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Experiences from numerical

modelling of details with ductile
Authors: Petr Hradil, Ludovic Fülöp, Asko Talja, Juha Kurkela

Confidentiality: Public
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This report presents an approach to handle the ductility requirements of steel under tension,
in particular in the necking areas of cross-sections. The presented calculation methods are
based on the experiences from the numerical studies with regard to different design situations.
They provide alternative and complementary solution to the Eurocode’s material requirements
that is practical especially for the building and product designers using finite element software.

The experiences from the conducted studies are summarized herewith for the purpose of
numerical evaluation of material behaviour in details with high and localized strains and
possible diffuse necking. The methods are validated against real experiments.

Two basic numerical methods presented in this report provide: (a) the practical limitations for
the numerical calculations to ensure that the ductile failure does not occur in the material and
(b) prediction the minimum required material ductility in a certain situation.

The report has been prepared in the project “Virtual testing lab for novel materials and
products”, called VILMA (2014–2016). The main research objective of VILMA was to develop
a virtual testing platform for a fast and effective introduction of new structural steels and steel
products to the market. The main practical objective was to use the platform to develop
recommendations of the material ductility requirements in the Eurocodes for high strength

The VILMA project belongs to the program “BSA - Breakthrough steels and applications and
its project portfolio P2, “Design beyond present codes – enabling efficient utilisation of new
materials”. The industry-driven project portfolio was planned to rise to critical future needs of
steel end-users such as product manufacturers, designers and building owners (market pull).
The overall goal of BSA program is to enable a renewal of the Finnish metal and engineering
industries through major improvements in their offerings and global competitiveness brought
about by the intelligent use of novel advanced steel products. Key emphasis is on end-users
in selected business areas: bioenergy, power generation, mining, lifting, handling and
transport, offshore and marine, waste recycling, arctic technologies and processing industry
(http://www.fimecc.com/programs/bsa). The BSA program is a part of the large national
DIMECC innovation eco-system that represents a new type of public-private partnerships
aiming at faster innovation processes.

The authors wish to thank the industry representatives from Ruukki Construction Ltd and SSAB
Europe Ltd who have been active in planning and supervising the work.

Espoo 3.3.2017

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Contents .................................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................4
2. Geometry of the details .....................................................................................................5
2.1 Geometry limits .........................................................................................................5
2.2 Initial imperfections ...................................................................................................5
3. Constitutive models...........................................................................................................6
3.1 Elastic - ideally plastic model ....................................................................................7
3.2 Model with linear strain hardening ............................................................................7
3.3 True material model ..................................................................................................9
4. Estimation of ductile failure .............................................................................................10
4.1 Simple calculation limits ..........................................................................................10
4.2 Damage prediction models .....................................................................................12
5. Verification of material ductility ........................................................................................13
5.1 Numerical models ...................................................................................................13
5.2 Required elongation at failure .................................................................................13
6. Solved numerical examples ............................................................................................17
6.1 Centre hole in tension .............................................................................................17
6.1.1 Material models ..........................................................................................17
6.1.2 Estimation of ductile failure ......................................................................... 18
6.1.3 Verification of the material ductility .............................................................. 20
6.2 Tubular connection .................................................................................................22
6.2.1 Material models ..........................................................................................23
6.2.2 Estimation of ductile failure and verification of the material ductility ............ 24
6.2.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................25
7. Summary ........................................................................................................................25
References ...........................................................................................................................26
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1. Introduction
Finite element models (FEM) are becoming common tools for structural steel designers and
structural products manufacturers. They are typically used to optimize geometry and material
of the product or structure, to predict its loading resistance or to verify the design assumptions.
With the introduction of new high-strength steel grades, improved fabrication tolerances and
joining methods, it is possible to perform very accurate, highly optimized and complex design
assisted by FEM. Such design may, however, require a special attention in particular details
where the concentration of stress and strain cannot be avoided. The essential prerequisite to
prevent material failure in this situation is sufficient material ductility.

This report presents a FEM approach to perform the following engineering tasks dealing with
the structural steel details subjected to tensile stress concentrations:

(a) To provide safe prediction of tensile resistance of a detail using simple FEM tools
and a basic knowledge of the material behaviour. Several alternative methods are
presented in Chapter 4 (Prediction of ductile failure).
Some of the criteria may allow plastic deformation and diffuse necking in the localized
areas, and therefore are not suitable for cyclic loading.

(b) To aid the designers with the selection of steel grade through the prediction of
minimum required material ductility that will ensure safe performance of the studied

The predicted material ductility may be lower than the minimum requirements of the design
codes or higher if the exceptional performance is needed (e.g. large elongation of the area
with stress concentration without failure). Chapter 5 (Verification of material ductility) presents
the description of this method.

Both approaches are based on the same assumptions concerning numerical models described
in Chapter 2 (Geometry of the details) and material models described in Chapter 3 (Constitutive

The approaches were verified by experiments (including results from previous tests and new
experiments) and numerical simulations. However, there are needs to perform broader
experimental and numerical studies to extend the applicability area from the restrictions
described also in the report.
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2. Geometry of the details

The FEM-based methods presented in this report are generally suitable to structural details,
where the whole cross-section or its part is subjected to tension that may be equal or higher
than the ultimate tensile strength of the material. Such details are prone to diffuse necking in
the most loaded areas. The localized stress concentration is typically observed in the cross-
sections reduced by holes or notches and welded joints.

The presented approach was verified by a limited number of experiments and numerical
simulations. Therefore, it can be used directly only within the given limits as explained in the
following sections.

2.1 Geometry prerequisites

The geometry of the structural details suitable for the recommended modelling techniques is
now limited to the cross-sections reduced by round holes, corners and/or round notches in the
tensile areas. The reason for this restriction is that sharp notches and corners tend to be more
sensitive to the mesh density of the numerical models. Although, it is assumed that coarser
mesh will lead to outcomes that are more conservative, virtual testing yet did not prove this
assumption. One example of welded joint is presented as the case study in this report.

Additionally, the acceptable failure mode of the details in tension should be ductile. The details
with very thin plates (high aspect ratio of the individual plates) may also fail in shear or
combination of both failure modes. The recommended maximum aspect ratio of the plated
elements is therefore 1:8.

2.2 Initial imperfections

The finite element models described in this report are based on the assumption that the diffuse
necking is a stability phenomenon caused by non-uniform stress distribution due to imperfect
material or imperfect geometry in tension. Since it is convenient to create models with
homogenous isotropic material behaviour, it might be necessary to introduce initial geometric
imperfections in the critical areas of uniform nominal cross-sections. This will enable the
initiation of the numerical instability in the models.

The typical example of the model requiring initial imperfections is a plain coupon subjected to
concentric axial tension. The proper magnitude of the initial imperfection is important especially
for materials with nearly perfect plastic behaviour.

(a) The imperfection magnitude should be as small as possible, ideally in the order of
magnitude of the surface roughness (e.g. 10 to 100 µm). Depending on the FEM solver,
necking may not be initiated with very small magnitudes due to round-off error.
Therefore, it is recommended to use double precision if possible. On the other hand, in
some cases only the mesh irregularities caused by denser meshing in the critical area
may be sufficient to trigger the necking.

(b) It is recommended that the critical cross-section has the nominal dimensions, while the
rest of the model is slightly larger. This will produce accurate stress and strain
distribution in the critical cross-section.

The details with holes and notches, or cross-sections subjected to tension and bending do not
require initial imperfections, because their stress distribution is already non-uniform in the early
loading phase.
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3. Constitutive models
Material parameters for creating a proper stress-strain relationship of structural steel can be
obtained from several sources.

(a) Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-4 and EN 1993-1-12) provide the nominal
values of yield strength fy, ultimate strength fu and modulus of elasticity E. EN 1993-1-
4 recommends also non-linear parameter n for Ramberg-Osgood models of stainless
steels, but these models are not discussed in this report. It should be noted that the
material parameters obtained from ductility limits for elongations (e.g. uniform strain or
elongation at failure) in the Eurocode are too conservative especially for mild steels.

(b) Declaration of performance (EN 10025-1) is required in connection to the CE marking

of structural steel products, and it contains minimum yield strength, tensile strength
ranges and minimum elongations for different thicknesses. This declaration is available
on the producer’s website, and therefore it is possible to utilize the values in the design
phase before the steel is ordered and delivered.

(c) Material certificate (EN 10204:2004) contains the test results such as yield strength,
ultimate strength Rm and elongation at failure. This certificate is usually delivered with
the material.

(d) Tensile test raw results (tabular data of measured load and displacement) are the
most accurate information for building the constitutive model of the material. They are
usually produced directly by the testing machine. They can be transformed into true
stress-strain curves and used directly as inputs for the definition of plasticity in the finite
element models.

Table 1. Material parameters available from different sources.

Yield Tensile Uniform Elongation Failure

strength strength elongation at failure load
Eurocode 3 fy fu εu ≥ 15 εy1) A5 ≥ 10 - 15%1) no
Declaration of
ReH or Rp0,22) Rm2) no A53) no
Inspection certificate ReH or Rp0,2 Rm no A5 no
Tensile test results yes yes yes yes yes4)
Minimum values based on ductility limits
2) Ranges of values
3) Minimum values
4) The failure load may not be recorded due to the removal of strain gauges before the failure
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3.1 Elastic - ideally plastic model

The basic parameters provided by the Eurocode 3 are not sufficient to utilize strain hardening
in the material up to the ultimate strength fu because the standard does not contain the value
of uniform elongation εu. Therefore, the most conservative assumption is the ideally plastic
material after reaching the yield strength fy. It should be noted that in tension, the engineering
stress (or the tensile resistance) starts rapidly decreasing due to the diffuse necking beyond
this point as demonstrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example of elastic-ideally plastic model behaviour in tension.

The true value of yield stress required by FEM solvers is slightly higher and should be
calculated according to the Equation (1).

σ t = σ (1 + ε ) and ε t = ln(1 + ε )
Where the engineering stress σ is the yield strength fy in this particular case and engineering
strain ε is the yield strain fy/E.

For instance, for steel S690, the recommended yield strength fy is 690 MPa and modulus of
elasticity E is 210000 MPa. Therefore the true value of yield stress required by the finite
element solver is 690·(1+690/210000) = 692 MPa.

3.2 Model with linear strain hardening

Declaration of performance or inspection certificate may provide additional material parameter
called the elongation at failure. If the declared elongation is of proportional test specimen
(usually for thicknesses 3 mm and higher), it is called A5. The knowledge of A5 with no
information about εu enables the utilization of the ultimate strength only partly, but it can still be
more valuable than ideally plastic model. The reduced ultimate strength of the model fu,red shall
be calculated according to the Equation (2).
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fu − f y
f u ,red = f y + ε u ,min (2)

where εu,min = 15(fy/E) is the minimum uniform elongation required by the Eurocode 3.

It should be noted that such models can achieve slightly higher resistance than the ideally
plastic materials, but their ductility in tension is significantly improved because the necking
starts after reaching the minimum uniform elongation εu,min as demonstrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Example of model with linear hardening behaviour in tension.

For instance, for steel S690QL produced by SSAB, the following parameters can be obtained
from the declaration of performance according to EN 10025-6:
- Minimum yield strength is 690 MPa;
- Minimum tensile strength is 770 MPa;
- Elongation at failure is 14%.

The minimum uniform elongation εu,min required by the Eurocode 3 for this grade is than
15·(690/210000) = 4.93% (modulus of elasticity E is recommended in EN 1993-1-1). The
reduced ultimate strength fu,red can be calculated as 690+(80/0.14)·0.0493 = 718 MPa and its true
value σt,u,red is 718·(1+0.0493) = 754 MPa according to the Equation (1). The true logarithmic
strain εt,u,min corresponding to this stress is then ln(1+0.0493) = 4.81%.

Table 2. Examples of SSAB materials and corresponding model parameters.

Material parameters provided by the Engineering True stress-strain
steel producer model model
fy,min fu,min t A5 min εu,min fu,red εt,u,min σt,u,red
[MPa] [MPa] [mm] % % [MPa] % [MPa]
S235J2 strip 235 360 3 ≤ t ≤ 16 24 1.68 244 1.66 248
S275J2 strip 275 410 3 ≤ t ≤ 16 21 1.96 288 1.95 293
355 470 3 ≤ t ≤ 40 20 2.54 370 2.50 379
690 770 3 ≤ t < 50 14 4.93 718 4.81 754
S890QL plate 890 940 3 ≤ t < 50 11 6.36 919 6.16 977
S960QL plate 960 980 3 ≤ t < 50 10 6.86 974 6.63 1040
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3.3 True material model

The tensile test results are usually very accurate based on measurements of load and
corresponding elongation of a coupon or bar. They can be easily converted into true stress
and true strain curve up until the ultimate load according to Equation (1). However, the
behaviour beyond this point depends on the test specimen geometry and the distance between
the measuring points, because it involves diffuse necking and the stress and strain is not
equally distributed in the cross-section anymore.

Figure 3. Example of model obtained from tensile test data in tension.

It is possible to obtain true stress-strain relation beyond the onset of necking for instance using
different empirical approximation methods or by simple iterative curve-fitting of the FE model
of the coupon to match the measured load and elongation. Since the FE model of the coupon
is required for the methods presented in the later sections of this report, we recommend this
curve-fitting approach.
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4. Prediction of ductile failure

In order to provide a safe design or prediction of the loading resistance of the structure, it is
essential to ensure that the concentrated internal stress and strain distributions do not cause
ductile failure of the material. For that purpose, different design criteria can be used. The most
simple failure criteria are given in Eurocodes (Annex C of EN 1993-1-5 and
EN1993-1-6). They are based on von Mises equivalent plastic strain or principal plastic strain.
The limitations in these standards in their present form are hindering the full utilisation of FEM-
based plastic design. In addition, more sophisticated macroscopic damage models with a wide
range of experimental parameters are available.

Methods (a) and (b) below can be used for the design according to the design codes. Other
methods are suitable for example for optimization of prototype details and shall be verified by

4.1 Simple calculation limits

(a) 5% strain - The principal membrane strain (at mid-plane of the plate) is limited to 5%
in regions subjected to tensile stresses in informative Annex C of EN 1993-1-5 (plated
structural elements). The principal structural strain is also limited to 5% in normative
Annex B of EN 13445-3 (pressure vessels). EN 1993-1-12 refers to this Annex, and
therefore the limit can be used up to S700. It should be noted that it is not practical to
use 5% limit in areas with holes, notches or similar stress concentrations, because is
leads to overly conservative results.

(b) 50x yield strain - Plastic limit state (LS1) in EN 1993-1-6 (shell structures) is based on
von Mises equivalent plastic strain and the limit is εmps = 50εy = 50fy/E. This condition
shall be fulfilled at any point not closer to a notch or local discontinuity than the thickest
adjacent plate thickness. It should be noted that EN 1993-1-6 is intended for use in
conjunction with EN 1993-1-1 (not EN 1993-1-12), and therefore it is applicable only
up to S460. Yield strength fy = 460 MPa results in 50εy=11%.

Table 3. 50x yield strain limit for common structural steel grades (covered by EN 1993-1-1)

fy εy 50εy
MPa % %
S235, S235 W 235 0.11 5.6
S275, S275 N/NL/M/ML 275 0.13 6.5
S355, S355 N/NL/M/ML/W 355 0.17 8.5
S420 N/NL/M/ML 420 0.20 10.0
S450 440 0.21 10.5
S460 N/NL/M/ML/Q/QL/QL1 460 0.22 11.0

(c) Uniform elongation of material - One conservative approach is to limit plastic strains
to the uniform elongation εu, of the material. Up to this value, the plastic strain in plain
coupons is uniformly distributed in the cross-section, and therefore very similar to the
elongation. Minimum value of εu,min = 15εy is required in EN 1993-1-1. As an example
15εy=4.9% for a steel with yield strength of 690 MPa. Similarly to the 5% rule, the
practical usability of such criterion is limited to the areas without stress concentration.
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Table 4. Minimum uniform elongation εu,min = 15εy of material for common structural steel
grades (covered by EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-1-12).
Thickness fy εy εu,min
mm MPa % %
S235, S235 W any 235 0.11 1.68
S275, S275 N/NL/M/ML any 275 0.13 1.96
S355, S355 N/NL/M/ML/W any 355 0.17 2.54
S420 N/NL/M/ML any 420 0.20 3.00
S450 any 440 0.21 3.14
S460 N/NL/M/ML/Q/QL/QL1 any 460 0.22 3.29
≤ 50 500 0.24 3.57
S500 Q/QL/QL1/MC ≤ 100 480 0.23 3.43
≤ 150 440 0.21 3.14
≤ 50 550 0.26 3.93
S550 Q/QL/QL1/MC ≤ 100 530 0.25 3.79
≤ 150 490 0.23 3.50
S600 MC ≤ 16 600 0.29 4.29
≤ 50 620 0.30 4.43
S620 Q/QL/QL1 ≤ 100 580 0.28 4.14
≤ 150 560 0.27 4.00
≤8 650 0.31 4.64
S650 MC
≤ 16 630 0.30 4.50
≤ 50 620 0.30 4.43
S690 Q/QL/QL1 ≤ 100 580 0.28 4.14
≤ 150 560 0.27 4.00
≤8 700 0.33 5.00
S700 MC
≤ 16 680 0.32 4.86

(d) Elongation at failure - A less conservative approach is to limit true plastic strains to
the value of elongation at failure A5. Since the real plastic strain becomes much higher
than the elongation after the onset of necking, this criterion appears to be a safe
approximation applicable also in the areas around the holes and notches. This limit
was verified on the literature study made for test data of notched test specimens.
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4.2 Damage prediction models

(e) SMCS model (Stress Modified Critical Strain) – SMCS is the simplest of the
macroscopic damage models. The damage curve, described by the critical equivalent
plastic strain, is a monotonic decreasing function

𝜀𝜀𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 > 𝜀𝜀𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 𝛼𝛼 ∙ 𝑒𝑒 −1.5𝑇𝑇 (3)

where stress triaxiality T is the ratio of the hydrostatic stress and von Mises stress.
Exponent 1.5 is commonly used in the expression for steels. However, without
experimental verification it can provide unconservative results. The toughness
parameter α for steels is in range of 1 to 5. Then, depending on the material grade, the
critical plastic strain results in 22%–112%, if T = 1. The parameter α is usually calibrated
on tests and FEM analyses for smooth-notched CNT (circumferential notch tensile)

SMCS model can provide accurate fracture predictions for many practical conditions,
such as the necked ligament between bolt holes, the necked cross section of an un-
notched cylindrical bars, structural moment connections, or circumferential notch
tensile (CNT) specimens. In these cases, fracture typically initiates internally, where
the stress triaxiality is relatively high (T>0.75) and then propagates outwards towards
the surface of the material. However, there are other situations where fracture may
initiate on the surface of the material, where triaxiality is typically lower (T=0.33–0.75),
and then propagates inward. Fracture initiation on the surface has been observed for
example in large scale tests on structural braces and column base plate tests.

(f) Complex models - More sophisticated macroscopic damage models are usually used
for simulations of sheet forming or car deformations in accidents. A large number of
tests for different specimens and complementary FEM analyses need to be done.
These damage models are often laborious and difficult to interpret in practical design.

(g) Plastic strain at coupon failure elongation - Force-displacement curve until A5

elongation is always necessary in material testing, if real material properties are used
in analysis of the critical detail. Then the critical plastic strain corresponding A5 can
determined by modelling the tensile test specimen as well as the detail. This critical
strain can be used as a damage criterion for details with holes and notches where the
failure is initiated on the surface. The safe application area of this method can be
extended to the other details by experiments and supplementary FEM calculations.

The last method (g) from this overview proved to be the best combination of accuracy and
simplicity because it requires only standard experimental tests results (plain coupons of
uniform cross-section), but still provides reasonable results in FEM simulations of structural
details with stress concentration. This prediction is further explained in the following sections.
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5. Verification of material ductility

The calculation method presented in this section predicts the minimum required elongation at
failure of tensile coupon A5 to fulfil the selected design resistance of a structural detail.
Materials that do not satisfy one or more of the ductility requirements of the Eurocode [1][2]
can be utilized here to check how large elongation at failure A5 is needed for the combination
of their material parameters fu/fy and εu in a particular design situation.

The method relies on a standard material coupon test and two numerical models, one model
of the detail and one model of the coupon itself. The knowledge of exact stress-strain curve of
the material and the geometry of tested coupon is not essential, but is recommended because
it brings less conservative results. The method can be, however, used only with the basic
material knowledge of fy, fu, E and elongation A5 (if it is known from the mill certificate or
declaration of performance according to the harmonized technical specification EN 10025-1).

5.1 Numerical models

Two 3D finite element models have to be created in order to use the verification described in
this section. Both models shall be composed of 3D deformable elements (either bricks or

(a) The model of the tensile coupon - The model should represent the real geometry of
the test. The surface imperfections of the real coupon should be smaller than the
imperfections implemented in FEM model of the coupon. This ensures higher stress
concentration in the model, and therefore more conservative results.

(b) The model of structural detail - The finite element mesh of the structural detail should
have at least the same density as the mesh of the simulated coupon test. It is
recommended that the same software be used for both numerical models with the same
element types and calculation settings.

5.2 Required elongation at failure

The prediction of required ductility is based on the knowledge of a single parameter, the
maximum equivalent plastic strain εeq in the critical cross-section of the tensile test. As long as
the following conditions are satisfied, it is safe to assume that the minimum required elongation
at fracture of coupon A5 is the elongation when equivalent plastic strains εeq reach the same
level in structural detail in a particular design situation:

(a) Stress triaxiality at the failure of the structural detail is smaller than the stress
triaxiality of tested coupon. This condition is true for structural details with notches
and holes in tension and plain rectangular coupons except for the small plastic

(b) The relation between failure strain and stress triaxiality (the damage curve) of a
material is monotonic decreasing function. This is also true for the common
structural steels and the details prone to ductile failure in tension.

The calculation is based on the assumption that strains larger than the uniform elongation of
tensile coupon εu can be accepted in localized areas of statically loaded structures. In such
cases, diffuse necking may develop in localized areas. However, the load should not cause
ductile failure in materials, and therefore the plastic strains and hydrostatic stress (represented
by stress triaxiality) should remain within a given range. Unfortunately, it is impossible to
describe exactly the relation of stress triaxiality and plastic strain at material failure with data
from commonly used coupon test. Therefore, the present method involves certain
conservativeness in the generated results. If a more accurate solution is needed, it has to be
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based on rather complicated testing programme in combination with more complex damage
prediction models.

The entire process is described in Figure 4, Figure 5 and the following paragraphs.

(a) Selection of the design limit - the design limit can be expressed as load (e.g. ultimate
load), deformation (e.g. 3 mm elongation) or any other measurable property of the
detail. Many existing limits in the Eurocodes can be utilized here. Depending on the
limit, several suitable material models can be selected.

Figure 4. Prediction of minimum required elongation at failure based on the FEM model of
the structural detail (left) and FEM model of the coupon test (right).

Only in the case of curve-fitting

of experimental data

Selection of Equivalent Required

FEM of the
the material plastic strain material
model in coupon ductility

FEM of the
plastic strain
in detail

Figure 5. Verification of material ductility.

(b) Selection of material model - Based on the available knowledge of the material’s
parameters, one of the possible constitutive models can be selected from Chapter 3.
The yield strength of the material is required as a minimum input, but for some design
limits (e.g. the ultimate load), the knowledge of more material parameters might be

More complex models that are based on the Declaration of Performance, Inspection
Certificate or real tensile testing provide usually the knowledge of material’s elongation
at failure A5, and therefore the purpose of the calculation would be to verify if it is
sufficient in the current design situation.
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Generally, the safe assumption beyond the ultimate load is ideally plastic behaviour of
true stress-strain curve. However, better performance can be achieved with the
knowledge of complete coupon testing data (or at least the load and elongation at
failure), because the true stress-strain behaviour can be curve-fitted to match this data.

(c) Finite element model of the standard coupon - If the material model is based on the
particular coupon test or is associated with the particular sheet/plate thickness, the
dimensions of the coupon should be selected accordingly. Otherwise, the rectangular
coupon with the material thickness corresponding to the studied detail and aspect ratio
at least 1:4 (but not too high to cause shear failure) is recommended.

The coupon mesh should be denser in the area of diffuse necking, but its density can
be based on the computational capacity of the FEM solver. Generally, denser mesh
results in less conservative prediction of minimum required elongation at failure. Mostly
it is sufficient to simulate only 1/8 of the coupon due to its symmetric behaviour (see
Figure 6).

Plain coupons might require initial imperfections in order to initiate diffuse necking in
the middle of the coupon (see Chapter 2.2). The cross-sectional area can be then
reduced locally at least by the value of the surface roughness. Higher reduction will
result in less conservative prediction.

FE model should not contain any provision for the failure simulation and should be able
to provide results also beyond the ultimate load. Therefore, it is recommended to load
the model with deformation that should be larger than the expected failure elongation.

Figure 6. Simple FE model (3 symmetry planes) of the coupon with the largest strain in the
middle of the crosss-section.

(d) Finite element model of the studied detail - The same material model and element
type should be used in the FEM model of the detail. It is also recommended to use the
same FE solver with the same basic settings.

The meshing recommendations are based on the FEM model of the coupon, but the
initial imperfection might not be necessary because of the presence of holes or notches
(see Figure 7).
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Similarly as the coupon, this FE model should not contain any provision for the failure
simulation and should be able to provide results also beyond the ultimate load.
Therefore, it is recommended to load the model with deformation that is large enough
to cover the required design limit(s).

Figure 7. FE model of the detail with the largest strain at the edge of the hole.

(e) Determination of equivalent plastic strain at the design limit in detail FE model -
The maximum equivalent plastic strain of the model should be obtained at the load
level corresponding to the selected design limit. The largest strains are usually at the
edge of holes and notches.

(f) Determination of the corresponding elongation of coupon FE model - After the

same equivalent plastic strain is reached in the coupon model, it is assumed that ductile
failure can be allowed in the material. The elongation at this point is considered to be
the required minimum elongation at failure A5.

This prediction can be too conservative in some cases, because in reality also coupons
failing at lower strain levels might be capable of reaching the desired strain in the detail.

The location of maximum equivalent plastic strain in the coupon model is in the middle
of the cross-section.

If the FE model of the coupon or the detail starts necking along any longer path than the
smallest net-section of the model, it might be indication of the shear failure that is not yet
applicable for this method.
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6. Solved numerical examples

6.1 Centre hole in tension

As an example, simple numerical model of plate 8x80 mm with 8 mm centre hole in tension
was selected. The length of the FE model of the plate is 100 mm and it is loaded with
deformation. In reality, only ¼ of the model was created with the appropriate symmetry
boundary conditions.

Figure 8. FE model of the central hole in tension (CHT) plate.

The calculation results are verified by the tensile test of the dogbone specimen, in which the
central part is identical to the FE model.

6.1.1 Material models

Four constitutive models of high-strength steel S960 were selected to study the recommended
calculation limits:

- Elastic-ideally plastic model with fy = 960 MPa.

- Model with linear strain hardening based on the Declaration of Performance by

SSAB (see Table 2), where fy = 960 MPa, σt,u,red = 1040 MPa, and εt,u,min = 6.63%.

- Model with linear strain hardening based on the stress-strain curve fitted to the real
coupon test, where fy = 1064 MPa, σt,u = 1202 MPa, and εt,u = 2.82%.

- Model with nonlinear strain hardening fitted to the real coupon test

Their modulus of elasticity is 210 GPa, Poisson’s ratio is 0.3, and the full true stress-true
logarithmic strain relationship is in Figure 9.
18 (26)



True stress (MPa)



400 Elastic - Plastic

Linear hardening - from Declaration of Performance
200 Linear hardening - from experiment
Nonlinear hardening - fitted to experiment
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
True strain

Figure 9. Selected constitutive models.

6.1.2 Estimation of ductile failure

In order to predict safe calculation limit before the real ductile failure of the material, several
criteria were selected for the maximum allowable equivalent plastic strain

- 5% strain

- 50x yield strain (22.9% equivalent plastic strain)

- Uniform elongation 15x yield strain (6.9% equivalent plastic strain) for the first two
material models, where the real uniform elongation is not known or the measured
uniform elongation 3% for the models based on coupon test.

- Elongation at failure 10% for the first material model, where the A5 value is not
known or is given by the Declaration of Performance by SSAB, or 9.8% for the
models based on coupon test.

- Plastic strain at coupon failure elongation 98.2% was obtained from the simulation
of the coupon test, and therefore this limit is used only in combination with nonlinear
strain hardening material model.

The results of combination of four material models and four strain limits are presented in Figure
10 and Table 5. The failure force Ff and elongation ∆Lf at the failure of the detail (and its % of
initial length L0) are presented in the table as well as the maximum load reached before failure
(as % of Fy).
19 (26)

Table 5. Limiting load and deformation in the studied cases.

Material Max. load Failure load Elongation %
Strain limit
model Fmax [kN] Ff [kN] ∆Lf [mm] of L0
Experiment 672 596.1 4.31 4.31%
5% strain 553 549.3 0.52 0.52%
Elastic - 50x yield strain 553 542.2 1.07 1.07%
Plastic Uniform elongation 553 549.1 0.58 0.58%
Elongation at failure 553 548.3 0.68 0.68%
5% strain 561 554.3 0.53 0.53%
hardening 50x yield strain 561 550.1 1.10 1.10%
(based on Uniform elongation 561 554.5 0.59 0.59%
Elongation at failure 561 554.0 0.72 0.72%
5% strain 645 644.8 0.62 0.62%
hardening 50x yield strain 687 687.3 1.37 1.37%
(based on Uniform elongation 626 626.0 0.53 0.53%
coupon test)
Elongation at failure 665 664.6 0.84 0.84%
5% strain 64 640.8 0.70 0.70%
Nonlinear 50x yield strain 690 690.4 1.48 1.48%
hardening Uniform elongation 614 613.8 0.58 0.58%
(based on Elongation at failure 673 672.9 0.94 0.94%
coupon test)
Plastic strain at
693 645.6 4.46 4.46%
failure elongation

800 5% strain elongation at failure

uniform plastic strain at
50x yield strain
elongation failure elongation


Load (kN)

50x yield strain

400 elongation at failure
5% strain
300 elongation
200 Elastic - Plastic
Linear hardening - from Declaration of Performance
100 Linear hardening - from experiment
Nonlinear hardening
0 1 2 3 4 5
Elongation (mm)

Figure 10. Load-displacement relationship using different material models and calculation
20 (26)
The following results can be observed

- The material models based on the real testing data can offer higher loading capacity
(up to 124% of Fy in our case) and deformation capacity (up to 1.48% in our case) within
the given limits.
- All of the damage prediction limits had a certain level of conservativeness in this case.
- The limit based on uniform elongation guarantees that the necking is not developing in
the detail at all as well as the 5% limit for steels with fy ≥ 700 MPa 1. Such condition
might be suitable for cyclic loading but in the statically loaded cases it can be, however,
too limiting. The elastic-ideally plastic model is not suitable for the simulation of the
details, where the necking should be restricted, because the diffuse necking develops
at much lower strains than in reality.
- The limits based on 50x yield strain and elongation at failure allow the localized necking
as well as the 5% limit for steels with fy < 700 MPa. This condition does not mean
automatically that the ultimate capacity of the detail is reached.

6.1.3 Verification of the material ductility

The second task that can be demonstrated on the same model is the calculation of required
elongation at failure of the coupon in the standard testing. For this reason, another FE model
has to be produced; the model of the coupon. The coupon model was in this example already
created to curve-fit true stress-strain relationship to the real experiment (see Figure 11)

Figure 11 Finite element model of the tensile coupon

The goal of this example is to predict the minimum required elongation at failure A5 of the steel
S960 to reach the ultimate tensile load of the detail in the net-section. Therefore, the only
material models that are able to simulate the ultimate strength of the material will be used.

Table 6. Calculation of the required elongation at failure of the coupon A5req

1The strain at onset of necking (uniform elongation) should be larger than 15fy/E which is higher than
5%, when fy ≥ 700 MPa.
21 (26)

Plastic strain Deformation of Required

at the the coupon at the elongation at
Material model load
ultimate load same strain level failure
Fu [kN]
εeq,u ∆L [mm] A5req
Linear hardening
593 36.5% 1.69 5.6%
(based on coupon test)
Nonlinear hardening
589 34.9% 1.79 6.1%
(based on coupon test)

ultimate load


Load (kN)



200 Experiment
Linear hardening - from experiment
Nonlinear hardening
0 1 2 3 4 5
Elongation (mm)

Figure 12 Design limit (ultimate load) in the selected detail

This example shows that the elongation at failure A5 has to be higher than 6.1% in order to
reach the ultimate load Fu of the selected detail. In addition, the nonlinear hardening model is
needed for such prediction, because the simplified linear hardening model provided less
conservative results.
22 (26)

6.2 Tubular connection

An attempt was made to use the methodology developed here for predicting the behaviour and
failure load for the welded tubular joint X3TT_960. We had access to limited information on the
test, and especially the properties of the materials. The lab-test report for the specimen is
presented in Figure 13.

Figure 13 Lab-test report for X3TT_960, a typical X joint test used in tubular structures

As shown in Figure 14.a, the failure of the joint occurred in the weld, possibly initiating from
the heat-affected zone. The relatively prominent weld termination/start in the forefront of the
picture may also have played a role in the failure initiation. The weld dimensions of an
identically welded specimen were also available from measurement (Figure 14.b). It has to be
noted that the welds in Figure 14.a and Figure 14.b are not the same, so there is a degree of
uncertainty concerning the dimensions of the weld in specimen X3TT_960. The Finite element
rendering of the weld is presented in Figure 14.c.
23 (26)




Figure 14 Failure mode of X3TT_960 initiated in the weld or heat affected zone of the weld.
The weld start/termination introduced a prominent discontinuity (and weakness) in the weld.

6.2.1 Material models

Since material tests for the specimen were not available, we used material data from the same
producer. The Finite element model was using homogeneous material properties, disregarding
the variation of properties in the weld and HAZ. Four material options were used for the models
were used in the models (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Material models used in the FE models

24 (26)
6.2.2 Estimation of ductile failure and verification of the material ductility

As shown in Figure 16, the FE model is able to pinpoint the stress concentrator responsible
for the failure of specimen X3TT_960. The consecutive concentration of plastic strains is also

Figure 16. Plastic strains PEEQ in the weld corner region.

When it comes to the behaviour of the joint, the initial stiffness is predicted with good accuracy
(Figure 17). The stiffness obtained by FEM starts to depart from the experimental stiffness at
higher loads. This can be attributed to ignoring in the models of the weld and HAZ. Due to the
weaker material in these regions, the stress and strain concentration in the weld corner will be
even stronger this FE model will suggest. Hence, it is expectable that the model will show more
stiffness than the experiment. The largest plastic strains (PEEQ) in the FE model are also
presented in the Figure 17 on the performance curve. It can be noticed that, plastic strain in
the FE model stand at between 9.8-25%, when failure occurred in the experiment. Hence,
basing failure prediction on 5% plastic strain will severely underestimate the performance of
the specimen to about 220-250kN.

Figure 17. Performance curve of the specimen from experiment (red) and FEM with different
material model options (grey/black).
25 (26)
Figure 18 presents the performance curve obtained by FEM, together with the failure load
predicted by the EN 1993-1-8 equations (NRd=436kN). It can be noted that this force level is
somewhat larger than the 420kN received in the test (Figure 17). In terms of plastic strain, with
a choice of limiting PEEQ at 10% the capacity of the joint would be (under)predicted to 338kN,
with PEEQ at 20%, the force estimate would result realistic at 434kN and with PEEQ 25% the
capacity would be (over)predicted as 469kN.

(a) (b)

Figure 18. (a) Performance curve of X3TT_960 obtained by FE model and (b) development
of the plastic strain and triaxiliaty in the critical element

6.2.3 Conclusions

The welded joint application example of the proposed methodology was unsuccessful. This
can be attributed to the model simplifications, especially what concerns the weld and HAZ
properties. If these locations are weakened, when compared to the rest of the model, it is
probable that stresses and plastic strains concentrate in these regions, resulting in larger
localised demands. Unfortunately, for this application not even the base material properties
were available, let alone weld and HAZ properties.

For further calibration of the methodology, the use of well-documented tests with known
properties of the different components should be used. The modelling approach also has to be
a degree more sophisticated, including for instance residual stresses that were ignored here.
However, in this case modelling would require more resources than available in this project.

7. Summary
The two methods demonstrated in this report are simple approaches to the problems with the
details subjected to the concentrated tensile stresses in some areas or the whole cross-
section. They provide insight into the basic questions whether the Eurocode’s material
requirements are correct or not, could they be eased or not, and how much they could be
eased. The methods are validated against real experiments.
26 (26)
This report can serve as a guidance for the finite element modelling of structural details that
are subjected to tension, with the risk of initiation and development of diffuse necking.

[1] EN 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules
for buildings, European Committee for Standardisation, 2005.

[2] EN 1993-1-12 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-12: Supplementary rules
for high-strength steels, European Committee for Standardisation, 2007.

[3] Dunaud M. Ductile fracture at intermediate stress triaxialities: Experimental

investigations and micro-mechanical modelling, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2013.

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