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(Identical with AWS Specification A5.3/A5.3M-99.)

1. Scope (a) ISO 544, Filler Materials for Manual Welding —

Size Requirements.
This specification prescribes requirements for the clas-
sification of aluminum and aluminum-alloy electrodes for
shielded metal arc welding. 3. Classification
3.1 The electrodes covered by the A5.3/A5.3M speci-
fication are classified using a system that is independent
of U.S. Customary Units and the International System of
2. Normative References Units (SI). Classification is according to the chemical
2.1 The following ANSI/AWS standards1 are refer- composition of the core wire, as specified in Table 1, and
enced in the mandatory sections of this document: mechanical properties of a groove weld.
(a) ANSI/AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement
Guidelines. 3.2 An electrode classified under one classification
(b) ANSI/AWS B4.0, Standard Methods for Mechani- shall not be classified under any other classification in
cal Testing of Welds. this specification.

2.2 The following ASTM standards2 are referenced

in the mandatory sections of this document: 4. Acceptance
(a) ASTM E 29, Standard Practice for Using Signifi- Acceptance4 of the electrode shall be in accordance
cant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with with the provisions of ANSI/AWS A5.01, Filler Metal
Specifications. Procurement Guidelines.
(b) ASTM E 34, Standard Methods for Chemical
Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys.
(c) ASTM B 209, Standard Specification for Alumi- 5. Certification
num and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate.
By affixing the AWS specification and classification
2.3 The following ISO standard3 is referenced in the designations to the packaging, or the classification to the
mandatory sections of this document: product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets
the requirements of this specification.5
AWS Standards can be obtained from the American Welding Society,
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
0 4
See Section A3, Acceptance (in Annex) for further information
ASTM Standards can be obtained from the American Society for concerning acceptance, testing of the material shipped, and ANSI/AWS
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines.
PA 19428-2959. 5
See Section A4, Certification (in Annex) for further information
ISO Standards can be obtained from the American National Standards concerning certification and the testing called for to meet this
Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. requirement.


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Weight Percenta,b
Other Elements
Classificationf Designationc Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Be Each Total Al

E1100 A91100 (d) (d) 0.05–0.20 0.05 — 0.10 — 0.0008 0.05 0.15 99.00 mine
E3003 A93003 0.6 0.7 0.05–0.20 1.0–1.5 — 0.10 — 0.0008 0.05 0.15 Remainder
E4043 A94043 4.5–6.0 0.8 0.30 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.0008 0.05 0.15 Remainder

a. The core wire, or the stock from which it is made, shall be analyzed for the specific elements for which values are shown in this table. If the presence of other elements is indicated in

the course of work, the amount of those elements shall be determined to ensure that they do not exceed the limits specified for “Other Elements.”
b. Single values are maximum, except where otherwise specified.
c. SAE/ASTM Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys.
d. Silicon plus iron shall not exceed 0.95 percent.

Not for Resale

e. The aluminum content for unalloyed aluminum is the difference between 100.00 percent and the sum of all other metallic elements present in amounts of 0.010 percent or more each,
expressed to the second decimal before determining the sum.
f. Refer to Table A1 for Proposed ISO Designations.

Electrode Size
AWS Classification in. mm Chemical Analysisa Tension Testb Bend Testc
⁄32 2.4 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
2.5 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
⁄8 3.2 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
⁄32 4.0 Required Requirede Requirede
E1100, E3003, ⁄16 4.8 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
and E4043 5.0 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
6.0 Required Requiredf Requiredf
⁄4 6.4 Required Requiredf Requiredf
⁄16 8.0 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd
⁄8 9.5 Required Not Requiredd Not Requiredd

a. Chemical analysis of the core wire or the stock from which it is made.
b. See Section 11.
c. See Section 12.
d. If the product is not produced in the sizes listed for required tensile tests and bend tests, then the size
closest but not greater than the size specified to be tested, shall be subject to the required tests.
e. Electrodes 5⁄32 in. (4.0 mm) and smaller shall be classified on the basis of the results obtained with the
⁄32 in. (4.0 mm) size of the same classification.
f. Electrodes 3⁄16 in. (4.8 mm) and larger shall be classified on the basis of the results obtained with the
⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) size of the same classification.

6. Units of Measure and Rounding-Off chemical composition of the core wire and the mechanical
Procedure properties of the weldment. The base metal for the weld
6.1 This specification makes use of both U.S. Custom- test assemblies, the welding and testing procedures to be
ary Units and the International System of Units (SI). The employed, and the results required are given in Sections
measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each 9 through 12.
system must be used independently of the other without
combining in any way. The specification with the designa- 8. Retest
tion A5.3 uses U.S. Customary Units. The specification 8.1 If the results of any test fail to meet the require-
A5.3M uses SI Units. The latter are shown in appropriate ment, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both
columns in tables or within brackets [ ] when used in tests shall meet the requirement. Specimens or samples
the text. for retest may be taken from the original test assembly
or sample, or from a new test assembly or sample. For
6.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with chemical analysis, retest need be only for those specific
this specification, an observed or calculated value shall elements that failed to meet the test requirement.
be rounded to the nearest 1000 psi [10 MPa] for tensile
8.2 If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the
strength, and to the “nearest unit” in the last right-hand
requirement, the material under test shall be considered as
place of figures used in expressing the limiting value
not meeting the requirements of this specification for that
for other quantities in accordance with the rounding-
off method given in ASTM E 29, Practice for Using
Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance 8.3 In the event that, during preparation or after com-
with Specifications. pletion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed
or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the
weld test assembly or test specimens or in conducting
PART B — TESTS, PROCEDURES, AND the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without regard
REQUIREMENTS to whether the test was actually completed, or whether
the test results met, or failed to meet, the requirement.
7. Summary of Tests
That test shall be repeated, following the proper pre-
The tests required for each classification are specified scribed procedures. In this case the requirement for dou-
in Table 2. The purpose of these tests is to determine the bling the number of test specimens does not apply.



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C Discard


B Tension specimen DIMENSIONS
in. mm
A 1.5 38
A Root-bend specimen B 2 50
C, min 1.8 45
L, min 12 300
A Face-bend specimen R, radius 1/4 6.5
S 1/4 6.5
T 3/8 9.5
B Tension specimen
V 3/16 5
W, min 10 250
Z, min 1 25
C Discard

Warping 5° max
See Detail A

W/2 T


1. Root opening = 1/16 in. (1.6 mm).
2. Backing material shall be the same alloy S
as the base metal. It may be rolled or extruded.
3. Test material blanks shall be removed from the locations shown. Z
Detail A


9. Weld Test Assembly shielded metal arc (SMA) welded from one side, in the
9.1 One weld test assembly is required as specified flat position. The test assembly should be precambered
in Table 2. It is the groove weld in Fig. 1 for mechanical or restrained so that warping due to welding will not
properties. cause the finished test assembly to be out-of-plane by
more than 5 degrees. If the completed test assembly is
9.2 Preparation of the weld test assembly shall be as
more than 5 degrees out-of-plane it shall be straightened
prescribed in 9.3, Fig. 1, and Table 2 [Notes (5) and (6)]
at room temperature.
using base metal of the appropriate type specified in Table
3. Testing of the assembly shall be as specified in Sections
11, Tension Test, and 12, Bend Test. The assembly shall
be tested in the as-welded condition. 10. Chemical Analysis
9.3 The test assembly shall be preheated to a tempera- 10.1 A sample of the core wire, or the stock from
ture between 350° and 400°F [175° and 200°C], and which it is made, shall be prepared for chemical analysis.


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Electrode Base Metal
Classification Alloya Specification Designation

E1100 1100 B209 A91100

E3003, E4043 3003b B209 A93003

a. Aluminum Association, Inc. registration numbers.
b. When welding 3003 with E4043 electrodes, 3003-0 (annealed temper) plate is preferred.

TABLE 4 the groove weld test assembly described in Section 9 and

TENSION TEST REQUIREMENTS shown in Fig. 1. The dimensions of these bend specimens
AWS Tensile Strength, shall be the same as those shown in the bend test section
Classification Min.a of AWS B4.0 in the figure for transverse face and trans-
psi MPa verse root-bend specimens (plate).
E1100 12 000 80 12.2 The specimens shall be tested in the manner
E3003 14 000 95 described in the guided bend test section of ANSI/AWS
E4043 14 000 95 B4.0 by bending them uniformly through 180 degrees
over a 1-1⁄4 in. [32 mm] radius in any suitable jig. Typical
a. Fracture may occur in either the base metal or the weld metal.
bend test jigs as shown in bend test section of AWS B4.0
shall be used. Positioning of the face-bend specimen shall
be such that the face of the weld is in tension. Positioning
10.2 The sample shall be analyzed by accepted analyt- of the root-bend specimen shall be such that the root of
ical methods. The referee method shall be ASTM E 34, the weld is in tension. For both types of transverse bend
Standard Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum specimen, the weld shall be at the center of the bend.
and Aluminum Alloys.
12.3 Each specimen, after bending, shall conform to
10.3 The results of the analysis shall meet the require-
the 1-1⁄4 in. [32 mm] radius, with an appropriate allowance
ments of Table 1 for the classification of electrode
for spring back, and the weld metal shall show no crack
under test.
or other open defect exceeding 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] measured
in any direction on the convex surface, when examined
11. Tension Test with the unaided eye. Cracks that occur on the corners
11.1 Two transverse rectangular tension test speci- of a specimen during testing and which show no evidence
mens shall be machined from the groove weld described of inclusions or other fusion-type discontinuities, shall
in Section 9, Weld Test Assembly, and shown in Fig. 1. be disregarded.
The dimensions of the specimens shall be as specified in
the tension test section of AWS B4.0, Standard Methods
for Mechanical Testing of Welds. All dimensions shall be PART C — MANUFACTURE, IDENTIFICATION,
the same as shown in the AWS B4.0 figure for transverse AND PACKAGING
rectangular tension test specimens (plate) except the
reduced section radius shall be 2 in. [50 mm]. 13. Method of Manufacture

11.2 The specimens shall be tested in the manner The electrodes classified according to this specification
described in the tension test section of ANSI/AWS B4.0, may be manufactured by any method that will produce
Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds. electrodes that meet the requirements of this specification.
11.3 The results of the tension test shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 4. 14. Standard Sizes and Lengths
14.1 Standard sizes (diameter of the core wire) and
12. Bend Test lengths of electrodes are shown in Table 5. Other sizes
12.1 One transverse face and one transverse root bend and lengths meet the requirements of this specification
specimen, as required in Table 2, shall be machined from when agreed by the purchaser and supplier.


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Diameter of Core Wire Standard Lengths
AWS Classification in. mm in. mm
⁄32 (0.094) 2.4a
(0.098) 2.5
⁄8 (0.125) 3.2
⁄32 (0.156) 4.0 14 350
E1100, E3003, ⁄16 (0.188) 4.8a
and E4043 (0.197) 5.0
(0.236) 6.0
⁄4 (0.250) 6.4a
⁄16 (0.312) 8.0 18 450
⁄8 (0.375) 9.5a

a. These sizes are not included in ISO 544.

14.2 The diameter of the core wire shall not vary in. [4.8 mm] and larger, to provide for electrical contact
more than ±0.002 in. [±0.05 mm] from the diameter speci- with the electrode holder.
fied. The length shall not vary more than ±1⁄4 in. [±6 mm]
16.2 The arc end of each electrode shall be sufficiently
from that specified.
bare and the covering sufficiently tapered to permit easy
striking of the arc. The length of the bare portion (mea-
15. Core Wire and Covering sured from the end of the core wire to the location where
15.1 The core wire and covering shall be free of the full cross-section of the covering is obtained) shall
defects that would interfere with uniform deposition of not exceed 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] or the diameter of the core wire,

the electrode. whichever is less. Electrodes with chipped coverings near

the arc end, baring the core wire no more than the lesser
15.2 The core wire and the covering shall be concen- of 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] or twice the diameter of the core wire,
tric to the extent that the maximum core-plus-one-cov- meet the requirements of this specification, provided no
ering dimension shall not exceed the minimum core-plus- chip uncovers more than 50% of the circumference of
one-covering dimension by more than the following: the core.
(a) Seven percent of the mean dimension in sizes 3⁄32
in. [2.4 and 2.5 mm]
17. Electrode Identification
(b) Five percent of the mean dimension in sizes 1⁄8
and 5⁄32 in. [3.2 and 4.0 mm] All electrodes shall be identified as follows:
(c) Four percent of the mean dimension in sizes 3⁄16 17.1 At least one imprint of the electrode classification
in. [4.8 mm] and larger shall be applied to the electrode covering within 2-1⁄2 in.
Concentricity may be measured by any suitable means. [65 mm] of the grip end of the electrode.
15.3 The coverings shall be such that they are not 17.2 The numbers and letters of the imprint shall be
readily damaged by ordinary handling and the coverings of bold block type of a size large enough to be legible.
shall not blister when heated to 400°F [200°C]. They
shall be consumed uniformly during welding, and they 17.3 The ink used for imprinting shall provide suffi-
also shall not blister or melt back from the core wire. cient contrast with the electrode covering so that, in nor-
The flux residue they produce shall be readily removable. mal use, the numbers and letters are legible both before
and after welding.

16. Exposed Core 17.4 The prefix letter E in the electrode classification
may be omitted from the imprint.
16.1 The grip end of each electrode shall be bare (free
of covering) for a distance of not less than 1⁄2 in. [12 17.5 In lieu of imprinting, electrodes may be identified
mm], nor more than 1-1⁄4 in. [30 mm] for electrodes 5⁄32 by the following:
in. [4.0 mm] and smaller, and not less than 3⁄4 in. [19 (a) Attaching to the bare grip end of each electrode a
mm] nor more than 1-1⁄2 in. [38 mm] for electrodes 3⁄16 pressure sensitive tape bearing the classification number


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(b) Embossing the classification number on the bare WARNING:

grip end of each electrode. In this case, a slight flattening
of the grip end will be permitted in the area of the PROTECT yourself and others. Read and understand
embossing. this information.

FUMES AND GASES can be hazardous to your

18. Packaging
18.1 Electrodes shall be suitably packaged to protect
them from damage during shipment and storage under ARC RAYS can injure eyes and burn skin.
normal conditions.
18.2 Standard package net weights shall be 1 lb [0.5 ELECTRIC SHOCK can KILL.
kg], 5 lb [2.5 kg], and 10 lb [5 kg]. Other package weights W Before use, read and understand the manufacturer’s
meet the requirements of this specification when agreed instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs),
by the purchaser and supplier. and your employer’s safety practices.
W Keep your head out of the fumes.
19. Marking of Packages W Use enough ventilation, exhaust at the arc, or both, to
19.1 The following product information (as a mini- keep fumes and gases away from your breathing zone
mum) shall be legibly marked on the outside of each unit and the general area.
package: W Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection.
(a) AWS specification and classification designations W Do not touch live electrical parts.
(year of issue may be excluded) W See American National Standard ANSI Z49.1, Safety
(b) Supplier’s name and trade designation in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published
(c) Size and net weight by the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune
(d) Lot, control, or heat number Road, Miami, FL 33126; and OSHA Safety and Health
Standards, available from the Superintendent of Docu-
19.2 The following precautionary information (as a
ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
minimum) shall be prominently displayed in legible print
DC 20402. Phone: (202) 512-1800.
on all packages of electrodes, including individual unit
packages enclosed within a larger package. DO NOT REMOVE THIS INFORMATION



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Guide to Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
(This Annex is not a part of AWS A5.3/A5.3M-99, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding,
but is included for information purposes only).

A1. Introduction according to the provisions of ANSI/AWS A5.01. In the

absence of any such statement in the purchase order,
The purpose of this guide is to correlate the electrode
the supplier may ship the material with whatever testing
classifications with their intended applications so the
normally is performed on material of that classification,
specification can be used effectively. Reference to appro-
as specified in Schedule F, Table 1, of ANSI/AWS A5.01.
priate base metal specifications is made whenever that
Testing in accordance with any other Schedule in that
can be done and when it would be helpful. Such references
Table shall be specifically required by the purchase order.
are intended only as examples rather than complete list-
In such cases, acceptance of the material shipped shall
ings of the materials for which each filler metal is suitable.
be in accordance with those requirements.

A2. Classification System

A4. Certification
A2.1 The system for identifying the electrode classi-
fications in this specification follows the standard pattern The act of placing the AWS specification and classifi-
used in other AWS filler metal specifications. The letter cation designations on the packaging enclosing the prod-
E at the beginning of each classification designation uct, or the classification on the product itself, constitutes
stands for electrode. The numerical portion of the desig- the supplier’s (manufacturer’s) certification that the prod-
nation in this specification conforms to the Aluminum uct meets all of the requirements of the specification.
Association registration for the composition of the core The only testing requirement implicit in this certifica-
wire used in the electrode. tion is that the manufacturer has actually conducted the
tests required by the specification on material that is
A2.2 An international system for designating welding representative of that being shipped and that material
filler metals is under development by the International met the requirements of the specification. Representative
Institute of Welding (IIW) for use in future specifications material, in this case, is any production run of that classi-
to be issued by the International Standards Organization fication using the same formulation. “Certification” is not
(ISO). Table A1 shows the proposed designations for to be construed to mean that tests of any kind were
aluminum filler metals. In that system the initial “E” necessarily conducted on samples of the specific material
designates a covered electrode, the letter “A” the alloy shipped. Tests on such material may or may not have
system, followed by a four-digit number. For wrought been conducted. The basis for the certification required
aluminum alloys, the four-digit number is the same as by the specification is the classification test of “represen-
that commonly recognized worldwide. tative material” cited above, and the “Manufacturer’s
Quality Assurance Program” in ANSI/AWS A5.01.
A3. Acceptance
Acceptance of all welding materials classified under A5. Ventilation During Welding
this specification is in accordance with ANSI/AWS A5.1 Five major factors govern the quantity of fumes
A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, as the speci- in the atmosphere to which welders and welding operators
fication states. Any testing a purchaser requires of the are exposed during welding:
supplier, for material shipped in accordance with this (a) Dimensions of the space in which welding is done
Specification, shall be clearly stated in the purchase order, (with special regard to the height of the ceiling)



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AWS Composition Proposed ISO AWS Classification
Designationa UNS Number Designationb Numberc

1100 A91100 EA1100 E1100

3003 A93003 EA3003 E3003
4043 A94043 EA4043 E4043

a. AWS chemical composition designation is that of the core wire and is the same as the Aluminum
Association designation number.
b. The proposed ISO designation number (IIW doc. XII-1232-91) contains the last four digits of the UNS
number for wrought alloys, preceded by “EA,” “E” to signify a covered electrode and “A” to signify
an aluminum base alloy.
c. The AWS classification number is the AWS chemical composition designation preceded by an “E” to
signify an electrode which carries the electrical current.

(b) Number of welders and welding operators working A6.2 The presence of moisture in the electrode cov-
in that space ering is a major cause of weld porosity. Dirt, grease, or
(c) Rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust, other contamination of the electrode can also contribute
according to the materials and processes used to porosity. The absorption of moisture by the covering
(d) The proximity of the welders or welding operators can be quite rapid, and the covering can deteriorate after
to the fumes as the fumes issue from the welding zone, only a few hours exposure to a humid atmosphere. For
and to the gases and dusts in the space in which they are this reason, the electrodes should be stored in a dry,
working clean location. Electrodes taken from previously opened
(e) The ventilation provided to the space in which the packages or those exposed to moisture should be “condi-
welding is done. tioned” by holding them at 350° to 400°F [175° to 200°C]
for an hour before welding. After conditioning, they
A5.2 American National Standard ANSI Z49.1,
should be stored in a heated cabinet at 150° to 200°F
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes (pub-
[65° to 95°C] until used.
lished by the American Welding Society), discusses the
ventilation that is required during welding and should be
A6.3 The minimum base metal thickness recom-
referred to for details. Attention is drawn particularly to
mended for shielded metal arc welding of aluminum is
the Section of that document on Health Protection and 1
⁄8 in. [3.2 mm]. For thicknesses less than 1⁄4 in. [6.4 mm],
no edge preparation other than a relatively smooth, square
cut is required. Material over 1⁄4 in. [6.4 mm] should be
A6. Welding Considerations beveled to a single-V-groove with a 60 to 90-degree
A6.1 Welding aluminum by the shielded metal arc included angle. On very thick material, U-grooves may
process is a well established practice. However, develop- be used. Depending upon base metal gauge, root-face
ment of the gas shielded arc welding processes and the thicknesses range between 1⁄16 and 1⁄4 in. [1.6 and 6.4
many advantages these processes offer has caused a shift mm]. A root opening of 1⁄32 to 1⁄16 in. [0.8 to 1.6 mm] is
away from the use of covered electrodes. When shielded desirable for all groove welds.
metal arc welding, a flux-covered electrode is held in the
standard electrode holder, and welding is done with direct A6.4 Because of the high thermal conductivity of
current, electrode positive (DCEP). Important factors to aluminum, preheating to 250° to 400°F [120° to 200°C]
be considered when welding aluminum with covered elec- is nearly always necessary on thick material to maintain
trodes are moisture content of the electrode covering, and the weld pool and obtain proper fusion. Preheating will
cleanliness of the electrode and base metal. Preheat is also help to avoid porosity due to too rapid cooling of the
usually required to obtain good fusion and to improve weld pool at the start of the weld. On complex assemblies,
soundness of the weld. Residual flux removal between preheating is useful in avoiding distortion. Preheating
passes is required to provide improved arc stability and may be done by torch using oxygen and acetylene or
weld fusion. Complete removal of the residual flux after other suitable fuel gas, or by electrical resistance heating.
welding is necessary to avoid corrosive attack in service. Mechanical properties of 6XXX series aluminum-alloy


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weldments can be reduced significantly if the higher pre- one of the gas shielded arc welding processes for which
heating temperatures, 350°F [175°C] or higher, are a wider range of filler metal compositions is available.

A6.5 Single-pass SMA welds should be made when- A8. Special Tests
ever possible. However, where thicker plates require mul- It is recognized that supplementary tests may be
tiple passes, thorough cleaning between passes is essential required for certain applications. In such cases, tests to
for optimum results. After the completion of any welding, determine specific properties such as corrosion resistance,
the weld and work should be thoroughly cleaned of resid- electrical conductivity, mechanical properties at elevated
ual flux. The major portion of the residual flux can be or cryogenic temperatures, and suitability for welding
removed by mechanical means, such as a rotary wire different combinations of aluminum base alloys may be
brush, slag hammer, or peening hammer, and the rest required.
by steaming or a hot-water rinse. The test for complete
removal of residual flux is to swab a solution of five-
percent silver nitrate on the weld areas. Foaming will A9. Chemical Analysis
occur if residual flux is present. The accepted and most widely used method for chemi-
A6.6 Interruption of the arc when shielded metal arc cal analysis is found in ASTM E 227, Optical Emission
welding aluminum can cause the formation of a fused Spectrometric Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy
by the Point-to-Plane Technique. This method analyzes
flux coating over the end of the electrode. Reestablishing
a bulk sample and all elements simultaneously. The
a satisfactory arc is impossible unless this formation is
ASTM E 34, Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Alumi-
num and Aluminum Alloy, prescribes individual test meth-
ods for which each element is tested. The ASTM E 34
A7. Description and Intended Use of Electrodes test methods are used as a referee method if a dispute
7.1 Electrodes of the E1100 classification produce arises concerning a specific element analysis.
weld metal of high ductility, good electrical conductivity,
and a minimum tensile strength of 12 000 psi (80 MPa). A10. General Safety Considerations
E1100 electrodes are used to weld 1100, 1350(EC), and
A10.1 Burn Protection. Molten metal, sparks, slag,
other commercially pure aluminum alloys.
and hot work surfaces are produced by welding, cutting,
A7.2 Electrodes of the E3003 classification produce and allied processes. These can cause burns if precaution-
weld metal of high ductility and a minimum tensile ary measures are not used. Workers should wear protec-
strength of 14 000 psi [95 MPa]. E3003 electrodes are tive clothing made of fire-resistant material. Pant cuffs,
used to weld aluminum alloys 1100 and 3003. open pockets, or other places on clothing that can catch
and retain molten metal or sparks should not be worn.
A7.3 The E4043 classification contains approxi-
High-top shoes or leather leggings and fire-resistant
mately five-percent silicon, which provides superior flu-
gloves should be worn. Pant legs should be worn over
idity at welding temperatures, and for this reason is
the outside of high-top shoes. Helmets or hand shields
preferred for general purpose welding. The E4043 classi-
that provide protection for the face, neck, and ears, and
fication produces weld metal with fair ductility and a
a head covering to protect the head should be used. In
minimum tensile strength of 14 000 psi [95 MPa]. E4043
addition, appropriate eye protection should be used.
electrodes can be used to weld the 6XXX series aluminum
When welding overhead or in confined spaces, ear
alloys, the 5XXX series aluminum alloys (up to 2.5-
plugs to prevent weld spatter from entering the ear canal
percent Mg content), and aluminum-silicon casting
should be worn. Goggles or equivalent should also be
alloys, as well as aluminum base metals 1100, 1350(EC),
worn to protect eyes. Clothing should be kept free of
and 3003.
grease and oil. Combustible materials should not be car-
A7.4 For many aluminum applications, corrosion ried in pockets. If any combustible substance has been
resistance of the weld is of prime importance. In such spilled on clothing, a change to clean, fire-resistant cloth-
cases, it is advantageous to choose an electrode with a ing should be made before working with open arcs or
composition as close as practical to that of the base metal. flame. Aprons, cape-sleeves, leggings, and shoulder cov-
For this use, covered electrodes for base metals other ers with bibs designed for welding service should be used.
than 1100 and 3003 usually are not stocked and must Where welding or cutting of unusually thick base metal
be specially ordered. For applications where corrosion is involved, sheet metal shields should be used for extra
resistance is important, it may be advantageous to use protection. Mechanization of highly hazardous processes


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or jobs should be considered. Other personnel in the work the work area, equipment, and clothing should be kept
area should be protected by the use of noncombustible dry at all times. Welders should wear dry gloves and
screens or by the use of appropriate protection as rubber soled shoes, or stand on a dry board or insulated
described in the previous paragraph. Before leaving a platform. Cables and connections should be kept in good
work area, hot work pieces should be marked to alert condition. Improper or worn electrical connections may
other persons of this hazard. No attempt should be made create conditions that could cause electrical shock or short
to repair or disconnect electrical equipment when it is circuits. Worn, damaged, or bare cables should not be
under load. Disconnection under load produces arcing of used. Open-circuit voltage should be avoided. When sev-
the contacts and may cause burns or shock, or both. (Note: eral welders are working with arcs of different polarities,
Burns can be caused by touching hot equipment such as or when a number of alternating-current machines are
electrode holders, tips, and nozzles. Therefore, insulated being used, the open-circuit voltages can be additive. The
gloves should be worn when these items are handled, added voltages increase the severity of the shock hazard.
unless an adequate cooling period has been allowed In case of electric shock, the power should be turned
before touching.) off. If the rescuer must resort to pulling the victim from
The following sources are for more detailed informa- the live contact, nonconducting materials should be used.
tion on personal protection: If the victim is not breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscita-
(a) ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied tion (CPR) should be administered as soon as contact
Processes, published by the American Welding Society, with the electrical source is broken. A physician should
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. be called and CPR continued until breathing has been
(b) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 Labor, restored, or until a physician has arrived. Electrical burns
Chapter XVII, Part 1910, OSHA General Industry Stan- are treated as thermal burns; that is, clean, cold (iced)
dards available from the U.S. Government Printing compresses should be applied. Contamination should be
Office, Washington, DC 20402. avoided; the area should be covered with a clean, dry
(c) ANSI/ASC Z87.1, Practice for Occupational and dressing; and the patient should be transported to medical
Educational Eye and Face Protection, American National assistance.
Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY Recognized safety standards such as ANSI Z49.1,
10036-8002. Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes; the
(d) ANSI Z41, American National Standard for Per- National Electrical Code; and NFPA No. 70, available
sonal Protection — Protective Footwear, American from National Fire Protection Association, 1 Bat-
National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New terymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, should be followed.
York, NY 10036-8002.
A10.3 Fumes and Gases. Many welding, cutting, and
A10.2 Electrical Hazards. Electric shock can kill. allied processes produce fumes and gases which may
However, it can be avoided. Live electrical parts should be harmful to health. Fumes are solid particles which
not be touched. The manufacturer’s instructions and rec- originate from welding filler metals and fluxes, the base
ommended safe practices should be read and understood. metal, and any coatings present on the base metal. Gases
Faulty installation, improper grounding, and incorrect are produced during the welding process or may be pro-
operation and maintenance of electrical equipment are duced by the effects of process radiation on the sur-
all sources of danger. rounding environment. Management, personnel and
All electrical equipment and the workpieces should be welders alike should be aware of the effects of these
grounded. The workpiece lead is not a ground lead. It is fumes and gases. The amount and composition of these
used only to complete the welding circuit. A separate fumes and gases depend upon the composition of the
connection is required to ground the workpiece. The filler metal and base metal, welding process, flux, current
workpiece should not be mistaken for a ground con- level, arc length, and other factors. Fluxes, used for oxy-
nection. fuel gas welding of aluminum alloys, are composed pri-
The correct cable size should be used, since sustained marily of chlorides plus small fluoride additions. The
overloading will cause cable failure and result in possible coatings used in covered electrodes of the types shown
electrical shock or fire hazard. All electrical connections in this specification A5.3/A5.3M contain both chlorides
should be tight, clean, and dry. Poor connections can and fluorides.
overheat and even melt. Further, they can produce danger- The possible effects of overexposure range from irrita-
ous arcs and sparks. Water, grease, or dirt should not be tion of eyes, skin, and respiratory system to more severe
allowed to accumulate on plugs, sockets, or electrical complications. Effects may occur immediately or at some
units. Moisture can conduct electricity. To prevent shock, later time. Fumes can cause symptoms such as nausea,



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headaches, dizziness, and metal fume fever. The possibil- A10.4.1 Ionizing Radiation. Ionizing radiation is
ity of more serious health effects exists when especially produced by the electron beam welding process. It is
toxic materials are involved. In confined spaces, the fumes ordinarily controlled within acceptance limits by use of
might displace breathing air and cause asphyxiation. suitable shielding enclosing the welding area.
One’s head should always be kept out of the fumes.
A10.4.2 Nonionizing Radiation. The intensity and
Sufficient ventilation, exhaust at the arc or flame, or both, wavelengths of nonionizing radiant energy produced
should be used to keep fumes and gases from your breath- depend on many factors, such as the process, welding
ing zone and the general area. parameters, electrode and base metal composition, fluxes,
In some cases, natural air movement will provide and any coating or plating on the base metal. Some pro-
enough ventilation. Where ventilation may be question- cesses such as resistance welding and cold pressure weld-
able, air sampling should be used to determine if correc- ing ordinarily produce negligible quantities of radiant
tive measures should be applied. energy. However, most arc welding and cutting processes
All aluminum electrodes possess a compositional con- (except submerged arc when used properly), laser beam
trol of 0.0008 percent maximum beryllium content. This welding and torch welding, cutting, brazing, or soldering
provides a check by the manufacturer that the filler metal can produce quantities of nonionizing radiation such that
is essentially free of this element and thus avoids the precautionary measures are necessary.
presence of concentrations of this highly toxic metallic Protection from possible harmful effects caused by
particulate during the filler metal transfer across the arc. nonionizing radiant energy from welding include the fol-
Since the electrode core wire is fabricated as drawn, lowing measures:
wrought aluminum wire, the same beryllium control has (a) One should not look at welding arcs except through
been applied to all filler metals covered by this ANSI/ welding filter plates which meet the requirements of
AWS A5.3/A5.3M specification. Thus all electrodes pos- ANSI/ASC Z87.1, Practice for Occupational and Educa-
sess a 0.0008 percent beryllium maximum limit. tion Eye and Face Protection, published by American
More detailed information on fumes and gases pro- National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New
duced by the various welding processes may be found in York, NY 10036-8002. It should be noted that transparent
the following: welding curtains are not intended as welding filter plates,
(a) The permissible exposure limits required by OSHA but rather are intended to protect passersby from inciden-
can be found in CFR Title 29, Chapter XVII Part 1910. tal exposure.
The OSHA General Industry Standards are available (b) Exposed skin should be protected with adequate
from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government gloves and clothing as specified in ANSI Z49.1, Safety
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by
(b) The recommended threshold limit values for these the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
fumes and gases may be found in Threshold Limit Values Miami, FL 33126.
for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the (c) Reflections from welding arcs should be avoided,
Workroom Environment, published by the American Con- and all personnel should be protected from intense reflec-
ference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), tions. (Note: Paints using pigments of substantially zinc
1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Suite 600, Cincinnati, OH oxide or titanium dioxide have a lower reflectance for
45240-1643. ultraviolet radiation.)
(c) The results of an AWS-funded study are available (d) Screens, curtains, or adequate distance from aisles,
in a report entitled, Fumes and Gases in the Welding walkways, etc., should be used to avoid exposing pas-
Environment, available from the American Welding Soci- sersby to welding operations.
ety, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. (e) Safety glasses with UV-protective side shields
have been shown to provide some beneficial protection
A10.4 Radiation. Welding, cutting, and allied opera- from ultraviolet radiation produced by welding arcs.
tions may produce radiant energy (radiation) harmful to
health. One should become acquainted with the effects A10.4.3 Ionizing radiation information sources
of this radiant energy. include:
Radiant energy may be ionizing (such as x-rays), or (a) AWS F2.1-78, Recommended Safe Practices for
nonionizing (such as ultraviolet, visible light, or infrared). Electron Beam Welding and Cutting, available from the
Radiation can produce a variety of effects such as skin American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
burns and eye damage, depending on the radiant energy’s Miami, FL 33126.
wavelength and intensity, if excessive exposure occurs. (b) Manufacturer’s product information literature.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

A10.4.4 Nonionizing radiation information sources Oxygen Cutting.” Welding Journal, September 1979.
include: (e) “Optical Radiation Levels Produced by Air-Carbon
(a) Hinrichs, J.F., Project Committee on Radiation- Arc Cutting Processes.” Welding Journal, March 1980.
Summary Report. Welding Journal, January 1978.
(b) Nonionizing Radiation Protection Special Study (f) ANSI/ASC Z136.1, Safe Use of Lasers, published
No. 42-0053-77, Evaluation of the Potential Hazards by American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd
from Actinic Ultraviolet Radiation Generated by Electric Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
Welding and Cutting Arcs, available from the National (g) ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied
Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, Processes, published by the American Welding Society,
ADA-033768. 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
(c) Nonionizing Radiation Protection Special Study
(h) ANSI/ASC Z87.1, Practice for Occupational and
No. 42-0312-77, Evaluation of the Potential Retina Haz-
Educational Eye and Face Protection, published by
ards from Optical Radiation Generated by Electric Weld-
American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd
ing and Cutting Arcs, available from the National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
ADA-043023. (i) Moss, C. E. “Optical Radiation Transmission Lev-
(d) Moss, C. E., and Murray, W. E. “Optical Radiation els through Transparent Welding Curtains.” Welding
Levels Produced in Gas Welding, Torch Brazing, and Journal, March 1979.


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