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Wind Plant Preconstruction Energy Estimates: Current Practice and Opportunities

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Wind Plant Preconstruction

Energy Estimates: Current

Practice and Opportunities
Andrew Clifton, Aaron Smith, and
Michael Fields
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.

Technical Report
April 2016

Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308

Wind Plant Preconstruction
Energy Estimates: Current
Practice and Opportunities
Andrew Clifton, Aaron Smith, and
Michael Fields
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Prepared under Task No. WE15.3B02

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report

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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
List of Acronyms
GWh/yr gigawatt-hour per year
IE independent engineer
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
kW kilowatt
LCOE levelized cost of energy
m/s meters per second
MCP measure-correlate-predict
MW megawatt
O&M operation and maintenance
OEM original equipment manufacturer


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Executive Summary
Understanding the amount of energy that will be harvested by a wind power plant each year and
the variability of that energy is essential to assessing and potentially improving the financial
viability of that power plant.

The preconstruction energy estimate process predicts the amount of energy—with uncertainty
estimates—that a wind power plant will deliver to the point of revenue. This report describes the
preconstruction energy estimate process from a technical perspective and seeks to provide insight
into the financial implications associated with each step. The main outcome from the process is
the net energy estimate, which includes its probability distribution (Figure ES1).

Figure ES1. The net energy estimate is a key part of the preconstruction energy estimate
The preconstruction energy estimate only includes the gross and net energy estimates together with
information about losses and uncertainties. Actual energy production data are shown for illustration only.

The net energy estimate is used by the developer to judge the financial viability of a wind power
plant, and it is included as part of its financing package. Reducing uncertainty in energy reduces
the cost of financing the power plant, and it may open wind energy to alternative funding
sources. Reducing predicted losses through plant optimization or improved operational strategies
increases the potential revenue from the plant and so reduces the cost of electricity.

The estimate is expressed as a probability distribution of energy in different periods that are
important to various project stakeholders. These timescales are typically 1 year, 10 years, and 20
years, and the uncertainties are expressed as values. For example, the 1-year 50 value is the
amount of energy that has a 50% probability of being exceeded in any single year during the
project’s life. Likewise, the 10-year 95 is the amount of energy that has a 95% probability of
being exceeded in any 10 years of the project’s life. These data are essential inputs to financial
models, and they are used by stakeholders to size their capital contributions and evaluate the
degrees of exposure to risk related to production uncertainty.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
The preconstruction energy estimate process is similar throughout most of the wind industry in
the United States and Europe (Figure ES2). Although this document focuses on land-based wind
power plants, the same processes are used offshore.

Figure ES2. Main technical activities in a wind power plant’s energy estimate process

The main steps include:

Site prospecting: finding a potential site using country- or state-level resource maps and
securing land
Resource measurement campaign: measuring wind and other conditions on the site for
several years
Central energy estimate, including:
o Long-term resource correction: calculating the long-term on-site wind climate
from local and off-site data
o Horizontal and vertical extrapolation: filling gaps between measurement points
and estimating wind speed at hub heights and across the rotor
o Turbine selection: choosing appropriate wind turbines for the site’s wind speed
and turbulence
o Site optimization: establishing the best layout for a particular goal and quantifying
the energy capture ( 50) based on that layout and turbines
o Loss estimation: calculating how much energy will be lost in electrical lines and
through turbine downtime, wakes, and other factors.
Uncertainty analysis: quantifying the uncertainty of each step in the estimate, which is then
used to derive 95 and 99 values for different timescales.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
The central energy estimate and uncertainty estimate are revised in an iterative fashion as more
project data become available and different commercial scenarios are considered.

Although some approaches to preconstruction energy prediction process are similar, there is no
standard process or terminology at the present time of publication. Therefore, an international
group has proposed a new International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard to address
this issue, provisionally called IEC 61400-15: Assessment of Wind Resource, Energy Yield, and
Site Suitability Input Conditions for Wind Power Plants.

The chief controls on wind plant energy losses are the site’s layout, wind conditions, and
operations. Losses can be reduced through a variety of approaches such as site planning, use of
turbine- and plant-level controls, and engagement with balancing authorities. Better loss
estimates would reduce the bias compared to actual performance, which would make wind more
comparable to thermal generation and increase the confidence of financiers to invest in wind
energy. Figure ES3 and Figure ES4 present summaries of loss and uncertainty values in the
literature according to the categories proposed by the IEC 61400-15 working group. These are
not fleet-wide values because this data is not available.

Figure ES3. Sources of wind plant energy losses

Controlling factors are identified in the bars; mitigation actions are shown below each bar. Values apply to
wind power plants designed and built in 2010–2015 and are based on the literature survey in Section 4.

Uncertainties associated with site layout, measurements, and turbine model are under the
project’s control and can be mitigated; for example, using more instruments at more points
around a site, up to and beyond hub heights, would directly reduce uncertainty. In comparison,
uncertainties associated with wind conditions and climate variability are largely dictated by the
project location, and they are largely out of the project’s control.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Figure ES4. Sources of uncertainty in a wind plant energy estimate
Controlling factors are identified in the bars; mitigation actions are shown below each bar. Values apply to
wind power plants designed and built in 2010–2015 and are based on the literature survey in Section 4.

Many wind flow, wake, or turbine performance models do not include relevant physics.
Compared to baseline models, higher-fidelity models require more information (or assumptions)
to run, but they may be more accurate or reduce uncertainty.

The accuracy of preconstruction energy estimates could be improved by addressing the

prediction of gross energy production, losses, and uncertainties. Actions to achieve this include:

Evidence to drive investigations: create a database representing a wide range of

developers, turbines, and geographic areas that includes pre- and postconstruction energy
estimates with standardized reporting of losses and uncertainties.
Improved measurement and modeling techniques: develop better site measurement tools,
including remote sensing, more accurate wind turbine power curve methods, faster and
more accurate wind flow and wake models, better long-term wind resource prediction
tools including climate variability, and better curtailment models.
Improved modeling and reporting of uncertainty: create more accurate and evidence-
based uncertainty models-potentially based on time-based energy prediction approaches-
as well as the use of risk-assessments to identify, report, and potentially mitigate low-
probability but high-impact technical risks to the wind power plant’s performance.
Improvements to the preconstruction energy estimate would potentially open the path to new
wind power plant financing and increase the deployment of wind energy in the United States and


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. x
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... x
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What Is a Preconstruction Energy Estimate? ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Who Is Involved in the Preconstruction Energy Estimate? ........................................................... 2
1.3 How Is The Preconstruction Energy Estimate Used?.................................................................... 2
2 Key Parts of the Preconstruction Energy Estimate .......................................................................... 5
2.1 Central Estimate of Energy ( ) ................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Losses ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Uncertainty .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Prediction Bias .............................................................................................................................. 7
3 The Preconstruction Energy Estimate Process ................................................................................ 8
3.1 Prospecting .................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Resource Measurement Campaign .............................................................................................. 11
3.3 Central Estimate of Energy (P50) ............................................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Data Processing and Long-Term Resource Correction .................................................. 14
3.3.2 Horizontal and Vertical Extrapolation ........................................................................... 16
3.3.3 Turbine Selection ........................................................................................................... 18
3.3.4 Site Optimization............................................................................................................ 21
3.3.5 Plant Loss Estimation ..................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Uncertainty Analysis ................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 What Is Uncertainty? ...................................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Measurement Uncertainty .............................................................................................. 28
3.4.3 Model Uncertainty.......................................................................................................... 30
3.4.4 Project Total Uncertainty ............................................................................................... 31
3.4.5 Establishing P-factors from Uncertainties...................................................................... 31
3.4.6 Uncertainty Frameworks ................................................................................................ 32
4 Ranges of Losses and Uncertainties ............................................................................................... 35
4.1 Losses .......................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.1 Availability ..................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.2 Wake Effects .................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.3 Electrical Losses............................................................................................................. 37
4.1.4 Turbine Performance ...................................................................................................... 38
4.1.5 Environmental Losses .................................................................................................... 39
4.1.6 Curtailment ..................................................................................................................... 41
4.1.7 Summary of Losses ........................................................................................................ 41
4.2 Uncertainties................................................................................................................................ 43
4.2.1 Site Measurements ......................................................................................................... 43
4.2.2 Spatial Variation............................................................................................................. 44
4.2.3 Vertical Extrapolation .................................................................................................... 44
4.2.4 Plant Performance .......................................................................................................... 45
4.2.5 Historic Wind Resource ................................................................................................. 46
4.2.6 Project Lifetime Variability ........................................................................................... 47
4.2.7 Summary of Uncertainties .............................................................................................. 47
5 Reporting ............................................................................................................................................. 49
5.1 Site Description ........................................................................................................................... 49
5.2 Wind Resource Characteristics ................................................................................................... 50
5.3 Energy Production ....................................................................................................................... 50
6 Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 53
References ................................................................................................................................................. 56


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
List of Figures
Figure ES1. The net energy estimate is a key part of the preconstruction energy estimate .......................... v
Figure ES2. Main technical activities in a wind power plant’s energy estimate process............................. vi
Figure ES3. Sources of wind plant energy losses ....................................................................................... vii
Figure ES4. Sources of uncertainty in a wind plant energy estimate......................................................... viii
Figure 1. Wind power plant components ...................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Elements of the preconstruction energy estimate .......................................................................... 5
Figure 3. High-level technical activities to develop an energy estimate for a new wind power plant .......... 8
Figure 4. Process of creating a wind plant’s central energy estimate ......................................................... 14
Figure 5. Binned wind speed for a single turbine together with the turbine power curve .......................... 20
Figure 6. Site optimization process ............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 7. Loss categories proposed by the IEC 61400-15 working group .................................................. 26
Figure 8. Example of a Gaussian distribution ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 9. Calibration report for an anemometer.......................................................................................... 29
Figure 10. Example of the relationship between the mean and standard deviation and Pxx ...................... 31
Figure 11. Uncertainty categories proposed by the IEC 61400-15 working group .................................... 32
Figure 12. When uncertainties in the preconstruction energy estimate are created ................................... 33
Figure 13. Range of energy losses in a wind plant’s preconstruction energy estimate............................... 53
Figure 14. Range of energy uncertainties in a wind plant’s preconstruction energy estimate .................... 54

All figures created by NREL.

List of Tables
Table 1. Terminology.................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 2. Prospecting Activities ................................................................................................................... 10
Table 3. Resource Measurement Campaign Activities ............................................................................... 12
Table 4. Data Processing and Long-Term Resource Correction Activities ................................................ 15
Table 5. Horizontal and Vertical Extrapolation Activities.......................................................................... 16
Table 6. Turbine Selection Activities ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 7. Site Optimization Activities .......................................................................................................... 23
Table 8. Loss Estimation Activities ............................................................................................................ 27
Table 9. Uncertainty Estimation Activities ................................................................................................. 34
Table 10. Summary of Losses in a Wind Plant ........................................................................................... 42
Table 11. Summary of Uncertainties in Wind Plant Preconstruction Energy Estimates ............................ 48
Table 12. Example Summary Table of Energy Production ........................................................................ 50
Table 13. Example Summary Energy Production and Capacity Factor Distribution ................................. 51
Table 14. Example Summary of Loss Using Proposed IEC 61400-15 Categories ..................................... 51
Table 15. Example Summary of Uncertainty Using Proposed IEC 61400-15 Categories.......................... 52
Table 16. Example 12-by-24 Table of Energy Production ......................................................................... 52

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
1 Introduction
Commercial-scale wind projects are large, complex, and capital intensive, with capital
expenditures for a typical 200-megawatt (MW) land-based wind project ranging between $280
million and $500 million (Wiser and Bollinger 2014). Offshore wind projects tend to be larger
than land-based projects and more expensive on a dollar-per-kilowatt basis. A typical 400-MW
offshore wind project in Europe would require capital expenditures from $1.6 billion to $2.4
billion (Hamilton et al. 2014).

Like any other large-scale energy project, decisions to invest in wind projects are built on
expectations about the future that are subject to some amount of uncertainty, which can impact
the profitability of the venture. In a wind energy project, project sponsors take steps during the
development phase to understand capital expenditures, operational expenditures, and net annual
energy production based on the characteristics at a given project site. These are evaluated against
the price at which energy and other attributes can be sold into the market to value the opportunity
associated with the investment. This primer focuses on communicating the methodology that the
wind industry uses to predict the net energy delivery from prospective wind projects, including
current status, uncertainties, and linkages to financial decision-making. This prediction is called
the preconstruction energy estimate.

This section provides an introduction to the preconstruction energy estimate, including the
various stakeholders and how they use it. Section 2 describes key parts of the preconstruction
energy estimate. Section 3 describes the high-level process that is common to most of the wind
energy community. Section 4 presents recently published estimates of losses and uncertainty.
Section 5 describes the preconstruction energy yield analysis report that will be generated.
Section 6 summarizes the process and discusses opportunities to better estimate energy
assessment losses and uncertainties.

1.1 What is a Preconstruction Energy Estimate?

The amount of energy delivered by a wind power plant varies each year. This variability arises
because of natural fluctuations in the wind resource and because of changes in the wind power
plant’s ability to capture and deliver that energy. This variability leads to a fluctuating income
for the wind power plant and investors. Because of this, it is essential to quantify both the mean
energy and the variability of the energy as accurately as possible before the wind power plant is
built. This is done using the preconstruction energy estimate, which quantifies the likely
distribution of energy that a wind power plant will produce during different periods of its
investment life.

A preconstruction energy estimate is an estimate of the energy delivered to the point of revenue
metering (Figure 1) during each year that the plant is in operation. This estimate is the potential
amount of energy that could be generated by the wind project given the site’s wind resource and
turbine power curve minus plant losses due to the effect of wakes on downwind turbines, turbine
performance, environmental factors, technical availability, curtailment, and electrical losses.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Figure 1. Wind power plant components

Typically, the preconstruction estimate is produced directly by the project sponsor or by one or
more independent engineers, and it leverages their experiences of other wind power plants.

1.2 Who is Involved in the Preconstruction Energy Estimate?

A preconstruction energy estimate involves many different parties, including:

The project sponsor, also referred to as the developer: the entity that leads the
development of the wind project and arranges the financial structure. The engineering
capability of the project sponsor varies: some sponsors having significant in-house wind
power plant development capabilities, and others subcontract much of the engineering.
Independent engineer (IE): an organization that provides engineering services to the
project sponsor and has no financial stake in the project.
Turbine original equipment manufacturer (OEM): the organization that provides the
turbines to the project.

1.3 How is the Preconstruction Energy Estimate Used?

Financial stakeholders use the information in the preconstruction energy estimate to value the
future cash flows that a project could generate during its operational lifetime. The
preconstruction energy estimate also provides insight into the amount of uncertainty surrounding
cash flow.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Wind project sponsors use a number of different financial structures to obtain the investment
required to build wind projects. Harper, Karcher, and Bolinger (2007) provide an overview of the
most common financial structures in the U.S. market that are used to attract investors, manage
risk exposure, and allocate the value of tax benefits. 1 The main financial stakeholders are as

The sponsor may choose to continue participating in an ownership role throughout the
project’s life cycle or may choose to divest part or all of its interest. Equity provided by
the sponsor is generally unsecured and represents the first dollar lost if revenue is less
than predicted.
Tax investors invest upfront capital in wind projects primarily in exchange for claims on
the future tax credits that will be generated by the project, which are referred to as tax
equity. Examples include large banks, insurance companies, or other corporations that
have large federal income tax liabilities. Tax investors typically invest with a time
horizon that corresponds to the availability of the tax benefits and structure their
investments so that they are protected in the event of financial distress.
Debt investors provide commercial debt to a project either to a sponsor at the corporate
level or directly to the project. Project-level debt, also referred to as nonrecourse debt, is
a claim on the future cash flows of a project and is secured by the assets of the project. In
the event of default, the debt provider can seize the project assets but cannot recover any
other compensation from the borrower. For this reason, nonrecourse debt is generally
structured conservatively and has a prioritized claim on cash flows generated by the
project. Because debt has a first lien on project assets and is prioritized over the claim of
tax investors, wind project capital structures in the United States rarely include both
nonrecourse debt and tax equity investors.
The preconstruction energy estimate provides key information that management and/or credit
boards at these financial stakeholders use to make informed decisions about whether or not they
will invest in a given project. If a financial stakeholder chooses to proceed with an investment,
the information in the preconstruction energy estimate provides data that can be used to identify
the appropriate price and volume that the investor is willing to contribute to the overall financing

Tax benefits represent credits against future federal income tax liabilities that result from accelerated depreciation
of tangible assets as well as federal incentives such as the Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit. These
benefits provide significant value to wind projects, but generally they cannot be monetized efficiently (i.e., in the
year that they are generated) by wind project sponsors because the sponsors lack sufficient income tax liability.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Each of these investor types has specific criteria that they use to evaluate wind projects,
including time horizons and risk appetites. For example, a sponsor that plans on maintaining an
ownership during the entire life of a project will often evaluate project returns based on a 20-year
90 energy estimate. A tax equity investor investing to monetize a Production Tax Credit-based
revenue stream will use a 10-year 95 value that corresponds to the 10-year term during which
the Production Tax Credit is valid. A debt investor will generally size their investment based on
a 1-year, 99 value to ensure that the project will not default on debt obligations in any given
year and thus reduces their risk to an event that might send the project into financial distress. 2

If the preconstruction energy estimate leads to the identification of significant sources of risk and
uncertainty (e.g., high-probability curtailment) or suggests that there is a probability that future
revenues may be too low to support the required level of investment, the sponsor may choose to
modify, abandon, or put the project on hold for future consideration. If an attractive wind
resource exists, the developer is often able to successfully mitigate risks and uncertainties by
modifying the plant layout, selecting different turbines, strengthening contractual protections, or
collecting additional data albeit at additional cost.

The examples above describe only probability values and time horizons that each class of investor generally uses
to evaluate the revenue potential of wind projects. Different organizations may use criteria that may be more or less
conservative; however, the values described are thought to be broadly representative. Many other commercial terms
and conditions can be built into the financing structure to protect investors from repayment risk including reserve
funds, minimum return thresholds, cash sweeps, etc.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
2 Key Parts of the Preconstruction Energy Estimate
The preconstruction energy estimate documents the process by which the industry estimates the
expected distribution of the net amount of energy delivered to the point of revenue metering per
year during a range of timescales. The estimate includes the gross energy estimate, an estimate of
losses, and a prediction of the net amount of energy delivered to the point of revenue metering.
Each of these estimates is reported as uncertain values so that the final net energy estimate can
be expressed as a range of probabilities (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Elements of the preconstruction energy estimate

The preconstruction energy estimate includes central estimates of the gross and net energy estimates
and information about losses and uncertainties. Actual energy production data are for illustration only.

The expected distribution of energy in any one year from a wind power plant is the major output
from a preconstruction energy estimate. The distribution shown on the right of Figure 2
represents the gross energy production estimate, which is calculated based on the site’s
characteristics (e.g., wind speed distribution, terrain, layout) and the wind turbine’s power curve.
The gross energy estimate is reported as a central estimate with uncertainty information or as a
probability distribution. The uncertainty is introduced by site measurements, the vertical
extrapolation method, the accuracy of the historical wind resource record, the variability in the
wind resource from one year to another (interannual variability), and other terms described later
in this document.

The estimate of net energy is the gross estimate minus losses such as wakes, turbine
performance, environmental factors, technical availability, curtailment, and other factors. The net
energy estimate is always lower than the gross energy estimate. The uncertainty of the net energy
estimate is greater than the uncertainty of the gross estimate because each of the expected loss
types is subject to uncertainty. The reported uncertainty of the central estimate of the net energy

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
estimate is usually one standard deviation. Because uncertainties are often assumed to be
normally distributed they show a bell-shaped distribution wherein the area bounded by one
standard deviation on either side of the 50 value includes approximately 68% of events. In this
case, the uncertainty estimate therefore brackets the energy that would be produced in 13 years
by a wind power plant that has a 20-year investment life cycle. The 90 and 95 values are also
shown; these are the amounts of energy that are expected to be exceeded in at least 18 years or
19 years, respectively, of the wind power plant’s life cycle.

Key terms are described in the subsections below.

2.1 Central Estimate of Energy ( )

The main outcome of the preconstruction energy estimate is the amount of energy delivered to
the point of revenue metering that has a 50% likelihood of being exceeded during timescales of
any one year, 10 years, or the investment life of the plant. This is the 50 value for energy, and it
is a key wind power plant characteristic. This estimate is also known as the annual energy

The methods used to create the central estimate of energy are described in Section 3.3.

2.2 Losses
Losses are amounts of energy that are potentially available to the wind power plant but cannot be
harvested for technical or other reasons, and they are the difference between gross and net
energy. Losses can result from wakes, turbine response, availability, electrical transmission,
curtailment, and other factors. If loss estimates are not accurate, the 50 estimate will be wrong.

Typical methods used to estimate losses are described in Section 3.3.5. Recent loss estimates are
summarized in Section 4.1.

2.3 Uncertainty
Uncertainties arise from random errors from observations or models used to create the central
energy estimate. For example, random errors in wind measurement can occur because an
individual anemometer does not measure the “true” wind speed that would be measured by a
theoretically perfect instrument that did not modify the flow and had an instantaneous response
to gusts or slowdown. Real-world anemometers measure wind speeds that are affected by
turbulence and inflow angle, and their performance may be impacted by wear and tear. Likewise,
random errors can arise in models of wind turbine performance or wake propagation and
electrical losses. These and other measurement and model uncertainties contribute to the
distribution of the energy estimate wherein the width of the distribution (Figure 2) and the
estimate for energy are a function of the cumulative uncertainty of all of the parts of the
preconstruction energy estimate process.

Typical approaches to estimating energy uncertainty are described in Section 3.4. Recent
uncertainty budgets are summarized in Section 4.2.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
2.4 Prediction Bias
The actual energy produced by a wind power plant may differ from the preconstruction energy
estimates. This difference may arise from wind speeds that are lower or higher than expected,
curtailment, or other factors, and the differences may vary from one year to another. The
magnitude of the difference between the preconstruction distribution and the actual distribution,
after removing variation due to external factors such as low wind speeds or curtailment, is the
prediction bias due to modeling. The leftmost distribution in Figure 2 shows a scenario in which
actual energy production is lower than the predicted value (referred to as underperformance).
During the lifetime of the plant, the difference in production should be as small as possible to
maximize the accuracy of preconstruction revenue projections and thus minimize the risk
exposure for financial investors.

Causes of prediction bias are discussed throughout this document.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
3 The Preconstruction Energy Estimate Process
The process of predicting the energy from a wind power plant project before it is built is quite
well defined when viewed from a high level (Figure 3).

Figure 3. High-level technical activities to develop an energy estimate for a new wind power plant
This process has been used to develop most of the wind power plants throughout the world, and
it includes the following steps:

Site prospecting: use national or state-level wind maps and data to identify target areas.
Resource measurement campaign: measure wind resources at multiple points on the site
using a combination of meteorological (met) towers and remote sensing.
Central estimate ( 50) process: estimate the energy delivered by the wind project to the
point of revenue metering. This iterative process will be repeated during the development
process to reflect additional data and maturing plant design and includes:
o Data processing and long-term resource correction: identify and remove or correct
poor data. Predict long-term wind resource characteristics.
o Horizontal and vertical extrapolation: estimate wind characteristics across the site
at turbine locations and up to hub heights or across the rotor plane.
o Turbine selection: select a turbine model (or models) suited to the site’s wind
characteristics and temperature, seismic, and other site-specific conditions.
o Site optimization: evaluate a range of site layout options within the limits of
standard construction methods and turbine load limitations with an objective of
maximizing energy capture or minimizing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE).
o Energy production estimates: quantify the energy produced by each turbine and
estimate losses from each turbine and the whole plant at a range of timescales.
Uncertainty analysis: quantify the uncertainty in the energy production estimates.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Although the high-level process is similar from one project to another (Tegen 2015), each
sponsor or IE takes a slightly different approach to the details. The preconstruction energy
estimate is produced by different entities and at different levels of fidelity as the plant design
matures. An initial estimate at the site-prospecting stage may be quite coarse, and subsequent
layouts are generated that incorporate improved wind resource, turbine data, and plant layout to
inform optimized plant design. Budgets increase substantially throughout this process, and
management usually has a direct role in approving further action at key stage gates.

A common format is used in this report to describe the activities in each stage (Table 1).

Table 1. Terminology

Activity Smallest identifiable blocks of work that are carried out

Desired outcome Goal of the activity
Method How the activity is carried out
Uncertainties Probable sources of spread in the outcome from the activity

3.1 Prospecting
Prospecting is the process of identifying a geographical location where the project sponsor can
expect to find a viable wind resource and there is market demand and transmission capability
that suggest favorable conditions for wind plant development. Although prospecting is not part
of the process of estimating a wind plant’s energy production, it is an important part of a wind
plant’s development process, and it leads to the identification of the target area for development.
Also, information obtained in the prospecting process can directly impact the resource
measurement campaign (Figure 3).

The sponsor also generally reviews internal and publicly available data sources to identify any
fatal flaws or potential barriers that could result in delays or extra costs, including environmental
sensitivities (e.g., protected species), radar issues, local regulations, political environments, and
public attitudes toward wind (Table 2). In most cases, the process would define the approximate
boundaries of the development, meaning that landowners could be contacted and the process of
arranging leases could be started.

This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 2. Prospecting Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Prospect Identify counties or Perform a geographic Wind resource maps have
wind survey townships that information system-based minimal validation.
may have a viable wind terrain analysis.
resource. Use data from reanalysis or
weather models aggregated
during 20–30 years. These
are often obtained from a
third party.
Prospect Identify locations that Perform a desktop study. Limited data are available.
transmission have transmission An historic availability of
capacity on an annual or transmission does not
seasonal basis. guarantee future capacity.
Conduct Identify major permitting, Perform a desktop study Data may be limited,
high-level environmental, land-use, with publicly available data. inaccurate, or out of date.
feasibility or logistical challenges to
study project delivery.

Expenses and time required at this stage of the project’s development are relatively limited.
Tegen (2015) interviewed developers and determined that prospecting for successful projects
amounts to approximately $0.25/kW–$0.5/kW. Larger sponsors typically have a corporate
budget for site prospecting and do not attribute site prospecting costs to individual wind projects;
instead, these costs are factored into the calculations for required rates of return or development
fees in the entire project portfolio.

Development costs can be reduced if a possible wind farm’s location can be rejected quickly
without spending money on a wind resource measurement campaign for a marginal site. This
rapid decision making is possible if the data that are used for wind prospecting are of high
accuracy. High-quality wind data can be combined with information about environmentally
sensitive areas, competing land use, slope angles, and roads and thus simplify the prospecting
process. In some countries, governments support prospecting by underwriting wind model
development and disseminating wind maps. Countries that have followed this approach include
the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, and Canada. Similarly,
extensive public energy production data sets from operating wind projects in Germany enable
relatively simple site prospecting. Several private companies offer high-resolution model-derived
wind data that are marketed for site prospecting. Wind maps are also sometimes produced as part
of an aid package for a country because they can reduce barriers to investment but require skills
that might not be found there. (See wind maps for Gujarat by Draxl, Purkayastha, and Parker

The availability of transmission can be a major barrier to the development of a wind power plant.
Transmission is often limited in potential areas for wind plant development. New transmission
lines can be time consuming and expensive to develop, and often they require legislative action
and a planning horizon that can span more than 10 years from initiation to commissioning.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Active research worldwide is improving the prospecting process. Researchers from academia,
industries, and governments are investigating how wind resource maps can be improved through
better foundational weather models. Also, geographic information systems are increasingly used
as a platform to identify development sites and rapidly estimate overall capital costs. For
example, a geographic information systems tool can be used to combine wind resource and
terrain data to estimate the potential energy production at a site and the costs of integrating a
wind plant into the transmission system. Improved resource prospecting could decrease the risk
of spending money on sites that are later found to be uneconomical to develop, potentially
reducing the cost of early-stage development capital.

3.2 Resource Measurement Campaign

The resource measurement campaign takes place after the approximate site location has been
identified. At this time, the project sponsor is relatively confident that there may be a wind
resource, but the sponsor lacks information required to make an accurate financial assessment.
The aim of the campaign is to obtain enough data to estimate with confidence the long-term wind
resource at the site and enable follow-on wind field modeling and financial modeling.

A wind resource measurement campaign requires deploying measurement equipment on or near

the site to obtain the data that are required to estimate the long-term wind resource (Table 3).
Brower et al. (2010) provides an excellent overview of the practicalities of the resource
measurement campaign. Because a land lease is usually required to deploy meteorological
equipment, most project developers tend to obtain options on the project land at this time to
ensure that the site can be developed if a suitable resource is found.

The resource assessment campaign is capital intensive, requiring between $50,000–$100,000 per
tower or remote sensing device, and it incurs significant ongoing costs for labor and equipment
for installation, monitoring, maintenance, and documentation of the towers or remote sensing
devices. Not all potential wind farms move to construction so the costs of the unsuccessful
resource campaigns contribute to the developer’s overhead; therefore, most developers try to
minimize the initial costs of the resource assessment campaign. A common approach is to use
temporary 60-m towers to minimize costs and permitting challenges and move to more
expensive measurement equipment aimed at reducing uncertainty only after an initial estimate of
the project viability has been made.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 3. Resource Measurement Campaign Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Methods Uncertainties

Design Ensure: Identify key atmospheric Model limitations are not always
campaign High data availability parameters that need to known.
be measured (e.g., wind Instrument performance may be
Low wind resource
speed and direction, overstated by vendors.
turbulence, air pressure,
Within available There is a lack of standard
temperature, humidity).
budget methods to quantify resource
Use flow modeling to campaign uncertainty.
Measurements that identify potential areas
enable flow modeling, The activity does not provide data
of complex flow.
wake modeling, required for wind power plant
Perform instrument optimization.
mechanical loads
costing and selection.
analysis, and power
curve development.
Take initial Obtain resource Use 1 year of The measurement period may not
measurements characterization data, measurements from be representative of the long-term
including: hub-height met tower at conditions.
Wind speed and locations with clean flow Data may be missing due to
direction and instrumented with equipment failure or icing.
cup anemometers and
Turbulence Towers may not reach the likely
wind vanes recorded at
Wind shear hub heights.
1 Hz.
Temperature Temperature does not map
directly to the risk of turbine icing.
The measurement campaign
Enable a go/no-go
does not address all atmospheric
quantities needed for modeling,
power curve definition, etc.
Take Reduce uncertainty in Use an extended period The remote sensing uncertainty
measurements resource data. of measurement. compared to towers is increased
to reduce Use remote sensing to in complex flow situations.
uncertainty check vertical and Remote sensing does not remove
horizontal extrapolation. all uncertainty in horizontal
Use remote sensing or extrapolation.
towers to make
measurements at areas
of high-flow model

Results from the wind resource measurement campaign are important in deciding whether a wind
plant is viable in the development location. Together with information about the availability of
transmission and land leases, the wind resource is one of the key metrics for assessing wind plant
viability. The wind measurement campaign is especially crucial to understanding a wind power
plant’s future performance because the output data provides the quantitative basis for the plant’s
design and optimization as well as the wind turbine OEM site-suitability analysis. Further,
because the wind measurement campaign lasts for at least 1 year and possibly longer, it is very
important to design the campaign correctly from the start; delays due to data gaps or high
uncertainties can cause significant delays in a project’s schedule and ultimately increase the
project’s costs.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Research in the area of wind resource measurement has recently focused on the use of remote
sensing to measure winds on the project site (Wagner et al. 2011). Remote sensing is attractive
because it can provide data directly at typical wind turbine hub heights (80 m–100 m) or at many
points across the site, allowing many different uses. Remote sensing measurements can
supplement tower measurements (Lackner et al. 2010) or be used from the outset, removing the
need to extrapolate wind speeds at hub heights from data collected at a lower height. Remote
sensing or taller towers can also enable estimates of the rotor-equivalent wind speed. The rotor
equivalent wind speed is the area’s average wind speed across the entire rotor disk, and it is
thought to be more accurate than the hub-height wind speed in predicting turbine power in
unusual or high-magnitude wind shear conditions (Wagner et al. 2011).

The use of remote sensing for wind resource measurement has been supported by significant
international collaborations. Examples of this include the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), which created standards for the acquisition of data using remote sensing as
part of the proposed new IEC Standard 61400-12-1 for power performance testing of wind

The International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research,
Development and Deployment of Wind Energy Systems (IEA Wind) is a vehicle for member
countries to exchange information on the planning and execution of national, large-scale wind
system projects and undertake cooperative research and development projects called Tasks or
Annexes. IEA Wind Task 32, “Wind Lidar” has developed recommended practices for the use of
remote sensing for wind measurements (Clifton, Elliott, and Courtney 2013), and for the use of
lidar in complex terrain (Clifton et al. 2016).

3.3 Central Estimate of Energy (P50)

After a potentially suitable wind power plant site has been identified and the wind resource
measurement campaign has started, the project sponsor usually starts to develop estimates of the
energy that the wind plant can produce. These estimates typically take the form of 50 values
for energy capture and losses delivered to the point of revenue metering during a variety of
timescales, including any one year, during the first 10 years, and during the entire investment
lifetime of the plant. Because the 50 is very important, this step of the preconstruction energy
estimation process is likely to be repeated several times during the development phase as more
data become available, leading to refined estimates and reduced uncertainty.

Like the overall development process, the process of creating the central energy estimate of a
wind farm is common to most wind projects. The major steps are shown in Figure 4 and
discussed in this section.


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Figure 4. Process of creating a wind plant’s central energy estimate

3.3.1 Data Processing and Long-Term Resource Correction

The economics of modern wind projects are typically evaluated based on an assumed business
case of between 20 years–25 years. To understand the long-term wind resource available at a
project site, a process known as measure-correlate-predict (MCP) is used to correct short-term
measurement data to a longer-term historical perspective. MCP is the process of using the data
measured at a wind site together with other long-term, “reference” measurements to predict the
long-term wind resource at the site (Table 4). The reference measurements are typically from 10
years–30 years in duration and could be from an airport weather station, a well-maintained
surface station, or from a numerical weather prediction model. Note that although a weather
station might have been operating for a long period, those data should be treated with caution.
For example, changes in vegetation height, surrounding buildings, poor instrument maintenance
records, or changes in the instrument type, location, or data logging may cause inconsistencies in
the data set that would introduce a bias in the wind resource estimate.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 4. Data Processing and Long-Term Resource Correction Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Select reference Obtain list of suitable Perform a desktop study to Poor instrument
sites long-term reference identify reference sites that maintenance or record
sites. highly correlate to the keeping reduces the
development site. quality of the data.
Correlate between Relationship between Apply some form of Data from the reference
reference site and reference site and regression- or joint- site may not be
development site development site. probability-based representative of the long-
correlation of site data to term wind climate in that
long-term wind data. area.
Predict long-term Correct site data to Develop and apply The prediction may be
wind resource long-term record. correction factors to using incorrect correction
estimate bounds for wind factors.
resource throughout
project lifetime.
Estimate Quantify wind Use long-term data record There is a lack of long-
interannual resource variability. to estimate variability. term data records for
variability Apply regional wind speed comparison.
variability factors. There is a lack of
information about
susceptibility to climate

MCP, which can also be considered the process of long-term resource correction, is a complex
process that is not clearly defined in an existing recommended practice or standard. A summary
of current methods is provided in Carta, Velázquez, and Cabrera (2013). Typically, each IE has
their own approach to correcting resource data to the longer term. This approach will vary
markedly depending on the terrain and local weather conditions. For example, in complex terrain
(e.g., forests, rolling countryside, or mountainous regions), correlations between the reference
site and the development site may drop rapidly with distance; but in flat terrain, the correlations
may be much higher across the same distance. Where weather conditions are highly
heterogeneous (e.g., in coastal or mountainous regions), a similar effect may be seen. These
considerations have made it very challenging for the wind industry to develop standard methods
for MCP that can be readily compared.

Research into long-term resource correction has investigated several opportunities for more
nuanced methods of correction. For example, multivariate regression (e.g., using wind speed,
direction, temperature, and pressure to predict the wind speed at the development site) has been
found to help in some areas. Similarly, data from meteorological reanalysis models has been
used in place of reference stations, and it may enable wind turbine deployments in places that do
not have established meteorological infrastructure, particularly offshore (Sempreviva,
Barthelmie, and Pryor 2008). The use of reanalysis data is also helpful when reference stations
are in different wind climates from wind development sites, such as when reference sites are in
valleys and development sites are along ridgelines. This approach is sometimes described as the
“synthetic reference” approach.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
3.3.2 Horizontal and Vertical Extrapolation
The corrected long-term wind data that are obtained from the MCP process are only directly
relevant to locations where data were measured. These data therefore need to be extrapolated
across the whole site, and to the likely height of the turbine hub. These steps are known as
horizontal and vertical extrapolation (Table 5). Vertical extrapolation is only required if the
resource measurement campaign did not include measurements at the turbine hub height.

Table 5. Horizontal and Vertical Extrapolation Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Perform vertical Measure wind Use power law to extrapolate Wind speed profiles may not
extrapolation speeds at turbine from measured wind speeds follow the power law.
using sheara hub heights. to the height of interest. The method introduces
unknown levels of
uncertainty in the predicted
wind speed.
Perform vertical Measure wind Use remote sensing to scale This method has a lower
scaling using speeds at turbine the wind speed data from the uncertainty than shear
remote sensing hub heights. tower for wind speeds extrapolation.
dataa measured above a tower. Some remote sensing
devices can be inaccurate in
certain conditions.
Perform Consider wind Use computational fluid Simple flow models exhibit
horizontal speed scaling dynamics simulations, large errors due to effects of
extrapolation factors for all points applying models of varying atmospheric stability.
using flow throughout the site. levels of complexity and Complex flow models require
modeling capturing different physical significant user expertise.
There is large variation in
This is usually carried out for results for the same input.
certain wind directions and to
scale measured data.
These are different ways to arrive at the same outcome.

The vertical extrapolation of wind speed data from one height to another is extremely
challenging. The use of logarithmic or power laws (Stull 1988) to scale data requires
assumptions to be made about the homogeneity of the boundary layer. In simple approaches,
winds may be extrapolated vertically by assuming a constant shear exponent or by using
measured shear and assuming that these hold throughout the boundary layer. Although these
models may be reasonable during the middle of the day (when the boundary layer is deep), they
fail during the day-to-night transition because the boundary layer shape may be rapidly changing
and at night because the boundary layer can be relatively shallow. These boundary layer effects
can result in large changes in boundary layer wind profiles right at the height of 80 m–100 m
above ground at which turbines operate (Wagner et al. 2011; Wharton and Lundquist 2012). The
effect of these changes in boundary layer shape on the extrapolation depends on the method used
to scale the measurements: for example, every 10-minute data record could be scaled using a fit
to a wind profile, or each hour of a month could be scaled, or all wind speeds could be scaled by
a single global scaling factor, and so on. Each method makes certain assumptions and has
different sensitivities to wind conditions, potentially leading to errors in the vertical extrapolation


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
at certain times of the day or under certain wind conditions. These errors give rise to uncertainty
and possibly biased extrapolations.

Flow modeling for horizontal extrapolation of winds is an essential part of this stage of the
energy assessment process. Flow models that are used to estimate winds on a wind farm scale
can be categorized in terms of the flow physics that they model. In order of the relative
complexity of the physics that are modeled, these categories include:

Linear flow models: model flow over terrain and changing land cover, using simple
models for the speed up of wind over terrain or change of wind speed with surface
roughness, but ignore the effects of buoyancy on flow—e.g., the Wind Atlas Analysis
and Application Program (WAsP, Troen and Petersen 1989) and the Continuum Wind
Flow Model (Walls 2015)
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes models: model fluid flow by solving the Navier-Stokes
equations for the pressure, momentum, and energy of fluids, with some approximations
to enable the representation of time-averaged turbulence. These are often known
generically as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models by the wind energy industry. 3
This approach can better capture more complicated conditions, including complex terrain
or unsteady processes—e.g., WAsP CFD and Ventos (Abiven, Palma, and Brady 2011)
Large eddy simulation (LES) models: resolve larger turbulent eddies but are limited to
vertical extents of a few kilometers at a resolution of 1 m–100 m—e.g., the Simulator fOr
Wind Farm Applications (SOWFA) toolbox (Churchfield et al. 2012)
Mesoscale models: designed to model weather processes that happen throughout scales
from hundreds to thousands of kilometers at a resolution of around 1 km—e.g., the
Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF).
A significant challenge with flow modeling is that there is not yet a community-wide best
practice that specifies which model types are best for which applications or how to configure
them to obtain the best results for any given site. This challenge arises from the rapid pace of
change in the wind energy flow modeling community (partly forced by a desire to reduce the
cost of flow modeling), the rapid increase in the availability of computing power, and a lack of
previous industry-wide comparison exercises. These factors make it very difficult to identify a
best practice that will be valid for more than a few months.

Several international comparison exercises have been carried out or are in process which aim to
quantify the accuracy and uncertainty of these models. These include the Comparative Resource
and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures held by the European Wind Energy Association in
2011 and 2013 and a similar exercise held by the American Wind Energy Association in 2013.
IEA Wind Task 31, called “Wakebench,” is an international collaboration to test flow models
against a wide variety of case studies (Sanz Rodrigo et al. 2014; Moriarty et al. 2014). Vendors
have also conducted numerous studies to demonstrate the capability of their tools. Results from
the comparisons suggest that as site complexity increases (either through the addition of forested
areas or in complex terrain) or thermal effects become important (such as in areas that

Strictly, all four categories listed here contain computational fluid dynamics models in that they
all use numerical models of fluid flow; the four categories represent different levels of fidelity.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
experience strong diurnal ground heating and cooling cycles), results from flow modeling
become worse with respect to observations.

Efforts are also ongoing to improve mesoscale flow modeling through improved physical
models. These include the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmosphere to Electrons initiative, the
New European Wind Atlas, and through international collaboration via IEA Wind Task 36 on the
forecasting of wind power, which was launched in 2015. These mesoscale methods focus on
improving the representation of the flow physics in the model code and are of most impact where
there is not on-site data.

The use of taller towers or remote sensing to directly measure wind speeds at hub height or
above will minimize uncertainty due to vertical extrapolation while decreasing the spacing of
met towers; thus, increasing the availability of reference data on the site will reduce the
uncertainty due to horizontal extrapolation.

Depending on the site conditions and the methods that are used, estimates of the wind resource at
hub height are thought to have uncertainties from 1%–10% at different locations on the site. (See
Section 4.2.) However, there are no known public data sets that can be used to show the true
uncertainty in long-term wind resource estimates because there are no sites that are
representative of wind development locations and that have been instrumented for long periods
at heights from 80 m–100 m above ground with appropriate measurement equipment.

3.3.3 Turbine Selection

Turbine selection is the process by which one or more types of turbines are chosen for use in the
plant design process (Table 6). The process is iterative and usually involves an evaluation of
trade-offs among turbine performance and commercial considerations, including but not limited
to turbine supply agreement costs and terms (e.g., warranty provisions), turbine load limitations,
and manufacturer experience and reputation. The turbine selection process results in a
preliminary gross energy estimate for several turbine models that can be used to inform
negotiations and initial project pro forma scenarios.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 6. Turbine Selection Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Estimate IEC class Categorize locations on- Quantify the 50-year Accuracy of the
(by project sponsor site according to their return wind speed on- estimate
or OEM) IEC 61400-1 (2005) site ( ). Accuracy of the
class. Quantify the 95th estimate
percentile of the
turbulence intensity at
15 m/s ( ).
Perform loads Obtain offer from a wind The OEM performs Accuracy of the
analysis (by OEM) turbine OEM to provide a analysis following the estimate
warrantied wind turbine. site suitability Accuracy of the
assessment process
described in Chapter 11
of IEC 61400-1 (2005). The OEM may not
always use all
atmospheric data.
Data from the wind
resource campaign may
be insufficient.
Perform power Obtain offer from a wind Perform coupled flow The proprietary
analysis (by OEM) turbine OEM to provide a modeling and turbine processes cannot be
warrantied power curve. performance tested.
simulations. The wind turbine power
These may result in curves have uncertainty.
power curves for each
individual turbine
Estimate single- Estimate gross energy Perform a single-turbine Preliminary estimate.
turbine energy capture for each turbine analysis using machine The method may over-
capture (by project model, which can be power curve and or underpredict plant
sponsor or IE) used to evaluate representative data. energy depending on
financial viability. Vet turbine selection site layout.
with energy estimate It may not include wind
from preliminary layouts. flow or wake modeling.
Turbine energy is
affected by a wide
range of atmospheric
Select turbine(s) (by Choose turbine(s) to use Compare performance Turbine performance in
project sponsor) in site layout and commercial terms a wind power plant’s
optimization. among a subset of environment may be
turbine models. different than predicted.

The project sponsor or IE produces the preliminary energy estimate by summing the energy from
all turbines on-site and making a preliminary loss estimate using generic loss amounts. To do
this, the energy from each turbine is estimated from the wind speed distribution at each turbine
location and the turbine’s power curve. First, the site wind speed data are analyzed to find the
frequency of wind speeds in the range of 0.5 or 1 meter per second (m/s)–wide bins in 1 year at


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
each location (denoted ( )). Then the power curve is used to find the expected power for that
wind speed bin (denoted ( )). The gross energy per turbine is then the sum of the power times
the frequency of each bin (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Binned wind speed for a single turbine together with the turbine power curve

Formally, the gross energy per turbine is as follows:

Gross energy estimate = ( ) ( )

If the wind speed frequency is given in hours and the power is given in kilowatts, the gross
energy has units of kilowatt hours.

The turbine’s power is adjusted to account for the effect of air density variation following the
process described in IEC 61400-12-1 (2005) or using an OEM’s density-adjusted power curves.
This estimate is made for each turbine and then summed across the site to give the gross energy.
Generic losses are then used to give a first net energy estimate for each of the possible choices of
turbines on that site.

Estimating power from hub-height wind speed would be a reliable process if the hub height wind
speed were always indicative of the energy in the wind and if the wind speeds were constant for
a duration of 10 minutes. However, it is well known that the amount of energy in the wind can
change for the same hub-height wind speed because wind speeds are not constant (turbulence)
and they vary with height (shear). Power is not usually adjusted to account for shear; however,
wind turbine OEMs may provide power curves at different reference turbulence intensities ( ).

In 2012, the Power Curve Working Group (an informal, international group of developers,
consultants, turbine OEMs, and others) identified several factors that they considered key for
turbine performance. These factors include turbulence and shear, directional shear (veer), other
inflow conditions such as flow at an angle to horizontal, and changes in wind direction and
angle. Changes in inflow are partly related to changes in the atmosphere from day to night,


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
which is linked to atmospheric stability, but it is also related to changes in wind direction,
seasonal variation, and even changes in global circulation patterns.

There has been considerable research into ways to predict turbine output that account for more
than the hub-height wind speed, temperature, and pressure. Wagner et al. (2011) demonstrated
the use of the rotor equivalent wind speed to capture the effect of shear on turbine power, and
Choulkar et al. (2015) expanded the rotor equivalent wind speed to include the effect of
directional veer and turbulence as well. The rotor equivalent wind speed approach requires wind
speed and direction data across the rotor disk, which can be supplied only by taller towers or
remote sensing; realistically, remote sensing is the only way to provide that data. Albers (2010)
set out a method to account for the effect of turbulence on power by calculating the underlying
“zero-turbulence” power curve and showed that power curves could be customized to any site’s
characteristics. Hedevang (2012) presents a comparison of several such methods, and Clifton and
Wagner (2014) and Bulaevskaya et al. (2015) describe machine-learning approaches that can
account for the effect of variables when the mechanism behind their effect is not clear.

Improving the way in which power curves are measured and used is the subject of much
international collaboration. Experts from several countries are working together to create a third
edition of the IEC wind turbine power performance testing standard (IEC 61400-12-1), which
will include the methods proposed by Wagner et at. (2011) and Albers (2010) to account for the
effects of turbulence and shear on power. Experts also share experience in working groups such
as the Power Curve Working Group, and through organizations such as IEA Wind, the American
Wind Energy Association, and the European Wind Energy Association.

3.3.4 Site Optimization

Site optimization is an iterative process that aims to design the layout of wind turbines, roads,
and site electrical infrastructure against some goal according to the local wind resources and
within the constraints imposed by the terrain, land agreements, and local regulations defining
setback requirements (Figure 6 and Table 7). The process is usually driven by the distribution of
wind speeds and directions that are outcomes from the horizontal and vertical extrapolation

Site optimization takes place only in the site development process. When the IE is preparing the
preconstruction energy estimate report, the IE usually uses a site layout and plant infrastructure
design that the sponsor or another engineer has developed.


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Figure 6. Site optimization process

The goal of optimization has historically been to maximize the energy capture of the plant while
staying within constraints such as slope angle or distances to habitation; however, software tools
have recently been developed that allow optimization with respect to total cost or LCOE. LCOE
is best summarized as the net present value of all project expenditures divided by the net present
value of energy production. The LCOE metric excludes policy incentives (e.g., renewable energy
credits) and other revenue streams (e.g., capacity payments) that may be available to a wind
project within a specific state or region. In reality, sponsors and investors are more concerned
with the delivered energy price from a project (which includes policy incentives and other
revenue streams) than with LCOE. LCOE is used in this document because it is more generic
(i.e., independent of local market conditions) and provides a good proxy for price.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 7. Site Optimization Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Estimate energy Obtain a wake-free Use the wind turbine power Uncertainties in energy are
without wakes energy estimate. curve together with long-term from 2%–5%, depending on
wind speed and direction uncertainties in wind
distribution data to estimate resource estimates and
annual energy capture. turbine power curves.
Model wakes Estimate the wind Use a simple wake model Wake models that are used
resource at each (e.g., Park, modified eddy in the optimization process
turbine location, viscosity) to estimate the are typically very simple
including slowdown wake from each turbine and and do not include the
due to upwind the effect on downwind effect of stability or terrain.
turbines. locations. Uncertainties in wake loss
Assume each turbine seeks estimates may be as high
to maximize its own energy as 50% of the losses.
capture rather than being Wake losses are from 1%–
down-rated by plant-level 10% of the plant’s gross
control to increase a wind energy, depending on site.
power plant’s overall energy
Estimate energy Estimate energy Use the wind turbine power Power models assume the
with wakes including the effect of curve together with waked same power curve in and
wakes on the wind wind resource data to out of the wake.
resource at each estimate the annual energy
turbine. capture.
Design plant Consider layouts of Use a combination of Cost estimates may not
infrastructure roads, collection automated layout tools and fully consider the
lines, interconnection desktop studies. interactions between
points, substation, Estimate capital expenditure. turbine layouts and
operation and balance-of-plant costs.
maintenance (O&M) Macroeconomic conditions
facility, and can fluctuate between
transmission lines design and contracting,
(balance of plant). changing actual costs.
Determine required
amount of fill or
number of borrow
Estimate Estimate electrical Perform a desktop study to Uncertainties are low. This
electrical loss loss. estimate losses between the process generally uses
turbine and the point of validated commercial
revenue metering, including software products (e.g.,
transformers, collection PSCAD).
wiring, substation, and
transmission. This could be
(1) a simple straight line
percentage assumption or
(2) a time-dependent
electrical loss analysis of
turbine circuits and the
collection system.


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Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties
Calculate LCOE Estimate the cost of Calculate the cost of Cost models used in
energy per kilowatt- electricity (cost to build and optimization routines are
hour. operate the plant divided by typically simplistic to reduce
the energy produced.) calculation times.
O&M cost models may be O&M costs are highly
very simple (e.g., $0.01/kWh). variable and may depend
on site wind resources and
environmental conditions.
Check for Determine optimum Compare results from this Some optimization routines
optimal plant plant layout. iteration (turbine locations) to find local minima in the
design the previous iterations to test optimization function, which
for optimum layout using may miss other, more
whichever metric has been optimal layouts.
chosen. Results may be impacted
by biases or uncertainties
introduced in other
activities, and may not be
optimal for the site.
Perturb turbine Improve wind power Wind turbine locations are Geotechnical conditions are
locations plant performance. randomly changed to see if not always known in detail.
the plant performs better (in Automatically selected,
terms of the optimization optimum locations are not
criteria). always suitable for turbines,
and a site survey may be
required before the final
turbine layout is chosen.

Site optimization is a computationally intensive process that may be repeated many thousands of
times before the optimal solution is found. Therefore, simple (low-cost) models of turbine
performance, wakes, and associated costs are used because these reduce the wall-clock time for
the optimization to complete. This allows different scenarios to be tested, such as the effect of
different types of wind turbines. However, these lower-cost models often oversimplify reality
and can result in suboptimal plant designs. Some examples of the effects of these lower-cost
models include:

The turbine energy capture model will likely use the hub height wind speed to predict
energy capture. Although some models have been updated to use rotor-equivalent wind
speed or account for the effect of turbulence, almost all turbine performance models used
in the site optimization process do not capture the effects of directional veer or rapidly
changing conditions.
The wake model may not capture the different wake structures that are thought to form in
stable atmospheric conditions (typically nighttime) compared to unstable conditions
(typically daytime). This can lead to considerable seasonal variations in model accuracy
in different areas of the world because atmospheric stability impacts vary depending on
terrain, location, and climate.


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Plant infrastructure models may use simplified geotechnical data or simplified cost
models. These may underestimate the real cost of plant infrastructure or result in
unrealistic infrastructure designs.
The energy production models that are used as inputs to the LCOE equation require
information about turbine availability and curtailment. However, that information may be
very low resolution or generic and not accurate for the combination of turbines, balance
of plant, and site conditions.
Higher-fidelity modeling after the optimization process may reduce some of the uncertainties
identified above. For example, a wake model that includes more physical processes might be
used, or a more detailed turbine performance model could be used in place of a power curve.
Likewise, it is possible to use more advanced infrastructure models rather than assume losses
that are proportional to the length of transmission or distribution. However, these higher-fidelity
models are inherently computationally expensive to run and are not always well validated. Also,
it is important to match the fidelity of the models to each other, and to the data that are used as
the optimization criteria. For example, there is little point in applying a computationally
intensive flow model and a simplistic cost model if the goal is to optimize LCOE.

Recent research into site optimization includes the use of new optimization routines and
multitarget optimization protocols (DuPont and Cagan 2012; Fleming et al. 2015). This research
is aimed at allowing optimization on factors other than energy capture as well as speeding up the
optimization process so that more complex wake or turbine performance models can be used.
Such tools should enhance the ability of wind power plant designers to accurately weigh trade-
offs between capital expenditures and energy production, which could result in both more
optimal plant layouts and reduced uncertainty.

Other areas of relevant research include plant-level controls wherein the energy capture from
individual turbines may be regulated to maximize the energy capture of the plant as a whole.
Computational models are being used to develop strategies to turn wakes away from downwind
turbines by altering turbine yaw (Fleming et al. 2015) or to test tools such as forward-looking
lidar to allow turbines to respond to incoming wakes. These approaches could potentially reduce
or remove wake loses, but their effects on plant performance need to be considered in the plant
optimization process.

3.3.5 Plant Loss Estimation

After the site layout has been optimized and the first energy estimate has been derived, the next
step is to refine the estimates of energy loss within the plant to give a more accurate estimate of
the energy that is delivered to the point of revenue metering. This step recognizes that the wind
plant may be subject to losses that cannot be easily modeled during the optimization process and
that the wind farm may have a few years of commissioning or teething trouble.

Efforts within the wind industry are underway to create a uniform framework of loss categories.
This allows comparisons among projects. DNV KEMA, which frequently provides IE services,
published a loss framework in 2013 in collaboration with nine other IEs (DNV KEMA 2013).
Not all companies use the same framework, but often they use similar names for losses that may
or may not have exactly the same breakdown in each category The desire to be able to compare
projects prompted the founding of an IEC working group in 2013 to develop a new standard,


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
tentatively called IEC 61400-15: Assessment of Wind Resource, Energy Yield, and Site
Suitability Input Conditions for Wind Power Plants. In 2015, the IEC 61400-15 working group
developed a list of major loss categories with associated subcategories. These categories are
shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Loss categories proposed by the IEC 61400-15 working group

Version 1.0, 26 February 2015

Losses are estimated at different points in the wind plant preconstruction energy estimate
process. For example, wake losses were estimated in the plant optimization process. Others, such
as electrical losses, are estimated during the optimization process but then refined after the wind
power plant layout has been finalized and the collection lines have been planned (Table 8).

A benefit of common loss categories is that losses can be identified, ranked, and valued
throughout the entire wind industry, and the potential to address these losses through research
and development can be evaluated. Further, placing a value on a loss allows for cost-benefit
analysis at the plant level, wherein a project sponsor may choose to act to reduce losses; or at the
industry level, wherein the wind energy community may choose to collaborate to address a large,
complex problem.

A survey of recent estimates for different losses is provided in Section 4.1.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 8. Loss Estimation Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Estimate Estimate annual Perform a desktop study This provides limited information
availability time-based or to estimate the plant about component repair and
energy-based availability on a yearly replacement rates, particularly for
turbine and basis using experience new turbines or turbines used
balance of plant from other plants or O&M outside their IEC design class.
availability. models. The time needed to repair/replace
This can be a simple can vary depending on crane
straight-line percentage availability and spare parts strategy.
assumption (energy The plant availability may vary
based) or informed with depending on the developer’s O&M
environmental information strategy and priorities.
such as wind speed,
Operating strategies for a wind
turbulence, temperature,
power plant may be different than
and air density, (time
planned, including reduced
maintenance to minimize costs
toward the end of the plant life.
Determine This is calculated in the site optimization stage (Section 3.3.4), but it may be refined at
wake effects this stage.
Determine This is calculated in the site optimization stage (Section 3.3.4), but it may be refined at
turbine this stage.
Estimate This is calculated in the site optimization stage (Section 3.3.4), but it may be refined at
electrical loss this stage.
Estimate Estimate Perform a desktop study Air temperature and icing are not
environmental annualized losses to apply experience from directly correlated.
loss from icing, blade other sites to this site. Blade soiling is very dependent on
soiling, and out-of- local land use and frequency of rain.
range atmospheric
Turbine performance in out-of-range
conditions is not well defined.
Estimate Estimate energy Perform a desktop study The availability of transmission is
curtailment losses due to grid, to identify the risk of very dependent on the mix of
environmental, or curtailment due to transmission on the grid. In areas
operational transmission constraints, that have large stored hydro
curtailment (i.e., birds or bats, or grid capacity, wind may be curtailed to
outside of outages. allow water to move through the
sponsor’s control). system. This can be highly
Estimate energy dependent on weather.
losses due to Future changes in the electric
operational system (additional plants,
strategy (i.e., within regulations) are difficult to predict.
sponsor’s control).
Estimate Estimate losses Perform an experience- Uncertainties may be very high
other losses that may not be based assessment of depending on the amount of data to
captured through typical levels of losses which the developer or consultant
other models. that are not assigned to has access.
availability or curtailment. Loss categories are not


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
3.4 Uncertainty Analysis
The estimates of energy capture and losses are all subject to a certain range of uncertainty. These
uncertainties propagate through the energy estimate process in different ways, but can be
combined to create a distribution of energy delivery over different timescales.

3.4.1 What Is Uncertainty?

Uncertainty is a measure of the random fluctuations of a repeated measurement, or the variability
of the difference between predictions and observations of a process around the mean of those
measurements or predictions.

Uncertainty is different from bias. Bias is the difference between the mean of lots of
measurements or predictions and the actual value. Bias can therefore be removed through
calibration or by modifying a prediction process.

3.4.2 Measurement Uncertainty

The meaning of uncertainty can be illustrated by considering a cup anemometer measurement.

A cup anemometer measures wind speed by converting fluctuating linear movement of air into
rotation around a shaft. Those rotations are measured and converted into an electrical signal,
which is then measured and converted back into a wind speed value using a transfer function.

The accuracy of a cup anemometer measurement is usually checked as part of a calibration

process in a wind tunnel, wherein the anemometer is compared to a very accurate reference
sensor. In an anemometer calibration, many measurements of the wind speed are made and
compared to the reference using linear regression. This comparison allows the engineer to
calculate a regression function that can be used to identify and remove any persistent bias
relative to the reference device. It is inevitable that a small amount of error with respect to the
reference device will remain, which is caused by the random variability of the measurement

The calibration and uncertainty evaluation process is partly described in standards such as EA-
4/02 (European Accreditation Laboratory Committee 2013), which is based on the Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (Working Group 1 of the Joint Committee for Guides
in Metrology 2008).

If the anemometer is checked many times while the wind tunnel conditions stay the same and the
value measured by the cup anemometer is counted in a large number of small bins, a bell-shaped
distribution curve similar in shape to Figure 8 will be observed. This curve is known as a
Gaussian distribution, and is typical of a measurement system. The distribution of those
measurements forms a symmetric curve that can be described by a mean and standard deviation.
If a measurement is made, it has the same chance of being above the mean as it has of being
below the mean. Because bias is removed by calibrating the anemometer and because wind
tunnel conditions are constant, the remaining error is the uncertainty of the cup anemometer.


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Figure 8. Example of a Gaussian distribution
The mean of the distribution is 10, and the standard deviation is 2. The percentage values are the
percentage of observations that fall within that range.
An anemometer calibration report includes information about the uncertainty of the anemometer
measurement; an example calibration report is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Calibration report for an anemometer

The anemometer calibration described in Figure 9 reports the total uncertainty as 0.044 m/s at 10
m/s. The calibration report states, “the documented uncertainty is the total combined uncertainty
at 95% confidence level ( =2) in accordance with EA-4/02.” This means that if the anemometer


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
measures 10 m/s, there is a 95% certainty that the actual wind speed is in the range 9.956 m/s–
10.044 m/s. According to the description given in EA-4/02, the use of k = 2 means that the
reported uncertainty is actually an expanded uncertainty. The expanded uncertainty is times the
standard uncertainty, which is the standard deviation of measurements due to random variation
when conditions are constant. Thus, this anemometer’s uncertainty is 0.022 m/s at 10 m/s, or

Uncertainty in measurements can be reduced by improving measurement methods.

3.4.3 Model Uncertainty

Model uncertainty is the standard deviation of multiple model predictions of the same process.

In practice, model uncertainty is defined slightly differently from measurement uncertainty. Most
models used in the preconstruction energy yield assessment process are deterministic because for
the same set of inputs they deliver the same output. An example of this is the power curve
described in 3.3.3, wherein using the power curve several times with the same input conditions
would give the same result and thus the model uncertainty would be zero if this approach were

Instead, model uncertainty in the context of the preconstruction energy yield assessment is
measured by comparing the results from simulations to the available data. For example:

To establish the uncertainty of the vertical extrapolation process, a comparison could be

made between the extrapolated wind speeds and wind speed data from a remote sensing
device. The standard deviation of the errors would be the uncertainty of this process.

To establish the uncertainty of the wind model that is used for horizontal extrapolation, a
model might be run for a site with observation locations using data from 1 of those
sites. This gives a total of n-1 combinations, wherein results from for the nth site would
be compared to the observations for the th site to give a mean error for that
combination. This approach is often called the round-robin or k-folding approach. The
uncertainty of the model over the whole site is then the standard deviation of the errors
for each combination.

To establish the uncertainty of the power curve, a comparison could be made of observed
and predicted turbine power binned by wind speeds. The standard deviation of power in
each wind speed bin could be the uncertainty of the power curve. Such a calculation
would probably be performed by the wind turbine OEM outside of the preconstruction
energy estimate process.

Uncertainties in modeling can be reduced by improving the way the model represents reality.
Typically, a small amount of uncertainty is inevitable because measurements are hard to repeat
or a model does not capture all of the physics of the actual process.

If a model consistently over- or underpredicts compared to observations, a calibration can be

applied; however, instead of scaling results, most practitioners prefer to refine the model to
account for new understanding.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
3.4.4 Project Total Uncertainty
There are many sources of uncertainty in a wind plant’s preconstruction energy estimate. These
sources are usually assumed to be uncorrelated from each other. If uncertainties are converted
into percentages of net energy, the overall uncertainty in the energy estimate ( Energy ) can be
calculated as the root of the sum of the squares of the different uncertainties. Formally, if there
are sources of uncertainty, the total energy uncertainty is:

Energy =

where is one of the sources of uncertainty. If the uncertainties are correlated, then their
covariances must be included. Positively correlated uncertainties would increase Energy , whereas
negatively correlated uncertainties would reduce Energy . The amount of correlation between
uncertainty sources and their importance for the total uncertainty is an ongoing research topic.

3.4.5 Establishing P-factors from Uncertainties

If total uncertainties are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution, knowledge of the shape of
the Gaussian distribution allows us to estimate the probability of exceeding a certain amount of
energy. These values are typically the amount of energy that will be delivered to the point of
revenue metering in 5%, 10%, 50%, 90%, and 95% of a specific period, which are the 5, 10,
…, 95 values for the project. Financial stakeholders can use these values in financial models to
explore the implications of performance uncertainty on financial outcomes. (See Section 1.2.)

Figure 10. Example of the relationship between the mean and standard deviation and xx
This figure uses the same distribution as that shown in Figure 8 (mean = 10, standard deviation = 2).

The level of uncertainty surrounding the preconstruction energy estimate changes throughout the
development process. In fact, the preconstruction energy estimation process is designed to reduce
uncertainty about the energy estimate through on-site measurement, modeling, and verification
activities. A project sponsor may repeat the uncertainty estimate many times by using the results
to identify data that need to be refined (e.g., requiring an extension of the resource measurement
campaign) or to identify models that are inadequate (e.g., the availability model may not include


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climatic effects). This process of continually refining uncertainty estimates cannot continue
indefinitely, and it is subject to time and budget constraints.

The final preconstruction energy estimate that is used as the basis for structuring the financing
package thus carries much less uncertainty than the preliminary energy estimate that is used in
the prospecting phase. It is, however, subject to a degree of unavoidable uncertainty because of
the fundamental challenge of predicting atmospheric conditions and the interaction between the
wind power plant and the atmosphere during a 20-year–25-year period. If the value of the energy
is high enough and the uncertainty is low enough, the plant may be an attractive opportunity. If
the uncertainty is too high to justify the investment, sponsors may choose to collect more data to
narrow the uncertainty or, in some cases, stop development activities.

3.4.6 Uncertainty Frameworks

As with losses, it is important to have commonly agreed-upon definitions of uncertainty among
wind power plant development projects. As well as a loss framework, the IEC 61400-15 working
group (see Section 3.3.5) created a first-draft community-consensus uncertainty framework
(Figure 11). Like the loss framework, a standard uncertainty framework allows comparisons
among different IEs and projects, enabling the detection of systematically high uncertainties that
can be addressed at a project level by activities such as campaign extension or use of higher
height measurements. This framework also facilitates targeted research and development
coordinated among many organizations.

Figure 11. Uncertainty categories proposed by the IEC 61400-15 working group
Version 1.0, 26 February 2015

The IEC 61400-15 draft uncertainty categories shown in Figure 11 arise at certain stages in the
generic energy estimate process that is presented in this document (Figure 12). A survey of the
values of uncertainties is presented in Section 4.2.


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Figure 12. When uncertainties in the preconstruction energy estimate are created
Figure shows the stages at which uncertainty estimates are made, and how they map to IEC 61400-15
uncertainty categories

One challenge with the total project uncertainty calculation was introduced in Section 3.4.4:
when adding a source of uncertainty in the uncertainty model without reducing the magnitude of
the existing sources increases the apparent project uncertainty. Although this increase is
appropriate if the source of uncertainty is genuinely new, there is a risk of double counting
sources of uncertainty. A common uncertainty framework could help avoid this risk by providing
clear guidance as to which uncertainty sources are accounted for under which categories.

The activities that take place to generate each uncertainty estimate are summarized in Table 9.


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Table 9. Uncertainty Estimation Activities

Activity Desired Outcome Method Uncertainties

Estimate site Estimate uncertainty Perform a desktop study Information about the timing of
measurement for all site following IEC 61400-12 any calibration drift is unknown.
uncertainty measurement (2005) for cup Met tower anemometer wake
activities. anemometers. models are not completely
Analyze pre- and post- validated.
installation calibration of The instruments’ responses to
cups, vanes, and other environmental factors are unclear
devices. (rain, icing, etc.).
Model tower wake and
Estimate Estimate the Perform a desktop study. Spatial variation can be validated
spatial uncertainty of the Uncertainty is estimated only at a few specific points.
variation wind speed at all based on distance from This activity may not capture the
uncertainty locations in the wind the nearest effect of changing atmospheric
power plant’s measurement location stability or terrain on model
development area and terrain complexity. uncertainty.
due to spatial Perform a field study It may not capture the effects of
extrapolation. using remote sensing or phenomena that vary during short
tower data from other periods (e.g., turbulence).
points to quantify model
Estimate Estimate the Perform a desktop study Sites may not be directly
vertical uncertainty of the based on historical comparable.
extrapolation wind speed at all experience with other Seasonal or diurnal scaling may
uncertainty points in the wind vertical extrapolations. change depending on regional
power plant’s Perform a field study weather and climate conditions.
development area using remote sensing or Uncertainty is dependent on
due to vertical tall towers to directly available data and the
extrapolation. measure hub-height wind extrapolation process.
speed and compare to
wind speed predicted
from lower elevations.
Estimate plant Estimate the Perform desktop studies Uncertainties in losses can be
energy loss uncertainty of losses using historic data or site large. (See Table 8.)
uncertainty in the plant. design data (electrical
Estimate Estimate the effects Perform a desktop study The sensitivity of winds to climate
project lifetime of plant lifetime and exploring the variability of change is not well understood.
variability climate change on the the plant’s energy that
energy capture. can be delivered
depending on the
operational life of the
wind power plant.
Perform a desktop study
showing the sensitivity of
the wind resource to
climate variability (e.g.,
El Niño).


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4 Ranges of Losses and Uncertainties
Various studies have attempted to quantify the range of losses and uncertainties that occur in
wind power plants and to quantify underperformance. This section presents a survey of recent
work in this field. The information is organized according to the first-level loss and uncertainty
categories proposed by IEC 61400-15.

4.1 Losses
The major loss categories proposed by IEC 61400-15 include availability, wake effects,
electrical, turbine performance, environmental, and curtailment (Figure 7). This subsection
presents the range of losses that are found in the literature and discusses how they could be
reduced in the plant design stage or mitigated on an operating plant. The results are summarized
in Table 10.

4.1.1 Availability
Availability is the probability that a wind plant could produce energy when required.

Availability can be defined in terms of time or energy. Time-based availability is the amount of
time when a turbine could have worked, as a percentage of the total period, and it is part of the
IEC 61400-26-1 standard (IEC 2011) for “Time-based availability for wind turbine generating
systems.” However, time-based availability ignores the fact that wind resources are intermittent,
and thus turbine availability is not equally valuable from an energy production perspective.
Therefore, the industry usually uses energy-based availability in the preconstruction energy
estimate, which is defined as the amount of energy produced as a percentage of the total amount
of energy that the wind plant could have captured if turbines were always ready to generate
power. A standard for energy-based availability was developed as IEC 61400-26-2, “Production-
based availability for wind turbines,” published in 2014.

Availability is driven by the interaction of the turbine with the local environment and the O&M
strategy of the wind plant operator. However, because there is a lack of models that can relate
plant layout and local environment to turbine reliability, availability estimates for
preconstruction energy estimates are usually based on experience with similar turbines in that
region or similar operating environments. Publicly available data on availability are poor, leading
to coarse availability estimates, but some project sponsors may have access to large historical
databases that can be used to estimate availability with greater accuracy. Instead of historic
estimates, values used in the preconstruction energy estimate may be based on contractual
arrangements with an OEM because lower-than-planned availability may be mitigated through
liquidated damages.

Public data about availability is limited and low resolution. Tavner, Xiang, and Spinato (2007)
analyzed German and Danish wind turbine data from 1994–2004. They found a seasonal signal
in turbine failures in Denmark, which they suggested was related to weather. Overall failure rates
in German turbines were approximately 120 hours per year, implying more than 1.3% downtime
per year, which is equivalent to more than 98% time-based availability or losses less than 2%.
This is higher availability than found by a later study of 102 wind farms in Germany by
Spengemann and Borget (2008), who reported availability of 95%–99%. Analysis of an Irish
wind farm in 2007 (Conroy, Deane, and Gallachóir 2011) showed that although the time-based


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
availability was 97%, which agreed with the industry estimates at the time (Graves et al. 2008),
the energy-based availability was only 89%. A study of 282 wind plants in the United Kingdom
from 2002–2012 (Staffell and Green 2014) found that availability might not be constant over
time, leading to a drop in plant energy production of 1%–2% compared to the previous year.
Staffell and Green (2014) also found that more modern equipment may degrade less rapidly than
older equipment. Overall, these results show that historic data from one location may not be a
good guide for future availability at another.

The variability of availability with time and space has important implications. For example, new
wind plants with new technology may be more reliable than older plants, but they may be
financed assuming lower availability than they will ultimately achieve. In that case, the wind
farm will produce more energy than expected and could have had lower financing costs if this
had been recognized initially. Another implication is that the current approach to availability is
simply not able to capture the interaction of wind plants and the local flow conditions; instead,
there appears to be a need for availability (or reliability) models that link turbine technology to
local flow conditions.

4.1.2 Wake Effects

Wake effects are the losses due to the reduced wind resource in a turbine wake. There is no
standards-based way to estimate wake effect losses, but the industry approach is to model wind
speeds at each location, calculate the turbine power output in that wind field, calculate the wakes
from each turbine, then use the new wind speed to estimate power at each wind turbine location.
The wake energy losses are the amount of power lost multiplied by time.

Wake losses vary depending on the wind resource and plant design. At one extreme, there are no
wake losses for a single turbine. The opposite extreme occurs when wakes directly impinge on
downstream turbines. The European Union-funded UpWind project showed that wake losses at
the Horns Rev wind plant increased as the flow passed through a regular array of turbines,
exceeding 30% by the third row when winds were perpendicular to the rows of turbines
(Barthelmie et al. 2009). This is a worst-case scenario, and wind plant designers (and
optimization tools) avoid designing wind plants to operate in this state for long periods of time.
As a result of their high turbulence, wakes can also cause high turbine loading, which provides
another incentive to design a wind plant to minimize wake-turbine interactions.

Annual losses due to wake interactions may be 0% for a plant where turbines are far apart and
perpendicular to the winds, but it may be larger for sites where a large number of turbines are
arranged close together and there are several wind directions. A summary of four comparative
exercises presented at the European Wind Energy Association Wind Resource Assessment
Workshop in 2015 suggested losses of between 6%–15% for four wind power plants but noted
high uncertainty in those estimates (Mortensen, Nielsen, and Jørgensen 2015).

Wind farms are usually designed to maximize energy capture during their lifetimes, which is
often associated with minimizing wake losses. Anecdotal evidence from discussions with IEs
and wind plant developers suggests that current best practice is to design wind power plants with
wake losses below 10%.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Adopting novel control strategies may reduce wake losses. It has been shown that it is possible to
change the direction of turbine wakes by yawing wind turbines, which can decrease a wind
plant’s total energy losses (Gebraad et al. 2014; Fleming et al. 2014). Although this requires
control at the level of the wind plant, this technique may give wind plant owners the capability to
reduce losses compared to turbines that operate individually without regard to the rest of the
wind plant.

4.1.3 Electrical Losses

Electrical losses from a wind farm are the energy losses inherent in energy transmission in
collector lines, transformers, and other site equipment and transmission to the point of revenue
metering. These transmission-related losses are therefore directly impacted by the site layout,
cable runs, and electrical design. In addition to generating electricity, a wind power plant
consumes electricity (e.g., in nacelle air conditioning and yawing turbines in low wind
conditions). These losses are called parasitic losses.

A wind plant can be modeled as a combination of a wind turbine generator, a collector system,
and a step-up transformer connected to the point of revenue metering by a transmission line
(Western Electricity Coordinating Council Wind Generator Modeling Group 2008). Losses in
each part of the wind plant are not independent; thus, losses have to be applied sequentially. For
each megawatt-hour of energy that is generated in the drivetrain, a few percent are lost within the
turbine itself; of the remaining energy, some more is lost in the collector system, and so on.

Electrical losses in the turbine depend on the wind resource and the local environment.
Simulations by Colmenar-Santos et al. (2014) using a realistic turbine power curve and wind
speed probability distribution functions suggest losses within the turbine itself of approximately
0.7%–2%, although these losses are usually accounted for already within the turbine power
curve. There are also losses between the turbine and the point of revenue metering. A modeling
study of 17 wind plants reported in Brochu, Larose, and Gagon (2011) showed that wind plants
had average collector system losses of approximately 2.3%, although the magnitude of the losses
depended on site-specific topology as well as the choice of underground or overhead collection
systems. Transformer efficiencies are typically greater than 99%, so transformer losses are less
than 1%. Losses in transmission are a function of the length of transmission, the voltage, and
other line parameters (Western Electricity Coordinating Council Wind Generator Modeling
Group 2008). Some of these parameters can be changed to optimize the relationship between
losses and construction costs, so line losses are variable depending on design, but it is likely that
they are less than 1% for land-based wind farms. Analysis by Spengemann and Borget (2008)
suggests overall electrical losses of approximately 3% for approximately 100 wind plants in
Germany. Losses for plants in the United States may be slightly larger than in Europe due to
larger plant size and longer distances from plant substations to the point of revenue metering, but
we have not been able to find any public data to test this.

Site electrical losses are not fixed on an operating plant. Although the infrastructure may stay the
same, transmission losses vary with production, and parasitic losses change slightly from one
year to another as environmental conditions change.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
4.1.4 Turbine Performance
Turbine performance losses represent the amount of energy that is not produced by a wind
turbine at a given wind speed compared to the OEM power curve. Types of performance loss
include the following:

Turbine underperformance compared to the OEM power curve in ideal wind conditions.
In some cases, a turbine may simply not perform as expected (e.g., due to load- or noise-
reducing control modes).
Operation in nonstandard wind conditions. Nonstandard inflow conditions are those that
differ from the OEM’s design inflow conditions. Examples of nonstandard inflow
conditions include high turbulence (Clifton et al. 2013b) and extreme shear associated
with daytime or nighttime wind profiles (Wagner et al. 2011). Industry groups such as the
Power Curve Working Group 4 have suggested that factors such as directional veer across
the turbine rotor, high variability of shear and veer, and high rates of change of flow
characteristics with time could be important for wind turbine performance.
High-wind speed hysteresis. Variable-speed, variable-pitch, horizontal-axis wind turbines
feather their blades away from the wind at wind speeds above their rated wind speed and
finally shut down at wind speeds between 25 m/s–30 m/s to reduce loads; this is called
the cut-out wind speed. When a turbine shuts down because of high wind speeds, it
continues to measure wind and then restarts if wind speeds are below a threshold for a
certain length of time. Although the details of this high-wind speed hysteresis vary by
manufacturer and control algorithm, the end effect is that at average wind speeds near the
turbine’s cut-out wind speed, the wind turbine energy capture is lower than would be
expected. Performance at high wind speeds may be improved by modifying turbine
control systems.
From the sources of underperformance listed above, it is clear that it is necessary to understand
operating strategies and operating conditions to correctly predict turbine performance losses. For
example, business processes that include real-time monitoring of turbine performance through
SCADA data, as opposed to a monthly review, may reveal unexpected operating modes faster
and thus reduce losses. Similarly, correctly accounting for the effect of inflow conditions on
turbine performance is important, and it could provide a better prediction. For example, several
studies have shown that changes of inflow conditions within typical atmospheric values may
result in reduced performance of 1%–3% compared to expected wind turbine performance
(Wagner et al. 2011). This deviation is very dependent on the conditions at the deployment site
compared to the conditions used to derive the wind turbine power curve. This underperformance
is not a given; for example, careful modeling of the turbine performance in realistic site
conditions by the OEM could lead to more accurate power curves or potentially wind power
functions that predict performance as a function of multiple parameters (Clifton et al. 2013a).
Finally, turbine underperformance on existing sites could also be addressed through the use of
lidar to “preview” incoming wind and adjust blade pitch or nacelle yaw to improve energy
capture (Wang, Johnson, and Wright 2013).

See www.pcwg.org.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
4.1.5 Environmental Losses
Environmental losses are those due to icing, blade and equipment degradation, environmental
shutdown, and exposure. As with many other losses, these losses are therefore inherently
controlled by site conditions.

Icing is the formation of ice on turbine blades or sensors, leading to full or partial loss of energy
(compared to the same inflow wind speed without the presence of ice). Ice build up on blades or
sensors may be occur during a range of weather conditions, including fog, freezing rain, or snow.
Icing causes losses in energy production because of changes in the blade shape (reducing
efficiency), loss of instrument data (preventing turbine operation), and site closures. Because of
the different types of icing, the potential for ice formation and accretion is a complex function of
atmospheric conditions including radiative heat transfer, temperature, humidity, pressure,
precipitation, and wind speed. These are all highly localized conditions. Also, a rotating turbine
will go through a different icing process than a stationary turbine. The actual energy losses
depend on the profile and mass of ice on the blade (Davis et al. 2014; Homola et al. 2010;
Jasinksi et al. 1998), when an operator or control system decides to shut down a turbine or plant,
and how the turbine or wind plant is restarted after ice has formed.

Making accurate estimates of the amount of energy lost as a result of icing is therefore
challenging. Ideally, a turbine OEM should be able to predict the energy losses for their turbines
and the weather at a particular site; however, there is no widely agreed-upon best practice for this
approach. Instead, the current industry best practice is to use the frequency of icing detected
from anemometer wind speed data obtained during the site resource measurement campaign as a
proxy for availability and lost performance (Baring-Gould et al. 2011).

For the purposes of this report, we can use climate conditions to assess the geographic
distribution and frequency of icing. An analysis of freezing rain data from 1948 to 2000 by
Changon and Karl (2003) can be used to provide a lower bound on the frequency of icing, noting
that freezing rain is only one of several potential cases of ice formation. Changon and Karl
(2003) showed that almost all areas of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains and west of
the Cascade Mountains have more than 1 day of freezing rain per year (<0.3% days), whereas.
the northeastern region of the country experiences 3 6 days of freezing rain per year (1 2% of
days). Only southern Florida and southwestern California have no days of freezing rain on
average. Icing could potentially also occur via ice accretion when temperatures are below 2°C
and there is humidity above 95% (Baring-Gould et al. 2011), or due to accretion of snow. U.S.
climate data shows that almost all parts of the country experience 3 days with air temperatures
below 2°C, suggesting higher losses than due to freezing rain alone. This suggests a risk of icing
losses of at least 1% across almost all of the United States. Some areas, such as the Northeast and
Northwest, may experience higher icing losses because the increased risk of freezing rain is
coupled with low temperatures and high frequency of snowfall. Therefore, losses due to icing of
up to 5% in those areas could be expected. Overall, a minimum of 1% icing losses for the whole
of the United States and up to 5% in the northeast has been confirmed in discussions with U.S.
site owners, OEMs, and independent engineers.

Blade and equipment degradation includes two main effects: blade soiling and blade damage.
Both processes depend on the timing and frequency of rain, the amount of dust in the air, and
insects, and they may have more or less impact on airfoil performance depending on the blade


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
surface treatment (Sareen, Sapre, and Selig 2014). Sareen, Sapre, and Selig (2014) extrapolated
from their wind tunnel tests to show potential for 5%–25% annual losses, depending on the
severity of damage and the wind climate at a site and ignoring blade cleaning by rain. Industry
assumptions of 1%–2% soiling losses therefore appear reasonable, if blades are cleaned by rain
or by hand and repaired as required. Blades can also suffer from leading-edge erosion by rain or
dust, which reduces the aerodynamic performance of the blade. The size and amount of rain, the
blade speed, influence erosion by rain, and thus experience with one turbine type or location may
not be easily transferable to other locations.

Environmental shutdown includes effects such as high or low temperatures on the turbine,
lightning, hail, and other environmental conditions in which it might not be safe to operate.
Again, these are all inherently site dependent. Information about the frequency of high or low
temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, or other severe weather can be obtained from organizations
such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and site-specific predictions can be
made. Effects may range from multiple short shutdowns to a sustained shutdown in the event of
damage to the turbine (captured in the turbine availability) or loss of grid connections (captured
in the grid availability).

Areas that are prone to low-temperature shutdown include the northern U.S. plains and central
Canada. In these areas, low temperatures may be associated with low wind speeds, and thus it is
essential to consider the relationship between the wind resource and temperature rather than
assume blanket losses.

Energy losses are likely to be less than 1% because equipment can be redesigned to mitigate high
or low temperatures, and extreme weather is relatively rare. The financial implications of this are
low because extreme weather can be mitigated through insurance.

Exposure includes changes to wind resources caused by factors such as tree growth or logging,
residential or other building developments, among others. Tree growth, logging, or building
developments change the surface roughness near the wind power plant and also upwind, which
may reduce wind speeds across the wind turbine rotor disk for the same geostrophic (high-
altitude) wind speed. Growing or mature trees can act as wind breaks; an area of reduced wind
speeds may extend from 2–5 times the height of the trees upwind and up to 30 times the planting
height downwind, depending on the density of the trees (Brandle, Zhou, and Hodges 2006).
Usually the effect is constrained to the winds below the height of the trees, but there are areas of
high turbulence downwind of the windbreak or above tree stands that extend a significant
distance in the direction of the wind. Logging may lead to a significant increase in wind speeds
above a cleared area because of the marked decrease in roughness between forest and bare
ground, which could increase wind resources by 2%–3% at hub height. In many locations with
managed forest, it is relatively simple to predict tree growth rates or logging from forestry plans
and factor those effects into the preconstruction energy estimate. Predicting the rate and effect of
building growth is harder, but because of a general trend toward urbanization it could be
assumed that future rural developments will be slow and small and thus have minimal impacts on
wind energy plants.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
4.1.6 Curtailment
Curtailment is the deliberate management of a wind plant to reduce the amount of energy
compared to what is possible from the available resource. This may occur because of grid
limitations, environmental or permitting requirements (e.g., to prevent bird or bat deaths or to
prevent flicker), or deliberate operational strategies. Actions taken by the plant operator are
challenging to capture in the preconstruction energy estimate unless the plant operator is very
involved with the plant design process. Some market structures or energy trading strategies allow
the wind power plant to play a different role in the market than purely variable generation on a
power purchase agreement, which may result in energy losses but increase income.

Grid-driven curtailment can be predicted, to some extent, from operational histories of the
transmission operator, but it is very dependent on weather, the other generators in the system,
and the operating strategies of the balancing authority. In some areas, losses may be less than
1%, but some plants in regions that have significant hydropower generation capacity have
experienced unexpected curtailment when high winds combine with spring snowmelt.
Curtailment can be impacted by transmission availability; wind generation in the region of the
Electric Reliability Council of Texas was curtailed by 17% at its peak in 2009, but it was only
0.5% in 2014, partly as a result of building the Competitive Renewable Energy Zones
transmission lines (Wiser and Bollinger 2015). In addition to expanding transmission capacity,
curtailment can be managed through specific terms in power purchasing agreements and in some
cases by reevaluating how wind is integrated into the grid. Bird, Cochran, and Wang (2014)
found that curtailment was less than 4% for wind power plants in the United States, with many
regions reporting negligible curtailment.

Curtailment to reduce environmental impact is often a condition of permitting. Currently,

curtailment plans tend to be broad (e.g., switch off all summer nights). An example of this is the
voluntary decision of operators in the northeastern United States to curtail for up to 120 summer
nights per year (Bird, Cochran, and Wang 2014); however, as knowledge about bird and bat
activity grows and detection technology improves, it may be possible to move from broad
curtailment to micromanaging curtailment (e.g., based on algorithms or detection). These
micromanagement approaches are intended to reduce bat deaths and reduce curtailment. At the
time of writing, it is not clear how many wind plants have implemented micromanagement

4.1.7 Summary of Losses

The magnitude of losses are highly site specific and depend on a number of drivers, including
regional environmental conditions, turbine technology selection, project size, and site layout
philosophy, among others. These factors make it challenging to define “typical” losses for wind
plants; therefore, the range of losses in individual categories for a new wind plant is shown in
Table 10. A recent report estimated the losses from a typical 200-MW commercial project in the
interior region of the United States at 15% with an additional 2% availability loss (Mone et al.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 10. Summary of Losses in a Wind Plant
Values apply to wind plants designed and built from 2010–2015

Loss Category Range Controlled By Mitigation Actions

Availability 2%–5% Site operating conditions Turbine selection and
Turbine installation date contracting
Turbine age Changes to O&M practice
Turbine lineage Enter long-term service
agreement with OEM or
Contractual agreements
third-party provider
with OEM
Wake effects 0%–10% Site design Best practice plant layout
Wind rose optimization
Turbulence intensity Site control strategies
Site control strategies Advanced wake modeling
strategies (e.g., CFD or
Wake model
Electrical Collector system: Wind turbine design Best practice plant layout
losses 1%–2% Length of collectors optimization
Substation: ~0.5% Transformer efficiency
Transmission: <1% Length of transmission,
line voltage
Weather conditions
Turbine 1%–3% Actual site operating Using actual or predicted
performance conditions compared to site conditions to generate
generic operating power curve
conditions Use of feed-forward controls
to improve energy capture
Environmental Icing: 1%–5% Geographic location Blade coatings
losses Soiling and Weather conditions Active de-icing
erosion: 1%–2% O&M strategies Blade cleaning
Environmental Environmental and Extending turbine operating
shutdown: <1% socioeconomic policies ranges—e.g., through low-
Exposure: 0%–3% temperature packages
over time
Curtailment Grid driven: <1% Generation mix Power hedges, virtual power
Permit driven: <1% Seasonal weather purchase agreements, and
other risk allocation
Overall: <4%
Negotiation with balancing
Cooperation with wildlife
Transmission development


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4.2 Uncertainties
The final stage of the preconstruction energy yield assessment is to assess the uncertainty
associated with the predicted energy yield.

The major uncertainty categories proposed by IEC 61400-15 include site measurements, spatial
variation, vertical extrapolation, plant performance, historic wind resource, and project lifetime
variability (Figure 11). This subsection presents the range of uncertainties that are found in the
literature, and it discusses how they could be reduced in the plant design stage or mitigated in an
operating plant. The results are summarized in Table 11.

4.2.1 Site Measurements

Site measurement uncertainties are associated with all measurement and characterization
activities that contribute to the final energy yield assessment. These might include wind speed,
wind direction, and other data described in Section 3.2.

In an uncertainty assessment, the choices of anemometer, mounting design, tower design, and
data acquisition system information are all used to assess uncertainty. The uncertainty of the
anemometers and temperature and pressure sensors that are used for site measurements is usually
assessed using a calibration procedure carried out before those instruments are deployed. This
calibration gives an estimate of the instrument performance under well-defined conditions.
Temperature and pressure sensors have well-defined uncertainty, whereas anemometers have
more complex responses to site conditions (Pedersen, Dahlberg, and Busche 2006).
Anemometers are given a “class number” that predicts the deviation of the anemometer
measurements. Performance also partly depends on the site complexity; a simple test is whether
the site needs a site calibration according to Annex B of IEC 61400 (IEC 2005). On simple sites
(no calibration required), an IEC Class 1 anemometer is expected to have an uncertainty of less
than 1% at 10 m/s. On complex terrain sites where a site classification is required, the
uncertainty of the same anemometers may increase to 3%–5% (Class 3 or greater). Because
anemometer uncertainty can be estimated with ease from calibration results before the site
measurements, anemometer uncertainty can be mitigated through the selection of a device
specifically designed for complex flow situations, such as a three-dimensional sonic anemometer
or a cup with a sine response to inflow angle. Anemometers are mounted on the end of booms on
a tower. These booms can, depending on boom design, decelerate and deflect flow, which can
lead to additional uncertainty of up to 2%. Again, this can be mitigated through appropriate
design. Data acquisition and storage systems also potentially add to the uncertainty through
missing data, but this is usually a very small amount. The uncertainty assessment is usually
carried out twice: once before measurements to give insight into the opportunity to reduce
uncertainty and then again after the measurements to confirm the uncertainty. Overall, the typical
uncertainty for an anemometer-based measurement campaign ranges from 1%– 3% before
horizontal and vertical extrapolation.

The uncertainty of wind speed and direction measurements from remote sensing varies. When
remote sensing by lidar or sodar was first introduced in 2007–2008, the devices were unknown,
and the data was ascribed high uncertainty values compared to cup anemometers. Efforts to
codify best practices for installation and operation and more experience with the devices and data
have led to a reduction in the uncertainty, meaning that in the best case in simple flows the


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
uncertainty of data from a remote sensing device may be similar to data from cups and vanes.
One challenge with remote sensing is the lower system availability compared to cups because the
remote sensing device can sometimes be impacted by power losses or weather conditions and
result in the loss of data. Therefore, although a single measurement from a remote sensing device
may have similar uncertainty to a cup or vane, the overall data series from a remote sensing
device may have fewer data points and thus be penalized with a higher uncertainty.

Measurement uncertainty could be reduced through the use of higher-accuracy instrumentation,

such as IEC Class 1 anemometers in place of lower accuracy devices.

4.2.2 Spatial Variation

Uncertainty due to spatial variation arises from deviations of flow model results from reality.
These uncertainties are a function of the type of flow model, the data that are available to drive
the model, and the actual atmospheric conditions on-site.

Ways to assess uncertainty due to spatial variation were discussed in Section 3.4.3. Uncertainty
due to spatial variation may range from 1%–2% for simple terrain in neutral conditions to more
than 10% in very complex terrain. (See results from the Bolund Hill study reported in Bechmann
et al. [2011] or a comparison of models reported in VanLuvanee et al. [2009]). These uncertainty
ranges may also increase in flows in strongly stable or unstable conditions, depending on the
flow model’s ability to capture the effects of buoyancy (Paiva, Bodstein, and Menezes 2009).
Likewise, high temporal variability associated with terrain-induced wakes can introduce
uncertainty (Abiven, Palma, and O. Brady 2011). Uncertainty has also been modeled as a
function of distance from the measurement tower (Clerc et al. 2012); although this method
allows some estimate of uncertainty, it is not site or flow specific. The ability to use data from
multiple towers to constrain flow model results is frequently cited as an opportunity for research
and development that could offer significant uncertainty reduction.

Flow modeling may under- or overestimate the wind resource at points within a wind plant.
Widespread overestimates of the wind resource from flow modeling would result in an
overprediction of energy production, and therefore the wind plant’s actual energy production
would be lower than expected (i.e., toward the P95 value).

4.2.3 Vertical Extrapolation

Vertical extrapolation is the process of using data at one or more heights to predict wind speeds
at the turbine rotor hub height or across the rotor disk. Therefore, uncertainty is 0% if data are
available at the height of interest. When these data are not available, wind speed profiles such as
the log law or power law profile (Stull 1988) are used to extrapolate data from lower elevations.
These profiles assume that the wind speed measured lower down also applies higher up and may
include some correction for atmospheric stability, which may also require more data, such as
temperature differences. Depending on site conditions, extrapolation results in a combination of
bias (persistent under- or overprediction) and uncertainty (standard deviation of errors).

The uncertainty of vertical extrapolation has typically been assessed using data from the limited
number of tall towers that are available by comparing predictions from lower elevations to
observations at the target height. Elkinton, Rogers, and McGowan (2006) found wind speed
biases from 0%–6% depending on the site. Other studies frequently show that wind shear at


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
lower elevations is not the same as the shear between the top of the measurements and the
turbine hub height, which leads to uncertainty. Examples include wind profile measurements
from 135-m towers reported by Clifton et al. (2013b) and remote sensing wind profile
measurements from Wharton and Lundquist (2012) and Pichugina et al. (2011).

The uncertainty of vertical extrapolation can be reduced through the use of short-duration remote
sensing or direct measurements of winds at hub height to confirm the accuracy of the vertical
extrapolation. Alternatively, using taller met towers that reach hub height or remote sensing of
winds for the duration of the resource measurement campaign can remove the uncertainty of
vertical extrapolation.

4.2.4 Plant Performance

Plant performance uncertainty represents the uncertainty in the wind farm to convert the wind
resource into energy that is delivered to the point of revenue metering. This includes turbine
performance, electrical losses, wake losses, environmental effects, and curtailment.

Turbine performance uncertainty has historically been estimated from the spread in data obtained
in power performance tests. This can be from 1%–2% in flat terrain if neutral conditions
dominate, but it may be 3%–4% if the atmosphere is strongly stable or convective (Wharton and
Lundquist 2012). Performance can also exhibit a bias if the turbine is tested at one site but
deployed at another where conditions are quite different (Clifton et al. 2013a). The uncertainty of
a wind plant’s performance can be reduced through several actions. One opportunity is for the
wind turbine OEM to supply a site-specific power curve that better represents the performance of
the turbine on that site. This power curve could be derived from computer models or by
selectively sampling power curve test data. Alternatively, a more representative transfer function
could be created of the relationship between inflow conditions and power, but this would require
more data about the inflow.

Electrical loss uncertainty is likely low because of the similarity of the balance of plant with
other electrical systems. Brochu, Larose, and Gagon (2011) suggest that a simple model can get
to within 1% of the actual losses of a wind plant, but this may depend on the actual complexity
of the plant and how well the operating conditions are known.

Wake loss uncertainty arises because wake models do not perfectly capture the spread and effect
of the wake through the wind power plant. A summary of four comparative exercises presented
at the European Wind Energy Association Wind Resource Assessment Workshop in 2015
suggested uncertainty of between 13%–37% (based on the spread of a large number of model
predictions), with the higher uncertainty being an anomaly (Mortensen, Nielsen, and Jørgensen
2015). These uncertainties were also approximately twice the predicted wake losses for each
exercise. The current assumption in most research circles is that a more complex wake model is
required to reduce uncertainty, but there is also evidence that a better choice of adjustable
parameters in existing simple models may help reduce uncertainty.

Environmental effects are uncertain because the relationship between environmental conditions
and a wind plant’s energy output is not always clear, and there is annual variability in the
frequency, severity, and impacts of environmental events such as extreme winds, icing, or
temperature extremes. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the variability in the number of short-


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
duration events per year (such as extreme winds or icing) can be high but that this also varies by
location. So if losses due to environmental effects are forecast to be 1%, the uncertainty may also
be 1%, but that uncertainty may be higher in areas that are more impacted by climate variability
or by very local conditions. Options for mitigating this uncertainty include better models to link
environmental conditions to turbine operation, but these models will be low impact without
methods to better predict the winds during the 20-year life span of the plant. A more reliable
solution would be to reduce the sensitivity of the turbine to environmental conditions, such as
through the use of anti-icing technologies (Baring-Gould et al. 2011), although the installation of
a cold weather package can increase turbine costs and parasitic load.

Curtailment uncertainty arises because the conditions that led to curtailment in one year will not
always apply. Curtailment may vary because the system makeup changes or because the things
that cause curtailment (e.g., bird and bat activity) are a function of weather. Also, because
curtailment is imposed from outside the wind plant, curtailment may change as a result of human
activity. For example, grid-driven curtailment in a constrained balancing authority is likely to be
reduced through better planning (Bird, Cochran, and Wang 2014), whereas permit-driven
curtailment is likely to be reduced through improved monitoring; although these are positive
developments, they add uncertainty to the energy prediction. Uncertainty in curtailment varies
from 1%–5% of installed wind capacity in the various reliability regions of the United States,
with transmission-constrained regions showing the most curtailment. Curtailment can be
mitigated and reduced through improved management, market integration, or increasing
transmission capacity (Bird, Cochran, and Wang 2014). However, depending on the size of the
development and the funds available for site development, these mitigation actions are typically
implemented after construction.

4.2.5 Historic Wind Resource

Uncertainty in the long-term wind resource arises from the length of the reference site data, the
reference site itself, the variability of the relationship between the reference site and the
development site, and the representativeness of the site data. For example, a short reference time
series from a site that has a poor correlation to a development site in complex terrain where there
was only a short period of measurement will have a higher uncertainty than a site in flat terrain
where long measurement periods are available for both the reference and development site. Also,
the estimated historic wind resource can vary depending on the method that is used (Rogers,
Rogers, and Manwell 2005). Reported uncertainty varies from 1%–6% when evaluated using
training and test data sets. When test data do not exist, the jackknife method can be used to
estimate uncertainty (Rogers, Rogers, and Manwell 2006), although this approach may
underestimate uncertainty.

Uncertainty in the historic wind resource can be mitigated through a combination of longer time
series from the reference site or the development site and the use of improved correlation
models. For example, wind resources predicted using reanalysis data such as the ERA-interim or
MERRA data sets may be better than predicted from data measured at surface stations,
particularly in locations where surface stations are sparse (Carta, Velázquez, and Cabrera 2013;
Zhang et al. 2015).


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4.2.6 Project Lifetime Variability
Project lifetime variability includes the lifetime resource, susceptibility to climate change, and
other sources of variability. This is sometimes loosely termed the interannual variability [of wind
resource]. Winds are inherently variable from one year to another, so this uncertainty can never
be removed; however, knowing the magnitude of the variability in advance allows for an
accurate financial model to be created, and thus it is essential that the interannual variability be
well known.

Interannual variability can be estimated from long-term reference data or from reanalysis data as
the standard deviation of the wind speed. Klink (2002) reports variation of the mean annual wind
speed near ground level of approximately 5% of the long-term mean, whereas Pryor, Barthelmie,
and Schoof (2006) report 8%–14% variability in northern Europe, with little variability in future
years due to the effects of climate change. A similar effect was found in North America, where
the overall change in wind energy production was expected to be less than 1% from 2041–2062
compared to the period from 1979–2000 (Pryor and Barthelmie 2013). However, although the
mean impact of climate change may not be large, the wind energy industry has noticed
occasional “wind droughts” or years when performance was noticeably reduced, particularly in
Texas, and it has drawn tentative conclusions about their relationship to climate variability
indices such as El Niño (Oliver 2010; Clifton and Lundquist 2012).

The uncertainty of energy capture due to interannual variability may be challenging to mitigate.
The use of reanalysis data sets coupled with forward-looking climate modeling may allow an IE
to assess the sensitivity of a site to climate change. Also, a project sponsor may choose to reduce
exposure by choosing geographically diverse sites for its wind portfolio.

4.2.7 Summary of Uncertainties

As with losses, uncertainties are highly site specific and depend on drivers such as site
environmental conditions, turbine technology selection, project size, and site layout philosophy.
The range of uncertainties in individual categories is shown in Table 11.


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Table 11. Summary of Uncertainties in Wind Plant Preconstruction Energy Estimates
Values apply to wind plants designed and built from 2010–2015.

Uncertainty Range Controlled By Mitigation Actions

Site Anemometer: Choice of measurement Using a device with better
measurements 1%–2% device calibration
Mounting: 1%–2% Mounting design
Data systems: Flow complexity
Spatial variation Simple terrain: Site complexity Higher spatial density of met
1%–2% Atmospheric conditions towers or remote sensing units
Complex terrain: Available validation data Optimization of tower locations
>10% Research into using multiple
data sources
Vertical 0%–6% Turbine hub height and Direct measurement using
extrapolation measurement heights taller towers or remote sensing
Boundary layer profile More accurate boundary layer
Plant Turbine Site conditions Better information about inflow
performance performance: Wind turbine power model conditions
0%–4% complexity Use of more complex power
Electrical losses: Wake model complexity performance models
1%–2% Better selection of values in
Generation management
Wake losses: wake model
Availability of transmission
13%–35% Reduce turbine sensitivity to
(twice the predicted Market integration
environmental conditions
Anti-icing design
Generation management
Market Integration
Increased transmission
Historic wind 1%–6% Terrain complexity Use of advanced methods
resource Distance between reference Use of reanalysis data sets as
and development sites reference data
Project lifetime 1%–10% Location Use of reanalysis data and
variability Climate change and climate models
variability Geographic diversity of the
sponsor’s project portfolio


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
5 Reporting
The results of a preconstruction energy assessment are combined into a report. This
preconstruction energy yield analysis is part of the package of information that the sponsor
provides to the project financiers. The report therefore has to include a description of all steps
and assumptions that have been taken and a clear summary of the expected energy production of
the wind plant during the different timescales that are relevant to the project financiers. The
authors of this technical report were provided with sample reports by major IEs; the example
content presented here is a synthesis of several different reporting methodologies.

The content of a preconstruction energy yield analysis report varies depending on the exact
process followed by the IE, but it contains the following information that is generated by the
preconstruction energy estimate process:

Site description
Wind resource characteristics, including:
o Wind measurements
o Estimation of long-term mean wind speed at mast height
o Extrapolation to hub height.
Estimation of long‐term energy production, including:
o Loss estimate
o Uncertainty analysis.
The way in which this information is typically reported is described in the following section.
Most of this information is supplied as electronic files rather than printed, and therefore clear
documentation of the information provided is also important. For this reason, the results of a
preconstruction energy assessment are often delivered as an information pack rather than a single

5.1 Site Description

The site description includes information about the geographic characteristics of the site, such as
maps, geographic information systems data, geotechnical information, and land lease areas.
Information about the plant would also be provided, including type, counts, and locations of
turbines and balance of plant equipment. Finally, the site description should also include
information about the transmission interconnection. Most of this information is generated in the
activities described in Section 3.

Often the site description and summary will be combined to give an overview of the project’s
energy production. An example summary table is shown in Table 12.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 12. Example Summary Table of Energy Production

Project name Project name

Project location State
Rated capacity XX.X MW
Turbine model Turbine model X.X MW (X.X MW)
XX-m rotor diameter, extra details as required
Hub height XX m
Number of turbines XX
Array-average freestream wind X.XX m/s
P50 gross annual production XXX.X GWh/yra
(gross capacity factor) (XX.X%)
Plant, wake, and total losses Plant – XX.X%
Wake – XX.X %
Total – XX.X %
P50 net annual production XXX.X GWh/yr
(P50 net capacity factor) (XX.X %)
P95 net production (years 2–10) XX.X GWh/yr
(P95 net capacity factor) (XX.X %)
P99 net production (annual) XX.X GWh/yr
(P99 net capacity factor) (XX.X %)
GWh/yr: gigawatt-hours per year

5.2 Wind Resource Characteristics

The preconstruction energy yield analysis report includes details of the wind resource
characteristics on the site, including the measured wind data, the results of vertical and horizontal
extrapolation, long-term resource estimation, and uncertainty estimates. This information may be
rolled-up into a single wind plant mean wind speed and expected interannual variability.
Increasingly, supporting data are also included in the preconstruction energy yield analysis. This
supporting data adds confidence to the results by demonstrating good practices. This includes
tower designs, equipment calibration certificates, tower inspection reports, reference site data
records, reanalysis data, details of the methods used for horizontal and vertical extrapolation, and
other activities described in Section 3.2 and Sections 3.3.1 to 3.3.4.

5.3 Energy Production

The key component of the preconstruction energy estimate report is the net amount of energy
that would be delivered by the wind plant to the point of revenue metering.

Three different energy metrics are given in Table 12, including the net annual production, which
is the mean amount of energy produced throughout 10 years; the 95 from years 2–10; and the
99 in any year (a “lifetime” value). This information is likely to be provided in more detail in
the information pack, such as on a turbine-by-turbine basis and at different levels.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 13. Example Summary Energy Production and Capacity Factor Distribution

Metric Year(s) P50 P75 P90 P95 P99

Energy production (GWh/yr) 1
Capacity factor (%) 1
Average energy production (GWh/yr) 2–10
Average capacity factor (%) 2–10
Energy production (GWh/yr) Lifetime
Capacity factor (%) Lifetime

An IE’s report includes a detailed description of the losses and uncertainties for the energy
estimate. This information is derived from the activities described in Sections 3.3.5 and 3.4, and
it usually includes a description of the methods that were used. The report may also refer to
privileged internal documentation. As previously noted, there is not yet a standard definition for
the losses and uncertainties. Therefore, in this document we use the proposed IEC 61400-15 loss
and uncertainty categories.

Table 14 and Table 15 are examples of how those uncertainties and losses might be summarized.
Both tables show features that may be specific to an IE’s own process. For example, in Table 14
the example IE has assumed that the losses may be different in the first year of operation than in
other years, representing teething issues in start-up and phasing of commissioning, whereas other
IE’s may break down losses by year. Similarly, Table 15 references uncertainties back to their
effect on wind speed, which may not be relevant to all financiers.

Table 14. Example Summary of Loss Using Proposed IEC 61400-15 Categories

First Year Long Term

Availability (%)
Wake effects (%)
Electrical losses (%)
Turbine performance (%)
Environmental losses (%)
Curtailment (%)
Total energy losses (%)


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Table 15. Example Summary of Uncertainty Using Proposed IEC 61400-15 Categories

Wind Speed Energy Equivalent

Uncertainty Sources
% m/s % GWh/yr
Site measurements
Spatial variation
Vertical extrapolation
Historic wind resource
Project lifetime variability
Plant performance N/A N/A
Total energy uncertainty

Both Table 14 and Table 15 are highly condensed. It could be expected that an IE would deliver
a report wherein the losses and uncertainties are broken down by category, allowing the project
sponsor to see the major sources of losses or uncertainty. An IE may also choose to provide
much of the above information in graphical form.

An increasingly important output from a preconstruction energy assessment is the so-called 12-
by-24 table (Table 16). This table shows the variability in energy in any year by hour and month,
and it is used by some project sponsors to assess the value of energy production by time and
understand the risk of seasonal losses due to icing or grid curtailment on revenue. Values in the
12-by-24 table could be 99, 95, or 50 energy production values. For some applications,
such as response to a utility’s request for proposals, a similar 24-by-365 (hours by days) table
(also known as an 8,760) might be provided at specific values to show energy production in
each hour of a typical year. In some cases, specific years may be modeled to allow the project
sponsor or offtaker to investigate synchronicity of the energy generation with load or market

Table 16. Example 12-by-24 Table of Energy Production

Hour Jan. Feb. March … Nov. Dec.
00:00 01:00
01:00 02:00
02:00 03:00

22:00 23:00
23:00 00:00
Total energy


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
6 Summary and Conclusions
The wind industry estimates the annual energy production ( 50) of prospective wind projects
using a multistep preconstruction energy estimate process that is currently somewhat uniform
(Figure 3 and Figure 4). Various stakeholders use the preconstruction energy estimate to make
investment decisions and are thus heavily reliant on accurate estimates of energy, losses, and
uncertainty. However, until recently there have been several different ways to quantify loss and
uncertainty. In early 2015, an IEC 61400-15 working group drafted common loss categories
(Section 3.3.5) as well as common uncertainty categories (Section 3.4). This document discusses
the energy estimate process and shows how these losses and uncertainties are estimated.

Table 10 and Table 11 summarize the major losses and uncertainties found in a modern wind
plant development. These are also shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14 (below), together with
potential mitigation actions. Losses and uncertainties vary dramatically according to the site
design, site terrain, availability of on-site data, and the methods that are used to calculate the
energy yield.

Figure 13. Range of energy losses in a wind plant’s preconstruction energy estimate
Controlling factors are shown in the bars; mitigation actions are shown beneath. Values apply to wind
plants designed and built from 2010–2015 and are based on the literature survey in Section 4.

The range of operating conditions encountered by wind projects is very large. Therefore, it is
difficult to assess how improvements in measurements or modeling might impact the wind
industry. A solution may be to develop a set of baseline wind plant designs with well-defined
uncertainties and losses and associated power take-off scenarios. These models can be used to
assess the impact of reductions in uncertainty on the financial performance of a wind power
plant. These baseline wind plant designs should represent realistic development projects, so their
design would benefit from partnerships between research organizations and plant developers.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Figure 14. Range of energy uncertainties in a wind plant’s preconstruction energy estimate
Controlling factors are shown in the bars; mitigation actions are shown beneath. Values apply to wind
plants designed and built in 2010–2015 and are based on the literature survey in Section 4.
The current sequential approach to estimating plant performance and then estimating losses
impacts the accuracy of energy predictions and may lead to less-than-optimal wind farm designs.
Current wake models are often simplistic and seldom include real atmospheric effects. The lack
of detailed models of O&M costs that can be used in the plant optimization process means that
O&M costs are only estimated later. Similarly, there is a lack of widely available reliability
models that relate inflow to turbine failure rates. Together, these issues give rise to plant designs
that may appear to optimize energy capture but fail to capture the negative effects of wakes on
turbine performance and loads, which may increase O&M costs and contribute to lower-than-
expected turbine availability because of high turbine loads.

Checking predictions against the actual performance of the wind plant and distinguishing among
causes of variation in production is a major challenge. For this reason, there is a trend toward
increasing sharing of specific data within the wind community. Examples include:

O&M data held in the Continuous Reliability Enhancement for Wind database operated
by Sandia National Laboratories
Drivetrain reliability data held by the Gearbox Reliability Collaborative, which is
operated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Blade defect data held by the Blade Reliability Collaborative, which is operated by
Sandia National Laboratories
Wind turbine power performance data shared within the Power Curve Working Group


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
Experiences with wind resource data analysis shared within working groups affiliated
with the American Wind Energy Association and European Wind Energy Association.
A next step in data sharing may be the formation of a confidential database that contains
preconstruction energy estimates with data collected from the operating wind plant. An
independent third party, who would only publish anonymized and aggregated information from
the database, could hold the data. These data would enable preconstruction energy analysis to be
compared to real performance information.

The broad range of uncertainties and losses and the dependency on site conditions that was
shown in Figure 13, Figure 14, Table 10, and Table 11 suggests there is no one solution that will
drastically reduce wind plant losses or uncertainty in wind plant performance during a wind
plant’s lifetime or from one year to another. However, some opportunities are clear:

Improve data collection practices during wind resource measurement campaigns through
the use of better tower instruments, more and/or taller towers on the development site,
and by leveraging remote sensing.
Improve the measuring and reporting of turbine power curves and provide energy capture
models that characterize turbine performance across all atmospheric conditions.
Improve the modeling of wake effects. This requires developing wake models that better
capture the interaction of the turbines and atmosphere and include changing atmospheric
conditions, and better models of the response of downwind turbines to wakes. Improved
models should be coupled with investigations into ways to either reduce wakes or
mitigate the effect of wakes on a farm.
Improve reliability data sets and models to allow site-specific availability estimates.
Move to time-based wind plant energy predictions. This would enable realistic
accounting for seasonal performance variation due to icing or blade fouling, seasonal
curtailment, and the creation of realistic generation profiles for power offtakers.
Current preconstruction energy estimates tend not to include a formal risk assessment. The loss
uncertainty estimates may benefit from the use of a risk assessment to classify uncertainties
according to the likelihood of risk and severity of risk. For example, grid curtailment may not be
an issue at the initial stage of development of a wind plant, but it may be an issue as a region is
developed, which may lead to an optimistic energy estimate. Although these risks may be hard to
quantify and include in the preconstruction energy estimate, they may be important to the project
sponsor. Documenting risks may allow for their later mitigation via contractual arrangements.

Improved preconstruction energy estimates would have positive impacts on wind power plant
financing and deployment. This report has identified opportunities for high-impact, industry-
focused research and development that would benefit from sharing experiences and data among
the wind industry, government agencies, and academia, leading to reduced uncertainty and
losses. Reducing losses increases the energy that a wind plant can deliver, thus increasing
revenue. Reducing uncertainty about that energy offers the potential to bring in other capital
sources that may be more risk averse and potentially offers the chance to reduce the cost of
capital. Ultimately these steps could reduce the cost of energy supplied to the grid and support
the deployment of wind energy in the United States and worldwide.


This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.
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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at www.nrel.gov/publications.

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