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Reliefprint LP

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Lesson Title: Linoleum Relief (Spring/Rebirth)

Grade Level: 10-12

Subject Area: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking
Time Allotted for Lesson: 5 weeks (10-12 class periods)
Short Description of Lesson
In this lesson, the students will carve a linoleum block to create a series of relief prints. They
relief prints are based around the general theme of spring or rebirth. Students will sketch their
idea on paper, transfer their image onto a piece of linoleum, and then use various carving tools
they will carve out their relief image. Students will then create 1 trial print and 5 final prints of
their image that are properly signed and numbered.
Standards of Learning
DPP.5 Students will understand the role of personal preference in making informed judgments
about drawings, paintings, and prints.
DPP.7 Students will understand that addressing aesthetic questions to explain drawings,
paintings, and prints requires careful reasoning and thoughtful use of language.
DPP.8 Students will understand the value of informed opinions in establishing thoughtful
judgments about drawings, paintings, and prints.
Instructional Objectives:
Instructional Objectives
Students will develop an understanding for printmaking, specifically linoleum relief prints.
Students will plan out their relief by first sketching out their spring/rebirth inspired image in their
sketchbook. Students will then transfer their sketch onto the linoleum block and they will use
tools to carve out their image. After they carve out their image, students will use ink to make a
series of prints.
Enduring Understandings
Students will develop an understanding of the seasons that undergo throughout the year.
Specifically students will focus on spring and what this season brings. This cycle of seasons that
leads to this rebirth that we experience during the spring. Everything starts to bloom and come to
life again.
Essential Questions
How does each season play its role in the yearly cycle? How do seasons play a role on the
emotions of people?
Lesson/Unit Set
Provide information on printmaking, specifically relief prints. This information contains
printmaking in general, relief prints, and tools. Students will also be shown various examples
from specific artists and examples of past student work. There will also be a demonstration on
carving linoleum blocks and other print making techniques.

This lesson will relate to the current season we are about to undergo, spring. This relates to the
students because everyone is focused on the weather changing and becoming warm. This relates
to this longing for warm weather and gets them even more excited about spring.

Techniques and Activities

(Week #1) Introduce Assignment/ Brainstorm
1) Introduce Printmaking: Discuss printmaking and various types of printmaking. Discuss
the prehistoric origins & history of printmaking
2) Show a variety of artist examples of various forms of printmaking throughout history
3) Linocut: Briefing on what a linocut is and discuss how it works and some of the tools
used in creating these prints.
4) Introduce Project: Discuss the guidelines of the project, as well as, the subject matter.
Students are to create a 6x6 linocut that contains a border of some sort. The subject
matter of the project is that students are going to create a print that in some way reflects
spring or the rebirth process we experience during spring. Students are to sketch 3-5 ideas
and then we will chose 1 of those 3 that works. Students will then create a final draft of
that image that fits in a 6x6 box and contains a border. 1 Trial proof and then 3-5 prints
that are properly signed and numbered.
5) For the rest of the class, students will research linocuts. They will research and
brainstorm their ideas for this project.
(Week #2 Sketch & Transfer)
1) Refresh the guidelines of the project with the students.
2) Discuss how it is going to reverse your image onto the print. If your image faces a certain
way you will sketch it, then using a window or a light box you will trace it in a reversed
3) Demo: How to transfer their sketch to the linoleum block. Once they transfer their image
over they are going to sharpie the part of their image they want to print so that they know
exactly what they need to carve out of their block.
4) Once their sketch is complete, students will then transfer their sketch onto the linoleum
(Week #3 Carve Linoleum Block)
1) Review what we are doing in the project and remind students of the guidelines of the
2) Show the various tools that are going to be used in this project. Explain what they are and
how they are used.
3) Discuss the various rules and regulations in relation to safety. We are using sharp objects,
there are proper ways that these tools must be used so students do not get hurt. Discuss
with students what to do if they do accidently get hurt.
4) Demonstration: Show students the steps and proper techniques for carving their linoleum
(Week #4 & 5 Printing & Critique)
1) Discuss the tools used for inking and printing your relief.
2) Discuss Prints: Number of prints/Edition Size, Trial Proof, Artist Proof
3) Demo: Show how to use the brayer and how to apply ink to their relief. Show how to
create your print.
4) Students begin Printing
5) Class Critique on prints the following week
Lesson/Unit Closure
At the end of the project we will have a class critique, in which, students will talk about their
work and the work of their classmates. Focusing on topics such as what worked well? What are
some changes we could have made to be more successful? What questions do we have about an
individual’s art? These questions pertain to subject matter, their prints, and the technical skills
that go into linocuts.
Students will be assessed on various parameters of their final project such as their overall
composition, craftsmanship, and originality. Students will be evaluated based on a set rubric and
will be provided feedback on this rubric. Students will also be evaluated by on their sketches and
their participation in the final classroom critique.
Learner Products
Students will create a series of prints from a linocut block. These prints will tie into the theme of
spring/rebirth. Students will write an artist statement describing their work of art. Students will
also participate in a classroom critique after the project is finished.
Supplemental Activities: Extension & Remediation
Extensions: Students can create more prints with different colors.
Remediation: Students can practice carving skills on Styrofoam before going right into cutting
the linoleum.
Adaptations for Diverse Special Learners
Have students with diverse learning needs can use different material such as Styrofoam for their
project. Students who are unable to use any form of carving tools are instructed to create drawing
or painting that ties into the theme of spring/rebirth.
Differentiated Instruction
Students were given a research assignment, completed a worksheet, participated in-class
discussions, independent work, and given various visual examples of relief prints.

Materials & Additional Resources

Linoleum block, variety of tools, ink, printing press, artist examples, a teacher example, and past
students examples
Student Examples

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