Radiation Units
Radiation Units
Radiation Units
Roentgen: Is the measurement of energy produced by Gamma or X-Ray radiation in a cubic centimeter
of air. It is abbreviated with the capital "R". One milliroentgen, abbreviated "mR" is one-thousandth of a
roentgen. One microroentgen, abbreviated “uR” is one-millionth of a roentgen.
RAD: Radiation Absorbed Dose. Original measuring unit for expressing the absorption of all types of
ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, etc) into any medium. One rad is equivalent to the
absorption of 100 ergs of energy per gram of absorbing tissue.
REM: Roentgen Equivalent Man is a measurement that correlates the dose of any radiation to the
biological effect of that radiation. Since not all radiation has the same biological effect, the dosage is
multiplied by a "quality factor" (Q). For example, a person receiving a dosage of gamma radiation will
suffer much less damage than a person receiving the same dosage from alpha particles, by a factor of
three. So alpha particles will cause three times more damage than gamma rays. Therefore, alpha
radiation has a quality factor of three. Following is the Q factor for a few radiation types.
The difference between the rad and rem is that the rad is a measurement of the radiation absorbed by the
material or tissue. The rem is a measurement of the biological effect of that absorbed radiation. For
general purposes most physicists agree that the Roentgen, Rad and Rem may be considered equivalent.
How Much Radiation is Safe? In the United States the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
determines what radiation exposure level is considered safe. Occupational exposure for worker is
limited to 5000 mrem per year. For the general population, the exposure is 500 mrem above background
radiation in any one year. However for long term, multi-year exposure, 100 mrem above background
radiation is the limit set per year. Let’s extrapolate the 100 mrem number to an hourly radiation
exposure rate. There are 365 days/yr x 24 hr/day equals 8760 hours. Divide 100 mrem by 8760 hours
equals .0114 mrem/hr or 11.4/hr microrem. This is an extremely low radiation level. The background
radiation in my lab hovers around 32 uR/hr. Am I in trouble? No. Typically background radiation in the
United States averages 300 mrem/yr, or 34 microrem/hr. The NRC specifications is for radiation above
this 34 urem/hr background radiation. Notice that my lab readings are in microrad (uR/hr) and the
exposure limit is given in microrem (urem/hr). I do not know what type of radiation (a , b or y) the
geiger counter is reading in my lab at any particular instant, so I do not know the Q factor of the
radiation and therefore can not calculate the mrem. However for general purposes I consider them the
one and the same. Remember the digital geiger counters are calibrated using a Cs-137 radioactive
Therefore the highest accuracy in reading radiation levels will be from Cs-137 sources.
Background radiation consists of three sources ; Cosmic radiation from the sun and
stars. Terrestrial radiation from low levels of uranium, thorium, and their decay products in the soil, air
and water. Internal radiation from radioactive potassium-40, carbon-14, lead-210, and other isotopes
found inside our bodies.
Digital Geiger Counters are extremely sensitive and will detect and measure background radiation in
addition to detecting and measuring radioactivity above background radiation.