Computer Science Old: 1. Data Structures & Programming Methodologies
Computer Science Old: 1. Data Structures & Programming Methodologies
Computer Science Old: 1. Data Structures & Programming Methodologies
2. Security in Computing
6. Computer Graphics
8. Computer Organization
1. Explain the various steps in instruction execution? What is straight line instruction
2. What are interrupts? Explain the interrupt organization?
3. What is DMA?
4. Draw and explain the internal organization of a semiconductor memory chip?
5. What is a mapping function? Different types of mapping function?
6. Illustrate with an example how memory interleaving improves efficiency?
7. Explain the multiplication of positive numbers?
8. Explain with an example Booths algorithm for signed operand multiplication?
Information Technology Old
2. Data Communication
3. Security in Computing
4. Language Processor
1. What is a circular linked list? Write algorithm to perform searching on a circular linked
2. Explain with algorithm how polynomial addition is done using linked list?
3. Explain with algorithm how insertion is performed on a binary tree?
4. What is a heap tree? How insertion and deletion done on a heap tree?
5. What are sparse matrices?
6. Compare and contrast breadth first and depth first search?
7. What is a liked list? How they are represented in the memory? Explain the various
operations on linked list?
8. How is a graph represented in memory?
6. Computer Graphics