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E-OLSS Hydraulic Pump.

Section 3.2

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

E-OLSS Hydraulic Pump
The E-OLSS (Electronic – Open centre Load Sensing System) is an energy saving
system to reduce fuel consumption by means of controlling the swash plate angle.
A Variable-displacement swash plate piston pump is used with an OLSS control valve.
For this combination to work there is a series of valves mounted on the pump to sense
the different machine operating demands

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

E-OLSS Hydraulic Pump
Effective Use of Engine
Servo valve
For optimum out-put of the machine its
important for the engine to maintain a
set speed. CO, NC Valve
As the load in the hydraulic system
changes the discharge amount from
the pump needs to be adjusted.
The valves mounted on the hydraulic
pump that sense the change in
working conditions.
1. Servo Valve.
2. CO valve (Cut-Off control)
3. NC valve (Neutral control).
4. TVC valve (Torque Variable Control)
TVC Valve
All the pump control valves and
servo piston are operated by Servo piston

charge pump pressure.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS
E-OLSS Hydraulic Pump

Servo Valve.
The Servo Valves controls the pump out-put from the signals received from
TVC, CO and NC valves.
The arm is connected into the servo piston and senses the servo piston
position, this will allow the pump to discharge the volume amount
corresponding to signal pressure.

Control Piston

Guide Spool

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

Servo Valve.
Increase Pump Discharge.
A signal pressure NC valve
(Pecn) increase pushing
Control Piston Left. Control
Piston stops where it
balances with spring force.
At the same time arm (7) uses
servo piston as a fulcrum,
pushing Guide Spool to the
The movement of Guide Spool
will Open Charge pressure
supply Port (a) to port (h),
pushing servo piston (j)
chamber to increase pump
At the same time servo piston
chamber (f) port (d) is
connected to drain.
Because of servo piston
movement the arm will move
the Guide Spool to the right
closing off Port (a) to (h).
Matching Pump output to
Pecn signal
Section 3.2 E-OLSS
Servo Valve

Decrease Pump Discharge.

When signal pressure

(Pecn) drops, springs push
Control Piston Right.
Control Piston stops where
it balances with spring
force and signal.
At the same time arm (7)
uses servo piston as a
fulcrum, pushing Guide
Spool to the Right.
The movement of Guide
Spool will Close Charge
pressure supply Port (a) to
port (h). Opening servo
piston (j) chamber to drain.
At the same time servo
piston chamber (f) port (d)
is connected port (a)
charge pump pressure.
Decreasing pump

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

TVC Valve

TVC Valve.
TVC (Torque Variable Control) Valve ensures the
pump torque out-put doesn’t exceed the engine
out-put by monitoring the out-put of all HPV
pumps. It also changes the work mode depending
on the signal from the monitor panel (DH,H & G) to
the TVC solenoid.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

TVC Valve
Load is Small.
The TVC valve sense the
pressure in all the pumps when
pressure or load increases the
pump discharge is reduced by
reducing the Charge pressure to
the servo valve (Pe).
The command current from the
TVC solenoid pushes pin (9), and
pressure from all pumps is
acting on the underside of the
three TVC spools.
At the moment the pump
pressure combined with solenoid
pressure are not strong enough
to over come spring (1). As a
result port (a) and ports (b) is
completely open. Allowing a
good flow of signal pressure to
the servo valve.
In this position the pump
discharge becomes maximum.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

TVC Valve

Load is Large.
As pump pressure increases, this
pushes against spring (1).
Moving TVC spool up until it
balances with spring force. Closing
the flow from port (Psv) to port (Pe).
As a result the flow of oil to the
servo piston is throttled.
Main pump discharge is decreased.
The TVC valve maintains a constant
pump absorption torque. So TVC out
put pressure (Pe) is controlled by
pump discharge pressure.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

CO and NC Valve
CO (Cut Off) valve, when the load becomes
large during operation and the main
pump discharge pressure raises to a
point close to relief pressure, the Cut Off
valve acts to reduce pump discharge in
order to reduce relief loss.
NC (Neutral Control): Reduces pump out-put
during fine control or when all levers are
in neutral. The signal is received from
the jet sensors.

CO Valve

NC Valve

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

CO Valve

Load is Small
Currently the pump
output pressure is not
close to main relief
So spring (3) is able to
push CO spool fully open
allowing signal (Pec) to
flow to servo valve and
maximum pump
discharge occur.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

CO Valve

Mains Pressure
Close to Relief
If the load increases and
main pump discharge
pressure comes close to
main relief pressure.
There is enough force in
chamber (5) to push
spool up against spring.
This will throttle port
(Pe) to port (Pec) and
port (c) is opened
allowing signal pressure
to drain to tank.
Pump discharge amount
becomes minimum.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

CO Valve

Cut Off Cancel.

When the heavy lift
solenoid is activated this
will direct charge pressure
to port (Pc).
Pushing down on piston (2)
stopping the pump
pressure from closing off
(Pec) signal when pump
discharge pressure goes up
to main relief pressure.
As a result the pump
discharge remains at a
maximum at relief pressure.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

CO Valve.

Cut Off Cancel Function.

With a combination of Two Stage relief and CO cancel function ON this will increase the
boom lifting power by approximately 10 %.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

NC Valve
Levers in Neutral
The NC valve controls the
main pump discharge
amount according to the
amount that the control
valve spool is operated.
This flow control function
deduces the neutral loss
and fine control.
The Jet Senses pick up the
flow of oil returning to the
tank through the control
Levers in neutral the
differential pressure in the
Jet Senses becomes
(Pt) pressure pushing on
piston (10) becomes larger
than spring tension.
As a result closing off port
(Pec) to port (Pecn)

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

NC Valve

Control Levers are

When the control valve is
moved the Jet Sensor
differential pressure goes
down in accordance with
movement of the control
The pressure (Pt) is no
longer strong enough to
push down on the spring.
NC spool moves up opening
port (Pec) to port (Pecn).
As a result the servo piston
receives the signal to
increase pump discharge.

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

Charge Pump

The Charge Pump supplies:

1. PPC circuit for PPC valves and solenoids.
2. Pump control.
Its important to maintain good Charge Pump Pressure as it directly effects the
pump performance

PC 200/220-5 the Charge Pump

is mounted on the end of the
main pump

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

Charge Pump

Charge pump for the PC1250-7 excavator is mounted in a back of gear

pumps. The bank of pumps is found between the two work equipments and
swing pumps.

PPC/charge pressure Pump

After Cooler Fan Pump

PTO Lubrication Pump

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

E-OLSS Hydraulic Pump

End of

Section 3.2 E-OLSS

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