Brittany Reiman: Objective
Brittany Reiman: Objective
Brittany Reiman: Objective
To obtain the Kindergarten Instructor position at Boyd County Public School.
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Bachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences. Anticipation date: May 2018
Major: Early Childhood Education
Certifications: Birth – Age 8
Elementary Education, Dakota State University. Anticipation date: May 2018
Major GPA: 3.99/4.0
Dean’s List, 2014-Present
Minor: Human Development and Family Studies
Related Courses: Lifespan Development, Family Relations, Preschool to Middle School Child
Development, Math Methods, Science Methods, Social Studies Methods
Student Teacher, Grade 2. Wagner Community School, Wagner, SD
January 2018-Present
Developed and applied lesson plans for all developmental areas that met school
district, state, and national education standards. Uses creative and mindfulness to
establish meaningful activities. Created relationships with both students and
school staff. Enforced classroom management and behavior.
Lilee Louise Boutique. Spencer, NE
December 2016-Present
Sales associate. Creating a fun environment where customers are comfortable
shopping for new clothes. Encourage self-confidence. Manage online sales. Store
front assistance. Provide create ideas where I demonstrate a hard work ethic and
desire to help the store succeed.
Youth Volleyball Coach 2017
Brookings County Youth Mentoring Program 2014-2017
Brookings Food Pantry 2014-2017
Mortar Board 2016-Present
Phi Upsilon Omicron (2016 – Vice President) 2015-Present
National Education Association 2014-Present
South Dakota Education Association 2014-Present
Student National Education Association 2014-Present
Alpha Lambda Delta (2014 – President; 2015 – Junior Advisor) 2014-2016
Association for the Education of Young Children (2016 – Treasurer) 2013-2017
Jamie Kuhlman - Wagner Community School
30020 389th Ave. Wagner, SD 57380 (605) 491-0491
Carolyn Spielmann – West Central Elementary
303 East 2nd St. Harford, SD 57033 (605) 528-3215
Emmalee Wright – SDSU Fishback Center
124 12th Ave #1A Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 695-0780
Julie Reiser – Butte State Bank
PO Box 28 Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2271