Rhetoricalanalysis 1
Rhetoricalanalysis 1
Rhetoricalanalysis 1
Genre Analysis
Erick Perchez
RWS 1302
Genre Analysis
In the world of rhetoric, there are many types of every medium that classify as genres.
Most people know genres as a specific style of music or perhaps the type of book written. But
the genres that will be analyzed include typography, iconography, and oral. These genres refer to
the type of rhetoric that is used to portray a message, usually in hopes to persuade a person and
attempt to challenge their beliefs. The two genres that will be focused on are typography, in the
form of a web article. Iconography will be presented in the form of a YouTube video on why
rehabilitation facilities for drug addictions work and how it should be treated.
interviews, cartoons, and in this case, YouTube videos. The video, Addiction is a disease We
should treat it like one: Michael Botticelli, shows his personal struggle with drug addiction and
how he overcame it in a very strategic, yet casual way. Typography, subdividing into books,
essays, written music lyrics, and web articles, which has been a very popular genre for rhetoric
for as long as scriptures have existed. The article, Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction,
focuses mostly on the concrete facts rather than a personal story. What both of these sources do
very well is portray data and then back it up with credible resources by referencing research.
Although the video may focus more on alcohol addiction, it is still relevant to the question: why
Since both sources come from different genres, their structure is quite different. The
video is a TED Talk, meaning that there are few limitations to how it is structured and delivered.
Considering it is a broadcast, the language has to be formal and family friendly therefore it is
censored, perhaps not with bleeps, but by having the presenter be aware of what they are saying
and forcing them to try to avoid words that could not be suitable for everyone. Being a TED
Talk, it is expected to be a very formal ordeal. The talk is presented many facts and supported by
research. Besides the facts presented, heavy topics can be expected, this is also why the audience
of such a video will most likely be adults with open minds, perhaps closed minds too, as the
speaker will try to challenge their beliefs. There is not a lot of a visual effect in the video other
than the person speaking and seeing the emotions expressed, making it a stronger message.
Although the language is very strong and had a very mature nature, it also had its casual
and family friendly moments. The use of the casual moments and language was usually used by
the speaker to make their s story much more relatable. Without that aspect, the speaker would
have seemed unprofessional and careless. Other than the presented observations, the language
does remain formal for the majority of the video, allowing the viewer to acknowledge that the
speaker is knowledgeable about the topic they are talking about. This makes them more credible
and respected.
The article is slightly more organized in a sense of it being able to be planned out, edited
and modified to suit the authors purpose. There are also limitations to this source, such as having
to keep the formatting as tidy and neat as possible. The fact that this source is a government
funded website, one can expect formal language and censorship in the article. There will also be
properly presented facts and statistics from a website funded by the government. Since it is a
web article, there is no audio or video, but there are images to draw in the attention of the reader.
Despite these restraints, they do not take away from the article’s powerful message.
Although the two sources are from different genres, there are some similarities between
them, such as the way facts are presented. There is not a single fact in either sources that is not
backed by any sort of research. Despite the similarities, there also are some differences between
both sources. The article is far more fact-based while the video is more of an experience being
shared. The video, for the most part, is opinion derived from the facts.
As previously stated, the audience for the video are usually more mature, in a sense that
they can handle the strong topic and have a sincere interest in the topic. The video also seems to
target gay individuals by trying to relate to them and their struggles, such as exclusion. Similarly,
the article is also for the more mature and educated audience, especially considering the
terminology used. It mostly seems to target adults and people doing research on the topic of
similar mentalities.
For both sources, their purpose was to inform how living with addiction is, how it should
be treated, and how it could actually be treated, especially with more accessible resources. The
video could be used as a form of entertainment. TED talks are commonly known to be very
interactive and amusing, but it does portray the powerful message, as intended. In both sources,
the importance of taking action is enforced and amplified. Both sources are trying to encourage
general awareness of the issue at hand. The article shows how addiction can be treated so people
know and maybe help someone in need of help, While the video shows how horrible it is to live
The speaker in the video uses a lot of references and known names in the addiction and
rehab community whenever he is presenting facts and his knowledge on the subject. The video
evokes feelings and emotions of sadness and pity since the person is talking about what he has
gone through and how other people should not go through the same things he has.
The article shows credibility by being a government website and also referencing many
big known names in the community as well. The article evokes more of a concerning emotion by
presenting hard facts and not trying to be sensible to a lot of people even though it is public
knowledge that even the slightest comment out of line could offend thousands of people.
Since both resources were made by professional creators, there really is not an appeal that
is missing. They both include an emotional, ethical, and logical appeal behind everything being
said in the sources. The evidence used is mostly statistics on how many people are addicted, how
long they’re addicted for and how many people die with the cause being overdoses. That is the
The video felt like it did achieve its purpose of providing knowledge of the life of
addiction. It focused mainly on how the public perceives addiction and how it should really be
looked at and even treated. All of the facts presented were very supported and explained. Also,
the fact that the speaker was very charismatic and funny made it much more successful.
The article, too, achieved its purpose because of how the information was strategically
brought up. The information may have been more difficult to read, especially with the advanced
terminology. What also made it more successful was the fact that it was a government site,
implying that lies should not be implemented in the articles to avoid the spread of “fake news”.
Even though the video was entertaining to watch, the article prevailed as the most effective
TED. (2017, April 21). Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one | Michael Botticelli.