Unit 5 Social Cultural Environment - PDF 5
Unit 5 Social Cultural Environment - PDF 5
Unit 5 Social Cultural Environment - PDF 5
Social Cultural Environment is defined as a set of beliefs, customs, practices, and behavior that
exists within a population or society. (Business Dictionary)
In other words it refers, to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in
which something happens or develops. It includes the culture that the individual was educated or
lives in, and people and institution with whom they interact. (Wikipedia)
**Society: It is the set of relation among people, including their social status and roles.
**Culture: It is the sum total of mankind’s knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, and customs
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human beings as member of society. (P.R Panta,
Business cannot run in isolation, there need people as owner, as a consumer, as a employees, as a
regulator etc.
The strategy formulated by the organizations on each levels of hierarchy need to address the
stakeholder’s expectations.
Sometimes, even the business can act as the change agent by promoting convenient products to
people to improve their life styles. E.g. use of cooking gas, soap, mobile, computer etc.
Attitude includes things such as individual freedom, democracy, truth and honesty, justice, love
and marriage etc.
Attitude towards work is important as it determines motivation, morale, job satisfaction,
productivity etc.
Nepalese perspective:
Attitude towards blue collar jobs is negative, which create great distinction between white and
blue collar workers and office employees. This leads to overabundance of
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liberal arts and business graduates and lack of toolmakers, carpenters and welders, even
when the employment opportunities are better for the latter.
Achievement –orientation is lacking in the Nepalese society. Lack of opportunities and
capabilities had been largely responsible for such attitude.
Mostly people are driven by material culture. Thus, knowledge building culture is shadowed
by money making culture.
Young generation is showing willingness to take risk in new venture rather than being
employed in other’s organization.
Religious beliefs, convictions, customs, rituals and festivals differ from one group to another.
Business firms can suffer heavy losses by ignoring religious sentiments of customers,
employees and others.
Religious groups exert considerable influence on activities of the business groups.
Nepalese Perspectives:
A Hindu society is divided into four Varnas-Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras and
consider higher to lower respectively.
There is still existence of discrimination based on caste system.
Some Islamic societies limit job opportunities for women. Similarly, as a religious
requirement, the Muslims go for fasting from morning to evening, during the month of
Negative demand for beef product in Nepal.
3. Language
Language is the means through which people communicate, exchange ideas, view, opinion to
each others.
Language is considered as a mirror of a culture.
Marketing plans become costlier and more complex due to huge diversity in language.
Nepalese Perspectives
Nepali language is considered as a national language and 48.61 percent of total population
speaks this language (CBS, 2011).
There are 38 registered languages which are spoken in whole nation.
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4. Education:
Education in its broadest, general sense is the means through which the aims and habits of a
group of people sustain from one generation to the next. In other words, education is the
formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills,
customs and values from one generation to another.(Wikipedia)
The education environment in any country influences virtually every aspects of managerial
and industrial life.
The level of literacy determines the nature of advertising packaging, quality of marketing
research and distribution system.
Nepalese Perspectives:
The literacy rate of Nepal has reached to 69 percent in 2010.Similarly, the literacy rate
among the 6-14 years group reach to 87 percent.
In 2011, the number of school was 7559 with an enrollment student of about 0.81 millions.
Lack of qualified manpower and infrastructure development hinder the quality of the
educational institution in Nepal.
Twelve universities (T.U., K.U., Nepal Sanskrit University, Pokhara University, Purbanchal
University etc.) are currently in operation in Nepal.
Government spending on education is 6.7% of the GDP in 2014/15.
5. Social Institution
Family System: Joint family system is prevalent in Nepal. However due to globalization,
migration, and change in attitude of living, joint family is being split into smaller units of
nuclear family.
This change in family structure increases the demand of flats, vehicles, catering services
(packed lunches), baby sitters etc .In addition; it also increases the demand of old-age homes,
child care center, etc.
Marriage: Marriage is one of the basic elements of culture and people’s attitude towards
marriage influences culture a lot. It is a social event that concerns the whole society.
Since, marriage is a family affair in Nepal. The marriage season is a big opportunity for
business. E.g. demand for jewellery, kitchen ware, Honey–moon package, household
furniture, vehicles etc is huge during marriage seasons.
6. Class Structure:
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Social class structure is a set of concepts in the social sciences in which people are grouped
into a set of hierarchical social categories. E.g. upper class, middle class, lower class.
The upper class is the social class composed of those who are wealthy, well born, or both.
The middle class are the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-
economically between lower class and upper class. The lower class (Occasionally described
as working class) is those employed in low-paying wage jobs with very little economic
In Nepal However, there are four class structure, upper class, middle class, lower middle
Business Culture (etiquette): It is a code of behavior that clearly defines the expectations
for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within the society, social
class or group.(way of doing business)
Business etiquette can vary significantly in different countries, which is invariably related to
their culture. For example: A notable difference between Chinese and Western business
etiquette is conflict handling. Chinese businesses prefer to look upon relationship
management to avoid conflicts stemmed from a culture that heavily relies on Guanxi. While
the west leaves resolution of conflict to the interpretations of law through contracts and
In Nepal, Majority of private sector business firms are owned by family owners. The interest
of these owners is on profit and family. They look for the family interests to make business
decisions rather professionalism of their management practices. Their interests are more on
capital accumulation rather than expansion of business and professional activities