Optimization of Process Parameters of Friction Stir Welding of Aa 6082-T6 Using Grey Based Taguchi Method
Optimization of Process Parameters of Friction Stir Welding of Aa 6082-T6 Using Grey Based Taguchi Method
Optimization of Process Parameters of Friction Stir Welding of Aa 6082-T6 Using Grey Based Taguchi Method
Friction stir welding process is a mushy state joining technique and is extensively used for unification of
similar and dissimilar metals employed for aerospace, automobile and other fabrication industries. Friction stir welding
gives improved mechanical and metallurgical characteristics in the nugget zone in contrast with the conventional
Original Article
welding processes. In this study, three main factors, each at two levels are employed during experiment; The responses
measured in the study include hardness, Impact toughness and percentage elongation and are converted into grey
values. The optimal permutation of parameters has been found by the Taguchi Grey relational analysis.
KEYWORDS: Friction Stir Welding, Optimization, Taguchi, Grey Relational Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),
Grey Relational coefficient
Received: Nov 22, 2017; Accepted: Dec 13, 2017; Published: Jan 06, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201840
The fusion welding operations are in high energy inducing joining processes and cause wider heat affected
zones and inflict solidification defects; and these processes are not particularly suitable for aluminum and
magnesium based alloys. AA6082-T6 is an aluminum alloy, with magnesium and silicon elements as other major
constituents, employed in aerospace industries, because of its high strength to weight ratio. Friction stir welding
(FSW), being a solid state welding process characterized by low heat input and is capable of giving rise to joints
having mechanical properties on par with base metals, employed for joining of aluminum alloys. In the Friction stir
welding process, the necessary heat for joining of the two metals is generated by a rapidly rotating non consumable
tool pin extending from a cylindrical shoulder plunged at the joint interface of the metals to be joined (Figure 1)[1].
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366 N. Ravinder Reddy, V. V. Satyanarayana, G Ambika & S. Prasad Kumar
The Friction stir welding process is governed by various governing parameters viz tool speed, rotational speed,
angle of tilt of tool, geometry of tool, etc. while the responses evaluated are the strength of the joint, impact toughness,
hardness, bend ductility etc. As a result, the study becomes a multi-response optimization problem that requires a
systematic approach to ascertain the number of experiments to be conducted in order to cover the entire domain of input
Following Grey Taguchi approach, a multi-response problem shall be converted into a single response using the
weight factors of gray relational analysis [2]. This technique is a deductive process and evaluates the output explicit values
in order to determine the implicit system characteristics [3, 4].
Friction stir welding of AA 7075 aluminum alloys is undertaken for estimation of fatigue life [5] and noticed
dissolution of precipitates in the weld region. The nugget zone is often characterized by fine grains, while thermo
mechanically affected zone is softened in the Friction stir welds of 2219 aluminum alloys [6]. Process parameter
optimization by grey relational analysis for AA 6061 alloys was undertaken in FSW [7]. A study to optimize power
consumption along with tensile strength of joints was undertaken for 5083 aluminum alloy friction welding process.[8] The
effect of welding parameters on mechanical and metallurgical properties of AA 6082 T6 FSW butt joints are studied and
optimized the parameters combination [9]. FSW of dissimilar AA 2024 - AA 5052 welding was undertaken by changing
the geometry of tool pin and studied the mechanical and metallurgical properties [10]
In this investigation, Friction stir welding of AA6082-T6 alloy is undertaken and the analysis is conducted
employing grey based Taguchi method.
The material employed is AA 6082-T6 aluminum alloy plates made to size 160 X 80 X 8 mm for the butt welding
Joint by Friction stir welding process. The Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the metal are given in
Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
Welding process is carried out on Eta Technology make 40 KVA Friction stir welding machine. The experiments
are conducted in a random manner in order to avoid any kind of error or bias. The machine has the capability to make the
joints up to 1000 mm length.
Welding Parameters
The welding machine has the provision to change the parameters rotational speed, weld speed and tool tilt angle
while keeping the other parameters constant during experimentation. Trial runs are held and the range of parameters is
identified in the respective domains. The Table 3 shows the parameters employed for experimentation in the present
In this investigation with the chosen three control parameters, each at 2 level are taken for making the weld joints
and hence L8 orthogonal array is selected accordingly (Table 4).
The grey relational analysis associated with Taguchi method is based on random uncertainty of small samples
having incomplete information. The experimental results are first normalized in the range between zero and unity; after
that the grey relational coefficients are obtained from the normalized experimental data to express the relationship between
the desired and actual experimental data. Finally, the overall grey relational grade is computed from the arithmetic average
of the grey relational coefficients corresponding to each run. Thus, multiple response optimization problems are converted
into single response problem with the objective function of overall grey relational grade. The optimum process parameter
condition is arrived at the highest grey relational grade. The responses have been targeted for higher the better
characteristic, the normalization is done by
Xi (k)=
Xi (k)=
Where, yi(k) is the original reference sequence, xi(k) is the sequence for comparison i= 1, 2 ----m and k= 1, 2 ------
n with m and n being the total number of experiments and responses respectively. The min yi (k) is the smallest value of yi
(k) and max yi(k) is the highest value of yi(k). Here, ( ) is the value computed after the grey relational generation with
ideal sequence of 0( ). The grey relational grade revealed the relational degree between the experimental run sequences
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368 N. Ravinder Reddy, V. V. Satyanarayana, G Ambika & S. Prasad Kumar
[ 0( ) and ( ), = 1, 2,... ].
( )=
Where, ∆0 =
∆0 is the difference of the absolute value between x0(k) and i ( ). ∆ min and ∆ max are the minimum and
maximum values of the absolute differences of all comparing sequences. The purpose of distinguishing coefficient (0 ≤
≤ 1) was to weaken the effect of ∆max when it became too large. In the present analysis, the value of was taken as 0.5
in order to give a moderate weight age.
The welding of the materials chosen is undertaken employing the parameters at their levels as pronounced in the
L8 orthogonal array (Table 4). For consistency, the experiments are repeated twice and the average of the evaluated
responses is recorded. The weld Joints which have been subjected to mechanical property evaluation are considered for
three responses viz elongation (%) in tension test, micro hardness and Impact toughness (Table 5).
Among these, the responses elongation and impact toughness are targeted for higher the better characteristic,
while the micro hardness is targeted for lower the better characteristic; the normalization of these data have been
performed accordingly and compiled in Table 6.
The normalized data so computed have been converted into grey relational coefficients after making into ideal
sequences and employing the distinguishing coefficient. The resultant grey relational coefficient of each of these responses
is given in Table 7.
The average of the grey relational coefficients of the responses is termed as total relational grade (TGR) computed
in a single response form for the data undertaken and is given in Table 8.
The TGR values are now subjected to Analysis of variance (Table 9) using Yates algorithm [11]. The parameter
rotational speed (A) is contributing to a tune of 83.58% in the achievement of all the responses, while the remaining two
parameters are contributing insignificantly. The priority of these parameters in their rank order and the levels of these
optimal parameters are given in Table 10 and are shown in Figure 2.
High impact toughness is recorded, when all the parameters are at low level while lower magnitudes of toughness
have obtained when the parameters are at higher levels. The percentage elongation during tension test is in higher
magnitudes, when the tool rotational speed is maintained at low level and vice versa.
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370 N. Ravinder Reddy, V. V. Satyanarayana, G Ambika & S. Prasad Kumar
Mean of Means
1 2 1 2 1 2
The elongation and toughness values are dependent on the weld rotational speed indicating the development of
requisite heat for joint preparation. The microstructure at the nugget zone (Figure 3) shows the grains are dynamically
recrystallized and hence possess the higher toughness values. The hardness values are in reverse trend as compared to other
mechanical properties.
The optimal conditions indicate that the elongation and impact toughness of the FSW Joints of AA 6083-T6 alloy
are dependent on the parameters at a particular level only due to the generation of requisite heat for coalescence and setting
of the joint. Hardness values are in inverse relation with other mechanical properties in line with ferrous material joints.
The grey relational analysis is found to be effective, when there are more number of responses which are diverse
in nature and whenever the sampling involves more uncertainity.
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