Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) granules isolated from Comamonas acidovorans revealed the presence of globular particles on the
granule surface when imaged using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The globular particles appeared to form a monolayer on the
granule surface. Repeated washing with pure water resulted in granules with smooth surface without any globular particles. Purified
granule-associated-proteins and PHA single crystals were used to construct a model representing native granule surface for AFM
imaging. For this purpose, PhaR and PhaP proteins, purified from Paracoccus denitrificans were adsorbed onto poly(3-hydro-
xybutyrate) [P(3HB)] single crystals. PhaR is a 22 kDa protein involved in the regulation of PhaP (phasin) protein (16 kDa). Both
purified proteins were morphologically different but adsorbed uniformly on the single crystal surface forming a monolayer.
Immunogold-labeling was used to further confirm the adsorption and identity of PhaR protein on P(3HB) single crystals. The study
shows for the first time, that proteins associated with PHA granules can be imaged directly and characterised using AFM. In
addition, AFM images obtained in this study provide direct evidence for the binding of PhaR and PhaP proteins to the hydro-
phobic PHA surface.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) granules; Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
synthesis (PHA synthase) and mobilization of PHAs described in our recent publication [6]. Briefly, the
(intracellular PHA depolymerases), the native granules PHA granules used in this study was isolated from
are associated with several kinds of proteins termed Comamonas acidovorans (JCM 10181) that was culti-
phasins (PhaP), that are important in the formation and vated in the presence of 1% (wt./vol.) sodium pentano-
stabilisation of the granules [9]. These proteins are ate. Gas chromatography analysis revealed that the
located on the granule surface [10,11]. However, it is not PHA is a copolymer of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-75
known whether the proteins form a continuous layer mol% 3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-co-75 mol% 3HV)].
around the PHA granules, thus creating a boundary Crude cell lysate of C. acidovorans was prepared by
between the hydrophobic granule and the hydrophilic passage of the harvested cells through a French pressure
cytoplasm. cell twice at 96 MPa. PHA granules were purified by
Interest in the surface architecture of native PHA centrifuging the lysate on a discontinuous sucrose den-
granules has been gaining attention in recent years. sity gradient (210,000 g, 90 min, 4 C). The purified
Although it is known that several phasin species are granules were washed once with 0.1 M Tris–HCl (pH 7.4)
bound to the granule surface their function(s) still before adsorption onto a glass cover slip. The glass cover
remain elusive [12]. Phasins have been shown to influ- slips used in this study were layered with ultrathin poly-
ence the size and number of PHA granules in the cell cationic film for firm adsorption of the PHA granules.
[13–15]. For the binding of these phasins to the PHA
granules, two different models have been proposed 2.2. Preparation of P(3HB) single crystals
based on the phasins amino acid sequence information.
The first model assumes the presence of a phospholipid Detailed description of the P(3HB) single crystal pre-
monolayer to which the phasins are anchored [16,17]. In paration is available elsewhere [23]. The method was
the second model, it was proposed that the phasins are derived from that of Marchessault and coworkers [24].
directly bound to the PHA granules because all of them
contain at least one markedly hydrophobic region [18]. 2.3. Purification of PhaR, PhaP proteins and preparation
Despite the many uncertainties in their actual function, of antibodies
phasins clearly affect PHA biosynthesis and accumula-
tion in the cell [19]. Recent studies have shown that PhaR (22 kDa) protein was purified from recombi-
some phasins are regulated by specific DNA-binding nant Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells overexpressing
proteins that can also bind to the PHA granules [20–22]. the phaR gene while PhaP (16 kDa) protein was pur-
PhaR has been identified as the protein involved in the ified from E. coli XL1 Blue (pPDPK1.7) cells over-
regulation of phasin expression. It has been proposed expressing the phaP gene [15,25]. Antibodies raised
that PhaR derepresses phaP expression by binding to against the PhaR protein were prepared in rabbit as
the PHA granule [20]. PhaR is therefore the first class described previously [15]. Anti-rabbit immunoglobulin
IV granule-associated-protein [9] to be identified and G (IgG) (whole molecule) gold conjugate (10 nm nom-
characterised at the molecular level. inal particle) was purchased from Sigma Chemical
The primary interest of this study is to show that Company (St. Louis, Mo.). Four microlitres of the
AFM can be used to observe directly and characterise purified PhaR (and PhaP) protein (0.2 mg/ml) were
proteins associated with native PHA granules. AFM is mixed with a 1 ml suspension of P(3HB) single crystals
probably the best imaging tool for this purpose because (0.4 mg/ml) in 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 7.0). Fol-
of the minimum sample pretreatment that is required lowing a 30 min incubation at 37 C to allow the pro-
and also because AFM in the tapping mode is gentle teins to adsorb on to the P(3HB) single crystals, the
enough to avoid sample damage. Evidence has been mixture was washed three times by centrifugation with
obtained to show that the proteins associated with PHA Buffer 1 (0.1 M maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.5)
granules are capable of forming a continuous mono- supplemented with 1% skim milk and 0.5 M NaCl.
layer on PHA granules and single crystals. The finding in The washed P(3HB) single crystals were then resus-
this study strongly supports the idea that PhaR protein pended in 1.0 ml of the same buffer mixture before
binds directly to the hydrophobic PHA granule surface. adding 10 ml antiserum against PhaR and incubating at
room temperature for 3 h. To remove unbound anti-
serum, the P(3HB) single crystals were washed once
2. Materials and methods with the buffer mixture, followed by twice with Buffer
1 containing only 0.5 M NaCl and finally once with
2.1. Biosynthesis, purification and adsorption of PHA only Buffer 1. The single crystals were then resus-
granules pended in 200 ml Buffer 1 added with 0.1% poly-
ethylene glycol (PEG) (Mw=20,000). Ten microlitres of
Detailed information on the biosynthesis, purifica- anti-rabbit IgG gold conjugate were then added to the
tion and adsorption of the PHA granules have been mixture and incubated at room temperature for 30 min.
K. Sudesh et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 83 (2004) 281–287 283
height profile is shown in the inset. The thickness of the single crystal surface (results not shown). It is interest-
P(3HB) single crystal together with the monolayer of ing to note that the globular particles now seen on the
PhaR proteins is now 12.5 nm. Considering that the P(3HB) single crystals are very regular not only in size
PhaR proteins would adsorb homogeneously on the top but also in shape. Such particles can also be observed
as well as on the bottom surfaces of the P(3HB) single scattered on the silicon substrate albeit at a much
crystals, the PhaR proteins had formed a layer of reduced concentration (Fig. 4A). Higher magnification
approximately 4 nm thick on each side. In a previous of the globular particles on the substrate (Fig. 4C)
study, a 14 kDa PHA granule-associated-protein of shows that each globular particle is identical in size and
Rhodococcus ruber was shown to be a globular protein shape (inset at the bottom). These identical structures
with a diameter of 3 nm using electron microscopy [17]. were interpreted as individual IgG–gold complexes. At
To further confirm that the globular particles on the higher magnification it was clear that the globular
P(3HB) single crystals are indeed PhaR proteins, structures on the P(3HB) single crystal were the same as
immunogold labeling against the PhaR protein was those on the silicon substrate (results not shown).
performed. Fig. 4A and B show the AFM deflection and The average height of the globular particles on the
height images, respectively, of immunogold labeled silicon substrate was about 14 nm (inset at the bottom).
PhaR proteins on P(3HB) single crystal. As expected, This is the combined height of gold particle (10 nm) and
the immunogold labels were detected on the P(3HB) the IgG protein. The IgG protein in this case appears as
single crystals. This was confirmed by transmission the flattened structure around the gold particle (Fig. 4C).
electron microscopy, where it was observed that the The highest point in the IgG complex is interpreted as
gold particles were distributed homogeneously on the the 10 nm gold particle. Colloidal gold particles have
been used as incompressible imaging standards for
AFM [28]. They are known to give constantly accurate
height value when measured by AFM. However, the
lateral dimension of the gold particle is affected by the
AFM tip geometry. The magnification effect of AFM is
a well-known phenomenon that needs to be considered
especially when measuring objects smaller than the tip
size. Using the imaging conditions in this study, the
apparent lateral dimension of the 10 nm gold particles
was approximately 29 nm (inset at the top in Fig. 4).
On the other hand, the apparent lateral dimension of a
single IgG–gold complex was approximately 65 nm
(inset at the bottom in Fig. 4). Repeated scanning of
the IgG–gold complex on the silicon substrate resulted
in structural deformation of the IgG protein but the
gold particle constantly gave similar height values
(results not shown).
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