Pentest Report
Pentest Report
Pentest Report
Group 13
Michael COZZOLINO; Timothée CAPALDI.
The application 3
Testing conditions 4
SQL injection 5
Brute Force 9
Path traversal 10
The application
The application is a book store app. it’s accessible here:
Testing conditions
We are going to do penetration test in a black box (we have no information about the
design/structure of the website) with only a test username and password to try out
functionalities before hacking.
Practical tests:
● SQL injection
● Brute Force
● File upload
● Path transversal
SQL injection
First thing we are going to try is SQL injecting the path of the browser on a book details
test: to query select * from book where isbn=’12345’ we injected ‘ or ‘t’=’t’’ or ‘t’=’t’
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
/home4/myvision/ in
/home4/myvision/ on line 10
We have also tried it using Kali Linux. It returned false positives, but we could know the
version of the database:
As the screenshot shows, the parameter number (GET) seems to be injectable, but it’s a
false positive. The server has some kind of WAF/IDS/IPS.
Also it is written on the page that once a file is upload, the developers can choose to add an
entry for it or not. Human verification is a security we cannot break.
This attack didn’t work.
We also have tried to change the request with Burp. Changing the type file or inserting a null
byte in the name, but it hasn’t worked:
We have changed the name index.phpD.txt in the request, inserting a null byte in the place
of “D”. It doesn’t work.
Last test we did was uploading a message in the forum. But when we put a message with
some script, the server block this content.
But we have found an XSS stored vulnerability in the forum with the following payload:
Brute Force
After those tests, we tried to Brute force the password on the login page. In order to do this
we took the most popular passwords from the internet and we copied them into a text file.
Then we added the admin as a username in front of all the passwords. Afterwards, we linked
the text file to the brute force tool and we executed it. The tool required a 10 minutes waiting
time for testing all the passwords we inserted, in case there was a match we will login to the
system. In our case there wasn’t any password match, therefore we couldn’t login. The
following implementation shows the code that we performed in order to Brute force the
This is the list containing all the usernames and password that we tried to Brute force:
● logins.txt
Path traversal
The next hacking technique we implemented was the path thraveral by inserting the
following http address:
We get the whole database content and structure, because the group put backup files in the
web page itself.
We were able to see the users, the board and the books data recorded in the system.
Conclusion and advice
As a conclusion, we revise the vulnerabilities we found. Path traversal and XSS weren’t well
protected, but we haven’t been able to bypass the others.
No SQL injections were possible because inputs are correctly protected. They have some
protection implemented for the hosting service. Something like a WAF, IPS or IDS.
Moreover, we think that they have also implemented some protection by themselves.
It was also impossible to Upload a corrupted file because the security allows us to upload txt
only and furthermore, they are only uploaded once reviewed by Developers.
In the case of XSS we have found some vulnerabilities in the forum. So they are stored type.
Bruteforce didn’t work because they made sure users passwords were including capital
letters and numbers. in another hand, the admin password was very easy to guess without
any algorithm.
Finaly, Path traversal worked great because the database was simply accessible at We just had to insert what we wanted
to get to print it.
After this pen-testing, we are able to give advices to the owners of the website in order to
add more protection.
3rd: It’s a bad practice showing the errors on the client side. That way, a malicious attacker
can gather information about the server and learn possible vulnerabilities. There are several
web pages with the known vulnerabilities of each server, remaining the version.