the distal nail is called onycholysis (Fig. 3.74).
This occurs in many chronic nail disorders and is
also associated with hyperthyroidism (Plummer’s nails).
White nails with loss of the lunule (leukonychia) is typical
of hypoalbuminaemia and severe chronic ill health
(Fig. 3.75).
Acute severe illness may be associated with the later
appearance of transverse depressions in the nail (Beau’s
Differential diagnosis
Finger clubbing
Lung disease
• Pyogenic (abscess, bronchiectasis, empyema)
• Bronchogenic carcinoma
• Fibrosing alveolitis
Heart disease
• Cyanotic congenital heart disease
• Subacute bacterial endocarditis
• Cirrhosis
• Ulcerative colitis
Fig. 3.78 Koilonychia with spooning of the nail in a patient with • Crohn’s disease
chronic iron deficiency anaemia.
Nail disorders 3
• Skin becomes increasingly wrinkled with loss of • Always expose the patient to allow examination of
elastic tissue and collagen the whole skin organ
• Skin becomes fragile and even minor trauma can • Ensure good illumination (preferably natural light)
cause wounding and secondary infection • Measure dimensions of skin lesions (especially helpful
• Loss of spring makes it more difficult to use tissue when assessing progression and regression)
turgor as a sign for assessing hydration • Attempt to transilluminate larger swellings
• Capillary fragility results in easy intradermal bleeding (fluid-filled)
(senile purpura and ecchymosis) • Assess skin colour and variations
• Warty pigmented lesions (senile keratosis) may • Describe the primary morphology of a localised skin
become widespread and disfigure skin lesion
• Sunburnt area increasingly predisposed to malignant – macule
change in the elderly (squamous and basal cell – patch
carcinomas) – papule
• Pressure sores (decubitus ulcers) are a particularly – plaque
serious complication of immobility; predisposing – wheal
factors include capillary occlusion, friction and – vesicle
secondary infection – nodule
• Pressure sores most commonly develop over bony – petechiae or ecchymosis
prominences, especially the heels and sacrum – bulla
– telangiectasia, spider naevus
• Describe the secondary characteristics
– superficial erosion
– ulceration
– crusting
– scaling
– fissuring
– lichenification
– atrophy
– excoriation
– scarring or keloid
• Describe the distribution of a more widespread rash
or colour change
• Assess the temperature of the affected area
• Perform a general examination, looking for evidence
of systemic disease
Ear, nose and throat
The ear reflex) reflects back to the observer. This arc is directed
The ear 4
posterior lateral
temporalis semicircular malleolar folds process
muscle auditory ossicles canal anterior
malleus incus stapes malleolar attic
Auditory ossicles
external long
auditory process
antihelix meatus lateral malleus
concha foot crus head
(ear lobe) stapes
The ear 4
Differential diagnosis
conduction and magnification of sound to the cochlea.
For sound to be conducted, the external canal must be
Discharging ear
patent. It may be impeded by malformation, wax or
Site Diagnosis discharge. The tympanic membrane should be intact and
External ear Otitis externa – bacterial, fungal or the middle ear aerated and free of discharge or adhesions.
secondary to middle ear discharge The ossicular chain in the middle ear must be intact and
Middle ear Acute suppurative otitis media, chronic move freely. Testing of the integrity of middle ear function
suppurative otitis media, mastoid is explained in the section on examination of the ear
disease (rare), neoplasm (rare) (pages 90–92).
Inner ear Fracture (CSF leak)
Sensorineural deafness
HEARING LOSS (DEAFNESS) The sensory part of the ear is the cochlea, but for full
Hearing loss is recognised as being either conductive or function the neural element is required. This comprises
sensorineural. It varies in degree from minor to profound the auditory nerve and cerebral cortex. To distinguish
and affects all age groups. Poor hearing is significant in between the sensory and neural element can be
infants because of the association with slow or abnormal difficult.
development of speech. Assessment of hearing in infants Hearing loss in the elderly (presbyacusis) is mainly due
and young children is difficult (see p. 92). The clinician to degeneration of the cochlea. The cochlea may be
should take careful note of parents’ concerns. Hearing damaged during life in other ways. This may be by
loss of old age is called presbyacusis. There are many infection, vascular ischaemia, noise, drugs, surgery, or
causes of hearing loss. Ménière’s disease.
The red flag symptom to alert the clinician is unilateral
Conductive deafness
deafness as this may indicate an acoustic neuroma. Early
Conductive deafness is the term used to indicate that treatment of this space-occupying lesion lessens morbidity
hearing is being impaired by a malfunction in the and mortality.
Differential diagnosis
Hearing loss
Acute labyrinthine dysfunction is the term used for severe Diagnosis Site
episodic vertigo of sudden onset. Its cause includes Acute labyrinthine dysfunction Peripheral
diagnoses such as viral, idiopathic or vascular labyrinthitis. Benign positional vertigo Peripheral
The disorder may last for days and may be prolonged in Ménière’s disease Peripheral
benign positional vertigo. Multiple sclerosis Central
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) Central
Benign positional vertigo
Vertebrobasilar ischaemia Central
Benign positional vertigo is recognised by the short- Head injury Central or peripheral
lasting onset of vertigo with movement of the head. It
may be one of the sequelae of acute labyrinthine
dysfunction. Other causes are trauma or idiopathic.
Central causes of vertigo Examination of the ear
Other manifestations of giddiness arise from different
sites. The vestibular (inner ear) cause of vertigo is THE AUROSCOPE
known as peripheral vertigo and that arising from other Use the largest aural speculum that fits in the external
sites is termed central vertigo. Inputs from the eyes, canal comfortably. Hold the auroscope at its point of
proprioception, cerebellum, brainstem, cerebrum and balance (centre of gravity). Balance it lightly in the hand.
reticular formation all have a function in balance. The loss Do not grab it like a screwdriver! Use the same hand as
of balance in central vertigo is not of the rotational type the ear (left hand for left ear) (see Fig. 4.5). When inserting
The ear 4
Preauricular sinus
Minor congenital abnormalities Bat ears is the term
given to ears which do not lie flat against the head but
protrude outwards. They occur in about 2% of the Fig. 4.7 Site of accessory auricles.
population and if to be surgically corrected this is best left
until after six years of age.
to the pinna should be treated with systemic antibiotics.
Pre-auricular sinus is a defect in embryological
Infections of the pinna include cellulitis and perichondritis,
development and usually occurs antero-superiorly to the
where the underlying cartilage is infected.
tragus (Fig. 4.6).
Cauliflower ears are the result of previous untreated
Accessory auricles occur anterior to the tragus (Fig.
traumatic haematoma of the pinna. Early surgical
4.7) and are another embryonic fault.
treatment of the initial haematoma may prevent lasting
Gross congenital deformities are rare and include
anotia (complete absence of the pinna). The conditions
Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis is a benign
can occur with normal or abnormal development of the
nodular condition usually of the helix of the ear. The
middle and inner ear.
aetiology is unknown but, as it occurs in later life, may
Skin changes Eczema or psoriasis are common conditions be related to sun damage. It can only be differentiated
which may involve the pinna and external canal. Like from malignant conditions by biopsy.
any skin condition, secondary infection is a possible Basal cell carcinomata and squamous cell carcinomata
complication and is more likely to occur in the external are tumours most commonly seen on the pinna and
ear because of the accumulation of debris. require appropriate surgical treatment.
Infection/inflammation can be severe with pain, Chondromata arise from cartilage, which forms the
redness and swelling. The infection may be an extension outer one-third of the canal. They may vary in size
of infection from the external canal but even if localised from being quite small to obstructing the whole canal.
The ear 4
–400 – 200 0 +200
pressure (daPa)
Fig. 4.11 Normal tympanogram showing tympanic membrane
response to pressure.
The ear 4
Differential diagnosis
Rinne negative (conductive deafness)
Rinne‘s test
a b c d
Fig. 4.16 Rinne test: (a) bone conduction, (b) air conduction, (c) perceptive deafness, (d) conductive deafness.
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
70 70
80 80
90 90
100 100
110 110
120 120
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
frequency (Hz) frequency (Hz)
Oto-acoustic emissions test (to screen for deafness the affected side, although the nystagmus is named to
in infancy) the side of the fast element. Thus nystagmus (fast) to the
right indicates an affected left labyrinth.
This is a screening test for neonates. It is non-invasive
The caloric test is carried out by irrigating the ear canal
and relies on a sound transmitted to a baby’s ear
with cold or warm water. This induces nystagmus. Lack
producing an auto-acoustic emission or echo. This echo
of response indicates no function in the labyrinth of the
can be measured by computer. A negative response may
side tested. This finding may be indicative of Ménière’s
indicate infant hearing impairment, but the test can give
false readings. The infant can then be referred for the
more accurate auditory brain-stem response test.
Benign positional vertigo
Labyrinthine dysfunction
Hallpike (Dix–Hallpike) test This is a definitive test for
Nystagmus occurs with stimulation of the vestibular benign positional vertigo. If vertigo is induced by the
system. The direction of the nystagmus indicates the side manoeuvre, the test is deemed positive. The manoeuvre
affected. The direction of the fast element is away from is performed by sitting the patient on a couch with their
The nose 4
The nose
vomer cartilage
hard palate
sinus Questions to ask
The nose 4
occurs as a result of injury which may be of cartilage or
fracture of the nasal bone. Abnormal development of the
nasal septum may be congenital or due to a disease
• Bleeding brisk and prolonged process such as collapse of the septum caused by cocaine
• Ongoing (>30 minutes) or other chemicals. It may result from previous surgery.
• Shortness of breath The rare congenital obstruction of the nose seen
• Clinically anaemic in infants and young children is choanal atresia. The
• Shock (tachycardia, hypotension, sweating) communication between the nose and pharynx may be
absent in one or both nares.
A more complete view of the nasal cavity can be obtained
This is a common skin condition often first seen at the
with the use of a rigid (Fig. 4.22) or flexible (Fig. 4.23)
side of the nose close to the alae. It is manifest by redness
nasendoscope. In particular the flexible nasendoscope
and scaling of the skin.
allows a view of the whole cavity and can be advanced
into the postnasal space, and beyond (Figs 4.24, 4.25).
While this skin condition is well recognised to be a DEFORMITIES OF THE NOSE
redness of the skin seen in adults on various areas of the
Genetic causes, injury or disease may result in structural
face, it may occur on the lower part of the nose.
deformities. Injury may result in fracture or dislocation of
the nasal bone or cartilage. These may be visible from
RHINOPHYMA observing the external appearance or more usually from
This condition is thought to be an extension of acne examining the nasal cavity.
rosacea. The excessive swelling and growth of the nose The nasal structure may also be damaged by conditions
can be quite disfiguring. It is important to note that which collapse the nasal bridge such as contact with
there is an increased incidence of skin neoplasia in this various chemicals, notably cocaine. The structure may
condition. also be distorted by syphilis, tuberculosis or neoplasms
within the cavity of the nose.
Most deformities of the nose involve the midline
NASAL CAVITY septum and such deformities are detected both externally
The nasal cavity can be visualised in a variety of ways and by examining the nasal septum.
and this depends on the equipment available to the The most common problem with the septum is
clinician. deviation from the central position, often termed as
In children and adolescents the nasal vestibule and lower SEPTAL PERFORATION
cavity can be easily seen by elevating the tip of the nose The finding of a septal perforation should prompt the
(Fig. 4.20). clinician to seek any possible pathology, although there
The nose 4
Fig. 4.24 Flexible endoscope in use.
Fibreoptic nasendoscopy
Fig. 4.21 (a) The thudicum nasal speculum. (b) Place thudicum
on left index finger with the flanges pointing towards the wrist.
(c) Rotate the hand so that the arms of the speculum are between
the third and fourth fingers such that the flanges are protected
from spreading too wide. (d) Flex the wrist and the speculum is
ready for use. (e) Speculum in use.
may be none. Perforations usually occur low in the way to vasomotor rhinitis. Vascularity of the turbinates is
septum and should be visible to the nonspecialist by use increased causing turbinate swelling and watery nasal
of a thudicum speculum or auroscope. discharge.
The mucosa in this condition is very different to the other
Septal perforation
types of rhinitis. It is atrophied, dry and crusted. As a
• Idiopathic result, halitosis is often present.
• Iatrogenic (previous cauterisation or surgery)
• Infection (tuberculosis, syphilis)
• Neoplastic (basal or squamous cell carcinoma,
malignant granuloma) Acute maxillary sinusitis
• Chemicals (cocaine, chromic salts) The diagnosis of acute sinusitis is usually made on the
history of facial pain, blocked nose and purulent nasal
discharge. It is usually associated with an upper respiratory
tract infection and fever may be a feature. On examination
the clinician may elicit maxillary tenderness. Diagnostically,
Inflammation and crusting in the area of the nasal however, mucopus should be observed coming from
vestibule indicates a bacterial infection. Such infection beneath the middle turbinate. A CT scan is the most
will cause dilatation of blood vessels, in particular in the helpful investigation to confirm the condition.
plexus of Little’s area which can result in epistaxes.
Acute frontal sinusitis
The throat 4
posterior posterior
pharyngeal wall pillar submandibular
papillae tonsil
opening of mucosa
dorsum anterior submandibular
of tongue pillar duct frenulum
Average eruption times of deciduous teeth Average eruption times of permanent teeth
d d 4 4
a a 6 months d d 14 months 1 1 6 years 4 4 10 years
6 6 53 53
a a c c 6 6 6 years 53 53 11–13 years
7 months c c 18 months
1 1 7 7
b b e e 7 years 7 7 12 years
b b 8–9 months e e 24 months
The tongue is a muscular organ whose ventral or under 2 2
surface is mucous membrane. The dorsal or upper surface 9 years
is of squamous epithelium in which are papillae containing
taste buds. It has a rich blood and nerve supply. The Fig. 4.28 Average eruption times of the permanent teeth.
anterior two-thirds of the tongue is divided from the
posterior one-third by a V-shaped sulcus terminalis.
In the posterior third of the tongue the papillae are crypts which commonly contain harmless exudate, or
particularly prominent. food debris. Lymphoid tissue is also found in the
The tongue has a central band of tissue tethering its nasopharynx (adenoids) and posterior to the tongue
ventral surface; this is called the frenulum. (lingual tonsil). All lymphoid tissue in the pharynx tends
to regress with age.
The tonsils are lymphoid tissue that lie posterolaterally PHARYNX AND LARYNX
to the tongue between the anterior and posterior falces. The pharynx forms the space posterior to the oral cavity.
The lymphoid tissue contains many mucus-secreting It is anatomically divided into three parts.
Questions to ask
Sore throat or mouth
The nasopharynx is the part of the pharynx that forms LUMP IN THE NECK
the postnasal space above the soft palate and in which,
in children, lie the adenoids. The choanae of the nose Thyroid swellings are dealt with in Chapter 2. There are
form its anterior border. other sites in the neck where swelling may arise. The
The oropharynx is the posterior extension of the oral clinician should establish the position of any mass and
cavity. palpate the lumps presented (see ‘Examination of the
The hypopharynx, or laryngopharynx, extends from the throat’ p. 101). It is not uncommon in infections of the
oropharynx to the cricoid cartilage which lies distal to the throat for the anterior cervical glands to be tender and
vocal cords. The internal structures to be observed here enlarged. Posterior cervical gland enlargement (posterior
are the epiglottis and larynx. The main structures of the to the sternomastoid muscle) may be of more sinister
larynx are the vocal cords and their suspensory cartilages, significance.
the arytenoid cartilages. Above the cords is the ventricular Neck lumps may be a sign of generalised disease and
sinus which is bordered proximally by mucous membrane the possibility of other systems being involved must be
folds (false chords). There is a recess posterior to the considered.
tongue but anterior to the epiglottis, the vallecula. The
pyriform fossae are two recesses which lie either side of Questions to ask
the larynx.
Lump in the neck
The larynx (Fig. 4.29) is enclosed in the thyroid cartilage
(Adam’s apple) and beneath (and above and connecting • How long has it been present?
it to the cricoid cartilage) is the cricothyroid membrane • Has the lump changed in size?
(a site for tracheostomy). • Is the lump painful?
• Do you have a cough?
• Have you any problem with your mouth or throat?
Symptoms of diseases of the throat • Have you lost weight recently?
• How is your general health?
• Do you have any problem with sweating?
Patients may present with a history of finding blood in • Do you have any thyroid symptoms?
their mouth or throat. This should be distinguished from
blood arising from vomiting (haematemesis) or coughing
(haemoptysis). STRIDOR
The most common site for bleeding of the throat is
from inflamed gums. Lesions from other sites in the oral Stridor is a harsh sound made on inspiration. It is
cavity and pharynx where neoplasm might be concealed associated with narrowing of the upper airway, usually
should be excluded. of the glottic or vocal cord area. It should be distinguished
from the expiratory wheeze of asthma. It is often
associated with hoarseness and the age of the patient is
relevant to the diagnosis.
Pain can arise from all the structures in the mouth and
pharynx, from teeth to larynx. In the mouth the cause
may be readily seen. It is important to establish the HOARSE VOICE
severity of the symptoms and if there is any associated Hoarseness is a term describing an altered voice. It may
fever. It is also important to establish the effect of the pain be extreme, in that there is little or no voice production.
on swallowing solids and liquids. It is frequently associated with an upper respiratory
Soreness in the throat may present as the feeling of a tract infection and any symptoms of that should be
lump in the throat. elucidated.
The throat 4
The clinician should ascertain whether the voice has has been found. Associated factors in aphthous ulcer
been overused (frequent singing or shouting) and obtain formation are listed in the ‘differential diagnosis’ box.
information about smoking and the use of alcohol. Other causes of buccal lesions are Vincent’s angina
(acute ulcerative stomatitis) and the more chronic
infections of tuberculosis and syphilis.
Questions to ask
Carcinoma in the mouth usually presents as an ulcer
Hoarse voice and may occur on any part of the mucosa or tongue.
• How long have you been hoarse? Kaposi sarcoma may involve the buccal mucosa and
• Is it persistent or intermittent? appear as small, firm, cytic-shaped, bluish lesions.
• Have you any other symptoms (cold or fever)?
• Have you been projecting your voice for any reason?
• Do you smoke or drink alcohol and how much?
• What is your job; do you work in dusty
Difficulty on swallowing of oesophageal origin is dealt
with in Chapter 7. It should be distinguished from
oropharyngeal causes of pain or difficulty in swallowing.
The anatomical level of discomfort and any associated
symptoms should be ascertained when taking a history
(see ‘Questions to ask, sore throat or mouth’ p. 100).
Fig. 4.30 Technique of indirect laryngoscopy.
Ulceration is where there is loss of epithelium. There are Fig. 4.31 Technique of examination of nasopharynx using postnasal
many conditions that may cause ulceration of the buccal
mucosa. Most causes are infective in origin but perhaps
the most common are aphthous ulcers for which no cause
Posterior rhinoscopy
Differential diagnosis
Aphthous ulcers
The throat 4
LARYNX Laryngitis
Infective causes involving the larynx may occur at any age In the adult, laryngitis is usually diagnosed by its
but there are two conditions in children of particular symptoms. Cough, throat discomfort and hoarseness of
importance. voice together with fever are the usual presenting
symptoms. If the causative organism is bacterial, there
Acute laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) will be an associated purulent sputum. Most cases
The usual organism causing this condition is the however are viral.
parainfluenza virus. It most commonly occurs in children Voice production, hoarseness or aphonia, may be due
under the age of 5 years and is of sudden onset. It to misuse or overuse. There may also be symptoms in the
is recognised by the presence of a barking cough, larynx of pain or voice alteration caused by a psychological
stridor (inspiratory wheeze), and hoarse voice. There element (hysterical dysphonia and globus syndrome).
will usually be fever present and symptoms are These conditions can only be diagnosed in the absence
most prominent at night. The condition lasts about of direct or indirect laryngoscopy by the history and lack
48 hours. of infective signs.
Severe cases may cause acute respiratory distress A patient in whom the hoarseness has lasted for longer
(tachycardia, rapid respirations and possibly cyanosis) than 4 weeks should be referred to a specialist for
and require urgent admission to hospital. investigation.
Diagnosis of croup is mainly made on the symptoms
alone. Tumours of the larynx
Laryngeal carcinoma should be excluded in anyone with
Epiglottitis (supraglottitis) a persistent hoarse voice, which is the cardinal symptom
This infection extends into a slightly older age group and of this condition. There may be an associated history of
the mean age is around 5 years old, and therefore older smoking or a family history of the disease.
children may be affected. Again, onset is sudden and Not all tumours of the larynx are malignant, however
diagnosis is made mainly on the symptomatology. Cough – singer’s nodes and polyps are happily a more common
in this condition is much less of a feature. Drooling finding. Vocal cord palsy may indicate a malignant
of saliva is frequently present, as well as difficulty in bronchial tumour.
swallowing and respiratory distress. As with any infection,
fever may be present.
If this condition is suspected in a child, urgent
admission is necessary as deterioration in the airway may
be rapid.
Framework for the routine examination of the ear, nose and throat
A useful guide to a student of ear, nose and throat • Rhinorrhoea and nasal obstruction are the most
examination is to always take particular note of common symptoms of the nose presented to the
symptoms and signs that are unilateral. clinician
The ears • Allergic rhinitis is the most common reason for those
• Always examine the pinna and entrance to the symptoms
external canal before inserting the auroscope into the • Distinguishing allergic rhinitis from atrophic or
ear vasomotor rhinitis is made on the history and findings
• Irrigation of ears is a safe procedure except in defined in the nose
circumstances • Nasal fractures do not need correcting if there is no
• The temperature of the water used should be 37°C cosmetic deformity or if the nasal airway is unimpeded
otherwise the onset of a convection current in the • Unilateral nasal discharge in children may indicate a
labyrinth may result in temporary vertigo foreign body
• Water is a significant irritant of otitis externa and of • Unilateral nasal discharge in an adult may indicate
the middle ear if there is a perforation and therefore neoplasm
irrigation should not be used in such circumstances • Uncontrolled epistaxis, lasting over 30 minutes, should
• Unilateral symptoms, such as sudden onset deafness be seen in a specialist clinic especially if the patient is
or tinnitus, may be significant and should be referred elderly
– urgently in the case of sudden onset deafness The throat
• Presbyacusis is signalled by an initial high tone hearing • Unilateral tonsillar enlargement may be significant.
loss Consider lymphoma or, if there is inflammation,
• Continuing discharge from an ear should be referred peritonsillar abscess (quinsy)
to a specialist. If the discharge is from the external • In children with stridor indicating acute
ear, aural toilet will speed resolution; if the discharge laryngotracheitis and signs of respiratory distress admit
is from the middle ear specialist management is to a specialist unit urgently
needed • In children with fever, drooling and respiratory distress
The nose suspect epiglottitis and admit to a specialist unit
• Look into the nose frequently. Use an auroscope if urgently
nasal speculae are not available. Get used to what is • Hoarse voice lasting more than 4 weeks should be
normal referred for specialist examination to exclude
• Nasal polypi are white and pearly and should not be malignancy
confused with the appearance of a swollen inferior
The respiratory system
Disease of the respiratory tract accounts for more Structure and function
consultations with general practitioners than any other
of the body systems. It is also responsible for more new The respiratory tract extends from the nose to the alveoli
spells of inability to work and more days lost from and includes not only the air-conducting passages but
work. the blood supply as well. The arrangement of the major
For example, asthma now affects approximately 10% airways is shown in Figure 5.1. An appreciation of this
of the population of many Western countries; lung cancer arrangement helps in the interpretation of radiographs
is the most common male cancer and in some places has (Fig. 5.2) and is essential for the bronchoscopist. More
already exceeded breast cancer as the most common important for the examiner is the arrangement of the
female malignancy. Tuberculosis, for so long the staple lobes of the lungs (Fig. 5.3). It will be seen that both lungs
of the respiratory physician is, after a long period of are divided into two and the right lung is divided again
decline, increasing again. The respiratory complications to form the middle lobe. The corresponding area on the
of HIV infections have added to the burden. Increases in left is the lingula, a division of the upper lobe. Figure 5.4
pollution, new industrial processes and the growing transposes this pattern on to a person, outlining the
worldwide consumption of tobacco all have implications surface markings of the lungs. Examination of the front
for the lungs. The average family practitioner, therefore, of the chest is largely that of the upper lobes, examination
is likely to spend more of the working day examining the of the back the lower lobes. It will be seen how much
respiratory system than any other. more lung there is posteriorly than anteriorly, so it comes
Respiratory disease is common in hospital practice. It as no surprise that lung disease that primarily affects the
accounts for approximately 4% of all hospital admissions bases is best detected posteriorly. Note how much lung
and approximately 35% of all acute medical admissions. is against the lateral chest wall. Students often examine
Surgeons and anaesthetists are very interested in ensuring a narrow strip of chest down the front and the back.
an adequate respiratory system in any patient who needs Many signs are found laterally and in the axilla.
a general anaesthetic. Computerised tomography (CT) adds an extra
Radiologists, pathologists and microbiologists are dimension to visualisation of the chest (Figs 5.5–5.10).
intimately involved in the diagnosis of lung conditions. The fine detail of the airways is beautifully illustrated
Consequently, doctors in many branches of medicine by wax injection models (Fig. 5.11). The same technique
spend a very substantial portion of their professional can be used to illustrate the intimate relationships
working life in the diagnosis and treatment of lung between the supply of blood and air to the lungs
disease. (Fig. 5.12).
As with any other disease, a good history is the basis
for a diagnosis of lung disease, particularly as examination
may be normal even in advanced disease. A good history LUNG DEFENCE AND HISTOLOGY
is aided by a knowledge of structure and function. The lung is exposed to 6 litres of potentially infected and
Fortunately, two fairly straightforward techniques, irritant-laden air every minute. There are, therefore,
radiography and spirometry (the analysis of the volume numerous defence mechanisms to ensure survival. The
of expired air over time), illustrate normality and help the nose humidifies, warms and filters the air and contains
physician to understand the abnormal. lymphocytes of the B series which secrete immunoglobulin
right main bronchus left main bronchus
apical apical
posterior posterior
upper lobe
anterior (apicoposterior)
upper lobe
(intermediate) anterior
lateral (superior division)
middle lobe
medial superior lingular
medial basal apical inferior lingular
anterior basal anterior basal
lower lobe lower lobe
lateral basal lateral basal
posterior basal posterior basal
upper upper
lobe lobe
lower lower
lobe lobe
Fig. 5.2 Normal radiograph: posteroanterior view (left) and right
lateral view (right).
upper upper
lobe lobe
A. The epiglottis protects the larynx from inhalation of
material from the gastrointestinal tract.
The cough reflex is both a protective and a clearing lower lobe lower
mechanism. Cough receptors are found in the pharynx, lobe lobe
larynx and larger airways. A cough starts with a deep
inspiration followed by expiration against a closed glottis.
Glottal opening then allows a forceful jet of air to be
Fig. 5.3 Lobes of the lung: anterior view (upper) and lateral view
The main clearance mechanism is the remarkable (lower).
mucociliary escalator. Bronchial secretions from bronchial
glands and goblet cells, together with secretions from
deeper in the lungs, form a sheet of fluid which is The chief defence of the alveoli is the alveolar
propelled upwards continuously by the beat of the cilia macrophage (Fig. 5.15), which, in conjunction with
lining the bronchial epithelium (Figs 5.13, 5.14). This complement and immunoglobulin, ingests foreign
cilial action can fail either from the rare immotile cilia material that is then transported either up the airways or
syndromes or commonly from cigarette smoke. into the pulmonary lymphatics. T and B lymphocytes are
superior ascending
vena aorta
cava pulmonary
UL UL left
ML pulmonary
artery descending
a b
superior descending
pulmonary oesophagus aorta
Fig. 5.8 CT scan at level of mid left atrium.
c d bronchus
Fig. 5.4 Surface markings of the lobes of the lung: (a) anterior,
(b) posterior, (c) right lateral and (d) left lateral (UL, upper lobe; ML, oblique left
middle lobe; LL, lower lobe). fissure oblique
right left
brachiocephalic brachiocephalic Fig. 5.9 CT scan – lung windows at level of carina.
vein vein
innominate left
artery subclavian
superior mammary
vena vessels
aortic arch
Fig. 5.6 CT scan at level of aortic arch. Fig. 5.10 Shaded surface display of reconstruction of dynamic
magnetic resonance angiography of pulmonary and great vessels.
Fig. 5.11 A cast of the bronchial tree with the segments outlined in Fig. 5.12 Injection model showing bronchi (white), arteries (red but
different colours. carrying deoxygenated blood) and veins (blue but carrying
oxygenated blood).
Connective tissue
Glandular ducts
Mucous glands
Lung tissue Connective tissue Cartilage
Fig. 5.13 (a) Low-power photomicrograph of a bronchus. (b) High-power photomicrograph of normal bronchial wall.
present throughout the lung substance and most of the mechanisms within the brainstem. These can be
immunoglobulin in the lung is made locally. The blood influenced voluntarily from higher centres and from
supplies neutrophils that pass into the lung structure in the effect of chemoreceptors. The medullary or central
inflammation. chemoreceptors in the brainstem respond to changes in
partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood (PCO2).
Chemoreceptors in the aortic and carotid body respond
LUNG FUNCTION to low partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) but only when this
The function of the lung is to oxygenate the blood and to falls below 8 kPa. Thus, alteration in PCO2 is the most
remove carbon dioxide. To achieve this, ventilation of the important factor in respiratory control in health.
lungs is performed by the respiratory muscles under the The sensitivity of the medullary chemoreceptor to
control of the respiratory centre in the brain. The rhythm PCO2 can be reset either upwards in prolonged ventilatory
of breathing depends on various inhibitory and excitatory failure or downwards, as when a patient is placed on a
Lung volumes
capacity functional
residual capacity
Fig. 5.14 Electron micrograph of bronchial cilia and the mucus Fig. 5.16 Subdivisions of lung volume.
time 2 610 2 610 2 6102 610 2 610 2 6102 610 2 610 2 610 2 610 2 610 2 6102 610 2 610
date 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fig. 5.19 Peak flow chart in a child with asthma whose main
symptom was cough. The dips coincide with the symptoms.
means that overventilation of the lung’s good parts the pH towards normal. Retention or secretion of carbon
cannot fully compensate for underventilation of bad parts dioxide as a result of lung disease (respiratory acidosis
because the good parts on the flat part of the curve cannot and alkalosis) alters pH, which is then secondarily
increase the carriage of oxygen in the blood supplied to restored by excretion or retention of bicarbonate by the
them beyond a certain maximum. Thus, when there is a kidney. Thus, changes in arterial PCO2 (whether primary
shunt of blood from the right to the left heart, either or secondary) can be regarded as functions of the lung,
directly through the heart or through unventilated lung, and changes in bicarbonate (again, either primary or
the total amount of oxygen carried is bound to be reduced secondary) can be regarded as functions of the kidney.
and cannot be restored to normal either by increasing
ventilation or administering oxygen.
The steep part of the curve indicates that a small Symptoms of respiratory disease
increase in inspired oxygen gives a large increase in the
amount of oxygen carried – clearly useful for oxygen History-taking must follow the principles outlined
therapy in sick patients. It also indicates how readily earlier. Here, we are concerned with the analysis of the
hypoxic tissues can remove large amounts of oxygen from main symptoms of respiratory disease in turn. These are
the blood. dyspnoea, cough, sputum, haemoptysis, pain and
The dissociation curve for carbon dioxide is very wheeze.
different to that for oxygen; lowering the PCO2 continuously
lowers the saturation and hence the volume of gas carried
(Fig. 5.22). This means that overventilation in one part of Questions to ask
the lung can compensate for underventilation elsewhere.
Essential questions
Arterial PCO2 is a good measure of overall alveolar
ventilation, being increased in alveolar hypoventilation • Do you get short of breath?
(e.g. severe chronic airflow limitation) and decreased in • how much can you do?
alveolar hyperventilation (e.g. anxiety states, heart failure, • Do you have a cough?
pulmonary embolus, asthma), in which hypoxia and • do you cough anything up?
other factors stimulate an increase in ventilation. • what colour is it?
The lungs help to regulate the acid–base balance by • is there any blood?
their ability to excrete or to retain carbon dioxide. In cases • Do you have any (chest) pain?
of metabolic acidosis (e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis, renal • where is it?
failure), the lungs can ‘blow off’ carbon dioxide to restore • does it hurt to breathe?
the pH towards normal. In cases of metabolic alkalosis • Do you wheeze?
(e.g. prolonged vomiting with loss of acid from the • does it come and go or is it there all the time?
stomach), the retention of carbon dioxide again restores
J receptors are vagal nerve endings and are adjacent to Questions to ask
pulmonary capillaries. Stimulation of these by pulmonary
oedema, fibrosis and lung irritants is an additional
mechanism causing breathlessness. • Does anything make any difference to the asthma?
• What happens if you are worried or upset?
Duration of dyspnoea
• Does your chest wake you at night?
The duration of dyspnoea may give a clue to the cause • Does cigarette smoke make any difference?
and can conveniently be divided into immediate (over • Do household sprays affect you?
minutes), short (hours to days) and long (weeks to years). • What happens when sweeping or dusting the
There is some overlap but contrast, for example, the house?
patient with a large pulmonary embolism who collapses • Does exposure to cats or dogs make any difference?
in minutes in acute distress compared with the progressive • Have you lost time from work/school?
relentless disability extending over a decade in the patient
with smoking-related airflow limitation. Some patients
find it difficult to remember duration accurately. Many
report symptoms as lasting for only ‘a few weeks’ when
they mean ‘worse for a few weeks’. A question like ‘When Symptoms and signs
could you last run for a bus?’ may reveal problems Allergic and nonallergic factors in asthma
stretching back for years. A spouse is often more accurate
in this respect than the patient.
• House dust mite
• Animals (especially cats)
Variability of dyspnoea
• Pollens (especially grass)
Questions about variability can be couched as ‘Does it Nonallergic
come and go or is it much the same?’ or ‘Do you have • Exercise
good days and bad days or is it much the same from one • Emotion
day to another?’. A reply suggesting variability is highly • Sleep
characteristic of variable airflow limitation, that is, asthma. • Smoke
If asthma is suspected, this can be followed-up by • Aerosol sprays
questions on aggravating factors. Follow this up with • Cold air
some more directed questions about particular factors. • Upper respiratory tract infections
These are important not only as potentially preventable
causes but because positive replies strengthen the
diagnosis. The house dust mite is the most common
allergen; patients will report worsening of symptoms on
sweeping, dusting or making the beds. Exercise, at least Severity of dyspnoea
in children, is a potent trigger of asthma but exercise will
also make other forms of breathlessness worse. The Severity can be assessed by rating scales, although it is
difference is that in asthma the attack is caused by the much better to use some functional measure. Ask the
exercise, may indeed follow it and may last for 30 min or patient in what way their breathlessness restricts their
more. In other causes of breathlessness, recovery starts activities: can they go upstairs, go shopping, wash the car
as soon as exercise stops. or do the garden? If they are troubled with stairs, how
many flights can they manage? Do they stop half way up
or at the top? Questions about gardening are useful, at
least in the summer, as it is possible to grade activity from
Asthma due solely to emotional causes probably does not pulling out a few weeds to digging the potato patch. It is
exist; nonetheless, most patients who have asthma are important to be certain that any restriction is caused by
worse if emotionally upset. Patients may feel that breathlessness and not some other disability (e.g. an
admitting to stress is respectable when they would deny arthritic hip or angina).
other emotions. Nocturnal asthma is very common. Few
Orthopnoea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
asthmatics smoke because they know it makes them
worse. Ask what happens if they go into a smoky room. Orthopnoea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea need
Many will say they are unable to do so because of the special consideration. Both are usually regarded as
effects of the smoke. The response to household aerosol manifestations of left ventricular failure, yet this
sprays can be helpful. Many breathless patients with a is an oversimplification. Orthopnoea is defined as
variety of illnesses will think it logical, rightly or wrongly, breathlessness lying flat but relieved by sitting up. It is
that ‘dust’ or ‘fumes’ will make them worse but only common in patients with severe fixed airways obstruction,
true asthmatics seem to notice a deterioration with the as in some chronic bronchitics who may admit to not
ubiquitous domestic spray can. having slept flat for years. Normal people, when they lie
flat, breathe more with the diaphragm and less with the ketosis or renal failure may produce tachypnoea which
chest wall. In patients with airways obstruction, the may be felt as dyspnoea. Many patients think that if they
diaphragm is often flat and inefficient and may even draw are short of breath, they must be short of oxygen. This is
the ribs inwards rather than out. Thus, when they lie sometimes the case but, as mentioned earlier, hypoxia
down the diaphragm cannot provide the ventilation only stimulates respiration when relatively severe. To
required. illustrate the distinction between hypoxia and dyspnoea,
The term paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea is self- consider that many patients with airflow limitation from
explanatory and is a feature of pulmonary oedema from chronic bronchitis have hypoxia severe enough to cause
left ventricular failure. However, many asthmatics develop right-sided heart failure, yet they have relatively little
bronchoconstriction in the night and wake with wheeze dyspnoea (blue bloaters). In contrast, some patients with
and breathlessness very similar to the symptoms of left emphysema seem to need to keep their blood gases
ventricular failure. In contrast, patients with severe fixed normal by a heroic effort of breathing (pink puffers); they
flow limitation usually sleep well even if they do have to are very dyspnoeic.
be propped up.
The hyperventilation syndrome COUGH
Cough arises from the cough receptors in the pharynx,
The hyperventilation syndrome is more common than
larynx and bronchi; it, therefore, results from irritation of
is generally realised but produces a distinct pattern of
these receptors from infection, inflammation, tumour
symptoms. It is usually associated with anxiety and
or foreign body. Cough may be the only symptom in
patients overbreathe inappropriately. The initial complaint
asthma, particularly childhood asthma. Cough in children
is often, although not always, of breathlessness. The
occurring regularly after exercise or at night is virtually
hyperventilation is the response to this sensation. It may
diagnostic of asthma. Many smokers regard cough as
be described by the patient as a ‘difficulty in breathing
normal: ‘only a smoker’s cough’ or may deny it completely
in’ or an inability to ‘fill the bottom of the lungs’. The
despite having just coughed in front of the examiner. In
hyperventilation induces a reduction in the PCO2, creating
these patients, a change in the character of the cough can
a variety of other symptoms: paraesthesiae in the fingers,
be highly significant.
tingling around the lips, ‘dizziness’, ‘lightheadedness’
Patients can often localise cough to above the larynx
and sometimes frank tetany. Chest pain is the probable
(‘a tickle in the throat’) or below. Postnasal drip from
consequence of increased chest wall movement. The
rhinitis can cause the former and may be accompanied
onset is often triggered by some life event; especially
by sneezing and nasal blockage.
work related (e.g. redundancy or dismissal). The diagnosis
Laryngitis will cause both cough and a hoarse voice.
can be confirmed by asking the patient to take 20 deep
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy causes a hoarse voice and
breaths, which will reproduce the symptoms.
an ineffective cough because the cord is immobile. The
usual cause is involvement of the left recurrent laryngeal
Symptoms and signs nerve by tumour in its course in the chest. Cough from
Features suggestive of the hyperventilation tracheitis is usually dry and painful. Cough from further
syndrome down the airways is often associated with sputum
production (bronchitis, bronchiectasis or pneumonia).
• Breathlessness at rest
In the latter, associated pleurisy makes coughing very
• Breathlessness as severe with mild exertion as with
distressing and reduces its effectiveness. Other possibilities
greater exertion
are carcinoma, lung fibrosis and increased bronchial
• Marked variability in breathlessness
responsiveness (this is an inflammatory condition of the
• More difficulty breathing in than out
airways, thought to be part of the mechanism underlying
• Paraesthesiae of the fingers
asthma and often made worse by the factors listed in the
• Numbness around the mouth
‘symptoms and signs’ box on allergic and nonallergic
• ‘Lightheadedness’
factors in asthma). A cause of cough, which is often
• Feelings of impending collapse or remoteness from
overlooked, is aspiration into the lungs from gastro-
oesophageal reflux or a pharyngeal pouch. Cough will
• Chest wall pain
then follow meals or lying down. Prolonged coughing
bouts can cause both unconsciousness from reduction of
venous return from the brain (cough syncope) and also
Dyspnoea and hypoxia vomiting. Sometimes the history of cough is omitted,
making diagnosis difficult!
Dyspnoea should be distinguished from tachypnoea
(increased rate of breathing) and from hypoxia. It is a
symptom, not a sign, and is not necessarily an indication SPUTUM
of lung disease. Psychological factors, such as the Patients may understand the term ‘phlegm’ better than
hyperventilation syndrome, and acidosis from diabetic sputum. It is the result of excessive bronchial secretion;
itself a manifestation of inflammation and infection. Like Sticky ‘rusty’ sputum is characteristic of lobar
cough, smokers may not acknowledge its existence. pneumonia, and frothy sputum with streaks of blood is
Children usually swallow their sputum. It is essential to seen in pulmonary oedema.
be certain that the complaint relates to the chest, because Highly viscous sputum, sometimes with plugs, is
some patients have difficulty in distinguishing sputum characteristic of asthma and in some patients with chronic
production from gastrointestinal reflux, postnasal drip or bronchitis. Small bronchial casts, like twigs, may be
saliva. Sometimes asking the patient to ‘show me what described by a patient with the condition of
you have to do to get phlegm up’ can be helpful. If the bronchopulmonary aspergillosis associated with asthma.
patient denies sputum, a cough producing a rattle (a
‘loose cough’) suggests that it is present.
Sputum caused by chronic irritation is usually white or
grey, particularly in smokers; if infected, it becomes The coughing up of blood is often a sign of serious lung
yellow from the presence of leucocytes and this may turn disease. Nevertheless, it is common in trivial respiratory
to green by the action of the enzyme verdoperoxidase. infections. Like sputum production, it is essential to
Yellow or green sputum in asthma can be caused by the establish that it is coming from the lungs and not the
presence of eosinophils rather than infection. Questions nose or mouth or being vomited (haematemesis).
on frequency are most useful in the diagnosis of chronic Bleeding from the nose may run into the pharynx and be
bronchitis, an epidemiological definition of this is ‘sputum coughed out but usually the patient will also describe
production on most days for three consecutive months bleeding from the anterior nares. Bleeding in the mouth
for two successive years’. Sputum production is common causes confusion, it is usually related to brushing the
in asthmatics and is occasionally the main complaint. The teeth (gingivitis).
diagnosis of bronchiectasis is made on a story of daily The blood in haemoptysis is usually bright red at
sputum production stretching back to childhood. first, then followed by progressively smaller and darker
Patients can often give an estimate of the amount amounts. This would be unusual in haematemesis.
of sputum they bring up each day, usually in terms of a
cup or teaspoon and so on. Large amounts occur in Differential diagnosis
bronchiectasis and lung abscess and in the rare Haemoptysis
bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma.
• Infection including bronchiectasis
• Bronchial carcinoma
• Tuberculosis
Differential diagnosis
• Pulmonary embolism and infarction
Sputum • No cause found
White or grey Uncommon
• Smoking • Mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure
• Simple chronic bronchitis • Bronchial adenoma
• Asthma • Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
Yellow or green • Anticoagulation and blood dyscrasias
• Acute bronchitis
• Acute on chronic bronchitis
• Asthma Differential diagnosis
• Bronchiectasis Pointers to the significance of an episode
• Cystic fibrosis of haemoptysis
Frothy, blood-streaked
• Pulmonary oedema Probably serious
• Middle-aged or elderly
• Spontaneous
• Previous or current smoker
• Recurrent
• Large amount
Questions to ask
Probably not serious
• Young
• What colour is the phlegm? • Recent infection
• How often do you bring it up? • Never smoked
• How much do you bring up? • Single episode
• Do you have trouble getting it up? • Small amount – if single episode
All haemoptysis is potentially serious, although the with sleep usually indicates malignant disease involving
most important cause is carcinoma of the bronchus. the chest wall. Moreover, spinal disease and herpes zoster
Repeated small haemoptyses every few days over a period may cause pain in a root distribution round the chest.
of some weeks in a middle-aged smoker is virtually Pleural pain is usually localised accurately by the
diagnostic of bronchial carcinoma. patient, yet if the pleura overlying the diaphragm is
Other serious causes are pulmonary embolism (sudden involved pain may be referred either to the abdomen
onset of pleuritic chest pain and dyspnoea followed by from the costal part of the diaphragm or to the tip of the
haemoptysis), tuberculosis (weight loss, fever, cough and shoulder from the central part because the pain fibres run
sputum) and bronchiectasis (long history of sputum in the phrenic nerve (C3–5). Pain may subside when an
production and the haemoptysis associated with an effusion develops.
exacerbation and increased sputum purulence). Blood- Although the lungs are insensitive to pain, the
tinged sputum in pneumonia and pulmonary oedema mediastinal structures are not. Cancer of the lung and
has already been mentioned. other central lesions produce a dull, poorly localised pain
– presumably from pressure on mediastinal structures.
A third type of pain is a central soreness over the
Risk factors
trachea in acute tracheitis.
Pulmonary embolism
of other systems that affect the lungs include rheumatoid PREVIOUS DISEASE
arthritis, other connective tissue disease (scleroderma A history of tuberculosis may explain abnormal shadowing
and dermatomyositis), immune deficiency syndromes on a chest radiograph. Current symptoms may be caused
(including AIDS) and renal failure. A variety of by relapse, especially if the patient was treated before
neuromuscular diseases and skeletal problems affect the the start of the antibiotic era (1950). Some operations
mechanics of breathing. for tuberculosis from those days (thoracoplasty and
Weight loss is an important manifestation of lung phrenic crush) produce lifelong chest or radiographic
carcinoma, although by the time it occurs there are deformity. Bronchial damage from tuberculosis can lead
usually metastatic deposits in the liver. Less well known to bronchiectasis.
as a cause is chronic airflow limitation, presumably from BCG vaccination reduces the risk of tuberculosis but
the increased respiratory effort impairing appetite and one degree of protection is disputed. In some areas in the
diverting calories to the respiratory muscles. Chronic UK it is performed at school at the age of 12 or 13 years.
infection, particularly tuberculosis, causes weight loss. Babies born to immigrant mothers often receive it at
Gain in weight may be a cause of increased dyspnoea and birth. For children, tuberculin testing to assess sensitivity
sleep apnoea (see below). One cause is steroid therapy is performed first. A history of these procedures helps in
for lung disease (iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome). the assessment of a possible case of tuberculosis.
Fever must be distinguished from feeling hot or A history of wheeze in childhood suggests asthma.
sweating and generally implies infection, particularly This may have gone into remission and been forgotten
pneumonia or tuberculosis. Less commonly, it is caused only to occur in later life. Whooping cough or pneumonia
by malignancy or connective tissue disease affecting the in childhood may lead to bronchiectasis and patients may
lungs. If pulmonary embolism is suspected, pain or have been told by their parents that their problems started
swelling in the legs suggests a deep venous thrombosis. with such an episode.
Sleep Chest injuries, operations or pneumonia can all lead
to permanent radiographic changes which otherwise
Sleep disturbance may be caused by pain, breathlessness
would be very difficult to explain. Previous radiographs
and cough from airways obstruction or from depression.
can be invaluable in these circumstances and may be
In the sleep apnoea syndrome, patients are aroused
available. ‘Health checks’ may have included chest
repeatedly in the night from obstruction of the upper
radiography. Many patients will have had chest
airways. The cause is not always clear but obesity is very
radiography before an operation.
common and hypertrophied tonsils often contribute.
Sudden obstruction leads to greater and greater inspiratory
efforts by the patient who, in a half-awake state, will SOCIAL HISTORY
thrash around and eventually overcome the obstruction
to the accompaniment of loud snoring noises. This may
be repeated many times during the night. Wives (the The importance of enquiry about smoking in lung disease
patients are usually men) will describe this in graphic can hardly be overemphasised (Figs 5.23, 5.24). Smoking
detail! The poor quality of sleep leads to daytime is, for practical purposes, the cause of chronic bronchitis
somnolence and the carbon dioxide retention to morning and carcinoma of the bronchus and neither diagnosis is
headaches. likely to be correct in a lifelong nonsmoker. Patients seem
Many diseases of the respiratory system produce to be generally accurate about their tobacco consumption
lasting disability and some are fatal. Therefore, depression contrasting sometimes with alcohol.
and anxiety are to be expected and may influence the It is important not to appear censorious when enquiring
history. about smoking. Tobacco is highly addictive and most
patients would give up if only they could and are not
being perverse when they continue despite evidence of
lung damage. You should be aware that some patients
claim to be nonsmokers when they only stopped last
Symptoms and signs
month, last week or even on the way to hospital! Ask
Clinical features suggesting the sleep
apnoea syndrome
nonsmokers: ‘Have you smoked in the past?’. The risk of
disease increases with the amount smoked. Cigarettes
• Excessive daytime somnolence are the most dangerous; pipes and cigars are not free of
• Intellectual deterioration and irritability risk. Risk declines steadily when smoking stops; it takes
• Early morning headaches 10–20 years for the risk of lung cancer to equal that of
• Snoring lifelong nonsmokers.
• Restless nights Inhalation of another person’s smoke at home or at
• Social deterioration (e.g. job, marriage, driving work is increasingly recognised as a factor in lung disease.
difficulties) This is particularly true for asthma. Children in households
with smokers have more respiratory infections.
of progressive breathlessness.
UK Parrots and related species transmit the infectious
40 agent of psittacosis, a cause of pneumonia. You may need
to extend your enquires beyond the home because
20 patients may be exposed to birds belonging to friends and
Japan relations.
0 Occupation
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
year The question ‘What work do you do?’ is more important
Fig. 5.23 Smoking trends in selected countries, based on data from for respiratory disease than for any other. The nature of
the World Heath Organization. the job and not just the title is important because the
latter may convey no meaning to you at all. The question
is important in two ways. Respiratory disease may affect
Mortality ratios and smoking
a patient’s ability to perform a job but may also be the
result of the occupation. Any job involving exposure to
mortality noxious agents of a respirable size is potentially damaging;
ratio the most obvious example is pneumoconiosis in coal
Risk factors
Some occupational causes of lung disease
Occupation Agent Disease
1 Mining Coal dust Pneumoconiosis
Quarrying Silica dust Silicosis
Foundry work Silica dust Silicosis
0 Asbestos (mining, Asbestos fibres Asbestosis
cigarette consumption per day
Farming Actinomycetes Alveolitis
Fig. 5.24 Mortality ratios and smoking. Paint spraying Isocyanates Asthma
Plastics manufacture Isocyanates Asthma
Soldering Colophony Asthma
Risk factors
Enquiry may need to be searching and, if occupational
Lung cancer
lung disease is suspected, then a full list of all jobs
• Smoking performed will need to be constructed. For example, in
• Atmospheric pollution the case of asbestos there can be an interval of 30 years
• Asbestos exposure between exposure, say in shipyard work, and the
• Radon exposure (natural and occupational) development of asbestosis or mesothelioma. Some will
• Work in gas and coke industry deny working with asbestos but nevertheless were
exposed when others were performing lagging (putting
asbestos on pipes) or stripping (taking it off). Other that this is now becoming more common in the
occupations in which exposure may not be obvious, heterosexual population, especially in individuals who
although real nonetheless, are building and demolition have travelled abroad, particularly to Africa and Asia.
work, electrical repair work, railway engineering and gas
mask and cement manufacture. Environmental exposure,
including that of wives of asbestos workers, seems
important occasionally. The most useful questions are those concerning past
The easiest way to diagnose pneumoconiosis is to ask treatment. Successful use of bronchodilators and
the patient. Miners in the UK undergo regular chest corticoids in airways obstruction will indicate asthma.
radiography while working. If significant pneumoconiosis Aspirin and sometimes other nonsteroidal anti-
is diagnosed the patient will be told. inflammatory drugs and β-adrenergic receptor blockers
can make asthma worse, and angiotensin-converting
Occupational asthma enzyme inhibitors cause chronic dry cough. Steroid
The list of causes of occupational asthma grows longer therapy predisposes to infections, including
yearly. A good screening question to any asthmatic is: tuberculosis.
‘Does your work make any difference to your symptoms?’.
Follow this up with questions about improvement at PATIENT PERSPECTIVE
weekends or on holiday. The latter is important because
symptoms caused at work may not be manifest until the Many lung conditions are chronic and most of these
evening or night and sometimes changes take place over are progressive. It is therefore particularly important
days or even weeks. to understand patients’ reactions to the prospect of
Common causes are isocyanates (paint hardeners increasing disability and sometimes death. Ask about
and plastic manufacture) and colophony (soldering and patients’ hopes and fears for the future and how the
electronics). The lack of an obvious culprit should not put disease is affecting their lives and that of their families.
you off the scent if the evidence is otherwise suggestive.
Much detective work is necessary in individual cases.
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis General examination
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis can be caused by occupation Examination starts on first encounter. You should be able
as well as by exposure to birds. The best example is to continually pick up and store clues while talking and
farmer’s lung: the agent is the microorganism thermophilic listening to the patient. As with all body systems, a good
actinomycetes contaminating stored damp hay. The story look at the patient as a whole will provide important
is of shortness of breath, cough and chills a few hours evidence that will be missed in a rush to lay a stethoscope
after forking out fodder for cattle in the winter. Other on the chest. Your findings should be divided into first
occupations with similar risks are mushroom workers, impressions, then a more directed search for signs outside
sugar workers (bagassosis – mouldy sugar cane), the chest likely to be helpful in lung disease and, finally,
maltworkers and woodworkers, although the antigens examination of the chest itself.
vary in each case. There are a number of circumstances when the
examination may have to be focused on particular areas
rather than attempting a comprehensive examination.
This may be because the patient is too unwell or because
The most common lung disease with a genetic basis is the history only requires a specific confirmatory sign, say
asthma, although the development of the disease in an the presence or absence of wheeze. It may be difficult
individual is much more complicated. A family history of to undress some patients fully, particularly in primary
asthma and the related conditions of hay fever or eczema care.
are often found but these diseases are so prevalent
that enquiry beyond the immediate family is of little
value. Other diseases that run in the family include cystic FIRST IMPRESSIONS
fibrosis and α1-antitrypsin deficiency, a rare cause of How breathless does the patient appear? Is it consistent
emphysema. with the story? If seen in the clinic or office, can the
Tuberculosis is usually passed on within families. In patient walk in comfortably and sit down or does the
the UK, tuberculosis is common in Asian and African patient struggle to get in? Perhaps the patient is in a
migrants, particularly in their first 10 years in the country, wheelchair; if so, is it because of breathing troubles or
and in individuals who have revisited the subcontinent. something else? Can the patient carry on a conversation
Most of the increased incidence of the disease seen in with you or do they break up their sentences? How
recent years has occurred in conditions of poverty. breathless is the patient when getting undressed? Details
Enquiry into sexual habits will be necessary if the of breathing patterns are considered later but is the
illness could be a manifestation of AIDS, remembering patient obviously distressed or quite comfortable? Is
General examination 5
there stridor or wheeze? Is there cough, confirming or the nail from the side against a white background, say
perhaps at variance with the history? Is there evidence of the bedsheets. Not surprisingly, there can be considerable
weight loss suggesting carcinoma or weight gain from disagreement about the presence or absence of clubbing
steroid therapy? in the early stages. When normal nails are placed ‘back
Do not ignore clues around the patient. An air to back’ there is usually a diamond-shaped area between
compressor by the bed will be used to deliver bronchodilator them. This is obliterated early in clubbing (Fig. 5.27).
drugs. A packet of cigarettes in the pyjama jacket will In the next stage, the normal longitudinal curvature
have the opposite effect. In hospital you will be deprived of the nail increases. Some normal nails have a
of some of these features but not how the patient is pronounced curve but in clubbing the increase in soft
positioned – does the patient have to sit up to breathe tissue in the nail beds needs to be present as well. In the
(confirming a history of orthopnoea)? Is the patient final stage, the whole tip of the finger becomes rounded
receiving oxygen? (a club) (Fig. 5.28). Clubbing less commonly affects the
After extracting as much information as you can, if it toes.
is feasible and appropriate position the patient comfortably The pathogenesis of clubbing is unknown. There is
on the bed or couch with enough pillows to support increased vascularity and tissue fluid and this seems to
the chest at an angle of approximately 45° and begin the be under neurogenic control because it can be abolished
formal examination. This can conveniently start with the by vagotomy.
hands and a search for clubbing. Clubbing is sometimes associated with hypertrophic
pulmonary osteoarthropathy; this presents with pain in
the joints – particularly the wrists, ankles and knees.
This refers to an increase in the soft tissues of the nail The pain is not in the joint itself but over the shafts of
bed and the finger tip. The earliest stage is some softening the long bones adjacent to the joint. It is caused by
of the nail bed which can be detected by rocking the nail subperiosteal new bone formation, which can be seen
from side to side on the nail bed (Fig. 5.25). This sign can on a radiograph (Fig. 5.29). The condition is almost
be present to some extent in normal individuals but is invariably associated with clubbing, although it can
exaggerated in the early stages of clubbing. Next, the soft occur alone. Any cause of clubbing can also cause
tissue of the nail bed fills in the normal obtuse angle hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy; however, it is
between the nail and the nail bed. This is usually usually associated with a squamous carcinoma of the
approximately 160° but the area becomes flat, even bronchus. The condition is often mistaken for arthritis,
convex in clubbing (Fig. 5.26). This is seen best by viewing with consequent delay in diagnosis. Successful treatment
Fig. 5.25 Rocking the nail on the nail bed Fig. 5.26 Mild clubbing. The nail on the left shows obliteration of the angle at the nail fold
in clubbing. compared with a normal nail on the right.
Fig. 5.27 Clubbing, showing how the diamond-shaped area formed between two normal Fig. 5.28 Gross clubbing.
nails (left) is obliterated (right).
Differential diagnosis
Some common causes of clubbing
• Bronchial carcinoma Fig. 5.30 Cyanosis in a patient with chronic airflow limitation.
• Chronic pulmonary sepsis
– empyema
– lung abscess produce cyanosis, even though there is enough oxygenated
– bronchiectasis haemoglobin to maintain a normal oxygen-carrying
– cystic fibrosis capacity.
• Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis Cyanosis can be divided into central and peripheral
• Asbestosis varieties. Central cyanosis is caused by disease of the
Cardiac heart or lungs and the blood leaving the left heart
• Congenital cyanotic heart disease is blue. Peripheral cyanosis is caused by decreased
• Bacterial endocarditis circulation and increased extraction of oxygen in the
Other peripheral tissues. Blood leaving the left heart is
• Idiopathic/familial normal.
• Cirrhosis Central cyanosis Although the whole patient may
• Ulcerative colitis appear cyanosed, the best place to look is the mucous
• Coeliac disease membranes of the lips and tongue (Fig. 5.31). Good
• Crohn’s disease natural light is best. Any severe disease of the heart and
lungs will cause central cyanosis but the most common
causes are severe airflow limitation, left ventricular failure
and pulmonary fibrosis.
of the cause will relieve clubbing and the pain of
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. While Peripheral cyanosis Here, the peripheries, the fingers
searching for clubbing, note any nicotine staining of the and the toes, are blue with normal mucous membranes.
fingers. The usual cause is reduced circulation to the limbs, as
seen in cold weather, Raynaud’s phenomenon or
peripheral vascular disease. The peripheries are also
Cyanosis, a bluish tinge to the skin and mucous usually cold. There may be an element of peripheral
membranes, is seen when there is an increased amount cyanosis in heart failure when the perfusion of the
of reduced haemoglobin in the blood (Fig. 5.30). extremities is reduced.
Traditionally, it is thought to become visible when there Cyanosis can rarely be caused by the abnormal
is approximately 5 g/dl or more of reduced haemoglobin, pigments methaemoglobin and sulphaemoglobin.
corresponding to a saturation of approximately 85%; Arterial oxygen tension is normal.
however, there is a good deal of interobserver variation.
Tremors and carbon dioxide retention
Severe anaemia and cyanosis cannot coexist otherwise
most of the haemoglobin would be reduced. Conversely, The most common tremor in patients with respiratory
in polycythaemia, in which there is an increase in red cell disease is a fine finger tremor from stimulation of
mass, there may be enough reduced haemoglobin to β-receptors in skeletal muscle by bronchodilator
General examination 5
Beware of performing a cervical node biopsy too readily. metastatic carcinoma are hard and fixed. Tuberculous
Throat cancer can involve these nodes and painstaking nodes, common in Asian patients in the UK, are soft and
block dissection is the correct treatment. matted and may have discharging sinuses. Healing and
Respiratory diseases that involve these nodes are calcification leave small hard nodes.
carcinoma, tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. Nodes containing Examination of the axillary nodes is shown in Figure
5.34. Abduct the patient’s arm, place the fingers of your
hand high up in the axilla, press the tips of the fingers
Differential diagnosis
against the chest wall, relax the patient’s arm and draw
your fingers downwards over the ribs to roll the nodes
Common respiratory causes of supraclavicular
lymphadenopathy between your fingers and the ribs.
• Lung cancer
• Lymphoma Skin
• Tuberculosis The early stages of sarcoidosis and primary tuberculosis
• Sarcoidosis are often accompanied by erythema nodosum (Fig. 5.35):
• HIV infection painful red indurated areas usually on the shins; although
occasionally more extensive, they fade through bruising.
Severely affected patients may also have arthralgia.
Sarcoidosis can also involve the skin, particularly old
scars and tattoos, with nodules and plaques. Lupus pernio
is a violaceous swelling of the nose from involvement by
sarcoid granuloma.
Horner’s syndrome [miosis (contraction of the pupil),
enophthalmos (backward displacement of the eyeball in
the orbit), lack of sweating on the affected side of the face
and ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid; see also Chapter
11)] is usually due to involvement of the sympathetic
chain on the posterior chest wall by a bronchial
Sarcoidosis and tuberculosis can cause iridocyclitis.
Fig. 5.33 Palpation of the supraclavicular lymph nodes from Miliary tuberculosis can produce tubercles visible
behind. on the retina by ophthalmoscopy. Papilloedema can
Fig. 5.34 Palpation of the axillary lymph nodes. Fig. 5.35 Erythema nodosum, showing
raised red lumps on the shins.
Fig. 5.36 ‘Barrel chest’. Note the increased Fig. 5.37 Pectus excavatum, showing the depressed sternum.
anteroposterior diameter of the chest.
Differential diagnosis
Erythema nodosum
• Streptococci
• Tuberculosis
• Systemic fungal infections
• Leprosy
• Sarcoidosis
• Ulcerative colitis
• Crohn’s disease
• Sulphonamides
• Oral contraceptive pill and pregnancy
Signs of asthma in adults
Fig. 5.39 Kyphoscoliosis. acidosis from renal failure, diabetic ketoacidosis and
aspirin overdosage will have deep sighing (Kussmaul)
respirations as they try to excrete carbon dioxide. Acute
massive pulmonary embolism gives a similar pattern.
Flattening of part of the chest can be due either to Is the breathing regular? Cheyne–Stokes respiration is
underlying lung disease (which usually has to be a waxing and waning of the respiratory depth over a
longstanding) or to scoliosis. minute or so from deep respirations to almost no
Kyphosis is forward curvature of the spine and scoliosis breathing at all. It is thought to be caused by a failure of
is a lateral curvature (Fig. 5.39). Both, but scoliosis in the central respiratory control to respond adequately to
particular, can lead to respiratory failure. changes in carbon dioxide and is often seen in patients
Air in the subcutaneous tissue is termed surgical with terminal disease. Patients may seem unaware of the
emphysema, although it is as commonly associated with condition.
a spontaneous pneumothorax as trauma to the chest. The Is there any prolongation of expiration? The typical
tissues of the upper chest and neck are swollen, sometimes patient with airflow limitation has trouble breathing out.
grossly so (Michelin man), although the condition is not Inspiration may be brief, even hurried, but expiration is
dangerous in itself. The tissues have a characteristic a prolonged laboured manoeuvre. Many of these patients
crackling sensation on palpation. In pneumothorax, the breathe out through pursed lips as if they were whistling;
air probably tracks from ruptured alveoli, through the this mechanism maintains a higher airway pressure and
root of the lungs to the mediastinum, thence up into keeps open the distal airways to allow fuller although
the neck. On auscultation of the precordium, you may longer expiration.
hear a curious extra sound in time with the heart Note if the chest expands unequally. If this is so and
(mediastinal crunch) but this can occur in pneumothorax there is no structural abnormality of the chest or spine to
without pneumomediastinum. Mediastinal air may be account for it, then air is probably not entering the lung
visible on a radiograph. so well on the affected side. The difference has to be
marked to be appreciated. The causes will be considered
under palpation. It is possible to measure overall
BREATHING PATTERNS expansion with a tape-measure (the result is of little value
A good deal can be learnt from simple observation of the and certainly no substitute for measures of lung volume).
chest wall movements. Note rate, depth and regularity. Breathing mainly from the diaphragm suggests chest
Does the chest move equally on the two sides? Does wall problems (e.g. pleural pain, ankylosing spondylitis).
breathing appear distressing? Is it noisy? Breathing mainly with the rib cage suggests diaphragm
Counting the respiratory rate is often neglected and paralysis, peritonitis or abdominal distension. Normally,
the precise rate is rarely of practical importance. However, as the diaphragm descends in inspiration the anterior
changes can be of great help in the absence of other abdominal wall will move outwards. If it moves inwards
information. You should note an increase in rate or depth. (abdominal paradox) then the diaphragm is probably
An increase in rate may occur in any severe lung disease paralysed. Similarly, in tetraplegia, when the chest
and in fever and sepsis. Patients with hyperventilation wall muscles are paralysed but phrenic nerve function
may breathe both faster and more deeply, although the preserved, descent of the diaphragm produces indrawing
increase can be subtle and easily missed. Patients with of the chest wall (chest wall paradox).
Trachea and mediastinum
Start palpation by feeling for the position of the trachea.
Do this from the front by placing two fingers either side
of the trachea and judging whether the distances between
it and the sternomastoid tendons are equal on the two
sides (Fig. 5.42). An alternative is to examine the patient
from behind and hook your fingers round the tendons to
meet the trachea. The trachea may be displaced by masses
in the neck such as thyroid enlargement. Nonetheless,
the trachea gives an indication about the position of the
mediastinum, although often you will only be confident
about tracheal displacement after you have seen the
radiograph. Fig. 5.42 Palpation of the trachea.
Chest wall
Mediastinal displacement If the patient complains of chest pain, then you should
gently palpate the chest for local tenderness. If present,
fibrosis this usually indicates disease of bones, muscles or
cartilage. As indicated earlier, one variety is called Tietze’s
syndrome, in which there is pain and swelling of one or
more of the upper costal cartilages, but much more
commonly than this syndrome there is merely pain and
tenderness of the cartilage but no swelling. Chest wall
tenderness may also be present in pleurisy; point
tenderness over a rib or cartilage is almost always due to
benign local disease and the worried patient can be
pull reassured.
From this point on, as with most parts of the physical
examination, comparison is made between the two sides
of the body as abnormality is likely to be confined to one
side. Start from the front at the apex of the lung and work
downwards, comparing each side immediately with the
effusion other. Remember that the heart will influence the result
fluid on the left. Do not forget the lateral sides and the axillae.
push Then sit the patient forwards and examine the back.
Sometimes you will need an assistant to help a sick
patient to lean forwards. When examining from the back,
place the arms of the patient forwards in the lap. This will
Fig. 5.43 Mediastinal displacement. move the scapulae laterally and uncover more of the
chest wall.
Fig. 5.44 Assessing chest expansion in expiration (left) and inspiration (right).
Fig. 5.45 Percussion over the anterior chest. Fig. 5.46 Direct percussion of the clavicles for disease in the lung
Expansion can be reduced on both sides equally. This the middle finger of the other hand (Fig. 5.45); it must
is difficult to detect as there is no standard of comparison be removed again immediately, like the clapper inside
but is produced by severe airflow limitation, extensive a bell, otherwise the resultant sound will be damped.
generalised lung fibrosis and chest wall problems (e.g. The striking movement should be a flick of the wrist
ankylosing spondylitis). and the striking finger should be at right angles to the
Unilateral reduction implies that air cannot enter other finger. As well as hearing the percussion note,
that side and is seen in pleural effusion, lung collapse, vibrations will be felt by your hand on the chest wall.
pneumothorax and pneumonia. Again, each side is compared with the equivalent
area on the other from top to bottom. Do not forget the
The finger on the chest should be parallel to the
Differential diagnosis
expected line of dullness (e.g. in an effusion, parallel to
Dullness to percussion the floor). This will then produce a clearly defined change
Moderate in note from normal to dull; a finger straddling the
• Consolidation demarcation will not do this. It should be placed in the
• Fibrosis intercostal spaces. Do not percuss more heavily than is
• Collapse necessary: it gives no more information and can be
distressing to patients. The apex of the lung can be
examined by tapping directly on the middle of the clavicle
• Pleural fluid
(Fig. 5.46). Remember that the lung extends much further
down posteriorly than anteriorly (see Fig. 5.4).
The degree of resonance depends on the thickness of
the chest wall and on the amount of air in the structures
PERCUSSION underlying it. The possibilities are increased resonance,
The purpose of percussion is to detect the resonance or dullness and ‘stony dullness’. Obese patients and
hollowness of the chest. Use both hands, placing the individuals with thick chest walls show less resonance,
fingers of one hand on the chest with the fingers separated yet it is equal on the two sides. In contrast, patients with
and strike one of them with the terminal phalanx of overinflated lungs, particularly those with emphysema,
have increased resonance; however, it is generalised and they do. To help them you may have to press gently on
without a reference point is difficult to grade. It might be the jaw to open it. Some take enormous slow deep
thought that air in the pleural space (pneumothorax) breaths that, although otherwise satisfactory, do prolong
would increase resonance but the difference is often the examination. A quick demonstration of what you
insufficient to identify which is the affected side from want will resolve any problems.
percussion alone. The breath sounds are produced in the large airways,
Resonance is decreased moderately in consolidation transmitted through the airways and then attenuated by
and fibrosis of the lung and markedly if there is fluid of the distal lung structure through which they pass. The
any kind between the lung and the chest wall, that is, sounds you hear at the lung surface are therefore different
stony dullness. A collapsed lobe can compress to a very from the sounds heard over the trachea and are modified
small volume and compensatory overinflation of the further if there is anything obstructing the airways, lung
other lobe fills the space. The percussion note may then tissue, pleura or chest wall. When reporting on auscultatory
be normal. A whole lung cannot collapse completely changes, you must distinguish between the breath sounds
(unless there is also a pneumothorax) so the chest will be and the added sounds. Breath sounds are termed either
dull. Percussion can also be used to determine movement vesicular or bronchial and the added sounds are divided
of the diaphragm because the level of dullness will into crackles, wheezes and rubs.
descend as the patient breathes in (tidal percussion).
Dullness is to be expected over the liver, which anteriorly Vesicular breath sounds
reaches as high as the sixth costal cartilage, and over the
This is the sound heard over normal lungs; it has a rustling
heart. Resonance in these areas, again a subjective finding,
quality and is heard on inspiration and the first part
implies increased air in the lungs and is common in
of expiration (Fig. 5.48). Reduction in vesicular breath
overinflation and emphysema. Bilateral basal dullness is
sounds can be expected with airways obstruction as in
more usually due to failure or inability to take a deep
asthma, emphysema or tumour. The so-called ‘silent
breath, to obesity or to abdominal distension than to
chest’ is a sign of severe asthma: so little air enters the
bilateral pleural effusions. The right diaphragm is
lung that no sound is produced. The breath sounds can
normally higher than the left so expect a slightly higher
be strikingly reduced in emphysema, particularly over a
level of dullness.
bulla. Generalised reduction in breath sounds also occurs
with a thick chest wall or obesity.
Anything interspersed between the lung and the chest
wall (air, fluid or pleural thickening) will reduce the
Many doctors prefer to use the diaphragm of the breath sounds; this is likely to be unilateral and therefore
stethoscope for auscultation of the chest (Fig. 5.47). In more easily detected.
thin bony chests, the bell may give a more airtight fit and Avoid the term ‘diminished air entry’ when you mean
is less likely to trap hairs underneath, which produce a diminished breath sounds. The two are not necessarily
crackling sound. synonymous.
Ask the patient to take deep breaths through the
mouth, then listen in sequence over the chest as before. Bronchial breathing
Start at the apices and compare each side with the other.
Some patients fail to understand the instruction to breathe Bronchial breathing causes much confusion because the
through the mouth but the sounds are much clearer if essential feature of bronchial breathing, the quality of
the sound, is difficult or impossible to put into words.
Traditionally, it is described by its timing as occurring in
both inspiration and expiration with a gap in between
(Fig. 5.49). In this way it is contrasted with vesicular
breathing. These features are undoubtedly true but lead
to the confusion in the mind of the student that if anything
is heard in middle or late expiration it must be bronchial
breathing. Many normal people and individuals with
airways obstruction have a prolonged expiratory
component to the breath sounds (this is sometimes
designated ‘bronchovesicular’ but this term increases
the confusion rather than diminishing it). It is best to
forget about the timing and concentrate on the essential
feature, the quality of the sound. It can be mimicked to
some extent by listening over the trachea with the
stethoscope, although a better imitation can be obtained
Fig. 5.47 Auscultation of the chest using the diaphragm. by putting the tip of your tongue on the roof of your
lower lobe
no bronchial breathing
Bronchial breathing
Fig. 5.50 Bronchial breathing may be heard over the upper lobes
even if the bronchus is blocked.
inspiration expiration
over an effusion will be diminished but bronchial
breathing may be heard over its upper level, perhaps
because the effusion compresses the lung.
Bronchial breathing is only heard over a collapsed lung
if the airway is patent. This is rare as the collapse
is usually caused by an obstructing carcinoma.
Nevertheless, there is an exception with the upper lobes
Fig. 5.49 Timing of bronchial breathing. (see above).
Bronchial breathing has been divided into tubular,
cavernous and amphoric but attempts to score points on
mouth and breathing in and out through the open ward rounds by using these terms are best left to
mouth. others.
Bronchial breathing is heard when sound generated in
Vocal resonance
the central airways is transmitted more or less unchanged
through the lung substance. This occurs when the lung This is the auscultatory equivalent of vocal fremitus. Place
substance itself is solid, as in consolidation, but the air the stethoscope on the chest and ask the patient to
passages remain open. Sound is conducted normally to say ‘ninety-nine’. Normally the sound produced is
the small airways but then, instead of being modified by ‘fuzzy’ and seems to come from the chest piece of the
air in the alveoli, the solid lung conducts the sound better stethoscope. The changes in disease should by now be
to the lung surface and, hence, to the stethoscope. If the predictable. The sound is increased in consolidation
central airways are obstructed by, say, a carcinoma, then (better transmission through solid lung) and decreased if
no transmission of sound will take place and no bronchial there is air, fluid or pleural thickening between the lung
breathing will occur even though the lung may be solid. and the chest wall. The changes of vocal fremitus are the
An exception is seen in the upper lobes. Here, if same. Both tests are of little value in themselves, yet a
the bronchi to either lobe are blocked, sounds from the refinement of vocal resonance can be very useful.
central airways can still be transmitted directly from Sometimes the increased transmission of sound is so
the trachea through the solid lung to the chest wall marked that even when the patient whispers, the sound
(Fig. 5.50). is still heard clearly over the affected lung (whispering
The main cause of bronchial breathing is consolidation, pectoriloquy). When this is well developed there is a
particularly from pneumonia – so much so that in the striking difference between the normal side, where the
minds of most clinicians the three terms are synonymous. sound appears to come from the end of the stethoscope,
Lung abscess, if near the chest wall, can cause bronchial and the abnormal side, where the syllables are much
breathing, probably because of the consolidation around clearer and seem as if they are being whispered into your
it. Dense fibrosis is an occasional cause. Breath sounds ear.
This section summarises what has been said before PLEURAL FLUID
but from the perspective of the disease process. The
diagnosis itself will need the integration of the history Whether this be from an increase in pleural transudate,
and any other information. The processes considered are pleural exudate from inflammation, blood, pus or lymph,
consolidation, pleural fluid, pneumothorax, chronic the signs are the same. A large amount of fluid is needed
airflow limitation, lung or lobar collapse and fibrosis. Not to displace the heart and an even larger amount, filling
all the signs are present in every case and often there is most of the hemithorax, to displace the trachea. The
more than one disease process at a time. The radiograph displacement is away from the fluid. Expansion is
often illustrates the anatomical nature of the process, so diminished on the affected side, vocal fremitus is
examples are shown. reduced, percussion note is markedly reduced, ‘stony
dullness’, and breath sounds are absent or markedly
reduced. Bronchial breathing and a rub may be heard at
CONSOLIDATION the upper level of the effusion. An effusion, if large
Consolidation is a confusing term as it means different enough, is detected both anteriorly and posteriorly
things to different specialists. To a radiologist it means (Figs 5.52, 5.53).
Mediastinum central
Expansion ↓
Percussion note ↓
Breath sounds bronchial
Whispering pectoriloquy
Pleural rub
Fig. 5.51 Consolidation (unusual because it affects both lungs). Enlarged view showing air bronchogram (arrow).
Mediastinum displaced
Expansion ↓
Percussion ↓
Breath sounds ↓
Mediastinum sometimes
Expansion ↓
Percussion normal or ↑
Breath sounds ↓
No added sounds
Mediastinum central
Hepatic and cardiac dullness ↓
Vesicular breath sounds
Wheezes and crackles
Radiograph often normal but
here shows overinflation
and low flat diaphragms
Mediastinum displaced
Expansion reduced
Percussion normal or ↓
Breath sounds vesicular
but ↓ or sometimes
blood and the lung collapses. If the whole lung is involved, of direct transmission of sound from the trachea. Bronchial
then the degree of collapse is limited by the capacity breathing is also heard in collapse of other lobes if
of the chest to shrink, but if a lobe is involved, then (unusually) the airways remain patent (Fig. 5.56). Crackles
the other lobe can fill the space and the affected lung and wheeze may be present if the cause is damage from
may come to occupy only a very small area. Lung an old infection.
collapse can also follow infection: tuberculosis and
bronchiectasis are good examples. Here the airways
remain open.
The findings on examination depend on whether the LUNG FIBROSIS
whole lung or only one lobe is involved. There is This may be the end result of many lung conditions
diminished movement on the affected side, with the and minor degrees are undetectable clinically. Localised
mediastinum deviating to that side. The percussion note changes produce similar signs to lung collapse. Generalised
is markedly reduced if the whole lung is involved but can disease is best illustrated by cryptogenic fibrosing
be difficult or impossible to detect if only a lobe is involved alveolitis. The lungs are stiff, expansion may be reduced,
and has shrunk to a small space. Breath sounds are but equally, and the mediastinum is central. Vocal
diminished but remain vesicular in lobar collapse and fremitus is normal, percussion note is normal or
may be absent if the whole lung is involved. Vocal slightly reduced, breath sounds are vesicular, although
resonance is decreased. As already indicated, bronchial occasionally bronchial, yet there are marked crackles,
breathing, increased vocal resonance and whispering initially confined to the bases but later extending up the
pectoriloquy can be heard in upper lobe collapse because chest (Fig. 5.57).
Mediastinum central
Expansion equally ↓
Percussion normal or ↓
Breath sounds vesicular
(occasionally bronchial)
Bedside assessment of acute respiratory failure
Bedside diagnosis of acute respiratory failure is difficult • Consider parenchymal lung disease (e.g. pneumonia,
but: pulmonary oedema, alveolitis)
• Look first for respiratory rate, cyanosis, respiratory – look for crackles, bronchial breathing
distress, use of accessory respiratory muscles, ankle • Consider pleural problems (e.g. effusion,
swelling pneumothorax)
• Consider upper airways obstruction (e.g. anaphylactic – look for displaced trachea, dullness with silence,
shock, laryngeal tumour, foreign body, obstructive resonance with silence
sleep apnoea) • Consider chest wall problems (e.g. ankylosing
– look for swelling of lips and tongue, stridor, hoarse spondylosis, neurological disease)
voice, snoring – look for scoliosis, upper limb weakness, poor chest
• Consider central airways obstruction (e.g. tumour) wall movement, poor diaphragm movement,
– look for stridor, unilateral reduced breath sounds muscle fasciculations.
• Consider generalised airway narrowing (e.g. asthma, Further analysis depends crucially on vital capacity,
COPD) chest radiograph, arterial blood gases, oxygen saturation
– look for flapping tremor, wheeze, prolonged
expiration, silent chest, perform PEF
Respiratory examination
Examination of elderly people
Framework for the routine examination of the respiratory system
1. While taking the history, watch for respiratory 9. Palpate the front of the chest for vocal fremitus and
distress, particularly while talking. Note any clues for right ventricular hypertrophy
from the patient’s surroundings 10. Assess expansion of the chest from the front and
2. Look at the hands for clubbing, cyanosis and note any inequalities
evidence of carbon dioxide retention 11. Percuss the front of the chest comparing one side
3. Look at the mucous membranes for central with the other and noting any areas of dullness;
cyanosis include the axillae
4. Check the jugular venous pulse for evidence of cor 12. Auscultate the chest similarly and decide on the
pulmonale presence and nature of the breath sounds
5. Palpate for supraclavicular lymph nodes 13. Test for vocal resonance and, where appropriate,
6. Inspect the chest wall for deformities and whispering pectoriloquy
inequalities 14. Note any added sounds
7. Note the pattern of breathing 15. Repeat last six steps on the back of the chest
8. Palpate the trachea for any displacement 16. If appropriate, measure the peak flow rate
The heart and cardiovascular
The cardiovascular system is fundamental to the
Structure and function
functioning of almost every other organ system. Despite
the availability of many sophisticated imaging techniques,
The adult heart (Fig. 6.1) consists of two pumps working
which will be discussed later, the fundamental simplicity
in series. The ‘right heart’, comprising the right atrium,
and accessibility of the structure and function of the heart
tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve and
and vascular system make its physical examination both
pulmonary artery, is a low pressure pump receiving blood
important and extremely rewarding.
pulmonary pulmonary
artery vein aortic valve
aorta pulmonary
vena cava
aortic valve
inferior left
vena cava ventricle
Fig. 6.1 Arrangement of the heart chambers as a flow diagram (above) and in their approximate anatomical positions (below).
pulmonary left atrial Fig. 6.2 Most of the anterior surface of the
aorta artery appendage heart is formed by the right ventricle and
pulmonary artery. The tip of the left ventricle and
the left atrial appendage also appear on the left
border of the heart.
right left
right left
ventricle ventricle
from the systemic veins and pumping it to the lungs. The tip or apex of the heart (Fig. 6.2). The way the heart is
left heart, comprising the left atrium, mitral valve, left situated within the chest cavity is also well demonstrated
ventricle, aortic valve and aorta, is a high pressure pump on the computerised tomographic scan of the chest
receiving blood from the lungs and pumping it round the shown in Figure 6.3. Note that the heart lies obliquely in
body. In the early embryo, the heart forms as a simple the chest and that its long axis, the planes of the interatrial
tube down the midline of the body. As the embryo grows, and interventricular septum, and the planes of the various
the tube elongates more rapidly than the tissues around valves, are not aligned with any of the conventional
it and thus develops a loop and a twist. It also becomes anatomical planes. The chambers of the heart can be
divided into left and right chambers by the growth of a examined after death by injecting wax or plastic and
partition or septum down the middle. dissolving away the muscle (Fig. 6.4). They can also be
In the ninth week of gestation, the fetal heart rotates examined during life by injecting radio-opaque contrast
in a clockwise direction until the right ventricle comes to medium through catheters placed in the various chambers
rest anteriorly behind the sternum. Most of the left of the heart and taking cine radiographs. By tilting the
ventricle comes to lie posteriorly, apart from a small x-ray tube and image detector appropriately, it is possible
portion of left ventricular muscle which forms the left to obtain detailed pictures of the full extent of the
heart border when seen from the front and the extreme ventricular cavities (Fig. 6.5).
Heart muscle or myocardium is a special type of muscle
that is extremely resistant to fatigue. As a result of the
higher pressures that it normally generates, the wall of
the left ventricle is much thicker than the wall of the right
ventricle. In a section taken through both ventricles, left
ventricular myocardium, including the intraventricular
septum, has a roughly circular outline with the right
ventricle appearing to be wrapped around one side of it
(Fig. 6.6). The muscle fibres of the heart are arranged in
a complicated spiral arrangement so that when they
contract (systole) not only is blood forced out of the
ventricles but the heart also elongates and rotates on the
fixed base provided by the attachment of the major blood
Fig. 6.5 Left ventricular cine-angiogram made by injecting radio- vessels. It is this movement that is felt as the beating of
opaque contrast medium into the heart through a catheter passed the heart by a hand placed on the chest. The heart
via the femoral artery and aorta. The x-ray tube and image intensifier normally lies in its own serous cavity, the pericardium,
are tilted into the ‘right anterior oblique’ position to outline the full
which allows it to move without friction. Apart from
extent of the left ventricle.
moving with each heart beat, the position of the
pericardium and the heart can be altered by the phase of
respiration or by rolling from one side to the other.
The atria of the heart are also muscular but are much
thinner walled than the ventricles (Fig. 6.7). They contract
Transverse (’short axis’) view of the heart
0.4–0.6 cm 0.8–1.5 cm
ventricle left right aorta
ventricle ventricle
septum atrium
0.8–1.5 cm
0.2–0.3 cm
Fig. 6.6 ‘Short axis’ view of the heart. In the short axis or transverse
section, the thinner (low pressure) right ventricle is ‘wrapped around’
the left ventricle. Fig. 6.7 Relative thickness of muscle in different parts of the heart.
Fig. 6.8 Chest radiograph showing cardiac enlargement in response Fig. 6.9 Postmortem specimen showing attachment of valve cusps
to a volume load chronic mitral regurgitation (compare with Fig. 6.2). to papillary muscles by chordae tendineae.
spiral course
brings the
pulmonary artery
primitive ‘trunk’ develops right to cross in front
four spiral ridges coronary artery of the aorta
Fig. 6.10 The common ‘great vessel’ of the fetal heart is divided into aorta and pulmonary artery by the growth of the spiral ridges.
Differential diagnosis
Pulse, heart sounds and ECG
Increased pressure load (afterload) on the heart
node left
Wide, fixed Atrial septal
splitting S1 a2 P2 S1 a2 P2 defect atrium
Wide split stenosis
but varies right bundle
S1 a2 P2 S1 a2 P2 right
with inspiration branch block atrium
fibrous ring
Hypertrophic ‘insulating’
cardiomyopathy ventricles
splitting S1 S2 S1 P2 a2
from atria right bundle of left
bundle His bundle
Fig. 6.12 Beat to beat variations in left and right ventricular stroke branch branch
volume cause splitting of the second heart sound in phase with
breathing. Splitting of the second sound with inspiration is normal. Fig. 6.13 Paths of the spread of electrical impulses in the heart
Other patterns may indicate cardiac abnormalities. (note that there are no specific electrical pathways in the atria).
be widened by other factors that delay right ventricular cells in other parts of the heart. The electrical impulse
contraction, such as right bundle branch block or spreads out from the sinoatrial node (Fig. 6.13) through
pulmonary valve stenosis. Conversely, anything that the cardiac muscle of the atria. The atria and the ventricles
delays left ventricular contraction, such as left bundle are separated by a fibrous ring of tissue to which the
branch block, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy tricuspid and mitral valves are attached and which
or severe aortic stenosis, may so delay the aortic does not support conduction of the cardiac impulse. The
component of the second heart sound that the normal only electrical pathway through this ring is through the
relationship is reversed and there is increasing splitting atrioventricular node, a localised area of specialised
of the second heart sound on expiration with the sounds conducting tissue lying between the tricuspid valve and
coming together on inspiration. This is known as the aorta. There is a delay of 0.12–0.20s while the impulse
paradoxical splitting of the second heart sound. Finally, passes through the atrioventricular node, ensuring the
in an atrial septal defect, there is a characteristically fixed correct delay between atrial and ventricular contraction.
splitting of the second heart sound because the hole in Once through the atrioventricular node, the electrical
the intra-atrial septum means that left and right atrial impulse is rapidly conducted to ventricular tissue through
pressure remains equal throughout the respiratory cycle specialised conducting fibres which form the bundle of
(Fig. 6.12). His and its branches.
Electrical activity of the heart
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is an electrical and structural
The signal for contraction of each heart muscle cell is the map of the heart and is an invaluable aid to studying
electrical depolarisation of its membrane. The electrical normal heart rhythm and its disturbances. It works by
signal is transmitted from cell to cell in an orderly way so sensing and amplifying the very small electrical potential
that under normal circumstances the heart contracts in changes between different points on the surface of
an orderly fashion. The physiological cardiac pacemaker the body caused by the cyclical depolarisation and
comprises a small group of cells in the sinoatrial node repolarisation of the heart cells. Electrical potentials are
situated close to where the right atrium joins the superior picked up by electrodes that are attached to the skin. The
vena cava. Normally, these cells undergo cyclical points at which the electrodes are attached and the
repolarisation and depolarisation at a faster rate than conventional ways in which they are connected enable
Cardiac arrhythmias 6
1 2 P S
I 3 4
Fig. 6.14 How the ECG ‘looks at’ the heart from different
directions (a concept due to Goldberger and Wilson).
atrium left
right atrium
atrium right
P>3 mm atrium
P >0.12 s
right atrial hypertrophy: tall ‘peaked’ P wave left atrial hypertrophy: wide ‘M-shaped’ P wave
e.g. pulmonary stenosis e.g. mitral stenosis
V2 = deep
S wave
normal V1
V5 = large
right ventricular R wave
right ventricular hypertrophy dominant left ventricular hypertrophy also QRS 0.1 s
R wave in V1 wide and
T wave inversion
Fig. 6.17 Electrocardiographic changes can be used to identify hypertrophy of the cardiac chambers.
Bradycardia may be caused by drugs, particularly β-
adrenoceptor blocking drugs (‘beta-blockers’); it may
also be a physiological finding in fit young athletes with
a high vagal tone. Extreme bradycardia may be caused by
heart block with failure of conduction of the electrical
impulse, most often as it passes through the atrioventricular
node or bundle of His (Fig. 6.18).
Ectopic beats
Fig. 6.18 Heart block is one cause of bradycardia; there is failure of
As all heart muscle and not only the sinoatrial node conduction of the electrical impulses from atrium to ventricle.
exhibits the capacity for spontaneous depolarisation, it is
not uncommon to find an ‘ectopic focus’ of electrical
activity which can initiate extra beats out of time
with the normal cardiac cycle. These extra beats or infarction or during a viral infection of the heart,
extrasystoles may be generated in the atrium or they may act as markers for metabolic damage and,
ventricle. In otherwise healthy people, extrasystoles consequently, excessive irritability of the heart muscle
are usually benign and harmless. Following myocardial (Fig. 6.19).
Cardiac arrhythmias 6
Sustained tachycardia
Ventricular and atrial extrasystoles
A persistent tachycardia may be caused by several ectopic
beats occurring in sequence (e.g. as the manifestation of
a particularly irritable ectopic focus). This is called a ‘focal
A more common mechanism for sustained tachycardia
is, however, the phenomenon of re-entry (Fig. 6.20). The
ventricular focus basic principle of a re-entry tachycardia is that there are
usually scarred two alternative pathways for the conduction of the
or injured electrical impulse; these pathways differ both in their
speed of conduction and their refractory period. Under
normal conditions, the cardiac impulse will be conducted
R R R R V by both pathways but an exceptionally early beat may
find one pathway still refractory to conduction and
therefore the impulse will be conducted down the other
atrial ectopic same shape ventricular ectopic different
as normal complex shape from normal complex one alone. However, by the time it reaches the end of
compensatory pause same compensatory pause less this pathway, the other pathway will have recovered and
as normal RR interval than normal RR interval be able to conduct the impulse in the reverse direction.
This sets up the possibility of a ‘circus movement’ or
Fig. 6.19 Extrasystoles are caused by an ectopic focus of electrical oscillation and the re-entry circuit can act as a focus for
Re-entry tachycardia
normal conduction
pathway via
node 1 1 2 3 3
conduction via
‘bypass tract’
(bundle of Kent)
conducting through both 2. A premature atrial beat finds the red pathway refractory but is
normal and bypass conducted down the blue pathway
3. By the time the impulse reaches the ventricle, the red
pathway has recovered and now conducts rectogradely to
stimulate the atria and set up a re-entry tachycardia
Fig. 6.20 Mechanism of a re-entry tachycardia, based on the ‘paradigm’ of the Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome. The left hand diagram
shows the ECG pattern produced when conduction is all along the bypass pathway, when it is all along the normal pathway and when it is
along both simultaneously.
generating a tachycardia. This tachycardia may continue because the atrioventricular node acts as a ‘filter’,
until one of the pathways fatigues and cannot conduct preventing the ventricles from being stimulated at too
fast enough to maintain the circuit or until the process is rapid a rate. Ventricular fibrillation is, however, rapidly
interrupted by an electrical stimulus which breaks the lethal because the rapidly contracting ventricles are
circuit and re-establishes normal conduction (Fig. 6.21). ineffective and unable to pump any blood into the
circulation. The only treatment for ventricular fibrillation
is to pass an artificial competing electric current through
The most extreme form of arrhythmia occurs when the the heart. This technique is referred to as defibrillation
coordinated conduction of impulses between cells and causes momentary extinction of all electrical activity,
completely breaks down and individual cells contract allowing the whole system to reset (Fig. 6.22).
haphazardly. This process is termed fibrillation. Atrial
fibrillation is common but not particularly hazardous
Blood supply to the heart
Heart muscle needs a supply of blood to support both
Terminating a re-entry tachycardia its basal metabolic needs and the increased oxygen
requirements of exercise. The blood supply must be
capable of increasing to meet the heart’s demands during
exercise because heart muscle, unlike skeletal muscle, can
only work aerobically. The arterial blood supply to the
heart is provided by the right and left coronary arteries.
The right coronary artery supplies mainly the right
ventricle and the inferior surface of the left ventricle. It
divides at the end of its course into the posterolateral
branch and the posterior descending branch, which
supplies the posterior and lateral parts of the left ventricle
The left coronary has a common trunk (the left main
stem) which divides soon after its origin into the left
anterior descending coronary artery, which supplies
the interventricular septum, the anterior surface and the
apex of the left ventricle, and the circumflex coronary
Fig. 6.21 A critically timed extra stimulus can terminate a re-entry artery, which supplies the lateral part of the left ventricle
tachycardia by making both pathways refractory. (Fig. 6.23).
Fig. 6.22 A defibrillator (a). An electrical charge is built up within the machine and discharged through paddles applied to the
patient’s chest (b).
Fig. 6.23 Cine-angiograms to show (left and middle) the left coronary artery and (right) the right coronary artery (RCA) (Cx, left circumflex
artery; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LMCA, left main coronary artery).
active constriction
pulmonary aorta arterial of ductus
artery duct pulmonary aorta arteriosus
foramen ovale
Fig. 6.24 In the fetal circulation, oxygenated blood from the Fig. 6.25 Changes that occur in the fetal circulation at birth. The
umbilical vein bypasses the liver through the ductus venosus; a ductus arteriosus constricts and the fall in right arterial pressure as
portion is shunted from the right to left atrium through the foramen the lungs expand closes the foramen ovale.
ovale and a further portion passes through the arterial duct.
In common with other arteries in the body, coronary the right ventricle or through a hole in the intra-atrial
arteries are prone to atheroma which predisposes to septum, the foramen ovale. Blood entering the right
thrombosis and coronary artery occlusion. The clinical ventricle is pumped into the pulmonary artery, with only
features of coronary thrombosis and the myocardial a small proportion of it entering the lungs. The remainder
infarction are described later. passes via the ductus arteriosus into the aorta
(Fig. 6.24).
After birth, as the lungs inflate with air, intrapulmonary
INTRACARDIAC SHUNTING vascular resistance of the lungs rapidly falls. The
In the fetus, the placenta, rather than the lungs, subsequent fall in right atrial pressure and rise in left
participates in respiratory gas exchange and the atrial pressure creates a pressure change which forces the
unexpanded lungs offer a high resistance to blood flow. valve-like foramen ovale to close and seals the interatrial
Both sides of the fetal heart work to pump a mixture of septum. At the same time, the ductus arteriosus constricts
deoxygenated blood from the systemic veins and and closes (Fig. 6.25). This separates the work of the right
oxygenated blood from the placenta into the aorta and and left sides of the heart and causes them to work in
thus to the rest of the body. Blood entering in the right series rather than in parallel. However, abnormalities in
atrium may pass either through the tricuspid valve into the process of transition from fetal to adult circulation, or
Examples of left to right shunts: atrial septal defect Left to right shunt: ventricular septal defect
pulmonary aorta
aorta artery
atrial septal
defect: shunt left increased mitral
pulmonary from higher atrium valve flow: may
flow left pressure left cause diastolic
murmur atrium atrium to right
right right atrium atrium
increased flow left left
at tricuspid ventricle ventricle
valve may
ventricular septal
cause diastolic
right dilated hyperdynamic right dilated defect: causes
ventricle right ventricle ventricle hyperdynamic loud pansystolic
right ventricle murmur
a b
Fig. 6.26 (a) Left to right shunt atrial septal defect. Blood passes
Left to right shunt: persistent ductus arteriosus from the left to right atrium. The overall result is an increase in
pulmonary blood flow. (b) Left to right shunt: ventricular septal
defect. Blood passes from the high pressure left ventricle to the
right to left shunt lower pressure right ventricle. (c) Left to right shunt: persistent
pulmonary through persistent ductus arteriosus. Blood passes from the high pressure aorta to the
artery ductus arteriosus: lower pressure pulmonary artery.
aorta continuous murmur
below right clavicle
pulmonary vascular
pulmonary damage causes
artery aorta raised pulmonary
artery pressure
septal defect
stenosed septal defect
pulmonary left
shunt reverses
valve atrium
right to become
atrium right to left
right ventricle right raised right ventricular pressure
ventricle secondary to pulmonary
Fig. 6.27 Fallot’s tetralogy is the most common ‘congenital’ cause Fig. 6.28 Eisenmenger’s syndrome is caused by a secondary rise in
of a right to left shunt. (The ‘tetralogy’ comprises pulmonary pulmonary vascular resistance as a consequence of pulmonary
stenosis, ventricular septal defect, over-riding aorta and right damage from increased blood flow initially due to a left to right
ventricular hypertrophy.) (Note that cyanosis sometimes develops shunt. (In some children, the pulmonary vasculature may never
several weeks after birth because dynamic hypertrophy of muscle in develop normally in the presence of such a shunt.)
the right ventricular outflow tract worsens the obstruction.)
Differential diagnosis
Factors that affect the shape of the pulse
brachial diastole
Clinical history 6
deep veins
(running with
The mechanism of exercise-associated dyspnoea is
fascia controversial. It may be partly due to the same mechanism
as orthopnoea, with increased venous return from
exercising muscles raising left atrial pressure. However,
in exercising patients, the sensation of breathlessness
great does not always correlate well with directly measured
saphenous short left atrial pressure. Other factors such as reduced
vein saphenous arterial blood oxygen saturation and alteration of muscle
function in chronic heart failure have also been invoked
venous as mechanisms contributing to the sensation of
spaces in perforating
calf vein with one
muscle way valve A commonly used classification of exercise tolerance
in heart failure is that proposed by the New York
Heart Association (NYHA). This is commonly used in
Fig. 6.33 Veins in the leg form a ‘muscle pump’ in conjunction clinical trials and has been shown to correlate with
with the calf muscles. Muscle contraction forces blood from
prognosis. For practical purposes, when taking the history,
superficial to deep veins, and from periphery to centre.
it is helpful to record the symptoms verbatim. Reflecting
the patient’s description of symptoms over time can be
particularly useful in assessing progress. Left ventricular
failure may present with associated wheezing. However,
cardiac asthma should always be distinguished from
pain are listed in the ‘symptoms and signs’ box and its
It can sometimes be difficult to decide whether distribution is illustrated in Figure 6.34.
dyspnoea is caused by heart disease or lung disease.
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea or orthopnoea points
more to left ventricular failure, whereas wheezing or
productive cough accompanying dyspnoea and risk Symptoms and signs
features for lung disease would favour a pulmonary Anginal pain
• Brought on by physical or emotional exertion
• Relieved by rest
• Usually crushing, squeezing or constricting in nature
• Usually retrosternal (Fig. 6.34)
Differential diagnosis • Often worse after food or in cold winds
Dyspnoea • Often relieved by nitrates
• Heart failure
• Ischaemic heart disease (atypical or ‘silent’ angina)
• Pulmonary embolism
• Lung disease The characteristic feature of angina is exercise-induced
• Severe anaemia chest pain that remits soon after the exertion is
discontinued. It is usually described as a crushing,
squeezing or constricting pain (the Greek word from
which it is derived means ‘choking’). Most patients
with angina have stenosis of one or more coronary
Anxiety should always be considered in the differential arteries and the retrosternal pain is precipitated when
diagnosis of breathlessness. The pattern described by the physical or emotional exertion increases the metabolic
patient is different; they might describe the sensation of demand. The discomfort and pain are caused by
suddenly feeling the need to take a deep breath unrelated an imbalance between myocardial blood supply and
to physical exertion, excessive sighing or a feeling of air the metabolic demand resulting in anaerobic
hunger. metabolism. Less often, angina may be a symptom of
aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other
CHEST PAIN rare causes such as syndrome X (angina with normal
coronary arteries) and Prinzmetal’s angina (due to
Chest pain caused by myocardial ischaemia
coronary spasm).
Angina pectoris is the most common presenting Pain similar in nature to angina but occurring at rest
cardiac chest pain. The characteristic features of anginal may be caused by the acute coronary syndrome, otherwise
Clinical history 6
Questions to ask
Angina Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, the
serous sac surrounding the heart. It may be a complication
• Do you get pain in your chest on exertion (e.g.
following myocardial infarction or may result from a viral
climbing stairs)?
or bacterial infection or uraemia. The patient usually
• Whereabouts in the chest do you feel the pain?
complains of pain that is perceived as a constant
• Is it worse in cold weather?
retrosternal soreness and which is often aggravated by
• Is it worse if you exercise after a big meal?
deep breathing. The pain of pericarditis is characteristically
• Is it bad enough to stop you from exercising?
aggravated by change in posture (e.g. turning over in
• Does it go away when you rest?
bed) rather than physical exertion and sometimes radiates
• Do you ever get similar pain if you get excited or
to the left shoulder tip.
Musculoskeletal chest pain
Pain arising in the chest wall or thoracic spine is often
mistaken for cardiac pain. Characteristically, it is described
Differential diagnosis as an aching pain, the onset of which may relate to a
Chest pain on exertion postural movement and the pain is usually present at rest.
Costochondritis, or Tietze syndrome, should also be
• Angina caused by coronary atheroma
considered in patients presenting with chest pain. The
• Aortic stenosis
anterior chest pain is usually present at rest and associated
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
with localised tenderness over the costal cartilages and
• ’Syndrome X’ (anginal syndrome with normal
costochondral joints. This syndrome is due to local
coronary arteries)
inflammation which may be viral in origin or occur
spontaneously. A variant of musculoskeletal pain is the
precordial catch syndrome, in which the patient describes
a sudden, sharp needle-like jabbing pain in the precordium.
known as unstable angina or myocardial infarction. The The pain is short-lasting but may recur. The cause is
pain of myocardial infarction is severe, persistent and unknown and the symptom runs a benign course.
often accompanied by autonomic symptoms including
nausea, vomiting and sweating (diaphoresis). Some Dissecting aortic aneurysm
patients describe a feeling of impending death.
Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta is a rare cause
of chest pain which has a characteristic presentation. The
pain is usually described at the outset as a ‘tearing’
Differential diagnosis sensation. It is often felt between the shoulder blades or
in the mid-back and is usually severe, persistent and
Chest pain at rest
readily mistaken for the pain of myocardial infarction.
• Myocardial infarction
• Unstable angina Other chest pains
• Dissecting aortic aneurysm Other chest pains that may masquerade as cardiac pain
• Prinzmetal’s angina (due to coronary spasm) include the pain of pleurisy, acute pneumothorax or
• Oesophageal pain herpes zoster (shingles).
• Pericarditis
• Pleuritic pain
• Musculoskeletal pain PALPITATION
• Herpes zoster (shingles) Palpitation is defined as abnormal awareness of the heart
beat. This may be perceived with exercise, when it is quite
normal, or when there is an irregularity of the heart beat.
It may be helpful to ask the patient to tap out the heart
Red flag – urgent referral
rhythm on the table. Ask about the duration of the
palpitations and whether they end abruptly. In patients
Chest pain
with extrasystoles, it is often not the extra beat itself that
• Chest pain at rest lasting >15–20 min the patient perceives, but rather the following beat, which
• Recent onset crescendo angina symptoms is characterised by a longer than usual pause and an
• Unresponsive to GTN (glyceryl trinitrate) excessively forceful beat. The patient may describe a
• Associated autonomic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, jumping sensation or the feeling that the heart is about
sweating) to stop. Ask about precipitating factors such as exercise,
emotion or foods, in particular tea, coffee, alcohol and
chocolates. You should also ask carefully about any epilepsy. Key features in the history that distinguish
medication, particularly over-the-counter decongestants cardiogenic syncope from epilepsy includes lack of
and ‘cold cures’ which often contain sympathomimetic warning or aura, colour change (patients look pale during
drugs. the event and flushed upon recovery due to hyperaemia)
Ectopic beats are often more apparent when the and rapid recovery. Remember that generalised
background heart rate is slow (e.g. when the patient convulsions can also occur following cerebral anoxia if
lies down to rest). Paroxysmal tachycardias are often the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for long
precipitated by exercise or by particular movements such enough. Common causes of syncope include simple
as stooping down to open a drawer or reaching to remove fainting (vasovagal syncope), its variants such as
an item from a high shelf. micturition and cough syncope, postural hypotension,
vertebrobasilar insufficiency and cardiac arrhythmias,
particularly intermittent heart block.
Questions to ask Simple fainting is caused by a vagally mediated
Palpitation bradycardia combined with sudden reflex vasodilatation.
It is usually caused by a combination of diminished
• Please tap out on the table the rate at which you
venous return (e.g. standing still on a hot parade ground),
think your heart goes during an attack
coupled with increased sympathic drive caused by
• Is the heart beat regular or irregular?
excitement, fear or disgust. Malignant vasovagal syncope
• Is there anything that sets an attack off?
is a rare disorder characterised by an exaggerated
• Can you do anything to stop an attack?
tendency to faint, resulting in recurrent episodes of
• What do you do when you have an attack?
unexpected syncope. Micturition syncope characteristically
• Are there any foods that seem to make symptoms
occurs at night in middle-aged or elderly men with a
degree of prostatic obstruction, in whom the fall in venous
• What medicines are you taking?
return is caused by straining to empty the bladder
accompanied by the sympathic stimulation of the
consequences of not doing so. Cough syncope is an
Differential diagnosis exaggerated vagal response to violent coughing and,
uncommonly, is a cause of syncope in patients with
chronic lung disease.
• Extrasystoles The Stokes–Adams attack is a term used by some
• Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation physicians to describe cardiogenic syncope. It was
• Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia originally defined as syncope due to cortical hypoper-
• Thyrotoxicosis fusion caused by transient asystole or a ventricular
• Perimenopausal tachyarrhythmia.
heralded by a pink flush. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency specific family members are still alive or about the
is common in elderly patients. There is often restricted circumstances of their death because the significance
neck movement and active or passive movements of this may not be apparent to the patient. For
of the neck may precipitate symptoms. Postural example, early death from stroke may indicate a family
hypotension is more common in elderly patients and susceptibility to hypertension. The significance of cardiac
may be exacerbated by antihypertensive medication, disease may be very relevant to the patient’s occupation;
particularly diuretics. Important clinical questions in an example would be an airline pilot or heavy goods
taking the history are highlighted in the ‘questions to vehicle driver where clinical coronary artery disease
ask’ box. or arrhythmias might be incompatible with safety at
Questions to ask
Do not forget to enquire specifically about cigarette
(Wherever possible history should be taken from a smoking, alcohol intake and any medication the patient
family member or observer as well as the patient.) may be taking.
• What were the exact circumstances of the blackout?
• Did you have any warning of the attack?
• How quickly did you recover? Questions to ask
• Did you go pale or red during or after the attack? Family history
• Are you taking any medication?
• Is there any heart disease in the family?
• Are your parents still alive?
• Did they live to a good age?
Red flag – urgent referral • Do you know what they died from?
• Have you any brothers or sisters?
• Do any of them have a heart problem?
• Complete loss of consciousness
• Associated injury
• Recurrent syncope
• Known aortic stenosis Clinical examination of the
• Family history of premature sudden cardiac death cardiovascular system
<40 years of age
There are three interlinking facets to the cardiovascular
examination. First, the examination routine should ensure
CLAUDICATION that the cardiovascular system is examined smoothly
and efficiently and in appropriate detail. Second, the
Intermittent claudication is the term given to a condition examination should aim to build on the clinical clues
where the patient experiences pain in one or both derived from the history. Third, the discovery of an
legs on walking and which eases when the patient unexpected sign, such as a heart murmur or anaemia,
rests. Just as angina is the usual initial symptom of might alter the interpretation of the history and the
atheromatous disease of the coronary arteries, so differential diagnosis.
intermittent claudication is usually the earliest symp-
tom of narrowing of the arteries supplying the legs.
The pain is usually described as ‘aching’ felt in the GENERAL OBSERVATION
calf, thigh or buttocks. Intermittent claudication The position of the patient on the examination couch is
is more common in men and most common in important. The patient should lie comfortably at 45°, with
smokers. the head supported and the body exposed to the waist.
Prior to starting the formal examination, spend a few
moments observing the patient as important signs can be
Occupation and family history elicited from inspection alone. Is the patient comfortable
at rest or distressed? Is the patient able to lie flat? Is the
The family history is important in evaluating patients patient breathless or cyanosed and, if cyanosed, is this
with heart disease as many cardiac diseases have an peripheral or central cyanosis? (See ‘symptoms and signs’
underlying genetic predisposition (e.g. towards box.)
hyperlipidaemia). The relevance of a positive family Blood appears bluish or purplish when there is more
history of coronary heart disease applies to first degree than 5 g of reduced haemoglobin in the circulation. In
relatives only. Sometimes it is more helpful to ask whether peripheral cyanosis, the prolonged capillary circulation
• Tachypnoea at rest
• Central or peripheral cyanosis
• Mitral facies
lateral closed
• Scars (sternotomy, lateral thoracotomy, closed mitral
thoracotomy mitral
valvotomy, saphenous vein graft harvest) valvotomy
• Dentition (as a possible source of bacterial
• Xanthelasma
• Corneal arcus
• Anaemia Fig. 6.35 Location of surgical incisions.
Differential diagnosis
Peripheral cyanosis
• Cold ambient temperature
• Shock with vasoconstriction
• Raynaud’s phenomenon
• Beta-blocker drugs
Central cyanosis
• Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Severe pulmonary infection
Fig. 6.36 Splinter haemorrhage in the ring finger of a man with
• Severe pulmonary embolism infective endocarditis. There is an older, fading ‘splinter’ under the
• Congenital right to left shunt nail of the index finger. Splinter haemorrhages are often smaller and
darker than this.
Pulse character
Aortic reflux
Collapsing Persistent ductus
Fig. 6.41 Palpation of the carotid artery using the thumb. Fig. 6.42 Palpation of the carotid artery by different means.
mitral valve
meeting septum
Fig. 6.45 Palpation of the femoral artery. Fig. 6.47 Palpation of the dorsalis pedis pulse.
It is good practice to check the systolic pressure roughly can be heard with a stethoscope placed over the brachial
by palpation of the radial artery before applying the artery at the elbow. These sounds are called the Korotkoff
stethoscope. As the pressure in the sphygmomanometer sounds after the Russian physician who first described
cuff increases above the brachial artery systolic pressure, them. The generation of the Korotkoff sounds is shown
the artery is compressed and the radial pulse becomes diagrammatically in Figure 6.50. As pressure in the cuff
impalpable. As the pressure in the cuff is gradually is lowered, the first appearance of the sound (phase 1)
lowered, a pressure is reached where the blood is able to corresponds to the systolic blood pressure. The Korotkoff
force its way past the obstruction created by the inflated sounds then become louder and more ringing in character
cuff. Initially, this creates the sound of turbulent flow that due to further increased turbulence (phase 2/3) before
becoming muffled (phase 4). Finally, at the point where
the flow again becomes linear, rather than turbulent, the
audible sounds disappear altogether. Although the point
of muffling of the sounds (phase 4) corresponds most
closely to the diastolic pressure, as measured by an
indwelling arterial cannula, the point of disappearance of
the Korotkoff sounds (phase 5) is now used to define
diastolic pressure for clinical and epidemiological
purposes. This is because phase 5 readings are more
reproducible amongst different observers.
Most people consciously or unconsciously round off
the blood pressure reading to the nearest 5–10 mmHg,
but this should be avoided. The most accurate method
for assessing blood pressure is to use a random zero
sphygmomanometer in which the operator presses
levers to indicate when he or she thinks systolic and
diastolic pressures have been reached and then opens the
back of the instrument to read the results off a concealed
Fig. 6.49 Measuring blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer
and stethoscope. The sphygmomanometer cuff is smoothly applied Important points about the measurement of blood
around the unclothed upper arm and the examiner supports the pressure are summarised in the ‘symptoms and signs’
patient’s arm at ‘heart height’. box.
cuff above no sounds,
systolic pressure pulse absent
artery occluded
cuff at
systolic pressure
artery just opens sounds audible
cuff at
diastolic diastolic pressure sounds audible
artery open for
nearly all of systole
cuff just below
diastolic pressure sounds disappear
artery open all (phase 5)
the time
Fig. 6.50 The relationship between cuff pressure, Korotkoff sounds and arterial pressure.
Fig. 6.51 Assessing the jugular venous pressure. With the patient
lying supine at 45°, jugular pulsation is normally just visible above
the clavicle.
Measuring the height of the jugular venous pulse Venous pressure waveforms
a v a v
a v
normal waveform
venous position
sternal angle
v v v
Fig. 6.52 Relationship of the jugular venous pulsation, right atrium tricuspid regurgitation (striking systolic
and manubriosternal angle. waves that are both larger and earlier
than normal ‘v’ waves)
Differential diagnosis
Causes and characteristics of raised jugular
venous pressure Types of apex beat
• Congestive heart failure
• Tricuspid regurgitation Normal
• Normal wave pattern usually preserved
• Large ‘V’ waves
Less common
• Pericardial tamponade
• Massive pulmonary embolism
• Iatrogenic fluid overload ‘Sustained’ or ‘heaving’ apex
beat of left ventricular
Rare hypertrophy, often associated
• Superior vena cava obstruction with a double impulse from
• Constrictive pericarditis concomitant left atrial hypertrophy
atrial component
• Tricuspid stenosis
‘Tapping’ apex in
mitral stenosis
Palpation of the precordium
Palpate the precordium by laying the flat of the hand with
outstretched fingers on the chest wall to the left of the
Diffuse or dyskinetic
sternum (Fig. 6.54). The first manoeuvre is to locate the apex beat after
apex beat, which coincides with the tip of the left ventricle. anterior myocardial
The apex beat is the furthest outward and downward infarction
point at which cardiac pulsation is palpable. With the
patient lying supine at 45°, the normal adult apex beat
Fig. 6.55 Types of apical impulse.
lies in the fifth or sixth left intercostal space, extending
no further than the midclavicular line. Remember that
the heart has some mobility within the thorax, so if you In addition to demarcating the position of the apex
roll the patient onto, for example, the left side, the apex beat, it is important to evaluate the quality of the impulse
beat will displace further outwards. There are circumstances (Fig. 6.55). The quality of the normal apex beat and the
where the apex beat is difficult to palpate. This occurs in range of abnormality is learnt by experience. A thrusting,
markedly obese patients and patients with chronic forceful or heaving apex beat, palpated within the
airways disease and hyperinflated chests such as occurs midclavicular line, indicates a hypertrophic myocardial
in emphysema. In this setting, you might need to roll the response to increased left ventricular workload. This is
patient onto the left side in order to feel the apex beat – characteristic of the myocardial response to hypertension
and even then the pulsation might be undetectable. and aortic stenosis prior to the development of cardiac
Differential diagnosis
positioning the thenar eminence of the flat of your hand
just to the left of the lower half of the sternum.
Left ventricular hypertrophy
While palpating the heart, the examining hand will
• Hypertension occasionally detect a vibration or ‘thrill’. Thrills are
• Aortic stenosis ‘palpable murmurs’ and are always accompanied by an
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy easily heard murmur on auscultation. A diastolic thrill,
which conveys a sensation akin to that felt when stroking
a purring cat, can occasionally be felt in patients
with mitral stenosis. Systolic thrills may accompany
decompensation. Displacement of the apex beat lateral aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect or mitral
to the midclavicular line indicates left ventricular regurgitation.
dilatation. A diffuse, displaced, poorly localised apex beat
is indicative of more profound damage to the ventricular
muscle. This occurs in extensive myocardial infarction, as Auscultation of the heart
a result of cardiomyopathy and in particular, in patients
with severe aortic incompetence. This diffuse impulse can The stethoscope was originally introduced into medical
often be seen on inspection of the precordium. Another practice by the French physician Laennec at the beginning
characteristic sign that can be detected on pulsation is the of the nineteenth century. In its original form it consisted
tapping apex beat of mitral stenosis. This is partly caused of a wooden cylinder with a small hole drilled from end
by left atrial enlargement causing displacement of the left to end. In addition to introducing a decorous distance
ventricle nearer to the examining hand and, partly, due between the head of the physician and the chest of the
to a loud first heart sound which becomes both palpable patient, the stethoscope has two principal functions.
and audible if the valve cusps are still pliable. Right First, it transmits sounds from the patient’s chest and,
ventricular hypertrophy or dilatation is felt as a parasternal second, it selectively emphasises sounds of certain
heave close to the left sternal border. This is felt by frequencies, enabling the examiner to interpret the
Cardiac auscultation
upper right sternal border: 4 murmur of mitral
left ventricular outflow regurgitation of sound
murmurs (e.g. aortic stenosis) often radiates here
heard here, also radiate to
the neck
1 apex:
good for first heart sound,
murmurs from mitral or
lower left sternal border:
aortic valves
tricuspid regurgitation, aortic radiation of murmurs
third heart sound
regurgitation often heard here 1 mitral regurgitation:
fourth heart sound
2 aortic regurgitation:
lower left sternal border
3 pulmonary stenosis:
upper left sternal border clavicle
4 aortic stenosis:
apex upper right sternal border neck
Fig. 6.56 Cardiac auscultation; the best sites for hearing sounds and murmurs depend on where the sound is produced and to where
turbulent blood flows radiate.
first and second
heart sounds
S1 S2
first, second and
fourth heart sounds
Fig. 6.59 The fourth heart sound.
diastole systole diastole
Pansystolic murmur
S1 S2 S1 S2
right ventricle
murmur best heard murmur best heard
at apex; radiates arterial pulse at left sternal edge arterial pulse
to axilla but often radiates widely. in adults congenital ventricular septal
Large VSD causes defects are always small or else present
hyperdynamic right with Eisenmenger’s syndrome.
ventricle and mitral Large VSD in adults is usually a sequel to
diastolic flow murmur septal rupture in myocardial infarction
Fig. 6.61 Pansystolic (holosystolic) murmurs: mitral regurgitation (left), ventricular septal defect (right).
atrium soft S2 S1 A2P2
second sound
may be
ejection click split but
in children and varies with
left young adults respiration
Fig. 6.62 Ejection systolic murmurs: aortic stenosis and pulmonary stenosis.
important points in analysing a murmur include its timing Systolic murmurs Systolic murmurs result from one of
in the cardiac cycle, what it sounds like, where it is best three causes: leakage of blood through a structure that is
heard, where it radiates to and what happens during normally closed during systole (e.g. mitral or tricuspid
manoeuvres like deep breathing. valves or the interventricular septum), blood flow through
a valve normally open in systole but which has become
abnormally narrowed (e.g. aortic or pulmonary stenosis),
Symptoms and signs
or increased blood flow through a normal valve (a flow
Grading the intensity of murmurs
Murmurs that are due to leakage of blood through an
Grade 1 – just audible with a good stethoscope in a incompetent mitral or tricuspid valve or a ventricular
quiet room septal defect are usually of similar intensity throughout
Grade 2 – quiet but readily audible with a stethoscope the length of systole and are termed pansystolic or
Grade 3 – easily heard with a stethoscope holosystolic murmurs (Fig. 6.61). Occasionally, a valve is
Grade 4 – a loud, obvious murmur competent at the onset of systole but starts to leak halfway
Grade 5 – very loud, heard not only over the through. This occurs in mitral valve prolapse and results
precordium but elsewhere in the body in a murmur that starts in mid or late systole and is
termed a mid-systolic or late systolic murmur.
Differential diagnosis
Sites of radiation of murmurs
Differential diagnosis
following characteristics: always systolic and quiet; usually
best heard at the left sternal edge; not associated with
Systolic murmurs
ventricular hypertrophy; associated with normal heart
• Ejection systolic sounds, pulses, chest radiology and electrocardiography.
• Innocent systolic murmur
Diastolic murmurs Diastolic murmurs can be divided
• Aortic stenosis
into early and mid-diastolic murmurs. An early diastolic
• Pulmonary stenosis
murmur is characteristic of aortic and pulmonary valve
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
incompetence. Its cadence is maximal at the onset of
• Flow murmurs
diastole when aortic or pulmonary pressure is highest
• atrial septal defect
and the murmur rapidly becomes quieter as pressure in
• fever
the aortic or pulmonary artery falls (decrescendo) (Fig.
• athlete’s heart
6.63). The sound of an aortic diastolic murmur has aptly
Pansystolic murmurs been described as like a whispered letter ‘r’.
• Tricuspid regurgitation A mid-diastolic murmur is usually caused by blood
• Mitral regurgitation flow through a narrowed mitral valve (or, rarely, the
• Ventricular septal defect tricuspid valve). Occasionally, a similar murmur is
generated when there is increased blood flow through
one of these valves. Characteristically, this occurs in
children with atrial septal defect where the tricuspid valve
is anatomically normal but where increased flow derived
Murmurs caused by blood flow through a narrowed
from the shunt creates turbulence. The characteristic
aortic or pulmonary valve or due to increased blood flow
murmur of mitral stenosis is a low-pitched, rumbling
through a normal calibre aortic or pulmonary valve tend
murmur heard during diastole (Fig. 6.64). Sometimes, in
to initiate quietly at the beginning of systole, rise to a
patients in sinus rhythm, the murmur intensifies just
crescendo in midsystole and then quieten again towards
prior to the onset of systole. This phenomenon is caused
the end of systole. These diamond-shaped murmurs are
by atrial contraction increasing the blood flow through
called ejection systolic murmurs (Fig. 6.62).
the narrowed valve and is termed ‘presystolic accentuation’.
Innocent murmurs Innocent murmurs are murmurs Sometimes patients with aortic regurgitation have a mid-
not associated with any cardiac structural abnormality diastolic murmur known as an Austin Flint murmur. As
nor with any haemodynamic disturbance. They occur a result of the aortic valvular incompetence, a regurgitant
commonly in children and young adults and have the jet of blood creates a vibration of the anterior leaflet of
heard at
base (like
murmur usually best widely split murmur best heard
heard at left sternal occasionally a S2) at apex with patient snap
edge with patient mid-diastolic murmur rolled on left side
sitting up, leaning is caused by murmur often very sometimes mid-diastolic
forward and breathing the regurgitant localised and louder murmur
in expiration jet disturbing does not radiate just before
the mitral leaflets systole
Fig. 6.63 Aortic regurgitation as an example of an early diastolic Fig. 6.64 Mitral stenosis as an example of a mid-diastolic murmur.
the mitral valve and also causes mild functional mitral arising on the left side of the heart tend to sound quieter
narrowing, both of which contribute to this functional during inspiration and appear louder in expiration.
murmur. Asking the patient to perform a Valsalva manoeuvre
Murmurs are usually most obvious over the site of by forcibly expiring against a closed glottis makes
the causative lesion and there may be radiation in the most murmurs quieter, as cardiac output is diminished.
direction of the turbulent bloodstream that generates the However, the ejection murmur of hypertrophic obstructive
sound. It is sometimes possible to intensify the murmur cardiomyopathy arising from obstruction the left
by positioning the patient appropriately. The murmur of ventricular outlet tract tends to intensify as the degree of
mitral stenosis is best heard when the patient is rolled obstruction increases. The mid-diastolic murmur of mitral
onto the left side and the stethoscope bell applied to the stenosis is often easier to hear if the patient is made to
cardiac apex (Fig. 6.65). The murmur of aortic regurgitation exercise before listening for it.
is more intense and best heard if the patient is asked to
sit up, lean forward and breathe out fully while the
stethoscope is applied at the left side of the lower part of
the sternum (Fig. 6.66). Differential diagnosis
The behaviour of murmurs during the respiratory cycle Behaviour of murmurs in respiration
provides further clues to their origin and nature. Murmurs
arising from the right side of the heart, such as pulmonary Louder immediately on inspiration
stenosis flow murmurs or tricuspid regurgitation • Pulmonary stenosis
pansystolic murmurs, tend to get louder during inspiration • Pulmonary valve flow murmurs
and quieter during expiration. Conversely, murmurs Quieter immediately on inspiration (may become
louder later)
• Mitral regurgitation
• Aortic stenosis
Louder during Valsalva manoeuvre
• Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
• The murmur of mitral prolapse may become louder
or softer during inspiration
quadrant pain and the hepatomegaly is smooth and Abdominal ultrasound examination provides an accurate
tender. In patients with significant tricuspid incompetence, method for confirming the diagnosis of aortic aneurysm
the enlarged liver may also be pulsatile, reflecting the and of measuring its size.
transmitted impulse from the right ventricle. The
abdominal examination might also reveal an abdominal
aortic aneurysm and, in patients with systemic Peripheral vascular system
hypertension, a renal artery bruit or the presence of
enlarged kidneys might implicate this organ in the Because blood flow to the skin determines the skin
aetiology of the raised blood pressure. The presence of a temperature, temperature change is a common sign
renal artery bruit can be sought by applying the diaphragm of peripheral vascular disease. In the lower limbs,
of the stethoscope to a point 2.5 cm lateral and superior it is often possible to determine the level where the
to the umbilicus on either side. The most common cause skin temperature changes from warm to cold and this
of probable large kidneys is polycystic disease of the should be documented. Trophic skin changes also occur
kidney which inevitably results in hypertension and as a result of arterial insufficiency and this is
chronic renal failure. Ascites occurs rarely in very severe characterised by thin, smooth and hairless skin which
heart failure as a result of generalised fluid retention and is easily traumatised. Examination of the femoral,
the effect of impaired hepatic venous outflow on hepatic popliteal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis pulses
and splanchnic haemodynamics. helps determine whether vascular disease is due to
Rarely, splenomegaly may be apparent in patients large or small vessel disease. Look for varicose veins, the
with severe congestive heart failure. This is due to passive characteristic mottled discoloration caused by postphlebitic
congestion. The presence of an enlarged spleen in patients changes, and the presence of varicose ulcers, which
with cardiac disease should also alert to the possibility of localise to the medial aspect of the lower limb and are
subacute bacterial endocarditis where splenomegaly relatively painless.
develops as part of the immune response in this
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta is common,
particularly in men over the age of 60 years. It is important Oedema reflects the abnormal accumulation of fluid
to detect because early elective surgery carries a much in the interstitial space. Fluid in the interstitial space
lower mortality than emergency surgery. On examination, is normally in dynamic equilibrium with plasma, so
the characteristic finding is pulsation at about the level of that the amount of fluid escaping from and re-entering
the umbilicus. It is often possible to feel the normal aorta the capillary network and lymphatic system is normally
at this level, particularly in thin patients. If the abdominal finely balanced (Fig. 6.68). The oedema of heart failure
aorta is aneurysmal, the aorta feels wider than normal is largely the result of increased venous pressure
(Fig. 6.67) and there may be an associated aortic bruit. creating increased end capillary pressure, but factors
such as a slightly reduced plasma albumin concentration
and abnormal capillary permeability may also play a
The oedema of heart failure can be divided into
Abdominal aortic aneurysms pulmonary oedema and peripheral oedema. Peripheral
>4 cm
1 2 3 4
Massive S-T
Fig. 6.72 Myocardial perfusion scan showing evidence of anterior elevation
reversible ischaemia. loss of R wave
T inversion
Q wave
T wave
Q wave
Fig. 6.73 Coronary arteriogram showing left main coronary stenosis
Fig. 6.74 ECG showing features of acute myocardial infarction.
Unstable angina and NSTEMI are associated with a from thrombosis or much more rarely from embolism
variety of electrocardiographic changes including a from the heart.
normal ECG, T wave inversion or ST segment depression. Acute arterial obstruction presents with a cold, white,
Unstable angina can be distinguished from NSTEMI by painful, pulseless limb. The site of obstruction is usually
the absence of myocardial necrosis. NSTEMI patients obvious from examining the pulses but confirmation by
have a rise in cardiac enzymes (but without ST elevation) vascular imaging is generally necessary, especially prior
due to sub-endocardial ischaemia. The patient may to planned surgery. Check all the pulses of the unaffected
previously have suffered from angina, but frequently this limbs, as there might be some clinical evidence of more
is not the case. The hallmark of an acute coronary diffuse or chronic peripheral vascular disease. This might
syndrome is angina pain at rest, often associated manifest as reduced pulse volumes or absent pulses
with autonomic symptoms including nausea, vomiting where a collateral circulation maintains function and
and sweating. In a small proportion of patients, tissue viability. Embolism to multiple sites may be the
particularly elderly people and individuals with first clue to a cardiac disease such as atrial myxoma.
diabetes mellitus, myocardial ischaemia and infarction Chronic arterial insufficiency occurs most commonly
can be painless and might present with dyspnoea in the lower limb and usually presents as intermittent
alone. claudication. The patient is aware of exercise-induced
pain in the leg, thigh or buttock. Characteristically the
pain relieves rapidly on stopping to rest. Examination of
the leg reveals weak or absent foot, knee and sometimes
Symptoms and signs femoral pulses. There may be a murmur or bruit over the
femoral artery because of turbulence caused by upstream
Acute myocardial infarction
narrowing in the internal or external iliac arteries. As the
Symptoms disease progresses, the time to claudication reduces until
• Severe pain finally the patient experiences rest pain. Pain is often
• Pain persists despite rest worse at night. Patients with severe chronic arterial
Physical signs insufficiency in the leg often gain partial relief by hanging
• Signs of sympathetic activation (pallor, sweating) the leg over the side of the bed outside the bedclothes.
• Narrow pulse pressure Paradoxically, this often makes perfusion of the foot
• May be extrasystoles worse. Chronically ischaemic skin tends to become
• May be added (third) heart sound discoloured and shiny, and hair is lost from the foot.
Infection, is often initiated by a minor injury such as that
occurring during toenail clipping and infection
characteristically spreads rapidly. Eventually, gangrene
may affect the toes and foot (Fig. 6.75).
An early complication of STEMI is ventricular fibrillation Patients with diabetes mellitus are particularly
which is the most serious of cardiac arrhythmias, often susceptible to peripheral arterial disease. As diabetes
requiring urgent defibrillation. Late complications include affects both large and small blood vessels as well as the
other cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia, intercellular tissue matrix, peripheral tissue damage tends
atrial fibrillation or bradycardia, cardiac failure, cardiac to be disproportionately more severe than would be
rupture (myomalacia), severe mitral valve regurgitation expected from the clinical assessment of the large vessels.
and, occasionally, the development of ventricular septal The damage potential is further aggravated when there
defect or mild mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle
fibrosis. These complications are now less common since
the advent of prompt reperfusion therapy.
Chronic heart failure due to ischaemic heart disease
has the clinical features of any other form of chronic heart
failure and diagnosis can usually be made on the basis of
the history of effort dyspnoea and orthopnoea.
is also accompanying diabetic sensory neuropathy, and prevent blood flowing back from the femoral vein by
indeed, diabetic patients may sustain injuries giving rise tying a tourniquet around the upper thigh. Identification
to infection without noticing much discomfort until the of the site of perforating veins is an important step in
infection is well established. treating varicose veins by injecting a sclerosant solution
The main aids to clinical diagnosis of peripheral arterial around incompetent perforators. Very advanced varicose
disease are Doppler ultrasound examination, which veins may require ligation and stripping of the long (and
evaluates both vessel diameter and blood flow, and either sometimes the short) saphenous vein. The importance of
contrast or magnetic resonance angiography. the long saphenous vein as a source of vascular tissue in
coronary bypass surgery makes it important to preserve
this vessel if possible.
The principal diseases of the peripheral veins are varicose Chronic venous insufficiency
veins, thrombophlebitis and deep venous thrombosis.
Failure or inadequacy of the ‘muscle pump’ mechanism
Varicose veins may also lead to chronic oedema of the legs and feet. This
is more common in elderly, obese and sedentary patients
Varicose veins are readily apparent as excessively dilated
and tends to become self-perpetuating because the legs
superficial leg veins. In adopting an upright posture, the
are often painful and underused. The oedema is often
human species has a special adaptation to ensure
relatively firm or ‘brawny’ and pits only reluctantly on
adequate venous drainage from the legs towards the
pressure. The oedema is readily distinguished from heart
heart. A system of one way valves in the venous system
failure because the jugular venous pressure is normal.
of the lower limbs ensures flow toward the heart
Sometimes chronic venous insufficiency is associated
orchestrated by the pump action of the lower limb
with obstruction of the inferior vena cava but in this
muscles. Varicose veins usually result from defects in the
setting there are usually grossly distended collateral veins
valvular system that normally directs the venous blood
visible on the abdominal wall.
flow from the legs via the deep veins against the force of
gravity. The two major causes of varicose veins are Varicose ulceration and eczema
defective valves in the ‘perforating veins’ which connect
the deep and superficial venous systems in the calf, and Chronic venous insufficiency results in a rise in tissue
defective valves in the upper part of the long saphenous pressure affecting skin and subcutaneous tissue attrition.
vein where it joins the femoral vein at the thigh. This may lead to skin necrosis and ulceration, most
Commonly, the problem is initiated by incompetent commonly at the ankle just above the medial malleoli.
valves in the perforating veins and saphenofemoral The skin is often dusky and indurated. Scarring as part
incompetence is secondary to the resulting dilatation of of the healing process tends to impair the microcirculation
the superficial venous system. further and the condition may become self-perpetuating
(Fig. 6.76).
Risk factors
Superficial thrombophlebitis refers to inflammation
Varicose veins and thrombosis of a superficial vein. This commonly
• Obesity results either from local trauma or from an intravenous
• Stasis from sitting or standing (position) infusion but may occur spontaneously. There is local
• Pregnancy pain, redness and tenderness over the course of the vein.
• Pelvic venous obstruction The condition is usually benign and self-limiting but
• Damage to deep veins from thrombosis septic thrombophlebitis from a drip site infection can lead
• Trauma to short or long saphenous vein to septicaemia.
• Hereditary
Deep vein thrombosis
Thrombosis of the deep veins in the calf or pelvis usually
occurs as a result of a combination of intravascular stasis
Varicose veins are always most apparent when the and damage of the endothelial lining. Inactivity is the
patient is standing upright and the dilated veins empty major predisposing factor and it is well known that bed
completely when the legs are raised above heart level. By rest, hospitalisation and long haul flights place individuals
elevating the legs to empty the veins and then watching at particular risk. Until measures were taken to prevent
them refill as the leg is lowered, it is often possible to inactivity by encouraging early mobilisation and using
localise the sites of incompetent perforating veins and low dosage low molecular weight heparin, deep venous
control them by local finger pressure. If the saphenofemoral thrombosis was a common and potentially fatal
junction is incompetent, it may be necessary first to complication of major surgery. Deep vein thrombosis
Differential diagnosis
Deep vein thrombosis
Postoperative endocarditis
Postoperative endocarditis most commonly follows Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
open heart surgery and may involve artificial heart valves
or other implanted material. The most common organism
is a coagulase-negative staphylococcus. The clinical sometimes
reverse splitting hypertrophied
features may resemble those of acute or subacute left atrium causes
of S2
endocarditis. fourth sound and
double apical impulse
S 4 S1
MYOCARDITIS midsystolic
Myocarditis is an inflammatory infection of heart muscle, murmur
usually resulting from a virus infection. Clinically,
myocarditis usually presents with heart failure or an
arrhythmia. There is often cardiac dilatation, a third heart
sound and there may be a pansystolic apical murmur jerky pulse
arising from ‘functional’ mitral incompetence caused by
dilatation of the ventricle and consequent stretching of
the chordae tendinae and papillary muscles. hypertrophied septum hypertrophied left
may bulge into left ventricle:
ventricular outflow ‘sustained’ apex beat
CARDIOMYOPATHY tract causing obstruction
giving systolic murmur
Cardiomyopathy is a general term meaning ‘heart muscle and jerky pulse
disease’. Clinically, cardiomyopathy can be classified into
hypertrophic, dilated and restrictive types.
Not all cases of hypertropic cardiomyopathy have left
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ventricular out-flow obstruction. In those that do,
obstruction is made worse by isoprenaline, vasodilators,
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterised by Valsalva manoeuvre, ectopic beats and improved
abnormal cardiac muscle hypertrophy in the absence of by beta blockers and vasoconstrictors.
a stimulus such as hypertension. The hypertrophy may
be ‘asymmetrical’, that is, it specifically affects the
Fig. 6.77 Findings in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
interventricular septum, which bulges into the left
ventricular outflow tract and causes obstruction to blood
flow during ventricular systole. This variant, called
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), has Restrictive cardiomyopathy
been associated with sudden death, often occurring This is a rare condition in Western countries. The clinical
during sport or exercise. The clinical features of presentation mimics constrictive pericarditis and the
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy are summarised differential is readily made by echocardiography. Causes
in Figure 6.77. of restrictive cardiomyopathy include systemic amyloidosis
Dilated cardiomyopathy and eosinophilic heart disease.
Cardiac involvement is caused by a pancarditis affecting usually varies in intensity when listened to interpretively
the endocardium, myocardium and pericardium. over a period of a few hours. Patients with acute
Endocardial involvement is usually signalled by the pericarditis are often pyrexial and may feel systemically
development of a pansystolic murmur caused by unwell.
regurgitation of blood through an incompetent
Pericardial effusion
oedematous mitral valve. Another important murmur is
a soft mid-diastolic murmur resembling the murmur of Normally, there is only just sufficient fluid in the
mitral stenosis and caused by oedema of the mitral valve pericardial cavity to lubricate the visceral and parietal
and platelet vegetations. Listening at different times of pericardial surfaces during cardiac movement. Excessive
the day, this murmur varies in intensity and is called a accumulation of pericardial fluid is called a pericardial
Carey Coombs murmur. Its presence has prognostic effusion.
significance as in these patients the acute valvulitis
invariably progresses to a fibrotic mitral stenosis. Differential diagnosis
Myocarditis usually manifests as prolongation of the PR
Pericardial effusion
interval of the ECG.
• Viral pericarditis
Symptoms and signs • Bacterial pericarditis (streptococcus)
• Tuberculous pericarditis
Criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever
Myocardial infarction
Major criteria • Peri-infarct pericarditis
• Carditis • Cardiac rupture
• Polyarthritis • Dressler’s syndrome
• Subcutaneous rheumatic nodules
Malignant pericarditis
• Sydenham’s chorea
• Secondary (common) or primary (rare) tumours
• Erythema marginata
• Leukaemia
Minor criteria
• Prolonged PR interval
• Acute rheumatic fever
• Recent history of a throat infection
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Serological evidence of recent streptococcal infection
• Arthralgia Other
• Raised ESR • Myxoedema
• Trauma (stab wounds)
• After cardiac surgery
Pulsus paradoxus
pericardial fluid
tends to raise
left ventricular
diastolic pressure
• General approach and techniques unaltered • Cardiac arrhythmias are common and do not generally
• Some stress tests may be impractical but there are require investigation unless symptomatic
alternatives • Causes of dizziness or transient loss of consciousness
• Likely to be multisystem disease include postural hypotension (often drug induced),
• Common problems are hypertension, ischaemic heart vertebrobasilar insufficiency, arrhythmias (especially
disease and peripheral vascular disease bradycardia)
• Ischaemic heart disease may be asymptomatic • Multiple drug therapy may be the cause of the
• Acute myocardial infarction may be ‘silent’ problem – nonsteroidals cause fluid retention and
• Ankle swelling usually a clue to venous insufficiency hypertension
not heart failure
• Aortic stenosis is common and difficult to diagnose
but worth treating if severe
Framework for the routine examination of the cardiovascular system
1. Observe the patient. Are they comfortable at rest? 9. Palpate the precordium, locate the apex beat and
Watch for features of breathlessness or cyanosis. assess its character. Assess the feel of the rest of
Look out for any cardiac scars that may be relevant. the precordium and the presence of any abnormal
2. Take the patient’s hand and assess warmth, vibrations or thrills.
sweating and peripheral cyanosis; examine the nails 10. Listen with the stethoscope and assess heart sounds
for clubbing or splinter haemorrhages. and murmurs systematically in the four valve areas:
3. Palpate the radial pulse and assess the rate and mitral, tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic. If
rhythm. appropriate, listen over the carotid artery for
4. Locate and palpate the brachial pulse and assess its radiating murmurs or bruits.
character. Measure the blood pressure. If there is 11. Percuss and auscultate the chest both front and
any suspicion of a problem with the aortic arch, back looking for pleural effusions. Listen for
compare pulses in both arms. crepitations at the lung bases.
5. Palpate the carotid pulse and assess its volume and 12. Lie the patient flat and palpate the abdomen,
character. feeling in particular for the liver and any dilatation
6. With the patient lying supine at 45°, assess the of the abdominal aorta.
height of the jugular venous pressure and the 13. Assess the femoral pulses and the popliteal and
jugular venous pulse waveform. foot pulses. Look for ankle or sacral oedema.
7. Take an opportunity for a closer look at the face, 14. If appropriate, assess the patient’s exercise tolerance
the conjunctivae, the tongue and the inside of the by taking the patient for a short walk.
mouth. 15. Test the urine.
8. With the patient’s chest exposed, inspect the
precordium and assess the breathing pattern and
the presence of any abnormal pulsation.
The abdomen
The abdominal examination follows that of the heart and the abdominal cavity (Fig. 7.1) The liver, gallbladder and
lungs. Diseases of the abdominal organs may already be spleen lie protected under cover of the lower thoracic
apparent from the general examination: for example, you ribs, whereas the stomach, 6 m of small intestine and
may have noticed jaundice when examining the skin and 1.5 m of large bowel cover and cushion the pancreas,
eyes and in patients with obstructive jaundice, scratch kidneys and ureters. The urinary bladder, and in women
marks may be apparent. You may have been aware of the ovaries and adnexae, lie hidden deep in the protective
abnormal weight loss, signs of malnutrition or anaemia. wall of the pelvis.
Underlying iron deficiency may be revealed by a smooth,
atrophic tongue and by cracks at the angles of the mouth GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT
(cheilosis), which may also suggest a vitamin B group Mouth and oesophagus
Digestion begins in the mouth where food is chewed and
moistened with saliva. The salivary fluid is a cocktail of
Structure and function enzymes, including amylase and lingual lipase and
bicarbonate and lysozyme. Saliva is secreted by the
The symptoms and signs of abdominal disease reflect parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands, with a
disorder in the anatomy and physiology of the major small contribution from the labial glands on the inner
abdominal organs. These organs are packed neatly into aspects of the lips.
gallbladder colon vagus
pharynx nerve
colon small
intestine epiglottis
caecum sigmoid
colon trachea
Fig. 7.1 The anatomical relationships of the major digestive organs. Fig. 7.2 The innervation of the oesophagus.
Fig. 7.3 Cells found in the mucosa of the stomach body are Fig. 7.4 The control of gastric acid secretion by food, vagal
responsible for the principal gastric secretions. stimulation and gastrin. Pepsinogen is activated to pepsin at low pH.
Swallowing is controlled by a medullary centre in the stomach mucosa, protecting it from self-inflicted injury
brainstem which relays to and from the pharynx and by acid and pepsin.
oesophagus via the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves Regurgitation of gastric contents into the oesophagus
(Fig. 7.2). There is also an intrinsic innervation within the is prevented by an antireflux mechanism at the gastro-
smooth muscle of the oesophagus. There are three phases oesophageal junction. This includes the intrinsic tone of
to the swallowing reflex: oral, pharyngeal and oesophageal. the lower oesophageal sphincter, the flap-valve effect of
During the oral phase, the tongue presses the bolus the angle of His and the squeezing effect of intra-
up against the hard palate and drives the food into abdominal pressure on the small segment of oesophagus
the pharynx. In the pharyngeal phase, the respiratory that protrudes through the diaphragm into the abdomen
tract closes off, the upper pharyngeal sphincter (Fig. 7.5). If one or more of these antireflux mechanisms
(cricopharyngeus) relaxes and the upper, middle and breaks down, gastric contents may regurgitate into the
lower pharyngeal constrictors propel the food into the lower oesophagus, damaging the mucosa and causing
oesophagus. In the oesophageal phase, a powerful heartburn.
peristaltic wave propels the bolus towards the stomach.
Small intestine
The lower oesophageal sphincter has intrinsic tone that
prevents regurgitation of the gastric contents: it relaxes The small intestine comprises the duodenum, the jejunum
in advance of the peristaltic wave and remains relaxed for and the ileum. It fills most of the anterior abdomen and
a few seconds after the wave has passed. is framed by the ascending, transverse and descending
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) may be caused by colon. Blood is supplied by the superior mesenteric
damage to the neural control, abnormalities of the vessels (Fig. 7.6). The principal role of the small intestine
oesophageal muscle or obstruction of the lumen. is digestion and absorption, which is achieved by a
combination of macroscopic and microscopic folds
creating a vast absorptive area (Fig. 7.7).
Most of the enzymes necessary for the digestion of fat,
The churning action of the antrum continues the mixing protein and carbohydrate are present in the duodenum.
process started in the mouth and prepares food for its Enterocytes develop in the base of the crypts of Lieberkuhn
journey into the duodenum. The parietal cells in the body and migrate to the tip of the finger-shaped villi (Fig. 7.8).
of the stomach (Fig. 7.3) secrete hydrochloric acid, which Both the enterocyte’s capacity to produce specialised
sterilises the meal, and intrinsic factor, which is necessary digestive enzymes on the brush border membrane and
for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the terminal ileum. its absorptive properties develop progressively as the cell
The chief cells secrete pepsinogen which is converted to migrates towards the villous tip, at which point these
the proteolytic enzyme pepsin by the low pH of the functions are maximally developed.
stomach lumen. The secretion of acid is stimulated by the Carbohydrate digestion is initiated by salivary and
vagus nerve, distension of the stomach with food and pancreatic amylase. Enzymes, such as lactase and sucrase,
the secretion of the hormone gastrin from the G-cells of on the brush border membranes of the enterocytes,
the gastric antrum (Fig. 7.4). A mucous layer coats the complete the digestion of complex polysaccharides and
7 The abdomen
The antireflux mechanism The fold forming the surface of the bowel
lower oesophageal
sphincter fold
villus membrane
muscularis mucosa
Fig. 7.7 The large surface area of the small intestine is formed by
ileum the duodenal folds, the villi and the microvillus membrane of the
caecum enterocyte.
appendix ileum
transverse colon
hepatic splenic
flexure flexure
ascending colon
Fig. 7.6 The blood supply of the small intestine, colon, sigmoid and
Digestion of carbohydrate, fat and protein Table 7.1 Principal effects of gastrointestinal hormones
pancreatic and Slows intestinal motility
salivary lipase chylomicron
Pancreatic Inhibits pancreatic secretion
protein phospholipid polypeptide Relaxes the gallbladder
Ghrelin Stimulates appetite
peptidases passive
diffusion 7.9). These triglycerides, as well as absorbed cholesterol,
brush border
are formed into fat aggregates (chylomicrons) that are
dietary amino acids
absorbed into the lymphatics and discharged into the
proteins oligopeptides
circulation through the thoracic duct. The fat-soluble
enzymes cytosolic
peptidases vitamins A, D, K and E are absorbed in a similar manner
dipeptides to other lipids.
tripeptides Proteolysis is initiated in the stomach by pepsin, yet
the bulk of protein digestion is mediated by trypsin and
other pancreatic peptidases in the small intestine (Fig.
liver 7.9). The action of these enzymes produces small peptides
with 4–6 amino acids that undergo further processing to
Fig. 7.9 Digestion in the small intestine. Digestion of complex amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides by oligopeptidases
carbohydrates occurs in the lumen and at the brush border on the enterocyte brush border membrane. These are
membrane. Monosaccharides can then be absorbed through the absorbed into the enterocytes where the final digestion
brush border membrane into the portal circulation. Fat digestion to single amino acids occurs. The amino acids are
occurs in the lumen and triglyceride is reconstituted in the enterocyte
transported to the liver by the portal blood.
before absorption. Proteins are digested in the lumen and at the
brush border membrane. Amino acids are then absorbed into the The addition of pancreatic juice and bile, which are
enterocyte and portal circulation. secreted through the ampulla of Vater, modifies and
enriches the chyme (semi-liquid food) entering the
duodenum from the stomach.
disaccharides to monosaccharides, which are then Absorption of nutrients occurs in the jejunum and
transported through the enterocyte by specialised ileum, along with the production and secretion of a range
transporters on the brush border and basolateral of hormones. The terminal ileum absorbs vitamin B12 and
membranes (Fig. 7.9). Pancreatic lipase hydrolyses bile acids.
triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides. These The small intestine has a considerable functional
products are emulsified by bile acids which help form reserve and only fails when there is less than 100 cm of
micelles. The micelles are then taken up at the brush bowel following surgical resection.
border membrane and diffuse passively into the Table 7.1 lists the principal effects of gastrointestinal
enterocyte, where the triglyceride is reconstituted (Fig. hormones.
7 The abdomen
The lobes of the liver
The ileum enters the caecum through the ileocaecal valve,
which prevents reflux of colonic contents into the
small intestine. Whereas the small intestine is relatively
microbe free, the colon is heavily colonised by bacteria.
Approximately 1.5 litres of ileal fluid empties into the
caecum each day. Most of this effluent is reabsorbed as
it passes through the ascending, transverse and descending
colon. The colon concentrates the ileal outflow so that right lobe
the daily stool output on a Western diet averages 200 g; left lobe
75% of stool weight is water and the remainder is
unabsorbed food and bacteria. The colonic mucosa is rich
in glands producing mucus, which provides constant
lubrication for the passage of faeces and protects the
mucosa from bacterial enzymes. The rectum is the storage
organ for stool.
Infection or inflammation of the colonic mucosa may gallbladder
provoke fluid and electrolyte secretion and interfere with
absorption, causing diarrhoea and dehydration. Diarrhoea
may also occur in small bowel disease when the volume
of ileal effluent exceeds the colon’s absorptive capacity.
Liver quadrate
The liver is the largest intra-abdominal organ. The
falciform ligament divides the liver into a large right lobe right lobe
and a smaller left lobe (Fig. 7.10). Two smaller lobes, the left lobe
anterior quadrate and posterior caudate, are squeezed
between the left and right lobes on the visceral surface of
the liver.
The liver is the focal point of intermediary metabolism caudate
and energy production and it lies in a strategic position lobe
between the gut and the systemic organs. The products Fig. 7.10 The gross anatomy of the liver.
of digestion are absorbed into the mesenteric veins which
drain into the portal vein and ultimately into the hepatic
sinusoids (Fig. 7.11). Specialised macrophages (Kupffer
cells) straddle the sinusoids and mount an almost The portal venous system
impenetrable defence against unwanted microbes or
matter that has escaped the first line of defence in the
bowel. Nutrient-rich plasma filters through the small liver
holes (fenestrae) in the endothelial cells lining the
sinusoids and passes into the space of Disse, which lies
left branch splenic
between the endothelial cells and hepatocytes (Fig. 7.12).
vein spleen
The plasma filtrate bathes these highly adaptable cells,
right branch portal vein
which are enriched with a range of enzymes able to
metabolise the wide variety of incoming digestion
products. Three hepatic veins collect the sinusoidal
outflow and deliver it into the inferior vena cava. umbilical vein
Hepatocytes perform a remarkable array of synthetic
and catabolic functions, with many clinical features of pancreas mesenteric vein
liver disease resulting from derangement of these
processes. They convert glucose to glycogen (which can superior
be stored and later reconverted, on demand, to glucose), mesenteric vein
synthesise a range of proteins (including albumin and digestion products
the clotting factors), degrade protein to amino acids,
Fig. 7.11 The anatomy of the portal venous system. The vessels
synthesise urea from ammonia, and manufacture drain into the liver sinusoids carrying nutrients from the intestine,
cholesterol and bile acids. The lateral borders of pancreatic hormones from the islets of Langerhans and antibodies
hepatocytes are modified to form bile canaliculi which from the spleen.
space of Disse
conjugation with
systemic circulation
glucuronic acid
endothelial digestive vein
cell fenestra
products urobilinogen small
Fig. 7.12 Microanatomy of the liver sinusoids, the space of Disse bilirubin bacterial
and hepatocytes. Tight junctions adjacent to the bile canaliculi bind oxidation
the hepatocytes together.
interconnect and eventually converge as the left and right large intestine
main hepatic ducts at the liver hilum. The liver cells urobilinogen
in urine urobilin in stool
secrete bile into the canaliculi. Bile is a fluid comprising
bile salts, cholesterol and bilirubin. Bilirubin is a
pigment derived from haemoglobin released from Fig. 7.13 Bilirubin is a product of haemoglobin catabolism.
dead erythrocytes. It cannot be excreted in bile until it
has been rendered water-soluble by conjugation with
glucuronic acid in the liver (Fig. 7.13).
The liver is an important storage site for iron and
vitamins and plays a central role in the hydroxylation of Anatomy of the pancreatic and bile ducts
vitamin D. Other functions include the conjugation and cystic
excretion of steroid hormones, the detoxification of drugs Hartmann’s
duct right hepatic duct
and the conversion of fat-soluble waste products to
water-soluble substances for excretion by the kidneys. left hepatic duct
7 The abdomen
hand and diagnosis of pancreatic diseases is promotes the secretion of fluid and bicarbonate from duct
largely dependent on the use of special imaging cells. The mucosa of the duodenum synthesises both
techniques such as CT scanning, magnetic resonance these hormones. The endocrine secretion of the pancreas
cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and endoscopic arises from the islets of Langerhans, which secrete insulin,
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (Fig. glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide into
7.16). the pancreatic and portal veins.
The pancreas has mixed exocrine and endocrine Blockage of the main pancreatic duct by a carcinoma,
functions. The duct cells secrete bicarbonate which or diffuse damage caused by pancreatitis, may cause
protects the duodenum from gastric acid and ensures an maldigestion of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Patients
optimum pH for digestive enzyme activity. The exocrine with pancreatic exocrine failure pass pale, fatty stools that
acinar cells secrete lipase, phospholipase, amylase and are difficult to flush (steatorrhoea).
peptidases (trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elastase
and carboxypeptidase). All the pancreatic enzymes are Spleen
secreted in an inactive precursor form and are only
The spleen is a highly modified lymphoid organ which
cleaved to their active forms in the duodenum by
also regulates the destruction of red blood cells.
enterokinase, which is fixed on the enterocyte brush
Reticuloendothelial cells populate the bulk of the spleen,
border membranes. The hormone cholecystokinin
forming the white pulp. These cells provide an important
mediates pancreatic enzyme secretion, whereas secretin
line of defence and the organ is a major site of antibody
production. The remainder of the spleen, the red pulp,
consists of capillaries and venous sinuses that act as a
The pancreas sump for the storage of red blood cells, white blood cells
and platelets. When the spleen enlarges, excessive
stomach pooling of these cells may occur, causing a fall in the
peripheral blood count. The splenic venous outflow
drains into the portal vein, adding a rich supply of
kidney antibodies to the portal blood entering the liver.
The kidneys control fluid electrolyte balance and produce
the hormones erythropoietin and renin. Each kidney
contains approximately 1.2 million nephrons. The
head structural and functional arrangement of a typical
nephron is shown in Figure 7.17.
The capillary loops of the glomerulus form between
the afferent and efferent arterioles supplying each
glomerulus; the capillary tuft is embedded in the
mesangium, which consists of a matrix and specialised
duodenum mesangial cells. The basement membrane of the capillary
tuft impinges on the epithelium of Bowman’s capsule via
Fig. 7.15 The anatomical relationships of the pancreas. foot processes (podocytes) that arise from the visceral
a b
Fig. 7.16 (a) CT scan showing a normal pancreas and the surrounding structures; (b) the pancreatic duct visualised after ERCP injection of
radio-opaque contrast medium through the ampulla of Vater.
7 The abdomen
Differential diagnosis
Distinguishing clinical features of reflux and myocardial ischaemic pain
7 The abdomen
Differential diagnosis
Causes of nausea and vomiting
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Disorder Localisation Character Aggravating Relieving Visceral Major physical Diagnostic test
factors factors symptoms signs
Acute Epigastric and Severe, constant May improve Nausea, vomiting Tachycardia, Raised serum
pancreatitis left hypo- pain when sitting shock, tender and urinary
chondrium forward upper abdomen amylase
radiating to back with guarding.
Bruising in flanks
Acute Right hypo- Initially colicky, Palpation over Nausea, vomiting, Tender right Biliary tract
cholecystitis/ chondrium/ becomes the gallbladder may have fever hypochondrium, ultrasound,
biliary colic epigastrium continuous. bed (below 10th and rigors positive Murphy's ERCP
radiating to Patient writhes rib in right upper sign, may be
right scapula quadrant) jaundiced
and shoulder
Renal colic Loin pain Very intense Nausea, vomiting, Microscopic or Abdominal
(ureteric stones) radiating to colicky pain. frequency obvious radiograph (90%
groin, and in Patient writhes haematuria stones visible),
males the ultrasound intra-
scrotum venous urogram
Intestinal Large bowel: Colic Food, drink Large bowel: Abdominal Radiograph of
obstruction lower constipation, distension, abdomen shows
abdomen vomiting occurs empty rectum air–fluid levels in
Small intestine: later bowel
periumbilical Small intestine:
occurs later
Acute Initially, Initially dull, Movement, hip Lying still Nausea, anorexia, Fever, tenderness Laparoscopy
appendicitis periumbilical pain, later intense extension vomiting and guarding in
later localises to the right
right iliac fossa iliac fossa
Perforated Sudden onset of Severe, persistent Movement Lying still Nausea, vomiting Fever, tachycardia, Chest radiograph
peptic epigastric pain. hypotension, reveals air under
ulcer May radiate to the shock, rigid the diaphragm
shoulder and abdomen with
extend to rebound
whole abdomen tenderness
Ruptured ectopic Lower abdomen Sudden onset, Movement Lying still Tachycardia, Positive
pregnancy severe pain hypotension, pregnancy test,
shock. Lower anaemia,
abdominal ultrasound
tenderness may
Guarding and
tender cervix
Fig. 7.20 The characteristics of abdominal pain which may help in making a differential diagnosis.
7 The abdomen
Fig. 7.21 Perception of visceral pain is localised to the epigastric, umbilical or suprapubic region according to the embryological origin of the
diseased organ.
Questions to ask
occurs with a hiatus hernia, peptic ulceration and chronic
gallbladder disease. The symptom may be accompanied
Abdominal pain
by a feeling of abdominal distension. Intestinal gas is
• Describe the position, character and radiation of the produced by fermentation of certain foods, especially
pain legumes, in the colon and your history should seek to
• Has the pain been present for hours, days, weeks, identify a possible dietary cause of excessive flatus and
months or years? flatulence.
• Is the pain constant or intermittent?
• Have you noticed specific aggravating or relieving CHANGE IN BOWEL HABIT
• Is the pain affected by eating or defecation? Constipation
• Does the pain awake you from sleep? Most people on a Western diet expect bowel actions
• Is there associated nausea or vomiting? once or twice daily. Consequently, constipation usually
• Has there been associated weight loss? implies failure to produce a stool over 24 h. However,
• Is there a history of ulcerogenic drugs? normal expectations vary between individuals and
• Has there been a change in bowel habit? cultures; some healthy individuals evacuate every other
day or even only three times a week, whereas others,
particularly people on high roughage diets, expect up
to three bulky bowel actions daily. Constipation is
Abdominal pain may progress from a visceral sensation described more precisely as a disorder of bowel habit
to a parietal pain. Acute appendicitis provides an excellent characterised by straining and the infrequent passage of
example of this transition. When this midgut structure small, hard stools. Constipated patients often complain
becomes inflamed and obstructed, a dull pain localises to that they are left dissatisfied, with a sense of incomplete
the periumbilical area and the patient may feel nauseous evacuation (tenesmus). Patients with troublesome
and sweaty. As the inflammation advances through the constipation often seek medicinal relief and a history of
visceral covering to the parietal peritoneum, the pain laxative use may be a helpful guide to the severity of the
appears to shift to the right iliac fossa where it localises condition.
over McBurney’s point. The character of the pain also When constipation has troubled a patient for years or
changes from dull to sharp. The area overlying the even decades, the cause is likely to be functional rather
appendix is very tender and palpation causes reflex than obstructive and it may be attributed to diet, lifestyle
guarding and rebound tenderness. or psychological make-up. Lack of exercise, inadequate
fibre intake, irritable bowel syndrome and depression
may all cause constipation.
Mesenteric angina
When constipation presents as a recent change, and
When the mesenteric arteries are stenosed by especially if it is associated with colic, suspect an organic
atherosclerosis the blood supply to the bowel may be cause such as malignancy or stricture formation. Enquire
impaired. The collateral supply to the bowel is well about constipating drugs (e.g. codeine-containing
developed and the pain of bowel ischaemia usually analgesics, aluminium-containing antacids) and about
becomes apparent only on eating, when the metabolic rectal bleeding, an alarm symptom that raises the
demands of digestion and absorption require an increase suspicion of cancer. Consider hypothyroidism or
in the blood supply. Patients complain of a severe visceral electrolyte abnormalities. Anal pain caused by a fissure
periumbilical pain occurring soon after meals (mesenteric
angina). The pain causes anorexia, which, together with
damage to the bowel mucosa, results in considerable Differential diagnosis
weight loss. Constipation
• Low-residue diet
• Motility disorder (irritable bowel syndrome)
Most gas in the gastrointestinal tract is swallowed, with • Physical immobility
a smaller contribution arising from fermentation of • Drugs (especially opiates and antidepressants)
cellulose in the colon. Small, imperceptible amounts of • Depression and dementia
gas constantly escape from the bowel via the mouth and • Organic disease
anus. Excessive belching (flatulence) or the passage of – colon cancer
wind through the anus (flatus) are common symptoms – diverticular stricture
that cause considerable distress. These symptoms are – Crohn’s stricture
rather unspecific and occur in both functional and organic – hypothyroidism
disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence is usually – electrolyte imbalance
caused by excessive air swallowing (aerophagy) and often
7 The abdomen
• What is the normal stool frequency? • What is the normal stool frequency?
• Do you strain at stool? • How many stools daily?
• How long have you been constipated? • How long have you had diarrhoea?
• Is there associated abdominal pain, distension, • Are you awoken from sleep to open the bowels?
nausea or vomiting? • What is the colour and consistency of stools?
• Are the stools large or small and pellet-shaped? • Are blood and mucus present?
• Have you noticed intercurrent diarrhoea (spurious • Any travel abroad or contact with diarrhoea?
diarrhoea)? • Is there associated nausea, vomiting, weight loss or
• Are any constipating drugs, such as codeine or other pain?
opiates, being used? • Any purgative abuse?
• Any antibiotics?
Questions to ask
Gastrointestinal bleeding
The passage of sticky, black stools with the colour diversion of portal blood through collaterals (Fig. 7.24).
and consistency of tar (melaena) usually indicates A collateral circulation is established through the veins of
bleeding from the oesophagus, stomach or duodenum. the oesophagus. At endoscopy these abnormally dilated
The characteristic appearance and smell is attributed to oesophageal veins are seen as tortuous, dilated veins
the denaturing effect of gastric acid and enzymes on (varices). Oesophageal varices are prone to rupture and
blood. Treatment with iron and certain drugs (e.g. may cause torrential haemorrhage.
bismuth-containing preparations) also blackens the stool Gut bacteria metabolise unabsorbed protein, releasing
and this cause must be distinguished from melaena. potentially neurotoxic breakdown products into the portal
blood. The liver normally detoxifies these gut-derived
products but in patients with portal hypertension, portal
blood bypasses the liver (portosystemic shunting), and
The background symptoms of liver disease may reflect the brain is exposed to gut-derived products which
damage to the parenchymal liver cells (hepatocellular depress brain function, causing a characteristic neurological
disease) or obstruction of the biliary tree (intrahepatic or syndrome known as hepatic encephalopathy.
extrahepatic cholestasis). Patients may also complain A further clinical consequence of portal hypertension
of symptoms related to the development of portal is fluid retention in the abdominal cavity (ascites). The
hypertension. Liver cell damage and obstruction of the combination of high portal pressure and low serum
bile duct both have numerous clinical consequences, the albumin allows fluid to escape and to accumulate in the
most striking of which are jaundice, pale stools and abdominal cavity.
darkening of the urine. When sufficient hepatocyte
damage occurs, the patient becomes jaundiced because
bilirubin excretion fails and the pigment deposits in
tissues. When hepatocytes are damaged or dead, enzymes Risk factors
leak into the blood, where they can be measured. The
Factors predisposing to hepatitis B
high plasma activity of these enzymes is the basis of
biochemical tests for liver damage. • Intravenous drug abuse
In cirrhosis, liver architecture is severely disturbed, • Exposure to contaminated blood or blood products
with regenerating nodules distorting and compressing • Reuse of hypodermic needles, ritual scarification
the sinusoids and intrahepatic portal venous radicals. In • Unprotected sex
addition, collagen is deposited between the sinusoidal • Needle-stick injury from infected individual
lining cells and the hepatocytes, causing gradual • Vertical transmission from mother to newborn
obliteration of the space of Disse. Blood flow through the • Horizontal transmission between children at play,
liver is partially obstructed and pressure rises in the portal toothbrushes, razors
vein. Resistance to blood flow through the liver encourages
7 The abdomen
7 The abdomen
level of T9. The transpyloric plane lies midway between subcostal plane coincides with the level of L3 and is
the suprasternal notch and the pubis, approximately a defined by a line joining the lowest point of the thoracic
hand’s breadth below the xiphoid cartilage. This plane cage on either side. A line joining the highest points of
corresponds to the vertebral level of L1 and passes the iliac crest corresponds to the level of L4.
through the pylorus, the long axis of the pancreas, the
duodenojejunal flexure and the hila of the kidneys. The
Expose the patient to the groins and observe the symmetry
Quadrants of the abdomen
of the abdomen from the foot of the bed. The normal
abdomen is concave and symmetrical and moves gently
with respiration. Next, move to the patient’s right and
view the abdomen tangentially. From this position it is
easier to pick out the subtle changes of contour and
shadow. In thin individuals you may notice the pulsation
of the abdominal aorta in the midline above the umbilicus.
Ask the patient to raise the head a few inches off the
xiphisternum pillow. This tenses the rectus abdominis, which becomes
firm and prominent on either side of the midline.
Abnormal contours and distension of the abdomen
may be caused by a number of mechanisms (Fig. 7.31).
right upper left upper
quadrant quadrant
Establish whether the swelling is generalised or localised.
Fluid and gaseous distension is generalised and
symmetrical (Fig. 7.32). Fluid gravitates towards the
right lower left lower flanks causing the loins to bulge, and the umbilicus,
quadrant quadrant which is normally inverted, may become everted when
massive ascites distends the abdomen beyond its normal
compliance. In thin individuals, the contour of an enlarged
liver may be visible below the right costal margin. A
pubic symphysis midline fullness in the upper abdomen may indicate
disease of the stomach (e.g. carcinoma), pancreas (e.g.
Fig. 7.28 The quadrants of the anterior abdominal wall. pancreatic cysts) or an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Fig. 7.29 The nine segments of the anterior abdominal wall. Fig. 7.30 The transverse planes and their equivalent vertebral levels.
7 The abdomen
linea alba
incisional divarication
hernia hernia
a b
Fig. 7.32 The characteristic appearance of gross ascites: (a) lateral,
(b) anterior view.
Fig. 7.34 Determining the direction of blood flow in abdominal veins. (a) Normal blood flow pattern and those characteristic of (b) portal
hypertension and (c) obstruction of the inferior vena cava.
7 The abdomen
aspects of the fingers; a single-handed technique may the patient flinches on even the lightest palpation and
be used but you may prefer to use both hands, the there is reflex rigidity, guarding and rebound tenderness.
upper hand applying pressure, while the lower hand Light palpation may localise an area of peritoneal
concentrates on feeling (Fig. 7.37). inflammation, thereby helping to establish a differential
diagnosis. It is unusual to feel the abdominal organs or
Light palpation
large masses on light palpation unless they are grossly
Before laying a hand on the abdomen ask the patient to enlarged.
localise any areas of pain or tenderness. If these are
Deep palpation
present, begin the examination in the segment furthest
from the discomfort. Start light palpation by gently Once you have used light palpation to explore for areas
pressing your fingers into each of the nine segments, of tenderness and muscle tension, the sequence is
sustaining the light pressure for a few seconds while repeated using firm but gentle deep pressure with the
gently exploring each area with the fingertips. Tenderness palmar surface of the fingers. Deep palpation is helpful
may be reflected by grimacing, so with every move of for palpating abdominal masses, and healthy individuals
your hand briefly look to see the patient’s facial often report pain on deep pressure of the abdomen. If the
response. patient is relaxed it is usually possible to press deeply into
Gentle palpation will detect tenderness caused by the abdomen. While doing so try to imagine the anatomy
inflammation of the parietal peritoneum. In peritonitis, underlying your hand (Fig. 7.38). In thin individuals, the
descending and sigmoid colon may be felt as an elongated
tubular structure in the left loin and lower quadrant. The
Palpation of the abdomen sigmoid is mobile and can readily be rolled under the
fingers. The colon can usually be distinguished from
other structures because of its firm stool content. It has
a putty-like consistency and can be indented with the
fingertips. The ‘mass’ also becomes less obvious after the
passage of stool. In thin individuals, the abdominal aorta
may be felt as a discrete pulsatile structure in the midline,
above the umbilicus. The rectus muscles may be mistaken
for an abnormal fullness or the edge of a mass. Tensing
the abdominal muscles causes the rectus to become more
prominent, whereas intra-abdominal masses are less
easy to feel.
Abdominal masses and enlargement of the liver,
spleen and kidneys may also be felt by deep palpation.
Any abnormal fullness, firmness or discrete mass should
be localised by careful palpation of shape, mobility,
consistency and movement with respiration. Localisation
helps determine which organ may be involved. Determine
Fig. 7.36 Palpation of the abdomen may be aided if the patient is
whether there is any deep tenderness, suggesting
asked to flex the hips. This helps to relax the anterior abdominal stretching of the capsule of either the liver or kidney,
wall. or early peritoneal inflammation or infiltration. A large
a b
Fig. 7.37 Light abdominal palpation is performed using one (a) or both hands (b).
Structures that may be felt on deep palpation Distinction between aortic pulsation and movement
of an overlying structure
pole of right abdominal
kidney aorta
squelch descending
7 The abdomen
Fig. 7.42 Positioning of the hand when percussing for the lower
border of the liver.
Riedel’s lobe
Fig. 7.43 Percussion of the upper border of the liver.
Differential diagnosis
• Macronodular cirrhosis
• Neoplastic disease (primary and secondary cancer,
myeloproliferative disorders)
• Infections (viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, hydatid
• Infiltrations (iron, fat, amyloid, Gaucher’s disease)
Fig. 7.44 When the lung fields are markedly hyperinflated, the liver
is pushed down and the lower border may be readily palpable, if the liver edge is not palpable and if, on percussion, the
although the span is normal. dullness of the lower liver margin is detected well above
the costal margin (Fig. 7.47). Atrophy of the liver may be
the result either of severe acute liver damage, perhaps
costal margin and moving with respiration. A Riedel’s caused by fulminant viral hepatitis or hepatotoxic poisons,
lobe is commonly mistaken for an enlarged right kidney or of chronic disease causing fibrosis and micronodular
and if in doubt this can be resolved by ultrasound cirrhosis (e.g. alcoholic cirrhosis).
General signs of liver disease
Enlargement of the liver Liver enlargement is usually
described as mild, moderate or massive (Fig. 7.46). If the The liver has considerable functional reserve but as this
liver is enlarged, trace the shape of the liver edge and is exhausted the patient develops characteristic signs of
decide whether it is smooth or irregular, whether the liver failure. Look for jaundice in the sclerae, which are
consistency is soft, firm or hard and whether or not the normally a brilliant white colour. Mild jaundice may be
organ is tender. The presence of a palpable spleen difficult to discern in artificial light and in dark-skinned
suggests cirrhosis with portal hypertension or infiltrating patients the sclerae may be slightly pigmented. With
diseases of the reticuloendothelial and haemopoietic deepening jaundice the skin becomes yellow, and in
systems. chronic, severe obstructive jaundice the skin may appear
almost green in colour.
Small livers The lower margin of the liver may not be In patients with chronic liver disease, localised vascular
palpable because of fibrosis or atrophy of the organ. This dilatation results in the appearance of vascular spiders
may be difficult to detect clinically but should be suspected (spider naevi) (see Fig. 3.11). These consist of a central
7 The abdomen
smooth irregular
enlargement enlargement
Fig. 7.46 Liver enlargement. Enlargement of the liver can be smooth (e.g. fatty liver) or irregular (e.g. macronodular cirrhosis, tumour
General examination
• Nutrition status
• Pallor (blood loss)
• Jaundice
• Breath fetor of liver failure
• Xanthelasmata (chronic cholestasis)
• Parotid swelling (alcohol abuse)
• Bruising (clotting diathesis)
• Spider naevi
• Female distribution of body hair
Mental state
• Wernicke’s or Korsakoff’s psychosis
resonance well
• Flapping tremor of hepatic encephalopathy above costal
• Inability to copy a five-pointed star margin
• Leuconychia (hypoproteinaemia) Fig. 7.47 Atrophy of the liver may be detected by percussing the
• Liver flap lower border. The area of resonance will extend above the costal
• Palmar erythema margin.
• Dupuytren’s contractures
• Mild finger clubbing
Chest arteriole from which branch a series of smaller vessels, in
• Gynaecomastia a pattern resembling spider legs. Spider naevi are found
• Right-sided pleural effusion in the territory drained by the superior vena cava; common
Abdomen sites include the neck, face and dorsa of the hands. The
• Dilated veins central arteriole can be occluded with a pencil tip and on
• Liver or spleen enlargement release of the pressure the vessels rapidly refill from the
• Ascites centre.
• Testicular atrophy Severe hepatocellular disease associated with porto-
systemic shunting can result in hepatic encephalopathy.
Risk factors
• Alcoholism
• Chronic hepatitis B
• Chronic hepatitis C
• Chronic biliary disease (sclerosing cholangitis, primary
biliary cirrhosis)
• Iron overload
• Autoimmune disease
• Copper overload
7 The abdomen
gallbladder bed
stone in the
common bile duct
fibrosed gallbladder
with gallstones
stricture of the
Fig. 7.49 Palpating the gallbladder bed. bile duct
distended organ is contiguous with the lower border of gallbladder
the liver and moves with respiration. In the absence of
jaundice, a palpable gallbladder suggests obstruction
of the cystic duct with the formation of a mucocele.
Obstruction of the bile duct by a stone causes jaundice
but the gallbladder is rarely palpable because stone
formation is associated with chronic cholecystitis and the Fig. 7.50 If jaundice is caused by impaction of a gallstone in the
thickened, fibrosed gallbladder wall does not distend. bile duct, the fibrosed, stone-filled gallbladder does not dilate.
However, if jaundice is caused by a bile duct stricture the healthy
Jaundice associated with a palpable gallbladder usually
gallbladder dilates and can be palpated as a soft mass arising from
implies biliary obstruction caused by a carcinoma of behind the 9th right rib anteriorly.
either the head of the pancreas or the common bile duct.
In this case the organ is not diseased and is able to dilate
(Courvoisier’s law) (Fig. 7.50). Remember, however, that
exceptions to this rule do occur.
Differential diagnosis
At this point in the examination it is useful to percuss
for splenic dullness. The tip of a normal spleen lies • Portal hypertension
posterior to the anterior axillary line and is bounded • Infections (malaria, subacute bacterial endocarditis,
anteriorly by the gas-filled stomach and colon. Percuss tuberculosis, typhoid)
the 9th intercostal space anterior to the anterior axillary • Chronic lymphatic leukaemia
line (Traub’s space) (Fig. 7.52). This space overlies bowel • Chronic myeloid leukaemia
and is normally tympanitic but as the solid spleen enlarges • Myelofibrosis
this area becomes less resonant, eventually sounding dull • Gaucher’s disease
with more marked splenomegaly. • Haemolytic anaemia
An enlarged spleen is readily distinguished from other
organs in the region, such as the left kidney. Note whether
there is tenderness and assess the degree of enlargement, EXAMINING THE RENAL SYSTEM
using a ruler to measure the distance from the left costal Like the examination of the liver, the kidney examination
margin to the tip of the spleen (Fig. 7.53). Splenomegaly is aided by systemic signs that reflect impaired function
may be caused by stimulation and hypertrophy of the of the organ. In acute renal failure, there is oliguria
reticuloendothelial elements, congestion with blood or (<500 ml/24 h) and signs of fluid overload. The clinical
by infiltration by abnormal cells. syndrome is dominated by a rapidly progressive
7 The abdomen
deterioration of biochemical tests of function (raised be felt. The right kidney is easier to palpate because it lies
blood urea, creatinine and potassium) occurring over lower than the left. A normal kidney has a firm consistency
hours or days (see ‘differential diagnosis’ box – acute and a smooth surface.
renal failure). When renal failure develops over weeks, When examining the kidneys, position the patient
months or years, systemic signs appear (see ‘differential close to the edge of the bed and examine each kidney
diagnosis’ and ‘symptoms and signs’ boxes – chronic from the patient’s right, bearing in mind the surface
renal failure). anatomy. The kidneys are retroperitoneal organs and
deep bimanual palpation is required to explore for them.
Palpating the kidneys
When examining the left kidney, tuck the palmar surfaces
Pole to pole the kidneys extend from the vertebral level of the left hand posteriorly into the left flank and nestle
of T12 to L3 and the larger right lobe of the liver displaces the fingertips in the renal angle (Fig. 7.55a). Position the
the right kidney 2 cm lower than the left. Viewed from middle three fingers of the right hand below the left
the rear, the kidneys lie in the renal angle formed by the costal margin, lateral to the rectus muscle and at a point
12th rib and the lateral margin of the vertebral column opposite the posterior hand (Fig. 7.55b). To examine the
(Fig. 7.54). The adrenal glands perch on the upper pole right kidney, tuck your left hand behind the right loin and
of each kidney. position the fingers of your right hand below the right
The kidneys are not usually palpable through the costal margin, lateral to rectus abdominis. Palpate for the
thickness of the abdominal wall and abdominal contents, lower pole of each kidney in turn. The aim of the
although in thin individuals a normal-sized kidney may manoeuvre is briefly to trap the lower pole of the kidney
between the fingers of both hands as the organ moves
up and down with deep respiration. The spleen is closely
associated with the diaphragm and thus moves early in
Surface markings of the kidney respiration but the kidneys lie lower down and they only
descend towards the end of inspiration. Ask the patient
to inspire deeply; press the fingers of both hands firmly
together, attempting to capture the lower pole as it slips
through the fingertips. This technique is known as
balloting the kidney (Fig. 7.55b). If the kidney is palpable
the rounded lower pole can be felt slipping between the
opposing fingers as the patient breathes in and out.
Differential diagnosis
Acute renal failure
11th rib
• Shock (hypovolaemic, septic or cardiogenic)
12th rib
• Acute glomerulonephritis
costovertebral kidney • Toxins or drugs (ethylene glycol, carbon
angle tetrachloride)
• Acute haemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria
• Acute renal vein thrombosis
Fig. 7.54 The surface anatomy of the kidneys.
a b
Fig. 7.55 Positioning the hands when palpating (a) the left and (b) the right kidney.
common iliac
Fig. 7.56 Assessing the punch tenderness over the renal angles. Fig. 7.57 The abdominal aorta and its branches.
7 The abdomen
Palpation of aorta
fluid (tympany) fluid
(dullness) (dullness)
Fig. 7.62 If you suspect obstruction of the pyloric outlet, check for
a ‘succussion splash’ by simultaneously listening in the epigastrium
and shaking the upper abdomen from side to side.
tympany extends
lateral to your
original mark
gas when supine The sounds generated by the abdomen are gurgling
noises caused by the intestinal peristalsis moving gas and
fluid through the bowel lumen. These are best assessed
by auscultation.
fluid dullness
Listening for bowel sounds
Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope on the mid-
abdomen and listen for intermittent gurgling sounds
Fig. 7.60 To confirm the presence of ascites, roll the patient into (borborygma). These peristaltic sounds occur episodically
the right lateral position because this causes fluid to settle in the
dependent right flank, whereas gas-filled bowel floats above to fill
at 5–10s intervals, although longer silent periods may
the left flank. A shift in the positions of dullness and tympany occur. Keep listening for approximately 30s before
indicates free fluid. concluding that bowel sounds are reduced or absent.
The absence of any bowel sounds can indicate intestinal
paralysis (paralytic ileus); this is always associated with
abdominal distension. Rapidly repetitive bowel sounds
(often termed ‘active’ bowel sounds) may be normal but
they may also be an early sign of mechanical obstruction
if they are associated with a colicky abdominal pain. In
progressive bowel obstruction, large amounts of gas and
fluid accumulate and the bowel sounds change in quality
to a higher pitched ‘tinkling’. This is an ominous sign of
impending bowel paralysis.
Auscultation may also be helpful when diagnosing
obstruction of gastric outflow. In pyloric obstruction, the
stomach distends with gas and fluid; this can be detected
by listening for a ‘succussion splash’. Steady the
diaphragm of the stethoscope on the epigastrium and
shake the upper abdomen for the splashing sound
characteristic of gastric outflow obstruction (Fig. 7.62).
7 The abdomen
a b
Fig. 7.63 Position of the stethoscope when listening for bruits in (a) the aorta and (b) the renal artery.
femoral artery
femoral vein fascial
internal inguinal sheath femoral
femoral canal ring canal
Fig. 7.65 The anatomy of the inguinal canal and femoral sheath.
hernia may
Examining the anus, rectum
migrate to and prostate
The rectum is a curved segment of the bowel, approximately
Fig. 7.66 An indirect hernia enters through the internal ring and 12 cm long, lying in the concavity of the mid- and lower
exits through the external ring.
sacrum (Fig. 7.67). The upper two-thirds of the anterior
rectum but not the posterior surface is covered by
intra-abdominal pressure is raised (e.g. when standing or peritoneum. The anterior rectal peritoneum reflects onto
coughing). The hernia may reduce spontaneously when the bladder base in men, it forms the rectouterine pouch
the patient lies down, so it is best to examine the hernia (known as the pouch of Douglas) in women and is filled
with the patient standing. Place two fingers on the mass with loops of bowel. Anterior to the lower one-third
and ascertain whether or not an impulse is transmitted of the rectum lie the prostate, bladder base and
to your fingertips when the patient coughs. Most herniae seminal vesicles in men and the vagina in women.
can be reduced manually, so attempt this by gently The anus is 3–4 cm long and joins the rectum to the
massaging the mass towards the internal ring. Once the perineum. The anal wall is supported by powerful
hernia is fully reduced, occlude the internal ring with a sphincter muscles, the voluntary external and involuntary
finger pressing over the femoral point. Ask the patient to internal sphincters, which constrict to provide tone and
cough. An indirect inguinal hernia should not reappear continence (Fig. 7.68). The rectal mucosa can be directly
until you release the occlusion of the internal ring. visualised through a proctoscope or sigmoidoscope but
A direct inguinal hernia develops through a weakness a great deal may be learned by palpation of the anus,
in the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. These herniae rectum and prostate.
7 The abdomen
peritoneum sacrum
bladder bladder
pubic prostate vagina
symphysis gland pubic
symphysis anus
anus urethra
Fig. 7.67 The relationship of the anterior rectum to the prostate gland and bladder base in men (left) and the posterior vaginal wall and
uterine cervix in women (right).
Differential diagnosis
The anal sphincters
Causes of faecal incontinence
The prostate gland is examined during the rectal
12 o’clock examination. The normal prostate measures approximately
3.5 cm from side to side and protrudes 1 cm into the
rectum (Fig. 7.74a). The gland has a rubbery, smooth
9 o’clock 3 o’clock consistency and a shallow longitudinal groove separates
the right and left lobes. It should not be tender to palpation
but the patient may experience the urge to urinate.
6 o’clock
Red flag – urgent referral
• Asymmetric enlargement
Fig. 7.70 The positions of the clock face are used to describe
positions around the anus. • Stony hard consistency
• Discreet nodularity
7 The abdomen
a b c
Fig. 7.74 (a) The normal prostate felt through the anterior rectal wall has a median sulcus separating the two lateral lobes. (b) The median
sulcus may become indistinct in a benign hypertrophied prostate and the gland feels firm and smooth and bulges more than 1 cm into the
lumen. (c) A carcinomatous prostate feels hard and irregular and the median sulcus is obliterated.
Framework for the routine examination of the abdomen
Female breasts and genitalia
The clinical assessment of the reproductive system is moderately overweight girls tend to enter puberty earlier
often neglected in routine examinations because of than their lean contemporaries. Abnormal weight loss
patients’ discomfort and embarrassment and because of (such as occurs with anorexia nervosa or a debilitating
doctors’ reluctance to conduct the genital examination as illness) causes delay of the menarche or cessation of
a routine procedure. The case history and examination established periods altogether (amenorrhoea).
intrude into patients’ most intimate boundaries, so Adolescent development can be assessed using
careful scripting is necessary to reassure the patient. The pubertal milestones defined by Tanner (Fig. 8.1). For girls
sensitivity associated with the examination is further this is based on breast development and the growth of
heightened when dealing with patients of the opposite pubic hair. Puberty in girls begins between 8 and 13 years
sex. A chaperone should always be close at hand when a of age. The average age of the menarche is 12.5 years
member of the opposite sex is examined. and most girls will have menstruated by the age of
It is reassuring to remember that the majority of 14.5 years.
patients feel reasonably comfortable discussing sexual
problems with their doctor; this stems from a cultural Hormonal changes in puberty
acceptance that doctors deal with all aspects of bodily Puberty is established by the activation of the
function and an understanding that the doctor–patient neuroendocrine axis. The cerebral cortex plays a central
relationship is confidential and professional. It is role in the initial activation of the hypothalamus, which
important to establish trust and competence when stores gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This
assessing the genital tract. Undergraduate courses in hormone is released into the hypothalamo-hypophyseal
gynaecology, obstetrics and genitourinary medicine portal system and is carried to the anterior lobe of the
provide the opportunity to learn the examination pituitary gland where it stimulates the release of
techniques required for a thorough examination. sex hormones. During childhood, GnRH secretion is
inhibited and loss of this inhibition signals the onset of
puberty (Fig. 8.2). Pulsatile release of GnRH provides the
Structure and function signal for the pulsatile release of follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) from
PUBERTY the pituitary gland which, in turn, stimulates the gonads.
The transition from childhood to adolescence is regulated The hormonal products of the female gonads then
by hormones secreted by the hypothalamic–pituitary exert their specific influences on the reproductive organs
axis. During puberty there is a rapid spurt in growth, and induce the development of secondary sexual
accounting for approximately 25% of the final adult characteristics. Breast growth (telarche) in women is
height. Secondary sexual characteristics develop and followed by the menarche and the establishment of the
sexual awareness is aroused. menstrual cycle.
The age of puberty varies and parents and teenagers
Breast development
often worry about what they perceive as a delayed growth
spurt. A number of factors determine the onset of puberty. Oestrogen secretion from the developing ovaries is the
Over the past 150 years there has been a progressive fall prime stimulus for breast development. Initially, there is
in the age of the first menstrual period (menarche). This widening of the areola with a small mound of breast
is thought to reflect the effects of improving nutrition and tissue developing beneath it. This is followed by
general health on the onset of puberty. There is evidence progressive enlargement of the breasts until the full adult
that body weight is an important trigger for puberty: size is attained (Fig. 8.1).
Fig. 8.1 Stages of breast development. Development from the preadolescent stage (1) begins initially with a widening of the areola and the
development of subareolar tissue (2). Progressive expansion occurs (3–4) until adult size is attained (5).
hypothalamus hypothalamus
4. adult amount of sexual 5. adult amount of hair and
hair distributed to pubis distribution with extension
GnRH GnRH to upper thighs
primordial FSH Graafian Fig. 8.3 Pubic hair development. Development from the
follicles +LH follicles preadolescent (1) begins with the growth of sparse straight hair
along the medial borders of the labia (2). Further growth of darker
coarser curlier hair continues (3–4) until the typical inverted triangular
distribution of the adult female is seen (5).
Pubic hair growth
In both males and females, growth of the pubic hair is
uterus regulated by adrenal androgens, with an additional
contribution of testicular androgen in the male. In
females, the pattern of pubic hair growth has a
characteristic inverted triangular appearance (Fig. 8.3).
Fig. 8.2 The hypothalmic–pituitary–gonadal axis. In childhood,
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion is inhibited (left). Ovarian and menstrual cycle
Loss of GnRH inhibition induces puberty and provides the signal for
the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising The cyclical release of FSH and LH from the pituitary is
hormone (LH). FSH and LH stimulate the gonads and exert cyclical reflected in serum concentration changes. Ovulation
changes in the uterine endometrium (right). occurs in response to these changes and this in turn
units/l follicle-stimulating
50 hormone
FSH LH cavity
oestradiol progesterone primordial
(μg/l) (μg/l) follicle
0.4 16
0.3 progesterone 12
oestradiol granulosa
0.2 8
0.1 4 granulosa
0 0 cells
temperature mature
++ ++
decreased production
of oestrogens
secondary to
depletion of
developing follicles
scarred atrophic
ovarian stroma
depleted of follicles and
refractory to high
gonadotrophin levels
pectoralis duct opening vein
major onto nipple
muscle lateral nodes
central deep
lactiferous nodes
nipple anterior nodes
pore internal
palpable nodes
of Cooper
deep nodes
Fig. 8.9 The breast is formed by glands with their ducts opening
individually through the nipple. Fatty tissue shapes the breast and the
fibrous (Cooper’s) ligaments provide support.
Fig. 8.11 Diagrammatic representation illustrating the position of
the axillary lymph nodes.
is a free connection between the lymphatics of the one Symptoms of breast disease
breast, and sometimes with the other. Nonetheless, the
lateral part of the breast usually drains towards the axillary PAIN
group of nodes and the medial half towards the internal Throughout the menstrual cycle there are cyclical, trophic
mammary chain. The axillary nodes are arranged into five and involutional changes in the glandular tissue. This
groups, each of which must be examined (Fig. 8.11). dynamic response of the tissue to changes in hormones
The vast interconnection of lymphatics predisposes to may cause breast pain and tenderness which fluctuates
widespread metastatic spread, with nodes in the opposite predictably with the menstrual cycle, usually more
prolactin oxytocin
Fig. 8.13 Initially, inspect the breast from the front with the patient
+ + sitting with her arms comfortably resting at her sides.
Fig. 8.22 Examine the tail of Spence with the patient’s arms resting
Fig. 8.21 Trace a systematic path either by following a concentric above the head. Use your thumb and first two fingers to trace the
circular pattern (left) or examining each half of the breast extension of breast tissue between the upper outer quadrant and the
sequentially from above down (right). axilla.
NIPPLE PALPATION fold. Finally, palpate along the medial border of the
Hold the nipple between thumb and fingers and gently humerus to check for the lateral group of nodes and
compress and attempt to express any discharge (Fig. inspect the infraclavicular and supraclavicular spaces for
8.23). If fluid appears, note its colour, prepare a smear for lymphadenopathy. If you feel nodes, assess the size,
cytology and send a swab for microbiology. shape, consistency, mobility and tenderness.
Risk factors
Risk factors for breast cancer
ovarian aorta
vein ovarian
ureter artery
fallopian artery
ovarian iliac
ligament artery
cervix uterus
Fig. 8.25 Erythema overlying an area of mastitis.
vagina uterine
Fig. 8.27 Lateral view of the female internal genitalia showing the
relationship to the rectum and bladder.
Palpable lymph nodes
If you detect axillary lymphadenopathy, suspect
malignancy if the nodes are hard, nontender or fixed. rectum posteriorly and the bladder and ureter anteriorly
Infection of axillary hair follicles or breast tissue may (Fig. 8.27). The female internal genitalia can be inspected
cause tender lymphadenitis. Look carefully for a local through the vagina, the cervix can be palpated directly or
primary site of infection such as an abrasion caused by through the anterior rectal wall, and the uterus, fallopian
shaving the axilla. Occasionally, patients with longstanding tubes and ovaries can be examined using the technique
fibrocystic disease may have mild axillary node of bimanual palpation.
Structure of the genital tract The external genitalia in the female is termed the vulva
(Fig. 8.28). This comprises a fat pad that overlies the
The female reproductive organs include the ovaries, symphysis pubis (the mons pubis), a pair of prominent
fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. These organs lie deep hair-lined skin folds extending on either side from the
in the pelvis (Fig. 8.26), occupying the space between the mons to meet posteriorly in the midline in front of the
pubocervical trigone of
ligament bladder
anal verge (the labia majora), and a pair of hairless, flat
folds lying adjacent and medial to the labia majora (the transverse cervix
labia minora). The labia minora converge anteriorly in cervical
front of the vaginal orifice, with each splitting into two vaginal
small folds that meet in the midline. The anterior folds rectovaginal vault
from either side merge to form the prepuce; the posterior pouch
folds form the frenulum. A nub of erectile tissue (the
clitoris) lies tucked between the frenulum and prepuce. uterosacral
Posteriorly, the labia minora fuse to form a distinct ridge ligament
known as the fourchette. The labia minora demarcate the
vestibule, which contains the urethral meatus and vaginal Fig. 8.29 The pelvic floor supports the pelvic organs. (a) Superficial
orifice. Bartholin’s glands are a pair of pea-sized mucous perineal muscles. (b) Fascia and ligaments.
glands that lie deep to the posterior margin of the labia
minora and empty through a duct into the vestibule,
providing lubrication of the introitus. Bartholin’s glands
may become infected if the ducts are obstructed, resulting The uterus is a muscular, pear-shaped organ consisting
in painful swelling and abscess formation. of the cervix, body and fundus (Fig. 8.31). The adult
The vulva rests on the pelvic floor, which is formed by uterus is usually angled forward from the plane of the
a complex arrangement of muscles that support the vagina (anteverted) and bends forward on itself at the
rectum, vagina and urethra (Fig. 8.29). junction of the internal os and the body (anteflexion)
(Fig. 8.32a). In some women the uterus assumes different
positions: an anteverted uterus may lie retroflexed
(Fig. 8.32b) and a retroverted uterus may be anteflexed
The vagina is a tube-shaped passage connecting the (Fig. 8.32c) or retroflexed (Fig. 8.32d).
vulva to the cervix of the uterus. Its opening in the vulva The vaginal surface of the cervix is covered by stratified
(the introitus) lies between the urethra and anus. The squamous epithelium. The uterus is covered with
vagina is inclined in an upward and posterior direction. peritoneum which reflects anteriorly onto the bladder,
A connective tissue septum separates the vagina anteriorly posteriorly onto the rectum and laterally to form the
from the bladder base and urethra and posteriorly from broad ligaments. The peritoneum covering the posterior
the rectum. The uterine cervix pouts through the upper uterus and upper vagina reflects onto the anterior rectal
vault of the vagina and divides the blind end of the vagina wall forming a blind pocket: the Pouch of Douglas. The
into the anterior, posterior and lateral fornices (Fig. 8.30). cuboidal cells lining the uterine cavity (the endometrium)
These thin-walled fornices provide a convenient access respond to the hormonal changes of the menstrual
point for examining the pelvic organs. cycle.
rectum anterior
cervix pouts
into apex
of vagina
Fig. 8.30 The cervix projects into the vagina, creating the anterior,
posterior (a) and lateral fornices (b).
Fig. 8.32 The different anatomical positions of the uterine body
within the pelvis. (a) The normal uterus is angled forward from the
plane of the vagina (anteverted) and bends forward on itself
The uterus (anteflexed). In some women the uterus assumes different positions:
(b) retroflexed, anteverted; (c) retroverted, anteflexed; (d) retroverted,
fundus fallopian tube
cavity Ovarian ligaments and adnexal structures
interstitial isthmus ampulla
body myometrium ovarian position
internal os
cervical canal uterus
cervical os suspensory
ligament broad fimbria
vagina of ovary ligament ovarium
Rectocoele and vesicocele
There are two ovaries. Each is oval in shape and usually
rests in a slight depression in the side wall of the pelvis.
The ovary is not lined by peritoneum; it measures 3 cm
long, 2 cm wide and 1 cm thick. The ovarian ligament
connects the ovary to the cornu of the uterus. The
connective tissue stroma of the ovary contains graafian
follicles at various stages of development, the corpus
luteum, which develops after ovulation, and the corpus
albicans, a relic of a degenerating corpus luteum.
Questions to ask androgen
interna cells
The menstrual cycle
• Age of menarche? enz tisin
l ym g
• Age of telarche? io e
• Do you use the contraceptive pill or hormone
replacement therapy?
gra lls
• Length of cycle?
• Days of blood loss?
• Number of tampons or pads used per day?
• Are there clots? Fig. 8.35 Effect of gonadotrophins on the theca interna and
• Has there been a change in the periodicity of the granulosa cells which produce the ovarian hormones.
Differential diagnosis
with hormone treatment. Diseases of the uterus and cervix
may present with abnormal bleeding, so consider disorders
Secondary amenorrhoea
of the mucosa (e.g. endometritis, carcinoma, endometrial
Physiological polyps) or submucosa (e.g. submucosal leiomyomas,
• Pregnancy fibroids). Postcoital bleeding usually indicates local cervical
• Lactation or uterine disease (carcinoma or a cervical polyp).
Psychological Vaginal discharge
• Anorexia nervosa
• Depression Vaginal discharge is a common complaint during the
• Fear of pregnancy child-bearing years. Many women notice slight soiling of
the underwear at the end of the day; this is a normal
physiological response to the cyclical changes occurring in
• Post contraceptive pill
the glandular epithelium of the genital tract and it is likely
• Pituitary tumours
to become more profuse in pregnancy. A physiological
• Hyperthyroidism
discharge is scanty, mucoid and odourless. Pathological
• Adrenal tumours
discharge is usually trichomonal or candidal vaginitis. The
Ovarian discharge may irritate the vulval skin causing itching
• Polycystic ovaries (pruritus vulvae) or burning. Attempt to assess the severity
• Ovarian tumour of the discharge by ascertaining whether the discharge
• Ovarian tuberculosis merely stains the underwear or is heavier and requires
• Constitutional disease protective pads.
• Severe acute illness
• Chronic infections or illnesses
• Autoimmune diseases Differential diagnosis
Vaginal discharge
• Pregnancy
Abnormal patterns of uterine bleeding
• Sexual arousal
Oligomenorrhoea Oligomenorrhoea is the term used to • Menstrual cycle variation
describe infrequent or scanty menstrual periods. This Pathological
pattern may be normal between the menarche and the • Vaginal
establishment of a regular menstrual pattern and is also – candidosis (thrush)
a feature of the climacteric as the menopause approaches. – trichomoniasis
In some women, the oligomenorrhoea of puberty persists – Gardnerella associated
into adult life. Ascertain whether the infrequent, scanty – other bacteria (e.g. caused by a retained tampon)
periods are a change from the normal pattern or a pattern – postmenopausal vaginitis
present from puberty. If oligomenorrhoea presents as a • Cervical
distinct change in the menstrual pattern, consider the – gonorrhoea
same factors implicated in the differential diagnosis of – nonspecific genital infection
secondary amenorrhoea. – herpes
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding This term is used to – cervical ectopy
describe frequent bleeding or excessive menstrual loss – cervical neoplasm (e.g. polyp)
that cannot be ascribed to local pelvic pathology (e.g. – intrauterine contraceptive device
fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, carcinoma, polyps).
Establish whether the abnormal cyclical pattern is regular
or irregular. Regular dysfunctional bleeding may present Questions to ask
as menorrhagia, epimenorrhoea or polymenorrhoea. The Vaginal discharge
predictability of these abnormal cycles usually implies
• How long has the discharge been present?
that ovulation is occurring, although this needs to
• Is the discharge scanty or profuse?
be confirmed. Irregular dysfunctional bleeding usually
• Is extra protection necessary or does the discharge
implies that ovulation has ceased; the menstrual rhythm
simply spot or stain?
is lost and the cyclical pattern is replaced by unpredictable
• What is the colour and consistency?
bleeding of varying severity.
• Is there an odour?
Intermenstrual and postmenopausal bleeding Patients • Is the discharge bloodstained?
may complain of vaginal bleeding unexpectedly between • Is there associated lower abdominal pain and fever?
normal periods or after the menopause. Enquire about sex • Is there itching or burning of the vulval area?
hormone therapy, as ‘breakthrough bleeding’ may occur
The nature of the discharge may be helpful. With pelvic congestion; it occurs a day or two before
vaginitis caused by Candida albicans the discharge is white, menstruation or with uterine contraction during the
has a curd-like appearance and consistency (Fig. 8.36) shedding and expulsion of the endometrium. Severe
and causes intense itching. Vaginitis caused by Trichomonas dysmenorrhoea should alert you to the possibility of
vaginalis usually presents with a profuse opaque or cream- endometriosis, a disorder resulting from cyclical changes
coloured, frothy discharge that has a characteristic ‘fishy’ (including withdrawal bleeding) occurring in endometrial
smell (Fig. 8.37). The trichomonal discharge may cause tissue implanted in ectopic sites (e.g. in the fallopian
vulval irritation and is occasionally accompanied by tubes or peritoneum).
burning on micturition: this is caused by inflammation of Ovulation may cause a unilateral iliac fossa or
the urethral meatus. If the patient complains of a profuse, suprapubic pain in midcycle that lasts a few hours
foul-smelling discharge, consider a retained foreign body (mittelschmertz). Severe iliac fossa pain should warn you
(e.g. a tampon). Cervical infection due to gonorrhoea, of the possibility of a haemorrhage into an ovarian
Chlamydia trachomatis or nonspecific cervicitis may cyst or torsion of a cyst. If the pain is preceded by a
present with a discharge but, unlike vaginitis, these rarely missed period, and especially if there is shock, you should
cause itching or burning of the vulva. also consider the possibility of a ruptured ectopic
pregnancy. If the lower abdominal pain is accompanied
by a vaginal discharge, fever, anorexia and nausea,
Gynaecological disorders should always be considered in consider acute infection of the fallopian tubes (acute
women presenting with lower abdominal pain. If the salpingitis).
pain predictably occurs immediately before and during a
period, the likely cause is dysmenorrhoea. This is a
suprapubic, boring or cramp-like pain caused by intense Pain on intercourse (dyspareunia) may be caused by
either psychological or organic disorders. Try to distinguish
vaginal spasm that makes penetration difficult (vaginismus)
from pain occurring once penetration has occurred.
Assess whether the pain is superficial (suggesting a local
vulval cause or a psychological spasm) or deep (suggesting
inflammatory or malignant disease of the cervix, uterus
or adnexae). After the menopause, the vulva and vagina
become dry and atrophic and this may cause discomfort
on intercourse.
A satisfactory sex life is an important component of a
healthy emotional relationship. In an unmarried woman,
ask whether she has had intercourse. Patients may
complain of loss of sex drive (libido), failure to achieve
orgasm, pain or difficulty with intercourse and ambivalence
about sexual preference. These symptoms and personal
Fig. 8.36 Vaginal candidiasis has a curd-like appearance.
problems are often camouflaged behind other symptoms
such as nonspecific abdominal pain, depression, fatigue
or headache. It requires shrewd clinical judgement to
recognise the underlying psychosexual problem. Tactfully
enquire about the sexual history.
Questions to ask
Psychosexual history
16 midway between
symphysis and umbilicus
40 20 lower border of umbilicus
24 28 midway between
20 umbilicus and xiphisternum
34 just below xiphisternum
38–40 height drops as fetal head
engages pelvis Fig. 8.40 The correct position of the patient before examination of
the genitalia.
Labial palpation
Abdomen in pregnancy
After the 12th week of the pregnancy, the uterus becomes
palpable above the symphysis pubis, making it possible
to assess the maturity of the fetus from the height of the
fundus (Fig. 8.39).
Fig. 8.43 Primary cutaneous candidosis of Fig. 8.44 Herpes simplex vesicles in the Fig. 8.45 Multiple perianal warts
the vulva. perianal region, fourchette and inner surface (condylomata acuminata) encroaching onto
of the labia minora. the labia.
Fig. 8.46 Perianal warts. Fig. 8.47 Condylomata lata caused by Fig. 8.48 Swelling of posterolateral
secondary syphilis tend to occur in moist perineum caused by Bartholin’s abscess.
areas of the body and are prevalent in the
vulva and perineum.
cause a bulge (a rectocele) in the posterior vaginal wall. cervical smears. If you anticipate taking samples, use
Uterine prolapse may also occur (Fig. 8.49). water as a lubricant for your gloved fingers and the
A full vaginal examination includes inspection with a speculum because lubricant gels may interfere with the
speculum, followed by a bimanual examination of the processing and analysis of samples.
uterus and adnexae. Before continuing the examination, A bivalve speculum (e.g. Cusco’s) is the instrument
explain that you are about to inspect the vagina and most commonly used to inspect the vagina (Fig. 8.50).
cervix with a speculum. Thoroughly familiarise yourself with its operation before
examining a patient. The instrument is made of either
stainless steel or plastic, and is available in different
SPECULUM EXAMINATION sizes. There are two blunt, rounded, elongated blades
The speculum is designed for inspection of the cervix and hinged at the base. In the closed position, the tips of the
vaginal walls. In addition, the speculum provides access blades appose, allowing the closed blades to slide safely
to the cervix and fornices for bacteriological swabs and into the slit-shaped introitus and into the tubular vagina.
Uterine prolapse
(a) (b)
Fig. 8.49 Uterine prolapse. (a) Normal uterus. (b) First- and
(c) second-degree prolapse of the uterus. (d) Complete prolapse
of the uterus.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 8.53 In nulliparous women, the external os is round (left);
it becomes slit-shaped (right) after birth of a child.
Cervical smear
of the vagina. In early pregnancy the cervix has a bluish Cytologists can detect premalignant cells or established
colour caused by increased vascularity (Chadwick’s sign). cervical cancer by examining a preparation of cells
During pregnancy, the squamocolumnar junction may scraped from the surface of the cervix. The technique is
migrate beyond the external os and onto the cervix, routine in the course of the speculum examination.
retreating back, a few months after childbirth, into The demonstration of premalignant cells provides
the cervical canal. Periodically, after pregnancy, the the opportunity for cancer prevention: the early detection
squamocolumnar junctions fail to regress into the os, of cancer allows for a higher, successful cure rate.
giving the appearance of an erosion (ectopy). Failure to Before proceeding with the smear, prepare three
regress during fetal development may give rise to a clean glass microscope slides. Accurate labelling of the
congenital erosion. Cervical ‘erosions’ are not ulcerated specimens is critical: slides with frosted glass at one end
surfaces but a term used to describe the appearance of are preferable, for this allows you to write the patient’s
the cervix when the endocervical epithelium extends name and number clearly on the slide. Prepare the slide,
onto the outer surface of the cervix. The columnar mark with the patient’s details, and label ‘cervical smear’.
epithelium appears as a strawberry-red area spreading Explain to the patient that you are about to take a smear.
circumferentially around the os or onto the anterior or The cervical smear is performed after inspecting the
posterior lips. Cervical ectopy cannot be confidently cervix. A specially-designed disposable wooden spatula
Cervical smear
Fig. 8.54 Spatula with bifid end used for cervical cytology.
Transport medium for microbiology, and swab.
Fig. 8.55 Cervical meatus. The bifid end of the spatula is advanced
to the external os and cervical cells are harvested by rotating the
with a bifid end at one side and a rounded end at the
spatula around the circumference of the os.
other is used (Fig. 8.54). The bifid end is used to harvest
the cervical cells. Introduce the spatula through the
speculum and position the bifid end at the os (Fig. 8.55).
The desquamating cells are collected by rotating the
spatula around the circumference of the os and the lips
of the cervix. Withdraw the spatula and spread the cervical
material onto the labelled glass slide by stroking each
side of the bifid end of the spatula along the glass. The
cervical cells and some mucus should cling to the glass.
Immediately spray the slides with fixative or fix them by
immersion in 95% alcohol.
Internal examination of the uterus Locate the cervix with the pulps of your fingertips. The
cervix should feel firm, rounded and smooth. Assess
The speculum examination is followed by the vaginal the mobility of the cervix by moving it gently and
examination. Explain that you are about to perform an palpate the fornices. This procedure should be
internal examination of the uterus, tubes and ovaries. painless.
Bimanual palpation of the uterus Palpating the anterior surface of the uterus
Fig. 8.57 The bimanual technique used to palpate the uterus. The Fig. 8.58 By placing the vaginal fingers in the anterior fornix it is
vaginal fingers lift the cervix, while the other hand dips downwards possible to examine the anterior surface of the uterus.
and inwards to meet the fundus.
• There is rapid fall in sex hormone synthesis after the • Loss of sex hormones results in altered hair
menopause, resulting in changes in the structure and distribution and androgen dominance may be
function of the genitalia apparent with male pattern facial hair growth, mild to
• There is progressive involution of the breast tissue moderate male pattern baldness and loss of the
and, as the acinar tissue atrophies, the breasts become female pattern labial hairline
more pendulous • Despite involutional changes, many older women
• The risk of breast cancer remains at any age, including maintain libido and remain sexually active into the
the very old later years of life
• After the menopause there is loss of vulval adipose • Atrophy of the vagina and introitus can be prevented
tissue, and reduction in vaginal secretion results in by hormone replacement therapy and topical
drying of the mucosal surface oestrogen application
• The atrophy of tissue of the introitus results in • Vaginal lubrication can be enhanced by using water-
vestibular narrowing, increased susceptibility to urinary soluble lubricant jellies
tract infection and dyspareunia
Framework for the routine examination of female breasts and genitalia
The male genitalia
Unlike the female genitalia, the male organs are readily for both urine and semen. In fetal development, the testes
accessible for examination. As for women, taking a sexual develop close to the kidneys and slowly migrate caudally,
case history and examining a male is embarrassing and emerging at the external inguinal ring in the eighth month
intrusive, so care must be taken to ensure confidentiality, of development and descending into the scrotum in the
privacy and comfort. An overview of structure and ninth month. The neural, vascular and lymphatic supply
function will help you gain confidence when taking a to the testes also arise from near the kidney and the
history and examining the genitalia and will aid the migrating testes drag these structures through the inguinal
interpretation of symptoms and signs. canal into the scrotum. This has important clinical
implications, as renal pain is often referred to the scrotum
and the natural route for lymphatic spread of testicular
Structure and function cancer is to para-aortic (rather than inguinal) nodes.
LH 60 5α reductase aromatase
peripheral tissues
μg/dl 30
dihydrotestosterone oestradiol
FSH 60
μg/dl 40
20 Fig. 9.3 Biochemical pathway in the synthesis of testosterone from
16 cholesterol.
Genital maturation in puberty
stage 2 stage 3
Fig. 9.2 Changes in LH and FSH secretion before, during and after
stage 4 stage 5
(interstitial) cell + +
Fig. 9.5 Histological section through a testis shows seminiferous Fig. 9.6 The hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Pulsatile release
tubules, developing sperm, Leydig and Sertoli cells. of GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete LH and FSH,
which stimulate the Leydig and Sertoli cells, respectively.
Male fertility
The male testis is composed of a network of tightly coiled
and convoluted seminiferous tubules that drain through
Anatomy of the penis
the rete testis into the epididymis. Spermatozoa develop
from the germinal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules
which lie in close contact with the Leydig and Sertoli cells glans penis
(Fig. 9.5). LH binds to the Leydig cells, stimulating the
production of testosterone from cholesterol. FSH binds urethra
to the Sertoli cells, stimulating the synthesis of inhibin, a
peptide hormone that inhibits FSH production by the corpus cavernosum
pituitary (Fig. 9.6). The development from immature
spermatogonia to mature spermatozoa takes 72 days. The corpus spongiosum
passage of the sperm through the epididymis to the
ejaculatory ducts takes a further 14 days, during which
time the spermatozoa become motile.
Spermatogenesis occurs most efficiently when the
ambient testicular temperature is 36°C. The smooth
muscle of the scrotum and spermatic cord alters the crus penis
position of the testicles in relation to the external inguinal
ring to maintain (under various conditions of heat and
cold) an optimal temperature for spermatogenesis. ischial tuberosity
dorsal vein
The penis consists of the two sponge-like cylinders, the
corpora cavernosa, forming the dorsal and lateral surfaces, corpus cavernosum
and the corpus spongiosum, which ends in a bulbous
expansion, the glans penis (Fig. 9.7). The urethra passes corpus spongiosum
through the corpus spongiosum. The skin covering the
corpora extends over the glans to form the prepuce. urethra
Tactile and psychogenic stimuli cause sexual arousal.
An autonomic (parasympathetic) reflex causes increased Fig. 9.7 The shaft and glans penis is formed from the corpus
arterial flow through branches of the pudendal artery to spongiosum and the corpus cavernosum.
the penis and fills the corpus spongiosum. The organ appendix testis and hydatid of Morgagni, respectively.
assumes the erectile position necessary for vaginal These occasionally twist and can cause severe testicular
penetration. The reflex is completed by a sympathetic pain.
neural outflow that results in contraction of the Lymphatics from the penile and scrotal skin drain to
ejaculatory ducts and the bladder neck, causing the inguinal nodes. Examination of the groin nodes is an
ejaculation of semen and orgasm. This is followed by integral part of the genital examination, especially if there
increased tone in the arterioles and sinusoids of the is an ulcer or discharge.
corpora, diversion of blood away from the penis and,
finally, detumescence.
The structure of the prostate is described in Chapter 7.
SCROTUM AND ITS CONTENTS The organ envelops the first part of the urethra and
Before attempting to examine the testis and epididymis, the ejaculatory ducts from the seminal vesicles, which
it is important to understand the structure of these organs. open into the prostatic urethra. The prostate secretes
The scrotum is a muscular pouch that holds the testes. A a specialised fluid that provides lubrication before
septum separates the left and right testicles. The scrotal intercourse and serves also to increase the volume of the
skin is thin, pigmented and crinkled and lined by the ejaculate.
dartos muscle. This permits considerable contraction and
relaxation of the scrotum, which helps keep the optimal
temperature for spermatogenesis. Symptoms of genital tract disease
The left testis almost always lies lower than the right.
Each testis is ovoid in shape, measuring approximately 4 Like women, men may choose either to express their
× 3 × 2 cm. A fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea, invests symptoms openly or to expose the problem in a less
the testis. The seminiferous tubules converge and obvious manner. Moreover, the doctor may feel
anastomose posteriorly to form the efferent tubules which embarrassed to broach the sensitive issues of sexual
converge to form the head of the epididymis (Fig. 9.8). orientation, sexual function, sexually transmitted disease
This, in turn, gives rise to the body and tail which drain and possible exposure to HIV. Learn to ask direct
into the vas deferens. The vas deferens passes through questions with sensitivity while maintaining the firm
the inguinal canal (Fig. 9.9), joining the seminal vesicles, impression that you are both confident and decisive
which, in turn, converge to form the ejaculatory duct. The when talking about what is, after all, another normal
epididymis attaches along the posterior border and upper bodily function.
pole of the testis. Both the testis and the epididymis have At the outset of your history-taking, you will already
vestigial remnants of fetal development known as the have ascertained whether the patient is single or married
head of
body of penis
tail of testis
epididymis tubules
Fig. 9.8 Coronal section through the testis shows the seminiferous Fig. 9.9 The vas deferens passes into the inguinal canal as the
tubules of the testis converging to form the efferent tubules, which spermatic cord, which then converges on the seminal vesicles. The
then give rise to the head, body and tail of the epididymis and the pampiniform vascular plexus surrounds the spermatic cord.
vas deferens.
and if he has fathered any children. The genital and about the possibility of contact with sexually transmitted
sexual history follows on naturally from the urinary tract disease. Ask about a recent episode of gastroenteritis, for
history (see Ch. 7). Ask about penile discharge, pain or urethritis may follow a few weeks later. Reiter’s syndrome
swelling of the testes and ability to enjoy normal sexual (Fig. 9.10) is the most florid manifestation of this
relations. These questions should provide the cue for a association and is characterised by a urethral discharge,
shy or inhibited patient to talk about sexual or genital balanitis, painful joints (arthritis and tendinitis) and
problems. Depending on the nature of the presenting bilateral conjunctivitis.
symptoms, you may wish to ask about homosexual
contact. You may feel uneasy about phrasing the question
but in societies in which AIDS is acknowledged as a Differential diagnosis
problem, the majority of patients understand the Urethral discharge
importance of the question and most often will not take Physiological
offence to a question like ‘Have you ever had a homosexual • Sexual arousal
partner?’ or ‘Do you practise safe sex?’ If a genital or
sexual symptom becomes apparent, assure the patient of
the confidentiality of the interview and attempt to analyse • Gonococcal urethritis (incubation 2–6 days)
the problem in greater depth. • Nongonococcal urethritis
• Idiopathic nonspecific urethritis
• Chlamydia trachomatis
URETHRAL DISCHARGE • Trichomonas vaginalis
A urethral discharge is a common presenting symptom. • Candida albicans
Remember that a discharge of smegma from a normal • Posturinary catheter
prepuce is very different from a discharge caused by • Reiter’s syndrome (may follow gastroenteritis)
urethritis. In urethritis, the patient may notice staining of includes arthritis and conjunctivitis
his underwear and complain of urinary symptoms
such as burning or stinging when passing urine.
Sexually transmitted disease is a common cause of GENITAL ULCERS
urethral discharge and patients concerned about sexually
transmitted disease will usually mention fear of it. If this The appearance of an ulcer or ‘sore’ always raises the
information is not forthcoming, ask the patient directly spectre of sexually transmitted disease. Consequently,
this possibility is likely to alarm your patient even though
ulcers are not always caused by sexual transmission.
Questions to ask
Enquire discreetly about possible contact with sexually
transmitted disease or casual sexual encounters. Ask
Urethral discharge
whether the ulcer is painful and try to assess a possible
• Is there a possibility of recent exposure to a sexually incubation period. Herpetic ulcers tend to recur and may
transmitted disease? be preceded by a prodrome of a prickly sensation or pain
• How long ago might you have had such a contact in the loins. There may be a clear history of contact with
(incubation period)? a partner infected with herpes and sexual transmission
• Does your partner complain of a vaginal discharge? may affect the mouth or anus as well as the penis. Exotic
• Have you experienced joint pains or gritty, red eyes? ulcerating venereal infections occur in the tropics and it
• Have you recently suffered from gastroenteritis? is important to obtain a careful history of foreign travel
and possible sexual contact.
a b
Fig. 9.10 Reiter’s syndrome is characterised by (a) circinate balanitis and (b) conjunctivitis.
Differential diagnosis
Testicular pain
Questions to ask
• Trauma Infertility
• Infection (mumps orchitis)
• Epididymitis • Have you or your partner ever conceived?
• Testicular torsion • Do you have difficulty obtaining or maintaining an
• Torsion of epididymal cyst erection?
• Do you ejaculate?
• Do you understand the timing of ovulation in your
IMPOTENCE • Are you on any medication that may cause
The term impotence refers to a spectrum of sexual impotence or sperm malfunction (e.g. sulfasalazine)?
dysfunction ranging from loss of libido, failure to • Have you noticed any change in facial hair growth?
obtain or to maintain an erection, to inability to achieve • Have you ever had cancer treatment?
orgasm. Impotence is often a manifestation of emotional
disturbance; therefore, you should try to assess whether
the patient is depressed, anxious about sexual encounters
or troubled by emotional aspects of the relationship. Fear Examination of the male genitalia
of causing pregnancy and concern about a contagious
disease such as AIDS may serve to cause impotence. Take This examination usually follows the abdominal
a careful drug and alcohol history; alcoholism is an examination and you will already have approached the
important cause of impotence and many widely area when examining the groin and hernial offices.
Although a detailed genital examination is usually only
undertaken when the patient complains of appropriate
Differential diagnosis
symptoms, it is advisable to check the testes in the course
of a routine examination as ‘opportunistic screening’ may
Drug-related causes of impotence
occasionally reveal a testicular tumour. Explain that you
• Major tranquillisers (phenothiazines) would like to examine the penis and testes and offer
• Lithium reassurance that the examination will be quick and gentle.
• Sedatives (barbiturates, benzodiazepines) Like any other examination, your confidence, or lack of
• Antihypertensives (methyldopa, clonidine) it, soon becomes apparent to the patient. If you have a
• Alcohol good knowledge of the anatomy and physiology already
• Oestrogens outlined, you will soon master a quick but thorough
• Drug abuse (heroin, methadone) examination. It is advisable for women doctors to examine
the genitalia with a chaperone close at hand.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis
Genital ulcers
• Genital herpes
• Syphilis (chancre, mucous patches, gumma)
• Tropical ulcers
• Severe candidiasis
• Circinate balanitis (Reiter’s syndrome)
Fig. 9.15 The primary chancre of syphilis may occur on the glans,
Drug eruption prepuce or shaft.
• Localised fixed drug eruption
• Generalised (Stevens–Johnson syndrome)
Carcinoma that can become secondarily infected. The urethral meatus
Behçet’s syndrome may be affected causing dysuria. If there is a possible
history of sexually transmitted disease, consider syphilis
(primary chancre) (Fig. 9.15) and in the tropics consider
chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma
Penile ulcers Ulceration of the glans or, more rarely, the
inguinale. Infrequently, fixed drug reactions may cause
shaft of the penis may occur in a number of disorders.
penile ulceration. Squamous cell carcinoma may present
Examine the ulcer and always palpate the groins for
as an ulcer of the penis or the scrotum.
inguinal lymph node involvement because the skin of the
penis drains to this group of nodes. The most common Priapism Occasionally, a patient may present with a
cause is herpetic ulceration. Characteristic painless painful and prolonged erection. This pathological
vesicles occur 4–5 days after sexual contact (Fig. 9.14). erection is termed priapism. Most often there is no
The vesicles often rupture, causing painful superficial obvious cause but predisposing factors such as leukaemia,
erosions with a characteristic erythematous halo. The haemoglobinopathies (e.g. sickle cell anaemia) and drugs
confluence of these erosions may cause discrete ulcers (aphrodisiacs) should be considered.
EXAMINATION OF THE SCROTUM The epididymis normally feels smooth and is broadest
Inspect the scrotal skin, which is pigmented when superiorly at its head.
compared with body skin. The left testis lies lower than Finally, roll with the finger and thumb the vas deferens,
the right but the impression of both testes is readily which passes from the tail of the epididymis to the
identified (Fig. 9.16). The tone of the dartos muscle is inguinal canal through the external inguinal canal. This
influenced by ambient temperature. Consequently, the structure is smooth and nontender and is felt leading
normal scrotal appearance varies with temperature. from the epididymis to the external inguinal ring.
Ensure that your hands are warm before palpating Abnormalities of the scrotum
the testis. Use gentle pressure, sufficient to explore the
If one-half of the scrotum appears smooth and
bulk of the tissue without causing pain. Throughout the
poorly developed, consider an undescended testis
examination, watch the patient’s facial expression, for
(cryptorchidism). This appearance of the scrotum helps
this should reassure you that the examination is not
to distinguish a maldescent from a retractile testis, in
causing undue discomfort. Compare the left and right
which the testis has descended but retracts vigorously
testes because many testicular disorders are unilateral.
towards the external inguinal ring. The retracted testis
Feel the testicle between your thumb and first two fingers
will be difficult to palpate.
(Fig. 9.17). Note the size and consistency of the testis.
The scrotal skin may be red and inflamed; a common
The organ has a pliant, soft rubbery consistency and there
cause is candidiasis (Fig. 9.19). Small yellowish scrotal
should not be much tenderness. Next, palpate the
lumps or nodules are common and usually represent
epididymis, which is felt as an elongated structure along
sebaceous cysts.
the posterolateral surface of the testicle (Fig. 9.18).
Swellings in the scrotum
Decide whether the swelling arises from an indirect
inguinal hernia or from the scrotal contents. It is possible
to ‘get above’ a testicular swelling but not a scrotal
hernia (Fig. 9.20). An intrinsic swelling may arise from
enlargement of the testis, testicular appendages and
epididymis or by an accumulation of fluid in the tunica
vaginalis, the double membrane that invests the testes.
Palpate the swelling between the thumb and first
two fingers and decide whether the swelling is solid or
Cystic swelling Cystic accumulations are caused by
entrapment of fluid in the tunica vaginalis (a hydrocele)
Fig. 9.16 The left testis lies lower than the right. or accumulation of fluid in an epididymal cyst and are
Fig. 9.17 Palpate the testis between your thumb and first two Fig. 9.18 The epididymis is felt along the posterior pole of the
fingers. testis.
Fig. 9.19 Candida infection of the scrotum often extends to the Fig. 9.20 It is possible to ‘get above’ a true scrotal swelling (a),
groin and thigh. whereas this is not possible if the swelling is caused by an inguinal
hernia that has descended into the scrotum (b).
Fig. 9.21 To distinguish a solid from a cystic mass, fix the swelling Fig. 9.22 An epididymal cyst is felt separately from the testis and
between finger and thumb of one hand and use the index finger of lies posteriorly.
the other hand to invaginate at right angles.
typically fluctuant. Steady the mass between the thumb 9.22). In contrast, a hydrocele surrounds and envelops
and first two fingers of one hand and use the index finger the testis, which becomes impalpable as a discrete organ
of the other hand to invaginate the mass in a second (Fig. 9.23). The distinction between an epididymal cyst
plane (Fig. 9.21). The tense fluid-filled cyst will fluctuate and hydrocele is not always clear and the two may occur
between finger and thumb in response to the pressure together.
change. Cystic lesions usually transilluminate. Darken
the room and place a pen-torch light up against the Varicocele Varicoceles occur in 5–8% of normal adult
swelling. A fluid-filled cyst spreads a bright red glow into males and are almost always left sided (Fig. 9.24). A
the scrotum, whereas this does not occur with solid varicocele results from a varicosity of the veins of the
tumours. Remember that if the cyst wall is abnormally pampiniform plexus, a leash of vessels surrounding
thickened or the effusion is bloodstained, transillumination the spermatic cord, and is caused by abnormality of the
may not occur. Next, try to distinguish between a valve mechanism of the left testicular vein, which drains
hydrocoele and an epididymal cyst. As the epididymis into the left renal vein (the right drains directly into the
lies behind the body of the testis, an epididymal cyst is inferior vena cava). Most varicoceles do not cause
felt as a distinct swelling behind the adjoining testis (Fig. symptoms and are discovered as an incidental finding.
Fig. 9.23 A hydrocele surrounds the entire testis, which cannot, Fig. 9.24 A left-sided varicocele has the texture of a ‘bag of
therefore, be felt as a discrete organ. worms’ when palpated. The mass is separate from the testis and
a b
Fig. 9.25 In orchitis, the testis is swollen, tense and very tender. Fig. 9.26 Carcinoma may present as a discrete mass within a testis
Usually only one testis is involved. (a) or may expand to replace the entire organ (b).
However, patients may rarely present with scrotal testicular and an epididymal mass. Diffuse, acutely painful
swelling, discomfort or infertility. Examine the patient in swelling usually occurs in acute inflammatory condition
the standing position – the varicocele feels like a ‘bag of such as orchitis (Fig. 9.25) or torsion of the testis. These
worms’. Ask the patient to cough while you palpate the acute emergencies are usually readily distinguishable
varicocele – a characteristic feature is transmission of the from a solid or discrete swelling of the body of the testis.
raised intra-abdominal pressure to the varicocele, which Solid masses may be smooth or craggy, tender or painless
is felt as a discrete cough impulse. The varicocele is but, whatever the character, carcinoma must be the first
separate from the testis. The ipsilateral testis is usually differential diagnosis (Fig. 9.26). Other solid masses
smaller than expected. A varicocele usually empties when include tuberculomas and syphilitic gummas. Solid
the patient lies supine. tumours of the epididymis are due to chronic inflammation
(usually tuberculous epididymitis) and are usually benign.
Solid swellings As with cystic swellings, use your The epididymis feels hard and craggy (Fig. 9.27) and is
knowledge of the anatomy to distinguish between a not unduly tender.
Bone, joints and muscle
The skeleton provides protection for the internal organs The tubular arrangement of the long bones achieves
along with a strengthening and support system for the maximal resistance to a bending force while economising
limbs. The presence of joints in the limbs and spine on the amount of material used in its construction. The
permits movement of what would otherwise be rigid lines of the trabeculae in cancellous bone match the lines
structures. The cartilage interposed between the bone of stress encountered at those particular points. The
surfaces of a joint cushions the forces that are generated surface markings and contours of bone are determined
during movement. Joint strength is enhanced by ligaments by external forces and the origins of tendons and
that are either incorporated into the joint capsule or ligaments.
independent of it. Movement at the joint is achieved by Cartilage consists of a collection of rounded cells
contraction of the muscles passing across it. (chondroblasts) embedded in a matrix. There are three
coracohumeral coracoacromial
ligament ligament
skin and
bone subcutaneous
synovium tendon
space ligamentous
hyaline of capsule
articular Fig. 10.3 The shoulder joint and the attachments of the
cartilage muscle coracohumeral ligament.
A joint locks if ectopic material becomes interposed
between the articular surfaces. It is particularly associated
with damage to the knee cartilages. Ascertain if the
Fig. 10.5 Distribution of pain arising from (a) the acromioclavicular
or sternoclavicular joints, (b) the scapulohumeral joint, (c) the hip
locking occurs at a particular point during movement of
joint and (d) the knee joint. the joint.
• Inflammatory • Inflammatory
– rheumatoid arthritis – polymyositis
– ankylosing spondylitis – dermatomyositis
• Mechanical • Infective
– osteoarthritis – pyogenic
• Infective – cysticercosis
– pyogenic • Traumatic
– tuberculosis • Polymyalgia rheumatica
– brucellosis • Neuropathic
• Traumatic – e.g. Guillain–Barré syndrome
be exacerbated by contraction of the muscle and relieved angularity. Is there limb shortening? Look for tenderness
by rest. If the patient complains more of muscle stiffness by gently palpating those parts of the bone close to the
(particularly of the lower limbs) than pain, suspect the skin surface.
possibility of spasticity caused by an upper motor neuron
Weakness You need to follow a strict routine with joint examination,
A complaint of global weakness is more likely in neurotic incorporating inspection, palpation and assessment of
individuals than in patients with neurological disorders. the movement of the joint.
Important questions to ask include the distribution of Inspection
the weakness, whether it appears related to any pain in
the limb, whether it fluctuates and whether it is static Things you are looking for include swelling, joint
or progressive. A complaint of predominant proximal deformity, overlying skin changes and the appearance of
weakness suggests the possibility of primary muscle the surrounding structures.
disease (e.g. polymyositis or myopathy). A predominantly Swelling Causes of joint swelling include effusions,
distal weakness is more likely to be neuropathic. If the thickening of the synovial tissues and of the bony margins
weakness is fluctuant, and particularly if it worsens during of the joint. Differentiation of these causes is achieved by
the course of activity, you will need to consider myasthenia palpation. If you suspect joint swelling, compare it with
gravis when you come to examine the patient (see also the joint of the opposite limb. Particularly note if the
Ch. 11). Weakness caused by sudden entrapment of a swelling appears to be of the joint itself or of the adjacent
peripheral nerve (e.g. a traumatic radial nerve palsy) will structures.
be stable or even improving by the time the patient seeks
medical attention. In other conditions the weakness is Deformity Deformity results either from misalignment
progressive (e.g. motor neuron disease). of the bones forming the joint or from alteration of the
relationship between the articular surfaces. If misalignment
exists, a deviation of the part distal to the joint away from
the midline is called a valgus deformity and a deviation
Questions to ask towards the midline a varus deformity (Fig. 10.6). If a
Muscle weakness deformity exists you will need later to determine whether
it is fixed or mobile. Partial loss of contact of the
• Is the weakness global or focal?
articulating surfaces is called subluxation, and complete
• Is the weakness secondary to a painful limb?
loss dislocation. Although these are usually traumatic,
• Does the weakness fluctuate?
they can also be seen in inflammatory joint disease,
• Is the weakness increasing in severity?
particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Swan neck, Boutonnière
and mallet are descriptive terms used for deformities of
Finger deformities
normal MCP
swan neck
Neutral position
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
extensor pollicis
Fig. 10.12 The neutral position from which joint measurement is
Joint movement
Next proceed to examine the range of movement of the
joint, whether movement is limited by pain and whether
there is instability.
To define the range of joint movement, start with the Fig. 10.13 Measuring the range of joint movement.
joints in the neutral position, defined as the lower limbs
extended with the feet dorsiflexed to 90°, and the
upper limbs midway between pronation and supination From the neutral position, record the degrees of flexion
with the arms flexed to 90° at the elbows (Fig. 10.12). and extension. If extension does not normally occur at a
For accurate measurement of joint movement you will joint (e.g. the knee) but is present, describe the movement
need a goniometer (Fig. 10.13) but for routine purposes as hyperextension and give its range in degrees.
your eye should allow a reasonably true estimate. Sometimes there is restriction of the range of movement.
Movement of a joint is either active (i.e. induced by the For example, if the knee fails by 30° to reach the extended
patient) or passive (i.e. induced by the examiner). position, describe this as either a 30° flexion deformity or
Sometimes you need to assess both but you will generally as a 30° lack of extension (Fig. 10.14). For the ankle and
assess active movements in the spine but passive wrist, extension is described as dorsiflexion and flexion
movements in the limb joints. Restriction of active as plantar and palmar flexion, respectively. For a ball and
compared with passive movement is usually due to socket joint, you will need to record the range of flexion,
muscle weakness. extension, abduction, adduction and internal and external
flexion hyperextension
ask the patient to try to place the relevant ear on each
shoulder in turn (lateral neck flexion).
A screening history and examination process for
• Arms – From in front ask the patient to place both
the musculoskeletal system has been devised for
hands behind the head, elbows back.
undergraduate use (GALS – gait, arms, legs and spine).
• Place both hands by the side, elbows straight.
• Place both hands out in front, palms down, fingers
• Have you any pain or stiffness in your muscles, joints • Turn both hands over. Make a tight fist with each
or back? hand.
• Can you dress yourself completely without difficulty? • Place the tip of each finger onto the tip of the thumb
• Can you walk up and down stairs without difficulty? in turn.
If the answers to all three questions are negative, • The examiner then squeezes across the second to
significant musculoskeletal abnormality is unlikely. the fifth metacarpals to elicit tenderness.
• Legs – Inspect from in front (with the patient
SCREENING EXAMINATION • Inspect with the patient lying flat.
• Gait – Inspect the patient walking, turning and walking • Flex each hip and knee while holding the knee
back. (confirming full knee flexion without knee
• Spine – Inspect the patient from three positions from crepitus).
behind, from the side, then ask the patient to bend • Passively internally rotate each hip in flexion
forwards and touch the toes, and finally from in front (checking for pain and restricted movement).
• Press on each patella for tenderness and palpate for Increased muscle bulk Usually abnormal muscle bulk
an effusion. reflects the patient’s obsession with his own bodily
• Squeeze across the metatarsals for tenderness due strength (it is almost always a man). There are rare
to metatarsophalangeal disease. conditions that lead to muscle hypertrophy. If the
• Inspect both soles for callosities reflecting abnormal enlargement is due to increase in muscle bulk, it is called
weight-bearing. true hypertrophy and is seen, for example, in congenital
myotonia. If the increased bulk is due to fatty infiltration
(and you will then discover the muscle is actually
RECORDING FINDINGS weak), it is called pseudohypertrophy. This finding is
Normal response to the screening questions can be characteristic of certain of the muscular dystrophies (e.g.
recorded as: Duchenne’s).
Temporomandibular joints
Ask the patient to open and close the jaw. If the
temporomandibular joints are lax, there may be
considerable side-to-side movement. Now palpate the
joint margins by placing your fingers immediately in
front of and below the tragus. As the patient opens kyphosis
the jaw, palpate the head of the mandible as it moves
forwards and downwards. In temporomandibular joint
dysfunction, the joint capsule is tender and chewing is
painful. The generalised arthritic disorders seldom affect Fig. 10.16 Spinal deformities.
this joint.
The spine flexion deformity (Fig. 10.16). Using the position of the
spinous processes tends to underestimate the degree
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION of scoliosis, as the spines rotate towards the midline.
The scoliosis is accentuated when the patient bends
The primary curvatures of the spine, in the thoracic and
sacral regions, are determined by differences in height
For each spinal level, start by inspection and follow by
of the anterior and posterior aspects of the vertebrae
palpation to elicit any tenderness. Finally, assess the
at these levels. The secondary curvatures of the cervical
range of movement and determine whether it is restricted
and lumbar regions depend more on the relative
by pain.
heights of the anterior and posterior aspects of the
intervertebral discs. The nucleus pulposus allows an even
distribution of applied force onto the annulus fibrosus CERVICAL SPINE
and the hyaline laminae covering the opposing vertebral The examination is best achieved with the patient sitting.
bodies. Note any deformity, then palpate the spinous processes.
Forward flexion and extension occur at all levels of the A cervical rib is sometimes palpable in the supraclavicular
spine but are maximal at the junction of the atlas fossa. Obliteration of the radial pulse by downward
with the occiput and in the lumbar and cervical regions. traction of the arm does not reliably predict the presence
Lateral flexion is greatest at the atlanto-occipital junction, of a cervical rib or band.
occurs to some extent in the lumbar and cervical regions, Examine active then passive movements. For flexion,
but minimally in the thoracic region. Rotation other than ask the patient to bring the chin onto the chest and for
at the atlantoaxial joints, is determined by the shape of extension ask them to bend the head backwards as far as
the apophyseal joints and is maximal at the thoracic possible. Observe both these movements from the
level. side. For lateral flexion, stand in front of or behind
the patient and ask the patient to bring the ear towards
Examination of the spine the shoulder first on one side, then the other. For rotation,
stand in front or over the patient asking the patient to
With the patient undressed to the underwear, ask the look over one shoulder then the other (Fig. 10.17).
patient to stand upright. Assess the posture of the whole Note whether any movement triggers pain either locally
spine before examining its component parts. An increased or in the upper limb. Repeating the movements while
flexion is called kyphosis, increased extension, lordosis applying gentle pressure over the vertex of the skull
and a lateral curvature, scoliosis. Gibbus refers to a focal may trigger pain or paraesthesiae in the arm if there is a
The spine 10
neutral rotation
10+ cm
10 cm
5 cm
5 cm
Having inspected the lumbar spine and tested for
flexion and extension lateral flexion tenderness, assess the range of movement. While
standing at the patient’s side, ask the patient to touch the
Fig. 10.17 Movements of the cervical spine. toes, keeping the knees straight. To assess the contribution
made to flexion by the lumbar spine, mark the spine at
the lumbosacral junction, then 10 cm above and 5 cm
below this point. On forward flexion the distance between
the two upper marks should increase by approximately
Skull compression
4 cm, the distance between the lower two remaining
unaltered (Fig. 10.19). Now assess extension, again from
the side, then lateral flexion. For this, stand behind the
patient and ask the patient to slide the hand down the
outside of the leg, first on one side and then on the other
(Fig. 10.20).
Palpate the joints, which lie under the dimples found
in the lower lumbar region. To test whether movement
Fig. 10.18 Compression of the vertex of the skull to reproduce at the joint is painful, first press firmly down over
cervical root pain. Compression with the head in the neutral position the midline of the sacrum with the patient prone
(left) or laterally flexed to the right is painless (middle). With the (Fig. 10.21) then, with the patient supine, forcibly flex
head flexed to the left (right), the side of the root compression,
one hip while maintaining the other in an extended
downward pressure is painful.
flexion extension
Differential diagnosis
Back pain
Turn the patient into the prone position. First flex the Back pain
knee. If this fails to trigger pain, extend the leg at the hip. • Is the pain confined to the back or does it radiate to
A positive response, with pain in the back extending into the upper or lower limb?
the anterior thigh, suggests irritation of the second, third • Is the pain exacerbated by coughing or sneezing?
or fourth lumbar root on that side (Fig. 10.23). • Did the pain begin suddenly or gradually?
Clinical application
Back pain can arise from disease processes in the PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC
vertebrae, from degenerative changes in the joints A prolapse of disc material is most likely to occur either in
between the vertebrae, from degeneration or actual the cervical (principally at C5/6) or the lumbar (principally
prolapse of the intervertebral disc and from the ligaments at L5/S1) region. Once nerve root irritation occurs, likely
and muscles supporting and moving the spine. symptoms include local and referred pain, with sensory
The spine 10
Stretch tests
Fig. 10.22 Stretch tests: (a) neutral position, (b) straight leg raising, (c) Bragard’s test, (d) knee flexion and (e) Lasegue’s test.
Ankylosing spondylitis
In ankylosing spondylitis the patient, usually male,
complains of spinal pain and stiffness, the latter improving
with exercise. The sacroiliac joints are affected initially.
Increasing loss of spinal mobility can lead to a thoracic
kyphosis combined with loss of the lumbar lordosis
(Fig. 10.25).
Rheumatoid arthritis
This complaint commonly involves the upper cervical
spine. Synovitis affecting the cruciate ligament allows
posterior subluxation of the odontoid peg. Compression
c of the upper cervical cord is a potential hazard, producing
a tetraparesis (Fig. 10.26).
Spinal tumours
Spinal tumours are usually metastatic from prostate,
Fig. 10.23 (a) Femoral stretch. The pain may be triggered by breast, bronchus or kidney. Initially, there is local severe
(b) knee flexion alone or (c) in combination with hip extension.
rest pain, sometimes with a referred component caused
by spinal root compression. Later, focal neurological
signs appear.
Root syndromes
C5 spinati
supinator L1
C3 C3
biceps C4 C4 L1
C6 S5 L2
L2 S4
triceps Sensory
finger extensors S3
L4 tibialis anterior
L5 extensor hallucis longus L3
S1 gastrocnemius, soleus S2
T1 T1
C6 C6 L5
reflex L4 L4
biceps C8 C8
7 7 S1
C6 triceps
C7 S1
Fig. 10.24 Sensory, motor and reflex changes in cervical and lumbar root syndromes.
This disease most commonly involves the thoracic or
Fig. 10.25 Posture in advanced long-term ankylosing spondylitis on lumbar spine. The infective process begins in the anterior
the right with control subject on the left. margin of the vertebral body with early involvement of
The shoulder 10
Cervical spine injuries include atlantoaxial dislocation,
fractures of the arch of the atlas and compression fractures
of the vertebral bodies. Complications include spinal
instability and neurological damage.
Fractures around the cervicothoracic junction are easily
missed unless the shoulders are well depressed at the
time of the radiograph.
Thoracic and lumbar spine injuries include com-
pression fractures and fractures of the transverse
processes. Pathological fractures commonly occur at this
level. Complications include paraplegia (with thoracic
fractures) and haemorrhage into the retroperitoneal
neutral rotation
internal external
extension flexion
Rotator cuff
90º infraspinatus
Bicipital tendonitis
In bicipital tendonitis, tenosynovitis involves the long
head of the biceps. The patient complains of pain in the infraspinatus
anterior aspect of the shoulder and arm. The pain is tendon
reproduced by palpating the tendon or by contracting the subscapularis
Traumatic lesions
Fig. 10.30 The rotator cuff apparatus.
These include dislocation, fracture dislocation and
fractures of the neck of the humerus. Dislocations are
usually anterior, less commonly posterior. With the
The shoulder 10
a b c
d e
Fig. 10.31 Testing the major muscles concerned with shoulder movement. (a) Supraspinatus, (b) deltoid, (c) infraspinatus, (d) latissimus dorsi
and (e) pectoralis major.
In the presence of any of the above conditions, muscle
power is limited by concomitant pain. If shoulder
movements are free and painless, the individual muscles
concerned with movement around the joint can now be
tested (Fig. 10.31).
Cervical radiculopathy
Fig. 10.32 Wasting of deltoid, infraspinatus and supraspinatus in a
Cervical radiculopathy often affects the fifth nerve root. right C5 root lesion.
Weakness is found in the spinati, deltoid and biceps.
Wasting may follow (Fig. 10.32). The biceps and supinator
reflexes are depressed.
Elbow movement
up to 150º
90º 90º
supination pronation
180º extension
Carrying angle
Fig. 10.33 Winging of the scapula on forward pressure.
The elbow
There are two joints at the elbow, one involving the
humerus, radius and ulna, the other joining the upper
ends of the radius and ulna. Flexion or extension
movement occurs at the former through a range of
approximately 150°. The latter joint allows the forearm to
rotate (pronation-supination) through a range of 180°
(Fig. 10.34). In males, the forearm is only slightly abducted
from the axis of the humerus. In females, the abduction
is greater, forming a carrying angle of about 15°
(Fig. 10.35). 15º
The biceps flexes the elbow when the arm is supinated.
Fig. 10.35 Carrying angle of the forearm.
The brachioradialis and brachialis flex the elbow in either
the pronated or supinated position. Extension of the
elbow is achieved by triceps, with a minor contribution
from anconeus (Fig. 10.36). Supination is produced by either side of the olecranon. Swelling of the olecranon
contraction of the supinator and pronation by the bursa can follow trauma or occurs in association with
combined action of pronator teres and pronator rheumatoid arthritis. Now palpate the subcutaneous
quadratus. border of the ulna, a common site for rheumatoid
nodules (Fig. 10.37). Move on to palpate the lateral
and medial epicondyles (Fig. 10.38). Inflammation of
INSPECTION AND PALPATION the extensor and flexor origins at these respective sites
Inspect the joint from behind, comparing its alignment (tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow) leads to pain in the
with the other arm. An effusion produces a swelling on region of the elbow exacerbated by forced wrist extension
(short head)
(long head)
Fig. 10.38 Eliciting tenderness in a case of lateral (a) and (b) medial
for the former and forced wrist flexion for the latter. Test the principal muscles concerned with elbow flexion
Immediately inside the medial epicondyle is the ulnar and extension, together with pronation and supination
groove, within which you can palpate the ulnar nerve. (Fig. 10.39).
The nerve tends to thicken at this site even in normal A lesion of the C6 nerve root is common (Fig. 10.40).
individuals. Muscles that can be affected include the biceps,
brachioradialis, supinator and triceps. In practice, triceps
weakness predominates, with depression or loss of the
JOINT MOVEMENT triceps reflex. Any loss of sensation occupies the thumb
and index finger.
Flexion and extension at the elbow allow a total range
of movement of approximately 150°. Supination and
pronation both occur through a range of approximately
90°. The forearm and wrist
TRAUMATIC LESIONS Movements of the wrist comprise flexion, extension
These include dislocations, fractures of the radial head and ulnar and radial deviation (Fig. 10.41). Flexion–
and of the distal humerus. Dislocation is usually extension movements of the fingers occur at both
a b c
d e
Fig. 10.39 Examining the muscles acting at or around the elbow joint. (a) Biceps, (b) brachioradialis, (c) triceps, (d) supinator and (e) pronator.
Fig. 10.40 C6 root syndrome.
From the neutral position test flexion of the wrist
(approximately 90°) then extension (approximately 70°).
the metacarpophalangeal and the interphalangeal A comparison of the degree of dorsiflexion between the
joints. two wrists is best achieved by asking the patient to press
The major flexors of the wrist are flexor carpi radialis the palms together while elevating the elbows so that the
and ulnaris. The major extensors are extensor carpi ulnaris forearms are in a straight line. The range of palmar flexion
and extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis. The long can be similarly compared with the back of the hands
flexors and extensors of the fingers and thumb, by virtue pressed together. Now assess radial and ulnar deviation
of passing over the wrist joint, also exert a minor effect of the wrist. Wrist involvement is common in rheumatoid
there. arthritis. Besides pain and limitation of movement,
a b
c d
a b
c d
Now test the muscles acting at the wrist (Fig. 10.43)
and the long flexors and extensors of the fingers
(Fig. 10.44).
A C7 root lesion affects the triceps together with wrist
and finger extension. The triceps jerk may be depressed
and sensory loss, if present, occurs over the middle
A radial palsy most commonly results from damage Fig. 10.45 Wrist and finger drop in a left radial palsy.
to the nerve in the spiral groove. There is weakness
of the supinator, brachioradialis and wrist and finger
extension (Fig. 10.45). The brachioradialis component of The small muscles of the hand control fine movements
the supinator reflex is depressed. of the thumb and fingers. The thenar eminence muscles
Sensory loss is often slight, mainly involving an consist of abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis
area of skin in the region of the anatomical snuff and opponens pollicis. Contained in the hypothenar
box. eminence are abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi
and opponens digiti minimi. Finally, there are the lumbrical
muscles, the dorsal and palmar interossei and adductor
The hand pollicis. The lumbricals extend the fingers at the
interphalangeal joints (with additional more complex
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION actions), the interossei principally abduct and adduct the
fingers, whereas the adductor pollicis adducts the
The metacarpophalangeal joints allow abduction and thumb.
adduction movements when the fingers are extended
(Fig. 10.46). Abduction of the thumb carries it away from
the plane of the palm of the hand and adduction towards The hand joints
it. Extension moves the thumb radially in the plane of the
hand, flexion in the ulnar direction. Opposition rotates INSPECTION AND PALPATION
the thumb, bringing its palmar surface into contact with A good way to examine the hands both for joint and
the fifth finger (Fig. 10.47). muscle function is to ask the patient to sit opposite you
The hand 10
with the hands spread on a flat surface. You are looking Now turn the hands over to look at the palmar aspects.
for signs of joint deformity and whether any deformity is Is there evidence of tendon thickening?
generalised or focal. If the latter, are particular joints Now carefully palpate the joints. Is there joint
affected? While inspecting the joints, remember to look tenderness? Assess the quality of any swelling (Fig.
at the state of the skin and whether the nails are deformed. 10.48). Can you feel any nodules along the tendon
In early rheumatoid arthritis, slight swelling of the
Finger movements proximal interphalangeal joints is accompanied by
tenderness (Fig. 10.49). At a later stage of the condition,
30º substantial deformities occur (see Fig. 10.7) accompanied
hyperextension by wasting of the small hand muscles. If the changes
predominate in the distal interphalangeal joints, carefully
0º inspect the nails for signs suggesting a diagnosis of
psoriasis (Fig. 10.50). In osteoarthritis, nodules (Heberden’s
flexion nodes) typically appear over the distal interphalangeal
joints but are also seen at the proximal interphalangeal
90º joints (Bouchard’s nodes) (Fig. 10.51).
Osteoarthritis commonly affects the carpometarcarpal
joint of the thumb in combination with changes in the
Thumb movements
Fig. 10.47 Movements of the thumb. Fig. 10.49 The hand in early rheumatoid arthritis.
a b c
Fig. 10.48 Palpating the wrist (a), metacarpophalangeal (b) and interphalangeal (c) joints.
Trigger finger
Questions to ask
Weakness of the hand
Fig. 10.51 Osteoarthritis at the proximal interphalangeal joints. • Is the weakness associated with joint pain?
• Is the weakness confined to the muscles supplied by
the median or ulnar nerve?
• If the weakness is global, are both hands or just one
hand affected?
• Is there accompanying sensory loss?
Hand injuries include tendon damage and fractures.
Severed extensor or flexor tendons require suturing to
facilitate healing.
Fractures include those of the phalanges, with or
without dislocation, and of the carpal and metacarpal
bones. Scaphoid fractures are easily missed on radiography,
Fig. 10.52 The square hand of osteoarthritis. requiring oblique views for their detection. Typically they
produce pain, swelling and tenderness in the region of
the anatomical snuff box, usually after a fall on an
distal interphalangeal joints resulting in the appearance outstretched hand. Avascular necrosis is a recognised
of a ‘square hand’ (Fig. 10.52). complication.
Nodule formation on a flexor tendon can lead to the
tendon being caught in a localised narrowing of the
sheath. The result, trigger finger, is a flexion deformity MOVEMENT
from which the finger can be extended only by force Test the range of movement in the thumb and fingers.
(Fig. 10.53). For abduction and adduction of the fingers, outlining the
The hand 10
fingers on blank paper gives a quantitative assessment opportunity to assess the bulk of muscles supplied by the
of the degree of their abduction from the neutral median nerve by examining the thenar eminence. By now
position. you have determined whether there is any small muscle
wasting, whether it is bilateral or unilateral and, if
unilateral, whether it is global or confined to the
The hand muscles distribution of the median or ulnar nerve.
a b c
Fig. 10.54 Testing some of the small muscles supplied by the ulnar nerve. (a) First dorsal interosseous. With the fingers flat, the patient is
trying to abduct the index finger against resistance. (b) Adductor pollicis. The patient is forcibly adducting the thumb towards the palmar
surface of the index finger. (c) Abductor digiti minimi. The patient is abducting the little finger against resistance.
a b
Fig. 10.55 Testing the muscles of the thenar eminence. (a) Abductor pollicis brevis. The patient is lifting the thumb vertically from the plane
of the palm of the hand. (b) Opponens pollicis. Against resistance, the patient is trying to touch the base of the little finger with the tip of the
The hip 10
Fig. 10.58 Global wasting of the right hand (left and right),
together with a Horner’s syndrome (below left). Malignant invasion
of the lower trunk of the brachial plexus and the T1 root.
Fig. 10.59 Wasting of the small hand muscles of the right hand (left and middle) associated
with beaking of the right C7 transverse process (right).
external rotation. The neck of the femur forms an angle biceps) as extensors of the hip joint and flexors of the
of approximately 130° with the shaft. knee joint.
Muscles acting at the hip joint may have additional
actions on the spine or knee. The psoas major passes
from the lumbar spine to the lesser trochanter of the INSPECTION AND PALPATION
femur. In addition to flexing the hip, it flexes the lumbar The patient should be wearing only underpants if you are
spine. The iliacus passes from the iliac fossa, part of the to examine the hip joints satisfactorily. Begin with the
hip bone, and inserts principally into the lesser trochanter patient standing. Look for evidence of shortening of one
(Fig. 10.61). It acts as a hip flexor. The glutei arise mainly of the legs. Compensation for this is achieved by a scoliotic
from the ileum. The gluteus maximus is a pure hip posture or by flexion of the longer leg. An abduction
extensor; the other glutei principally act as abductors. The deformity is compensated by flexion of the ipsilateral
thigh is externally rotated by the obturator and adducted knee and adduction deformity by flexing the contralateral
by the adductor majoris. Several muscles connect the knee (Fig. 10.63). A flexion deformity is compensated by
pelvis with the tibia and fibula. The hamstrings comprise an exaggerated lordosis.
the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus With the patient still standing, assess the integrity of
(Fig. 10.62). They act (apart from the short head of the each hip joint and its surrounding muscles by asking the
a b
Fig. 10.60 Bilateral wasting of the small hand muscles in (a) hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy and (b) motor neuron disease.
(long head)
semimembranosus biceps
iliacus (short head)
The hip 10
Compensatory postures
When measuring the range of hip movement, you need
to ensure that the pelvis remains stationary. To do this,
keep your free hand on the anterior superior iliac spine
to detect any movement.
To test flexion, bend the leg, with the knee flexed, into
the abdomen. Extension is best assessed by standing
behind the patient and drawing the leg backwards
until the point at which the pelvis starts to rotate.
Abduction is measured by taking the leg outwards,
again to the point where, by using the opposite hand, the
pelvis is felt to move. Internal and external rotation
are tested with the hip and knee flexed to 90° (Fig.
Causes of hip pain vary, in terms of frequency,
according to the age of the patient. Osteoarthritis
frequently involves the hip joint. Pain is either local or
referred. Movements of the joint are both restricted and
painful. In advanced cases, shortening of the limb occurs
with external rotation (Fig. 10.69).
Fig. 10.63 Compensatory postures associated with (a) shortening
of one leg, (b) adduction deformity of the right leg and (c) flexed
deformity of the hips.
a b
Fig. 10.64 Trendelenburg’s sign. When the patient stands on the normal left leg the pelvis Fig. 10.65 Positioning the pelvis.
tilts to the left (a). When she stands on the right leg (where there was osteoarthritis at the
hip) the pelvis fails to tilt to the right (b).
a b
Fig. 10.66 Thomas’ test. The fixed flexion deformity of the right hip can be obscured by a compensatory lumbar lordosis (a). When the
lordosis is overcome by flexing the left hip, the right leg then lifts (b).
apparent length
of leg
true length
of leg
Risk factors
• Age
• Obesity
• Hereditary
• Trauma
• Congenital joint anomalies
• Previous inflammatory joint disease
Differential diagnosis
Knee pain
• Trauma Fig. 10.69 Advanced osteoarthritis of the left hip. The leg is
– dislocation shortened and externally rotated.
• Arthritis
– osteoarthritis are commonplace in elderly people. The leg may be
– rheumatoid arthritis shortened and externally rotated. The condition carries a
• Slipped femoral epiphysis high morbidity for elderly people and has a capacity to
• Osteochondritis (Perthes’ disease) progress to avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
• Infection Fractures of the femoral shaft are either traumatic or
– e.g. osteomyelitis pathological. Traction is the preferred treatment option
in children but internal fixation is used for adults.
Slip of the upper femoral epiphysis occurs in
adolescents, leading to pain and inability to weight
Dislocations are usually posterior and may then be Groin strains are common in people involved in
accompanied by acetabular fractures. The leg is internally sporting activities. The pain is dull, exacerbated by hip
rotated, adducted and flexed. Sciatic nerve palsy is a movement and is likely to be the result of tears in the
potential complication. Fractures of the neck of the femur fibres of the hip flexors.
The knee 10
Fig. 10.71 Right sciatic palsy.
Muscle function
Test the power of hip flexion, extension, abduction and
adduction (Fig. 10.70). Sciatic palsies are associated with
pelvic trauma, injuries to the buttock or thigh or infiltration
by tumour. The muscles supplied by the lateral popliteal
component of the nerve tend to be more affected than
those supplied by the medial popliteal branch (Fig.
b The knee
Although principally a hinge joint, a limited range of
rotation is possible at the knee. Anteriorly, the capsule
is formed by the tendon of the quadriceps femoris and
the patella. At the sides, the capsule is strengthened by
the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. Within the
joint are the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments
passing from the tibia to the lateral and medial
condyles of the femur, respectively (Fig. 10.72). Interposed
between the femoral condyles and the tibia are the
fibrocartilaginous semilunar cartilages. The joint capsule
is lined by synovium that partly surrounds the cruciate
ligaments. Communicating with the synovial cavity are
bursae that are related to the insertions or origins of
some of the tendons around the joint (Fig. 10.73).
Flexion-extension occurs between approximately 0°
and 150° (Fig. 10.74). A minor degree of hyperextension
can occur in some normal individuals. As full extension is
reached, the femur rotates medially because of the longer
articular surface of the medial condyle, tightening the
capsular ligaments in the process. Flexion is produced by
the hamstrings and extension by the quadriceps femoris.
lateral posterior
ligament cruciate
flexion 150º
Fig. 10.74 Flexion–extension at the knee joint.
Knee bursa
semimembranosus patellar Fig. 10.75 Effusion in the suprapatellar pouch in a patient with
bursa ligament rheumatoid arthritis.
effusions are detectable only by palpation. First, try
ballottement: the patellar tap test. Use your left hand to
force any fluid out of the suprapatellar pouch and then
gently press the patella into the femur with the second
Fig. 10.73 Bursae related to the knee joint. and third fingers of your right hand. If there is a substantial
effusion the patella will spring back against your fingers
(Fig. 10.76a). For smaller effusions, look for the bulge
guide to the presence of knee joint pathology. If necessary sign. Again, force any fluid out of the suprapatellar pouch
measure the thigh of each leg at a comparable distance but at the same time anchor the patella with the index
from the joint margin. Next look for an effusion. If this is finger of the same hand. Next, gently stroke down
large, the swelling will extend from the suprapatellar between the patella and the femoral condyles, first on
region down either side of the patella (Fig. 10.75). Smaller one side then the other. If an effusion is present, a bulge
The knee 10
a b
Fig. 10.76 Detection of an effusion. (a) Patellar tap. (b) Bulge sign.
Test the range of movement with the patient lying supine.
As you record the movement, palpate the joint for any
crepitus. In addition, move the patella laterally and
medially across the femoral condyles. Is the movement
painful or does it elicit crepitus? a
There are several important procedures that allow you to
determine the integrity of the collateral and cruciate
To test the collateral ligaments, attempt to abduct and
adduct the lower leg. If there is lateral instability, record its
degree (Fig. 10.77). For the assessment of cruciate ligaments,
bend the knee to a slight angle, sit on the patient’s foot
(better to ask permission first!) then tense the lower leg
first forwards then backwards. If either ligament is lax,
excessive movement will occur (Fig. 10.78). Damage to
these ligaments is almost always the consequence of
trauma. If the ligaments rupture, a bloodstained effusion Fig. 10.77 Testing the collateral ligaments of the knee.
results. Damage to the synovial lining will allow the blood
to track outside the joint margin.
Differential diagnosis
Knee pain
• Trauma
– fracture
– dislocation
– ligament damage
– cartilage damage
• Arthritis
– osteoarthritis Fig. 10.81 A Baker’s cyst that has partially ruptured into the calf.
– rheumatoid arthritis
• Osteochondritis dissecans necessitates surgical repair. Meniscal tears tend to occur
• Infection in young people as the consequence of a twisting injury.
– e.g. osteomyelitis The medial meniscus is usually affected. Effusion appears
• Bone tumours and the knee may lock, inhibiting complete extension.
• Referred The torn elements are removed arthroscopically.
– e.g. from the hip Patellar dislocation occurs laterally and tends to be
recurrent. Total knee dislocation is unusual and generally
the consequence of a road traffic accident. Fractures of
In osteoarthritis, periarticular tenderness, particularly the lower femur or upper tibia that involve the knee joint
at the insertion of the capsule and collateral ligaments, is are complicated by joint stiffness and accelerated
an important diagnostic clue. Later, bony swellings degenerative changes.
around the joint and secondary quadriceps wasting are
common (Fig. 10.80). Remember to look at the back of
the joint: the popliteal fossa. Posterior synovial protrusions
(Baker’s cysts) are visible here. They can complicate Test the muscles responsible for knee extension and
rheumatoid arthritis, in which additional features include flexion, the quadriceps and hamstrings, respectively (Fig.
effusions, synovial swelling and deformity (Fig. 10.81). 10.82). Both quadriceps weakness and wasting can
accompany joint disease. If the knee joint is normal,
unilateral quadriceps weakness suggests either a femoral
TRAUMATIC LESIONS neuropathy or an L3 root syndrome. In the latter, there
Ligament sprains are not associated with detectable laxity is weakness of both quadriceps and the hip adductors,
and are treated with a support bandage or plaster. With associated with a depressed knee jerk and sensory change
ligament rupture, the consequent joint instability over the medial aspect of the thigh and knee (Fig. 10.83).
L3 syndrome
quadriceps knee
hip adductors
20º dorsiflexion
50º plantar flexion 5º eversion
5º inversion
flexion Fig. 10.86 Muscles of the calf.
60º extension
Anterior tibial compartment muscles
30º 20º 40º flexion
eversion inversion
a b c
Fig. 10.88 Palpating (a) the anterior aspect of the ankle joint and (b) and (c) testing for tenderness of the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Questions to ask
Foot deformities
Rupture of the Achilles tendon results in pain in the
The ankle joint proper is concerned with plantar and heel. The calf is swollen with a palpable gap in the tendon.
dorsiflexion. Inversion and eversion of the foot occur both Open operation is called for if the condition is detected
at the subtalar and midtarsal joints. To test this movement, early.
hold the heel firmly with one hand while inverting and Osteoarthritis can affect both the ankle and the foot.
everting the foot with the other hand. You have already In the foot, involvement of the first metatarsophalangeal
looked for tenderness in the metatarsophalangeal joints. joint leads either to deformity (hallux valgus) or fixation
Now test the range of flexion and extension. (hallux rigidus). Gout typically affects the same joint. In
an acute attack, there is intense pain associated
TRAUMATIC LESIONS with swelling and erythema of the overlying skin (see Fig.
Ankle sprains result from an inversion force typically 10.8). The reaction is secondary to deposition of urate
damaging the anterior talofibular ligament. Swelling salts within the connective tissues. If the hyperuricaemia
develops with pain on weight-bearing. The condition is is inadequately treated, urate deposits appear in
treated by a support bandage. periarticular and subcutaneous tissues. Typical sites
Pott’s fracture is a fracture-dislocation of the ankle, include the first metatarsophalangeal joint, the elbow,
sometimes requiring open reduction and fixation. the Achilles tendon and the ear (Fig. 10.90).
a b
c d
Test the individual muscles concerned with movement at
the ankle and foot. Start with the plantar and dorsiflexors
of the ankle, then of the toes (Fig. 10.92). Specifically
test the extensor of the big toe, extensor hallucis longus
(Fig. 10.93). Finally, test the evertors and invertors of the
Fig. 10.91 Rheumatoid arthritis of the feet.
a b c
Fig. 10.92 Testing (a) and (b) plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the ankle and (c) dorsiflexion of the toes.
L5 and S1 syndromes
anterior posterior
hallucis none
L5 longus
hip extension
a L5
plantar flexion
S1 knee flexion
hip extension ankle
and S1 S1
Questions to ask
Patterns of weakness
a b
Fig. 10.95
Gowers’ manoeuvre.
The patient having
reached a flexed
position has to
extend the trunk,
partly by pressing
on the table and
partly by pressing
on her thighs.
c d
characteristic distribution. Weakness of the hands is a stiff, with thrusts of the trunk being used to assist
prominent feature of dystrophia myotonica, in which locomotion.
muscle weakness is accompanied by myotonia, particularly
of grip.
You will have noticed how the patient walks when
entering the consulting room. Having completed your Foot drop (Fig. 10.97b) can be either unilateral or bilateral.
limb assessment of joint and muscle you can now examine The former is usually the result of a lateral popliteal palsy,
the gait formally. Remember that disease of the joints of the latter is the consequence of a peripheral neuropathy.
the lower limbs can affect walking. The possibility will Increased flexion at the hip and knee allows the plantar
have been raised by the history and suggested by the flexed foot to clear the ground.
joint examination. If the patient has described a substantial
problem with gait, be ready to provide support when the ATAXIC GAIT
patient starts to walk. Ask the patient to walk for a few
An ataxic gait (Figs 10.97c, d) can reflect either loss of
metres, then turn and walk back towards you. You should
sensory information from the feet or a disorder of
observe both the pattern of leg movement and the posture
cerebellar function. In the former case, the patient stamps
of the arms together with control of the trunk. If gait
the feet down in order to overcome the instability.
appears normal, ask the patient to walk heel–toe, that is,
Consequently, patients with this problem are much more
‘as if on a tightrope’. If the patient appears nervous, walk
alongside them.
Gait disorders
a b c d e
Fig. 10.97 Gait disorders: (a) hemiplegic, (b) unilateral foot drop, (c) sensory ataxia, (d) cerebellar ataxia and (e) parkinsonism.
unstable in the dark or with the eyes closed (positive one or both arms fail to swing. There may be a problem
Romberg’s test). initiating or arresting gait. Turning is difficult and requires
Cerebellar disease leads to a broad-based gait that is an exaggerated number of steps.
unaffected by the presence or absence of visual
information. Loss of truncal control produces erratic body
movement. With unilateral cerebellar disease the patient
staggers to the affected side. In certain conditions (e.g. normal pressure hydrocephalus)
there is a particular problem with the organisation of gait
even though other skilled lower limb movements are
WADDLING GAIT spared. The patient is liable to freeze to the ground,
Patients with substantial proximal lower limb weakness unable to initiate movement.
waddle from side to side as they walk, from a failure to
tilt the pelvis when one leg is raised from the ground.
There is usually an exaggerated lumbar lordosis. The
findings suggest a proximal myopathy. Here, walking is erratic and unpredictable. The patient
staggers wildly, often with an exaggerated movement of
the arms. Falls and injuries do not exclude the possibility
PARKINSONIAN GAIT of a hysterical conversion reaction. There is often a violently
Patients with Parkinson’s disease develop an increasingly positive Romberg’s test which the patient self-corrects.
flexed posture (Fig. 10.97e). Stride length diminishes and
The nervous system
Medical students often approach the neurological to one another. Surrounding the primary cortical areas
examination with trepidation, no doubt partly because of for movement, sensation and vision are the cortical
the complexities of the nervous system and partly because association areas. For example, the lateral geniculate
of the difficulties sometimes experienced in attempting body projects not just to the visual cortex (area 17) but
anatomical localisation on the basis of abnormal physical also to areas 18 and 19, parts of the visual association
signs. The problem for the student, however, often begins cortex (Fig. 11.1).
with a failure to acquire the skills necessary to elicit those The frontal lobe is separated from the parietal lobe
signs. If they are not identified correctly, mistakes in posteriorly by the central (rolandic) sulcus, while the
interpretation and diagnosis inevitably follow. temporal lobe lies below the lateral (sylvian) sulcus. The
This chapter summarises the examination of the central
and peripheral nervous systems, although it will seldom
be necessary to examine all the areas covered. Selection
is influenced partly by the patient’s history but also by Brodmann's cortical areas
cooperation, conscious state and level of fatigue. Certain
examination techniques demand a good deal of both
patient and examiner and if responses become erratic it 4
is better to return to the examination later. Students, and 6
sometimes doctors, are prone to examine only those
areas immediately accessible with the patient supine.
Remember to turn the patient over in order to assess the 39
spine and the muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdles. 44 19 18
Always record your findings in full, avoiding irritating 17
acronyms (e.g. PERLA for pupils equal, reacting to light
and accommodation) and, if your examination has been
limited, state exactly what you have done (rather than
just ‘CNS’ followed by a tick). Remember that physical
signs can alter, sometimes rapidly, and repeating your
examination can give you useful insight into the 6 4
mechanisms of certain disorders.
The cortex 18
On the basis of differences in histological structure,
distinct areas can be identified within the cerebral cortex
(Fig. 11.1). Tracts within the cortex comprise efferent
pathways such as the pyramidal system, afferent pathways
such as the thalamocortical projections, association
fibres passing from regions within the hemisphere Fig. 11.1 Lateral and medial aspects of the cerebral hemisphere
and commissural fibres connecting regions contralateral showing some of Brodmann’s cortical areas.
The cortex 11
Cerebral arteries
cerebellar artery
basilar artery
cerebellar artery
cerebellar artery
some will be more evident during formal examination, history-taking from the patient becomes impossible.
are the following. Listening to the history allows estimation of the degree
of fluency in speech production, an assessment that will
continue during the course of the examination. Patients
This can be assessed by direct questioning but also are likely to volunteer any associated difficulty with
by observation of the patient’s behaviour. Is the mood reading (dyslexia) or writing (dysgraphia).
appropriate to the setting of the interview? Is the patient
passive, apparently disinterested or even denying disability?
Geographical orientation
Is there evident anxiety or a heightened state of arousal,
accompanied by restlessness and pressure of talk? Does The first sign of geographical disorientation may be the
the history suggest delusions or hallucinations? inability to follow a familiar route. If the impairment is
severe, patients can become lost in their own home but
at this level of disability the problem will be volunteered
The demented patient often denies loss of memory, by relatives rather than by the patient.
particularly once the condition is established. In the early
stages, however, patients can retain awareness of their
difficulty, and sometimes volunteer that remote memory
is partly spared. Ask patients if they have encountered any problems
while dressing. Mistakes will usually have been rectified
by a relative but sometimes it is evident that the patient
Aphasic patients usually retain insight into their word- has lost understanding of the order and arrangement for
finding difficulty. At times the defect is so substantial that items of dress.
Fig. 11.4 The arterial supply of the lateral surface of the cerebral Fig. 11.5 Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas and their connecting arcuate
hemisphere. fasciculus.
The cortex 11
Level of information
Visual memory test
Ask the patient to give an account of recent events and
a their understanding of them.
Give the patient simple addition, subtraction, multi-
plication, and division sums. Assessment of the results
must take account of the patient’s education.
Proverb interpretation
Interpretation of proverbs tests both general knowledge
and capacity for abstract thinking. Proverbs of increasing
complexity are read out to the patient and their
interpretation recorded. A simple proverb to interpret
would be ‘A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’;
more difficult would be ‘People in glass houses should
not throw stones’. Concrete responses, typically seen in
demented individuals, fail to see beyond the immediate
implications of the proverb. For example, a concrete
score: 0 score: 1 response to the second example would be that the glass
would get broken.
Constructional ability
Constructional ability can be tested by asking the patient
to copy designs of increasing complexity (Fig. 11.7). A
scoring system can be devised, low values for which
correlate well with the presence of brain damage. When
assessing the patient’s drawing, look for evidence
of unilateral neglect, suggesting the probability of a
score: 2 score: 3 contralateral parietal lobe syndrome.
Fig. 11.6 (a) Standard design and (b) reproductions scored from 0 GEOGRAPHICAL ORIENTATION
to 3.
Evidence concerning this may have been forthcoming
during history-taking but to test it specifically ask the
patient to draw an outline of their native country,
have problems with the task even if their visual memory placing within it a few of the principal cities. From the
is intact. The copies can be graded on a four-point scale, figure it should be apparent whether or not the patient
with a score of two, for example, indicating a recognisable has an overall defect of geographical localisation or
design containing minor flaws and three a near-perfect one based on neglect of one-half of the visual field
or perfect reproduction. Average individuals score two or (Fig. 11.8).
three on each test item (Fig. 11.6).
Ask the patient about schooling, childhood, work Determine the patient’s handedness. Asking which hand
history, marriage and, if relevant, the ages of any is used for writing is insufficient because some left-
children. The accuracy of the responses will need handed individuals have been taught to write with their
verification by a relative. Remote memory is spared right hand. Ask which hand is used for holding a knife,
in individuals with minor degrees of brain damage but using a hair brush, using a screwdriver or for playing
will inevitably be eroded in people suffering from racket sports. Check on the family history of
dementia. handedness.
INTELLIGENCE This is a defect of articulation without any disturbance of
Testing a patient’s knowledge and abstract thinking must language function. Dysarthric patients have a normal
be performed in the light of their social background. speech content and, if they are able to write, their script
Inherent in all assessments of intelligence is an estimate will be free of dysphasic errors. Production of certain
of the patient’s premorbid ability. consonants depends on specific parts of the vocal
New York
Los Angeles Chicago
New York
c Chicago
Los Angeles
Fig. 11.7 Drawings of increasing complexity to be reproduced by Fig. 11.8 Control (above); patient with left-sided neglect (below).
the patient.
The cortex 11
meaningful words and output is incoherent. Verbal premotor areas. Here conception of the action is spared
fluency can be formally tested by asking the patient to but not the ability to perform it. The nomenclature of
name as many objects as possible in a particular category apraxia has become much more complex, along with the
(e.g. fruits and vegetables) in a set length of time. recognition that ideational apraxia is a less definable
Comprehension Start by asking the patient to carry out a particular task
In testing comprehension, increasingly complex questions (e.g. ‘pretend to use a screwdriver’). If the patient is
can be asked but all should be answerable by a simple unable to perform the task, do it yourself and then
yes or no response. A substantial number of questions ask the patient to copy your movement. If a response is
requiring randomly distributed yes or no responses are still not forthcoming, provide the object in question
needed to avoid errors in interpretation. Avoid asking the and ask the patient to demonstrate its use. These three
patient to perform a skilled task; those individuals with tiers of command are in descending order of difficulty
apraxia will fail even if their comprehension is intact. for the apraxic patient. Instructions that will test
relevant movements include ‘put out your tongue’,
Repetition ‘pretend to whistle’, ‘salute’ and ‘show how you would
Start by asking the patient to repeat simple words, then use a toothbrush’. For whole body movements, ask the
give sentences of increasing complexity. Patients with patient to stand to attention or stand as if about to start
repetition difficulty often have a particular problem dancing. A more complex motor sequence is tested by
repeating ‘no, ifs, ands or buts’. asking the patient to go through a series of related
movements. For example, taking the cap off a toothpaste
Naming tube, squeezing the toothpaste onto a brush, then
A naming defect is found in virtually all dysphasic replacing the cap.
patients. Point to a succession of items, and ask the Right–left orientation
patient to name each one. Use objects commonly and less
commonly encountered and mix the categories rather A proportion of normal individuals have some problem
than restrict the test to, say, parts of the body. with right–left orientation. Patients who are dysphasic
can have problems understanding your commands. Start
testing with simple tasks (e.g. ‘show me your right hand’)
READING then gradually increase their complexity (e.g. ‘put your
Reading assessment must take account of educational left hand on your right ear’).
background. Ask the patient to read aloud, then test
comprehension by asking questions requiring simple yes Agnosia
or no responses. Patients with visual agnosia are unable to recognise
objects they see, despite intact visual pathways and
WRITING speech capacity. Show objects to the patient, asking the
patient to name each one and then allow the patient to
Dysgraphia is an inevitable accompaniment of dysphasia.
manipulate the object to see if this improves recognition.
Begin testing writing ability by asking the patient to write
Other forms of agnosia that can be tested include the
single words, then sentences, initially writing them
ability to name and recognise individual fingers (finger
spontaneously and then in response to dictation. After
agnosia) and colours (colour agnosia).
checking word content, note whether the writing is
crammed into one side of the page, suggesting the Conclusion
possibility of unilateral neglect.
It is clearly not appropriate to go through such an
extensive testing of higher cortical function in every
PRAXIS patient. Screening tests have been devised that allow
Apraxia is a disorder of skilled movement not attributable a rapid assessment of function. Such tests, for example,
to weakness, incoordination, sensory loss or a failure the mini mental-state test (Fig. 11.9) are useful,
of comprehension. The problem in movement may although their limitations need to be remembered
be confined to the limbs, to the trunk or even to when using them for screening purposes. A score of 20
the buccofacial musculature. Historically, apraxia was or less suggests the possibility of a cognitive disorder,
separated into two main categories. In ideational apraxia, particularly dementia.
destruction of the motor programming area in the
supramarginal gyrus impairs the conception of an
action, leading to defecits in using tools or performing PRIMITIVE REFLEXES
actions to verbal commands, though sparing the ability At this stage it is worth testing a number of primitive
to mimic. Ideomotor apraxia results from separation of reflexes (Fig. 11.10) before passing on to the cranial nerve
the motor programming area from the motor and examination.
1. What is the year, season, date, month, day? (One point for
each correct answer.)
2. Where are we? Country, county, town, hospital, floor? (One
point for each correct answer.)
3. Name three objects taking 1 s to say each. Then ask the
patient to repeat them. One point for each correct answer.
Repeat the questions until the patient learns all three.
The cortex 11
Bulbar palsy
Combined weakness of the lips, tongue and palate. With
palatal weakness the speech is nasal. One cause is
myasthenia gravis. transcortical motor Broca
transcortical sensory Wernicke
Pseudobulbar palsy
Speech is hesitant and has an explosive, strangulated
quality. When severe, diction is almost impossible Fig. 11.12 Anatomical sites associated with the various aphasic
(anarthria). Motor neuron disease can cause this picture. syndromes.
or neoplastic) is located above or anterior to Broca’s with lesions affecting both the left occipital cortex and the
area. splenium of the corpus callosum and is most commonly
the result of an occlusion of the posterior cerebral
Wernicke’s aphasia
Here the patient has fluent, easily articulated speech but
there are frequent paraphasias and meaning is largely AGRAPHIA
absent. Comprehension and repetition are severely
impaired and attempts at naming produce paraphasic Although virtually all aphasic patients have agraphia,
errors. The patient is often described as confused. many patients with agraphia are not aphasic. Writing
skill is also affected by motor disability, involuntary
Conduction aphasia movements and visuospatial disorders.
Conduction aphasia is fluent but not to the degree seen
in Wernicke’s aphasia. Interruptions to the speech rhythm
are frequent but there is no dysarthria. Naming Review
is imperfect but comprehension good. Despite this, Assessment of higher cortical function
repetition is severely abnormal. Reading, at least out
loud, and writing are impaired. The condition occurs with • Orientation
disruption of the arcuate fasciculus connecting the – time, place and person
posterior temporal lobe to the motor association cortex • Memory
(Fig. 11.12). Cerebrovascular disease is the most common – immediate, short-term, remote
cause. • Level of information
• Calculation
Transcortical sensory aphasia • Proverb interpretation
Transcortical sensory aphasia is fluent but frequently • Constructional ability
interrupted by repetition of words or phrases initiated • Geographical orientation
by the examiner (echolalia). Despite the readiness and • Speech
accuracy of the patient’s repetition, comprehension – articulation, volume, fluency, comprehension,
is severely impaired. Naming is poor and reading repetition, naming
comprehension defective. The responsible anatomical • Reading and writing
site is less well localised than for some of the other forms • Praxis
of aphasia but lies in the borderlands of the temporal and • Right–left orientation
parietal lobes of the dominant hemisphere. • Gnosis
Anomic aphasia
Anomic aphasia is fluent and interrupted more by pauses
than by paraphasic substitutions. Comprehension is APRAXIA
relatively preserved, repetition is good and naming is The pathway involved in performing a skilled task to
affected but to a varying degree. There is no specific command begins in the auditory association cortex of
anatomical location. Anomic aphasia can be the final the dominant hemisphere then passes to the parietal
stage of recovery from other forms of aphasia and is seen association cortex, subsequently travelling forwards to
with both structural and metabolic brain disease. the premotor cortex and finally the motor cortex itself.
Interruption of this pathway at any point results in an
Global aphasia
ideomotor apraxia affecting both the dominant and
Global aphasia affects all aspects of speech function. nondominant hands (Fig. 11.13). The pathway from the
Output is nonfluent and comprehension, repetition, dominant to the nondominant premotor cortex (D–D)
naming, reading and writing are all affected, often to a passes through the anterior corpus callosum. A lesion
severe degree. The causative pathology occupies a there will produce an apraxia confined to the left hand.
substantial part of the language area of the dominant Whole body movements tend to be relatively spared even
hemisphere and is usually an extensive infarct in middle when limb ideomotor apraxia is substantial. Ideational
cerebral artery territory. apraxia is usually the consequence of bilateral hemisphere
lesions or predominant left hemisphere dysfunction.
Dyslexia refers to developmental disorders of reading, RIGHT–LEFT DISORIENTATION
and alexia to disorders secondary to acquired brain Right–left disorientation is usually the result of a
damage. Alexia with agraphia is found with lesions of the posteriorly placed dominant hemisphere lesion.
angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere. Alexia Gerstmann’s syndrome comprises right–left dis-
without agraphia in right-handed individuals is associated orientation, finger agnosia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
The palmomental reflex is found bilaterally in some
normal individuals but a unilateral palmomental reflex
suggests a contralateral frontal lobe lesion. Snout and Enquire whether the patient, or a relative, has noticed
suckling reflexes are elicited in patients with diffuse any mood change. A particularly valuable question when
bilateral hemisphere disease. Bilateral grasp reflexes are screening for depression is whether the individual has
of limited localising value but a unilateral response is lost pleasure in their normal activities (anhedonia).
associated with pathology in the contralateral frontal Supplementary to this will be enquiries regarding sleep
pattern, loss of libido and suicidal ideation. Sometimes Symptoms and signs
the patient denies flattening of mood, when that is all too
Somatic and psychic symptoms of anxiety
evident from the interview. Such discrepancies should be and depression
carefully recorded.
Patients will usually complain of anxiety but sometimes Anxiety Depression
its somatic manifestations, for example palpitations, Somatic Palpitations Altered appetite
sweating and tremulousness, predominate. The anxiety Tremor Constipation
may be chronic and spontaneous or be triggered acutely Breathlessness Headache
by a specific stimulus – phobic anxiety. Fatigue Bodily fatigue
Patients seldom complain of euphoria – a feeling of Diarrhoea Tiredness
limitless physical and mental energy. There is likely to be Sweating
a pressurised manic quality to the patient’s conversation, Psychic Feelings of tension Apathy
coupled with physical restlessness. Irritability Poor concentration
Difficulty sleeping Early morning waking
Abnormal thoughts
Fear Diurnal mood swing
These will be elicited only by sensitive questioning. Depersonalisation Retardation
The patient can be understandably reluctant to reveal Guilt
certain abnormal thoughts. It may be apparent from
the interview that the patient’s thought pattern is
difficult to follow or that abnormal thoughts have
pervaded the conversation. Ask patients about paranoid
ideas, in other words, whether they feel people are against Abnormal perceptions
them. Ask whether certain thoughts or ideas regularly These are auditory or visual phenomena that other
intrude into their thinking, or whether they believe their individuals are not aware of.
thoughts are being interfered with or influenced Hallucinations are experiences that have no objective
by external agencies. Thought disorders include the equivalent to explain them. They are predominantly
following. visual or auditory but can occur in other forms, for
Delusions These are beliefs which can be demonstrated example of smell or taste in patients with complex partial
to be incorrect but to which the individual still adheres. seizures. Visual hallucinations can be unformed, for
Members of the Flat Earth Society are deluded. Often example an ill-defined pattern of lights, or formed, the
there is an element of reference, in other words that individual then describing people or animals, often of a
actions or words are directed specifically at that individual frightening aspect. Visual hallucinations are more often
even if they appear on a global platform, for example a feature of an organic brain syndrome, e.g. delirium
television. Paranoid delusions contain a persecutory tremens or adverse drug reaction, than a functional
element. Delusions of worthlessness are particularly psychosis, e.g. schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations are
associated with depressive illness. also either unformed or formed. They are found more
often in the functional psychoses than in organic brain
Obsessions These are recurrent thoughts which often disease. The voices can take on a persecutory quality in
result in the performance of repetitive acts (compulsions). schizophrenia and an accusatory element in depression.
The patient is aware that they are inappropriate but In déja and jamais vu, intense feelings of a relived
cannot resist returning to them or acting upon them. experience or a sensation of strangeness in familiar
Examples of obsessional thought include convictions that surroundings occur, respectively. Both can be a feature of
a particular individual is antagonistic or that a spouse is everyday life but when pathological are usually epileptic.
unfaithful. Illusions are misinterpretations of an external reality: all
of us have this when watching a magician at work. In
depersonalisation, the individual feels a detachment from
the normal sense of self; in derealisation, the individual
feels a detachment from the external world. Both occur
Questions to ask in neurotic illnesses but also, periodically, in normal
Psychiatric assessment
Occupational history
Ask how many jobs the patient has had, reasons for
leaving previous posts, the quality of relationships in the In functional mental states, a specific underlying
workplace and the level of job satisfaction. If there has pathological or metabolic cause has not been identified.
been one or more periods of unemployment, explore Psychotic states are those in which the individual
what effect this has had on the patient’s overall welfare. has lost insight and neurotic states are those in
which insight is preserved. The distinction is not
absolute, however, and the terms are best avoided. In
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY affective disorders, for example, anxiety, depression and
This follows the usual pattern, and includes history of mania, an alteration of mood is a major feature of the
both physical and mental illness if these have occurred. illness.
Differential diagnosis
disorders. Thought disorder leads to irrational
conversation, in which the development of ideas is
Organic and functional mental states
either blocked or moves suddenly into unconnected
• Acute anxiety state channels. The emotions are blunted and the patient
• Chronic anxiety state becomes increasingly withdrawn. Delusions are
• Endogenous depression prominent and frequently contain paranoid elements.
• Reactive depression Auditory hallucinations are particularly characteristic of
• Manic depression schizophrenia.
• Schizophrenia
• Obsessional states OBSESSIONAL STATES
• Conversion hysteria
• Drug- and alcohol-related disorders In obsessional states, a preoccupation with mental or
• Toxic confusional state physical acts predominates. An obsessional personality
• Dementia displays these characteristics but not to the point where
they interfere with the normal activities of life. In
obsessional states, however, the relevant thought or
action takes on a compulsive quality, ineffectively
Questions to ask countered by the patient. Obsessional symptoms can
Mental state
feature in other psychiatric illnesses.
• For anxiety
– Are the symptoms provoked by particular
Symptoms and signs
• For depression The psychiatric patient
– Are there suicidal thoughts? A full examination is performed to exclude any physical
• For schizophrenia disorder that may contribute to the patient’s condition
– Has the patient had auditory hallucinations?
– Does the patient believe his or her thoughts are
controlled by others?
Hysteria is a disorder in which physical symptoms or
signs exist for which there is no objective counterpart and
which require, in the case of signs, an elaboration on the
Phobias are a particular form of anxiety triggered by a part of the patient of which he or she is unaware. Many
specific environment or circumstance. Agoraphobia, for of the symptoms are referred to the nervous system, for
example, results in a fear of leaving the home, particularly example, memory loss, paralysis, unsteadiness and visual
if this involves entering crowded places. impairment. Malingerers, on the other hand, consciously
elaborate their disability.
Depressive illnesses include those triggered primarily by HYSTERICAL PERSONALITY
genetic or constitutional factors (endogenous) and those Hysterical personality is distinct from hysteria, although
precipitated by adverse external events (reactive). individuals with this personality trait may develop
Increasingly, the distinction is felt to be artificial. conversion reactions. The hysterical personality is
characterised by superficiality and shallow emotional
MANIA AND HYPOMANIA responsiveness combined with a histrionic overwrought
reaction to events.
In mania and hypomania (its lesser form), there is pressure
of talk and physical activity. Patients lack insight and
react adversely if their grandiose schemes are questioned.
Headache and facial pain
In manic-depressive illness, the mood fluctuates between
two extremes.
Headache is a common complaint. Often the history
SCHIZOPHRENIA suffices to separate the more serious causes. The length
Schizophrenia has been classified into a number of types, of history is particularly important, rather then necessarily
although the entities defined are not absolutely distinct. the severity of the pain. Critical issues are whether the
It is characterised by thought disorder, blunting of pain is continuous or intermittent and, if the latter, what
emotional responses, paranoid tendencies and perceptual is the duration of individual attacks. There may be
particular precipitants for attacks, e.g. alcohol triggering causes will generally be associated with revealing local
an attack of cluster headache. Accompanying symptoms symptomatology, e.g. focal facial tenderness. Some facial
should be sought, e.g. nausea or vomiting. As for any pain is more or less continuous, but an important cause
pain, it is important to determine whether there are of severe, but episodic, facial pain is trigeminal neuralgia.
relieving factors. Patients often find it difficult to describe Again seek the quality of the pain, its duration, if it is
the quality of their pain – it may be helpful to provide episodic, and its severity. Ask for specific triggers, e.g.
them with a list of alternatives. particular trigger zones on the face, palpation of which
can precipitate an attack of trigeminal neuralgia. In some
instances facial pain is referred from the ear.
With recent onset headache, careful fundoscopy is
essential to exclude the presence of papilloedema.
Patients will seldom be seen during a migraine attack; Determine if the patient has any trigger zones. Patients
between attacks their physical examination will be experiencing trigeminal neuralgia are unlikely to allow
normal. Patients with tension (muscle contraction) you to examine the face.
headaches often show focal or diffuse scalp tenderness.
Patients with cranial arteritis have tenderness of the scalp
vessels which are more likely to show reduced rather Questions to ask
than absent pulsation. Facial pain
Symptoms and signs
nasal fovea temporal
Disturbance of smell
• Hyposmia-partial loss
• Anosmia-total loss
• Hyperosmia-exaggerated sensitivity
• Dyosmia-distorted sense
Fig. 11.14 Representation of the course of the retinal nerve fibres.
Differential diagnosis
Disturbances of olfaction almost directly but fibres from the temporal border
pass almost vertically, both superiorly and inferiorly,
• Post-traumatic anosmia
before arching around the other foveal fibres on their way
• Postinfective anosmia
to the optic disc (Fig. 11.14). Axons in the papillomacular
• Olfactory hallucinations in complex partial seizures
bundle originate in the cones of the fovea and occupy a
substantial proportion of the temporal aspect of the optic
disc. Fibres from the superior and inferior parts of the
periphery of the retina occupy corresponding areas in
the optic nerve. As the papillomacular bundle approaches
The disturbances of smell that occur are defined in the the chiasm, it moves centrally. The crossing, nasal,
‘symptoms and signs’ box. For loss of smell, determine macular fibres occupy the central and posterior part of
whether it is bilateral or unilateral. the chiasm.
The superior peripheral nasal fibres cross more
Examination posteriorly than the ventral fibres, which loop slightly
into the terminal part of the opposite optic nerve
The most convenient method for testing smell uses (Fig. 11.15). Crossed and uncrossed fibres are arranged
squeeze bottles bearing a nozzle that can be inserted into in alternate layers in the lateral geniculate body. The
each nostril in turn. The patient is asked either to identify optic radiation extends from the lateral geniculate body
the smell or to describe its quality. to the visual (striate) cortex, area 17 (Fig. 11.1). The
ventral fibres of the radiation loop forward towards the
tip of the temporal lobe. The visual cortex is situated
Clinical application along the superior and inferior margins of the calcarine
fissure, extending approximately 1.5 cm around the
Olfaction is commonly disturbed by upper respiratory
posterior pole. The macular representation lies posteriorly,
tract infection or local nasal pathology. Hyposmia can
with dorsal and ventral retina above and below the
persist after an apparently banal viral illness and also
fissure, respectively. The unpaired outer 30° of the
after head injury. Smell sensitivity is diminished in
temporal field is represented in the contralateral
dementia. Unilateral hyposmia is rarely the presenting
hemisphere at the anterior limit of the striate cortex
symptom of a subfrontal meningioma. Olfactory
(Fig. 11.16).
hallucinations occur in complex partial seizures.
Conditions of high (photopic) illumination activate
cone photoreceptors, providing high spatial resolution
and colour vision sense. Colour appreciation depends on
The optic (second) nerve three types of cone with spectral sensitivities spanning
the range of colour vision. Low-illumination (scotopic)
responses are mediated by rods.
Two types of retinal photoreceptor, rods and cones, have
been identified in humans. At the fovea only cones are
found, with rods predominating in the periphery. Fibres
from the nasal aspect of the fovea pass directly to the A number of questions are appropriate when assessing
optic disc. Fibres from above and below the fovea pass the patient’s complaint of vision loss or alteration.
decussating fibres
nondecussating fibres
optic nerve
optic tract
Fig. 11.15 Crossed and uncrossed fibres from the macula and the peripheral retina.
90 90
105 75 105 75
left right
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
20 20
10 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090 0
180 180
10 10
20 345 20 345
195 195
30 30
40 40
210 330 210 330
50 50
60 60
225 315 225 315
70 70
240 80 300 240 80 300
255 285 255 285
270 270
posterior pole splenium of the
of left occipital lobe corpus callosum
Fig. 11.16 The right visual field in the left occipital cortex.
Visual acuity
5' 1'
60 metres
Normally it is not necessary to dilate the pupils in order
to examine the central fundus but if the patient has small
pupils, or the background illumination is high, take the
patient into a darkened room for the examination. If this
fails to dilate the pupils sufficiently, then a mydriatic, for
example, Mydrilate (1% cyclopentolate), can be instilled.
This should never be done in the unconscious patient and
must always be recorded in the patient’s notes. Do not
use mydriatics in a patient with glaucoma. Remember to
reverse the effects of the mydriatic at the end of the
examination by instilling 2% pilocarpine.
Ask the patient to fixate on a distant target (Fig. 11.24).
Fig. 11.22 Simultaneous presentation of finger movements in the
two half fields.
If the patient wears glasses with a substantial correction,
it sometimes facilitates the examination to perform it
with the patient’s glasses in place.
The optic disc is examined first to assess its shape,
colour and clarity. The temporal margin of the disc is
Central scotoma slightly paler than the nasal margin. The physiological
cup varies in size but seldom extends to the temporal,
and never to the nasal margins of the disc. The blood
vessels are not obscured as they cross the disc margin,
nor are they elevated (Fig. 11.25).
Differential diagnosis
Retinal and visual pathway disorders
Clinical application
Optic atrophy follows any process that damages the
ganglion cells or the axons between the retinal nerve fibre
layer and the lateral geniculate body. It is associated with
Fig. 11.25 The normal fundus. loss of bulk of the nerve and pallor of the disc (Fig. 11.26).
The pallor may be diffuse or segmental. Temporal pallor
200 mm of water. Therefore the presence of retinal venous is the most common form of segmental atrophy,
pulsation is a very sensitive index of normal intracranial attributable to the susceptibility of the papillomacular
pressure. Learn to identify this physical sign. It will save bundle to degenerate after optic nerve damage by
countless references to ‘swollen optic discs?’. The fundus compression or metabolic disturbance.
The colour of the normal optic disc is variable and the
ophthalmoscopic diagnosis of optic atrophy notoriously
subjective. Additional features that may help the diagnosis
Acute visual failure include the number of capillaries visible on the optic disc,
• Unilateral – consider and the presence of retinal nerve fibre atrophy. The
• cranial arteritis former criterion has not been substantiated and detection
• optic neuritis of the latter requires considerable experience. Inspection
• retinal detachment of the retinal vessels is worthwhile. The presence of
• central retinal artery occlusion sheathing or attenuation of the retinal arterioles suggests
• acute glaucoma that the optic atrophy is secondary to ischaemic optic
• vitreous haemorrhage neuropathy or central retinal artery occlusion.
• Bilateral – consider
• cranial arteritis PAPILLOEDEMA
• optic neuritis Patients with papilloedema often have no visual com-
plaints, although some describe transient obscurations
of vision either occurring spontaneously or triggered which haemorrhages are visible. The disc becomes
by postural change. Papilloedema is usually bilateral, hyperaemic (as a result of capillary dilatation) with a
although sometimes asymmetrical. Its pathogenesis loss of definition of its margins, and retinal venous
remains unsettled. The term papilloedema is best reserved pulsation disappears (Fig. 11.27). In fully developed
for patients in whom the disc swelling is secondary to papilloedema there is engorgement of retinal veins,
raised intracranial pressure. Transmission of the raised obscuration of the disc margin, flame haemorrhages
intracranial pressure, via the subarachnoid space of the and cotton wool spots (the consequence of retinal
optic nerve, results in venous stasis and also interrupts infarction). The vessels are tortuous (Fig. 11.28). Often
both fast and slow axoplasmic flow in the optic nerve. the only visual field change at this stage is an enlargement
As papilloedema develops, swelling of the nerve fibre of the blind spot (Fig. 11.29). In the later stages of
layer appears (best seen with a red-free light), within papilloedema, hard exudates appear on the disc, which
90 90
105 75 105 75
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
20 20
10 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
180 180
10 10
20 345 20 345
195 195
30 30
40 40
210 330 210 330
50 50
60 60
225 315 225 315
Relat Intens
70 70
240 300 240 300
80 80
255 285 255 285
270 270
Fig. 11.29 Papilloedema. Visual fields showing bilaterally enlarged blind spots.
becomes atrophic, and other visual field abnormalities where they appear as yellow excrescences, often distorting
appear, including arcuate fibre defects and peripheral the disc margin. They do not usually produce visual
constriction. symptoms (Fig. 11.31).
Papilloedema can probably appear within 4–5 h of the
development of intracranial hypertension and may not
resolve for some weeks after its reduction. RETINAL VASCULAR DISEASE
Retinal artery and vein occlusion
OTHER FUNDUS ABNORMALITIES After occlusion of the central retinal artery, the retina
Myelinated nerve fibres becomes pale and opaque with a cherry-red spot at the
macula. The optic disc, initially swollen, becomes atrophic
A congenital anomaly in which myelinated and therefore (Fig. 11.32). The presence of microemboli, containing
visible nerve fibres are found at, or adjacent to, the disc either cholesterol or a fibrin–platelet mixture, establishes
margin (Fig. 11.30). that the occlusion is embolic (Fig. 11.33). A branch
occlusion produces a corresponding sector-shaped visual
Drusen (hyaline bodies)
defect. In central retinal vein occlusion there is swelling
Drusen are thought to be derived from axonal debris and of the optic disc, dilatation of the retinal veins and fundal
are situated in the disc anterior to the lamina cribrosa, haemorrhages (Fig. 11.34).
Fig. 11.30 Myelinated nerve fibres. Fig. 11.31 Bilateral drusen (associated with peripapillary
haemorrhage on right).
Fig. 11.32 Central retinal artery occlusion. Fig. 11.33 Cholesterol embolus. Fig. 11.34 Central retinal vein occlusion.
Hypertensive retinopathy
In hypertensive retinopathy, the light reflex from
the arteriolar wall is abnormal and constriction of
the venous wall appears at sites of arteriovenous
crossing. Both the former (silver or copper-wiring) and
the latter (arteriovenous nipping) are encountered in
normal older individuals. A more reliable sign of
hypertensive retinopathy is variation in the calibre of the
retinal arterioles. As the retinopathy advances,
haemorrhages and cotton wool spots appear (Fig. 11.35)
and in malignant or accelerated hypertension disc
swelling occurs.
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy in its early stages principally affects
the retinal microcirculation, producing the characteristic,
although not pathognomonic, microaneurysm (Fig.
11.36). Subsequently small haemorrhages, exudates and
cotton wool spots appear. Visual failure is usually due
either to macular disease, in the form of oedema, Fig. 11.38 Vitreous haemorrhage with evidence of new vessel
infarction or lipid deposition (Fig.11.37), or to the formation at the disc margin.
appearance of new vessel formation (proliferative diabetic
retinopathy), leading to vitreous haemorrhage and of cup size to vertical disc diameter beyond 0.6 and retinal
retinal detachment caused by traction of fibrous tissue nerve fibre atrophy. Arcuate field defects accompany
(Fig. 11.38). these changes. With advanced glaucoma there is marked
undermining of the disc margins and bowing of the blood
vessels (Fig. 11.39).
Glaucoma, characterised by raised intraocular pressure,
can occur either secondarily to various ocular pathologies OPTIC NERVE DISEASE
(e.g. uveitis) or in a primary form. The latter is far In lesions of the optic nerve, the visual defect is
more common. Resulting changes in the optic disc monocular. Visual acuity is usually reduced and colour
include enlargement of the physiological cup (particularly perception is disturbed (particularly for red–green). There
significant if in the vertical axis), an increase in the ratio is a relative afferent pupillary defect (see p. 341). The
most likely visual field defect is a central scotoma (Fig. across the vertical meridian (Fig. 11.42). Patients
11.40). Optic atrophy is a relatively late development in frequently complain of blurred or double vision, a
optic nerve compression. Proptosis is likely if the lesion consequence of lost integration between independent
is within the orbit. nasal fields.
Most chiasmatic syndromes are the result of compression BODY LESIONS
by pituitary tumour, meningioma or craniopharyngioma.
The result is a bitemporal hemianopia, although the type These are uncommon. A lesion in the anterior part of the
of defect relates to the position of the growth and its optic tract, before the homonymous fibres have joined,
relation to the chiasm. Typically, the visual defect is produces an incongruous homonymous hemianopia,
asymmetrical (Fig. 11.41). In its earliest stages, the field that is, one in which the two half field losses are not equal
defect can be detected only by moving a coloured target (Fig. 11.43).
Central scotoma
90 90
105 75 105 75
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
180 180
Chiasmatic compression
90 90
105 75 105 75
optic chiasm
120 80 60 120 80 60 optic nerve
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
optic tract
30 150
40 40
30 30
15 165
10 10
50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
18090 8070 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 708090 0 80 50 40 30 20 10
18090 70 60
10 10
tract calcarine fissure
Fig. 11.41 Visual pathways (right) with field defect produced by chiasmatic compression (left).
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
90 90
105 75 105 75
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
20 20
10 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
180 180
10 10
20 345 20 345
195 195
30 30
40 40
210 330 210 330
50 50
60 60
225 315 225 315
70 Relat Intens 70 Relat Intens
240 80 300 240 80 300
255 285 255 285
270 270
Fig. 11.43 Incongruous right homonymous hemianopia associated with a left optic tract lesion.
90 90
105 75 105 75
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
20 20
10 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
180 180
10 10
40 40
210 330 210 330
50 50
60 60
225 315 225 315
70 70
240 300 Relat Intens 240 300
Relat Intens
80 80
255 285 255 285
270 270
Fig. 11.44 Incongruous left superior quadrantic homonymous hemianopia associated with a lesion of the temporal part of the right optic
oculomotor nerve, ciliary ganglion and short ciliary segments of C8 and T2. Second-order neurons exit
nerve. from the cord, principally in the first ventral thoracic
root, and pass through the inferior and middle cervical
Ocular sympathetic fibres
ganglia before terminating in the superior cervical
The ocular sympathetic fibres originate in the ganglion (Fig. 11.47). Sudomotor and vasoconstrictor
hypothalamus and remain uncrossed. The first-order fibres to the face, except for those to a small area on
neurons terminate in the spinal cord in the the forehead, run with branches of the external carotid
intermediolateral cell column between the spinal artery. Fibres accompanying the internal carotid artery
90 90
105 75 105 75
120 80 60 120 80 60
70 70
135 45 135 45
60 60
50 50
150 30 150 30
40 40
30 30
165 15 165 15
20 20
10 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
180 180
10 10
20 345 20 345
195 195
30 30
40 40
210 330 210 330
50 50
60 60
225 315 225 315
70 70
240 300 Relat Intens 240 Relat Intens
80 80 300
255 285 255 285
270 270
Fig. 11.45 A right homonymous hemianopia, sparing the macula and the peripheral temporal crescent of the right eye.
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
nasociliary trigeminal
pupil nerve nerve
dilator ciliary
Müller‘s muscles internal
of the eyelids carotid
EBN excitatory burst neurons LR lateral rectus riMLF rostral interstitial nucleus PRF pontine reticular formation
of the medial
IBN inhibitory burst neurons MR medial rectus longitudinal fasciculus A aqueduct
Fig. 11.48 Organisation of horizontal gaze. Fig. 11.49 Organisation of vertical gaze.
close to the internal carotid artery in the medial aspect tonic discharge of neuronal activity during eccentric
of the cavernous sinus. It supplies the lateral rectus gaze.
Nystagmus SYMPTOMS
Nystagmus is a repetitive to-and-fro movement of the If the patient complains of ptosis, find out whether the
eyes. In pendular nystagmus, the phases are of equal problem is bilateral or unilateral and whether it fluctuates.
velocity, in phasic (jerk) nystagmus they differ. The slow If necessary obtain old photographs to make a
phase of jerk nystagmus may show a linear or nonlinear comparison.
time course. Vestibular dysfunction, either centrally or For diplopia, a number of questions may help to
peripherally, is the usual cause of a jerk nystagmus in suggest the underlying mechanism. Weakness of the
which the slow-phase is linear. In gaze- evoked nystagmus lateral or medial rectus muscles produces a horizontal
the eyes drift back from an eccentric position with a diplopia. Weakness of the other eye muscles produces a
nonlinear velocity, followed by a saccadic correction. This vertical or oblique diplopia. The diplopia increases as the
type of nystagmus is thought to result from dysfunction patient looks in the direction of action of the paralysed
of the neural integrator, the mechanism that sustains a muscle.
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
Cavernous sinuses
optic tract
V nerve
VI nerve internal carotid artery
sphenoidal sinus
Questions to ask
defect of the afferent pupillary pathway is best appreciated
by swinging the torch from one eye to the other. As the
torch swings from, say, the right eye to the left, the pupil
• Is the diplopia relieved by covering one or other eye? of the latter, which has just started to dilate because
• Is the diplopia horizontal or vertical/oblique? of the loss of its consensual reaction, immediately
• Does the diplopia increase in one particular direction constricts.
of gaze?
Near reaction
• Does the diplopia fluctuate or is it constant?
If the light response is normal there is little point in
testing the near reaction. If the light response is depressed,
test the near reaction by asking the patient to fixate on a
target (e.g. your forefinger) as it approaches the eyes.
Examination Many patients, especially elderly people, have difficulty
sustaining convergence. If there is no immediate reaction,
INSPECTION OF THE EYELIDS AND PUPILS maintain convergence for a minute or so to see if a
Note the position of the eyelids. If there is a ptosis, assess delayed reaction appears. The near reaction is additive to
its fatiguability by asking the patient to sustain upward the pupillary light response, in other words, it can be
gaze. Next examine the pupils, which normally are tested in bright light.
circular and symmetrical, although a slight difference in
size (anisocoria) of up to 2 mm is seen in some 20% of INSPECTION OF EYE MOVEMENTS
the population. If there is a slight size difference, take the
Conjugate eye movements
patient into a darkened room. A physiological anisocoria
will remain unchanged. An irregular pupil is most Next assess conjugate eye movements. To test pursuit,
commonly the consequence of iris disease. Ask the ask the patient to follow a slowly moving target, first in
patient about previous ocular trauma or infection. If the horizontal then in the vertical plane. If pursuit
the pupils are markedly different in size, make sure that movements are slowed, brief saccades must be
the patient is not using a mydriatic or meiotic in one eye superimposed to allow the eyes to catch their target. The
alone. resulting movement is jerky rather than smooth. The
slowing may be in one or more directions. To assess
Pupillary light response
saccadic movements, ask the patient to rapidly fixate
Now examine the pupillary light response using a bright between two targets, for example, two fingers in the same
pencil torch. The background illumination should be low, plane. Saccades may be abnormal in terms of their
and to prevent a near reaction the patient should fixate velocity, accuracy or persistence. An overshoot or
on a distant object. Observe the direct (ipsilateral) and undershoot is readily detected during refixation
consensual (contralateral) responses. A unilateral movements. Slowing, in either initiation or performance,
depression of the light response may be obvious but a can occur in the horizontal or vertical plane. Inappropriate
saccades will disrupt fixation. When continuous, they are and incomitant if the angle of deviation varies. The latter
described as ocular flutter if confined to the horizontal is usually caused by paresis of one or more of the
plane or opsoclonus if multidirectional. extraocular muscles. Now perform a cover test. In the
presence of a concomitant squint, covering the fixating
Doll’s head manoeuvre (oculocephalic reflex) eye produces a movement in the squinting eye that allows
If the eyes fail to respond to a saccadic or pursuit stimulus, it to take up fixation (unless the vision in that eye is
perform the doll’s head manoeuvre. Ask the patient to severely depressed) (Fig. 11.52). Most patients with
fixate on your eyes, grasp the head and rotate it, first in concomitant squint do not complain of diplopia, a
the horizontal then in the vertical plane. An intact symptom that suggests a disorder of one or more of the
response (a measure of vestibular eye function) allows extraocular muscles or their nerve supply. After a
the patient’s eyes to remain fixed on your own (Fig. recent oculomotor nerve paresis, altered patterns of
11.51). contraction in the yoke and antagonist muscles produce
characteristic deviations when alternate cover testing
is performed. In the presence of a right lateral rectus
TESTING THE ACTION OF INDIVIDUAL weakness, the patient fixates with the left eye, the right
EYE MUSCLES eye tending to turn inwards because of the unopposed
The action of the individual eye muscles can now be action of medial rectus (the primary deviation). If the left
assessed. This is particularly relevant if the patient eye is now covered, increased innervation attempts are
complains of double vision (diplopia). made in order to achieve fixation with the paretic eye.
In a strabismus, or squint, the axes of the eyes are no This abnormal stimulus spills over to the yoke muscle,
longer parallel. Esodeviation indicates that the axes are the medial rectus of the left eye, which accordingly over-
convergent and exodeviation that they are divergent. The adducts that eye (secondary deviation). In a paralytic
strabismus is concomitant if the angle of deviation strabismus, secondary deviation is greater than primary
remains constant throughout the range of eye movement (Fig. 11.53).
Fig. 11.51 Performing the doll’s head manoeuvre in the horizontal plane.
Fig. 11.52 Cover testing. There is a right esotropia that corrects temporarily when the left eye is covered.
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
Fig. 11.53 Right abducens palsy. The right eye tends to converge, particularly when the left eye is used for fixation. When the right eye tries
to fixate, overaction of the left medial rectus occurs.
Differential diagnosis
Muscles responsible for eye movements
The pupil and eye movements
superior eye inferior Pupillary syndromes
rectus oblique • Horner’s
• Tonic pupil
• Argyll Robertson pupil
• Relative afferent pupillary defect
Eye movement disorders
lateral medial • Gaze paresis
rectus rectus • Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
• One-and-a-half syndrome
• Abducens, trochlear and oculomotor nerve palsies
• Congenital
• Vestibular
inferior superior • Gaze-evoked
rectus oblique • Downbeat
• Convergence-retractory
Fig. 11.54 The muscles responsible for eye movements in particular
Having confirmed that the diplopia is binocular (in is longstanding, examine old photographs. Finally,
other words, that it disappears when one or other eye is remember that a pattern of diplopia that is variable and
covered) ask the patient to look in the six directions difficult to interpret suggests the possibility of myasthenia
illustrated in Figure 11.54. The false image (which often gravis.
appears indistinct or blurred) is peripheral to the true
image and belongs to the affected eye. Having elicited
the diplopia, cover first one eye, then the other, to Note the presence of nystagmus and whether it is
establish to which eye the false image belongs. Observe pendular or jerk. Record the amplitude (fine, medium or
if the patient has an abnormal head tilt as a compensation coarse), persistence and the direction of gaze in which it
for the diplopia. To establish whether the head tilt occurs. Additionally, indicate whether the movement is
Fig. 11.56 Horner’s syndrome. Before (a) and after (b) instillation of cocaine.
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
Fig. 11.57 Tonic pupil syndrome. (a) Left pupil is dilated. (b) After 1 min near effort. (c) Partial dilatation 15 s after release. (d) Virtually
complete at 60 s.
Fig 11.61
Fig. 11.59 Left frontal lobe lesion. Absent saccades to right, intact to left, preserved doll’s head manoeuvre, right hemiparesis.
Fig. 11.60 Left pontine lesion. Absent saccades, pursuit and doll’s head movements to the left. Right hemiparesis.
Fig. 11.61 Dorsal-midbrain syndrome. Full horizontal and downward saccades, absent upward saccades. Light-near dissociation.
Parkinson’s disease. In progressive supranuclear palsy, undershooting saccades (hypermetria and hypometria,
downward saccades and pursuit fail first, followed by respectively) occur with cerebellar disease. Large or small
involvement of upward and, finally, horizontal movements. inappropriate saccades can interrupt fixation. Causes
Doll’s head movements are spared, at least initially include multiple sclerosis and cerebellar disease. Slowing
(Fig. 11.62). A delay in the initiation of saccades occurs of pursuit movement is most commonly caused by
in many extrapyramidal disorders. Overshooting or sedative medication.
The oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (third, fourth and sixth) nerves 11
A lesion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus leads to The latter is usually due to a lesion of the central
slowing, or total failure, of medial rectus contraction or peripheral course of the sixth nerve but it can be
during lateral gaze (Fig. 11.63). The slowing affects all caused by myasthenia or orbital disease. The eye fails
movement, whether saccadic, pursuit or reflex. To assess to abduct. When the defect is complete, there may
subtle slowing, observe the relative velocity of the two be a convergent strabismus because of unopposed
eyes while the patient rapidly fixates between two targets. action of the ipsilateral medial rectus (Fig. 11.65).
There is usually an accompanying nystagmus in the Unilateral or bilateral sixth nerve palsies sometimes
abducting eye. Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia is result from the effects of raised intracranial pressure
accompanied by upbeat vertical nystagmus and subtle (Fig. 11.66).
abnormalities of vertical eye movement. Multiple sclerosis
is the most common cause in younger patients, vascular TROCHLEAR PALSY
disease in elderly patients.
Although normally a result of trochlear nerve palsy,
weakness of the superior oblique muscle can occur with
THE ‘ONE-AND-A-HALF’ SYNDROME myasthenia or dysthyroid eye disease. An isolated
If the lesion responsible for a unilateral internuclear trochlear nerve palsy sometimes follows a closed head
ophthalmoplegia spreads into the pontine gaze centre, a injury. The head tilts to the side opposite the affected eye
more profound loss of ocular motility results. The only and the patient complains of diplopia, particularly on
normal horizontal movement possible is abduction of the downward gaze. There is defective depression of the
opposite eye (Fig. 11.64). The finding is usually the adducted eye (Fig. 11.67).
consequence of vascular disease.
ABDUCENS PALSY Nuclear oculomotor palsies tend to be either incomplete
A lesion of the sixth nerve nucleus produces a gaze or complete but with pupillary sparing. A complete
paresis rather than an isolated lateral rectus weakness. third nerve palsy cannot be nuclear unless there is
A lesion within the cavernous sinus, for example a
cavernous aneurysm, is liable to affect the oculomotor
nerves in combination rather than individually. At risk
are the third, fourth and sixth nerves, the first and second
Fig. 11.65 Left sixth nerve palsy. Left esotropia on forward gaze
(a). Failure of abduction of left eye (b).
divisions of the trigeminal nerve and the ocular
Fig. 11.66 Bilateral sixth nerve palsies. There is a tendency for the eyes to converge on forward gaze (a), with partial failure of abduction to
right (b) and to left (c).
Fig. 11.67 Right superior oblique palsy. Fig. 11.68 Pupil-sparing right oculomotor Fig. 11.69 Left third nerve paresis. The pupil
palsy caused by diabetes. is dilated.
Trigeminal nuclei
IV nerve
VI nerve
nerves IX X of spinal
Fig. 11.70 Dysthyroid eye disease. Failure of laevoelevation of the Fig. 11.71 Organisation of trigeminal nuclei within the brainstem.
left eye.
suggested, based on the pattern of facial sensory loss which pass to the mesencephalic nucleus in the motor
sometimes seen with lesions of the spinal tract (Fig. rather than the sensory root. Collaterals from the
11.72). Terminating in close proximity to the nucleus of axons of the unipolar mesencephalic neurons synapse
the spinal tract are fibres from the seventh, ninth and with cells in the motor nucleus, producing a monosynaptic
tenth cranial nerves that supply cutaneous fibres to reflex arc, the efferent pathway being within the motor
the region of the ear. The nucleus contains fibres root.
concerned principally with pain and temperature
sensation. Fibres from the nucleus decussate then ascend
to the thalamus. The mesencephalic nucleus receives
proprioceptive fibres from the muscles of mastication. Course of the trigeminal nerve
Collaterals from the afferent fibres synapse on cells in the
motor nucleus.
The sensory root accompanies the motor root through superior sagittal
the pontine cistern before entering the gasserian ganglion, sinus
which is situated in a depression in the petrous temporal
bone (Fig. 11.73). From here the ophthalmic division infratrochlear nerve
enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure and lacrimal nerve
the maxillary and mandibular divisions leave the skull
through the foramina rotundum and ovale, respectively. optic nerve
The facial and scalp innervation of the three divisions is
shown in Figure 11.74. In addition, the trigeminal nerve
ophthalmic nerve
innervates the mucous membranes of the nose and
maxillary nerve
mouth, certain sinuses, part of the external auditory
mandibular nerve
meatus and most of the dura.
trigeminal ganglion
The jaw jerk
The afferent part of this reflex is formed by large
afferents from muscle spindles in masseter and temporalis, Fig. 11.73 The peripheral course of the trigeminal nerve.
cuneate nucleus
nucleus of spinal
trigeminal tract
fibres from
Fig. 11.72 Suggested organisation of concentric segments of facial cutaneous innervation within the spinal tract.
maxillary Now test pinprick sensation at the same sites. If there
mandibular is sensory loss confined to the trigeminal nerve
distribution, the response to this stimulus becomes
Fig. 11.74 Cutaneous distribution of the three divisions of the normal at the level of the vertex but well above the
trigeminal nerve. angle of the jaw (Fig. 11.74). Again, variations in the
response at different sites should be noted. As it is difficult
to repeat the stimulus with equal force, minor differences
of sensitivity should be ignored unless they are
The corneal reflex consistent.
The afferent limb of the corneal reflex is contained in
the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. The
efferent pathway is within the seventh nerve. Stimulation THE CORNEAL RESPONSE
of the cornea produces both an ipsilateral and
The corneal response is elicited by lightly touching the
a contralateral blink response, the latter being
cornea with cotton wool. Carefully explain the procedure
approximately 5 ms slower than the former. The central
to the patient before proceeding. The patient’s subjective
conduction time for the reflex, approximately 40 ms,
reaction is assessed and the ipsilateral and contralateral
indicates it is polysynaptic. Scleral, rather than corneal,
blink reaction noted. Corneal sensitivity varies
stimulation results in a reflex with a considerably longer
considerably. Patients who wear contact lenses will need
to remove them first; even then dulling of the response
is likely but will be symmetrical. If the response is
substantially depressed, the cotton wool can be held
against the cornea without provoking a reaction (Fig.
11.75). Testing the response in an unconscious patient
must be done with great care. Repeated stimulation can
easily traumatise the cornea.
Details of the techniques for sensory examination are
given on pp 377–380. Convenient sites for testing are the
forehead, the medial aspect of the cheek and the chin.
Normally, it suffices to test light touch and pinprick alone MOTOR
but occasionally it is necessary to assess temperature Look for muscle wasting before testing the muscles of
appreciation. mastication. Wasting of temporalis produces hollowing
With the patient’s eyes closed, test light touch by above the zygoma (Fig. 11.76). Wasting of the masseter
touching the appropriate areas of the face with a wisp of is more difficult to detect but both masseter and temporalis
cotton wool. Avoid dragging the stimulus across the skin. can be palpated while the teeth are clenched (Fig. 11.77).
A partial loss of sensation is more likely than total The power of pterygoids and of masseter and temporalis
anaesthesia, so ask the patient to compare the stimulus can be assessed by resisting the patient’s attempts at
with sites in other divisions of the nerve on that side, then opening and closing the jaw, respectively. Ask the patient
with comparable areas on the other side of the face. to open the jaw first without, then with, resistance. In a
Fig. 11.78 Left trigeminal nerve lesion. Jaw deviation to the left.
Clinical application
In a unilateral upper motor neuron syndrome, motor
involvement of the trigeminal distribution is not usually
clinically detectable. In a bilateral upper motor neuron
syndrome, the jaw jerk is exaggerated.
Differential diagnosis
Facial numbness
its way to the muscles of facial expression. Of these, small area of skin behind the ear. The taste fibres, having
frontalis elevates the eyebrow, orbicularis oculi closes the entered the pons, terminate in the nucleus of the tractus
eye and orbicularis oris the mouth, while platysma solitarius. From here, fibres project to the thalamus and
depresses the angle of the mouth. The buccinator muscle, hence the cortical gustatory area.
also supplied by the facial nerve, assists in mastication. The intensity of a taste experience is determined by the
Frontalis receives an innervation from both cortices size of the neural response. Taste buds are found in the
but the muscles of the lower face are innervated solely by tongue, soft palate, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus. A
the contralateral hemisphere. Emotional movements particular taste represents an amalgam of four primary
receive an additional supply from other sources, including taste functions, sweet, sour, bitter and salt, combined
the thalamus and globus pallidus. with any olfactory stimulating effect that the food or
The sensory component of the nerve innervates the beverage possesses. There is some decline in taste acuity
external auditory meatus, the tympanic membrane and a with age but to a lesser extent than occurs with
Fig. 11.82 Bilateral facial weakness. Fig. 11.83 The patient has been asked to elevate the eyebrows, then to close the eyes
more marked protrusion of the eyelashes on the affected (sugar), salt, bitter (quinine) and sour (vinegar) solutions
side (Fig. 11.84). Try to open the eyes by pressing the are applied in turn, the mouth being washed out with
eyelids apart with your thumbs. If there is no weakness, distilled water between testing. Taste assessment is
the patient can prevent the eyelids separating. Now ask seldom justified for routine diagnostic purposes. Ask the
the patient to blow out the cheeks, then purse the lips patient if there has been any loss of lacrimation.
tightly together (Fig. 11.85). Finally, ask the patient to The area of skin around the ear that is supplied by the
tighten the neck muscles in order to assess platysma. seventh nerve receives overlapping innervation from the
Weakness of stapedius is suggested if the patient fifth and ninth nerves. Nothing is gained, therefore, by
complains of an undue sensitivity (hyperacusis) to noise testing sensation in this area.
in the affected ear.
Many patients who complain of an altered sensation
of taste are found to have a disturbance of olfaction. Taste Clinical application
is difficult to test. Simply applying drops of a test solution
on the protruded tongue seldom produces a consistent UPPER MOTOR NEURON FACIAL WEAKNESS
response. For assessing seventh nerve function, the
An upper motor neuron facial weakness results from
stimulus should be confined to the anterior two-thirds of
interruption of descending fibres passing from the
the tongue, each side of which is tested separately. Sweet
contralateral motor cortex to the ipsilateral facial nerve
nucleus. There is minimal asymmetry of frontalis
contraction on the two sides but substantial asymmetry
of the lower face (Fig. 11.86). Causes include
cerebrovascular disease, tumour and head injury.
Fig. 11.85 The patient is blowing out the cheeks, pursing his lips and baring his teeth.
BELL’S PALSY fibres may extend to muscles not originally part of their
Bell’s palsy is an idiopathic paralysis of the facial nerve. innervation (aberrant reinnervation). In such patients
When the resulting facial weakness is substantial, there blinking can result in synkinetic contraction of muscles
is loss of forehead furrowing, eye closure and mouth in the lower face (Fig. 11.88) and misdirection to the
elevation (Fig. 11.87). If denervation occurs, regrowth of lacrimal gland of fibres originally destined for the salivary
glands results in eye watering when a food stimulus
appears (crocodile tears).
Fig. 11.88 Aberrant reinnervation. The Fig. 11.89 Vesicular eruption in a case of Fig. 11.90 Left hemifacial spasm. The left
right angle of the mouth elevates during eye the Ramsay Hunt syndrome. palpebral fissure has narrowed during the
closure. Previous right Bell’s palsy. contraction.
• Blepharospasm – forced involuntary repetitive The inferior part of the bony labyrinth contains the
blinking. osseous canal of the cochlea. A bony spur, the osseous
• Tics – stereotyped repetitive movements, at least in spiral lamina, projects into the canal, dividing it into two
part under voluntary control. corridors: the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani (Fig.
• Orofacial dyskinesia – involuntary semirepetitive 11.92). In the wall of the cochlear duct, resting on the
contraction of muscles round the mouth, often with basilar membrane, is the spiral organ of Corti, which is
abnormal movements of the tongue. Occurs innervated by the cochlear component of the auditory
spontaneously and with certain drugs, particularly nerve. The vestibular component innervates the specialised
phenothiazines. receptor areas of the utricle and the semicircular canals.
The saccule and part of the posterior semicircular canal
receive fibres from the cochlear division.
The acoustic (eighth) nerve The vestibular and cochlear components unite within
the internal auditory canal. The nerve then crosses the
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION subarachnoid space and enters the brainstem at the
Vibration of the tympanic membrane, triggered by a junction of pons and medulla, lateral to the facial nerve.
sound stimulus, is transmitted through a chain of three In the brainstem the acoustic nerve projects predominantly
ossicles (the malleus, incus and stapes) situated in the to the contralateral inferior colliculus. From here, fibres
middle ear (Fig. 11.91). The movements of the ossicles pass to the medial geniculate body and then in the
are also influenced by the tensor tympani and stapedius auditory radiation to the auditory cortex in the upper
muscles. The base of the stapes is attached to the oval aspect of the temporal lobe (Heschl’s gyrus). The fibres
window. Vibration of the oval window sets up movement of the vestibular nerve terminate in four separate nuclei.
in the perilymph which occupies the bony labyrinth, A projection from the lateral vestibular nucleus forms the
comprising the cochlea, the vestibule and the semicircular vestibulospinal tract, which descends, mainly ipsilaterally,
canals. Lying within the bony labyrinth and containing to the cervical and lumbar motor neurons. The medial
endolymph is the membranous labyrinth comprising the vestibular nucleus has connections to the contralateral
cochlear duct, the saccule, the utricle and three semicircular abducens nucleus and the cerebellum. These pathways
ducts. The semicircular canals, each surrounding a are important in gaze-holding and for the control of
semicircular duct, are arranged in planes roughly at right smooth pursuit eye movements.
angles to each other. The canals open into the vestibule Sound waves, transmitted through the perilymph,
which contains the saccule and utricle. Specialised reach the organ of Corti via the ossicular chain, by
receptor areas (maculae) are found in the saccule and vibration of the round window or by bony transmission.
utricle. At one end of each semicircular canal is a receptor High-frequency waves produce a maximal response in
organ (crista ampullaris). the basal part of the cochlea; low-frequency waves at its
apex. Activity in the components of the auditory brainstem
Differential diagnosis
Tenth cranial nerve disorders
Bilateral supranuclear palsy (pseudobulbar palsy)
The motor innervation of the ninth nerve cannot be • Stroke
tested, nor can the cutaneous distribution in the region • Motor neuron disease
of the pinna be separated from the overlapping Unilateral nuclear lesions
contributions of the seventh and tenth nerves. • Lateral medullary syndrome
Testing the gag reflex is an uncomfortable experience Bilateral nuclear lesions (bulbar palsy)
and should be performed only if there is a suspicion of a • Motor neuron disease
disturbance of the lower cranial nerves. Clearly indicate
Recurrent laryngeal palsy
to the patient what is involved. Press the end of an orange
• Aortic aneurysm
stick first into one tonsillar fossa then the other (Fig.
• Malignancy
11.94). Besides confirming that the palate rises in the
• Post-thyroid surgery
midline, ask the patient if the sensation is comparable on
the two sides. In the presence of a glossopharyngeal
lesion, the gag reflex is depressed or absent on that
Evaluation is confined to assessment of spontaneous and
Clinical application reflex movements of the uvula and posterior pharyngeal
wall. A unilateral lesion of the vagus produces paralysis
Isolated lesions of the ninth nerve are almost unknown. of the ipsilateral soft palate. At rest, the palate lies slightly
A destructive process in the region of the jugular lower on the affected side then deviates to the intact side
foramen, most commonly a nasopharyngeal carcinoma, during phonation or on testing the gag reflex (Fig. 11.95).
disrupts the ninth, tenth and eleventh cranial nerves. In An accompanying deviation of the median raphe of the
the Chiari malformation, stretching of the ninth nerve posterior pharyngeal wall is more characteristic of a
can lead to depression of the gag reflex on one or both glossopharyngeal, rather than a vagal, lesion. Minor
sides. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia usually results from deviations of the uvula, particularly if not consistent,
distortion of the nerve by a tumour or a vascular anomaly. should be ignored. The accompanying unilateral vocal
Paroxysms of pain in the tongue, soft palate or tonsil are cord paralysis, leading to hoarseness, is not confirmable
triggered by swallowing, chewing or protruding the by bedside examination.
tongue. Involvement of fibres from the carotid sinus can Bilateral palsies of the vagus produce severe palatal
result in syncopal attacks occurring at the time of palsy, with nasal regurgitation and aphonia.
Accessory nerve
vagus oblongata
spinal accessory
nerve spinal cord
nerves to
sternomastoid C3
nerves to C5
Differential diagnosis
Tongue paralysis
Clinical application
First inspect the tongue as it lies in the base of the oral
Isolated lesions of the eleventh cranial nerve are rare. cavity. In many patients there are tremulous movements
Tumours in the region of the jugular foramen are likely that are often hard to distinguish from fasciculation
to produce a combined palsy of the ninth, tenth and or true involuntary movements. Fasciculation imparts
eleventh nerves (Fig. 11.99). In the presence of a a shimmering motion to the surface of the tongue.
hemiplegia, the trapezius muscle on the hemiplegic side Involuntary movements include a coarse tremor, for
is affected. A delay in shoulder shrug may be an early example in Parkinson’s disease, and complex,
sign. The same hemiplegia, however, will affect the unpredictable movements found in such conditions as
contralateral sternomastoid, that is the muscle rotating Huntington’s disease and orofacial dyskinesia. While
the neck towards the hemiplegic limbs. The weakness in assessing the tongue for spontaneous contractions,
such patients is incomplete. Spasmodic torticollis is a observe its bulk. As the tongue wastes it becomes thinner
focal dystonia particularly affecting the sternomastoid and more wrinkled. Now ask the patient to protrude the
muscle. Typically, there are repetitive rotatory movements tongue. Minor deviations from the midline are sometimes
Fig. 11.101 Examination of the tongue. Protrusion (a) and lateral
movements (b). Cranial nerve examination
Motor cortex
wrist elbow
hand shoulder
little finger trunk
ring finger hip
middle finger knee
index finger ankle
thumb toes
eyelid and eyeball
tongue vocalisation
swallowing salivation
pyramidal tract
The extrapyramidal system The spinal cord and lower motor neuron
The basal ganglia are located in the basal forebrain and The anterior horn cell contains alpha, beta and gamma
the midbrain. They include the nucleus accumbens, the motor neurons. The alpha axons are of large diameter,
putamen, globus pallidus and caudate nucleus, the conducting at approximately 45 m/s in the lower limb
substantia nigra and the subthalamic nucleus. Major and 55 m/s in the upper limb. A motor unit comprises
inputs to the basal ganglia come from the cortex, the the anterior horn cell, its axon and the muscle fibres
it innervates, which may range from 10 to several organ have an inhibitory effect on the stretch reflex via
hundred. interneurons (Fig. 11.106).
The stretch reflex The afferent limb of the stretch reflex Other reflexes Flexor reflex afferents (FRA), contained
arc is contained in Ia fibres innervating the muscle spindle. in small fibres, are excited by painful stimulation of the
The fibres synapse with anterior horn cells that supply skin and deeper structures. They reach the motor neurons
alpha motor neurons to the skeletal muscle containing by polysynaptic pathways through interneurons within
that spindle. The muscle spindle is innervated by gamma the spinal cord. For the lower limb, these polysynaptic
fibres. Ib afferent fibres, originating from the Golgi tendon pathways innervate the segments needed to evoke
a flexor withdrawal reaction to a painful stimulus.
Connections to the other side of the cord facilitate
extensor tone there.
Descending pathways
Muscle The fibres of skeletal muscle consist of myofibrils
neocortex pontine reticular
bounded by a sarcolemmal membrane. There are at least
(frontal and formation two types of muscle fibre with differing histochemical
parietal (central nuclei) characteristics. Type 1 fibres are slow contracting, type 2
fast contracting.
vestibular The reflexes and abnormal muscle tone The stretch
reflex has phasic and tonic components. The tendon
medullary dorsal reflexes are phasic. Tonic stretch reflexes result in a
reticular reticulospinal sustained muscle contraction that has both dynamic
formation tract
(central nuclei)
(velocity-dependent) and static (length-dependent)
components. Patients who relax poorly are activating
tonic stretch reflexes that then hinder displacement of the
lateral limb.
pontine tract Spasticity Spasticity is a feature of an upper motor
reticulospinal neuron lesion, although its appearance owes more to
(facilitatory) disruption of the ventral reticulospinal pathway than to
altered pyramidal tract function. Indeed, selective damage
ventral vestibulospinal medullary of the latter results in hypotonia rather than spasticity.
corticospinal tract reticulospinal In spasticity the increase in muscle tone is velocity-
tract tract (inhibitory)
dependent. As the speed of displacement is increased, a
critical velocity is reached at which muscle tone suddenly
Fig. 11.105 Descending pathways from the brainstem concerned increases and resistance appears. After a pyramidal tract
with movement. lesion, the development of increased tone in antigravity
muscle fibre
muscle spindle
primary ending
nuclear-bag fibre
chain fibre
vestibulospinal tract
Muscle weakness is often suggested by lack of spontaneous
movement in the affected part during conversation or
Fig. 11.108 Pseudohypertrophy of the calf muscles.
when the patient walks. In Parkinson’s disease, however,
certain automatic movements can disappear even in the
absence of weakness. The UK Medical Research Council
system of classification is recommended for grading
the knee, using a range of speeds rather than a fixed
muscle weakness. To apply this system to a muscle, test
velocity. Remember to take account of any painful limb
its strength as shown for biceps in Figure 11.109.
or joint.
Remember to take account of the patient’s age, occupation
and your own physical development. In practice grades
Spastic limbs
4 and 5 are separated by a wide range of strength but as
In spastic limbs, at a critical velocity a catch appears that you gain experience you can overcome this problem by
is absent during slower displacements. Subsequently, the using the grades 4+, 4++ and 5−.
hypertonus fades away as stretch continues. Spasticity is
selectively distributed. In the upper limbs it predominates
Symptoms and signs
in flexors and is more evident when the forearm is
supinated than when it is pronated. In the lower limb it Definitions of paralysis
is greater in quadriceps than in the hamstrings. This Paresis Partial paralysis
selectivity may vary, particularly in spinal cord disease Plegia Complete paralysis
but the finding is highly suggestive of a disorder affecting Monoplegia Involvement of a single limb
the upper motor neuron. In spinal cord disease, release Hemiplegia Involvement of one-half of the body
of flexor reflex afferents may be so prominent that mild Paraplegia Paralysis of the legs
stimulation of the lower limb produces a flexor reaction Tetraplegia Paralysis of all four limbs
at the hip and knee. In longstanding spasticity, you may
find that the limb can no longer be fully displaced at the
affected joint. For example, in the leg, persistent
hypertonia in the plantar flexors can lead to shortening Symptoms and signs
of the tendo Achilles. MRC classification of muscle power
0 Total paralysis
1 Flicker of contraction
Rigidity is more uniformly distributed in the limb. It may 2 Movement with gravity eliminated
begin unilaterally and is sometimes easier to detect in 3 Movement against gravity
one joint than another. The resistance is felt at low speeds 4 Movement against resistance but incomplete
of displacement and does not ‘melt away’. Rigidity is 5 Normal power
activated by contraction of muscle in an unaffected limb.
If you have doubts regarding an increase in tone, ask the
patient either to clench the teeth or grip the hand not A description of the methods of assessing individual
being tested. In patients with rigidity, the increased tone muscles is given in Chapter 10. Looking at a limited
becomes more evident during this procedure. At times number can screen for many neurological disorders. In
rigidity is not uniform but fluctuates in a phasic manner, the upper limbs, first ask the patient to shrug the
aptly described as cogwheeling. shoulders. In an early pyramidal lesion above the level of
grade 5
grade 4
grade 3 Fig. 11.110 Delayed right shoulder shrug in a patient with an early
pyramidal lesion.
Rapidly developing limb weakness
C2 (but also in unilateral Parkinson’s disease), the affected
Consider: Guillain–Barre syndrome, cord compression
shoulder lags behind its fellow (Fig. 11.110). Next, test
deltoid, biceps, triceps, then the first dorsal interosseous
and abductor pollicis brevis. Score each muscle on the
MRC scale. Test one arm at a time rather than trying to Emergency
test both arms together. In the lower limb, look at hip
Acute hemiplegia
flexion and extension, knee flexion and extension and
dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the feet. Consider: most likely CVA (cerebrovascular accident),
If the degree of muscle weakness fluctuates during the but other possibilities include abscess, cerebral tumour
course of the examination, test for fatiguability. In the and encephalitis
upper limb first attempt to depress the arms when
Fig. 11.112 Posture of the upper limbs for testing the biceps and
Fig. 11.111 Percussion myotonia of the tongue. supinator reflexes.
Fig. 11.114 Testing the right supinator reflex. Fig. 11.116 Eliciting a finger jerk.
Cremasteric reflex
the reflex is brisk, look for clonus. With the limb in the The cremasteric reflex is elicited by stroking the upper
same position, forcibly dorsiflex the ankle and maintain inner aspect of the thigh. It is mediated through segments
that position (Fig. 11.120). Three to four beats of L1 and L2 and leads to retraction of the ipsilateral
symmetrical ankle clonus is acceptable in normal testicle.
individuals but asymmetric or more sustained clonus is Plantar response
The plantar response is elicited by applying firm pressure
(use an orange stick) to the lateral aspect of the sole of
OTHER REFLEXES the foot, moving from the heel to the base of the fifth toe,
then, if necessary, across the base of the toes (Fig. 11.122).
Abdominal responses
While you do this observe the metatarsophalangeal joint
The abdominal responses diminish with age and are of the big toe. In the normal adult, the toe plantar flexes.
more difficult to elicit in the obese or in women who have In the presence of a pyramidal tract lesion, the toe
had children. They are cutaneous reflexes whose latency dorsiflexes. The same dorsiflexion appears in normal
suggests mediation through a spinal reflex arc. Before you individuals if a sharp stimulus is applied to the big toe
can assess the abdominal reflexes, the patient must be and in infants if the stimulus is applied over a wider area.
relaxed and lying flat. Lightly draw the end of an orange The reflex is considered to be part of a flexor withdrawal
stick across the four segments of the abdomen around response to a noxious stimulus. With the development of
the umbilicus (Fig. 11.121). Normally there is a reflex the upright posture, descending pathways, one of which
contraction in each segment. To summarise the findings is the pyramidal tract, inhibit the reaction except when
in your notes draw a cross with an o, ± or + in each stimulation is applied directly to the big toe. Damage
segment according to response. to descending pathways, particularly the corticospinal
because of the superimposition of a late, sustained younger people. Typical examples are head nodding and
contraction on the phasic reflex. The choreiform jerking. The movement is easily mimicked.
movements tend to be accentuated by a skilled action.
Brief, involuntary movements around the mouth and
Athetoid movements are slower still than chorea and face are relatively common in elderly people
become prominent during the performance of voluntary (orofacial dyskinesia). Similar movements can be induced
activity. The distal parts of the limbs are predominantly by long-term phenothiazine therapy and in patients on
affected. In the hand, the posture oscillates between L-dopa. The former problem tends to persist whatever
hyperextension of the fingers and thumb, usually with adjustment is made to the medication but the latter is
pronation of the forearm and flexion of the digits dose-dependent.
associated with supination (Fig. 11.123). In some patients,
the movements are superimposed on more sustained
postures. In the hand, this combines flexion of the wrist Differential diagnosis
with extension of the fingers and, in the foot, flexion Movement disorders
of the toes associated with inversion at the ankle.
In progressive disease states, the abnormal sustained • Parkinson’s disease
postures become dominant. Assessment of the plantar • Multisystem atrophy
response is difficult if athetosis is affecting the foot. • Huntington’s disease
Stimulation of the sole is liable to produce extension of • Essential tremor
the toes whether or not there is a pyramidal tract disorder. • Palatal myoclonus
A combination of choreiform and athetoid movements is • Hemiballismus
called choreoathetosis. • Generalised torsion dystonia
• Focal dystonia
Hemiballismus • Facial myokymia
Hemiballismus results in violent swinging movements of
the contralateral arm and leg. The movements, in which
rotation is prominent, are of maximal amplitude at the Myokymia
shoulder and hip. The affected limbs are relatively
flaccid. Myokymia confined to the eyelid is a common experience
in normal individuals and is felt as a fine twitching. In
Dystonia pathological myokymia, this fine movement extends to
In dystonia, abnormal postures result from contraction of other parts of the facial musculature. The movements are
antagonistic muscle groups. It is exacerbated by attempts easily missed but on examination a continuous, fine
at voluntary movement. The dystonia may be generalised flickering motion can be seen. If the movements are
or localised to one area. extensive, the eye may close slightly and the mouth
retract (Fig. 11.124).
Tics are repetitive movements that appear, at least briefly,
to be under voluntary control. They predominate in
Fig. 11.123 Athetoid hand posture. Fig. 11.124 Facial myokymia. The right eye is slightly narrowed.
• Muscle weakness
• Increased deep tendon reflexes
• Depressed abdominal responses
• An extensor plantar response
• Spasticity
lobe) receives its major input from the vestibular nuclei. effect on the vestibulo-ocular reflex via the fastigial
The palaeocerebellum (predominantly the vermis) nucleus.
receives projections from the spinal cord, while the
neocerebellum, located mainly in the cerebellar
hemispheres, lies on a circuit incorporating the cerebral
cortex and the pons. The fibres projecting in and out of The symptoms of a disruption of the cerebellar system
the cerebellum pass through the superior, middle or include dysarthria, limb clumsiness and gait ataxia.
inferior cerebellar peduncles. Dysarthria
Embedded in the white matter of each cerebellar
hemisphere is the dentate (lateral) nucleus. The fastigial Patients with dysarthria have a defect of pronunciation,
nucleus lies medially, beneath the vermis. Lateral to the although speech content remains normal.
fastigial nucleus is the nucleus interpositus. Limb clumsiness
A unilateral cerebellar disorder results in an ipsilateral
Risk factors
limb ataxia. If the dominant limb is affected, the patient
may well have noticed an alteration in writing. Sometimes
Cerebral haemorrhage
the patient may refer to an ataxic limb as being weak
• Hypertension rather than clumsy.
• Vascular malformations Gait ataxia
• Bleeding disorders
• Sympathomimetic agents If the cerebellar problem is confined to one hemisphere,
• Cerebral amyloid angiopathy the patient often complains of deviating to that side when
• Intracranial tumours walking. With disruption of midline cerebellar structures,
however, unsteadiness when walking is the main
complaint rather than a tendency to deviate to a particular
side. In such cases, the limbs are relatively spared.
Risk factors
Cerebral infarction Examination
• Hypertension
• Diabetes mellitus
• Cardiac disease Dysarthria will be apparent while you take the history.
• Atrial fibrillation Remember to take account of accent. There is no need to
• Cigarette smoking give the patient set phrases to pronounce, a brief
• Oral contraceptives conversation suffices. In cerebellar dysarthria, speech
• Lipoprotein abnormalities volume and pitch are typically erratic, so that the rhythm
• Haematological abnormalities of speech is lost, with pauses then accelerations. If the
disorder is severe, speech is shot out in a staccato
The cerebellar cortex is supplied by three vessels: the
upper surface is supplied by the superior cerebellar EYE MOVEMENTS
arteries and the lower surface is supplied by the anterior In patients suspected of having cerebellar disease, you
inferior cerebellar arteries, with a contribution from the need to look for nystagmus and for abnormalities of
posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. The first two pairs of either saccadic or pursuit movements. The assessment of
vessels arise from the basilar artery, the last pair from the eye movement has been discussed on pages 337–340.
vertebral artery.
Dentate neurons discharge before the onset of motor
activity and even before the relevant motor cortical
Symptoms and signs
discharge. The nucleus interpositus is active during the
control of movement and at its termination. Both nuclei Eye signs in cerebellar disease
are concerned with posture control but activity in the Location Sites
interpositus nucleus appears more closely related to the Flocculus Abnormal smooth pursuit
force of muscle contraction and its velocity. Discharge in Gaze-evoked nystagmus
fastigial neurons relates partly to velocity and partly to Flocculus/nodulus Down-beat nystagmus
force. Vermis/fastigial nucleus Ocular dysmetria
The cerebellum exerts an influence on muscle tone Lateral zones Ocular dysmetria
through an effect on motor neuron output to the muscle Gaze-evoked nystagmus
spindle. Efferents from the flocculus exert an inhibitory
Differential diagnosis
Cerebellar disorders
Hemisphere lesions
• Stroke
Fig. 11.126 Hypotonia of the left hand in a left cerebellar lesion.
• Primary and secondary tumours
• Multiple sclerosis
• Degenerative disorders
Vermis lesions
Finger–nose test
• Alcohol-related
• Hypothyroidism
Examination of the cerebellar system
• Assess articulation
• Examine pursuit and saccadic eye movements and
analyse any nystagmus
• Examine the finger–nose and heel–knee–shin tests
• Assess gait
Fig. 11.127 The finger–nose test.
Heel–knee–shin test
Fig. 11.128 Performing the heel–knee–shin test with the right leg.
Clinical application
Heel–toe walking
The lesions most commonly affecting the cerebellar
hemisphere are infarcts (Fig. 11.130), haemorrhage and
tumour. In adults, a tumour involving the cerebellum is
usually metastatic. Characteristic symptoms include an
ipsilateral limb ataxia, a gait which tends to deviate to the
affected side and ocular dysmetria.
C3 C3
C4 C4
T2 T2 4
C5 C5
Radial Radial 5
Ulnar 6
Median Median
T1 T1
C6 C6 10
C C8 C8
7 C L1
Lateral cutaneous L1
nerve of thigh
front back
Medial and L2
S3 S4
intermediate L2
nerve of thigh
L3 L3
Saphenous nerve
L5 L4 L4 L5
Superficial peroneal
Deep peroneal
Sural Sural S1
S1 L5
back front
Fig. 11.133 Sensory examination. Distribution of (a) some peripheral nerves, (b) limb dermatomes and (c) thoracic dermatomes.
upper segments of the cervical cord (Fig. 11.134). From The cortex
here fibres decussate and join the medial lemniscus. The
Areas of the cortex concerned with the processing of
spinocervical tract contains axons that respond principally
ascending sensory information include the primary
to light pressure but also contains fibres responding to
somatic area (S1), the secondary somatic area and the
noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli.
adjacent cortex. Most of the afferent fibres to S1 arise
The thalamus from the ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus.
Representation is parallel to that of the motor cortex.
In simplified terms, the medial part of the ventroposterior
nucleus of the thalamus receives information from the
face and the lateral portion from the medial lemniscus
and the spinothalamic tract. According to the gate control theory of pain perception,
the activity level of certain cells in the substantia gelatinosa
Symptoms and signs (lamina II and III) can inhibit conduction of impulses in
the central pain pathways. These inhibitory cells are
Sensory disturbances
activated by impulses in large diameter peripheral afferent
Light touch Pain fibres and switched off by impulses in small diameter
Reduced Hypaesthesia Hypalgesia myelinated and unmyelinated fibres.
Lost Anaesthesia Analgesia Visceral pain is transmitted by sympathetic or
Exaggerated Hyperaesthesia Hyperpathia parasympathetic fibres. Impulses emanating from free
Exaggerated — Hyperalgesia nerve endings in the gut pass into the posterior root via
(at normal the splanchnic nerves. Their central connections are
threshold) similar to those of the spinothalamic fibres. In some
instances pain from a viscus is interpreted as arising from
Questions to ask
Spinal sensory pathways
Sensory disturbances
a superficial body part possessing the same segmental • Mononeuropathies, e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome
innervation (referred pain). • Radiculopathies, e.g. cervical spondylosis
• Transverse myelitis
• Brown–Séquard syndrome
SYMPTOMS • Syringomyelia
Sensory symptoms include pain, paraesthesiae (tingling) • Multiple sclerosis
and numbness. Frequently the patient’s understanding • Spinal cord compression
and use of these terms differ from that of the physician. • Cerebrovascular disease of the cerebral hemisphere
Clearly establish what the patient means. Many use
Sensory examination Two-point discrimination is tested with a pair of
compasses specifically designed for this purpose, with
• Light touch gradations in centimetres indicating the separation of the
• Two-point discrimination tips, which are blunt rather than pointed. Apply the tips
• Proprioception with equal, gentle pressure (Fig. 11.136) while the
• Vibration sense patient’s eyes are closed and establish the minimum
• Pain and temperature separation at which two points are confidently identified.
• Cortical sensory function As an approximate guide, a young adult will detect a
• Sensory suppression separation of approximately 3 mm on the finger tips,
1 cm on the palm of the hand and 3 cm on the sole of
the foot. The sensation is conducted in large myelinated
of the body. The areas tested and the modalities used fibres via the posterior columns to the cortex.
should be influenced by the type of sensory disturbance
suggested by the history. If the patient has an area of
reduced cutaneous sensation, start testing within that PROPRIOCEPTION
area, moving out gradually to determine the zone of While assessing joint position sense ensure that the
transition to normal sensation. patient’s eyes remain closed. Begin by testing the patient’s
Avoid being overpersuasive when attempting to ability to appreciate passive movements of the joints. It
confirm a preconceived area of sensory deficit. is rare to find a loss of proximal joint position sense; more
often the problem is confined to the digits. During testing
avoid pressing on the digit in such a way that the patient
appreciates the direction of movement. To test the
Use a wisp of cotton wool to test light touch sensation terminal interphalangeal joint of the index finger grip the
(Fig. 11.135). The distal parts of the limb are more sensitive sides of the phalanx with the thumb and forefinger of
than the proximal and hair-containing skin is more your right hand using your left to stabilise the proximal
sensitive than smooth skin. Do not drag the cotton wool joints of the finger (Fig. 11.137). The movement
along the surface of the skin but apply it at a single point. appreciated will be barely perceptible to the naked eye.
Ask the patient to keep the eyes closed and to respond If the responses are inaccurate, move proximally until the
when contact is made. movements are accurately perceived. Indicate your
If the patient complains of unilateral sensory change, findings in the notes as ‘JPS – intact to movement of the
compare equivalent parts on the two sides of the body. distal interphalangeal joint of 10°’ or whatever range you
If the history suggests a cortical lesion but cutaneous have chosen.
sensation appears intact, assess the effect of simultaneous
stimulation of equivalent body parts. In parietal lesions,
the half-body supplied by the damaged cortex may fail
to register a stimulus when there is competition from the Two-point discrimination
intact opposite side, even though a stimulus, applied
in isolation, is appreciated (sensory suppression or
extinction). In hemisensory loss, the change to normal
appreciation will occur strictly at the midline.
Light touch
Fig. 11.135 Testing light touch with a wisp of cotton wool. Fig. 11.136 Testing two-point discrimination.
Vibration sense is tested using a 128 Hz tuning fork. To
test in the finger, apply the gently vibrating base of the
fork to the pulp of the finger or the knuckle of the distal
interphalangeal joint (Fig. 11.139). For the foot, start with
the pad of the big toe or the dorsum of the interphalangeal
joint. If vibration sense is absent there, test more
proximally. The chest wall acts as a resonator and a more
accurate level of vibration loss on the trunk is obtained
by applying the fork to a fold of skin pulled away from
the underlying rib. In practice, this is seldom necessary.
Semiquantitative testing is achieved by waiting until the
perception of vibration has ceased on one limb then
transferring the tuning fork to the other limb.
Fig. 11.138 Pseudoathetoid posturing.
Pain is best tested using a sharp pin or needle (Fig.
You can test active proprioception by asking the 11.140). Venepuncture needles are unsuitable as they
patient, with the eyes closed, to locate a digit of one hand readily puncture the skin, particularly in elderly people.
with the index finger of the other limb. Alternatively, Purpose made ‘sharps’ are now available and should be
move the limb with intact sensation into a certain posture discarded using standard safety procedures after use.
and then ask the patient to mimic that position with the Remember that you are testing the painful quality of
affected limb. Finally, ask the patient to hold the hands the stimulus, rather than merely an appreciation of
outstretched while the eyes are closed. With severe loss contact. Either ask the patient to close the eyes and
of distal proprioception, the fingers move in an irregular, identify if the contact is painful or present the sharp and
purposeless fashion, as if exploring their environment blunt ends of the pin in a random fashion, asking the
(pseudoathetosis) (Fig. 11.138). patient to distinguish one stimulus from another. In some
To test the quality of the proprioceptive information pathological states, diffuse pain radiates out from the site
coming from the lower limbs, ask the patient to stand of contact. Remember that certain areas, for instance
with the feet together and the eyes closed. Where there callouses, are liable to show diminished sensitivity to
is loss of proprioception, the patient immediately loses pain. Deep pain sense can be tested by applying pressure
stability (positive Romberg’s test). Be ready to support to deeper structures, for example, by pinching the
the patient. tendoachilles.
zone of
to pin prick
loss of
loss of pain
Fig. 11.142 Distribution of sensory and motor deficit in Brown– Fig. 11.143 ‘Cape’ of selective pain and temperature loss due to a
Séquard lesion. central cord lesion extending from approximately C3 to D10.
particularly of the temporal lobe, cause displacement of trauma and inspect the external auditory meati for signs
the medial aspect of the uncus over the free edge of the of bleeding, suggesting the possibility of a basal skull
tentorium. Pathological consequences of this herniation fracture.
include ipsilateral third nerve compression, distortion of
the contralateral cerebral peduncle, and paramedian
brainstem haemorrhages.
Perform a routine cardiovascular assessment, looking
particularly for hypotension or hypertension, pulse
Examination abnormality and abnormal heart sounds or murmurs.
1. Alert
Patient's response Score 08.00 10.00 12.00
2. Drowsy but responds to verbal
stimulation Eye opening spontaneous 4
to speech 3
to pain 2
3. Unconscious – no response to none 1
verbal stimulation, but
withdrawal response to pain
Best verbal responses orientated 5
confused 4
4. Unconscious – decorticate inappropriate 3
responses to pain (flexion of incomprehensible 2
upper limb and extension of none 1
lower limb)
a b
Fig. 11.148 Eliciting Kernig’s sign (a) and testing for neck stiffness (b).
Pupillary responses
1. lesion of left
optic tract
2. lesion of
pretectal part of
2 midbrain
3. lesion of
4. lesion of
4 left oculomotor
Fig. 11.149 Pupillary responses in the presence of lesions of the left optic tract, the pretectal part of the midbrain, the oculomotor nuclei and
the left oculomotor nerve.
irregular pupils fixed to all forms of stimulation. Disruption the tendoachilles. Always test bilaterally; an absent
of the third nerve beyond the nucleus produces a response from one side alone suggests the likelihood of
characteristic eye position associated with a fixed dilated an interruption of the pyramidal tract supplying that side
pupil. of the body. An appropriate response is one that
In metabolic coma, the pupils remain reactive and withdraws the limb from the stimulus. The two principal
symmetric, although often relatively small. Only in inappropriate responses are decorticate and decerebrate
profound metabolic coma do the pupils become fixed. posturing. In the former, the upper limbs flex and adduct,
Certain drugs can influence pupil size or reactivity. the lower limbs extend and plantar flex. This response
Atropine will cause pupillary dilatation, as will overdosage typically follows an acute vascular event affecting the
of amphetamines or tricyclic antidepressants. Morphine cerebral hemisphere or internal capsule. In decerebrate
derivatives, in excessive dosage, result in pinpoint pupils rigidity, the upper limbs are extended, adducted and
that retain their reactivity. hyperpronated, with the lower limbs fully extended. This
pattern appears with lesions in the region of the pons
OCULAR MOVEMENTS that separate lower brainstem structures from descending
pathways but it can also occur in some of the metabolic
First note any spontaneous eye movements. In many
unconscious patients the eyes roam from side-to-side.
The movements are usually conjugate but may occasionally
become disconjugate. At other times the eyes should Differential diagnosis
remain in the midposition. Any deviation of one or both
eyes implies a defect of oculomotor function unless there
is a pre-existing strabismus. Metabolic coma
Now assess eye movements. Having gently elevated • Hypoglycaemia
the upper lids, firmly rotate the head laterally, then • Hyperglycaemia
vertically (doll’s head manoeuvre). If reflex eye movements • Uraemia
are intact, the eyes move so as to leave them directed • Hepatic encephalopathy
forwards. A more potent stimulus for reflex eye movement • Hypercapnoea
is achieved by caloric stimulation. Clear the external • Drugs
auditory meatus of any wax then inspect the tympanic Structural coma
membrane to ensure it is intact. Position the patient so • Hemisphere mass lesions: tumour, extradural
that the head is elevated to approximately 30° above the haematoma, subdural haematoma
horizontal and, using a soft rubber catheter, gently instil • Brainstem stroke
ice-cold water into the external auditory meatus. A total
volume of about 50 ml suffices. If the brainstem reflexes
are intact the eyes will tonically deviate to the side of the
irrigated ear. It is usually not necessary to test reflex RESPIRATORY STATUS
vertical movements. In order to do so, both ears have to A number of abnormal respiratory patterns in the
be simultaneously irrigated with cold water (for down unconscious patient may allow localisation of the lesion
gaze) or warm water (for up gaze). Nystagmus is an responsible for the coma (Fig. 11.150).
unlikely finding in the comatose patient but a variety of In Cheyne–Stokes respiration the respiratory rate
vertical movements can occur. Commonly a rapid waxes and wanes, with intervening periods of apnoea.
downward or upward conjugate movement followed by The pattern is seen in metabolic coma but also with
a gradual return to the midposition (ocular bobbing and bilateral deep hemisphere lesions. Central neurogenic
reverse bobbing respectively) is observed. hyperventilation consists of a persistently increased
Sustained horizontal ocular deviation indicates a rate of relatively deep breathing. It is triggered by lesions
frontal or brainstem lesion. In the former, the eyes deviate lying between the lower midbrain and the lower pons.
away from the side of the accompanying hemiplegia. Apneustic breathing results in short periods of respiratory
In a brainstem lesion below the decussation of the arrest on inspiration. Pontine infarction is the usual cause.
supranuclear pathway for horizontal gaze, the eyes Ataxic respiration is erratic in timing and depth and is
deviate to the opposite side and hence to the side of an triggered by disturbances of the respiratory centres of the
accompanying hemiparesis. Failure of upgaze occurs in medulla.
the early stages of central transtentorial herniation.
Clinical application
Motor function in the limbs can be assessed partly by There are significant differences between the neurological
observing the patient’s posture and partly by assessing findings in patients whose coma has a metabolic basis
the response to pressure over the sternum or, for assessing and the findings in patients who have a structural lesion
the limb response by squeezing the nail bed of a digit or affecting the cerebral hemispheres or brainstem.
Early Late
intact doll's head and cold calorics Cheyne–Stokes respiration absent doll's head and cold calorics erratic respiration
Early Late
intact or depressed medial no specific respiratory intact responses in central neurogenic
rectus action arrhythmia unaffected eye hyperventilation
hemiplegic posture hemiplegia develops
and response ipsilaterally
spectrum of pathological processes in the brainstem maintains circulatory function providing that respiration
producing coma is considerably wider and includes is supported by artificial means. There is good evidence
infarction, tumour and haemorrhage. to suggest that if brainstem function can be shown to
have ceased in such patients, there is no prospect for
recovery (Fig. 11.153). Criteria of brainstem death have
BRAIN DEATH been devised to appraise this state, in order to identify
The end point of many structural and metabolic insults patients in whom further attempts at life-support are of
to the brain is a state in which a deeply comatose patient no value (Fig. 11.154).
Brainstem reflexes
The first essential, when applying these criteria, is reversible factors. The responses to testing of brainstem
to ensure that the coma is not the consequence of function are likely to be depressed in the presence of
a metabolic or drug-induced state that is potentially hypothermia. The patient’s body temperature must be
reversible. Usually retesting is performed after a period above 35°C before testing is carried out. It must be
of at least 24 h. This allows confirmation of the clinical clearly established that the patient’s respiratory failure is
diagnosis by another doctor and the positive exclusion of not the consequence of neuromuscular blocking agents.
Stimulation of a peripheral nerve can be carried out to reflexes, plantar responses or withdrawal and flexion of the
confirm that neuromuscular conduction is intact. Finally, upper or lower limb triggered by neck flexion. The United
a specific cause for the patient’s coma must be identified. Kingdom criteria for brain death no longer include the
For most neurological disorders this will be evident from presence of an isoelectric electroencephalogram recording,
the patient’s history or imaging. Identification of drug- although this criterion still receives support in other
induced or metabolic coma is likely to take longer. countries, for instance the United States of America.
There are certain spinal reflexes that can persist in the
presence of brainstem death. These include the stretch
Framework for the routine examination of the nervous system
• Assess higher cortical function including orientation, • Assess cerebellar function – speech, eye movements,
memory, intelligence, speech and praxis, together with limb coordination and gait
appraisal of the primitive reflexes • Assess sensory function – as appropriate, testing light
• Assess the patient’s psychiatric status if that appears touch, two-point discrimination, proprioception,
relevant vibration sense, pain and temperature, and cortical
• Assess cranial nerve function (see p. 358) sensory function
• Assess motor function – appearance, tone, power, • Where relevant, carry out a standard protocol for
reflexes and involuntary movements assessing the unconscious patient
Infants and children
One of the challenges of paediatric medicine and child confirming or refuting the working diagnosis revealed
health is dealing with a range of patients, from the during the history. In previous chapters, advice was given
preterm newborn weighing less than 1 kg to the on how to approach patients who provide their own
postpubertal 15-year-old weighing 55 kg. The younger histories of complaints and symptoms; children come to
the child, the more often he or she is brought to see the the doctor with their parents and it is the parents who
doctor, and the more different the consultation is from usually supply these details, although older children will
that described in previous chapters. often make important contributions.
Listen to the parents: they know their child best and,
‘Children are not just small adults – their needs are
generally, if they describe a problem then there is a
different and have to be recognised.’
diagnosis to be made. The younger the child the more
Professor James Spence, 1943
reliant you will be on the parents’ account of the problem.
When examining children, the general principles of Sometimes acute anxiety about a child’s well-being,
history-taking and examination also apply, although the coupled with parental exhaustion, leads to difficulties in
manner and order in which they are approached differ: effective communication between parent and doctor but
the convention of taking a history, inspecting, palpating, if you can empathise with the parents’ perspective it will
percussing and auscultating remain the cornerstones help you to be a more understanding and compassionate
of all consultations but the emphasis is different in doctor.
children. The older the children, the more you can communicate
Trainee doctors need basic skills to begin to feel with them. The challenges lie in communicating effectively
confident in dealing with the child patient and their with children of different ages and abilities. This skill
families. takes time to acquire; some will acquire it faster than
For convenience, this chapter divides the child patient others.
into five age categories, although these groups tend to It is important to establish a rapport with the child and
merge into one another: his or her parents and siblings. Introduce yourself to the
child and other family members as you welcome them
• Newborn and very young baby (0–8 weeks)
into the consulting area. Try and allow the children
• Older baby and toddler (2–24 months)
(including the siblings) to feel relaxed and comfortable
• Preschool child (2–5 years)
during the consultation; this is more likely if there are a
• School child (5–10+ years)
variety of toys and games lying about the room. Children
• Adolescent (10+ to approximately 16 years).
up to and including school age may well prefer to be on
In each section of this chapter, the discussion of a parent’s lap, eventually feeling confident enough to
growth, development, history-taking and examination of explore the room during the history-taking.
systems will take into account important age-related After the presenting complaint has been defined,
differences. information about the child’s previous well-being and
that of the family and their circumstances need to be
Taking a history In the very young child, history-taking should include
information about the pregnancy, labour and delivery as
History-taking is the key part of an assessment of a well as the condition at birth and early feeding progress,
child’s condition. The diagnosis is often revealed by a details of immunisations and a developmental history.
well-taken history, with the examination findings These details may become less relevant in the older child.
Taking a history 12
61/2 8/40
(Asthma) Miscarriage
Bobby Current
G6PD age 9 pregnancy
eczema 18/40
attending nursery or school should be asked the name of lap or on a bed or couch, when you are within 1 metre
the establishment as well as how they are getting on. of the patient the child should see you are coming down
Child abuse is a common problem. Children can be to eye level. This is especially important when several
harmed by adults in a number of different ways: doctors congregate around a bed, for example, on ward
emotionally, physically, neglected, sexually or, rarely, by rounds. Always remember what it is like from the child’s
induced illnesses and poisoning. The nature of any injury perspective, especially when being surrounded by a group
or illness in any child, from any background, must be of unfamiliar adults.
explained satisfactorily in the history and be a plausible It may take some time to win the confidence of young
cause of the findings seen on examination. If you have children. Sometimes the pyrexial, irritable child may not
any such concerns about a child or family you must share allow you any physical contact without crying and, despite
them with colleagues and social services. a friendly approach, it may also be impossible to observe
the child at rest. Once a child starts crying it may be
difficult to continue with the examination.
The examination Palpation and auscultation may be important parts of
the physical assessment. The order in which you perform
Inspection and observation are the most important skills them depends on where the problem is, what the problem
to be developed if you are going to arrive at the right is likely to be and how ill and how cooperative your
diagnosis. The younger the child, the more important young patient is. Whenever possible start peripherally
it is to be able to observe the child’s well-being and with the hands or feet, making it clear to the child that
any physical signs from a distance. This process should you are a friendly doctor. Percussion is rarely a rewarding
start from the moment the child and family appear process in the very young.
in front of you. Do not wake up sleeping children to Young patients should think the examination is fun.
examine them until you have observed them carefully If you present yourself as playing a game, they will be
first (Fig. 12.3). relaxed and you will gain more information; if a child is
How one approaches a child to be examined is frightened or in pain, then this can be impossible to
determined by the child’s age, level of development and achieve. Make the child comfortable first. Ensure your
understanding. The younger the child (except in the hands are clean and warm and that your stethoscope will
youngest of infants), the more imaginative one may have not be too cold on the child’s skin.
to be to ensure a satisfactory consultation but remember Avoid unpleasant procedures if at all possible (e.g.
it is easy to make older children and adolescents feel rectal examinations). Think of what implications your
patronised. actions may have in the future: if your examination and
Whenever possible try not to allow your eye level to care of a child does not cause upset, and you relieve pain
be higher than that of your patient. If necessary, get down and discomfort effectively, that child is more likely to
on the floor; this may be very basic psychology but it tolerate future examinations. It is better to have a limited
works. If you are approaching a child seated on its parent’s but tolerable examination than to try and complete a full
Figs 12.3 Swollen wrists (a) and rib ends (b) seen in rickets. Observation may be all that is needed to notice these signs of rickets. Sometimes
these findings are coincidental to the presenting problem.
examination that results in an inconsolable child because a child in the first year of life is extrapolated into the
the child is more likely to be uncooperative next time. volume of brain growth, it is clear why humans cannot
have more developed newborns – this is the price Homo
sapiens pays for being bipedal with a narrow pelvis and
Growth and development large brain.
The continuum of growth from baby to adult has been
Growth involves an increase in size and concludes when described by three main phases (Fig. 12.5):
an individual has acquired full size and reproductive
• Infant phase: a continuation of the exponential fetal
capabilities. Development parallels growth and leads to
growth rate that slows down in the second year of life.
individuals acquiring all the skills and attributes that
Critical factors are nutrition and hormones controlling
enable them to achieve full independence from their
metabolism (e.g. insulin-like growth factors such as
parents and to raise their own children.
• Childhood phase: this extends from the second to
GROWTH beyond the 10th year. Critical factors are the pituitary
Compared with other mammals and primates, human hormones (especially growth hormone).
offspring are very immature and dependent. A human • Adolescent (pubertal) phase: this extends from the
newborn is completely dependent for most of its first year onset of puberty until the achievement of final adult
until weaned and walking. Our newborns have a head stature and fully mature reproductive capabilities.
that is only just small enough to be delivered through the Critical factors are the sex steroids (androgens and
average woman’s pelvis. The cerebral neuronal network oestrogens).
is almost complete at birth, but is more or less devoid of Each of the phases is interdependent on a large number
myelin, whereas most other species have completed this of factors such as genetics, nutrition, hormones and the
essential ‘wiring’ before the end of gestation, hence the environment (including love and affection) (Fig. 12.6).
more advanced abilities of their newborns. If the growth
in head (or occipital frontal) circumference (Fig. 12.4) of
46 80
40 40
38 20
Age, years -1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
32 birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
age (years)
Fig. 12.4 Head circumference chart. The phenomenal growth in Fig. 12.5 Three phases of growth in childhood (after Professor J.
head circumference seen during the first years of life is as a result of Karlberg). The growth velocity varies at different ages – this is as
brain myelination, without which the infant’s development cannot result of many variable influences. Karlberg summarised the
advance. (© Child Growth Foundation, adapted with permission.) continuum into three phases, each with their own principal factors.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205
6'6" 200 200
195 195
6'3" 190 GIRLS 0-20yrs Height 190
6'0" 185 185
180 99.6th
5'9" 175 98th
5'6" 170 75th
50th 165
5'3" 160 25th
2'9" 85 25th 55
80 X 9th 50
2'6" 75 2nd
2'3" 70 40
65 35
2'0" 60 30
1'9" 55 25
50 20
1'6" 45 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
Age, Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.6 Nonorganic failure to thrive. For some children who are not growing as well as expected, no organic cause can be identified. If they
are removed from their home environment, their growth velocities may accelerate. The importance of an affectionate and loving environment
for normal growth and development cannot be over estimated. (© Child Growth Foundation, adapted with permission.)
Head straight, eyes and
ears level
Gentle upward
traction on
mastoid process
side of the mean, or centiles are used to recognise the the more certain one can be about whether the pattern
different normal variations in growth and growth velocity. of growth falls within an expected range (Figs 12.9,
The more serial measurements there are available to plot, 12.10).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205
6'6" 200 200
195 195
6'3" 190 GIRLS 0-20yrs Height 190
6'0" 185 185
180 99.6th
5'9" 175 98th
5'6" 170 75th
165 50th 165
5'3" 160 25th
2'9" 85 25th 55
80 9th 50
2'6" 75 2nd
2'3" 70 40
65 35
2'0" 60 30
1'9" 55 25
50 20
1'6" 45 15
10 Breast
4+ 10
5 stage
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
0 0
Pubic hair 4+
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
Age, Years Menarche
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.9 Childhood Growth Foundation (UK) growth charts for girls. (© Child Growth Foundation, adapted with permission.) For pubertal
stages see Figs 8.1, 8.3 and 12.44.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205
6'6" 200 200
195 99.6th
6'3" 190 BOYS 0-20yrs Height 98th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.10 Childhood Growth Foundation (UK) growth charts for boys. The charts for boys and girls are British standards derived from
longitudinal data observed in cohorts of British children with cross-sectional observations used in updating them. (© Child Growth Foundation,
adapted with permission.) For pubertal stages see Figs 9.4 and 12.44.
The eight areas of child development
Evaluation of a child’s development is more complicated
than assessment of growth because of the large variation
in the normal patterns of development. Furthermore, an
individual child’s rate of development can vary, and there Behaviour Social skills
are also confounding transcultural and transracial
differences. Gross Expressive
motor language
Although newborn babies are dependent, they can
hear, smell, taste, feel and see. By the end of their Fine Comprehension
motor of language
development they will be able to think and solve
problems, be mobile and agile, develop innumerable Vision Hearing
skills and be capable of rearing their own children.
For convenience, development is usually considered
under eight main headings, which can be easily
remembered as four sets of pairs:
• Gross motor Motor skills
Fig. 12.11 Child development. The eight areas are closely
• Fine motor Motor skills interdependent. To reflect this, some group hearing with speech and
• Vision Special senses vision with fine motor.
• Hearing Special senses
• Expressive language Communication
puts on clothes
six words
walks alone
waves bye-bye
mama/dada specific
mama/dada-non specific
sits unsupported
rolls over
looks at hands
looks at faces
Fig. 12.12 Outline of some important common developmental milestones. The bar represents the typical age of acquisition, the right-hand
end representing when >90% of healthy normal children should have acquired these skills.
The fetoplacental circulation At birth, the newborn can hear, smell, taste, feel and see
(but only up to approximately 30 cm). The social smile
(smiling in response to smiling and cooing parents) is a
left ventricle very important milestone of higher cortical function.
receives pulmonary return and
inferior vena caval return which has
Most behaviour observed in newborns before this event
passed through the foramen ovale is the result of responses initiated by the brainstem and
superior vena spinal cord, for example, startling to sound and the
caval return primitive reflexes.
right ventricle
i) passes to lungs,
ii) through the
ductus arteriosus
Measurement of head circumference
inferior vena
caval return: X
i) combines with
superior caval return, X
ii) passes through
the foramen ovale
to the left atrium 5
0 1 2 3 41
32 40
Occipital 34 35 36 37
38 39
oxygenated blood
deoxygenated blood
to inferior vena cava
to the placenta via the
via the ductus venosus
umbilical arteries
oxygenation in
the placenta
Newborns and young babies are examined when they
are acutely ill or, more commonly, during routine checks.
The observation and skills used are common to both
the acute and routine situations. You should plot the
progress of weight and head circumference on a centile
chart. The baby must be undressed to be fully
The very young (like the very old) often have nonspecific
symptoms and signs even when they are seriously ill. Fig. 12.15 Palpating femoral pulses. The femoral pulse can be
Doctors in training need to know the most important difficult to feel; use a point halfway from pubic tubercle to anterior
superior iliac spine as a guide and do not press so firmly as to
signs and symptoms of serious ill health in the very occlude the pulsation.
young. To help less experienced carers of newborns, a
scoring system for symptoms and signs was developed
(see ‘symptoms and signs’ box).
Newborns and young babies can become very sick
quickly. Infections should be included in the differential
diagnosis of any sick baby. These infections can often be
bacterial and serious. It is good practice to think of the
likely infection and how it was acquired and to complete
a full septic screen and give broad-spectrum parenteral
antibiotics until the culture results are known.
Circulation and cardiovascular
The order of examination will depend on the condition
of the baby. Auscultation of the heart sounds and listening
for murmurs may be the priority before the baby cries.
Inspection of the newborn’s colour and perfusion is Fig. 12.16 Palpating the apex beat. Palpate the whole precordium,
crucial. Peripheral cyanosis is common in the first days left and right. The apex beat is usually palpated in the left fifth
of the newborn period (acrocyanosis) because of intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
Baby check* is a system to help parents, health professionals and carers assess the seriousness of a baby’s illness. It
uses 19 signs and symptoms with scores which, when added together, give a total score which correlates with the
seriousness of the baby’s illness. The scoring system has been validated for use by parents, doctors and nurses in
babies under 1 year old.
Signs Symptoms Score
1. Unusual cry e.g. high-pitched, weak, moaning or painful 2
2. Fluids taken in previous 24 h Less than normal 2
Half normal 4
Very little 9
3. Vomiting Vomiting at least half of a feed in the three previous feeds 4
4. Vomiting bile Any green bile in vomit 13
5. Wet nappies (urine output) Less urine than normal 3
6. Blood in nappy Large amount of blood in nappy 11
7. Drowsiness Occasionally drowsy 3
Drowsy most of the time 5
8. Floppiness Baby seems more floppy than normal 4
9. Watching Baby less watchful than normal 2
10. Awareness Baby responding less than normally to the surroundings 2
11. Breathing difficulties Minimal recession visible 4
Obvious recession visible 15
12. Looking pale Baby more pale than normal, or been pale in last 24 h 3
13. Wheezing Baby has wheezing breath sounds 2
14. Blue nails Apparent blue nails 3
15. Circulation Baby’s toes are white, or stay white for 3 s after squeezing 3
16. Rash Rash over body, or raw weeping area >5 cm × 5 cm 4
17. Hernia Obvious bulge in scrotum or groin 13
18. Temperature (rectal) Temperature >38.3°C by rectal thermometer 4
19. Crying during checks If baby has cried during checks (more than a grizzle) 4
Total scores
0–7 Baby is only a little unwell, medical attention is not necessary
8–12 Baby is unwell but not seriously; seek advice from doctor, health visitor or midwife
13–19 Baby is ill; contact your doctor and arrange to be seen
>20 Baby is seriously ill and needs to be seen by a doctor immediately
If the baby appears to be worse after a low score, re-examine the baby and re-score.
• Heart rate: 110–160 beats/min (>180 tachycardia) • Was the baby jaundiced in the first 24 hours of life?
• Systolic blood pressure: 50–85 mmHg (very variable, • Was the baby still jaundiced during the third week
depending on age, gestation and weight) of life?
• Respiratory rate: 30–50 breaths/min (>60 • Is the baby well, thriving and gaining weight?
tachypnoea) • What is the colour of the stools and the urine?
Symptoms and signs The presence of jaundice is very common. When seen
Respiratory distress
in the first 24 hours of life it is usually due to a pathological
haemolytic process. A physiological jaundice is extremely
• Tachypnoea (normal upper limit varies with age) common after the second day, continuing into the second
• Recession (includes subcostal, intercostals or tracheal week. It is usually related to breastfeeding. If jaundice is
tug) in association with pale stools, dark urine or failure to
• Grunting (an end-expiratory groaning noise, thrive, then pathological hepatic or obstructive cause is
breathing out against partially adducted vocal cords much more likely. Bilirubin in the urine requires
and providing self-positive end expiratory pressure) investigation.
• Flaring of nostrils (the alae nasi are accessory The gastrointestinal tract starts at the mouth and ends
muscles of respiration) at the anus. Both ends need to be looked at. The palate
• Cyanosis (may be subclinical, so check oxygen must be inspected for clefts and palpated for clefts (Fig.
saturation with pulse oximeter) 12.18). The position and patency of the anus needs to be
• Apnoea (may be how a very young baby presents checked (Fig. 12.19). While viewing the perineum, the
with a respiratory disorder, associated with a colour external genitalia should be inspected. In boys, both
change – pallor or cyanosis)
• A periodic breathing pattern may be noted in
preterm or very young babies and is physiological,
often with pauses of 3–5 seconds being observed
(especially during sleep) without a change in colour
being seen
Fig. 12.21 Umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernias are very common Fig. 12.23 Examining the hips (abduction). Ortolani manoeuvre
may detect relocation of dislocated hips.
(especially in some racial groups). They do not obstruct, they resolve
spontaneously and need no treatment. Paraumbilical hernias,
however, will require surgery.
Fig. 12.25 Palpation on the fontanelle. Note the tone and size of Fig. 12.27 Ophthalmoscopy of the red reflex. Never omit this
anterior and posterior fontanelles. check; if eyes are closed, come back later.
Gestation and weight at gestation Most developed countries have a policy of examining all
neonates in the first few days of life. This examination
• Term – born 37–42 completed weeks gestation from has a number of objectives. It is a form of screening,
last menstrual period (LMP) attempting to identify congenital abnormalities that may
• Preterm – born before 37 completed weeks (259 benefit from intervention. It also provides an opportunity
days) gestation from LMP – note that a preterm to answer whatever questions the parents may have
baby’s age can be expressed as either a about their new baby.
chronological (uncorrected) age or an age This examination is best performed at or beyond 24
postconception (corrected); the latter is important hours of age. This is often not possible with earlier
when considering growth and development in the discharge from delivery units. The older the baby, the
first 2 years more confident one can be in diagnosing ‘normality’.
• Post-term – born after 42 completed weeks (294 Examine neonates in front of the parents. The examiner
days) gestation from LMP can review the mother’s notes and take a history of
• Small for gestational age or ‘small for dates’ – birth maternal and family health, the progress during
weight below 10th centile for gestational age pregnancy, the results of antenatal tests (such as
• Large for gestational age or ‘large for dates’ – birth ultrasound anomaly scans) and an account of the delivery
weight greater than 90th centile for gestational age and condition of the newborn at birth. Subsequent
feeding history and whether the baby has passed
meconium and urine normally are important.
Dysmorphology terms
pinna fissure
canthus X Y
philtrum Y
normal set
The proportions of a baby’s face when viewed from the front, with a line through the eyes is about half way from vertex to chin (x),
the palpebral fissures (the slits through which your eyes look) should be of equal length (y) measured from inner to outer canthus.
There is usually a very mild slant to the palpebral fissures, if this slant is exaggerated then it is described as upward slanting (as may
be seen in Trisomy 21, Down syndrome). Alternatively, the slant may be in the opposite direction and is described as downward
slanting (as may be seen in many syndromes).
The distance between the eyes is approximately that of the palpebral fissures (y).
Hypotelorism is when this distance is too short and hypertelorism is when this distance is too long and the eyes appear too far apart.
The philtrum leads from the nostrils to the edge of the upper lip.
A line from the outer canthus towards the occiput should cross the attachment of the upper helix of the pinna (ear lobe) to the side
of the head. Where this does not occur then the ear is described as low set and may appear simple (poorly formed helix) and
rotated as well.
upward slanting palpebral fissures downward slanting palpebral fissures low set and rotated ear
Fig. 12.28 Facial dysmorphology vocabulary explained. A few of the commonly referred to anatomical terms used in describing facial features
are demonstrated.
Eyes Fontanelles
Start at mouth
Heart Back
abdominal wall
Fig. 12.30b Low hairline. Examine the scalp and hair and
hairline. This may be indicative of a syndrome, a low hairline is
seen in Turner’s syndrome.
Fig. 12.30c Cavernous haemangioma. Fig. 12.30d Preauricular tags.
Cavernous haemangiomas (‘strawberry Preauricular tags are common and
naevus’) can occur anywhere and are often there is a family history. They
more common in preterm babies; they may represent a cosmetic problem
get bigger during the first year and requiring plastic surgery or they may
eventually regress. Treatment is only be associated with other otological
indicated if the naevus interferes with abnormalities.
breathing, feeding or vision or if
otherwise problematic.
Fig. 12.30f Blue spots. These ‘Mongolian’ blue spots are common
in all racial groups (except those of Northern White European origin).
They are present from birth and may persist beyond the third year.
Fig. 12.30g Lumbar meningomyelocele. Lumbosacral neural tube Fig. 12.30h Imperforate anus. Anogenital abnormalities need to be
defects are the most common. Folic acid supplements before excluded by careful history and inspection. Meconium can be passed
conception and in early pregnancy have helped to reduce the via a fistula into any other cloacal structure (e.g. the vagina). These
incidence of these serious malformations. abnormalities are seen associated with other congenital abnormalities.
Fig. 12.30i Hypospadias. Check that the foreskin has fused Fig. 12.30j Neonatal breast development. The influence of
normally on the ventral surface of the glans. If it has not, then note maternal hormones may result in palpable breast tissue of babies of
where the external urethral meatus is sited. Hypospadias occurs either sex. No action is required and this resolves spontaneously.
when the urethral meatus is not at the tip of the glans; commonly it
is mild and on the glans, or rarely, more severe and on the shaft of
the penis or perineum. Check for fixed flexion of the penis (chordee).
Fig. 12.30k Micrognathia. A small mandible with a normal-sized Fig. 12.30l Single palmar crease. A single palmar crease can be a
tongue represents a potential hazard to this baby’s airway. A cleft normal finding. However, it can be part of a series of minor
palate can be associated. Breathing and feeding may need some observations which can add up to a more important diagnosis, such
assistance. as Down’s syndrome.
Fig. 12.30m Syndactyly of the second and third toes. Minor Fig. 12.30n Postaxial extra digit. Also very common and often
congenital abnormalities like this, when isolated, are common and familial. Refer for a plastic surgery consultation, rather than having
often familial. Noticing one minor finding should prompt you to them ‘tied off’.
ensure there is not another to be observed.
Differential diagnosis
Baby rashes
Examination of newborns and young babies
20 30 birth 1 10 Fig. 12.34 Palmar and pincer grasp. The development of palmar
and then pincer grasp represents a great step forward in fine motor
Gestation Age (years)
skills and relies heavily on visual feedback.
child may be put at ease and a more satisfactory result Nearly one-third of children will have a murmur heard
obtained. at some point of their lives. Less than 1% of children will
The history should cover the same areas as with the have a structural heart lesion. Innocent murmurs have
newborn and very young baby and include points particular characteristics: ejection systolic flow murmurs
particularly relevant to this period, for example, current are either ‘short and buzzing’ (caused by turbulent aortic
feeding, weaning, developmental abilities, immunisations flow) or ‘soft and blowing’ (caused by turbulent pulmonary
received. flow); venous hums are low pitched and more noticeable
after exertion or inspiration and they are abolished by
lying supine.
EXAMINATION True pathological murmurs are usually louder, harsher
and longer and may radiate or have a diastolic component
During the history it is often best to keep the child on the
to them. Look for other symptoms and signs of
parent’s lap and play with them. Depending on how well
cardiovascular disease.
you are getting on, you may be able to start examining
the child. If the child is wary, it may be necessary to
demonstrate your intentions by examining an elder
sibling, teddy or parent. Try and show the child that Review
whatever you are going to do is more of a game, rather
Measuring children’s blood pressure
than anything threatening to them.
It is important, as with newborns, to examine the most Children’s blood pressure measurements can be
relevant system indicated by the history first because this obtained using:
may be your only chance. Make sure that you have • Oscillometry (dynamap)
examined the whole child undressed by the end of your • Sphygmomanometry (using a stethoscope or Doppler
examination. This should be done in stages. Save the probe or by palpation)
more unpleasant parts of the examination (e.g. looking • Direct (invasive) measurement (in intensive care)
at the ears and throat) until last. Remember the two-thirds rule:
• Cuff width must be at least two-thirds of the
Circulation and cardiovascular system distance from shoulder to elbow
• Cuff (bladder) length must be at least two-thirds of
Look at the child’s colour and ask if there have been any
the limb circumference
dramatic changes in this. Infants are now no longer
polycythaemic; indeed they are likely to be ‘physiologically’
anaemic (lower end of expected range for haemoglobin
is 9.4 g/dl at 2 months and 11.1 g/dl at 6 months). Central
cyanosis can be missed if a ‘dummy’ (or pacifier) is not Review
removed from the mouth.
Normal cardiovascular and respiratory ranges for
Capillary refill time is a very sensitive sign and should older babies and toddlers
be the same as for adults (less than 2–3 s). Environmental
cold stress can prolong the capillary refill time in otherwise • Heart rate: 110–150 beats/min (>160 tachycardia)
well babies. As in newborns, the cardiac output is mostly • Systolic blood pressure: 80–95 mmHg (depends on
regulated by rate rather than stroke volume. Tachycardia age and height)
is an important physical sign that needs evaluation, e.g. • Respiratory rate: 25–35 breaths/min (>40
febrile, unwell, upset and crying? tachypnoea)
Blood pressure should be measured in any sick infant
or when cardiovascular, renal, endocrine or neurological
diagnoses are being considered. The interpretation of a
single blood pressure measurement requires knowledge
Breathing and respiration
of three factors: what size of cuff was used relative to
the child’s upper arm; the size of the child; and what Watching and listening to the child’s respiratory pattern
emotional state the child was in at the time of is the most useful part of the examination of the respiratory
measurement. The cuff size is critical, as blood pressure system. Auscultation may add some more information,
measurements may be spuriously high if too small a cuff but is frequently ‘drowned’ by loud transmitted upper
is used or the infant is crying. Normal ranges are published respiratory tract breath sounds.
according to size and age. Look at the upper respiratory tract (in the ears, nose
Palpation of the apex beat is helpful because some and throat) at the end of the examination. Coryza (profuse
murmurs may be palpable as heaves or thrills. During discharge) and pink inflamed mucous membranes in the
auscultation of the heart sounds, normal splitting of the throat and ears are most likely to be caused by a viral
second heart sound may be difficult to hear in a tachycardic upper respiratory infection. Antibiotics are not required
child. unless a true secondary bacterial infection is suspected.
• Rashes in childhood are very common and all you • Meningococcal septicaemia (Fig. 12.35)
need is a simple and logical approach to make a • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (Fig. 12.36)
diagnosis most of the time. • Fingertip bruises in non-accidental injury (Fig. 12.37)
• The most clinically important rashes to recognise • Henoch–Schönlein purpura (Fig. 12.38)
promptly are ones that are purpuric (nonblanching)
• If the rash is erythematous (blanching) and is
associated with an intercurrent illness, then it is most
probably related to an infection: often viral and
• Any chronically itchy rash is likely to be eczema and
should be treated with emollients
Cranial nerve lesions are not very common. Here are • Young children are frequently brought to see their
three important ones: doctor
• Young children are undergoing the most rapid
• Probably the most common cranial nerve to
changes in development
malfunction is the eighth nerve. Sensorineural
• From the age of 4 months, a child is immunologically
hearing impairment occurs in approximately 0.1%
‘solo’ and is prone to have frequent viral illnesses
live births and has a variety of congenital and
(average 8–10 per year)
acquired causes
• When examining this age group, it is important to
• A lower motor seventh nerve lesion, as seen in a
engage the child in play if you are to be successful
Bell’s palsy, or after birth injury (forceps), is
reasonably common. Remember that there are a
number of causes, some more benign than others.
With Bell’s palsy check blood pressure and perform
an audiogram mingles with peers at playgroup and nursery. Their
• A sixth nerve palsy may be a sign of raised cooperation with your examination can be extremely
intracranial pressure (the affected eye looks medially variable and if you can make their visits to you fun, then
or convergently.) Most childhood squints are all the better.
convergent (or alternating) and are due to refraction
differences or ocular muscle imbalances
Growth during this phase appears almost linear on the
growth chart. In fact, the growth rate is decelerating by
approximately 30% over this period. It should be possible
now to estimate the midparental height centile and
Child development
compare it with that of the child’s height centile.
This is a difficult subject to summarise because of the
large degree of normal variation in acquisition of skills
(milestones). Always correct age for prematurity. Some
warning signs in the first year of life include: Review
• Any child whose parent expresses specific concerns Midparental height
about his or her development
• This calculation enables a prediction of the child’s
• The loss of any acquired skills (developmental
adult target height range
• The mean difference in final adult height is 14 cm
• Persistence of adducted thumbs from the neonatal
between men and women
• For boys add 14 cm to mother’s height
• No social smile by age 8 weeks
• For girls subtract 14 cm from father’s height
• No startling to sound or responding to nearby voices
• The midpoint between the parents’ corrected heights
by 8 weeks
is the midparental height
• Not visually fixing and following from before 8
• Definite asymmetry of tone and movement (with
head in midline) during the first year
• Not sitting unsupported by 8 months
• No polysyllabic babbling by 8 months
This period is characterised by advances in communication
and the use and understanding of language and involves
the transition from a mobile toddler, who communicates
only a little verbally, to the chattering 4-year-old, using
The preschool child sentences and telling long, involved stories. Social and
behavioural landmarks include the general behaviour
The preschool age group, 2–5 years of age, are the next of the child in relation to other adults and children, as
most frequent attenders of their doctors. In common with well as specific abilities, for example, potty training. The
younger children they will have a similar frequency of advances in language, speech and communication mean
viral illnesses and potential for accidental self-poisoning. that certain tests and facets of the clinical examination
These viral illnesses will be more frequent as the child are approaching those used in adults.
Most of this age group start off on their parent’s lap. Ask All of the points made previously about acute abdominal
the siblings questions as well during your history-taking. problems can occur but now much less commonly. If
The confident and relaxed child will begin to explore the the child is on a bed or couch it is important to make
room before too long and will be happy to supply small sure that a parent is near the head end. It is
pieces of the history (e.g. siblings’ names). The history worthwhile kneeling down, making sure the child’s
may need to contain all of the details noted for a younger eye level is above yours and looking at the child’s face,
child but details about the pregnancy and so on are not the belly.
becoming less relevant. It is likely that an abdominal examination will be
The history should include details about developmental successful as long as one does not mention whether the
skills acquired and whether the parents or health visitor child is ticklish, otherwise it can all become hopelessly
have any concerns. Other specific points include diet ‘giggly’. Sometimes this can be avoided by allowing the
(peak age for incidence of dietary iron-deficiency child to palpate his or her own tummy, with your hand
anaemia), exercise tolerance and coughing (asthma is on top.
commonly underdiagnosed). Leg posture and gait are a frequent source of parental
anxiety as the toddler gains confidence on his or her feet.
Genu varus (bow legs) is normal early on and there is
EXAMINATION then a tendency to genu valgus (knock knees) before
Generally this is best done on the parent’s lap. Even a more straight leg grows in school-age children
the most apparently confident child may become (Fig. 12.39).
upset when placed alone on an examination couch. Again the hip joint may be a focus of concern because
Focus on the area of interest first and save the less of a limp or leg, thigh or knee pain. The limits of external
pleasant parts until last. Make a game of it all and and internal rotation can help decide what needs further
satisfy any curiosity expressed by the child (e.g. by evaluation.
letting them listen to mummy’s heart or look in daddy’s Neurology and development
Gait and gross motor abilities are assessed as the child is
Circulation and cardiovascular system playing in the room. Fine motor abilities can now be
readily assessed with a pencil and paper, by asking the
An opportunity to auscultate the heart is now less of a child to copy various shapes: a circle by age 3 years, a
priority and checking the perfusion (capillary refill time) cross by 4 years, a square by 4 years 6 months and
pulse and blood pressure (if indicated) can be done before triangles by 5 years. Language and speech can be harder
then. to assess. Hearing can be checked using free field
The fall in heart rate means that the first and second audiometry. Vision can be tested with shape- or letter-
heart sounds can be more carefully assessed. Innocent, matching by the age of approximately 3 years. Social and
benign flow-related murmurs are also common in this behavioural skills are either observed or enquired about
age group. with the history.
The neurological examination is now somewhere
Breathing and respiration between what was described for toddlers and a more
Observation of the chest shape and respiratory pattern adult format. Reflexes, fundoscopy, visual fields and
are again invaluable. Auscultation is seldom rewarding
in the absence of observed respiratory distress. Peak
flow measurements are not reproducible until age 4–5
Normal cardiovascular and respiratory ranges for
preschool children
specific motor and coordination tasks are all possible, as the midparental centile. Accelerations in height velocity
long as the child perceives your examination as fun. may be attributed to an excessive weight gain (not
uncommon) or more importantly (and rarely) to endocrine
causes (e.g. precocious puberty). Decelerations may be
due to inadequately managed or unrecognised chronic
Examination of preschool children illness (e.g. asthma or coeliac disease) or endocrine
• The preschool child is usually very healthy problems (Figs 12.40, 12.41).
• Thoughtful examination is needed, assessing the
most relevant system first DEVELOPMENT
• The examination should be fun for both patient and
These children are spending the majority of the day away
from home, at school. They will become more independent
from their parents and carers but more dependent on
their peer group. Social and behavioural aspects of
The school-aged child development are now more important. Language and
cognitive skills, literacy and numeracy are further
The school-age group, 5–10+ years of age (until the onset developed in class and at home. Vision, hearing and
of puberty), are seen less often by their doctors. It is also motor skills are approaching adult abilities.
the age at which psychological factors are beginning to
play a bigger role in how and what the child may complain HISTORY
of to their parents and doctors.
It is a good idea to invite the child to be the historian and
rely on the parent for back-up. Some will want their
GROWTH parents to give all the history, whereas others may be
The growth in this age group is steady but slowly very capable historians. This will depend on the child’s
decelerating. The height will usually be following near character, previous (good or bad) experience of a doctor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205 Mid parental height (MPH)
6'6" 200 200
195 195
6'3" 190 GIRLS 0-20yrs Height 190 Father (F) = 175 cm
6'0" 185 185 Mother (M) = 170 cm
180 99.6th
5'9" 175 98th
175 F+ M
170 170 MPH = – 7 cm =
5'6" 75th
165 50th 165
5'3" 160 25th
160 345
9th – 7 cm = 165.5 cm
5'0" 155 2nd
155 2
150 0.4th
4'9" 145
110 Target height is on 50th
4'6" 140 X
135 105 centile ± 10 cm
4'3" 130 100
125 95 Note: subtract 7 cm for
4'0" 120 99.6th 90
Start 85 estimate of girls' height
3'9" 115
110 thyroxine 98th 80
3'6" 105 75
3'3" 100 91st
95 75th 65
3'0" 90 60
2'9" 85 25th 55
80 9th 50
2'6" 75 2nd
2'3" 70 40
65 35
2'0" 60 30
1'9" 55 25
50 20
1'6" 45 15
10 Breast 4+ 10
5 stage 2+
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
0 0
Pubic hair 4+
stage 2+
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
Age, Years Menarche
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.40 Growth failure: juvenile hypothyroidism. These growth charts demonstrate an 11-year-old girl diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
Note how her height velocity has decelerated with a retarded bone age. After starting thyroxine she loses weight, her height catches up and
her puberty progresses rapidly (see Figs 12.43 and 12.44). (© Child Growth Foundation, adapted with permission.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205 Mid parental height (MPH)
6'6" 200 200
195 99.6th
195 Father (F) = 172 cm
6'3" 190 BOYS 0-20yrs Height 98th
185 Mother (M) = 169 cm
6'0" 75th
180 50th
5'9" 175 25th 175 F+ M
170 170 MPH = + 7 cm =
5'6" 9th
165 2nd
5'3" 160 160 341
0.4th + 7 cm = 177.5 cm
155 155 2
150 150
4'9" 145 Target height is on 50th
140 110
4'6" 105 centile ± 10 cm
135 99.6th
4'3" 130 100
125 95 Note: add 7 cm for
4'0" 120
X estimate of boys' height
3'9" 115 91st 85
110 80
3'6" 105 75th 75
3'3" 100 50th 70
95 X 25th 65
3'0" 90 9th 60
2'9" 85 2nd 55
80 STARTS 0.4th 50
2'6" 75 GROWTH 45
2'3" 70 HORMONE 40
65 35
2'0" 60 30
1'9" 55 25
50 20
1'6" 45 15
10 Penis
stage 3+ 10
5 99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th 5
0 Pubic hair 4+
stage 2+
99.6th 98th 91st 75th 50th 25th 9th 2nd 0.4th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.41 Growth failure: early idiopathic growth hormone deficiency. This boy’s infant growth appears reasonably normal, although
perhaps less than his midparental height may suggest. His height velocity decelerates drastically by the age of 5 years and the diagnosis
is made. Growth hormone supplementation through the rest of childhood and adolescence provides catch-up growth and a reasonable
final adult height. His puberty is a little later than average (see Fig. 12.44 for pubertal stages). (© Child Growth Foundation, adapted with
and how ill they are. Children with chronic diseases are Review
often poor at the long-term history but more reliable with
Normal cardiovascular and respiratory ranges for
the acute story. It is important to pitch the questions in school-age children
terms the child understands and which are not patronising
(e.g. using the family’s terms for faeces, penis, bottom • Heart rate: 80–120 beats/min (>120 tachycardia)
and so on). • Systolic blood pressure: 90–110 mmHg (depends on
Background information about the home and especially age and height)
school is important. Establish how much the presenting • Respiratory rate: 20–25 breaths/min (>25
complaint affects the child’s life at school and at home. tachypnoea)
If only school time is affected then the problem may not
be an organic one. Hobbies, sports and pastimes give
other clues to the seriousness of the illness and its impact
on the child’s life.
Examination of school-age children
EXAMINATION • School-age children are usually very healthy and do
The sequence of the examination is now more or less not see their doctors much
dictated by you. There are very few differences in • Examination is in a manner similar to adults, as long
technique from examining adults, except that the as everything is explained adequately
examination should continue to be fun. Peak flow can • Psychological factors are becoming increasingly
be used as a reproducible way of monitoring asthma relevant
(Fig. 12.42).
Fig. 12.42 Normal peak expiratory flow (PEF) values in children Fig. 12.43 Height velocity in girls and boys. Note how before the
pubertal growth spurt there is little difference in girls’ and boys’
correlate best with height; with increasing age, larger differences
height velocities. Also note that girls’ pubertal height velocity peaks
occur between the sexes. These predicted values are based on the
are earlier and less tall than those for boys. These are thought to be
formulae given in: Cotes J. E. 1979 Lung function, 4th edn. Blackwell
the main factors determining the difference in adult male and female
Scientific, London. Adapted for EU scale Mini-Wright peak flow
meters by C. Clarke.
Adolescents 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
205 205 Mid parental height (MPH)
6'6" 200 200
195 99.6th
6'3" 190 BOYS 0-20yrs Height 98th
190 Father (F) = 170 cm
6'0" 185
185 Mother (M) = 165 cm
180 50th
5'9" 175 25th 175 F+ M
5'6" 170 9th 170 MPH = + 7 cm =
165 165 2
5'3" 160 160 335
+ 7 cm = 174.5 cm
5'0" 155 155 2
150 150
4'9" 145 X
140 110 Target height is between
4'6" 105 25th and 50th centile ±
135 99.6th
4'3" 130 100 10 cm
125 95
4'0" 120
3'9" 115 85 Note: add 7 cm for
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 12.45 Constitutional delay in growth and puberty. Note how final adult height is near the tenth centile as predicted by the growth
velocity observed between age 4 and 10 years. He was most psychologically stressed in his 16th year (see Figs 12.43 and 12.44). (© Child
Growth Foundation, adapted with permission.)
Differential diagnosis
important to direct your questions primarily to the patient,
and only when necessary to the parent or carer.
Constitutional delay in growth and puberty
Details about the family and relationships between
• This condition is most common in boys members of the household are important. Details about
• Patients usually have a history of growing in the school, progress with school work, hobbies, sports,
lower quartile of the normal range but by the middle pastimes and friendships can all help give an indication
teenage years are very much shorter than their peers of how the adolescent is coping with the increasing
(at this time they present to a specialist clinic) stresses of the real world. Again, it is easier to take a quick
• Severe psychological stress may result from this trip through this part of the history at the beginning
genetic and physiological delay in puberty because, if problems of psychosocial issues arise later, it
• Pharmacologically inducing puberty is an effective can seem awkward to ‘go back’ and ask the straightforward
way of relieving the stress suffered by these patients questions.
Over the next 2 years in girls, and 3 years in boys, there Most adolescents are very self-conscious of their
are changes in body shape and composition (lean mass appearance, so make sure they have suitable facilities to
and distribution of body fat) along with growth of pubic prevent undue embarrassment (e.g. blankets and screens
hair (and facial and body hair in boys). around the examination couch). The examining doctor
In girls, when the growth spurt (height velocity) will need to decide during the history-taking whether the
decelerates to less than 4 cm per year, the menarche can parent is to be invited alongside the patient. Which side
occur; height continues to increase for 1.5–2 years after of the screens should the parent stay? This can be difficult
the menarche. Final adult height is achieved when the to get right every time. When an adolescent is seen alone
bony epiphyses fuse in the vertebrae and along the long during the physical examination, it is advisable to include
bones of the leg. It is impossible to evaluate an adolescent’s a chaperone in the examination room.
growth without knowledge of what stage of pubertal Apart from the assessment of growth and puberty and
development they have reached. attention to the adolescent and parent relationship, the
rest of the examination will be similar to that for an adult
Adolescents 12
There are so many presentations, symptoms and signs to • At 6–8 months (corrected) old, act if any of the
take a special note of in paediatric medicine. The following is present/absent:
contents of this chapter and this list are no substitute for • obvious hand preference
a standard text in clinical paediatrics and the clinical • fisting of hands
experience gained in the clinic, emergency department • squint (strabismus).
or on the wards. The following are some that are • Persistence of primitive reflexes. Requires expert
considered to be important. developmental examination.
History • At 12 months (corrected) old, expert developmental
• When the parents express grave concern about the examination is required if any of the following is
rapidity of their child’s illness. This is a finding in present/absent:
children with evolving bacterial septicaemia • unable to sit or bear weight
• Any child with any injury where the history is not • persistence of hand regard
consistent with the examination findings. This could • absence of babbling and cooing
be a child protection problem; refer to senior • absence of saving reactions.
colleagues. • At 18 months (corrected) age, expert developmental
• Jaundice in babies under 48 hours old. This is a examination is required if any of the following is
haemolytic neonatal jaundice until proven otherwise. present/absent:
• Persisting jaundice in neonates who have pale stools • inability to stand without support
and dark urine. This is caused by biliary/liver disease • inability to understand simple commands
until proven otherwise. • no spontaneous vocalisation
• Vomiting that is bile stained. This is a surgical cause • no pincer grip
(obstruction/intussusception/ appendicitis) until proven • casting (throwing) still present.
otherwise. Examination
• Passage of blood per rectum. Cause may be surgical • Young children who appear ‘too good/quiet’ (e.g. not
or infective, but can also be due to local causes. crying/complaining) may be more ill than at first
• Persisting and ongoing fever for more than 5 days. appears, as may children who are ‘inconsolable’ (i.e.
Diagnosis of Kawasaki’s disease needs to be too irritable) to their parent’s attempts at soothing
considered. them. The seriously ill child can easily be overlooked
Growth because of their lack of interaction.
• Children whose plotted height, weight or head • Nonblanching (purpuric) spots in a child with fever.
circumference are crossing centiles in a dramatic way Meningococcal bacteraemia can be easily overlooked
(deviation may be upwards but more often in the early stages of the illness.
downwards). Deviation in previous growth patterns • Bulging fontanelle. May suggest raised intracranial
require evaluation of accurate longitudinal data. pressure (ICP) or even meningitis.
• Development of secondary sexual characteristics • Abnormal posture (e.g. opisthotonus, or tripod
before age 8 years in girls and age 10 years in boys. stance). Children will always adopt positions of
Suggests precocious puberty. comfort; if they appear not to, ask yourself why, what
is the discomfort due to?
• Children whose heart rate and/or respiratory rate is
• Any history suggestive of regression (i.e. loss of
sustained and above the normal range for age (out of
previously acquired skills). Indicates possible
proportion to their fever). Refer to age-specific normal
neurodegenerative condition.
ranges. Persistent tachycardia suggests bacteraemia
• At 8 weeks (corrected) old, act if any of the following
and tachypnoea suggests lower respiratory tract
is present/absent:
infection (LRTI).
• failure to fix and follow a visual stimulus
• Any child with central cyanosis (look at the tongue)
• failure to startle to sound
and any child with oxygen saturation <92% in air.
• failure to smile responsively.
Always look at central mucous membrane colour
• Any obvious asymmetry of neonatal reflexes or
(remove the pacifier), use pulse oximeter if available.
persistence of head lag. Requires expert
developmental examination.
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A perinephric, 21
peritonsillar, 102, 104
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), 35,
36, 38
Abdomen, 186–225 Abstract thinking, 311 failure, 40, 41
auscultation, 219–20 Acanthosis nigricans, 80 Aerophagy, 199
contours, 205–6, 206 Accessory auricles, 87, 87 Afferent pathways, 307
disorders symptoms, 193–203 Accessory (eleventh) nerve, 356, 356–7, Afterload, heart, 143
distension, 126, 205–6 357, 411 Agnosia, 313
examination, 56, 204, 204–20 Accessory muscles of respiration, 127, 135, Agraphia, 316
cardiovascular disease, 173–4 400 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency
gynaecological disorders, 242–3 Achalasia of the cardia, 194 syndrome), 120
infants, 411 Achilles tendon, 300–1 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 78
newborns, 400–2 jerk, 32, 33 skin lesions, 60
preschool children, 413 rupture, 301 Air bronchogram, 133, 134
inspection, 205–7, 206 Acid-base balance, 112 Air conduction, 91, 92
pain, 196–9, 197, 198 Acidophil tumours, 39 Airflow limitation, chronic, 135, 136
systems review, 8 Acidosis, 126 see also Asthma; Bronchitis; Emphysema
palpation, 207–9, 208, 209 Acne rosacea, 96 Airways obstruction, 114–15
percussion, 217–18 Acne vulgaris, 64, 64 Albinism, 23, 25, 25, 61
quadrants, 204, 205 Acoustic (eighth) nerve, 353, 353–4, 411 Albumin, 47
responses, 367, 367 Acoustic neuroma, 85 Alcohol consumption
segments, 204–5, 205 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome see history, 6
structure and function, 186–93, 186–93 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome, 36
Abdominal aorta, 208 syndrome) Aldosterone, 35–6
aneurysm, 174, 174, 209, 217 Acrocyanosis, 398 Alexia, 316
branches of, 217 Acromegaly, 21, 39, 39, 40, 40 Alkalosis, 112
palpation, 209, 209, 217, 217, 218 ACTH see Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Allergic contact dermatitis, 68
Abdominal paradox, 126 (ACTH) Allergic rhinitis, 98
Abdominal wall, bony landmarks, 204, 204 Acute coronary syndrome, 154–5, 177–8 Alopecia, 60, 60, 80
Abducens (sixth) nerve, 332–45, 411 Adam’s apple, 100 Alveolar macrophage, 106
palsy, 338, 339, 343, 344 Addison’s disease, 37, 37–8 Alzheimer’s disease, 314
Abduction, 271, 272 pigmentation in, 46 history taking, 10
elbow, 282 skin colour, 61 Ambulatory ECG, 145
hand, 286, 287, 288–9 Adduction, 271, 272 Amenorrhoea, 39, 195, 226, 238
hip, 290–1, 293, 295, 295 hand, 286, 287, 288–9 secondary, 239–40
shoulder, 279, 280 hip, 290–1, 292, 292, 295, 295, 401 Amino acids, 189
Abductor digiti minimi, 286, 289, 289 shoulder, 279, 280 Amnesia, 315
Abductor pollicis brevis, 286, 289, 289 Adductor majoris, 291 Amphiarthroses, 266–7
Abductor pollicis longus, 284 Adductor pollicis, 286, 289, 289 Ampicillin, skin reactions to, 64, 65
Aberrant reinnervation, 352 Adenohypophysis, 38 Ampulla of Vater, 189
Abnormal thoughts and perceptions, 318 Adenoids, 51, 51, 99 Amylase, 187
Abscess ADH see Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Amyotrophy, neuralgic, 281, 282
Bartholin’s, 244, 245 Adnexae of uterus, 237, 237–8 Anaemia, 113
breast, 234, 235 palpation, 249–50, 250 menstrual disorders, 242
cerebral, 89 see also Ovaries pallor, 45
dental, 96 Adolescents, 416–18 Anagen hair growth, 58
fever, 50 Adrenal glands, 35–8 Anarthria, 315
lung, 116, 131 position of, 27 Anasarca, 47, 49, 175, 263
Birds, allergy to, 119 inspection, 231, 231–2, 232 Caloric test, 92
Bivalve speculum, 245 lumps, 231, 232, 234 Cancellous bone, 265
Biventricular heart failure, 176, 176 lymphatic drainage, 229–30 Cancer, skin manifestations of, 80
Blackheads, 64 muscles underlying, 229 see also specific cancer
Blackouts, 156–7 pain, 230–1 Candida albicans, 74, 241, 241
Bladder palpation, 232–3, 233 Candidiasis, 59, 74
control, altered, 8 segmental anatomy, 229 oral, 102
cystocele, 244 structure and function, 229, 229–30, 230 scrotal, 260, 261
disease, 202–3 symptoms of disease, 230–1 vaginal, 244, 245
pain, 203 Breasts, neonatal development, 406 Capillary pulmonary hypertension, 181
percussion in distended, 218, 219 Breath sounds, 130, 131, 133 Capillary refill time, 44
prolapsing, 238, 238 Breathing, 108 infants, 409
Blepharospasm, 353 bronchial, 130–1, 131, 132 Carbohydrate digestion, 187, 189
Blind spots, 324, 328 infants, 409–11 Carbon dioxide, 108, 109
Blistering lesions, 75–6 newborns, 400 dissociation curve, 112, 112
Blocked nose, 95 patterns, 126–7 retention, 122–3, 127
Blood preschool children, 413 Carbuncle, 72
in the mouth, 100 Breathlessness see Dyspnoea Cardiac enzymes, 177
in stools, 200 Broad ligament, 238 Cardiac syncope, 156
Blood gases, 109, 111–12 Broca’s aphasia, 315 Cardiac tamponade, 183–4, 184
Blood pressure Broca’s area, 308, 310 Cardinal ligaments, 238
assessment for dehydration, 44 Brodmann’s cortical areas, 307, 307 Cardiogenic shock, 45
assessment for shock, 44–5 Bronchi, 108 Cardiomyopathy, 182, 182
infants, 409 Bronchial breathing, 130–1, 131, 132 dilated, 169, 182
measuring, 161–4, 162 Bronchial carcinoma, 117, 124 hypertrophic, 160, 160, 182, 182
in respiratory disease, 123 clubbing, 121 restrictive, 182
see also Hypertension; Hypotension lung collapse, 135 Cardiovascular system, 139–85
Blue bloaters, 45, 127, 127 Bronchial secretions, 106 and abdominal examination, 173–4
Blue spots, 405 see also Sputum and chest examination, 173
Body attitude, 20 Bronchial tree, 108 clinical history, 152–7
Body language, 3, 20–1 Bronchiectasis examination, 56, 157–64
Body lice, 75 crackles, 132 infants, 409
Body mass index (BMI), 41 haemoptysis, 117 newborns, 398–400
Body temperature see Temperature, body lung collapse, 136 preschool children, 413
Boil see Furuncle sputum production, 116 review, 7
Bone Bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma, 116 structure and function, 139, 139–44
disease symptoms, 267 Bronchitis, 110 in the unconscious patient, 383
examination, 269 lung volumes in, 111 see also Arteries; Heart; Veins
pain, 267 sputum production, 116 Carey Coombs murmur, 183
structure and function, 265, 265–6 wheezing, 132 Carotenaemia, 46, 61
Bone conduction, 91, 92 Bronchopneumonia, 133 Carotid arteries, 308, 309
Bornholm disease, 117 Bronchospasm, 132 Carotid pulse, 160, 160, 164, 168, 168
Bouchard’s nodes, 287 Brown-Séquard lesion, 380, 381 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 285, 290, 290
Boutonnière deformity, 269–70, 270 Bruises, 62, 410 Carpometacarpal joint, 287
Bow legs see Genu varum Bruits Carpopedal spasm, 35
Bowel habit change, 8, 199–201, 200 femoral artery, 178 Carrying angle, 282, 282
Bowel paralysis, 219 listening for, 219–20, 220 Cartilage, 265–6
Bowel sounds, 219 renal artery, 174 Catagen hair growth, 58
Boyle’s law, 110 thyroid gland, 29 Cauliflower ears, 87
Brachial lymph nodes, 52 Buccal mucosa, 101–2 Causalgia, 377
Brachial plexus, 290, 291, 375 Buccinator, 350 Cavernous haemangioma, 405
Brachial pulse, 159, 159 Budd–Chiari syndrome, 213 Cavernous sinuses, 335, 337, 344
Brachialis, 282, 283 Buffalo hump, 37 Cellular naevus, 77
Brachioradialis, 282, 283, 284 Bulbar palsy, 315 Cellulitis, 72, 72
Bradycardia, 145, 146, 146 Bulge sign, 297 Central cyanosis, 46
Bradykinesia, 368 Bullous pemphigoid, 75, 75, 76 cardiovascular disease, 158
Bragard’s test, 275–6, 277 Bundle of His, 146 infants, 409
Brain death, 387–9, 388 Burst neurons, 335 respiratory disease, 122, 123
Brainstem Butterfly rash, 80 right to left shunts, 151, 151
disorders, 381, 382, 382 Central neurogenic hyperventilation, 385,
reflexes, 387, 388
Breakthrough bleeding, 240
C 386, 386, 387
Central venous pressure, 47
Breastfeeding history, 398 Café-au-lait patches, 62, 62, 76 Central vertigo, 86
Breasts, female, 226–51 Calcium content of bone, 265 Cephalohaematomas, 402
abscess, 234, 235 Calculation, intelligence, 311 Cerebellar arteries, 309, 372
cancer, 233, 234 Calculi, renal, 34 Cerebellum, 371–4
development, 226, 227 Calf muscles, 299, 300 ataxia, 373
discharge, 231, 234 pseudohypertrophy, 304, 304, 363 disease, 306
examination, 56, 231–5, 232 Calgary-Cambridge consultation model, 1 lesions, 315, 374, 374, 375
Cerebral abscess, 89 Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis, 87 Congestive heart failure, 176, 176
Cerebral arteries, 308, 309, 310 Chondroitin sulphate, 57 ankle swelling, 47
Cerebral cortex see Cortex Chondromata, ears, 87–8 jugular venous pulse, 165–6
Cerebral haemorrhage, 372 Chorda tympani, 82 Conjugate eye movements, 337–8
Cerebral hypoperfusion, 45 Chordae tendineae, 142, 142 Conjunctival oedema, 31
Cerebral infarction, 372, 374 Chordee, 406 Conjunctival pallor, 45, 45
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 84, 308 Chorea, 368–9, 371 Conjunctivitis, 23, 256, 256
Cervical rib syndrome, 290 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Conn’s syndrome, 36
Cervical spine, 274–5, 275, 278 (COPD), 109, 133 Consciousness, loss of, 8
lymph nodes, 52, 52, 54, 54, 100, 123 Chronic pulmonary thromboembolic disease, see also Syncope; Unconscious patient
nerve roots, 283, 284, 286 181 Consolidation, 131, 133, 134
radiculopathy, 281, 281 Chvostek’s sign, 34, 35 Constipation, 8, 199–200, 222
Cervicitis, 241 Chylomicrons, 189 Constrictive pericarditis, 123, 165, 184,
Cervicothoracic junction fractures, 279 Cigarette smoking see Tobacco smoking 184–5
Cervix, uterine, 222, 224, 236, 237 Cilia syndromes, 106 Constructional ability, 311, 312
abnormalities, 247–8, 249 Ciliary flush, 23 Constructional apraxia, 315
cancer, 247 Circadian rhythm, adrenal cortex hormones, Consultation, 1–3, 2, 10–19
ectopy, 247 35 Contact dermatitis, 68, 68
erosions, 247 Circle of Willis, 308 Contact lens abrasion, 23
examination, 246–8, 247, 248, 248–9 Cirrhosis, 201, 201, 213 Contours, abdominal, 205–6
smear, 247–8, 248 Clarke’s column, 375 Contraceptive pill, 239
Chadwick’s sign, 247 Clasp-knife effect, 362 Conversion hysteria, 320
Chancre, 72, 72, 73 Claudication, 157 Cooper’s ligaments, 229, 230
Chancroid, 244 Clavicles, percussion, 129, 129 Coordination, loss of, 9
Charcot joint, 380, 380 Cleft palate, 404 Cor pulmonale, 117, 123, 127
Charcot’s triad, 374 Climateric, 228–9 Coracohumeral ligament, 266
Cheilosis, 186 Clitoris, 236 Cornea
Chemosis, 31 Clonus, 366, 367, 367 abrasion, 23
Chest Cloquet’s gland, 220 disease, 23
auscultation, 130, 130–3 Closed questions, 3, 4 reflex, 347, 347, 349, 388
examination, 125, 125–33, 126, 173 Clubbing, 80, 80, 121, 121–2, 133, 151, Corns, 301
expansion, 128–9, 129 151, 158 Coronary arteries, 148–9, 149
palpation, 127–8 Coarctation of the aorta, 159, 159 disease, 176, 176–8, 177
percussion, 129, 129–30 Cochlea, 82–3, 85, 353, 353 stenosis, 154
Chest pain Coeliac disease, 76 Corpora cavernosa, 254, 254
cardiovascular system, 154, 154–5 Cognition, 318 Corpus albicans, 238
musculoskeletal, 155 see also Mental state Corpus luteum, 228, 228, 238
red flags, 155 Cogwheel effect, 362, 363 Corpus spongiosum, 254, 254
symptoms, 4 Colic, 198 Cortex, 307–17, 376
systems review, 7 biliary, 197 areas, 307
see also Chest wall, pain; Pleuritic chest pain renal, 197, 203 clinical application, 314–17
Chest wall Collagen, 57, 265 disorder symptoms, 308–9
inspection, 125, 125–6 Collapsing pulse, 151, 159, 172 examination, 310–14
pain, 117 Collateral ligaments, 295, 297, 297 lesions, 381
symptoms, 4 Collateral veins, 201, 201, 207 structure and function, 307–8
systems review, 7 Collecting ducts, 193 Corticospinal neurons, 359
palpation, 128 Colles’ fracture, 284, 285 Corticosteroids, 35
paradox, 126 Colon, 188, 190 Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), 35,
Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 126, 385, 386, abdominal palpitation, 208 36
386, 387 Colour of patient, 45, 45–6, 174 Cortisol, 35, 36
Chiari malformation, 355 see also Cyanosis Coryza, 409
Chiasmatic lesions, 331, 332 Colour vision, 324, 325 Costal margin, 204, 211
Chicken pox, 74 Columella, 93 Costochondritis, 155
Chief cells, 187 Coma see Unconscious patient Cough, 7, 115
Child-Pugh classification of liver disease, 213 Comedones, 64 Cough reflex, 106
Children, 390–419 Communicating arteries, 309 Cough syncope, 156
abuse, 392, 410 Communication skills, 1, 3 Courvoisier’s law, 214, 214
red flags, 419 Compensatory postures, 293 Cover testing, 338, 338
see also specific age range Compound naevus, 76 Crab louse, 75
Chills, 50 Comprehension testing, 313 Crackles, 47, 132, 173
Chlamydia trachomatis, 241, 244 Compulsions, 318 Cramps, muscle, 269
Chloasma, 61 Computerised tomography (CT), 105, 107 Cranial arteritis, 321
Cholecystitis, 197, 213 Conduction aphasia, 316 Cranial diabetes insipidus, 40
Cholecystokinin, 189, 191, 192 Conductive deafness, 85, 91 Cranial nerves, 321–59
Cholestasis, 201 Condylomata acuminata, 72, 73, 244, 245, examination, 358, 411–12
chronic, 46, 46 258 lesions in infants, 412
fat-soluble vitamin deficiency, 43 Condylomata lata see Syphilis symptoms, 9, 359
Cholesteryl embolus, 329, 329 Confidentiality, 17 see also specific nerve
Chondroblasts, 265–6 Congenital abnormalities, 87, 404, 404–6 Cremasteric reflex, 367
Granuloma inguinale, 244 Head circumference measurement, 393, Hiatus hernia, 194, 194
Grasp reflex, 314, 314, 317 393, 397, 402, 402 Hilar lymph nodes, 52
Graves’ disease, 30–2, 31, 32 Head lice, 75 Hindgut pain, 198, 198
bruits, 29 Head position, 354 Hip joint, 290–5, 292, 293, 294, 295
Grey Turner’s sign, 207 Head rotation, 356, 357 in infants, 411
Grip, 21 Headache, 8, 320–1 in newborns, 401, 401–2
Groin Hearing, 82–3 Hirsutism, 60–1, 242
examination, 220–1, 221 loss see Deafness History-taking, 1, 3–7
strains, 294 Heart, 139–85 adolescents, 418
Grommets, 90, 90 auscultation, 167, 167–73, 398, 399 background information, 5–6
Growth autonomic effects on the, 145 biomedical perspective, 4
adolescents, 416, 416–17, 417 blood supply, 148–51 children, 390–2
failure, 21, 394, 414, 415 chambers, 139, 140 elderly people, 18
in general, 393–5 disease, 117–18, 158, 158 exploration of patient’s problems, 3–4
infants, 408 electrical activity of the, 144, 144–5 infants, 408–9
newborns, 397 enlargement, 142, 142 newborns, 398
phases of, 393 muscle, 141, 141–2 past medical history, 6–7
preschool children, 412 structure and function, 139, 139–44, 140 preschool children, 413
school-aged children, 414 valves, 142, 142, 170, 170 psychosocial perspective, 4–5
Growth charts, 394–5, 395 Heart block, 146, 146 recording, 11, 12–13
Growth hormone (GH), 38 Heart failure, 175–6 school-aged children, 414–15
deficiency, 415 acute, 175, 175 skin, 59
excess, 21, 39 chronic, 175–6, 176 see also specific system
failure, 40, 41 oedema, 174–5 Hoarseness, 100–1
Grunting, 400 Heart sounds, 142–4, 143–4, 168–70, Hobbies and respiratory disease, 119
Guarding, 198 168–73 Hodgkin’s disease, 50
Gummas, 72, 262 newborns, 398, 399 Holmes-Adie syndrome, 341
Gut bacteria, 201 Heartburn, 7, 194 Holocrine secretion, 58
Guttate psoriasis, 59, 69, 69 Heberden’s nodes, 287 Holosystolic murmur, 171
Gynaecomastia, male, 232, 233, 258, Heel-knee-shin test, 373, 374 Holter monitoring, 145
258 Heel-toe walking, 374, 374 Homan’s sign, 49, 180
Hegar’s sign, 249 Home circumstances, history, 6
H Height
measurement, 394, 394, 412, 414,
Hordeolum, 72
Horizontal saccades, 334–5, 336
Haematemesis, 7, 100, 116, 196 414–17 Hormones
Haematuria, 203 midparental, 412 gastrointestinal, 189
Haemochromatosis, 46, 61 norms in adults, 41, 41 in puberty, 226, 252–3, 253
skin colour, 61 Hemianopia, 325, 331, 333, 334 Horner’s syndrome, 124, 291, 340, 340
Haemoglobin, 122, 157–8 Hemiballismus, 369, 371 Hospital wards, consultation in, 2
Haemoptysis, 7, 100, 116–17, 133 Hemidesmosomes, 57 Hospitalised patients, posture, 21
Haemorrhage Hemifacial spasm, 352, 352 Hostile patients, 10
cerebral, 372 Hemiplegia, 357, 363 House dust mites, 114
splinter, 79, 158, 158 acute, 364 Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), 228
subconjunctival, 23 gait, 305, 305 Humerus, 282
Haemorrhagic pancreatitis, 207 Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), 410 fracture, 280
Haemorrhoids, 201, 224 Hepatic encephalopathy, 201, 212–13, 213 Hung up reflexes, 373
Haemosiderosis, 61 Hepatitis, 196, 201 Huntington’s disease, 341–2, 371
Hair Hepatocellular disease, 201, 212–13 Hyaline bodies, 329, 329
dermatophytes, 74 Hepatocytes, 190–1, 191 Hyaline cartilage, 266
disease, 60, 60–1 damage, 201 Hyaline laminae, 274
pubic see Pubic hair Hepatomegaly, 211, 212 Hyaluronic acid, 57
structure and function, 58 Herald patch, 70 Hydatid of Morgagni, 255
Hairline, low, 405 Herniae Hydration, clinical assessment of, 44, 44
Hairy tongue, 102 divarication, 206, 206 Hydrocele, 260–1, 262, 401
Halitosis, 98 femoral, 220, 221 Hydrochloric acid, 187
Hallpike (Dix-Hallpike) test, 92–3 hiatus, 194, 194 Hydronephrosis, 217
Hallucinations, 318, 322 incisional, 206, 206 Hydrosalpinx, 250
Hallux rigidus, 301 inguinal, 206, 206, 220–1, 260 Hydrostatic pressure, 47, 47
Hallux valgus, 301, 301 linea alba, 206 Hydrothorax, 47
Hammer toe, 301, 301 paraumbilical, 206, 206 Hydroxyapatite, 265
Hamstrings, 291, 292, 298 scrotal, 258, 258, 260 Hyperacusis, 351
Handedness, 9, 311 transtentorial, 386, 387 Hyperadrenalism see Cushing’s syndrome
Hands, 286, 286–90 umbilical, 401, 401 Hyperbilirubinaemia, 61
in heart disease, 158, 158 uncal, 386, 387 Hypercalcaemia, 34
muscle wasting, 362, 362 Herpes simplex, 73, 73–4, 244, 245 Hypercapnia, 388
Handshake, 21, 21 Herpes zoster, 62, 74, 74, 117 Hypercholesterolaemia, familial, 23, 26, 26,
Haversian canals, 265 Hertel exophthalmometer, 31 27
Hay fever, 98 Heschl’s gyrus, 353 Hyperextension, 271
Head and neck lymph nodes, 53–4, 54 Hesitancy, urinary, 203 Hyperinflation, 136, 211
Kernig’s sign, 384, 384 Leydig cells, 252, 254 defence and histology, 105–8
Kidneys, 192–3, 193 Lhermitte’s phenomenon, 371, 381 effect of disease on other structures, 117–18
disease, 202–3 Libido, 8, 241 fibrosis see Fibrosis, lung
examination, 215–17 loss of, 238 (see also Impotence) function, 108–9
pain, 203 Lice, 75 lobes see Lobes, lung
palpation, 216, 216–17 Lichen planus, 70–1, 71, 102 volume, 109, 109–10, 110
polycystic disease, 174, 217 Lid lag, 31, 31, 32 in disease, 111
stones, 34 Light reflex, 82, 89, 89 Lunule, 59
surface markings, 216 Light touch, 378, 378 Lupus pernio, 80, 124
see also entries beginning with Renal Limbs Luteinising hormone (LH), 38, 226, 227,
Knee, 295–9, 296, 298, 299 in cerebellar disorders, 373, 373 252, 253, 254
clonus, 366, 367 clumsiness, 372 failure, 40, 41
deformities, 269, 269 cranial nerve symptoms, 9 Lymph, 47
pain, 294, 298 length measurement, 292, 294 Lymph nodes, 51, 51, 52, 52
reflexes, 366, 366 lower see Lower limb enlargement see Lymphadenopathy
Knock-knees see Genu valgum spastic, 363 examination of, 53–5
Koebner phenomenon, 69, 71, 71 thin in hyperadrenalism, 36, 37 inguinal, 220
Koilonychia, 42, 79, 80 upper see Upper limb malignant, 53
Korotkoff sounds, 162, 162 weakness, 364 (see also Muscle(s), thyroid carcinoma, 29
Kremer, 368 weakness) tuberculous, 124
Kupffer cells, 190 Linea alba hernia, 206 Lymphadenitis, 53
Kussmaul breathing, 126 Lipase, 189 Lymphadenopathy, 51, 52
Kyphoscoliosis, 126, 126 Lipid storage diseases, 51 in infants, 411
Kyphosis, 20, 126, 274, 274 Lipids, 189 in respiratory disease, 123–4
Lips, central cyanosis, 122 Lymphangitis, 53
L Liver, 190, 190–1, 191
abnormal shape, 210–11, 211
Lymphatic ducts, 51, 51
Lymphatic oedema, 49
L-dopa, 369 auscultation, 220 Lymphatic system, 50–5
Labia majora, 235–6, 243, 243 disease, 201, 201–2 drainage, 51, 52, 53
Labia minora, 236, 243–4 general signs of, 211–13, 213 breasts, 229–30
Labyrinth, ear, 82, 353 malnutrition in, 42, 42 examination, 50–1
dysfunction, 86, 92 oedema, 47, 48 lymph nodes see Lymph nodes
Lacrimation, loss of, 351 downward displacement of, 210, 211 male genitalia, 255, 263
Lactation, 230, 231, 239 enlargement, 211, 212 organs, 51
Lactiferous duct, 229, 230 examination, 204, 204, 209, 209–13, 210 structure and function of, 51–2
Langerhans cells, 57 palpation, 209–11, 210 Lymphoedema, 49
Language function, 308 percussion, 210, 211 Lymphogranuloma venereum, 263, 263
see also Speech small, 211, 212 Lymphoid tissue, 99
Lanugo hair, 58 Liver cell damage, 201, 202 Lymphoma of the tonsil, 102
Laryngeal nerves, 27 Lobes, lung, 105, 106, 107
palsy, 115
Laryngitis, 103, 115
collapsed, 135–6, 136
pneumonia, 133
Laryngopharynx, 100 Long bones, 265 Mackenrodt’s ligaments, 238
Laryngoscopy, 101, 101, 102 Long saphenous vein, 179 Macrophage, alveolar, 106
Laryngotracheobronchitis, 103 Loop of Henle, 193 Macules, 62, 65, 65
Larynx, 99–100, 100 Lordosis, 274, 274 Malar erythema, 80
examination, 103 Low birth weight, 402 Malassezia furfur, 74
tumours of the, 103 Lower limb, deep tendon reflexes, 366, Maldigestion, 192
Lasegue’s test, 276, 277 366–7 Male genitalia and genital tract, 252–64, 253
Lateral epicondyle, 282, 283 Lower motor neuron, 359, 360–2 disease symptoms, 255–7
Lateral geniculate body lesions, 331 facial weakness, 351 examination, 56, 257–63, 258
Latissimus dorsi, 279, 281 lesions, 358, 370, 370 in infants, 411
Learning ability, new, 310–11 Lower oesophageal sphincter, 187 newborns, 400–1, 401
Left bundle branch block, 144 Lumbar meningomyelocele, 405 structure and function, 252, 252–5
Left to right shunt, 150, 150 Lumbar nerve roots, 299, 299, 303, 303 Malignant lymph nodes, 53
Left ventricle, 139, 140, 140, 141 Lumbar spine, 275, 275, 276, 278, 279 Malignant melanoma, 77–8, 78
hypertrophy, 167, 169 Lumbosacral plexus, 375 Malignant vasovagal syncope, 156
impairment, 169 Lumbrical muscles, 286 Mallet deformity, 269–70, 270
Left ventricular failure, 114–15 Lumps Malleus, 82, 89, 353
dyspnoea, 153 breast, 231, 232, 234 Mallory-Weiss tear, 196
oedema, 47 neck, 100 Malnutrition, 21, 40, 42, 42
posture, 21 Lung cancer, 105 Mania, 320
Legs chest pain, 117 Manometers, 161, 162
GALS, 272–3 risk factors, 119 Marfan’s syndrome, 23, 24, 24
lymph nodes, 55 weight loss in, 118 arm span, 42
see also Lower limb Lungs Masseter, 346, 347, 348
Leucocytes in sputum, 116 abscess, 116, 131 Mastitis, 234, 235
Leukonychia, 42, 79, 79 collapsed, 128, 130, 133, 135–6, 136 Mastoid air cells, 82
Leukoplakia, 77, 77, 102, 244 breath sounds, 131 Mastoiditis, 89
Nerve disorders, 380, 380 Obstetric history, 242 Organ of Corti, 353
Nerve palsies, 281 Obturator nerve palsy, 299 Organic mental state, 319–20
Nerve root disorders, 370, 380 Occipital cortex lesions, 331–2 Orientation, 310
pain in, 377 Occipital infarction, bilateral, 332 see also Geographical orientation/
Nerve stretch tests, 275–6, 277 Occipital lobe, 331 disorientation; Right-left orientation/
Nervous system, 8–9, 307–89 Occipital lymph nodes, 52, 52, 53, 54 disorientation
Neural tube defects, 405 Occult rectal bleeding, 200–1 Orofacial dyskinesia, 353
Neuralgia Occupational history, 5–6 Oropharynx, 100
glossopharyngeal, 355 cardiovascular disease, 157 dysphagia, 9
trigeminal, 321 lung disease, 119–20 examination, 102
Neuralgic amyotrophy, 281, 282 psychiatric assessment, 319 Orthopnoea, 21, 114–15, 153, 154
Neurofibromas, 76 Ocular sympathetic fibres, 333–4, 335 Ortolani manoeuvre, 401
Neurofibromatosis, 23 Oculocephalic reflex, 338, 338, 385 Osler’s nodes, 181
Neurohypophysis, 38 Oculocutaneous albinism, 25 Osseous spiral lamina, 353
Neurological examination, 56 Oculomotor nuclei, 384 Ossicles, auditory, 82, 83, 353
infants, 411–12 Oculomotor (third) nerve, 332–45, 411 Osteoarthritis, 287–8, 288
newborns, 402 compression, 344 ankle and foot, 301
preschool children, 413–14 palsy, 343–4, 344 hip, 293, 294
New York Heart Association (NYHA) Odours, 321–2 knee, 298, 298
classification of heart failure, 153, 154 Odynophagia, 195 pain, 267–8
Newborns, 397–407 Oedema, 46–9, 47, 48 Osteoblasts, 265
baby check, 399 cellulitis-associated, 72 Osteoclasts, 265
congenital abnormalities, 404, 404–6 chronic venous insufficiency, 179 Osteocytes, 265
development, 397 peripheral vascular disease, 174, 174–5 Osteoporosis
growth, 393, 397, 397 signs of, 48–9, 49 first impressions, 20
low birth weight, 402 symptoms of, 47 height in, 41
rashes, 407 see also specific site; specific type Otalgia, 84
routine neonatal examination, 403–7, 404 Oesophagus, 186, 186–7 Otitis externa, 68, 87, 88
Niacin, 43 cancer, 194 Otitis media, 89–90
Nikolsky’s sign, 75 nutcracker, 195 Oto-acoustic emissions test, 92
Nipple, 229 stricture, 194 Otoliths, 354
abnormal, 234–5 varices, 196, 201 Otorrhoea, 84–5
discharge, 231 Oestrogen, 226 Otoscope, 20
palpation, 234, 234 Olecranon, 282, 283 Ovaries, 237, 238
Nits, 75 Olfaction, 321–2 abnormalities, 250
Nociceptors, 375 Olfactory (first) nerve, 321–2, 411 cyst, 242, 242, 250
Nocturia, 203 Olfactory hallucinations, 322 follicles, 228, 228
Nocturnal asthma, 114 Oligomenorrhoea, 39, 239, 240 ligaments, 237
Nodules, 62, 65, 65 Oliguria, 45, 203 palpation, 249–50, 250
Non-refractive visual disturbances, 23 Oncotic pressure, 47, 47 position of, 27
Non-ST segment elevation myocardial One-and-a-half syndrome, 343, 343 tumours, 250
infarction (NSTEMI), 177–8 Onycholysis, 70, 79, 79 Overflow incontinence, 203
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in Graves’ disease, 31 Ovulation, 227–8, 241
(NSAIDs), 6 Open-ended questions, 3, 4 Oxygen, 108, 109
Nonaccidental injury, 410 Opening snap, 170, 170 Oxygen dissociation curve, 111–12, 112
Nonorganic sensory loss, 382, 382 Ophthalmoplegia, 31 Oxytocin, 38, 39, 230, 231
Nose, 93–8 Ophthalmoscope, 20
disease symptoms, 94–6
elderly people, 103
Opponens digiti minimi, 286
Opponens pollicis, 286, 289, 289
examination, 56, 96–7, 96–8 Opposition, thumb, 286, 287 P wave, 145, 145
structure of the, 93, 93–4 Optic atrophy, 327, 327 Pacemaker, cardiac, 144
Nose bleed, 94–5, 98 Optic disc, 326 Pacinian corpuscles, 375
Nucleus ambiguus, 354 Optic radiation, 331–2 Paget’s disease of the breast, 232, 233, 234
Nucleus interpositus, 372 Optic (second) nerve, 322, 322–32, 323, 411 Pain
Nucleus pulposus, 274 clinical application, 327–32 abdomen see Abdomen, pain
Nucleus Z, 375 disease, 330–1, 331 anal, 199–200
Numbness, 377 examination, 323–7 assessment, 4
Nummular eczema, 67 structure and function, 322 back, 276
Nutcracker oesophagus, 195 symptoms, 322 bone, 267
Nutritional status assessment, 40–3, 55 Optic tract lesions, 331, 333 breasts, female, 230–1
Nystagmus, 92, 336, 339–40, 340 Opticokinetic nystagmus, 340, 340 chest see Chest pain
in infants, 411 Oral cavity, 98, 99, 186–7 ear, 84
types of, 345 blood in, 100 facial, 95
in the unconscious patient, 385 carcinoma, 101 in general, 376–7, 377
Oral temperature, 49–50 gynaecological disorders, 241
O Orbicularis oculi, 350
Orbicularis oris, 350
joint, 267–8, 268
knee, 294, 298
Obesity, 21, 36, 37, 40 Orchitis, 262, 262 micturition, 8
Obsessions, 318, 320 Organ failure, major, 27 muscle, 268–9
Pleural rub, 117, 132–3 Preauricular tags, 405 Psychosocial concerns of patients, 1–2, 4–5
Pleurisy, 115, 128 Precapillary pulmonary hypertension, 181 Pterygoids, 347
Pleuritic chest pain, 4, 117 Precordial catch syndrome, 155 Ptosis, 124, 336, 337
Plummer’s nails, 79 Precordium palpation, 166, 166–7 Puberty, 393, 393, 417, 417–18
Pneumoconiosis, 120 Pregnancy delay in, 417–18
Pneumonia abdomen in, 243, 243 female, 226–9, 227
atypical, 133 cervix during, 247 male, 252–4, 253
bronchial breathing, 131 height of fundus in, 243, 243 Pubic hair
causes of, 133 and nausea, 196 failure to develop, 60
crackles, 132 secondary amenorrhoea, 239 growth, 227, 227, 253, 253
lobar, 133 skin colour during, 61 lice, 75
pleuritic chest pain, 117 Prepuce, 254, 258 Pubic tubercle, 204
sputum in, 116 Presbyacusis, 85 Pubocervical fascia, 238
Pneumothorax, 126, 128, 135, 135 Preschool children, 412–14 Pulmonary embolism, 113, 114
chest percussion, 130 Preshock, 44 acute massive, 180–1
pleuritic chest pain, 117 Pressure load, heart, 142, 143 breathing pattern, 126
Podocytes, 192–3 Pressure sores, 81 deep vein thrombosis, 180
Polycystic kidney disease, 174, 217 Presystolic accentuation, 172 haemoptysis, 117
Polycythaemia, 45, 122 Preterm babies, 403 heart sounds, 169
Polycythaemia rubra vera, 45 Pretibial myxoedema, 80 pleuritic chest pain, 117
Polydipsia, 8, 10 in Graves’ disease, 31 Pulmonary hypertension, 181
Polymenorrhagia, 239 Priapism, 259 Pulmonary infarction, acute, 180
Polymenorrhoea, 239 Primary chancre, 72, 72, 73 Pulmonary oedema, 115
Polyuria, 8, 193, 203 Primitive reflexes, 313–14, 314, 317, 402, 402 in acute heart failure, 175, 175
cranial diabetes insipidus, 40 Primordial follicle, 228 breathing patterns, 127
diabetes mellitus, 10 Prinzmetal’s angina, 154 crackles, 132
Pompholyx, 68, 69 Problem-orientated medical record (POMR), in heart disease, 117
Popliteal lymph nodes, 52, 55 12, 13 sputum in, 116
Popliteal palsy, 303 advantages of, 16–17 wheezing, 132
Popliteal pulse, 161, 161 confidentiality, 17 Pulmonary thromboembolic disease, chronic,
Porphyria of drugs, 60 flow charts, 15–16, 17, 18 181
Portal hypertension, 201 initial problem-related plans, 14–15, 16 Pulmonary valve, 142, 143
fluid retention, 47 problem list, 13–14, 14, 15 incompetence, 172
in hepatic encephalopathy, 213 progress notes, 15, 17 stenosis, 144, 171
venous collaterals in, 201 Progesterone, 228 Pulses, 151–2, 152
venous return in, 207 Progress notes, 15, 17 character, 159
Portal venous system, 190, 190 Progressive supranuclear palsy, 342, 343 palpation, 159–61, 159–61
Portosystemic shunting, 201 Prolactin, 38, 39, 230, 231 rate assessment, 44
Positional dyspnoea, 153 overproduction, 39, 40 Pulsus paradoxus, 123, 183, 184, 184
Posseting, 400 Pronator, 284 Punch tenderness, kidneys, 217, 217
Post pill amenorrhoea, 239 Proprioception, 375, 378–9, 379 Pupillomotor fibres, 332
Post-term babies, 403 Prostate gland, 252, 255 Pupils, 340–1
Postauricular lymph nodes, 53 anatomy, 222 inspection, 337
Postcapillary pulmonary hypertension, 181 examination, 223, 224, 225 light response pathway, 332, 334, 337
Postcoital bleeding, 239, 240 Prosthetic heart valve sounds, 170, 170 responses, 384, 384–5, 388
Posterior columns, 375 Protein digestion, 189, 189 syndromes, 339
Posterior pituitary, 38 Proteolysis, 189 Purpura, 62
Postmenopausal bleeding, 240 Protozoan diseases, travel-related, 6 Pustular psoriasis, 69, 70
Postnasal mirror, 101 Proverb interpretation, 311 Pustules, 64, 64
Postoperative endocarditis, 182 Pruritus, 59, 60, 202 Pyelonephritis, 21, 203, 217
Postural hypotension, 9, 157, 163 Pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome, 36 Pyloric obstruction, 219, 219
in dehydrated patients, 44 Pseudoathetosis, 379, 379 Pyoderma gangrenosum, 80
in hypoadrenalism, 37 Pseudobulbar palsy, 315 Pyosalpinx, 250
in shock, 44–5 Pseudohypertrophic muscles, 273, 304, 304, Pyramidal tract, 359–60, 360, 364, 364
Posture 362, 363 Pyrexia see Fever
abnormal, 20 Pseudomonas ear infection, 84 Pyridoxine deficiency, 43
compensatory, 293 Psoas major, 291, 292
hospitalised patients, 21
Psoriasis, 57, 68–70, 69, 287, 288
ear signs, 87
in hypoadrenalism, 37 guttate, 59, 69, 69 QRS complex, 145, 145
loss, 36 nail symptoms, 79, 79 Quadriceps femoris, 295, 298
Pott’s fracture, 301 Psoriatic arthropathy, 70, 70 Questioning patients, 3, 4
Pouch of Douglas, 221, 236 Psychiatric assessment, 317–20 see also Consultation; History-taking
Pout, 314 clinical application, 319–20 Quinsy, 102
PR interval, 145 examination, 319
Praxis, 313
Pre-pro-PTH, 33–4, 34
history, 319
history of present condition, 317
Preauricular lymph nodes, 52, 52, 53 specific symptoms, 317–18 Radial nerve palsy, 286, 286
Preauricular sinus, 87, 87 Psychosexual history, 241 Radial pulse, 159, 159, 274
Treatment, problem-orientated medical rodent, 77, 77 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), 189
records, 14 snail-track, 72 Vasodilatation, 49
Tremor, 122–3, 371, 373 varicose, 174, 179, 180 Vasomotor rhinitis, 98
flapping, 213, 213 vulva, 244 Vasovagal syncope, 156
thyrotoxicosis, 30, 31 Ulna, 282 Veins, 152, 153
Trendelenburg’s sign, 292, 293, 304 Ulnar nerve, 289, 289 chronic insufficiency, 179
Tri-iodothyronine (T3), 28, 29 lesions, 290, 290 diseases of peripheral, 179–81, 180
Triceps, 284 Ultrasound varicose, 174, 179
reflexes, 366, 366 abdominal, 174 visible abdominal wall, 207, 207
skinfold thickness, 43, 43 Doppler, 179 Vellus hair, 58
Trichomonas vaginalis, 241, 241 Umbilical hernia, 401, 401 Ventilation, 109, 111, 111
Tricuspid valve, 142 Umbo, 82, 89 Ventricles, 139, 139–40, 140, 141, 144
incompetence, 174 Uncal herniation, 386, 387 hypertrophy, 142
regurgitation, 165, 166 Unconscious patient, 382, 382–9 see also Left ventricle; Right ventricle
Trigeminal (fifth) nerve, 345–8, 345–9, 411 coma grading, 383, 383 Ventricular fibrillation, 148, 178
neuralgia, 321 Unilateral deafness, 85 Ventricular septal defect, 150, 150, 170
Trigger finger, 288, 288 Unstable angina, 154–5, 177–8 Verdoperoxidase, 116
Triglyceride, 51, 189 Upper limb deep tendon reflexes, 365–6, Vermis, 371
Trisomy 21, 23, 24, 24 365–6 Vernix caseosa, 58
Trochlear (fourth) nerve, 332–45, 411 Upper motor neuron, 359 Vertebrae see Intervertebral discs; Spine
palsy, 343, 344 facial weakness, 351, 352 Vertebral arteries, 308, 309
Trousseau’s sign, 34, 35 lesions, 358, 370 Vertebral body fractures, 279
Trypsin, 189 syndrome, 349 Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, 157
Tuberculosis, 105, 124, 278–9 Upper pharyngeal sphincter, 187 Vertebrobasilar ischaemia, 86
family history, 120 Ureteric pain, 198 Vertical saccades, 334–5, 336
haemoptysis, 117 Ureteric stones, 197, 203 Vertigo, 9, 86, 354
lung collapse, 136 Urethra, male, 254, 254 Vesicocele, 238
oral ulceration, 101 discharge, 256, 256, 258–9 Vesicular breath sounds, 130, 131
radiographic deformity, 118 Urethral meatus, external, 258 Vestibule, 353
Tuberculous epididymitis, 262, 263 Urethritis, 256, 259 see also Inner ear
Tuberculous lymph nodes, 124 Urgency of micturition, 202–3 Vestibulitis, 98
Tuberculous lymphadenitis, 53 Urinary incontinence, 8 Vestibulo-ocular reflex, 388
Tuberculous pericarditis, 184 Urination see Micturition Vestibulospinal tract, 360
Tuberous sclerosis, 23, 24, 25, 25 Urine Vibration sense, 379, 379
Tumours appearance, 8 Villous atrophy, 76
acidophil, 39 assessment for dehydration, 44 Vincent’s angina, 101
hypothalamic, 21 Urticaria, 65, 65 Viral infections
jugular foramen, 357 Uterosacral ligaments, 236, 238 skin, 72–4
laryngeal, 103 Uterus, 236, 237 travel-related, 6
ovarian, 250 abnormal bleeding, 240 Viral pericarditis, 184
pelvic, 242, 242 abnormalities, 249 Virchow’s node, 54
skin, 62, 77–8, 77–8 examination, 248–50 Visceral pain, 197–8, 198, 376–7
spinal, 277 palpation, 218, 249, 249 Vision
testicular, 262 prolapse, 245, 246 cranial nerve symptoms, 9
Tunica albuginea, 255 double see Diplopia
Tuning forks tests, 90–1, 91
Turbinates, 93
V in elderly people, 18
red eye, 23
Turner’s syndrome, 23, 24, 24, 238, 405 Vagal tone, 145 Visual acuity, 323–4, 324
Two-point discrimination, 378, 378 Vagina, 236, 237 test, 23
Tylosis, 80 discharge, 240–1 Visual agnosia, 317
Tympanic membrane, 82, 83, 88, 89, 89, examination, 244–6, 246, 247, 248 Visual cortex, 322
353 swabs, 248 Visual fields, 324–6, 325, 326
perforation, 90, 90 Vaginismus, 241 Visual hallucinations, 318
Tympanometry, 89, 90 Vaginitis, 241 Visual memory, 310–11, 311
Tympanosclerosis, 89 Vagus (tenth) nerve, 186, 187, 187, 355–6, Visuospatial ability, 308
Typhoid fever, 50 411 Vital capacity (VC), 110
damage, 194 Vitamin deficiencies, 43
U palsy, 355, 356
Valsalva manoeuvre, 156
Vitamin status, 43–4
Vitiligo, 62, 62
Ulcerative colitis, skin manifestations of, Valves, heart, 142, 142 in Addison’s disease, 37
80 Varicella-zoster virus, 74 Vocal cords, 100, 100
Ulcers Varicoceles, 258, 261–2, 262 paralysis, 315
aphthous, 101 Varicose eczema, 68, 179 Vocal fremitus, 128
buccal mucosa, 101–2 Varicose ulcers, 174, 179, 180 Vocal resonance, 131–2
decubitus, 81 Varicose veins, 174, 179 Voice
genital, 256, 259 Vas deferens, 255, 255 hoarse, 100–1
oral, 101 Vasculitis in hypothyroidism, 32
penis, 259, 259 erythema nodosum, 65 tone of, 20
peptic, 197 splinter haemorrhages in, 79 Volume load, heart, 142, 142