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Answers To The EAC Comments

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EAC Visit – 14-15 May 2018
IHL- Al-Madinah International University
RFI Dated - 23 April 2018

The Self-Assessment Report has been revised to address all the EAC comments to the best of our
ability. Point to point answers to the comments are;
General Remarks
Comments Action
1) The SAR is not comprehensive / informative. It
is not self-content and many repeating figures Underlined page 2
& table (e.g. Figures 5.1 and 3.3, Table 3.4 and
3.7 etc.; furthermore, they are not based on the
latest analysis, but last Feb 2017).

2) Provide the Gap Analysis for the programme in

compliance with the new EAC manual 2017, as
it was previously designed based on EAC
manual 2012, especially the SLT hour for each
course and total SLT credit hours for the
programme (compared to the old EAC credit
hour as per the EAC manual 2012).

A. Qualifying Requirements
3) Full-time teaching staff (minimum of eight (8))
with at least three (3) Professional Engineers Underlined page 10
registered with the BEM or equivalent.
- Provide the detailed of the three staff with
Professional Engineers registered with the
BEM or equivalent; e.g. the registration
status with BEM / certificate, teaching
permit, appointment contract and their
involvement / teaching in this EE
4) • Provide the “Employer Survey” to be used
in assessing the PEO achievement. Show how
the planned PEO Performance Indicator (Table
2.2, Page 5) to be assessed; the rationale on the
indicators and requirement / target for the PEOs
are set. Provide evidences on the process and
involvement of stakeholders in formation of the
PEOs and indicators.
5) From Table 4 (page 11), provide the sample of
Graduate Job Recruitment Survey (3-4 years
after graduation); and what is the TER report?
Any sample?
6) Evidence 2.4
Sample_Responded_Questionnaire. But the
files provided in the folder are
Advisory_Panels_Meeting_Minutes. Explain.
7) Section 3.4 (page 19) & Section 3.12 (page 30),
the definition of POs and analysis / discussion
given are too general and vague.
8) Provide the latest CO-PO mapping (Evidence
3.2 (a)). Show how it is explicit and direct, and
CQI process and evident on PO (programme-
based or cohort-based), if any.
9) Provide the rubrics used to assess the PO7
“Teamwork”. Based on Evidence 3.2 (a), why
only ONE course “Engineers and Society” is
chosen in measurement of the PO7 attainment?
How could the CQI be carried out?
10) Provide the PO attainment for the graduating
students and more details on how and /or what
countermeasure taken in ensuring graduating
students attain all the 12 PLOs set. What is the
status of the proposal of “extended model”
(page 21) to measure the final level of PO
attainment for every graduating student.
11) Does student need to answer all questions in the
final exam? Or optional? Then how to ensure
all the COs to be covered and assessed?
12) There is inconsistency for CO target, 70% at
Page 25 but 50% at page 26. Which is the latest
and correct? Provide the rationale and SOP of
the target revision.
13) Evidence 3.3 (a) PROGRAMME OUTCOMES
What is the objective? Indirect assessment of
the PO? Has any analysis been conducted?
14) Evidence 3.3 (b) Survey (Industrial Advisor
(IA) Feedback). How many participants? only 1
IAP? when?
15) Evidence 3.3 (h) IA Report-form. Is Ir Jafni a
new IA or first IA been appointed in 2017? Any
CQI? Or comment on the PO?
16) Evidence 3.6 (b) Standard model OBE PO.
Incomplete. Some POs have never been
measured, e.g. PO9. Do provide the latest
analysis and CQI. Also the PI / indicator used is
“Weak – Excellent”, not tally with the target set
70%. Justify this.
17) If the programme is to cover all the
underpinning courses for Electrical discipline as
detailed out in Appendix B of the EAC Manual
2017, it is noted that some are not covered in
Table 4.3, Page 36 of SAR, e.g., “Electronic
Drive and Application” and “Electrical Energy
Utilization”, “Electrical Power Generation and
High Voltage Engineering”, “Electrical Energy
Utilisation”. Please prepare the list of course
mapping based on App-B of the Manual for
Electrical and Electronics disciplines,
18) Provide the detailed mark distribution and score
by student (coursework, final exam and overall
marks for all engineering core subjects). Justify
the “conditional for passing courses” (The IHLs
must ensure that no students shall pass a course
if they fail in their final examination of that
course, unless the continuous assessment
approach adopted can demonstrate the
attainment of the depth of knowledge) is
fulfilled, by providing evidences showing
programme implementation of the ‘Condition
for Passing Courses’. From the “Evidence 4.8”,
there are some students failed the final exam
but still able to pass the subject.
19) Provide the rubrics used to assess the IDP
(Capstone / Integrated Programme), FYP,
laboratory and assignment/project which are
identified with complex engineering problem
and activities.
20) Provide the FYP titles and Capstone (IDP topic)
and their grade for the first batch graduating
students. Highlight the complex engineering
problems need to be solved in the project.
21) Provide the list of assignment/project/ FYP
related to Electrical Engineering (high power
and machine) and the lecturer in charge.
22) Provide the details of external assessors (IAP)
in guiding and assessing the IDP / FYP.
23) It is too few site / industrial visit, and they are
not in power system / high-voltage industry.
Provide the update of site visit, involving EE
students, with attendance record.
24) Too few elective (choose 1 out of 4). Consider
to increase the number of elective subjects and
offer more; i.e. Renewable Energy / Nuclear
Energy / Advance IT (parallel processing /
cloud computing / multimedia/ big Data / AI).
Provide the latest elective subjects or plan in
revising programme structure, if any?
25) Evidence 2.4:
Advisory_Panels_Meeting_Minutes_2017 (by
Prof. Ir. Dr. Kaharudin Dimyati, chairman,
- Implementation of “High Voltage” course
into the syllabus as a core course to
accommodate the Electrical title in the
- Implementation of Passing Condition in the
final examination. (Major concern to EAC).
- The subject “Power System II” may change
and rename into Power utility.(any action?)
- What is the CQI? Address and close the
26) How about intake per year? When? Provide the
number of intake per year since 2013? Which is
the first intake?
27) Provide the full list of student and also indicate
those with transfer credit (total amount of
approved credit transfer) for this programme.
28) Provide the professional qualified counsellor
details, if any, and SoP for students seek for
counselling assistance?
29) The number of student intake has been
dropping since 2016. For programme
sustainability, what is the programme
promotion plan, activity and strategy? Provide
the evidence.
30) Provide the full list of academic staff (full-time,
and servicing-) for this EE programme.
31) The breakdown of internal grant and external
grants obtained by each academic staff for year
2016 and 2017. Please spell out the title and the
amount of grant received.
32) Provide the teaching permit for every academic
33) Provide the registration status with BEM for all
local academic staff
34) Provide the record for staff involvement in
industry and consultancy.
35) Provide the latest statistic of staff with PEng /
CEng and roadmap of Staff Professional
development plan (if any).
36) Provide the list of purchased new textbooks and
references books for all EE subjects for 2016
and 2017.
37) Provide the total budget allocated for this
faculty in 2016 and 2017.
38) Provide the list of lab equipment purchased and
amount spent for year 2016 and 2017 for a)
Power Lab, b) Machine Lab and c) Power
Electronics Lab.
39) Provide a scanned copy of the latest ISO and
OSHA certificates. Provide copy of the issues
raised by ISO and OSHA auditors and IHL has
closed the issues as required.
40) Provide the samples of the internal audit on
health and safety audit done for university and
especially for labs. Provide the unit in charge of
this internal audit.
41) Provide a copy of the calibration (internal and
external) and maintenance record for lab
42) Provide the sport / recreation facilities, if any.
43) Provide any future development plan for the
44) Provide the internal and external examination
moderation SoP & policy and the forms used,
with some samples (showing how the exam
paper being moderated and commented, then
the reply and reaction of the examiner to close
the loop, etc.)
45) Elaborate the roles of IAP and AAP? Their

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