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Understanding Troposcatter Propagation

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11. TITLE (Include Security Classification)
Understanding Troposcatter Propagation


Joseph J. Reynolds
THESIS/X X TO 1990 245
Executive Officer, Civilian Institution Programs
17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)

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ERNEST A. HAYGOOD, ist Lt, USAF (513) 255-2259 AFIT/CI
DD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE



B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1982

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate

School of the University of Colorado in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

Program in Telecommunications
ACcesiotn F.
1990. 190NTIS . CF.. A,', . .

DfIC 1At-
U' anno. :,;..
Just fictu

Distr b.
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RTCA: Cant Joseph H. Reynolds 14 Mar 1990

SUBJ: Thesis Abstract

TO: AFIT/CIRK (Capt Battlesl

1. IAI AFITR 53-1 (1 Dec 1989), Para 7-7 the following is provided.

Abstract of thesis:

--- Although tioposcattef communications systems, suffer several-shortcomings, this

transmission scheme has found consistent use in several applications. This
thesis discusses troposcatter propagation with emphasis on theory.
characteristics, and prediction tools.

Theoretical understanding of the trfoposcattei, propagation mechanism is rooted

in atmospheri: phenomena; specifically -- refractivity and turbulence. Two
modes of tran.;mission exist: incoherent scatter, if refractivity
irregularitlei exist as turbulent blobs, and quasi-coherent soatter, if
irregularities arrange themselves in layers. Frequency and meteorological
parameters define the dominant mechanism.

One can expect received signai levels (RSL) to exhibit distance and frequency
dependence; short and long-term fading; aperture-to-medium coupling loss; and
diurnal, seasonal, climatic, and meteorological variations. Diversity
techniques are indispensable in thwarting short-term fading. Atmospheric
multipath is known to limit analog system bandwidths yet digital systems are
prone to the related delay spread phenomenon which causes inter-symbol
interference (1SI). Adaptive processing is used to overcome this problem and
can further improve digital performance through implicit diversity.

Most troposcatter prediction methods are rooted in empirical expressions.. The

laborious NBS Tech Note 101 method incorporates climatic variability and
confidence measures. The CCIR methods offer simplicity as do the Yeh, Rider,
Collins, and Bullington techniques. Unfortunately, all the methods suffer
shortcomings with reliance on surface refractivity and incorrect coupling loss
calculations topping the list. The computer based Par method provides
notable theoretical accuracy, yet cannot encompass a range of spectrum slope
values. Accuracy can improve if tools such as the Parl or Radiometeorological
Method-effectively model gradient activity within the common volume. -

3. Key information:

Author: Joseph H. Reynolds

Thesis Title: Understanding Troposcatter Propagation
Rank/Setvice Branch: Capt, USAF
bFOA. 1990
Number of Pages: 245
Degree Awarded: MS Telecommunications
University: University of Colorado

90 04 23 070
4. See attachment I for an abbreviated bibliography; listed in attachment 1
are the sources used most often.


Student, AFIT/CIRK
ATTACHMENT 1: Abbreviated Bibliography

SPECIAL NOTE: The entire issue of The Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 43, no. 3
(March 1955) should be referenced.

Anthes, R.A., Cahir, J.J., Fraser A.B., and Panofsky, H.A. The Atmosphere.
3rd ed. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Mprrill, 1981.

Boithias, L. Radio Wave Propagation. St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Booker, H.G., and Gordon, W.E. "A Theory of Radio Scattering in the
Troposphere." Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 38, no. 4 (April 1950): 401-

Brauburger, G.H. Jr. (Capt. USAFR). "Meteorological Factors Affecting AN/TRC-

97A Tropospheric Scatter Communications." Technical Report no.
TACCA/XQT-TR-79-1, Langley AFB, Va, 1 August 1979.

CCIR. Volume V. Propagation in Non-Ionized Media. Dubrovnik, 1986.

Crane, R.K. "A Review of Transhorizon Propagation Phenomena." Radio Science,

vol. 16, no. 5 (September-October 1981b): 649-669.

Crawford, A.B., Hogg. D.C., and Kummer W.H. "Studies in Tropospheric

Propagation Beyond the Horizon." The Bell System Technical Journal, vol.
38, no. 5 (September 1959): 1067-1178.

du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New

York: Pergamon, 1966.

Freeman, R.L. Radio System Design for Telecommunications (1-100 GHz). New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.

Frils, H.T., Crawford, A.B., and Hogg, D.C. "A Reflection Theory for
Propagation Beyond the Horizon." The Bell System Technical Journal, vol.
XXXVI, no. 3 (May 1957): 627-644.

Hall, M.P.M. Effects of the Troposphere on Radio Communication. New York:

Peter Peregrinus, 1979.

Military Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric Scatter (Transhorizon

Microwave System Design). MIL-HDBK-417, Department of Defense,
Washington, DC, 25 November, 1977. Available through Navy Publications
and Forms Center, ATTN: NPODS, Office of Navy Publications, 5801 Tabor
Avenue, Phildelphia, Pa., 19120-5094.

Monsen, P. "Fading Channel Communications." IEEE Communications Magazine,

vol. 18, no. I (January 1980): 16-25.
Monsen, P., Parl, S., Malaga, A., Tolman, S., and Fetteroll, J. Digitai
Ttoposcattet Performance Model: UserS Manual. Lexingtzn, Massachusetts:
C!G7NATRON, Inc. publication nioi.A288-IS, November, 1983.

Neiburger, M., Edinger, J.G., Bonnet, W.D. Understanding our Atmospheric

Environment. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1973.

Pantei, P.F. Comxunication Systems Design: Line-of-Sight and Tropo-Scatter

Systems. St. Louis: McGraw-Hill. 1972.

Pail, S. A. "New Formulas for Tropospheric Scatter Path Loss," Radio

Science, voi. 14, no. 1 (January-February 1979): 49-57.

Rice, P.L.. Longley. A.G., Norton, K.A., and Barsis, A.P. Transmission Loss
Predictions fir Tropospheric Communication Circuits. Vols. I and II.
Rev. ed. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards
Tecinlcal Note 10i. Washington: Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office. 1987.

Roda, G, Tropo)catter Radio Links. Norwood, Maine: Artech House, 1988.

Sarkar. S.K., Dutta. H.N., and Reddy, B.M. "Development of a Prediction

Technique for Tropo-Path Loss from Observed Transhofizon Propagation
Characteristics over India." Third International Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (ICAP 83), Part 2: Propagation, Institution of Electrical
Engineers., London (1983): 229-232.
Memorandum: Estimated Thesis Expenses

Capt Joseph H. Reynolds

Student, University of Colorado
Telecommunications Program

The following is a conservative estimate of the money I used to complete

my thesis "Understanding Troposcatter Propagation." 1 submit this in an
effort to highlight the inadequate funding received during my program.
I do not expect compensation; perhaps this can serve to justify future
increases in allowances. Any item marked with an asterisk (*) indicates
an estimate; in all cases, estimates are conservative.

Research Expenses
- Library Database Searches: $10.00*
- Travel (USAF Academy Library, US Dept of
Commerce Library): 20.00*
- Copies of Journais/Publications: 70.00*
- Binders for Materials: 28.00
- Telephone Calls 36.00
- Postage 1.00

Prepar ation
- Computer Supplies (Paper, ribbons, floppys): 20.00
- Copies (drafts to committee, figures reduction): 60.00*
- MISC (softbinding, gluestick, staples, clips): 7.00

- Copies (Slide package): 4.00
- Transparencies (Overhead slides): 18.00
- Refreshments: 4.00

- Thesis Bond Paper: 44.00
- Copies
-- On Thesis Bond (3 ea): 28.00
-- On Plain Bond (9 ea): 80.00
-- Binding
--- Hardbound (v Ca): 34.00
--- Softbound (6 ea): 6.00
--- Ringed binder: 3.00
- Postage (4 copies distributed): 15.00*
- Graduate School Fees: 13.00


Again, I emphasize this as being quite conservative. Unfortunately I

kept minimum records; regardless, I thought you might be Interested.
estimate that about $135 of the money spent could have been saved if I
did not distribute copies to persons requesting them. However, since
several of these persons provided substantial guidance, I felt
obligated. Notably, a similar breakout of book and supply costs would
yield comparably high expenses.


This thesis for the Master of Science Degree by

Joseph Henderson Reynolds

has been approved for the

Program in



'-Ernest I.Sft

Warren L. Flock

Samul W.Male
Reynolds, Joseph Henderson (M.S., Telecommunications)

Understanding Troposcatter Propagation

Thesis directed by Professor Ernest K. Smith

Early notions that troposcatter transmission

could replace line-of-sight (LOS) communications

links quickly diminished due to high costs, limited

bandwidth, and the onset of satellite communications.

Recently, however, digital processing schemes have

reduced bandwidth concerns; furthermore, troposcatter

systems have found consistent use in less developed

countries and the military. This thesis discusses

troposcatter propagation with emphasis on

communications systems.

Theoretical understanding of the troposcatter

propagation mechanism is rooted in atmospheric

phenomena; specifically -- the index of refraction

and turbulence. It is shown that turbulent eddies

which encompass small-zcale refractivity variations

inhabit the common volume, an area defined by the

intersection of antenna beamwidths. Further, these

turbulent inhomogenities can arrange themselves as

randomly disposed blobs or layers. This engenders

the simultaneous existence of incoherent scatter and

quasi-coherent scatter mechanisms, with the dominant

mode contingent on frequency and meteorological


conditions. Additionally, diffraction may co-exist

on shorter paths fostering multimode propagation.
One can expect received signal levels (RSL)
to exhibit distance and frequency dependence; marked
short and long-term fading; aperture-to-medium

coupling loss; and diurnal, seasonal, climatic, and

meteorological variations. Diversity techniques are
indispensable in thwarting short-term fading.

Atmospheric multipath is known to limit

analog system bandwidths yet digital systems are
prone to the related delay spread phenomenon which

causes intersymbol interference (ISI). Adaptive

processing is used to overcome this problem and these
processors also introduce implicit diversity, further
improving digital performance.

Most troposcatter prediction methods are

rooted in empirical expressions due to atmospheric

unpredictability. The laborious NBS Tech Note 101

(TN 101) method, the standard for many years,
incorporates climatic variability and confidence
measures. The CCIR offers several simple techniques

as do the methods of Yeh, Rider, Collins, and

Bullington. Unfortunately, all the methods suffer
shortcomings with reliance on surface refractivity
and incorrect coupling loss calculations

topping the list. The computer based Parl method

corrects these discrepancies, but cannot include

known, real-time variations in the spectrum slope.

Accuracy can improve if tools such as the Parl or

Radiometeorological Method can effectively model

gradient activity within the common volume.


PREFACE ....... ...................... xv


1.1 A History of Troposcatter

Propagation ... ............ .
1.2 A General Review of Troposcatter

Systems ...... .............. 5

1.3 Path Geometry for Troposcatter
Systems ..... .............. . 13
1.4 Review of Thesis ... .......... . 15
2.1 Introduction .... ............ . 17
2.2 General Description of the

Earth's Atmosphere ...........

... 18

2.2.1 The Composition of the

Atmosphere .... ............ . 21
2.2.2 The Structure of the Atmosphere 24
2.3 The Radio Refractive Index ........ 28
2.3.1 Refractivity ... ........... ... 30
2.3.2 Refractivity Gradient ....... .. 36 Effective Earth Radius ....... 36 Anomalous Propagation ..... . 38

2.3.3 Small Scale Changes in

Refractivity ... ........... ... 42

2.3.4 Summary of Refraction ....... .. 43

2.4 Turbulence .... ............. .. 44

2.4.1 The Causes of Turbulence ..... ... 45

2.4.2 A Refractivity Turbulence Model . 46

2.4.3 A Conclusion on Turbulence. ... 47

2.5 Atmospheric Effects on

Troposcatter Propagation ........

.. 48

2.5.1 Refraction .... ............ . 51

2.5.2 Absorption .... ............ . 54

2.5.3 Scattering .... ............ . 59

2.5.4 Depolarization ... .......... . 61


3.1 Introduction .... ............ . 64

3.2 Turbulence Theories .. ........ .. 67

3.3 Reflection Theories .. ........ .. 72

3.4 Mode Theories ... ........... . 78

3.5 Other Theories ... ............ . 81

3.6 Differentiating the Theories. ... 83

3.7 Modern Theory ... ........... . 84


4.1 Introduction .... ............ . 92

4.2 Signal Level ... ............ ... 92

4.2.1 Distance Dependence ........ .. 93


4.2.2 Frequency Dependence .........

... 96
4.2.3 Fading ...... .............. .100 Short-Term Fading .. ....... .. 102 Long-Term Fading ........... .. 104 Frequency Selective Fading. . 108 Diversity .... ........... .109
4.2.4 Aperture-to-Medium Coupling

Loss ...... ............... .. 116

4.3 Multipath Delay Spread ......... .. 120
4.4 Bandwidth .... ............. .129
4.5 Diurnal, Seasonal, Climatic, and
Meteorological Variables ........ .. 134

4.5.1 Diurnal Variations ........... .. 136

4.5.2 Seasonal Variations .. ....... .. 139
4.5.3 Meteorological Variations . . .. 142 Subrefraction ... ......... .144 Super-Refraction ........... .. 145
5.1 Introduction .... ............ .149
5.2 Prediction Preparation ......... .. 150
5.3 Prediction Techniques .. ....... .. 151

5.3.1 TN 101 ..... ............. .. 154

5.3.2 CCIR Method I.... .......... .160
5.3.3 CCIR Method II ............ 161
5.3.4 The CCIR Chinese Method ........163

5.3.5 The Radiometeorological Method . 164

5.3.6 The Parl Method ... ......... .. 166

5.3.7 The Yeh Method ... ......... 170

5.3.8 The Rider Method .. ........ .. 170

5.3.9 The Collins Method .. ....... .171

5.3.10 The New Bullington Model . . .. 171

5.3.11 Digital Considerations ...... .. 174

5.4 Comparisons of Methods ......... .176

5.5 Conclusions .... ............ 183

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........ ................... 185


A. MULTIMODE PROPAGATION .... ........... .199

B. THE SYSTEM EQUATION .... ............ 201


D. DEPOLARIZATION ..... .............. 213


F. CLIMATIC REGIONS ..... ............ 218



1. General Characteristics of a Troposcatter
Communications System ... ...........
2. Atmospheric Composition at Sea Level. . . . 23
3. Variation of N with Temperature and
Relative Humidity (1000 mb) ........ . 33
4. Seasonal Variation Time Blocks ......... .. 140


1. Troposcatter vs LOS ...... ........... 6

2. Terrestrial transmission system domains 10

3. Perspective of various transmission

systems ...... ................. .. 11

4. Transmission system bandwidth comparison. . 11

5. Troposcatter path geometry .........

.... 13

6. Pressure variations with altitude ...... .. 20

7. Atmospheric layers ... ........... ... 25

8. ...
Atmospheric temperature layers ......... 26

9. Tropopause variations with latitude . ... 27

10. Refractivity profiles for model

atmospheres .... ............. ... 34

11. World-wide values for N..

o ......... ... 35

12. Ray bending at various K-factors ........

.. 37
13. Refractive conditions leading to anomalous
propagation events .... ............ . 39
14. Wave paths under various refractivity
values for different earth models . ... 39

15. Spectrum of refractivity irregularities . 46

16. Troposcatter propagation causal framework 49

17. Effective earth radius factor, K, versus

refractivity gradient ... .......... . 52

18. Effective earth radius versus surface

refractivity ..... ............... .. 53
19. Gaseous absorption .... ............. ... 56
20. Combined oxygen and water vapor
atmospheric absorption ... .......... . 57
21. Atmospheric absorption due to rain ........58
22. Atmospheric absorption due to fog, mist
and clouds ...... ............... .. 58
23. Absorption and scattering attenuation due
to rain ........ .............. .. 58
24. Single scatterer radiation pattern ....... 68
25. Scattering by an individual blob ........
.. 69
26. Scattering by a number of blobs ....... .. 69
27. Radiation pattern of a number of
scatterers ...... ................ .. 69
28. du Castel's thin layer or feuillet ..... ... 74
29. Specular and diffuse reflection within a
feuillet ........ .................. .76
30. Radiation pattern for the reflection
mechanism ...... ................ 76
31. Mode theory propagation ... .......... . 79
32. Various mode theory profiles matched with
field data ...... ................ .. 80
33. Fading rates for UHF and SHF links over
the same path ..... .............. 87
34. Signal level variations for: (1) Coherent
scatter, (2) Quasi-Coherent scatter, and
(3) Incoherent scatter ... .......... . 90
35. Troposcatter loss with distance ....... .. 93

36. Scatter loss as a function of scattering

angle ....... .................. . 95

37. The effect of frequency over similar

paths ....... .................. . 97
38. Short-term effects of frequency ....... .. 99
39. Raleigh distribution showing short-term
troposcatter fading amplitudes ........ .. 103
40. RSL at different times for a 350 km, 300
MHz path ....... ................. .. 106
41. Log-normal density function for U = 8 dB. . 107
42. Standard deviation, a, varying with
angular distance, 0 .... ........... .107
43. Log-normal cumulative distribution
function for various values of a ........108
44. The diversity principle ..... .......... 110
45. Diversity distribution curves .. ....... .. 115
46. Coupling loss ....... ............ ... 117
47. Graphic method for coupling loss
calculation ............ ......... 118
48. Relative RSL comparison for antennas of
different diameters for troposcatter
links ........ ............... ..120
49. Delay scattering regions .... .......... .122
50. Development of the delay power spectrum . . 123
51. Delay spread profiles .... ........... .128
52. Useable bandwidth as a function of
distance and antenna gain ... ........ .. 130
53. Distribution of bandwidths ...........
.. 132
54. Diurnal RSL and surface refractivity, Ns,
variation ...... ................ .. 137
55. Diurnal fading rates ... .......... . . 138

56. Seasonal RSL, temperature, and surface

refractivity variations .... ........ .140

57. Climate-variation factor as a function of

effective distance and climate type . 156
58. Long term power fading for continental
temperate climate .... .......... .157
59. The standard normal deviate ... ........ .. 159

60. Mean attenuation, overland path, temperate

climate, 1 GHz ...... .............. .. 162
61. Collins method: Basic propagation loss at
1 GHz ....... .................. .172
62. Collins method: Frequency correction
curve ....... .................. .. 172

63. Collins method: Horizon angle loss ......... 173

64. Collins method: Coupling loss nomogram. . . 173

65. Determination of BER for coherent BPSK and

QPSK ........ ................... .176
66. Comparison of TN 101 (NBS) and the Parl
(Turbulent Scatter) methods .. ....... .. 182
67. Comparison of the CCIR (1962 Data),
TN 101 (Longley-Rice), and Bullington
methods ....... ................. .. 182

When, as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Air

Force, I arrived at my first duty assignment in a

tactical communications unit, I entered during a

difficult time. Not more than a week prior, the unit

had failed an inspection; the cause -- failure of a

troposcatter link to become operational. This unit

had successfully installed this "tropo shot" on
numerous occasions, but, during the inspection, the
normally gentle Florida climate had turned cold. The
unit, in turn, cited weather-oriented propagation
effects as the culprit for substantially lower
received signal levels (RSL) on this 50 mile, 5 GHz
link. Additionally, it was noted that proximity to

the coast, supplemented by several miles of overwater

transmission, contributed to degraded performance.
The inspection team did not buy this "excuse."
It was interesting to observe subsequent

activity within the unit. As an unseasoned,

unknowledgeable "contributor" I attempted to learn as

much as I could about troposcatter since it provides

the brunt of military, in-theater, tactical

multichannel capability. Material was scarce; many

people I queried responded that "No one really knows

how it works, but it works, and MIL-HNDBK 417
[Military Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric

Scatter, 1977] is your tool in predicting

performance." In the years following my 1982

commission I gained some familiarity with

troposcatter, but the "No one really knows.
aspect remained unacceptable. Now, with the
advantage of being a full-time graduate student under
military funding, I am able to offer a condensed look

at troposcatter, hopefully providing an understanding

to anyone interested -- including Second
This thesis discusses troposcatter
propagation with emphasis on communications
applications. A brief historical analysis along with

a general description of troposcatter is provided in

Chapter 1. Additionally, the rudiments of path
geometry are given with emphasis on the common volume

and scattering angle. Further discussion requires an

understanding of atmospheric phenomena, especially
IConcluding the story, during a delightfully
mild week, my unit passed its follow-up inspection.
The unit can take some consolation in the fact that
weather can severely degrade propagation; however,
from the inspector's point-of-view the mission was
not accomplished, and a follow-up was necessary.
Interestingly, my following assignment was to the
same inspection team that had earlier failed my unit.

the refractive index and turbulence. As such, a

quick tutorial covering these essentials is given in

Chapter 2. With the basics established, discussion
in the remaining chapters focuses on propagation
theory, characteristics, and prediction.
By way of summary and to aid the reader in
isolating areas of interest, the rest of this preface
summarizes the essential areas of the remaining

Troposcatter systems allow intermediate range

(40-500 mile), point-to-point, multichannel

(commercial grade, 120 channels), high capacity (20
Mbps) communications. Although used for many years,
an understanding of the mechanism causing propagation
has only recently surfaced. Of the many theories
presented in Chapter 3, the simultaneous occurrence
of incoherent scatter and quasi-coherent scatter
modes best explain the existence of the persistent,
weak, beyond the horizon, troposcatter received

fields. In addition, on shorter paths, diffraction

becomes important and will exist in conjunction with
the scatter mechanism in what is termed multimode
propagation. Focusing on the scattering mechanism,
the common volume is known to consist of turbulent

refractive index irregularities which may arrange


themselves as randomly disposed blobs (incoherent

scatter) or layers (quasi-coherent scatter) dependent
on operating frequency or meteorological conditions.
Chapter 4 offers a lengthy discussion on the
characteristics of troposcatter propagation. A quick
synopsis of this chapter follows (with section

numbers for easy reference):

a. RSL VARIATIONS: (Section 4.2) Crucial in

analog systems, the RSL predictably varies

under the following conditions:
1) Distance dependence (Section 4.2.1) is
difficult to model due to the existence

of several propagation mechanisms,

generally 0.1 dB/km attenuation is used.
2) Frequency dependence (Sections 4.2.2,
3.7) is known to obey an fl attenuation
law up to about 3 GHz with greater
attenuation beyond. Short-term

attenuation variations may exhibit f2 to

f-11 3 dependence.

3) Short-Term Fading (Section, the

"trademark" of troposcatter, is caused by

atmospheric multipath and may occur at

rates of a few per minute at VHF, 1 Hz at

UHF, and several Hz at SHF. Amplitudes

closely follow a Raleigh distribution;

losses of 8 dB can occur for 10% of the

4) Long-Term Fading (Section due to

gradient variations and changing

mechanisms show log-normal amplitude

distributions. Losses of 10 dB can occur

for 10% of the time. Fading rates are

discussed under SEASONAL and DIURNAL


5) Frequency Selective Fading (Sections, 4.3), not normally associated

with RSL variations, will impact digital

transmission schemes on analog

subchannels if the correlation bandwidth

is exceeded.

6) Diversity (Section is an

economical and essential approach to

reducing the impact of short-term fading

and may incorporate a variety of

techniques. 7 dB gains, 50% of the time

can be realized under quad diversity.

7) Aperture-to-Medium Coupling Loss (Section

4.2.4) occurs for high gain antennas when

narrower beamwidths fail to encompass a


proportionate number of scatterers.

Losses of 6 dB are known to occur.


Provided a sufficient RSL is present,

performance of digital troposcatter links is

critically dependent on delay spread which

may range in value from 50 to 370 ns. Due to

atmospheric multipath, transmitted pulses

will widen and this creates intersymbol

interference. Clever adaptive processing

techniques exploit delay spread to realize

implicit diversity.

c. BANDWIDTH: (Section 4.4) Bandwidth is limited

by atmospheric multipath which defines the

correlation bandwidth in which uniform fading

exists. A capacity of 4 MHz or 10 Mbps is

typical. Narrow beam antennas will improve

performance; however, coupling loss may

offset this advantage. For digital systems

using adaptive processing, bandwidth is less

important than power (Eb/NO) limitations.



Conditions may be such that case (a) the

propagation mechanism changes, case (b) the


gradient changes slightly, or case (c) the

gradient exhibits large-scale changes.
Diurnal and seasonal variations, with
pronounced climatic dependency, or temporary
meteorological conditions (weather) will
foster such conditions. The result is either

enhanced or degraded propagation.

1) Diurnal Variations (Section 4.5.1) can
show daily 10 dB RSL swings in temperate
zones. Fading rates are lowest in the
afternoon; both case (a) and (b)

situations are cited.

2) Seasonal Variations (Section 4.5.2)
provide RSLs as much as 15 dB lower in
the winter months for temperate climates;
however, longer paths exhibit less
seasonal influence. Case (b) situations,
with emphasis on water vapor variability,

are the cause.

3) Meteorological Variations (Section 4.5.3)

are responsible for anomalous propagation

events caused by case (c) conditions.
Weather fronts, temperature inversions,

subsidence, occlusions, and, sometimes,

thunderstorms may signal the occurrence


of subrefraction, super-refraction, or
ducting. Real-time prediction of RSL
variation is difficult especially in

areas where gradient data is

unobtainable. Degradations may be short-
lived, as with thunderstorms, or may

persist for long (hours, days) periods if

frontal movement is slow.
The final chapter, Chapter 5, briefly

describes the tools available for troposcatter path

predictions. A simple comparison is also offered. A
summary follows:
a. PREDICTING RSLs: (Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Assuming proper preparation, the engineer has

a variety of prediction tools at his

disposal; however, in nearly all cases, these

techniques incorporate empirical,

statistically-oriented data which injects
some inaccuracy. Several methods take this

into account through time availability and

service probability confidence measures. The

most commonly used methods, with

descriptions, follow:
1) TN 101 (NBS Tech Note 101, Section 5.3.1)
is a lengthy, well-known document that

focuses on long term median path loss

calculations for a variety of climates.
Features include multimode calculations

and confidence measures. The Longley-

Rice method is a computerized version of
this technique.
2) CCIR Methods (Sections 5.3.2, 5.3.3,
5.3.4) include Method I and the Chinese
method (shortened versions of TN 101) and
Method II, a graphical technique
incorporating some climatic variability.

All CCIR models are simple to use.

3) The Radiometeorological Method (Section

5.3.5) is an extremely accurate tool

championed by Boithias and Battesti and
well summarized in CCIR Reports 238-4 and
718-2. Despite great simplicity, it

requires knowledge of the refractivity

gradient within the common volume, a
difficult to obtain parameter.

4) The Parl Method (Section 5.3.6) borrows

from TN 101 yet offers more realistic
predictions through computer flexibility.
Whereas TN 101 is restricted to lower

frequencies (less than 1 GHz), this


technique permits manipulation of the

spectrum slope and climatic variables

allowing application to virtually any

configuration. Additionally, more
accurate aperture-to-medium coupling loss

calculations and analysis of digital

modem performance is offered.
Unfortunately, modem analysis focuses on
military systems only. The MITRE method,
used for a specific military system, uses
much of Parl's methodology.
5) Other Methods (Sections 5.3.7, 5.3.8,
5.3.9, 5.3.10) include those of Yeh,
Rider, Collins, and Bullington.
Bullington's model is a new computerized
version of Bullington's initial (1963)
work in propagation theory. The

remaining techniques are very simple with

the Collins method provi ing surprising
accuracy despite its totally graphical
6) Digital Predictions (Section 5.3.11) will
incorporate any discussed prediction tool

for estimated path loss. In addition,

calculation of delay spread and BER

performance is needed for complete

digital analysis

5.5) Every technique (excluding the

Radiometeorological Method if accurate

gradient data is available) admits to
inaccuracy. Complete comparative analysis is

unavailable; however, some techniques may

appear more attractive due to simplicity.
All CCIR methods, the Yeh, Rider, and Collins

techniques provide this simplicity, yet

computerized versions of TN 101, the Parl,

and Bullington's models make the simplicity

aspect less critical. With respect to

conformity to theory, the Parl method stands
out; TN 101 incorrectly emphasizes surface
refractivity and a singular spectrum slope,
CCIR Method I, the CCIR Chinese method, and
Yeh and Rider's techniques also center on

surface refractivity. The Collins method has

limited application, CCIR Method II works

best in temperate climates, and Bullington's

treatment is untried and based, in part, on
unaccepted mode theory. Finally, all methods

calculating aperture-to-medium coupling loss


incorrectly assess this parameter with the

exception of the Parl technique.



1.1 A History of Troposcatter Propagation

The discoveries of three different mechanisms

for beyond the horizon propagation have prompted

engineers to exploit associated capabilities and
theorists to attempt explanations. Earth diffraction
theory (ground wave), formulated in 1910, explained
the suitability of MF and LF for intercontinental
telegraphy systems. In 1927, cross-continent
telephony at HF was accounted for by ionospheric
reflection theory. Finally, since 1950, several
hypotheses for the tropospheric forward scatter or
troposcatter mechanism have endeavored to explain why

transhorizon radio systems in the VHF, UHF, and SHF

domains are possible (Sommerfeld, 1909; Boithias and

Battesti, 1983, p. 657]. This thesis will explore

the last mechanism, troposcatter.

It's probably no surprise that the first
documented observance of unexpectedly high received
signal levels beyond the horizon came from Guglielmo

Marconi. In a series of experiments conducted


between 1928 and 1936, this radio pioneer "showed

that microwaves could be reliably propagated to

distances exceeding the optical range by two to three
times" [Isted, 1958, p. 81]. His last paper (1933),
"On the Propagation of Microwaves over Considerable
Distances," summarized the results of one such
experiment aboard the yacht Elettra. Marconi notes,
"[t]he speculations that may arise from such results
concern the entire theory of radio transmission over
distances greater than the optical one" [Carroll
1956, p. 1057]. Earlier (1932), in a paper to the
Royal Institution of Great Britain, he also observed:
In regard to the limited range of propagation of
the microwaves, the last word has not yet been
said. It has already been shown that they can
round a portion of the earth's curvature, to
distances greater than had been expected, and I
cannot help reminding you that at the very moment
when I first succeeded in proving that electric
waves could be sent across the Atlantic Ocean in
1901, distinguished mathematicians were of the
opinion that the distance of communications, by
means of electric waves, would be limited to a
distance of 165 miles [Wiesner, 1957, p. 46].

Unfortunately, several years passed before this

phenomenon was further researched.
During the 1940's problems with high power
UHF television and radar systems resurfaced Marconi's

original observations; however, these unexpected

signals were viewed more as a nuisance than a viable
propagation method. TV frequency allocation plans,

based on Van Der Pol and Bremmer's 1937 smooth sphere

predictions, proved inadequate due to interference

caused by beyond the horizon propagation. This

prompted the U.S. Government to "freeze" licensing of

new television stations in 1949. Additionally,

"[t]he advent of radar, which operated at higher
frequencies and higher power, revealed the existence

of reflections well beyond the horizon where the

theory predicted that transmission was impossible"
[Roda, 1988, p. 6]. This "nuisance factor" led

several e..perimenters to further research short wave,

transhorizon propagation.
Carroll [1952b, p. 7] delineates a few of the
early experiments which highlighted short wave,
beyond the horizon propagation research:
a. Katzin's Caribbean experiments in 1945,
performed to investigate ducting over

water for wavelengths of 9 and 3 cm, also

revealed unexpectedly high received
signal levels beyond the horizon.
b. In the Pacific (1946), the Naval Research

Laboratory (NRL) group conducted tests

similar to Katzin's and obtained similar

results. A consequence of this endeavor
was the first use of the term "scatter

region." Pekeris used this term to

describe a distance of 30 miles beyond
the horizon in which he concluded that

propagation was due to a scattering

c. During his 1949 experiment in Iowa, Gerks
"reported measurements from a high power

400-mc transmitter at distances of around

100 miles, 50 db and more in excess of

the 4/3-earth theoretical value."

Conclusions again attributed the
phenomenon to scatter.
d. Megaw, the noted English researcher, made
measurements of 10-cm received signals on

a 370 mile link over the North Sea. He

"interpreted the measurements as

scattering by atmospheric turbulence."

e. Finally, Bullington's 1950-51 tests at
500 and 3,700 mc in New Jersey showed

consistent, useable signal levels over

path lengths of several hundred miles.
Bullington went further to predict

available bandwidths of several

megacycles fostering the idea of

reliable, short wave, beyond the horizon


The benefits of this early research was far

reaching. Experiments with troposcatter required

high power transmitters, and, in conjunction with
radar research, development of high power
capabilities (klystrons) proceeded rapidly. Also,

lafge, high gain antenna systems were needed, and

engineers responded. A lot of credit for the initial
development of troposcatter goes to the U.S. Air
Force which, recognizing the benefits of troposcatter
systems, provided the funding for the first active
troposcatter system, Polevault, in 1952 (Gunther,
1966, p. 80]. These efforts also encouraged
theoreticians to suggest a variety of explanations
which dominated propagation rpsearzh in thz carly
1950's. Theory will be discussed later; however, a
general examination of troposcatter will justify the

early enthusiasm for this new propagation mechanism.

1.2 A General Review of Troposcatter Systems

A quick glance at Figure 1 will help explain

the initial excitement over troposcatter propagation.

Simply, a troposcatter path is much longer than

individual line of sight (LOS) radio paths. Roda

[1988, p. 17] shows that this capability has several


NcrvcCC, .a Ar:ec
zte: HH-ose, .E , p. 4.

Figure 1. Troposcatter vs LOS

a. The ability to "by-pass" inhospitable
terrain to include mountains, jungles,
bodies of water, marshes, swamps, and
even politically sensitive regions.
b. Reduction of the numbers of repeater
c. Lower overall costs in maintenance,
buildings, access roads, spare parts,
power access, and test equipment due to

fewer sites.
d. Frequency conservation due to fewer

e. Physical and information security

enhancement. With less sites to defend,

physical security is easier, and with

narrow antenna beams, the likelihood of

signal interception is reduced.

Several applications of troposcatter systems
logically follow [ioda, 1988, p. 14; Freeman 1987, p.


a. Connecting islands with one another and

to the mainland.
b. Military systems, both tactical (mobile
systems in inhospitable terrain) and

fixed (for example, a link into Berlin

from West Germany).
c. Connection to off-shore oil platforms.
d. Commercial networking to sparsely
populated areas where LOS repeater costs
are unjustified.
Other, non-communications oriented

applications of troposcatter propagation exist. For

example, Barrow, et al. [1969] have used Rake
techniques (a wideband signaling method used to

reduce fading and resolve multipath effects) with

troposcatter transmission to probe the scattering
medium. Related applications are reported by Cox
[1969, pp. 905,916] to investigate atmospheric

phenomena such as wind drift and random refractivity

fluctuations. Finally, Crane (1981b, p. 649]

describes renewed interest in troposcatter for

interference predictions (the "nuisance factor"
remains); in light of the numerous transmission
systems encompassing our world, all systems will

encounter some scattering in the troposphere thus

interfering with other systems.
Interest in troposcatter communications

peaked in the early 1960's when satellite systems

began to offer improved performance (mostly bandwidth
and range) at less cost. Furthermore, individual
troposcatter sites are more expensive than most
alternatives while interference problems cannot (to a

large degree) be constrained. The cost obstacle can

best be explained by examining the general features
of a troposcatter communications system as presented

in Table 1.

Table 1. General Characteristics of a Troposcatter

Communications System
Very High Path Loss (180 - 260 dE)
Very Sensitive Low Noise Receivers
Severe Fading Effects
VF Channels < 120 (Commercial Grade)
Bit Rate < 10 Mbps
Path Length 50 - 500 Miles
Transmit Power 100 - 50,000 Watts
Diversity At Least Dual
Antenna Size/Gain 6 - 120 ft / 20 - 50 dB
Frequency Range 250 - 6,000 MHz

Adapted from Freeman 1987, pp. 138; Roda, 1988 p. 8


This table shows requirements for high power

transmitters, large antennas (doubled if space

diversity is used), and sensitive receivers all of

which force extremely high costs. These costs, along
with the emergence of satellite systems and

insurmountable interference problems, thus engendered

the demise of communications via troposcatter.
Several promising developments have, however,
sparked some renewed interest in troposcatter
communications. Adaptive signal processors on

digital troposcatter systems have limited fading

effects (multipath delay spread) to acceptable
commercial quality. These modems, the "cornerstone"
of digital troposcatter, have improved troposcatter
capabilities to competitive levels; one such modem
was tested on a military system with 15 MHz bandwidth

at rates of 12.6 Mbps in 1980 [Monsen 1980, pp.

16,17]. Additionally, Crane [1988] demonstrated the

feasibility of using higher frequencies (15 GHz) on

troposcatter systems. While one might expect rain

effects to limit capability, it was found that rain
attenuation was insignificant while rain scatter
actually improved performance. At these higher
frequencies, required antenna sizes could be

significantly reduced.

Aspects of troposcatter are summarized in

Figures 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2 depicts the domains of




SoU.ce: Roda, G. Tropseaeter Padij 1.ks.

NO--wed, Maine: Artec1 House, 1558, p. 3.

Figure 2. Terrestrial transmission system domains

the three terrestrial multichannel techniques: LOS,

diffraction, and troposcatter. Interestingly, both
diffraction and troposcatter can occur simultaneously
in multimode propagation. This effect is explained

further in Appendix A; however, while Figure 2 shows

troposcatter loss significantly exceeding that of
free space, useable signals are receivable. Figure 3
places troposcatter in perspective with other

transmission modes (single hop), while Figure 4

provides bandwidth comparisons.

a - HF d - Satellite
b - Ionospheric Scatter e - LOS
c - Meteor-burst f - Troposcatter


1000 a c d


b - -
IM lOM looM 10 100 1000 f
Figure 3. Perspective of various transmission





HF nospherlo Meteor Tropoaoatter LOS SatellIte

Sotter Burst

Figure 4. Transmission system bandwidth comparison


Satellite transmission offers clear

advantages with respect to range, bandwidth, and area
coverage (hence, not limited to point to point
modes); however, costs can be prohibitive. Meteor-

burst, riding on the crest of sophisticated digital

technology, has experienced renewed interest, but
erratic transmission bursts makes it unsuitable for
voice transmission [Weitzen, 1988, p. 1813]. The
nearly saturated spectrum, limited bandwidth, and
aberrant performance of HF systems disqualify them as
a steady, multichannel performer. Additionally,
ionospheric scatter techniques suffer similar
bandwidth and degradation characteristics. Finally,
while offering high bandwidth, LOS systems

incorporate numerous repeater sites fostering

possibly higher overall costs.
It can be seen, therefore, that troposcatter

communications provides unique capabilities in

certain situations. Military tactical networks still
rely heavily on troposcatter due to its ability to

circumvent inhospitable and/or hostile areas and as a

means to conserve limited radio resources. 1 The oil

lit should be noted that military tactical

troposcatter provides connectivity within the theater
of operation; however, connectivity to "the rest of
the world" is achieved mostly through tactical
multichannel SHF satellite terminals.

industry and less developed countries, which don't

need extremely high capacity systems, also find
troposcatter economically attractive. Undoubtedly,

troposcatter will continue to occupy a necessary

niche in transmission system selection, yet it is not
the miracle transmission scheme as initially thought.

1.3 Path Geometry for Troposcatter Systems

An introduction to the path geometry for

troposcatter systems will aid in later discussion.

Figure 5 shows this geometry which can be broken down
into a few key elements. Most critical is 0, angular


souarce: Rice, P.L., iongley, A.G., Nortcrn.

.Aan.d larsi, A.P. ra'IsmissIJf Lcss PrediioIns
for rcopeAri CC.iL'"U.Icaticl Circuits. yols. I and
II Rev, ;d. tI.S.ztpart? ent of Comme.rce. ?Ewtional
Du ;eAU C Standards Technical Nt~e 101. Washington:
Superintendent cf Dc3011-til U.S. Governme.nt Printing
Office, 196.7, P. 6-8.

Figure 5. Troposcatter path geometry


distance, which is simply "the angle between horizon

says in the geat (ircie plane, and is the minimum
diffraction angle or scattering angle unless antenna
beams are elevated" [Rice, P.L., et al., 1967, Vol 1,

p. 6-5]. Relationships for 0 follow:

0 =00 =d/a + et + 0 er, (I-i)

where 0 et and Oer are the transmitter's and

receiver's horizon elevation angles respectively.


00 = Ds/a +eot + 0or, (1-2)

with 0 or and Oot being "[t]he angular elevation of a

horizon ray at the receiver or transmitter horizon"
[Rice, P.L., et al., 1967, Vol 1, p. 12-10]. Note
the influence of obstacles. A basic rule is that the
smaller the scattering angle, the better the received
signal; therefore, when performing path profiles,
engineers choose sites (if that much flexibility is
given) which avoid path obstacleS. Otherwise,
antenna elevations and, subsequently, scattering

angle values will increase.

The other crucial element, the scatter or
common volume, is related to the scattering angle.
The smaller the scattering angle, the larger the

common volume. This region describes the location of

the -c ttering mechanism which ai±ows troposcatter
propagation; logically, then, a large common volume

contains more scatterers. Although larger common

volumes typify enhanced signal levels, degraded
bandwidth performance somewhat limits the benefits of
large volumes. This characteristic, along with
several others are discussed later.

1.4 Review of Thesis

The remainder of this treatment will focus on

troposcatter propagation with emphasis on

communications systems. (Attention will be on pure
troposcatter; however, some discussion of multimode
propagation is appropriate.) Specifically, the

theory behind the propagation mechanism, the

characteristics of troposcattered radiowaves, and the
prediction tools used to assess troposcatter systems

will be analyzed. The purpose is to provide a

consolidated, simple description of radio
communications via the troposcatter mode emphasizing
"how it works" and "what one can expect" when using

these systems.
The characteristics of the atmosphere are

responsible for troposcatter propagation; therefore,

Chapter 2 describes the earth's atmosphere and


analyzes its effects on radiowave propagation. Focus

will be on the troposphere with emphasis on the
refractive index and turbulence. Additionally,
natural atmospheric phenomena ("causes") will be
married with propagation phenomena ("effects") to
describe the cause and effect ("causal") nature of
the atmosphere on radiowave propagation.
In Chapter 3 an analysis of theory is

offered. Provided are descriptions of the various

theories developed over the past 40 years to explain
the mechanism(s) behind consistent received signal
levels far beyond the horizon at short waves.
The various characteristics of troposcatter
transmissions are given in Chapter 4. Focus will be
on performance parameters of interest to
communications engineers that are directly influenced
by propagation; equipment will be discussed when

enhancements improve propagation performance.

Chapter 5, the final chapter, will describe
the prediction tools available to determine the
feasibility of planned links to support

communications requirements. A comparison and

criticism of the more common techniques will be


2.1 Introduction
As radio technology continues to unveil
remarkably sophisticated devices, no innovation has

yet provided complete immunity to the effects of our

atmosphere. Troposcatter systems are particularly
susceptible to this uncontrollable medium, housed
entirely in the most violent of atmospheric layers,
the troposphere. While other external sources can
influence radiowave propagation, "[p]oint-to-point
transhorizon links are usually designed for high-gain
antennas with relatively narrow beams, which are
removed from terrain clutter by at least several
wavelengths" [Military Handbook, 1977, p. 4-109].
The atmosphere then is the critical external

parameter effecting troposcatter propagation;

Appendix B further substantiates this assertion.

The atmosphere can be considered as simply a
transmitting medium for radiowaves, much like a

coaxial cable is the transmitting medium for cable


An electromagnetic wave launched into a

transmitting medium may change in intensity,
phase, direction, or polarization in its passage.
These changes are caused by and are
characteristic of the medium through which the
waves travel; media such as liquid, gases,
solids, and aerosols produce a variety of effects
[Derr, 1972, 9-1].
The above summary further highlights the need to
understand our atmosphere when considering

troposcatter systems. This chapter provides this

basic understanding and further describes the
atmosphere's general effects on radiowave

2.2 General Description of the Earth's Atmosphere

The parameters of the earth's atmosphere are

determined through a variety of methods. The

simplest are surface observations made by
meteorologists. "By international agreement these
observations are made simultaneously [synoptically],
using procedures that meet uniform standards of
accuracy" [Neiburger, Edinger, and Bonner, 1973, p.
10]. A more sophisticated method is the radiosonde
which is a balloon launched instrument package

containing pressure, temperature, and humidity

sensors. A radio transmitter is also included to
transmit information and provide tracking information

for wind motion measurements. Radiosonde

measurements are also made synoptically; however, the

cost of these packages inhibit worldwide coverage

[Anthes, et al., 1981, p. 38].
Ground and space-based remote sensors top the
list of sophisticated atmospheric research tools, and

can be operated in either passive or active modes.

"[P]assive systems monitor radiation emitted by the
atmosphere in the infrared, microwave, or visible
portions of the spectrum" [Anthes, et al., 1981, p.
42]. These devices can measure, among other things,
temperature layers and gaseous distributions. Active
remote sensors emit electromagnetic energy for which

direction of propagation is altered by the
atmosphere. It may be scattered back toward the
source (back scatter) or scattered ahead (forward
scatter). In either case, the characteristics of
the scattered signal provide information about
the part of the atmosphere through which the
signal is passing. This information may include
the intensity of turbulence, the lapse rate, and
the mean wind velocity [Anthes, et al., 1981, p.
Lidar, radar, and sodar are the more common active

remote sensors with lidar using laser beams, radar

operating in the microwave range, and sodar using

acoustic sounding techniques [Anthes, et al., 1981,

pp. 40,41].
Terminology commonly used to describe the

atmosphere are temperature, pressure, and humidity.

While temperature measurements are easily understood,

pressure measures the atmospheric force exerted per

unit area on the surface of the earth. Units can be
in inches of mercury (Hg) or millibars (mb) with 1
inch Hg equal to 33.86 mb (Anthes, et al., 1981, p.
29]. Figure 6 shows pressure variations with
altitude. If expressed in miles, these variations






0 200 0 600 Soo 1000

Pfessule (rAb|
Scure, Ltgps, F.K., an.d?&:~muck.!.3. 7ThO
At o ph e: A :ntr due-ion :* a@,CZ2f2y- fd ed.
£Eqloe.d clift. tievJersey: Frentit:.-MA11. 1952. p.

Figure 6. Pressure variations with altitude

follow a general rule up to about 60 miles: 1000 mb

at sea level, 100 mb at 10 miles, 10 mb at 20 miles,

etc (Anthes, et al., 1981, p. 55].

Humidity measures the water vapor content in

air and comes in a variety of forms:

Absolute humidity is stated as the weight of

water vapor in a given volume of air [g/m 3 ].

Specific humidity is expressed as the weight of

water vapor per weight of a chosen mass of air
[g/kgl. [R]elative humidity is the ratio of the
air's water vapor content to its water vapor
capacity at a given temperature [%] [Lutgens and
Tarbuck, 1982, pp. 75,76; italics not mine].

Of the three humidity measures, relative humidity is

probably the most familiar, yet is easily


Relative humidity reaches 100% when the air

is saturated. Saturation occurs at a particular

temperature when water vapor content is the maximum

that a parcel of air can support. If the relative

humidity is less than 100%, the dew point "is the

temperature to which a parcel of air would have to be

cooled in order to reach saturation" (Lutgens and

Tarbuck, 1982, p. 77]. Additionally, if rain occurs

in an unsaturated region, the air cools as energy is

used to evaporate the rain. The wet-bulb temperature

occurs when evaporation ceases and the air is

saturated (100% relative humidity) (Anthes, et al.,

1981, p. 29].

2.2.1 The Composition of the Atmosphere

The culmination of atmospheric measurements

provides an understanding of the structure and

composition of the atmosphere. In general terms, the

atmosphere is a thin, gaseous envelope that surrounds

the earth and is held in place by gravity. Its


density decreases with height; 90% of its mass is

contained in approximately the first 20 km of height
while 99.9% resides within the 50 km level [Iribarne

and Cho, 1980, p. 11.

Table 2 shows the composition of clean, dry

air at sea level. Interestingly, up to about 100 ki,

this composition is nearly the same anywhere in the
world [Neiburger, Edinger and Bonner, 1973, p. 24].
Additionally, the region below about 100 km is called

the homosphere since its chemical composition remains

virtually constant, while the heterosphere, above 100

km, exhibits varying composition [Iribarne and Cho,

1980, p.5].
Items marked with cross on Table 2 are
variable constituents introduced by biological
activities and industrial processes. . . . (which
have] deleterious effects even when present in
concentrations as low as one part per million or
less [Neiburger, Edinger and Bonner, 1973, p.
Notably, there is some alarm concerning several of

these variables. Knalil and Rasmussen [1988] report

doubled CO concentrations since pre-industrial times
and warn of increased tropospheric 03 leading to
detrimental climate changes. Volz and Kley [1988]
and Penkett [1988] substantiate the increase of

tropospheric 03. Other potential disturbances such

as depletion of the critical UV blocking ozone layer

Table 2. Atmospheric Composition at Sea Level

Content variable
relative to its Molecular
Constituent gas and formula Content, percent by volume normal weight*

Nitrogen (N 2 ) 78.084 - 28.0134

Oxygen (0.) 20.9476 - 31.9988
Argon (Art) 0.934 - 39.948
Carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) 0.0314 44.00995
Neon (Ne) 0.001818 - 20.183
Helium (He) 0.000524 - 4.0026
Krypton (Kr) 0.000114 - 83.80
Xenon (Xc) 0.0000087 - 131.30
Hydrogen (II) 0.00005 ? 2.01594
Methane (C1 4 ) 0.0002 t 16.04303
Nitrous oxide (N 2 0) 0.00005 - 44.0128
Ozone (0.) Summer: t 47.9982
IDo 0.000007
Winter: t 47.9982
0 to 0.000002
Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) 0 to 0.0001 t 64.0628
Nitrtogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 0 to 0.000002 t 46.0055
Ammonia (NH,) 0 to trace t 17.03061
Carbon monoxide (CO) 0 to trace t 28.01055
Iodine (12) 0 to 0.000001 t 253.8088

rt,.*onitit of' tile gp ijc imjked ,th an airAsk mzsy oslqekro oniicant variation from time to time or rrom pbce to
plute itlallVc IU ticl t wl indt., cJ tmi t1 . caw%.
t ilch ..S. Stlada.d At1t vt%'hcre. t 062

Source: Derr, V.E. Remote Sensing of the

Troposphere. U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental
Research Laboratories, and the University of
Colorado. Washington: Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, August 15, 1972, p.

as well as acid rain have been noted; furthermore,

"modification of the radiative properties of the

atmosphere" justify consideration from a wide

spectrum of professions [Global Tropospheric

Chemistry, 1984, p. 8].
Derr [1972, pp. 1-2,1-3] notes that not

listed in Table 2, yet meriting mention, are water

vapor, hydrometeor, and aerosol constituents. Water
vapor's absolute humidity rarely exceeds about 25

g/m 3 compared to normal dry air density of 1000 g/m 3 .

However, while small in contribution, water vapor is
the most important and most variable atmospheric
component. Its ability to change states within the
atmosphere (gas to liquid) produces hydrometeors

(hail, snow, and rain). Finally, "[aerosols are

particulate matter suspended or slowly falling in the

gaseous mixture of the atmosphere" [Derr, 1972, p. 1-

3]. Aerosols are differentiated from hydrometeors in
both content and size. Examples of aerosols include
haze, clouds, and smoke all whose droplet radius
sizes are less than 1 micron.

2.2.2 The Structure of the Atmosphere

The atmosphere's structure, Figure 7, is

layered to reflect its physical characteristics. The
homosphere and heterosphere, mentioned earlier,

Height Approximate Composition layers and

(kin) temperature Temperature layers electrical charge layers
rK) __________

-~ Magnetosphere
60.000 I (Van Allen
I Radiation Belts)

600 1500 Thermosphere 0

80 180 Mesopause
j E-layers 80-150 krm

Mesosphere T. 0lye CS m

wreJen onlynermittently)

Figre7.atosheri laErsooshr

divide chemical composition features. The ionosphere

is layered to show significant levels of electron

content. Finally, temperature layers, more
accurately depicted in Figure 8, relate significant
temperature transitions (transitions occur at layers
ending in -pause). One might expect steadily

I _______re

l;ii Ji i f I I!
f .i
______ I
I 11 j IIt@JUI4
I~~ I I I,
11r .M1C 1 I333-U30 -

Temperature M

9S.rcos Nv itu-g.M. Edimg*qO,J.13., so~r, W.D.

1,rswa"I'g owApAI £flEvP.OfAt. San F,-M'ctec~s 01.1. F,*.1%

Figure 8. Atmospheric temperature layers

decreasing temperatures with height; however, this is

obviously not the case. The stratosphere experiences

temperature increases due to solar absorption by

ozone, while the thermosphere shows increases due to

oxygen and nitrogen solar absorption (Smith, E.K.,

1968, p.14; Lutgens and Tarbuck, 1982, p. 17]. While

other atmospheric division schemes exist (Smith,

E.K., 1968 p. 14 mentions division by processes), the

temperature layer scheme is the most common.

Attention is focused on the troposphere
which, as shown in Figure 9, varies in height (about
7 to 17 km) depending on latitude. Knowledge of the



3 j15 T~o9ical Pcpwau-i- I

1 0


-0-1- -50-40-3 - - 2 2
Temperajve JC

Source$ Lutg*118. t.K-. & I.:.

'arbuell~C. rhe
At carhege: An 2,: o4dcCtIe O Met@CreczOO. 214 #.d
1*I.,2..ocd Cliffs. NO. Jersey$ P:entice-fll. 2912.p.

Figure 9. Tropopause variations with latitude

troposphere is extensive since it contains about 80%

of all air mass and originates most weather phenomena
(Iribarne and Cho, 1980, p. 7]. Weather is described
as follows:

The forces that control the physical state of air

are sunlight, surface and air temperatures, water

vapor concentration, and cloud cover. Since all

four agents influence one another, the feedback
interactions are complicated. Cause becomes
effect, and vice versa. This never-ending
activity is known as weather [Lynch, 1980, p. 3,
italics not mine].
The term "troposphere," first used by
Treisserenc de Bort in 1908, "literally means the
region where air 'turns over,' a reference to the
appreciable vertical mixing of air in this lowermost
zone" [Lutgens and Tarbuck, 1982, p. 15]. The steady
temperature decrease with height or lapse rate of the
troposphere is significant. Although it can vary
considerably, the troposphere has a normal lapse rate
of 6.5 K/km which, according to Derr [1972, p. 1-9],
indicates large amounts of mixing. This mixing is
both convective and mechanical and ceases at

stratospheric levels. "Thus, the troposphere is a

well-defined thermodynamic environment that does not

interact much with the overlying layer of stable air,

or stratosphere" [Lynch, 1980, p. 3].

2.3 The Radio Refractive Index

Elementary optics describes the process of
refraction as the bending of a light beam as it

travels between different media. Similarly, since

the troposphere generally decreases in density,

temperature, water vapor content, and pressure with

height, radio waves traveling upward, through the

troposphere, will be refracted as the medium changes.

Simplistically, under normal tropospheric conditions,

radiowaves will bend downward as "the portion of the
wave in the thinner air starts traveling faster than

the lower portion which is still in dense air"

[Evaluation of FDM and FM Systems, 1983, p. 12-7].

Note that horizontal variations can also occur.

Propagation engineering focuses on the radio
refractive index, n, to quantize refraction. It is
defined as "the ratio of the phase velocity of an

electromagnetic wave in a vacuum [(the speed of

light, c)] to phase velocity [vp] of the wave in the
medium" [Flock, 1979, p. 141]. Mathematic-lly,

n = C/V. (2-1)

Livingston [1970, p. 7] shows vp as equal to i/11

with g, the magnetic permeability, remaining

essentially constant in the atmosphere at 4n/10 7 . C,

the dielectric constant, varies, however, forcing n

to also vary. No single parameter approaches the

radio refractive index in significance concerning
propagation; among others, effective earth radius,

anomalous propagation, and radiowave scattering

calculations rely heavily on the refractive index.

The radio refractive index can typically be

measured in two ways. Direct measure is obtained

through the refractometer, an airborne device

developed independently in the early 1950's by
Birnbaum (National Bureau of Standards) and Crain
(University of Texas). This device consists of a

resonating cavity which directly measures the air's

dielectric constant, and, through autocorrelation
analysis, provides refraction measurements [Gordon,
1955, p. 23; Crain, 1955, p. 1405]. Early work using

the refractometer is described by Crain and Gerhardt

[1952] and Birnbaum and Bussey [1955]. Additionally,

McGavin (1962] provides a good narration of some of

the earlier versions of the refractometer. The
second way to measure the radio refractive index is
through surface observations applied to equation (2-
3) as described in the next section.

2.3.1 Refractivity
The refractive index can range from 1.000240
to 1.000400 at sea level, but is commonly converted
to refractivity (N) [Panter, 1972, p. 342]:

N = (n - 1)106. (2-2)

N therefore ranges from 240 to 400 N units at sea

level. Refractivity gains complexity as one


considers the variety of random combinations

(temperature, pressure, and water vapor content)

characterizing the atmosphere. Supporting this,


N = 77.6/T(p + 4810e/T) (2-3)

p = total pressure in millibars
e = partial pressure of water vapor in
T = absolute temperature [K] [Smith and
Weintraub, 1953, p. 1035].

A variation of expression (2-3) is

N = 77.6p/T + (3.73 x 10 5 )e/T 2 . (2-4)

While still other equations for N exist, CCIR [1986]

Report 563-3 chooses equation (2-4) as the

recommended expression for refractivity. Hall [1979,

p. 14] adds that this formula

is correct to within 0.5% for atmospheric

pressure between 200 and 1100 mb, air
temperatures between 240 and 310 K, water vapor
pressures less than 30 mb and for radio
frequencies less than 30 GHz.

Expression (2-4) can be thought of as

containing two terms: Ndry = (77.6p/T) and Nwet =

(3.73 x 105 e/T). Bean [1956, p. 32] notes that the

dry term varies with atmospheric density and the wet

term varies primarily due to water vapor pressure.
Further, as Table 3 shows,

[a]t very low temperatures Nwet becomes very small

even for saturated air, and so N is almost
independent of relative humidity. As the
temperature rises, there is a slow decrease in
Ndr. but a rapid increase in the saturated value
of Nwet max, At high temperatures Nwet max can
become somewhat larger than Ndry and so N varies
considerably with relative humidity. At high
temperatures and high relative humidity, N is
very sensitive to small changes in temperature
and relative humidity [Hall, 1979, p. 15].

Refractivity variations are therefore attributed

principally to humidity changes; consequently, the
radio refractive index varies more in hot, humid
areas than in colder, dry regions.

Of particular interest is the value of

refractivity in the first km of height where most
troposcatter links propagate. In this case, CCIR
Report 563-3 [1986, p. 108] recommends use of the

average exponential model given by

N(h) = NA x exp(-bah) (2-5)

N(h) is refractivity at height (h) in km,
NA = 315 N units,

bA = 0.136 km - I .

Table 3. Variation of N with Temperature and

Relative Humidity (1000 mb)

IC WA Alaximuni e.
val,,c uf
0 210 40 60 80 100 NM,

-30 319-3 320-0 320'7 321"4 322'1 322'7 3-4 0-5

-28 316'7 317-S 318"3 319"1 319-9 320"7 40 0'6
-26 314-2 3151 316-1 317,0 317"9 318-9 4-7 08
-24 311-6 3128 313"9 315'0 316'1 317-2 S-S 0"9
-22 309-2 310- 311- 3130 314-3 315'6 6S I1
-20 306-7 308-2 309'7 311-2 312'7 314-2 7-S 1"3
-18 304-3 306"1 307-8 309-6 311-3 3131 8"8 1-5
-16 301-9 3040 3060 388-0 310-1 312-1 10-2 1-8
-14 299"6 3020 304'3 306'7 3090 311-4 11'7 21
-12 297-3 3000 302'7 305-S J08"2 310"9 13"6 2S
-10 295-1 291-2 301-3 304-4 307-5 310-7 "136 2-9
-8 292-8 296-4 300.0 303-6 307-2 310-8 179 3-4
-6 290.6 294.8 298.9 3030 3071 3112 206 3-9
-4 2885S 293-2 297.9 302-6 307-3 3120 23-5 4-6
-2 286-3. 291-7 297-1 302-S 307.8 313-2 26'9 S-3
0 284-2 290-4 296-5 302"6 308.7 3149 30-6 61
2 282-2 2891 296'1 3031 3100 317-0 348 7,0
4 280-1 2880 295.9 3038 311-7 319"6 39-5 8-1
6 278-1 287-1 2960 305-0 313'9 322-9 44-7 9"3
8 276.2 286-3 2964 306-5 316-6 326'7 50.6 10-7
10 274-2 285-6 297-0 3084 319-9 3313 57-1 12-2
12 272-3 2851 298.0 310-9 323'7 336.6 64.3 14.0
14 270-4 2848 299-3 3138 328'2 3.12.7 72.3 25.9
16 268'5 284-7 3010 317-2 333-4 349-7 81.1 18-1
1 266-7 284-9 3030 321"2 339-4 3576 90.9 20-6
20 2648 285-2 305-5 325-9 346-2 3666 101.7 23-4,
22 2631 2858 308-S 3312 354-0 376.7 113-6 26-S
24 2o13 286-6 312.0 337-3 362-7 3880 2267 29.9
26 259-5 287-8 316-0 344-2 3724 400-6 141-1 33-8
28 257-8 289-2 320-6 3531-9 383-3 414-7 13569 38-1
30 256-1 290-9 325-8 360-6 395,4 430'3 174-2 42.8
32 254-4 293"0 331-7 370-3 408-9 447-S 193-1 48-1
34 252-8 295-5 338-3 3810 423-7 466-5 213-7 53-9
36 251-1 298-4 345-6 392-9 440-1 487-4 236.2 60-4
38 249-5 301-7 353-8 406'0 458-1 510-3 260-8 67-S
-10 247-9 3US-4 362-9 420.4 477-9 535-4 287-S 75-4

Source: Hall, M.P.M. Effects of the

Troposphere on Radio Communication. New York: ,Peter
Peregrinus, 1979, p. 16, 17.

Expression (2-5) is plotted along with an average

profile at mid-latitude on Figure 10 (A and B plots


1" I
O1 I l I O 11
i ' qf~ltl .1411 11111tl

Source? CC~O. Volume V. Propaqation in Mon-

lonlrod Pdla. G e 1902, 97.

Figure 10. Refractivity profiles for model


Frequently the terms Ns and No are used to

provide refractivity values where N s is the value at
any surface location and N o is the value at sea level

[Panter, 1972, p. 342). In this instance, CCIR

Report 563-3 [1986, p. 109) provides

Ns = N o x exp(-bAhs) . (2-6)

Values for N o vary world-wide and are provided in

Figure 11 for February (top) and August (bottom).

The surface height above that of sea level is used

for h s . As N s is more easily determined (from an

economical standpoint) it is often used in analyzing
refractive effects on troposcatter propagation. For
so0W0s 40 120 00 so 60 .0 2060 0t20 -0 60 60 00 -20 40 C0(00



0 -

3a 30


0 30


-0 TT 0

so -

00000o 0 00 00 so 6 0 z20 0 120 60 60 so .00 100 -0 01" 00

Souce CCRoueV0Poaaini
Mdia Geeva 182,pp.88,99
Fiur 11sol-idoausfo 0 Tp
Ferury botmAgut

example, Fitzsimons [1968] reports correlations

between N s and signal levels on an 87 km, 4.7 GHz, 1

kW troposcatter link in Cyprus.

2.3.2 Refractivity gradient

As shown in Figure 10, refractivity models

establish a decrease in refractivity with height.

This decrease is quantified through the refractivity

gradient, AN/Ah, and is "approximated by the

difference between the refractivity values of the

surface and 1 km above the surface" [Military

Handbook, 1977, p. 4-84]. In the troposphere,

parameters normally decrease with height:

pressure p by about 1 mm (1.3 mb) per 11 m,

temperature by about 1 degree C per 200 m,
humidity by about 1 mb per 300 m [David and Voge,
1969, p. 122].

Under these conditions AN/Ah equals about -40 N

units/km. More specific values are obtainable

[Military Handbook, 1977, p. 4-87] :

AN/Ah = -7.32 exp(0.00557N s ) for the U.S., (2-7a)

AN/Ah = -9.30 exp(0.004565N s ) for Germany (2-7b)

AN/Ah = -3.95 exp(0.0072N s ) for the U.K. (2-7c) Effective Earth Radius

The "decrease of N with height bends rays

towards the earth but not sufficiently to overcome

the curvature of the earth" [Hall and Barclay, 1989,


152]. The earth's curvature is 1/a o (aO being the

earth's radius, about 6370 km), but refractivity

gives cause to use a modified earth curvature through
the K-factor, K, to produce the effective earth
radius, a:

K = a/a o . (2-8)

Freeman (1987, p.6] further shows that:

K -{1 + (AN/Ah)/157}- I (2-9)

Figure 12 shows the different curvatures for various


K- -1f

I 0N
K. 0 3 d '
' " " '" -

So.,rei freeman, R.L. Radio System Design for

Ta2el olauncations (1-200 GHz). New York: John Wiley
& Sol s, 1987, p. S.

Figure 12. Ray bending at various K-factors

Essentially, the effective radius allows

engineers to assume "an atmosphere of constant

refractive index" [Boithias, 1987, p. 91]. Using

AN/Ah = -40 N units for the first km of height (often


termed "standard refraction"), K will be about 1.33.

This leads to the common 4/3 effective earth radius

figure used in special planning charts for

troposcatter path profiles. 1 Realistically, however,

the troposphere is not so predictable and AN/Ah

actually decreases with height. For example, Sarkar,
Dutta, and Reddy [1983] show daily K-factors ranging
from 1.4 to 2.2 on a 240 km, 2 GHz link in India.

Furthermore, extreme variations in the refractivity

gradient (and, hence, the K-factor) can lead to

serious propagation problems, termed, for simplicity,

anomalous propagation.

2..3.2.2 Anomalous Propagation

Three types of anomalous propagation can

degrade troposcattE 'stem performance

significantly. Figures 13 and 14 will aid in this
discuassion (note Figure 14's use of -39 N units/km

for standard refraction). Gradients exceeding -40 N

units produce the first anomalous propagation event,
subrefraction. In this case, paths are less curved;
furthermore, a gradient of zero produces straight

14/3 earth radius charts are but one of

several tools available. 2/3 charts are used under
worst case conditions. Also, flat earth charts are
available but are more difficult to use. Flat earth
models use M, modified refractivity, instead on N
[Hall and Barclay, 1989, p. 153.

Normal atmosphere

.- Subrefraction


No N
Source: Boithias, L. Radio wave Propagation.
St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1987, p. 92.

Figure 13. Refractive conditions leading to

anomalous propagation events

00 0

319 -39

157 -157

Real Earth with radius a Representational Earth Flat Earth

with radius 413a
Source: RoithiaC. L. RAdIo move Propagac ion.
St. Louis: MCGCW4LIIH 1987. P. 93.

Figure 14. Wave paths under various refractivity

values for different earth models

lines (real earth model) while positive gradients

bend waves upwards [Boithias, 1987, p. 921. This

event will redefine the common volume of a
troposcatter link and can lead to signal fading.
Surface conditions that can invoke subrefraction
typically occur in two forms: Type A - surface
temperatures exceeding 30 0 C and relative humidity

below 40%, and Type B - surface temperatures between

100 and 300 C and relative humidity more than 60%.
Brauburger (1979, pp. 26,27] explains that Type A and
Type B conditions lead to density increases with
height, chiefly in water vapor content, resulting in

A second anomalous propagation phenomenon,
super-refraction, occurs at gradients less than -40 N
units. Basically, super-refraction results in more
bending, and can, in some instances, obliterate
communications as the bent wave never reaches the
receiver. Super-refractive conditions normally
accompany modified temperature gradients brought on
by the passage of cold fronts, subsidence (vertical,
downward movement of air), or even night time cooling
on the ground [Boithias, 1987, pp. 85,86; Brauburger,

1979, pp. 24,25].


Ducting, the final example of anomalous

propagation, is a well documented event and likened

to propagation in a waveguide. Two types of ducts

can occur. In a surface duct, extreme super-

refraction bends the radiowave into the earth and the
earth reflects the bent wave back into the
atmosphere. Conditions permitting (continued,
extreme super-refraction over a reflecting earth),
this process can be repeated over great distances.

Surface ducts are

fairly common over water, especially in the
tropics. For instance it is not unusual to
propagate signals over a distance of 1500 km in
such areas as the Arabian Sea [Staniforth, 1972,
pp. 206,207].
Elevated ducts, the second type, never return

to the earth's surface. They appear under the unique

condition of simultaneous super and subrefractive
conditions at different altitudes. A wave launched
through a subrefractive layer will be bent upward and
later bent downward as it travels to a higher
altitude super-refractive layer. Hall and Barclay
[1989, pp. 155-161] add that refractivity values less

than -157 N units can cause either ducting condition

and further show advection, evaporation, subsidence,
temperature inversions, and weather fronts as
conditions fostering duct creation.

2.3.3 Small Scale Changes in Refractivity

To this point, discussion of refractivity has
focused on large-scale variations with height.
Refractivity l1so exhibits localized, fine-scale
variations in both space and time that are crucial in
understanding troposcatter theory.
Therefore equal-index surfaces are not perfect
spheres concentric to the earth [as previous
discussion may suggest], but may take a variety
of forms. Some may even constitute closed
surfaces in which the internal refractive index
may be slightly higher (or lower) than external
values [Boithias and Battesti, 1983, p. 657].

Typically, irregularities have amplitudes of a few N

units above or below the surrounding median; however,

they decrease in both number and amplitude with
Localized temperature and humidity deviations
cause these irregularities. Eklund and Wickerts

[1968] cite humidity as the chief determinant, and

describe refractive index fields as consisting of
sharply bounded air volumes containing excess
humidity. Further,
[ilnteraction between wet and dry air causes
refractive index fluctuations. Through the
turbulence, the strong gradient will be broken
down into a spectrum of fluctuations [Eklund and
Wickerts, 1968, p. 1071].
Section 2.4 describes turbulence and the spectrum
model; however, while it is agreed that this fine-

scale structure can cause scattering and

scintillation effects, its precise modeling eludes

2.3.4 Summary of Refraction

Under normal atmospheric conditions, the

decrease in the radio refractive index causes

electromagnetic waves to experience velocity
increases at higher altitudes in the troposphere.
Consequently, these waves are bent downward with
curvatures defined through the refractivity gradient.
This gradient, as well as the radio refractive index,

is contingent on temperature, pressure, and water

vapor content with the latter displaying the most

influence. Abnormal deviations in the gradient

result in the anomalous propagation events of

subrefraction, super-refraction, and ducting.

Finally, gradient models focus on large-scale
variations refractivity with height; however, small-

scale variations, critically important in

troposcatter, also exist. It bears mentioning that

challenges to the general models used in refractivity

profiles exist. Carroll and Ring [1955] and Crain

and Levy [1987] highlight several objections.


2.4 Turbulence
Much of the theory surrounding troposcatter
propagation stems from turbulence theory applicable

to the small-scale refractivity variations mentioned

in Section 2.3.3. This is because "the atmospheric
turbulence behaves like a source of inhomogeneities

which produce scattering" [Tatarski, 1961, p. vii].

Surely turbulence entered propagation theory with
a vengeance in 1949. The troposphere was
pictured as an inhomogeneous medium, that is, one
which could be pictured as instantaneously
containing more or less spherical blobs of air
whose index of refraction differed from that of
the surrounding air by an amount of the order of
one millionth [Carroll, 1952b, p. 81.
Unfortunately, in many respects, atmospheric
turbulence remains "one of the great unsolved areas
of science and engineering" (Derr, 1972, p. 4-1].
Difficulties root themselves in the large numbers of
variables inherent in governing equations which are,
in themselves, quite complex. A sampling of these
variables include geographical dependence and weather

on the large scale, and the small-scale influences of

wind, solar heating, and surface roughness [Derr,

1972, p. 4-1]. This section will cite the causes of

turbulence and relate a model that attempts to
describe small-scale refractivity variations.

2.4.1 The Causes of Turbulence

Anthes [1981, pp. 70,122,326] begins that

turbulent eddies or blobs have dimensions of hundreds

of meters to a centimeter, with a time scale ranging
from a few minutes to a second. These eddies are
produced either through thermal or mechanical
mechanisms. Thermal turbulence begins with surface
heating and leads to rising air columns or convection
currents (described by Crain and Gerhardt [1952] as
buoyancy forces). Mechanical turbulence occurs close
to the surface with air flows interrupted by the
stationary ground. This produces horizontal wind
shear. Additional mechanical turbulence is produced
by frictional forces between either thermally or
mechanically created eddies. Both wind shear and
convection currents can rise to higher altitudes and,
here, are larger in scale.

Hopefully, the above description of

turbulence is confusing since turbulence itself is a

random, chaotic event. A typical model of turbulence
therefore shows eddies produced through thermal or
mechanical processes which interact ("mix") to

produced refractivity fluctuations [Crain and

Gerhardt, 1952, p. 51].


2.4.2 A Refractivity Turbulence Model

As turbulent eddies mix with one another,

both their size and intensity change. L.F.

Richardson aptly describes this process:

Big whirls have little whirls,
That feed on Ctc Ir velocity;
And little whirls have lesser whirls--
And so onto viscosity [Megaw, 1957, p. 444).
Figure 15, which shows the spectrum of refractivity
irregularities, S(k), plotted as a function of
wavenumber (k), is useful in modeling this process.

- ?.p4t 4
% IL

Source: Wneelon, A.D. "Radio Scattering by

Tropospheric Irregularities." Journal of AtmOspheric
and Terrestrial Physics, vol. 15, nos. 3/4 (October
1959), p. 188.

Figure 15. Spectrum of refractivity irregularities

Blobs created in the input range spawn smaller
structures by the cascading process described
above and eventually the irregularities are
dissipated when their scale size falls below
about 1 mm. These very small structures are
dominated by the influence of viscosity and
diffusion and cannot sustain turbulent activity
(Hall and Barclay, 1999, p. 169].

From Figure 15, three distinct areas are

evident. In the input range, large eddies with low

wavenumbers are inserted. They maintain a certain

energy level derived from winds and internal pressure

or temperature gradients. Entering the second
region, the inertial subrange, energy is expended
through creation of smaller eddies and viscous
friction. It is within this region that controversy
about the form of the irregularities' spectrum
resides. Finally, in the dissipation range, the
irregularities are lost through heat conversion
[Picquenard, 1974, pp. 33,34; Ortwein, Hopkins, Pohl,
1961, p. 790].

Gerlach [1984] mentions that eddy sizes of 1

m to 1 km are of most interest, and are in the

inertial subrange. Theories describing

irregularities within this domain include Obukhov's

mixing theory and the mixing-in-gradient theory.

Wheelon (1959], Staras and Wheelon [1959], and du

Castel [1966] provide general descriptions of both.

Additionally, Appendix C further discusses the
spectrum of irregularities.

2.4.3 A Conclusion on Turbulence

Turbulence is easily observed in the

twinkling of stars or the unsettling feeling of a


bumpy airplane ride. Unfortunately, it is perhaps

the least predictable of atmospheric parameters
impacting troposcatter propagation. Without it,
however, small-scale refractivity gradients would not
exist and, therefore, neither would troposcatter.
While thought of as a boon in this instance,

turbulence will cause scintillation (described

later); furthermore, the turbulence model, as
outlined above, is the foundation of scattering loss
theory. The turbulence of refractivity centers
around the portion of the spectrum function contained
in the inertial subrange. Equations for this
spectrum (Appendix C) exhibit some speculation as do
the theories describing eddy activities within this


2.5 Atmospheric Effects on Troposcatter Propagation

This concluding section is meant to embrace

previous discussion while introducing some of the
more pertinent atmospheric effects on radiowave
propagation. Figure 16 charts the course this

section will take. Natural phenomena, on the extreme

left includes the observable yet uncontrollable

events characterizing the troposphere. For lack of a

better term, the refractivity event includes both
large and small-scale refractivity changes as


0 0
C-.. < 0-

o 0 o-

Ci0 N d. 0


rz 01 04

0 Q)0

Q 4F)
CO H00
0 0 44 .
00 K H
Ci) -J4 Mc
<L (
Ch LU; moIr-
(J) 0

described earlier. Crane [1981a] and Bean, Horn, and

Riggs [1962] loosely bundle gases and aerosols under

macroscale (100-1000 km) variations; hydrometeors

within mesoscale (10-100 km) and cloud (1-10 km)

motions; and refractive index fluctuations among

microscale (1 mm to 1 km) changes. Note that dust

and sand constituents, which may occasionally enter

the atmosphere, are not included. CCIR [1986] Report

563-3 mentions that dust and sand propagation

degradations need further research, - nile Report 721-

1 adds that these contributions appear negligible.

In the center of Figure 16 are mechanisms.

These are the effects of natural phenomena on

troposcatter propagation. Finally, on the far right

are system parameters. Appendix B shows external

noise and propagation loss as the only variable

parameters in the system equation; theiefore, all

atmospheric effects on troposcatter propagation are

reflected within either or both parameters. (Noise

due to depolarization is manifested through

crosstalk; however, Figure 16 shows a question mark,

"?", here as no source listed this as a noise

contributor.) IiL essence, then, the effects of the

atmosphere on troposcatter propagation can be viewed

frcm a causal framework: nat,:ral phenomena cause


degrading propagation mechanisms which cause changes

in system parameters.

While various approaches describing these

relationships are possible, this section will focus

on the mechanisms. Note should be made that although

Figure 16 neatly categorizes the causal nature of the

atmosphere on radiowave propagation, the entire

process is very complex. Therefore, this treatment

is intended to be more introductory that rigorous.

The multitude of texts devoted to radiowave

propagation confirm this assertion.

2.5.1 Refraction

The ability of the atmosphere to refract or

bend radiowaves was treated earlier in Section 2.3.

Considerations of refractivity therefore include

effective earth radius adjustments and allowances for

anomalous propagation. Figures 17 and 18 can be used

to determine the effective earth radius if either the

gradient of refractivity (AN/Ah) or the surface

refractivity (Ns ) are known respectively. Clavier

[1956, p. 112] notes that effective earth radius K-

factor variations of 4/3 to 0.7 should be expected

due to large-scale refractivity changes.

Anomalous propagation events (subrefraction,

super-refraction, or ducting) can enhance or degrade


4IH. t

~ A

7300 k EAR +0 . X 0- 6

300 -~00 N 00 30 40

~ 'L

Miltary Handbo
Source: Facliy esgnfo
Tropospheric Scatter (Tr~ansoio iroaeSse
Design). ~ ~ ~ ~
7~ Dprmeto-Dfne =J -4-DK-
Wahig~n C,2 Nvmbr-17, .4-6

17. Efectie eath aisfcor

Figure~~~~~j4+ ,vru




26 'O 3)0 320 W4 360 1) 4t'

Soure: Mlitay Handbook, Facility Desiarn fcz

-rcpcspheric Fcatter (Tr-ansharizon Micrcwave SyS:C-m
resign). MIL-iiD=K-417, :epartment cf Defense,
'eashington, DC' 25 November, 1977. Available th~rough
Navy Pu~ctcsand .7,rn-s Center, AT-N: N=C'DS,
^ffice of Navy ?P';blications, 5801 Tabor Aven-ue,
Phildelphia, Pa., 19120-50,'4, p. 4-90.

Figure 18. Effective earth radius versus surface


received signal levels. In rare circumstances, a

surface duct will engender long periods of abnormally

good propagation. More often, however, under extreme
super-refraction (much less than -40 N units),
radiowaves are bent towards the earth surface and

signal blackouts occur as the surface duct "skips"

over the intended receiver. Elevated ducts can also
cause complete signal loss. Roda (1988, p. 147]
concludes that instances of these extreme events
subscribe to no definite rules; therefore, experience
in site specific situations provides the best
prediction tool. He notes an example of ducts over

the North Sea lasting several hours yet occurring

only 0.7% of the year.
More often, however, deviations from standard
refraction (-40 N units) fosters slow signal fades

[Clavier, 1956, p. 112; Roda, 1988, p. 68].

Engineers recognize the inevitability of such
attenuations and include them in the system equation
of Appendix B. This fading is discussed more in

depth in Chapter 4.

2.5.2 Absorption

Electromagnetic energy can be partially

converted into thermal energy through absorption

[Flock, 1979, p. 174]. Signal loss as well as


increases in noise result from this process. Figure

16 shows gases, aerosols, and hydrometeors as the
events leading to absorption. For simplicity,
aerosols will be grouped with hydrometeors although
Derr [1972, pp. 1-3 to 1-5] notes physical

dissimilarities between the two events.

Of the gaseous elements listed in Table 2,
only oxygen exhibits significant absorptive
qualities. This is because it possesses "a small
magnetic moment" which, under the influence of a
magnetic field (an iectromagnetic wave), causes it
to "rotate end over end or to oscillate in many other
possible ways" [Livingston, 1970, p. 10; Kerr, 1987,

p. 25]. Furthermore, at certain frequencies, oxygen

will resonate, and absorption peaks to significant
levels. Figure 19 depicts these critical
frequencies, 60 and 119 GHz, and further shows water

vapor absorption which displays similar

characteristics at 22, 183, and 325 GHz. Water vapor
differs from oxygen since it has an electric dipole
moment, yet the absorption process is very similar.

Comparing the attenuation contributions of

oxygen and water vapor, one notes oxygen's dominance
at lower frequencies, about 0.007 dB/km between 2 and

12 GHz, while water vapor remains under 0.005 dB/km

*6~ 56

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:7 M: i -.i.. ....... ......

i400 80 00 I00 200 40 160


Source: Military Handbook, Facility Design for
Tropospheric Scatter (Transhorizonz Microwave System
Design). MIL-HDBK-417, Department of Defense,
Washington, DC, 25 November, 1977. Available through
Navy Publications and Forms Center, ATTN: NPODS,
Office of Navy Publications, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
PhildeRphia, Pa., 19120-5094, p. 4-91.
Figure 20. Combined oxygen and water vapor
atmospheric absorption

effect of small, lossy water droplets at microwave

frequencies is primarily one of absorption."

For wavelengths which are long compared with the

drop size, i.e. in the SHF band, attenuation due
to absorption will be greater than that due to
scatter. Conversely, for wavelengths which are
short in relation to drop size, i.e. in and above
the EHF band, scatter will predominate [Hall,
1979, p. 47].

Figures 21 and 22 show hydrometeor absorption for

earth-space paths traversing the entire troposphere.

Figure 23, more applicable for troposcatter, depicts
100 1
2W 100. in


10 ZG.n.0 J .0/-

.2 '0 I0

O' 0 ,


2 0 20 50 100 1 0 10 20 5-D 100

F,.qn . G4 Fw~v Gil
Source: martino, j. Communicationsg Sat*llito
Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall,
Inc., p. 115.
Figure 21 (Left). Atmospheric absorption due to

Figure 22 (Right). Atmospheric absorption due to

fog, mist and clouds

to rain

cumulative absorption and scatter attenuation in dB

per km. Note in all instances the insignificance of

hydrometeor absorption at troposcatter frequencies.

2.5.3 Scattering
Scattering is essentially the re-radiation of
portions of the electromagnetic energy in directions
deviating from that intended. Obviously, those
signals re-routed from the inended direction

contribute to propa-ation loss. As mentioned,

hydrometeors are a scattering source; additionally,

small-scale refractivity variations will cause

scattering thus making troposcatter propagation
possible. Radar systems profit from this process
since airplanes scatter signals, and, finally,

scattering is a source of interference among

different transmission systems [Lane, 1968, p. 4].
Scattering theory emphasizes particle size
and number. Simplistically, at troposcatter
wavelengths, scatter attenuation due to hydrometeors
increases with drop size (with respect co a certain
wavelength) and the number of drops [Staniforth,

1572, p. 208]. Flock (1979, p. 1751 further shows

that the Rayleigh scattering model applies at

troposcatter wavelengths.2 However,

[i]t must be stressed that there is at present no
single model for drop size distributions which is
generally accepted as representing physical
reality - even as a statistical mean over many
rain events (Hall and Barclay, 1989, p. 176].

Crane [198ia, p. 200] contends that the scattering

properties of "the more complex shapes actually
assumed by watez- drops . . . can be approximated only

after long and tedious numerical analysis." However,

he concludes, scattering attenuation can be estimated
through simple models.
As mentioned, hydrometeor effects on
radiowave propagation conventionally include both

scatter and absorption. Again, Figure 23 is

referenced, and the combined attenuation due to
hydrometeors (specifically, rain) is seen as
insignificant at troposcatter frequencies. Hall and
Dowling [1974] offer the same conclusion, but add

that "rain may cause significant changes in the mean

direction of arrival of the scatter signal" in a

troposcatter system. Crane (1988] and Doherty and

Stone [1960] further report enhanced median signal

levels during rain, but Doherty and Stone [1960] add

that fading rates will increase.

2 TheRayleigh scatter model is used when
scatterer size is small compared to wavelength.
Raindrops range from 0.05 to 0.65 cm, at 6 GHz
wavelength is 5.0 cm; thus, Rayleigh scatter applies.

The final discussion on scattering highlights

small-scale refractivity changes. These variations

are responsible for the troposcatter propagation
mechanism and also "cause random independent bending
of the antenna beams both horizontally and
vertically" [Roda, 1988, p. 68]. This action results
in rapid fluctuations of received signal levels
termed scintillation [Crane, 1981a, p. 202]. While
small in amplitude, system equation margins must
allow for scintillation induced by scattering.
Boithias [1987, p. 108] expresses scintillation
amplitudes through the structure constant, CN 2 , as
described in Appendix C.

2.5.4 Depolarization
The final mechanism encountered by radiowaves
propagating through the troposphere is depolarization
which may also be termed transpolarization or cross
polarization. This mechanism results in portions of
the propagating energy reappearing orthogonally to
the intended polarization as discussed in Appendix D.
The causes of depolarization, as illustrated in
Figure 16, are aerosols, hydrometeors, and

refractivity (again, aerosols will be lumped with

hydrometeors). It should be noted that this
mechanism arises from a mix of other mechanisms

(scatter and refraction) and is difficult to

differentiate; however, its effect is unique,

meriting separate treatment.

Depolarization due to both large and small-

scale refractivity variations is routinely associated

with multipath. Multipath, described in more detail

in Chapter 4, results from a variety of sources such

as scattering, terrain and atmospheric reflection, as

well as refraction. Simplistically, depolarization

due to multipath results from the simultaneous

arrival of the wanted, transmitted wave and an

unwanted, orthogonally polarized wave created under

multipath conditions [Ippolito, 1986, p. 116;

Boithias, 1987, p. 110].

Hydrometeor (rain) depolarization greatly

depends on drop shape. These shapes change from

spherical to oblate spheroids as drop size increases.

Depolarization, then,

is caused by the individual drops falling as

oblate spheroids and producing different
attenuation and phase shift for waves polarised
[sic] parallel or perpendicular to the major axes
of the drops [Hall, 1979, p. 112].

More specifically, if the radiowave's electric field

is not parallel to the axis of the equitorial

plane of the drops, it gives rise, by scatter, to
a wave with orthogonal polarization to that of
the incident wave. The relative level of this
orthogonal wave depends on many factors such as
the angle of incidence of the wave, the canting

angle of the drops, the intensity of rainfall,

the distribution of drop diameter, frequency, etc
[Boithias, 1987, p. 138].

Rain depolarization is further discussed in Appendix

D. At troposcatter frequencies, depolarization is

considered unimportant; however, as higher

frequencies are used (see Crane, 1988) it may become

significant [Military Handbook, 1977, p. 4-173].



Long experience has . . . taught me not always to

believe in the limitations indicated by purely
theoretical considerations, or even calculations.
These--as we all know--are often based on
insufficient knowledge of all the relevant
factors. I believe, in spite of adverse
forecasts, in trying new lines of research,
however unpromising they may seem at first sight
[Carrol, 1956, p. 1057].
- Guglielmo Marconi, 1932

3.1 Introduction

In the late 1940's, new theories attempting

to explain high signal levels received beyond the
horizon at short wavelengths first appeared. Prior
to these, classical diffraction theory was modified
to include atmospheric refractivity and ducting to
account for this peculiarity. Success was marginal
as experiments showed consistent signal levels many
decibels greater than those predicted by these
modified theories [Bullington, 1953, p. 132; Ortusi,

1955, p. 87]. Investigators realized that nature had

conveniently provided some sort of low altitude

passive reflector, yet were baffled by its nature.

Accepted beyond the horizon theory was rooted

in Van Der Pol and Bremmer's 1937 smooth sphere

diffraction predictions which indicated "an

exponential decrease in signal strength at a rapid

rate at and beyond the radio horizon" [Radio

Transmission, 1960, p. 30]. With a predicted decay

of about 1 dB/km at 500 MHz and 2. dB/km at 5 GHz,

long range propagation at and beyond VHF was thought

impossible. Experimentation showed these figures as

somewhat pessimistic, and large-scale refraction was

included which extended the radio horizon through

allowance for an effective earth radius 4/3 greater

than actual (Lane, 1968, p. 2]. However, even this

modification could not adequately explain all

observed data.

After WWII, both radar and television systems

highlighted circumstances where transmission ranges

exceeded classical predictions.

It was also pointed out that the median signal

received at points far beyond the horizon could
not be explained by modifying the effective earth
radius since the data could not be fitted to an
exponential law (Bullington, 1955, p. 1176].

Anomalous propagation events such as super-refraction

and ducting as well as ionospheric influences were

then incorporated. However, these conditions were

sporadic and again could not clarify the persistency


of observed beyond the horizon fields [Radio

Transmission, 1960, p. 30].

Sources contend that even today the mechanism

behind troposcatter propagation is not completely
understood [McKay, 1989, p. 220; Roda, 1988, p. 2].

However, what is known can be briefly summarized in

Figure 2.
The only mechanisms for radio propagation beyond
thz horizon which occur permanently for
frequencies greater than 30 MHz are those of
diffraction at the Earth's surface and scatter
from atmospheric irregularities. Attenuation for
diffracted signals increases very rapidly with
distance and with frequency, and eventually the
principal mechanism is that of tropospheric
scatter (CCIR, 1986, p. 367].

In short, troposcatter propagation exists, and is

reliable enough to use for beyond the horizon

While both diffraction and scatter can
simultaneously exist as multimode, transhorizon
propagation (see Appendix A), this section will
examine pure troposcatter theory only, ignoring
diffraction. Gjessing and Irgens [1964] group
troposcatter theories under "turbulence",
"reflection", or "mode" classifications; this

treatment will do the same. Discussion will avoid

technical analysis, but will provide a physical

understanding of the proposed mechanisms.


3.2 Turbulence Theories

Concerning theories on troposcatter

propagation, no single citation is referenced more

than Booker and Gordon's 1950 IRE article, "A Theory

of Radio Scattering in the Troposphere." However,
their suggestion that constant, beyond the horizon
fields are due to scattering from small turbulent

blobs was initially forwarded by Pekeris [1947]

[Johnson, 1958, p. 166]. Additionally, at about the
same time as Booker and Gordon, Megaw [1950]
independently published a similar theory. A summary
of turbulence theory proponents is offered by du

Castel [1966, p. 12].

Simplistically, turbulence theory purports

that within the common volume, portions of

transmitted energy are scattered by small-scale
refractive variations "much as fog or moisture seems
to scatter a searchlight on a dark night" [Freeman,
1975, p. 265]. Tatarski summarizes the problem:
A plane monochromatic electromagnetic wave is
incident on a volume V of a turbulent medium;
because of turbulent mixing within the volume V,
there appear irregular refractive index
fluctuations, which scatter the incident
electromagnetic wave. It is required to find the
mean density of the energy scattered in a given
direction [Tararski 1961, p. 59].

Booker and Gordon pictured the atmosphere as

consi~ting ot a col cctio uf

upherical blobs of

diameter 1 (the scale of turbulence) with each blob

having a refractive index slightly different from

that of the mean. "Incident waves cause polarization

of the elementary volumes, converting them to
electric dipoles, which in turn radiate energy"

[Picquenard, 1974, p. 32]. Figure 24 depicts a

scatterer's radiation pattern which decreases very
rapidly from the transmission beam's axis. 1


Source: Roda, G. Troposcatter Radio Lirks.

Norwood, Maine: Artech House, 1988, p. 63.

Figure 24. Single scatterer radiation pattern

Individual blob scattering is plotted as

scattered power (P) versus scattering angle (0) on
Figure 25. When all blobs within the common volume
are considered, the plot becomes smeared as in Figure
26 and the radiation pattern resembles Figure 27.
iThis, along with the fact that more
scatterers are located in the lower portion of the
tropospherc, explains th= need for a small scatter

Source: Gordon, W.E. "A Simple Picture of

Tropospheric Radio Scattering." IRE Transactions on
Communications Systems, vol. CS-4, no.1 (March 1956),
p. 98.

Figure 25 (Top). Scattering power by an

individual blob

Figure 26 (Bottom). Scattering power by a number of



Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 48.

Figure 27. Radiation pattern of a number of


Although most power is radiated in the forward

direction (0=0), the receiver is located at (0>0);

therefore, Booker and Gordon assert that the
mathematical expression of Figure 26, the scattering

coefficient or the scattering cros3 section (0), is

The scattering coefficient answers Tatarksi's

question by giving the scattered power per unit solid

angle, per unit incident power density, per unit
volume [Picquenard, 1974, p. 32]. When integrated

over the scattering volume, it provides the power

scattered to the receiver [Gordon, 1955, p. 98]. A
number of references provide different expressions
for a; however, these will not be provided due to the

complexity involved. 2 Regardless, the crucial

parameter in expressions for a relates to turbulence
modeling. Wheelon [1959, p. 193] gives two equations

for a using either the spectrum of irregularities,

S(k), as described in Appendix C, or the spacial
correlation function C(r).

Booker and Gordon used an exponential C(r)

model [Picquenard, 1974, p. 31]:

C(r) = exp(-r/1) (3-1)

2 See
Booker and Gordon [1950]; Gordon [1955];
Wheelon [1959]; and du Castel [1966] for example.

The scale of turbulence 1 is considered to be the

distance at which the cross correlation between
the two sets of simultaneous refractive index
fluctuation falls to i/e of the value obtained at
zero separation [Crain and Gerhardt, 1952, p.
Thus the correlation function falls between unity
(r=O) and zero (r=-). However, this choice was

somewhat speculative as the ability to measure small-

scale atmospheric refractivity variations was, at
that time, marginal [Chisholm, 1956, p. 8;
Picquenard, 1974, p. 33]. Later, after the
development of the refractometer, other models were
developed with the Bessel model, described by Staras
and Wheelon (1959, p. 81], providing better agreement
with experimental data.
Another adjustment to Booker and Gordon's
work is due to their disregard for the time

variations of refractive index irregularities.

Emphasis in turbulence theory shifted to the spectrum

function, S(k), which is especially suited to depict

these temporal fluctuations [Staras and Wheelon,

1959, p. 80]. This function, described in Appendix

C, "is the Fourier decomposition of the space

correlation function" [Wheelon, 1959, p. 186].

Ortwein, Hopkins, and Pohl (1961] and Staras and

Wheelon [1959] summarize both spacial correlation and

spectrum methods in modeling turbulence.


While the above description of turbulence

theory does not provide rigorous treatment, a few

important conclusions are evident. Primarily,

turbulence theory attributes persistent, beyond the

horizon fields to scattering from spherical blobs
whose refractive indexes slightly differ from the

mean. Received fields are calculated through

integration of the scattering coefficient over the
critical common volume. Crucial in this theory is
the modeling of turbulence which has undergone
numerous revisions and exhibits several variations
(see Appendix C).

3.3 Reflection Theories

The idea that beyond the horizon fields at

short wavelengths are caused by reflections from

tropospheric layers was first suggested by Norton
[1948]. Later, Feinstein [1951, 1952a, 1952b],

launched a similar investigation but his ideas were

adapted to subsequent mode theories (discussed

later). Serious endeavors include the work of Friis,

Crawford, and Hogg [1957] and French researchers led

by du Castel [1966, p. 12].
In general, proponents assert that layers

within the troposphere are formed by relatively sharp

gradients in the refractive index. These layers are


numerous in number, display limited yet varying

dimensions, and present random position and

The number and size of the reflecting layers, as

well as the magnitude of the discontinuities in
the gradient of dielectric constant which form
them, influence the received power [Friis,
Crawford, and Hogg, 1957, p. 628].

An understanding of the character of a layer aids

received power calculations.
When Friis, Crawford and Hogg first
postulated their theory, refractometer data
substantiated the existence of steep variat ' -s in
the refractive gradient. However, the actuai shape
of the layers formed by these variations remained

speculative. In short, then, calculations were

performed for three general cases: large, small, and
intermediate size layers with respect to Fresnel zone
dimensions. 3 Later, du Castel [1966] offered a more
thorough, and, quite elegant, description of these

Figure 28 displays du Castel's layer or

feuillet. This thin, stable layer forms when laminar

air flow "within a layer produces a change in the

3 Fresnel
zones may be viewed as three-
dimensional ellipsoids encompassing radiated energy,
and dimensionally dependent on wavelength. Boithias
[1987], Livingston [1970], and Kerr [1987] further
describe this basic concept.

z A

0 0
0 0-------
O 0 0 L

Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 154.

Figure 28. du Castel's thin layer or feuillet

mean refractive index across its thickness" (du

Castel, 1966, p. 26]. As shown on the left of Figure
28, the refractivity gradient contains a
discontinuity; therefore, within the layer, the
refractive index differs slightly from that above and

below the layer. The surface has primary

irregularities, 1 and h, both on the order of tens of
meters, and secondary irregularities, 11 and hl,

several kilometers and a few hundreds of meters

respectively. Activity within an irregularity may be
likened to that of a turbulent blob described

earlier; however, although turbulent irregularities


are crucial in liyer formation, in this instance the

existence of a layer is more critical than individual
blobs. A simplified layer model, consisting of
numerous irregularities, is of size L and thickness H

and is shown at the bottom of Figure 28 (du Castel,

1966, pp. 154,155].
A feuillet's reflection mechanism is easily
understood through application of elementary optics.
While the main flow of transmitted energy propagates
(refracts) through the layer, a portion is reflected,
hence, partial reflection occurs as predicted in

Snell's law for mediums of differing dielectric

constants. Furthermore, depending on the nature of
the reflecting layer, either specular or diffuse
reflection occurs [Barton, 1962, p. 335]. 4 Figure 29
shows a number of elements, a (not to be confused
with the scattering coefficient described uider

turbulence theory), within a surface, S, with

transmitted energy incident at a grazing angle a.
The primary reflections at the surface elements a
within a solid angle co, add together in phase to
give specular reflection in a smaller solid angle
W', or add randomly to give diffuse reflection in
a solid angle (o [du Castel, 1966, p. 1591.

4 Boithias
[1987, p. 49] simplistically
differentiates between specular and diffuse

Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergarncn,
1966, p. 159.

Figure 29. Specular and diffuse reflection within a


Tronsmission Reception

Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 48.

Figure 30. Radiation pattern for the reflection


Figure 30 gives a general look at troposcatter

propagation via specular and/or diffuse partial


Calculations for the received field rely

exclusively on evaluation of the reflection
coefficient, p. Appendix E discusses p in greater
detail. However, while determination of reflected
power is a basic exercise, the complexities
introduced by "the spatial distribution of layers, in
size and intensity distributions, and in

distributions of curvature for nonflat layers" make

computations more statistically oriented [Cox, 1969,

p. 907]. Thus, a simple calculation (see Friis,

Crawford and Hogg [1957]), is again made difficult
due to the unpredictability of the atmosphere.
Recapitulating, when the normally smooth
refractivity profile exhibits sharp discontinuities,
layers consisting of turbulent irregularities are

likely to form. These layers act as partial mirrors,

reflecting a portion of the transmitted power.
Normally basic calculations for received power are

complicated by a reflection coefficient that must

consider the complexities of the variable shapes and
motions of atmospheric reflecting layers (see

Appendix E).

3.4 Mode Theories

When Bremmer [1949] mentioned that 4/3 earth
curvature theory ignored the reflected component,
partial coherent internal reflection or mode theory
took root. 5 Feinstein [1951, 1952a, 1952b], Carroll

[1952a, 1952b, 1952c], and Carroll and Ring [1955]

were enthusiastic (most notably, Carroll) of this
idea which challenged classical notions.

Initially, one will find some similarities

between mode and reflection theories. Both
incorporate Snell's law of reflection and refraction;

however, mode theory introduces no "new" concepts,

such as turbulent irregularities. Instead, it
focuses on large-scale refractivity noting that not
only a refracted (see Section 2.3) but a series of
reflected waves must be produced due to the
refractivity gradient [Feinstein, 1951, p. 1292].
This in turn causes various modes of propagation

similar to surface ducts, the distinction being that

only the reflected, not the refracted, wave is
considered. Figure 31 simplistically depicts one ray
for several modes; however, it should be noted that
each mode will exhibit a family of such rays, and
these rays will experience reflection (external), and
5 For
the earth's atmosphere, an upgoing wave
reflects an internal wave, and a downcoming wave
reflects externally [Carroll, 1952b, p. 9, 10].

Source: Katzin, M. "Tropospheric Propagation

Beyond the Horizon." Transactions of the IRE,
Professicnal Group on Antennas and Propagation, ?GAP-
3 (August 1952a), p. 116.

Figure 31. Mode theory propagation

therefore attenuation, as they propagate downward

[Katzin, 1952a, pp. 112,113].

The object of the internal reflection hypothesis
is to relate the average received field to the
rate of decrease in atmospheric density, and
hence to eliminate some of the arbitrary
parameters required by the scattering concepts
[Bullington, 1963, p. 2850].
Mode theory proponents were particularly

critical of then accepted refractive index profiles

which showed "decreases linearly with height

indefinitely . . . [causing] the index of refraction

to become less than 1 or even negative at

sufficiently large heights" [Carroll, 1952c, p. 93].
Initially, then, a bilinear model was introduced
which showed linear refractivity decreases to 30,000

feet and, above this sharp break in gradient, the

index was assumed to be unity. Determining the
received field involved an infinite summation of mode

contributions from successive layer reflections using

Fresnel's summation rules. This eventually gave a

reflected field "equivalent to half the reflection

from the half-wave layer of maximum contribution"
(Carroll, 1952c, p. 84]. Although proponents admit
nonrigorous calculations, close theoretical agreement
with experimentation was provided by Colwell and
Anderson [19521.
Attempts to provide a better fit with field
data (Megaw's points) included use of trilinear and
inverse square profiles as depicted in Figure 32.

:1IG)ITS ?tFy..ITFt
) 0 36p3 10.

3le~ Winter aupntl


fideld .;A daft

6O0 forms

source: Chisholm, . 1. II P"rogreaS Of

T'ropospheric Propagalti~n Research Related to
Conatinications Beyond the ilorizon." in s rransactions
on Communications Systems, vol. CS-4, 1-0-1 (March
1956), p. 10.

Figure 32. Various mode theory profiles matched with

field data

However, Chisholm (1956, p. 81 and du Castel [1966,

p. 132] point out that the mode of maximum

contribution occurs at the gradient discontinuities

of the bilinear and trilinear models and that such
discontinuities do not exist in nature. Further, the
inverse square and a subsequent parabolic profile
yield poor results [Picquenard 1974, pp. 52,531.
These "hit or mic>" endeavors contradict
Bullington's assertion that mode theory offers less

arbitrary parameters, and provides the first

criticism of mode theory. Other objections exist.
Turbulence, which is know to persist, is not
incorporated. Carroll and Ring [1955] admit to this
shortcoming and use it as a possible explanation for
high troposcatter fading rates. Saxton [1956] is
critical of mode theory's nonrigorous approach, and
Katzin [1952a, 1952b] shows the internally reflected
component to be of negligible magnitude. Finally, du

Castel (1966, p. 132] notes an absence of frequency

dependence which contradicts experimentation.

3.5 Other Theories

While turbulence, reflection, and mode

theories represent the brunt of ideas explaining the

troposcatter mechanism, other perceptions have been
published. Most notable is that of Bullington [1963]

which incorporates the "best" of all three theories

while eliminating inherent arbitrary factors.6 In
essence, Bullington's approach assumes an exponential
refractivity profile on which turbulent fluctuations

are superimposed. The primary mechanism is that of

partial internal reflection with the statistical
fluctuations explaining both fading and frequency

dependence. Turbulent irregularities are analyzed

through long-term empirical data, and the reflection
coefficient is related to the variance of this
turbulent activity. Christopher and Debroux [1987]
have found Bullington's predictions both suitable and
simple. However, due probably to the use of mode
theory, sources do not mention further work in this

Attempts were also made to explain beyond the
horizon fields through terrain irregularities. In
fact, Bullington [1947, 1953] pointed out that
surface roughness could, in some instances, produce
enhanced fields, yet troposcatter paths over smooth
paths such as water were known to exist [Jowett,
1958, p. 92]. Thus, pure diffraction theory, as

6 Bullington
considers scatter and reflection
theories as basically the same; however, his use of
the reflection coefficient favors reflection theory.
This hesitancy to differentiate the two is explained
in Section 3.6.

championed by Ortusi [19551, never amounted to much.

A similar fate befell de Belatini [1959] who
envisioned turbulent toroidal shapes, a few
kilometers in diameter, which acted as weak lenses.
These atmospheric lenses were said to cause vertical
divergence of transmitted waves which allowed beyond

the horizon propagation.

3.6 Differentiating the Theories

Judging from presented criticisms and the

quantity of supportive sources, two theories,
turbulence and reflection, best seem to explain the
troposcatter propagation mechanism. At this time
it's productive to further distinguish the two,
since, as mentioned earlier, there is some difficulty
differentiating them. Scattering may be thought of
in two ways. Normally, one thinks of scattering as a
random spread of energy from some source through

space. If, however, some coherence is evident, then

the terms reflection, forward scatter, and focusing

may be used [Rice, et al., 1967, vol. 2, p. IV-l;
Bullington, 1959].
Turbulence theory therefore refers to the
random spread of transmitted energy from a single

irregularity or blob. Although Booker and Gordon

originally assumed isotropic scattering, turbulence


theory backers admit anistropy. The summation of

power scattered by the numerous blobs within the
common volume are purported to add incoherently.
Conversely, reflection theory is essentially
scattering from a layer consisting of numerous
turbulent irregularities. Due to specular and
diffuse components, power in this case is said to add
in a quasi-coherent fashion. Therefore, while both
theories recognize "scattering" as the propagation
mechanism, the scattering source, individual blobs or
collective layers, is in question. Taken one step
further, the question does not center on turbulence

since turbulence is known to exist; rather, the

question is whether turbulent irregularities exist as
single, randomly disposed entities or arrange
themselves into layers. Finally, following Waterman
[1970] and the above discussion, turbulence theory
will henceforth be termed incoherent scattering while
reflection theory is called quasi-coherent


3.7 Modern Theory

Although early work presented two dominant
theories, a few cautious individuals like Saxton

[1956], M. A. Johnson [Discussion on Tropospheric

Propagation-I, 1958], and even Carroll [1952b]

acknowledged the possibility of several concurrent

mechanisms. Indeed, both incoherent and quasi-
coherent scattering will occur simultaneously with
dominance related to operating frequency. However,
this now accepted conclusion took many years to prove
and arrived mostly through assorted experiments and
theoretical "adjustments" designed to strengthen
proposed theories.
After development of the refractometer,
incoherent scatter promoters saw the need to alter
Booker and Gordon's original proposal since the scale

of turbulence was larger than initially thought.

Gordon [1955] and Booker and deBettencourt [1955]
incorporated this change in modified theories;
furthermore, the latter provided experimental results
verifying their ideas. Later, however, de Belatini
[1959], Bolgiano [1958], and Rice, et al. [1967,
vol.2] challenged incoherent scatter based on

uncorrelated theoretical versus experimentally

derived wavelength dependencies (discussed in Chapter

Evidence supporting quasi-coherent scatter
includes a sizable effort from Crawford, Hogg, and

Kummer [1959]. Of particular note are the wavelength

dependence results [p. 1092] which, for intermediate

size layers, closely match theory to data, while

small layers, likened to single blobs, show poor

correlation. Additionally, with respect to fading

rates (Figure 33), these researchers show rather
smooth signal levels at UHF -- a difficult result for

incoherent scatter to explain, but causing no problem

in quasi-coherence. Yet, as Appendix E demonstrates,

quasi-coherent scatter (a reflection theory) is

insignificant beyond UHF since reflection
coefficients reduce substantially. Further, the

uncertainties of layer size, orientation, and motion

inject considerable guesswork in calculations.

Of scatter concepts as a whole, then,

Bullington asserts that they are

a statistical framework that can be adjusted by

arbitrary parameters to fit almost any consistent
experimental data and, in fact, the values of the
parameters have been changed significantly when
the need to accommodate unexpected experimental
results has arisen [Bullington, 1963, p. 2849].
Additionally, in a superb review of troposcatter
field tests, Cox [1969] provides several conclusions:
1. The most striking feature observed in all the
experiments is the wide range of variation in the
measured parameters for different time periods,
regardless of what the parameters are.

2. [SIimilar measurements were interpreted in

different ways.
3. (D~uring some time periods the atmosphere
appears to be in a state of nearly isotropic,
homogeneous, nonchanging (stationary) turbulence,

-t ac V6 GOMC

'° " I ________At

-120 I.
0 5 I0 IS 20 25 30 35 '0

" -, i...0...... I I i

-, W,
, ,PJ,,.I,.j 4110,.,

"11 1 1 'lP1fl I I I 'I 1 ' VA, I

1200 5 10 is 20 25 30 35 40

O -70
' I
,'-I %, , ' I46
,~ , I C VG



Source: Crawford, A.B., Hogg. D.C., and Kummer

W.H. "Studies in Tropospheric Propagation Beyond the
Horizon." The Bell System Technical Journal, vol.
38, no. 5 (September 1959), p. 1119.

Figure 33. Fading rates for UHF and SHF links over
the same path

• . but during other time periods the

turbulence may be anisotropic and/or
inhomogeneous and/or changing with time. During
still other time periods (often at night) the
atmosphere may tend toward a stable state with
the major irregularities being caused by
stratified layers having different
characteristics [Cox, 1969, p. 921].

In short, then, two shortcomings are noted. First,

experimenters are "guilty" of partiality to their

theory, and, second, the source of scattering is of
such unpredictability that complete theoretical
agreement is currently impossible. Ignoring the
first accusation, a closer look at the scattering

source is desirable.
Certainly the atmosphere is unpredictable.
In fact, in his recent (1988) book, Troposcatter

Radio Links, Roda is satisfied in concluding that two

types of discontinuities coexist within a
sufficiently large common volume: turbulent motion

comprising blobs, vortices, or eddies; and laminar

motion composed of feuillets or small reflecting

surfaces [p. 63]. Physical evidence supporting

small-scale turbulent motion is found in voluminous
refractometer profiles conducted over many years.
Furthermore, Hooke and Hardy [1975] have detected

thin, wavelike disturbances produced through gravity

waves, and Crane [1981] adds that newer radar systems

enable direct observation of such layers. Finally,


indirect evidence of dual discontinuities occurred as

far back as 1961 in Ortwein, Hopkins and Pohl's
multi-frequency measurements. Undoubtedly, then,
both incoherent scatter and quasi-coherent scatter

explain short wave, beyond the horizon propagation.

What remains is determination of the dominant
propagation mechanism. Waterman [19701 uses
generalized meteorological conditions to

differentiate the two. Sarkar, Dutta and Reddy

[1983] experimentally prove that the spectral slope

(m, see Appendix C), refractivity gradient, or

wavelength can be used as discriminators. Most

sources use frequency (wavelength) as the
differentiator; above a certain operating frequency
incoherent scatter will dominate. Cizne [1981, p.
656] shows the transition wavelength as

X = 2Lovsin(0/2) (3-2)

where Lov, the outer scale of turbulence,

dimensionally describes the largest eddies entering

the inertial subrange of Figure 15. Again, then,

uncertainty enters the picture as Lov will vary
depending on atmospheric conditions. Eklund and
Wickerts' [1968] tests place the transition between 1

and 3 GHz, while Monsen, et al. [1983] use a 2 GHz


By way of summary, Figure 34 shows signal

level variations versus frequency and distance for

(1) coherent scatter, (2) diffuse scatter, and (3)

incoherent scatter. (Coherent and diffuse scatter

add to give quasi-coherent scattering.)

db ____ ____ ___ 0____

.10 ___ -10__

0 "0

-4C 0t.


- .05 ____ ______

100 j00 1000 3000 Mc/s 100 Z00 300 500 1Ickm
Frequency Distance

Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 171.

Figure 34. Signal level variations for: (1) Coherent

scatter, (2) Diffuse scatter, and
(3) Incoherent scatter

Three conclusions may be drawn. First, the

transition frequency resides between 1 and 3 GHz

contingent on acmospheric conditions. Second, both

mechanisms have similar ranges. Finally, as will be

explained in Chapter 5, predictions would benefit


from using incoherent scatter received power

calculations as it provides a worst case approach.

Thus, uncertainty induced by the atmosphere

continues although great progress has transpired.

For some, years of theoretical work has been

fruitful; however, many sources state the need for

theoreticians to cease pursuit of a universal

approach, instead focusing on practical measures.

Some may argue that the methods offered in Chapter 5

supply such vehicles; however, until atmospheric

phenomena is completely determinable, it is likely

that some effort will persist.



4.1 Introduction
Although a complete understanding of

troposcatter remains elusive, this transmission

technique continues to enjoy world-wide use. Chapter
1 surveyed these applications; an excellent summary
of early troposcatter systems is provided by Gunther

[1966]. This chapter will summarize pertinent

characteristics of troposcatter transmission systems,

emphasizing those parameters directly influenced by

propagation. Specifically, it will highlight

attributes of interest to communications engineers,

providing typical values while describing expected

performance. Equipment will be discussed only when

enhancements, designed to reduce the effects of

degraded propagation, are possible.

4.2 Signal Level

Critical in evaluating the feasibility of a

transmission system to support communications

requirements is the received signal level (RSL).

Appendix B and Chapter 5 analyze RSL calculation.

This section looks at the distance and frequency

dependence, fading characteristics, and aperture-to-

medium coupling loss of troposcatter received

signals. Since the RSL is expressed as a statistical

median, this section will not emphasize the
"temporary" effects of diurnal, seascnal and

climatological influences. These events are covered

elsewhere in this treatment; however, their influence
cannot be understated.

4.2.1 Distance Dependence

Figure 35, derived experimentally, more

accurately depicts attenuation for the scatter loss

portion of Figure 2.1 It can be construed,
db db
UO - f-220 Mcs 150 f-3300 Mcs
h-lCOc m h-2OOm

.i 200 20C .

250 250

0 250 N0 750 km 1000 0 250 500 750 1000 k.


Source: du Castel, F. ,:opospheric RadIweV

propagatIon Ssyond tie Horizon. New York: ?ergamCn,
1966, p. 64.
Figure 35. Troposcatter loss with distance

IThe term "scatter loss" describes the loss

exceeding that of a free space, line-of-sight link;
it is more commonly used as attenuation relative to
free space.

therefore, that troposcatter links exhibit distance

dependence with losses ranging from 150 to 250 dB.
This dependence is difficult to express in simple
mathematical terms since different losses per unit

distance occur for different link ranges [Boithias

and Battesti, 1983, p. 658].2 For example, in 1960

the Joint Technical Advisory Committee (JTAC)

reported a 20 dB/100 statute miles loss for links of
100 to 300 miles, and 11 to 12 dB/100 miles in the

subsequent 200 to 300 miles ["Radio Transmission,"

1960, p. 35]. Most sources generalize to an inverse
power relationship such as the d -4 law (d, distance)
giying about 0.1 dB/km [David and Voge, 1969, p.

Other estimates are available. For links

covering 150 to 300 km, d- 5 ,5 may suffice for

antennas at zero degree elevation; however, an
additional loss following h- 2 , where h is the height

of the common volume, is included for antenna beams

above the horizon [Picquenard, 1974, p. 41].

Surprisingly, Sarkar, Dutta and Reddy [1983] found
distance exponents ranging from -7 to -13 for a 240
km, 2 Ghz link in India (median value not given).

2 Explainable
by multimode and/or simultaneous
incoherent and quasi-coherent scatter propagation.

This unexpected variability is attributed to changing

refractivity gradients.
Another method which uses angular distance

(8, the scatter angle) to predict loss was introduced

by Norton, Rice and Vogler (1955]; however, in some
instances (most notably, the influence of terrain)
calculations are unsatisfactory [du Castel, 1966, p.
67]. Regardless, Parl [1979] relates ranges of 8-2
to 9-6, and Flock [1979] provides Figure 36 showing
scatter loss as a function of angular distance for

900 MHz links. A correction factor, 10 log (f2 /900),

10 -
90 -
70 -

C 40-
30 f

10 -
0 I I I I 1I 1 1 I! 1 1 1 1I 1 I I ! 1 ! Il l l !

1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 50 70 100

Scattering angle. 9 (mrad)

Source: Flock, W.L. £1eectromagnetics and the
Environment: Remote Sensing and Telecommunications.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979, p.

Figure 36. Scatter loss as a function of scattering


provides additional loss in dB for any frequency, f2 ,

other than 900 MHz. Finally, note should be made


that for short links where smooth earth diffraction

can dominate (multimode), an exponential law may be
The mentioned high loss of troposcatter links
requires exceptionally precise antenna siting to
avoid attenuating obstructions while keeping
elevation angles at an absolute minimum. In

addition, compared to typical line-of-sight systems,

troposcatter links necessarily use 30 to 50 dB more
transmission power, receivers with nearly 12 dB more
sensitivity, and much larger antennas with aperture
diameters of up to 120 feet [Azurza, 1975, pp.

4.2.2 Frequency Dependence

Troposcatter links normally operate in the

250 to 6,000 MHz range (see Table 1). This domain is
limited by antenna size on the low end and absorption

and depolarization on the upper, although Crane

[1988] recently showed the feasibility of higher

operating frequencies [Hall and Barclay, 1989, p.

207]. Concerning the effect of frequency on signal
levels, it was shown above (through the correction

factor for angular distance dependence) and on Figure

34 that loss increases (RSL decreases) as frequency

increases. However, as Figure 37 discloses, this

30cblrret spre (C)

120 km

0 200/s

- -- 72mI

2 kmk L 20 Mi

0i 410
"-- I__ "I s

C _

S'urce: du Castel, F. rcpoapheric Aadiavav*

r:cpagation 9eyond th. MorIlzon. )4ew York: Per;aw,3A
19E6. P. 6,9.

Figure 37. The effect of frequency over similar


increase is subtle at lower frequencies (below 2.2

GHz in this instance). CCIR Report 238-5 (1986, pp.

377, 381] notes that troposcatter path attenuation

relative to free space generally obeys an fl law up

to 3 GHz. 3 Expressions for higher frequencies were

not found.
3 Similarly,
the ratio of power received
(including scatter loss) to the power one should
receive after free space loss only, Pr/Pfs, is
proportional to f 1 . One should be aware that the
exponent's sign will change when expressing this
ratio as signal level versus attenuation; discussion
uses attenuation relative to free space only.

Short-term variations of this general law are

known to exist, however, and Report 238-5 notes such
instances. As an example, two links in France

operating at 460 and 2220 MHz, observed f2 , 1% of the

time and fl, 99% of the time for the longer (325 km)
link. The shorter link (165 km) had a dependence of

fl.5, 1% of the time and fO.50 , 99% of the time. In

addition, Eklund and Wickerts [1968, p. 1068, their

Figure 3] revealed short-term frequency dependences
ranging from f2 to f-1/3 for a 259 km path at 1 and 3

GHz. Figure 38 clarifies short-term frequency

dependences by showing distributions for the
attenuation ratio of two frequencies traversing the
same path; agreement with Eklund and Wickerts is
As mentioned in Chapter 3, conflicts between

theoretical and experimentally derived frequency

dependence values (specifically, the exponent "n" of
fn) were an early source of controversy among
theoreticians. Depending on the turbulence model

used for incoherent scatter theories, attenuation

4 Again,
confusion may develop. In Figure 38
the attenuation ratio used corresponds to differences
in RECEIVED POWER between opposing frequencies.
Cited values by Eklund and Wickerts show ATTENUATION
WITH RESPECT TO FREE SPACE; hence, the exponents of X
on the far right of Figure 38, in Eklund and
Wickerts' terms, would change sign.

-100 km

-5 A'A'-
.4501000 4..

1 10 50 90 99%
Percentage of cases where the level exceeded the ordinate
Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave
Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 70.

Figure 38. Short-term effects of frequency. The

received power ratios 200/2000 Mc/s and
450/4000 Mc/s with their subsequent
attenuation coefficients are shown. In
terms applicable to discussion, a
fr gyency ependence range of about
f- 3 to f5 is depicted.

relative to free space was predicted to obey either

f 113 or fl laws [du Castel, 1966, p. 147; Rice, et

al., 1967, p. IV-7]. Likewise, quasi-coherent

scatter theory predicts exponent (n) values of either
2 or 4, although in the particular case of diffuse
reflection from intermediate size layers a value of 1

is obtainable [Eklund and Wickerts, 1968, p. 1067;

Crawford, Hogg, and Kummer, 1959, p. 1092].

Further, when short-term variations, as discussed

above, were noted, evidence mounted against a single,

dominant propagation mechanism.

Once both theories were incorporated and

theoreticians recognized the variability of

turbulence, these short-term fluctuations were

understandable. Consequently, the results of Sarkar,

Dutta, and Reddy's [19831 experiments on a 240 km

link in India are explainable. For a single

frequency (2 GHz), they report exponent values

ranging from -2.1 to -0.9 under mostly turbulent

conditions, and 0.4 to 2.5 during layered situations

(median values were not provided). Regardless, as

one can deduce from Figure 37 (attenuation relative

to free space), the long-term effect of frequency on

signal level will be generally small below 3 GHz, but

becomes important at higher frequencies.

4.2.3 Fading

Probably the most distinguishing parameter of

troposcatter propagation is the extreme fading

observed in the RSL. As discussed earlier,

scattering within the common volume directs portions

of energy toward the receiver; furthermore, the

nature of these scatterers is quite variable. As a

result, received signals, which are the sum of these

numerous reradiations, exhibit variations directly


related to the activity within the common volume. As

will be discussed, the RSL is then characterized by
short and long-term fluctuations about a median
value, and, in some instances, frequency selectivity
is observed. Fading is a critical concern for analog
communications systems; however, as discussed later
(Section 4.3), digital systems are troubled more by a

different parameter.
Due to the unpredictability of the
atmospheric phenomena responsible for fading,

expressions for these variations are rooted in

statistics. Common techniques depict cumulative
amplitude distributions over hourly periods while
stating the median value as that level equaled or
exceeded 50% of the time ["Radio Transmission," 1960,
p. 34]. Many RSL prediction techniques, detailed in
Chapter 5, heavily rely on these statistical
distributions. Additionally, while short and long-
term amplitude variations exhibit Rayleigh and log-
normal distributions respectively, the actual
instantaneous signal level is difficult to express
mathematically but may be presented graphically as

described in Panter [1972, pp. 365-369].

Generally speaking, short-term fading rates

will increase with frequency (see, for example,

Figure 33); however, this can be reduced by using

antennas with narrow beamwidths. Further, as later

highlighted in Section 4.5, long-term fading will

show diurnal, seasonal, and climatological dependency

[du Castel, 1966, p. 86; Crawford, Hogg, and Kummer,

1959, p. 1118]. Since fading can, at times, severely

impact transmission quality, techniques to improve

performance are essential. Among these, aiversity

reception offers the greatest utility. Short-Term Fading

Persistent short-term fades, much like

scintillation mentioned in Section 2.5.3, are the

"trademark" of troposcatter propagation. Fading

rates of a few per minute at VHF, 1 Hz at UHF, and

several (up to 20) Hz at SHF are not uncommon.

Studies of fading rates use statistical formats by

which the mean fading frequency has been shown to

vary "between 0.044 (exceeded for 99% of the time)

and 4.3 (exceeded for 1% of the time) times its

median value" [Hall, 1979, p. 142]. Additionally,

CCIR Report 238-5 shows that short-term fading rate

distributions vary as the hourly median RSL itself

changes (a long-term fade). In short, when the

median RSL falls above or below its median, fading


either decreases or increases respectively (CCIR,

1986, p. 384].
The amplitudes of short-term troposcatter
fades will closely conform to a Raleigh distribution.
This follows logically when one examines the cause of
rapid troposcatter fades. The numerous scatterers
within the common volume each provide individual

contributions which, upon arrival at the receiver,

add constructively or destructively to the RSL. In
this way, atmospheric multipath emerges, and due to
the randomness of the individual phase contributions,
a Raleigh distribution, as provided in Figure 39, is
established (Livingston, 1970, p. 121]. 5 Typically,

- t I.ll

I H+ , I111*

C csOal S i)0- 1 0O '

.0 Wu~607 s o " f" 14

Sczret FreetSLo, .a ign te,

SCr' 191 P,

Figure 39. Raleigh distribution showing short-term

troposcatter fading amplitudes
5 0ften,the term phase interference fading is
used instead of short-term or Raleigh fading; this
explains why [Peterson, et al., 1966, p. 51.

one can expect short-term fading amplitudes to exceed

the median by 5 dB, 10% of the time, while 90% of the
time the fade will not fall below 8 dB of the median;
30 dB fades are shown to occur less than 0.1% of the

time [Saxton, 1956, p. 588] Long-Term Fading

Short-term fades are superimposed on long-
term or power fades which feature cyclic changes on
the order of hours, days, and even seasons. The
primary cause is variations in the refractivity
gradient which will show high climatological

dependence, while operating frequency provides little

influence (Hall, 1979, pp. 139,11; Livingston, 1970,
p. 120; Bullington, 1955, p. 1179]. As the gradient
c' -nges, bending will essentially redefine the common
volume; hence, the number of scattering sources will

change. In addition, gradient fluctuations will

influence the intensity of individual scatterers
(related by the structure constant, CN 2 , in Appendix

C), and both situations will cause RSL deviations.

An additional cause of power fading is that
propagation mechanisms (multimode, incoherent
scatter, and quasi-coherent scatter) can change

[Rice, et al., 1967, vol. 1, p. 10-1].6 Figure 40

provides evidence of mechanism changes on a 350 km,
300 MHz path.
Long-term fading is usually expressed as an
hourly median which is derived from a "distribution
of the hourly medians over a period of at least one
full year" [Panter, 1972, p. 353]. When plotted on a
decibel scale, the hourly median loss (that is, the
value exceeding the long-term median) will display a
log-normal density function [Saxton, 1956, p. 588].
Figure 41 shows this function for a standard

deviation, Y, of 8 dB. Hall [1979, p. 140] notes

that depending on path length and climate, a typically
varies between 4 and 8 dB. This variation is
depicted with respect to angular distance, 0, in
Figure 42. Figure 43 provides the cumulative
distribution for several values of a. Interpreting,
for a standard deviation of 8 dB, the hourly median
value will exceed the long term median by 10 dB 10%

of the time, while 90% of the time it will not drop

below 10 dB of the same long term median.

6 Explainingmechanism changes, gradient

variations will cause bending that may enhance the
diffraction mechanism (multimode). Atmospheric
conditions may foster extensive stratification
(quasi-coherent scatter) or extreme turbulence
(incoherent scatter) [Watterman, 1970].

Is I




Source: du Castel, F. Troposph~eric Radiowave

Propagation Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, pp. 82, 83.
Figure 40. RSL at different times for a 350 kmn, 300
MHz path. (a) Specular dominant, quasi-
Coherent scatter; (b) and (c) Diffuse
dominant, quasi-coherent scatter; and (d)
Incoherent scatter.


oo, - -- - i / \

002 -.---

00; OOeb / :t:

0 0 .0 N 0Q q 0D N0
I T T I I I + + + + + + + +

-3(7 -2o- -10 +2. *30,

Scurce: Panter, P.F. Communication Systems

Design: Line-of-Sight and Tropo-Scatter Systems. St.
Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1972, p. 355.

Figure 41. Log-normal density function for F = 8 dB

I) 2 , ,, 50- 60 . -

L Mc raw-Hill, 2 p 3

a I ,
Fiur 42"ion < ,a , rying ith
Standard deviat,'I,

M~ra-Hit, I72,p. 358.

2. tanarddeviation, a3, varying with
angular distance, B

g tg 0 !Rca


II i I 1 1 11l l. V E
iii_ I_
I 1
i I N,

-HjIl~r.JZ 1I- I 0

0M 2O.~2 a R " O 0

Pelct'd of Time i , otO.:e 's e-ceeded

Sou.ee: 1ante-, P.7. Coa.Municarion Systems

Design: LI.,e-of-Sighe and Tropo-Sact*er Systers. St.
Louis: Mcrsw-MIll, 19?2, p. 357.

Figure 43. Log-normal cumulative distribution

function for various values of a Frequency Selective Fading

For troposcatter FDM-FM schemes (which still

comprise a sizable portion of in-use systems),

performance is also related to frequency selective
fading characteristics. Essentially, the transfer
function of a troposcatter channel, showing amplitude
with respect to frequency, reveals random variations

within the transmitted, RF, bandwidth. Although

close correlation among adjacent frequencies is

typical (the so-called "correlation bandwidth"),

independent fading occurs for frequencies

sufficiently separated.

Due to this independent fading, certain

subchannels may fade and intermodulation noise on the
baseband signal results. As a result, while not
cited as critical in analog techniques, digital data
transmitted on individual subchannels via low rate

modems will experience an error rate that cannot be

reduced. Bello [1969a, 1969b] and Bello and Ehrman

[1969] should be referenced for detailed information;

additionally, Section 4.3 further discusses frequency

selective fading. Diversity
While an obvious method to combat the effects
of fading would be to build in large power margins, a
more economical and less detrimental (more power
increases chances for interference) solution is

diversity reception. This well documented technique

provides substantial improvement with respect to
short-term and, to a lesser degree, frequency
selective fading. While several parameters are
available, the diversity principle remains the same:

separate signals over virtually the same path will

exhibit different short-term variations although
their mean levels are nearly identical [Boithias,

1987, p. 208]. The combination of the best of these

distinct signals results in improved overall



_ __ L I i 1RH$ 2"__ __ LEVEL ii


Source: Roda, G. Troposcatter Radio Links.

Norwood, Maine: Artech House, 1988, p. 84.
Figure 44. The diversity principle

performance as Figure 44 illustrates.

Clearly, the true value of diversity lies not in
the median gain (of a few decibels), but in the
fact that it flattens out the no-diversity
Raleigh distribution. With diversity, short-term
signal fluctuations are greatly reduced, leaving
only long-term variations to be contended with
[Panter, 1972, pp. 351,352].
Diversity reception is an indispensable tool for

troposcatter communications systems.

Diversity techniques may be physically
visible, termed explicit diversity, or inherent in

the channel itself, termed implicit diversity

(Monsen, 1980, p. 18]. Analysis will focus on
explicit techniques; Section 4.3 discusses implicit
diversity. Single, explicit techniques (often called
dual diversity) consist of the following:

a. When two or more antennas are sufficiently

separated, space diversity is established and
advantage is taken of the different signals
produced by slightly different common volumes
["Evaluation of FDM and FM Systems," 1983,
pp. 12-11, 12-12] .

b. Frequency diversity uses .different

frequencies which cause scatterers to
reradiate at differing phases ["Evaluation of
FDM and FM Systems," 1983, pp. 12-11,12-12].
c. Polarization diversity, which uses separate
polarizations (horizontal and vertical),
provides limited improvement unless used in
conjunction with space diversity [Monsen, et
al., 1983].

d. Angular diversity incorporates separate

feedhorns on a single antenna; however, "the
upper beam from the antenna generally
receives a slightly lower mean level"
[Boithias, 1988, p. 209].

e. Finally, time diversity may be of benefit if

real-time transmission is not essential

[Hall, 1979, p. 147].

The use of two techniques simultaneously is termed

quad diversity.

While each technique offers both benefits and

shortcomings, space and frequency diversity are most

often used. Both techniques add certain equipment

(receivers, diplexers, combiners, waveguide, etc) to

the transmission system; however, space diversity

costs are generally higher due to the additional

antenna(s). Conversely, frequency diversity may be

difficult as it increases spectrum use. Regardless

of whether space or frequency diversity is used,

adequate parameter separation is essential. Formulas

to derive this separation stem from correlation

analysis. 7 Correlation coefficients describing the

degree of independent signal fades with respect to

one another will range from 1 (fully correlated) to 0

(no correlation). While sources disagree over

expected values, acceptable diversity occurs at

values as high as 0.6 [Engineering Considerations,

1972, p. 57; Roda, 1988, p. 851.

From the correlation coefficient, a scale

length, 1 in meters, is derived. Horizontal

separation distances for troposcatter space diversity

antennas are then given by

Ah = 0.36{D 2 + 4(1)2}1/2 (4-1)

superb example is found in Monsen, et, al.
(1983] for a quad diversity (dual space, dual
polarization) tactical military system.

where D is the antenna diameter in meters.

Typically, 1, for horizontal space diversity, will be

about 20 m. For frequency diversity,

Af = (1.44f/Od) (D2 + 12)1/2 (4-2)

is used with f, being the operating frequency in MHz;

0, the scattering angle, in mrad; d, path length, in
km; and 1 approximately 15 m in this case. Caution
is advised in using these expressions below 1 GHz
[CCIR, 1986, pp. 381,382]. As a general rule, a
horizontal space separation of 100k or a frequency
separation of 2% or more suffices [Roda, 1988, p.

The diversity improved RSL is realized
through a combiner which can be of several
configurations ["Evaluation of FDM and FM Systems,"
1983; "Tropospheric Scatter," 1979].

a. Simplest is the selector or switching

combiner which selects then switches to the

receiver having the best signal. Therefore,
the selector method is not a combiner per se,
and since it does not combine receiver

outputs, it is the poorest performer of

combining techniques.

b. An equal qain combiner adds contributing

signals to provide a single output. Provided
individual signals are all within about 6 dB

of one another, equal gain combiners

outperform selector combiners. However,
under deep fades (about 30% of the time)
equal gain combiners are less effective
unless the poorer performing path's receiver
is squelched.
c. Finally, the optimum ratio, ratio squared,
variable gain, or maximal ratio combiner also

adds individual signals but only after

conditioning circuitry manipulates individual
receiver inputs. The manipulation is in
proportion to the noise contributions of

separate signals. Ultimately, a portion of

the weaker signal(s) is added to the
strongest signal giving the best performance
of all combining techniques.
Figure 45 compares the performance of these
methods for (left) dual diversity and (right) quad

diversity. Generally, dual diversity will yield 4 dB

improvement 50% of the time and 17 dB, 0.1% of the
time. Quad diversity improves performance to about 7

and 27 dB respectively under the same time


Is 402, T 44 U

re I Q)4t
"T~: 2 1L

I /A

7 _1

--Tl--K I-I-= r -; t~co



U0 1.0

Ii II U) 0
- ~.L0

13m4wH2l M oo 73 3.4 10081 of


percentages [Panter, 1972, pp. 18,19]. Studies in

diversity and combining techniques enjoy voluminous
treatment; excellent initial sources include Roda

[1988] and Panter [1972].

4.2.4 Aperture-to-Medium Coupling Loss

Completing the components that impact the RSL

is aperture-to-medium coupling loss (coupling loss).
This term, first coined by Booker and deBettencourt
[1955], describes 'he apparent degradation of
theoretical gain for large aperture, troposcatter
antennas. Generally, this degradation occurs only
for antennas with gains exceeding 30 dB, and shows
little distance dependence between 150 to 500 km

[Boithias and Battesti, 1983, p. 662]. Discovery of

this oddity, unique to troposcatter, was
comparatively recent since it becomes appreciable
only at apertures exceeding a hundred wavelengths
which are, currently, physically realizable at
microwave frequencies or higher [Crawford, Hogg, and

Kummer, 1959, p. 1080].

A widely accepted explanation of coupling
loss is provided by Booker and deBettencourt [1955]
with subsequent improvements by Boithias and Battesti

(1983]. Figure 46 helps this discussion; however, a

more realistic view incorporates a common volume full

Source: Gordon, W.E. "A Simple Picture of

Trcpospheric Radio Scattering." ITR Transactions on
Communications Systems, vol. CS-4, no.1 (March 1956),
p. 99.

Figure 46. Coupling loss illustration

of scatters with the majority in the lower portion of

the volume. Nevertheless, one would expect

proportional gain at the receiver, R, as antenna

beamwidths decrease from PL to PC- However, as PC

decreases to PS, the antenna gain increase is

countered by a decrease in scatterers. In essence,

less scatterers are illuminated and therefore less

scatterers participate in reradiation. Other

explanations that focus on wavefront distortions due

to antenna proximity to terrain and anisotropic

turbulence have been discussed by Freeman [1987),

Picquenard [1974], and Staras [1957]. Regardless,

the work of Boithias and Battesti [1983], recognized

in CCIR Report 238-5, provides predictions shown

experimentally as quite adequate; however, when

incorporated in overall link predictions, Parl [1979]


reveals substantial shortcomings in these empirically

derived methods (see Section 5.3.6).
Sources use several techniques with which to

calculate coupling loss. Two will be presented here.

Boithias and Battesti [1983] conclude that Figure 47

(empirically derived) can be used for 150 to 500 km
links. If, for example, transmit and receive

I. . . . _. . . ..

a. A/

I ____ ______N

Surn o: nttn &gains imfiec ip-. 0 G, (dB)

eirce.: 3o~thlaS, 1. Aedlo W&a. Pro#pAaicn.

St. bout$? M1eraw-Mll, 1 S?, p. 210.

Figure 47. Graphic method for coupling loss


antennas have a cumulative free space gain of 80 dB

(40 dB for each antenna), the effective gain (Geff)

is about 74 dB representing a 6 dB coupling loss.

Another method provides

Ag = 0.07 exp{0.055(Gt + Gr)} (4-3)

with transmit and receive antenna gains, Gt and Gr

respectively, given in dB. For the same example
mentioned above, coupling loss, Ag, computes to 5.7

dB. Expression 4-3 is limited to individual antenna

gains of 55 dB, and both antennas should exhibit
similar gain. Notably, coupling loss decreases above
path lengths of 500 km, and vanishes above 1000 km
[Roda, 1988, pp. 71, 72].
An interesting comparison of practical
importance results from discussion thus far. It is
well known that there is a basic transmission loss

between isotropic antennas in free space (see

Appendix B); further, antennas exhibit a free space
gain depending on aperture size. Finally,

troposcatter coupling loss combines with these

events, all of which show direct frequency

relationships, to produce Figure 48. In this manner,

optimum antenna selection for a chosen operating
frequency is possible by weighing relative RSL

benefits with the costs incurred by larger apertures

(Boithias, 1987, pp. 212,213; Hall, 1979, pp.


+10 '--


-0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10

Frequency (GHz)
Source: Boithias, L. Radio Wave Propagation.
St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1987, p. 212.

Figure 48. Relative RSL comparison for antennas of

different diameters for troposcatter
links. Comparative reference set at 0
dB for two, 10 m antennas at 1 GHz.

4.3 Multipath Delay Spread

Multipath, which has been mentioned briefly

several times, is the cause of many detrimental

effects. These include fast fading or scintillation,
bandwidth reduction (as will be discussed in Section
4.4), and delay spread. Multipath describes the
slightly delayed arrival of portions of the

transmitted wave. Therefore, individual rays of

varying amplitude and phase arrive simultaneously and

contribute in a positive manner, adding to the vector


sum of all arriving rays, or detrimentally, depending

on phase relationships. They can be produced by

partial reflection from refractivity gradient

discontinuities, specular or diffuse ground
reflections, and, always present in troposcatter,
scattering from a number of randomly disposed
inhomogeneities within the common volume (atmospheric
multipath) [Freeman, 1987, p. 18]. In short,

the power scattered at different positions in

space arrive at the receiving antenna at
different times, due to the various path lengths
involved. This can be detected as the broadening
of a transmitting pulse [Gjessing and McCormick,
1974, p. 1330].
This broadening, termed delay spread, can

catastrophically impact high speed digital

Delay spread, sometimes called multipath-

spread, differential-delay, or time-smear, measures

"the duration of the channel impulse response, or .
the maximum delay difference between the first and
last significant path" [Baghdady, 1970, p. 3]. It

can be affected by frequency, antenna diameter, path

length, and scattering angle [Monsen, et al., 1983,

p. 6-11]. Representative values range from 50 to 370

ns although 1 us widths have been experimentally

shown to occur [Lemmon, 1989, p. 30-6]. Figure 49

depicts typical delay scattering regions, note how


0 00
Ai l r ;

r4) I On

1"4 2 0

0 c
I-cJ --

different portions of the common volume (shaded

region) contribute different path delays. Notably,
spread values exhibit seasonal variations due mainly
to changes in the structure constant, CN2 (see
Appendix C) [Monsen, et al., 1983, p. 6-11].
Measurement techniques for delay spread are discussed
by Lemmon [1989].
The formation of delay spread in a
troposcatter link is simplistically depicted in
Figure 50. A short transmitted pulse (impulse)


A~krpeO rrcm: Xoda. Z. frocpaie,r Radlo 1.1ks.

Nc.-ead. g~A:.ch )tc*4s.194 p. IA.; 4o~ gr A.,
T'@yte@ht.P.J. * Ler:. G., LSVit1%St*fl.
C.C. and
WSeLA~j9"2ir. P.. *A.M/~--C tr.tia' LiA Snf.fecr-4

d.fCrd , '48., 11 Jan :S95. 5.


Figure 50. Development of the delay power spectrum


scattered by the common volume will be received as

gn(T) (the power impulse response) with a width much

greater than that transmitted; amplitude will also be

distorted. A subsequent pulse, transmitted shortly

after the first, will exhibit a similar shape since
high speed transmission rates greatly exceed short-

term fading rates. However, additional received

pulses will eventually change shape and the average,

Q(T), of all impulse responses establishes the delay

power spectrum.
The spectrum width is commonly expressed as

twice the rms spread, or the 20 spread, of the delay

power spectrum. Typical values were given
previously; theoretical values incorporate formidable
expressions rooted in the work of Bello [1969a] and
well summarized by Freeman [1987] (see Section
5.3.10).8 Most importantly, however, the impact of
delay spread is essentially the widening of received

pulses. Thus, components which arrive late will

spill over into adjacent time slots creating
intersymbol interference (ISI), and, ultimately,
degrading bit error rate (BER) [Freeman, 1987, p.
216]. It is significant to note that the delay power
8 The
interested reader would do well to
reference IEEE Transactions on Communications
Technology, vol. COM-17, no. 2 (April 1969) in which
much of Bello's work is conveniently packaged.

spectrum (a time domain representation) relates to

the correlation bandwidth (a frequency domain

expression) through Fourier transformation [Bello,
1969a, p. 130]. While the correlation bandwidth
limits analog capabilities (see Sections and
4.4), the delay power spectrum can be exploited by

digital schemes in a unique way.

In Section it was shown that FDM-FM

systems which have RF bandwidths that exceed the

medium's correlation bandwidth would experience
frequency selective fades on certain subchannels.

This can now be explained as due to multipath since

multipath establishes the delay power spectrum which
is known to be the Fourier transform of expressions

for the correlation bandwidth. In this way,

multipath is thought of as detrimental to

troposcatter communications systems. However, if one

were to take advantage of multipath in which

different portions of the frequency band fade

independently, a form of diversity, implicit
frequency diversity, emerges. Similarly, since
identical information will arrive over a spread in

time, implicit time diversity is also possible

[Monsen, 1980, p. 18; Roda, 1988, p. 101]. Hence,
although multipath can induce severe problems in both

analog and digital transmission, it can, through

rather clever techniques, be used to actually improve

digital transmission.
A variety of techniques are available through
which implicit diversity as well as ISI reduction is
realized. Roda [1988, pp. 100-103] lists several.
Additionally, Monsen [1980] provides a general

description of probably the most widely used

troposcatter technique, adaptive processing. The
basic principle behind adaptive processing is that
successive pulses differ very little from one another
due to the relatively slow, short-term fading rates
(slow with respect to transmitted data rates) of the
medium. Incoming pulses are compared with previous

ones through adaptive equalizers, correlation

filters, or maximum likelihood detectors and pulse
shapes are corrected as the processor "adapts" to

fade induce distortions. The net effect is to

minimize ISI while adding diversity improvement
(implicit frequency and time). Roda [1988, p. 185]
mentions that adaptive processors are available that
can support up to 12 Mbps, exceeding typical
correlation bandwidths; furthermore, although high in
cost, the improvement is well worth the expense.

A preeminent example of the benefits gained

through adaptive processing is given by the Raytheon

distortion adaptive receiver (DAR) used on the
transportable military AN/TRC-170 troposcatter
terminal. Two time-gated information-bearing
waveforms are transmitted on separate frequencies

(subcarriers). Through time interleaving, the

transmitted frequency is of nearly constant amplitude
allowing 3 dB improvement over traditional, single-
gated schemes. Distorted received pulse shapes are
reformatted through the adaptive process described

above and ISI can be circumvented up to a certain

delay spread value, contingent on data rates.
Finally, implicit diversity improvement is provided
as multipath delay spread worsens (again, up to
certain delay spread values). On Figure 51 three
delay spread profiles are provided. The AN/TRC-170,
operating between 4.4 and 5 GHz, 2 kW, quad explicit
diversity, 1.024 Mbps, with 9.5 ft antennas will
support total transmission losses of 237.4 dB for
profile (A), 240 dB for (B), and 241.1 dB for (C)
(Freeman, 1987, p. 218]. Discussion of the
intricacies of the Raytheon DAR modem is provided by
Monsen, et al. [1983].



oe~a) ,n Psec

Source: Freeman, R.L. Padio System Design for

Telecomunications (1-200 GMz). New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1987, p. 218.

Figure 51. Delay spread profiles. (A) 65 ns,

(B) 190 ns, (C) 380 ns

Current trends in communications systems

probably dictate greater emphasis on digital

performance. However, for digital troposcatter,

sources are limited, consisting mainly of military
sponsored research. Additionally, the in-place

commercial communications infrastructure consists

mainly of line-of-sight networks rapidly being

augmented by fiber technology. For this reason,

research material in troposcatter will probably never
provide the multitude of documents typifying early
work. Furthermore, with respect to troposcatter

propagation (the thrust of this thesis), dated

material maintains significance, regardless of the


transmission scheme. Simply, no matter how

sophisticated terminal peripherals may be, systems

will always require RSLs above threshold to operate.

Regardless, the impact of digital equipment

peripherals, such as adaptive processors, has

rejuvenated troposcatter systems through exploitation

of otherwise detrimental propagation effects. The

subsequent discussion on bandwidth will further

amplify this assertion.

4.4 Bandwidth

Another parameter of interest is the capacity

or bandwidth of troposcatter systems. Generally

speaking, the transmittable bandwidth is related to

climatology and distance [CCIR, 1986, p. 385].

Additionally, some original work by Booker and

deBettencourt (1955] identified improved bandwidth

performance with higher gain antennas. Figure 52

provides a broad look at bandwidth availability as a

function of distance and free space antenna gain.

Within several hundred kilometers, bandwidths of 3 to

4 MHz are typical; however, variability is noted.

Although limited in capacity, analog troposcatter

systems can provide multichannel operations, up to

120 commercial grade voice subchannels. Further, a

demonstration of the ability of troposcatter to


a Ro 0 60 goo

p. 45

Figure 52. Useable bandwidth as a function of

distance and antenna gain

support television transmission was provided as early

as 1953 by Tidd [1955). Adaptive processing has, on
the other hand, diminished the limitations of
bandwidth on digital troposcatter schemes allowing
data rates exceeding 10 Mbps.
Explaining the comparatively small capacity

of an analog troposcatter channel, one must again

look at the propagation mechanism. Atmospheric
multipath, produced by the random disposition of

common volume scatterers, causes time variations in

portions of the received signal. This, as mentioned,


introduces frequency selective fading in the

frequency domain and delay spread in the time domain.

Within the correlation bandwidth, frequency selective

fading is not a concern since "all the frequency

components of a signal would maintain substantially

fixed relative amplitude and phase relationships and

fluctuate practically in step" [Baghdady, 1970, p.

31. This correlation bandwidth is an attribute of

the propagation mechanism, and, as such, it is

limited by the dimensions of the common volume.

If the transmitted bandwidth exceeds the

correlation bandwidth, intermodulation noise on the

analog baseband signal increases, decreasing system

performance [Panter, 1972, p. 488]. Likewise, delay

spread increases, and unless adaptive processing is

used, ISI increases on digital systems. Either the

correlation bandwidth or delay spread can therefore

be used to determine bandwidth. Additionally, due to

the volatile nature of the scatterers within the

common volume, it should be evident that bandwidth

will exhibit variability. This gives rise to the

notion of an instantaneous bandwidth, and, therefore,

a distribution of bandwidths as depicted in Figure 53

(du Castel, 1966, p. 72].


0 2

8_ _ 5
2300 Mc15
300,km 10
1 10 50 .90 99%

Source: du Castel, F. Tropospheric Radiowave

Propagaticn Beyond the Horizon. New York: Pergamon,
1966, p. 71.

Figure 53. Distribution of bandwidths. (2.3 GHz,

300 km, 20 m Antennas)

Calculating bandwidth is a simple matter as

Hall [1979, p. 144] and Picquenard [1974, p. 43]
show. If At represents the difference in time

between the arrival of the longest and shortest

reradiated rays, the bandwidth is 1/At. One can use
the 2a figure of the delay power spectrum as At and
will get a worst case capacity of 2.7 MHz for 370 ns
and a best case bandwidth of 20 MHz for 50 ns.
Modern test equipment readily provides 2a values;
however, earlier techniques, such as that used by

Crawford, Hogg, and Kummer [1959], relied on

frequency-sweeps that provided frequency domain
representations. Additionally, Gordon [1955]

furnishes a way to theoretically calculate bandwidth

through trigonometry.

Mentioned distance and antenna gain

dependence also merit treatment. Distance dependence

is easily explained: as path length increases, common
volume dimensions increase, and, therefore, so does

At (bandwidth decreases). For antenna gain, large

beamwidth (low gain) antennas illuminate a large
volume with numerous scatterers. As beamwidths
decrease, less scatters participate and At therefore
decreases (bandwidth increases). However, as Section
4.2.4 discusses, coupling loss develops for antennas
with 30 dB or more gain; therefore, gain is

sacrificed for bandwidth and the engineer must

balance the two for an optimum mix [Booker and

DeBettencourt, 1955, p. 289; Boithias, 1987, p. 213].
Concluding, it is interesting to note that
bandwidth, once isolated as the major impediment to
troposcatter applications, has diminished in
significance for digital systems due to adaptive
processing (see Section 4.3). Through adaptive
equalization and implicit diversity, competitive data
rates are available. The primary limiter now is
power: energy-per-bit to noise power density ratios

(Eb/No), critical in BER performance (see Section

5.3.11), is directly influenced by transmitter power

and this is physically limited by klystron

capabilities [Monsen, 1980].

4.5 Diurnal, Seasonal, Climatic, and Meteorological


This final section focuses on the conditions

or variables under which propagation takes place and

the impact of those variables on several of the
previously mentioned parameters. It may help to
define the variables to be discussed:
a. Diurnal variations describe daily changes in
link parameters.
b. Seasonal variations describe seasonal (e.g.

summer to winter) changes in link parameters.

c. Climatic variations describe the regional

differences in parameter values. These are

provided in terms of geographical zones or
latitude. Appendix F describes the climatic

zones considered under troposcatter

d. Meteorological variations describe weather's
influence on link parameters.
Close relationships characterize several of these
variations; for this reason, climatic variations are

not discussed separately but are included with


diurnal and seasonal variations. Discussion will

clarify this treatment.
Regardless of the variable considered, the

cause of parameter variation is rooted in atmospheric

phenomena. In general, three cases are cited:
a. Propagation mechanisms may change. Depending

on conditions, scatterers within the common

volume may resemble small, random, turbulent
eddies that produce incoherent scatter
thereby increasing short-term fades while
possibly lowering the median RSL.
Conversely, under stratification, scatterers
may arrange themselves into layers that

promote quasi-coherent scatter which provides

higher median RSLs and less scintillation.

b. The entire path may be influenced by

refractivity gradient changes which will,

through wave bending, alter the position of

the common volume. Since there are more

scatterers at lower heights the median RSL

may improve or degrade. Additionally, on

shorter paths, multimode propagation

9 From
Figures 33 and 40 it is evident that
incoherent scatter (dominant above about 2 GHz) fades
more rapidly. Similarly, from Figure 34 and 40 it is
evident that incoherent scatter provides lower RSLs
below about 2 GHz.

(Appendix A) may occur or diffraction may

dominate. Finally, the intensity of the
scatterers within the common volume, as
measured by the structure constant (CN2 , see
Appendix C), will change as the gradient

changes and RSL is effected.

c. Substantial variations in the refractivity

gradient may introduce anomalous propagation;

while enhancements are possible, normally,
RSL will degrade and short-term fading will
Discussion will show how variables can instigate

these events during propagation. For consistency

(and for ease of analysis), RSL deviations bear the

brunt of parameter analysis. Literature more

commonly uses long-term fading, transmission loss, or
attenuation from a median value in similar studies.

4.b.1 Diurnal Variations

Daily variations in both RSL and short-term

fading rates typify troposcatter links. Generally

speaking, the RSL will be lowest in the afternoon and
highest in the early morning. For desert climates,
hourly median differences of 20 dB between these

extremes are common. Temperate zones can show a 10

dB swing; however, equatorial regions exhibit nearly

insignificant changes [Bothias and Battesti, 1983, p.

658; CCIR, 1986, p. 3771.

An example of diurnal RSL variation is
provided in Figure 54. This link (2 GHz, 240 km in

- 1390


00 04 08 12 Is 20

0 I 10 20 50 80 90 99
Source: Sarkar, S.K., Dutta, H.N., and Reddy,
B.M. "Development of a Prediction Technique for
Tr:po-Path Loss from Observed Transhorizon
Propagation Characteristics over India." 7hird
international Conference on Antennas and Propagation
(IC..P 83), Part 2: Propagation, institution of
E-ectrical Engineers, London (1983), p. 231.

Figure 54. Diurnal RSL and surface refractivity, Ns,

variation. (2 GHz, 240 km link in India)

India) shows swings of 30 dB. Fading rates are also

known to vary diurnally, and this is illustrated in

Figure 55. While RSLs are lower in the afternoon,

fading rates are higher as expected for incoherent

scatter dominance (see case fa) above) [Sarkar,

Dutta, and Reddy, 1983].


22 I

20 1



00 I .I I I I
03 04 06 12 16 20 CIO
Source: Sarkar. S.K., D,.tta, M .., and F*edy,
3... "-*velcpmeeF cf a Fredicticn Techrqnje tcr
Tropc-1ath Lcs frcm Observed Transhcr!zon
Frcapaticn Characterstics cver India." Third
2nteruatirnaI Conferente cn Antennas and Fr:pagaticn
(ICP 83), ;!rt 2: ProcFa9ticn, InS ttin of
Etectrical Engineers, L.7dn (1983), p. 232.

Figure 55. Diurnal fading rates. (2 GHz, 240 km

link in India)

The causes of diurnal RSL and short-term

fading deviations are explained mostly through case

(a), with some contributions by case (b). Probably

of greatest significance, as mentioned in Section
2.4.1, daily solar heating increases turbulent

activity with convection currents bringing turbulent

eddies to higher levels; therefore, incoherent

scatter occurs. Nighttime movement is obviously

reduced and this would increase the likelihood of

quasi-coherent scatter. Case (b) is also likely to

occur on a diurnal basis. It was demonstrated in

Section that daily K-factor (therefore,


refractivity gradient) variations are common.

Therefore, the combination of cases (a) and (b),

brought on by routine atmospheric phenomena (some of

which are cited here), contribute to daily RSL and

fading variations.

4.5.2 Seasonal Variations

As with diurnal variations, seasonal
variations in RSL vary with climate. In temperate
zones, RSLs are lower by as much as 15 dB for 150 to
250 km paths in the winter than in the summer.
(Notably, diurnal RSL variations are also lower in
the winter [CCIR, 1986, p. 377].) The opposite is
true for desert regions where RSLs are lowest during
the hottest season. Tropical zones exhibit minimum
RSLs during the rainy season, whereas monsoon

climates provide lowest RSLs during the rainy and dry

seasons. In all cases, the influence of seasonal
variation diminishes with path distance [Boithias and
Battesti, 1983, p. 658]. For purposes of analysis,

seasonal variations are divided among eight time

blocks as provided in Table 4; time block 2 is most
often used as it provides worst case figures for
temperate climates [Freeman, 1975, p. 267].

Table 4. Seasonal Variation Time Blocks

Number Month Hours
1 Nov-Apr 0600-1300
2 Nov-Apr 1300-1800
3 Nov-Apr 1800-2400
4 May-Oct 0600-1300
5 May-Oct 1300-1800
6 May-Oct 1800-2400
7 May-Oct 0000-0600
8 Nov-Apr 0000-0600
Source: Freeman, R.L. Telecommunication Transmission
Handbook. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975, p. 267.

An example of seasonal RSL variation for a

4.1 GHz, 171 mile link in the northeastern portion of

the U.S. is given in Figure 56. Also depicted is a


Lit . i.- . -

> 320


1956 1957

Source: Crawford, A.S., Mog. D.C., and Kumm er

W.H. "Studies in Tropospheric Propagation Beyond th~e
Morizon." The Bell SysteU Techntical Journal, vol.
38, no. 5 (September 1959). p. 1CSS.
Figure 56. Seasonal RSL, temperature, and surface
refractivity variations. (4.1 GHz, 171
mile link in northeastern U.S.)

close correlation between RSL and surface

refractivity, Ns. This analysis may be misleading
since changes in the refractivity gradient along the
entire path and within the common volume, as in case

(b), explain seasonal variations10

To clarify, one may analyze any region where
certain months display higher humidity and
temperature. Humidity (the measure of water vapor
content) and temperature variations will effect
refractivity as noted in expression (2-3). Water
vapor variations are by far the largest contributor;

therefore, during periods of high humidity

refractivity will increase. Evidently, this increase
(or a subsequent seasonal decrease) is not
proportionally distributed with height and,

therefore, the refractivity gradient, AN/Ah, differs

from its median (-40 N units/km for the first
kilometer of height). Super-refraction will occur
(displacing the common volume downward where more

scatterers are found), and scatterer intensity as

10 From Figures 54 and 55, one might conclude

that surface refractivity is a reasonable indicator
of RSL deviations. In numerous situations, it is
[Bean and Dutton, 1966]. However, one must remember
that troposcatter propagation is influenced by
gradient changes along the path and within the common
volume; therefore, the refractivity gradient and
structure constant are the best measurable indicators
of RSL deviations.

well as population will increase. The cumulative

result of super-refraction and scatterer variations
is improved RSLs during more humid periods. CCIR
Report 563-3 [1986] provides evidence of seasonal
gradient variation in Figures 5 through 8 of that
report. In short, seasonal variations within the

atmosphere alter the refractivity-gradient generating

a case (b) situation.

Finally, the distance dependence (less

seasonal influence with longer path distance) is

explained through the displacement of the common
volume to greater heights as path distance increases

[Boithias, 1987, p. 208]. Although gradient changes

may reduce this height, less scatterers are present

than for a comparable shorter link. In effect, a

change in RSL will occur for both links (in this

case, an increase) but will be proportionally less

for the longer of the two.

4.5.3 Meteorological Variations

Research provided little material addressing

the effects of weather on troposcatter performance.

Most efforts concern the diurnal and seasonal

deviations mentioned above. This is predictable;

theoreticians and engineers are more concerned with

long-term performance. However, users express

concern only when the system fails to support

requirements. Assuming proper equipment maintenance,
the engineer must be aware of the weather conditions
sponsoring degradations, and, somehow, he must
explain this to the user. This section will attempt
to help the engineer in this unenviable position.
Discussion thus far has described typical

diurnal and seasonal climatic variations. The

introduction of temporary weather effects may,
however, radically alter traditional performance.
While there are a variety of weather phenomena,

analysis boils down to refractivity; specifically,

anomalous propagation. Section discussed

anomalous propagation, a brief summary follows:

a. Subrefraction - When the refractivity
gradient exceeds the norm (greater than -40 N

units/km) wave bending is decreased.

b. Super-refraction - When the refractivity
gradient is less than the norm (less than -40
N units/km) wave bending is increased.

c. Ducting - As gradient values less than -157 N

units/km are encountered, surface or elevated
ducting occurs.

Any one of these events will signal the onset of case

(c) degradations (or possibly enhancements, but these

will be ignored). The key is to determine the

weather event(s) that produces these anomalies. Such

events were also briefly discussed in Section This treatment will include that

information with some amplification. Subrefraction

Under Type A conditions (surface temperatures

exceeding 3 0 0 C and relative humidity below 40%),

convection currents will raise layers of high

humidity and, therefore, water vapor concentrates at

increased heights. This most ofter. occurs in the

late afternoon. Type B conditions (surface

temperature between 100 and 300 C and humidity

exceeding 60%) will occur mostly in the early morning

"in constant trade wind and sea breeze areas where

differential heating Jr land and sea results in

advection of air which is warmer and more humid than

the normal surface layer" [Brauburger, 1979, p. 27].

liThe conditions producing super-refraction

can, depending on severity, invoke surface ducts.
Additionally, the simultapeous occurrence of sub- and
super-refractive conditions may create elevated
ducts. In both instances, propagation can deviate
substantially and degrade troposcatter performance.
Section should be referenced for further
information on ducting.

It's apparent that Type B conditions also occur when

weather fronts are present. The net effect of Type A

or B conditions is an increase in density, primarily

water vapor content, with height producing an

increase in the refractivity gradient. This action

will redefine the common volume to higher levels

where scatterer population decreases [Brauburger,

1979]. Super-Refraction

Figure 8 indicates that within the

troposphere temperature normally decreases with

height. If, however, "cooler air either passes over

or develops over a warm body of water or over warm

moist soil" a temperature inversion will occur

[Brauburger, 1979, p. 24]. Hence, temperature rises

with altitude producing large density decreases with

height. This can occur at night as the water or

ground cools faster than the air, or can occur

anytime a cold front moves into an area. Another

weather phenomenon, subsidence, develops when the dry

a r mass of a high pressure system slowly settles

from high altitude. "This air mass is warmed by

adiabatic compression, over-laying and trapping a

cooler air mass saturated by surface moisture"

[Brauburger, 1979, p. 25]. In both instances,


density decreases with height much more than normal.

This will decrease the refractivity gradient, more
bending will occur, and troposcatter propagation can
be severely degraded. Clues toward recognizing
super-refractive conditions include cold front

activity and low altitude layering of smoke, haze, or

mist [Brauburger, 1979].
From a more general perspective, it should be
apparent that weather fronts can provide poor
propagation conditions. Albrecht [1967] reports RSL
decreases by as much as 24 dB with the passage of
cold fronts (900 MHz, 278 km link). Occlusions,
formed as a cold front overtakes a warm front,
provide similar effects, Additionally, thunderstorms
within the common volume produce results much like a

cold front. Since rain attenuation at troposcatter

frequencies is, for the most part, negligible,
thunderstorm degradation is better described by case
(b): as the storm moves through the common volume,
gradient changes will alter the intensity of the

scatterers. On the other hand, compared to cold

fronts, warm fronts have a less pronounced influence.

Speculatively, if a link is located on a slow moving

or stationary front, prolonged degradation is likely.

Summarizing, a variety of weather effects

influence troposcatter propagation; however, the key

determinant is refractivity gradient changes. Thus,

determining meteorological influences on troposcatter

propagation is difficult. Accurate real-time

analysis is hampered by the need to accumulate and

correlate RSL and gradient data. Additionally, using
visual or generalized indicators such as haze layers,

fronts, costal breezes, and subsidence is, at best,

guesswork. Finally, while surface refractivity
measurements are easily obtained and known to

correlate with RSL deviations, noted limitations (du

Castel [1966, p. 80] and Hall [1979, p. 180])
introduce speculation that prohibits complete
reliability (see also footnote 10, this chapter).
The accumulation of more empirical studies, termed
radiometeorology, is neatly summarized in CCIR Report

563-3; however, the focus is rather general, and not

specific to troposcatter propagation.

The author has, on several occasions,

experienced the frustrations of weather oriented
degradations on tactical military systems. Links

that normally performed well were degraded for

periods of several days, and, at least from a
military perspective, this is unacceptable. In this

situation, analysis is worthless: operations were

conducted regardless of the predicament faced by

communications personnel; furthermore, in austere

locations, meteorological data giving gradient

behavior is unobtainable. There is a need for the

development of systems whose attributes mirror

troposcatter (comparatively long range, high quality,

multichannel, and cost effective). Although the

AN/TRC-170 mentioned earlier offers improved

capability, it cannot avoid the effects of extreme

super-refraction or ducting. Until development of

such a system, the user would be well advised to

"wait until the weather changes."



5.1 Introduction
Armed with the knowledge provided in
preceding chapters, one might suspect that predicting

troposcatter link performance is difficult. Due to

atmospheric complexity, troposcatter propagation
offers a variety of deviations through multipath,
diurnal, seasonal, climatic, and meteorological
conditions. On top of this, it is known that the
mechanism for propagation can include a mix of
diffraction, incoherent scatter, and quasi-coherent

scatter depending on such variables as path distance,

operating frequency, and atmospherics. h bwever,
certain situations dictate the use of troposcatter.
Thus, the engineer must have a tool for analyzing the

feasibility of the proposed link to support

Fortunately, there is a simple and quite
reliable tool available. Unfortunately, the single
variable needed to use this tool, the refractivity

gradient within the common volume, is difficult to


obtain. (This technique, the Radiometeorological

method, will be discussed later.) Therefore, an
assortment of methods have been proposed, most of
which rely on empirical, statistically oriented

relationships established through a rather massive

accumulation of data [Hall, 1979, p. 135].

The shortcomings of these experimentally

derived techniques are readily apparent: no single

method can encompass the multitude of variables

impacting propagation in all areas of the world.

Recognizing this problem, several techniques include
uncertainty parameters which project the confidence
which one can place in the prediction. Additionally,
with the advantage of small, powerful computers one

can provide these predictions rather rapidly, but,

naturally, the product is only as good as the method

employed and the data input. In short, the

prediction must be viewed as an estimate, not
absolute in accuracy since the result is rooted in

statistical analysis [Military Handbook, 1977, p. 4-


5.2 Prediction Preparation

Assuming the selected technique provides

suitable accuracy, one must be adequately prepared to

begin the prediction. This first step, the

accumulation of data, is the most time consuming and

critical step in troposcatter propagation prediction.

An initial desktop analysis supplemented by an actual

site survey provides inputs to include great circle

calculations, path profiles, and, most importantly,

antenna elevation angles. In addition, such

variables as antenna height, sources of interference,

location of the common volume, and typical

meteorological conditions supplement the list of

necessary data. In this treatment, it is assumed

that this necessary Lirst step is completed. An

excellent document describing data accumulation is

Military Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric

Scatter [19771.

5.3 Prediction Techniques

The "grandaddy" of troposcatter prediction

tools is Transmission Loss Predictions for

Tropospheric Communication Circuits (Rice, P.L., et

al. (1967]) commonly referred to as NBS Tech Note 101

(TN 101). This document, first published in 1965,

accumulated data from many years and consolidated

related studies (most notably Barsis, Norton and Rice

(1961, 1962] and Gordon [1955]). Additionally,

Military Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric


Scatter [1977] uses the same technique provided in TN

CCIR Report 238-5 offers three techniques.
Method I is a simplified version of TN 101. Method
II reflects the work of Boithias and Battesti [1983].
Finally, the Chinese method appears in Annex II of

the CCIR report. Notably, the earlier mentioned

Radiometeorological method appears in Report 238-4
but not in the more recent, 238-5 version (it was
moved to Report 718-2).
A newer technique, based on the ideas of Parl
[1979] and Monsen, et al. [1983], still use portions

of TN 101. However, whereas TN 101 is rather limited

in application (explained in Section 5.4), this more

contemporary approach incorporates variability

through the spectrum function. Additionally,
aperture-to-medium coupling loss is calculated in

more precise terms. Finally, calculations emphasize

the incoherent scatter mechanism as this provides
worst case analysis. The brunt of this effort was

funded through a military contract and focuses on

military systems; however, the basic approach is
applicable for all troposcatter systems. Although
most work was done through contract with SIGNATRON,

Inc., this tool is termed the Parl method in


deference to Dr. Steen A. Parl's [Parl, 1979] earlier

efforts; note also that Parl co-authored the 1983

SIGNATRON document [Monsen, et al., 1983].

Additionally, the MITRE Corporation specialized the

Parl method for the AN/TRC-170 military tactical
LOS/troposcatter terminal. Hence the MITRE method is
limited mostly by frequency (4.4 to 5 GHz) and

equipment (the DAR modem).

A collection of other methods are available.
These include the Yeh, Rider, Collins, Bullington,
MIT, RCA, Page, ITT, and Longley-Rice models. The

first four will be discussed. The remainder (except

Longley-Rice which is a computerized version of TN
101) are briefly considered by du Castel [1966, pp.

Before selecting a method, one must be aware

that some techniques may exclude several important
factors. These include atmospheric absorption,
intermodulation noise, delay spread, aperture-to-
medium coupling loss, diversity improvement, short-

term fading, and diurnal and seasonal effects. As an

example, the brief description of the system equation
in Appendix B provides the essential ingredients of
TN 101. After some scrutiny, the reader will observe

the inclusion of coupling loss and absorption;


however, other factors such as diversity improvement

and delay spread (if digital) are absent and can be
overlooked. This is not a criticism of TN 101 since
this technique is one of the most thorough offered.
It is imperative, however, that the engineer be aware

of the applicability of the selected method, making

adjustments as needed. As a final word of caution,
other techniques, not listed here, exist and perform
well in specific situations; in short, beware of site

specific tools.
The remainder of this section provides a

brief look at most of the prediction methods listed

above. It will highlight the concepts incorporated
in several of these techniques and, for others, it
will provide the actual calculation. This approach
is taken for brevity and simplicity: TN 101 and the
Parl methods are complex and rather intimidating
whereas the others are easily understood.

5.3.1 TN 101

Using data accumulated in the 1950's and

early 1960's, the authors of TN 101 developed
empirical models "for the estimation of the
cumulative distribution of annual hourly median

transmission loss as a function of frequency and path

geometry" [Crane, 1988, Appendix A, p. 3]. Critical


in this approach is the description of hourly, long-

term median RSL which, as shown through long-term

fading in Section, displays a log-normal
power density function. A standard deviation of
nearly 6 dB is noted, and this deviation gives cause
for the development of confidence measures

(Christopher and Debroux, 1987, p. 43.3.4). Before

the calculation of confidence measures, however, TN
101 considers the reference basic transmission loss
(Lbsr) given in Appendix B, expression (B-6).
Although simplistically presented, calculations for
Lbsr entail much greater complexity. Regardless, for
the pure troposcatter propagation mode (TN 101 also
analyzes multimode and diffraction paths), the
calculation is then extended to accommodate the
desired time availability and service probability.1
For simplicity, it is assumed that Lbsr is
calculated as described in Appendix B. From there
the following is applied:

Ln(O.5,50) = Lbsr - Vn(O.5,50) (5-1)

iWhen this is done, the system equation of

Appendix B (equation {B-l}), which is an expression
of the power required for a specified carrier-to-
thermal noise ratio at any instant in time, is
modified as described in Military Handbook [1977, pp.
4-174 to 4-177].

where Ln(0.5,50) describes the basic transmission

loss with a service probability of Q = 0.5 and a time

availability of q = 50%. A time availability of 50%

signifies that the path loss will meet or exceed L n
half of the time. A service probability of 0.5

indicates that half of a sample of links under

identical conditions will meet the specified time

availability. The term Vn(0.5,50) is a climate-

variation factor. It is provided in Figure 57 for
climate zones (subscript n) defined in Appendix F
(Freeman, 1987, pp. 146-178].
it I I i I
M 0 (2)and (6) 1 ...

.a J -T
. _ __ , _ , _

> -10 i
0 00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Effective Distonce, da , in km
Source: Military Handbook, Facility Design for
Tropospheric Scatter (Transhorizon Microwave system
Design). MIL-HDBK-417, Department of zefense,
Washington, DC, 25 November, 1977. Available through
Navy Publications and Forms Center, ATTN: NPODS,
Office of Navy Publications, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Phildelphia, Pa., 19120-5094, p. 4-154.

Figure 57. Climate-variation factor as a function of

effective distance and climate type.
(Code numbers provided in Appendix F)
2 Figure
57 uses different nomenclature for
the climate-variation factor. This difference stems
from terminology, and is not consequential in this
analysis; therefore, consider V (0.5,50) = V(0.5)
[Military Handbook, 1977 p. 4-191; Freeman, 1987, p.
178]. The effective distance, de, used in Figure 57
is simple to calculate; see Freeman (1987, p. 173].

With Ln(O.5,50) one now knows the basic

troposcatter transmission loss exceeded 50% of the
time for 50% of all links under similar conditions.
This grade of service is unacceptable for most
applications; therefore, time availability and
service probability are scaled-up to desired levels.
A simple approach to extend time availability is
realized through curves similar to Figure 58. An

to T1 VC9 I I

l' 1-7
....... F CUUCES

I I ~ ~ II4.0~a2 73V(0.10
oo) V(09'~ 19.1 .Z-


I~ I_
131WWL NO,

58.AC Long ter powr adngfo cntneta

temperate climate (Region 6),

Frequency > 1 GHz

additional loss, Yn(q,de), is found through the curve

corresponding to the desired time availability (q, on

the far right) and is included in expression (5-1).


A family of such curves for different climates and

frequency is available in TN 101; however, as more

data accumulates, changes are made [Military

Handbook, 1977, p. 4-153]. Furthermore, these curves

are depicted for general frequency ranges; therefore,

a more refined approach, as summarized by Freeman
[1987, p. 178], uses a frequency correction factor

that can improve accuracy by more than 2 dB.

The service probability, included since there
are additional variations for which the model cannot
account, is enhanced through the following
semiempirical formulas:

ac2 (q) = 12.73 + 0.12Yn 2 (q,de) (5-2)

2 (q ) 2 )
(Irc(q) (Sc + sr 1/2 (5-3)

The first step is to solve expression (5-2), using

curves similar to Figure 58 for Yn(q,de), giving
ac 2 (q), the path-to-path variance between predicted
and actual median transmission loss. Next, equation
(5-3) is used to find yrc(q), the error between
predicted and actual median transmission loss for q

percentage of time. sr 2 is 4 dB 2 for new links and 2

dB 2 for established ones.

Finally, arc (q) is multipied by the standard

normal deviate, Zmo(Q), given in Figu--e 59. one


. -
- ? r..:-

-3 T: :U.

0 0001 0 001 0.01 0020.050.1 0.2 0.3C.40,5 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99 0.998 0.9999
C0005 06 038 0.999
Service Protibily. 0

Source: Freeman, R.L. Padio System Design fcr

Telecc.,mnicaticns (1-ICO G.~z). New York: John Wiley
& Sons, .987, p. 155.

Figure 59. The standard normal deviate

simply selects the desired service probabilit, Q,

finds the product Zmo0 .Q)arc(q), and gets a value in
dB that must be included in expression (5-1) along
with the scaled-up time availability factor Yn(q,de)-
The result is a prediction yielding the desired time
availability, q, and service probability, Q.
Normally, Q = 0.95 and q = 99.99% for high qLIlity

transmission; obviously the transmis-sion loss f-r

Ln(0.95,99.99) will ._.ncrease from the original

Ln(0.5,50) (Freeman, 1987, pp. 193-197].


Despite this admittedly shallow treatment of

TN 101, one should now understand the fundamental

concept used in this prediction tool. That is, if

enough data is accumulated on a variety of
troposcatter links, empirically derived models will
afford adequate prediction. Further, recognizing
inherent shortcomings, estimates should include time

availability and service probability to bolster the

confidence of the prediction. Affirming this
summary, a family of curves, similar to Figure 58, as
well as a climate-variation factor (Figure 57)

characterize TN 101's underlying approach.

5.3.2 CCIR Method I

A "short course" in TN 101 is offered by the
first CCIR prediction technique, CCIR Method I.
Although no match for TN 101's laborious

calculations, resulting predictions are close enough

to make it perhaps the most popular of all tools. If
compared with expression (B-6) in Appendix B, one
will note many similarities in this method's

fundamental formula:

L(50) = 30 log f - 20 log d + F(qd) - Gt

- Gr + Lc - V(de) (dB). (5-4)


For convenience, components are again delineated:

f operating frequency in MHz,

d path length (km),

F(qd) the attenuation function (see Appendix
B, Figure B3),

Gt, Gr transmit and receive antenna gains (dB),

Lc aperture-to-medium coupling loss (see

Section 4.2.4, expression {4-3)), and

V(de) the climate-variation factor (see
Section 5.3.1, Figure 57).
After solving for L(50), CCIR Method I uses a similar

yet simpler time availability and service probability

technique than TN 101 to establish prediction

5.3.3 CCIR Method II

At about the same time as the first
publication of TN 101, Boithias and Battesti
completed work on an easy-to-use technique based on
worst month statistics. This graphical method

requires knowledge of "the equivalent path distance.

. ., the time percentage required, the type of

climate, and the frequency" (Hall, 1979, p. 142].

CCIR Report 238-5 incorporates this tool as CCIR
Method II.

Using Figure 60, the basic transmission loss

(l{q}) for the least favorable month at a selected

time availability is derived. There are three other

_0____'K- I ~tII t

i190 =

.,2Br ' I -
i 10

Figure 60. Mean attenuation, overland path,

temperate climate, 1 Gliz

such curves, one each for humid tropical, equitorial,

and desert climates. These curves are for a 1 GHz

path with zero degree elevation angles. For other
frequencies (less than 5 G~z), a factor of 301ogf

(GHz) is added. In addition, the term 201og(d/dq) is

included where

dq = d + 8.5(01 + 02). (5-5)

dq is the equivalent path distance (km), and, again,

d is the path distance (km). 01 and 02 are the

elevation angles of the transmit and receive antennas
respectively. Summarizing, for calculation of the
actual transmission loss

L(q) = l(q) + 30 log f + 20 log (d/dq) - Geff (5-6)

where Figure 47 provides the effective gain (Geff)

which is the sum of both antenna gains and the

coupling loss [Roda, 1988, pp. 125-129; CCIR, 1986,

pp. 372-376].

5.3.4 The CCIR Chinese Method

Researchers in China have suggested use of

the following empirical formula (in dB):

L(50%) = 30 log f + 30 log 0 + 10 log d - Geff

+ 124.6 - 0.08(N s - 320) + N(H). (5-6)

Here, f is the operating frequency in MHz, 0 is the

scattering angle in radians, d is the path distance

in km, Geff is the effective gain from Figure 47, and

N s is the annual mean surface refractivity value.


N(H) = 20 log(5 + 0.3H) + 0.65H (5-7a)


H = 8dld 2 /d (5-7b)

with dl and d2 being the distances from each antenna

to the crosspoint of the radio horizon rays (at the

lowest portion of the common volume). Additionally,

this method calculates the variability of the hourly

median losses. In this instance, these are also
shown to be log-normally distributed but standard
deviations, a, are given through terminal location,
radio horizon path distance (ds), and the difference
between mean summer and winter surface refractivity
(AN s ) [Roda, 1988, pp. 132,133; CCIR, 1986, pp.

386,387] (in dB):

a = 7.0 + 0.09AN s exp(-0.003d s ) (flat areas) (5-8a)

a = 4.6 + 0.06AN s exp(-0.003d s ) (mountains) (5-8b)
a = 8.8 + 0.11AN s exp(-0.003d s ) (over the sea) (5-8c)

5.3.5 The Radiometeorological Method

The work of Battesti and Boithias, along with

a third cohort (P. Misme), was again recognized by

the CCIR in report 238-4 for efforts in troposcatter
prediction. Recognizing that refractivity gradient

changes will not only displace the position of the

common volume but also alter the intensity of
individual scatterers, their efforts produced an

exceptionally accurate technique termed the

Radiometeorological method [CCIR, 1982, p. 137;
Boithias and Battesti, 1983, pp. 659, 660]. While it
has been stressed that the best indicator of

troposcatter performance loss is the gradient, this

is a parameter of substantial variability and is,

currently, impossible to model for every conceivaile
path. Regardless, if one knew the yearly gradient
variations within the proposed link's common volume,

he would apply

L(dB) = 30 log f + 30 log d + 102 + 1.5G c (5-9)

using f, the operating frequency in MHz; d, the path

length, in km; and Gc, the common volume's gradient,
in N units per km. Obviously, L(dB), the basic
transmission loss, is only as accurate as the
sounding data used for Gc.
Sarma [1988] shows the criticality of this
sounding data in the design of a 300 km, 2 GHz link
with a common volume situated above Kanpur, India.

3 CCIRReport 238-4 recommends referencing the

original work of Battesti, Boithias, and Misme
("Calcul des Affaiblissements en Propagation
Transhorizon A Partir des Param~tres
Radiom~t~orologiques" {"Calculations of Attenuations
in Trans-horizon Propagation from Radiometeorological
Parameters") in volume 23, number 5-6, pages 129-140
of Ann. des T616comm.) for discussion of gradient

Using a plane mounted, state-of-the-art

refractometer, Sarma obtained accurate refractivity
gradient data for winter (worst case) conditions.
Then, employing the Radiometeorological method, he
compared results obtained through both the airborne
configuration and available radiosonde measurements.
The result was a discrepancy of nearly 35 dB; the

costs of several days of data collection (use of a

Cessna 182 H Skylane) are probably going to be less
than the savings in transmitter configuration. Thus
the importance of sounding data is demonstrated, and
the advantages of the Radiometeorological method are
well represented.

5.3.6 The Parl Method

It has now been well established that
prediction accuracy largely depends on knowledge of

the refractivity gradient within the common volume.

However, many techniques, such as TN 101, do not
stress this parameter due to its variability and
simply assume a specific value. This, according to
Parl [1979], limits prediction reliability. However,
if one were to focus on activity within the common
volume, specifically, the spectrum function (see
Appendix C), accuracy would improve. This is the

feature of the Parl method since the structure


constant (CN2 ) is known to relate directly to changes

in the refractive index, and, further, since values
of the spectrum slope (m) indicate whether incoherent
or quasi-coherent scatter dominates [Eklund and
Wickerts, 1968; Sarker, Dutta, and Reddy, 1983].
Noting variability in the spectrum function,
Monsen, et al. [1983] overhauled portions of TN 101
to include values of the spectrum slope and structure
constant that allow accurate predictions for
virtually all types of troposcatter systems. Parl
[1979] mentions that TN 101 uses a spectrum slope of

m = 5 which corresponds to quasi-coherent modes, he

then adds that at m = 11/3, incoherent scatter
dominates. Incorporating this mechanism would yield
more accurate predictions, since many systems use
higher frequencies and incoherent scatter dominates

above about 1 GHz; or more conservative analysis,

since, even at lower frequencies, turbulent
atmospheric conditions may temporarily foster the
notably poorer performing incoherent scatter

mechanism. Then, using m = 11/3, Monsen, et al.

4 The MITRE method incorporates the Parl

method for specific application to the military
tactical AN/TRC-170 terminal. Documents explaining
the MITRE method include Dube and Hotzel [1985],
Coirin and Kessler [1987], and Neuburger, et al.
[1985]; however, these publications are limited in

[1983] developed an expression for CN 2 (see

expression {C-2a} of Appendix C) that allows
calculation of path loss in a manner similar to TN
101 (similar method, different results). Notably,
however, the Parl method allows use of any spectrum
slope value since it is available on a rather
flexible computer program called TROPO.
Another concept introduced in the Parl method
highlights aperture-to-medium coupling loss.
Basically, Parl [1979] asserts that coupling loss has

been incorporated in other techniques (TN 101 for

example) as an "afterthought" when, in reality,
volume integrations used to derive path loss

calculations must also account for narrow

veamwidths. 5 This is because most initial
calculations feature integrations for wide beamwidth
antennas which illuminate more scatterers, then, if
narrow beams are used, only antenna gain and

empirically derived coupling loss formulas are

manipulated without regard to the initial

integration. The error of this approach is readily

seen; furthermore, in the majority of situations,

5 Thisthesis has purposely avoided integral

formulas; however, the basic methodology of all
techniques begins with an integration of the
scatterers within the common volume.

this aspect is a more significant differentiator than

the variability of the spectrum slope.

Along with the advantage of being computer

based, the Parl method also includes:

a. Calculations for a variety of climates to

include those delineated in TN 101 or any

user defined zones.

b. Computations for horizon angles, antenna

elevation angles, antenna heights, diversity

separations, coherence bandwidth, and yearly

path loss and RSL distributions.

c. The ability to analyze multimode paths.

d. Performance predictions for specific modems

(DAR and the MD-918, used on military

systems) as well as delay spread


e. Time availability and service probability


Again, however, it bears mentioning that the accuracy

of this method is only as good as the data input.

Furthermore, the uncertainty of the values used for

the spectrum slope, as highlighted in Appendix C,

once more introduces prediction skepticism since the

Parl method performs only singular calculations for

specific spectrum slope values. Echoing this


concern, Crane (1981a, 1981b] projects that only when

accurate CN 2 profiles are available will prediction

accuracies substantially improved.

5.3.7 The Yeh Method

In 1960, Dr. Luang P. Yeh offered a simple
prediction tool (in dB):

Lmp = 30 log f + 20 log d + 108 + Lc

- 0.2(N s - 310) + 57. (5-10)

The parameter breakout for this calculation of the

median path loss, Lmp, follows: f, operating
frequency, in MHz; d, path length in miles; 8,
scattering angle, in degrees; Lc, coupling loss; and
NS, the surface refractivity [Panter, 1972, p. 393;

Freeman, 1987, p. 268].

5.3.8 The Rider Method

C. C. Rider's 1962 solution for the median
path loss is as follows:

Lmp = 30 log f + 30 log d + 50 log 8 + Lc

- 0.43(N s -330) + 49 (5-11)

where f, d, 0, and N s are the same as in Yeh's

method. Rider did not initially include coupling

loss, L.; however, it is included here for

comparative purposes [Panter, 1972, p. 394].

5.3.9 The Collins Method

Another prediction tool is the U.S. Army's

quick and easy Collins method as developed by the

Collins Radio Company. This totally graphical

technique exhibits surprizing accuracy through the

use of four graphs (Figures 61 through 64). By

adding the values obtained from all four graphs,

Collins offers field expediency typifying tactical,

on-the-move military communications [Panter, 1972, p.


5.3.10 The New Bullington Model

The concept of using a combination of scatter

and mode theories in predicting troposcatter

propagation was offered by Bullington in 1963. This

was discussed in Section 3.5 where it was pointed out

that not much was done to further this idea. Two

employees of the MITRE Corporation, Christopher and

Debroux [1987], have reexamined Bullington's ideas,

adding foreground reflection and diversity

considerations to the hypothesis that predictions can

be based on an exponentially varying refractivity

profile. The result is a computer driven prediction



291 2X _5 '00

220 2 X 0 50 60 70 80 90

250, - - Ds-orce, sts.ute


S260 y _____ -
A I I____

290 I _ L.......
,_ I II
100 50 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 SO0 900
D:s'once, sic e niles

Source: Panter, ?.F. Communication Systems

Design: Line-of-Sight and Tropo-Scatter Systems. St.
Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1972, p. 395.

Figure 61. Collins method: Basic propagation loss at

1 GHz

5o 1i T< I I

'00 200 330000 :00 2,000 330 5000 '0.:00

Source: Panter, P.F. Communication Systems

Design: Line-off-Sight and Tropo-Scatter Systems. St.
Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1972, p. 396.

Figure 62. Collins method: Frequency correction


Sj" of .%oe
an "~;:es
Source: Panter, P.F. Communication Systems
Design: Line-of-Sight and Tropo-Scatter Systems. St.
Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1912, p. 396.

Figure 63. Collins method: Horizon angle loss


50- s,
losi~ .5

_C9 06 2
90 1 08-

:1 2-

!.4 3
;5 4'

S204 12]

Souce Patr:.. C m un c t o ytm

ineof-SghtandTrop-Sctte Sysems St
Lois 5McrwHil 292,p037

6425l n
Figure1% e h d ou l n o s n m g a

tool, simple to use, yet rivaling the accuracy of

more complex methods.

5.3.11 Digital Considerations

Completing this compendium of troposcatter
prediction tools are digital transmission
considerations. In many respects, digital
troposcatter transmission systems use the same
prediction tools as analog systems. Transmission
loss (including coupling loss), path profiles, and
antenna siting calculations can use any one of the

described tools; however, delay spread and BER

analysis, not included above, warrant consideration.
A method to calculate delay spread, as
mentioned in Section 4.3, is offered by Freeman

[1987, p. 205]:

) )
A = 5.21d(Ot + ir (4ao + 40o + Ot + 2r 10 - 8 . (5-12)

Here, d is path length in km, ao and 0o are the

transmit and receive main beam angles corrected for

above horizon elevation (MOO and Poo of Figure 5) in

radians, and Qt and~r are the transmit and receive
antenna 3 dB beamwidths in radians. From this
calculation one should ascertain the effects of delay
spread as discussed in Section 4.3; adaptive
processing considerations are essential.

To calculate the expected BER use the


Eb/No = RSLdBW - 10 log(BR) - (204 dBW + NFdb) (5-13)

This expression for the energy-per-bit to noise power

density ratio should be somewhat familiar: BR is the
bit rate in bps, NFdB is the noise figure of the
receiver or low noise amplifier (LNA), and RSL is
determinable through

RSLdBW = EIRPdB W - TL + Gr - LLr. (5-14)

For this equation, the effective isotropically

radiated power (EIRP) includes the sum of transmitter

power, antenna gain, and miscellaneous device losses

(all in dB); TL is the total transmission loss as
determined by a prediction tool; Gr is the receive
antenna gain; and LLr is the line loss to the LNA

[Freeman, 1987, p. 214; Flock, 1987).

All that now remains is to find the BER using
the calculated Eb/No and Figure 65 (note the effect
of different modulation schemes). One may see the
importance of accurate prediction in the TL term of

expression (5-14); other factors remaining constant,

the accuracy of the predicted BER is contingent on

the accuracy of the prediction technique.






10 $


'a' I I g I
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 13 14 15

Source: Freeman, R.L. Radio System Design for

Telecommunications (1-100 GHz). New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1987, p. 215.

Figure 65. Determination of BER for coherent BPSK

and QPSK

Furthermore, if delay spread is sufficiently

neutralized, the BER is the single most important

parameter in assessing digital system performance.

5.4 Comparison of Methods

Based on information presented thus far, it
would seem prudent to choose a simple tool such as

the Collins or Yeh method. However, simplicity

smatters of shortcuts, shortcuts translate into a few

dB, and these few dB can be critical in link

prediction. A rigorous comparison of all techniques

is not available; furthermore, such an undertaking

would be quite laborious and this, compounded with
lack of commercial interest, means such comparisons
are not likely. Some analysis exists, however, and
these will be presented. The intent is to provide
the engineer with enough information from which to

choose an applicable method. A good way to begin is

to analyze the advantages and limitations of proposed

Discussion will center on TN 101 as it forms
the nucleus of many techniques including Military
Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric Scatter

[1977], CCIR Method I, the Parl, and the MITRE

techniques. The primary advantage of TN 101 is its
historical methodology. Years of empirical data are
accumulated to provide prediction curves yielding
accurate long term median path attenuation. This,
however, can be a disadvantage since most data is

gathered in temperate climates. Sarkar, Dutta, and

Reddy [1983] report large discrepancies between TN
101 predictions and actual data for a link in the
Indian sub-continent. Fitzsimons [1968] offers
similar criticism with data gathered from an 87 km
link in Cyprus.

Crane [1988] also notes that much of the data

used in TN 101 is for lower (below 1 GHz) links.

These frequency limitations were highlighted earlier:
since TN 101 uses a spectrum slope of m = 5 and since

this corresponds to quasi-coherent scatter which is

dominant only at lower frequencies, TN 101 should be

cautiously applied above 1 GHz [Parl, 1979]. This,
as mentioned, is where the Parl and MITRE methods

differ since the more conservative m value of 11/3 is

used (or any other value for the Parl method).
Hence, the frequency limits of TN 101 are offset if
one uses the similar Parl or MITRE methods. In
addition, except for the Parl and MITRE models, all
techniques incorporating aperture-to-medium coupling
loss incorrectly embody this parameter and this can
be exceptionally significant when narrow beamwidths
are used. Unfortunately, subsequent calculations for
modem performance in these methods are restricted to
military systems; extending their use on a more
general level would require alteration.
Simplicity is always a consideration and TN
101 and its derivatives (CCIR Method I excepted) do

not offer this luxury. Notably, however, the

Longley-Rice, Parl, and MITRE methods are available

through computer applications. Further, there is no


reason why any of the models, with the exception of

the Collins method, cannot be adapted for computer
use. If, however, simplicity is crucial and computer
programs are unavailable, any of the CCIR methods or

the Yeh, Rider, or Collins techniques may be

considered. These will not, however, offer
comprehensive (or any) confidence measures typifying
TN 101 and climate differentiation may not be

Another limitation of many techniques, to

include TN 101, is that they do not quantitatively
embrace short-term Rayleigh fading characteristics.
The new Bullington technique does; furthermore, this
method offers simple, compact results through

computer applications [Christopher and Debroux,

1987]. The newness of this technique may, however,
generate skepticism; additionally, it is based, in
part, on unaccepted mode reflection theories.
A final criticism of most methods is the
dominating influence of surface refractivity, Ns,
which has been shown fallacious in several instances.

Methods that make this "mistake" include, to varying

degrees, all TN 101 derivatives as well as the

methods of Yeh and Rider. Neither the Collins, CCIR

Method II, or the Radiometeorological method include


Ns . However, despite its simplicity, the Collins

method exhibits limited application for long (greater

than 400 mi) links. Furthermore, the

Radiometeorological method is known to be quite

accurate and simple only if refractivity gradient

data within the common volume is available. Finally,

CCIR Method II provides good "worst case" analysis,

at least for temperate climates [Boithias and

Battesti, 1983, p. 660; CCIR, 1986, p. 3761.

A 1968 comparison of several methods produced

some surprizing results [Larsen 19681. Data from

fifteen operational links in various regions were

compared with predictions for those links using the

techniques of TN 101, CCIR Method I, Yeh, Rider, and

Collins. Notably, only two of the links had

operating frequencies above 3 GHz and two more above

2 GHz. Despite several manipulations of results to

provide equivalent solutions, Larsen states:

[t]he conclusions which may be drawn at this

stage indicate that the N.B.S. [TN 101) and CCIR
are almost equal in performance, although CCIR is
much more convenient to use. The CCIR method
provides important estimates of fading ranges,
and a combination of CCIR and Yeh gives good
estimates of median path loss. The Collins
method suffers from having a restricted range of
parameters, but gives very good results when used
inside this range. All the calculation methods
show remarkable failure to account satisfactorily
for climate variation, and indicate the need for
further investigation of this point [Larsen,
1968, p. 114].

Larsen's calculations indicated reasonable

correlation for all methods except Rider's; it was

considerably inferior. The Collins method

outperformed all, with Yeh's being slightly better
than TN 101 and CCIR Method I. However, Larsen
cautions that his link sample could have
significantly influenced results.
Fitzsimons [1968] may also be referenced for
a comparison between actual data on an 87 km, 4.7 GHz
link in Cyprus and the predictions of TN 101,

Collins, Yeh, and an earlier CCIR model. Results

were all on the pessimistic side: Yeh by 7 dB,

Collins by 9 dB, and TN 101 by 11 dB.

Among the newer methods, Parl [1979] and
Christopher and Debroux [1987] o-fer some
comparisons. In Figure 66 a comparison of TN 101
(NBS) and the Parl (Turbulent Scatter) methods are
given. The difference can be attributed to coupling
loss calculations and the conservative approach of

using incoherent scatter in all cases instead of

quasi-coherent scatter as in TN 101's case. Figure

67 compares the scatter losses of the new Bullington
method with an earlier (1962) CCIR method and TN 101

(Longley-Rice). As a reference, the "Chisholm" curve

represents actual data for several links at 400 MHz.


Source: Par2., S.A. "ew Formulas for

Tropospheric Scatter Path Loss." Radio Science, vol.
14, no. 1 (January-February 1979), p. 53.
Figure 66. Comparison of TN 101 (NBS) and the Par
(Turbulent Scatter) methods

- I
200 300 400 500
I 600
I 700
TI 800
T_ 900

-60 I I




0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600

Source: Christopher, P.F., and Debroux, P.S.

"New Applications of Bullington's Tropospheric
Reflection Model.." MILCOM 87, IEEE Military
Communications Confference, vol. 3 (Oct 1987), p.

Figure 67. Comparison of the CCIR (1962 Data), TN

101 (Longley-Rice), and Bullington
methods. "Chisholm" represents actual
data for several links at 400 MHz.

5.5 Conclusions

Conclusions are less than obvious. None of

the techniques offer complete, "any situation"

accuracy except the Radiometeorological method. Yet

this statement is made with a notable absence of

complete comparison. The poor performance of TN 101

in Larsen's analysis leads one to suspect similar

performance in the Military Handbook [1977], CCIR

Method I, Parl, and the MITRE methods. 6 However,

given Larsen's limited analysis, heavily favoring

lower frequencies, it is erroneous to include the

Parl and MITRE methods in this allegation since these

contemporary approaches fundamentally differ from TN

101. Further, the limited samples used by Larsen and

Fitzsimons nullify any conclusive arguments.

One should note that with respect to

theoretical considerations, the Parl method stands

out. Through computer flexibility, this method

allows variable inputs, provides theoretically sound

coupling loss calculations, and does not emphasize

surface refractivity or singular spectrum slope

values as does TN 101. CCIR Method I, the CCIR

6 One
must assume that Larsen correctly
applied the techniques being compared for each of the
15 links analyzed.

Chinese method, and Yeh and Rider's techniques center

on surface refractivity. The Collins method has

limited application, CCIR Method II works best in

temperate climates, and Bullington's treatment is

untried and based, in part, on unaccepted mode


To conclude, recognizing that the majority of

prediction techniques are simply estimates based on

empirical analysis, the best procedure would be to

choose a variety of methods. Final analysis would

include projections from several techniques, and a

best case/worst case forecast would establish

prediction confidence. This recommendation is based

on the limitations presented; modifications to

techniques such as the Radiometeorological or Parl

methods supplemented with development of accurate

methods to profile common volume gradient variations

could allow significant improvement.


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Two modes for terrestrial, beyond the horizon

propagation are diffraction and troposcatter. While
most troposcatter paths are engineered to avoid
diffracting obstacles (unless diffraction is
desired), situations may dictate otherwise. Roda

[1988, p. 142] notes that at small scatter angles

(less than about one degree) diffraction can, for a

certain time percentage, dominate.

For short periods (minutes) the mechanism with
the lower loss is dominant if the two losses
differ by 6 dB or more. For longer periods
(days, months), in view of the variability of the
signals, the dominant mechanism is definitely
that with the lower loss if the median path
losses differ by more than 20 dB [Roda, 1988, p.
While troposcatter signals exhibit deep fades,

diffracted signals remain comparatively stable

therefore limiting the effects of fading on some

Freeman [1987, pp. 145,146] discusses two
ways to differentiate dominant propagation modes.

a. Assuming low (ground level) antenna

height, the transition distance (d) at
which distances exceeding d is

predominantly troposcatter (less than d


implies diffraction) is given in

kilometers by

d = 65(100/f)1 / 3 , (A-l)

where f is the operating frequency (MHz).

b. If the scatter angle exceeds 20 mrad

(about 1.1 degrees), diffraction effects

cease to be important.
Using (A-1) for small scatter angles, Table A.1 is


Table A.1. Mode Transition Distances

Frequency (MHz) Distance (km) Distance (mi)
500 38 24
1000 30 19
3000 21 13
5000 18 11

Other situations may allow diffraction

contributions to be disregarded. If more than three

diffracting obstacles are in the path, troposcatter
is the dominant mode. Also, at microwave frequencies
over a somewhat smooth earth, diffraction losses are

large enough to allow consideration of troposcatter

only [Monsen, et al., 1983, p. 2-55].



The troposcatter system equation, as provided

by Military Handbook, Facility Design for

Tropospheric Scatter [1977] (which borrows from Rice,
P.L., et al., [1967]), is used for path predictions
and can also serve to illustrate the impact of the
earth's atmosphere on troposcatter propagation. This

Pt = R + B + L, - Gp - 204 + F + Lbcr (dBW), (B-1)

specifies the required transmitter power, Pt, to

provide a specific carrier-to-noise ratio, R, at any
instant in time. Assume, for this example, that R
and the following parameters are fixed:
B bandwidth (dB);
L1 the sum of waveguide, duplexer, and other

system element losses (dB); and

Gp effective antenna gain (dB), this

parameter will also include degradations

introduced by aperture-to-medium coupling
loss described in Chapter 4.
The constant -204, termed Johnson noise power per

hertz, is found through (-10 log kT) with k being

Boltzman's constant and T as the ambient reference


temperature, usually 288.5 K. The remaining

parameters of (B-i), F and Lbcr, are of particular
interest since these include the uncontrollable

effects of the atmosphere.

F, the effective noise factor in dB, is found


F = 10 log f (dB) (B-2)

f= fam - 1 + icl 1 fr (B-3)


fam is the external noise factor,

ic is antenna circuit loss,
11 is transmission line loss, and
fr is the receiver noise.
All constituents of (B-3) are expressed in power

units. Critical in this analysis is fam which is

depicted on Figure B! in dB as Fam. While a variety
of noise sources factor into Fam, note the
contributions of sky noise due to oxygen and water
vapor. These atmospheric related contributors appear
negligible at troposcatter frequencies. However, the
sun, although not considered an atmospheric

component, merits mention since its effect can be

substantial (25 dB at 2 GHz) when it passes through







Tropopheri ScatSe (Transhorion!A M)roa Syste
Desgn) MI-DJ-1 eatet0fDfne
~ NoebrT97.
Washington, ~ ~~ AaObl S NOC,
hog OM
M Lo
T PulCato
Navy 80 Avenue ENAN,%TE
Pa.R 19120-I094, p.RO

BAM ExtrnlEoieNouce

antenna beams. Therefore, although atmospheric noise

contributions are insignificant for troposcatter,

certain circumstances (direct solar noise) preclude
complete disregard of all external noise
While external noise sources are, for the
most part, nominal, the atmosphere's effect on the

calculated reference basic transmission loss, Lbcr,

is more severe. For any instant in time, this loss

is expressed as

Lbcr = Lbf + Aa + Acr (dB) (B-4)

Lbf is basic free space loss in dB (Figure

Aa is oxygen and water vapor absorption in

dB (Figure 20), and
Acr is attenuation below that of free space
due to atmospheric and terrain features

in dB.
Acr is a rather versatile figure contingent on the
mode of propagation. Ignoring pure diffraction and
multimode possibilities, focus is on pure






10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1000


Source: Military Handbook, Facility Design for

Tropospheric Scatter (Transhorizon Microwave System
Design). MIL-HDBK-417, Department of Defense,
Washington, DC, 25 November, 1977. Available through
Navy Publications and Forms Center, ATTN: NPODS,
Office of Navy Publications, 5801 T bor Avenue,
Phildelphia, Pa., 19120-5094, p. 4-L7.
Figure B2: Basic Free Space Transmission Loss

troposcatter and Acr is then developed. 1

Tc conformn with ciLed work, Acr is renamea as As

(scatter loss) for a pure troposcatter path, and is

the attenuation relative to free space in dB:

A s = Lbsr - Lbf (dB). (B-5)

Note that the basic free space loss, Lbf, will drop
from (B-4) when used with (B-5). For typical
troposcatter links (exceptions as noted in Military
Handbook, 1977, p. 4-142) the reference basic

transmission loss, Lbsr, is

Lbsr = 30 log f - 20 log d + H o + F(Od) (dB), (B-6)

with f as frequency in MHz and d as path distance in

km. H o , the frequency gain function is significant
only for low effective antenna heights and will be
ignored for this analysis. (Military Handbook, 1977,
pp. 4-144, 4-145 describes H o for these rare
The attenuation function, F(ed) is plotted as

a function of the product of the scatter angle, 0 in

iBy ignoring diffraction and multimode a
substantial portion of the path prediction tools
provided by Military Handbook, Facility Design for
Tropospheric Scatter (19771 and Rice, P.L. et al.
(1967] is neglected. This is more in line with the
thrust of this thesis (pure troposcatter); however,
the engineer cannot neglect other mechanisms unless
profile data dictate otherwise.

radians, and d (Figure B3). The scatter angle was

described in Section 1.3. Note che influence of Ns,

surface refractivity, a parameter described in

Section 2.3.1 and dependent on atmospheric

As an example of atmospheric effects on the
calculated reference basic transmission loss, Lbcr,
consider a 200 km link, operating at 4.4 GHz, with a
scatter angle of 0.039 radians. Clear sky
atmospheric absorption, Aa, would cause about 1.5 dB
loss (see Figure 20) with rain adding no more than 2
dB (see Figure 23). However, F(Od) would range from
about 155 to 169 dB, depending on Ns, which in turn
forces variations of 3 to 17 dB for As. Overall,
Lbcr might vary from 4.5 dB (best case) to 20.5 dB
(worst case) for this example.

Concluding, while several parameters in (B-l)

are manageable, two parameters, F and Lbcr, exhibit

uncontrollable and, at times, damaging traits

contingent on atmospheric conditions. Fortunately,

both F and Lbcr are predictable and can be nearly

circumvented through engineered margins. It remains,
however, that atmospheric phenomena emerge as a

crucial consideration in troposcatter link design.



13 N. 10
§ 0 000 3 0 0 1 0

Mliay adooFc l Desnd
sa r
TrpspNi 10asorznMirwveSs
Desgn0 2I-DK4,Dprteto0Dfn
25Nvmer.97.Aalbe DC.. hog~ ..
~ ~ an7om7etrAT:NO
Navy ~ ~ ~Pulcain
~ ~ 1
Ofic .av of Pulctos 580 Tao Avenue,
7hleiha Pa,1i0304 .4 13.

FiueB150d eru h Pout~



Referring to Figure 15, the equation for the

spectrum function, S(k), often shown as cD(k), is of

the general form

S(k) = bCN 2 k - m (C-1)

within the inertial subrange. Discerning individual

parameter values is difficult as references provide

several variations [CCIR Report 563-3, 1986; Crane,

1988; Derr, 1972; Eklund and Wickerts, 1968; Flock,
1979; Hall, 1979; and Parl, 1979]; however, sources

are in general agreement with the following:

b - a constant, typically 0.033;

k - wavenumber, 2n/k;

m - the slope of the spectrum;

CN 2 - The structure constant.

CN 2 indicates the variability of amplitude

fluctuations of the refractive index. Its value,
valid below 2 km, ranges from 10- 1 5 to i0- 10 (m- 2 /3 )

(Boithias, 1987, p. 108; Hall, 1979, p. 44]. Several

formulas are available [Monsen, et al., 1983, p. 2-

19; Gerlach, 1984, p. 49]:


CN 2 = 8 x 10-14 h -1 /3 exp(-h/3200) (C-2a)

for m = 11/3, and, more generally,

{N(X I ) - N(X2)}2 = CN 2 r2 / 3 . (C-2b)

In expression (C-2a), h is the height above the

earth's surface to a scatterer in meters, and in

expression (C-2b) "N is the fluctuating refractive
index at two points X1 and X 2 separated by distance
r" [Gerlach, 1984, p. 49]. VanZandt, et al. [1978]

explore the structure function from a practical

The spectrum slope, m, is a figure of

considerable uncertainty, values of which have

engendered much of the controversy in predicting

troposcatter paths. An often used figure of 11/3

originates by assuming an isotropic homogeneous
atmosphere applied to the turbulence theories of
Kolmogorov and Obukhov [Fehlhaber, 1968, p. 38; Lane,
1968, p. 10].1 However, Rice, et al. [1967, p. IV-7]
note shortcomings in the use of the 11/3 spectrum,
although Parl [1979] reaffirms otherwise. Most

lImmediately apparent is the error in

assuming isotropic scatterers; however, ease of
calculation forced this initial assumption and
consequences were felt negligible. Note that Figure
27 more realistically shows anisotropic scattering.

realistically, Gjessing and McCormick [1974] show m

as quite variable:

m = 40.6 + 708v 2 (C-3)

v2 = g/T(dT/dz + g/cp). (C-4)

Here v2 is the Vdis~ld-Brunt frequency used to

designate atmospheric stability, g indicates gravity,
T shows temperature, dT/dz is the temperature lapse

rate, and cp is specific heat at constant pressure.

On several links in Norway and Denmark, Gjessing and

McCormick's findings relate values ranging from about
5/3 to 20/3 with a mean near 11/3. Similar findings

are reported in Bolgiano [1958], du Castel [ed.,

1965], Cox [1969], and Sarkar, Dutta, and Reddy

Referring again to Figure 15, a specific

value defined by

k = (4n/X)sin(0/2) (C-5)

is used (0 is the scattering angle). It is at this

value (wavenumber) that the spectrum must be

evaluated for troposcatter paths since it gives the

"intensity of the vertical spectrum" at the operating

wavelength [Lane, 1968, p. 9; Ortwein, Hopkins, and

Pohl, 1961, p. 789].

Finally, a summary of the features of the

spectrum is provided:
1. Variability of the form with time (hour to
hour and season) especially at low heights of
the common volume.
2. Variability of the slope of the spectrum with
wave-number range within the inertial
3. Increased constancy with height [du Castel,
ed., 1965, p. 73].
Thus, variability is the key term describing

atmospheric turbulence.


The depolarization mechanism, as depicted in

Figure Dl, results in received, copolarized (Ell and

E2 2 ) and crosspolarized waves (E2 1 and E1 2 )- "The





Source: rppolito, L.J. jr. Radiowave

Propagation in Satellite Communications. riew York:

Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1986, p. 94.

Figure Dl: The Depolarization Mechanism

ratio of the power of the wanted or copolarized wave

to the power of the unwanted or crosspolarized wave"
is termed cross polarization discrimination (XPD)

[Flock, 1987, p. 4-42]:

XPD = 20 log (Eli/E1 2 ) (dB) (D-l)

This equation is applicable to the other fields (E2 2

and E2 1 ) in a similar manner. Additionally, higher

XPD values (such as 25 dB) are desirable.
Figure D2 shows depolarization due to rain.

Drop canting results from wind forces and "normally

.... .. . .. ............
. .....
. .......
... .. ........
........... ----- ... .
. ... ... .............. .

- 0 O0O
% 000
0 I

- 0 -
0 I



Source: Ippolito, L.J. Jr. Radiowave

New York:
Propagation in Satellite Communications.
p. 96.
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1986,

Figure D2: Depolarization Due to Rain

exhibit a distribution of canting angles" (Flock,

1987, p. 4-43]. Basically, the received waves
consist of vertical and horizontal components (co-
and cross- polarized waves) which sum to give ER1 and
ER11. Rain depolarization produces both attenuation

and phase differences which depend on droplet size

and shape. Furthermore, at decreasing frequencies

(below 10 GHz) depolarization remains a factor as the

phase difference remains high at low frequencies
(Flock, 1987, p. 9-33].
Figure D3 shows XPD changes on earth-space

paths with respect to copolarized attenuation due to

rain. Notably, troposcatter links, which normally

20 / - .


35 A~XI /30
-~ C141

0 0 0 30 ' 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40


INCco INcil IN :S

Source: Ippolito. L.J. Jr. Radlowave

Propagation in Satellite Communications. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1986, p. 99.
Figure D3: Depolarization Effects Due to Rain

operate below 5 GHz, will experience negligible XPD



Determining the reflection coefficient, p,

for tropospheric layers offers unique complexities
due to variability of the atmosphere. Rather than
presenting a smooth, flat surface, atmospheric layers
exhibit dimensional irregularity and constant motion
which compound normally simple calculations.

It can be shown that for an abrupt change in

the atmosphere's refractive index, An, Fresnel's
equation for reflection can be reduced to

P0 = An/2a 2 (E-l)

for 2An o a 2 [Picquenard, 1974, p. 491. Here, a is

the grazing angle. More often, however, layers can
be formed by less abrupt changes in refractivity and
po will be reduced by a form function,

Fp = sin (47raAh/X) /4OaAh/X, (E-2)

providedAn o 7r 3 Ah/X and layer thickness < )/(4a)

[Hall, 1979, p. 39]. This gives:

p = PoFp (E-3)

which is normally much less than unity [Hall and

Barclay, 1989, p. 168].


Exceptionally important for purposes of

differentiating troposcatter propagation mechanisms:

"[b]ecause the magnitude of F is inversely
proportional to AhA, layer reflection is not of much

consequence above UHF" [Hall, 1979, p. 40, emphasis

mine]. Finally, Hall [1979, p. 40] shows that for
troposcatter paths where there are a number of
reflecting surfaces, N:

p = {2N/dX f p0 2 F 2
2 22dV1 / 2 (E-4)

where 12 is the shorter length of the Fresnel

ellipsoid illuminating the reflecting layer and V is

the common volume.



Troposcatter link performance varies

considerably in different parts of the world. For
this reason, some prediction techniques have divided
the planet into various regions depending on
climatology. From there, analysis is made for the
specific region in question. Analysis in NBS Tech
Note 101 [Rice, et al, 1967] provided the first

consolidated effort to categorize according to

climate. Since then, changes have been made as
empirical studies demanded modification. Both
Military Handbook, Facility Design for Tropospheric
Scatter (Transhorizon Microwave System Design) [1977]
and CCIR Report 238-5 [CCIR, 1986] provide agreement

on a current division scheme. The following bullet

summary is extracted directly form the CCIR report,
all divisions are by latitude in both hemispheres
unless indicated otherwise.

- Between 100 N and 100 S.
- Slightly varying high temperature.
- Monotonous heavy rain.
- Permanent humidity.

- Between 10 and 20".
- Dry winter.
- Rainy summer.

- Between 101 and 20).
- Lowland areas near the sea.
- Influenced by the monsoon.

- Two land areas roughly between 200 and 300.
- Yearly, semi-arid conditions.
- Extreme diurnal and seasonal temperature
- On desert zone fringes, near the sea, between
300 and 400.
- Fairly high temperature.
- Marked influence by the sea.
- Nearly no rain in summer months.

- Between 30u and 600.
- Pronounced diurnal and seasonal variations.
- Western portion:
-- Strongly influenced by sea.
-- More moderate temperature variations.
-- Year round rain.
- Eastern portion:
-- More temperature variation.
-- Less rain in winter.
- Can include Japan.


- Between 301J and 60w where prevailing winds are
unobstructed by mountains bringing moist
maritime air inland.
- Typical regions:
-- U.K.
-- North American west coast.
-- European west coast.
-- African northwest coast.


- Similar to 7a, focus on costal and oversea
- Propagation path oversea although terminals

- Between 600 to poles.
- Low temperature.
- Low humidity.

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