Gossip of Nithyananda
Gossip of Nithyananda
Gossip of Nithyananda
I am not here
to give you words.
I am here
to take you beyond words.
- Swami Nithyananda
W h e n w e s t a rt e d w o r k o n t h i s c o l l e c t i o n o f S w a m i j i ’s m o s t m e m o r a b l e q u o t e s ,
Swamiji decided to title it himself.
“It will be called THE GOSSIP OF NITHYANANDA”, he announced.
We were astonished.
“You mean, The Gospel...”, someone ventured.
“No, I mean GOSSIP.”
“Errr... Swamiji... but why GOSSIP?”
That just about put an end to the conversation!
And then Swamiji explained, with a characteristic twinkle in the eye...
GOSPEL is an intellectual communication, from head to head
GOSSIP is an intimate communion between hearts
GOSPEL is the teachings of a dead master
GOSSIP is the living words of a live master
GOSPEL creates creates dead temples in brick and mortar
GOSSIP creates a live temple in the heart
GOSPEL is always for the masses
GOSSIP is always for individuals
GOSPEL is serious, dry and moralistic
GOSSIP is juicy and fun
GOSPEL remains unchanged through the centuries
GOSSIP changes with the need of the hour
GOSPEL is always preached, never practised
GOSSIP is never preached, but always practised!
I am not here to give you words.
I am here to take you beyond words.
Arise! Awake!
Stop, the goal is reached!
Miracles cannot be performed.
They simply happen.
There is no antidote to Truth.
To say NO is very easy,
it is ego-fulfilling.
To say YES is very difficult.
Every YES weakens the ego,
every YES is a step towards surrender.
I don’t want you
to spread my word.
I want you to follow it!
Be aware.
Any moment
you may collide with God!
All this time you have been living
others’ lives - the life dictated by your family,
by your friends, by society.
Isn’t it time to start living your life?
In your life, you’ve tried everything.
But how much has been truly worthwhile?
If this is your life, isn’t it time to drop it?
It is time to experiment,
to explore, to expand.
Respect Confusion. It means you are in the
process of changing, deep inside. What you
experience as confusion is only the natural
conflict between the old and the new. Give it
time to settle and watch the transformation!
The whole of Existence
is a gift to you from the Divine.
Accept it with love,
grace and humility.
Whatever you do,
do it with totality.
Attitude speaks more
than mere action.
With prayer,
you start becoming religious.
With gratitude,
you start becoming spiritual.
In the wilderness that is Spirituality,
always carry a small torch of doubt.
Doubt is the journey,
the path and the light.
Against whom are you putting up defences?
You are already one with all that is,
already one with Existence!
Death is not the end of Life, it is the
culmination of Life! Who is afraid of Death
in you? You are Life; how can Life be afraid
of its own culmination?
Pain is neither good nor bad.
It is neutral, like a flash of lightning on your
path. Whether you let it terrify you,
or simply use it to find your way ahead,
depends entirely on you!
Respect pain;
it can be a powerful catalyst to growth.
The seed must rupture
before the plant can grow and blossom.
Suffering is not a state of life,
it is a state of mind.
It is your reaction to a situation.
Nobody or nothing can make you suffer
without your silent permission.
How long will you Quantify Love?
Make it a Quality of your Being!
‘You belong to me’ is the voice of Ego.
‘I belong to you’ is the voice of Love.
Give your respect to your parents,
your love to your friends
and your life to your master.
Without a master, everything is ritual.
With a master, anything is meditation,
every word becomes a powerful mantra.
Being with the master
is the ultimate meditation technique.
The dead masters are dead.
But the live master is DEATH!
In society, whatever you do creates
‘pravritti karma’, a further chain of
karma and bondage. With the master,
whatever you do is ‘nivritti karma’,
actions which free you of all karmas.
To be with a master
is to undergo surgery every moment
- without the anaesthesia!
Surrender is so simple!
Just allow me, and my sword will enter you
and come out in no time.
But you are so stiff! The more you resist,
the more you get hurt in the process.
What is surrender?
When that question is no more,
Surrender has happened.
To dissolve from words into wordlessness,
from time into the timeless,
from matter into energy:
this is to experience the Divine.
Only when you dissolve into the whole
can you discover that you ARE the whole.
List of Titles
Open the door... let the breeze in! Nithyananda : Oru Arimugam
Swamiji’s guide to simple living & high thinking
Nandri! Nandri! Nandri!
Ananda Healing : Your shortcut to God!
An introduction to healing initiation
“Learn to enjoy the utter insecurity of Life.
There is security only in Death. Death is the only certainty of our lives!”
Swami Nithyananda