USB 4704 Manual
USB 4704 Manual
USB 4704 Manual
User Manual
The documentation and the software included with this product are copy-
righted 2010 by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Advantech
Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make improvements in the products
described in this manual at any time without notice. No part of this man-
ual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or
by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co., Ltd.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reli-
able. However, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use,
nor for any infringements of the rights of third parties, which may result
from its use.
Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corp.
All other product names or trademarks are properties of their respective
1st Edition
Printed in Taiwan January 2010
This product has passed the CE test for environmental specifications
when shielded cables are used for external wiring. We recommend the use
of shielded cables. This kind of cable is available from Advantech. Please
contact your local supplier for ordering information.
Document Feedback
To assist us in making improvements to this manual, we would welcome
comments and constructive criticism. Please send all such - in writing to:
v Table of Contents
USB-4704 User Manual vi
This chapter will provide information
on the features of the DAS module, a
quick start guide for installation, and
some brief information on software and
accessories for USB-4704 Module.
Sections include:
• Features
• Software Overview
Chapter 1 Introduction
Thank you for buying the Advantech USB-4704 data acquisition module.
The Advantech USB-4704 is a powerful data acquisition (DAS) module
for the USB port. It features a unique circuit design and complete func-
tions for data acquisition and control.
1.1 Features
Note: The power output of an USB port is 500 mA, while the
USB-4704 requires 500 mA (max.). This means that if
an USB hub is used, it will need an external power sup-
ply to support more than one USB-4704 device.
Advantech offers a rich set of DLL drivers, third-party driver support and
application software on the companion CD-ROM to help fully exploit the
functions of your device. Advantech’s Device Drivers feature a complete
I/O function library to help boost your application performance and work
seamlessly with development tools such as Visual C++, Visual Basic,
Inprise C++ Builder, and Inprise Delphi.
3 Chapter 1
USB-4704 User Manual 4
Sections include:
• Unpacking
• Driver Installation
• Hardware Installation
• Hardware Uninstallation
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Unpacking
After receiving your USB-4704 package, please inspect its contents first.
The package should contain the following items:
• USB-4704 Module
• Shielded USB 2.0 Cable (1.8 m)
• Companion CD-ROM (DLL driver included)
• User Manual
• Avoid physical contact with materials that could hold static electricity
such as plastic, vinyl and Styrofoam.
We recommend you install the software driver before you install the
USB-4704 module into your system, since this will guarantee a smooth
installation process.
The 32-bit DLL driver Setup program for the USB-4704 module is
included on the companion CD-ROM that is shipped with your module
package. Please follow the steps on the following page to install the
driver software:
7 Chapter 2
For further information on driver-related issues, an online version of the
Device Drivers Manual is available by accessing the following path:
Start\Programs\Advantech Automation
\Device Manager\Device Driver’s Manual
USB-4704 User Manual 8
2.3 Hardware Installation
Step 1: Touch the metal part on the surface of your computer to neutralize
the static electricity that might be in your body.
Step 2: Plug your USB module into the selected USB port. Use of exces-
sive force must be avoided; otherwise the module might get damaged.
After your module is installed, you can configure it using the Advantech
Device Manager. The Device Driver's Manual can be found at:
Start\Programs\Advantech Automation\Advantech Device Man-
ager\Device Driver’s Manual
Though the Advantech USB modules are hot swappable, we still recom-
mend you to follow the hardware un-installation procedure to avoid any
unpredictable damages to your device or your system.
Step1: Close the applications of the USB module.
Step2: Right click the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” icon on your task bar.
9 Chapter 2
Figure 2.1: Unplug or Eject Hardware Dialog
Note: Please make sure that you have closed the application
before unplugging the USB device, otherwise unex-
pected system error or damage may occur.
Signal Connections
This chapter provides useful informa-
tion on how to connect input and output
signals to the USB-4704 via the I/O
Sections include:
• Overview
• I/O Connectors
• Analog Input Connections
• Analog Output Connections
• Trigger Source Connections
• Field Wiring Considerations
Chapter 3 Signal Connections
3.1 Overview
13 Chapter 3
Figure 3.2: Single-Ended Input Channel Connection
If one side of the signal source is connected to a local ground, the signal
source is ground-referenced. Therefore, the ground of the signal source
and the ground of the card will not be exactly of the same voltage. The
difference between the ground voltages forms a commonmode voltage
(Vcm ).
To avoid the ground loop noise effect caused by common-mode voltages,
you can connect the signal ground to the Low input. Figure 3.3 shows a
differential channel connection between a grounded-reference signal
source and an input channel on USB-4704. With this connection, the
PGIA rejects a common-mode voltage Vcm between the signal source and
USB-4704 ground, shown as Vcm in Figure 3.3.
Note: In differential input mode, the input channel n should be used with
channel n+1. (n=0,2,4,6)
USB-4704 provides two analog output channels, AO0 and AO1. Figure
3.4 shows how to make analog output connections on USB-4704.
15 Chapter 3
3.5 External Trigger Source Connections
• When you use USB-4704 to acquire data from outside, noises in the
environment might significantly affect the accuracy of your measure-
ments if due cautions are not taken. The following measures will be
helpful to reduce possible interference running signal wires between
signal sources and the USB-4704.
• The signal cables must be kept away from strong electromagnetic
sources such as power lines, large electric motors, circuit breakers or
welding machines, since they may cause strong electromagnetic inter-
ference. Keep the analog signal cables away from any video monitor,
since it can significantly affect a data acquisition system.
• If the cable travels through an area with significant electromagnetic
interference, you should adopt individually shielded, twisted-pair wires
as the analog input cable. This type of cable has its signal wires twisted
together and shielded with a metal mesh. The metal mesh should only
be connected to one point at the signal source ground.
• Avoid running the signal cables through any conduit that might have
power lines in it.
• If you have to place your signal cable parallel to a power line that has a
high voltage or high current running through it, try to keep a safe dis-
tance between them. Or place the signal cable in a right angle to the
power line to minimize the undesirable effect.
Appendix A Specifications
A.1 Analog Input
Resolution 14 bits
Channels 2
Resolution 12 bits
Output range 0~5 V
Output Impedance 51
Driving Capability 5mA
Accuracy DC INLE ±8LSB
Dynamic Performance Slew rate 0.7 V/us
Setting Time 10uS
A.4 Counter
Channels 1
Resolution 32 bits
Input Frequency 5 MHz max.
Input Voltage Low 0.8 V max.
High 2.0 V min.
A.5 General
19 Appendix A
USB-4704 User Manual 20